International R&D spillovers and productivity trends in the Asian miracle economies.
Ang, James B. ; Madsen, Jakob B.
Recent developments in endogenous growth theories have led to an
increased recognition of the role that domestic knowledge and
international knowledge spillovers (IKS) play as the engines of growth
in Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
countries. Empirical studies for these countries have shown that IKS
through the channels of imports, exports, foreign direct investment
(FDI), patent flows, geographic proximity, and through no specific
channel are important for growth, as discussed in the next section and
as reviewed in the survey by Keller (2004).
Given the central role played by the Asian miracle economies in the
literature on growth and development, it is surprising how little
attention has been given to the joint effects of domestic and
international research and development (R&D) on productivity growth
in these countries. This negligence may be due to the difficulties
associated with finding long historical R&D data for these countries
and the emphasis on capital deepening as the most important source of
growth in the literature on the Asian miracles (for a critical review of
the capital deepening hypothesis, see Easterly and Levine 2001).
There are other reasons to expect domestic and foreign
R&D-based knowledge to have been important for growth in these
economies. First, their ratio of R&D expenditures to total income
has increased markedly in the period 1955-2006 and has on average been
1.4%, which is more than half that for the technology frontier countries
(the United States, Germany, Italy, France, and the UK) over the same
period. (1) Second, outward orientation has often been stressed as an
important factor behind the success of the Asian growth miracles
(Radelet, Sachs, and Lee 2001; Rodrik 1997). This opens up the
possibility that knowledge spillovers through the channel of imports and
exports are important for economic growth in the Asian miracle
This paper examines the effects on total factor productivity (TFP)
of the domestic stocks of knowledge and IKS for six Asian miracle
economies, including China, India, Japan, Korea, Singapore, and Taiwan,
over the period from 1955 to 2006. The following six international
knowledge transmission channels are examined: (1) imports (Coe and
Helpman 1995; Coe, Helpman, and Hoffmaister 1997, 2009; Keller 1998;
Kneller and Stevens 2006; Lichtenberg and van Pottelsberghe de la
Potterie 1998; Madsen 2007, 2008a, 2008b; Vamvakidis 1998, 2003); (2)
exports (Falvey, Foster, and Greenaway 2004); (3) inward FDI (van
Pottelsberghe de la Potterie and Lichtenberg 2001); (4) flows of patents
between countries (Eaton and Kortum 1996, 1999); (5) geographical
proximity (Keller 2002); and (6) general knowledge spillovers that are
not passing through any particular channel.
This examination not only serves as a useful check on the
importance of knowledge-driven growth in the Asian miracle economies,
but also provides an assessment of the relative importance of the
different channels through which knowledge is transmitted
internationally. Almost all available studies of knowledge spillovers
have focused exclusively on the mature OECD countries, whose growth has
not come close to that of the Asian miracle economies over the last few
decades. (2) Trade, inward FDI, and patent flows have grown markedly in
the Asian miracle economies since World War II (WWII). Furthermore,
variations in the growth in TFP, domestic knowledge, and IKS are
substantially larger among these economies than in OECD countries, thus
yielding much more identifying variation in the data. The Asian miracle
economies, therefore, provide an important testing ground for
discriminating between various channels of knowledge transmission.
This paper proceeds as follows. Section II reviews the literature
and provides a discussion of the analytical framework that underlies our
empirical modeling strategy. Data and construction of variables are
discussed in Section III. Section IV presents the main results, and
robustness checks are provided in Section V. Productivity growth
estimates are provided in Section VI, and Section VII identifies and
discusses the sources of growth in the Asian miracle economies. The last
section concludes.
Easterlin (1981), Clark (1987), and Mokyr (2005) have shown that
throughout history the same technologies and production methods have
often been employed across the world. Important examples include general
purpose technologies such as the steam engine, trains, the combustion engine, electricity, telecommunications, the internet, and radio
transmission. However, not all countries make effective use of the
technologies and methods that are developed in the frontier countries.
This raises the question of the channels through which technologies are
transmitted internationally. The following six channels of international
knowledge transmission are considered in this paper: imports, exports,
inward FDI, foreign patent flows, geographic proximity, and general (or
no specified) channel.
First, consider knowledge transmitted through the channel of
imports. According to the endogenous growth models of Romer (1990),
Grossman and Helpman (1991), and Aghion and Howitt (1992), horizontally
and vertically differentiated intermediate inputs are the key
determinants of TFP. For horizontally differentiated intermediate
inputs, an increasing variety of these inputs results in higher
efficiency of economy-wide production. Vertically differentiated
intermediate inputs possess different qualities and their effectiveness
in final production depends on the number of times they have been
improved. In both cases, the variety and quality of intermediate inputs
critically depend on R&D investment, which suggests that TFP is a
positive function of R&D stocks. Also in both, the variety and
quality of intermediate inputs are predominantly explained by cumulative
R&D and, therefore, TFP reacts positively to knowledge stock
accumulation. This line of reasoning suggests that the TFP of a country
depends on its own knowledge stock and cumulative knowledge stocks
embodied in imported intermediate inputs. Thus, technology is
transmitted internationally by the import-weighted stock of knowledge.
There in an extensive empirical literature on the nexus between TFP
growth and IKS for OECD countries. Several empirical studies have
investigated knowledge spillovers through the channel of imports
including Coe and Helpman (1995), Engelbrecht (1997), Coe, Helpman, and
Hoffmaister (1997, 2009), Keller (1998), Lichtenberg and van
Pottelsberghe de la Potterie (1998), del Barrio-Castro, Lopez-Bazo, and
Serrano-Domingo (2002), Lumenga-Neso, Olarreaga, and Schiff (2005),
Kneller and Stevens (2006), Madsen (2007, 2008a, 2008b), and Acharya and
Keller (2009). Most of these studies find that domestic as well as
foreign knowledge spillovers through imports are significant
determinants of the level of TFP.
However, in an interesting study Keller (1998) shows that a problem
associated with spillover weighting schemes is that they may not capture
the channel through which knowledge is actually transmitted. He shows
that randomly created import shares may create results that are even
better than those based on explicit weighting schemes. Keller (1998)
finds that randomly generated import shares and no shares at all yield
results similar to or stronger than those obtained by Coe and Helpman
(1995). Keller (2000) argues that trade weights are not likely to be
good measures of knowledge spillovers because total import streams may
not be representative of trade in intermediate goods and because common
trends and shocks in R&D and TFP may lead to a spurious relationship between the import-weighted knowledge stock and TFP. Acharya and Keller
(2009) go beyond the implicit assumption of the Coe and Helpman (1995)
approach that knowledge spillover elasticities are the same across all
countries and, instead, focus on the individual transfer of technology
through imports for six major OECD countries in which they find
significant differences in the elasticity values.
Second, learning-by-exporting in which firms learn to improve the
quality of their products and production processes through contact with
more advanced foreign competitors in global export markets is another
possible channel of technology transmission (Bernard and Jensen 1999;
Clerides, Lach, and Tybout 1998; Falvey, Foster, and Greenaway 2004).
Quite a few empirical studies have examined the relationship between
growth and exports under the assumption that firms benefit from
interacting with foreign customers because they impose higher standards
than domestic customers (Keller 2004), and because trade induces more
efficient use of labor and resources through learning (Falvey, Foster,
and Greenaway 2004). However, only a limited number of studies, such as
Falvey, Foster, and Greenaway (2004), have examined this channel of
knowledge transmission.
Third, FDI is often assumed to be associated with positive
technological externalities (Branstetter 2006; Keller and Yeaple 2009;
van Pottelsberghe de la Potterie and Lichtenberg 2001). Several
empirical studies have investigated the relationship between growth and
FDI under the assumption that domestic producers may increase their
productivity by learning from foreign producers (see, for survey, Keller
2004). However, only a few studies such as van Pottelsberghe de le
Potterie and Lichtenberg (2001) and Bitzer and Kerekes (2008) have
investigated the transmission of foreign knowledge through the channel
of outward and inward FDI. These studies give mixed evidence of the
importance of knowledge spillovers through these channels, van
Pottelsberghe de la Potterie and Lichtenberg (2001) find that outward
knowledge flows increase productivity in the source country but not in
the recipient country. Bitzer and Kerekes (2008) find that spillovers of
knowledge through inward FDI are significant determinants of
productivity, while they could not find any effects from knowledge
spillovers through outward FDI.
