A dual definition for the factor content of trade and its effect on factor rewards in us manufacturing sector.
Dells, Agelos ; Mamuneas, Theofanis P.
The possible relationship between international trade and wage
inequality in developed countries has been a very important and
regularly debated topic for both academics and politicians in the last
two decades. Unskilled workers in many developed countries and
especially in the United States have seen a significant decline in their
relative wages, while at the same time international trade increased
considerably. Some have argued that the increase of international trade
is likely to explain this decline of relative wages. Trade economists
have approached this question using the Heckscher-Ohlin model, from
various angles. The first is based on the Factor Content of Trade (FCT)
theorem of Vanek (1968) and the work of Deardorff and Staiger (1988),
where changes in the volume of net exports are transformed (via an
input-output matrix) into changes in relative factor rewards (Borjas et
al. 1992; Katz and Murphy 1992; Wood 1995); the second is based on the
traditional Stolper-Samuelson theorem, where changes in product prices
cause changes in factor rewards (Leamer 1998, 1994; Baldwin and Cain
2000; Harrigan and Balaban, 1999).
Furthermore, to analyze the increasing wage inequality in the
United States, Feenstra and Hanson (1996, 1999) and Sitchinava (2007),
among others, introduce outsourcing in a Stolper-Samuelson framework,
while Michaels (2008), relying on the Heckscher-Ohlin framework,
assesses the effects of trade on wage inequality in the U.S. states, by
investigating the effects of highway infrastructure. Finally, there are
recent papers that follow different theoretical frameworks in order to
analyze the increasing wage inequality. For instance, Blum (2008) uses a
Ricardo-Viner model, while Zhu and Trefler (2005) use a model that
combines Heckscher-Ohlin and Ricardian environments.
The FCT approach has been heavily criticized on the ground that it
lacks a solid theoretical foundation and especially that FCT is not
related with factor prices. For instance, Panagariya (2000), Learner and
Levinsohn (1995) and Learner (2000) argue that FCT calculates quantities
of indirectly exported and imported factors via international trade, but
according to the Stolper-Samuelson theorem, it is product prices and not
factor quantities that are related with factor prices. Yet, by
introducing the concept of the Equivalent Autarkic Equilibrium (EAE),
Deardorff and Staiger (1988) provide the theoretical foundation and show
under which assumptions the FCT and relative wages are related (see
also, Deardorff 2000; Krugman 2000; Wood 1995).
In this paper, in contrast to all previous FCT studies which rely
on the use of input-output matrices to calculate the FCT (see Borjas et
al. 1992; Katz and Murphy 1992; Wood 1995), we calculate the FCT by
directly estimating the endowments required to achieve the EAE. This is
accomplished by estimating a revenue function similar to Harrigan and
Balaban (1999). We assume the revenue function to be of the Symmetric Normalized Quadratic functional form, which is more attractive to other
functional forms (like the Translog that has been used extensively),
because it has the important property of flexibility when convexity and
concavity are imposed. We also allow for a more general technology that
is joint in output quantities. Under such technology the analysis
departs from the hypothesis of Factor Price Equalization (FPE). (1) We
find that the FCT for capital is positive, the FCT for skilled labor is
negative, but quite close to zero, while the FCT of unskilled labor is
negative and large in magnitude. Hence, there is no Leontief Paradox in
the United States for the period 1965-1991 in our framework. This result
is consistent with the findings of Bowen et al. (1987), Davis and
Weinstein (2001), and Feenstra and Hanson (2000) in terms of relative
factor abundance.
Then, by using the quadratic approximation lemma (Diewert 1976,
2002), we are able to decompose the growth rate of factor rewards of
trade equilibria (TE) to the growth rate of FCT, the growth rate of
endowments and technological change. We find that the growth rate of the
rewards for both types of labor gains from FCT Effect, while the rewards
to capital have losses. The endowment effect is positive for the growth
of the wages of unskilled workers and negative for the wages of skilled
workers and the rewards to capital. Lastly, technological change has a
positive effect in all factor rewards with capital experiencing the
highest gains and unskilled labor the least. Finally, it seems that
technological change is the most important determinant for the decline
in relative factor rewards for unskilled workers in the United States
from 1967 to 1991. This is in accordance with most studies of all
different approaches with the exception of Wood (1995), Learner (1998),
Bivens (2007), and Sitchinava (2007).
The rest of the paper is organized into six sections. Section II
develops the theoretical model and provides a dual definition of the
factor content of trade. Section III contains a discussion of the
empirical specification and estimation of the revenue function. Section
IV presents the FCT for each factor and discusses the Leontief Paradox.
In Section V, we decompose the growth rate of factor rewards into an FCT
effect, an endowment effect and a technology effect and present the
results based on this decomposition. Finally, the last section concludes
the paper.
In this section, we develop a general equilibrium model for a
trading economy using duality (Dixit and Norman 1980). The production
side of the economy is described by a revenue function, while the
consumption side is described by an expenditure function. The use of
duality, and more specifically the implementation of a revenue function,
is preferred because it complies with the standard assumptions made in
international trade theory that product prices and endowments are given,
while factor prices and outputs are the endogenous variables to be
determined. (2)
Let F (y, v, t) = 0 be a transformation function for an economy
with a linearly homogeneous technology, which produces y = ([y.sub.1],
..., [y.sub.n]) goods with the use of v = ([v.sub.1], ..., [v.sub.m])
inputs (n [greater than or equal to] m) in a perfect competitive
environment where t is a time index that captures technological change.
Then, at given international prices, p = ([p.sub.1], ..., [p.sub.n]) and
domestic inputs v, there exists a competitive production equilibrium. In
such equilibrium, we can think of the economy as one that maximizes the
value of total output subject to the technological and endowment
constraints. In other words, there is a revenue or Gross Domestic
Product (GDP) function such that:
The revenue function has the usual properties, that is, it is
increasing, linearly homogeneous and concave in v and nondecreasing,
linearly homogeneous and convex in p. In addition, if R(p, v, t) is
differentiable then from Hotteling's Lemma (Diewert 1974) the
equilibrium output and factor rewards are:
(2) y(p, v, t) = [R.sub.p](p, v, t)
(3) w(p, v, t) = [R.sub.v](p, v, t)
where [R.sub.p] and [R.sub.v] are the vectors of first partial
derivative of the revenue function with respect to product prices and
endowments, respectively.
On the consumption side the economy's preferences defined over
the n goods are represented by an expenditure function, which is
continuous and twice differentiable on prices:
where u is the level of utility and x = ([x.sub.1], ..., [x.sub.n])
is the consumption bundle. The expenditure function is nondecreasing,
linear homogenous and concave in prices and increasing in u. From
Shepherd's Lemma (Diewert 1974) the consumption vector of the
economy is:
(5) x(p, u) = [E.sub.p](p, u)
where [E.sub.p] is the vector of first partial derivative of the
expenditure function with respect to product prices.
