Cooperation spillovers and price competition in experimental markets.
Cason, Timothy N. ; Gangadharan, Lata
Both competition and cooperation are important for the successful
functioning of many economic systems. For example, firms compete in
markets but they also cooperate with one another through arrangements
such as research joint ventures, lobbying, cooperative marketing
agreements, and strategic alliances.
In this paper, we use experiments to examine how competitive
interactions affect agents' propensity to cooperate. We are
interested in studying spillovers that may involve cooperation in one
domain (such as a research joint venture) and competition in another
(such as in a market). (1) Cooperation could weaken competition, perhaps
promoting collusion, or market competition could reduce incentives for
non-market cooperation. These "behavioral spillovers" could go
in either direction. They are distinct from another type of spillover,
through knowledge externalities that occur in research and development
(R&D) when the innovator cannot fully appropriate the gains to
innovation, leading potentially to a socially inefficient level of
research (deBondt 1996). (2) As discussed below, behavioral spillovers
have been shown in experiments to increase cooperation in otherwise
competitive environments, for example through establishing cooperative
A large body of theoretical research has focused on firms
cooperating in research joint ventures and how this impacts competition
in output markets. For example, Cooper and Ross (2009) examine the
mechanism by which agreements to cooperate in one market can have
negative effects on competition in other markets, even in situations
when these markets are not linked via costs or demand. Cabral (2000)
shows that product market prices are affected by R&D agreements
between firms. Caloghirou, Ioannides, and Vonortas (2003), Lambertini,
Poddar, and Sasaki (2003), and Poyago-Theotoky (2007) also discuss the
impact of forming research joint ventures on product markets and cartel
formation. (3)
Empirical work using field data has provided creative indirect
evidence on the collusive potential of research joint ventures by
exploiting natural "policy experiments," although the extent
of this evidence is limited. Goeree and Helland (2010), for example,
show that research joint ventures facilitate collusion because they
became less popular following an enforcement policy change (leniency)
that made collusion less attractive. Policy experiments such as these
are often required since systematic collusion often goes undetected by
authorities. Duso, Roller, and Seldeslachts (2010) also examine the link
between research joint ventures and collusion, using data from the U.S.
National Cooperation Research Act that granted certain research joint
ventures milder antitrust scrutiny. They find that horizontal research
joint ventures lead to more collusion than vertical joint ventures. Our
work provides complementary and more direct evidence, since in the
laboratory we can observe the level and sustainability of tacit and
explicit collusion and can therefore circumvent the measurement and
endogeneity issues that are often prevalent in field data.
The specific research goals of this study are the following. First,
we wish to examine if agents take advantage of available gains from
cooperation in the presence of payoff uncertainties that arise from
stochastic innovation success. Second, we are interested in learning if
a behavioral spillover of cooperation can lead to collusion in markets,
or whether competition in markets reduces non-market cooperation. These
notions of cooperation concern contributions to joint R&D projects
or collusion in price setting, and are defined independently of any
communication opportunities. Therefore, our third goal is to determine
how this interaction between cooperation and competition is affected by
the introduction of non-market communication opportunities. Finally, we
will measure the externalities from R&D cooperation to
non-innovators in the market. (4)
Subjects in our experiment trade in a computerized double auction
market where they make price offers and can accept offers made by others
in continuous time. Sellers have the option to contribute voluntarily to
a public good, corresponding to a research joint venture, which may
(stochastically) reduce their marginal costs. This cost reduction lowers
equilibrium prices, so buyers can also potentially benefit from this
innovation. Cooperative research is modeled as a threshold (provision
point) public goods problem, in which the good (the reduction in costs)
is provided if voluntary contributions exceed the required threshold
level of contributions and if the research project succeeds. Many
collective action scenarios can be represented as such public good
games. For example, firms contributing to a research fund may require
financing or effort to reach a specific threshold for any chance of
successful innovation.
We find that while there are some modest behavioral spillovers,
subjects often cooperate in funding the public good even though they
also compete aggressively in the market. Although cooperative research
occurs less frequently when subjects also compete in the market,
research cooperation does not reduce the intensity of market
competition. Communication helps subjects coordinate on an efficient
choice of public good contributions in all environments, and we also
observe significant R&D externalities that benefit non-innovators.
The results therefore suggest that R&D collaborations need not
diminish robust market competition.
The idea that individuals' behavior could spill over across
different environments or domains has received considerable attention in
the recent experimental literature, although theoretically little is
understood about the relevant mechanisms (Bednar and Page 2007). Bednar
et al. (2012) document behavioral spillovers for several different types
of two-player bimatrix games. Falk, Fischbacher, and Gachter (2011) find
that behavior does not differ from isolated controls when two
coordination or public goods games are played simultaneously with
different opponents. Savikhin and Sheremeta (2012) also study
simultaneous play, and they find that cooperation in a voluntary
contribution game reduces competitive overbidding in contests. Brandts
and Cooper (2006) document behavioral spillover due to cooperative
precedent established in a high incentive coordination game to a lower
incentive coordination game. Cason, Savikhin, and Sheremeta (2012) show
that a behavioral spillover occurs for two different coordination games,
but only if they are played sequentially and not when they are played
simultaneously. None of the (few) previous experiments that have
considered behavioral spillovers have included markets.
In addition, our experiment is novel because few previous studies
have used experiments to examine issues in R&D and competition, and
even less have considered R&D joint ventures. Isaac and Reynolds
(1992) report an experiment where sellers compete in prices and in cost
reducing R&D. Their sellers competed in a posted offer market (with
simulated buyers), and after five periods they could undertake costly
innovation, which if successful lowered costs for that seller only.
