The economics of faking ecstasy.
Mialon, Hugo M.
In the movie When Harry Met Sally (Columbia Pictures 1989), there
is a scene in Katz's dell in New York that provides an interesting
example of rational expectations equilibrium:
Sally: Most women at one time or another have faked it.
Harry: Well, they haven't faked it with me.
Sally: How do you know?
Harry: Because I know.
Sally: Oh. Right. That's right. I forgot. You're a man.
Harry: What was that supposed to mean?
Sally: Nothing. It's just that all men are sure it never
happened to them and all women at one time or other have done it, so you
do the math.
If all women have faked it, then not all men can be rationally
confident it has not happened to them. Therefore, this situation, in
which all women have done it and all men are sure it has never happened
to them, is not a rational expectations equilibrium.
So how can we explain this? Akerlof and Dickens's (1982) paper
on cognitive dissonance suggests a behavioral rather than a rational
explanation. The paper introduces the possibility of belief-dependent
preferences. Accordingly, perhaps men simply derive utility directly
from believing that their partner is not faking with them because this
allows them to maintain a positive image of themselves. In this case, we
can get a situation in which all women have done it and yet all men
still believe it has never happened to them. However, any man with this
kind of behavioral bias will likely be mistaken. One might instead
dispute the claim that all men are confident it has never happened to
them and thus do not have rational expectations.
In this paper, we develop a rational expectations signaling model
of lovemaking that yields clear predictions about faking behavior, which
we then test using actual survey data. In the model, a man and a woman
who are making love send each other possibly deceptive signals about
their true state of ecstasy. For example, if one of the partners is not
in ecstasy, then he or she may decide to fake it.
We allow for the possibility that men can fake it too. Although men
may not be able to fake ejaculation, they may nevertheless be able to
fake orgasm. Ejaculation is the propulsion of seminal fluid, while
orgasm is the peak feeling during sex. In Love and Orgasm, psychiatrist
Lowen (1975, 56), based on his clinical observations, concludes that
in terms of full satisfaction, the male steers from
orgasmic impotence as much as the female does.
However, to the extent that ejaculation and orgasm are related, the
probability of being caught faking is greater for men than for women.
Thus, the model predicts a lower probability of faking for men than for
women. More generally, the model predicts that any factor that increases
the cost of faking or the probability of being caught faking for either
men or women lowers their probability of faking. Thus, men and women who
believe that their partner can tell whether they are faking should be
less likely to fake.
Another factor that may be related to faking is age. In the model,
the man and woman each have a prior belief about the other's state
of ecstasy, and these priors are associated with the other's sex
drive, which varies in different ways for men and women over the life
cycle. Male sex drive is highest during the early twenties and declines
steadily into old age, while female sex drive is low during the teens,
increases during the twenties, reaches a maximum in the late twenties,
and then declines into old age (Kinsey et al., 1968, 759; Mahoney 1983,
45-46). (1) Therefore, when a woman is middle-aged, her partner's
prior belief that she is in ecstasy during lovemaking may be generally
higher than when she is younger or older. On the other hand, when a man
is young, his partner's prior belief that he is in ecstasy may be
higher than when he is either middle-aged or older. In the model, the
man or woman's equilibrium probability of faking depends on his or
her partner's prior belief. In particular, the model predicts that
younger men are less likely to fake than middle-aged or older men, and
middle-aged women are less likely to fake than younger or older women.
One more factor may be crucial in determining the amount of
deception between a man and woman: love. "It was the men I deceived
the most that I loved the most" wrote the French author Duras (1990, 203). But what is love? In the model, we formalize love as a
mixture of altruism and demand for togetherness. We show that love
alters the man and the woman's payoff functions in a way that
increases their equilibrium probability of faking.
The model's predictions are tested on data gathered from the
2000 Orgasm Survey. In the survey, people were directly asked whether
they had ever faked an orgasm in their current relationship, whether
they believe they can tell whether their partner is faking, and whether
they believe their partner can tell whether they are faking. People were
also asked their age and education level as well as questions related to
how much love they feel for their partner. Twenty-seven percent of men
in the sample report having faked. Moreover, while 74% of women in the
sample report having faked, only 55% of men in the sample believe they
can tell whether their partner is faking, which suggests that, while
most women have faked, not all men are confident it has never happened
to them.
Moreover, the data support most of the other predictions of the
rational model: men and women who believe their partner can tell whether
they are faking are less likely to fake; men and women who love their
partner are more likely to fake; men who are closer to age 18 are less
likely to fake than men who are older; and, among women who are in love,
those who are closer to age 30 are less likely to fake than those who
are younger or older. In addition, the data reveal an interesting
positive relationship between education and the tendency to fake in both
men and women.
