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  • 标题:An examination of linear and nonlinear causal relationships between commodity prices and U.S. inflation.
  • 作者:Mahadevan, Renuka ; Suardi, Sandy
  • 期刊名称:Economic Inquiry
  • 印刷版ISSN:0095-2583
  • 出版年度:2013
  • 期号:October
  • 语种:English
  • 出版社:Western Economic Association International
  • 摘要:There is considerable literature on the use of commodity price information (particularly oil prices) in predicting economic activity and inflation. This, in large part, reflects the view that higher commodity prices, such as oil prices, in particular, tend to be followed by inflation and recessions (Barksy and Kilian 2002, 2004; Hamilton 2003). While much of the literature has focused on the oil price-macroeconomy relationship, policymakers and economists, for a long time, have been interested in the commodity-consumer price nexus, and increasingly so with the rise in inflation targeting as part of an objective of monetary policy. (1)
  • 关键词:Commodity price indexes;Inflation (Economics);Inflation (Finance)

An examination of linear and nonlinear causal relationships between commodity prices and U.S. inflation.

Mahadevan, Renuka ; Suardi, Sandy


There is considerable literature on the use of commodity price information (particularly oil prices) in predicting economic activity and inflation. This, in large part, reflects the view that higher commodity prices, such as oil prices, in particular, tend to be followed by inflation and recessions (Barksy and Kilian 2002, 2004; Hamilton 2003). While much of the literature has focused on the oil price-macroeconomy relationship, policymakers and economists, for a long time, have been interested in the commodity-consumer price nexus, and increasingly so with the rise in inflation targeting as part of an objective of monetary policy. (1)

More recently, the inflation experience of the 2000s before the global financial crisis was attributed to rising prices for globally traded commodities. This event has generated a renewed interest on inflationary consequences of commodity prices despite considerable debate on the usefulness of commodity prices as a leading indicator for inflation. (2)

This study empirically examines the relationship between changes in commodity prices and inflation. Its contributions are fourfold. Firstly, we investigate the performance of a variety of commodity price indices as standalone indicators of inflation. We consider a myriad of Commodity Research Bureau (CRB) grouping indices including, among others, metals, raw industrials, textiles and fibers, livestock and products, and a composite index comprising all grouping indices. One reason for this is that by lumping together a diverse group of commodities, the indices could obscure their components' predictive power. This would be the case if some commodities were not good inflation predictors or if the timing of the inflation signals varied among different kinds of commodities. The results, by and large, indicate that the empirical link between commodity prices and inflation has changed dramatically over time, partly because of the changes in the extent to which movements in commodity prices reflect idiosyncratic shocks, and partly due to the change in macroeconomic fundamentals such as low inflation and lower uncertainty about future inflation and output growth that prevailed during the period of Great Moderation. Secondly, this article demonstrates that there is significant evidence of nonlinear causality between inflation and changes in metal and raw industrial price indices during the Great Moderation, even though this nonlinear causal relationship was absent prior to that period. As for other commodity price changes and inflation the degree of linear causal relationship has changed, albeit moderately, during the Great Moderation, supporting earlier studies of Whitt (1988), Furlong (1989), and Blomberg and Harris (1995). Thirdly, we show evidence that the nonlinear relationship is due primarily to the rate of information flow which occurs during periods of high volatility in these commodity prices in late 2000. This suggests that the widely documented linear relationship is more complex than initially thought. The existing research on the nature and sources of causal relationship between commodity prices and inflation has, to date, focused relatively on a linear causal relationship and has ignored the possibility of nonlinear causal relationship. This is surprising and indicates an important gap in this line of research given a priori that economic theory does not predicate a linear functional form for the relationship between changes in commodity prices and inflation.

Finally, on the methodology front, this study employs a robust approach for testing the presence of nonlinear causal relationship between commodity prices and inflation. One potential concern is that the nonlinear causality inferred from the Baek and Brock (1992) test may be affected by the presence of linear relations in the data. (3) For this reason, we fitted a vector autoregression (VAR) model to the data and apply the modified Baek and Brock test for Granger non-causality to the resulting residuals. This approach, which differs from the standard approach of applying the Baek and Brock (1992) test to the original untreated observations, may lead to erroneous inferences because of unaccounted estimation uncertainty. Specifically, there is a potential difference of the null distribution when the test is applied to residuals rather than to original observations (Randles 1984). This difference arises because the parameter uncertainty is not reflected in the test statistics of the standard Baek and Brock (1992) test. To circumvent the problem of erroneous inference, we use a re-sampling scheme that incorporates parameter estimation uncertainty. This is done by using the test statistics of the modified Baek and Brock (1992) test and the resampling procedure of Diks and DeGoede (2001) to yield empirical p values of the nonlinear Granger causality tests. We also go beyond identifying the presence of nonlinear causal relationship between the series to determine the possible sources of the nonlinearities. To this end, we filter the data by including differential reaction to information flow as proxied by generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity (GARCH) effects. We estimate a multivariate GARCH model and obtain essentially the same results for linear causality as in the VAR model. This implies that the evidence of linear causality persists when we control for the GARCH nonlinearity. On the other hand, diagnostic tests on the residuals of the multivariate GARCH model indicate that the nonlinear causal relationships that previously characterized the residuals of the VAR are substantially reduced and eliminated. This implies that one possible source of nonlinear causal relationship arises from the transmission of commodity price shocks caused by the highly volatile changes in metal and raw industrial price indices in late 2000.

The remainder of this article is structured as follows. Section II outlines the methodology while Section III describes the data. Section IV presents the results of cointegration tests, and both linear and nonlinear Granger causality tests. It also provides a plausible explanation for the observed nonlinear Granger causal relationship between commodity price indices and inflation. Section V summarizes and concludes.


