Does raising the school leaving age reduce teacher effort? Evidence from a policy experiment.
Green, Colin ; Paniagua, Maria Navarro
Raising the compulsory school leaving age (henceforth RoSLA) is a
key policy instrument used to increase minimum educational attainment levels. Moreover, there is an ongoing debate in a number of countries,
such as the United Kingdom and Spain, regarding further increases in the
minimum high school leaving age. In addition, RoSLA has been widely used
in the literature on returns to education as a source of exogenous variation in years of schooling/educational levels (see for instance,
Harmon and Walker 1995 for the United Kingdom; Pischke and von Wachter
2008 for Germany; Pons and Gonzalo 2002 and Arrazola et al. 2003 who use
the 1970 RoSLA in Spain).
However, teachers who take classes in the "affected"
years of schooling are unlikely to be indifferent to this policy change.
(1) Increasing the compulsory schooling age increases the number of
students in those years, but also changes the distribution of ability
and motivation of students that teachers have to instruct. For instance,
teachers at the latter part of compulsory secondary school will now have
lower ability students and/or those with less interest in formal
schooling in their class, along with those students who would have
voluntarily chosen post-compulsory schooling in the absence of the
legislative change. Teaching (and managing) these students is likely to
be more difficult. In the absence of compensating differentials, it is
difficult to imagine that this will not affect teacher motivation and
effort. (2)
This paper is the first to our knowledge that investigates this
motivational effect of compulsory schooling laws on teachers.
Specifically, we examine the impact of the increase in the school
leaving age that occurred in Spain in the academic year 1998-1999 on one
element of high school teacher behavior, absenteeism. Employing Spanish
Labor Force Survey (SLFS) data that covers the relevant policy reform
period, we estimate Difference-in-Difference models of absenteeism using
count data approaches. We demonstrate that raising the compulsory
schooling age led to an increase in teacher absenteeism. This is a
matter of concern as previous research has demonstrated a negative
causal effect of teacher absence on student achievement (Duflo, Hanna,
and Ryan 2005; Miller, Murnane, and Willett 2007, 2008), and one that is
more severe for students from lower socioeconomic backgrounds
(Clotfelter, Ladd, and Vigdor 2009). This may be the result of absent
teachers being replaced by less qualified substitutes and/or the
disruption inherent in the use of replacement teachers.
This leads to a concern that increasing the compulsory school
leaving age may decrease the quality of educational provision in the
affected years. Furthermore, this has implications for estimation of the
returns to education that rely upon RoSLA reforms as an instrumental
variable. Namely, that if the education treatment because of RoSLA is of
lower quality, then the local average treatment effect of education on
wages will be biased downward.
The policy reform examined consisted of an extension of free,
compulsory, and comprehensive education from 14 to 16 years. The reform
was the General Regulation of the Education System passed in 1990. (3)
Because of the economic crisis of the 1990s in Spain, the change in
compulsory schooling was delayed until the last quarter of 1998. Primary
and high school curriculum standardization across Spain was another part
of this reform. Primary and early secondary school standardization
occurred before the changing of the compulsory school leaving age. While
curriculum standardization for 15- to 16-year-old students occurred at
the same time, the compulsory leaving age was raised. This could
influence high school teacher behavior if, for instance, this adjustment
was onerous and/or disruptive. Hence, any RoSLA policy effect could
include an adjustment effect as a result of curriculum change. We
examine the potential for the policy effect to be confounded by this
implementation period in later robustness checks. From the last quarter
of 1998 on students that otherwise would have dropped out (in the
previous academic year were in the last year of compulsory schooling)
were obliged to stay two more years at school. This leads to compulsory
education comprising a total of 10 years, divided into two educational
levels: primary education (6-12 years old) and lower secondary education
that it is ordinarily completed from the ages of 12-16 years old. (4)
Increasing the school leaving age may, because of the need to
increase the teaching labor force, lead to a distributional change in
teacher characteristics. This is similar to the point raised by Jepsen
and Rivkin (2009) regarding the consequence of decreasing class sizes.