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. Section II
discusses related economic literature. Section III develops the
signaling model of rational lovemaking. In Section IV, the model is
solved and the resulting testable predictions are highlighted. Section V
contains a description of the data and variables that are used to test
the predictions of the theory. Section VI contains the empirical model.
In Section VII, the empirical results are compared with the theory.
Section VIII summarizes key findings and concludes.
This paper is an application to the study of human sexuality of the
economic approach to human behavior pioneered by Becker (1976). We
postulate that even in intimate relations, people make choices that
maximize their expected payoff as they conceive it, whether they be
selfish or loving. The resulting model yields testable predictions about
how lovemaking behavior depends on the characteristics of individuals
and their lovemaking environment.
Surprisingly, applications of economics to human sexuality are
sparse. Existing papers include Allen and Brinig (1998) on sex drive and
bargaining power within the family, Oettinger (1999) on sex education
and teen sexual activity, Rasmusen (2002) and Elmslie and Tebaldi (2008)
on adultery, Francis (2008) on homosexuality, and Morrow and Sivan
(2006) on casual sex. None of the existing papers model signaling
aspects of lovemaking, the focus of this study.
The theory of signaling is well developed in economics. Spence (1973) developed the classic model of education as a signal of ability
in the job market. Recently, signaling theory has been applied to shed
light on a number of other interesting behavioral phenomena, including
the "too cool for school" phenomenon (Feltovich, Harbaugh, and
To 2002), the "acting white" phenomenon (Fryer 2005), and the
"false modesty" phenomenon (Harbaugh and To 2008). However,
none of the existing papers has explored the "faking it"
phenomenon that we explore here.
Lastly, note that one of the interesting contributions of the
present paper is a formal characterization of love. In economics, love
has usually been modeled as altruism. Becker (1974) defined parental
love as altruism to derive his famous Rotten Kid Theorem. Bergstrom
(1989) defined romantic love as altruism to pose a puzzle about the
allocation of spaghetti between lovers. The present paper defines
romantic love more generally as a mixture of altruism and demand for
Consider signaling games [GAMMA].sub.s,r] with players s, r [member
of] {Harry,Sally}, s [not equal to] r, where player s is the sender and
player r is the receiver. Nature starts by choosing whether or not
sender s is in ecstasy. The prior probability that sender s is in
ecstasy is [[alpha].sub.s] [member of] (0, 1). Sender s then learns
whether or not he or she is in ecstasy and chooses whether to moan or to
remain silent. Not knowing whether or not s is in ecstasy, but observing
whether s is moaning or silent, receiver r then chooses whether to act
as though s is in ecstasy (this could involve feeling worthy and forging
ahead) or to act as though s is not in ecstasy (this could involve
feeling inadequate and shying away).
For simplicity, we make a "no quiet orgasms" assumption.
That is, we assume that s never remains silent (always moans) when in
ecstasy. Given this assumption, if s remains silent, then r knows for
certain that s is not in ecstasy and therefore always acts as though s
is not in ecstasy.
Sender s chooses whether to moan when not in ecstasy, the Fake
strategy, or remain silent when not in ecstasy, the Honest strategy.
Receiver r chooses whether to act as though s is in ecstasy when s is
moaning, the Confident strategy, or act as though s is not in ecstasy
when s is moaning, the Insecure strategy.
The prior that s is in ecstasy, [[alpha].sub.s], is assumed to
depend, inter alia, on s's biological age. As discussed in the
introduction, the sex drives of men and women vary in different ways
over the life cycle. It is taken as stylized facts that the lifetime
evolutions of Harry and Sally's sex drives resemble those drawn in
Figure 1. (2)
Harry's sex drive is higher when he is young than when he is
middle-aged or old, while Sally's sex drive is higher when she is
middle-aged than when she is young or old. Thus, in game
[GAMMA].sub.Halry,Sally], the prior belief that Harry is in ecstasy
during lovemaking, [[alpha].sub.Harry], is assumed to be higher when
Harry is young than when he is either middle-aged or older. On the other
hand, in game [GAMMA].sub.Sally,Harry], the prior belief that Sally is
in ecstasy is assumed to be higher when Sally is middle-aged than when
she is young or old.
A. Sender and Receiver Payoffs
Let [[bar.c].sub.s], denote the sender's cost of faking, which
includes the physical difficulties of faking and the expected
awkwardness if the receiver realizes the moaning is fake. Naturally, we
assume [[bar.c].sub.Harry] > [[bar.c].sub.Sally]. Let [[bar.v].sub.r]
denote the receiver's utility from the sender's moaning, which
is experienced whether the moaning is real or fake. Ecstasy may produce
moaning, but moaning may also multiply the ecstasy. Through this
parameter, ecstasy is also to some extent endogenous in the model.