Fourth, foreign patent flows are another channel through which
technology can be transmitted across borders and thus serve as a useful
measure to construct the international knowledge diffusion variables.
The role of foreign patents as a transmitter of international knowledge
has been highlighted in the models developed by Eaton and Kortum (1996,
1999) and in the empirical findings of Madsen (2008a).
Information about the diffusion of international technology is
embedded in foreign patents as they travel easily between countries and
only the most commercially promising ideas are patented abroad (see
Eaton and Kortum 1996; Lichtenberg and van Pottelsberghe de la Potterie
Fifth, knowledge spillovers through geographic proximity appear to
be important channels of knowledge transmission based on the observation
that countries with similar growth and income experiences are clustered
in geographically concentrated areas such as East Asia, South Asia,
Southeast Asia, North America, Western Europe, Africa, and South
America. These geographically concentrated groups of countries often
have close trade links, similar cultures, and high movements of labor
across borders. The importance of geographical distance between trade
partners has been highlighted in the trade and growth literature (e.g.,
Berthelona and Freund 2008; Eaton and Kortum 2001, 2002; Frankel and
Romer 1999; Grossman 1998; Keller 2002). Grossman (1998) argues that
geographic distance between two trade partners reflects not only
transport costs but also unfamiliarity or informational barriers. Keller
(2002) argues that with greater proximity people are more able to create
knowledge through interaction and adopt and assimilate knowledge that
has been developed elsewhere. Geographical proximity allows
technological knowledge to be transmitted through informal contacts,
such as conferences, speeches, visits, and seminars. Keller (2002) shows
that knowledge spillovers are positively related to geographic
proximity, but that the geographic distance has become less of a
deterrent to knowledge spillovers over time. Using a framework closely
related to Keller (2002), Bottazzi and Peri (2003) examine the
technology spillovers between European regions and find evidence that
spillovers tend to cluster geographically.
Finally, knowledge can travel internationally, independently of
trade, FDI, patent flows, or geographic proximity. In one of the models
considered by Rivera-Batiz and Romer (1991), some described in Grossman
and Helpman (1991) and those of Parente and Prescott (1994), Howitt
(2000), and Aghion and Howitt (2006), it is shown that ideas travel
internationally but independently of trade in goods and geographic
proximity because telecommunications, the internet, books, magazines,
and other means of communication render technology, wherever it is
developed, globally available. This follows from the assumption that,
with free communication, each researcher builds on a knowledge stock
that would not otherwise have been available. This channel is similar to
Romer's (1990) model.
Following the lead of Coe and Helpman (1995), the effects of
domestic and foreign knowledge spillovers on TFP are estimated as
follows (3):
(1) ln[] = [a.sub.0] + [a.sub.1]ln[] +
[a.sub.2]ln[] + [[epsilon]]
where the subscripts i and t represent country and time period,
respectively; TFP is total factor productivity, DS the domestic stock of
knowledge, IKS a measure of international knowledge spillovers, and
[epsilon] a stochastic error term. TFP is expected to be positively
related to the DS and IKS. The model is estimated using annual data over
the period from 1955 to 2006 for China, India, Japan, Korea, Singapore,
and Taiwan. Note that fixed effect dummies are not included in the
regressions because the Pedroni (2001) panel dynamic ordinary least
square (DOLS) estimator, as discussed and used in the regressions below,
is a group-mean estimator in which the coefficients are computed as the
averages for each country, thereby allowing for full heterogeneity in
the parameter estimates.
TFP is computed as TFP = Y/([K.sup.[alpha]][L.sup.1-[alpha]]),
where Y is real gross domestic product (GDP), L the number of employed
persons multiplied by annual hours worked, and K the nonresidential
capital stock, which is estimated using the perpetual inventory method
for investment in nonresidential buildings and structures as well as
machinery and equipment. A depreciation rate of 3% is used for
nonresidential buildings and structures and 17% for machinery and
equipment. Investment data from the earliest available years have been
used to generate the capital stock for the year 1955. The initial
capital stock is obtained by dividing initial investment by the sum of
the depreciation and growth rates of real investment. Following the
established practice in the literature [alpha] is set to 0.3 (see, e.g.,
Aghion and Howitt 2007).
IKS are measured using both R&D expenditure and the number of
patents applied for. The stock of knowledge is generated using the
perpetual inventory method and a 20% depreciation rate following Madsen
(2008a) and Pakes and Schankerman (1984). Following Coe and Helpman
(1995), nominal R&D expenditure is deflated using an unweighted
average of the economy-wide value-added price deflator and hourly
earnings. The number of patents applied for, rather than patents
granted, is used because the granting frequencies vary significantly
across countries and over time (Griliches 1990). Patents are measured as
patents applied for or patents granted to residents. Patents applied for
by foreign residents are not included in the patent data because they
are usually duplicates of domestic patent applications and, furthermore,
applications are usually made for the same patent in several countries
(OECD 2003).
The use of patent data provides a valuable complement to
R&D-based indicators. The advantage of using patents is that they
are decomposed into patents filed by residents and nonresidents, which
enables one to distinguish between ideas that are outcomes of domestic
and foreign R&D activity, respectively. An additional advantage of
using patents, as opposed to R&D, as indicators of innovative
activity is that the outcome of informal R&D is sometimes patented.
Bound et al. (1984) find that small firms patent proportionally more
than large firms despite the fact that the latter have a disproportional share of R&D activity, which suggests that patents are perhaps a
more inclusive measure of innovative activity than R&D expenditure.
The problem associated with measuring innovative activity by patents
data is that not all innovations, such as non-codifiable innovations,
are patented and that the value of patents varies substantially across
patents (Keller 2004). The law of large numbers will, to some extent,
alleviate the problems associated with the heterogeneity of the value of
The advantage of using R&D data is that they measure the
resources that go into the development of new technologies and, as such,
are able to discriminate between large and small innovations by assuming
that the importance of innovations is proportional to the effort that is
put into the innovations. The disadvantage of using R&D expenditure
is that it is measured in nominal terms and, thus far, official R&D
deflators are not published. Furthermore, total R&D expenditure is
used here in the absence of more disaggregated R&D figures, although
Guellec and van Pottelsberghe de la Potterie (2004) have shown that
private sector R&D spending leads to higher productivity advances
than public R&D spending. Finally, R&D expenditure, as a measure
of technology, does not account for the random nature of innovations
(Keller 2004).
A. Measurement of International Knowledge Spillovers
The six measures of IKS discussed in the previous section are
measured as follows. The first measure, known as knowledge spillovers
through the channel of imports ([]), is based on the
approach of Lichtenberg and van Pottelsberghe de la Potterie (1998), as
(2a) [] = [26.summation over
(j=1)]([M.sub.ijt]/[Y.sub.jt])[DS.sub.jt], i [not equal to] j j=l
where [M.sub.ijt] is country i's imports from the exporting
country j at time t; [Y.sub.jt] is exporter j's GDP at time t; and
[DS.sub.jt] is exporter j's real R&D or patent stock at time t,
that is, it is the knowledge stock of 20 OECD countries, which are
listed in the Appendix, and the six Asian countries considered in this
study, excluding the country under consideration.
Following Falvey, Foster, and Greenaway (2004), knowledge
spillovers through the channel of exports ([]) is
specified as follows:
(2b) [] = [26.summation over
(j=1)]([X.sub.ijt]/[Y.sub.jt])[DS.sub.jt], i [not equal to] j j=l
where [X.sub.ijt] is country i's exports to the importing
country j at time t.
Following van Pottelsberghe de le Potterie and Lichtenberg (2001)
and Bitzer and Kerekes (2008), knowledge spillovers based on the channel
of bilateral flows of FDI between countries (IK[]) are
constructed as follows:
(2c) [] = [26.summation over
(j=1)]([F.sub.ijt]/[K.sub.jt])D[S.sub.jt], i [not equal to] j
where [F.sub.ijt] is recipient country i's nominal FDI stock from country j at time t and [K.sub.jt] is country j's
nonresidential capital stock at current prices. Data on FDI stock are
directly available from the statistical sources over the period
1985-2006. FDI stock is used because FDI flow fluctuates excessively
over time. Using the stock as opposed to the flow of FDI acknowledges
the fact that countries that have previously invested heavily in country
i will continue to transmit knowledge to country i even if the flow of
FDI is zero because they are still operating their plants in the
recipient country.
