Alternative paths to parenthood: IVF or child adoption?
Gumus, Gulcin ; Lee, Jungmin
Infertility, defined as the inability to conceive after 1 year of
unprotected intercourse, is recognized as a medical condition. In the
United States, infertility is a growing problem: over the last several
decades, age-related infertility has become increasingly prevalent as a
relatively larger portion of women has deferred childbearing due to
effective birth
control methods, safe and legal abortions, better access to college
education, and greater participation in the labor market (Angrist and
Evans 1999; Buckles 2008; Caucutt, Guner, and Knowles 2002; Goldin and
Katz 2002; Kane and Staiger 1996).
Individuals with fertility problems who want to have children have
two main alternatives: adoption and infertility treatment. (1) Chandra
et al. (2005) use data from the 2002 National Survey of Family Growth
(NSFG) to show that about 57% of women who received infertility
treatment also considered adoption or actively sought to adopt a child.
Infertility is an important factor in determining the demand for
adoption. Married childless couples are more likely to seek adoption,
and adoption is more prevalent among women who have used infertility
services (Bernal et al. 2008; Chandra et al. 2005). Our calculations
using the 2002 NSFG show that, among the women who are seeking to adopt,
a third have also sought medical assistance to get pregnant. Some
individuals choose to pursue infertility treatments and child adoption
concurrently. Among women who are currently pursuing medical help to get
pregnant, about 7% are also concurrently seeking to adopt an unrelated
child. Conversely, among those who are seeking to adopt an unrelated
child, about 20% are also pursuing medical help to get pregnant. (2) The
extent to which individuals view child adoption and infertility
treatment as alternatives is an empirical question with important
economic, social, and public health implications. In this article, we
investigate the substitutability between assisted reproductive
technology (ART) and child adoption. To the best of our knowledge, no
prior study in the literature provides a formal empirical investigation
of these two alternative paths to parenthood.
The main motivation for this study is the recently increasing trend
in ART use in the United States. Since the beginning of the 1980s,
diagnostic and treatment options for infertility have advanced
dramatically in effectiveness and availability. As a result, Americans
have been utilizing more and more ART, mostly in the form of in vitro
fertilization (IVF). In 1995, an estimated 6.7 million women had
impaired fecundity, of which 42% had received some form of infertility
services (Stephen and Chandra 2000). In 2002, an estimated 7.3 million
women had fecundity problems, and about 45% had received some form of
medical assistance (Chandra et al. 2005). The most commonly used
infertility services are noninvasive methods such as medical advice,
infertility testing, and ovulation drugs. IVF is characterized as
"a last resort" that is generally pursued only after other
diagnostic problems are solved and less invasive approaches have failed
(Staniec and Webb 2007). ART, including IVF, is used by less than 2. Van
Den Akker (2001) analyzes whether individuals in the United Kingdom
first pursue IVF, adoption, or both simultaneously, among other options.
He concludes that first actions varied greatly depending on whether the
individuals suffered from female or male subfertility, or both. 1% of
women, but the number of children conceived through ART is quite high.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports indicate
that the number of babies conceived using ART has more than doubled from
20,840 in 1996 to 54,656 in 2006 (CDC 2008).
In addition to the increased effectiveness and availability of ART,
improved access due to infertility insurance coverage has contributed to
the upward trend in ART utilization. In the late 1980s and early 1990s,
some states enacted health insurance mandates for infertility treatment.
Currently, 15 states require health insurance plans to provide some form
of coverage for infertility treatment. ART use lends itself to
controversies over who should have access to such technologies, who
should pay for the treatments, and whether the practices and providers
should be regulated. Most recently, a mother in California, who already
had six young children conceived through IVF, gave birth to octuplets
with the help of IVF. This incident sparked a discussion on the ethics
of ART and whether the practice of ART should be regulated (Archibold
2009). Bioethicists who argue in favor of such rules point out that
child adoption and foster care are more strictly regulated than
infertility treatment (Caplan 2009).
Despite the technological advances, ART remains a risky, complex,
and expensive endeavor. Such infertility treatments are costly both in
terms of money and time. The total cost of a successful delivery using
IVF ranged between $44,000 and $211,940 in 1992 (Neumann et al. 1994),
and the average cost was estimated at more than $50,000 in 2001 (Collins
2001). ART may also have significant adverse health effects on both the
mothers and babies, especially due to the increased prevalence of
multiple gestations. In particular, triplet and higher order multiple
pregnancies lead to a greater chance of complications such as
prematurity and maternal morbidity (Van Voorhis 2007). Between 1980 and
1997, the number of live babies born annually from twin gestation rose
by 52%, while the number of high-order multiple births increased by
404%; these growth rates are mostly attributed to ART (NCHS 1999).
Bitler (2008) estimates that the additional hospital costs associated
with a national mandate covering infertility treatment would be $334
million in 2000 dollars due to the expected increase in the number of
twin births alone.
While ART use has increased, the number of adoptions has remained
relatively flat. Recently, Bernal et al. (2008) provide descriptive
evidence suggesting that these advances in ART may be linked to
reductions in the demand for domestic infants. Calculating the ratio of
women who delivered their own biological children with ART to the women
who adopted unrelated children domestically, they show that this ratio
has continuously increased from 15% in 1992 to 34% in 1996 and 60% in
2002. According to the U.S. Children's Bureau, about 51,000
children were adopted in 2006. However, every year thousands more
children wait to be adopted. The estimated number of children in foster
care waiting to be adopted was about 129,000 in 2006 (US DHHS 2008). The
discrepancy between the number of children waiting to be adopted and the
number actually adopted is both because the adoptive matching of parents
and children requires considerable time and resources, and because the
demand for adoption remains insufficient (Hansen and Hansen 2006). The
shortage of adoptive parents is a social concern as childhood at foster
care is associated with poor lifetime outcomes (Blome 1997; Doyle 2007).
In light of these recent trends in the adoption and ART markets,
the research question that forms the focus of this study is whether
these two markets are related to each other. Specifically, we attempt to
estimate the causal effects of child adoptions on ART utilization. (3)
This is a policy-relevant question given that some individuals at the
margin might choose adoption over ART due to legislative changes
regarding the adoption of domestic children from foster care. Bernal et
al. (2008) acknowledged that the availability of ART might be partly
responsible for the decline in adoption rates, although not until about
1985, since the first successful IVF was implemented in 1981. They argue
that the effect of ART utilization on the number of children adopted
could be sizeable, but they do not formally estimate this relationship.
Although some individuals might consider adoption as a primary means to
have children, many others might pursue adoption only if they fail to
conceive a child biologically connected to themselves. Even then,
changes in the cost of adoption might influence individuals'
decisions regarding the number of ART cycles attempted before giving up
on this option. We specifically focus on foster care adoptions as public
policy tools are more often used to encourage adoptions from foster
We use multiple data sources to construct state-level panel for
1999-2006. Our empirical results indicate that changes in adoption
markets significantly affect ART utilization. The estimates reveal that
a 10% increase in child adoptions would lead to a 1.3%-1.5% decrease in
the number of ART cycles performed. In our models, we control for
state-specific fixed effects (FE) and also address the potential
simultaneity bias by using an instrumental variables estimation method
(FE-2SLS). As explained in further detail below, we argue that both
estimation methods are likely to provide the lower bounds of the true
effect of adoptions on ART utilization.
We carry out additional analyses according to the ages of the
adopted children and adoptive mothers, and find that the
substitutability is greater for women aged 35 and older and for
adoptions of younger children. Finally, we perform a series of
robustness checks. For example, we provide evidence that the
responsiveness is much larger when we consider international adoptions,
suggesting that ART use is more sensitive to the demand for private
adoption. The results of a falsification test indicate that there is no
relationship between ART markets and adoptions of related children from
foster care.
The rest of the article is organized as follows: Section II
provides a review of the previous literature, and Section III describes
the data used in the analysis. Section IV outlines the empirical
framework and presents the results. Section V concludes.