Let [[bar.e].sup.1.sub.r] denote the receiver's disutility from mistakenly acting insecure and [[bar.e].sup.2.sub.r] denote the
receiver's disutility from mistakenly acting confident. When the
receiver takes a mistaken action, there is a chance that the receiver
subsequently discovers the mistake and feels the associated remorse or
embarrassment. Let [[bar.e].sup.1.sub.s] denote the sender's
disutility from the receiver mistakenly acting insecure and
[[bar.e].sup.2.sub.s] denote the sender's disutility from the
receiver mistakenly acting confident. Indeed, one reason not to fake it
is that the other might believe it, which would deny him the feedback he
needs to improve.
We have five possible outcomes: (Ecstasy/ Moan, Confident),
(Ecstasy/Moan, Insecure), (No ecstasy/Fake, Confident), (No
ecstasy/Fake, Insecure), and (No ecstasy/Honest, Insecure). (3) The
payoffs for (Ecstasy/Moan, Confident) are 0 for the sender s and
[[bar.v].sub.r] for the receiver r. The payoffs for (Ecstasy/Moan,
Insecure) are [[bar.e].sup.1.sub.s] for the sender and [[bar.v].sub.r] -
[[bar.e].sup.1.sub.r] for the receiver. The payoffs for (No
ecstasy/Fake, Confident) are [[bar.c].sub.s] - [[bar.e].sup.2.sub.s] for
the sender and [[bar.v].sub.r] - [[bar.e].sup.2.sub.r] for the receiver.
The payoffs for (No ecstasy/Fake, Insecure) are -[[bar.c].sub.s] for the
sender and [[bar.v].sub.r] for the receiver. The payoffs for (No
ecstasy/Honest, Insecure) are 0 for the sender and receiver.
The normal form of the games [[GAMMA].sub.s,r], s, r [member of]
{Harry,Sally}, s [not equal to] r, is given in Table 1. Player s is the
row player and player r is the column player.
B. What's Love Got to Do With It?
The sender and receiver's payoffs also depend on whether they
are in love. We formalize love in the model as part caring and part
demand for togetherness. To the extent that the sender and receiver care
for each other, the receiver does not like it when the sender has to
incur a cost of faking, and the sender likes it when the receiver enjoys
the sender's moaning. Moreover, to the extent that the sender and
receiver have a demand for togetherness, the sender does not mind as
much if the receiver is mistakenly confident (feeling worthy), and the
receiver does not mind as much if he or she is mistakenly confident (not
Let [[kappa].sub.s] denote the sender's care for the receiver
and [[kappa].sub.r] denote the receiver's care for the sender,
where [[kappa].sub.s], [[kappa].sub.r] [member of] [0, 1], and let
[[tau].sub.s] denote the sender's demand for togetherness with the
receiver and [[tau].sub.r] denote the receiver's demand for
togetherness with the sender, where [[tau].sub.s], [[tau].sub.r] [member
of] [0, 1].
Defined in these terms, love alters payoffs as follows. The payoffs
for (Ecstasy/Moan, Confident) are now [[kappa].sub.s][[bar.v].sub.r] for
the sender s and [[bar.v].sub.r] for the receiver r. The payoffs for
(Ecstasy/Moan, Insecure) are -[[bar.e].sup.1.sub.s] +
[[kappa].sub.s][[bar.v].sub.r] - [[kappa].sub.s][[bar.e].sup.1.sub.r]
for the sender and [[bar.v].sub.r] - [[bar.e].sup.1.sub.r] -
[[kappa].sub.s][[bar.e].sup.1.sub.s] for the receiver. The payoffs for
(No ecstasy/Fake, Confident) are - [[bar.c].sub.s] - (1 -
[[tau].sub.s])[[bar.e].sup.2.sub.s] + [[kappa].sub.s][[bar.v].sub.r] -
[[kappa].sub.s] (1 - [[tau].sub.r])[[bar.e].sup.2.sub.s] for the sender
and [[bar.v].sub.r] - (1 - [[tau].sub.r])[[bar.e].sup.2.sub.r] -
[[kappa].sub.r][[bar.c].sub.s] - [[kappa].sub.r](1 -
[[tau].sub.s])[[bar.e].sup.2.sub.s] for the receiver. The payoffs for
(No ecstasy/Fake, Insecure) are -[[bar.c].sub.s] +
[[kappa].sub.s][[bar.v].sub.r] for the sender and [[bar.v].sub.r] -
[[kappa].sub.r][[bar.c].sub.s] for the receiver. The payoffs for (No
ecstasy/Honest, Insecure) remain at 0 for the sender and receiver.
