Field experiments on the anchoring of economic valuations.
Alevy, Jonathan E. ; Landry, Craig E. ; List, John A. 等
Take the last three digits of your social security number (SSN).
Turn those numbers into a dollar value (i.e., if your numbers are 462
then they provide a value of $462). Consider whether you would be
willing to pay that dollar amount for a first edition of J.R.R.
Tolkien's The Hobbit. Now, how much would you actually pay for a
first edition original copy? A stylized result from laboratory
experiments in economics and psychology is that the answer to the latter
valuation question can be strongly influenced by the dollar amount
computed at the start. (1)
Critics of neoclassical theory have argued that the influence of
uninformative anchors--such as the transformed SSN--refutes the notion
that decision makers' preferences are predefined, consistent, and
stable; instead they are constructed during the process of choice
(Bettman, Luce, and Payne 1998; Hoeffler and Ariely 1999; Slovic 1995).
A natural conclusion one might draw from studies of anchoring is that
decisions may be influenced by irrelevant circumstances and optimization
principles do not apply.
The laboratory evidence consonant with anchoring effects is
considerable. Tversky and Kahneman (1974) make a seminal contribution,
implementing a protocol similar to the one described above to examine
general knowledge questions. (2) Furnham and Boo (2011) provide a recent
review of the literature and identify more than 25 studies that report
significant anchoring effects. Substantive areas investigated include
general knowledge questions (Epley and Gilovich 2006; Tversky and
Kahneman 1974), probability estimates (Wright and Anderson 1989), legal
judgments (Englich and Mussweiler 2001), forecasting (Switzer and
Sniezek 1991), and valuation and purchasing decisions (Ariely,
Loewenstein, and Prelec 2003). Taken together, the results suggest
strong effects from anchoring protocols, even in areas where subjects
have significant experience.
Yet the importance of anchoring for economic outcomes remains an
open question. One reason is that research goals and methods differ
across the disciplines of psychology and economics (Croson 2005; Hertwig
and Ortmann 2001; Plott 1996). (3) Fumham and Boo (2011) note that
drawing generalizable conclusions from the existing anchoring studies is
difficult as many involve undergraduate students engaged with topics
they are unlikely to encounter in field settings. Their observation is
consistent with the criticism of the ecological validity of many studies
made by Gerd Gigerenzer and colleauges (Gigerenzer et al. 2008)
discussed in our footnote 2. While the results of these studies may help
distinguish among competing causal claims about the anchoring process,
they are less relevant for understanding the potential for anchors to
affect market equilibria. Further, many of the studies lack meaningful
incentives and we believe that economists are justifiably circumspect
about results that may merely reflect mistakes made by unmotivated
subjects. Consistent with this view is the idea that, with appropriate
incentives and feedback, anchoring effects should diminish and behavior
more closely match predictions from neoclassical models. (4)
Recent attempts to examine the relevance of anchoring for economic
outcomes closely follow Ariely, Loewenstein, and Prelec (2003, ALP
hereafter) who find statistically and economically significant effects
of anchors on willingness-to-pay (WTP) for common consumer goods and on
willingness-to-accept (WTA) for unpleasant sounds and tastes. Bergman et
al. (2010) and Fudenberg, Levine, and Maniadis (2012, FLM hereafter)
replicate the consumer goods portion of the ALP study with mixed
results. Bergman et al. (2010) find significant anchoring results
consistent with the earlier work, although the magnitude of the effect
is smaller. Implementing an auxiliary protocol, they find also that
anchoring effects diminish with cognitive ability. FLM (2012) attempt to
anchor both WTP and WTA and find no evidence of anchoring in the WTP
treatment. With respect to WTA they observe that the ratio of valuations
for anchors in the highest versus lowest quintiles are greater than one
for all goods that "is not likely if there is no anchoring at
all." The magnitude of the effects, however, are generally modest.
Maniadis, Tufano, and List (2014) develop arguments on the
importance of replication in experimental economics and reexamine
ALP's protocol for anchoring the WTA of novel sounds, finding
smaller anchoring effects than originally reported. (6) Tufano (2010)
attempts to anchor valuations of the same foul tasting drink used by
ALP, without success, and conjectures that differences in the response
mode--open-ended in ALP and binary in his own study--may be responsible
for the difference in results. Tufano (2010) does find evidence of
context-dependent pricing in a subsequent market experiment.
Aside from Tufano's assessment of response mode, reasons for
the differences in the impact of the anchoring protocol are not easy to
discern. The consumer good studies share numerous characteristics
including the response mode and the use of the Becker-DeGroot-Marschak
(BDM) protocol for eliciting values (Becker, DeGroot, and Marschak
1964). (7) All are conducted with student subjects. Incentives are real,
although muted in the consumer good treatments, as only subsets of
participants are randomly selected to actually buy (or sell) a good. As
a result of this design choice the bulk of the subject payments are in
the form of fixed fees not salient payments. Other minor differences
include the use of a computer-generated random number for the
uninformative anchor by FLM while in the other studies it is derived
from a number personal to each subject. FLM also facilitate the purchase
of goods in their WTP treatment with a large subsidy ($93) to the subset
of randomly selected participants. ALP's treatments, where the
largest effects are observed, were conducted in a classroom setting
where it is possible that experimenter demand effects play a larger role
(Zizzo 2010).
The consumer good studies have some common limitations with respect
to learning about the importance of anchoring in field settings. The
extent to which consumers have interest, knowledge, or experience with
any particular good is unknown. In addition, the large fixed fees and
subsidized purchases detract from the salience of incentives and thus
the external validity of the conclusions.
We take steps to overcome these limitations by conducting two
complementary field experiments within a well-functioning marketplace:
the sportscard market. In contrast to anchoring studies conducted in
classroom or laboratory settings, the sportscard marketplace is a
natural setting for an examination of preference structures as it
provides a rich array of subjects making decisions in a familiar
environment. Further, we can identify factors that arise endogenously,
such as market experience or a person's role in the marketplace,
and impose the remaining controls necessary to implement a clean
experiment to explore whether these or other factors foster or attenuate
anchoring. While we do not consider the sportscard market particularly
worthy of study in its own right, when larger or "more
important" markets are not available for experiments with parallel
control, manipulating smaller scale markets such as the sportscard
market has value in that we can learn about behavioral tendencies in a
naturally occurring setting. Previous studies that highlight these
benefits have explored diverse topics that include individual choice
anomalies (Gneezy, List, and Wu 2006; List 2002, 2004a), market
performance (List and Lucking-Reiley 2000, 2002; List and Price 2005),
and more general questions about the relationship between results in
laboratory and field settings (List 2006). (8)
Of relevance for our anchoring hypotheses is previous work in
sportscard markets that suggests that heterogeneity in market experience
is associated with differences in cognitive costs for valuation tasks
(List and Lucking-Reiley 2000). The link between anchoring and
heterogeneous cognitive costs is highlighted by the anchoring and
adjustment model proposed by Tversky and Kahneman (1974, 1128), and by
more recent work that links insufficient adjustment to the need for
cognitive effort (Epley and Gilovich 2006; Bergman et al. 2010; see also
Oechssler, Roider, and Schmitz 2009).
In our first field experiment, we make use of an anchoring protocol
that closely follows Tversky and Kahneman (1974) and the recent
valuation studies of consumer goods. To give anchoring effects their
best chance we exogenously vary the type of good, between subjects. The
first good is a newly introduced variant into the market--an unopened
package of sportscards. Given its recent introduction, no established
market price for the good existed at the time of our experiment, but
subjects entering the market did expect to buy, sell, and trade goods of
this type. The second good--a jar of peanuts--is familiar, but
unexpected in the sportscard marketplace, and ordinary consumers would
not have expected to value such a good in this setting. Novelty is a
crucial element in recent behavioral models that surmise that choices
will be more anomalous in situations that present themselves as
surprises (see, e.g., Koszegi and Rabin 2008). By examining the
valuations of both ordinary consumers and professional sports
memorabilia dealers over both goods, we are able to explore whether
market experience and market roles are associated with susceptibility to
the anchoring protocol.