A. Literature on Child Adoption
Adoption might be less risky than ART as individuals typically end
up with a child at the end of the process. In addition, most of the
costs of adoption are incurred at the end, only when the actual adoption
process has taken place (Neumann 1997). Still, child adoption remains
fairly complex, time-consuming, and uncertain. The cost of child
adoption, beyond the document preparation and legal fees, varies widely
depending on the type of adoption. The U.S. Children's Bureau
reports that foster care adoption costs can be as much as $2,500, while
domestic infant adoption costs range from $5,000 to $40,000, and
international adoption costs range from $7,000 to $30,000 (US DHHS
2004a). Adoptive parents are subject to extensive background
investigations and may face long waiting periods that vary greatly
depending on the circumstances of the child, the birth parents, and the
adoptive parents. Moreover, adoptive parents face risks in terms of the
child's fit within their family. In light of these factors, federal
and state governments support adoptive parents by offering incentives in
the form of tax credits and tax exclusions, as well as adoption
subsidies and reimbursements. (4)
The impact of public policies on foster care, adoption, and child
welfare outcomes have been extensively studied. (5) Such policies date
back to the 1935 Title IV-B of the Social Security Act (SSA) which
"provided federal funding to states for a broad range of preventive
and protective child welfare services for abused and neglected
children" (Allen and Bissell 2004). Next, Title IV-E of the SSA,
introduced with the Adoption Assistance and Child Welfare Act of 1980,
established the federal Foster Care and Adoption Assistance Program.
Avery (1998) provides an overview of the Act, its subsequent amendments,
and its implementations by the states. In the early 1980s, following the
passage of this Act, there was indeed a decline in the number of
children in foster care (Waldfogel 2004).
This trend, however, did not last long. Swann and Sylvester (2006)
report that foster care caseloads more than doubled from 1985 to 2000.
They attribute 31% of this growth to higher female incarcerations and
another 15% to falling welfare benefits. Similarly, Bider et al. (2006)
report that the welfare reforms of the 1990s were associated with more
children living in foster care. In 1997, President Clinton signed the
Adoption and Safe Families Act (ASFA) into law. In addition to other
policy changes, this Act regulated the termination of parental rights
(TPR) in an effort to reduce the likelihood that children stay in foster
care for extended periods of time. A child in foster care cannot be
adopted until the date of TPR. The ASFA seems to have reduced foster
care caseloads by giving states incentives to move children out of
foster care and into adoption or other permanent placements (Swann and
Sylvester 2006). Others have investigated different factors, such as the
increased availability of contraception methods and the legalization of
abortion, that may have influenced the supply of adoptable children and,
eventually, adoption rates (Bernal et al. 2008; Bitler and Zavodny 2002;
Gennetian 1999).
State child welfare agencies offer financial compensation to
adoptive parents in the form of adoption subsidies that are often
financed by contributions from the federal government. Gibbs et al.
(2006) claim subsidies to be "the single-most powerful tool used by
the child welfare system to encourage adoption." Gibbs et al.
(2006) and Hansen (2008a) discuss the wide variation in the design of
states' subsidy programs. Special needs criteria are based on the
child's characteristics and typically include age, race, ethnicity,
sibling groups, and disabilities. Each state sets its criteria within
broad federal guidelines. Researchers have exploited such variation in
adoption subsidies within states over time to evaluate their impact on
adoption outcomes. Using data from the 1996-2003 Adoption and Foster
Care Analysis and Reporting System (AFCARS), Hansen (2007) shows that
federal and state policies promoting the adoption of children from
foster care significantly increase the demand for adoption. She finds
that an increase of $100 in average adoption assistance payments would
reduce the number of children waiting in foster care by almost 4,200 per
State child welfare agencies also offer financial compensation to
foster caregiver families or institutions. These financial incentives
take the form of basic monthly foster care payments. The average figures
indicate that these subsidies compensate foster caregivers about 56%-77%
of their monthly expenditures for a 9- to 11-year-old child, depending
on the level of family income (Doyle and Peters 2007). Hence, the
subsidies constitute a significant portion of the monetary costs
associated with childrearing and seem to improve the placement of foster
children (Doyle and Peters 2007; Duncan and Argys 2007). Not only is
adoption cheaper than foster care (in terms of monthly subsidies), but
it might also yield better outcomes than foster care placement. Barth et
al. (2006) perform a careful comparison of long-term foster care with
adoption using a propensity score matching method. They find that the
cost of foster care to the government is on average twice as much as the
cost of adoption.
Blome (1997) finds that children who age out of foster care are
significantly more likely to have discipline problems in school and drop
out of high school than a matched group of nonfoster care children.
Doyle (2007) also reports significant adverse effects of foster care on
child outcomes for school-age children and youth. Using an instrumental
variable (IV) approach to identify causal effects of foster care on
longterm outcomes, he finds that children in foster care have higher
delinquency rates, higher teen birth rates, and lower earnings compared
to those who remain at home. Another cost-benefit analysis carried out
by Hansen (2008b) indicates that adoptions provide far greater longterm
benefits. Her analysis takes into account a wide range of outcomes
including the child's health, behavior, education, criminal
activity, and employment. The estimated total private benefits range
from $88,000 to $150,000, while the estimated total public benefits are
even higher at about $190,000 to $235,000 in 2000 dollars. Her findings
indicate that, from the public policy point of view, $1 spent on
adoption from foster care yields about $3 in benefits.
B. Literature on ART Utilization
The second strand of literature related to our article is on ART
use, and evaluates how the increased availability of treatments
influences ART utilization, fertility rates, and other outcomes. Most of
these studies exploit the variation in state-level infertility insurance
mandates that mostly took place in the late 1980s and early 1990s, well
before the period of our analysis. While Bitler and Schmidt (2006) do
not find any evidence that the mandates increased ART utilization,
several others claim otherwise (Bundorf et al. 2007; Henne and Bundorf
2008). Some others found that the mandates affected the utilization of
treatments and birth rates for older or more educated women but not
necessarily for the entire female population of childbearing age (Bitler
and Schmidt 2009; Schmidt 2007). Buckles (2007) and Machado and
Sanzde-Galdeano (2009) confirm that the infertility insurance mandates
increased birth rates among older women (ages 35+) but decreased those
for younger women.
Finally, Bitler (2008) analyzes not only fertility but also infant
health outcomes. She shows that the insurance mandates led to
significant increases in the number of twin deliveries. As mentioned
previously, multiple gestations may lead to complications for both the
babies and the mothers. She finds that the mandates increased the use of
infertility treatment by older women, which in turn led to small, albeit
statistically significant, negative impacts on health outcomes for twins
as well as singletons. None of the studies mentioned above focus on how
adoptions and infertility treatment utilization might be related. To our
knowledge, our study is the first to provide empirical evidence on the
links between ART use and child adoption in the context of public
Our empirical analysis uses state-specific longitudinal data from
1999 to 2006. The main variables of interest are the measures of ART
utilization and child adoption. The former come from the national clinic
registry data and were collected as a joint effort by the CDC, the
American Society for Reproductive Medicine, and the Society for ART
(SART). The foster care adoption figures are obtained from the AFCARS.
The analysis also includes several annual, state-specific
characteristics that were collected from various sources. The full list
of sources and summary statistics is depicted in Table 1.
A. ART Utilization
We obtained ART utilization figures from the CDC's annual ART
Reports. (6) These data refer specifically to ART procedures in which a
physician surgically removes a woman's eggs in order to combine
them with sperm and then returns them to her uterus. Among various ART
techniques, IVF is the most common form. According to the 2006 report,
IVF was the method of choice in 99.7% of all types of ART procedures
using fresh non-donor eggs or embryos. Since 1995, each ART clinic that
is a member of SART has been required to report certain indicators
regarding its operations and success rates to the CDC as mandated by the
Fertility Clinic Success Rate and Certification Act of 1992. Each year,
the CDC publishes clinic-level data with a 3-year lag to track the
outcome of the cycles performed.
The ART cycles performed correspond to the year in which they
started. The data include information on the number of cycles performed
as well as pregnancy and birth rates for women in various age groups.
Our key outcome measure is the number of ART cycles performed using
fresh nondonor egg transfers. (7) As shown in Table 1, this measure
displays great variation across states and years. We normalize this
measure (as well as the adoption figures) by the number of women within
the age range 25-44 in each state by year. This is the population
relevant for our purposes as it corresponds to the reproductive-age
women who are most likely to use ART services (Henne and Bundorf 2008).
(8) Specifically, the main ART utilization measure in this article is
the number of ART cycles performed per 1,000 women, which steadily
increased from 1.42 in 1999 to 1.92 in 2006 in our sample.
As part of our empirical analysis, we restrict our attention to
women who are ages 35 or older (35+), given that impaired fecundity
becomes more pronounced well before the onset of menopause. Moreover,
ART is less effective among older women: on average, it takes fewer than
three ART cycles per one live birth when all women are considered, while
about five ART cycles are performed per one live birth among older women
(35+). We construct an additional outcome measure for the number of ART
cycles performed for women who are aged 35 or older and adjust this
measure by the number of women in the age group 35-44. This outcome
measure rose somewhat faster, increasing from 1.40 in 1999 to 1.96 in
2006, with an overall average of 1.72. Finally, we proxy the
availability of ART procedures using the number of ART clinics for a
given state and year (per 1,000 women). (9) The unadjusted annual
average number of clinics, across all states, is about 7.5, and there is
a great deal of variation across states and years. Adjusting this
average for the number of childbearing age women in each state by year
yields about 8.8 clinics for each one million women aged 25-44.
