Simultaneous decision-making in competitive and cooperative environments.
Savikhin, Anya C. ; Sheremeta, Roman M.
Individuals, firms, and policy makers simultaneously interact in
many different environments in practice. In the workplace, workers may
engage in sub-optimal behavior such as exerting effort to undermine
co-workers to get a promotion, while they may also put forth effort on
cooperative team projects assigned by the manager. Farm owners may
compete daily with each other in the market for their products and at
the same time they may cooperate to build facilities that would be
mutually beneficial to reduce waste management costs.
The contribution of the current study is that we experimentally
investigate individual behavior when competitive and cooperative
environments are present simultaneously. To induce a cooperative
environment, we employ a voluntary contribution mechanism (a public good
game) and for a competitive environment we employ a lottery contest. In
the voluntary contribution mechanism (VCM), individuals make
contributions in order to provide a public good. In the contest,
individuals make bids in order to win a prize. The type of contest we
consider here is one in which higher bids lead to more socially wasteful
outcomes. The main difference between these two games is that bids in
the contest exert a negative externality on others, while contributions
in the VCM exert a positive externality. The findings from the
literature when these games are played in isolation are clear. In
contests, individuals overbid relative to Nash equilibrium (Millner and
Pratt 1989, 1991; Morgan, Orzen, and Sefton 2012; Sheremeta 2011). (1)
In VCMs, individuals contribute halfway between the equilibrium free
riding and the Pareto optimal level, with contributions declining over
time (Fischbacher, Gachter, and Fehr 2001; Ledyard 1995). (2) The
contest is similar to a wide variety of situations in practice, such as
patent races, political contests, competitions for promotions in the
workplace, or advertising campaigns. The VCM is similar to another broad
class of situations, including the decision to volunteer for various
groups or associations and monetary contributions to public goods or
charities. The design of the experiment permits us to analyze the
correlation between each individual's bid in the contest and
contribution in the VCM.
The standard assumption in game theory is game independence,
suggesting that the institutional context in which a decision is made
does not matter. However, a number of experiments find that context may
matter greatly. Learning and knowledge transfer is found to occur in
games played in sequence (Ahn et al. 2001; Brandts and Cooper 2007;
Cooper and Kagel 2008; Devetag 2005; Kagel 1995; Knez and Camerer 2000;
Schotter 1998; Van Huyck, Battalio, and Beil 1991). A "behavioral
spillover" is said to have occurred whenever observed behavior
differs when a game is played together with other games, compared to
behavior observed when the game is played in isolation (Cason, Savikhin,
and Sheremeta 2012). Recent experiments directly measure behavioral
spillovers, and find that spillovers occur when games are played
simultaneously, causing behaviors exhibited in one game to be carried
over to the other game in a predictable way (Bednar et al. 2012; Cason,
Savikhin, and Sheremeta 2012; Falk, Fischbacher, and Gachter 2012; Huck,
Jehiel, and Rutter 2011). Bednar et al. (2012) report a laboratory
experiment with different two-player games and find that simultaneous
game-play differs from isolated controls. Huck, Jehiel, and Rutter
(2011) study two dissimilar two-player games played simultaneously and
find that learning spillovers occur when feedback is not readily
available for each game. Cason, Savikhin, and Sheremeta (2012) report a
laboratory experiment where the same group of five players participate
in two different coordination games and find that cooperative behavior
spills over from one game to the other when games are played
sequentially. Finally, Falk, Fischbacher, and Gachter (2012) investigate
groups of different individuals playing two identical coordination games
or two identical public goods games, and find that behavior does not
differ from a baseline where only one game is played at a time. (3) The
main difference of our study is that we investigate behavior in both
competitive and cooperative environments, while previous studies
consider coordination and public good games (Cason, Savikhin, and
Sheremeta 2012; Falk, Fischbacher, and Gachter 2012) or bimatrix games
such as the prisoner's dilemma (Bednar et al. 2012).
We find that overbidding in the contest is significantly reduced
when individuals simultaneously participate in the VCM. This is a
favorable outcome because higher bids in this type of contest lead to
sub-optimal results (i.e., lower payoffs). However, we do not find
significant differences in VCM contributions between the
simultaneous-play and baseline treatments. The direction of behavioral
spillover can be explained by differences in strategic uncertainty and
path-dependence across the two games. The design of our experiment also
allows us to comment on the correlation in competitiveness and
cooperativeness of individuals. In early periods of the experiment, we
find a negative correlation between decisions made in the lottery
contest and in the VCM, suggesting that individuals who are more
competitive tend to be less cooperative and vice versa. As discussed in
the conclusion, this research has implications for political and
management institutional design, and for related research that attempts
to solve problems of overbidding in contests and under-contribution in
public goods.