The data provide some unique insights. First, there is suggestive
evidence that anchoring matters in the valuation exercise. For ordinary
consumers the anchor influences valuations for the good that they did
not expect to value when entering the market (the jar of peanuts), but
they were not influenced by the anchor when valuing the good they
expected to buy, sell, and trade in the market (the unopened package of
sportscards). We find that dealers were not influenced by the anchor for
either peanuts or the unopened package of sportscards. Pooling subjects
across market roles to investigate market experience, we find that
individuals with 1 year or less of market experience are influenced by
the uninformative anchor.
Our findings suggest that a segment of the population in a
naturally occurring market could be susceptible to irrelevant anchors, a
novel result that deserves further study. From a policy perspective, the
effects of anchoring have been of interest to practitioners of
cost-benefit analysis for decades. In the nonmarket valuation setting,
evidence of anchoring effects has become an important heuristic for
evaluating the reliability of stated preference methods such as
contingent valuation that are used to estimate the value of public goods
(e.g., Bateman et al. 2008; Green et al. 1998; Holmes and Kramer 1995).
Anchoring in this setting is consistent with the idea that the task of
valuing nonmarket resources is hampered by consumers' unfamiliarity
with such decision environments and the complexity of the exercise.
Empirical results thus provide some guidance into the underlying reasons
for the observed anchoring.
While these behaviors should have import for survey-based
approaches to elicit nonmarket values, whether, and to what extent,
these behavioral tendencies influence market equilibria is largely
unknown. Extant theory suggests that factors such as the composition of
marginal and inframarginal traders, the trading institution, and other
market particulars, might matter for the transference of anchored values
to markets. To provide insight on this question, we design a second
field experiment that makes use of a stronger anchoring treatment: in a
decentralized bargaining market, we vary information concerning previous
transaction prices, which serve as the focal source of market
uncertainty. We find evidence that the anchor has some influence on
early market transactions, but that the effect is transient. Even in
those cases where the market is populated entirely by inexperienced
consumers, quantities and prices approach the intersection of supply and
demand after a few rounds of market play.
Taken together, the results in this article suggest that when
constant feedback mechanisms are in place and participants are able to
receive signals of value and adjust their behavior accordingly,
anchoring does not play a significant role in bilateral market outcomes.
In other important instances where feedback is limited, such as isolated
auctions, or contingent valuation exercises commonly performed by
government agencies, anchoring can have important and measurable
effects. Hence, the analyst should be aware of such effects and consider
the properties of the situation when executing cost-benefit analysis.
The remainder of this study proceeds as follows. Section II
summarizes the experimental design and the empirical results for the
initial anchoring field experiment. Section III describes the
experimental design and results for the bilateral market field
experiment. Section IV concludes.
Our first field experiment was conducted at various sportscard
tradeshows in Chantilly and Richmond, Virginia, United States in
2003-2004, where we set up booths similar to those of professional
dealers in the sportscard market. Our subjects include both ordinary
consumers (nondealers) and professional sports memorabilia dealers.
Nondealer subjects attended the show as consumers and their presence in
the marketplace indicates an existing interest in sports memorabilia.
The nondealers voluntarily approached the experimenter's booth to
take part in the protocol. Dealer subjects were approached at their own
booths prior to the opening of the show and invited to participate in
the study. Informed consent was obtained from all participants before
introducing them to the protocol. In the terminology of Harrison and
List (2004), we implemented a framed field experiment.
Table 1 presents the 2x2 design we employed in our first
experiment; treatments varied by type of subject (dealer or nondealer)
and type of good. The choice of commodities with which to endow our
subjects was based on approximate market price ($3-$7) and
subjects' likely expectations of trading the commodity in the
sportscard market. The chosen price range aligns with the domain of our
anchoring protocol ($0-$9.99), derived from the last three digits of the
subject's SSN. The "expected" good is an unopened pack of
Upper Deck National Football League (NFL) collectible cards, very
recently released to the market. Importantly, as it was a recent
release, consumers and dealers likely have diffuse priors about the
equilibrium price as production figures and demand were unknown. While
several dealers could be selling these cards at the sportscard show,
they are not as common as baseball cards. As with any unopened pack of
collectible cards, the value of the contents are uncertain, as different
player's cards have different values. The pack we used had an
additional element that emphasized the lottery-like aspect of the
unopened deck. These card packs had a small probability (approximately
2%) of containing a special trading card with a swatch of fabric from a
player's jersey worn during an actual NFL game. The market value
for such cards depends upon the player and year, but in general is not
well established at the time of pack release. During our experiment, one
subject was able to sell a "jersey card" for
$15--approximately three times the value of his own estimate of the
original pack's value--to a card dealer. Combining the novelty of
the good with this greater value uncertainty, we intended to give the
anchoring protocol its best chance to succeed with a common,
"expected" market good.
Our "unexpected" good is a large jar of unsalted, shelled
peanuts, which was chosen as a common ordinary commodity for which
consumers may have an established value. Only the dealers in the market
might anticipate trading this good at the sportscard show, however. (9)
The recent theoretical exercise of Koszegi and Rabin (2008) that
examines mistakes in implementing preferences provides the underpinnings
for why such expectations might play an important role in observed
behavior. One interpretation of their work is that behavior will be more
anomalous in situations that present themselves as surprises.
In implementing the protocol, data were collected by a monitor
working one-on-one with each subject. Monitors were graduate research
assistants in economics who were familiar with the anchoring literature
and understood that we were exploring anchoring but did not know the
exact research hypotheses being tested. After providing informed
consent, each subject was endowed with one, and only one, of the two
goods. The endowed good was rotated systematically based on the time the
nondealer approached the table, but we intentionally oversampled
consumers receiving peanuts, as pilot data showed that the variances
were largest in this case, and our theory suggests that we were more
likely to find economically important effects with this good. Upon
receiving the good, subjects were told, "This good [This pack of
cards/ this jar of peanuts] is yours to keep, but we are going to give
you the opportunity to sell it back to us." Subjects were then told
that they would be asked two questions about selling the good back to
the experimenter, after which a coin flip would determine which response
was binding. It was emphasized that they would keep either the good or
cash, and that their valuation responses and the random process would
determine the outcome.
The anchoring protocol was initiated by asking the subjects to
write the last three digits of their SSN on the provided questionnaire
(see the Appendix for a copy of the questionnaire.) Experimental
monitors were careful to pay no regard to this random number so that
subjects could make no reasonable inference about potential monitor
signaling of commodity value (Plott and Zeiler 2007). (10) Subjects were
then asked the first valuation question: "Would you be willing to
sell the good back to us for the price derived from the last three
digits of your social security number?" For example, if the last
three digits of their SSN were 123, their associated question was: would
you accept $1.23 to sell the good back to us? Of course, this offer
price was clearly uninformative, having been derived from a number that
was known only to the subjects.
In the second valuation task, we elicited WTA compensation for the
endowed good using the BDM mechanism (Becker, DeGroot, and Marschak
1964). Our BDM protocol made use of a nylon bag containing 41 paper
slips, upon each of which was a price. Prices were distributed uniformly
between $0.00 and $10.00 in 25 cent increments, similar to the
distribution of random anchors derived from the subject's SSN.