Davis, Quirmbach, and Swenson (1995) varied the tax subsidy available to
subjects who invest in R&D and also the appropriability of returns
to R&D. They find that an equal tax subsidy across investors
increases levels of investment in R&D, but not in proportion to the
amount of the subsidy. Buckley, Mestelman, and Shehata (2003) examine
the effectiveness of alternative subsidy schemes in stimulating R&D,
and show that incremental subsidies are less effective than level
subsidies. Unlike all of these experiments, we have added to the market
structure a stage where subjects have the opportunity to contribute
toward a joint research fund. The "research" is also
successful only stochastically, differentiating this threshold public
goods game from most of the experimental literature. Deck and Erkal
(2011) examine how the decision to form research joint ventures changes
in a dynamic environment and find that cooperation can unravel as firms
move forward in the R&D process and monopoly rents become more
Suetens (2005) tests how different levels of appropriability of
R&D externalities affects investment, and Suetens (2008) adds
competition in the product market and finds that binding R&D
cooperation facilitates price collusion in a duopoly context. Both
studies employed simulated buyers. In contrast, our experiment employs
more sellers in each market (triopolies) and explicitly incorporates
markets where sellers compete to make trades with strategic human buyers
in a realistic and competitive (double auction) trading institution. Our
design also allows us to isolate the impact of behavioral spillovers,
separately from R&D externalities that accrue to non-innovating
buyers through lower prices.
The experiment is designed to study the links between market
competition and cooperation. It uses a 3 x 2 design, summarized in Table
1, employing a total of 264 subjects. We examine two dimensions and
conduct three treatments across each dimension. In one treatment,
subjects participated only in a threshold public goods game, in another
they traded only in a market and in the third treatment subjects
participated both in a market and in a threshold public goods game.
These public good provision and market pricing games require
coordination to increase payoffs, and this coordination may further
require non-market communication. Therefore, we vary opportunities for
communication along the second dimension and all three treatments
included sessions in which sellers were allowed to communicate with each
other using typed text in computer-based chat rooms, contrasted with
sessions in which all traders made decisions without any communication.
The Public Good Only treatment examines whether subjects coordinate
and cooperate with each other when threshold public good returns are
uncertain, and studies how communication affects cooperation. The Market
Only treatment explores the impact of communication on collusion,
prices, and trading efficiency. The main motivation for conducting these
two treatments is to provide baselines to compare subjects'
cooperative and competitive behavior with the combined Market and Public
Good treatment (Combined), hence allowing identification of behavioral
spillovers. The comparison with the Public Good Only baseline reveals
how market competition may reduce cooperation, while the comparison with
the Market Only baseline indicates how cooperation in providing the
public good (which lowers sellers' costs) affects price
A. Treatments
Combined. The Combined treatment includes data from 20 sessions. In
all sessions, six subjects traded in a computerized double auction
market across 27 periods. Our design is motivated in part by recent
policy initiatives to mitigate climate change. Emission markets are an
ideal environment to study spillovers as trading in carbon markets is
being implemented or considered by different countries, while
governments are also actively promoting cooperative R&D arrangements
between firms to reduce the future costs of emission reductions and the
discovery of new mitigation technologies. (5) Therefore, in our markets
all participants have the opportunity to buy and sell units, and they
were required to hold a "coupon" to be able to avoid producing
a unit. One could interpret this as holding an emissions permit to avoid
abating one unit of pollution, but neutral framing was used in the
experiment so alternative interpretations are reasonable. Marginal costs
rise as subjects increase abatement and they can avoid these cost
increases by purchasing permits. As in permit markets in the field,
subjects had to compare the price of permits with their individual costs
and on that basis decide whether to be permit buyers or sellers. This
endogenous buyer/seller role determination exists in many other market
contexts, such as in asset, securities and currency markets, and was one
reason why the market was organized using double auction rules. (6) Such
symmetric trading rules make it transparent for subjects to take either
the buying or selling side, unlike posted offer markets where
pre-determined seller and buyer roles are more natural.
The double auction market is used extensively in experiments and is
considered a relatively competitive trading institution, which is
another reason for this institutional design choice since a main goal of
this study is to determine the influence of market competition on
cooperation in a joint R&D task. Even in this market institution,
however, traders can exert market power (Muller et al. 2002) and this
appears to be a stronger tendency when they are in flexible trader roles
(as in this study) rather than predetermined buyer or seller roles.
Nevertheless, super-competitive pricing is observed in some sessions and
is completely absent in others, so greater concentration on one side of
the market does not often lead to significantly more collusion (Cason,
Duke, and Gangadharan 2003). In this study, we incorporated several
design features that allow some noncompetitive opportunities to emerge
in this otherwise competitive double auction institution, such as
repeated seller interactions, non-market communication between sellers,
and a relatively concentrated (triopoly) market structure.
As shown in Table 2, three of the six subjects had relatively low
abatement costs and high permit endowments so that they should be
sellers in the market. The other three subjects had higher costs and low
permit endowments and so they should be buyers. (Subjects correctly
recognized their role as buyers or sellers, since after the initial six
periods only 0.8% of the trader-periods had a subject trading on the
wrong side.) At the start of each period the buyers were endowed with 3
permits each and the sellers with 7 permits each, creating a total
supply of 30 permits. The competitive equilibrium price in the market
ranged from 500 to 525 with 4 units traded by each subject, as
illustrated in Figure 1. At this equilibrium, the three buyers earn a
total of approximately 1,425 experimental dollars each period and the
three sellers earn approximately 1,500. (The exact amount depends on
where prices are in the equilibrium price interval.)
Subjects participated in this market for six initial periods and
then in blocks of three periods. After the first six periods and after
some of the three period blocks, the three sellers played in a threshold
public goods game. (7) This public good represents a common project such
as a research joint venture, and the sellers chose their level of
contribution. We chose a threshold public goods game instead of a linear
public goods game as we were interested in research projects that
require a particular scale to be successful. If the research project is
successful, this cost-reducing innovation lowered the sellers'
marginal abatement costs by 100 experimental dollars for the next block
of three periods. We left structural cost levels unchanged in
three-period blocks because experimental markets typically require
several periods to reliably approach equilibrium.