Knowledge spillovers through the channel of flows of patents
between countries ([]) are estimated as follows:
(2d) [ = [26.summation over
(j=1)]([A.sub.ijt]/[])[DS.sub.jt], i [not equal to] j
where [A.sub.ijt] is the number of patent applications filed in
country i by residents from country j at time t and [] the
total number of patent applications in country i at time t. Patents
applied for in country i by residents from country j are not directly
impacting country i's TFP, but rather indirectly affecting the
weight attributed to country j in knowledge spillovers. Patent
applications flowing from country j to country i provide a sufficient
metric for knowledge spillovers given that patents provide useful
indications of potential technological collaborations between the
receiving country and the residency of the patentee.
Knowledge spillovers through the channel of geographical proximity
between trade partners ([]) are captured by the
following measure in which knowledge spillovers are proportional to the
square root of the inverse relative geographical distance:
(2e) [] = [26.summation over (j=1)][square root
of ([TD.sub.i]/[D.sub.ij])[DS.sub.jt], i [not equal to] j
where [TD.sub.i] is the total geographical distance in kilometers
between the capital city of county i and the capital cities of all other
countries, and [] is the geographical distance in kilometers
between the capital city of country i and the capital city of country j.
Thus, the ratio [TD.sub.i]/[D.sub.ij] reflects the geographical
proximity between countries i and j. A higher value of the ratio is
expected to carry a larger weight of knowledge spillovers to country i
from country j. Knowledge spillovers are proportional to the squared
root of the geographical proximity measure because distance becomes
proportionally less important as an impediment to knowledge transmission
the further away a country is from the knowledge center.
Finally, foreign knowledge that transmits independently of trade in
goods, FDI, patent flows, and geographic proximity ([])
is considered. No weighting scheme is used to construct this measure.
The world stock of knowledge available to a particular Asian economy in
our sample is simply the sum of all knowledge stocks in OECD countries
and the Asian six excluding the country in question:
(2f) [] = [26.summation over (j=1)] [DS.sub.jt, i
[not equal to] j].
The summary statistics of all variables used in the analysis are
provided in Table 1. The data are obtained from various domestic and
international sources, as detailed in the Appendix. Some of the growth
rates are very large because most of the countries considered here
started from a very low base. This can, particularly, be seen from the
marked growth in [IKS.sup.ex] for Korea and [IKS.sup.FDI] for China. TFP
increased by an average of 3.5 times over the period 1955-2006. Taiwan,
as the strongest performer, has experienced a 5.7-fold increase in TFP
over the period, while India, as the poorest performer in the group, has
only experienced a 1.6-fold increase in TFP. In terms of growth in
domestic R&D stock, there is a wide disparity across countries
ranging from a factor of 45 to 445. Singapore and Taiwan have
experienced a marked increase in domestic R&D stock over the last
few decades, while the increase has been relatively modest for Japan and
Korea. Similarly, there are great cross-country variations in the growth
of IKS. The dispersion across countries is wide regardless of whether
foreign R&D expenditure or foreign patent counts data are used. In
most cases, China has experienced the largest, and India and Japan the
smallest increase in foreign knowledge stock.
The panel cointegration tests are performed using the approach of
Pedroni (2004), which is based on the traditional Engle-Granger
approach. Pedroni (2004) provides seven tests for cointegration that
allow for heterogeneous intercepts and trend coefficients across cross
sections. To derive the long-run estimates, the between-dimension (or
group-mean) panel dynamic DOLS estimator of Pedroni (2001), which allows
for the presence of heterogeneity of the cointegrating vectors, is used.
This single-equation panel estimator is extended from the time series
DOLS estimator of Stock and Watson (1993). One lag and one lead of the
contemporaneous values of the explanatory variables in first differences
are included in the estimates to capture the dynamics about the long-run
The results of regressing Equation (1) using R&D expenditures
for knowledge stock are reported in Table 2. The regressions show that
TFP, domestic R&D stock, and all measures of IKS form a robust
long-run relationship. Using the 10% decision rule, evidence of
cointegration is supported by Pedroni's cointegration tests. The
results indicate that both domestic R&D stock and all IKS variables
are significant determinants of TFP. Their coefficients are
statistically significant at the 1% level in all cases. The average
domestic R&D stock elasticity of TFP of 0.16 is only slightly higher
than the average coefficient of foreign knowledge spillovers of 0.15.
The results of estimating Equation (1) using patents for knowledge
stock are presented in Table 3. There is again evidence of cointegration
and all coefficients are consistently significant at the 1% level. The
coefficients of domestic and IKS are, on average, 0.18 and 0.17,
respectively, which are comparable to the estimates using R&D data.
The explosive growth in exports during the considered period is partly
responsible for the low coefficients of [IKS.sup.ex] in the regressions
in Tables 2 and 3. The coefficients of [IKS.sup.prox] and [IKS.sup.nw]
are substantially higher than the coefficient estimates of the other
spillover variables, which is consistent with the estimates in Table 2.
Compared to other regressions, the null hypothesis of no cointegration
is rejected the most for the equations involving spillover variables
[, [IKS.sup.prox], and [IKS.sup.nw] in Tables 2 and 3. This
result gives some support for the possibility that imports, proximity,
and no specific channel are the best weighting schemes for knowledge
spillovers, an issue that will be investigated further below.
The similarity between the results in Tables 2 and 3 in terms of
cointegration tests and parameter estimates is truly remarkable in the
sense that we arrive at almost the same conclusion regardless of whether
innovative activity is measured as research output (patents) or input
(R&D). This probably suggests that both R&D and patents are
reliable indicators of innovations, that R&D has been deflated by a
reasonably good deflator, and that the quality of the data is reliable.
Compared to the literature, the coefficient of domestic R&D
knowledge stock is in most cases higher than the corresponding estimates
for OECD countries (i.e., Acharya and Keller 2009; Branstetter 2006; Coe
and Helpman 1995; Coe, Helpman, and Hoffmaister 2009; Guellec and van
Pottelsberghe de la Potterie 2004; Keller 1998; Madsen 2007). This
probably reflects the fact that R&D productivity is higher at the
take-off phase during which the growth rate is high and that a
substantial fraction of R&D activity is used to adapt and improve
the technology that has been developed at the frontier. The coefficient
of knowledge spillovers through imports is slightly lower or of the same
magnitude compared to the estimates of Coe and Helpman (1995),
Engelbrecht (1997), Acharya and Keller (2009), and Coe, Helpman, and
Hoffmaister (2009) for OECD countries. The finding that [IKS.sup.FDI] is
positive and significant contrasts with the finding of van Pottelsberghe
de la Potterie and Lichtenberg (2001), but is consistent with the
results of Falvey, Foster, and Greenaway (2004), Branstetter (2006), and
Bitzer and Kerekes (2008). The finding that the coefficient of
[IKS.sup.pat] is significant stands in contrast to the results of Madsen
(2007), who shows that it is insignificant for OECD countries.
Finally, the data for China may be unreliable because of the
possible presence of structural breaks. China opened its economy in 1978
and its knowledge sector has grown rapidly since then. This may have
created an endogenous break in the cointegrated relationship given in
Equation (1). To cater for this we conduct the cointegration test of
Gregory and Hansen (1996) for China where the possibility of a one-time
regime shift is allowed for in the cointegrated relationship of the
benchmark model consisting of ln[TFP.sub.t], ln[DS.sub.t], and
[] or any of the other measures of knowledge spillovers.
However, there is still supportive evidence of cointegration for China
at the 5% level of significance in all cases. Furthermore, Hansen (1992)
notes that evidence of parameter instability, which can be induced by
the presence of structural breaks, should prevail when evidence of
cointegration is absent. The above findings for evidence of
cointegration remain unchanged when this approach is used to evaluate
the stability of the parameters, suggesting that the findings are not
sensitive to breaks in the time series. Hence, the panel estimates are
unlikely to be influenced by structural breaks in the Chinese data.