There are a few data limitations that need to be mentioned. First,
the CDC ART reports lack information on individual ART users. As a
result, an increase in the number of cycles performed could be due to an
increase in the number of users and/or a higher number of trials per
user. However, focusing on the number of ART cycles rather than the
number of ART users is more policy relevant as the cost of utilization
depends on the former. Another shortcoming of the CDC ART reports is the
lack of figures on the utilization of infertility treatments other than
ART, such as ovulation stimulating drugs and the surgical repair of
reproductive organs.
Schmidt (2007) reports that most instances of impaired fecundity
are treated by these less invasive therapies with costs ranging from
$200 to $3,000 per treatment. Given the considerably lower cost of such
alternative treatments, individuals with impaired fecundity would
presumably use these kinds of infertility service before considering
adoption or ART. Hence, we do not expect to see any significant
relationship between child adoption and the utilization of infertility
treatments other than ART.
B. Adoption and Foster Care
Data on foster care adoption measures come from the AFCARS, a
federal source of child-specific information on all children covered by
the protections of Title IV-B and Title IV-E of the SSA (NDACAN 2007).
(10) Since 1995, states have been submitting data concerning each child
in foster care and each child who has been adopted under the authority
of the state's child welfare agency to the U.S. Children's
Bureau on a semi-annual basis. (11) The AFCARS database has been
designed to address policy development and program management issues at
both the state and federal levels. It contains one file with the
adoption data and another with the foster care data for each year. The
data These adoptions do not involve a state agency and are not included
in the publicly available version of the data." correspond to the
reporting period of federal fiscal years, starting on October 1st and
ending on September 30th of the following year. (12)
The AFCARS has some limitations. First, in the years prior to
FY1998, some states did not report any adoption or foster care data and
other states have incomplete data. For this reason, our analysis covers
the period from 1999 to 2006, and the panel includes 378 state-year
observations. (13) Second, the adoption figures reflect only the
children adopted under the authority of the state child welfare agency,
which accounts for about a third of all child adoptions in the United
States (US DHHS 2004b). The process of child adoption takes a variety of
forms, as children can be adopted through private or public agencies and
from domestic or international sources. The AFCARS does not contain
figures on international adoptions or domestic private agency adoptions.
Our calculations using the 2007-2008 National Survey of Adoptive Parents
(NSAP) reveal that the share of foster care adoptions is about 37%,
while private agency adoptions constitute 38% of all adoptions, and the
remaining 25% are international adoptions. (14) In what follows, we
provide descriptive statistics based on the NSAP and conjecture that our
estimates using the AFCARS constitute a lower bound of the true effect
of adoption rates on ART use. In addition, we provide evidence to
support this argument using data on international adoptions from the
Department of State.
Despite its shortcomings, the AFCARS is still the only data source
available on adoption figures along with adoption subsidies that are
consistent across states and over time. The adoption file contains
information on adopted children, including their gender, race, birth
date, ethnicity, and prior relationship with the adoptive parents, as
well as limited information on the characteristics of the birth and
adoptive parents. In this article, we consider the number of child
adoptions by unrelated individuals for the main analysis and later
provide a robustness exercise using the number of adoptions by
relatives. Thus, in what follows, adoptions refer to child adoptions
from foster care by unrelated individuals, unless stated otherwise. In
addition to considering all unrelated adoptions, we decompose this
number by the age of the adoptive mother and the age of the adopted
child. The motivation for the subsample of older women (35+) is
explained above. We also study the adopted children who are above age 5
(5+) as an additional subsample. Individuals may pursue ART as a means
to have children both because they might have a stronger preference for
biologically linked children and because they might be particularly
interested in raising an infant. If so, adoptions of younger children
would be considered a more appropriate substitute for ART. We normalize
each of these adoption figures by the number of women (and the number of
women 35+), and these child adoption rates are the primary explanatory
variables in our empirical analysis.
In our sample, the average number of unrelated children adopted
from foster care is 711. The average number of children adopted by older
adoptive mothers (35+) is 562, constituting almost 80% of all adoptions.
The normalized figures indicate that, on average, there is 1.0 child
adopted per 1,000 women (aged 25-44). When we consider adoptions by
older women only, on average, there are 1.5 child adoptions per 1,000
women (aged 35-44). These figures suggest that adoptions are more
popular among older individuals who are more likely to suffer from
impaired fecundity and for whom ART is a relatively more costly and less
successful alternative. During the period we consider, children adopted
under the age of 5 constitute 43% of all adoptions.
Importantly, the AFCARS contains the adoption subsidies provided to
the adoptive parents under adoption assistance agreements. Under such
agreements, adoptive parents may receive monthly payments, medical
coverage, and other services depending on the state and county policies
if they adopt a child who meets certain eligibility requirements.
According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 89% of
all children adopted during FY2006 received adoption subsidies (US DHHS
2008). Most of these subsidies are federally funded under Title IV-E of
the SSA. In addition, state and/or county funded subsidies might be
available even if an adoption does not qualify for the Title IV-E
subsidies. Using the AFCARS figures, which reflect the subsidies
effective at the time the adoption is finalized, we construct average
monthly adoption subsidies (in real 2000 US$100s). (15) The average
monthly adoption subsidy in our sample is about $470. Note that the
adoptive parents continue to receive these subsidies typically until the
child reaches age 18. Thus, they could be sensitive to even small
variations in adoption subsidies.
The AFCARS foster care file contains information on children in
foster care including their gender, birth date, race, ethnicity, and
availability for adoption. As Table 1 indicates, only about 6% of
children in foster care end up being adopted. This is partly due to the
fact that it is not easy to match children in foster care with adoptive
families. More importantly, not all children in foster care are
available for adoption as many are being kept to be reunited with their
biological parents. We construct a measure of the "supply of
adoptable children" using the number of children in foster care
waiting to be adopted (about one-fifth of all children in foster care).
This measure is also adjusted by the number of women in a given state
and year. We use the gender and age composition of these children as
additional identifying variables. As Hansen (2007) points out, the
matching of adoptable children and adoptive parents depends on
"attributes of both the adult population and the population of
waiting children." Therefore, the composition of adoptable children
may he an important factor if adoptive parents seek specific child
C. State-Level Characteristics
In all of our analyses, we include a number of state-level
characteristics to account for the demographic and economic conditions
that could be related to both child adoptions and to ART utilization.
The 2000 Census figures indicate that adopted children are more likely
than biological children to live with white, married couples with higher
educational attainment, home ownership rates, and household income
(Kreider 2003). Similarly, women who utilize infertility treatment have,
on average, higher income and educational attainment, and are more
likely to be white and to have health insurance coverage compared to
other infertile women (Bider and Schmidt 2006; Hammoud et al. 2009;
Staniec and Webb 2007; Stephen and Chandra 2000). Given that the state
FE remove any unobservable time-invariant state-specific factors, the
effects of all these state-specific characteristics are solely
identified via within-state variation over time.
The state-level variables in our analysis include the number of ART
clinics per 1,000 women, the share of the total resident population
covered by private health insurance, the real income per capita, the
percentage share of the total resident population with at least a
college degree, the teen birth rate, the race ratio of the resident
population (defined as blacks over whites), and the ratio of the female
resident population between the ages of 35 and 44 to that between the
ages of 25 and 44. This last variable indicates the portion of females
with deteriorated fecundity among women of childbearing age. Female
labor force participation rates play a crucial role in determining the
demand for children and thus are included as an additional explanatory
variable. We also include a dummy variable that equals one if the state
has adopted health insurance mandates for infertility treatments. Such
mandates provide an exogenous source of variation in the out-of-pocket
cost of ART procedures, but most of the states passed the mandates in
earlier years. During the period of our study, only Louisiana and New
Jersey passed mandates, both in 2001. For this reason, it is not
possible to carry out an alternative analysis of how infertility
insurance mandates influence adoption rates.