For the common research project to be successful, two conditions
were necessary. First, the total group contributions by the three
sellers had to reach a threshold of 1500 or more experimental dollars.
Contributions above this threshold are not returned, and contributors
receive no refund if total contributions do not reach the threshold.
Second, if group contributions reach or exceed this threshold, with a
75% probability the research is successful. This stochastic element
represents the uncertainty involved in the realization of cost-reducing
benefits from R&D projects and can be interpreted as luck. As shown
in Figure 1, successful R&D leads to a reduction in the equilibrium
price to 450-475, with 5 units being traded by each subject in
equilibrium. This leads to predicted total profits for the buyers and
the sellers of approximately 2,250 and 3,000, respectively. With these
parameters the sellers' total return from the innovation is 4,500
for each three-period block. Thus, the expected step return (Croson and
Marks 2000) to this threshold public good, accounting for the 0.75
probability that the good is provided, is (0.75 x 4500)/1500 = 2.25. (8)
Buyers also benefit from a positive externality generated by the
successful R&D. In particular, in equilibrium the three buyers gain
from the innovation by a total of approximately 2250-1425 = 825 per
period through lower permit prices.
If the research project is unsuccessful, sellers have a new
opportunity to contribute to the project again after a three-period
block. After every three-period block in which they have had costs
lowered, the costs return to the original, higher level for three
periods. At the end of that three-period block they have another
opportunity to contribute to the project to lower their costs. The
design thus features stationary repetition of the cycle of contributions
and three-period blocks of the trading mechanism to allow for learning.
The joint profit-maximizing (optimal collusive) price for the
Figure 1 parameters is 550 experimental dollars, with Q = 12 units
traded (4 sold by each seller), regardless of whether sellers have low
or high costs. Therefore, if sellers collude optimally they capture all
of the benefits of the cost reduction that arise through their research
collaboration. (9)
In the ten sessions where sellers were allowed to communicate, they
could send typewritten computer chat messages to each other for 90 s
before they made their contribution decisions. Chat communication is
common in economic laboratories, since it admits rich use of language
while still maintaining anonymity, control, and complete observability
of the information that is being exchanged. While the sellers chatted,
the buyers responded to a questionnaire by typing into their computer
some information about their decisions in the marke. (10) The buyers did
not know that sellers were communicating and were not given any
information about the sellers' public good contribution decision.
Note that the communication opportunity occurs prior to the public
good investment choice, rather than immediately before market trading
begins for each period. We implemented communication in this way for
several reasons. First, communication about a research collaboration is
explicitly permitted among firms who have an approved joint venture,
whereas explicit communication about prices is, of course, per se
illegal. Therefore, our setup does not encourage price communication,
although we did not implement any communication restrictions to prohibit discussions about prices. The second main reason for this design choice
is to extend the literature on communication and collusion in
experimental markets. In previous research, the subjects typically did
not have other activities to discuss besides price and quantity choices,
which may have made collusion focal, or possibly even an
"experimenter demand effect" (Zizzo 2010). Our Combined
treatment includes a cooperative activity which separates the
communication period from the market periods, and can determine whether
the collusion observed previously is robust to situations in which
subjects make both investment and pricing choices rather than just
pricing choices alone. We do not suggest any topic of conversation to
the subjects, and they can just as naturally discuss prices as
contribution levels. (11)
Market Only. In the Market Only treatment (16 sessions), subjects
traded with each other for 27 periods and did not have an opportunity to
lower their costs. In eight sessions sellers were allowed to
communicate, again while buyers filled out questionnaires about their
decisions in the experiment. Communication only occurs in the Combined
treatment after three-period blocks that have high costs, and costs (and
thus communication periods) were endogenous in that treatment.
Therefore, all of the Market Only sessions were conducted after the
Combined sessions so that the subjects in both treatments had
communication opportunities in exactly the same periods. (12)
Public Good Only. In the Public Good Only treatment (16 sessions)
subjects participated in groups of three for eight periods. This
treatment isolates the sellers' potential benefits of R&D
cooperation in a simple reduced form by immediately translating
successful cost reduction to increased profits. Sellers did not have to
realize these profits through market trading. Each subject received at
least 1500 experimental dollars every period and in certain periods they
had an opportunity to increase this income to 3,000 experimental
dollars. These amounts correspond to the expected profit the sellers
earn in competitive equilibrium for the three-period blocks following
successful cost reduction in the Combined treatment. Just like the
Combined treatment, to increase payoffs the subjects had to reach a
total contribution threshold of 1,500, and also have an innovation
success random draw (again with 0.75 probability). Thus, the set of Nash
equilibria of this threshold public goods game (see Footnote 7) is
exactly the same as in the Combined treatment.
B. Procedures
The experiment was conducted using Z-tree (Fischbacher 2007) and
all subjects were students at the University of Melbourne with a variety
of academic backgrounds, including economics. We conducted 52
independent sessions, and all 264 subjects were inexperienced in the
sense that they had not participated in previous public goods or double
auction market experiments. Although subjects interacted anonymously in
three- or six-person fixed groups (depending on the treatment), multiple
sessions were conducted simultaneously in the laboratory using 12 to 24
subjects. Upon arrival at the laboratory, subjects were randomly
assigned a computer terminal, which had large partitions to prevent
visual contact between subjects. Subjects read the experimental
instructions and answered a set of computerized questions that examined
and reinforced their understanding of the instructions. The experiment
instructions for the Combined treatment are given in Supporting
Information (Appendix S1). In the Market Only and the Combined
treatments buyers and sellers had different instruction sheets in the
communication condition since only the sellers communicated. Before the
session began, the experimenter read aloud a one-page instructions
summary to establish common knowledge about the main experimental rules
and conditions. At the end of their session, which lasted about 2 hours,
subjects filled out a demographic survey with questions regarding their
age, gender, field of study, and other characteristics. They were paid
privately in cash, and earnings averaged AUD 35. (13)
A. Cooperative Research Funding
We first explore whether individuals can recognize and coordinate
to exploit the benefits from cooperation by funding the public good of
collaborative research. To determine if this depends on participation in
a competitive market stage and to study the impact of communication, we
examine data in the Public Good Only and Combined treatments, with and
without communication. We state the results and then provide statistical
Result 1: Even in the presence of payoff uncertainties, subjects
frequently cooperate in the provision of the public good.