Increasing the teaching workforce to cope with an increased student body
may lead to, for instance, less qualified or less experienced teachers
being hired who may be more frequently absent. Alternatively, increased
compulsory schooling could lead to larger class sizes which could
increase teacher disutility and/or exposure to contagious illness and
thus increase absence. It does not appear, however, that high school
class sizes increased at the time of RoSLA in Spain. In fact there was a
small decrease, from 26.4 students per class in 1997-1998 to 26.0 and
25.5 in 1998-1999 and 1999-2000, respectively (MEC 2010b). At the same
time, there is no evidence of increases in high school teacher numbers,
either in official data MEC (2010a) or in the representative sample of
high school teachers we use. While we cannot be definitive about the
source of this apparent discrepancy, this may have occurred because of
the reduction in the age cohort from which high school students were
drawn over the 1990s. For instance, there were 3.3 million people in
Spain aged 12-16 in 1990 (8.8% of the population) and this fell to 2.6
million (6.3% of the population) by 1998, representing a 31% decrease in
this age group. This, coupled with the well-documented strong employment
protection in Spain (most high school teachers are civil servants),
meant that teachers were not fired when student numbers fell, and this
we believe led to an increase in teaching capacity up to the time of the
The data we use is drawn from the SLFS, a quarterly repeated
cross-sectional survey that is representative at both the national and
regional level in Spain. We select a sample of full-time employees in
the period spanning 1st quarter of 1996 to 4th quarter of 2004.
Self-employed workers are excluded. The full sample consists of about
988,329 workers, 2.57% of them are high school teachers. We are able to
identify high school teachers (and distinguish them from primary school
teachers) in our data as the SLFS reports three digit disaggregated occupation codes (ISCO) for all workers. In Spain, secondary education
teachers must have a university degree, only teach subjects of their
field of specialization, and are primarily civil servants who attained
their post through state or regionally competitive exams. In all
estimates, we control for both public sector and temporary contracts,
85% of the teachers work in the public sector and 64% are on permanent
To test the robustness of our results, we use a number of
subsamples. This includes dropping the vacation period (third quarter of
the year surveys) as teachers have more summer holidays than many other
workers. Furthermore, to ensure that the timing of other holidays is not
generating our results, we estimate our models on two successively more
restrictive samples. The first is workers in the education industry only
and in the second we include only primary and secondary school teachers.
These latter two groups have essentially identical holiday schedules and
provisions. The second sample contains 63,811 workers in the education
sector, and the third sample is comprised of 49,711 primary and
secondary school teachers (Table 1). Importantly our key results are
robust to the choice of these samples.
We use information on the hours of absence per week reported as
being due to sickness to generate our dependent variable. (5) We
calculate this variable as the difference between usual hours and actual
hours for those that report the reason of any difference between them as
due to sickness. (6) Generally, paid sick leave is very generous in
Spain. While coverage may vary slightly by sector or firm level
agreement, the norm is 1 month of absence leave fully paid per year
worked in Spain up to a maximum of 18 months leave. If the worker
reaches their maximum leave entitlement they have to attend a special
panel which assesses their sickness.
We appreciate that using sickness absence only may be quite
restrictive. In unreported estimates our main results are robust to
using more broad definitions where we include differences in usual and
actual hours because of other forms of absence including personal/family
responsibilities, bad weather, summer schedule/flexible hours, and
"other reasons."
Figure 1 reports minutes of sickness absence before and after RoSLA
for three groups, high school teachers, primary school teachers, and all
other workers. Prior to the policy introduction, high school teachers
had lower absence levels than primary school teachers. This is similar
to the pattern found in other jurisdictions such as in Australia
(Bradley, Green, and Leeves 2008) and in the United States (Clotfelter,
Ladd, and Vigdor 2009). More detail is provided in Appendix Figures A 1
and A2 which show yearly absence rates before and after RoSLA, again for
these three groups. These figures suggest that RoSLA increased high
school teacher absence but not that of other workers. Moreover, this
increase does not seem to dissipate over our sample period.
A range of control variables are available in the SLFS. We use
gender, age, age squared, marital status, education, public sector, type
of contract, industry dummies, occupation dummies, and size of the
firm/establishment. We also control for year, quarter, and regional
(CCAA) fixed effects so as to take regional differences into account
such as wage differences and unemployment rates because of different
industrial structures within regions and patterns of morbidity. (7)
In our baseline model, workers' minutes of absence per week
can be specified as follows:
(1) [] = [phi] + [delta][] +
[gamma][beta][HST.sub.i] + [beta][] x [HST.sub.i] +
[alpha][X.sub.i] + [[epsilon].sub.i]
i = 1, ..., 988,329 and
t = 1996Q1, ..., 2004Q4
where [] corresponds to the minutes of absence of worker
i in the period t. [] is an indicator that takes value of
unity if the worker is observed during the reform period. [HST.sub.i] is
a dummy variable that equals 1 if the worker is a high school teacher
and 0 otherwise. And the interaction term [] x [HST.sub.i]
equals 1 for treated individuals (HSTeachers) in the post-treatment
period (after the RoSLA was implemented). The OLS estimate of [beta] is
equivalent to the Differences-in-Differences (DID) estimator and thus
provides the absence caused by the reform for the treated group (i.e.,
the absence caused by the RoSLA for secondary school teachers) (Cameron
and Trivedi 2005, 890-91).