With love, the normal form of the games is given in Table 2, where
[[alpha].sub.s] is the prior that the sender is in ecstasy. Note that
the games in Table 2 simplify to the games in Table 1 when the caring
and togetherness parameters, [kappa] and [tau], are all set equal to
The following proposition analyzes the Nash equilibria of the games
in Table 2.
PROPOSITION 1. Consider the games [[GAMMA].sub.s,r], s, r [member
of] {Harry, Sally}, s [not equal to] r, in Table 2, and let
(1) If [[kappa].sub.s][[bar.v].sub.r] < [[bar.c].sub.s], the
unique equilibrium is (Honest, Confident).
(2) Suppose that [[kappa].sub.s][[bar.v].sub.r] >
[[bar.c].sub.s] + (1 - [[tau].sub.s])[[bar.e].sup.2.sub.s] +
[[kappa].sub.s](1 - [[tau].sub.r])[[bar.e].sup.2.sub.r].
(a) If [[alpha].sub.s] > [[??].sub.s], the unique equilibrium is
(Fake, Confident).
(b) If [[alpha].sub.s] < [[??].sub.s], the unique equilibrium is
(Fake, Insecure).
(3) Suppose now that [[bar.c].sub.s] <
[[kappa].sub.s][[bar.c].sub.r] < [[bar.c].sub.s] + (1 -
[[tau].sub.s]) [[bar.e].sup.2.sub.s] + [[kappa].sub.s](1 -
(a) If [[alpha].sub.s] > [[??].sub.s], the unique equilibrium is
(Honest, Confident).
(b) If [[alpha].sub.s] < [[??].sub.s], the pure-strategy
equilibria are (Fake, Insecure) and (Honest, Confident), and there is
also a mixed-strategy equilibrium in which the sender randomizes between
Fake and Honest and the receiver randomizes between Confident and
Proof See Mathematical Appendix. []
The only equilibria that can arise are (Honest, Confident), (Fake,
Insecure), (Fake, Confident) and/or a randomization between (Honest,
Confident) and (Fake, Insecure). (Honest, Confident) is the unique
equilibrium for any value of the prior [[alpha].sub.s] in the parameter
range [[kappa].sub.s][[bar.v].sub.r] < [[bar.c].sub.s], and this
parameter range is larger if the cost of faking [[bar.c].sub.s] is
higher. Thus, we have a first prediction:
TP1. A higher cost of faking lowers the likelihood of faking for
both women and men.
The prior [[alpha].sub.s] only affects whether or not Fake is part
of the equilibrium set if [[bar.c].sub.s] <
[[kappa].sub.s][[bar.v].sub.r] < [[bar.c].sub.s] + (1 -
[[tau].sub.s])[[bar.e].sup.2.sub.s] + [[kappa].sub.s](1 -
[[tau].sub.r])[[bar.e].sup.2].sub.r]. In this case, (Fake, Insecure) is
an equilibrium only if [[alpha].sub.s] is sufficiently low; otherwise,
(Honest, Confident) is the unique equilibrium. As argued previously,
[[alpha].sub.s] is lower for middle-aged and old men than for young men
and is lower for young and old women than for middle-aged women. Thus,
we have two more predictions:
TP2. Middle-aged and old men are more likely to fake than young
TP3. Young and old women are more likely to fake than middle-aged
The only parameter range in which (Honest, Confident) is the unique
equilibrium, [[kappa].sub.s][[bar.v].sub.r] < [[bar.c].sub.s], is
smaller if caring [[kappa].sub.s] is higher. Moreover, the only
parameter range in which Fake is part of the unique equilibrium for any
value of the prior [[alpha].sub.s], [[kappa].sub.s][[bar.v].sub.r] >
[[bar.c].sub.s] + (1 - [[tau].sub.s])[[bar.e].sup.2.sub.s] +
[[kappa].sub.s](1 - [[tau].sub.s])[[bar.e].sup.2.sub.r], is larger if
demands for togetherness "t~ and "Or are higher. Thus, we have
a fourth prediction:
TP4. Love increases the likelihood of faking for both women and
Data that can be used to test the predictions of the model were
gathered from the 2000 Orgasm Survey (the name of the survey is
chronological, not quantitative). The survey was devised by the
professional psychologists and statisticians of PsychTests, a firm that
specializes in online testing for academic and business purposes. (4)
The online survey was answered voluntarily and anonymously. People were
asked a variety of questions concerning their sexual experiences in
their current or most recent relationship. Several of the questions
addressed the subject of faking orgasm.