The trade equilibrium is defined as
(6a) R(p, v, t) = E(p,u)
(6b) T = [R.sub.p](p, v, t) - [E.sub.p](p, u)
that is the total value of production should be equal to the total
expenditure for the economy, which implies trade balance and the
difference between production and consumption gives the economy's
vector of net exports, T.
Consider now a hypothetical equilibrium, the Equivalent Autarky Equilibrium introduced by Deardorff and Staiger (1988), where production
equals consumption, at the same product prices and at the same utility
level as in the trading equilibrium. This equilibrium can be achieved by
changing the initial endowment of the economy in such a way that the
economy is producing what it desires to consume, having no incentive to
trade with other countries. Hence, the vector of net exports is going to
be a vector of zeros and trade is by definition balanced
(7a) R(p, [v.sup.e], t) = E(p, u)
(7b) [R.sub.p](p, [v.sup.e], t) = [E.sub.p](p, u)
where [v.sup.e] is the Equivalent Autarky Equilibrium endowments
vector and p, u the price vector and utility level, respectively, as in
the trade equilibrium.
In Figure 1, following Krugman (2000), we depict the trading and
Equivalent Autarky Equilibria. In the Trade Equilibrium, the economy is
producing where the production possibilities frontier DE is tangent to
the relative product prices line AB, at P, while the economy is
consuming at C where the relative product prices line is tangent to the
indifference curve [U.sup.o]. The economy is exporting [Y.sub.1] -
[X.sub.1] units of good 1 and imports [X.sub.2] - [Y.sub.2] units of
good 2. The Equivalent Autarky Equilibrium is depicted at C. There, the
economy is endowed with the necessary inputs that allow the production
of its consumption bundle at the trade relative product prices AB. At
the EAE, the production possibilities frontier is FG, both consumption
and production takes place at C and therefore the trade volume is zero.
Note that at the trading equilibrium P and at the EAE C the level of
utility is the same and because product prices are also unchanged the
vector of consumption is unaltered. Under the assumption of balanced
trade, (3) GDP and the economy's total expenditure would be
identical in both equilibria.
As consumption is the same in both equilibria then from Equations
(6b) and (7b) we have
(8) Rp(p, [v.sup.e], t) = [R.sub.p](p, v, t) - T
and therefore we can explicitly solve from Equation (8) for the EAE
endowments vector [v.sup.e] by knowing the net exports and the revenue
function of the economy. (4) Assuming that the implicit function theorem holds, [absolute value of [R.sub.pv](p, [v.sup.e], t)] [not equal to]0,
(5) we can solve for the EAE endowment vector [v.sup.e](p, v, t; T)
which is going to depend on the trade equilibrium prices, initial
endowment, technology, and the net export vector. Then, the factor
content of trade is defined as the difference between the actual
endowments in a trading equilibrium and the endowments at the Equivalent
Autarky Equilibrium,
(9) f = v - [v.sup.e](p, v, t; T)
In the literature, the usual definition of FCT is just the product
of an input requirement matrix, [GAMMA], times the trade vector T (see
for example Deardorff and Staiger 1988). Harrigan (2003) has shown that
if there is nonjointness in output quantities, the input requirement
matrix [GAMMA] is equal to [R.sup.-1.sub.pv] and therefore the factor
content of trade will be equal to [R.sup.-1.sub.pv]T. It is not
difficult to show that our definition of FCT is identical to
[R.sup.-.sub.pv]T under the nonjointness assumption. Under this
assumption a revenue function can be written as R(p, v, t) = r(p, t)v,
then the vector of outputs is [R.sub.p] = [r.sub.p]v, where [r.sub.p] is
the vector of partial derivatives of r(p, t) with respect to product
prices and [R.sub.pv] = [r.sub.p] which is independent of the endowment
vector. From Equation (8) we have that T = [R.sub.p](p, v, t) -
[R.sub.p](p, [v.sup.e], t) = [r.sub.p]v - [r.sub.p][v.sup.c] =
[r.sub.p](v - [v.sup.e]) = [R.sub.pv] f, and therefore f =
[R.sup.-1.sub.pv]T. Therefore our definition of FCT given by Equation
(9) is equivalent to the usual definition appearing in the literature
under the assumption of nonjointness. However, it is a generalization to
wider technologies even in cases where jointness in output quantity is
present. For instance, the proposed dual definition of FCT allows for a
general technology, in contrast to the standard definition which
implicitly assumes Leontief technology. In addition, the dual definition
of FCT is well defined in the case of jointness in output quantity while
the trade vector input requirement definition of FCT becomes empirically
intractable. Furthermore, we define the FCT using net output and this
takes into consideration the potential problem that arises in the
presence of nontraded intermediate inputs when the usual definition is
used. (6)
The revenue function is assumed to have the Symmetric Normalized
Quadratic (SNQ) functional form as discussed in the work of Kohli (1991,
where p and v are the product prices and input endowment vectors,
respectively, and t is an index of exogenous technological change. There
are N(N -1) + M(M - 1) + (N x M) + 2 unknown parameters [a.sub.ih],
[b.sub.jl], [c.sub.ij], [d.sub.i], [e.sub.j], [h.sub.t], and [h.sub.tt],
where i, h = 1, ..., N and j, l = 1, ..., M. There are also N + M
predetermined parameters [[theta].sub.i] and [[psi].sub.j]. In
particular, [[theta].sub.i] and [[psi].sub.j] are set equal to the share
value of each product and input, respectively, at the base year.
By construction the SNQ function is linearly homogeneous in p and
v. Symmetry conditions are imposed [a.sub.ih] = [a.sub.hi]; [b.sub.jl] =
[b.sub.lj] and normalization requires some additional restrictions:
This functional form is attractive because it is a flexible
functional form that retains its flexibility under global imposition of
convexity and concavity in prices and endowments, respectively. (7) The
necessary and sufficient condition for global concavity in inputs is
that the matrix B = [[b.sub.jl]] is negative semidefinite and for global
convexity that the matrix A = [[a.sub.ih]] is positive semidefinite. If
these are not satisfied then they are imposed following Diewert and
Wales (1987) without removing the flexibility properties of the revenue
On the basis of Equation (10), the rewards of the jth factor
Similarly the output supply of the ith good becomes:
The estimating model is the Equation sets (12) and (13) together
with the parameter restrictions (11). The errors related to Equations
(12) and (13) are assumed to be identically and independently
distributed with zero expected value and a positive definite covariance
matrix. As the United States is a large open economy, we consider
product prices to be endogenous in the estimating model as in the works
of Kohli (1993) and Harrigan and Balaban (1999). Equations (12) and (13)
are jointly estimated by the Iterative Three Stages Least Square (13SLS)
estimator applied to data for the U.S. manufacturing sector over the
period from 1965 to 1991. As instruments one year lagged values of the
product prices and endowments are used. There are six equations, three
relating to outputs and three relating to factor rewards. The goods are
exportable, importable, and nontradeable, and the three factors of
production are capital, skilled, and unskilled labor. We use data for
the value and price of capital and aggregate labor from Dale
Jorgenson's 35 KLEM dataset. In order to decompose labor into
skilled and unskilled, we have used the NBER Mare-Winship Data. Because
of limitations of obtained from the Centre for international Data at the
University of California Davis.