This section describes the methodologies used to undertake the standard linear causality tests proposed by Granger (1969) and the modified Baek and Brock (1992) method for testing nonlinear Granger causality. However, prior to testing for the causal relationships between the series, we undertake unit root tests and cointegration tests, with and without structural breaks. Any evidence of cointegration will need to be accounted in the VAR specification to determine whether or not changes in commodity price indices and inflation are linearly causally related. As the tests used to determine the presence of a unit root and cointegration are standard in the literature, and for the sake of brevity, we do not discuss the tests at great length here. (4) Standard unit root tests involving the Augmented Dickey Fuller and Phillips Perron tests are initially employed to determine the stationary property of the series. Given that standard tests for unit root suffer from low power in the presence of a neglected structural break (Perron 1989), we employ the Lumsdaine and Papell (LP) (1997) unit root tests under the null of a unit root and the alternative hypothesis of a stationary series with breakpoints. Notwithstanding that, Lee and Strazicich (LS) (2003) demonstrate that there is significant size distortion associated with the LP test statistics when a structural break occurs under the null of a unit root. They develop a procedure that allows for two breaks under both the null and alternative hypotheses. The results suggest that there is evidence of a unit root in all series with two break dates identified in all commodity indices. The break dates determined by the LP and LS tests do not differ significantly from each other; the first break revolves around the commodity price shock of the early 1970s and the second break date occurs in the late 1990s. The break dates for commodity price indices are apparent when viewed from the series plotted in Figure 1. As for consumer price index (CPI), the break dates are associated with the peaks of inflation in 1974:07 and 1983:06 (see Figure 2).

Having established the presence of breaks in all series, it is pertinent that the next stage of analysis on cointegration accommodates these breaks. We perform the Engle and Granger (1987) test without a structural break followed by the Gregory and Hansen (1996) test which accommodates a single break. The test of Kejriwal and Perron (2010) is further employed to determine the number of breaks in a cointegration framework when it is believed that more breaks could exist. This test has better power than the Gregory and Hansen (1996) test which assumes only a single break in the cointegration relationship. However, for all three tests we fail to find any evidence of cointegration in the commodity price indices and the CPI. The Kejriwal and Perron (2010) test also points to a single break date with the break date identified around the 1980s coinciding with that identified by the Gregory and Hansen test. (5)

A. Linear Granger Causality

Suppose two variables are changing over time, [X.sub.t] and [Y.sub.t]. Linear Granger causality determines whether past values of [X.sub.t] have significant linear predictive power for current values of [Y.sub.t] given past values of [Y.sub.t]. If the coefficients associated with past values of [X.sub.t] are statistically significant, then [X.sub.t] is said to linearly Granger cause [Y.sub.t]. Bidirectional causality is said to exist with Granger causality runs in both directions. In the absence of cointegration, the test for linear Granger causality between commodity prices and inflation involves estimating the following equations in a VAR framework:

(1) [DELTA][X.sub.t] = [I.summation over (i=1)] [[alpha].sub.i][DELTA][X.sub.t-i] + [I.summation over (i=1)] [[beta].sub.i][DELTA][Y.sub.t-i] + [[epsilon].sub.1,t]

(2) [DELTA][Y.sub.t] = [I.summation over (i=1)] [[delta].sub.i][DELTA][Y.sub.t-i] + [I.summation over (i=1)][[theta].sub.i][DELTA][X.sub.t-i] + [[epsilon].sub.2,t].

[DELTA][X.sub.t] and [DELTA][Y.sub.t] are the first difference of commodity prices and inflation on day t, respectively; the parameters [alpha], [beta], [delta], and [theta] are to be estimated. [[epsilon].sub.1,t] and [[epsilon].sub.2,t] are zero-mean error terms with constant variance-covariance matrix. The optimal lag length I is determined using the Akaike information criterion (AIC).

Linear causal relationships are inferred from Equations (1a) and (1b). To test for linear Granger noncausality at specific lags, we examine the joint statistical significance of the [[beta].sub.i] and [[theta].sub.i] coefficient estimates for all i. For example, the null hypothesis of [DELTA][Y.sub.t] (say, inflation) does not Granger cause [DELTA][X.sub.t] (change in commodity prices) we can test that [[beta].sub.i] = 0 jointly for all i.



B. Nonlinear Granger Causality

Baek and Brock (1992) developed the following nonparametric test to detect nonlinear causal relationships from the residuals of linear Granger causality models. Given that their procedure is a nonparametric test, it does not provide any information about the functional form or the sign of the detected causal relationship, hence it should be used as a diagnostic tool that encompasses a modeling process, rather than a modeling device. Nonetheless, the test is an important development in detecting nonlinear Granger causality.

Consider the same two series as described in the subsection II.A, [DELTA][X.sub.t] and [DELTA][Y.sub.t]. Let the m-length lead vector of [DELTA][X.sub.t] be denoted by [DELTA][X.sup.m.sub.t], and let L and S be the lengths of the lag vectors [DELTA][X.sup.L.sub.t-L] and [DELTA][Y.sup.S.sub.t-S], respectively. For given values of m, L, and S [greater than or equal to] 1 and an arbitrarily small constant d > 0, [DELTA][[bar.Y].sub.t] does not strictly nonlinearly Granger cause [DELTA][X.sub.t] if


where Pr(*) is probability, [parallel]*[parallel] is the maximum norm, and s, t = max(L, S) + 1, ..., T - m + 1.

The left-hand side of Equation (2) is the conditional probability that two arbitary m-length lead vectors of [DELTA][X.sub.t] are within a distance d of each other, given that two corresponding L-length lag vectors of [DELTA][X.sub.t] and two S-length vectors of [DELTA][Y.sub.t], respectively, are within a distance d of each other. The right-hand side of Equation (2) is the probability that the two m-length lead vectors of [DELTA][X.sub.t] are within a distance d of each other, conditional only on their corresponding L-length lag vectors being within distance d of each other. The intuition is that if commodity price changes do not nonlinearly Granger cause inflation, then the probability of the distance between two conformable vectors of inflation being less than d will be the same whether the probability is conditioned on the past inflation and commodity price changes or only on the own past inflation.