A. Empirical Framework
To conceptualize our estimation equations, we first present a
simple framework. Suppose that women of childbearing age in a given
state and year are distributed according to a joint distribution of four
variables, [U.sub.0], [U.sub.b], [U.sub.t], and [U.sub.a]. Let [U.sub.0]
denote the indirect utility of a woman when she remains without a(n
additional) child, and let [U.sub.b], [U.sub.t], and [U.sub.a] denote
the expected utility when she attempts to have an additional child
through natural birth, ART, and adoption, respectively. (16) Next, we
define the following probabilities:
[[pi].sub.0] = Pr([U.sub.0]> [U.sub.b], [U.sub.0] >
[U.sub.t], [U.sub.0] > [U.sub.a])
[[pi].sub.b] = Pr([U.sub.b] > [U.sub.0], [U.sub.b] >
[U.sub.t], [U.sub.b] > [U.sub.a])
[[pi].sub.t] Pr([U.sub.t] > [U.sub.0], [U.sub.t] >
[U.sub.b], [U.sub.t] > [V.sub.a])
[[pi].sub.a] = Pr([U.sub.a] > [U.sub.0], [U.sub.a ]>
[U.sub.b], [U.sub.a] > [U.sub.t]).
Each probability, [[pi].sub.j], represents the proportion of women
who choose option j. (17) Consequently, [[pi].sub.t]N is the number of
women who choose to use ART to have a child, where N is the total number
of childbearing age women in a given state and year. One empirical
implication of this set-up is that a simple cross-sectional relationship
between ART utilization ([[pi].sub.t]) and adoption ([[pi].sub.a]) might
be spurious if the other two probabilities, [[pi].sub.0] and
[[pi].sub.b], are omitted from the analysis. For example, if there is an
increasing trend of childless marriages, this alone will lead to a
positive correlation between [[pi].sub.t] and [[pi].sub.a].
Now suppose that there is an increase in the adoption subsidy (or
any exogenous shock) that makes adoption more attractive than other
options, holding everything else constant. Let s > 0 denote the
corresponding increase in [U.sub.a]. It is difficult to think of any
plausible scenario in which such a change would have an impact on ART
utilization rates except through their effect on child adoptions.
Therefore, there is no reason for [U.sub.j], j [not equal to] a, to
change. The probabilities after the new adoption subsidy can be
expressed as follows:
There are some women who start to seek adoption, (([[pi].sub.0] -
[[pi].sub.'0]) + ([[pi].sub.b] - [[pi].sub.'b]) +
([[pi].sub.t] - [[pi].sub.'t])) N, where ([[pi].sub.'t]-
[[pi].sub.t])N represents those who switch from ART to adoption. The
following term allows us to gauge the degree of substitutability between
ART use and adoption:
The numerator above indicates the percentage change in the number
of women who use ART, while the denominator represents the percentage
change in the number of women who decide to adopt as a result of the
policy change. (18) This term, which can be interpreted as an
elasticity, is what we aim to identify.
The existence of a measurable mass of
([[pi].sub.t]-[[pi].sub.'t])N requires that there are at least some
women who do not have lexicographic preferences, and therefore, may be
willing to switch between ART and adoption. Our calculations using the
2002 NSFG suggest that there might be significant overlaps in the
characteristics of women who seek medical assistance with getting
pregnant and those who adopt an unrelated child. The former are more
likely to be infertile (29% vs 23%), white (83% vs 78%), and college
educated (79% vs 66%). However, there are no statistically significant
differences in terms of age (36% vs 38%), labor force participation (76%
vs 74%), or full-time work status (47% for both).
Whether there are some women who switch from ART to adoption is an
empirical question. To test this, we specify the following equation
determining ART utilization:
(2) [ART.sub.s,t] = [beta][Adopt.sub.s,t] + [X.sub.s,t[gamma]] +
[[micro].sub.1,t] + [v.sub.1,s] + [v.sub.s,t],
where the dependent variable is the number of ART cycles undertaken
in state s and year t, normalized by 1,000 women aged 25-44.
[Adopt.sub.s,t] is the number of unrelated foster care adoptions in
state s in year t, which is also normalized. Our main interest is the
estimate of [beta], which quantifies the average elasticity of ART
cycles performed with respect to adoptions. The vector X includes
various state characteristics as listed above that may impact ART use.
Equation (3) also includes year- ([[micro].sub.1,t]) and state-specific
([[v.sub.,1,s]) FE. The former capture any nationwide trend in
infertility treatment utilization, while the latter pick up any
unobserved time-invariant state heterogeneity. Lastly, [v.sub.s,t] is a
standard error term.
An econometric problem here, as our conceptual framework indicated,
is the potential endogeneity of Adopt because child adoption and ART
utilization are related choices. This problem may be resolved to a
degree with the inclusion of state and year FE (Doyle and Peters 2007;
Duncan and Argys 2007). The FE jointly provide unambiguous controls for
the state- and year-specific unobserved characteristics and attitudes
influencing both adoptions and ART use. We expect that the inclusion of
FE will alleviate any potential endogeneity bias to the extent that the
bias comes from unobservable, state-specific time-invariant
characteristics and year-specific effects. To better address the
endogeneity problem, we also use a FE two-stage least squares method (FE-2SLS). Specifically, we estimate the following first-stage equation:
where the adoption rate is formally modeled as a function of
adoption policy and foster care variables, state FE ([v.sub.2,s]), year
FE ([[micro].sub.2,t]), and state characteristics that are included in
the second-stage equation.
The IVs are selected based on previous findings. The literature on
child adoption reviewed above has documented that the adoption rate
significantly depends on the number of adoptable children (Bernal et al.
2008; Bitler and Zavodny 2002; Gennetian 1999) and the policy variables
that influence the cost of adoption, including the adoption subsidies
(Doyle and Peters 2007; Duncan and Argys 2007; Hansen 2007). We include
four IVs: Subsidy, KidsWait, PercGirls, and PercInfants. Average monthly
adoption subsidies within states vary substantially over time as states
can define their criteria for special needs. Furthermore, Hansen and
Pollack (2005) show that the subsidy payments typically result from a
bargaining process between the child welfare authority and the adoptive
family. Thus, subsidies vary due to variation in the characteristics of
children waiting to be adopted as well. For robustness, we also use an
alternative measure: the basic adoption assistance rates for 2-year-olds
as previously utilized by Hansen (2007). These basic rates serve as
benchmark amounts in the bargaining processes, and the data are
collected by the North American Council on Adoptable Children (NACAC).
The AFCARS, on the other hand, contains the actual rates effective at
the time of adoption finalization and thus displays greater variation.
While KidsWait indicates the number of children in foster care
waiting to be adopted, PercGirls and PercInfants reflect the demographic
composition of these children, as measured at the end of the previous
fiscal year. The last two variables are defined as the percentage of
girls and the percentage of children under age 5 who are in foster care
waiting to be adopted, respectively. The number of children waiting to
be adopted (KidsWait) represents the supply. Given that there is an
excess supply of children waiting for adoption, one may expect that an
increase in KidsWait would not necessarily affect the number of children
finally adopted. However, a higher number of adoptable children improves
the matching quality between children and adoptive parents, thus
increasing the number of adoptions. Moreover, the number of children
waiting to be adopted might directly or indirectly affect the monetary
or nonmonetary costs of adoption, as well as the decision processes
regarding case goal determination for the foster care children. In
addition to the definition of special needs and the determination of
monthly subsidy rates, Bower and Laws (2002) identify a dozen other
policy tools used by the states to support adoptive parents. These
include, but are not limited to, nonrecurring adoption expense
reimbursements, subsidized guardianships, subsidies for children over 18
years old, and eligibility for Medicaid. We omit such variables from our
analysis due to the absence of state-specific data, but they are
partially and indirectly captured by KidsWait.
The inclusion of the two demographic composition measures,
PercGirls and PercInfants, is also motivated by the literature on
"revealed preferences" for adopted children. First, it has
been documented that girls are more likely to be adopted than boys
(Kreider 2003) both because adoptive mothers prefer girls over boys and
girls seem less risky to adopt (Baccara et al. 2009; Chandra et al.
1999; Gravois 2004; Groze 1991). Accordingly, we would expect PercGirls
to increase the adoption rate. Second, Chandra et al. (1999) report that
the majority of women (58%) prefer to adopt an infant under the age of
2, while 28% expressed a preference for an adopted child aged 2-5, and
only 6.8% for a child aged 6-12. Therefore, to the extent that adoptive
parents prefer infants over older children, PercInfants is expected to
be positively related to adoption rates. (20)
The assumption is that our instruments do not directly affect ART
use after we control for various state characteristics as well as for
year and state FE. It might be plausible that states determine monetary
incentives, such as adoption subsidies, according to the number of
children waiting in foster care or the number of children adopted.
However, many researchers have defended the assumption of exogeneity,
especially in the presence of state and year FE (Doyle and Peters 2007;
Hansen 2007; Hansen and Hansen 2006). Doyle and Peters (2007) argue that
the subsidy rates are not set to clear the foster care market; rather
they may be "set to partially reimburse foster parents for child
expenditures and are often tied to rates set in other welfare
programs." The level of adoption subsidies is decided through a
process of bargaining between the adoptive family and the child welfare
authority, with the aim of determining the appropriate level of
financial assistance that would cover the costs of raising the adopted
child. In fact, the adopted child's and adoptive parent's
characteristics can explain most of the variation in subsidies (Avery
and Mont 1992; Dalberth et al. 2005). We discuss the validity of our
instruments, together with other issues regarding potential biases, in
the next subsection.