This section checks the robustness of the results to inclusion of
control variables, the use of different TFP measures, alternative
depreciation rates for R&D stock, various sample periods, allowance
for interaction between openness and IKS, exclusion of OECD countries
from the sample (i.e., Japan and Korea), and the distinction between IKS
from Asia and OECD countries, where Japan and Korea are included in the
Asian sample.
The stock of knowledge is based on R&D data following most of
the literature on knowledge spillovers. International R&D spillovers
through the channel of imports ([]) is the only
spillover variable used in this section in order to keep the exposition
simple and to conserve space and because it is the channel of knowledge
spillover that is used mostly in the literature. (4) The results remain
unaltered if geographic proximity or the no weighting measures are used
as the spillover variable instead of import weights.
A. Adding Control Variables
Thus far, it has been assumed that technological progress has been
driven by the domestic and international knowledge stock. However, it is
unlikely that the knowledge stock is the only variable that has been
driving technological progress in the Asian miracle economies. To cater
for that the following control variables are sequentially added to
Equation (1): human capital, financial development, trade openness, and
age structure. It is natural to include human capital in the TFP
regressions because innovation-driven endogenous growth models are based
on R&D and human capital. Through education the population can
better organize work, communicate, and, to some extent, innovate and,
therefore, bring the economy up to a higher productivity level.
Furthermore, as recognized by Coe, Helpman, and Hoffmaister (1997,
2009), human capital is likely to be particularly important in the Asian
miracle economies where there have been large investments in education.
Financial development is included as a control variable because it
is often considered important for economic development and technological
progress (see, for example, Ang 201 la; Ang and McKibbin 2007).
Financial development reduces transaction costs and, therefore, renders
trade easier and more efficient. Furthermore, the more financially
developed a country is the easier is the access to credit, which in turn
increases the investment in human capital, physical capital, and
R&D. Trade openness is included in the set of control variables
because trade is often assumed to enhance productivity through various
channels (see Madsen 2009b). Finally, age structure is included as a
control variable because middle-aged workers, judged from the life-cycle
profile of salaries, are likely to be more productive than younger and
older workers (Luong and Hebert 2009).
The regression results are included in Table 4. Common to all
regressions is that the coefficients of domestic and foreign spillover
are consistently highly significant and they are quite similar across
different regressions. The coefficients of domestic knowledge stock are,
on average, 0.17, which is slightly lower than the regression in the
first row in Table 2. This is probably because the control variables
have taken some of the explanation of TFP away from the domestic
knowledge stock. The average coefficient of IKS is 0.10, which is
comparable to the regression in the first row in Table 2. All the
regressions are cointegrated according to at least some of
Pedroni's (2004) cointegration tests.
Considering the regression in the first row in Table 4, the
coefficient of human capital is quite significant and its size is
comparable to the estimates of Engelbrecht (1997); however, it is much
lower than the coefficient estimates of 0.52-0.76 by Coe, Helpman, and
Hoffmaister (2009). In contrast to the regressions of del Barrio-Castro,
Lopez-Bazo, and Serrano-Domingo (2002), the coefficient of the knowledge
spillover variable remains significant. After including a measure of
human capital, del Barrio-Castro, Lopez-Bazo, and Serrano-Domingo (2002)
find that the coefficient of the knowledge spillover variable reduces in
magnitude and becomes statistically insignificant. Although Engelbrecht
(1997) and Coe, Helpman, and Hoffmaister (2009) also find that the
magnitude of the coefficient of the knowledge spillover shrinks when
human capital is included in the regression, it remains statistically
significant in their estimates.
Next consider regressions (2) and (3) in which financial
development and trade openness are included as an additional regressor,
respectively. The coefficient of financial development is insignificant
while the coefficient of trade openness is positive and significant at
the 5% level. Finally, consider the regressions in the last three rows
in Table 4 in which the age structure is included. The age structure is
measured as the proportion of the labor force in the age groups 20-34,
35-49, and 50-64. The estimates give support to the hypothesis that
workers in middle age are more productive than the younger and older age
cohorts. The coefficients of the fraction of workers in the young and
old age cohorts are significant but negative, suggesting that these age
groups are less productive than the average worker. Conversely, the
coefficient of the fraction of workers in the middle age cohort is
positive and highly significant, indicating that this cohort has above
average productivity.
B. Using Alternative TFP Measures
The following three alternative TFP measures are used: TFP
estimated with land ([A.sup.T]), human capital ([A.sup.H]), and both
land and human capital ([A.sup.T.H]) as the factors of production, as
(3a) [A.sup.T] =
(3b) [A.sup.H] = Y/[K.sup.[alpha]][(L.H).sup.1-[alpha]]
(3c) [A.sup.T.H] =
where capital's income share ([alpha]) of 0.3 is maintained
while the share of capital income going to land (as) is allowed to
change because of the diminishing role of agriculture during the
modernization. Following Denison (1967), as is measured by the share of
agricultural output in total GDP. Total land area is measured by the sum
of arable land, permanent cropland, and permanent pasture. Human capital
is measured as educational attainment, that is, the average number of
years of schooling of the adult population over the age of 25.
The estimates in panel A of Table 5 show that domestic as well as
IKS continue to be significant determinants of TFP when alternative TFP
measures are considered. Note, however, that compared with the estimates
in Table 2 the magnitude of the coefficients drop substantially when
educational attainment is included in the TFP estimates. This result is
quite intuitive as the marked increase in educational attainment among
the adult population has resulted in a slower increase in TFP than when
education is not allowed for in the regressions.
C. Using Alternative Depreciation Rates for R&D Stock
The 20% depreciation rate for R&D stock that has been used in
the regressions may seem to be on the high side. Panel B in Table 5
reports the estimates when 5% and 10% depreciation rates are used to
construct the R&D stock variables. It is evident that both domestic
and international knowledge stocks continue to have economically and
statistically significant effects on TFP. On average, the estimates are
quite similar to those found in Table 2 in which the coefficients were
found to be 0.235 for domestic knowledge stock and 0.082 for IKS based
on the import channel. This suggests that the estimates are not largely
driven by the choice of the rate of depreciation for the knowledge
D. Using Alternative Estimation Periods
Various estimation periods are considered in panel C, including the
pre-Asian financial crisis period of 1955-1996, and later periods
beginning from 1965, 1975, and 1985 during which the R&D activity is
substantially higher than in earlier periods. Regardless of the chosen
estimation period, the coefficients of DS and IKS are all significant at
the 1% level and the null hypothesis of no cointegration is rejected
according to at least one of the Pedroni tests. Interestingly, the
coefficient of DS is increasing while the coefficient of IKS is
decreasing over time as the economies develop. This does not necessarily
mean that the significance of domestic knowledge is increasing with
economic development as estimates for OECD countries typically have
lower coefficients of domestic knowledge stock than those found in Table
5. One possibility is the presence of a hump-shaped profile in which the
effects of domestic knowledge on TFP are increasing during the take-off
phase but may decline thereafter.
E. Interaction with Trade Openness
IKS are multiplied by import and export intensity in panel D in
Table 5. Note that the international spillover variable is weighted by
the direction of exports in the regression in which IKS is multiplied by
export intensity. Interaction between openness and international
knowledge stock is often allowed for in the literature following the
lead of Coe and Helpman (1995) to cater for the possibility that
relatively open economies would benefit more from the transfers of
knowledge across borders. Note, however, that the degree of import
penetration has already been allowed for in the weighting scheme of
Lichtenberg and van Pottelsberghe de la Potterie (1998), which stands in
contrast to the weighting scheme of Coe and Helpman (1995) in which the
weights add to one. Thus, when the weighting scheme of Lichtenberg and
van Pottelsberghe de la Potterie (1998) is used, there is no need to
interact IKS with trade openness. The results in panel D show that the
coefficients of both DS and IKS remain highly significant, suggesting
that the estimates are not affected by the interaction of IKS with trade
F. Controlling for Country Sample Bias
Considering potential country selection bias, the regressions in
panel E exclude Japan (first row) and Japan and Korea (second row). The
regressions suggest that the parameter estimates are largely unaffected
by their exclusion and there is continued support for cointegration.