The test in Equation (2) can be expressed in terms of the ratios of joint and conditioning probabilities associated with each part of the test as follows:

(4) (CI(m + L, S, d)/CI(L, S, d)) = (CI(m + L, d)/CI(L, d))

whereby the joint probabilities are defined as


The condition in Equation (3) can be tested using the correlation-integral estimators of the joint probabilities in Equation (4). The correlation-integral is a measure of "closeness" of realizations of a possibly multivariate random variable in two different times and is estimated as a proportion of the number of observations that are within the distance d of each other to the total number of observations. Assuming that [DELTA][X.sub.t] and [DELTA][Y.sub.t] are strictly stationary and meet the required mixing conditions as specified in Denker and Keller (1983), under the null hypothesis that [DELTA][Y.sub.t] does not strictly Granger cause [DELTA][X.sub.t], the test statistic T is asymptotically normally distributed. In other words,

(6) T = [(CI(m + L, S, d)/CI(L, S, d)) - (CI(m + L, d)/CI(L, d)] ~ N(0, 1/[square root of n][[sigma].sup.2](m, L, S, d))

where n = T + 1 - m - max(L,S) and [[sigma].sup.2](*) is the asymptotic variance of the modified Baek and Brock test statistic. (6) The test statistic in Equation (5) is applied to the two estimated residual series from the VAR model in Equations (1a) and (1b), [[epsilon].sub.1,t] and [[epsilon].sub.2,t], respectively. Hence, if the null hypothesis of Granger noncausality is rejected, the detected causal relationship between commodity price changes and inflation must necessarily be nonlinear.

One potential drawback of the application of the Baek and Brock test to estimated residuals is an unaccounted estimation uncertainty that may give rise to erroneous inference. Accordingly, we test the robustness of our nonlinear findings to this problem by using the re-sampling procedure of Diks and DeGoede (2001) to obtain empirical p values. Diks and DeGoede perform several experiments to determine the best randomization procedure to obtain empirical p values. They demonstrate that the best finite sample properties of the tests are best obtained when only the causing series were bootstrapped. Here, the causing series are the residuals. Accordingly, we adopt their methodology and employ the Stationarity boostrap of Politis and Romano (1994) to preserve potential serial dependence in the causing series. The resampling scheme which is robust with respect to parameter uncertainty is implemented by undertaking the following steps.

1. Estimate a parametric model and obtain the fitted values of the conditional mean and estimated residuals.

2. Resample the residuals following the null hypothesis. Let N denote the length of the series and [P.sub.S] is the stationary bootstrap switching probability. We start a new bootstrapped sequence from a random position in the initial series selected from the uniform distribution between 1 and N. The next element in the bootstrapped sequence corresponds to the next element in the initial series with probability 1 - [P.sub.S]. We randomly select an element from the initial sequence with probability [P.sub.S] and put it as the next element in the bootstrapped sequence. The procedure continues until we obtain a bootstrapped sequence of length N. To ensure stationarity of the bootstrapped sequence, we connect the beginning and the end of the initial sequence.

3. Create artificial data series using the fitted values and the re-sampled residuals.

4. Re-estimate the model using the artificial data and obtain a new series of residuals.

5. Compute test statistics [T.sub.i] for the artificial residuals.

The empirical distribution of the test statistics under the null can be obtained by repeating the bootstrap B-times and calculating test statistic [T.sub.i] for each bootstrap i = 1, ..., B. The p value of the test is obtained by comparing the test statistics computed from the initial data [T.sub.0] with the test statistics under the null [T.sub.i] :

p = [B.summation over (i=0)]I([T.sub.0] [less than or equal to] [T.sub.i])/B + 1

where I([T.sub.o] [less than or equal to] [T.sub.i]) denotes an indicator dummy which takes the value 1 when the event in the brackets is true and 0 otherwise. The test rejects the null hypothesis in the direction of nonlinear Granger causality whenever [T.sub.0] is large. B is set to 5000 and the bootstrap switching probability [P.sub.S] is set to 0.05. The results of the bootstrapped empirical p values are reported in Table 3.


The empirical investigation covers the period from January 1957 to December 2007. The data consist of monthly CRB grouping and composite indices and CPI, all taken from the CRB (http://www.crbtrader.com). We use a number of commodity price indices because we are interested to know whether certain group indices provide greater predictive power of inflation compared to others. The CRB indices comprise composite spot index, liverstock sub-index, fats and oils sub-index, foodstuffs sub-index, raw industrials sub-index, textiles sub-index, and metals sub-index. The composition of each of the six grouping indices (or sub-indices) are described in Table 1. The CRB spot index is a measure of the collective movement in the prices of 22 basic commodities from these six commodity groups.

One benefit of using indices of commodity groups rather than individual commodity prices is that idiosyncratic factors impacting on individual commodity markets should have far less influence at the level of a multi-commodity, broadly based index. Annual percentage change in the indices is computed using the index based on the formula [([CRB.sub.t]/[CRB.sub.t-12]) - 1] x 100%. Likewise annual percentage change in CPI (or inflation) is computed in the same way. Figure 1 provides plots of the logarithmic commodity indices and CPI, while Figure 2 provides plots of changes in the commodity price indices and inflation.

From Figure 1 it can be seen that all the commodity price indices exhibit greater volatility than the CPI. It is apparent that a significant shift in the level of commodity price indices occurred around the early 1970s with a sudden and sharp increase in the individual grouping and composite commodity price indices. This sharp increase in commodity price indices can also be seen in Figure 2 as evidenced by the sharp spike in changes in commodity prices by as much as 100% in the case of foodstuffs price index. Another apparent increase in commodity price indices occurred in the late 1990s or early 2000 when there was a sudden peak in price indices, particularly for metals, foodstuffs and the composite spot index.

To better visualize the extent of volatility in commodity price indices, we turn to Figure 2 where it can be seen that among the different sub-indices, the change in metal sub-index is the largest, rising by as much as 80% in 2007. Foodstuffs index and oils and fats index have also risen by as much as 40% and 60%, respectively toward the end of the sample period. Seasonally adjusted inflation in the United States reaches its highest level of around 15% in the late 1970s but drops dramatically in the early 1980s. By the mid-1980s, inflation has dropped dramatically to below 2.5% before stabilizing below 5% from 1985 to 2007.