These ranges reflect the presumed average value ($3--$7) of our chosen
commodities. Subjects were clearly informed of the range and density of
the BDM price distribution. It was explained to the subjects that we
wanted to know the minimum compensation that they required for parting
with the good with which they had been endowed. As we were not
interested in testing the incentive properties of the BDM, our protocol
included an explanation that the optimal strategy was to offer
one's true minimum acceptable level of compensation. (11)
After making their BDM offer, a coin was flipped to determine which
choice--the dichotomous choice in response to the anchor value or the
BDM response--would be binding. If the dichotomous choice question was
selected, subjects who answered "no" kept the good, and those
who said "yes" sold the good for the $SSN value rounded up to
the nearest quarter of a dollar. If the BDM mechanism was chosen, a bid
price was drawn randomly from the bag. If the bid was greater than or
equal to the subject's offer, they were paid the bid amount and the
good was returned to the experimenter; otherwise they received no
monetary payment and kept the good. In all cases, subjects were asked to
fill out a short survey before the account was settled. Survey responses
are used as control variables in the regressions reported below.
A. Experiment I: Results
Summary statistics for the anchoring experiments are presented in
Table 2; 45% of our subjects were sportscard dealers, and 65% of
subjects were endowed with the jar of peanuts. The WTA {offer) and
random anchor (soc) both varied widely, between $0-$10 and $0.09-$9.99,
respectively. About 70% of subjects provided an estimate of the market
value of the endowed good in the subsequent survey. Average estimated
market price for the NFL cards was $3.21 ($3.59) for the dealers
(nondealers), whereas average estimated price for the jar of peanuts was
$5.65 and $5.79, respectively. For each commodity and subject type, the
range of estimated market price was $1 or $2 to $8 or more. Thus, there
is considerable heterogeneity regarding perceived market value. Average
experience with the sportscard market {mktyrs) was 15 years; our sample
consisted primarily of men.
Before we begin with the results summary, we should note that
overall, 19% of subjects provided inconsistent responses to the two
valuation queries. The inconsistencies were exhibited by subjects who
stated a minimum WTA less (greater) than the anchor price that they had
initially refused (accepted). Those exhibiting inconsistencies had less
market experience than those who were consistent. (12) Approximately 3%
provided a minimum WTA exactly equal to their anchors. The remaining 78%
provided consistent responses in which WTA was different from the
anchoring value. For completeness, we present the results with and
without the inconsistent responders in the sample.
Perusal of the data provides a first result:
RESULT 1. In the aggregate data, anchoring does not affect economic
Preliminary evidence for this result can be found in Table 3. To
begin, we use a simple null hypothesis that the BDM valuation responses
(offer) are independent of the random anchor (soc). Following Ariely,
Loewenstein, and Prelec (2003), we split the aggregate sample by median
SSN. Row 1 in Table 3 contains the pooled data summary. In this case,
for the entire sample, those with high SSNs place a sell value of $4.41
on average, whereas those with a low SSN place a sell value of $4.17 on
the good. A similar data pattern is observed in the data set that
excludes inconsistent subjects: a selling price of $4.40 versus $4.22.
While the data tendencies are directionally in accord with the anchoring
hypothesis, a Mann-Whitney test reveals that the difference is not
statistically significant for either the overall sample (p = .38), or
the consistent responders (p = .41), at conventional levels.
To provide an additional test of the null hypothesis, we regress
offer on the social security value and the control variables age,
education, gender, and income that were gathered via the survey. Model 1
in Table 4 provides empirical estimates for all data and the subset of
consistent responders. (13) Evidence of the importance of anchoring for
market participants in aggregate would arise from a positive coefficient
on soc that is both economically and statistically significant. We find
that the unconditional results of no effect, summarized in Table 3, are
supported by the regression model. Coefficients are small in magnitude
and have p values of .69 and .80 for all and consistent responders.
Thus, even after controlling for individual-specific observables, we
find that the offer is not influenced by the uninformative anchor in the
pooled data.
Clearly, however, data aggregation could be masking important
heterogeneities. Upon parsing the data at a finer level, we find our
next result:
RESULT 2A. There is weak evidence that ordinary consumers are
influenced by the random anchor when valuing the unexpected good.
RESULT 2B. There is no evidence that market professionals are
anchored for either good.
Table 3 provides the first evidence to support Result 2. First,
examining the data by subject type, our nonparametric tests yield
evidence that the anchor has a modest effect on values for nondealers
who are consistent responders. Offer prices above the median anchor
value are 15% higher than those below and the Mann-Whitney test yields a
marginally significant result (p = .10). Inspection at the level of
treatments makes clear that the result is driven by the valuation of the
jar of peanuts: in this case, we find a significant effect of the SSN
among the consistent responders at the p = .06 level; those with anchors
above the median reveal a WTA for peanuts that is 25% greater than those
below. Yet, as Table 3 indicates, there is little evidence of anchoring
for nondealers valuing the sportscard pack or for dealers valuing either
good. Summarizing, we find no evidence of anchoring for dealers, but
some evidence of anchoring for nondealers. (14)
To explore the role of experience in more detail, we pool the
dealer and nondealer data and examine the effect of years of experience
in the market. Sample sizes are small at low levels of market
experience, so we do not present these findings as a formal result,
however, we do observe interesting tendencies in the data that are
important for the broader questions raised by the anchoring literature.
We find significant evidence of anchoring in the responses of the
14 subjects who have 1 year or less of experience in the market. Again
splitting the aggregate sample around the median SSN, we find that the
Mann-Whitney test yields a statistically significant difference (p =
.08) for new market participants that is consistent with the existence
of anchored responses. Among this group, the mean offer for those above
(below) the median SSN is 6.00 (4.49), a difference of $ 1.51, or 33%.
Furthermore, removing the single inconsistent individual in this sample,
who refused to sell at the SSN price of $9.19 and then offered $0.50 in
the BDM, yields WTA 51% greater for those with anchors above the median
($6.64 vs. $4.41; p < .02). However, among subjects with more than 1
year of experience we find no significant effects of the anchoring
Model 2 in Table 4 provides regression results that inform the
findings on market experience. The specification includes indicator
variables for the dealer subject pool, the peanut treatment (nuts), and
for new market participants (new--indicating subjects with 1 year or
less experience in the sportscard markets). Interactions of treatment
and experience variables with the social security anchor are also
included as well as the demographic controls used in Model 1.
As in the pooled results, the coefficient on soc is not
statistically significant supporting the nonparametric tests for the
nondealers when valuing the sportscards--the baseline in the regression
model. The same results hold for the linear combinations of soc when
interacted with treatment indicator variables. (15) The fact that the
soc variable in combination with soc x nuts is not significant (p = .51,
alt, p = .64, consistent) detracts from the robustness of Result 2A
regarding the anchoring of peanut valuations by nondealers.
With regard to market experience, however, the nonparametric
results are supported by parametric regression. The soc and soc x new
coefficients are jointly significant for both all and consistent
respondents. (16) The magnitude of the effect is economically
significant. As noted in the discussion of the nonparametric results,
the difference across median SSN yields a 33% increase in WTA for those
with the high anchor. The relevant coefficients suggest that a 1% change
in the anchor yields a 0.536% (0.565) change in WTA for all (consistent)
respondents. (17)
The coefficients can be interpreted in the context of the anchoring
and adjustment model of Tversky and Kahneman (1974). Their model
suggests that people first consider the value of the anchor and then
move, although often incompletely, toward what would be their unanchored
response. As a coefficient of zero implies complete adjustment, the
measured coefficient of 0.536, in the model with all respondents,
implies that 1 - .536 = 0.464 is the magnitude of the adjustment toward
the true value. (18) While the caveat regarding the small sample
remains, the result does suggest that this is an area in which
additional research is warranted. In conjunction with results from ALP
(2003) who showed that arbitrary initial valuations could demonstrate
coherence over time, our findings suggest that the question of whether
initial innocuous cues have a durable influence is one that deserves
further study. Our second experiment examines this question in the
field, in a multilateral bargaining setting.