The assumption of balanced trade is not satisfied by the data. For
that reason, the actual trade volumes for each good are adjusted
according to the share of output relative to total revenue in the
economy in order to guarantee balanced trade. (8) Finally, data for the
output deflators are used from the Bureau of Economic Analysis.
Table 1 shows the estimated parameters and the [R.sup.2] for the
system of the six equations. The revenue function is linearly
homogeneous in prices and inputs, but initially convexity in prices and
concavity in inputs were not satisfied. Following the method proposed by
Diewert and Wales (1987), we impose convexity for product prices and
concavity for input quantities. The hypothesis of convexity and
concavity cannot be rejected at a 5% level of significance (Wald test statistic(4)= 32.7). The jointness in output quantities cannot be
rejected at a 5% level of significance (Wald test statistic(2) = 29.1),
which is in accordance with the more general technology used above. In
addition, the hypothesis of non-technological change is rejected (Wald
test statistic(6) = 534). Furthermore, following Diewert and Ostensoe
(1988), we test for the assumption of constant returns to scale (CRS) by
estimating an augmented SNQ revenue function that includes an additional
term, ([[summation].sup.N.sub.i=1] [[theta].sub.i] [p.sub.i])
([[summation].sup.M.sub.j=1] [u.sub.j] [v.sub.j])
[([[summation].sup.M.sub.j=1] [[psi].sub.j] [v.sub.j]).sup.-1], where
[u.sub.j] are unknown parameters. Using a quasilikelihood ratio test CRS
cannot be rejected at 5% level of significance (QLR (3) statistic is
7.17 < [X.sup.2.sub.c] is 7.82).
In Table 2, we report the estimated price and endowment
elasticities for all goods and factors. All own price elasticities of
output are positive and well below unity, suggesting that the output
supplies are inelastic. In addition, an increase in the price of
exportables reduces the quantity produced for both importable and
nontradable goods. While an increase on importable goods price increases
the output of nontradable goods.
An increase of capital endowment leads to a decline in the output
of both the importable and the nontradable goods, while it increases the
output of the exportable goods. An increase in the endowment of skilled
labor increases the output of all goods, while an increase in the
endowment of unskilled labor increases the output of the importable and
exportable goods, but it reduces the output of nontradable goods.
Technological change has a positive effect on the production of the
exportable goods and a negative effect on the production of other goods.
The rewards of all factors gain from an increase in exportable
goods price. An increase in importable goods price decreases capital
rewards, while it increases the wages of both types of labor. An
increase in nontradable goods price reduces the rewards to both capital
and unskilled labor, while it increases the rewards to skilled labor.
All own inverse factor price elasticities are negative and inelastic;
the only exception being the capital price elasticity (-1.14%).
Moreover, capital is a gross-substitute with skilled and unskilled labor
while skilled and unskilled labor are gross-complements. Finally,
technological change appears to enhance the rewards to both capital and
skilled labor, but reduce the rewards to unskilled labor.
Overall these results are consistent with the studies of Harrigan
(2000) and Kohli (1993) in terms of the sign of the elasticities, but in
some cases differ in magnitude. However, it should be noted that the
specification of the model, aggregation of inputs and outputs and time
period are different among these studies.
The estimated parameters of the revenue function are used in order
to calculate the FCT for each input. In particular, solving Equation (8)
for [v.sup.e] and then using Equation (9), allow us to obtain the factor
content of trade, [f.sub.j], for each input for the period 1965-1991.
The FCT for all three factors are plotted in Figure 2. We observe that
FCT of capital, [f.sub.K], is positive and generally increasing
throughout our sample period. The FCT of both skilled, [f.sub.S], and
unskilled, [f.sub.U], labor is negative and declines until 1986 and then
increases until 1991. The FCT of skilled labor has relatively the
smallest magnitude compared with the other inputs. Hence, the U.S.
economy was exporting the services of capital and importing the services
of both types of labor for all the years between 1965 and 1991. The net
exports of capital services in 1965 were 16.34 billion dollars, (9)
these reached a maximum of 62 billion dollars in 1986 and fell to 54.30
billion dollars in 1991. The net imports of skilled labor services rose
from 9.89 billion dollars in 1965 to 44.04 billion dollars in 1986 and
then were reduced to 32.50 billion dollars in 1991. Similarly, the net
imports of unskilled labor increased from 20.45 billion dollars in 1965
to 96.88 billion dollars in 1986 and then decreased to 68.48 billion
dollars in 1991.
Thus, it is evident that, for this period, there is no Leontief
Paradox in the U.S. economy. An explanation of the absence of the
Leontief Paradox could be the disaggregation of labor input to skilled
and unskilled which is consistent with some of the early explantions in
the literature (Kenen 1965; Baldwin 1971; Winston 1979). An alternative
explanation for such absence could be that no FPE is assumed in our
analysis, as in the work of Davis and Weinstein (2001), who also find
that there is no Leontief Paradox in this case.
Our finding is consistent with the analysis of Leamer (1980).
Learner showed that in a multifactor, multiproduct H-O-V environment, a
country is revealed by trade to be relatively abundant in a particular
factor compared to any other factor, if the FCT of this factor is
positive and the FCT of the other is negative. Hence, capital is
revealed by trade to be relatively abundant compared to either types of
labor in the U.S. economy for the period 1965-1991. In addition, Leamer
(1980) showed under which condition a country with negative FCT for two
inputs is revealed by trade to be relatively abundant in one of them. A
country is revealed by trade to be relatively more abundant in an input
if the ratio of the FCT of that input to the FCT of the other input is
smaller than their ratio used in the production. Hence, we find that
trade reveals that skilled labor is relatively abundant to unskilled
labor, because the share of skilled labor imported is less than the
share of unskilled labor imported in the U.S. economy between 1965 and
In comparison, our findings are very similar with Bowen et al.
