"A diamond is forever" and other fairy tales: the relationship between wedding expenses and marriage duration.
Francis-Tan, Andrew ; Mialon, Hugo M.
APPENDIX TABLE A1 Hazard Model Predicting Marital Dissolution as a Function of Wedding Expenses, No Population Weights Bivariate Model All Persons Age (in years) 0.977 *** (0.004) Marriage age 0.922 *** (0.008) (in years) Female 0.884 ** (0.055) Race/ethnicity White 1.000 (ref.) Black 1.263 ** (0.134) Hispanic 1.387 ** (0.182) Other 1.002 (0.129) Education High school or less 1.000 (ref.) Some college 1.098 (0.107) 2-year college degree 0.898 (0.104) 4-year college degree 0.721 *** (0.071) Graduate-level degree 0.537 *** (0.071) Employment Employed full-time 1.000 (ref.) Employed part-time 1.360 *** (0.111) Other 1.051 (0.077) Household income $0 to $24,999 1.000 (ref.) $25,000 to $49,999 0.633 *** (0.051) $50,000 to $74,999 0.423 *** (0.039) $75,000 to $99,999 0.282 *** (0.035) $100,000 to $124,999 0.302 *** (0.046) $125,000 or more 0.293 *** (0.052) Don't know 0.428 *** (0.102) Region of residence West 1.000 (ref.) South 1.043 (0.084) Midwest 0.919 (0.087) Northeast 0.849 (0.089) Religious attendance Never 1.000 (ref.) Sometimes 0.830 *** (0.055) Regularly 0.414 *** (0.042) Respondent-spouse Age difference (in years) 0.998 (0.007) differences Race difference 1.352 *** (0.105) Education difference 1.263 *** (0.081) Children with spouse No children 1.000 (ref.) First child in wedlock 0.263 *** (0.018) First out of wedlock 0.521 *** (0.059) Knew spouse very 0.577 *** (0.037) well Length of time dated Less than 1 year 1.000 (ref.) before proposal 1-2 years 0.835 *** (0.058) 3 or more years 0.586 *** (0.048) Feelings and Partner wealth important 1.427 ** (0.197) attitudes at time Partner looks important 1.204 *** (0.085) of proposal Had a honeymoon 0.653 *** (0.041) Proposer's No ring 1.227 ** (0.102) engagement ring $0 to $500 1.084 (0.122) expenses (in real $500 to $2,000 1.000 (ref.) dollars) $2,000 to $4,000 0.928 (0.097) $4,000 to $8,000 0.781 ** (0.094) $8,000 or more 0.695 * (0.136) Don't know 1.011 (0.130) Wedding attendance Only couple 1.000 (ref.) 1-10 0.877 (0.093) 11-50 0.651 *** (0.068) 51-100 0.544 *** (0.060) 101-200 0.358 *** (0.046) 200 or more 0.390 *** (0.070) Total wedding $0 to $1,000 1.472 *** (0.144) expenses (in real $1,000 to $5,000 1.277 ** (0.124) dollars) $5,000 to $10,000 1.000 (ref.) $10,000 to $20,000 0.959 (0.114) $20,000 or more 0.891 (0.117) Don't know 1.067 (0.180) N 3,151 Multivariate Models All Persons Age (in years) 0.998 (0.004) Marriage age 0.912 *** (0.008) (in years) Female 0.847 ** (0.067) Race/ethnicity White 1.000 (ref.) Black 1.023 (0.119) Hispanic 0.827 (0.119) Other 0.898 (0.123) Education High school or less 1.000 (ref.) Some college 1.144 (0.115) 2-year college degree 0.971 (0.118) 4-year college degree 0.880 (0.094) Graduate-level degree 0.897 (0.126) Employment Employed full-time 1.000 (ref.) Employed part-time 1.004 (0.093) Other 0.843 ** (0.070) Household income $0 to $24,999 1.000 (ref.) $25,000 to $49,999 0.651 *** (0.058) $50,000 to $74,999 0.566 *** (0.060) $75,000 to $99,999 0.430 *** (0.059) $100,000 to $124,999 0.478 *** (0.074) $125,000 or more 0.452 *** (0.087) Don't know 0.473 *** (0.133) Region of residence West 1.000 (ref.) South 1.122 (0.095) Midwest 1.063 (0.105) Northeast 1.009 (0.112) Religious attendance Never 1.000 (ref.) Sometimes 1.001 (0.073) Regularly 0.630 *** (0.069) Respondent-spouse Age difference (in years) 1.026 *** (0.009) differences Race difference 1.163 * (0.103) Education difference 1.293 *** (0.090) Children with spouse No children 1.000 (ref.) First child in wedlock 0.252 *** (0.020) First out of wedlock 0.417 *** (0.051) Knew spouse very 0.621 *** (0.048) well Length of time dated Less than 1 year 1.000 (ref.) before proposal 1-2 years 0.956 (0.074) 3 or more years 0.813 ** (0.080) Feelings and Partner wealth important 1.215 (0.172) attitudes at time Partner looks important 1.327 *** (0.101) of proposal Had a honeymoon 0.915 (0.070) Proposer's No ring 1.115 (0.102) engagement ring $0 to $500 0.999 (0.121) expenses (in real $500 to $2,000 1.000 (ref.) dollars) $2,000 to $4,000 1.078 (0.112) $4,000 to $8,000 0.964 (0.118) $8,000 or more 0.730 (0.166) Don't know 1.252 (0.183) Wedding attendance Only couple 1.000 (ref.) 1-10 0.894 (0.104) 11-50 0.647 *** (0.086) 51-100 0.570 *** (0.084) 101-200 0.487 *** (0.081) 200 or more 0.549 *** (0.116) Total wedding $0 to $1,000 0.722 ** (0.095) expenses (in real $1,000 to $5,000 0.951 (0.099) dollars) $5,000 to $10,000 1.000 (ref.) $10,000 to $20,000 1.095 (0.134) $20,000 or more 1.372 ** (0.192) Don't know 0.735 * (0.135) N 3,151 Multivariate Models Men Only Age (in years) 0.988 * (0.006) Marriage age 0.902 *** (0.012) (in years) Female Race/ethnicity White 1.000 (ref.) Black 0.871 (0.160) Hispanic 0.849 (0.149) Other 0.914 (0.183) Education High school or less 1.000 (ref.) Some college 0.945 (0.135) 2-year college degree 0.732 * (0.137) 4-year college degree 0.682 ** (0.104) Graduate-level degree 0.511 (0.111) Employment Employed full-time 1.000 (ref.) Employed part-time 1.454 *** (0.210) Other 1.126 (0.150) Household income $0 to $24,999 1.000 (ref.) $25,000 to $49,999 0.709 ** (0.101) $50,000 to $74,999 0.673 ** (0.108) $75,000 to $99,999 0.475 *** (0.096) $100,000 to $124,999 0.608 ** (0.145) $125,000 or more 0.540 ** (0.146) Don't know 0.277 ** (0.141) Region of residence West 1.000 (ref.) South 1.024 (0.125) Midwest 1.084 (0.164) Northeast 0.905 (0.145) Religious attendance Never 1.000 (ref.) Sometimes 0.985 (0.108) Regularly 0.636 ** (0.113) Respondent-spouse Age difference (in years) 1.051 (0.018) differences Race difference 1.297 ** (0.165) Education difference 1.129 (0.111) Children with spouse No children 1.000 (ref.) First child in wedlock 0.223 *** (0.029) First out of wedlock 0.304 *** (0.066) Knew spouse very 0.665 *** (0.072) well Length of time dated Less than 1 year 1.000 (ref.) before proposal 1-2 years 0.793 * (0.095) 3 or more years 0.623 *** (0.090) Feelings and Partner wealth important 1.075 (0.203) attitudes at time Partner looks important 1.510 *** (0.152) of proposal Had a honeymoon 0.828 (0.099) Proposer's No ring 1.187 (0.172) engagement ring $0 to $500 0.972 (0.191) expenses (in real $500 to $2,000 1.000 (ref.) dollars) $2,000 to $4,000 1.301 * (0.181) $4,000 to $8,000 1.198 (0.192) $8,000 or more 0.850 (0.268) Don't know 1.996 *** (0.451) Wedding attendance Only couple 1.000 (ref.) 1-10 0.761 (0.151) 11-50 0.522 *** (0.107) 51-100 0.481 *** (0.109) 101-200 0.469 *** (0.115) 200 or more 0.471 ** (0.166) Total wedding $0 to $1,000 0.591 ** (0.123) expenses (in real $1,000 to $5,000 0.905 (0.138) dollars) $5,000 to $10,000 1.000 (ref.) $10,000 to $20,000 1.190 (0.201) $20,000 or more 1.300 (0.250) Don't know 0.732 (0.173) N 1,455 Multivariate Models Women Only Age (in years) 1.005 (0.005) Marriage age 0.914 *** (0.011) (in years) Female Race/ethnicity White 1.000 (ref.) Black 1.101 (0.174) Hispanic 0.871 (0.234) Other 0.858 (0.170) Education High school or less 1.000 (ref.) Some college 1.280 * (0.175) 2-year college degree 1.128 (0.184) 4-year college degree 1.027 (0.148) Graduate-level degree 1.266 (0.234) Employment Employed full-time 1.000 (ref.) Employed part-time 0.750 ** (0.088) Other 0.716 *** (0.074) Household income $0 to $24,999 1.000 (ref.) $25,000 to $49,999 0.630 *** (0.073) $50,000 to $74,999 0.520 *** (0.074) $75,000 to $99,999 0.416 *** (0.079) $100,000 to $124,999 0.424 *** (0.089) $125,000 or more 0.446 *** (0.120) Don't know 0.724 (0.237) Region of residence West 1.000 (ref.) South 1.345 ** (0.164) Midwest 1.158 (0.158) Northeast 1.260 (0.194) Religious attendance Never 1.000 (ref.) Sometimes 1.012 (0.102) Regularly 0.639 *** (0.090) Respondent-spouse Age difference (in years) 1.011 (0.010) differences Race difference 1.107 (0.141) Education difference 1.433 *** (0.145) Children with spouse No children 1.000 (ref.) First child in wedlock 0.282 *** (0.030) First out of wedlock 0.520 *** (0.083) Knew spouse very 0.581 *** (0.062) well Length of time dated Less than 1 year 1.000 (ref.) before proposal 1-2 years 1.074 (0.108) 3 or more years 1.028 (0.138) Feelings and Partner wealth important 1.361 (0.306) attitudes at time Partner looks important 1.055 (0.130) of proposal Had a honeymoon 0.943 (0.096) Proposer's No ring 1.094 (0.134) engagement ring $0 to $500 1.046 (0.169) expenses (in real $500 to $2,000 1.000 (ref.) dollars) $2,000 to $4,000 0.881 (0.140) $4,000 to $8,000 0.876 (0.170) $8,000 or more 0.744 (0.239) Don't know 1.156 (0.220) Wedding attendance Only couple 1.000 (ref.) 1-10 0.962 (0.139) 11-50 0.693 ** (0.124) 51-100 0.578 *** (0.116) 101-200 0.463 *** (0.107) 200 or more 0.539 ** (0.157) Total wedding $0 to $1,000 0.744 (0.137) expenses (in real $1,000 to $5,000 0.975 (0.148) dollars) $5,000 to $10,000 1.000 (ref.) $10,000 to $20,000 0.942 (0.172) $20,000 or more 1.500 * (0.323) Don't know 0.606 (0.199) N 1,696 Note: Hazard ratios are reported with standard errors in parentheses. * Significant at 10%; ** significant at 5%; *** significant at 1%. TABLE A2 Hazard Model Predicting Marital Dissolution as a Function of Wedding Expenses, Recently Married Subsample, No Population Weights All Persons Age (in years) 1.127 *** (0.042) Marriage age 0.792 *** (0.032) (in years) Female 0.501 *** (0.077) Race/ethnicity White 1.000 (ref.) Black 1.113 (0.198) Hispanic 0.837 (0.175) Education Other 0.990 (0.247) High school or less 1.000 (ref.) Some college 1.451 ** (0.259) 2-year college degree 0.956 (0.232) 4-year college degree 0.877 (0.178) Graduate-level degree 0.524 * (0.179) Employment Employed full-time 1.000 (ref.) Employed part-time 1.106 (0.163) Household income Other 1.015 (0.168) $0 to $24,999 1.000 (ref.) $25,000 to $49,999 0.703 ** (0.111) $50,000 to $74,999 0.525 *** (0.103) $75,000 to $99,999 0.512 *** (0.130) $100,000 to $124,999 0.486 ** (0.156) $125,000 or more 0.614 (0.293) Don't know 0.821 (0.303) Region of residence West 1.000 (ref.) South 1.174 (0.182) Midwest 1.384 * (0.256) Northeast 1.499 ** (0.276) Religious attendance Never 1.000 (ref.) Sometimes 1.049 (0.136) Regularly 0.530 ** (0.133) Respondent-spouse Age difference (in years) 1.043 *** (0.016) differences Race difference 1.089 (0.160) Education difference 1.529 *** (0.189) Children with spouse No children 1.000 (ref.) First child in wedlock 0.198 *** (0.043) First out of wedlock 0.344 *** (0.086) Knew spouse very 0.512 *** (0.065) well Length of time dated Less than 1 year 1.000 (ref.) before proposal 1 -2 years 0.863 (0.122) 3 or more years 0.684 ** (0.119) Feelings and Partner wealth important 1.040 (0.193) attitudes at time Partner looks important 1.568 *** (0.192) of proposal Had a honeymoon 0.599 *** (0.080) Proposer's No ring 1.077 (0.190) engagement ring $0 to $500 1.132 (0.225) expenses (in real $500 to $2,000 1.000 (ref.) dollars) $2,000 to $4,000 1.432 ** (0.255) $4,000 to $8,000 1.210 (0.273) $8,000 or more 1.003 (0.591) Don't know 1.788 ** (0.426) Wedding attendance Only couple 1.000 (ref.) 1-10 0.700 * (0.142) 11-50 0.397 *** (0.090) 51-100 0.341 *** (0.088) 101-200 0.197 *** (0.067) 200 or more 0.113 *** (0.054) Total wedding $0 to $1,000 0.582 ** (0.156) expenses (in real $1,000 to $5,000 1.059 (0.222) dollars) $5,000 to $10,000 1.000 (ref.) $10,000 to $20,000 1.473 * (0.303) $20,000 or more 1.651 ** (0.384) Don't know 0.559 * (0.194) N 1,627 Men Only Age (in years) 1.122 ** (0.055) Marriage age 0.775 *** (0.041) (in years) Female Race/ethnicity White 1.000 (ref.) Black 0.951 (0.204) Hispanic 0.780 (0.212) Education Other 1.030 (0.296) High school or less 1.000 (ref.) Some college 1.024 (0.221) 2-year college degree 0.640 (0.205) 4-year college degree 0.599 ** (0.142) Graduate-level degree 0.232 *** (0.124) Employment Employed full-time 1.000 (ref.) Employed part-time 1.262 (0.234) Household income Other 1.311 (0.277) $0 to $24,999 1.000 (ref.) $25,000 to $49,999 0.647 ** (0.127) $50,000 to $74,999 0.531 *** (0.127) $75,000 to $99,999 0.614 * (0.181) $100,000 to $124,999 0.540 (0.225) $125,000 or more 0.622 (0.315) Don't know 0.747 (0.382) Region of residence West 1.000 (ref.) South 1.115 (0.205) Midwest 1.523 * (0.363) Northeast 1.405 (0.314) Religious attendance Never 1.000 (ref.) Sometimes 0.868 (0.143) Regularly 0.459 ** (0.150) Respondent-spouse Age difference (in years) 1.026 (0.030) differences Race difference 0.995 (0.187) Education difference 1.292 * (0.193) Children with spouse No children 1.000 (ref.) First child in wedlock 0.186 *** (0.056) First out of wedlock 0.362 *** (0.120) Knew spouse very 0.464 *** (0.074) well Length of time dated Less than 1 year 1.000 (ref.) before proposal 1 -2 years 0.923 (0.169) 3 or more years 0.739 (0.153) Feelings and Partner wealth important 0.887 (0.194) attitudes at time Partner looks important 1.699 *** (0.255) of proposal Had a honeymoon 0.657 ** (0.116) Proposer's No ring 0.989 (0.228) engagement ring $0 to $500 1.038 (0.265) expenses (in real $500 to $2,000 1.000 (ref.) dollars) $2,000 to $4,000 1.464 * (0.315) $4,000 to $8,000 1.500 (0.384) $8,000 or more 1.259 (0.804) Don't know 2.200 ** (0.885) Wedding attendance Only couple 1.000 (ref.) 1-10 0.888 (0.255) 11-50 0.505 ** (0.141) 51-100 0.427 *** (0.139) 101-200 0.238 *** (0.105) 200 or more 0.133 *** (0.072) Total wedding $0 to $1,000 0.686 (0.238) expenses (in real $1,000 to $5,000 1.052 (0.293) dollars) $5,000 to $10,000 1.000 (ref.) $10,000 to $20,000 1.345 (0.339) $20,000 or more 1.231 (0.341) Don't know 0.510 (0.233) N 870 Women Only Age (in years) 1.244 *** (0.084) Marriage age 0.739 *** (0.054) (in years) Female Race/ethnicity White 1.000 (ref.) Black 1.144 (0.410) Hispanic 0.773 (0.351) Education Other 0.623 (0.324) High school or less 1.000 (ref.) Some college 3.338 *** (1.429) 2-year college degree 2.240 (1.109) 4-year college degree 1.955 (0.839) Graduate-level degree 1.674 (0.855) Employment Employed full-time 1.000 (ref.) Employed part-time 0.782 (0.231) Household income Other 0.662 (0.174) $0 to $24,999 1.000 (ref.) $25,000 to $49,999 0.834 (0.265) $50,000 to $74,999 0.587 (0.253) $75,000 to $99,999 0.259 ** (0.150) $100,000 to $124,999 0.365 ** (0.185) $125,000 or more 0.680 (0.625) Don't know 0.905 (0.554) Region of residence West 1.000 (ref.) South 1.605 (0.578) Midwest 1.575 (0.562) Northeast 2.428 ** (0.956) Religious attendance Never 1.000 (ref.) Sometimes 1.370 (0.331) Regularly 0.609 (0.306) Respondent-spouse Age difference (in years) 1.081 *** (0.026) differences Race difference 1.345 (0.371) Education difference 1.908 ** (0.488) Children with spouse No children 1.000 (ref.) First child in wedlock 0.127 *** (0.051) First out of wedlock 0.265 *** (0.133) Knew spouse very 0.469 *** (0.110) well Length of time dated Less than 1 year 1.000 (ref.) before proposal 1 -2 years 0.660 * (0.163) 3 or more years 0.597 (0.199) Feelings and Partner wealth important 1.717 (0.662) attitudes at time Partner looks important 1.374 (0.407) of proposal Had a honeymoon 0.423 *** (0.111) Proposer's No ring 1.283 (0.441) engagement ring $0 to $500 1.434 (0.536) expenses (in real $500 to $2,000 1.000 (ref.) dollars) $2,000 to $4,000 1.477 (0.603) $4,000 to $8,000 0.979 (0.519) $8,000 or more 2.238 (2.584) Don't know 2.027 ** (0.671) Wedding attendance Only couple 1.000 (ref.) 1-10 0.483 ** (0.155) 11-50 0.181 *** (0.077) 51-100 0.142 *** (0.062) 101-200 0.079 *** (0.051) 200 or more 0.052 ** (0.069) Total wedding $0 to $1,000 0.260 *** (0.114) expenses (in real $1,000 to $5,000 0.805 (0.287) dollars) $5,000 to $10,000 1.000 (ref.) $10,000 to $20,000 1.474 (0.686) $20,000 or more 2.773 * (1.568) Don't know 0.442 (0.277) N 757 Note: Hazard ratios are reported with standard errors in parentheses. * Significant at 10%; ** significant at 5%; *** significant at 1%.
TABLE 1 Means for Sample of Ever-Married Persons Amazon mTurk Sample All Men Women Persons Only Only Marital status Married, never 0.68 0.70 0.67 divorced Ever divorced 0.32 0.30 0.33 Age (in years) 34.1 32.9 35.2 Marriage age 24.5 25.2 23.9 (in years) Female 0.54 0.00 1.00 Race/ethnicity White 0.78 0.77 0.79 Black 0.08 0.07 0.09 Hispanic 0.05 0.07 0.04 Other 0.08 0.09 0.07 Education High school or 0.11 0.10 0.12 less Some college 0.28 0.27 0.29 2-year college 0.11 0.10 0.12 degree 4-year college 0.37 0.39 0.35 degree Graduate-level 0.13 0.13 0.12 degree Employment Employed full-time 0.59 0.73 0.47 Employed part-time 0.17 0.13 0.20 Other 0.24 0.14 0.32 Household income $0 to $24,999 0.13 0.11 0.14 $25,000 to $49,999 0.32 0.30 0.34 $50,000 to $74,999 0.26 0.27 0.25 $75,000 to $99,999 0.13 0.15 0.11 $100,000 to 0.08 0.08 0.07 $124,999 $125,000 or more 0.05 0.06 0.05 Don't know 0.03 0.03 0.03 Region of West 0.22 0.22 0.22 residence South 0.40 0.39 0.41 Midwest 0.22 0.21 0.22 Northeast 0.17 0.18 0.15 Religious Never 0.49 0.52 0.46 attendance Sometimes 0.35 0.34 0.36 Regularly 0.16 0.14 0.18 Respondent-spouse Age difference -0.87 1.14 -2.59 differences (in years) Race difference 0.18 0.19 0.17 Education 0.59 0.55 0.63 difference Children with No children 0.50 0.57 0.44 spouse First child in 0.40 0.35 0.45 wedlock First out of 0.09 0.08 0.10 wedlock Marriage 6.2 5.3 6.9 duration (yrs) Knew spouse very 0.54 0.58 0.51 well Length of time Less than 1 year 0.30 0.27 0.33 dated before 1 -2 years 0.37 0.38 0.37 proposal 3 or more years 0.33 0.36 0.30 Feelings and Partner wealth 0.05 0.05 0.05 attitudes at important time of Partner looks 0.25 0.35 0.17 proposal important Had a honeymoon 0.66 0.72 0.60 Proposer's No ring 0.23 0.18 0.28 engagement ring expenses $0 to $500 0.12 0.11 0.13 (in real $500 to $2,000 0.25 0.29 0.22 dollars) $2,000 to $4,000 0.15 0.19 0.12 $4,000 to $8,000 0.10 0.13 0.08 $8,000 or more 0.04 0.05 0.03 Don't know 0.10 0.05 0.13 Wedding Only couple 0.11 0.09 0.12 attendance 1-10 0.18 0.13 0.21 11-50 0.27 0.29 0.25 51-100 0.23 0.27 0.20 101-200 0.16 0.16 0.15 200 or more 0.05 0.05 0.05 Total wedding $0 to $1,000 0.25 0.18 0.31 expenses (in $1,000 to $5,000 0.25 0.26 0.25 real dollars) $5,000 to $10,000 0.17 0.19 0.15 $10,000 to $20,000 0.16 0.18 0.14 $20,000 or more 0.11 0.13 0.10 Don't know 0.06 0.07 0.06 N 3,151 1,455 1,696 American Community Survey 2012 All Men Women Persons Only Only Marital