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  • 标题:Gasoline prices and road fatalities: international evidence.
  • 作者:Burke, Paul J. ; Nishitateno, Shuhei
  • 期刊名称:Economic Inquiry
  • 印刷版ISSN:0095-2583
  • 出版年度:2015
  • 期号:July
  • 语种:English
  • 出版社:Western Economic Association International
  • 摘要:While a negative impact of gasoline prices on road fatalities has been documented for the United States, there is limited international evidence on whether road death rates are higher in countries with lower gasoline prices. In this study, we employ data for a panel of 144 countries during 1991-2010 to present international estimates of the gasoline price elasticity of road fatalities. To address the potential endogeneity of gasoline prices, we use each country's underground oil reserves and the international crude oil price as instruments for that country's gasoline price. We find that the mean long-run gasoline price elasticity of road deaths is in the order of -0.3 to -0.6 and that around 35,000 lives could be saved on roads each year by phasing out global fuel subsidies. We also use our results to estimate the number of deaths that could be avoided on U.S. roads by an increase in fuel taxes.
  • 关键词:Gasoline;Mortality;Traffic accidents

Gasoline prices and road fatalities: international evidence.

Burke, Paul J. ; Nishitateno, Shuhei


While a negative impact of gasoline prices on road fatalities has been documented for the United States, there is limited international evidence on whether road death rates are higher in countries with lower gasoline prices. In this study, we employ data for a panel of 144 countries during 1991-2010 to present international estimates of the gasoline price elasticity of road fatalities. To address the potential endogeneity of gasoline prices, we use each country's underground oil reserves and the international crude oil price as instruments for that country's gasoline price. We find that the mean long-run gasoline price elasticity of road deaths is in the order of -0.3 to -0.6 and that around 35,000 lives could be saved on roads each year by phasing out global fuel subsidies. We also use our results to estimate the number of deaths that could be avoided on U.S. roads by an increase in fuel taxes.

Road safety is a leading public health issue. Road crashes are the cause of 1.3 million deaths every year; the ninth-leading cause of death globally and the number-one cause of death for people between 15 and 29 years of age (data for 2011; World Health Organization 2013a). Road death rates are particularly high in middle- and low-income countries, which each year see an average of 20 and 18 deaths per 100,000 population, respectively. There are around 9 road deaths per 100,000 population each year in high-income countries. Up to 50 million people worldwide also suffer nonfatal injuries each year, bringing large human and financial costs. The global road death toll is expected to increase to around 2.4 million per year by 2030 in a business-as-usual scenario, making road crashes the fifth-leading cause of death (World Health Organization 2013b). Finding ways to reduce global road deaths is an increasingly important policy imperative.

A negative relationship between the gasoline pump price (in U.S. cents) and annual road deaths per 100,000 population for a large cross section of countries in 2010 is presented in Figure 1. Countries with low gasoline prices, such as Venezuela and Iran, have among the highest road death rates, whereas road fatalities tend to be less frequent in high-price countries. Figure 1 also demonstrates substantial variation in road fatality rates among countries with similar gasoline prices. A number of additional variables, including per capita incomes, road-use laws, and road infrastructure, will be considered in explaining this variation.


The large cross-country variation in retail prices for gasoline--a tradable commodity--exists primarily because of differences in tax and subsidy policies. Venezuela had the lowest average price of gasoline in 2010: just 2 U.S. cents per liter. Venezuela's gasoline price is substantially below the international price for crude oil (51 cents per liter in 2010; GIZ 2012), and so involves a large subsidy for consumers. In contrast, some governments impose high taxes on gasoline that result in high retail pump prices. In Turkey, for instance, the average gasoline pump price was 252 U.S. cents per liter in 2010, including 139 cents of taxes (International Energy Agency 2013a).

There are several ways in which higher gasoline prices may reduce road deaths. It is likely that the principal channel is a reduction in the distance traveled in motor vehicles as people respond to the incentive to substitute away from a more expensive commodity. Reduced driving decreases the exposure of both vehicle occupants and others to road crashes. Reductions in distance traveled may be a result of people transitioning to less transport-intensive activities, alternative transport options, and closer workplaces. Some of these responses take time, so the long-run gasoline price elasticity of road deaths is likely to exceed the short-run elasticity.

In addition to reducing distance traveled, higher gasoline prices might also lead to a reduction in road deaths per kilometer driven. One reason is that, to conserve fuel, drivers might reduce high-speed driving and also their rates of acceleration and braking. (1) Another is that high-risk drivers, including the young, the old, and those taking leisure-related trips, are particularly sensitive to gasoline prices (Cullotta 2008; Grabowski and Morrisey 2004; Morrisey and Grabowski 2011). Higher gasoline prices also result in substitution from heavier to lighter, more fuel-efficient, private vehicles (e.g., light trucks to automobiles), and lighter vehicles are associated with a lower overall number of road deaths per kilometer traveled (Gayer 2004; White 2004). Substitution to bus travel may also reduce overall road safety risks.

There are ways in which higher gasoline prices might actually lead to more rather than fewer road deaths. By reducing congestion, higher gasoline prices can allow remaining drivers to travel at faster speeds (Burger and Kaffine 2009), which increases the risk of fatal crashes. Substitution to particularly risky types of fuel-efficient vehicles, such as motorcycles, may also cause additional road deaths when gasoline prices rise (Hyatt et al. 2009; Wilson, Stimpson, and Hilsenrath 2009). (2)

Existing evidence for the United States indicates that higher gasoline prices reduce road fatalities and/or crashes (Chi, McClure, and Brown 2012; Chi et al. 2010, 2011, 2013a, 2013b; Grabowski and Morrisey 2004, 2006; Haughton and Sarkar 1996; Leigh and Wilkinson 1991; Montour 2011; Sivak 2009). As for gasoline demand itself, the response of road deaths to gasoline prices in the United States is inelastic. Grabowski and Morrisey (2004), for instance, use data for 48 U.S. states for the period 1983-2000 and find a gasoline price elasticity of road fatalities of -0.3 when responses over a 2-year period are considered.

Most international studies on the determinants of road fatalities (e.g., Anwaar et al. 2012; Noland 2005; Page 2001) concentrate on other issues, although Litman (2012) presents a scatterplot for 16 Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries that shows a negative association between average gasoline prices and traffic fatality rates. As far as we are aware, there has been no prior international estimate of the gasoline price elasticity of road deaths.