(1987) and Feenstra and Hanson (2000). However, for some categories of
skilled labor we find an opposite sign from Bowen et al. (1987);
nevertheless, we employ a different definition of skilled labor from
them. We also find overall similar results to Feenstra and Hanson (2000)
regarding the ordering of relative abundance for capital, skilled, and
unskilled labor even though they have used a finer level of aggregation
than ours.
To summarize, for all of the years in the sample period more
unskilled and skilled labor could have been employed in a hypothetical
EAE relative to capital, but more unskilled labor could have been
employed relative to skilled labor. Therefore, in the U.S. manufacturing
sector, there is a clear ordering of factor abundance revealed by trade.
Capital is the most abundant factor relative to both types of labor,
while skilled labor is relatively more abundant when compared with
unskilled labor between 1965 and 1991. And therefore, we find no
evidence of a Leontief Paradox.
So far we have discussed the definition of the Equivalent Autarky
Equilibrium, the estimation of the revenue function for the United
States and the calculation of the FCT using duality in the case of
jointness in output quantities. In this section, our goal is to
establish a general relationship between changes in factor prices in one
side and changes of endowments, FCT, and technology in the other. For
this reason, we first show how the difference between the factor rewards
in the two equilibria can be approximated.
In Figure 3, we portray two TE and also their respective EAE at
time periods t and s. For each TE, [P.sup.t] and [P.sup.s], the factor
rewards are given by [w.sub.t] = [R.sub.v] ([p.sub.t], [v.sub.t], t) and
[w.sub.s] = [R.sub.v] ([p.sub.s], [v.sub.s], s), respectively. Recall
that from Equation (8), we can obtain the endowments vector at the two
EAE, [C.sup.t] and [C.sup.s]. Hence, the factor rewards at the EAE are
given by [w.sup.e.sub.t] = [R.sub.v] ([p.sub.t], [v.sup.e.sub.t], t) and
[w.sup.e.sub.s] = [R.sub.v] ([p.sub.s], [v.sup.e.sub.s], s),
respectively. Our objective is to find the effect of FCT changes on
changes of rewards over time. Instead of comparing the factor rewards
between equilibria [P.sup.t] and [P.sup.s] directly, we go through the
Equivalent Autarky Equilibria [C.sup.t] and [C.sup.s]. In other words,
the difference in factor rewards between periods t and s is given by the
difference between the TE and EAE for period t minus the difference
between TE and EAE for period s plus the difference between the EAE in t
and s. This enables us to link factor rewards changes with changes in
endowments, FCT and technology. This approach is novel, because we
explicitly model for and incorporate in the decomposition the effect of
technological change on factor rewards changes. This is in contrast to
most such studies where the effects of technology are estimated
By using the quadratic approximation lemma (Diewert 1976, 2002) the
TE factor rewards [w.sub.t] = [R.sub.v] ([p.sub.t], [v.sub.t], t) at
period t, evaluated at the EAE endowments [v.sup.e.sub.t] are
where the matrix [[bar.R].sub.vv] = 1/2([R.sub.vv] +
[R.sup.e.sub.vv]) has a typical entry [MATHEMATICAL EXPRESSION NOT
REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII] that is the mean effect of a change in the lth
endowment on the rewards of the jth factor evaluated at the trade and
equivalent autarky equilibrium at period t. Totally differentiating
Equation (14) with respect to time t, we get:
(15) [dw.sub.t]/dt = [dw.sup.e.sub.t]/dt + [[bar.R].sub.vv]
Therefore Equation (15) relates the change in factor rewards at the
trade equilibrium with the change of factor rewards at the EAE plus the
changes of factor content of trade. (10)
Consider now the rewards at the Equivalent Autarky Equilibrium and
note that because the equilibrium price is endogenous it would be a
function of endowments and exogenous technical change that is [p.sub.t]
= p([v.sup.e.sub.t]. t) and hence the factor rewards at EAE can be
written as
(16) [w.sup.e.sub.t] = [R.sub.v](p([v.sup.e.sub.t], t), [v.sup.e],
Totally differentiating Equation (16) with the respect to t we get:
Substituting Equation (17) in Equation (15), noting that from the
definition of factor content of trade [dv.sup.e.sub.t]/dt =
[dv.sub.t]/dt - d[f.sub.t]/dt and collecting terms we have that
Expression (18) relates the changes of the observed rewards at
trade equilibrium to the changes of FCT of all factors, [f.sub.t],
endowments, [v.sub.t] and exogenous technical change, t. It is a
generalization of Deardorff and Staiger (1988) and also of Learner
(1998). If we assume no technological change and that the endowments
remain constant, the change in factor rewards will be just a function of
the change of the FCT. In addition, if there is nonjointness in output
quantities or [R.sub.pv] is locally independent of v, factor rewards and
consequently their changes between the trade and the equivalent autarky
equilibrium will be identical. Then the change of factor rewards will
collapse to [dw.sub.t]/dt = -[R.sup.e.sub.vp]([[partial
derivative]p.sub.t]/[[partial derivative]v.sup.e.sub.t])(d[f.sub.t]/dt)
similar as in Deardorff and Staiger (1988).
However, decomposition in Equation (18) depends on the demand side
of the economy and in particular on [partial derivative]p/[[partial
derivative]v.sup.e] and [partial derivative]p/[partial derivative]t.
From Equation (7b), the matrix of first partial derivatives of product
prices with respect to EAE endowments is [partial derivative]p
/[[partial derivative]v.sup.e] = -[([R.sub.pp] - [E.sub.pp]).sup.-1]
[R.sub.pv] and the vector of first partial derivatives of product prices
with respect to time is [partial derivative]p /[partial derivative]t =
-[([R.sub.pp] - [E.sub.pp]).sup.-1] [R.sub.pt]. Therefore Equation (18)
depends on the second derivatives of the expenditure function with
respect to prices. Instead of making assumptions for the second
derivatives of the expenditure function, in the empirical part of this
section, we estimate directly [partial derivative]p /[[partial
derivative]v.sup.e] and [partial derivative]p/[partial derivative]t by
using a Seemingly Unrelated Regression Estimator and assuming that the
relationship between the growth rate of prices, the growth rate of EAE
endowments and technological change is given by,
where a [??] over a variable means growth rate, [a.sub.it] =
([[partial derivative]p.sub.t]/[partial derivative]t)(L/[p.sub.i] is the
effect of technical change on price and [[beta].sub.ij] = ([[partial
derivative]v.sup.e.sub.j]])/([v.sup.e.sub.j]/[p.sub.i]) is the
elasticity of price with respect to EAE endowments.