Whether, and to what extent, the anchoring affects observed above
influence the operation of markets is an open issue that undoubtedly
depends critically on the market institution. For example, making use of
the Walrasian tatonnement mechanism, Becker (1962) proved that several
fundamental features of economic analysis, such as correctly sloped
supply and demand schedules, may result even when agents are irrational,
serving to sufficiently relax the utility-maximizing assumption inherent
in economic modeling. Similarly, using zero-intelligence traders, Gode
and Sunder (1993) illustrate that the efficiency of the double-auctions
institution derives largely from its structure rather than from
individual rationality.
In this section, we explore how anchoring in markets affects
outcomes in multilateral bargaining contexts. Our market treatments are
similar to Chamberlin (1948), as extended to naturally occurring markets
by List (2004b) and List and Millimet (2008), of which the design
description follows. In our bilateral market sessions, each
participant's experience typically followed four steps: (1)
consideration of the invitation to participate in an experiment, (2)
learning the market rules, (3) actual market participation, and (4)
conclusion of the experiment and exit interview.
In Step 1, before the market opened, a monitor approached dealers
at the sportscard show and inquired about their interest in
participating in an experiment that would take about 45 minutes. As most
dealers are accompanied by at least one other employee, it was not
difficult to obtain their agreement after it was explained to them that
they could earn money during the experiment. Nondealers were recruited
from people milling around the marketplace.
Once the prerequisite number of dealers (sellers) and nondealers
agreed to participate, monitors thoroughly explained the
experiment's rules in Step 2. The experimental instructions were
standard, and borrowed from Davis and Holt (1993, 47-55) with the
necessary adjustments. Before continuing, a few key aspects of the
experimental design should be highlighted. First, all individuals were
informed that they would receive a $10 participation payment upon
completion of the experiment. In addition, following Smith (1964), to
ensure that marketers would engage in a transaction at their reservation
prices, we provided a $0.05 commission for each executed trade for both
buyers and sellers.
Second, the nondealers were informed that they would be buyers and
that the experiment consisted of five periods. In each of the five
periods, we used Smith's (1976) induced value mechanism by
providing each buyer with a "buyer's card" containing a
number--known only to that buyer--representing the maximum price that he
or she would be willing to pay for one unit of the commodity. Dealers
were informed that they would be sellers in the market and, in each of
the five periods, that each would be given a "seller's
card" containing three sequential numbers--known only to that
seller--representing the minimum price that he or she would be willing
to sell up to three units. Importantly, both buyers and sellers were
informed that this information was strictly private and that reservation
values would change each period. They were also informed about the
number of buyers and sellers in the market (explained more fully below)
and informed that agents may have different values.
Third, the monitor explained how earnings (beyond the participation
and commission payments) would be determined. The difference between the
contract price and the maximum reservation price determined the market
earnings of buyers; the difference between the contract price and the
minimum reservation price determined sellers' earnings. Several
examples illustrated the irrationality associated with buying (selling)
the commodity above (below) the induced value.
Fourth, the homogeneous commodities used in the experiment were
1982 Topps Ben Oglivie baseball cards, upon which decorative moustaches
had been drawn, thereby rendering the cards valueless outside of the
experiment. Consequently, the assignment given to buyers was clear:
enter the marketplace and purchase the Oglivie "moustache"
card for as little as possible. Likewise, the task confronting sellers
was equally as clear, and an everyday occurrence: sell the Oglivie
"moustache" card for as much as possible. The cards and
participating dealers were clearly marked to ensure buyers had no
trouble finding the commodity of interest. Finally, buyers and sellers
engaged in two 5-minute practice periods to gain experience with the
In Step 3, subjects participated in the bilateral market. Each
market session consisted of five market periods, each lasting 5 minutes.
After each 5-minute period, a monitor privately gathered the buyers and
gave each a new buyer's card; a different monitor privately gave
each seller a new seller's card. Note that throughout the market
process careful attention was paid to prohibit discussions between
sellers (or buyers) that could induce collusive outcomes. Much like the
early writers in this area, we wanted to give neoclassical theory its
best chance to succeed. Step 4 concluded the experiment, where subjects
were paid their earnings in private.
We follow this procedure in each of three treatments. Treatment 1
is the baseline, which includes 12 (4) buyers (sellers). The buyers have
unitary demand whereas the sellers have up to three items they can sell.
Figure 1 presents buyer- and seller-induced values, which are taken from
Davis and Holt (1993, 14-15). In Figure 1, each step represents a
distinct induced value that was given to buyers (demand curve) and
sellers (supply curve). The extreme point of the intersection of the
buyer and supplier rent areas in Figure 1 yields $37 in rents per
period, which occurs at the static price/quantity of Price = $13 - $14
and Quantity = 7.
Treatments 2 and 3, which are the novelty of this experiment,
augment Treatment 1 by announcing a price that was realized in past
experiments. This price is announced to all experimental participants in
the following form: "in a previous experiment identical to this
one, the first transaction occurred at a price of $X." Previous
literature (e.g., Simonson and Drolet 2004) suggests that once the
decision to buy (or sell) has been taken, value judgments "are most
susceptible to influence by anchors relating to market prices."
Indeed, summarizing the results from four experiments, Simonson and
Drolet (2004) support this reasoning and highlight the importance of the
source of uncertainty as a moderator of susceptibility to anchoring
effects. Thus, given that our buyers and sellers have certainly taken
the step to be buyers or sellers of their good, anchoring the source of
uncertainty is important.
In Treatment 2 only one price realization is announced (either a
high or a low price), and this announcement takes place directly before
market period 1 commences. When announcing a high (low) price, we use
the second step on the aggregate demand (supply) function: $18 ($9),
which were each observed as the first transaction price in previous
experiments. Owing to symmetry, this price is $4 from the equilibrium
price boundary of $14 ($13).
In Treatment 3, we announce a specific high or low price directly
before each of the five market periods commences. The high price signal
is drawn randomly from integers on the uniform distribution [15, 18];
the low-price signal is drawn randomly from integers on a uniform
distribution [9,12]. Together, these treatments allow us to explore both
short- and long-run effects of price anchors. Our usage of randomly
selected anchors from previous market outcomes is at the heart of the
source of uncertainty in these markets. By appropriately choosing
plausible realized prices (taken from our previous experiment to avoid
deception), we give anchoring its best shot because this announced price
might contain important information pertaining to the underlying
equilibrium price (indeed, by rewarding the entire source of price
variation to anchoring we overestimate the power of anchoring).
Alternatively, by following the literature and using the same induced
value schedules across all five market periods, our tests represent a
demanding one for anchoring.
A. Experiment 2: Results
Table 5 contains summary statistics for the experimental data. We
gathered data from three baseline sessions, six "Treatment 2"
sessions (three high signal and three low signal), and six
"Treatment 3" sessions (three high signal and three low
signal). Given that there are 16 unique subjects in each session, our
entire design includes data drawn from 240 subjects. Entries in Table 5
provide summary price (quantity) data in the top (bottom) panel. A first
insight is that the baseline treatment yields results that suggest the
predictive power of supply and demand functionals. This result is in
line with previous research, and points to the power of the simple
situation of supply and demand curves. (19) Perusal of the data summary
for the various treatments yields a first formal comparative static
RESULT 3. Price and quantity realizations in bilateral trading
markets are influenced by anchors, but the effect is transient.