A. The Contest and the VCM
The experimental design employs two laboratory games, a lottery
contest and a VCM. The lottery contest is based on the theoretical model
of Tullock (1980). In this contest, n identical risk-neutral players
with initial endowment levels e compete for a prize v by submitting
bids. The probability that a player i wins the prize is equal to player
i's own bid [b.sub.i] divided by the sum of all players' bids.
Given this, the expected payoff from the contest for player i can be
written as:
(1) [[pi].sup.C.sub.i] = e - [b.sub.i] + [upsilon][b.sub.i] /
[summation over (j)][b.sub.j].
Differentiating Equation (1) with respect to [b.sub.i] and
accounting for the symmetric Nash equilibrium leads to the classic
solution of [b.sup.*] = [upsilon](n - 1)/[n.sup.2], while the Pareto
optimal level of bids is [b.sup.PO] = 0.
The VCM is based on a linear public goods game where n identical
risk-neutral players choose a portion of their endowments e to
contribute to a public good (Groves and Ledyard 1977). Player i's
contribution [c.sub.i] to the public good is multiplied by m and given
to each of n players in the group, where 0 < m < 1 and m x n >
1. Thus, the payoff from the VCM for player i can be written as:
(2) [[pi].sup.VCM.sub.i] = e - [c.sub.i] + m [summation over (j)]
The Nash equilibrium in the VCM is to free ride by contributing
nothing, that is [c.sup.*] = 0, while the Pareto optimal solution is to
contribute one's full endowment to the public good, that is
[c.sup.PO] = e.
In the VCM (2), over-contribution relative to the Nash equilibrium
leads to outcomes that are closer to the Pareto optimal result. On the
other hand, in the contest (1), bidding is socially wasteful and the
most socially desirable outcome is for all participants to bid 0. While
playing the games in ensemble does not change the standard Nash
equilibrium prediction in either game, Section III provides conjectures about the direction of probable spillover when games are played in
B. Experimental Procedures
The experiment was conducted at the Vernon Smith Experimental
Economics Laboratory. Subjects were recruited from a pool of
undergraduate students at Purdue University. A total of 120 subjects
participated in six sessions, with 20 subjects participating in each
session. All subjects participated in only one session of this study.
Some students had participated in other economics experiments that were
unrelated to this research.
The computerized experimental sessions used z-Tree (Fischbacher
2007) to record subject decisions and also (in the Simultaneous
treatment) to record the order of decisions. We conducted three
treatments as summarized in Table 1: a Baseline Contest treatment, a
Baseline VCM treatment, and a Simultaneous treatment in which these two
games were played simultaneously. (4) Subjects were given the
instructions (available in Supporting Information) at the beginning of
the session and the experimenter read the instructions aloud. In each
session, 20 subjects were randomly assigned to groups of n = 4 players
and stayed in the same group throughout the entire experiment, playing
each game for a total of 20 periods.
At the beginning of each period, each subject received an endowment
of 80 francs in the contest (or VCM) and was asked to enter his or her
bid (or contribution in the VCM). In the lottery contest, subjects
competed with each other for the prize value of [upsilon] = 80 francs.
In the VCM, each subject chose a portion of the 80-franc endowment to
contribute to the public good, and kept the other portion for
him/herself. Each player's contribution to the public good was
multiplied by m = 0.4 and the total of all contributions given to each
of the four players in the group. We selected parameters that result in
theoretically expected payoffs that are close in both games (85 and 80).
Subjects did not know others' decisions before making their own
decisions. After all subjects made their decisions, the sum of all bids
(or contributions in the VCM) in each group was displayed on the output
screen together with the outcome, and earnings were determined.
During the Simultaneous treatment, the contest and VCM games were
displayed side by side on the same screen. (5) Each subject received a
separate endowment of 80 francs in the contest and a separate endowment
of 80 francs in the VCM at the beginning of each period. These
endowments could not be transferred between games. Subjects were
required to input their choices for each of the two games before moving
on to the next period. To account for any order effect within each
period, in one of the two Simultaneous sessions, the contest game was
displayed on the left (the VCM game was on the right), and in the other
Simultaneous session, the contest game was displayed on the right (the
VCM game was on the left). (6)
At the end of the experiment, two periods from the game were
selected for payment using a random draw from a bingo cage. In the
Simultaneous treatment, two periods from each game (contest and VCM)
were selected using the same method. Experimental francs were used
throughout the experiment, with a conversion rate of 25 francs = $1.
Subjects earned S18 on average, and sessions (including instruction
time) lasted on average 75 minutes.
