A century of human capital and hours.
Restuccia, Diego ; Vandenbroucke, Guillaume
Over the course of the 19th and 20th centuries the United States has witnessed a noticeable increase in various measures of educational
attainment. For instance, average schooling of generations of the second
half of the 19th century was about 7 years while is close to 14 years
nowadays. Over the same period of time the lifetime labor supply of a
typical worker decreased substantially. For instance, the workweek of a
typical worker was around 60 hours in the 1870s and is about 40 hours
nowadays, (1) What explains these trends? We consider a model of human
capital and labor supply that can broadly capture the secular trends in
average years of schooling and hours of work. We use the model to
quantitatively assess the importance of productivity growth--reflected
as an increase in wages--and life expectancy in accounting for the
trends in schooling and hours. We find that the observed increase in
wages and life expectancy account for 80% of the increase in years of
schooling and 88% of the reduction in hours of work.
The motivation for studying the trends in education and work hours
simultaneously is threefold. First, the trends in education and hours
are not specific to the United States but are, instead, common to most
developed countries. We argue that over a long period of time the face
of Western societies has changed quite dramatically because of reduced
hours of work and because of the spread of formal education. Second,
other authors such as Heckman (1976) and Blinder and Weiss (1976) have
emphasized the importance of jointly modeling labor supply and human
capital accumulation. Since some dimensions of human capital investment
are not observed, models of human capital accumulation are typically
restricted by using data on earnings. Recognizing that the accumulation
and utilization of human capital have implications for leisure time, it
is an immediate consequence that we can also use observations about
leisure time to bring more discipline to bear on the implications of the
model. The study of human capital and labor supply has typically been
done in the context of life cycle frameworks, see for instance the
seminal contribution by Blinder and Weiss (1976) and the more recent
analysis in Guvenen, Kuruscu, and Ozkan (2010). We propose to use the
noticeable changes observed over long periods of time as an alternative
discipline to these models. Third, our research is connected to the
recent literature in macroeconomics on the importance of human capital
for understanding inequality across people, time, and countries, for
example Manuelli and Seshadri (2006), Erosa, Koreshkova, and Restuccia
(2010), You (2009), and Guvenen, Kuruscu, and Ozkan (2010). By focusing
on a time period with substantial changes in labor supply, we find that
abstracting from hours of work critically affects the effective returns
to human capital investment.
Our model of human capital accumulation builds on Bils and Klenow
(2000) and Restuccia and Vandenbroucke (2011). Individuals live for a
finite interval of time and are homogenous within a generation. They
choose how long to stay in school as well as spending in educational
services and, as a result, accumulate human capital. After school they
also choose to allocate their time between leisure and work. There are
two key features of our model. First, preferences feature a taste for
schooling. Second, preferences are non-homothetic for consumption goods.
In the context of our model, we show that these two features of
preferences are critical for schooling to depend on the level of income.
We argue that these features of preferences are non-controversial. Taste
for schooling is a common feature in models of schooling such as
Heckman, Lochner, and Taber (1998) and Bils and Klenow (2000) and has
been found to be empirically relevant in estimated models of human
capital accumulation. Non-homothetic preferences are central in theories
of structural change. (2) In the model, time is continuous and cohorts
of constant size (normalized to one) are born at each moment. There are
two exogenous variables: life expectancy and wages per unit of
human-capital-hour. Each cohort faces a different set of values for
these exogenous variables and, therefore, makes different educational
and labor supply choices.
We use our model to compute cohort-specific sequences of labor
supply and years of schooling. We proceed as follows. First, we restrict
the parameters of the model so that it reproduces the years of schooling
and hours of work observed in the data for the generation of 1870. We
also impose that the model be consistent with the observed 2% rate of
growth in income since the 19th century. We then conduct a set of
counterfactual experiments in which we assess the quantitative
importance of the main driving forces in the model. We find that wage
growth and life expectancy account for 80% of the increase in years of
schooling and 88% of the decline in hours of work between the 1870 and
the 1970 cohorts. Among these forces, the growth in wages explains the
bulk of changes in both variables in the model: about 75% of the rise in
schooling and almost all (97%) of the decline in hours. Life expectancy
alone accounts for 25% of the rise in schooling and 3% of the decline in
hours. Wage growth also has level effects since it matters for the
wealth of any given generation. Thus, if wage growth is absent, the time
path of schooling would not only be flatter than observed, but also
substantially lower. Similarly, without wage growth, the time path for
hours of work would be almost flat and at a higher level than observed
in the data.
We contrast the implications of our model along other dimensions in
the data. In particular, we argue that the mechanisms in the model are
consistent with the patterns of schooling over time across races and the
changes in the distribution of hours over time in the United States. (3)
Our model implies that schooling and hours converge faster toward their
long-run values at low levels of income than at high levels. We show
that this pattern can quantitatively generate the faster increase in
years of schooling observed among blacks relative to whites since the
late 19th century. We also show that the model can account for the fact
that the decline in hours of work in the United States has been more
pronounced for individuals at the lower end of the wage distribution
than at the upper end as documented by Costa (2000).
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Section II, we
describe the two main facts on years of schooling and hours of work that
are the focus of our analysis. Section III presents the model in detail.
In Section IV, we calibrate the model and state our main results.
Section V discusses the results. In Section VI we conclude.
We report the historical trends in average years of schooling and
average hours per worker in the United States. Figure 1 reports average
years of schooling completed for whites by cohort from Goldin and Katz
(2008). The main pattern to take away from Figure 1 is the strong upward
trend. Between the 1870 and 1970 generations, average years of schooling
increased from 7 to 14.1 years (an increase of a factor of 2). Goldin
and Katz also report substantial increases in years of schooling across
races and gender. Hazan (2009, figure 1) reports similar estimates of
average years of schooling by birth cohort. He finds a substantial
increase in the average years of school completed by cohorts over the
course of the last 150 years. There are alternative measures of
educational attainment, all pointing to the secular increase in
education. For example, school enrollment, defined as enrollment in an
institution delivering either an elementary, a high-school, or a college
degree, has increased from 47%--of the 5 to 19-year-old population--in
1850 to 92% in 1990 and the percentage of persons aged 25 and over with
less than 5 years of education decreased from 24% in 1910 to less than
2% in 2000, while the fraction of people with at least a bachelor's
degree increased from 2.7% to 25.6%. (4)
Figure 2 shows the trend in the length of the workweek, that is,
the number of hours worked a week per worker. The main pattern from
Figure 2 is the downward trend and the slowdown of this trend in the
second half of the 20th century. Besides the reduction in weekly hours
of work, individuals exploited other margins in reducing time spent
working in the market. Compared with the early 1900s, people work fewer
weeks per year and fewer years throughout their life cycle nowadays.
Lebergott (1976) reports that 6% of non-farm workers took vacations in
1901, whereas 60% took vacations in 1950 and 80% in 1970. Kopecky (2011)
reports that in the 1850s a person could expect to spend about 5% of
their adult life in retirement. By 2000 this statistic is close to 30%.