Those people who were drawn to answer the survey might have also
been those who have a greater tendency to fake or who are more
suspicious that their partner is faking. Thus, the following results may
contain a selection bias because of the sampling procedure.
Table 3 contains a description of the key variables that were
constructed from the survey. The variable Fake is the main dependent
variable. The variable BelieveConfident is a proxy for the probability
of being caught faking, insofar as people can accurately guess whether
their partner can tell if they are faking.
The variable Altruism is a possible measure of altruism. If people
express a strong preference for their partner's sexual pleasure,
this might suggest that they care for their partner. However, it might
also suggest that they want to demonstrate their own sexual prowess.
With this caveat, Altruism will serve as our measure of the parameter K
in our model.
A measure of the demand for togetherness parameter [tau] in the
model is also available. In the model, demand for togetherness reduces
the sender's disutility from the receiver's mistaken
confidence and reduces the receiver's disutility from his or her
own mistaken confidence. This second effect is captured by the variable
Togetherness in Table 3. Respondents were asked how they would feel
about their partner faking an orgasm. If they expressed negative
feelings toward their partner (Angry, Deceived, Ridiculed, Inadequate,
Betrayed, Appalled) at the prospect of their partner faking, this
suggests that their disutility from their own mistaken confidence is
high. If they expressed negative feelings toward themselves
(Embarrassed, Guilty, Bad for my partner) or positive feelings toward
their partner (Flattered, Happy), this suggests that their disutility
from their own mistaken confidence is low.
We restrict the sample to heterosexuals 18 years of age and over.
(5) We also eliminate from the sample any person who either never had
sex before, is currently inactive (and working on memory), or is
currently having sex with multiple partners.
Table 4 contains summary statistics for each of the variables in
Table 3 except for those relating to love. Interestingly, Table 4
reveals that 74% of women and 27% of men have faked an orgasm in their
current or most recent relationship. On the other hand, 75% of women and
55% of men believe they could tell if their current or most recent
partner had faked an orgasm. Not all women fake and definitely not all
men are confident, which provides some evidence against Sally's
claim in the movie When Harry Met Sally (reproduced at the start of the
Notice also that 66% of men believe that their partners can tell
whether they are faking, versus only 25% of women. These data suggest
that the probability of being caught faking is much greater for men than
for women, which explains why the percent of men who report having faked
is much lower than the percent of women who report this.
Table 5 contains summary statistics for each of the variables
relating to love in Table 3. Note that 45% of men, compared to only 43%
of women, say that it is extremely important that their partner reaches
orgasm. However, the chi-square test does not reject the hypothesis that
altruism is independent of gender. On the other hand, only 44% of women,
compared to 52% of men, express negative feelings toward their partner
at the prospect of their partner faking. Thus, the data suggest that
women have a greater demand for togetherness than men, in the sense that
they would be less devastated than men if they were to discover that
their confidence was misplaced.
The sample is divided into two groups: W. the set of women, and M,
the set of men. Variations on the following basic empirical model for
women are estimated:
[PHI] is the cumulative normal distribution, and Equation (1) is a
probit model. The variables Togetherness and Altruism will serve as
proxies for love. The variables [D.sub.1] and [D.sub.2] are dummies,
where [D.sub.1] = 1 if [a.sup.*.sub.w] [greater than or equal to] Age,
and [D.sub.2] = 1 if Age [greater than or equal to] [a.sup.*.sub.w]. The
parameter [a.sup.*.sub.w] is the woman's lifetime peak of sex
drive. The sex literature discussed in the introduction suggests that
women reach their peak sex drive around the age of 30. Therefore, we let
[a.sup.*.sub.w] = 30. The vector [Y.sub.w] is a vector of controls which
includes the variables Education, AgeLostVirginity, UtilityFake, and
Variations of the following basic empirical model for men are also
The parameter [a.sup.*.sub.m] is the man's lifetime peak of
sex drive. The sex literature discussed in the introduction suggests
that men reach their lifetime peak of sex drive in their late teens.
Therefore, we let [a.sup.*.sub.m] = 18. The vector [Y.sub.m] contains
the same controls as in [Y.sub.w].
Table 6 presents the marginal effects for regressions (1) and (2).
The coefficients on the BelieveConfident variable are negative and
statistically significant in all four columns. Men and women who believe
that their partners can tell if they are faking are significantly less
likely to fake than men and women who believe that their partners cannot
tell if they are faking. This finding is consistent with the theoretical
model's prediction that an increase in the cost of faking reduces
the probability of faking (TP1).
The coefficients on the Age--18 variable for men (in the last two
columns) are positive and statistically significant. Men who are closer
to age 18 are less likely to fake than men who are older. This result is
consistent with prediction TP2 of the theoretical model.