Result 2: Without communication, coordination and cooperation in
public good provision is lower when subjects also interact in the
competitive market. Allowing communication improves coordination and
cooperation in public good provision.
We define two alternative dependent variables that measure
cooperation in similar but distinct ways. The first variable is the
number of times subjects met the contribution threshold of 1,500
experimental dollars as a proportion of the number of times they had an
opportunity to contribute. Figure 2 presents these proportions
graphically for each of the 36 sessions in the Public Goods Only and
Combined treatments. The second variable is the average total
contributions made by subjects in the periods when they were given an
opportunity to fund the good. Both variables indicate that subjects
often cooperate when they are given the opportunity, even when they face
uncertainties in payoffs. This result extends the existing literature on
cooperation in the threshold public goods to an environment with
uncertain payoffs. Unlike environments with certain payoffs for reaching
the threshold and a high return, contributors often fail to reach the
threshold without communication. (14)
To compare behavior across the two treatments, we conduct
non-parametric two-sample Wilcoxon rank-sum tests, using exactly one
(statistically independent) aggregated measure from each session. To
start with, we examine the group contributions in the first possible
period in both treatments without communication and this shows that
average contributions are approximately double in the Public Goods Only
treatment (1,388 vs. 672), a difference that is highly significant
(Wilcoxon p < .01). Thus, the initial periods of market competition
in the Combined treatment appear to spill over to reduce subjects'
success in their first chance at cooperation.
As reported in Table 3, both the number of times the threshold was
met and the total contributions are higher for the Public Good Only
treatment than for the Combined treatment. For example, when subjects
are not allowed to communicate, they met the threshold 66% of the time,
compared to 38% in Combined. However Figure 2 shows that for many of
these across-treatment comparisons there is significant overlap in the
distributions of contribution frequencies, so these conservative
nonparametric tests do not indicate statistically significant
Allowing communication between subjects, however, has a large and
statistically significant impact on whether the threshold is met in both
of the treatments. The top right column of Table 3 indicates that the
data reject the null hypothesis that communication does not increase the
frequency that subjects meet the public good provision threshold.
Nevertheless, average total contributions are not different across
treatments in the sessions where communication is allowed. (15) This
indicates substantial miscoordination of contributions without
communication. In the communication sessions the total contributions
usually meet the threshold of 1,500 exactly, as agreed to in the
contributors' chats. In sessions without communication, in
contrast, average contributions both exceed and fall short of the
threshold point in different periods. For example, in three of the ten
Combined sessions without communication, the average total contributions
exceed the highest of the contributions in the ten sessions with
Miscoordination also occurs in the Public Good Only sessions. For
this treatment in the communication sessions, despite being allowed to
contribute any amount between 0 to 1,200, individual contributions take
only two values: either 0 (6% of the cases) or 500 (94% of the cases).
In contrast, in sessions where subjects cannot communicate, individual
contributions vary from 0 to 800, and the focal contribution of 500
occurs only 56% of the time. This increased coordination through
communication has been observed previously in coordination games (Blume
and Ortmann 2007; Cason, Sheremeta, and Zhang 2012). Although this
public good can be provided if only two of the three agents contribute,
all three contributed in every instance that the threshold was met. Not
only was there no successful free-riding, but "cheap-riding"
was also uncommon, since all individuals contributed at least their
equal share of 500 in 94 percent of the cases where the threshold was
Table 4 reports results from panel regressions that examine the
interaction between communication and competition in the market on
cooperation in public goods provision. We estimate a probit model for
the binary outcome of whether the threshold was met, and a tobit model
for the total amount contributed. (16) These panel regressions assume a
session-specific random effect. (17) The independent variables include a
dummy variable for communication opportunities, a dummy variable for the
Combined treatment and a treatment interaction term and time (expressed
in the commonly used nonlinear form of 1/period). When subjects can
communicate with each other, the threshold is met more often but total
contributions are significantly greater only in the Combined treatment
as indicated by the significant interaction term. (18) Subjects in the
Combined treatment contribute significantly less on average when
communication is not allowed. These reduced contributions in the
Combined treatment could occur because, as documented below in Section
III.C, the cost reduction from the public good provision often leads to
a smaller increase in earnings than implemented in the Public Good Only
treatment. Earnings depend on market trading, and the exact gains from
cost reductions are variable. Behavioral spillovers could also cause
subjects to be less cooperative in environments where they also
participate in a competitive market stage.
B. Market Competition: Transaction Prices and Quantities
The contribution results for the Public Good Only and Combined
treatments indicate that communication is important for promoting
cooperation in public good provision. Given its significance in this
cooperative domain, also documented elsewhere (Ledyard 1995), it is
important to examine communication's impact in the competitive
domain--specifically in the market stages of the Combined treatment and
the Market Only treatment.
Result 3: Allowing opportunities to cooperate to fund public good
provision does not significantly weaken price competition.
Result 4: Allowing subjects to communicate does not significantly
increase prices in either the Combined or Market Only treatments.
To provide support for the above results we investigate how average
price deviates from the competitive equilibrium, because the competitive
equilibrium depends on whether sellers face high costs or low costs. As
shown in Section II, in periods when sellers' costs are high the
equilibrium price range is 500-525 and in periods when sellers'
costs are lowered by 100 the equilibrium price range is 450-475. To
identify potentially super-competitive pricing relative to this
theoretical benchmark, we normalize transaction prices by subtracting
the upper endpoint of the equilibrium interval (525 or 475) that is
appropriate given the cost realization in each period.