Using Equations (19) and (18), we can write the rewards to the lth
factor in growth form as
where [[epsilon].sup.e.sub.li], [[eta].sup.e.sub.lj],
[[eta].sup.e.sub.lt] are the elasticity of the factor rewards with
respect to price, endowments, and time, respectively, and
[[bar.[epsilon]].sup.e.sub.lj] is the weighted mean elasticity of the
factor rewards with respect to endowments between the TE and EAE (see
Appendix B for details). Equation (20) decomposes the growth rate of
factor rewards into three terms. The first term is the change of the
factor content of trade, the second term is the effect of the change of
endowments and the last term the technological change effect.
Table 3 reports all factor rewards elasticities evaluated at EAE
and Table 4 the parameter estimates from the price Equation (19). These
elasticities are used to calculate the decomposition given by Equation
(20). From Table 3, it is clear that an increase in the price of the
exportable leads to a rise in the rewards for capital and unskilled
labor and a decline for skilled labor's rewards. An increase in the
price of the importable or nontradable goods increases the rewards of
capital and skilled labor, while it reduces the rewards of unskilled
labor, respectively. All own inverse factor price elasticities are
negative as expected. Capital is a gross-substitute with skilled and
unskilled labor, while skilled and unskilled labor are
gross-complements. Technological change increases the rewards to capital
and skilled labor and reduces the rewards to unskilled labor. The
parameter estimates of Table 4 show that an increase in the EAE
endowments of capital and unskilled labor reduces the equilibrium price
of all goods while that of skilled labor works in the opposite
direction. Finally, technology has a positive effect on the equilibrium
price of exportable, importable, and nontraded goods.
In Table 5, the factor rewards decomposition of U.S. manufacturing
is presented for the period 1967-1991. For this period, the factor
rewards of capital, skilled and unskilled labor have increased, on
average, by 2.4%, 7%, and 6%, respectively. The pattern that emerges is
that the rewards growth differ according to the type of factor. In the
case of capital and skilled labor, this can be mostly attributed to the
effect of technological change, while in the case of unskilled labor to
the factor content of trade and endowments changes. For both types of
labor the FCT Effect has a positive impact on the growth of their factor
rewards. On average for the period 1967-1991, the FCT Effect is 2.5% and
3.3% for skilled and unskilled labor, respectively, while the FCT Effect
on the growth of the rewards of capital is negative, -1.8%. (11)
The Endowments Effect is negative for both capital and skilled
labor's rewards, -13.35% and -1.27%, respectively, and positive for
the growth rate of unskilled labor rewards, 2.10%. Capital is the factor
with the highest growth in its endowments, followed by skilled labor and
this growth had affected adversely the rewards for each of these two
factors. On the opposite side, unskilled labor endowments have declined
over the period of investigation and such decline in the supply of
unskilled labor has caused, ceteris paribus, an increase on the rewards
of unskilled labor.
The last column of Table 5 presents the Technology Effect. This
effect is positive on average for the growth rate of factor rewards for
all three inputs. The technological effect on the growth of capital
rewards is the highest in magnitude, an average of 17.52%, followed by
skilled labor's growth, 5.68%. For the same period the Technology
Effect on the growth of unskilled labor rewards is only 0.50%.
Furthermore, in Table 5, we report the average growth rate of
factor rewards and their decomposition for the periods 1967-1981 and
1982-1991. As the second column shows, the growth rate of the rewards to
all factors has decreased significantly from the first to the second
subperiod. But the ranking of the growth rates among the three factors
remains unchanged, skilled labor experiences the highest growth and
capital the lowest in both subperiods. Looking at the decomposition, the
FCT Effect for capital and skilled labor rewards increases over time,
while it decreases for unskilled labor. It is important to stress that
in the second subperiod the FCT Effect is the highest for capital and
the lowest for unskilled labor. This could be seen as evidence that for
the period 1982-1991 international trade has benefited the growth of
capital rewards the most and the one of unskilled labor the least. The
Endowment Effect decreases over time for all three factors and is one of
the reasons of the lower growth rates of factor rewards in the last
subperiod. Similarly, the Technology Effect decreases for all three
factors of production between the two subperiods. But while it remains
positive for the rewards to capital and skilled labor, it becomes
negative for unskilled labor in the last subperiod. This seems to
suggest not only that technical change favors the rewards to capital and
skilled labor but that it causes a decline in absolute terms for the
growth of unskilled labor rewards.
It is clear from Table 5 that the difference between the rewards of
capital and the two types of labor has narrowed, but that the wage
inequality between the two types of workers has increased at a rate of
slightly above 1% on average. This seems to be attributed to
technological change that has considerably favored skilled labor much
more in relation to unskilled labor. For the period 1967-1991, the FCT
and the Endowment Effects are higher for unskilled labor than to skilled
labor. The Technology Effect is positive for both types of labor over
the whole sample period, but skilled labor's magnitude is much
higher relative to unskilled labor's. Consequently, the observed
increasing wage inequality between skilled and unskilled workers can be
attributed to the Technology Effect. Hence, the widening on relative
wages between skilled and unskilled workers seems to be the result of
technological change that is biased toward skilled labor.
To summarize, our results indicate that the most important effect
for the widening of the wage inequality is the Technology Effect,
followed by the Endowment Effect, while the FCT Effect has the least
impact. In particular, the Technology Effect contributes by 80% to the
growth of skilled labor rewards and by 5% to the growth of unskilled
labor rewards. This result is qualitative similar to Katz and Murphy
(1992), Feenstra and Hanson (1996,1999), Baldwin and Cain (2000), Canals
(2006), Bloom et al. (2008), Lawrence (2008), and Blum (2008), where
they found evidence that skilled biased technological change is the most
significant factor explaining the widening of U.S. wage inequality.
Regarding the FCT Effect, our results indicate that it is
responsible for 37% of the growth of skilled labor rewards and for 56%
of the growth of unskilled labor. Similar results were found by Borjas
et al. (1992), Katz and Murphy (1992), Feenstra and Hanson (1996, 1999),
Baldwin and Cain (2000), Canals (2006), Lawrence (2008), Michaels (2008)
and Blum (2008). In particular, they concluded that trade contributed a
little to the increase of wage inequality in the United States. On the
other hand, our results differ to the ones found by Learner (1998),
Bivens (2007), and Sitchinava (2007), where they argue that
international trade played a crucial role for the opening of wage
inequality in the United States.
Finally, we find that the Endowment Effect reduced the growth of
skilled labor rewards and increased the growth of unskilled labor
rewards by 18% and 35%, respectively. This result is similar in terms of
direction with the findings of Baldwin and Cain (2000).