We estimate the following specification:

(1) ln [D.sub.c,t] = [alpha] + [[beta].sub.1] ln [G.sub.c,t] + [[beta].sub.2] ln [Y.sub.c,t], + [[beta].sub.3] ln [P.sub.c,t] + [gamma] [X.sub.c,t] + [[delta].sub.c] + [[omega].sub.t] + [[epsilon].sub.c,t]

where D is road deaths in country c in year r, G is the gasoline price in year-2010 U.S. cents, Y is gross domestic product (GDP) in real purchasing power parity-adjusted U.S. dollars, P is population, and X is a vector of additional controls included in later estimations. [[delta].sub.c] and [[omega].sub.t] are country and year fixed effects, and e is an error term. We also present specifications that control for country-specific time trends.

Our primary interest is in identifying the long-run gasoline price elasticity of road deaths. (3) To this end, we initially estimate Equation (1) for a cross section of countries in the year 2010, as so-called between variation has a natural long-run interpretation. We then proceed to panel estimates using the pooled ordinary least squares (OLS), between, and fixed-effects estimators. The between estimator uses average data for each country and provides estimates of long-run effects (Baltagi 2008; Baltagi and Griffin 1983, 1984; Pesaran and Smith 1995; Pirotte 1999, 2003; Stem 2010). Fixed-effects estimations control for time-invariant factors such as the extent of mountainous terrain, but when a static fixed-effects equation is estimated the coefficients represent shorter-run effects. To explore the dynamics of the response to higher gasoline prices and for a further estimate of the long-run gasoline price elasticity of road deaths, we then table results for distributed lag specifications (with country fixed effects). For checks on the importance of functional form, we also estimate negative binomial models (with and without country fixed effects) and models using per capita measures of road deaths and GDP. (4)

An issue of concern is that the gasoline price term in Equation (1) may be correlated with the error. The level of demand for road transport might have a material effect on a country's average gasoline pump price, for instance, while also affecting road deaths (Grabowski and Morrisey 2004, 2006; Morrisey and Grabowski 2011). Alternatively, governments may impose higher gasoline taxes in countries with low demand for road use, as argued by Hammar, Lofgren, and Sterner (2004). It is also possible that the set of factors affecting gasoline tax/subsidy policies might include road safety concerns. Perhaps even more importantly, there might be omitted policy variables that are associated with gasoline prices: interventionist governments might tax gasoline and have strict road rules, for example. These concerns mean that we cannot be sure that single-equation estimation of Equation (1) will produce unbiased and consistent estimates of the effect of gasoline prices on road deaths.

To address the potential endogeneity of gasoline prices, we present estimates using the two supply-side instruments for the gasoline price employed in our recent study of the gasoline price elasticity of demand (Burke and Nishitateno 2013). The first is a country's per capita underground oil reserves, as oil-rich countries such as Venezuela are more likely to subsidize gasoline and oil-poor countries such as the Republic of Korea are more likely to tax it. The second is a measure of the annual average international crude oil price, as higher crude oil prices flow through to higher gasoline pump prices in most countries. It is likely that our instruments affect road deaths via gasoline prices rather than other channels.

The advantage of using two instruments is that doing so allows verification of the effect of gasoline prices on road deaths using independent sources of variation in gasoline prices. The exclusion restrictions are that oil reserves and the global oil price are not correlated with unobserved determinants of road deaths (across countries and over time, respectively). In addition to using the instruments separately, we also present estimates using both instruments together. Existing studies on the effect of gasoline prices on road deaths in the United States do not use instrumental variable (IV) approaches. (5)

Our estimates are for a panel of 144 countries for 1991, 1993, 1995, 1998, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, and 2010: ten years for which average gasoline price data are available from the November surveys of GIZ (2012). Our data on road fatalities are primarily from the International Road Federation (2012) and include all reported deaths that occur within 30 days of a road crash. Alternative estimates of road deaths in 2010 from the WHO (2013b), as used in Figure 1, provide similar results. We focus on fatalities because international data on nonfatal road crashes are less reliable (Luoma and Sivak 2007; Sauerzapf, Jones, and Haynes 2010; WHO 2013b). Nevertheless, the accuracy of the data on road deaths is likely to vary. If the reporting of road deaths improves in a way that is correlated with economic development, our GDP variable will control for some data quality differences. Because of missing data, on average each country is included in our sample for 5.8 of the 10 years. The countries in our sample represented 94% of the world's population in 2010. A full list of data sources is in the Appendix.


A. Main Specifications

Results for single-equation specifications, controlling for GDP and population, are in Table 1. Column 1 is for a year-2010 cross section of countries and indicates that a 1% higher gasoline price on average reduces road fatalities by 0.4%. Cross-sectional estimates utilize only between variation and so this is a first estimate of the long-run effect of gasoline prices on road deaths. Columns 2 and 3 present results using the pooled OLS (with year dummies) and between estimators. The point estimates of the gasoline price elasticity of road deaths are slightly smaller (-0.3), but remain distinguishable from zero at the 1% significance level.

Column 4 of Table 1 controls for both year and country fixed effects, which removes most of the variation in gasoline prices in our sample. (6) This makes it difficult for within-country gasoline price movements to affect road deaths. Static models relying on only within variation are also likely to provide short-run effects because of the underspecification of dynamics (Baltagi 2008). Likely as a result of these factors, the fixed-effects estimate in Column 4 is insignificant. We obtain a significant coefficient in the fixed-effects specification in Column 5 that includes a linear time trend for each country in the sample.

Table 2 shows our IV results. Our cross-sectional and panel estimates instrumenting with per capita oil reserves (Columns 1-2) indicate that higher gasoline prices significantly reduce road deaths, with the cross-sectional estimate providing an elasticity of -0.3. We are prevented from controlling for country fixed effects when instrumenting with oil reserves per capita as there is almost no useful time-series variation in per capita oil reserves. Columns 3 and 4 instrument with the log real international crude oil price. Country-specific linear time trends are included instead of year dummies, as year dummies would be perfectly collinear with our instrument. (7) The gasoline price elasticities in these estimates are -0.5 and -0.4. It is reassuring that we obtain similar results using different instruments. Column 5 uses both instruments and obtains a gasoline price elasticity of road deaths of -0.5.