A first piece of evidence to support Result 3 is that prices
realized for the first market trade are linked to the anchor. While the
average price in the high anchor Treatment 2 is $17.70, the average
price is only $9.50 in the low anchor Treatment 2. These differences are
statistically significant at conventional levels using a Wilcoxon signed
rank test. While the average price differences for the low and high
anchor Treatment 2 remain in the first few periods, by period 3 the
prices have reasonably converged. Any remaining price differences are
small in periods 4 and 5 of Treatment 2. These data patterns suggest
that the initial anchor does not have important long-run effects on
Treatment 3 data provide a different test in that agents receive a
fresh signal at the beginning of each market period. Similar to the
Treatment 2 data, in this case we again find that in the early periods
the signal (high or low) influences prices. For example, the initial
trade is $16.30 ($13.30) in the high (low) treatment, and the first few
periods show that prices in the high anchor treatment are above those
observed in the low anchor treatment. Yet, the signals lose their power
in the latter periods, where we find that little difference in prices
exists across the high and low anchor treatments. Interestingly, in a
regression model that uses the observed price as the regressand, and the
signal, the market period, and the interaction of signal and market
period as regressors, we find that in the early periods the signal has a
significant influence, but by period 3 the signal no longer has an
influence on the market transaction prices. This result suggests that
even in the short run, anchors do not have considerable influence for
those agents who are experienced with market fundamentals.
Such transient effects are also found when examining quantities
traded in the market. In this case, however, there are no observed
differences across the high- and low-price signal treatments: in each
instance the market is stifled by the anchor in the early periods. This
is because of one side of the market holding out for unrealistic prices,
because of the random price signal. Yet, this too wanes, as by the
fourth period the expected market quantity is realized in all
Many of the standard results of welfare economics--such as the
interpretation of market surplus measures, the Pareto Efficiency of
perfectly competitive market outcomes, and the rationing and allocative
functions of market prices--are predicated on the notion of durable and
meaningful consumer preferences. An individual demand schedule should
reflect maximum WTP for units of a commodity, ceteris paribus. Likewise,
producer decisions should be grounded in an understanding of technology
and cost that reflects the profit motive. The assumption that primais of
preference and technology are well-defined and stable has immense
normative significance as the correspondence between observed market
behavior and underlying theoretical foundations is at the heart of the
application of microeconomic theory to welfare analysis and public
This assumption has been challenged over the past three decades by
those who argue that agents construct their preferences during the
valuation process. Our study begins by extending the investigation of
anchoring--one of the modalities through which preferences may be
constructed--to a field environment. The extent to which decisions might
be influenced by random signals is a topic that has received less
attention in the economics and business literatures (Rothschild 1973;
Schoemaker 1990; Sterman 1989), but of course represents one of the most
robust findings in experimental psychology. (20) We conduct both a
valuation exercise and complementary market experiment to examine the
effect of anchoring in a field setting. We view this effort as an
initial step in exploring anchoring in a natural trading institution
with salient incentives.
We find evidence that anchoring has weak effects in the valuation
exercise. For ordinary consumers valuing an unexpected commodity in our
field setting, our results suggest that the random anchor does have an
influence on expressed values. Conventional levels of statistical
significance are only found among consistent responders (those that made
a WTA offer consistent with their dichotomous-anchor response), but the
magnitude of anchoring (25% greater WTA for those with SSN greater than
the median) is economically meaningful (p =.06). The anchor did not have
a statistically significant impact on ordinary consumers valuing the
good that they could reasonably expect to trade in our market setting.
There is no evidence to support anchoring of sportscard dealers'
values for either of the examined commodities.
We find suggestive evidence that inexperienced market participants
(less than 1-year market experience; n = 14) in the aggregate were
affected by the anchoring protocol. Focusing on consistent respondents,
WTA offers were 51% greater for those with anchors above the median (p
<.02). The small sample size, however, limits the power of this
result. Among subjects with more than 1 year of experience, however, we
find no significant effects of the anchoring protocol.
The overarching results on individual anchoring are consistent with
the theme in List (2003, 2004a), who implements experiments with a
similar structure--varying market experience levels and familiarity with
goods--to examine exchange anomalies in individual choices that have
been attributed to endowment effects. He finds that nonprofessionals
exhibit substantial exchange asymmetries, which are significantly
reduced among the most experienced market participants. (21) Jointly,
these findings along with the work of Plott and Zeiler (2005, 2007)
suggest that subjects in novel situations make use of available cues to
help inform valuations.
Despite the similarities in protocols and findings, anchoring and
endowment effects are distinct theoretically and in their implications
for market equilibria. List (2003) examines the inefficiencies that can
arise from the reluctance to trade associated with a reference-dependent
endowment effect. ALP's (2003) notion of coherent arbitrariness
suggests that anchoring effects in markets can be more subtle, as
valuations may be affected by an initial anchor but nonetheless appear
consistent with demand theory (see also Becker 1962). The findings of
Plott and Zeiler (2005, 2007) which suggest that exchange anomalies
reflect processes similar to those occurring during an anchoring
protocol increases the importance of understanding whether and how
anchors may endure in the marketplace.
The results of our bilateral trading field experiment complement
the valuation exercise and inform concerns about the enduring effects of
anchors. We find that price and quantity realizations are influenced by
anchors, but the effect is transient. Price realizations for the first
market trade are significantly influenced by the anchor, but price and
quantity realizations converge to neoclassical predictions by the third
round of trading. Thus, potentially informative anchors appear to have
little influence on aggregate market behavior in a bilateral trading
experiment in either the short run, when a new signal is offered up
before each trading period, or the long run when multiple rounds of
trading occur after exposure to an anchor. Overall, our results provide
evidence that anchoring effects are not persistent in markets with
repeated opportunities to engage in exchange within a common, static
trading regime.
In light of concerns about replication and validity (Maniadis,
Tufano, and List 2014), it is important to continue to explore anchoring
effects in field environments. Complications in the field are many,
including identifying appropriate commodities for which subjects could
have well-defined preferences that may not be censored by the existence
of field substitutes. Collecting information on estimated market value
of commodities used in the experiment allows for an examination of
potential buyers and non-buyers of the commodities (in comparison with
their offers). Breaking the data down along these lines, we find no
evidence of anchoring effects for either group. Nonetheless, the role of
field substitutes could be explored in greater detail through greater
care in estimating individuals' perceived market values (both
ex-ante and ex-post valuation and perhaps with different elicitation
mechanisms) or seeking out novel goods for which field substitutes are
limited or nonexistent; auctions could be used as valuation mechanisms
if commodities are limited in quantity and researchers want to measure
WTP. In any event, even if ambiguity about market value of endowed
commodities is called into question, a primary motivation for moving to
the field is to study anchoring in a more realistic environment. Our
results offer some initial evidence of anchoring in the field.
Methodologically, our study highlights that using field experiments
and/or "special" markets (like those for sportscards) to focus
on deep questions that are hard to take on with observational field
data, or in markets that are more important per se, represents a useful
first attempt in the field to learn about fundamental tenets of human
behavior. In this spirit, continued exploration of the extent to which
individuals with different levels of market experience are influenced in
the valuation of both private and public goods should provide
fundamental insight into basic assumptions of microeconomic theory and
the functioning of various market structures.
In this experiment we will ask you three questions.
First what are the last three digits of your social security
Please write them here--
You have been given good "X" and we will now ask you two
questions about selling it. After answering the two questions, we will
flip a coin and your answer to one of the questions will be carried out.
If the coin turns up heads your answer to the first question is used and
you will either keep the good or sell it based on your answer. If the
coin turns up tails we will use the second question, and you will either
keep the good or sell it depending on your answer to that question.
Question 1.
You have the opportunity to sell "X" back to us for
$S.SN, the value of the last three digits of your social security number
converted into dollars and cents.
Would you accept SS.SN to sell the good back to us? Yes No
For question 2 you will tell us the price at which you are willing
to sell the good. Details of the procedure are on the next page.
Detailed instructions: BDM Individual Choice Elicitation Method
Welcome to Lister's Auctions. You have been given good
"X" and have the opportunity to either keep it or sell it back
for a price that will be determined in the following way.