A. Linear Granger Causality

Results of the linear Granger causality tests are reported in Table 2. For the whole sample spanning the period 1957:1-2007:12, there is overwhelming evidence of unidirectional Granger causality running from changes in commodity price indices to inflation with the exception of raw industries and metal indices which exhibit evidence of bidirectional causality at the 5% significance level. Our results for the CRB composite index are comparable with those of Bhar and Hamori (2008) who also document evidence of causal relationship from CRB futures prices to CPI, although they employ the Toda and Yamamoto (1995) approach of estimating a level VAR which accommodates variables of unknown integration or cointegration order.

To better understand the causal relationship between commodity price indices and inflation over time, we split the sample into two sub-samples; one prior to the Great Moderation (1957:1-1984:12) and the other during the Great Moderation (1985:1-2007:12). We then estimate the VAR model on these two subsamples and perform the linear Granger causality tests. (7) The results are interestingly different. In the sample period prior to the Great Moderation, there is evidence of bidirectional Granger causality between changes in CRB composite price index, raw industrials index, metals index, and inflation. However, in the period during the Great Moderation, there is no evidence that the composite index provides any predictive power on inflation, although all the individual group of commodity price indices continue to showcase, albeit with lower degree of predictive power, causal relationship from changes in commodity price indices to inflation. Taken together, there is evidence to suggest that the predictive power of many of the commodity price indices has weakened during the Great Moderation period. It is not certain what could have caused this empirical observation given that there could be many factors that could have altered the relationship between the movements in commodity prices and inflation. It could be that the relatively lower level of inflation and greater certainty about the future level of inflation during the Great Moderation could have caused overall prices to drift away from the price changes in various non-oil commodities, thus leading to a weaker causal relationship between them. Our results seem to concur with the findings of Blomberg and Harris (1995) who demonstrate that there is diminished signalling power of commodities since the mid-1980s. They argue that this could be due to commodities playing a smaller role in U.S. production relative to earlier periods, and to some extent, the absence of major food and oil price shocks for the period being investigated (ending in mid-1990s) could mean that commodity price fluctuations may not have been big enough to be passed through to consumer prices. Although our sample extends their sample by more than a decade and includes periods of greater commodity price volatility, particularly subsequent to late 1990s, the evidence remains robust and demonstrates weaker causal relationships between commodity price indices and inflation.

B. Nonlinear Granger Causality

Prior to testing for nonlinear Granger causality, we first determine whether the data are characterized by nonlinearities. We employ the BDS test due to Brock, Dechert, and Scheinkman (1987, revised in 1996) which is by far the most widely adopted test for nonlinear structure. The null hypothesis for the BDS test is that the data are independently and identically distributed (i.i.d), and any departure from i.i.d should lead to rejection of this null in favor of an unspecified alternative. Hence the test can be considered a broad portmanteau test which has been shown to have reasonable power against a variety of nonlinear data generating processes (see Brock, Hseih, and LeBaron 1991 for an extensive Monte Carlo study). (8) Results of the BDS test, which are not reported here for brevity but are available from the authors upon request, reveal that all the majority estimates of the BDS statistics are statistically significant, indicating significant nonlinearities in the univariate series for changes in the various commodity price indices and inflation.

The nonlinear causality test is conducted using the residuals obtained from the VAR model, from which any linear predictive relationship has already been removed. To implement the Baek and Brock test, values for the lead length, m, the lag lengths Lr1 and Lr2, and the distance measure d must be selected. Following the results in Hiemstra and Jones (1994), we set the lead length at m = 1 and set Lr1 = Lr2 for all cases. We also use common lag lengths of one to five lags and a common distance measure of d = 1.5[sigma], where [sigma] refers to the standard deviation of the time series. For robustness check, we also performed the analysis for d = 0.5[sigma] and 1.0[sigma] and there were no qualitative differences in the results. (9) The discussion of the empirical results focuses on empirical p values for the modified Baek and Brock test given that they are computed using the re-sampling procedure. The empirical p values are more reliable because they account for estimation uncertainty in the residuals of the VAR model used in the modified Baek and Brock test.

It can be seen in Table 3 for the entire sample period, the null hypothesis of no nonlinear Granger causality from changes in commodity price indices to inflation is strongly rejected at the 5% significance level. Equally, we do not find any evidence in support of nonlinear Granger causality from inflation to changes in commodity prices. It is apparent from this test that the predictive power of commodity prices tends to operate linearly on inflation. However, when we perform the test on the residuals of the VAR models in sub-samples, an interesting result emerges. While the period prior to the Great Moderation continues to show a lack of evidence of nonlinear Granger causality (in either direction) between commodity prices and inflation, the Great Moderation period clearly and distinctly demonstrates overwhelming evidence of unidirectional nonlinear leadlag relationships from changes in raw industrials index and metals index to inflation. The null hypothesis of no nonlinear Granger causality from commodity price changes to inflation is strongly rejected at the 5% significance level for indices associated with raw industrials and metals. These results are in sharp contrast to those reported in previous studies that report linear predictability from changes in commodity prices to inflation.