Hazan (2009) reports estimates of lifetime hours spent in the labor
market per birth cohort. He finds that men born in 1870 spent about
110,000 hours working (total working hours over the lifetime at age 5 by
age 79) while men born in 1970 spent less than 74,000 hours: a 33%
reduction. The pattern of hours displayed in Figure 2 masks some
heterogeneity, in particular across gender. It has been well documented
that women's participation to the labor market increased markedly
during the course of the 20th century. Since the workweek of women tends
to be shorter than that of men, the trend in Figure 2 could reflect a
change in the composition of the labor force. This compositional effect
is small over the 100-year period we consider. Indeed, the trend in the
workweek for men displays a pattern similar to the time series in Figure
2. (5)
Besides the United States, other countries experienced similar
changes in the level of educational attainment and labor supply. In the
United Kingdom, for example, the number of hours worked per person in
1984 is 51% of what it was in 1870. Simultaneously, the number of
high-school graduates went from 2% of the 17-year-old population in 1870
to 69.5% in 1960. Similarly, in France, the hours worked per person in
1984 was 53% of their 1870 level. On the education front, a man between
15 and 65 years of age in 1895 had completed 6.4 years of schooling
while in 1994 this statistic is 12.1 years. (6)
The model follows closely that of Restuccia and Vandenbroucke
(2011). Time is continuous. The economy is populated by overlapping
generations of individuals living for an interval of time of finite
length T. We assume that T is known at the beginning of life. An
individual is endowed with one unit of productive time per period,
facing a time allocation problem along two margins. First, individuals
choose the time spent in school s [member of] [0, T] which augments
human capital and hence the wage per hour worked. (7) Second, from age s
until T, individuals choose how to allocate their endowment of time
between work and leisure, a choice that is made at every instant. The
wage rate per unit of human-capital-hour is denoted by w and we assume
it grows at the constant rate g. (8) We assume that individuals are born
with no assets and that there are perfect credit markets on which they
can borrow and save at the rate r. Life expectancy and the level of
productivity, that is a pair (T, w), uniquely identify a generation.
Within a generation individuals are identical and make the same choices.
Individuals from different generations, however, make different choices
because they face different levels of productivity and life expectancy
when they are born. In our quantitative exercise we use data on life
expectancy and per-capita income to discipline the time series of both T
and w.
A. Preferences
Preferences are defined over sequences of consumption of goods and
leisure time, as well as over the time spent in school. The preferences
of an individual with life expectation T are represented by
where [c.sub.u], is a sequence of consumption, [l.sub.u], is a
sequence of leisure time, and s is time spent in school. The parameter [alpha] is a positive constant while [beta] may be positive or negative.
The functions U, V, and W are concave and twice continuously
differentiable. We assume that the subjective rate of discount equals
the rate of interest. Note that s is a scalar instead of a sequence,
hence [beta](s) can be interpreted as the age-0 value of the lifetime
utility derived from spending time in school (from age 0 to s).
We choose the following functional forms for U, V, and W:
U(c) = ln(c - [bar.c]), V(l) = ln(l), W(s) = ln(s),
where [bar.c] > 0 is a subsistence level of consumption. We note
the following property of U, which will be useful later:
(2) U'(c)c [greater than or equal to] 1 and U'(c)c [right
arrow] 1 as c [right arrow] [infinity].
B. Technology
The technology for human capital accumulation is described by
(3) H(s, x) = [x.sup.[gamma]] h(s),
where s is time devoted to school and x represents the input of
educational services in units of goods. Although individuals enjoy
leisure while in school (see Equation (1)), we assume that non-leisure
time during school does not affect human capital accumulation. We assume
the following form for h :
h(s) = exp ([theta]/(1 - [psi])[s.sup.1-[psi]]).
We choose this functional form following Bils and Klenow (2000).
However, we emphasize that it is not critical for our results. As the
analysis of the next section will demonstrate, an important restriction
on h(s) for the optimal level of s to increase with the level of income
is that h'(s)/h(s) is a decreasing function of s. This restriction
is satisfied by a large class of functions.
C. Optimization
The assumption that the subjective rate of discount equals the rate
of interest implies that it is optimal for consumption to be constant
throughout an individual's life, that is [c.sub.u] = c.
Furthermore, we abstract from other life cycle considerations by
restricting leisure time to be constant over an individual's life,
that is [l.sub.u], = l. Hence, an individual with life span T and facing
a wage rate w at birth solves the following optimization problem:
Note that the purchase of educational services, x, is measured in
present value at age 0 and is a once-and-for-all expenditure.
It is convenient to define [a.sub.T] = [[integral].sup.T.sub.0]
[e.sup.-ru] du, and [d.sub.T] =
[[integral].sup.T.sub.s][e.sup.(g-r)]u]du. The first-order conditions
for optimization can then be written as
c : 0 = U'(c) - [lambda],
x : 0 = 1 - [gamma]w [x.sup.[gamma]-1] (1 - l)h(s)dr(s),
l : 0 = [alpha][a.sub.]T V'(l) -
s : 0 = [beta]W'(s) + [lambda]w[x.sup.[gamma]] (1 -
l[h'(s) [d.sub.T](s) + h(s) [d'.sub.t] (s)],
where [lambda] is the Lagrange multiplier associated with the
lifetime budget constraint. The first-order condition with respect to x
implies x = [gamma]w[x.sup.[gamma]] (1 - l)h(s)[d.sub.T](S), which,
using the lifetime budget constraint, yields [ca.sub.T] = (1 -
[gamma])w[x.sup.[gamma]](1 - l)h(s)[d.sub.T](S). Using this result and
combining with the first-order condition for l after multiplying by (1 -
l), we obtain
(4) [alpha](1 - [gamma])V'(l)(1 - l) = U'(c)c.
Multiplying and dividing by h (s)[d.sub.T](s) the rightmost term of
the first-order condition with respect to s we find
(5) [beta](1 - [gamma])W'(s) =
-[a.sub.T]U'(c)c[h'(s)/h(s) +
D. Discussion
Equation (5) describes the costs and benefits associated with the
optimal choice of schooling time. Unlike Equation (4) which is fairly
common in models with a consumption-leisure tradeoff, Equation (5)
deserves some discussion. The marginal benefit of the time spent in
school has potentially two sources: (1) there is a pecuniary benefit
resulting from the increase in income due to the extra units of human
capital obtained through schooling and (2) if [beta] > 0, there is a
direct utility benefit from schooling. Similarly, the marginal cost of
schooling has potentially two sources: (1) there is a pecuniary cost
stemming from the foregone earnings incurred while in school and (2) if
[beta] < 0, there is a direct utility loss from attending school. In
what follows we concentrate our discussion on the case where [beta] >
0 because it is the case prevailing in our quantitative analysis where
the value of [beta] is disciplined by data. The pecuniary cost and
benefit of schooling are subsumed in the bracketed term in Equation (5).
More precisely, h'(s)/h(s) measures the pecuniary part of the
marginal benefit of schooling because it directly measures the effect of
schooling on earnings per hour. (9) The term [d'.sub.T]
(s)/[d.sub.T](s) measures the marginal cost, that is the effect of s on
the time remaining after school to receive the benefit from longer
We make four remarks. First, if there was no taste for schooling
([beta] = 0) the optimal schooling choice would be such that it
maximizes lifetime income. This would require that the marginal
(pecuniary) benefit and cost of schooling time are equal. Thus, setting
the term in brackets in Equation (5) to zero would determine the optimal
schooling choice. The individual would then use the optimality condition
in Equation (4) to allocate income between the purchase of leisure time
and consumption. It transpires from Equation (5) that in such a case
schooling would differ from one generation to the next only to the
extent that life expectancy, T, differs across generations. This is an
important characterization because it is a well-known fact that during
the 19th century changes in life expectancy occurred mostly because of
reductions in early child mortality. (10) Thus, conditional on surviving
early childhood, individuals of different generations did not experience
much of an increase in the time they had to benefit from schooling. Yet,
there has been a well-documented increase in educational attainment
during the early part of the 19th century. We consider this evidence
supportive of an income effect being potentially important in the
historical evolution of schooling.