Column 6 of Table 2 uses both instruments and controls for the full set of variables that will be used in Table 4. The results suggest a stronger negative effect of gasoline prices on road deaths, with an elasticity of -0.9. Given the smaller sample size, weaker first-stage identification, and the possibility that some of the controls could themselves be endogenous, we do not include the Column 6 estimate in our "headline" results. The robustness of our IV estimates to the addition of controls such as road infrastructure variables does, however, reduce the concern that the result is driven by a violation of the IV exclusion restriction.

The tests of Stock and Yogo (2005) indicate that our instruments provide adequate identification strength. Specifically, the null hypothesis of 15% maximal IV size is rejected in each of the IV specifications. The first-stage coefficients, as expected, indicate that oil reserves and the oil price are negatively and positively correlated with the gasoline price, respectively. (8) Overidentification tests in Columns 5-6 do not reject the null hypothesis that the instruments are valid. The IV results instrumenting with oil reserves per capita (Columns 1-2) are similar to the single-equation estimates, meaning that endogeneity tests fail to reject the null that the log gasoline price is exogenous. (9) In contrast, endogeneity tests in Columns 3-6 suggest that there is due cause to treat gasoline prices as endogenous.

The estimated coefficients for the control variables in Tables 1 and 2 are of interest. As expected, countries with larger populations typically have more road deaths, which is merely a scale effect. The panel results indicate that countries with larger economies also on average have more road fatalities, presumably because more people can afford private road vehicle travel. The income elasticities are smaller than the income elasticities of gasoline consumption of around +1.0 obtained by Burke and Nishitateno (2013), likely because richer countries dedicate more resources to improving road safety. A nonlinear relationship between GDP per capita and road deaths will be considered in coming specifications.

Table 3 shows distributed-lag estimates with country and year fixed effects. Because these rely solely on within variation, we commence the gasoline price terms from year t - 1 to allow time for responses to November prices. As a result, our estimation sample here extends to 2009 rather than 2010. Lags are included for every second year, given the biennial nature of GIZ's gasoline price data, and the sample reduces with each additional lag. The long-run gasoline price elasticity is the sum of the coefficients for each gasoline price term.

The results in Table 3 provide an estimate of the long-run gasoline price elasticity of -0.6 when lags to year t - 9 are considered (significant at the 10% level). Similar, and statistically stronger, long-run multipliers are obtained in pooled OLS and between estimates of distributed lag models. We also find generally similar estimates in specifications with country-specific time trends (see base of Table 3). We cannot rule out that even larger elasticities may be obtained from distributed lag models once longer time-series are available.

Based on our single-equation and IV estimates using between variation in Tables 1 and 2 and our estimates using distributed lags in Table 3, we conclude that the average long-run gasoline price elasticity of road deaths is likely in the order of -0.3 to -0.6. This is an inelastic response, meaning that higher gasoline prices do reduce road deaths, but in a less-than-proportionate manner. In earlier work (Burke and Nishitateno 2013) we obtained similar estimates of the long-run gasoline price elasticity of demand, suggesting that the effect of gasoline prices on road deaths is primarily related to the relationship between gasoline prices and the propensity for road travel. We do not have sufficient data for our international sample to decompose the effects of gasoline prices on road deaths into specific channels such as distance traveled or travel speeds, although such research would be of interest when data permit. (10)

B. Robustness

In some countries, a large share of the vehicle fleet runs on diesel rather than gasoline. Table 4 presents estimates using the average of the gasoline and diesel prices and controlling for additional variables: land area, the length of each country's road network, the share of roads that is paved, the vehicle and motorcycle stocks, measures of the importance of rail and air transport, the share of the population aged 15-24 (who are typically overrepresented in road crashes), the urban population share, alcohol consumption, blood alcohol limits for drivers, the maximum speed in urban areas, measures of the rule of law and control of corruption, economic growth, and infant mortality. Controlling for road infrastructure variables helps address the concern that our main result operates via the additional road funding that is possible when gasoline taxes are high. The log infant mortality rate is included as a proxy of overall health conditions in each country (noting that few infant deaths are caused by road crashes). We show between estimates for static models given our desires to estimate long-run effects and maximize sample size.

The results in Table 4 provide fuel price elasticities of road deaths of -0.3 to -0.45 (significant at the 1% level) and suggest that fuel prices are one of the most statistically robust cross-country determinants of road death rates. Countries with better control of corruption, higher dependence on air travel, lower alcohol consumption, and stricter speed laws have fewer road deaths. Interestingly, countries with better "rule of law" ratings have more road deaths (holding all other variables, including corruption, constant), perhaps because reporting of road deaths is more complete. Once the full set of other variables has been controlled for, we find no evidence that the number of motor vehicles in each country is a strong predictor of road deaths. (11)

The effect of gasoline prices on road deaths may operate via some of the control variables in Table 4, including GDP. We obtain similar estimates for the gasoline price term if the controls are lagged, however. Pooled OLS estimates also provide similar results (although with slightly smaller point estimates of the gasoline price elasticity of road deaths). Because we control for log real GDP, our coefficient estimates for (3! are identical if our gasoline price measure is scaled by real GDP. While our list of controls in Table 4 is long, there are many other factors that influence road safety. Current data constraints for our large international sample mean that we leave the task of including additional control variables to future research, perhaps for a smaller set of countries. (12)

Table 5 presents results using per capita measures of road deaths and GDP, and controlling for population density instead of population. The table also shows estimates for subsamples of OECD and non-OECD countries and an estimate controlling for regional dummies. The results are similar to those in Table 1, confirming that it makes little difference if variables are in total or per capita terms. (13) Column 2 controls for the square of log GDP per capita to account for the road death Kuznets curve (see, for instance, Law, Noland, and Evans 2011). The results suggest that the road death rate typically increases until a mid-range GDP per capita and subsequently falls (holding other factors constant). We continue to observe a negative and statistically significant gasoline price elasticity of road deaths.