C. Nonlinear Shocks Transmission Between Commodity Price Indices and Inflation

To determine the source of nonlinear Granger causality that operates from changes in commodity price index (i.e., for metal and raw industrials indices) to inflation during the Great Moderation, we model the nonlinear Granger causality in volatility using the Baba, Engle, Kraft, and Kroner (BEKK) model of Engle and Kroner (1995). It has been argued by Ross (1989) and Andersen (1996) that the volatility of a time series can measure the rate of information flow. A cursory look at the plot of the change in commodity price index for metals and raw industrials in Figure 2 suggests that the significant rise in volatility for these two price indices in late 2000 could potentially explain the transmission of shocks from changes in commodity price indices to inflation. In addition, fitting the BEKK model also enables us to account for conditional heteroskedasticity that is observed in the data and allow us to apply the test for nonlinear Granger causality on the resulting standardized residuals of the model. (10)

The BEKK model is specified by assuming that the joint distribution of changes in commodity price index and inflation conditional on their past observations is multivariate normal with conditional mean [[mu].sub.t] and conditional variance [H.sub.t] such that [Y.sub.t]|[[OMEGA].sub.t-1] ~ N([[mu].sub.t], [H.sub.t]). The mean equation is specified by the VAR model as in Equations (1a) and (1b). The variance equation, [H.sub.t], in matrix form is given as follows


where [C.sub.0] is a (2 x 2) lower triangular matrix; A is a (2 x 2) matrix with the diagonal elements capturing the impact of unexpected shocks of past inflation and commodity price changes on the current conditional volatility of inflation and changes in commodity prices, and the off-diagonal elements measure the corresponding cross effects. Both the diagonal and off-diagonal elements determine the conditional variance; B is a (2 x 2) matrix with the diagonal elements measuring the impact of past conditional volatility of inflation and changes in commodity price shocks on current conditional volatilities, whereas the off-diagonal elements measure the corresponding cross effects; D is a (2 x 2) matrix that measures the impact of both positive inflation shocks and changes in commodity price shocks on current conditional volatilities such that [[zeta].sub.t-1] = max([[epsilon].sub.t], 0) where [[epsilon].sup./.sub.t] = ([[epsilon].sub.1t [[epsilon].sub.2t]]). The BEKK specification ensures that [H.sub.t] is positive definite. The model is estimated using a maximum likelihood procedure and the results of the simultaneous estimation of the VAR-asymmetric BEKK model for the causality in means tests are reported in Table 4.

Consistent with our earlier results, we find that there is significant evidence of linear Granger causality from changes in commodity prices to inflation for both metals and raw industrials (see Panel B of Table 4). The null hypothesis that the coefficients associated with the five lagged changes in commodity prices are jointly equal to zero is rejected at the 5% level of significance in both cases. The magnitudes of the coefficient estimates in the VAR-asymmetric BEKK model are slightly different and the standard errors (not reported) are generally smaller than in the VAR model. (11) This is because of the improved efficiency of the simultaneous procedure and accounting for heteroskedasticity in variance.

The estimated coefficients of matrices [C.sub.0], A, B, and D are reported in Panel A of Table 4. As noted earlier, off-diagonal elements of matrix A capture the impacts of shocks arising from commodity price changes on inflation conditional volatility and vice versa. Specifically, the off-diagonal element [a.sub.12] ([a.sub.21]) captures the impact of changes in commodity price shock (inflation) on current conditional volatility of inflation (changes in commodity prices). |t can be seen for both metals and raw industrials indices the [[??].sub.12] is statistically and economically significant while the [[??].sub.21] is not statistically significant. This implies that only shocks emanating from commodity price changes are being transmitted to the conditional volatility of inflation. There is also evidence that the lagged conditional volatility of raw industrial price changes impact on current volatility of inflation (i.e., coefficient estimate of [b.sub.12] is statistically significant at the 5% level). As for the coefficients of the D matrix, both [[??].sub.11] and [[??].sub.12] are statistically significant for raw industrials price index. The former suggests that an unanticipated positive inflation shock engenders greater current conditional volatility of inflation than a negative shock of equal magnitude. (12) The latter suggests that an unanticipated positive raw industrials price shock has an economically ([[??].sub.12] = 0.82) and statistically significant effect on current conditional volatility of inflation. In the case of metals price index, only [[??].sub.11] and [[??].sub.22] are statistically significant suggesting that both positive shocks on inflation and changes in metals price index exert a greater impact on their own conditional volatilities compared to negative shocks of equal magnitude. There is, however, no evidence of cross asymmetric effects arising from either positive inflation shocks or positive metals price shocks. These evidences point to the importance of not only the magnitude of commodity price shocks but also its sign as a possible channel of information transmission that gives rise to nonlinear Granger causality.

Panel B further reports the diagnostic tests for the adequacy of the VAR-asymmetric BEKK model. The null of no GARCH effects is clearly rejected for both cases thus confirming the importance of modeling the volatility of the time series and validating the role played by volatility in capturing the rate of information flow. The null hypothesis of no cross effects (i.e., the null of diagonal conditional variance) is also rejected at conventional levels of significance implying that it is important to account for spillover effects arising from shocks in commodity price changes to inflation volatility. Finally, the null of symmetric conditional variance (i.e., the absence of asymmetric volatility effects) is rejected at 5% levels of significance. This result suggests that one should account for the sign of the shock in measuring the rate of information flow that is transmitted from shocks of both inflation and commodity price changes. The serial correlation of the standardized residuals and squared standardized residuals show no evidence of serial correlation up to 5th order implying that the model is adequate in characterizing the dynamics of the data.

Finally, Panel C shows the results of the nonlinear Granger causality test when applied to residuals of the BEKK model. The test is used as a diagnostic device to establish whether the BEKK model is capable of fully capturing the Granger causal relationship. The rejection of the test would mean either that there is some Granger causality left beyond the second moment, or that the BEKK specification is not adequate in fully reflecting the true relationship. Here, we apply the test based on re-sampling procedure described above to account for any biases in the test arising from estimation uncertainty. Note that Step 1 of the re-sampling procedure now includes the conditional variance-covariance equation from the BEKK model. When compared with the results of the test applied to the residuals of the VAR model in Table 3 for both metals and raw industrials indices, we notice in all cases the p value of the test statistic increases quite dramatically and leads to failure in rejecting the null hypotheses. This implies that there is no further evidence of nonlinear Granger causality but more importantly, the BEKK model fully captures the nonlinear Granger causality detected from the residuals of the VAR model.


This article presents a robust analysis of the causal relationships between inflation and commodity price changes by focusing on a sample period which includes the recent run-up of commodity prices that have been the source of relatively high rates of inflation in late 2000. This is the first study to examine the dynamic nonlinear linkages between inflation and a wide array of commodity price indices. It first establishes the existence of a long-run cointegrating relationship between commodity price indices and CPI in the presence of structural breaks. Given that the data span a long period covering periods of extreme commodity price shocks and that inflation dynamics has experienced significant changes in the U.S. economy during the Great Moderation, we perform robust analysis on the cointegrating relationship by accommodating for regime changes. The results indicate that irrespective of the presence of structural breaks, there is no evidence of cointegration between any of the commodity price indices and the CPI.