Wilcoxon rank-sum tests that employ one (pooled aggregate) average
transaction price per session indicate that the price deviation is
significantly higher in the Market Only treatment compared to the
Combined treatment when there are no communication opportunities
available (18.37 vs. -13.59; p value: .019). When communication is
allowed, however, no significant differences exist between these two
treatments. Considering the impact of communication, in the Combined
treatment the price deviation is significantly higher in sessions where
communication is allowed (18.56 vs. -13.59; p value: .034). (19) This is
consistent with the familiar finding that communication facilitates
collusion (Isaac, Ramey, and Williams 1984). Figure 3 shows, however,
that in later period blocks the differences across treatments disappear.
Average prices converge to the upper endpoint of the competitive
equilibrium price interval in all treatments.
To account for this time trend and other factors that can influence
prices, column (1) of Table 5 presents a random effects regression of
the average price deviation from competitive equilibrium during each
three-period block. Explanatory variables include time (1/period), and
dummy variables indicating whether sellers communicated at the beginning
of the block of three periods and whether the costs they faced were low
or not. Recall that costs are endogenous since they are determined based
on sellers' success in (a) reaching the total contribution
threshold and (b) obtaining a positive random draw leading to a
successful innovation to reduce costs. We therefore use an instrumental
variables approach, using the exogenous "luck" random draw for
innovation success as the identification variable for low costs. (20)
The estimates indicate that the deviation of price from the
competitive equilibrium is higher in periods when the sellers face lower
costs. Buyers are not aware of any seller cost reductions, so this
indicates that sellers succeed in maintaining higher prices and reaping
a greater share of the benefits of cost reduction. Controlling for these
cost reductions and the overall time trend, seller communication
opportunities do not have a significant impact on prices. Column (2) of
Table 5 indicates that communication does modestly increase transaction
quantity, however, contrary to the expectation that sellers would use
the chat room to make agreements to restrict their quantity sold.
(Transaction quantity is also greater when sellers have low costs, as
predicted by the competitive model, but not by the collusive model.)
Recall that communication increases the probability of meeting the
contribution threshold, as shown in Section III.A and Table 4, raising
the probability that the sellers have lower costs. This provides a
direct channel for communication opportunities to have an effect on
market outcomes. (21)
Additional information regarding the relationship between
communication and collusion is provided by the sellers' chat
communication. While we do not attempt a detailed content analysis of
their chats, a review of the communications data reveals, surprisingly,
that sellers often do not discuss restricting quantities or price
fixing. In particular, we identified discussions to fix prices in only
four of the eight sessions in the Market Only treatment. In one session,
for example, the subjects are very conspiratorial from the start of the
communication stage and recognize that they are the only sellers in the
market. They discuss fixing prices at a specific level and encourage
each other to delay accepting offers from buyers. (22) Even in these
cases, however, prices are not often above the competitive equilibrium.
Price fixing discussions were even more uncommon in the Combined
treatment. Virtually none of the groups in the ten sessions attempted to
conspire, in contrast to the frequent observation in previous price
conspiracy experiments (dating back to Isaac and Plott 1981), where
subjects usually recognize conspiratorial opportunities immediately and
try to reach collusive agreements. Rather than trying to fix prices, in
the Combined treatment subjects often focus instead on solving the
coordination problem of funding the cost-reducing public good. They are
generally cooperative and usually agree on contributing 500 each to the
fund. (23)
The low rate of conspiracy in both treatments could be due, in
part, to our use of the double auction trading institution. This
institution is known for its competitive properties even with a small
number of traders, and ample evidence exists that collusion is hard to
maintain with these trading rules (Clauser and Plott 1993; Isaac, Ramey,
and Williams 1984). Alternative design choices, such as a less
competitive trading institution or chat rooms that were open during
market trading to promote more seller discussion, could have increased
the amount of collusion.
C. Market Competition: Efficiency
A key performance measure that is directly observable in market
experiments is efficiency--how well do market transactions exploit the
available gains from exchange? Efficiency is the ratio of actual
(observed) gains from trade to the maximum possible gains given the
underlying cost and value conditions of the traders in the experimental
session. Note that these maximum gains from trade are greater in the
period blocks where sellers have succeeded in lowering their costs.
Figure 4 presents the time series of efficiency across the treatments
and shows that efficiency is lower in the Combined treatments than the
Market Only treatments.
Result 5: Trading efficiency is lower in the Combined treatment,
and is unaffected by the availability of communication.
To determine whether trading efficiency is statistically different
across treatments we first conduct Wilcoxon rank-sum tests, which show
that the Market Only treatment has higher efficiency levels than the
Combined sessions (78 vs. 70 percent, p value <.01), for the no
communication condition. The efficiency levels were not statistically
different in the communication condition and also within the Combined
and the Market Only treatments with and without communication. We also
present a random effects regression for trading efficiency in column (3)
of Table 5. The results also show that trading efficiency is lower in
the Combined treatment, and the opportunity to communicate does not
impact efficiency.
D. R&D Externality
Although trading efficiency declines in the Combined treatment when
sellers can collaborate to reduce their costs, this is not because total
realized trading surplus declines. Efficiency is lower in this treatment
relative to the Market Only treatment because the cost reductions lead
to a greater maximum trading surplus. That is, a higher maximum surplus
is used in the denominator of the efficiency measure in the low-cost
periods. Figure 5 shows that total gains from exchange are usually
higher in the Combined treatment than the Market Only treatment. (These
figures do not subtract the R&D investments that sellers incur to
reduce costs.) The question we address in this subsection is how this
increased surplus is divided between the sellers and the buyers in the
Result 6: R&D externalities that benefit buyers are positive
though smaller than predicted.
Both buyers and sellers earn higher profits in the period blocks in
which costs are low. This is documented in random effects regressions
shown in Table 5, using buyer profits (column 4) and seller profits
(column 5) as dependent variables. While both agent types earn
significantly higher profits in the low-cost periods, sellers'
total profit increase is much higher than buyers' total profit
increase. (24) This indicates that the R&D externalities that
benefit buyers are positive but relatively small, and buyers'
indirect benefit from the lower costs is much smaller than the
sellers' direct benefit. For the parameters implemented in the
experiment, buyers realize less than half of the R&D externality
predicted by a strictly equilibrium analysis. This shortfall reflects
the less than 100% efficiency realized by the market, and some high
prices in a few sessions.