Second, when there is a taste for schooling, that is when [beta]
[not equal to] 0, the level of income matters for schooling. This
transpires in Equation (5) through the level of consumption. Similarly,
Equation (4) reveals that leisure time depends on the level on income as
well. In the Appendix we show formally that, when [beta] > 0, the
optimal choices for schooling and leisure time are non-decreasing
functions of the level of productivity w. We summarize this in the
following proposition.
PROPOSITION I. Assume that [beta] > 0. The optimal length of
schooling and leisure time are increasing in w. That is: ds / dw > 0
and dl / dw > 0.
Proof 1. See Appendix.
To understand this result note that schooling is a time allocation
decision. Thus, an increase in productivity raises the opportunity cost
of schooling inducing individuals to choose lower levels of schooling,
whereas an increase in productivity also implies an income effect
whereby individuals with a positive taste for schooling ([beta] > 0)
use the extra income to acquire more schooling. The net effect of these
opposing forces is ambiguous and generally depends upon preferences,
particularly the rate at which the marginal utility of consumption
decreases when consumption rises, i.e., the term U'(c)c. Our
functional form assumptions imply that, when [beta] > 0, the income
effect dominates the substitution effect unambiguously--see the
Appendix. The critical parameter driving the strength of the income
effect in our analysis is [bar.c]. = If [bar.c] = 0 then it is
immediate, from Equations (4) and (5), that leisure and schooling time
are independent of the level of income. This is a well-known result:
income and substitution effects offset each other with logarithmic preferences. When [bar.c] > 0 an increase in productivity, and the
subsequent increase in consumption, imply a "fast" decline of
the marginal utility of consumption. This, in turn, implies that the
opportunity cost of time does not increase as fast as productivity,
hence the income effect dominates. The same logic applies for the
optimal choice of leisure time. Interpreting [bar.c] as a minimum
consumption requirement, the intuition for this discussion can be
summarized as follows. At low levels of productivity individuals have to
work long hours in order to finance the consumption of [bar.c]. So,
leisure and schooling are low. As productivity increases, the minimum
work required to finance the consumption of [bar.c] is lower. This
allows individuals to work less hours and invest more in schooling. So,
leisure time and schooling increase.
Third, we note that in the long run, that is as c [right arrow]
[infinity], Equation (4) implies that leisure time and individual hours
worked are constant. This stems from a property of U described in
Equation (2), namely that U'(c)c [right arrow] l as c [right arrow]
[infinity]. This asymptotic property of the model is consistent with
models displaying balanced growth and has been motivated in the
literature by the relative constancy of hours during the second half of
the 20th century--see for instance Prescott (1986) and King, Plosser,
and Rebelo (1988). (11) Following a standard practice in the literature,
we will use this asymptotic property of leisure to calibrate some of the
model's parameters. Thus, we introduce a notation for the long-run
value of leisure time, [??], which must satisfy
(6) [alpha](1 - [gamma])V'([??])(1 - [??]) = 1.
A similar property holds for schooling time. As productivity and
life expectancy increase one can verify that schooling converges to a
long-run value, [??], which satisfies
(7) [beta](1 - y)W'([??]) = -(1/[rho])
[[theta].sub.[??].sup.-[psi]] + g - [rho]],
where the facts that U'(c)c [right arrow] 1 as c [right arrow]
[infinity] and [a.sub.T] [right arrow] 1/[rho] and [d'.sub.T]
(s)/[d.sub.T] (S) [right arrow] g - [rho] as T [right arrow] infinity
have been used. (12) We use this asymptotic property of schooling time
to calibrate some of the model's parameters.
Fourth, and as transpires from the previous discussion, the fact
that U'(c)c is a decreasing function of c is critical for the time
series properties of the model. There are many specifications for U
which deliver this property. Our specification for U is guided by the
same principle as in modem business cycles and growth theory where
long-run increases in wealth have cancelling income and substitution
effects on labor supply. Specifically, our utility function allows
U'(c)c to decrease, but converging asymptotically to a positive
constant, namely 1. The convergence of U'(c)c to 1 implies that s
converges to a constant in (0, T) as opposed to approaching T and
leisure converges to a constant in (0, 1) instead of 1. (13)
We construct a quantitative experiment by computing sequences of
hours and years of schooling for generations starting from 1870 up to
1970 taking as exogenous sequences of wages and life expectancy:
[{[w.sub.[tau]], [T.sub.[tau]]}.sub.[tau]] = 1870, ..., 1970. The model
is calibrated to long-run restrictions and U.S. data for 1870. We assess
the quantitative importance of increases in wages and life expectancy in
explaining the time paths of hours and schooling in the U.S. data in the
last century.
A. Calibration
To perform our quantitative experiment we need to restrict the
parameters of the model and the time series for the two exogenous
variables. We proceed as follows. For wages, the constant-growth-rate
assumption implies that the time series [[w.sub.[tau]] can be
represented as:
[w.sub.[tau]] = [w.sub.1870 x [[e.sup.g([tau]-1870)],
where [w.sub.1870] is an initial condition for which we adopt the
normalization [w.sub.1870] = 1. To build a time series for life
expectancy we proceed as in Restuccia and Vandenbroucke (2011). That is,
we note that [T.sub.[tau]] corresponds in the model to the sum of years
spent in school and years spent on the labor market. Thus, we add
Hazan's (2009) measure of years spent on the labor market by cohort
to Goldin and Katz's (2008) figures for years of schooling attained
by each cohort. We construct the time series for [T.sub.[tau]] by
estimating a linear time trend on the constructed time series. We obtain
[T.sub.[tau]] = 0.1716 x [tau] - 279.38.
For illustration, the above estimates imply the following values of
[T.sub.[tau]] for cohorts in 1900 and 2000: [T.sub.1900] = 47 and
[T.sub.2000] = 64.
We let the rate of interest (and time discount) be 4%: [rho] =
0.04. We also choose [gamma] = 0.1, following measures of the share of
goods and time in the production of human capital. In Section V.C we
conduct a sensitivity analysis with respect to this parameter. We now
turn to the remaining parameters: [psi] and [theta], the parameters of
the human capital technology, g the growth rate of the wage per unit of
human capital, and [bar.c], [alpha] and [beta] the remaining preference
parameters. Bils and Klenow (2000) suggest a range of estimates for
[psi] between 0 and 0.6. We choose [psi] = 0.3, the middle of this
range, and do sensitivity with respect to this parameter in Section V.C.
We denote by [lambda] the 5 x 1 vector of parameters left to be
[lambda] = [[theta], g, [bar.c], [alpha], [beta]]'.