I am holding a bag that contains 20 slips numbered 1 through 20.
You are welcome to verify this. I am going to ask you to write on the
offer sheet a price at which you are willing to sell X. If the number I
draw from the bag, lets call it $A, is greater than or equal to the
price you have written down you will receive $A and return the good to
me. If $A is less than the price you have written on the offer sheet
then you keep the good.
With this method of determining the selling price the best thing
for you to do is use your true value for the good as the selling price.
Let's see why this is true. First consider the case where you offer
to sell for less than your true value. Suppose you offer $B, which is
less than you really value the good. If the draw of $A is greater than
$B but still less than your true value you must sell the good for a
price that is less than your value. Your loss is the difference between
$A, the price you receive, and your value, which is greater than $A.
Suppose instead that you write on your offer sheet a price greater
than your true value. Let's call your offer price $C. If my draw of
$A is greater than your true value but less than $C, you keep the good
when you would have preferred to sell it and receive $A. The amount of
your loss is the difference between your value and $A.
Do you have any questions about the selling process?
Please indicate the price at which you are willing to sell the
Thanks for participating! Today, we are going to set up a market in
which some of you will be buyers and some of you will be sellers. The
good to be traded is the 1982 Topps Ben Oglivie baseball card, which has
a moustache drawn on it.
Trading will occur in a sequence of trading rounds. Besides the $10
that you will receive for taking part in the experiment, the prices that
you negotiate in each round will determine your earnings. You will be
paid all earnings for the session at the end in cash.
The experiment will consist of 7 rounds that each last 5 minutes.
The first 2 rounds will be for practice only and will not affect your
earnings for the experiment.
Before every round you will receive a card. If you are a seller of
the Oglivie card, the 3 numbers on the card represent your 3
"costs" for each of the 3 Oglivies that I give you. Each cost
represents the minimum amount for which you can sell each card. This
information is strictly private. Your costs may change each round.
Sellers earn money by selling cards at prices that are above their
cost. Earnings from the sale of each card are the difference between the
sales price and the cost. For example, if a seller has a cost for the
first card of $100 and sells their first card for $150, they earn $150-
$100 = $50.
If a seller does not sell any of their cards, they earn exactly
zero for that round. You will only be allowed to sell at a price equal
to or greater than your cost. If you attempt to sell a card at a price
that is less than your cost, your trade will be canceled. Let's go
through a few examples now.
[go through examples]
Prior to the start of each round, buyers will be provided a
buyer's card. The number on the buyer's card is known as their
"value." Your value represents the maximum amount for which
you can purchase the card. The information contained on the buyer's
card is strictly private and a buyer's value may change each round.
Buyers earn money by buying a card at a price below their value.
Earnings from the purchase of each card are the difference between the
value and the purchase price. For example, if a buyer has a value of
$200 and buys a card for $ 120, they earn $200 - $ 120 = $80.
Buyers can buy one card per round. If a buyer does not buy a card
in a period, they earn exactly zero that round. You will only be allowed
to buy at a price equal to or below your value. If you attempt to
purchase a card at a price that is greater than your value, your trade
will be canceled. Let's go through a few examples now.
[go through examples]
In addition to earnings from buying (selling) at a price that is
less than your value (greater than your cost), we will provide a
commission of 5 cents] to both the buyer and seller for each card
Let's summarize. Each trading round will be up to 5 minutes
long. During the round, buyers can approach dealers (sellers) to
negotiate a potential purchase of one Oglivie card (each buyer can buy
up to one card per period and each seller can sell up to 3 cards). There
will be 12 buyers and 4 sellers in the experiment.
There are three rules that you must follow during the experiment.
1. You are not allowed to threaten or intimidate other traders.
2. You are not allowed to discuss or disclose your cost or value
with any other trader.
3. You are not allowed to discuss post-session side payments with
any other trader.
If you violate any of these rules, you will be asked to leave the
experiment and will earn nothing for participating.
If you make a trade, you and your trading partner should approach
me immediately and inform me of the trade price to confirm that it is a
legitimate trade. After I have recorded the trade price I will announce
it to the market. Remember that you cannot trade in a way that gives you
negative earnings. That means sellers can only trade at a price above
their cost and buyers can only trade at a price below their value.
The first two trading rounds will be for practice so you understand
the rules. After that, the next five rounds will be for real earnings.
Your total earnings for the experiment will be the sum of your earnings
from all 5 rounds plus your $10 for participating.
I will now hand out practice trading cards. Remember: you are not
allowed to discuss the information on the cards with any other trader.
Please take care not to reveal it accidentally to curious traders
looking over your shoulder.
[Treatment 2: Read this passage directly after the 2nd practice
round and before the real experiment begins--I will let you know what $X
should be.]
Before we begin the trading for real earnings, I want to let you
know that in a previous experiment identical to this one, the first
transaction occurred at a price of $X.
[Treatment 3: Read this passage directly after the 2nd practice
round and before the real experiment begins and after each round of the
experiment--I will let you know what $X should be.]
Before we begin the trading in this period, I want to let you know
that in a previous experiment identical to this one, the first
transaction for this period occurred at a price of $X.
ALP: Ariely, Loewenstein, and Prelec
BDM: Becker-DeGroot-Marschak
FLM: Fudenberg, Levine, and Maniadis
NFL: National Football League
SSN: Social Security Number
WTA: Willingness-to-Accept
WTP: Willingness-to-Pay
doi: 10.1111/ecin. 12201
Online Early publication February 6, 2015
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Alevy: Associate Professor, Department of Economics and Public
Policy, University of Alaska Anchorage, Anchorage, AK 99508. Phone (907)
786-1763, Fax (907) 786-4115,
Landry: Associate Professor, Department of Agricultural and Applied
Economics, University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602. Phone (706)
542-0747, Fax (706) 542-0739, E-mail
List: Chairman, and Homer J. Livingston Professor of Economics,
Department of Economics, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 60637. Phone
(773) 702-8176, Fax (773) 702-8490,
(1.) For those interested Tolkien fans, only 1,500 copies of the
first edition were printed. An Arizona buyer recently purchased a first
edition copy for $65,000 from a New York bookseller. See
(2.) Along with their anchoring results, Tversky and Kahneman
(1974) report findings on the representativeness and availability
heuristics and on overconfidence that are seminal for the large
literature on heuristics and biases (see, e.g., Gilovich, Griffin, and
Kahneman 2002; Kahneman 2003). Gigerenzer (1991, 1996) and coauthors
(Gigerenzer et al. 2008) articulate both general and specific criticisms
of the heuristics and biases literature. A general criticism derives
from the notion that "cognitive functions are adaptations to a
given environment" (Gigerenzer 1991) and research in the heuristics
and biases literature often lacks connection to the relevant
environment. The framed field experiments that we conduct contribute to
addressing this concern in the anchoring literature. Specific criticisms
of the heuristics and biases program focus concretely on base rate
neglect, the conjunction fallacy, overconfidence, and availability,
i.e., on the presentation and interpretation of probabilities, and are
less relevant for anchoring (Gigerenzer et al. 2008). Responses to the
"Gigerenzer critique" include Jones, Jones, and Frisch (1995),
Kahneman and Tversky (1996), and Polonioli (2012). Samuels, Stich, and
Bishop (2002) assess the disagreement and argue that the core claims in
each literature are compatible.
(3.) Plott (1996) characterizes the core differences as follows:
"For the most part economists have not been interested in what goes
on inside the head of individuals. Thought or thought processes are
seldom considered as part of the phenomena to be studied as a part of
the science. Economics is primarily a study of choice behaviors and
their properties as they become manifest in the context of specific
organizational units. By contrast, psychological focus on the individual
is derived from a long history of research on the nature of thought and
thought processes" (225). Nonetheless, he notes that
"Economists have a need to look ... deeper into the decision
process" (Plott 1996, 227). See also Caplin and Schotter (2008) for
a more recent exploration of these issues.