All equations are estimated using the total number of women as
weights to reflect underlying microdata. In addition, standard errors
are clustered by state in order to account for possible serial
correlation in the error terms. We interpret our FE-2SLS estimates in
the spirit of the local average treatment effect. The FE-2SLS estimate
identifies the average response of individuals whose decision is
influenced by the specific IVs used in the analysis (Angrist and Imbens
1995). In this case, we can interpret the FE-2SLS estimate as the effect
of one additional adopted child on the ART utilization when the decision
to have children is influenced by the excluded IVs we utilize. These
variables include public policy measures such as adoption subsidies.
Therefore, even if these individuals might not be representative of the
entire population, they represent the group whose infertility treatment
utilization responds to changes in adoption markets.
B. State-Specific Time Trends, Validity of Instruments, and
Potential Bias
It is possible that both FE and FE-2SLS estimates are biased. In
this subsection, we argue that the potential bias is likely to yield
estimates that are upwardly biased toward zero. First, our FE estimates
may be biased as we cannot control for state-specific time trends. For
example, suppose that there is a state-specific unobservable trend
toward smaller families. The trend would be negatively correlated with
both ART use and child adoption. Similarly, if there is a state-specific
trend among women to postpone motherhood, it would be positively
correlated with both the number of ART cycles and adoptions. Considering
these and various other plausible scenarios, we conjecture that our
estimated elasticity without controlling for state-specific trends is
likely to be biased upwardly toward zero, thus underestimating the
extent that individuals might substitute ART use for adoption.
The FE-2SLS estimates might also be biased if our instruments are
not valid. In terms of the validity of our instrument Subsidy, one might
think that the subsidies are endogenously determined conditional on the
demand and supply of children in adoption markets. More specifically, it
might be the case that some states increase the subsidies in an effort
to promote adoption when faced with an increase in ART use. In this
case, Subsidy would be correlated with the error term in the
second-stage equation, yielding IV estimates that are biased. However,
note that this scenario indicates a positive correlation, that is, a
positive (or negative) shock in ART use leads to an increase (or
decrease) in adoption subsidies. Therefore, like the FE estimates, our
FE-2SLS estimates can be also interpreted as lower bounds of the true
Regarding KidsWait, one might consider the possibility that higher
ART utilization rates reduce adoption rates, thereby increasing the
number of children available for adoption. However the suggested
mechanism also indicates a positive correlation between the instrument
and the second-stage error term. Again, our FE-2SLS estimate is a lower
bound of the true substitution effect in absolute terms. Furthermore,
KidsWait, PercGirls, and PercInfants are all based on the foster care
files, which reflect the stock values at the end of each fiscal year
(i.e., the number of children remaining in foster care as of September
30th), whereas adoption figures are flow variables, which reflect the
number of children who were adopted throughout the entire fiscal year.
Therefore, we merge adoption variables with foster care variables for
the previous fiscal year. For example, we merge 2005 adoption variables
(corresponding to the period of October 2004 to September 2005) with
2004 foster care variables (corresponding to the period of October 2003
to September 2004). The timing structure of these measures supports the
validity of our IVs. Below, we present the results of formal diagnostic
tests for the relevance and exogeneity of the excluded instruments.
C. Estimation Results
In Table 2, we present the ordinary least squares (OLS) and the FE
estimation results corresponding to Equation (3). Panels A, B, and C
display the results for all unrelated adoptions, unrelated adoptions by
older women (ages 35+), and unrelated adoptions of older children (ages
5+), respectively. Each column corresponds to a different specification:
in column 1, the estimation method is OLS with control variables and
year FE, but no state FE. Column 2 features the same specification as
column 1 except that it includes state FE. For brevity, we do not report
the estimated coefficients on state and year FE, nor those on the
control variables. (21) We focus on the estimated coefficient of our
main interest, 13. We report the coefficient estimate for the adoption
variable followed by its standard error in parentheses and the implied
elasticity in italics.
First, we present the results for all unrelated adoptions and ART
use in panel A of Table 2. The OLS model without state FE (column 1)
yields a positive coefficient on child adoptions that is only marginally
statistically significant (p < .10). Including state FE (column 2)
yields a negative coefficient of about -0.22, which is highly
significant (p < .01). The implied elasticity of ART use with respect
to unrelated adoptions is about -0.13. A comparison between columns 1
and 2 reveals a pattern that is consistent with our conjecture that a
cross-sectional correlation between adoption and ART utilization is
likely to be spurious due to omitted variables related to [[pi].sub.0]
or [[pi].sub.b]. The FE estimate implies a degree of substitutability
between these two options for having children.
Panel B in Table 2 displays the results for unrelated adoptions by
older adoptive mothers (ages 35+). The implied elasticity of ART use
with respect to adoptions (-0.17) is somewhat larger in absolute terms
compared to the results presented in panel A. A higher responsiveness
among older women is expected because ART success rates are lower for
them. As older women need more ART cycles for a successful delivery, an
increase in adoptions will reduce ART use more compared to younger
women. Alternatively, older women might have weaker preferences for
biological children. The estimate in panel B is also statistically
significant (p < .01). The final panel in Table 2 reports the results
for the adoptions of older children (ages 5+). The FE estimate is about
-0.30 (p < .01) and yields an implied elasticity of -0.10. This
suggests a greater substitutability between ART use and infant adoption,
likely reflecting strong preferences for infants among those who
undertake ART.
Next, we present the findings from the FE-2SLS models. Table 3
displays the results for the first-stage equation (4). The odd-numbered
columns refer to the results using the IV set I, which includes average
monthly adoption subsidies from the AFCARS, while the even-numbered
columns report the results using the IV set II, which includes basic
adoption assistance rates for 2-year-olds from the NACAC. The first two
columns present the results of our baseline specification for all
unrelated child adoptions. The results are consistent with our
expectations: increases in the average amount of subsidies and the
number of waiting children both significantly increase adoption rates.
Our point estimates suggest that a $100 increase in adoption subsidies
would increase the unrelated adoption rate by 0.04-0.07, depending on
the specification. The implied elasticity is about 0.14-0.29. These
estimates are similar to those of Hansen (2007), who estimated an
elasticity of 0.16. She found that a $100 increase in adoption subsidies
would increase adoptions by about 80 children, in an average state and a
given year. Hansen and Hansen (2006), on the other hand, found that a
$100 increase in subsidies is associated with an increase of about 28
additional adoptions per year. Our estimates indicate about 40
additional adopted children, with 31 additional unrelated adoptions, in
response to a $100 increase in subsidies.
We also find that the adoption rates rise as PercGirls increases,
indicating a preference for girls over boys. Finally, the adoption rates
among older women (35+) and of older children (5+) both increase as
PercInfants decreases. (22) The finding that adoption rates among older
women increase as PercInfants decreases might reflect the positive
correlation between adoptive mothers' age with the age of the
adopted children. While most states do not specify an age for adoptive
parents, some states require a minimum age difference between the
adoptive parent and the adopted child. The instruments are all
statistically significant, and the F-statistic for the joint
significance ranges between 17 and 21. Based on Hansen's
J-statistics, we cannot reject the null hypothesis of
over-identification, thus validating our instruments.
Columns 1 and 2 in Table 4 display the results for our second-stage
regressions using the IV sets I and II, respectively. The two sets of
IVs yield very similar results in all three panels. In panel A, we start
with all unrelated adoptions. Recall that the FE estimate reported in
Table 2 is about -0.22. The FE-2SLS estimates of [beta] in columns 1 and
2 of Table 4 indicate even larger effect sizes of about -0.26 and -0.25,
respectively, and both are highly statistically significant (p <
.01). This pattern implies that unobserved factors that are correlated
with both ART and Adopt in the same direction, bias the FE estimate
toward zero. Hence, this finding provides further confirmation that our
FE estimates constitute lower bounds of the true effect of child
adoption on ART use. The implied elasticity of ART utilization with
respect to unrelated adoptions is -0.15, slightly larger in absolute
terms. In panel B, we restrict our attention to older adoptive mothers
(35+). The estimated coefficients are associated with somewhat larger
elasticity figures in absolute terms: between -0.18 and -0.19. Finally,
panel C displays the results for older adopted children (5+), with
estimated elasticities of about -0.11. Thus, the adoption of older
children seems to be a relatively weak substitute for ART use.