We use five restrictions to discipline these parameters. The first
and second restrictions impose that the model's predictions for
years of schooling and hours exactly match the U.S. data for the 1870
generation. That is, we impose that the first generation of the model
chooses to stay in school for 7 years and to work 58 hours per week. The
number 58 corresponds to the workweek in 1905, which is when the 1870
cohort reaches age 35. (14) We assume that there is a total of 24-8
hours of discretionary time each day, which implies a total of 112 hours
per week, so 58 hours translates into [l.sub.1870] = 1 - 58/112. As
productivity and life expectancy increase, our model predicts that hours
of work converge to 1 - [??] and that years of schooling converge to
[??]. We use these properties to construct two additional restrictions.
We impose that [??] = 1 - 40/112, that is we impose that in the long
run, hours of work are constant at 40 hours per week. This restriction
is consistent with the behavior of the workweek in Figure 2. We also
impose that [??] = 21. We choose this number as the total years required
to complete the highest degree in the current educational system. (15)
The last restriction we impose is that the model reproduces an average
increase in income of 2% per year. (16)
Formally, our procedure can be described as solving a system of
five equations in five unknowns. For a given [lambda], we compute years
of schooling, labor supply, and income for a sequence of 100 generations
born between 1870 and 1970. Our targets for [lambda] are summarized
below. Thus, we solve for the zero of the function F([lambda]) defined
where [y.sub.[tau]] is the period income of a particular
generation. (17) Although the system F([lambda]) = 0 determines all
parameters simultaneously, some parameters are more important for some
targets than for others. In particular, the growth rate g has a
first-order effect on the growth rate of income, and parameters such as
[bar.c], [theta], and [beta] also matter in pinning down the initial
level of schooling and hours and the long-run level of schooling.
Finally, we note that the restriction on the long-run level of hours is
independent of the other restrictions. This can be seen from Equation
(6) which implies that, given [gamma] and [??], we have
[alpha] = 1/((1 - [gamma])V'([??])(1 - [??])).
We emphasize this property of the model because it implies that the
only preference parameter pertaining to leisure, that is [alpha], is
disciplined by a long-run restriction on hours and, hence, the initial
level of hours imposes discipline on other aspects of the model, in
particular on the human capital technology. This is the sense in which
the historical trend in hours of work imposes additional discipline on
the human capital accumulation technology. We also note that the taste
parameter for schooling can be derived from Equation (7) given [rho],
[psi], [theta], [gamma], and [??]:
[beta] = -(1/[rho]) ([theta][[??].sup-[psi]] + g - [rho])/((1 -
[gamma]) W'([??])).
We note that our parametrization of the utility function for
leisure (log utility), while convenient from the perspective of
obtaining simple asymptotic restrictions, imposes a restriction on the
labor supply elasticity that may or may not be consistent with empirical
estimates. However, in the context of our model, the labor supply
elasticity is critically determined also by the non-homothetic features
of the model. Moreover, as we discuss in Section V.B, eliminating the
labor supply response would strengthen the quantitative effect of
schooling from changes in productivity and life expectancy.
B. Baseline Results
Table 1 reports the parameter values resulting from the calibration
of the model. Figures 3 and 4 plot the trend predicted by the model
against U.S. data for years of schooling and hours of work. The first
two columns of Table 2 summarize the changes in years of schooling and
hours in the United States and in the baseline version of the model. The
first lesson from Table 2 (and Figures 3 and 4) is that the model
replicates the bulk of the increase in years of schooling and the
decrease in hours. The model predicts that years of schooling increase
by 81.5% (from 7 to 12.7) while in the data the increase is 101.5% (from
7 to 14.1). Thus, the model accounts for 80% (81.5/101.5) of the rise in
schooling between the 1870 and 1970 generations. In terms of hours, the
model predicts a 27.5% decline (from 58 to 42 hours) while the U.S. data
shows a 31.2% drop (from 58 to 40 hours). Hence, the model accounts for
88% (27.5/31.2) of the decline in hours.
A critical parameter for our results is the non-homotheticity
parameter [bar.c]. This parameter plays a key role to set the level of
hours and years of schooling for the 1870 generation in our calibration
procedure. It is also critical, in the time series, for the
determination of the increase in schooling and the decrease in hours of
work. This can be seen from the term U'(c)c in Equations (4) and
(5). Our calibration procedure finds that [bar.c] = 0.30. To gauge how
reasonable this number is, we compute the ratio of [bar.c] to income per
capita for the 1870 and the 1970 generations. We find that this ratio
decreases from 37% to 5%. We compare these numbers to data on final
expenditures on food relative to GDP. The data is for the 1996 Benchmark
study of the International Comparison Program. For the United States,
the share of food is 5.2%. For the average of a set of rich countries
(i.e., countries with a GDP per capita no less than 90% of that of the
United States) this share is 5.7%, whereas for a set of poor countries
that are between 8% and 10% of the U.S. GDP per capita this share is
40.2%. We note that the United States in 1870 was about 13% of the
United States in 1970 if growth was around 2% per year. We also note
that Maddison (2009) reports that GDP per capita, between 1 and 1500,
was between 450 and 771 at constant 1990 dollars. This represents a
range of 2% to 4.5% of the 1970 GDP per capita. If we interpret the
period 1-1500 as one when Western Europe was close to subsistence, that
is GDP per capita was close to [bar.c], then we conclude that our
calibrated value for [bar.c] appears to be within a reasonable range.
The non-homothetic term together with the preference specification for
leisure provides a consistent response of aggregate labor supply to
changes in income. In Section IV.D, we discuss more disaggregate implications of the labor supply responses such as those across races
and across individuals at different points of the income distribution
that are also in line with available evidence.
We note from Table 1 that the growth rate of exogenous productivity
w needed to generate a 2% growth in income per capita in the calibration
is 1.9% per year. This however does not imply that the substantial
increase in schooling generated by the model does not increase human
capital. In fact, human capital increases by 0.4% per year. The change
in income per capita in the model is the result of changes in wages,
human capital, and hours of work which have a negative annualized growth
rate. As a result, potential income per capita (the product of wages and
human capital) increases by 2.3% per year.
C. Decomposing the Forces
We quantify the importance of the two driving forces in the model
explaining the rise in educational attainment and the reduction in hours
by running counterfactual experiments and comparing them to the result
of the baseline model. We compute the path of years of schooling and
hours under the counterfactual that each driving force is "shut
down." That is, in the first experiment we keep [w.sub.[tau]
constant at its 1870 value while [T.sub.[tau]] increases as in the
baseline. In the second experiment, we keep [T.sub.[tau]] constant at
its 1870 value while [w.sub.[tau]] grows at rate g as in the baseline.
The last two columns of Table 2 summarize our results. When w~
remains constant and only [T.sub.[tau]] increases, years of schooling
increase by 13% vis-h-vis 81.5% in the baseline. When [T.sub.[tau]]
remains constant, years of schooling increase by 39.5%. To compute the
contribution of [w.sub.[tau]] alone to the rise in schooling we note
that 13 and 39.5 do not add up to 81.5. This means that there is a
positive interaction between the rise in [w.sub.[tau]] and the rise in
[T.sub.[tau]]. The reason for this is that an increase in life
expectancy when the wage rate remains constant represents a smaller
increase in wealth than an increase in life expectancy when the wage
rate keeps growing over the additional years. The measure of the
contribution of changes in [w.sub.[tau]] alone depends on how we impute the interaction term between [w.sub.[tau]] and [T.sub.[tau]] . But we
can say that this contribution is no less than 49% (39.5/81.5) of the
total effect in the model. If we impute the interaction term
proportionately between productivity and life expectancy, we obtain that
productivity alone accounts for 75% (39.5/(39.5 + 13.0)) of the increase
in years of schooling while life expectancy accounts for 25%. In terms
of the decline in hours, we find that the main driving force is
[w.sub.[tau]] which accounts for at least 98% of the total effect in the
model. The interaction between life expectancy and productivity, in
terms of hours is small. Nonetheless, imputing it proportionately to
each factor, we obtain that productivity accounts for 97% (98/(98 + 3))
of the decline in hours while life expectancy accounts for 3%.