status Married, never 0.65 0.66 0.63 divorced Ever divorced 0.35 0.34 0.37 Age (in years) 44.0 44.3 43.6 Marriage age 27.7 28.6 26.9 (in years) Female 0.52 0.00 1.00 Race/ethnicity White 0.67 0.67 0.67 Black 0.09 0.09 0.09 Hispanic 0.16 0.16 0.16 Other 0.08 0.08 0.08 Education High school or 0.37 0.40 0.34 less Some college 0.22 0.22 0.23 2-year college 0.09 0.08 0.10 degree 4-year college 0.20 0.19 0.21 degree Graduate-level 0.11 0.11 0.12 degree Employment Employed full-time 0.59 0.74 0.46 Employed part-time 0.16 0.09 0.22 Other 0.25 0.17 0.32 Household income $0 to $24,999 0.14 0.13 0.16 $25,000 to $49,999 0.19 0.19 0.20 $50,000 to $74,999 0.19 0.19 0.18 $75,000 to $99,999 0.15 0.15 0.14 $100,000 to 0.11 0.11 0.11 $124,999 $125,000 or more 0.21 0.22 0.20 Don't know 0.01 0.02 0.00 Region of West 0.23 0.23 0.23 residence South 0.38 0.38 0.38 Midwest 0.22 0.22 0.22 Northeast 0.17 0.17 0.17 Religious Never attendance Sometimes Regularly Respondent-spouse Age difference differences (in years) Race difference Education difference Children with No children spouse First child in wedlock First out of wedlock Marriage duration (yrs) Knew spouse very well Length of time Less than 1 year dated before 1 -2 years proposal 3 or more years Feelings and Partner wealth attitudes at important time of Partner looks proposal important Had a honeymoon Proposer's No ring engagement ring expenses $0 to $500 (in real $500 to $2,000 dollars) $2,000 to $4,000 $4,000 to $8,000 $8,000 or more Don't know Wedding Only couple attendance 1-10 11-50 51-100 101-200 200 or more Total wedding $0 to $1,000 expenses (in $1,000 to $5,000 real dollars) $5,000 to $10,000 $10,000 to $20,000 $20,000 or more Don't know N 1,130,004 534,202 595,802 TABLE 2 Hazard Model Predicting Marital Dissolution as a Function of Wedding Expenses, Population-Weighted Regressions Bivariate Model All Persons Age (in years) 0.976 *** (0.004) Mam age age (in years) 0.920 *** (0.009) Female 0.865 ** (0.058) Race/ethnicity White 1.000 (ref.) Black 1.278 ** (0.146) Hispanic 1.324 * (0.197) Other 0.913 (0.122) Education High school or less 1.000 (ref.) Some college 1.061 (0.115) 2-year college degree 0.894 (0.114) 4-year college degree 0.688 *** (0.075) Employment Graduate-level degree 0.520 *** (0.076) Employed full-time 1.000 (ref.) Employed part-time 1.360 *** (0.124) Other 1.101 (0.086) Household income $0 to $24,999 1.000 (ref.) $25,000 to $49,999 0.627 *** (0.054) $50,000 to $74,999 0.432 *** (0.044) $75,000 to $99,999 0.301 *** (0.042) $100,000 to $124,999 0.352 *** (0.058) $125,000 or more 0.238 *** (0.045) Don't know 0.415 *** (0.105) Region of residence West 1.000 (ref.) South 1.062 (0.093) Midwest 0.916 (0.092) Religious attendance Northeast 0.912 (0.105) Never 1.000 (ref.) Sometimes 0.847 ** (0.061) Regularly 0.428 *** (0.045) Respondent-spouse Age difference 0.994 (0.007) differences (in years) Race difference 1.343 *** (0.114) Education difference 1.227 *** (0.086) Children with spouse No children 1.000 (ref.) First child in wedlock 0.284 *** (0.021) First out of wedlock 0.554 *** (0.074) Knew spouse very well 0.505 *** (0.035) Length of time dated Less than 1 year 1.000 (ref.) before proposal 1 -2 years 0.788 *** (0.059) 3 or more years 0.518 *** (0.046) Feelings and attitudes Partner wealth 1.557 *** (0.218) at time of proposal important Had a honeymoon Partner looks important 1.232 *** (0.092) 0.642 *** (0.043) Proposer's engagement No ring 1.266 *** (0.111) ring expenses $0 to $500 1.074 (0.137) (in real dollars) $500 to $2,000 1.000 (ref.) $2,000 to $4,000 0.935 (0.103) $4,000 to $8,000 0.791 * (0.105) $8,000 or more 0.655 ** (0.132) Wedding attendance Don't know 0.982 (0.132) Only couple 1.000 (ref.) 1-10 0.847 (0.096) 11 -50 0.678 *** (0.078) 51-100 0.532 *** (0.062) 101-200 0.327 *** (0.044) 200 or more 0.372 *** (0.068) Total wedding expenses $0 to $1,000 1.367 *** (0.148) (in real dollars) $1,000 to $5,000 1.212 * (0.127) $5,000 to $10,000 1.000 (ref.) $10,000 to $20,000 0.896 (0.116) $20,000 or more 0.811 (0.115) Don't know 0.952 (0.170) N 3,151 Multivariate Models All Persons Age (in years) 1.001 (0.004) Mam age age (in years) 0.912 *** (0.009) Female 0.822 ** (0.069) Race/ethnicity White 1.000 (ref.) Black 1.011 (0.119) Hispanic 0.789 (0.119) Other 0.825 (0.118) Education High school or less 1.000 (ref.) Some college 1.202 * (0.129) 2-year college degree 1.019 (0.133) 4-year college degree 0.907 (0.101) Employment Graduate-level degree 0.938 (0.136) Employed full-time 1.000 (ref.) Employed part-time 1.020 (0.101) Other 0.867 * (0.074) Household income $0 to $24,999 1.000 (ref.) $25,000 to $49,999 0.644 *** (0.059) $50,000 to $74,999 0.587 *** (0.069) $75,000 to $99,999 0.455 *** (0.068) $100,000 to $124,999 0.547 *** (0.090) $125,000 or more 0.390 *** (0.080) Don't know 0.495 ** (0.142) Region of residence West 1.000 (ref.) South 1.132 (0.101) Midwest 1.035 (0.106) Religious attendance Northeast 1.056 (0.126) Never 1.000 (ref.) Sometimes 1.006 (0.079) Regularly 0.625 *** (0.071) Respondent-spouse Age difference 1.022 *** (0.009) differences (in years) Race difference 1.180 * (0.110) Education difference 1.248 *** (0.091) Children with spouse No children 1.000 (ref.) First child in wedlock 0.261 *** (0.023) First out of wedlock 0.446 *** (0.061) Knew spouse very well 0.564 *** (0.044) Length of time dated Less than 1 year 1.000 (ref.) before proposal 1 -2 years 0.915 (0.074) 3 or more years 0.764 *** (0.077) Feelings and attitudes Partner wealth 1.338 * (0.208) at time of proposal important Had a honeymoon Partner looks important 1.294 *** (0.102) 0.870 * (0.069) Proposer's engagement No ring 1.113 (0.107) ring expenses $0 to $500 1.059 (0.136) (in real dollars) $500 to $2,000 1.000 (ref.) $2,000 to $4,000 1.099 (0.119) $4,000 to $8,000 0.976 (0.126) $8,000 or more 0.718 (0.169) Wedding attendance Don't know 1.206 (0.180) Only couple 1.000 (ref.) 1-10 0.824 (0.101) 11 -50 0.646 *** (0.089) 51-100 0.520 *** (0.079) 101-200 0.422 *** (0.072) 200 or more 0.480 *** (0.104) Total wedding expenses $0 to $1,000 0.642 *** (0.088) (in