The findings regarding the control variables included in the
analysis (not reported) are also worth noting. First, we find that one
additional infertility specialty clinic per 1,000 women increases the
number of cycles performed by about 66 per 1,000 women (p < .01).
Second, infertility insurance mandates increased ART utilization rates,
but the effect is statistically insignificant probably due to the
limited within-state variation. Third, the ART use increases with
increasing per capita income (p < .05), as the financial cost is a
major obstacle to ART. Fourth, higher teen birth rates apparently reduce
ART utilization (p < .01), which might be picking up the effect of
private agency adoptions on ART use. Lastly, ART use is also positively
associated with the ratio of the female resident population between the
ages of 35 and 44 to that between the ages of 25 and 44 (p < .01). As
explained above, this fraction represents the relative size of the
female population experiencing relatively more severe fertility problems
among all women of childbearing age.
D. Robustness Checks
Table 5 presents the results of several robustness checks using FE
models. First, we run a regression, including both related and unrelated
adoptions. Related adoptions are quite different in nature than
unrelated adoptions as the former are probably undertaken primarily due
to motives independent of fertility status and economic factors (e.g.,
people adopting young offspring of their siblings or spouses). This
falsification exercise yields basically zero coefficient and elasticity
estimates for related adoptions, while the coefficient on unrelated
adoptions is virtually the same as reported above (panel A).
As discussed above, the AFCARS figures reflect foster care
adoptions only rather than all child adoptions. Our calculations using
the NSAP reveal that foster care adoptions make up little more than a
third of all adoptions. Those who adopt from foster care might be
different from those who pursue international or private agency
adoptions. In fact, the summary statistics using the NSAP suggest that
foster care adopters are less affluent than the rest, based on the level
of their household income. Second, foster care adopters are less likely
to suffer from infertility. About 38% of foster care adopters report
infertility, compared to 52% and 72% for private agency and
international adopters, respectively. Therefore, foster care adopters
might be less likely to pursue ART, which further supports our
conjecture that our estimates constitute lower bounds of the true effect
of child adoption on ART use.
To test this conjecture, we obtained data on international
adoptions from the Office of Children's Issues under the U.S.
Department of State. These data include the number of all children who
received immigrant visas issued during a given fiscal year for the
purpose of adoption in the United States. On average, there were 0.5
international adoptions per 1,000 women during our period of analysis
(Table 1). Panel B in Table 5 reports the estimation results when we
include both international and domestic unrelated foster care adoptions
as explanatory variables. The FE regressions of ART use yields a
coefficient of -0.761 on international adoptions (p < .05). The
coefficient on unrelated foster care adoptions remains the same as
before (p < .01). The estimated elasticity on international adoptions
is -0.22, indicating that changes in international adoptions have larger
effects on ART use than domestic adoptions from foster care.
As another robustness exercise, we consider all ART cycles using
nondonor and donor egg/embryo transfers, including both fresh and frozen
types. Inclusion of frozen nondonor embryo transfers together with fresh
nondonor ones does not affect the results (panel C). The coefficient
estimate is still highly statistically significant with an implied
elasticity of about -0.13. On the other hand, the regression using donor
egg/embryo transfers (both fresh and frozen) reveals a negative but
statistically insignificant coefficient estimate (panel D). We can
interpret this finding as evidence for no substitutability between
adoptions and ART cycles performed using donor eggs/embryos only, which
might be first because such cycles are a small portion (12%) of all ART
cycles performed. Moreover, they are associated with even higher price
tags as well as additional difficulties of finding a donor.
We perform one final robustness exercise in an attempt to address
any concerns due to potentially significant time delays in child
adoptions from foster care. (23) Hansen (2006) finds that about half of
all adoptions are completed within 1 year once the child is available
for adoption, that is, the date of the TPR. She also reports that about
80% of adoptions are completed within 2 years of termination, while very
few adoptions take place within 4 years of termination. Note that there
may also be significant delays between the time a decision is made to
pursue IVF and its actual implementation because the period during which
drugs are used to stimulate egg production before the eggs are retrieved
from the ovaries varies, depending on the circumstances (Staniec and
Webb 2007). We re-estimated our main specifications (OLS, FE, and FE
2SLS) by using adoption figures that are further lagged 1 year. This
exercise yields negative and statistically significant but smaller
elasticity figures that support our main conclusions.
Our estimates indicate that changes in adoption markets
significantly affect ART utilization. In our efforts to gauge the
substitutability between ART use and child adoption, we also address the
potential simultaneity bias and show that our empirical findings are
likely to provide lower bounds of the true effect of adoptions on ART
utilization. The empirical evidence we present suggests that promoting
adoption encourages some individuals to adopt, rather than pursue ART as
a means to have children. Recently, Congress passed the Fostering
Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act of 2008. This
legislation, among other things, allows for revisions in the adoption
incentive programs, including the Title IV-E adoption assistance. Our
findings suggest that such changes in adoption and foster care policies
may have significant long-term effects on both child adoption rates and
ART utilization.
Since the early 1980s, treatment options for infertility have
become more widely available due to rapid technological change and
legislation in some states regarding infertility treatment insurance.
The Family Building Act, introduced in the House of Representatives in
2009, proposes to expand the coverage for infertility treatment to those
who work for firms that self-insure. In Europe, ART is being considered
as a possible tool to increase fertility rates in an effort to mitigate
the consequences of population aging (Grant et al. 2006). In the future,
new technological advances and increased competition among infertility
clinics are expected to continue reducing the ART cost and to accelerate
its increasing use. The question as to whether these developments in ART
markets might lead to unintended consequences in child adoptions is left
for ongoing and future research.
While ART provides individuals with the possibility to have
children who are biologically linked to themselves, concerns have been
voiced about the demanding nature of these types of treatments, not only
financially but also physically and psychologically, considering the low
odds of success. At the same time, keeping children in foster care poses
social costs in terms of social services and adverse long-term child
outcomes. Therefore, it might be socially desirable to implement
policies to encourage child adoption at the expense of ART. In light of
these issues, the regulations on child adoption and ART utilization need
to be reviewed to level the playing field as adoptions are subject to
tougher restrictions. The issue of ART use lends itself to several
controversial questions concerning who should have access to such
technologies, who should pay for the treatments, and whether the
providers should be regulated. These considerations need to be addressed
given that ART not only impact women's birth and health outcomes
but also potentially their marriage, education, and career decisions.
AFCARS: Adoption and Foster Care Analysis and Reporting System
ART: Assisted Reproductive Technology
ASFA: Adoption and Safe Families Act
CDC: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
FE: Fixed Effects
FE-2SLS: Fixed Effects Two-Stage Least Squares Method
IVs: Instrumental Variables
NACAC: North American Council on Adoptable Children
NSAP: National Survey of Adoptive Parents
NSFG: National Survey of Family Growth
OLS: Ordinary Least Squares
SART: Society for ART
SSA: Social Security Act
TPR: Termination of Parental Rights
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(1.) Another option is surrogacy if there are no problems with male
fertility. In surrogacy, a fertile surrogate mother is artificially
inseminated with sperm and then carries the baby to term. In most
states, there are no laws regarding surrogacy arrangements, and in
others, surrogacy agreements are prohibited altogether. Moreover, this
is an expensive method as the average estimated cost ranged between
$70,000 and $130,000 in 2009 (Cohen 2009), which is considerably higher
than the costs associated with the other two alternatives discussed
(3.) Alternatively, one can estimate the effect of ART use on child
adoptions. One possibility would be to exploit the infertility insurance
mandates that led to the exogenous variation in ART utilization.
Unfortunately, this approach is not feasible due to data limitations;
during the sample period, only two states, New Jersey and Louisiana,
adopted such mandates. Thus, there is not enough variation to obtain
reliable estimates.
(4.) The federal adoption tax credit, offered to families adopting
a child with special needs from foster care, was set at $13,170 per
child for the 2010 tax year. In addition, some employers provide
adoption benefits to their employees, and several agencies make adoption
loans and grants available to couples.
(5.) Bernal et al. (2008) provide an excellent review of child
adoption in the context of institutional background and historical
trends in the United States for the period of 1951-2002.
(6.) CDC ART reports are publicly available online at
(7.) In 2006, the most commonly performed ART cycles were transfers
using fresh non-donor eggs/embryos (72%), followed by frozen non-donor
eggs/embryos (16%), and fresh and frozen donor eggs/embryos (8% and 4%,
respectively). Below, we provide robustness checks based on these
alternative measures of ART cycles performed.
(8.) Normalizing variables by 1,000 births instead of 1,000 women
leaves our results unchanged.