Figures 5 and 6 display the results of the experiments summarized
in Table 2. We emphasize from these figures that, in addition to a
growth effect, the growth rate of [w.sub.[tau]] has a noticeable level
of effect on both schooling and hours. The reason for this is as
follows. Consider the 1870 generation in the baseline model and in the
counterfactual where [w.sub.[tau]] does not grow. Although the initial
value of [w.sub.[tau]] is the same for each of them, i.e., [w.sub.1870]
= 1, the present value of [w.sub.[tau]] is lower for the 1870 generation
in the counterfactual exercise because it remains constant over its
lifetime. Hence all generations, including the initial one, are poorer
in the counterfactual than in the baseline, which explain the lower
schooling and higher hours. In the exercise where [T.sub.[tau]] does not
grow, the initial generations are identical in the baseline and the
counterfactual, hence they make the same schooling and labor supply
D. Other Implications
We show that the model can be used to shed light on two noticeable
changes that occurred during the last century in the U.S. labor market
at a more disaggregate level. First, the increase in average years of
schooling exhibit remarkable differences across races, with schooling
rising much faster for blacks than for whites. Second, there has been a
substantial change in the dispersion in hours of work across the
population, with the hours of the lowest paid workers decreasing much
faster than the hours of the highest paid workers which declined only
Races. There are substantial differences in educational attainment
across races. Even more striking is the pace at which these differences
changed over time. Goldin and Katz (2008, figure 1.6) show that, for a
generation born in the 1870s, the schooling gap between blacks and
whites was about a factor of 1.84, that is a white individual of this
generation at age 35 had completed 84% more years of schooling than a
black individual from the same generation. This gap in schooling has
closed substantially through time. For the 1915 generation, the racial
gap in schooling is 43% and for the 1970 generation only 7% (see Figure
7). This closing of the schooling gap across races results from the much
faster increase in years of schooling for blacks.
Our model suggests two potential explanations for the racial gap in
schooling and its dramatic reduction over time: first, the potential for
a racial gap in life expectancy and its reduction over time; and second,
the potential for a racial gap in wages and its reduction over time.
Differences in life expectancy across races have limited quantitative
importance. The data show that in 1900 the life expectancy at age 5 of
black men was 4.5 years below that of white men. In 1980 the difference
in life expectancy increased slightly to 6.3 years. Thus, the
differences in life expectancy between whites and blacks increased
implying that the model cannot ascribe the closing of the racial
schooling gap to the change in life expectancy. (18) Moreover, the
actual racial gap in life expectancy does not quantitatively generate a
substantial racial gap in schooling in the model.
To assess the importance of racial differences in income we note
that racial differences in earnings are not measured in the data much
earlier than the 1940s. As a result, we proceed as follows. We construct
time series of schooling and hours for whites and blacks based on two
exogenous differences. For whites we use the baseline model. For blacks
we assume a lower life expectancy [T.sub.[tau]] of 5 years for each
generation (e.g., we assume a constant difference in life expectancy
across races). We also assume that blacks face a lower wage per
human-capital-hour than whites. We choose the racial wage gap
[w.sub.[tau]] in order to match the years of schooling for the 1870
generation of blacks as in the data (3.8 years). Hence, the gap in wages
is used to match the 1870 gap in schooling across races. We assume that
[w.sub.[tau]] grows as in the baseline model for both whites and blacks.
Table 3 shows the results of the experiment. We first note that
years of schooling increase faster for blacks than for whites (1.11% vs.
0.61% per year). This implies that the gap in years of schooling by age
35 shrinks over time. In 2000, this gap is 15% in the model (vs. 7% in
the data). Since the initial schooling gap is 84% in both the model and
the data, the model accounts for (15 - 84)/(7 - 84) = 89% of the closing
of the schooling gap between whites and blacks. We emphasize that the
only factor accounting for the closing of the gap is the initial
difference in wages since both wage growth and the change in life
expectancy are assumed to be constant across races in the experiment. We
think it is reasonable to attribute the difference in initial conditions
to factors that are outside the model, for example slavery and the fact
that the Civil War ended just a few years before the period of analysis.
The model implies a stronger decline in the hours of work of blacks than
whites. As a consequence, the earnings of blacks do not increase as fast
as for whites (1.80% vs. 2.01% per year). The ratio of earnings per
labor hour between whites and blacks shrinks from 2.72 in 1905 to 2.56
in 2000. In the data for the United States, the ratio of wages between
whites and blacks in 1940 and 1950 for men with 1 to 5 years of
experience was 2.14 and 1.62. (19) We conclude that differences in
income across races may be at the core of understanding the large racial
gap in schooling at the beginning of the 20th century and its subsequent
reduction over time and provides additional evidence of the importance
of income in explaining the rise in schooling and the fall in hours of
work in the U.S. economy in the last century.
The Distribution of Hours. Costa (2000) documents substantial
differences in hours of work across individuals in the wage distribution
in the 1890s, with workers at the top of the wage distribution working
less hours than those at the bottom of the wage distribution. She also
shows that the differences in hours of work have essentially disappeared
by the 1970s and 1990s. For instance, among men aged 25-64 in 1890,
individuals at the bottom decile of the wage distribution worked 10.99
hours per day versus 8.95 hours for individuals in the top decile of the
wage distribution. This amounts to a ratio of hours worked between the
top and bottom deciles of 0.81. Comparing instead the middle and bottom
deciles yields an hours ratio of 0.96, the top and middle decile yields
a ratio of 0.90 and the top two deciles a ratio of 0.99. Hence, the fact
in 1890 is that better-paid individuals worked less hours and the hours
differences were smaller between individuals with high and similar
income. In 1973, the distribution of hours is quite different.
Individuals in the top of the wage distribution worked 8.22 hours per
day versus 8.83 hours for those in the bottom decile. The ratio of hours
is only 0.93 (0.99 when comparing the top and middle decile, 0.94
between the middle and bottom decile, and 1.0 between the top two
deciles). The data from Costa (2000) also reveals that the striking
reduction in the dispersion of hours over time is, for the most part,
accounted for by the decrease in the hours of work for low-paid
individuals (a 20% decline) and only marginally by the decrease in the
hours of the highly paid workers (a 8% decline). (20)
In the context of our model, an interpretation of these facts is
that individuals with higher income allocate fewer hours to work. To
assess the potential quantitative role of this channel we make the
following modification of the model. We assume that each generation is
made of two types of individuals: high and low ability to earn. Lifetime
income for an individual is aw(1 - l)H(s, x)[d.sub.T](s) where a [member
of] {[a.sup.h], [a.sup.l]} stands for ability to earn. (21) It
transpires from Proposition 1 that the high-ability individuals would
work less and be more educated than the low-ability individuals.