real dollars) $1,000 to $5,000 0.853 (0.094) $5,000 to $10,000 1.000 (ref.) $10,000 to $20,000 1.049 (0.136) $20,000 or more 1.323 * (0.200) Don't know 0.663 ** (0.126) N 3,151 Multivariate Models Men Only Age (in years) 0.992 (0.006) Mam age age (in years) 0.892 *** (0.013) Female Race/ethnicity White 1.000 (ref.) Black 0.908 (0.166) Hispanic 0.834 (0.163) Other 0.914 (0.189) Education High school or less 1.000 (ref.) Some college 1.010 (0.154) 2-year college degree 0.727 * (0.141) 4-year college degree 0.694 ** (0.111) Employment Graduate-level degree 0.572 *** (0.124) Employed full-time 1.000 (ref.) Employed part-time 1.465 *** (0.211) Other 1.181 (0.162) Household income $0 to $24,999 1.000 (ref.) $25,000 to $49,999 0.698 ** (0.101) $50,000 to $74,999 0.710 ** (0.118) $75,000 to $99,999 0.546 *** (0.122) $100,000 to $124,999 0.656 * (0.162) $125,000 or more 0.497 ** (0.138) Don't know 0.337 ** (0.179) Region of residence West 1.000 (ref.) South 1.014 (0.134) Midwest 1.049 (0.167) Religious attendance Northeast 0.938 (0.158) Never 1.000 (ref.) Sometimes 0.954 (0.110) Regularly 0.587 *** (0.110) Respondent-spouse Age difference 1.041 ** (0.017) differences (in years) Race difference 1.262 * (0.169) Education difference 1.130 (0.114) Children with spouse No children 1.000 (ref.) First child in wedlock 0.228 *** (0.033) First out of wedlock 0.294 *** (0.066) Knew spouse very well 0.609 *** (0.069) Length of time dated Less than 1 year 1.000 (ref.) before proposal 1 -2 years 0.784 * (0.099) 3 or more years 0.576 *** (0.087) Feelings and attitudes Partner wealth 1.122 (0.234) at time of proposal important Had a honeymoon Partner looks important 1.485 *** (0.158) 0.780 ** (0.096) Proposer's engagement No ring 1.172 (0.185) ring expenses $0 to $500 0.968 (0.192) (in real dollars) $500 to $2,000 1.000 (ref.) $2,000 to $4,000 1.334 ** (0.194) $4,000 to $8,000 1.193 (0.195) $8,000 or more 0.884 (0.296) Wedding attendance Don't know 1.941 *** (0.466) Only couple 1.000 (ref.) 1-10 0.728 (0.145) 11 -50 0.535 *** (0.112) 51-100 0.454 *** (0.105) 101-200 0.411 *** (0.104) 200 or more 0.428 ** (0.151) Total wedding expenses $0 to $1,000 0.492 *** (0.107) (in real dollars) $1,000 to $5,000 0.782 (0.127) $5,000 to $10,000 1.000 (ref.) $10,000 to $20,000 1.067 (0.188) $20,000 or more 1.122 (0.235) Don't know 0.640 * (0.164) N 1,455 Multivariate Models Women Only Age (in years) 1.006 (0.005) Mam age age (in years) 0.921 *** (0.013) Female Race/ethnicity White 1.000 (ref.) Black 1.019 (0.164) Hispanic 0.786 (0.204) Other 0.728 (0.150) Education High school or less 1.000 (ref.) Some college 1.325 * (0.202) 2-year college degree 1.224 (0.219) 4-year college degree 1.069 (0.163) Employment Graduate-level degree 1.242 (0.243) Employed full-time 1.000 (ref.) Employed part-time 0.763 ** (0.098) Other 0.718 *** (0.077) Household income $0 to $24,999 1.000 (ref.) $25,000 to $49,999 0.614 *** (0.073) $50,000 to $74,999 0.534 *** (0.087) $75,000 to $99,999 0.407 *** (0.079) $100,000 to $124,999 0.505 *** (0.106) $125,000 or more 0.339 *** (0.100) Don't know 0.728 (0.239) Region of residence West 1.000 (ref.) South 1.406 *** (0.179) Midwest 1.130 (0.162) Religious attendance Northeast 1.347 * (0.223) Never 1.000 (ref.) Sometimes 1.049 (0.119) Regularly 0.652 *** (0.096) Respondent-spouse Age difference 1.014 (0.010) differences (in years) Race difference 1.124 (0.158) Education difference 1.331 *** (0.140) Children with spouse No children 1.000 (ref.) First child in wedlock 0.290 *** (0.034) First out of wedlock 0.592 *** (0.110) Knew spouse very well 0.517 *** (0.057) Length of time dated Less than 1 year 1.000 (ref.) before proposal 1 -2 years 0.997 (0.107) 3 or more years 0.980 (0.135) Feelings and attitudes Partner wealth 1.570 * (0.364) at time of proposal important Had a honeymoon Partner looks important 0.993 (0.124) 0.900 (0.095) Proposer's engagement No ring 1.092 (0.139) ring expenses $0 to $500 1.151 (0.204) (in real dollars) $500 to $2,000 1.000 (ref.) $2,000 to $4,000 0.880 (0.144) $4,000 to $8,000 0.892 (0.184) $8,000 or more 0.690 (0.230) Wedding attendance Don't know 1.104 (0.214) Only couple 1.000 (ref.) 1-10 0.884 (0.140) 11 -50 0.690 * (0.131) 51-100 0.534 *** (0.112) 101-200 0.414 *** (0.099) 200 or more 0.478 ** (0.147) Total wedding expenses $0 to $1,000 0.697 * (0.131) (in real dollars) $1,000 to $5,000 0.913 (0.143) $5,000 to $10,000 1.000 (ref.) $10,000 to $20,000 0.970 (0.189) $20,000 or more 1.595 ** (0.358) Don't know 0.570 * (0.186) N 1,696 Note: Hazard ratios are reported with standard errors in parentheses. * Significant at 10%; ** significant at 5%; *** significant at 1%. TABLE 3 Hazard Model Predicting Marital Dissolution, Recently Married Subsample, Population-Weighted Regressions All Persons Age (in years) 1.190 *** (0.048) Marriage age 0.751 *** (0.032) (in years) Female 0.485 *** (0.079) Race/ethnicity White 1.000 (ref.) Black 1.101 (0.211) Hispanic 0.789 (0.191) Other 0.859 (0.233) Education High school or less 1.000 (ref.) Some college 1.575 ** (0.304) 2-year college degree 1.146 (0.310) 4-year college degree 0.934 (0.199) Graduate-level degree 0.668 (0.218) Employment Employed full-time 1.000 (ref.) Employed part-time 1.216 (0.206) Other 1.152 (0.210) Household income $0 to $24,999 1.000 (ref.) $25,000 to $49,999 0.685 ** (0.117) $50,000 to $74,999 0.616 ** (0.142) $75,000 to $99,999 0.609 (0.186) $100,000 to $124,999 0.577 (0.207) $125,000 or more 0.489 (0.252) Don't know 0.886 (0.352) Region of residence West 1.000 (ref.) South 1.105 (0.188) Midwest 1.244 (0.240) Northeast 1.587 ** (0.326) Religious attendance Never 1.000 (ref.) Sometimes 1.105 (0.161) Regularly 0.539 ** (0.148) Respondent-spouse Age difference (in years) 1.034 ** (0.015) differences Race difference 1.111 (0.181) Education difference 1.437 *** (0.189) Children with spouse No children 1.000 (ref.) First child in wedlock 0.231 *** (0.059) First out of wedlock 0.409 *** (0.114) Knew spouse very 0.449 *** (0.061) well Length of time dated Less than 1 year 1.000 (ref.) before proposal 1 -2 years 0.791 (0.119) 3 or more