G. Sources of Spillover Effects
Keller (2000) argues that spillover effects from high technology
countries are higher than from other countries. In the regressions in
panel F, the spillover variables are decomposed into spillovers from the
Asian miracle economies only and OECD countries only. The Asian
countries include the six countries considered in the present study and
the OECD countries include the 20 listed in the Appendix. The
coefficient of IKS for the Asian countries is insignificant and there is
no evidence of panel cointegration (first row in panel F). The
coefficient of knowledge spillovers from the OECD, by contrast, is
highly significant and the variables are cointegrated (second row).
These results suggest that Asia has only benefitted from imports of
products embodying knowledge that is developed at the technology
frontiers. The results support Keller's (2000) argument that the
spillover effects from high technology countries are significantly
higher than zero, whereas there is no evidence of positive spillover
effects from the Asian miracle economies.
Thus far we have included one spillover variable at a time in the
regressions in Table 2 because the high multicollinearity between the
spillover variables renders horse race regressions unreliable. To enable
discrimination between the spillover variables the following model is
estimated in first differences to eliminate trends:
where R&D is the real R&D expenditure, Y the real GDP,
R&D/Y the research intensity, DTF the distance to the frontier, h
the human capital proxied by educational attainment, and [upsilon] a
stochastic error term. DTF is measured as TFP in the United States
divided by TFP for country i. It is included as an additional variable
to allow for the benefits of backwardness, following the historical
analysis of Gerschenkron (1962). A backward country can use the
technologies adopted at the frontier to gain a growth advantage until it
has caught up to the frontier. Financial development, age distribution,
and openness are excluded from Equation (4) because their coefficients
are statistically insignificant, regardless of whether they are measured
in levels or in first differences.
R&D is divided by income to allow for product proliferation and
increasing complexity of new innovations as TFP increases, following the
Schumpeterian growth theory (Ang and Madsen 2011; Ha and Howitt 2007).
Growth can be sustained in the Schumpeterian framework if R&D is
kept to a fixed proportion of the number of product lines, which is in
turn proportional to the size of population in steady state. As such, to
ensure sustained TFP growth, R&D has to increase over time to
counteract the increasing range and complexity of products, which lowers
the productivity effects of R&D activity. Similarly, the
Schumpeterian model of Vandenbussche, Aghion, and Meghir (2006) predicts
that TFP growth is proportional to per capita human capital, which
implies that the growth rate will remain positive as long as the labor
force has some education and that the growth is proportional to
educational attainment. Semi-endogenous growth theory, by contrast,
assumes that human capital has only temporary growth effects (see, e.g.,
Madsen 2010).
The results of estimating Equation (4) are presented in Table 6.
The model is estimated in first 5-year differences and the seemingly
unrelated regression (SUR) estimator is used to gain efficiency.
Consider first the estimates in the first column in which all variables
are included. The coefficient of domestic knowledge stock is
insignificant at the conventional level whereas the coefficient of
domestic research intensity is significant at the 1% level. This result
has an important implication, that is, R&D has permanent growth
effects. The DTF term is positive and significant, suggesting that the
Asian economies have been gravitating toward the technology frontier by
using the technology adapted at the frontier countries. The coefficient
of growth in human capital has the sign opposite to the cointegration
estimates in Table 4 and those of Engelbrecht (1997), del Barrio-Castro,
Lopez-Bazo, and Serrano-Domingo (2002), and Coe, Helpman, and
Hoffmaister (2009). A possible explanation for this discrepancy is that
the short-run growth effects of human capital may be too small or
blurred because of erratic movements in the data on human capital.
Turning to the knowledge spillover variables, the coefficients of
[] and [IKS.sup.nw] are highly significant and the coefficient
of [IKS.sup.ex] is only marginally significant. The coefficients of
other spillover variables are insignificant. The qualitative aspect of
the results remains unaltered if the insignificant spillover variables
are deleted (column 2). Deleting, additionally, all variables that are
insignificant in the second column yields the regression in the third
column. Finally, deleting [IKS.sup.ex], which is insignificant in the
third column, yields results that give a very clear picture of the most
important spillover variables. Spillovers through the channel of imports
and through no particular channel remain significant determinants of TFP
growth in all the regressions, while [IKS.sup.ex] is either
insignificant or only marginally significant.
The discussion has thus far focused on TFP. However, because labor
productivity or per capita output is the ultimate source of welfare
improvements it is necessary to estimate how much TFP and, therefore,
innovative activity have contributed to labor productivity.
Decomposition of labor productivity to its sources of growth, through
growth accounting methods, is of particular importance for the Asian
miracle economies as a large body of the literature has argued that
their high labor productivity and per capita income growth rates have
predominantly been driven by factor accumulation and not by innovations
(see, for discussion, Easterly and Levine 2001). The biggest problem
with the growth accounting method is that it treats factors of
production as being exogenous and, therefore, fails to allow for the
feedback effects from TFP growth on capital deepening (see, for
discussion, Madsen and Ang 2009).
Furthermore, because all growth along the balanced growth path is
technological progress in standard growth models, growth accounting
exercises must have been built on an implicit assumption that growth in
the Asian miracle economies has been driven by transitional dynamics
where capital deepening played a leading role. However, King and Rebelo
(1993) have demonstrated that for growth to have been driven
predominantly by transitional dynamics, interest rates must be
implausibly high, and often in excess of 100% in the early stages of
development. This suggests that R&D must have played a more
prominent role in the Asian growth miracles than has been indicated in
standard growth accounting exercises. Finally, the transformation from a
low-income agricultural society to a modern growth regime reflects the
joint forces of a demographic transition, increased female labor force
participation, increased thriftiness, and, particularly, the adaptation
and development of new technologies. Thus, a large part of the
factor-accumulation-induced productivity growth has been endogenous to
the growth process in which innovative activity has been playing a
leading role.
Allowing for an endogenous response of the capital stock to
technological progress the sources of productivity growth can be
obtained as follows (see Madsen and Ang 2009 for details). Consider the
following constant returns to scale Cobb-Douglas production function:
(5) Y = [AK.sup.[alpha]][T.sup.[beta]][H.sup.1-[alpha]-[beta]],
where A is the technology, K the capital, T the land, and H the
quality-adjusted labor.
Quality-adjusted labor input consists of human capital per worker
(h), annual hours worked (X), and raw labor (L), as follows:
(6) H = hXL,
where h is computed following the Mincerian approach:
(7) h = exp([theta]s),
where s is educational attainment, defined as the average years of
schooling among the population of working age, and [theta] is the
returns to schooling, which is set at 0.07 tbllowing the standard
practice in the literature.
Using Equation (6), Equation (5) can be written in terms of per
worker employed:
(8) Y/L = [A.sup.1/(1-[alpha])][(K/Y).sup.[alpha]/(l-[alpha])]
[T.sup.[beta]/(1-[alpha])] x
Taking logs and differentiating Equation (7) in combination with
Equation (8) yields the labor productivity growth rate ([g.sub.Y/L]):
where [g.sub.A] is the knowledge growth rate, [g.sub.K/Y] the
growth rate in the capital-output ratio, [g.sub.T] the growth rate in
land area, [g.sub.X] the growth rate in annual hours worked, and n the
employment growth rate. The last term in Equation (9) is the population
growth drag, in which population growth acts as a drag on the economy
because of diminishing returns introduced by land as a fixed factor of
production. This drag only exists if agriculture is a nonnegligible part
of the economy, that is, [beta] > 0, and if land under cultivation is
not growing at the same rate as population.
Equation (9) decomposes labor productivity growth into its sources
while, at the same time, allowing for the endogenous response of capital
deepening to technological progress. If this endogenous response was not
allowed for the coefficient of [g.sub.K/Y] would have been [alpha]
instead of [alpha]/(1 - [alpha]), or approximately three times bigger
than if the endogenous response was not allowed for. Technological
progress results in capital deepening because it increases the expected
marginal productivity of capital. This initiates a capital deepening
process that terminates when the marginal productivity of capital equals
the user cost of capital.
The results of decomposing labor productivity growth to its sources
following Equation (9) are shown in Table 7. It is evident from the
table that most of the labor productivity growth is due to technological
progress. Capital deepening has only accounted for approximately 1%
point growth in labor productivity or about 25% of growth, which
suggests that increasing savings rates have influenced growth; however,
it has not been a major force behind growth. Note, however, it is likely
that the increasing savings rates, to a large extent, have been induced
by the high productivity growth rates because of the force of habit.