In this paper, we present a novel experiment examining the
interactions between competition and cooperation. This link can be
difficult to measure empirically as both competitive and cooperative
preferences are often hard to isolate in the field. Consequently, only
limited evidence on this interaction has been provided by field data.
We find in this experiment that although individuals cooperate to
fund a public good when given an opportunity, they cooperate somewhat
less frequently in environments where they also compete in a market.
These behavioral spillovers could be attributed to the increased
cognitive load required to devote attention to both the public good and
market trading tasks (Cason, Savikhin, and Sheremeta 2012). The lower
cooperation rate could also be due to the different mechanisms through
which subjects realize the benefits of cooperation. Although we chose a
double auction trading institution that usually leads to high efficiency
and competitive prices even with small numbers of traders, the
relatively low realized trading surplus limited the benefits of
cooperation accruing to the subjects. Even though sellers' profits
in period blocks when they face lower costs were on average higher,
compared to when costs were high, the difference between the two profit
levels is less than the return implemented exogenously in the Public
Good Only sessions. We observe a spillover from competition that lowers
cooperation; this spillover is however only weakly significant and is
overcome by the influence of communication among sellers. Whatever the
source of these differences in cooperation in the public good and market
environments, our results suggest that measures of cooperation in one
context may not extend directly to other, external situations.
Allowing participants to communicate substantially improves their
ability to coordinate in funding a public good, especially in the
Combined treatment. In particular, the threshold was met almost three
times more often in the Combined treatment when communication was
allowed. This suggests that while communication is important in both the
treatments, it has a critical role to play in the market environment,
where competitive forces make cooperation more challenging.
We find no significant behavioral spillover from cooperation to
weaken competition. This is inspite of the fact that we incorporated
several design features that have been shown to increase collusion, such
as repeated seller interactions and a concentrated (triopoly) market
structure. Given our research emphasis on the impact of competitive
market interactions, however, we chose a relatively competitive double
auction trading institution so as to isolate the effect of competition.
The strong market competition in a double auction could explain the lack
of behavioral spillovers from cooperation to weaken competition. Other
trading institutions that are less competitive may have increased any
potential spillover to reduce price competition.
Allowing communication does not have a substantial impact on prices
and efficiency, hence seller communication does not lead to collusion in
our experiment. This suggests that previous results supporting
collusion, such as Suetens (2008), could be attributed to the choice of
trading institutions or how collusion is allowed to emerge in the market
structure. Communication in our experiment nevertheless influences
market performance because it leads more frequently to successful
R&D collaborations and lower costs. Price deviations are higher when
costs are lowered for sellers in the market because successful
innovation reduces the competitive equilibrium price. Average actual
prices also decrease, so giving sellers the option to cooperate
increases the earnings of both sellers and buyers. R&D externalities
are therefore observed in our experiment, implying that allowing one
side of the market to cooperate can lead to positive benefits. Our
findings are therefore in the spirit of results highlighting the social
desirability of R&D (Cellini and Lambertini 2009). In future
research, it may be useful to allow for communication at different
stages of the experiment so as to examine if behavior is invariant to
chat timings.
It is always important to be cautious in generalizing from the
controlled environment of the laboratory to naturally occurring markets.
With that caveat in mind, however, our findings indicate that
competitive forces and preferences for cooperation can potentially
co-exist. In particular, it suggests the importance of encouraging the
emergence of trading institutions that are less sensitive to collusive
forces, specifically in areas that could gain from cooperation such as
R&D into new environmental technologies. In such situations it may
be possible to encourage cooperative efforts without endangering
competition and efficiency.
R&D: Research and Development
doi: 10.1111/j.1465-7295.2012.00486.x
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Additional Supporting Information may be found in the online
version of this article:
Appendix S1. Experiment Instructions.
Figure S1. Seller's Decision Screen (Price Offers).
Figure S2. Buyer's Decision Screen When Two Prices Are
Figure S3. Buyer's Decision Screen When One Price Is Observed.
Figure S4. "Virtual" Dice Roll to Determine Whether
Period Ends Before All Buyers Purchased.
Figure S5. Example Seller Outcome Screen.
* We thank Cary Deck, Jim Murphy, Ralph Siebert, John Stranlund,
Nori Tarui, Christian Vossler, two anonymous referees, an editor, and
audiences at UNSW, La Trobe, Purdue, East Anglia, University of
Montpellier, Economic Science Association conferences, and the World
Congress of Environmental and Resource Economists (Montreal) for helpful
discussions and comments. Justin Krieg provided excellent research
assistance. Part of this research was conducted while Cason was a
visiting fellow with the Department of Economics, University of
Melbourne. This research has been supported by a grant from the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency's National Center for Environmental
Research (NCER) Science to Achieve Results (STAR) program. Although the
research described in the article has been funded in part through EPA grant number R833672, it has not been subjected to any EPA review and
therefore does not necessarily reflect the views of the Agency, and no
official endorsement should be inferred. Funding from the Australian
Research Council contributed toward the payments for experimental
subjects. We are responsible for any errors or omissions.
Cason: Department of Economics, Purdue University, 100 S. Grant
Street, West Lafayette, IN 47907-2076. Phone 765-494-1737, Fax
765-494-9658, E-mail
Gangadharan: Department of Economics, Monash University, Clayton
Campus, Victoria, Australia. Phone +61 3 9905 2345, Fax +61 3 9905 5476,
(1.) Climate change is a prominent example highlighting the need
for both cooperation and competition. While cooperation among firms and
countries is needed to solve this complex international collective
action problem, competition between firms is also essential to provide
incentives for innovation to reduce the costs of controlling emissions.