years 0.602 *** (0.109) Feelings and Partner wealth important 1.190 (0.244) attitudes at time Partner looks important 1.410 ** (0.190) of proposal Had a honeymoon 0.588 *** (0.083) Proposer's No ring 1.243 (0.258) engagement ring $0 to $500 1.359 (0.303) expenses (in real $500 to $2,000 1.000 (ref.) dollars) $2,000 to $4,000 1.550 ** (0.294) $4,000 to $8,000 1.241 (0.302) $8,000 or more 0.897 (0.540) Don't know 1.690 ** (0.438) Wedding attendance Only couple 1.000 (ref.) 1-10 0.647 ** (0.140) 11-50 0.436 *** (0.105) 51-100 0.306 *** (0.081) 101-200 0.153 *** (0.055) 200 or more 0.080 *** (0.041) Total wedding $0 to $1,000 0.462 *** (0.126) expenses (in real $1,000 to $5,000 0.810 (0.180) dollars) $5,000 to $10,000 1.000 (ref.) $10,000 to $20,000 1.290 (0.292) $20,000 or more 1.467 (0.379) Don't know 0.512 * (0.182) N 1,627 Men Only Age (in years) 1.173 *** (0.063) Marriage age 0.735 *** (0.042) (in years) Female Race/ethnicity White 1.000 (ref.) Black 1.021 (0.236) Hispanic 0.751 (0.228) Other 0.957 (0.299) Education High school or less 1.000 (ref.) Some college 1.178 (0.269) 2-year college degree 0.650 (0.227) 4-year college degree 0.648 * (0.163) Graduate-level degree 0.362 ** (0.154) Employment Employed full-time 1.000 (ref.) Employed part-time 1.398 * (0.264) Other 1.404 (0.323) Household income $0 to $24,999 1.000 (ref.) $25,000 to $49,999 0.653 ** (0.138) $50,000 to $74,999 0.604 ** (0.149) $75,000 to $99,999 0.789 (0.259) $100,000 to $124,999 0.632 (0.290) $125,000 or more 0.523 (0.272) Don't know 0.921 (0.513) Region of residence West 1.000 (ref.) South 1.034 (0.211) Midwest 1.341 (0.333) Northeast 1.375 (0.324) Religious attendance Never 1.000 (ref) Sometimes 0.846 (0.150) Regularly 0.431 ** (0.155) Respondent-spouse Age difference (in years) 1.012 (0.029) differences Race difference 1.005 (0.204) Education difference 1.317 * (0.208) Children with spouse No children 1.000 (ref.) First child in wedlock 0.209 *** (0.071) First out of wedlock 0.316 *** (0.116) Knew spouse very 0.446 *** (0.077) well Length of time dated Less than 1 year 1.000 (ref.) before proposal 1 -2 years 0.876 (0.168) 3 or more years 0.634 * (0.141) Feelings and Partner wealth important 1.017 (0.255) attitudes at time Partner looks important 1.643 *** (0.278) of proposal Had a honeymoon 0.612 *** (0.112) Proposer's No ring 1.127 (0.312) engagement ring $0 to $500 1.053 (0.290) expenses (in real $500 to $2,000 1.000 (ref.) dollars) $2,000 to $4,000 1.544 * (0.361) $4,000 to $8,000 1.588 * (0.431) $8,000 or more 1.182 (0.750) Don't know 2.206 * (0.980) Wedding attendance Only couple 1.000 (ref.) 1-10 0.825 (0.251) 11-50 0.535 ** (0.165) 51-100 0.378 *** (0.132) 101-200 0.195 *** (0.091) 200 or more 0.096 *** (0.058) Total wedding $0 to $1,000 0.479 ** (0.176) expenses (in real $1,000 to $5,000 0.784 (0.228) dollars) $5,000 to $10,000 1.000 (ref.) $10,000 to $20,000 1.088 (0.285) $20,000 or more 1.011 (0.306) Don't know 0.448 * (0.218) N 870 Women Only Age (in years) 1.312 *** (0.085) Marriage age 0.699 *** (0.048) (in years) Female Race/ethnicity White 1.000 (ref.) Black 0.911 (0.368) Hispanic 0.535 (0.273) Other 0.464 (0.263) Education High school or less 1.000 (ref) Some college 2.984 *** (1.155) 2-year college degree 2.915 ** (1.343) 4-year college degree 1.985 * (0.790) Graduate-level degree 1.694 (0.841) Employment Employed full-time 1.000 (ref.) Employed part-time 0.789 (0.258) Other 0.815 (0.224) Household income $0 to $24,999 1.000 (ref.) $25,000 to $49,999 0.879 (0.275) $50,000 to $74,999 0.739 (0.321) $75,000 to $99,999 0.274 ** (0.162) $100,000 to $124,999 0.496 (0.237) $125,000 or more 0.448 (0.501) Don't know 0.904 (0.565) Region of residence West 1.000 (ref.) South 1.646 (0.581) Midwest 1.406 (0.514) Northeast 3.038 *** (1.234) Religious attendance Never 1.000 (ref.) Sometimes 1.473 (0.379) Regularly 0.662 (0.355) Respondent-spouse Age difference (in years) 1.080 *** (0.026) differences Race difference 1.311 (0.447) Education difference 1.499 * (0.357) Children with spouse No children 1.000 (ref.) First child in wedlock 0.188 *** (0.084) First out of wedlock 0.427 * (0.191) Knew spouse very 0.377 *** (0.091) well Length of time dated Less than 1 year 1.000 (ref.) before proposal 1 -2 years 0.553 ** (0.149) 3 or more years 0.543 * (0.177) Feelings and Partner wealth important 1.860 (0.740) attitudes at time Partner looks important 1.216 (0.364) of proposal Had a honeymoon 0.458 *** (0.131) Proposer's No ring 1.653 (0.622) engagement ring $0 to $500 2.159 ** (0.833) expenses (in real $500 to $2,000 1.000 (ref) dollars) $2,000 to $4,000 1.488 (0.630) $4,000 to $8,000 1.095 (0.636) $8,000 or more 2.082 (2.502) Don't know 2.172 ** (0.822) Wedding attendance Only couple 1.000 (ref.) 1-10 0.467 ** (0.165) 11-50 0.256 *** (0.112) 51-100 0.142 *** (0.066) 101-200 0.058 (0.042) 200 or more 0.039 ** (0.054) Total wedding $0 to $1,000 0.294 *** (0.138) expenses (in real $1,000 to $5,000 0.757 (0.302) dollars) $5,000 to $10,000 1.000 (ref.) $10,000 to $20,000 1.660 (0.940) $20,000 or more 3.523 ** (2.074) Don't know 0.518 (0.349) N 757 Note: Hazard ratios are reported with standard errors in parentheses. * Significant at 10%; ** significant at 5%; *** significant at 1%. TABLE 4 Predicting Wedding Debt Stress, Population-Weighted Regressions Full Sample All Persons Age (in years) 0.950 *** (0.008) Marriage age 1.031 ** (0.015) (in years) Female 0.608 *** (0.083) Race/ethnicity White 1.000 (ref.) Black 0.802 (0.186) Hispanic 1.462 (0.387) Other 1.332 (0.256) Education High school or less 1.000 (ref.) Some college 1.786 ** (0.449) 2-year college degree 1.475 (0.418) 4-year college degree 1.868 ** (0.456) Graduate-level degree 1.397 (0.412) Employment Employed full-time 1.000 (ref.) Employed part-time 0.879 (0.148) Other 0.644 *** (0.107) Household income $0 to $24,999 1.000 (ref.) $25,000 to $49,999 0.862 (0.191) $50,000 to $74,999 0.587 ** (0.143) $75,000 to $99,999 0.438 *** (0.123) $100,000 to $124,999 0.493 ** (0.149) $125,000 or more 0.421 ** (0.153) Don't know 0.649 (0.258) Region of residence West 1.000 (ref.) South 0.998 (0.159) Midwest 1.224 (0.220) Northeast 1.165 (0.219) Religious attendance Never 1.000 (ref.) Sometimes 1.493 *** (0.192) Regularly 0.580 *** (0.115) Respondent-spouse Age difference (in years) 0.984 (0.015) differences Race difference 1.264 (0.204) Education difference 1.116 (0.140) Children with spouse No children 1.000 (ref.) First child in wedlock 0.775 * (0.113) First out of wedlock 0.792 (0.183) Knew spouse very 0.668 *** (0.094) well Length of time dated Less than 1 year 1.000 (ref.) before proposal 1-2 years 0.952 (0.159) 3 or more years 1.038 (0.190) Feelings and Partner wealth important 2.047 *** (0.488) attitudes at time Partner looks important 1.352 ** (0.172) of proposal Had a honeymoon 0.555 *** (0.078) Proposer's No ring 0.691 * (0.132) engagement ring $0 to $500 1.232 (0.259) expenses (in real $500 to $2,000 1.000 (ref.) dollars) $2,000 to $4,000 1.366 * (0.238) $4,000 to $8,000 0.824 (0.177) $8,000 or more 0.786 (0.265) Don't know 1.596 ** (0.355) Wedding attendance Only couple 1.000 (ref.) 1-10 0.944 (0.297) 11-50 1.587 (0.497) 51-100 1.723 * (0.554) 101-200 1.570 (0.546) 200 or more 1.180 (0.473) Total wedding $0 to $1,000 0.128 *** (0.040) expenses (in real $1,000 to $5,000 0.680 ** (0.118) dollars) $5,000 to $10,000 1.000 (ref.) $10,000 to $20,000 1.066 (0.193) $20,000 or more 1.535 ** (0.328) Don't know 0.619 * (0.152) N 3,151 Full Sample Men Only Age (in years) 0.951 *** (0.012) Marriage age 1.028 (0.021) (in years) Female Race/ethnicity White 1.000 (ref.) Black 0.732 (0.217) Hispanic 1.402 (0.428) Other 1.621 * (0.410) Education High school or less 1.000 (ref.) Some college 1.778 * (0.537) 2-year college degree 2.219 ** (0.789) 4-year college degree 2.313 *** (0.694) Graduate-level degree 1.675 (0.605) Employment Employed full-time 1.000 (ref.) Employed part-time 1.027 (0.224) Other 0.976 (0.235) Household income $0 to $24,999 1.000 (ref.) $25,000 to $49,999 0.977 (0.251) $50,000 to $74,999 0.549 ** (0.165) $75,000 to $99,999 0.459 ** (0.158) $100,000 to $124,999 0.482 ** (0.179) $125,000 or more 0.403 ** (0.183) Don't know 0.836 (0.440) Region of residence West 1.000 (ref.) South 0.887 (0.178) Midwest 1.130 (0.259) Northeast 1.200 (0.283) Religious attendance Never 1.000 (ref.) Sometimes 1.369 ** (0.217) Regularly 0.499 *** (0.128) Respondent-spouse Age difference (in years) 0.985 (0.022) differences Race difference 1.442 * (0.292) Education difference 0.822 (0.129) Children with spouse No children 1.000 (ref.) First child in wedlock 1.074 (0.204) First out of wedlock 1.026 (0.313) Knew spouse very 0.547 *** (0.095) well Length of time dated Less than 1 year 1.000 (ref.) before proposal 1-2 years 0.952 (0.193) 3 or more years 1.258 (0.282) Feelings and Partner wealth important 2.218 ** (0.691) attitudes at time Partner looks important 1.305 * (0.199) of proposal Had a honeymoon 0.575 *** (0.104) Proposer's No ring 0.506 *** (0.133) engagement ring $0 to $500 1.134 (0.298) expenses (in real $500 to $2,000 1.000 (ref.) dollars) $2,000 to $4,000 1.249 (0.269) $4,000 to $8,000 0.813 (0.216) $8,000 or more 0.785 (0.333) Don't know 0.984 (0.347) Wedding attendance Only couple 1.000 (ref.) 1-10 0.970 (0.381) 11-50 1.642 (0.608) 51-100 1.585 (0.614) 101-200 1.417 (0.584) 200 or more 1.043 (0.522) Total wedding $0 to $1,000 0.173 *** (0.062) expenses (in real $1,000 to $5,000 0.570 ** (0.129) dollars) $5,000 to $10,000 1.000 (ref.) $10,000 to $20,000 0.958 (0.218) $20,000 or more 1.411 (0.385) Don't know 0.541 * (0.171) N 1,455 Full Sample Women Only Age (in years) 0.950 *** (0.012) Marriage age 1.027 (0.021) (in years) Female Race/ethnicity White 1.000 (ref.) Black 0.840 (0.301) Hispanic 1.582 (0.653) Other 1.177 (0.397) Education High school or less 1.000 (ref.) Some college 1.628 (0.611) 2-year college degree 0.747 (0.325) 4-year college degree 1.257 (0.453) Graduate-level degree 0.840 (0.369) Employment Employed full-time 1.000 (ref.) Employed part-time 0.761 (0.190) Other 0.497 *** (0.113) Household income $0 to $24,999 1.000 (ref.) $25,000 to $49,999 0.812 (0.280) $50,000 to $74,999 0.737 (0.270) $75,000 to $99,999 0.427 ** (0.179) $100,000 to $124,999 0.531 (0.247) $125,000 or more 0.502 (0.247) Don't know 0.591 (0.337) Region of residence West 1.000 (ref.) South 1.300 (0.342) Midwest 1.461 (0.435) Northeast 1.166 (0.374) Religious attendance Never 1.000 (ref.) Sometimes 1.499 ** (0.293) Regularly 0.653 (0.205) Respondent-spouse Age difference (in years) 0.995 (0.020) differences Race difference 0.975 (0.284) Education difference 1.934 *** (0.406) Children with spouse No children 1.000 (ref.) First child in wedlock 0.486 *** (0.108) First out of wedlock 0.543 * (0.194) Knew spouse very 0.920 (0.195) well Length of time dated Less than 1 year 1.000 (ref.) before proposal 1-2 years 0.930 (0.243) 3 or more years 0.784 (0.227) Feelings and Partner wealth important 1.929 * (0.709) attitudes at time Partner looks important 1.487 * (0.335) of proposal Had a honeymoon 0.469 *** (0.098) Proposer's No ring 1.060 (0.340) engagement ring $0 to $500 1.454 (0.512) expenses (in real $500 to $2,000 1.000 (ref.) dollars) $2,000 to $4,000 1.849 ** (0.558) $4,000 to $8,000 0.965 (0.355) $8,000 or more 0.901 (0.472) Don't know 2.021 ** (0.613) Wedding attendance Only couple 1.000 (ref.) 1-10 0.958 (0.532) 11-50 1.569 (0.915) 51-100 2.168 (1.259) 101-200 1.796 (1.106) 200 or more 1.300 (0.902) Total wedding $0 to $1,000 0.081 *** (0.046) expenses (in real $1,000 to $5,000 0.742 (0.197) dollars) $5,000 to $10,000 1.000 (ref.) $10,000 to $20,000 1.269 (0.352) $20,000 or more 1.815 * (0.597) Don't know 0.797 (0.293) N 1,696 Recently Married Subsample All Persons Age (in years) 0.917 * (0.042) Marriage age 1.072 (0.050) (in years) Female 0.640 (0.110) Race/ethnicity White 1.000 (ref.) Black 0.853 (0.231) Hispanic 1.549 (0.472) Other 1.366 (0.315) Education High school or less 1.000 (ref.) Some college 2.248 *** (0.680) 2-year college degree 1.476 (0.513) 4-year college degree 2.337 *** (0.688) Graduate-level degree 1.298 (0.470) Employment Employed full-time 1.000 (ref.) Employed