Column 3 of Table 5 includes the squared log gasoline price to test whether the gasoline price elasticity of road deaths varies at different gasoline price levels. Road deaths appear to be more responsive to changes in the gasoline price when the price is already high. The estimated gasoline price elasticity of road deaths at the 25th-percentile gasoline price is -0.5, increasing to -0.8 at the 75th percentile. (14) Column 4 includes an interaction between the log gasoline price and log GDP per capita. The estimate provides no evidence that the gasoline price elasticity of road deaths varies by development level. We also obtain statistically significant estimates of the effect of gasoline prices on road deaths for subsets of OECD and non-OECD countries (Columns 5 and 6). Data on road fatalities are likely to be more reliable for OECD countries, and so the gasoline price elasticity of road deaths of -0.5 for the OECD subsample increases our confidence in the main results. Column 7 controls for regional dummy variables, which allows some time-invariant regional-specific characteristics such as driving culture to be considered. The results are similar.

Table 6 presents cross-sectional, pooled, and fixed-effect negative binomial estimates. Negative binomial models are suited to a count-dependent variable and are preferred over Poisson models because our road death data exhibit overdispersion (variance exceeds the mean). As in Table 5, we use road deaths weighted by population (now in unlogged form). The coefficients for the gasoline price, which can again be interpreted as elasticities, are significantly different from zero, and range from -0.4 (using between variation in the cross-sectional estimate) to -0.2 (using static within variation, and so likely representing a shorter-run effect). An unreported fixed-effect negative binomial model with additional lags provides a long-run gasoline price elasticity of road deaths of -0.6 (significant at the 5% level). In an additional check--available on request--we also estimated an IV negative binomial model, obtaining similar results to our linear IV estimates (but for which weak instrument test and other information is not available). In short, results using negative binominal models fall within our reported range.

A lingering concern may be that there are additional time-varying policies affecting road deaths that are not possible to control for and may be correlated with gasoline prices. While our specifications have relatively high [R.sup.2] values, there are clearly other variables (such as road safety advertising campaigns) that are likely to affect road deaths. It is important to note, however, that omitted variables could only be causing a serious identification problem across our full suite of estimates if they are correlated with gasoline prices (in our single-equation estimates) and both of our instruments (in our various IV estimates). This is unlikely. The world oil price is unlikely to be affected by or have any short-term influence on road safety policies, for instance. Our IV strategy, together with our use of numerous controls (alcohol consumption; country fixed effects; country-by-country time trends, regional dummies; etc.), makes us confident that our results represent consistent estimates of the causal effect of gasoline prices on road deaths.

It is important to explicitly note that many other factors, including those that we have not been able to represent in our estimations, also have important influences on road death rates. There are many, sad, stories behind individual road crashes. There is also substantial evidence that specific interventions such as helmet laws can reduce road death rates (e.g., Passmore et al. 2010). The results in this article do not challenge this evidence. Instead, the results provide macro-level guidance on one economic variable--the price of gasoline--that has a macro-level effect on road deaths. This variable is amenable to policy.


Some countries, particularly the oil-rich, provide large price subsidies to consumers of gasoline. Table 7 presents estimates of the number of road deaths that could be avoided if countries with gasoline prices lower than those in the United States (76 cents per liter in 2010) increased their average gasoline price to the U.S. level. The estimates are based on a conservative long-run gasoline price elasticity of road deaths of -0.4 (e.g., Column 1 of Table 1). Like GIZ (2012), we consider the gasoline price in the United States--the lowest of all OECD countries--as the divider between countries that subsidize gasoline consumption and the rest. While the United States does apply state and federal taxes on gasoline, these could be considered to be the minimum required to adequately cover road infrastructure and externality costs (GIZ 2012). There are alternative approaches that could be used to measure the size of fuel subsidies (e.g., Davis 2014).

The results in Table 7 suggest that around 35,000 lives per annum could be saved in 23 countries by removing the subsidies that were in place in 2010 (15); 35,000 lives is 3% of the global annual road death toll. The countries in which fuel subsidy reform offers the largest potential reductions in road deaths are Iran (10,600 avoided deaths per year) and Venezuela (>5,000 avoided deaths per year). The removal of fuel subsidies would also result in large reductions in road deaths in Indonesia (4,500), Nigeria (4,200), Saudi Arabia (2,700), Egypt (1,800), and Algeria (1,700). (16)

How many road deaths could be avoided if the United States itself had higher taxes on gasoline? A simulation using our results implies that around 10,000 lives per year could be saved if U.S. gasoline taxes were increased to bring the U.S. gasoline price to the UK level (192 cents per liter in 2010). This would reduce U.S. road fatalities by more than a quarter. A reduction of this magnitude is not historically infeasible: the number of annual road deaths in the United States fell by 9,600 (17%) as gasoline prices spiked during the years 1973-1975, for instance (Leigh and Geraghty 2008). Annual road deaths in the United States also reduced by 9,800 between 2006 and 2010 as gasoline prices increased and the economy entered recession (and due to other factors; Sivak and Schoettle 2010).

How many more road deaths would occur if countries that currently have high gasoline taxes move down to U.S.-level gasoline prices? The case of the United Kingdom is illustrative. Our estimates indicate that the United Kingdom would have around 1,800 additional road deaths per year if it had U.S.-level gasoline prices, a 95% increase over current levels. The United Kingdom's road death toll has been falling over recent years; our estimates indicate that moving to U.S.-level prices would return the country to a circa-1995 road death toll.

We ask one final question: How large a role has increases in real gasoline prices played in the reductions in road deaths that have been achieved in most developed countries? The answer is that higher gasoline prices have had a material effect in reducing road deaths, but are typically not the majority of the story. This results from the relative inelasticity of road deaths to gasoline prices. An example will help. During 2002-2010, France's annual road death toll fell from around 7,700 to around 4,000. During this period, real gasoline pump prices in France increased by 57%. Our estimates suggest that the contribution of this price increase to the reduction in France's road death toll is about 800 annual road deaths or around 20%. Other factors explain the majority of the reduction in road deaths in France in recent years. Similar is true of most other developed countries. (17)


This study has utilized the substantial variation in international gasoline pump prices to examine the effect of gasoline prices on the number of people dying in road crashes. Our results indicate that higher gasoline prices significantly reduce road deaths, with our point estimates of the mean long-run gasoline price elasticity of road deaths lying between -0.3 and -0.6. The effect is an inelastic one, as also obtained in studies of the United States (e.g., Grabowski and Morrisey 2004).