Using data for developing countries Radelet, Sachs, and Lee (2001) find
that growth is influential for savings rates. Ang (2009, 2011b) obtains
similar results for China, India, and Malaysia. Thus, it is likely that
the contribution of capital stock to productivity growth, to a large
extent, is a result of TFP growth in the first place. Increasing
educational attainment has also been influential for growth by
accounting for almost half a percentage point of growth for most
countries. Finally, the population growth drag has not been influential
for growth, which is predominantly because of the fact that most of the
Asian miracle economies experienced a demographic transition shortly
after WWII, which resulted in low population growth.
Overall, the growth accounting results show that the largest part
of the labor productivity rates have been driven by the direct and
indirect effects of TFP growth. As most of the TFP growth, according to
the estimates above, has been driven by domestic and international
innovations, the results do suggest that the high growth rates in these
countries are miraculous in the sense that they are not driven
predominantly by simple factor accumulation.
Using data over the period 1955-2006, this paper has examined the
role of international knowledge diffusion on TFP for six Asian miracle
economies. Several potential channels through which knowledge can be
transmitted internationally were examined, including knowledge
spillovers through imports, exports, patent flows, geographical
proximity, FDI, and a transmission mechanism that is independent of any
particular channel.
The results showed that TFP, domestic R&D stock, and IKS are
cointegrated and, therefore, that growth rates of both domestic and
international knowledge stock are potential important determinants of
productivity growth. The estimates are robust to whether foreign stock
of knowledge is measured by R&D expenditure or patent data,
different channels of transmission, alternative measures of TFP,
knowledge stock depreciations rates, estimation periods, country sample,
inclusion of control variables such as human capital, financial
development, trade openness, and age structure, and the interaction
between knowledge spillovers and openness in estimates where
international knowledge is transmitted through the channel of trade.
However, only IKS from OECD countries were found to be important for
TFP; the estimates fail to identify any significant knowledge spillovers
from the Asian miracle economies.
Finally, growth regressions were undertaken to discriminate between
the various channels of knowledge transmission. These regressions
revealed that knowledge spillovers independent of any particular channel
of transmission and knowledge spillovers through imports are the most
significant knowledge spillover variables for TFP growth in the Asian
miracle economies. Overall, the cointegration as well as the growth
equations showed that the domestic innovative activity and IKS were the
key drivers of TFP growth. Given that, as shown in the previous section,
the TFP growth has been the major force behind the high labor
productivity rates in the Asian miracle economies, the results in this
paper suggest that investment in R&D and interaction with economies
at the technology frontier are important ingredients for a successful
development strategy.
Total Factor Productivity (TFP)
TFP is computed as Y/([K.sup.[alpha]][L.sup.1-[alpha]]), where Y is
the real GDP, K the nonresidential capital stock, and L the employment
multiplied by annual hours worked. Capital income share ([alpha]) is set
to 0.3, following Aghion and Howitt (2007). The following sources are
used to obtain GDP and employment: China: Wang and Yao (2003), China
Statistical Yearbook (various issues) and "Comprehensive
Statistical Data and Materials on 50 Years of New China," Beijing:
China Statistics Press. India: National Account Statistics (various
issues) and Penn World Table 6.2. Japan: Japan Statistical Yearbook
(various issues). Korea: Korea Statistical Yearbook (various issues).
Singapore: Yearbook of Statistics Singapore (various issues). Taiwan:
Taiwan Statistical Data Book (various issues). Data for annual hours
worked are gathered from Groningen Growth and Development Centre
( Data for China (1991-1998) and India (1969-2006)
are obtained from the "Yearbook of Labour Statistics," Geneva:
International Labour Office. Data for missing years are assumed to be
The construction of K involves: (1) nonresidential buildings and
structures and (2) machinery and equipment. A depreciation rate of 3% is
assumed for the former and 17% for the latter. Investment data from the
earliest available years have been used to generate the initial stock
for the year 1955 (China: 1953, India: 1950, Japan: 1870, Korea: 1913,
Singapore: 1956, and Taiwan: 1912). The initial capital stock is
obtained by using the Solow model steady-state value of
[I.sub.0]/([delta] + g), where [I.sub.0] is the initial real investment,
B the rate of depreciation, and g the growth rate in real investment
over the period for which investment data are first available to 2006.
The breakdown of investment series for China is available only from
198l. They have been backdated using the total investment series. The
following sources have been used to obtain investment: China: China
Statistical Yearbook (various issues) and "'Comprehensive
Statistical Data and Materials on 50 Years of New China," Beijing:
China Statistics Press. India: National Account Statistics (various
issues). Japan: Madsen (2008). 25.7% war damage has been applied to the
1945 capital stock. Korea: Timmer and Ark (2000) and Korea Statistical
Yearbook (various issues). All pre-1953 investment data have been
discounted by 40% to account for war damage. Singapore: Yearbook of
Statistics Singapore (various issues). Taiwan: Timmer and Ark (2000) and
Taiwan Statistical Data Book (various issues). All data are expressed in
constant 1995 dollars valued at purchasing power parity.
The alternative measures of TFP described in the main text involve
land and/or human capital. Land area includes arable land, permanent
cropland, and permanent pasture. Data from 1960 onwards are obtained
from the World Development Indicator CD Rom (2007). For China, Japan,
and Taiwan, the data are gathered from the national sources described
earlier for the years 1955-1959. Prior year data are, however, not
available for other countries. We therefore extend the series backward
by assuming a constant growth rate for India and Korea. For Singapore,
we assume that the land area was constant before 1960. Educational
attainment is measured by the average years of schooling. The estimates
of Barro and Lee (2001) are used for India, Korea, Singapore, and
Taiwan. The data, which are available only for every 5 years to 2000,
are interpolated to get annual series and extrapolated to 2006. Data for
China up to 1999 are obtained from Wang and Yao (2003). Following their
methodology, the series is extended to 2006 using data from the China
Statistical Yearbook (various issues). Data for Japan are obtained from
Madsen (200%).
R&D Expenditure
Real total R&D expenditures are used in the estimation. The
data are obtained from the following sources: China: China Statistical
Yearbook (various issues), "Comprehensive Statistical Data and
Materials on 50 Years of New China," Beijing: China Statistics
Press, "Statistics on Science and Technology of China:
1949-1989," Peking: Zhongguo Tong Ji Chu Ban She and the various
issues of "S&T Statistics Data Book" published by the
Ministry of Science and Technology. India: various issues of
"R&D Statistics" published by the Department of Science
and Technology and "Macro-Aggregates" published by the
Planning Commission, Government of India. These data are complemented
with various issues of the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and
Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Statistical Yearbook published by the
United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization. Data
are available at 5-year intervals between 1950 and 1970, and
continuously thereafter. Missing data are interpolated using the
geometric growth rate. Japan: Japan Statistical Yearbook (various
issues). Korea: Korea Statistical Yearbook (various issues) and UNESCO
Statistical Yearbook (various issues). Data before 1967 are predicted
using the first principal component of the data for China, India, Japan,
and Taiwan. Singapore: Yearbook of Statistics Singapore (various
issues). UNESCO Statistical Yearbook (various issues). Data before 1970
are predicted using the first principal component of the data for China,
India. Japan, and Taiwan. Taiwan: Taiwan Statistical Data Book (various
issues) and Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of China (various
issues). Data before 1970 are estimated using the first principal
component of the number of patent applications (obtained from various
issues of "Annual Report" and "Yearbook of Intellectual
Property" published by the Taiwan Intellectual Property Office
[TIPO]), enrollment numbers in science and engineering courses and
R&D data for China and India. OECD: Data for 1965-2004 are obtained
from OECD Main Science and Technology Indicators, OECD Archive
(OECD/DSTI/EAS), National Science Foundation and Statistics Netherlands.
The data are extrapolated to 2006. Earlier year data are obtained from
various sources documented in Madsen (2008b). The following 20 OECD
countries are included: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark,
Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, New
Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the UK, and the
United States.
Nominal R&D expenditure is deflated using an unweighted average
of the economy-wide value-added price deflator and hourly earnings,
following Coe and Helpman (1995), to express in real terms. Price
deflator is obtained from the same domestic sources as GDP (see above).