There is, however, strong evidence of a unidirectional linear causal relationship from changes in commodity prices to inflation. The evidence is pervasive for all commodity price indices considered. Be that as it may, the degree of linear causal relationship is stronger in the period prior to the Great Moderation. For instance, we find that there is evidence of bidirectional causal linkages between inflation and changes in metals and raw industrials indices before the Great Moderation, but there are no causal effects from inflation to these commodity price indices during the Great Moderation. These results could well be explained by the weakening in association between inflation and commodity price changes during the period of low inflation and inflation uncertainty, and be attributed to the sharp decline in the commodity composition of U.S. output.

An important finding not previously documented in the literature is the evidence of nonlinear Granger causality from changes in metals and raw industrials price indices to inflation. Existing studies have, in general, only tested for a linear relationship. This empirical observation of nonlinear Granger causality, interestingly, only occurred during the Great Moderation. The results are proven to be robust having filtered the data for linear causal relationships and having applied a novel and robust approach to testing nonlinear Granger causality by accounting for estimation uncertainty. We identify one potential source of nonlinear Granger causality emanating from nonlinear transmission of shocks of commodity price changes to inflation. Specifically, the multivariate GARCH model is adequate in characterizing the rate of information flow between commodity price indices and inflation beyond the first moment. There is, in fact, overwhelming evidence that the magnitude and sign of the shocks, and their interaction with the conditional volatilities of inflation and commodity price changes are important in explaining the transmission of information which gives rise to this nonlinear Granger causality.

Given the peak in volatility of metals and raw industrial price indices in late 2000, and despite the fall in importance of metals and raw industrials in U.S. production, there is evidence that the extent of Granger causality to inflation is not restricted to the linear model. Unanticipated commodity price shocks, particularly metals and raw industrials, contain useful information for predicting inflation, based on results of in-sample statistics. These results highlight the importance for future research to consider alternative nonlinear approach in identifying the transmission process of information contained in commodity prices to inflation. Moreover, there are questions that remain unanswered and are worthy of further investigation. That is, (a) whether commodity price changes are helpful in predicting inflation out-of-sample; (b) whether other types of nonlinearities could also capture the change in the relationship during the Great Moderation; and (c) whether changes in both in-sample and out-of-sample predictive abilities could have changed over time in a smooth manner and not in a fashion captured by a single structural break. (13)


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Additional Supporting Information may be found in the online version of this article:

Table S1, Unit Root Tests Results with and without Structural Breaks.

Table S2. Cointegration Tests Results with and without Structural Breaks.

(1.) See Barsky and Kilian (2002, 2004), Bernanke, Gertler, and Watson (1997), Clarida, Gall, and Gertler (2000), Leduc and Sill (2004), and Kilian (2008a, 2008b) for interpretations of the evidence on the effects of oil shocks.

(2.) Recent studies point to the usefulness of commodity prices as leading indicators of inflation. Gospodinov and Ng (2012) find that convenience yields constructed as principal components from commodity price futures have economically and statistically important predictive power for inflation. Edelstein (2007) show that commodity prices contain predictive information not contained in the leading principal components of a broad set of macroeconomic and financial variables. They also yield inflation forecasts that improve the fit of a forward-looking Taylor rule.

(3.) It should be highlighted that nonlinearities could also potentially affect the inferences about linear causality. Thus, our empirical approach provides a comprehensive and robust assessment of the presence of both linear and nonlinear causal relationships between commodity price changes and inflation following Francis, Mougoue, and Panhchenko (2010).

(4.) Details of the various tests for stationarity and cointegration are discussed in the Working Paper.

(5.) Results for the unit root and cointegration tests are available in Tables S1 and S2 (Supporting Information).

(6.) For a complete and detailed derivation of the variance see the appendix in Hiemstra and Jones (1994).

(7.) We also performed the cointegration tests with and without structural breaks for the two sub-samples. The results indicate that there is absence of a cointegrating relationship in any of the sub-samples, much like the results for the overall sample.

(8.) For a formal description of the BDS test refer to Brock et al. (1996).

(9.) Results for these robustness analyses can be obtained upon request from the authors.

(10.) Prior to model specification, we performed the Bai and Perron (1998, 2003) test to determine the presence of breaks in the conditional mean. In addition, we used the test of Sanso. Arrado, and Carrion (2004) to also detect breaks in the variance of the commodity price indices, both metals and industrials, and inflation. The identified break dates for both mean and variance tall outside of the Great Moderation period, thus the BEKK model does not have to incorporate these breaks.

(11.) Results for the VAR estimates are available from the authors upon request. We do not report it here for the sake of brevity. Instead, we only report the results for linear Granger causality.

(12.) Expansion of the last term of Equation (7) yields [[[[??].sub.11] max([[epsilon].sub.1t], 0) + [[??].sub.12] max([[epsilon].sub.2t], 0)].sup.2] which implies a positive inflation shock has an impact of [[??].sub.11] on the its own conditional variance while a negative inflation shock has no impact.

(13.) We thank the referee for suggesting qualifications for the implications of results on the usefulness of commodity price changes in predicting inflation.


* The authors gratefully acknowledge helpful comments from referees but retain responsibility for any remaining errors.