The coefficients on the [D.sub.1] x (30--Age) variable for women
(in the first two columns) are negative and statistically significant;
the coefficients on [D.sub.2] x (Age--30) (in the first two columns) are
positive but not statistically significant; and the coefficients on
[D.sub.1] x (30--Age) x Altruism 1 and [D.sub.2] x (Age--30) x Altruism
1 (in the second column) are positive and significant. Among women who
are not in love, those who are closer to age 30 are more likely to fake
than those who are younger. However, among women who are in love, women
who are closer to age 30 are less likely to fake than women who are
either younger or older. Thus, the results are partly consistent with
prediction TP3 of the theoretical model.
The coefficients on the Togetherness variable are positive and
statistically significant in all four columns. Men and women who have a
greater demand for togetherness are more likely to fake. The coefficient
on the Altruism variables are positive and statistically significant in
the first two columns (for women). Women who care about their
partner's sexual pleasure are more likely to fake. These results
are consistent with the theoretical model's prediction that love
increases the probability of faking (TP4).
Lastly, the coefficients on the Education variable are positive and
statistically significant in three of the four columns and positive and
nearly statistically significant in the other column. Men and women with
more education are more likely to fake. Even this result may not be
inconsistent with a rational model. Lovemaking takes time and people
with more education may have a higher opportunity cost of time and may
therefore be more likely to fake just to get it over with, perhaps so
they can return to writing papers!
This paper applied rational choice theory to the study of an
interesting aspect of human sexuality, faking ecstasy in lovemaking.
Lovemaking was modeled as a signaling game, and it was shown that the
equilibrium probability of faking is decreasing in the cost of faking
and increasing in the strength of love (formally defined as a mixture of
caring and demand for togetherness). These predictions were tested with
available survey data. In accordance with the theory, measures of love
were found to be positively correlated, whereas measures of faking costs
were found to be negatively correlated, with faking.
Overall, we found that the rational model performs quite well--even
in the bedroom. In future work, it would be interesting to test the
predictions of the model experimentally!
Proof of Proposition l
From the normal form in Table 2, we find that the receiver's
best response to the sender choosing Honest is always to choose
Confident. The receiver's best response to the sender choosing Fake
is to choose Confident iff
On the other hand, the sender's best response to the receiver
choosing Confident is to choose Honest iff
[[kappa].sub.s][[bar.v].sub.r] < [[bar.c].sub.s] + (1 -
[[tau].sub.s])[[bar.e].sup.2.sub.s] + [[kappa].sub.s](1 -
The sender's best response to the receiver choosing Insecure
is to choose Honest iff
[[kappa].sub.s][[bar.v].sub.r] < [[bar.c].sub.s].
Therefore, if [[kappa].sub.s][[bar.v].sub.r] < [[bar.c].sub.s],
then the only mutual best response or Nash equilibrium is (Honest,
Confident); if [[kappa].sub.s][[bar.v].sub.r] < [[bar.c].sub.s] + (1
- [[tau].sub.s])[[bar.e].sup.2.sub.s] + [[kappa].sub.s](1 -
[[tau].sub.r])[[bar.e].sup.2.sub.r], then if [[alpha].sub.s] >
[[??].sub.s], the only equilibrium is (Fake, Confident), and if
[[alpha].sub.s] < [[??].sub.s], the only equilibrium is (Fake,
Insecure); and if [[bar.c].sub.s < [[kappa].sub.s][[bar.v].sub.r]
< [[bar.c].sub.s], + (1 - [[tau].sub.r])[[bar.e].sup.2.sub.r], then
if [[alpha].sub.s] > [[??].sub.s], the only equilibrium is (Honest,
Confident), and if [[alpha].sub.s] < [[??].sub.s], there are two
pure-strategy equilibria, (Fake, Insecure) and (Honest, Confident), and
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(1.) One explanation is hormones. Levels of the 17ketosteroids rise
sharply in females during the late teens, peak somewhere in the mid-20s,
drop sharply until the mid30s, stay constant until the late 50s, then
drop further. On the other hand, the male sex hormone testosterone is at
its highest during the late teens and early 20s, then gradually falls
over the remainder of a man's lifetime.
(2.) Allen and Brinig (1998) analyze the implications of these
stylized facts for divorce. They argue that the spouse having the lowest
demand for sex at any time in the marriage has a property right over the
occurrence of sex. For this reason, the wife may have more bargaining
power at the margin in young couples, while the husband may have more
bargaining power at the margin in middle-aged couples.
(3.) The (No ecstasy/Honest. Confident) outcome is ruled out by the
"no quiet orgasms" assumption.
(4.) See website: The data from the survey are
available from the author upon request.