Except for Japan where the data are available from Japan Statistical
Yearbook (various issues), hourly earnings data for all other countries
are compiled from the "Yearbook of Labour Statistics," Geneva:
International Labour Office and other domestic sources described above.
For China, data before 1979 are estimated by assuming that the growth
rate of wages equals the sum of labor productivity growth and the
inflation rate. Real R&D capital stock is calculated using the
perpetual inventory method. The initial R&D capital stock is
obtained using the same procedure as the physical capital stock (K) with
a depreciation rate of 20%.
Imports, Exports, and Bilateral Trade Flows
For the Asian countries, the same sources that are used to obtain
GDP are used to obtain import data. Except for Taiwan where the data are
collected from various issues of the Taiwan Statistical Data Book and
Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of China, bilateral trade weights
for all countries are constructed using data from the International
Monetary Fund Direction of International Trade Statistics.
Patent Statistics
Patent data are obtained from the World Intellectual Property
Organization. Total patent applications by residents are obtained from
http://www.wipo.intlipstats/en/statistics/ patents/. Data for patent
applications by country of origin since 1995 are obtained from the same
source. For data before 1995, see Madsen (2007).
Data for geographical distance between cities are gathered from the
following source:
research/economics/page/have man/trade.resources/Data/ Gravity/dist.txt
Data on FDI flows are obtained from the UNCTADstat online database.
Control Variables
Human capital, financial development, trade openness, and age
structure are used as control variables. Measures of human capital and
trade openness are obtained using the sources described above. The depth
of financial systems is measured by the ratio of private credit to GDP.
Data for private credit are obtained from the same domestic sources as
GDP described above. Data for different age groups are also from the
same domestic sources as GDP described above, but are supplemented by
B.R. Mitchell's "International Historical Statistics, Africa,
Asia & Oceania 1750-2005," fifth edition.
Growth Accounting
Except for the number of hours worked, all data used in the growth
accounting exercise are described above. Data for annual hours worked
are gathered from Groningen Growth and Development Centre
( Data for China (1991-1998) and India (1969-2006)
are obtained from the "Yearbook of Labour Statistics", Geneva:
International Labour Office. Data for missing years are assumed to be
ADF: Augmented Dickey-Fuller
DOLS: Dynamic Ordinary Least Square
DS: Domestic Stock
DTF: Distance to the Frontier
FDI: Foreign Direct Investment
GDP: Gross Domestic Product
IKS: International Knowledge Spillovers
OECD: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
PP: Phillips-Perron
R&D: Research and Development
SUR: Seemingly Unrelated Regression
TFP: Total Factor Productivity
TIPO: Taiwan Intellectual Property Office
UNESCO: United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural
WWII: World War II
doi: 10.1111/j.1465-7295.2012.00488.x
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* Helpful comments and suggestions from a referee and the editor in
charge (Nezih Guner) are gratefully acknowledged.
Ang: Associate Professor, Department of Economics, Monash
University, Caulfield East, Victoria 3145, Australia. Phone 3-99034516.
Fax 3-99031128, E-mail
Madsen: Professor, Department of Economics, Monash University,
Caulfield East, Victoria 3145, Australia. Phone 3-99032134, Fax
3-99031128, E-mail
(1.) Real R&D as a percentage of real GDP is on average
(unweighted) slightly above 1.36% for the miracle economies (China,
India, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, and Singapore) during the period 1955-2006,
while the percentage is 2.34 on average for the United States, Germany,
Italy, France, and the UK over the same period.
(2.) An important exception is the study by Coe, Helpman, and
Hoffmaister (1997), who investigate the influence on productivity of
knowledge spillovers through the channel of imports from OECD countries
to 77 developing countries. Their study differs from ours in several
respects, where the most important difference is that they focus on
knowledge spillovers through the channel of imports from North to South.
As such, they do not consider: (1)the effect on productivity of domestic
knowledge in developing countries; (2) international knowledge
transmission through channels other than imports; and (3) knowledge
spillovers between developing countries. Moreover, they use a much
shorter sample period (1971-1990) than the present study (1955-2006).
(3.) The analysis was also performed with the inclusion of time
dummies. The parameter estimates were largely unaffected and so these
results are not reported for brevity.
(4.) An exception is the estimates in panel D of Table 5 in which
international spillover based on the export (rather than import) channel
has been used to interact with export intensity for consistency. See
more details in Section V.E.
Summary Statistics
China India Japan
[TFP.sub.2006] 5.0 1.6 3.6
[DS.sub.2006] / 74.0 131.1 44.8
[ 331.8 6.9 41.9
[IKS.sup.ex.2006] 309.3 5.9 85.4
[IKS.sup.FDI.2006] 583.4 20.0 6.2
[IKS.sup.pat.2006] 45.2 7.4 9.2
[IKS.sup.prox.2006] 9.2 8.2 8.1
IKS.sup.nw.2006] 7.9 8.0 7.4
Korea Singapore Taiwan
[TFP.sub.2006] 2.5 2.7 5.7
[DS.sub.2006] / 74.2 445.4 295.3
[ 119.5 40.1 162.8
[IKS.sup.ex.2006] 826.0 343.6 248.9
[IKS.sup.FDI.2006] 13.3 14.8 10.5
[IKS.sup.pat.2006] 22.1 15.2 10.2
[IKS.sup.prox.2006] 10.0 8.9 9.7
[IKS.sup.nw.2006] 8.0 8.2 8.1
Notes: IKS refers to international knowledge spillovers.
The IKS measures reported here are constructed based on
R&D stock. The construction and definition of the
variables are defined in the text. The Appendix provides
the sources of data.
Data for [IKS.sup.FDI] span from 1985 to 2006 because of
unavailability of data prior to 1985.
Mean Group Panel DOLS Estimates of ln[] =
[a.sub.0] + [a.sub.1] ln[] + [a.sub.2]
ln[], Measuring Knowledge by R&D
Measure of Coefficient of Coefficient of Pedroni's Test
International Domestic International Statistics
Knowledge Knowledge Knowledge Supporting
Spillovers ([[??].sub.1]) Spillover Evidence of
(IKS) ([[??].sub.2]) Cointegration
(1) [IKS.sup. 0.235 ** 0.082 *** [G.sup.a],] [G.sup.P],
(2) [IKS.sup. 0.189 *** 0.065 *** [G.sup.a],] [P.sup.a],
(3) [IKS.sup. 0.135 *** 0.122 *** [P.sup.v]]
(4) [IKS.sup. 0.164 *** 0.066 *** [P.sup.a],] [P.sup.v]
(5) [IKS.sup. 0.115 *** 0.301 *** [G.sup.a],] [G.sup.P],
(6) [IKS.sup. 0.140 *** 0.261 *** [G.sup.a],] [G.sup.P],
Notes: The sample period is 1955-2006 and the number of
observations is 312 for all but one regression. For row (3)
which involves the use of FDI flows data as the weighting
scheme, the sample is restricted to 1985-2006 because of
data unavailability. The Pedroni (2004) cointegration tests
provide seven test statistics: group augmented Dickey-
Fuller (ADF) ([G.sup.a]), group Phillips-Perron (PP)
([G.sup.P]), group rho ([G.sup.r]), panel ADF ([P.sup.a]),
panel PP ([P.sup.p]), panel rho ([P.sup.r]), and panel v
([P.sup.v]) statistics. The optimal lag length is chosen
using the Schwarz's Bayesian criterion. A 10% significance
level is used as the decision rule to establish evidence of
cointegration. Foreign knowledge stock is based on R&D
*** 1% significance level.
Mean Group Panel DOLS Estimates of ln[] =
[a.sup.0] + [a.sup.1]ln[] + [a.sup.2]
ln[], Measuring Knowledge by Patents
Measure of Coefficient Coefficient of Pedroni's Test
International of Domestic International Statistics
Knowledge Knowledge Knowledge Supporting
Spillovers ([[??].sub.1]) Spillover Evidence of
(IKS) ([[??].sub.2]) Cointegration
(1) [IKS.sup. 0.142 *** 0.131 *** [G.sup.a],] [G.sup.p],
(2) [IKS.sup. 0.128 *** 0.088 *** [G.sup.a],] [G.sup.p],
(3) [IKS.sup. 0.179 *** 0.101 *** [G.sup.a],] [G.sup.p],
(4) [IKS.sup. 0.329 *** 0.107 *** [G.sup.a],] [G.sup.p],
(5) [IKS.sup. 0.124 *** 0.234 *** [G.sup.a],] [G.sup.p],
(6) [IKS.sup. 0.152 *** 0.362 *** [G.sup.a],] [G.sup.p],
Notes: The sample period is 1955-2006 and the number of
observations is 312. The Pedroni (2004) cointegration tests provide
seven test statistics: group augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF)
([G.sub.a]), group Phillips-Perron (PP) ([G.sup.P]), group rho
([G.sup.r]), panel ADF ([P.sup.a]), panel PP ([P.sup.P]), panel rho
([P.sup.r]), and panel v ([P.sup.v]) statistics. The optimal lag
length is chosen using the Schwarz's Bayesian criterion. A 10%
significance level is used as the decision rule to establish
evidence of cointegration.