(9.) As it is not the primary focus of our analysis, the number of
ART clinics is treated as exogenously given. Hamilton and McManus (2010)
provide an analysis of the market structure for infertility treatment
and examine the determinants of new ART clinic entry.
(10.) Information on how to obtain permission to access the AFCARS
database can be found at
(11.) AFCARS data description states, "Other adoptions, such
as those involving children who were not in the public foster care
system and were placed for adoption by tribal or private agencies, are
voluntarily reported to AFCARS.
(12.) For example, the 2005 data corresponds to October 2004
through September 2005. The 2005 AFCARS adoption file is then merged
with the 2005 CDC ART report which corresponds to the 2005 calendar
year. Note that this accords well, as we focus on the effect of adoption
on ART utilization, as explained in further detail below.
(13.) Mainly due to missing information on adoption subsidies, we
exclude Nevada and New York from our sample, together with 14 other
state-year observations. The OLS and FE estimations can be carried out
using data on 400 observations. However, the FE-2SLS estimations require
information on the number and composition of the children in foster care
waiting to be adopted. To allow for ease of comparison, we report the
OLS and FE results for the sample with 378 observations. The results
based on the full sample of 400 observations are virtually identical to
those reported below.
(14.) Bernal et al. (2008) report that the share of international
adoptions in total adoptions rose from 17.2% in 1996 to 21.7% in 2002.
The share of public agency adoptions also increased from 37% in 1996 to
44.2% in 2002. Finally, domestic private adoptions decreased from 45.8%
in 1996 to 34.1% in 2002.
(15.) Following Dalberth, Gibbs, and Berkman (2005), we set the
monthly subsidy amount to missing in the few cases when they were
reported as greater than $10,000.
(16.) In reality, some women may concurrently pursue ART and
adoption. Our estimates for the effects of adoption on ART utilization
correspond to those women who switch from ART exclusively to adoption or
vice versa.
(17.) The probabilities are represented by integration over the
distribution. For example, we have [MATHEMATICAL EXPRESSION NOT
REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII], where f denotes the joint distribution.
(18.) We assume that in both ART and adoption markets, the
equilibrium quantity is determined by the demand.
(19.) In our sample, a substantial portion of the variation in
adoption subsidies is due to within-state variations over time. The
average monthly adoption subsidy is $473 with an overall standard
deviation of $143. The between-states standard deviation is $127 and the
within-states standard deviation is $66. The average basic adoption
assistance rate (also measured in constant 2000 dollars) is $381 with an
overall standard deviation of $119. The between-states standard
deviation is $111, and the within-states standard deviation is $44.
(20.) We also tried to include a measure of the racial composition
for the foster children waiting to be adopted as an additional IV, but
this variable was never statistically significant.
(21.) The full set of results can be obtained from the authors upon
(22.) To interpret the reported elasticities on these two
variables, one should consider a one-unit change which implies a
doubling of the variable given that they are expressed as fractions
rather than percentages.
(23.) We thank an anonymous referee for suggesting this idea.
* Part of the data used here were made available by the National
Data Archive on Child Abuse and Neglect (NDACAN), Cornell University,
Ithaca, NY, and have been used with permission. Data from the Adoption
and Foster Care Analysis and Reporting System (AFCARS) were originally
collected by the Children's Bureau. Funding for the AFCARS project
was provided by the Children's Bureau, Administration on Children,
Youth and Families, Administration for Children and Families, U.S.
Department of Health and Human Services. The collector of the original
data, the funder, the Archive, Cornell University and their agents or
employees bear no responsibility for the analyses or interpretations
presented here. We gratefully acknowledge the staff at NDACAN, in
particular Michael Dineen, for their assistance. We thank Mary E. Hansen
for providing us with the data on adoption assistance rates as well as
for her suggestions. We also thank the conference participants at the
2009 Latin American Meetings of the Econometric Society, the 2010 Annual
Meeting of the American Economic Association, and the 2010 Biennial Conference of the American Society of Health Economists for helpful
comments. We are grateful to Mabel Andalon, Marianne P. Bider, Luca
Bossi, Kasey Buckles, Kate Bundorf, Carlos A. Flores, Lisa A. Gennetian,
Chiaki Moriguchi, Elizabeth Peters, Tracy L. Regan, Anna
Sanzde-Galdeano, Justin Wolfers, and two anonymous referees for their
constructive feedback and to Jennifer R. Nimmo for research assistance.
Gumus: Assistant Professor, Department of Management Programs,
College of Business, Florida Atlantic University, 777 Glades Road,
Fleming Hall, Room 313, Boca Raton, FL 33431; IZA, Bonn, Germany. Phone
1-561297-2115, Fax 1-561-297-2675, E-mail
Lee: Associate Professor, School of Economics, Sogang University, 1
Sinsu-dong, Mapo-gu Seoul 121-742, South Korea; IZA, Bonn, Germany.
Phone 82-2-7058504, Fax 82-2-705-8180, E-mail
doi: 10.1111/j.1465-7295.2011.00401.x
Summary Statistics (N = 378 Unless Indicated Otherwise)
Mean Deviation
Child adoptions from foster care (a)
Adoptions 711 885
Adoptions per 1,000 women aged 25-44 0.994 0.524
Adoptions by adoptive mothers 35+ 562 725
Adoptions by adoptive mothers 35+ per 1,000 1.456 0.807
women aged 35-44
Adoptions of children 5+ 408 515
Adoptions of children 5+ per 1,000 women 0.588 0.351
aged 25-44
Average monthly adoption subsidy ($100) (b) 4.728 1.428
Average monthly basic adoption assistance 3.812 1.191
rate for 2-year-olds ($100) (b,c)
Children in foster care 12,374 19,328
Children in foster care waiting to be 2,380 2,841
Children in foster care waiting to be 3.262 1.816
adopted per 1,000 women aged 25-44
Children in foster care waiting to be 6.106 3.647
adopted per 1,000 women aged 35-44
Percentage of girls in foster care waiting 0.466 0.048
to be adopted
Percentage of children 0-4 in foster care 0.291 0.073
waiting to be adopted
Related adoptions 214 532
Related adoptions per 1,000 women aged 0.259 0.275
Child adoptions from abroad (d)
International adoptions 366 343
International adoptions per 1,000 women 0.499 0.203
aged 25-44
ART utilization (e)
ART clinics 7.503 10.089
ART clinics per 1,000 women aged 25-44 0.009 0.006
ART clinics per 1,000 women aged 35-44 0.017 0.013
ART cycles performed 1,477 2,083
ART cycles performed per 1,000 women aged 1.743 1.778
ART cycles performed for women 35+ 789 1,252
ART cycles performed for women 35+ per 1.723 2.247
1,000 women aged 35-44
ART cycles performed using nondonor eggs 1,747 2,447
(fresh and frozen)
ART cycles performed using nondonor eggs 2.045 1.997
(fresh and frozen) per 1,000 women
aged 25-44
ART cycles performed using donor eggs 225 407
(fresh and frozen)
ART cycles performed using donor eggs 0.223 0.198
(fresh and frozen) per 1,000 women aged
State characteristics
Total number of women aged 25-44 (f) 801,357 920,363
Total number of women aged 35-44 (f) 426,134 480,674
Health insurance mandate on infertility 0.280 0.450
Percentage of resident population under age 0.721 0.063
65 with private health insurance
coverage (h)
Income per capita ($1,000) (b,h) 29.306 4.828
Percentage of resident population (25+) 0.264 0.053
with at least a college degree (i)
Percentage black (j) 0.170 0.258
Female labor force participation rate (h) 0.612 0.042
Teen birth rate (births to teenage mothers 0.111 0.028
under age 20 as a percent of total
births) (k)
Ratio of the female resident population 0.535 0.026
aged 35-44 to that aged 25-44 (f)
(a) AFCARS Adoption and Foster Care Files. Figures reflect
unrelated child adoptions unless indicated otherwise.
(b) A11 figures are expressed in constant 2000 US$.
(c) North American Council on Adoptable Children, NACAC (N = 373).
(d) U.S. Department of State.
(e) CDC ART Reports. Figures reflect ART cycles performed using
fresh nondonor eggs only unless specified otherwise.
(f) U.S. Census Bureau.
(g) Bitler (2007) and Schmidt (2007).
(h) Current Population Surveys.
(i) U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis.
(j) National Center for Health Statistics.
(k) National Vital Statistics Reports.