part-time 0.835 (0.177) Other 0.630 ** (0.137) Household income $0 to $24,999 1.000 (ref.) $25,000 to $49,999 0.744 (0.213) $50,000 to $74,999 0.433 *** (0.138) $75,000 to $99,999 0.335 *** (0.123) $100,000 to $124,999 0.355 ** (0.144) $125,000 or more 0.322 ** (0.146) Don't know 0.410 * (0.199) Region of residence West 1.000 (ref.) South 1.142 (0.229) Midwest 1.152 (0.262) Northeast 1.319 (0.312) Religious attendance Never 1.000 (ref.) Sometimes 1.507 ** (0.241) Regularly 0.376 *** (0.110) Respondent-spouse Age difference (in years) 0.972 (0.018) differences Race difference 1.354 (0.261) Education difference 1.198 (0.188) Children with spouse No children 1.000 (ref.) First child in wedlock 0.921 (0.198) First out of wedlock 0.668 (0.207) Knew spouse very 0.594 *** (0.105) well Length of time dated Less than 1 year 1.000 (ref.) before proposal 1-2 years 0.910 (0.208) 3 or more years 1.037 (0.253) Feelings and Partner wealth important 2.018 ** (0.562) attitudes at time Partner looks important 1.305 * (0.207) of proposal Had a honeymoon 0.486 *** (0.087) Proposer's No ring 0.542 ** (0.145) engagement ring $0 to $500 1.360 (0.346) expenses (in real $500 to $2,000 1.000 (ref.) dollars) $2,000 to $4,000 1.404 (0.308) $4,000 to $8,000 0.866 (0.231) $8,000 or more 0.676 (0.302) Don't know 1.601 * (0.423) Wedding attendance Only couple 1.000 (ref.) 1-10 1.092 (0.427) 11-50 1.733 (0.679) 51-100 1.857 (0.744) 101-200 1.908 (0.831) 200 or more 1.114 (0.579) Total wedding $0 to $1,000 0.120 *** (0.048) expenses (in real $1,000 to $5,000 0.775 (0.175) dollars) $5,000 to $10,000 1.000 (ref.) $10,000 to $20,000 1.170 (0.261) $20,000 or more 1.549 (0.415) Don't know 0.681 (0.198) N 1,627 Recently Married Subsample Men Only Age (in years) 0.916 (0.057) Marriage age 1.086 (0.068) (in years) Female Race/ethnicity White 1.000 (ref.) Black 0.739 (0.256) Hispanic 1.562 (0.537) Other 1.606 (0.482) Education High school or less 1.000 (ref.) Some college 2.122 ** (0.766) 2-year college degree 2.448 ** (1.039) 4-year college degree 2.643 *** (0.957) Graduate-level degree 1.364 (0.603) Employment Employed full-time 1.000 (ref.) Employed part-time 1.088 (0.283) Other 1.114 (0.356) Household income $0 to $24,999 1.000 (ref.) $25,000 to $49,999 1.073 (0.338) $50,000 to $74,999 0.547 * (0.200) $75,000 to $99,999 0.519 (0.221) $100,000 to $124,999 0.399 ** (0.187) $125,000 or more 0.342 * (0.190) Don't know 0.470 (0.288) Region of residence West 1.000 (ref.) South 1.105 (0.274) Midwest 1.162 (0.338) Northeast 1.691 * (0.488) Religious attendance Never 1.000 (ref.) Sometimes 1.501 ** (0.291) Regularly 0.336 *** (0.121) Respondent-spouse Age difference (in years) 0.955 (0.030) differences Race difference 1.703 ** (0.408) Education difference 0.760 (0.149) Children with spouse No children 1.000 (ref.) First child in wedlock 1.152 (0.323) First out of wedlock 0.847 (0.336) Knew spouse very 0.474 *** (0.104) well Length of time dated Less than 1 year 1.000 (ref.) before proposal 1-2 years 0.847 (0.228) 3 or more years 1.237 (0.361) Feelings and Partner wealth important 2.436 *** (0.834) attitudes at time Partner looks important 1.177 (0.216) of proposal Had a honeymoon 0.510 *** (0.116) Proposer's No ring 0.520 * (0.182) engagement ring $0 to $500 1.317 (0.388) expenses (in real $500 to $2,000 1.000 (ref.) dollars) $2,000 to $4,000 1.279 (0.342) $4,000 to $8,000 0.876 (0.291) $8,000 or more 0.731 (0.442) Don't know 0.914 (0.380) Wedding attendance Only couple 1.000 (ref.) 1-10 1.018 (0.482) 11-50 1.769 (0.799) 51-100 1.649 (0.772) 101-200 1.730 (0.869) 200 or more 0.794 (0.508) Total wedding $0 to $1,000 0.178 *** (0.080) expenses (in real $1,000 to $5,000 0.731 (0.210) dollars) $5,000 to $10,000 1.000 (ref.) $10,000 to $20,000 0.964 (0.269) $20,000 or more 1.461 (0.507) Don't know 0.657 (0.257) N 870 Recently Married Subsample Women Only Age (in years) 0.935 (0.063) Marriage age 1.045 (0.073) (in years) Female Race/ethnicity White 1.000 (ref.) Black 1.049 (0.456) Hispanic 1.502 (0.734) Other 1.262 (0.553) Education High school or less 1.000 (ref.) Some college 2.382 * (1.063) 2-year college degree 0.530 (0.289) 4-year college degree 1.607 (0.706) Graduate-level degree 0.653 (0.363) Employment Employed full-time 1.000 (ref.) Employed part-time 0.545 * (0.191) Other 0.407 * (0.121) Household income $0 to $24,999 1.000 (ref.) $25,000 to $49,999 0.495 (0.215) $50,000 to $74,999 0.358 ** (0.176) $75,000 to $99,999 0.163 *** (0.094) $100,000 to $124,999 0.246 ** (0.155) $125,000 or more 0.274 ** (0.160) Don't know 0.461 (0.323) Region of residence West 1.000 (ref.) South 1.611 (0.563) Midwest 1.551 (0.614) Northeast 1.072 (0.456) Religious attendance Never 1.000 (ref.) Sometimes 1.224 (0.310) Regularly 0.361 ** (0.183) Respondent-spouse Age difference (in years) 0.997 (0.026) differences Race difference 0.926 (0.347) Education difference 2.698 *** (0.735) Children with spouse No children 1.000 (ref.) First child in wedlock 0.571 (0.196) First out of wedlock 0.498 (0.234) Knew spouse very 0.948 (0.263) well Length of time dated Less than 1 year 1.000 (ref.) before proposal 1-2 years 0.919 (0.344) 3 or more years 0.748 (0.298) Feelings and Partner wealth important 1.476 (0.679) attitudes at time Partner looks important 1.722 * (0.559) of proposal Had a honeymoon 0.315 *** (0.091) Proposer's No ring 0.674 (0.344) engagement ring $0 to $500 1.843 (0.895) expenses (in real $500 to $2,000 1.000 (ref.) dollars) $2,000 to $4,000 2.878 ** (1.190) $4,000 to $8,000 1.426 (0.666) $8,000 or more 1.311 (0.857) Don't know 2.506 ** (0.978) Wedding attendance Only couple 1.000 (ref.) 1-10 1.247 (0.964) 11-50 1.915 (1.567) 51-100 3.097 (2.471) 101-200 2.638 (2.217) 200 or more 1.626 (1.562) Total wedding $0 to $1,000 0.066 *** (0.054) expenses (in real $1,000 to $5,000 0.761 (0.275) dollars) $5,000 to $10,000 1.000 (ref.) $10,000 to $20,000 1.829 * (0.643) $20,000 or more 2.104 * (0.884) Don't know 0.847 (0.387) N 757 Note: Odds ratios are reported with standard errors in parentheses. * Significant at 10%; ** significant at 5%; *** significant at 1%.