Foreign knowledge stock is based on patents.
*** 1% significance level.
Including Control Variables (ln[], = [a.sub.o] +
[a.sub.1]ln[] + [a.sub.2]ln[] +
Coefficient of
Additional Coefficient International
Control of Domestic Knowledge
Variable Knowledge Spillover
Included (CV) ([[??].sub.1] ([[??].sub.2]
(1) Human 0.084 *** 0.092 ***
(2) Financial 0.196 *** 0.101 ***
(3) Trade 0.181 *** 0.089 ***
(4) Age 0.133 *** 0.129 ***
(5) Age 0.192 *** 0.074 ***
(6) Age 0.208 *** 0.126 ***
Pedroni's Test
Additional Coefficient of Statistics
Control the Control Supporting
Variable Variable Evidence of
Included (CV) ([[??].sub.2] Cointegration
(1) Human 0.177 *** [G.sup.a],
capital [P.sup.a],
(2) Financial 0.011 [G.sup.p],
development [P.sup.a],
(3) Trade 0.025 ** [G.sup.a],
openness [P.sup.a],
(4) Age -0.278 *** [G.sup.a],
structure: [P.sup.a],
20-34 [p.sup.p],
(5) Age 0.489 *** [G.sup.a],
structure: [P.sup.v]
(6) Age -0.868 *** [G.sup.a],
structure: [P.sup.v]
Notes: The knowledge stock is based on R&D, and the spillover
variables are weighted by imports. Human capital is measured as the
average number of years of schooling; financial development refers
to the ratio of private credit to GDP; trade openness is measured
by the sum of exports and imports over GDP; and the age structure
is the number of people in the respective age group as a proportion
of the working age population (aged 20-64). Sources of data are
described in the Appendix. The sample period is 1955-2006 and the
number of observations is 312. The Pedroni (2004) cointegration
tests provide seven test statistics: group augmented Dickey-Fuller
(ADF) ([G.sup.a]), group Phillips-Perron (PP) ([G.sup.P]), group
rho ([G.sup.r]), panel ADF ([P.sup.a]), panel PP ([P.sup.p]),
panel rho ([P.sup.r]), and panel u ([P.sub.v]) statistics. The
optimal lag length is chosen using the Schwarz's Bayesian
criterion. A 10% significance level is used as the decision rule to
establish evidence of cointegration.
*** 1% significance level; ** 5% significance level.
Further Sensitivity Analysis
Coefficient of Test
Coefficient International Statistics
of Domestic Knowledge Supporting
Knowledge Spillover Evidence of
Modification ([[??].sub.1]) ([[??].sub.2]) Cointegration
A. Alternative TFP measure
--TFP with land 0.262 *** 0.105 *** [G.sup.a],
--TFP with 0.049 ** 0.032 ** [P.sup.a]
human capital
--TFP with land 0.079 *** 0.053 *** [G.sup.a],
& human capital [P.sup.a]
B. Alternative depreciation rates for R&D stock
-5% 0.219 *** 0.093 *** [G.sup.a],
-10% 0.261 *** 0.061 *** [G.sup.a],
C. Alternative sample period
--1955 - 1996 0.328 *** 0.336 *** [P.sup.a]
--1965 - 2006 0.396 *** 0.323 *** [G.sup.a],
--1975 - 2006 0.505 *** 0.098 ** [G.sup.a]
--1985 - 2006 0.682 *** 0.099 *** [G.sup.a],
D. Including the trade interaction term with IKS
--imports 0.270 *** 0.142 *** [G.sup.a],
intensity [G.sup.p],
--exports 0.271 *** 0.175 *** [G.sup.p],
intensity [G.sup.v]
E. Sample restriction
--excluding 0.203 *** 0.114 *** [G.sup.a],
Japan [G.sup.p],
--excluding 0.201 *** 0.139 *** [G.sup.a],
Korea and Japan [G.sup.p],
F. Sources of international spillovers
--Asia only 0.219 *** 0.038 --
--OECD only 0.266 *** 0.088 *** [G.sup.a],
Notes: The knowledge stock is based on R&D and international
knowledge spillovers (IKS) are based on imports weights except the
regression in second row of panel D in which IKS is multiplied by
export intensity. The sample period is 1955-2006 and the number of
observations is 312. The Pedroni (2004) cointegration tests provide
seven test statistics: group augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF)
([G.sup.a]), group Phillips-Person (PP) ([G.sup.p]), group rho
([G.sup.r]), panel ADF ([P.sup.a]), panel PP ([P.sup.p), panel rho
([P.sup.r]), and panel v ([P.sup.v]) statistics. The optimal lag
length is chosen using the Schwarz's Bayesian criterion. A 10%
significance level is used as the decision rule to establish
evidence of cointegration.
** 5% significance level; *** 1% significance level.
Growth Estimates of Equation (4)
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Intercept 0.082 -0.022 0.001 -0.039
(0.409) (0.799) (0.998) (0.454)
[DELTA]ln[DS -0.050 -0.037] (0.334) (0.344)
ln[(R&D/Y) 0.046 *** 0.031 ** 0.029 *** 0.029] (0.002) (0.012) (0.000) (0.001)
ln[] 0.059 ** 0.035
(0.048) (0.195)
ln[] 0.016 0.003
(0.213) (0.773)
[DELTA] -0.093 ** -0.111 ** -0.119 *** -0.129 ***
ln[] (0.032) (0.012) (0.004) (0.001)
[DELTA][lnIKS. 0.044 ** 0.050 *** 0.041 ** 0.043 **] (0.016) (0.004) (0.013) (0.011)
[DELTA][lnIKS. 0.011 * 0.010 * 0.007] (0.068) (0.065) (0.159)
[DELTA][lnIKS. 0.042] (0.301)
[DELTA][lnIKS. -0.120] (0.342)
[DELTA][lnIKS. -1.569] (0.139)
[DELTA][lnIKS. 3.179 ** 1.695 ** 1.729 *** 2.125] (0.019) (0.018) (0.004) (0.000)
Time dummies Yes Yes Yes Yes
Country dummies Yes Yes Yes Yes
[R.sub.2] 0.967 0.973 0.779 0.726
Number of 60 60 60 60
Notes: The sample period is 1955-2005. Data for [DELTA]ln
([]) prior to 1985 are assumed to be zero. The
equations are estimated using the SUR estimator. Figures in parentheses
are p values.
***, **, and * indicate 1%, 5%, and 10% levels of significance,
Sources of Growth in Miracle Economies (Equation (9))
Contribution by Component
Growth in Labor Capital
Productivity TFP Deepening Land Area
China 5.180 4.285 0.751 0.039
India 2.710 1.467 1.083 0.005
Japan 4.089 3.225 0.803 -0.005
Korea 4.071 2.102 1.520 -0.004
Singapore 3.802 2.404 1.154 -0.002
Taiwan 5.074 4.444 0.679 -0.010
Contribution by Component
Educational Hours
attainment Worked Employment
[theta]s X L
China 0.425 -0.204 -0.117
India 0.281 0.004 -0.130
Japan 0.373 -0.299 -0.007
Korea 0.544 -0.052 -0.040
Singapore 0.402 -0.154 -0.001
Taiwan 0.449 -0.470 -0.018
Notes: The data are average annualized geometric growth rates over the
period from 1956 to 2006. The following
parameters are used: [alpha] = 0.7, [beta] = share of agriculture in
total GDP, and [theta] = 0.07.