A. Behavioral Spillover
Although standard theoretical models do not predict that behavior
during simultaneous interaction in two games should differ from behavior
when each game is played in isolation, related work has found that
behavioral spillovers do occur (Bednar et al. 2012; Cason, Savikhin, and
Sheremeta 2012; Huck, Jehiel, and Rutter 2011). (7) Our study is
intended to contribute additional evidence to inform the discussion of
what behavioral effects may impact individual decisions when two
disparate environments are experienced simultaneously. We provide two
conjectures that predict the direction of behavioral spillovers in this
context based on strategic uncertainty and path-dependence.
B. Strategic Uncertainty
Related work suggests that we can predict which game will, and
which game will not, be affected by simultaneous play in another game by
observing the characteristics of the games and behavior when each game
is played in isolation (Bednar et al. 2012; Cason, Savikhin, and
Sheremeta 2012). One dimension on which two games may be compared is
strategic uncertainty. Games with higher strategic uncertainty are more
demanding on subjects' belief formation and therefore may produce
greater cognitive load relative to games with lower strategic
uncertainty. When playing ensembles of games, subjects may apply common
analogies to disparate situations if the cognitive cost of developing a
separate strategy for each game is too high (Samuelson 2001). Related
work has conjectured that games with lower strategic uncertainty have a
stronger behavioral spillover effect onto games with higher strategic
uncertainty (Bednar et al. 2012; Cason, Savikhin, and Sheremeta 2012).
One reason cited for this effect is that learning a strategy requires
less effort or cognitive load in a game with lower strategic uncertainty
relative to a game with higher strategic uncertainty (Cason, Savikhin,
and Sheremeta 2012).
Relevant measures for assessment of strategic uncertainty are the
ex ante measure of complexity of the game and the ex post measure of
volatility of behavior in the game. Using the measure of complexity, we
posit that strategic uncertainty is greater in the contest than in the
VCM. In the VCM, each subject forms beliefs about others'
contributions and determines her probable outcome. In the contest, on
the other hand, each subject must first form beliefs about others'
bids and then form a belief about the probability that she will win,
where this probability depends on her bid but also depends on other
group members' bids. (8) While the equilibrium of the VCM is in
dominant strategies, the equilibrium of the contest is not. Moreover,
the payoff function is flatter (and concave) in the contest as compared
to the VCM.
Bednar et al. (2012) and Cason, Savikhin, and Sheremeta (2012) also
use a measurement of volatility of choices called "entropy" to
describe the degree of strategic uncertainty. Similarly, we will be able
to confirm the difference in strategic uncertainty between games ex
post, measuring the degree of volatility in individual decision-making.
Based on previous research, and the fact that the contest is a more
complex game than the VCM, we expect subjects to apply strategies from
the VCM to choices in the contest, causing behavioral spillover onto the
Conjecture 1: Behavioral spillover caused by differences in
strategic uncertainty will prompt subjects to apply strategies from the
VCM to choices in the contest.
C. Path-Dependence
Path-dependence is the extent to which the outcomes of previous
periods matter for the current period (Page 2006). For the purpose of
this analysis, we define path-dependence as a within-game phenomenon
where only past behavior and experience in the same game affect future
behavior. Van Huyck, Battalio, and Beil (1990) use path-dependence to
explain how decisions in future periods are influenced by subjects'
shared experience within the same coordination game. Many games are
path-dependent in the sense that current choices depend to some extent
on previous choices of group members, but some games may be more
path-dependent than others. Path-dependence is generally determined
after data on behavior is obtained, yet the structure of the game can
also inform the level of path-dependence ex ante.
We argue that the VCM is more path-dependent than the contest for
several reasons. First, feedback in the VCM is less noisy (there is no
probability involved), and individuals can react optimally to previous
group members' choices without repeated exogenous shocks (e.g.,
winning the prize or not, as in the contest). Second, because the VCM
does not involve a risk component (except strategic risk), individuals
can more easily calculate their subjective best responses. While the VCM
has a dominant strategy and conditioning one's behavior on the
behavior of others is not required, the literature does document the
existence of conditional cooperators, whose behavior depends heavily on
behavior of group members (Fischbacher, Gachter, and Fehr 2001).
In addition to evaluating the structure of the game, evidence of
path-dependent behavior can be obtained ex post through comparing
individual behavior in period t with group behavior in period t - 1
(Falk, Fischbacher, and Gachter 2012). More path-dependent games should
be less susceptible to influence from other games, because individuals
rely heavily on actions of others in previous rounds of the same game
while making decisions. On the other hand, less path-dependent games
should be more susceptible to influence from other games, because
individuals are less influenced by actions of others in the same game.
Conjecture 2: The contest, which is less path-dependent, is more
likely to be susceptible to behavioral spillover as compared to the VCM,
which is more path-dependent.