(5.) The theoretical model could be modified to address faking
behavior in gay and lesbian couples. This would be an interesting avenue
for future research.
* I am deeply indebted to Sue Mialon, Yoram Bauman, three anonymous
referees, Dan Hamermesh, Preston McAfee, Handle Peng, Douglas Bemheim,
Tyler Cowen, Steven Landsburg, Max Stinchcombe, Tom Wiseman, and seminar
participants at the Humor Session of the 2010 Meeting of the American
Economic Association for wonderfully helpful comments.
Mialon: Associate Professor, Department of Economics, Emory
University, Atlanta, GA 30322 2240. Phone 404-408-8333, Fax
404-727-4639, E-mail hmialon@
doi: 10.1111/j.1465-7295.2011.00379.x
Normal Form of the Games [[GAMMA].sub.s,r], s, r [member of]
{Harry, Sally}, s [not equal to] r, with Love
Confident Insecure
Fake [[alpha].sub.s] [0] + (1 - [[alpha].sub.s]
[[alpha].sub.s]) [-[[bar.e].sup.1.sub.s]] +
[-[[bar.c].sub.s] - (1 - [[alpha].sub.s])
[[[bar.e].sup.2.sub.s], [-[[bar.c].sub.s]],
[[alpha].sub.s] [[alpha].sub.s]
[[[bar.v].sub.s]] + (1 - [[[bar.v].sub.r]] -
[[alpha].sub.s]) [[bar.e].sup.1.sub.r] +
[-[[bar.v].sub.r] - (1 - [[alpha].sub.s])
[[bar.e].sup.2.sub.r]] [[[bar.v].sub.r]]
Honest [[alpha].sub.s][0] + (1 - [[alpha].sub.s]
[[alpha].sub.s])[0], [-[[bar.e].sup.1.sub.s]] +
[[alpha].sub.s] (1 - [[alpha].sub.s])[0],
[[[bar.v].sub.r]] + (1 - [[alpha].sub.s]
[[alpha].sub.s]) [0] [[[bar.v].sub.r] -
[[bar.e].sup.1.sub.r]] +
(1 - [[alpha].sub.s])[0]
Normal Form of the Games [[GAMMA].sub.s,r], s, r [member of]
{Harry, Sally}, s [not equal to] r, with Love
Confident Insecure
Fake [[alpha].sub.s] [[alpha].sub.s]
[[kappa].sub.s] [[-[[bar.e].sup.1.sub.s] +
[[bar.v].sub.r]] + (1 - [[kappa].sub.s]
[[alpha].sub.s]) [- [[bar.v].sub.r] -
[[bar.c].sub.s] -(1 - [[kappa].sub.s]
[[tau].sub.s]) [[bar.e].sup.1.sub.s]
[[bar.e].sup.2.sub.s] - + (1 -[[alpha].sub.s])
[[kappa].sub.s] [-[[bar.c].sub.s] +
[[bar.v].sub.r] - [[kappa].sub.s]
[[kappa].sub.s] (1 - [[bar.v].sub.r],
[[tau].sub.r]) [[alpha].sub.s]
[[bar.e].sup.2.sub.r], [[[bar.v].sub.r]
[[alpha].sub.s] -[[bar.e].sup.1.sub.r] -
[[[bar.v].sub.r]] [[kappa].sub.r]
+ (1 -[[alpha].sub.s]) [[bar.e].sup.1.sub.s]] +
[-[[bar.c].sub.s] - (1 - [[alpha].sub.s])
(1 - [[tau].sub.r]) [[[bar.v].sub.r]
[[bar.e].sup.2.sub.r] - - [[kappa].sub.r]
[[kappa].sub.r] (1 - [[bar.c].sub.s]]
Honest [[alpha].sub.s] [[alpha].sub.s] [[-
[[[kappa].sub.s] [[bar.e].sup.1.sub.s] +
[[bar.v].sub.r]] + (1 - [[kappa].sub.s]
[[alpha].sub.s])[0], [[bar.v].sub.r] -
[[alpha].sub.s] [[kappa].sub.s]
[[[bar.v].sub.r]] + (1 - [[bar.e].sup.1.sub.r]
[[alpha].sub.s])[0] + (1 -[[alpha].sub.s])[0],
-[[bar.e].sup.1.sub.r] -
[[bar.e].sup.1.sub.s]] +
(1 - [[alpha].sub.s]) [0]
Description of Key Variables
Notation for Description of Variable Value of Variable
Fake Have you faked an 1 = Yes 0 = No
Confident Can you tell if your 1 = Yes 0 = No
partner is faking?
BelieveConfident Can your partner tell if 1 = Yes 0 = No
you are faking?