This complementarity has led to a growing interest in both competition
and cooperation, with economists and policy makers endeavoring to find
market solutions to social dilemmas, such as markets for emissions
(2.) Cellini and Lambertini (2009) however show that irrespective
of the amount of R&D spillover, cooperative behavior in R&D
would be preferable from both a private and a social point of view.
Their dynamic model allows for investment smoothing over time, hence the
externality is internalized via the joint profit maximization in the
R&D phase and this is socially desirable irrespective of the
spillover effects. Amir (2000) compares different earlier models with
R&D spillovers and illustrates the sensitivity of the results to
small changes in model specifications.
(3.) Many of the theoretical models developed in these papers build
on the seminal research by d'Aspremont and Jacquemin (1989) and
Kamien, Muller, and Zang (1992).
(4.) These "downstream" benefits through lower market
prices are similar to surplus externalities that can motivate vertical
R&D collaborations (Harabi 2002).
(5.) Jaffe, Newell, and Stavins (2002) discuss the importance of
including innovation and technological change for understanding
alternative policy responses to environmental challenges.
(6.) Ledyard and Szakaly-Moore (1994), Godby (2000), and Muller et
al. (2002) are examples of other market experiments using an
environmental context that also feature endogenous role determination.
Smith, Suchanek, and Williams (1988) is an early example of all asset
market experiment sharing this same feature.
(7.) An alternative design could introduce the punic good
coordination problem prior to introducing the market. We chose to
introduce the market first, since the value of the public good is
realized through market trading. It is necessary for subjects to first
understand how their costs influence their profit before they can
reasonably understand the benefits of investments required to lower
those costs.
(8.) Multiple Nash equilibria exist in this threshold public goods
game. In a Pareto-dominated equilibrium no agent contributes anything
and the good is not provided. For the parameters used in the experiment,
any total contributions that sum to 1500--as long as no individual (risk
neutral) agent contributes more than the expected benefit (1,125 per
agent)--constitute a Pareto efficient equilibrium. No equilibria exist
with only one positive contributor. With three potential contributors
and a threshold of 1,500, clearly the focal, efficient equilibrium is a
contribution of 500 per agent. As documented in the results section,
this is the equilibrium that is typically played.
(9.) Individual sellers could withhold one (marginal) unit
unilaterally in both cost conditions and benefit sufficiently from
higher prices received on other units to make this profitable, but of
course this creates another public goods problem with each seller having
the incentive to free-ride on others' quantity restriction.
(10.) This buyer activity led all subjects to type during the same
time intervals. This was intended to obscure buyer and seller identities
and reduce possible suspicions by the buyers that the sellers were
communicating with each other.
(11.) In the Combined treatment, market trading commenced within 60
s of the chat conclusion in 80% of the periods, and the median time
between chat and trading was 47 s. So the contribution and pricing
decisions both followed quickly after the communication phase.
(12.) To ensure comparability with the no-communication sessions in
the Combined treatment, buyers answered the same within-session
questionnaire even in sessions where sellers were not allowed to
(13.) At the time the experiment was conducted, 10 Australian
dollars could be exchanged for about 8.5 U.S. dollars.
(14.) Most previous experimental studies on provision point public
goods with uncertainty implement threshold uncertainty, in which
contributors do not know exactly what level of contribution is necessary
to provide the public good. For example, see Dannenberg et al. (2011)
for a recent discussion. By contrast, in our design the threshold is
known to subjects, but even if the threshold is met it is not certain
whether the public good (in our case R&D success resulting in a cost
reduction) is provided. This reflects the nature of R&D, where even
well-funded projects can be unsuccessful. An interesting extension for
future work would make the probability of success a function of how much
is invested in R&D, rather than having a constant probability of
success whenever the threshold is reached.
(15.) The distributions of average total contributions are
marginally significantly different in the communication and no
communication conditions for the Combined treatment according to a
Kolmogorov-Smirnov test (p value = .055).
(16.) We only examine the data from periods when there is a
potential opportunity for the subjects to participate in a common
project. There is a maximum of seven such opportunities per session. The
tobit model is appropriate for the model of total contributions, since
17 of the 179 contributions were at the lower threshold of zero.
(17.) With one minor exception noted below in Footnote 22, all of
the regression results shown in Tables 4 and 5 are qualitatively
unchanged when using cluster-robust standard errors rather than random
effects to capture the non-independence of errors within sessions.
(18.) The impact of communication is also clearly observed in an
unreported random effects probit regression of individual contributions,
in which the dependent variable is whether the subject has contributed
500 or more in the Public Good Only environment. In this regression we
also control for demographic and individual specific characteristics
such as gender, course of study, region of origin, academic performance,
and experience.
(19.) All of these results continue to hold when restricting the
Combined treatment to just the high-cost periods. The conclusions based
on multiple pairwise comparisons that employ the Combined treatment
without communication are robust to using an application of the
Holm-Bonferroni adjustment.
(20.) Subjects can influence the costs by contributing more to
reach the threshold, but cannot influence the random draw (luck) by
their decisions. Hence luck is an appropriate instrument, as it is
merely the realization of an independent random draw. In the first stage
regression where the costs are regressed on the full set of exogenous
variables including the instrument, luck, we find that the instrument
used is highly significant (p value = .00) in explaining the costs faced
by subjects.
(21.) Prices do not immediately adjust to their new equilibrium
level following a cost change, of course, due to hysteresis effects that
are commonly observed in market experiments. To reduce the influence of
these effects on our conclusions, we also estimate the price regression
after dropping the first period of each three-period block, which is the
period that could immediately follow a cost change. The estimation results are qualitatively unchanged, so we do not report this regression
result here.