The international community is mobilizing a number of strategies to improve road safety during the United Nations' Decade of Action for Road Safety 2011-2020. The Global Plan for the Decade of Action (WHO 2010) is silent on the potential role of fuel pricing. Reductions in fuel subsidies and increases in fuel taxes could, however, make a large contribution to the plan's objectives. Countries providing the largest fuel subsidies are particularly compelling candidates for reform. Globally, around 35,000 road deaths could be avoided each year by the removal of the fuel subsidies that were in place in 2010.

Finally, there are likely to be large changes in road transport over coming decades. Moving toward non-oil powered vehicles may involve a reduction in the marginal cost of driving. If so, our results suggest that this could feed into higher road death rates. At the same time, however, vehicle safety will continue improving. The economic and other factors affecting road death rates will remain a stimulating field of research.


BAC: Blood Alcohol Concentration

GDP: Gross Domestic Product

IEA: International Energy Agency

IRF: International Road Federation

IV : Instrumental Variable

OECD: Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development

OLS: Ordinary Least Squares

WHO: World Health Organization

doi: 10.1111/ecin. 12171

Online Early publication November 9, 2014


Road deaths: Number of reported deaths that occur within 30 days of a road crash. Includes all deaths (e.g., of vehicle occupants, motorcyclists, cyclists, and pedestrians; International Road Federation 2012). Data for nine countries were supplemented with figures from the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (2013a) and the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (2013).

Gasoline price: Average retail gasoline pump price in year-2010 U.S. cents per liter. Prices were collected by GIZ (2012) in mid-November surveys. Data are for unleaded octane 95 gasoline. Indonesia's price is for subsidized gasoline. The U.S. GDP deflator from the World Bank (2013a) was used to deflate prices.

GDP: Expenditure-side real GDP at chained purchasing power parities, in 2005 US$ (Feenstra, Inklaar, and Timmer 2013).

Population: Total population, in people (Feenstra, Inklaar, and Timmer 2013).

Oil reserves per capita: Proved underground reserves of crude oil, thousand tons per capita (U.S. Energy Information Administration 2011). One year's lag or lead used for a small number of missing observations.

Real world oil price: Average cost of total crude imports of the members of the IEA in year-2010 U.S. dollars per barrel (IEA 2013a). The U.S. GDP deflator from the World Bank (2013a) was used to deflate prices.

Average gasoline and diesel price: Simple average of the gasoline and diesel retail pump prices in year-2010 U.S. cents per liter. Prices were collected by GIZ (2012) in mid-November surveys. Gasoline prices are for unleaded octane 95 gasoline. Indonesia's gasoline price is for subsidized gasoline. The U.S. GDP deflator from the World Bank (2013a) was used to deflate prices.

Land area: A country's total land area, excluding inland water bodies, national claims to continental shelf, and exclusive economic zones, in square kilometers (World Bank 2013a).

Road distance: Length of the total road network, in kilometers (International Road Federation 2012). Data linearly interpolated.

Paved road share (%): Percentage of road length that is surfaced with crushed stone, hydrocarbon binder, bituminized agents, concrete, or cobblestones (International Road Federation 2012). Data linearly interpolated.

Motor vehicle stock (4+ wheels): Number of motor vehicles with four or more wheels. Includes cars, buses, lorries, and vans (International Road Federation 2012). Several apparent errors were removed. Data linearly interpolated.

Motorcycle stock: Two- or three-wheeled road motor vehicles (International Road Federation 2012). Several apparent errors were removed. Data linearly interpolated.

Rail share of energy used in transport (%): Percentage share of rail sector's energy use in total energy used in the road, rail, and domestic aviation sectors (IEA 2013b).

Air passengers: Domestic and international passengers of air carriers registered in the country (World Bank 2013a).

Population aged 15-24 (%): Percentage of population aged 15-24. Five-yearly United Nations (2010) data on the 15- to 24-year-old population were linearly interpolated. Data on total population from Feenstra, Inklaar, and Timmer (2013).

Urban population (%): People living in urban areas as defined by national statistical offices as a share of the total population (World Bank 2013a).

Alcohol consumption per adult: Annual alcohol consumption (in liters of pure alcohol) per adult (age 15+) (WHO 2013c).

Blood alcohol limit for drivers in 2011: Legal blood alcohol concentration (BAC) for general drivers in 2011 (or nearby year), expressed as a percentage. This variable is missing for countries with no limit (which only slightly reduces the sample). This variable is not time varying (WHO 2013d).

Maximum speed in urban areas in 2011: Maximum speed limit for cars on residential roads in 2011, in kilometers per hour. This variable is not time varying (WHO 2013d).

Rule of law score: A measure of perceptions of the extent to which agents have confidence in and abide by the rules of society, and in particular the quality of contract enforcement, property rights, the police, and the courts, as well as the likelihood of crime and violence. Approximate possible range is -2.5 (worst) to 2.5 (best) (World Bank 2013b).

Control of corruption score: A measure of perceptions of the extent to which public power is exercised for private gain, including both petty and grand forms of corruption, as well as capture of the state by elites and private interests. Approximate possible range is -2.5 (worst control of corruption) to 2.5 (best) (World Bank 2013b).

Economic growth rate (%): Annual percentage change in expenditure-side real GDP at chained purchasing power parities, in 2005 US$ (Feenstra, Inklaar, and Timmer 2013).

Infant mortality rate: Number of infants dying before reaching 1 year of age, per 1,000 live births (World Bank 2013a).

Population density: Population per squared kilometer of land area (World Bank 2013a).


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(1.) Speeds over 80 kmph are generally associated with lower fuel efficiency (U.S. Department of Energy 2013). The Congressional Budget Office (2008) reports that higher gasoline prices indeed cause drivers on uncongested Californian roads to slightly reduce their speeds.

(2.) Recent evidence on the safety risks associated with motorcycle travel is provided by Nishitateno and Burke (2014).

(3.) The long-run response is more important from a policy viewpoint than the short-run response.

(4.) Negative binomial models are often used in studies of road deaths (see, for instance, the papers of Chi et al.). As will be documented, negative binomial models provide long-run gasoline price elasticities of road deaths that fall within our reported range. Our focus is primarily on linear models (in log-log form) because these are better suited to an instrumental variable context.