Age Age 14 [less than or equal
to] Age [less than or
equal to] 74
Altruism How important is it to 1 = Extremely 0 = o/w
you that your partner (Altruism 1)
reach orgasm?
1 = Very 0 = o/w
(Altruism 2)
1 = Somewhat 0 = o/w
(Altruism 3)
Togetherness How would you feel about 1 = Embarrassed, Guilty,
your partner faking an Bad for partner,
orgasm? Flattered. Happy
0 = Angry, Deceived,
Ridiculed, Inadequate.
Betrayed, Appalled
Utility Fake Would you want your 1 = Yes 0 = No
partner to fake it if
she/he had not
spontaneously reached
AgeLostVirginity How old were you when 14 [less than or equal
you lost your to] Age [less than or
virginity? equal to] 74
SexFrequency How often do you 1 = Never 2 = Several
typically have sex times/day ... 5 = 2-4
(except for solo)? times/week 6 = Once/week
12 = Once/year 13 = Less
Education Formal education 9 = Sec 3 or less = ...
12 High school ...
14 = Some undergrad =
... 16 BA ...
18 = MA = ... 21 Post-
Summary Statistics
Women (N = 3012) Men (N = 1955)
Variable Mean Std. Dev. Mean Std. Dev.
Fake 0.74 0.44 0.27 0.45
Confident 0.75 0.43 0.55 0.50
BelieveConfident 0.25 0.43 0.66 0.47
Age 26.48 7.95 28.54 9.31
Utility Fake 0.04 0.19 0.05 0.23
AgeLostVirginity 16.51 2.44 17.25 3.05
SexFrequency 5.45 1.37 5.58 1.53
Education 13.91 1.90 14.33 2.29
Percent Distributions of Altruism and
How Important Is It to You That Your
Partner Reaches Orgasm? (Altruism) Women Men
Extremely 43.1 45.1
Very 42.4 42.0
Somewhat 13.0 11.6
Not at all 1.5 1.3
How Would You Feel about Your
Partner Faking? (Togetherness) Women Men
Embarrassed, Guilty, Bad for partner, 56.1 47.9
Flattered, Happy
Angry, Deceived, Ridiculed, Inadequate, 43.9 52.1
Betrayed, Appalled
Marginal Effects on the Probability of Faking
Women (N = 3012)
(1) (2)
BelieveConfident -0.2975 -0.2968
(0.0204) ** (0.0204) **
Utility Fake 0.1632 0.1632
(0.0280) ** (0.0280) **
Togetherness 0.1061 0.1059
(0.0166) ** (0.0166) **
Altruism 1 0.2140 0.1220
(0.0552) * (0.0651) *
Altruism 2 0.1789 0.1756
(0.0558) ** (0.0560) **
Altruism 3 0.1277 0.1262
(0.0460) * (0.0463) **
[D.sub.1] x (30-Age) -0.0078 -0.0134
(0.0022) ** (0.0028) **
[D.sub.2] x (Age-30) 0.0021 -0.0017
(0.0022) (0.0027)
(Age - 18)
[D.sub.1] x (30-Age) x Altruism 1 0.0135
(0.0043) **
[D.sub.2] x (Age-30) x Altruism 1 0.0104
(0.0046) **
(Age - 18) x Altruism 1
AgeLostVirginity -0.0188 -0.0185
(0.0033) ** (0.0033) **
Education 0.0078 0.0073
(0.0045) * (0.0045)
Pseudo-[R.sup.2] 0.1145 0.1175
Men (N = 1955)
(3) (4)
BelieveConfident -0.2237 -0.2234
(0.0224) ** (0.0224) **
Utility Fake 0.0981 0.0961
(0.0490) ** (0.0490) **
Togetherness 0.0652 0.0651
(0.0208) ** (0.0208) **
Altruism 1 -0.0017 0.0173
(0.0859) (0.0887)
Altruism 2 -0.0213 -0.0238
(0.0854) (0.0853)
Altruism 3 -0.0671 -0.0694
(0.0792) (0.0788)
[D.sub.1] x (30-Age)
[D.sub.2] x (Age-30)
(Age-18) 0.0047 0.0055
(0.0012) ** (0.0015) **
[D.sub.1] x (30-Age) x Altruism 1
[D.sub.2] x (Age-30) x Altruism 1
(Age - 18) x Altruism 1 -0.0020
AgeLostVirginity -0.0164 -0.0164
(0.0036) ** (0.0036) **
Education 0.0129 0.0128
(0.0046) ** (0.0046) **
Pseudo-[R.sup.2] 0.0735 0.0739
Notes: Standard errors are in parenthesis. All regressions also
control for Sex Frequency.
* Significance at the 10% level.
** Significance at the 5% level.