It is worth noticing that although our approach finds a result that
seems to be the consensus in the literature for the period that we
investigate, it is the first to our knowledge that allows for a
decomposition of the growth of factor rewards in to three components
that are explicitly modeled. That is the factor rewards growth is
decomposed into a FCT Effect, an Endowment Effect and a Technology
In this paper, we provide a dual definition for the factor content
of trade based on the Equivalent Autarky Equilibrium introduced by
Deardorff and Staiger (1988). This new definition of FCT allows for a
more general technology that permits the existence of jointness in
output quantities. This implies that in our analysis, we depart from FPE
and that changes in input endowments cause changes in factor rewards. By
estimating a symmetric normalized quadratic revenue function we
calculate the FCT of capital, skilled and unskilled labor for the U.S.
manufacturing sector for the period 1965-1991. Moreover by applying the
quadratic approximation lemma to the difference of factor rewards
between the trading equilibrium and EAE, we are able to link the
observed growth of factor rewards to the growth of FCT, endowments and
technological change for 1967-1991.
We find that the FCT of capital is positive while the FCT of
skilled and unskilled labor are negative. Hence, for the period of
investigation, the level of aggregation and under the technological
specification of our model, it appears that there is no Leontief
Paradox. This suggests that if the economy was at EAE, less capital
would have been employed relative to skilled and unskilled labor. The
positive sign of capital's FCT and the negative sign of the FCT of
both types of labor implies that US manufacturing sector was a net
exporter of goods that were more capital intensive between 1965 and 1991
and that capital was revealed by trade to be relatively more abundant to
the two types of labor. In addition, following Leamer (1980) we show
that skilled labor is revealed by trade to be relatively more abundant
to unskilled labor, because the ratio of factor content of skilled labor
to factor content of unskilled labor is smaller than the ratio of
skilled to unskilled labor used in the production.
Overall factor rewards between the two types of labor and capital
have narrowed but within labor wage inequality has increased. We find
that the FCT Effect on factor rewards, for the period considered, is
positive for the two types of labor (37% and 56% increase in the rewards
to skilled and unskilled labor, respectively) and negative for capital.
This is probably the result of the more general technology used in the
analysis as the decomposition of the FCT Effect indicates in Table 5.
The Endowments Effect is negative for the growth of capital's and
skilled labor's rewards and positive for unskilled labor.
Suggesting that the increasing endowments of capital and skilled labor
have suppressed their rewards, ceteris paribus, while the opposite
happened for unskilled labor. Technological change has benefited mainly
the rewards to capital, but also skilled labor's rewards to a
smaller magnitude. On the contrary, the rewards to unskilled labor had
almost no gains arising from technological change. Finally, the
increasing inequality between skilled and unskilled labor's rewards
seems to be the cause of technological change that was biased in favor
of skilled labor's rewards.
There are three inputs in our model, capital, [v.sub.K], skilled
labor, [v.sub.S], and unskilled labor, [v.sub.U]. Data for the value and
price of capital and aggregate labor, at a 2-digit SIC87 analysis are
obtained from Dale Jorgenson's database for the period 1963 1991.
(12) We construct the value added for capital and aggregate labor and
also the price of capital and labor. In particular, the price of inputs
is a weighted average of their prices in each 2-digit industry with
weights the share of each input in every 2-digit industry. We get the
quantity of capital and aggregate labor by dividing their value added by
their price, respectively.
The division of aggregate labor into skilled and unskilled labor is
implemented by using data from the NBER collection of Mare-Winship Data,
1963-1991. We get data on educational levels, weekly wages, status, and
weeks worked for full time workers in 2-digit SIC industries. We divide
workers into skilled and unskilled following Katz and Murphy (1992), a
worker is treated as skilled if he or she spent at least 12 years in
education. Our sample contains only full-time workers, aged 16-45, that
have completed their educational grade and are working in the private
sector. First, we calculate the total number of weeks worked per year
and also the annual wages and salaries for skilled and unskilled
workers. (13) Then we divide the annual value of wages and salaries by
the corresponding total weeks worked in order to calculate the full-time
weekly wage for each group respectively. After that we calculate the
share of weeks worked for skilled and unskilled workers relative to the
total hours worked of all workers. Similarly, we find the shares of
wages for each occupational group in the sample. Finally, these shares
are multiplied with the total quantity and total wages of aggregate
labor, respectively, obtained from Jorgenson's data set in order to
get the quantity and wages for skilled and unskilled workers in the
United States. We should note that the last year in our sample is 1991
because of limitations of the NBER Mare-Winship Data. This data set is
drawn from the CPS March data set that it has changed significantly the
way that defines a lot of variables after 1991. Our goal is to have a
consistent way of defining skilled and unskilled labor and for this we
decided to make use only of the Mare-Winship NBER data set that covers
the period 1965-1991.
In our model there are three aggregate products, exportable.
[y.sub.E], importable, [y.sub.t], and nontradable, [y.sub.N]. Initially
the products are divided into tradeable and nontradeables. A 2-digit
industry is termed tradable if the ratio of its exports plus imports
divided by its revenue is above 10%, otherwise it is termed as
nontradable. (14) Then tradable industries are grouped to exportable and
importable depending on whether their net exports are positive or
negative, respectively.
For the calculation of value added of the three aggregate products
we again use Jorgenson's data set. Data for output deflators are
obtained from the Bureau of Economic Analysis at a 2-digit SIC level. As
these are available from 1977 onwards, the values of output deflators
for years before 1977 are obtained by interpolation assuming a constant
growth rate equal to the growth rate between 1977 and 1978. The
aggregation of the three goods is achieved in three stages. (15) First,
we calculate the value added for each aggregate good, then an aggregate
price is constructed for each of them. This aggregate price is a
weighted average of the prices of all 2-digit industries that belong to
an aggregate good, with weights the share of each 2-digit industry. The
aggregate quantity of output is calculated by dividing the value of each
aggregate good by its aggregate price. Similarly, the volume of net
exports is calculated by dividing the value of net exports for each
aggregate good by its corresponding aggregate price.
The assumption of balanced trade is not satisfied by the data. For
that reason, the actual trade volumes for each good are adjusted
according to the revenue shares in order to guarantee balanced trade.