(5.) In their study of Los Angeles freeway speeds, Burger and Kaffine (2009) also use the world oil price to instrument the local gasoline price. Grabowski and Morrisey (2006) do not use an IV approach in their study of road deaths but hope that state gasoline taxes provide an exogenous source of variation in gasoline prices.

(6.) A regression of log gasoline price on country and year dummies has an [R.sup.2] of .89.

(7.) Results are similar without these country-specific time trends.

(8.) The first stage in Column 5 of Table 2 indicates that the partial effect of a 1% increase in the real world oil price is on average a 0.3% increase in the domestic gasoline price, holding other factors constant. Having an additional ton of in-ground oil reserves per capita on average reduces the local gasoline price by 0.07%.

(9.) Burger and Kaffine's (2009) results on the effects of gasoline prices on rush-hour vehicle speed and Burke and Nishitateno's (2013) estimates of the gasoline price elasticity of demand are also similar across their OLS and IV specifications.

(10.) The International Road Federation (2012) and OECD (2013a) provide some international data on vehicle or passenger kilometers traveled, but these are unavailable for the majority of our sample and are of questionable quality. The OECD (2013b) notes that there is no common international method for calculating passenger distance traveled in road vehicles. Studies of the United States provide somewhat conflicting results on how gasoline prices affect road deaths: Grabowski and Morrisey (2004) find that the effect of higher gasoline prices on road deaths operates via a reduction in vehicle distance traveled, whereas Haughton and Sarkar (1996), Grabowski and Morrisey (2006), Chi et al. (2010,2013b), and Montour (2011) report that there is also a reduction in road deaths per vehicle-kilometer traveled.

(11.) In regressions with a smaller set of controls, a positive and significant effect of motor vehicle numbers on road deaths is obtained. Estimates of remain similar.

(12.) We obtain similar gasoline price elasticities of road deaths in specifications that also control for seatbelt usage rates, rural road speed limits, or expert assessments of the effectiveness of helmet law enforcement (all measured in 2011; WHO 2013b, 2013d). Because data limitations further reduce our sample, we omit these controls from Table 4.

(13.) Because the dependent variable is just a rescaling by population, the effect of including our additional control variables in this regression is the same as in Table 4.

(14.) In unreported specifications, we find that the gasoline price elasticity of road deaths is similar when changes in gasoline prices are either small or large.

(15.) These are ceteris paribus estimates for the year 2010. Population and GDP growth will concurrently place upward pressure on road deaths in most of these countries. There is also the chance that subsidy removal could lower the global oil price and therefore increase road deaths in other countries, but the magnitudes involved in such a process are difficult to model.

(16.) Several of the countries listed in Table 7 (e.g., Indonesia, Iran, and Nigeria) have reduced gasoline subsidies since 2010. Future researchers might explore the effects of these recent subsidy reductions on road safety.

(17.) Our estimates indicate that only 16% of the previously mentioned reduction in U.S. road deaths over the period 2006-2010 was due to rising gasoline prices.


* We are grateful for comments from Joseph Doyle, Ryan Edwards, Yusaku Horiuchi, Brantley Liddle, Anthony Ockwell, Hideo Yunoue, two referees, and participants at the Japanese Economic Association Fall Meeting 2014 and seminars at the Australian National University, Beijing Institute of Technology, Kwansei Gakuin University, Monash University, and the University of Tasmania.

Burke: Arndt-Corden Department of Economics, Australian National University, Canberra, ACT 2601, Australia. Phone +61 2 6125 6566, Fax +61 2 6125 3700, E-mail paul.j.burke@anu.edu.au

Nishitateno: School of Policy Studies, Kwansei Gakuin University, Hyogo 669-1337, Japan. Phone +81 79 565 7957, Fax +81 79 565 7957, E-mail shuhei0828@kwansei.ac.jp

Results for Single-Equation Specifications

                            Dependent Variable: Ln Road Deaths

                                                        Fixed Effects
                       2010      Pooled    Between
Specification          (1)        (2)        (3)        (4)      (5)

Ln gasoline price    -.40 ***   -.30 ***   -.35 ***     .01     -.10 *
                      -0.11      (.07)      (.08)      (.10)    (.06)
Ln GDP                 .00      .17 ***    .23 ***     34 **    34 ***
                      (.07)      (.04)      (.04)      (.15)    (.10)
Ln population        .98 ***    .79 ***    .72 ***    1.09 **    .12
                      (.08)      (.05)      (.05)      (.46)    (.37)
Year fixed effects      No        Yes         No        Yes       No
Country-specific        No         No         No        No       Yes
  time trends
[R.sup.2]              .87        .86        .88        .16      .61
Observations           101        837        837        837      837
Countries              101        144        144        144      144

Notes: Standard errors are robust and clustered at the country
level (except for the between estimate). The [R.sup.2]s reflect
the power of the explanatory variables and year dummies (but not
the country fixed effects). Coefficients on constants not reported.

***, **, and * indicate statistical significance at 1%, 5%, and
10%, respectively.


Instrumental Variable Results

Dependent Variable: Ln Road Deaths

                              Oil Reserves per       Ln Real-World
                              Capita ('000 tons)       Oil Price

Instruments                   2010      Pooled     Pooled    Effects
Specification                 (1)        (2)        (3)        (4)

Ln gasoline price           -.31 ***   -.24 ***   -.51 ***   -.39 **
                             (.07)      (.06)      (.12)      (.16)
Ln GDP                        .00      .16 ***     .14 **    .46 ***
                             (.07)      (.04)      (.06)      (.12)
Ln population               .98 ***    .79 ***    .92 ***      .02
                             (.07)      (.04)      (.08)      (.39)
Year fixed effects             No        Yes         No        No
Country-specific time          No         No        Yes        Yes
[R.sup.2]                     .87        .86        .95        .58
First stage
  Coefficient on oil        .-49 ***   .-33 ***      --        --
    reserves per capita
  Coefficient on Ln real-      --         --       29 ***    24 ***
    world oil price
  Partial [R.sup.2] on        .23        .13        .15        .13
  F statistic on             12.31      12.71      108.75     59.05
Robust endogeneity test       .45        .50        .04        .06
  p value
Sargan overidentification      --         --         --        --
  test p value
Observations                  101        837        837        830
Countries                     101        144        144        137