A. Overview
Table 2 reports the average contribution in the VCM and the average
bid in the contest across all treatments. In contrast to the theoretical
prediction of [b.sup.*] = 15, we find significant overbidding of about
120% in the Baseline Contest treatment (Wilcoxon signed-rank test, p
< .05, n = 10). (9) This finding is consistent with previous
experimental literature on contests, which document that on average
subjects overbid relative to the theoretical predictions in the range
from 20% to 200% (Morgan, Orzen, and Sefton 2012; Sheremeta 2011). (10)
As a result of overbidding, subjects' payoffs are significantly
lower than predicted.
The unique equilibrium prediction for contributions in the VCM is
[c.sup.*] = 0. Relative to theoretical predictions, we find significant
over-contribution in the VCM in the Baseline VCM treatment, which leads
to more socially favorable outcomes (Wilcoxon signed-rank test, p <
.05, n = 10). This finding is also consistent with previous experimental
studies, which report that over-contribution is common in public goods
environments due to altruism or social norms (Ledyard 1995). For
example, Fehr and Gaechter (2000) report contribution levels at 40%-60%
of the endowment during the experiment, with contributions falling to
27% in the final period.
RESULT 1. There is significant overbidding in the contest and
significant over-contribution in the VCM relative to theoretical
Owing to learning and interaction between group members, behavior
may change during the course of the 20 periods. Throughout this section,
we examine decisions in all periods of the experiment as well as average
bids and contributions in "early" and "later"
periods. We use the average bid (contribution) in the first five and
last five periods of the contest (VCM) when making comparisons between
early and later periods; nevertheless choosing different subsets of
early and later periods gives us very similar results.
Figure 1 displays the distribution of bids in the contest over the
first and the last five periods of the experiment. Contrary to the
unique pure strategy Nash equilibrium of 15, individual bids are
distributed on the entire strategy space in all treatments. This
variance in bids persists throughout all periods of the experiment. The
high variance in individual bids is consistent with previous
experimental findings on contests (Davis and Reilly 1998; Potters, De
Vries, and Van Linden 1998; Sheremeta 2011).
Figure 2 displays the distribution of contributions in the VCM over
the first and the last five periods of the experiment. In the first five
periods of the experiment, individual contributions in the VCM are also
distributed on the entire strategy space. However, in the last five
periods of the experiment, individual contributions in the VCM are
concentrated around the Nash equilibrium of 0. These observations are
also consistent with previous experimental findings on VCMs (Fehr and
Gaechter 2000; Fischbacher, Gachter, and Fehr 2001).
B. Comparison Between Simultaneous and Baseline Treatments
Figure 3 displays the time series of the average contribution and
the average bid for the Baseline and Simultaneous treatments. In the
Baseline VCM treatment, the average contribution in the VCM starts at
36.7 in the first five periods and decreases significantly to 12.6 in
the last five periods (Wilcoxon signed-rank test, p < .05, n = 10).
(11) Similarly, in the Simultaneous treatment, the average contribution
starts at 35.6 in the first five periods and decreases significantly to
11.5 in the last five periods (Wilcoxon signed-rank test, p < .05, n
= 10). The difference between the average contribution to the VCM in the
Baseline and the Simultaneous treatment is not significant (Wilcoxon
rank-sum test, p = .54, n = m = 10). This difference is also not
significant for either the first five (Wilcoxon rank-sum test, p = .65,
n = m = 10) or last five periods of the experiment (Wilcoxon rank-sum
test, p = .76, n = m = 10).
RESULT 2. Simultaneous participation in both the VCM and the
contest does not have a significant effect on contributions in the VCM.
Falk, Fischbacher, and Gachter (2012) use a design in which
subjects play two public goods games simultaneously. They find that
individuals are influenced in each game by the contributions of their
own group members, but not by the contributions of the other group
members. We find that even when playing two different games and with the
same subjects, bids in the contest do not influence contributions to the
public good. (12) Note that due in part to power limitations, we cannot
say with certainty that the behavioral spillover from the contest to the
VCM does not exist. (13) However, as we show next, even with the same
power, we do find a significant spillover from the VCM to the contest,
indicating that spillover effects exist.
In the Baseline Contest treatment, the average bid starts at 36.5
in the first five periods and decreases significantly to 33.7 in the
last five periods (Wilcoxon signed-rank test, p = .06, n = 10). In the
Simultaneous treatment, the average bid in the contest starts at 31.5 in
the first five periods and decreases significantly to 24.4 in the last
five periods (Wilcoxon signed-rank test, p < .05, n = 10). Overall,
the declining bid trend in both treatments is consistent with previous
research, documenting that overbidding decreases over time (Davis and
Reilly 1998; Sheremeta 2011).