That is,
[summation over (i)) [p.sub.i] [T.sup.*.sub.i] = B
where [p.sub.i], [T.sup.*.sub.i] and B are the product price for
the ith good, the unadjusted volume of net exports for the ith good and
the trade imbalance, respectively. In order to impose trade balance, we
calculate the adjusted value of net exports by subtracting from the
value of net exports for every good i a fraction of B equal to its
revenue share,
[p.sub.i][T.sub.i] = [p.sub.i][T.sup.*.sub.i] -
[[p.sub.i][y.sub.i]]/[[[summation].sup.N.sub.i=1][p.sub.i][y.sub.i]] B
where [T.sub.i] is the adjusted volume of net exports and therefore
[summation over (i)][p.sub.i][T.sub.i] = 0
SIC Codes for Aggregate Goods
Good SIC Code Category
Exportable Food & Kindred Products (SIC 20)
Chemicals & Allied Products (SIC 28)
Industrial & Commerce Machinery &
Computer Equipment (SIC 35)
Electronic & Other Electric Equipment
(SIC 36)
Transportation Equipment (SIC 37)
Instruments, Photographic, Medical &
Optical Goods (SIC 38)
Importable Textile Mill Products (SIC 22)
Apparel & Other Finished Products (SIC 23)
Lumber & Wood Products (SIC 24)
Paper & Allied Products (SIC 26)
Petroleum Refining & Related Industries
(SIC 29)
Leather & Leather Products (SIC 31)
Primary Metal Industries (SIC 33)
Miscellaneous Manufacturing Industries
(SIC 39)
Nontradable Tobacco Products (SIC 21)
Furniture & Fixtures (SIC 25)
Printing, Publishing & Allied Industries
(SIC 27)
Rubber & Miscellaneous Plastic Products
(SIC 30)
Stone, Clay, Glass & Concrete Products
(SIC 32)
Fabricated Metal Products, Except
Machinery (SIC 34)
We define [R.sup.e.sub.vp] as the matrix of the second partial
derivatives of the revenue function with respect to prices and
endowments evaluated at the Equivalent Autarky Equilibrium at period t
with a typical entry [[partial derivative]w.sup.e.sub.lt]/[[partial
derivative]p.sub.it]. Similarly, [R.sub.vv] and [R.sup.e.sub.vv] are the
matrices of the second partial derivatives of the revenue function with
respect to endowments evaluated at the trade and Equivalent Autarky
Equilibrium at period t and have as typical entries [[partial
derivative]w.sub.lt]/[[partial derivative]v.sub.jt] and [[partial
derivative]w.sup.e.sub.lt]/[[partial derivative]v.sup.e.sub.jt],
respectively. While [R.sup.e.sub.vt] is the vector of the second partial
derivatives of the revenue function with respect to endowments and time
evaluated at the Equivalent Autarky Equilibrium at period t, with a
typical entry [[partial derivative]w.sup.e.sub.lt]/[partial
derivative]t. Using the above definitions we can write Equation (18) for
the lth factor as:
We proceed by dividing both sides of Equation (B1) by 1/[w.sub.lt]
in order to obtain the growth rate of factor reward for the lth factor
on the left hand side
Then we multiply and divide by [v.sup.e.sub.jt]/[w.sup.e.sub.lt]
the first three lines on the RHS of Equation (B2), while we multiply and
divide by [w.sup.e.sub.lt] the last line on the RHS of Equation (B2)
In order to obtain the growth of factor content of trade and the
growth of endowments, we multiply and divide by [f.sub.jt] and
[v.sub.jt] the first four lines of Equation (B3), respectively. We also
multiply and divide by [v.sub.jt]/[w.sub.lt] the first term inside the
brackets in the second line of Equation (B3)
Finally, recall [[epsilon].sup.e.sub.li], [[eta].sup.e.sub.lj]
[[eta].sup.e.sub.lt] are the elasticities of the factor rewards with
respect to price, endowments, and time, respectively, at the Equivalent
Autarky Equilibrium and [[eta].sub.lj] is the elasticity of the factor
rewards with respect to endowments at the trade equilibrium. While from
Equation (19), we know that [[beta].sub.ij] = [[[partial
derivative]p.sub.it]/[[partial derivative]p.sup.e.sub.jt]]/
[[v.sup.e.sub.jt]/[p.sub.it]] is the elasticity of price with respect to
EAE endowments and [a.sub.it] = ([[partial derivative]p.sub.it]/[partial
derivative]t)/[p.sub.it] is the effect of technical change on price.
After collecting terms we reach
This is Equation (20) in the main text, where we define 1/2
([[eta].sub.lj]([w.sub.lt]/[v.sub.jt])([v.sup.e.sub.jt]/[w.sup.e.sub.lt]) + [[eta].sup.e.sub.lj]) to be [[bar.[eta]].sub.lj], the weighted mean
elasticity of the factor rewards with respect to endowments between the
TE and EAE. It involves on the first line on the RHS the growth rate of
the FCT for all factors that we call the FCT Effect. The expression on
the next line incorporates the growth rate of TE endowments and is
called the Endowment Effect. Finally, the expression on the last line is
the Technology Effect.
CRS: Constant Returns to Scale
EAE: Equivalent Autarkic Equilibrium
FCT: Factor Content of Trade
FPE: Factor Price Equalization
GDP: Gross Domestic Product
QLR: Quasilikelihood Ratio
SNQ: Symmetric Normalized Quadratic
TE: Trade Equilibria
doi: 10.1111/j.1465-7295.2010.00349.x
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(1.) For a discussion about jointness and FPE, see Samuelson
(2.) In this part, we follow the standard Heckscher-Ohlin
assumption of a small open economy. Later in the empirical part, we
relax the assumption of exogenous product prices, as in the work of
Kohli (1993) and Harrigan (2000).
(3.) The analysis can be extended to the case of non-balanced
trade, by assuming homothetic preferences and that capital inflows
effects on demand are equivalent to a transfer payment to consumers (see
for instance, Krugman (2008) and Panagariya (2000)).
(4.) In order to have a unique solution for [v.sup.e], it is
necessary that the number of goods (n) are equal to the number of inputs
(v). With a higher number of goods relative to the number of inputs (n
> m), it is still possible to have a unique solution for [v.sup.e]
with the additional assumption of nonjointness.
(5.) The determinant of matrix [R.sub.pv] is different from zero,
where [R.sub.pv] is the matrix of the second partial derivatives of the
revenue function with respect to product prices and endowments.
(6.) See the discussion of Davis and Weinstein (2003) for the
problems that arise with FCT, when there are traded and nontraded
intermediate inputs.
(7.) This is in contrast to other functional forms, like the widely
used translog, that cease to be flexible when concavity and convexity
are globally imposed.
(8.) We could relax the assumption of trade balance. This requires
estimation of an expenditure function, but because we focus on the
production side of the economy, we consider this as part of potential
future research. In Appendix A, we provide a detailed construction and
sources of the data.
(9.) All net trade services of factors are measured in constant
1970 prices and it is assumed that the economy is in a balanced trade
equilibrium (see more in Appendix A).
(10.) Notice that when there is nonjointness in output quantities,
[R.sub.vv] = 0, and therefore [w.sub.r] = [w.sup.e.sub.t] and
[dw.sub.t]/dt = [dw.sup.e.sub.t]/dt.