OLS and FE Regression Results, 1999-2006
(A) Dependent variable: ART cycles performed
(per 1,000 women)
Adoptions (per 1,000 women) 0.2058 * -0.2189 ***
(0.1167) (0.0728)
0.1174# -0.1249#
R-squared 0.7129 0.5988
(B) Dependent variable: ART cycles performed
for women 35+ (per 1,000 women)
Adoptions by adoptive mothers 35+ (per 0.1332 -0.1951 ***
1,000 women) (0.1078) (0.0574)
0.1126# -0.1648#
R-squared 0.7508 0.6189
(C) Dependent variable: ART cycles performed
(per 1,000 women)
Adoptions of children 5+ (per 1,000 women) 0.3578 * -0.3044 ***
(0.1956) (0.0864)
0.1207# -0.1027#
R-squared 0.7152 0.5996
Estimation method OLS FE
Year FE Yes Yes
State FE No Yes
Controls Yes Yes
Observations 378 378
States 49 49
Notes: For each regression, we report the estimated coefficient
followed by estimated standard error in parentheses and implied
elasticity in italics. All specifications include state and year
FE as well as the following controls: number of ART clinics (per
1,000 women), indicator for health insurance mandate on
infertility treatment, percentage covered by private health
insurance, real income per capita, percentage with at least a
college degree, percentage black, teen birth rate. female labor
force participation rate, and ratio of the female resident
population between the ages of 35 and 44 to that between tile
ages of 25 and 44. Estimates are weighted using total number of
women and standard errors are clustered by state. R-squared
values in column (2) are calculated without taking the
contribution of the state FE into account.
* and *** indicate statistical significance at 10% and 1%,
Note: For each regression, we report the estimated coefficient
followed by estimated standard error in parentheses and implied
elasticity indicated with #.
First-Stage Regression Results, 1999-2006
Dependent Variable:
IV Set I IV Set II
(I) (2)
Average monthly adoption subsidy 0.0430 **
($100) (0.0209)
Average monthly basic adoption 0.0353 *
assistance rate for 2-year-olds ($100) (0.0203)
Number of children in foster care 0.1929 *** 0.1939 ***
waiting to be adopted (per 1,000 (0.0359) (0.0363)
women) 0.6432# 0.6349#
% girls in foster care waiting to be 1.6628 *** 1.7318 ***
adopted (0.2980) (0.3394)
0.7921# 0.8225#
% children 0-4 in foster care waiting to -0.6429 -0.7865 *
be adopted (0.3958) (0.4169)
-0.1914# -0.2324#
Observations 378 373
States 49 49
R-squared 0.6373 0.6363
F-statistics for the excluded instruments 19.04 17.37
Overidentification test of all excluded 0.4045 0.2816
(p value for the Hansen J-statistic)
Dependent Variable:
Adoptive Mothers 35+
IV Set I IV Set II
(3) (4)
Average monthly adoption subsidy 0.0675 **
($100) (0.0321)
Average monthly basic adoption 0.0619 *
assistance rate for 2-year-olds ($100) (0.0328)
Number of children in foster care 0.1644 *** 0.1648 ***
waiting to be adopted (per 1,000 (0.0315) (0.0321)
women) 0.7022# 0.6918#
% girls in foster care waiting to be 2.9271 *** 3.0680 ***
adopted (0.4383) (0.5017)
0.9542# 0.9972#
% children 0-4 in foster care waiting to -1.4089 ** -1.6628 **
be adopted (0.6009) (0.6247)
-0.2871# -0.3363#
Observations 378 373
States 49 49
R-squared 0.6507 0.6521
F-statistics for the excluded instruments 20.61 19.82
Overidentification test of all excluded 0.4417 0.2760
(p value for the Hansen J-statistic)
Dependent Variable:
Adopted Children 5+
IV Set I IV Set II
(5) (6)
Average monthly adoption subsidy 0.0358 **
($100) (0.0138)
Average monthly basic adoption 0.0281 **
assistance rate for 2-year-olds ($100) (0.0129)
Number of children in foster care 0.1503 *** 0.1520 ***
waiting to be adopted (per 1,000 (0.0270) (0.0273)
women) 0.8482# 0.8424#
% girls in foster care waiting to be 1.4305 *** 1.5065 ***
adopted (0.2162) (0.2325)
1.1534# 1.2111#
% children 0-4 in foster care waiting to -0.8698 *** -0.9980 ***
be adopted (0.2655) (0.2704)
-0.4384# -0.4992#
Observations 378 373
States 49 49
R-squared 0.6885 0.6923
F-statistics for the excluded instruments 17.80 19.46
Overidentification test of all excluded 0.4090 0.2847
(p value for the Hansen J-statistic)
Notes: For each explanatory variable, we report the estimated
coefficient followed by estimated standard error in parentheses
and implied elasticities in italics. All specifications include
state and year FE as well as all the following controls: number
of ART clinics (per 1,000 women), indicator for health insurance
mandate on infertility treatment, percentage covered by private
health insurance, real income per capita, percentage with at
least a college degree, percentage black, teen birth rate,
female labor force participation rate, and ratio of the female
resident population between the ages of 35 and 44 to that
between the ages of 25 and 44. Estimates are weighted using total
number of women and standard errors are clustered by state.
R-squared values are calculated without taking the contribution
of the state FE into account.
*, **, *** indicate statistical significance at 10%, 5%, and 1%,
Note: For each explanatory variable, we report the estimated
coefficient followed by estimated standard error in parentheses
and implied elasticities indicated with #.
FE 2SLS Regression Results, 1999-2006
(1) (2)
(A) Dependent variable:
ART cycles performed (per
1,000 women)
Adoptions (per 1,000 -0.2602 *** -0.2452 ***
women) (0.0704) (0.0776)
-0.1484# -0.1376#
R-squared 0.5980 0.6059
(B) Dependent variable:
ART cycles performed for
women 35+ (per 1,000 women)
Adoptions by adoptive -0.2232 *** -0.2192 ***
mothers 35+ (per 1,000 (0.0551) (0.0587)
women) -0.1886# -0.1818#
R-squared 0.6182 0.6226
(C) Dependent variable:
ART cycles performed (per
1,000 women)
Adoptions of children 5+ -0.3337 *** -0.3135 ***
(per 1,000 women) (0.0869) (0_0965)
-0.1125# -0.1040#
R-squared 0.5994 0.6069
Estimation method FE 2SLS (IV set I) FE 2SLS (IV set II)
Observations 378 373
States 49 49
Notes: For each regression, we report the estimated coefficient
followed by estimated standard error in parentheses and implied
elasticity in italics. All specifications include state and year
FE as well as all the following controls: number of ART clinics
(per 1,000 women), indicator for health insurance mandate on
infertility treatment, percentage covered by private health
insurance, real income per capita, percentage with at least a
college degree, percentage black, teen birth rate, female labor
force participation rate, and ratio of the female resident
population between the ages of 35 and 44 to that between the
ages of 25 and 44. IV set I and II are presented in Table 3.
Estimates are weighted using total number of women and standard
errors are clustered by state. R-squared values are calculated
without taking the contribution of the state FE into account.
*** indicates statistical significance at 1%.
Note: For each regression, we report the estimated coefficient
followed by estimated standard error in parentheses and implied
elasticity indicated with #.
Robustness Checks Using FE Models,
(A) Dependent variable: ART cycles performed
(per 1,000 women)
Unrelated adoptions (per 1,000 women) -0.2188 ***
Related adoptions (per 1,000 women) -0.0015
R-squared 0.5986
Observations 378
States 49
(B) Dependent variable: ART cycles performed
(per 1,000 women)
Unrelated foster care adoptions (per -0.2178 ***
1,000 women)
International adoptions (per 1,000 -0.7611 **
women) (0.3707)
R-squared 0.6074
Observations 378
States 49
(C) Dependent variable: ART cycles performed
using fresh and frozen non-donor eggs (per
1,000 women)
Adoptions (per 1,000 women) -0.2657 ***
R-squared 0.6387
Observations 378
States 49
(D) Dependent variable: ART cycles performed
using fresh and frozen donor eggs (per 1,000
Adoptions (per 1,000 women) -0.0217
R-squared 0.5413
Observations 378
States 49
Notes: For each regression, we report the estimated coefficient
followed by estimated standard error in parentheses
and implied elasticity in italics. All specifications include
state and year FE as well as the following controls: number
of ART clinics (per 1,000 women), indicator for health
insurance mandate on infertility treatment, percentage covered
by private health insurance, real income per capita,
percentage with at least a college degree, percentage black,
teen birth rate, female labor force participation rate, and
ratio of the female resident population between the ages of
35 and 44 to that between the ages of 25 and 44. Estimates
are weighted using total number of women and standard
errors are clustered by state. R-squared values are calculated
without taking the contribution of the state FE into
** and *** indicate statistical significance at 5% and 1%,
Note: For each regression, we report the estimated coefficient
followed by estimated standard error in parentheses and
implied elasticity indicated with #.