Figure 4 displays, by group, the average dissipation rate in the
contest, defined as the sum of all bids divided by the value of the
prize. Groups in the Baseline Contest treatment have greater dissipation
rates than groups in the Simultaneous treatment. The difference between
treatments appears mainly after subjects obtain some experience in
playing the game(s). In the first five periods, the average bid in the
Baseline treatment is higher, but it is not significantly different from
the average bid in the Simultaneous treatment (Wilcoxon rank-sum test, p
= .20, n = m = 10). However, the average bid in Baseline is
significantly higher than the average bid in the Simultaneous treatment
in the last five periods (Wilcoxon rank-sum test, p < .05, n = m =
10). This finding suggests that simultaneous participation in both the
VCM and the contest reduces overbidding in the contest, although this
behavioral spillover becomes more pronounced in later periods of the
experiment. When averaging bids across all periods, we still find that
bids are significantly higher in the Baseline treatment as compared to
the Simultaneous treatment (Wilcoxon rank-sum test, p = .06, n = m =
RESULT 3. Simultaneous participation in both the VCM and the
contest reduces overbidding in the contest.
We can conclude from Results 2 and 3 that bid choices in the
contest are influenced by contribution choices in the VCM, but that
contribution choices in the VCM are not as affected by bid choices in
the contest. These findings provide initial support for ex ante
Conjectures 1 and 2, suggesting that strategic uncertainty and
path-dependence are two of the driving forces of behavioral spillovers.
C. Behavioral Effects
As discussed in Section III, strategic uncertainty and
path-dependence are two aspects of games that predict direction of
behavioral spillover ex ante. The design of our experiment also allows
us to provide an ex post analysis of strategic uncertainty and
path-dependence in both the VCM and contest. Conjecture 1 predicts that
behavioral spillover caused by differences in strategic uncertainty will
prompt subjects to apply strategies from the VCM onto choices in the
contest. Previous studies use a measure of entropy to evaluate the
degree of volatility in individual decision-making and to determine the
ex post amount of strategic uncertainty present in the game (Bednar et
al. 2012; Cason, Savikhin, and Sheremeta 2012). However, in both studies
of Bednar et al. (2012) and Cason, Savikhin, and Sheremeta (2012), the
strategy space is very restricted (from 2 to 7 choices), and thus it is
straightforward to measure the degree to which subjects arrive at a
stable state (i.e., entropy state). In contrast, in our experiment, each
of the four subjects in a group can choose any integer number between 0
and 80. Therefore, we use two alternative measures of the degree of
volatility in individual decision-making. First, we compute the absolute
difference between the decisions made in period t and period t - 1.
Second, we calculate the number of stable states for each subject. We
define a stable state as whenever a subject makes the same bid or
contribution choice in period t as in period t - 1. We calculate both
measures of volatility using the first five periods of game-play, as we
want to observe the level of volatility before subjects become
experienced. Based on both measures, we find that in the first five
periods of the Simultaneous treatment, the average volatility of bids in
the contest is significantly higher than the average volatility of
contributions in the VCM. (14) These results suggest that in the
Simultaneous treatment, the VCM game should have a stronger behavioral
spillover effect onto the contest, which is predicted by Conjecture 1
and is in line with Results 2 and 3.
The prediction of Conjecture 2 is that the contest is less
path-dependent than the VCM, and thus it is more likely to be
susceptible to behavioral spillover from the VCM. To examine
path-dependence, in Table 3 we report estimates of panel regressions
conducted separately for each treatment. In these regressions, the
dependent variable is either subject's bid in the contest
(Regressions 1 and 3) or contribution in the VCM (Regressions 2 and 4).
The independent variables are bid-lag, group-bid-lag (lagged average bid
of other group members), contribution-lag, and group-contribution-lag
(lagged average contribution of other group members). All regressions
use a random effects error structure for the individual subjects to
account for repeated measures, and a period trend to account for
learning. Standard errors are clustered at the group level.
According to the estimation results in regression (1), the main
determinant of bid in the Baseline Contest treatment is bid-lag,
indicating that the individual subject's own previous bid
influences her behavior in the contest. On the other hand, regression
(2) shows that contribution in the Baseline VCM treatment is influenced
by contribution-lag and group-contribution-lag, indicating that both
individual subject's own previous bid, as well as group
members' decisions, influence behavior in the VCM. These results
provide additional support for our prediction that the VCM is more
path-dependent (i.e., dependent on own and group previous behavior) than
the contest.
Most importantly, by estimating regressions (3) and (4), we find
that in the Simultaneous treatment, bid is not correlated with
group-bid-lag, while contribution is significantly correlated with
group-contribution-lag. Therefore, our ex post estimation results
indicate that the VCM is more path-dependent than the contest. In line
with Conjecture 2, the stronger path-dependence in the VCM causes the
behavioral spillover from the VCM onto the contest.