Furthermore, when faced with the same growth in income [w.sub.[tau]],
low-ability individuals would reduce hours more than high-ability
individuals. Thus, qualitatively, our model has the potential to account
for the patterns of the distribution of hours described above. We
construct the following quantitative exercise. We choose [a.sup.h] and
[a.sup.1] to reproduce the hours worked in 1890 by the individuals in
the top and bottom deciles of the wage distribution as reported by Costa
(2000). (22) All other variables and parameters are as in the baseline
model including the growth in wages which we assume constant across
high- and low-ability individuals. The results of this experiment are
reported in Table 4. The first part of the table reports the results of
the calibration where, in 1895, the hours of work of the two types are
matched to the hours of the bottom and top deciles of the wage
distribution: hence, a ratio of hours of 0.81. The high-ability
individuals obtain more schooling and more earnings than the low-ability
individuals. In particular, the ratio of earnings per hour (the product
of wages and human capital) between high and low ability is 2.05 in the
model. The ratio of earnings between the 90 to 10 percentile of the
earnings distribution is 2.81 in Goldin and Katz (2001, table 2.1). The
second part of the table shows the implications for hours, schooling,
and earnings per hour in 1975--that is for individuals born in 1940 who
are 35 years old in 1975. The difference with the 1895 result is that
individuals face a longer life expectancy and a higher level of
productivity. Both are chosen in line with the growth rate of
[w.sub.[tau]] and [T.sub.[tau]] implied by the results of Section IV.A.
The ratio of hours between the two groups declines to 0.95 (vs. 0.93 in
Costa 2000). Both types have reduced their hours and increased their
years of schooling. As can be seen from the last column, however, the
increase in schooling and the decline in hours is more pronounced for
the low type than for the high type. The differences in schooling, which
was a factor of 1.29 in 1895, have decreased to a factor 1.05. The gap
in hours is also reduced since the high-ability types, which used to
work 0.81 of the hours of the low-ability types work, in 1975, 0.95 of
the hours of low-ability types. The high-ability types have reduced
their hours by 7.09/8.95 - 1 = 21% while the low-ability types reduced
theirs by 32%. Thus, the narrowing of the distribution of hours is
mostly accounted for by the reduction of the hours of the low-paid
workers, as in the U.S. data.
A. The Cost of Education
In our model, schooling has two costs: a time cost since
individuals do not work while in school and a goods cost since
individuals purchase educational services x. We assumed in our baseline
model that the relative price of goods services is constant over time
and equal to one. Recalling that years of schooling implied by the model
depart from the data around 1920, we note that this is around the time
when the high-school movement started. Indeed, Goldin and Katz (2008,
chapter 6) place the high-school movement between 1910 and 1940. Goldin
and Katz emphasize that a significant aspect of the movement was the
increased number of educational institutions, both private and public,
during this period. We model this movement as a reduction in the goods
cost of schooling.
To capture this phenomena and gauge its quantitative importance in
the context of the model we proceed as follows. We label the relative
price of educational services by q, that is in order to purchase x units
of educational services an individual must give up qx units of
consumption. Thus, an individual's intertemporal budget constraint
is of the form
c [[integral].sup.T.sub.0] [e.sup.-ru] du + qx = w H (s, x) (1 - l)
x [[integral].sup.T.sub.s] [e.sup.(g - r)u du.
We then assume that q is constant and equal to 1 until 1920 and
that it declines at the rate [g.sub.q] thereafter. We contemplate
different values for [g.sub.q]. Figure 8 reports the results for years
of schooling and hours of work for [g.sub.q] = 20%. A substantial
reduction in the relative cost of education can bring the implications
of the model for years of schooling and hours of work much closer to
data. In this case, the model accounts for 86% of the increase in years
of schooling (vs. 80 in the baseline). This result illustrates the
potential importance of the relative price of educational services in a
model of the trend in schooling for the period starting around 1920. We
note that our model, augmented with a relative price for educational
services, implies that the ratio w/[q.sup.[gamma]] is critical for the
individual's decision on years of schooling and hours of work. (23)
Hence, one interpretation of the results in this experiment is that both
a decline in the relative cost of education (represented by a decline in
q) starting around 1920 as well as a faster increase in w resulting from
skill-biased technical change starting around 1940 could be explaining
the faster increase in years of schooling and decline in hours observed
in the data since 1920 relative to the baseline model. Explicitly
modeling and measuring these sources of variation over time are
important elements that we leave for future research. (24)
B. Importance of Labor Supply
An implication of substantial changes in labor supply is that it
affects the income elasticity of schooling. This elasticity is of
interest in a variety of contexts (e.g., the development and labor
literatures). The substantial decline in hours of work during the period
of analysis implies a relatively low income elasticity of schooling. For
a given increase in wages, a reduction in hours of work amounts to,
other things equal, a reduction in the effective return to human capital
To illustrate the importance of changes in labor supply during the
period of analysis, we calibrate a version of the model where [alpha] =
0 (individuals do not value leisure) and we set a constant labor supply
to 49 hours per week, which corresponds to the average observed in the
U.S. data between 1870 and 1970 (from 58 to 40). We choose [bar.c], g,
and [theta] in order to match the following three targets: (1) 7 years
of schooling for the 1870 generation; (2) 2% growth in income per
capita; and (3) a ratio of subsistence consumption to income per capita
of 41% for the 1870 generation. The first two targets were part of the
baseline calibration. The last target deserves an explanation since it
was not part of the baseline calibration strategy. By keeping labor
supply constant, we are effectively losing an observation on labor
supply that can be used to restrict a parameter in the human capital
technology. In the spirit of Blinder and Weiss (1976), we view this
property as a virtue of our baseline calibration. The additional target
we consider is the ratio of subsistence consumption to income which
corresponds to the statistic implied by the baseline calibration. Thus,
the spirit of this exercise is to be as close as possible to our
baseline calibration.
We find that the model without a consumption-leisure tradeoff
generates a faster increase in years of schooling: a 94% change instead
of an 81.5% change in the baseline. As a consequence, the model accounts
for 92% of the actual increase in years of schooling versus 80% in the
baseline. However, in order to generate the 2% annual increase in
income, we only need the wage per unit of human capital to increase at a
rate of 1.5% per year, as opposed to 1.9% in the baseline calibration.