Mahadevan: School of Economics, University of Queensland, Colin Clark Building, QLD 4072, Australia. Phone +617 3365 6595, Fax +617 3365 7299, E-mail r.mahadevan@uq.edu.au

Suardi: School of Economics, La Trobe University, Donald Whitehead Building, Room 307, VIC 3086, Australia. Phone +613 9479 2318, Fax +613 9479 1654, E-mail s.suardi@latrobe.edu.au

doi: 10.1111/j.1465-7295.2012.00503.x
Composition of Commodity Resource Bureau (CRB) Grouping Indices

Grouping Index                              Composition

CRB Metals                    Copper scrap, lead scrap, steel scrap,
                                tin, and zinc
CRB Textiles and Fibres       Burlap, cotton, print cloth, and wool
CRB Livestock and Products    Hides, hogs, lard, steers. and tallow
CRB Fats and Oils             Butter, cottonseed oil, lard, and tallow
CRB Raw Industrials           Hides, tallow, copper scrap, lead scrap,
                                steel scrap, zinc, tin, burlap,
                                cotton, print cloth, wool tops, rosin,
                                and rubber
CRB Foodstuffs                Hogs, steers, lard, butter, soybean oil,
                                cocoa, corn, Kansas City wheat,
                                Minneapolis wheat, and sugar
CRB Spot                      This is made up of 22 commodities
                                from two major subdivisions (Raw
                                Industrials, and Foodstuffs) and four
                                smaller groups (Metals, Textiles and
                                Fibres, Livestock and Products, and
                                Fats and Oils). Note that the
                                groupings are nonxmutually exclusive.

Note: For relative weights and other details concerning these series,
refer to the Commodity Research Bureau.

Test Results for Linear Granger Causality
Between Change in Commodity Price Index
and Inflation

                                Ho: [DELTA]CP not       Ho: INF not
                                [right arrow] INF      [right arrow]

Panel A: Whole Sample (1957:1-2007:12)
Composite index                  12.9001 [0.0000]     1.3906 [0.2258]
Livestocks                       3.6528 [0.0029]      1.3079 [0.25881
Fats                             2.2776 [0.0455]      2.0288 [0.0728]
Food                             4.3033 [0.0007]      0.9819 [0.4279]
Raw industries                   12.7217 [0.0000]     2.5485 [0.0269]
Textiles                         6.4812 [0.0000]      2.0813 [0.06611
Metals                           10.2014 [0.0000]     2.6210 [0.0234]

Panel 13: Sample Prior to the Great Moderation
Composite index                  11.9201 [0.00001     3.3558 [0.0057]
Livestocks                       4.3909 [0.0007]      0.5876 [0.7095]
Fats                             3.1298 [0.0089]      1.2361 [0.2918]
Food                             5.1965 [0.0001]      1.7460 [0.1237]
Raw industries                   12.3627 [0.0000]     4.7872 [0.0003]
Textiles                         5.7025 [0.0000]      1.1605 [0.3284]
Metals                           8.3715 [0.0000]      4.6415 [0.0004]

Panel C: Sample During the Great Moderation
Composite index                  1.5719 [0.1683]      1.1240 [0.3479]
Livestocks                       2.5568 [0.0279]      0.5044 [0.7728]
Fats                             3.2646 [0.0071]      0.3007 [0.9122]
Food                             2.3900 [0.0383]      0.7198 [0.6090]
Raw industries                   2.2156 [0.0531]      1.3245 [0.2539]
Textiles                         2.3120 [0.0444]      1.4812 [0.1957]
Metals                           4.8890 [0.00021      1.3568 [0.2409]

Note: Figures in columns 2 and 3 are F-test statistic for
the respective null hypothesis. Figures reported in [ ] are
p values. A VAR lag length of five is estimated for all cases
based on the AIC.

Test Results for Nonlinear Granger Causality Between Change
in Commodity Price Index and Inflation

                            Panel A: 1957:1-2007:12
                                Whole Sample

                                             Ho: INF not
                       Ho: [DELTA] CP not   [right arrow]
[L.sub.[DELTA]CP] =    [right arrow] INF      [DELTA]CP
[L.sub.INF]                 p value            p value

1                             0.08               0.10
2                             0.18               0.13
3                             0.16               0.20
4                             0.09               0.25
5                             0.14               0.28
1                             0.15               0.13
2                             0.23               0.14
3                             0.14               0.15
4                             0.12               0.18
5                             0.13               0.14
1                             0.15               0.32
2                             0.16               0.18
3                             0.21               0.30
4                             0.17               0.42
5                             0.25               0.19
1                             0.14               0.35
2                             0.18               0.16
3                             0.17               0.28
4                             0.25               0.45
5                             0.36               0.38
Raw industries
1                             0.04               0.10
2                             0.06               0.15
3                             0.15               0.17
4                             0.08               0.15
5                             0.38               0.08
1                             0.05               0.08
2                             0.12               0.16
3                             0.18               0.21
4                             0.11               0.28
5                             0.19               0.25
1                             0.05               0.15
2                             0.06               0.13
3                             0.05               0.16
4                             0.08               0.18
5                             0.42               0.21

                           Panel B: 1957:1-1984:12
                          Prior to Great Moderation

                                             Ho: INF not
                       Ho: [DELTA] CP not   [right arrow]
[L.sub.[DELTA]CP] =    [right arrow] INF      [DELTA]CP
[L.sub.INF]                 p value            p value

Composite                                        ACP
1                             0.15               0.11
2                             0.21               0.13
3                             0.20               0.10
4                             0.10               0.56
5                             0.14               0.45
1                             0.72               0.52
2                             0.53               0.41
3                             0.28               0.53
4                             0.17               0.31
5                             0.13               0.28
1                             0.15               0.48
2                             0.44               0.53
3                             0.75               0.45
4                             0.76               0.55
5                             0.81               0.32
1                             0.25               0.25
2                             0.14               0.32
3                             0.23               0.30
4                             0.16               0.35
5                             0.11               0.15
Raw industries
1                             0.51               0.55
2                             0.48               0.48
3                             0.56               0.53
4                             0.44               0.51
5                             0.60               0.45
1                             0.20               0.07
2                             0.11               0.11
3                             0.13               0.15
4                             0.15               0.21
5                             0.20               0.18
1                             0.10               0.28
2                             0.13               0.19
3                             0.15               0.16
4                             0.11               0.17
5                             0.38               0.25