Dependent Variable: Ln Road Deaths

                              Both           Both

                                       Pooled, with Full
                                        Set of Controls
Instruments                  Pooled      from Table 4
Specification                 (5)             (6)

Ln gasoline price           -.46 ***       -.91 ***
                             (.08)           (.20)
Ln GDP                       .14 **           .00
                             (.06)           (.09)
Ln population                92 ***        1.00 ***
                             (.08)           (.10)
Year fixed effects             No             No
Country-specific time         Yes             Yes
[R.sup.2]                     .95             .99
First stage
  Coefficient on oil        -.69 ***       .-79 ***
    reserves per capita
  Coefficient on Ln real-    28 ***         13 ***
    world oil price
  Partial [R.sup.2] on        .26             .19
  F statistic on             59.79           14.41
Robust endogeneity test       .00             .00
  p value
Sargan overidentification     .35             .36
  test p value
Observations                  837             408
Countries                     144             91

Notes: Standard errors are robust and clustered at the country
level. The [R.sup.2]s reflect the power of the explanatory
variables (except country fixed effects). Coefficients on constants
and the additional controls in Column 6 are not reported. The
instrumented variable is the log gasoline price. The null of weak
instruments is rejected if the F statistic on the instruments
exceeds the Stock-Yogo critical value. The Stock-Yogo 5% critical
value for 10% (15%) maximal IV size is 16.38 (8.96) with one
instrument and 19.93 (11.59) with two instruments. The
overidentification test is for specifications with robust but
unclustered standard errors. Column 4 drops seven singletons.

***, **, and * indicate statistical significance at 1%, 5%, and
10%, respectively.


Distributed Lag Results

Dependent Variable: Ln Road Deaths

                                         (1)        (2)        (3)

Ln gasoline [price.sub.t-1]             -.04        .02        .13
                                        (.08)      (.07)      (.08)
Ln gasoline [price.sub.t-3]                        -.12      -.23 *
                                                   (.12)      (.13)
Ln gasoline [price.sub.t-5]                                 -.19 ***
Ln gasoline [price.sub.t-7]

Ln gasoline [price.sub.t-9]

Ln [GDP.sub.t]                          .28 *      .31 *     37 ***
                                        (.16)      (.17)      (.11)
Ln [population.sub.t]                  1.19 **    1.11 *       .42
                                        (.48)      (.61)      (.64)
Country fixed effects                    Yes        Yes        Yes
Year fixed effects                       Yes        Yes        Yes
Long-run gasoline price elasticity      -.04       -.10      -.29 **
Same elasticity: pooled OLS estimate  -.31 ***   -.35 ***   -.39 ***
Same elasticity: between estimate     -.27 ***   -.29 ***   -.40 ***
Same elasticity: estimate with          -.06       -.12      -.35 **
  country-specific time trends (as
  well as country fixed effects)
[R.sup.2]                                .15        .14        .14
Observations                             762        569        442
Years                                 1992-2009  1994-2009  1996-2009
Countries                                149        145        140

Dependent Variable: Ln Road Deaths

                                         (4)        (5)

Ln gasoline [price.sub.t-1]              .05       -.06
                                        (.09)      (.17)
Ln gasoline [price.sub.t-3]             -.04        .17
                                        (.12)      (.19)
Ln gasoline [price.sub.t-5]             -.17      -.34 *
                                        (.11)      (.19)
Ln gasoline [price.sub.t-7]            -.20 **    -.34 **
                                        (.09)      (.17)
Ln gasoline [price.sub.t-9]                        -.06
Ln [GDP.sub.t]                         .53 **      .71 *
                                        (.26)      (.40)
Ln [population.sub.t]                    .19        .26
                                        (.85)      (.94)
Country fixed effects                    Yes        Yes
Year fixed effects                       Yes        Yes
Long-run gasoline price elasticity     -.36 *     -.63 *
Same elasticity: pooled OLS estimate  -.47 ***   -.57 ***
Same elasticity: between estimate     -.37 ***   -.59 ***
Same elasticity: estimate with         -.58 **    -.96 **
  country-specific time trends (as
  well as country fixed effects)
[R.sup.2]                                .12        .16
Observations                             336        237
Years                                 2005-2009  2007-2009
Countries                                133        129

Notes: Standard errors are robust and clustered at the country
level. The [R.sup.2]s reflect the power of the explanatory
variables and year dummies (but not the country fixed effects).
Coefficients on constants not reported.

***, **, and * indicate statistical significance at 1%, 5%, and
10%, respectively.


Results with Additional Controls

Dependent Variable: Ln Road Deaths. Estimator: Between

                                          (1)        (2)        (3)

Ln average gasoline and diesel price    -.31 ***   -.41 ***
                                          (08)      (.13)
Ln gasoline price                                             -.45 ***
Ln GDP                                   23 ***      .23        .21
                                         (.04)      (.15)      (.15)
Ln population                            22 ***    .67 ***     71 ***
                                         (.05)      (.13)      (.13)
Ln land area                                         .05        .05
                                                    (.05)      (.05)
Ln road distance                                     .04        .04
                                                    (.10)      (.10)
Paved road share (%)                                 .00        .00
                                                    (.00)      (.00)
Ln motor vehicle stock (4+ wheels)                   .11        .09
                                                    (.12)      (.12)
Ln motorcycle stock                                  -.02       -.02
                                                    (.04)      (.04)
Rail share of energy used in                         .01        .01
  transport (%)                                     (.01)      (.01)
Ln air passengers                                   -.11 *     -.11 *
                                                    (.07)      (.06)
Population aged 15-24 (%)                            .03        .04
                                                    (.03)      (.03)
Urban population (%)                                 -.00       -.00
                                                    (.00)      (.00)
Ln alcohol consumption per adult                    .11 **     .11 **
                                                    (.05)      (.05)
Blood alcohol limit for drivers in                   1.11       1.22
                                                    (2.25)     (2.24)
Maximum speed in urban areas in 2011               .01 ***     .01 **
                                                    (.00)      (.00)
Rule of law score                                   40 **      .40 **
                                                    (.20)      (.20)
Control of corruption score                        -.36 **    -.37 **
                                                    (.17)      (.17)
Economic growth rate (%)                           -.02 **    -.02 **
                                                    (.01)      (.01)
Ln infant mortality rate                             .02        -.02
                                                    (.14)      (.14)
[R.sup.2]                                 .88        .95        .95
Observations                              832        408        408
Countries                                 144         91         91

Notes: Coefficients on constants not reported. Log alcohol
consumption per adult is lagged 1 year to increase sample size.
***, **, and * indicate statistical significance at 1%, 5%, and
10%, respectively.