Hence, abstracting from the substantial decline in labor supply yields
an income elasticity of schooling that is 37% larger than in the
C. Sensitivity
Our baseline calibration uses [psi] = 0.3. To assess the
sensitivity of our results to this choice we consider two alternative
values, [psi] = 0.35 and [psi] = 0.25. For each value of [psi], we
recalibrate the model using the same method as described in Section
IV.A. The results are displayed in Table 5. The main conclusions from
our baseline calibration remain unaltered. First, for schooling, the
baseline simulation (when both [w.sub.[tau]] and [T.sub.[tau]] increase)
accounts from 68% to 86% of the increase in schooling versus 80% in our
baseline calibration. For hours the results are remarkably close to
those in the baseline calibration. Decomposing the forces, we find that
the contribution of life expectancy to the rise in schooling is somewhat
sensitive to [psi]: from 11% to 29% of the increase in schooling versus
16% in our baseline calibration. The contribution of [w.sub.[tau]] to
the rise in schooling is from 32% to 55% versus 49% in the baseline. In
terms of hours there are no noticeable differences in the contribution
of life expectancy as [psi] changes. Since in this exercise we
recalibrate the model it is important to identify which parameters are
adjusted for the different values of [psi]. The main difference with the
baseline calibration is in the value of [beta], the weight of schooling
time in the utility function, while [bar.c] the subsistence level of
consumption and g the growth rate of [w.sub.[tau]] remain almost the
Our second sensitivity exercise is with respect to the choice of
[gamma], the share of goods in the human capital technology. We used
[gamma] = 0.1 in our baseline calibration. We recalibrate the model
under two alternative values: [gamma] = 0.0 and [gamma] = 0.2. Table 6
shows the results. We find that, jointly life expectancy and
productivity account for between 75% and 85% of the observed trend,
versus 80% in the baseline calibration. For hours the results are the
same as in the baseline. The respective contribution of [w.sub.[tau]]
and [T.sub.[tau]] differ from our baseline, but the main message remains
that [T.sub.[tau]] matters little for the change in hours and that its
contribution to the change in schooling is noticeable, but lower than
that of [w.sub.[tau]].
We considered a model of human capital accumulation and labor
supply to quantitatively assess the contribution of exogenous variations
in productivity and life expectancy in accounting for the secular
increase in educational attainment and the decrease in hours of work
observed between 1870 and 1970. We find that the increase in wages and
life expectancy account for 80% of the increase in years of schooling
and 88% of the reduction in hours of work. Wages alone account for the
bulk of the increase in schooling (75%) and the decline in hours (97%).
Life expectancy plays a significant role in the increase in schooling,
accounting by itself for 25% of the increase, but its contribution to
the decline in hours is small. The income effect embedded in our model
also generates predictions that are in line with more disaggregate
observations. We show that our model can shed light on the faster
increase in schooling experienced by blacks relative to whites since the
late 19th century in the United States. We also show that the model is
consistent with the more pronounced decline in hours of work for
individuals at the lower end of the income distribution relative to
individuals at the higher end of the income distribution. Finally, we
argued that abstracting from the substantial decline in hours of work
during this time period critically affects the connection between labor
income and schooling.
Admittedly, the model does not account for all the increase in
years of schooling. Other forces may be at work. A reduction in the cost
of acquiring education in the form of higher-education institutions as
emphasized by Goldin and Katz (2008) may be important, especially since
the schooling implications of the model start to depart from the data
around 1920. We also abstracted from skill-biased technical change which
may be important after 1940. We plan to incorporate some of these
important features in our future research.
GDP: Gross Domestic Product
doi: 10.1111/j.1465-7295.2012.00497.x
Consider the optimization problem of Section III.C. The first-order
condition for x implies
x = [[[gamma]w(1 - l)h(s)[d.sub.T](s)].sup.1/(1-[gamma])],
which, using the intertemporal budget constraint, yields
c = [([kappa/[a.sub.T]) [w(1 - l)h(s)[d.sub.T]
where [kappa] = [[gamma].sup.[gamma]/(1-[gamma])] -
[[gamma].sup.1/(1-[gamma])]. Denote this function by C(s, l). Define
G(l) [equivalent to] V'(l)(1 - l), Z(c) [equivalent to] U'(c)c
and note that G, Z > 0 and that G', Z' < 0. Finally,
define [A.sub.T] (s) = h'(s)/h(s) + [d'.sub.T] (s)/[d.sub.T]
(s), and note that [C.sub.s] = C(s, l) [A.sub.T] (s)/(1 - [gamma]) and
[C.sub.l] = -C(s, l)[(1 - l).sup.-1]/(1 - [gamma]) < 0.
The first-order conditions (4) and (5) can now be expressed as
[alpha](1 - [gamma])G(l) - Z(C(s, l)) = 0,
[beta](1 - [gamma])W'(s)+ [a.sub.T]Z(C(s, l))[A.sub.T](s) = 0.
Note that at an optimum [A.sub.T] < 0 and [A'.sub.T] <
0. The first inequality is derived from the first-order condition with
respect to s when [beta] > 0. The second inequality derives from the
functional form of [A.sub.T]. First, h'(s)/h(s) =
[theta][s.sup.-[psi]] is decreasing in s as long as [theta] and [psi],
are positive (as is the case in our calibration). Second, [MATHEMATICAL
[d'.sub.T] (s)/[d.sub.T] (s) = (g - [rho])/(1 - [e.sup.(g -
which is negative and decreasing in s. Note that [d'.sub.T]
(s)/[d.sub.T] (s) [right arrow] g - [rho] as T [right arrow] [infinity].
Implicitly differentiating the first-order conditions with respect
to s, l, and w yields
After rearranging one obtains
ds/dw = -[[DELTA].sup.-1] [partial derivative]C (s, l)/[partial
derivative]w and
dl/dw = -[[PHI].sup.-1] [partial derivative]C(s, l)/[partial
where the signs of the elements of [DELTA] and [PHI] are derived
from the properties of the functions [A.sub.T], C, G, Z, and W. Since
[partial derivative]C(s, l)/[partial derivative]w > 0, it follow that
ds/dw > 0 and dl/dw > 0.
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* We thank Claudia Goldin and Larry Katz for sharing their data on
years of schooling by birth cohort in the United States. We also
appreciate helpful comments from Nezih Guner, two anonymous referees,
and participants at numerous seminars and conferences. All remaining
errors are our own. Restuccia acknowledges financial support from the
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada.
Restuccia: Department of Economics, University of Toronto, 150 St.
George Street, Toronto, ON M5S 3G7, Canada. Phone 416-978-5114, Fax
416-978-6713, E-mail diego. restuccia@utoronto.ca
Vandenbroucke: University of Southern California, Department of
Economics, KAP 316A, Los Angeles, CA, 90089. Phone 213-740-2108, Fax
213-740-8543, E-mail vandenbr@usc.edu
(1.) See Figures 1 and 2 for illustrations of the trends in
schooling and hours in the United States.
(2.) See for instance Laitner (2000), Kongsamut, Rebelo, and Xie
(2001), and Gollin, Parente, and Rogerson (2002) for models of
development; Rogerson (2008) for a model of the allocation of hours
across sectors and countries: and Greenwood and Vandenbroucke (2008) for
a model of the trend in leisure, among others.
(3.) In Restuccia and Vandenbroucke (2011), we show that, in the
context of a similar model, differences in productivity and life
expectancy can explain a large portion of the schooling patterns across
countries and over time.
(4.) See Carter et al. (2006, series Bc441 and Bc444) and Digest of
Education Statistics (2008, table 8).
(5.) See Vandenbroucke (2009, figure l).
(6.) See Maddison (1987, table A-9) for the figures on hours per
person in France and the United Kingdom. See Goldin and Katz (2008,
table 1.1) for the high-school graduation rate for the United Kingdom.
See CEPII (Centre d'Etudes Prospectives et d'Informations
Internationales); available online at http://www.cepii.fr.
(7.) Note that schooling is an interval of time in the lifetime of
an individual.