Estimation results in Table 3 also indicate that contribution-lag
negatively affects bid in the contest (regression 3) and bid-lag
negatively affects contribution in the VCM (regression 4), although the
latter finding is not statistically significant. (15) These results
suggest that bids and contributions are negatively correlated. We
further explore this correlation in the following subsection.
D. Correlation of Bids and Contributions
Because of the within-subjects design of the Simultaneous
treatment, we can directly compare bids in the contest with
contributions in the VCM for the same individual. Figure 5 displays
individual contributions and bids for the Simultaneous treatment,
averaged over Periods 1-5 and Periods 16-20. We use average choices in
Periods 1-5 of the game in this analysis for several reasons. First, we
want to observe behavior while subjects are not yet heavily influenced
by interaction with group members. Second, we also want to allow for
some learning of the payoff structure of the game. An average of choices
in Periods 1-5 provides a compromise between these two considerations.
We also compare our results for earlier Periods 1-5 to later Periods
16-20, when subjects have been maximally influenced by behavior of their
group members in both games.
A Spearman's rank correlation test shows that individuals who
contribute more to the VCM also bid less in the contest in the first
five periods of the game, and this correlation is significant at the 10%
level when bids are aggregated at the individual level across the five
rounds (correlation -0.27, p < .10). The negative correlation between
individual contributions and bids disappears over time. When analyzing
the last five periods of the experiment, we do not find a significant
correlation (correlation 0.13, p = .43). This result is not surprising,
given that by the end of the experiment, subjects' decisions have
already been heavily influenced by the decisions of others and therefore
social preferences play a less important role in the later periods.
RESULT 4. Bids in the contest are negatively correlated with
contributions to the VCM in early periods', suggesting that
inherently more competitive subjects are less cooperative and vice
To explain the negative correlation between bids and contributions,
we consider two competing theories that are often employed to explain
individual behavior in the public goods and contest experiments. Two
common explanations for non-zero contributions to public goods are based
on bounded rationality or mistakes (Andreoni 1995; Anderson, Goeree, and
Holt 1998) and social preferences (Fehr and Schmidt 1999; Fischbacher,
Gachter, and Fehr 2001; Falk, Fehr, and Fischbacher 2005). The same
arguments are also often applied to explain behavior in contests
(Herrmann and Orzen 2008; Mago, Savikhin, and Sheremeta 2012; Sheremeta
2011). The design of our Simultaneous treatment enables us to
distinguish between these two competing theories, because they generate
opposing predictions for the direction of correlation between bids and
Bounded rationality and mistakes are often cited as reasons why
behavior is not in line with theory in many settings. Using a quantal response equilibrium (QRE) model, which accounts for errors made by
individual subjects, Anderson, Goeree, and Holt (1998) show that
depending on the magnitude of the decision error, mean contributions to
the VCM lie between the Nash prediction ([c.sup.*] = 0) and half the
endowment (c = 40), and higher decision errors correspond to higher
contributions. Sheremeta (2011) shows that according to QRE, mean bids
in the contest lie between the Nash equilibrium ([b.sup.*] = 15) and
half the endowment (b = 40), and higher decision errors correspond to
higher bids. Therefore, bounded rationality implies that subjects who
make mistakes both contribute and bid more, which should result in a
positive, rather than a negative, correlation between bids and
Social preferences are among other commonly cited reasons why
subjects' behavior deviates from theoretical benchmarks.
Intuitively, pro-social behavior implies higher contributions (Andreoni
1995; Fischbacher, Gachter, and Fehr 2001), while spite implies lower
contributions to the VCM (Falk, Fehr, and Fischbacher 2005). On the
other hand, prosociality implies lower bids and spite implies higher
bids in the contest (Hehenkamp, Leininger, and Possajennikov 2004; Mago,
Savikhin, and Sheremeta 2012). The main reason why social preferences
work in the opposite direction in the VCM and the contest is that in the
VCM individual contributions exert a positive externality on others,
while in the contest individual bids exert a negative externality. (16)
We conclude, therefore, that the negative correlation between bids
and contributions can be explained by social preferences but not by
bounded rationality. This finding is also in line with related work on
social preferences and sorting into competitive environments (Bartling
et al. 2009; Dohmen and Falk 2011; Teyssier 2009). In contrast to
previous studies, however, we did not explicitly elicit social
preferences, but instead we measured cooperative individual behavior in
the VCM and compared it to competitive individual behavior in the
We study simultaneous decision-making in two contrasting
environments: an environment that encourages competition (a lottery
contest) and an environment that encourages cooperation (a public good
game). We find that simultaneous participation in the public good game
affects behavior in the contest, decreasing sub-optimal overbidding in
the contest. However, contributions to the public good are not affected
by simultaneous participation in the contest. The direction of
behavioral spillover can be explained by differences in strategic
uncertainty and path-dependence across the two games. Our design also
allows us to simultaneously compare individual preferences for
cooperation and competition. We find that in early periods of the
experiment, there is a significant negative correlation between
decisions made in competitive and cooperative environments, which can be
justified by social preferences such as altruism or spite but not by
bounded rationality theory.