Estimates for Road Deaths per 100,000 Population

Dependent Variable: Ln Road Deaths per 100,000 Population. Estimator:

Sample                       Full (1)   Full (2)   Full (3)   Full (4)

Ln gasoline price            -.30 ***   -.24 ***   1.26 ***     -.80
                              (.08)      (.08)      (.45)      (.69)
Ln GDP per capita            .26 ***    2.88 ***   .29 ***      .02
                              (.04)      (.49)      (.04)      (.34)
Ln population density        -.09 ***   -.07 **    -.09 ***   -.09 ***
                              (.03)      (.03)      (.03)      (.03)
[(Ln GDP per capita).                   -.15 ***
  sup.2]                                 (.03)
[(Ln gasoline price).                              -.22 ***
  sup.2]                                            (.06)
Ln gasoline price * Ln GDP                                      .05
  per capita                                                   (.08)
GDP per capita at turning       --       12,828       --         --
  point ($)

Estimated gasoline price elasticity for xth-percentile gasoline price
  25th                          --         --      -.52 ***      --
  50th                          --         --      -.70 ***      --
  75th                          --         --      -.83 ***      --
[R.sup.2]                      .29        .41        .35        .30
Observations                   837        837        837        837
Countries                      144        144        144        144

Dependent Variable: Ln Road Deaths per 100,000 Population. Estimator:

                                                   Full, with
                                        Non-OECD    Regional
Sample                       OECD (5)     (6)      Dummies (7)

Ln gasoline price             -.47 *     -.17 *     -.28 ***
                              (.24)      (.10)        (.09)
Ln GDP per capita              -.09     .39 ***      .20 ***
                              (.15)      (.06)        (.06)
Ln population density          .06      -.15 ***     -.09 **
                              (.05)      (.04)        (.04)
[(Ln GDP per capita).
[(Ln gasoline price).
Ln gasoline price * Ln GDP
  per capita
GDP per capita at turning       --         --          --
  point ($)

Estimated gasoline price elasticity for xth-percentile gasoline price
  25th                          --         --          --
  50th                          --         --          --
  75th                          --         --          --
[R.sup.2]                      .16        .39          .33
Observations                   270        567          837
Countries                       34        110          144

Notes: Coefficients on constants not reported. The OECD subsample
includes all 34 current member countries. The regional dummies are
based on the seven World Bank (2013a) regions. Year dummies are not
included because the between estimator is being employed.

***, **, and * indicate statistical significance at 1%, 5%, and
10%, respectively.


Negative Binomial Models

Dependent Variable: Road Deaths per 100,000 Population

                                               Pooled,      Pooled,
                                              with Full       with
                          2010      Pooled      Set of      Country
Sample                    (1)        (2)       Controls      Fixed
                                              from Table    Effects
                                                4 (3)         (4)

Ln gasoline price       -.42 ***   -.25 ***    -.29 ***     -.17 ***
                         (.09)      (.07)       (.11)        (.06)
Ln GDP per capita       2.79 ***   2.43 ***    2.21 ***     2.55 **
                         (.67)      (.45)       (.61)        (.99)
Ln population density   -.08 **    -.08 ***      -.13         .19
                         (.04)      (.03)       (.10)        (.21)
[(Ln GDP per capita).   -.16 ***   -.13 ***    -.17 ***     -.12 **
  sup.2]                 (.04)      (.03)       (.04)        (.05)
Year fixed effects         No        Yes         Yes          Yes
GDP per capita at        7,206      11,289      9,629        30,372
  turning point ($)
Observations              101        837         408          830
Countries                 101        144          91          137

Notes: Standard errors are robust and clustered at the country
level. Column 4 results have been obtained by including country
dummies in a negative binomial estimation. Coefficients on
constants not reported.

***, **, and * indicate statistical significance at 1%, 5%, and
10%, respectively.


Gasoline-Subsidizing Countries: Estimated Road Deaths Avoided if
Gasoline Price Were Equal to the Level in the United States (76
Cents per Liter, 2010)

(1)                      (2)         (3)          (4)          (5)

                                     Road                      Road
                       Gasoline   Deaths per                Deaths if
                         Pump      100,000        Road       Gasoline
                        Price     Population     Deaths     Price Were
                        (U.S.        (WHO         (WHO       76 U.S.
Country                 Cents)      2013b)       2013b)       Cents

Venezuela                 2           37         10,791       >5,000
Iran                      10          34         25,224       10,600
Saudi Arabia              16          25         6,800        2,700
Libya                     17         n.a.         n.a.         584
Qatar                     19          14          247          158
Bahrain                   21          11          132          103
Turkmenistan              22         n.a.         n.a.         382
Kuwait                    23          17          452          202
Oman                      31          30          845          144
Algeria                   32         n.a.         n.a.        1,700
Yemen                     35          24         5,698        1,000
Brunei Darussalam         39          7            27           15
Nigeria                   44          34         53,339       4,200
United Arab Emirates      47          13          956          210
Egypt                     48          13         10,729       1,800
Indonesia                 51          18         42.434       4,500
Ecuador                   53          27         3,911         259
Malaysia                  59          25         7,085         345
Sudan                     62          25         10,935        331
Angola                    65          23         4,407         141
Bolivia                   70          19         1,910          38
Kazakhstan                71          22         3,514          51
Azerbaijan                75          13         1,202          6
Sum for 23 countries                                         ~35,000

Notes: Countries are ordered by Column 2 value. Column 5 estimates
use a gasoline price elasticity of road deaths of -0.4 and are
rounded to the nearest hundred if >1,000. Estimates are capped at
">5,000" for Venezuela, given the imprecision associated with
estimates using such large price changes. Regression estimates use
IRF reported road death data rather than the WHO death estimates.
The WHO data are their estimates and are shown because they provide
superior country coverage in 2010 (only).