(8.) In what follows, we refer to w as wages and productivity
(9.) The term h'(s)/h(s) is the Mincer return: it is the
semi-elasticity of earnings per hour with respect to schooling. To see
this, note that earnings per hour are e = w[x.sup.[gamma]]h(s) so that d
ln(e)/ds = h'(s)/h(s).
(10.) Between 1850 and 1900 life expectancy at birth increased by
9.9 years, whereas life expectancy at age 5 increased only by 3.7 years.
Thus, the bulk of the increase in life expectancy during that period of
time is accounted for by changes in childhood mortality. Throughout the
20th century, changes in life expectancy at birth follow more closely
those at age 5 indicating that most improvements in childhood mortality
occurred in the 19th century. For instance, between 1950 and 1998, life
expectancy at birth increased by 8.3 years and life expectancy at age 5
increased by 6.4 years. See Carter et al. (2006, series Ab656-6591 for
(11.) The real business literature often refers to leisure per
capita while our motivating data are about hours per worker. McGrattan
and Rogerson (2004) show that hours worked by men workers during the
1950 2000 period exhibit little trend. Hours decrease slightly between
1950 and 1970 and increase slightly between 1970 and 2000.
(12.) See the Appendix for a derivation of the properties of
[d'.sub.T] (S)/[d.sub.T](s).
(13.) Convergence of U'(c)c to a positive constant is a
consequence of the logarithmic utility specification and the
non-homothetic term [bar.c] > 0.
(14.) Recall that the data on years of schooling are about
schooling completed at age 35. See Figure 1.
(15.) We note that the procedure of restricting preference and
technology parameters to generate asymptotic values in the model is
reminiscent of the development literature in setting targets for
long-run share of food consumption or the long-ran share of employment
in agriculture.
(16.) This increase in income is motivated by data on real Gross
Domestic Product per capita from Historical Statistics, see Carter et
al. (2006, table Ca-C). However, we note that a similar restriction
would follow from using wage data, see for instance Williamson (1995).
(17.) For a generation born when the wage per unit of human capital
is [w.sub.[tau]] we have [y.sub.[tau]] = [w.sub.[tau]] [e.sup.gs] H(s,
x)(1 - l).
(18.) For data on life expectancy, see Carter et al. (2006, series
Ab670-Ab695). Unfortunately, there are no figures for the 1860s and
1870s. In addition, the same data on total years of schooling and labor
hours we use in the baseline model from Goldin and Katz (2008) and Hazan
(2009) are not available across races.
(19.) See Carter et al. (2006, series Ba4432).
(20.) Costa (2000) reports similar findings across industries and
(21.) Similar results would arise if we assume ability to learn
where the ability parameter appears in the human capital production
(22.) We compute decisions for the 1860 generation which is of age
35 in 1895.
(23.) The intertemporal budget constraint of an individual, after
solving out for educational expenditures, is
c = ([kappa]/[a.sub.T]) [(w/[q.sup.[gamma]])(1 -
l)h(s)[d.sub.T](s)].sup.1/(1 - [gamma])].
(24.) See Restuccia and Vandenbroucke (2012) for a detailed
analysis of the importance of skill-biased technical change in the U.S.
economy since 1940.
Preferences [rho] = 0.04, [alpha] = 2, [beta] = 4.95
[bar.c] = 0.30
Technology [gamma] = 0.1
[theta] = 0.05, [psi] = 0.3
Productivity g = 0.019, w (1870) = 1
Demography T([tau]) = 0.1716 x [tau] - 279.38
Percentage Change in Schooling, Hours, and
Only Only
[T.sub [w.sub.
U.S. Data Baseline .[tau]] [tau]]
(1) (2) Grows Grows
Schooling +101.5 +81.5 +13.0 +39.5
Relative to (1) 1.00 0.80
Relative to (2) 1.00 0.16 0.49
Hours -31.2 -27.5 -0.7 -27.0
Relative to (1) 1.00 0.88
Relative to (2) 1.00 0.03 0.98
Income 2.00 2.00 0.02 1.86
Note: The numbers for income are annualized rates of
Racial Differences in Schooling and Hours
1905 1950 2000 Change (%)
Schooling (years):
White 7.0 10.0 12.5 0.61
Black 3.8 7.6 10.9 1.11
Ratio 1.84 1.33 1.15
Hours (per week):
White 58.2 47.2 42.5 -0.33
Black 81.8 56.9 46.0 -0.60
Ratio 0.71 0.83 0.92
White 1.5 4.5 14.1 2.35
Black 0.6 1.7 5.5 2.42
Ratio 2.72 2.63 2.56
The Distribution of Hours
Ability Ratio
High Low (High/Low)
Hours (per day) 8.95 10.99 0.81
Schooling (years) 7.4 5.8 1.29
Wages 3.61 1.76 2.05
Hours (per day) 7.09 7.49 0.95
Schooling (years) 11.8 11.2 1.05
Wages 21.25 10.52 2.02
Percentage Change in Schooling, Hours, and Income Under Alternative
U.S. Data Baseline
(1) (2)
[psi] = 0.35 Years of school +101.5 +69.1
Relative to (1) 1.00 0.68
Relative to (2) 1.00
Hours -31.2 -27.7
Relative to (1) 1.00 0.89
Relative to (2) 1.00
Income 2.00 2.00
[psi] = 0.25 Years of school +101.5 +87.3
Relative to (1) 1.00 0.86
Relative to (2) 1.00
Hours -31.2 -27.4
Relative to (1) 1.00 0.88
Relative to (2) 1.00
Income 2.00 2.00
Only [T. Only [w.
sub.[tau]] sub.[tau]]
Grows Grows
[psi] = 0.35 Years of school +20.1 +22.1
Relative to (1)
Relative to (2) 0.29 0.32
Hours -0.9 -27.2
Relative to (1)
Relative to (2) 0.03 0.98
Income 0.04 1.81
[psi] = 0.25 Years of school +9.8 +48.0
Relative to (1)
Relative to (2) 0.11 0.55
Hours -0.7 -26.9
Relative to (1)
Relative to (2) 0.02 0.98
Income 0.01 1.88
Note: The numbers for income are annualized rates of growth.
Percentage Change in Schooling, Hours, and Income Under Alternative
U.S. Data Baseline
(1) (2)
[gamma] = 0.2 Years of school +101.5 +75.7
Relative to (1) 1.00 0.75
Relative to (2) 1.00
Hours -31.2 -27.6
Relative to (1) 1.00 0.88
Relative to (2) 1.00
Income 2.00 2.00
[gamma] = 0 Years of school +101.5 +86.0
Relative to (1) 1.00 0.85
Relative to (2) 1.00
Hours -31.2 -27.4
Relative to (1) 1.00 0.88
Relative to (2) 1.00
Income 2.00 2.00
Only [T. Only [w.
sub.[tau]] sub.[tau]]
Grows Grows
[gamma] = 0.2 Years of school +19.2 +29.3
Relative to (1)
Relative to (2) 0.25 0.39
Hours -1.2 -27.0
Relative to (1)
Relative to (2) 0.04 0.98
Income 0.04 1.81
[gamma] = 0 Years of school +8.4 +47.8
Relative to (1)
Relative to (2) 0.10 0.56
Hours -0.4 -27.0
Relative to (1)
Relative to (2) 0.01 0.99
Income 0.00 1.90
Note: The numbers for income are annualized rates of growth.