(11.) Note that the overall sign and magnitude of the FCT Effect
for each factor reward depends on all inverse factor price elasticities,
equilibrium product price elasticities, and the FCT growth of all
factors and therefore the direction of the effect is ambiguous.
(12.) http://www.economics.harvard.edu/faculty/jorgen
son./files/35klem.html. See Jorgenson and Stiroh (2000).
(13.) Following Katz and Murphy (1992), we include only full time
workers that have worked more than 39 weeks in that year. Also, top code
wage and salaries were multiplied by 1.45.
(14.) Trade data at a 2-digit SIC87 level were obtained online from
the Centre for International Data at the University of California Davis.
See Feenstra (1996).
(15.) Table Al shows the SIC categories that are included in each
aggregate good.
* We would like to thank the editor and two anonymous reviewers for
helpful comments and suggestions.
Dells: Lecturer, Department of Economics, University of Cyprus,
Nicosia, P.O. Box 20537, CY 1678, Cyprus; Leverhulme Centre for Research
on Globalisation and Economic Policy, University of Nottingham, UK.
Phone 0035722893682, Fax 0035722895028, E-mail dells. agelos@ucy.ac.cy
Mamuneas: Professor, Department of Economics, University of Cyprus,
Nicosia, P.O. Box 20537, CY 1678, Cyprus. Phone 0035722893705, Fax
0035722895028, E-mail tmamuneas@ucy.ac.cy
Parameter Estimates-Revenue Function
Parameter Estimate t-stat.
[a.sub.EE] 47085.9 0.286
[a.sub.EI] -31871.6 -0.394
[a.sub.EN] -15214.3 -0.171
[a.sub.II] 21573.3 0.521
[a.sub.IN] 10298.3 0.213
[a.sub.NN] 4916 0.120
[e.sub.K] 2184.5 1.333
[e.sub.S] -620.7 -1.003
[e.sub.U] -1563.7 -1.224
[C.sub.EK] 64498 2.044
[C.sub.ES] -11935.4 -0.420
[C.sub.EU] 64737.3 3.018
[C.sub.IK] -13286.6 -0.607
[C.sub.IS] 72514 3.714
[C.sub.IU] 6805.5 0.428
[C.sub.NK] -2048 -0.851
[C.sub.NS] 61639.2 4.617
[C.sub.NU] -3075.6 -0.243
[b.sub.KK] -68690.5 -2.394
[b.sub.KS] 29583.7 2.294
[b.sub.KU] 39106.7 1.779
[b.sub.SS] -12741.2 -1.515
[b.sub.SU] -16842.6 -2.523
[b.sub.UU] -22264.2 -1.303
[d.sub.E] 1557.5 0.607
[d.sub.I] -948.9 -0.639
[d.sub.N] -608.6 -0.452
[h.sub.t] 1146.6 0.808
[h.sub.tt] 42.2 0.386
Sy.st. [R.sup.2] 0.980
Hypothesis Testing Test Statistic [chi].sup.2
No convexity & concavity Wald(4) = 32.7 9.488
Nonjointness: Wald(2) = 29.1 5.991
No technological change Wald(6) = 534 12.590
Trade Equilibrium Elasticities
(Mean values, Std. Dev in parenthesis)
Output Price
Exportable Importable Nontradable
Exportable 0.326 -0.223 -0.103
(0.034) (0.024) (0.010)
Importable -0.528 0.361 0.166
(0.027) (0.017) ((1.012)
Nontradable -0.253 0.173 0.079
(0.025) (0.016) (0.009)
Capital 1.254 -0.232 -0.022
(0.108) (0.073) (0.035)
Skilled labor 0.041 0.516 0.441
(0.090) (0.055) (0.037)
Unskilled labor 1.017 0.061 -0.079
(0.031) (0.010) (0.021)
Capital Skilled labor Unskilled labor
Exportable 0.621 0.048 0.330
(0.046) (0.091) (0.137)
Importable -0.284 1.239 0.044
(0.117) (0.122) (0.012)
Nontradable -0.027 1.094 -0.067
(0.043) (0.016) (0.040)
Capital -1.149 0.678 0.470
(0.132) (0.217) (0.128)
Skilled labor 0.324 -0.199 -0.1
(0.082) (0.090) (0.016)
Unskilled labor 0.759 -0.454 -0.305
(0.100) (0.163) (0.064)
Techn Change
Exportable 0.019
Importable -0.004
Nontradable -0.001
Capital 0.044
Skilled labor 0.001
Unskilled labor -0.017
Equivalent Autarky Equilibrium Elasticities
(Mean values, Std. Dev in parenthesis)
Output Price
Factor Reward Exportable Importable Nontradable
Capital 0.841 0.042 0.115
(0.030) (0.018) (0.012)
Skilled labor -0.056 0.569 0.487
(0.058) (0.040) (0.023)
Unskilled labor 1.997 -0.329 -0.668
(0.698) (0.279) (0.420)
Factor Reward Capital Skilled Labor Unskilled Labor
Capital -0.397 0.062 0.334
(0.051) (0.043) (0.045)
Skilled labor 0.039 -0.008 -0.030
(0.029) (0.009) (0.020)
Unskilled labor 0.831 -0.150 -0.681
(0.407) (0.139) (0.295)
Techn. Change
Factor Reward
Capital 0.019
Skilled labor 0.002
Unskilled labor -0.049
Parameter Estimates--Price Growth Equations
Parameter Estimate t-stat
[a.sub.ET] 0.069 6.607
[[beta].sub.EK] -0.208 -1.743
[[beta].sub.ES] 0.288 2.108
[[beta].sub.EU] -0.274 -1.889
[a.sub.IT] 0.076 5.011
[[beta].sub.IK] -0.227 -1.312
[[beta].sub.IS] 0.446 2.260
[[beta].sub.IU] -0.308 -1.473
[a.sub.NT] 0.071 6.670
[[beta].sub.NK] -0.191 -1.562
[[beta].sub.NS] 0.269 1.919
[[beta].sub.NU] -0.238 -1.601
Syst. [R.sup.2] 0.99
Factor Rewards Decomposition
(Annual growth rates %)
Growth of Tech.
Factor FCT Endowment Change
Period Reward Effect Effect Effect
1967-1991 2.38 -1.79 -13.35 17.52
1967-1981 3.63 -4.84 -10.01 18.48
1982-1991 0.53 2.79 -18.34 16.08
Skilled Labor
1967-1991 6.95 2.54 -1.27 5.68
1967-1981 9.17 2.75 -0.11 6.53
1982-1991 3.62 2.23 -3.00 4.39
Unskilled Labor
1967-1991 5.93 3.33 2.10 0.50
1967-1981 8.44 4.47 2.46 1.51
1982-1991 2.16 1.62 1.57 -1.03