(22.) The entire chat script of the first chat room for this
session (which is opened after Period 6) is as follows, where different
statements (typically made by different subjects) are separated by
semicolons: "gday; hi; hello; okay i have a tonne of coupons, ill
sell him for around 550 each time, sound good?; me too ill sell;
who's buying'?; no sell higher; sounds good; sell higher?; ok;
what price; keep the price high; 600? 700? 1ol; 600 is fine; dont spoilt
market; ok 600; cool; put 750 at start, reduce slowly; ok, min 550; ok;
sweet; yeah anything below 540 is a loss lol; lol"
(23.) The data do not indicate that sellers in the Combined
treatment were time constrained in the 90 s of chat to discuss a price
conspiracy, since they actually exchanged a significantly smaller
fraction of their chat messages in the final 30 s than sellers did in
the Market Only sessions (Wilcoxon p < .05). In other words, more
groups tended to finish their chats early in the more complex Combined
treatment than the Market Only treatment. In addition, a count of the
number of statements per chat shows that sellers in the Combined
treatment wrote fewer statements than in the other two treatments (13.0
statements per chat in Combined, 15.4 in Market Only, and 18.5 in Public
Goods Only treatment).
(24.) Moreover, this marginally significant increase in profit
(454) for buyers when seller costs are low is not statistically
significant in an alternative (unreported) specification of the error
structure, using robust-clustering at the session level rather than
session random effects.
Experimental Design (264 Total Subjects)
Market and
Public Goods Public Goods
Only Market Only (Combined)
With Eight sessions Eight sessions Ten sessions
communication (24 subjects) (48 subjects) (60 subjects)
Without Eight sessions Eight sessions Ten sessions
communication (24 subjects) (48 subjects) (60 subjects)
Marginal Abatement Costs Assigned to Firms
Units of Abatement Buyer 1 Buyer 2 Buyer 3
1 400 400 400
2 450 450 450
3 500 500 500
4 550 550 550
5 600 600 600
6 650 650 650
7 700 700 700
8 750* 750* 750*
9 800* 800* 800*
10 850* 850* 850*
Endowment 3 3 3
Units of Abatement Seller 1 Seller 2 Seller 3
1 175 (75) 175 (75) 175 (75)
2 225 (125) 225 (125) 225 (125)
3 275 (175) 275 (175) 275 (175)
4 325 (225)* 325 (225)* 325 (225)*
5 375 (275)* 375 (275)* 375 (275)*
6 425 (325)* 425 (325)* 425 (325)*
7 475 (375)* 475 (375)* 475 (375)*
8 525 (425)* 525 (425)* 525 (425)*
9 575 (475)* 575 (475)* 575 (475)*
10 625 (525)* 625 (525)* 625 (525)*
Endowment 7 7 7
Total Endowment = 30
Competitive Equilibrium Price = 500-525; Units
Traded: 4 each
Competitive Equilibrium Price (with cost reduction)
= 450-475; Units Traded: 5 each
Collusive Outcome, Price = 550; Units Traded: 4 each
Notes: The permits endowed (pre-trading) allow firms to avoid the
abatement costs shown in bold. Costs in periods with successful cost
reduction are shown in parentheses.
Note: The permits endowed (pre-trading) allow firms to avoid the
abatement costs is indicated with *.
Summary of Results by Communication and Market Treatment
Description No Communication Communication
Fraction of Public Good Only 0.663 0.950
opportunities Combined 0.377 0.935
threshold is met Wilcoxon p value .21 .50
Average total Public Good Only 1423.2 1425.0
contributions Combined 867.7 1463.6
Wilcoxon p value .14 .61
Description Wilcoxon p value
Fraction of Public Good Only .04 **
opportunities Combined .01 ***
threshold is met Wilcoxon p value
Average total Public Good Only .47
contributions Combined .25
Wilcoxon p value
** Significant at 5%; *** significant at 1%.
Random Effects Probit and Tobit Regressions
of Project Contributions
Threshold Total
Variables is Met (a) Contributions (b)
Communication allowed 2.485 * -0.32
(dummy) (1.134) (202.90)
Combined treatment -1.547 -598.47 ***
(dummy) (0.996) (190.95)
Communication x 0.874 642.87 **
Combined interaction (1.586) (271.94)
1/Period -0.263 257.61 ***
(0.485) (78.15)
Constant 0.841 1311.00 ***
(0.751) (145.97)
Probability > [chi square] 0.02 0.0001
Number of observations 179 179
Note: The numbers in the parentheses are the standard
(a) Random effects probit regression.
(b) Random effects tobit regression.
* Significant at 10%; ** significant at 5%;
*** significant at 1%0.
Random Effects Regressions of Market Performance Measures
(1) (2) (3)
Price Transaction Trading
Deviations Quantity Efficiency
Variables IV Regression IV Regression IV Regression
Lowcost (a) 41.69 *** 1.635 *** -0.005
(9.23) (0.616) (0.024)
1/Period 22.93 *** -4.042 *** -0.192 ***
(6.79) (0.451) (0.017)
Combined treatment -9.14 -0.540 -0.091 ***
(dummy) (12.54) (0.736) (0.022)
Communication -1.69 1.410 * -0.007
allowed (dummy) (12.58) (0.740) (0.023)
Sellers communicated -4.83 -0.148 -0.007
at the beginning of (6.55) (0.436) (0.017)
three-period block
Constant -0.21 14.394 *** 1.007 ***
(11.26) (0.660) (0.020)
Observations 288 228 288
Number of sessions 36 36 36
(4) (5)
Buyer Profits Seller Profits
Variables IV Regression IV Regression
Lowcost (a) 454 * 3113 ***
(270) (284)
1/Period -1116 *** -482 **
(198) (209)
Combined treatment 33 -776 **
(dummy) (338) (358)
Communication -42 -7
allowed (dummy) (340) (360)
Sellers communicated 40 -130
at the beginning of (191) (201)
three-period block
Constant 3532 *** 4642 ***
(304) (322)
Observations 288 288
Number of sessions 36 36
Note: Standard errors in parentheses.
(a) Lowcost is instrumented and the
estimates are from an IV regression.
*** p<.01; ** p<.05; * p<.1.