Our findings provide clear evidence that the institutional context
matters for some decision-making environments. Given that many
activities in practice involve simultaneous decision-making in
environments similar to contests and public goods, it is important to
continue to study these competitive and cooperative environments in
ensemble. Studies of other alternative environments in which there is
competition (such as first and second price auctions, oligopolistic
competition, and rank-order tournaments) and cooperation (such as trust
games, weakest-link public goods, and common pool resources) are of
great interest. Investigating behavioral spillover in different
environments will allow for the development of a unifying theory of
behavioral spillover. Finally, it is important to investigate how
behavioral spillovers can be used to design more efficient economic
systems. We leave these extensions for future research.
Additional Supporting Information may be found in the online
version of this article:
APPENDIX S1: Instructions for the Simultaneous Treatment.
doi: 10.1111/j.1465-7295.2012.00474.x
QRE: Quantal Response Equilibrium
VCM: Voluntary Contribution Mechanism
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* We thank two anonymous referees and an Advisory Editor for
valuable suggestions, as well as Jack Barron, Tim Cason, David
Dickinson, Justin Krieg, Casey Rowe, seminar participants at Purdue
University, University of California, Irvine, and participants at the
2009 Economic Science Association conference for helpful comments. Any
remaining errors are ours.
Savikhin: Department of Consumer Science, School of Human Ecology,
University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1305 Linden Drive, Madison, W1 53706.
Phone 765-409-0425, Fax 714-532-6081, E-mail
Sheremeta: Argyros School of Business and Economics, Chapman
University, One University Drive, Orange, CA 92866. Phone 765-418-7175,
Fax 714-532-6081, E-mail
(1.) Overbidding decreases when subjects gain experience (Davis and
Reilly 1998; Sheremeta 2011), when groups make bids instead of
individuals (Sheremeta and Zhang 2010), and when individual bidding
space is constrained (Sheremeta 2011).
(2.) Contributions increase when subjects are allowed to punish,
assign disapproval points, send signals, or communicate with other
subjects prior to contributions in the VCM (Fehr and Gaechter 2000;
Ledyard 1995).
(3.) Other existing studies consider simultaneous interaction in
several public goods environments, either breaking a single public good
into multiple parts or presenting multiple public goods (Biele,
Rieskamp, and Czienskowski 2008; Bernasconi et al. 2009; Cherry and
Dickinson 2008; Fellner and Lunser 2008).
(4.) Note that treatments with two simultaneous contests or two
simultaneous public goods are also possible as baselines. We believe
that our Baseline Contest and Baseline VCM treatments are more
appropriate for several reasons. First, this design allows us to see if
behavior in ensemble games is different from behavior in isolated games.
Second, if two simultaneous contests or two simultaneous public goods
were played as the baseline, subjects would learn the game more quickly
in the baselines than in the Simultaneous treatment, and we would not be
able to make a direct comparison between treatments. Finally, although
subjects did earn double the amount in Simultaneous as in VCM and
Contest baselines, we do not expect to see an endowment effect since
only two periods were randomly selected at the end for payment.
(5.) We used categorical (and not ordinal) nomenclature to label
each game, the colors blue and green (instead of, for example, 1 and 2
or A and B).
(6.) When the contest game was displayed on the left, subjects made
a decision in the contest game first 92% of the time. When the VCM was
displayed on the left, subjects made a decision in the VCM game first
93% of the time. This is unsurprising, given that over 95% of subjects
in the experiment self-reported that they read and write from left to
right horizontally in their native language, and that all instructions
were in English, which reads from left to right. Despite differences in
order of decision-making within each period, we do not find any
difference between individual behavior in the two Simultaneous sessions;
therefore, we pool the sessions.
(7.) Although we consider the impact of simultaneous game-play,
spillovers of behavior or expectations are also present in settings with
sequential game-play, as in as in Knez and Camerer (2000), Alan et al.
(2001), Cherry, Crocker, and Shogren (2003), Devetag (2005), Cherry and
Shogren (2007), Herrmann and Orzen (2008), Dickinson and Oxoby (2011)
and Cason, Savikhin, and Sheremeta (2012).
(8.) Understanding probability can be difficult for subjects due to
bounded rationality (Camerer 2003).
(9.) Unless otherwise stated, all nonparametric tests employ four
subjects in a group across all periods as one independent observation.