(4.) The potential for convergence to neoclassical stability is
more consistent with the notion of discovered preferences elaborated by
Plott (1996) than the literature cited previously on constructed
(5.) The elicited values are reported by anchor quintile in each of
the consumer good studies. For ALP, the ratio of values in high and low
quintiles varied between 2.16 and 3.45 for the five consumer goods
(calculated mean = 2.90 based on ALP, Table 1). For Bergman et al.
(2010) the values range from 1.19 to 2.68 with a mean value of 1.75 for
the six goods reported by the authors. FLM report WTP values from 0.65
to 1.48 (calculated mean = 0.94 based on FLM, Table 1), and WTA values
from 1.09 to 3.12 (calculated mean = 1.55 based on FLM, Table 3). The
anchoring effects for ALP (2003) and Bergman et al. (2010) are
statistically significant, whereas for FLM (2012) one of five goods in
the WTA treatment exhibits significant anchoring effects; none in their
WTP treatment are statistically significant.
(6.) The interested reader should also see Simonsohn, Simmons, and
Nelson (2014).
(7.) FLM (2012) implement treatments with and with out explanations
of the BDM protocol and find very similar results.
(8.) The contributions made by previous studies in the sportscard
market make clear that experimental work in laboratory and field
settings can be useful complements. List (2002), for example, examines
preference reversals due to evaluation mode effects that had previously
been observed in hypothetical choice settings and finds them robust for
sportscard consumers but not professional dealers. Laboratory studies
can also usefully explore the robustness of field results. Several
laboratory studies have reexamined Gneezy, List, and Wu's (2006)
findings on the uncertainty effect finding both support for the effect
(Newman and Mochon 2012; Simonsohn 2009) and sensitivity of the results
to changes in instructions (Keren and Willemsen 2009), and the
presentation of goods (Rydval, Ortmann, and Prokosheva 2009). Andreoni
and Sprenger (2012) also find indirect support for the uncertainty
(9.) We note that dealers entering the market likely expect to be
offered a trade with just about anything in this market. For instance,
one of the coauthors was once offered a pair of "personally
worn" Marilyn Monroe panty hose in trade for a Ken Griffey Jr.
rookie card. He politely declined.
(10.) Further mitigating potential experimenter demand effects is
the fact that the monitors learned about the subject's SSN only
after the subject was endowed with the good. Variations in the protocol
at the moment of endowment were shown by Plott and Zeiler (2007) to
provide important valuation cues that led to exchange asymmetries. In
our setting these cues would need to be tailored to specific anchors
that was not possible given the sequencing of the protocol.
(11.) A deviation from this strategy is possible if market prices
are well known and transaction costs are low. In this case it is
possible that a seller of the good could be better off stating a value
that is the sum of market price and transaction costs and either
reselling the good in the market or purchasing it elsewhere with the
cash received. However, we believe neither of these conditions are met
in our study. For the sportscards, several dealers did sell this pack of
cards, however the sum of transaction costs associated with search,
negotiation, and the dealer bid-ask spread are considerable. In addition
there is value uncertainty associated with the new product. The strategy
would be even more difficult for the peanuts for which there is little
resale value at the sportscard show.
(12.) A Mann-Whitney test of differences in market experience,
measured in market years, across groups of consistent and inconsistent
responders yielded p = .08. Further, roughly three-fourths of the
inconsistent responders made offers to sell at a price greater than
their SSN when they had previously agreed to sell at that price. The
attempt to sell at a price higher than the anchor value suggests that
the inconsistent subjects misunderstood the properties of the BDM
mechanism, and may have believed they were in a bargaining situation.
(13.) In our regressions, we exclude two influential observations
from both nondealer models. These individuals refuse to sell at anchor
values greater than $9.00 but then make offers of 50 cents or less in
the BDM, indicating confusion or inattention. Standard errors are
calculated using the White sandwich estimator (White 1980) as the
Breusch-Pagan test detects heteroscedasticity (Breusch and Pagan 1979).
(14.) Following a reviewer's suggestion, we explore an
auxiliary hypothesis that there may be differential anchoring effects
for those in and out of the market. Splitting the data into
"potential buyers"--those that state a BDM value greater than
or equal to their estimate of market value--and
"nonbuyers"--those that state a BDM value less than their
estimate of market value--we find no evidence of anchoring for either of
these groups (though our sample sizes are somewhat small given item
nonresponse to the market value question on the survey instrument). We
do find a high and statistically significant correlation between
subject's offer and market price estimate (ranging from 0.60 to
0.72), but this is not surprising given that the market price estimates
were queried after the valuation exercise and the existing evidence
suggesting that people's predictions about other's preferences
are egocentric, inducing positively correlation with one's own
preferences (Lusk and Norwood 2009; Van Boven, Loewenstein, and Dunning
(15.) Consistent with the fact that dealer valuations are somewhat
higher for those with SSN below the median, there is what appears to be
a negative anchoring effect associated with the soc + soc x dealer
coefficient. Given the one-sided nature of our hypothesis we believe
that this is an artifact and do not believe we have discovered a new
phenomenon of economic significance. The positive coefficient on soc x
dealer x nuts restricts this artifact to the dealers in the sportscard
(16.) For all (consistent) respondents the joint significance of
soc and new yields p = .035 (p = .035).
(17.) The decision to specify the experience variable as
dichotomous was influenced by the unconditional results, however,
robustness tests were also conducted. We estimated regression models
that employed the continuous variable "mktyrs" and alternative
categorical specifications of experience interacted with the SSN anchor
to provide for a deeper exploration of the role of market experience. We
find significant anchoring with models that consider those with 4 years
or less the "new" group, however, this result is an artifact
of the strong anchoring effect among those reporting 1 year or less of
market experience. Taken as a whole, our results suggest that there is
not a continuous response to experience, and that only those with 1 year
or less have a distinct inexperience effect that is important for
(18.) The insignificant coefficients for the other treatments imply
complete adjustment from the anchored value.
(19.) We also gathered data in a treatment that used an anchor of
$13.50, the midpoint of the equilibrium prediction of the supply and
demand curve intersection. These data did not significantly differ from
the baseline treatment data, suggesting that this market can yield
efficient outcomes with or without anchors present.
(20.) One should take care not to jump too quickly to inference
concerning underlying preferences from these experiments. In many cases,
important properties of the situation change across exercises, and
changes in these properties themselves might induce agents to behave
differently (see Levitt and List 2007).
(21.) Plott and Zeiler (2005, 2007) examine the underlying reasons
for exchange asymmetries in a laboratory setting and argue that
experimental procedures and subject misconceptions underlie behaviors
typically attributed to reference-dependent preferences. Their results
suggest that "signals built into the experimenter's actions
and language choice ... in combination with the possibility of
asymmetric information about the relative value of the goods might
influence choices" (Plott and Zeiler 2007). In this context, the
anchoring literature can be understood as stressing the findings on
exchange asymmetry by introducing a clearly uninformative element into
the experimenter's "actions and language choice." Isoni,
Loomes, and Sugden (2011) extend Plott and Zeiler's work and
highlight the importance of experience effects associated with the paid
practice component of the exchange asymmetry protocol.