                             Panel C: 1985:1-2007:12
                             During Great Moderation

                                             Ho: INF not
                       Ho: [DELTA] CP not   [right arrow]
[L.sub.[DELTA]CP] =    [right arrow] INF      [DELTA]CP
[L.sub.INF]                 p value            p value

1                             0.25               0.30
2                             0.34               0.75
3                             0.45               0.89
4                             0.30               0.53
5                             0.38               0.25
1                             0.53               0.60
2                             0.10               0.32
3                             0.22               0.55
4                             0.37               0.53
5                             0.15               0.40
1                             0.78               0.73
2                             0.29               0.45
3                             0.27               0.58
4                             0.25               0.65
5                             0.20               0.47
1                             0.85               0.55
2                             0.63               0.44
3                             0.40               0.75
4                             0.16               0.58
5                             0.15               0.92
Raw industries
1                             0.01               0.58
2                             0.02               0.43
3                             0.02               0.60
4                             0.03               0.52
5                             0.02               0.67
1                             0.14               0.83
2                             0.12               0.77
3                             0.15               0.55
4                             0.18               0.40
5                             0.21               0.43
1                             0.01               0.32
2                             0.02               0.21
3                             0.01               0.09
4                             0.01               0.10
5                             0.01               0.18

Notes: This table reports parametric bootstrap p values
for the standard Back and Brock nonlinear Granger causality test.
The test is applied to the estimated VAR residuals. [L.sub.[DELTA]CP]
= [L.sub.INF] denotes the number of lags on the residuals series used
in the test. In all cases, the tests are applied to the unconditional
standardized residuals. The lead length, m, is set to unity and the
distance measure, d, is set to 1.5.

Estimation Results of the VAR Asymmetric BEKK Model

  Panel A                             C

and metals     [C.sub.11]    0.0005 (0.0002) **
               [C.sub.21]    0.0153 (0.0074) **
               [C.sub.22]    0.0003 (0.0000) **

and raw        [C.sub.11]    0.0003 (0.0001) **
industrials    [C.sub.21]    0.0256 (0.0038) **
               [C.sub.22]    0.0002 (0.0000) **

  Panel A                             A

and metals     [a.sub.11]    0.2411 (0.0773) **
               [a.sub.12]    0.4510 (0.0247) **
               [a.sub.21]     -0.0083 (0.0068)
               [a.sub.22]     0.1711 (0.0826) *
and raw        [a.sub.11]    -0.1886 (0.0692) **
industrials    [a.sub.12]    0.2769 (0.0843) **
               [a.sub.21]      0.0043 (0.0065)
               [a.sub.22]    -0.4284 (0.1038) **

  Panel A                             B

and metals     [b.sub.11]    0.9328 (0.0330) **
               [b.sub.12]      0.3849 (0.5308)
               [b.sub.21]      0.0043 (0.0073)
               [b.sub.22]    -0.8674 (0.1048) **
and raw        [b.sub.11]    0.9438 (0.0221) **
industrials    [b.sub.12]    0.0130 (0.0047) **
               [b.sub.21]      0.7481 (0.8254)
               [b.sub.22]    -0.2479 (0.1012) **

  Panel A                             D

and metals     [d.sub.11]    0.3764 (0.1445) **
               [d.sub.12]      0.0849 (0.1445)
               [d.sub.21]      0.0076 (0.0054)
               [d.sub.22]    -0.3787 (0.0752) **
and raw        [d.sub.11]    0.3707 (0.1488) **
industrials    [d.sub.12]    0.8158 (0.1970) **
               [d.sub.21]     -0.0229 (0.0196)
               [d.sub.22]     -0.4521 (0.3358)

Panel B

Linear Granger                                       Inflation and
Causality               Inflation and Metals        Raw Industrials

Ho: [DELTA]CP not          7.4262   [0.0000]        2.4684   [0.03041
  [right arrow] INF
Ho: INF not [right         1.7594   [0.1218]        1.8250   [0.1083]
  arrow] [DELTA]CP
Ho: no GARCH effects    4790.1468   [0.0000]     4284.4615   [0.0000]
Ho: no spillover          14.0880   [0.0000]        5.7841   [0.0000]
Ho: no asymmetric         19.6404   [0.0000]        2.5371   [0.0405]
  GARCH effects

Serial             [[epsilon]        [[epsilon]
correlation         .sub.lt]          .sub.lt]
                  [square root      [square root
                  of [h.sub.1t]     of [h.sub.2t]

Q(5)             1.994 [0.8499]    2.346 [0.7995]
[Q.sup.2](5)     1.527 [0.9099]    3.216 [0.6636]

Serial              [[epsilon         [[epsilon
correlation         .sub.lt]          .sub.lt]
                  [square root      [square root
                  of [h.sub.1t]     of [h.sub.2t]

Q(5)             1.691 10.8901]    2.370 [0.7960]
[Q.sup.2](5)     2.784 [0.7332]    2.830 [0.7263]

Panel C

Nonlinear Granger         Inflation and Metals
[L.sub.[DELTA]CP] =        Ho:        Ho: INF not
[L.sub.INF]             [DELTA]CP        [right
                        not [right       arrow]
                        arrow] INF     [DELTA]CP

1                          0.18           0.45
2                          0.23           0.38
3                          0.15           0.21
4                          0.16           0.18
5                          0.20           0.29

                             Inflation and
Nonlinear Granger            Raw Industrials
[L.sub.[DELTA]CP] =        Ho:        Ho: INF not
[L.sub.INF]             [DELTA]CP        [right
                        not [right       arrow]
                        arrow] INF     [DELTA]CP

1                          0.12           0.68
2                          0.20           0.53
3                          0.16           0.82
4                          0.28           0.63
5                          0.43           0.70

Notes: Figures in [] and () are p values and robust standard errors,
respectively. [[epsilon].sub.lt] [square root of [h.sub.1t] and
[[epsilon].sub.lt] [square root of [h.sub.2t] are the standardized
residuals of inflation and changes in commodity price index,
respectively. Coefficient estimates of matrices C, A, B, and D follow
the BEKK variance equation (13).

* and ** denote statistical significance at the 5% and 1% levels,