(10.) Sheremeta (2010a, 2010b, 2011) and Sheremeta and Zheng (2010)
cite noise and errors, probability judgment biases, and a non-monetary
utility of winning as explanations for overbidding.
(11.) The rank-sum test uses as one independent observation the
difference between the average contribution by four subjects in a group
in the first five periods and the last five periods.
(12.) Note that in the Falk, Fischbacher, and Gachter (2012) and in
our study, endowments are not shared between the two games; rather,
subjects receive a set endowment for each game. This result may be most
applicable in this setting, but whether this result holds when
endowments are shared across simultaneous games could be considered in
future work.
(13.) Using an average of contributions across 20 rounds, we must
assume that each group is one independent observation and therefore
there are only 10 independent observations per treatment. With only 10
independent observations, we have power of 80% to detect an effect size
of 1.19 standard deviations using the Wilcoxon Mann-Whitney test.
(14.) The average absolute difference of bids is 17.4 and the
absolute difference of contributions is 13.6. The estimated number of
stable states for each subjects indicate that 29.4% of contributions to
the VCM and only 18.1% of bids in the contest are qualified as stable
(i.e., state of entropy). This difference is significant (Wilcoxon
rank-sum test, p < .05, n = m = 10). Note also that the volatility of
bids is also higher than the volatility of contributions in the last
five periods of the experiment, although the difference is not
significant. The average absolute difference of bids is 14.5 and the
absolute difference of contributions is 9.1. Furthermore, 42.0% of
contributions to the VCM and only 36.5% of bids in the contest are
qualified as stable, although again this difference is not significant.
(15.) Both coefficients are significant when using the data only
from the first five periods of the experiment.
(16.) Similar to pro-sociality and spite, one can make an argument
that inequity aversion can explain the negative correlation between
contributions in the VCM and bids in the contest. Fehr and Schmidt
(1999), for example, show that subjects who dislike disadvantageous inequity (i.e., the case when subjects dislike having the lowest
relative payoff) should make lower contributions in the VCM in order to
avoid the circumstance where they are the highest contributors with the
lowest payoffs. Similarly, Grund and Sliwka (2005) and Herrmann and
Orzen (2008) show that disadvantageous inequity aversion should cause
subjects to bid more in the lottery contest in order to avoid a
circumstance where they do not win a prize and thus receive the lowest
payoff. Conversely to disadvantageous inequity aversion, advantageous
inequality aversion (i.e., the case when subjects dislike having the
highest relative payoff) should increase VCM contributions and decrease
contest bids. Therefore, both disadvantageous and advantageous inequity
aversion imply negative correlation between bids and contributions. It
is important to emphasize that although inequality aversion is a
potential explanation of our findings, in a recent study, Blanco,
Engelmann, and Normann (2011) showed that there is a low correlation of
subjects' inequality aversion between different games.
Summary of Treatments
Number of
Number of Number of Independent
Treatment Game Played Sessions Subjects Observations
Baseline contest Contest 2 40 10
Baseline VCM VCM 2 40 10
Simultaneous Contest & VCM 2 40 10
Average Statistics
Game Played Variable Equilibrium Simultaneous Baseline
Prediction Treatment Treatments
Contest Bid 15 26.8 (0.8) 33.5 (0.8)
Payoff 85 73.2 (1.2) 66.5 (1.2)
VCM Contribution 0 22.4 (0.9) 23.9 (l.0)
Payoff 80 93.4 (0.7) 94.3 (0.8)
Notes: Standard error of the mean in parentheses.
Regression Models of Individual Subject Choices
Treatment Baseline
(1) (2)
Regression Contest VCM
Subject's Choice bid contribution
bid-lag 0.535 ***
group-bid-lag -0.123
contribution-lag 0.562 ***
group-contribution-lag 0.159 *
period -0.097 -0.518 **
(0.051) (0.187)
constant 20.869 *** 11.303 **
(5.747) (4.154)
Observations 760 760
Number of subjects 40 40
Treatment Simultaneous
(3) (4)
Regression Contest VCM
Subject's Choice bid contribution
bid-lag 0.406 *** -0.055
(0.059) (0.034)
group-bid-lag -0.054 -0.059
(0.065) (0.052)
contribution-lag -0.068 * 0.456 ***
(0.033) (0.042)
group-contribution-lag -0.063 0.348 ***
(0.063) (0.029)
period -0.575 *** -0.432 ***
(0.128) (0.126)
constant 26.577 *** 10.967 **
(3.981) (3.565)
Observations 760 760
Number of subjects 40 40
Notes: All regressions use a random effects error structure for the
individual subjects to account for repeated measures, and a period
trend to account for learning. Standard errors are clustered at the
group level. group bid-lag and group contribution-lag only include
the bids and contributions of all other group members, excluding the
individual under study.
* p < .10, ** p < .05, *** p < .01.