Anchoring--Experimental Design and Sample Size
Nondealers Dealers Row Totals
Sportscards Treatment 1 Treatment 2
n = 34 n = 32 n =66
Peanuts Treatment 3 Treatment 4
n = 75 n = 46 n = 121
Column totals n = 109 n = 78 N = 187
Anchoring--Descriptive Subject Pool Characteristics
Variable Sportscards
Nondealers Dealers
Mean SD Min Max Mean SD Min Max
Offer 3.47 1.56 0 6.00 3.80 2.04 0.50 10
Soc 4.73 2.92 0.09 9.50 5.05 2.94 0.26 9.99
Sell 0.62 0.49 0 1 0.72 0.46 0 1
Education 3.85 1.46 2 6 4.09 1.61 2 6
Age 35.97 12.17 18 70 49.19 13.30 19 74
Gender 0.15 0.36 0 1 0.09 00.30 0 1
Income 59.39 32.37 5.00 125.00 66.98 41.85 5.00 125.00
Mktyrs 13.06 7.89 0 35 19.23 15.83 1 68
Nondealers Dealers
Variable Mean SD Min Max Mean SD Min Max
Offer 4.18 2.11 0 10 5.43 2.32 1.5 10
Soc 4.62 2.63 0.23 9.47 5.03 3.20 .35 9.99
Sell 0.63 0.49 0 1 0.59 0.50 0 1
Education 4.03 1.61 2 6 4.00 1.72 0 6
Age 41.20 14.13 19 70 46.33 13.92 19 68
Gender 0.13 0.34 0 10.09 0.29 0 1
Income 56.41 35.07 5.00 125.00 62.56 36.44 5.00 125.00
Mktyrs 14.24 10.07 0 50 16.9 11.3 1 50
Notes: The variables offer and soc are in dollars. Sell indicates
the response (1 = yes, 0 = no) to the dichotomous choice question
on willingness to sell at the soc value. Education is categorical
with attainment ranging from incomplete grammar school to completed
graduate education. Gender is defined as 1 = female, 0 = male.
Mktyrs represents years of activity in the sportscard market.
Income is in thousands of dollars.
Evidence of Anchoring
All Respondents
Population Median Mean Mean p
Split SSN Offer N Value
Pooled High 7.25 4.41 94 .38
Low 2.35 4.17 93
Cards High 7.30 3.43 33 .19
Low 2.47 3.83 33
Nuts High 7.22 4.91 61 .12
Low 2.28 4.39 60
Nondealers High 6.93 4.11 55 .44
Low 2.33 3.80 54
Dealers High 7.70 4.74 39 1.00
Low 2.38 4.78 39
Treatment 1: nondealers/cards High 7.19 3.38 17 .88
Low 2.26 3.54 17
Treatment 2: dealers/cards High 7.42 3.62 16 .33
Low 2.69 3.97 16
Treatment 3: nondealers/nuts High 6.81 4.43 38 .31
Low 2.36 3.91 37
Treatment 4: dealers/nuts High 7.85 5.36 23 .87
Low 2.20 5.50 23
Consistent Respondents
Population Mean Mean p
SSN Offer N Value
Pooled 7.47 4.40 75 .41
2.52 4.22 75
Cards 7.51 3.56 29 .40
2.50 3.80 28
Nuts 7.36 5.00 48 .07
2.53 4.33 47
Nondealers 7.03 4.34 46 .10
2.40 3.70 45
Dealers 7.97 4.23 31 .11
2.71 5.20 30
Treatment 1: nondealers/cards 7.22 3.53 15 .84
2.14 3.54 14
Treatment 2: dealers/cards 7.81 3.59 14 .23
2.85 4.06 14
Treatment 3: nondealers/nuts 6.94 4.73 31 .06
2.51 3.77 31
Treatment 4: dealers/nuts 8.07 4.99 17 .19
2.62 5.94 16
Notes: The Mann-Whitney test was used to test the null hypothesis
that the distribution of offers did not differ above and below the
median SSN anchor. The test was conducted on the entire sample and
subpopulations by treatments and factors, as well as a subset that
was consistent in their responses to the valuation questions. Among
the consistent responders we find support for the anchoring
hypothesis among those who valued peanuts, particularly among
Evidence of Anchoring--GLS Estimates
Variable Model 1 Model 2
Offer All Consistent All Consistent
Soc 0.022 0.016 0.109 0.118
(0.055) (0.062) (0.110) (0.118)
New -0.442 -0.513
(1.274) (1.420)
Soc x New 0.427 * 0.448 *
(0.239) (0.252)
Dealer 1.135 * 1.470 **
(0.596) (0.711)
Soc X Dealer -0.350 *** -0.394 ***
(0.131) (0.144)
Nuts 0.544 0.637
(0.605) (0.689)
Soc x Nuts -0.051 -0.072
(0.126) (0.137)
Soc x Dealer x 0.276 ** 0.294 **
(0.120) (0.129)
Education 0.156 0.188 0.208 ** 0.269 **
(0.108) (0.130) (0.104) (0.125)
Age 0.031 *** 0.030 ** 0.035 *** 0.034 **
(0.011) (0.013) (0.011) (0.013)
Gender 0.161 0.197 0.376 0.464
(0.471) (0.531) (0.463) (0.524)
Income -0.137 -0.194 * -0.151 * -0.216 **
(0.088) (0.101) (0.085) (0.098)
Constant 2.878 *** 3.081 *** 1.584 * 1.613 *
(0.802) (0.890) (0.925) (1.030)
N 172 143 172 143
[R.sup.2] 0.060 0.063 0.184 0.199
F 2.11 1.95 2.98 2.69
Prob > F 0.067 0.047 0.001 0.003
Notes: Standard errors are in parentheses beneath the coefficients
and are calculated using the Hulbert-White estimator. The dependent
variable offer is the willingness-to-accept elicited from the BDM
protocol. Soc is the anchor value derived from the subject's SSN.
New is 1 if market experience is less than or equal to 1 year and
zero otherwise. Model 1 includes control variables for individual
characteristics and Model 2 adds treatment indicators and interactions.
The interaction soc X new provides evidence of the effectiveness of the
anchoring protocol on those with the least market experience.
* p < .10; ** p < .05; *** p<.01.
Bilateral Trade Experiment
Treatment 2 Treatment 3
Baseline High Low High Low
First trade price 13.7 17.7 9.5 16.3 13.3
(4.0) (0.6) (0.7) (1.5) (4.2)
First period avg. price 13.5 17.1 10.0 15.9 11.7
(2.0) (0.7) (1.2) (1.2) (2.7)
Second period avg. 14.0 15.9 11.1 14.5 12.0
price (1.7) (1.4) (1.7) (1.5) (2.5)
Third period avg. 13.7 14.4 13.4 14.0 13.2
price (1.9) (1.8) (2.1) (1.4) (2.4)
Fourth period avg. 13.8 14.1 14.1 13.9 13.3
price (1.5) (1.4) (1.7) (0.9) (1.9)
Fifth period avg. price 13.1 13.8 13.5 13.5 13.6
(13) (1.3) (1.1) (1.1) (1.2)
Quantities First period 7.3 2.3 1.7 3.3 3.0
avg. quantity (0.6) (1.2) (1.5) (2.5) (2.0)
Second period avg. 8.0 4.3 3.7 5.0 4.3
quantity (10) (1.2) (1.5) (2.6) (1.5)
Third period avg. 7.0 6.7 5.3 6.0 6.0
quantity (0.0) (0.6) (1.5) (1.7) (1.0)
Fourth period avg. 8.0 7.3 7.0 7.7 6.7
quantity (1.0) (0.6) (1.0) (1.5) (1.5)
Fifth period avg. 7.3 6.7 7.3 7.3 7.0
quantity (0.6) (0.6) (0.6) (0.6) (1.0)
Notes: First trade price is the first executed transaction
in the session. For the baseline this price is the average
over the three sessions; for Treatments 2 and 3 this price
is the average over the five sessions. The other figures
represent the average of the session averages in each of the
given periods. High and Low represent the high and low
signal treatments. Standard deviations are in parentheses
underneath the means.