Our dependent variable, minutes of absence, is a count variable.
Moreover, there is an excess of zero outcomes. This could occur during
the reference week both if (a) the worker/teacher never gets sick and
does not skip work during the reference week but could have been absent
in the case of illness (sampling zeros); (b) the worker/teacher always
goes to work because of commitment and motivation despite illness
(structural zeros). As a result, we estimate zero-inflated models that
allow for these excessive number of zeroes in addition to overdispersion
in the zero-inflated negative binomial (ZINB) case. Importantly,
zero-inflated models permit the zero absence of teachers to be explained
in a different manner than that of those workers that are absent for
more than zero hours. It combines a count density with a binary process
in such a way that a binary model is estimated to predict, with
probability [[psi].sub.i], whether a worker will always have a zero
count (i.e., type b). Then, a count model (Poisson or negative binomial)
chosen with probability 1 - [[psi].sub.i] is generated to predict the
counts for those who will not always have a zero count (type a). Then
[Absm.sub.i] has a zero-inflated distribution given by Long (1997,
242-50). The appropriateness of the zero-inflated models over their non
zero-inflated counterparts (i.e., Poisson vs. zero-inflated Poisson
[ZIP], negative binomial vs. zero-inflated negative binomial) can be
tested using the approach set out by Vuong (1989).
We estimate both ZIP and ZINB models:
where [f.sub.1] corresponds to a binary process (i.e., logit) and
[f.sub.2] is a Poisson or negative binomial density function. An
assumption of Poisson models is that the variance equals the sample
(3) E([[mu].sub.i]|[x.sub.i]) = exp ([x.sub.i][beta]) = var
If this is not the case and the variance exceeds the mean then the
data are said to be overdispersed and the Poisson model will be
inefficient. This can be overcome by using a negative binomial model
that adds a random term that is assumed to be uncorrelated with the
model's covariates. The Poisson is nested in the negative binomial
model, as it is the case where [alpha] = 0 in Equation (5). The null
hypothesis of no overdispersion, [alpha] : [H.sub.o] ([alpha] = 0), can
be determined via a Likelihood-ratio test.
Zero-inflated Poisson:
Zero-inflated negative binomial:
Table 2 presents estimates of the effect of RoSLA on high school
teacher absence behavior. Two sets of estimates are reported for the ZIP
and ZINB models, respectively. The Vuong test (reported in each of the
tables) suggests that our zero-inflated models are a significant
improvement over standard Poisson or negative binomial models. The
likelihood-ratio test in all cases rejects the null hypothesis of no
overdispersion (p value = .000). It indicates that because of
overdispersion the ZINB can improve goodness-of-fit over the ZIP.
Nonetheless, we report both sets of estimates to demonstrate that our
results are not being driven by choice of model. For both models the
policy effect dummy (RoSLA x HSTeacher) demonstrates a statistically
significant increase in high school teacher absenteeism as a result of
the RoSLA. Coefficient estimates from count data models can be difficult
to interpret so we also present the incident rate ratio (IRR) or
exponentiated coefficient [e.sup.[beta]]. Thus, an IRR greater than one
indicates that the expected count in the exposed group is greater than
the expected count in the unexposed group. These demonstrate that the
effect of the policy was to increase the high school teacher's
hours lost through sickness absence by 15% (IRR = 1.15).
Comparing high school teacher absence behavior and that of all
other workers may be too broad. For instance, there may be unobserved
changes to the incentives for worker absence occurring for other
occupations/industries during the same period. Alternatively, there may
be some unobserved shock to teachers' absence that coincides with
the policy change. These may serve to bias our estimates of the policy
effect in some unknown way. To mitigate this problem we examine our two
successively more restrictive subsamples of workers, education workers
and teachers (high school and primary school). As previously mentioned,
focusing on the education sector aims to eliminate the possibility of
bias originating from unobserved changes in absence incentives in other
industries. While comparing primary and high school teachers only has
the added advantage that these workers face a very similar holiday
structure and leave timing. The cost of these robustness checks are
decreased sample size and potentially less precise estimates.
Table 3 reports the estimates for these two subsamples, where for
brevity we only report the key policy variable estimates. Again these
estimates reveal that the change in compulsory schooling laws lead to an
increase in teachers' hours of sickness absence. Moreover,
restricting our sample leads to an increase in the magnitude of this
effect to 18%-20%, suggesting that our earlier estimates were biased
An additional issue is that we do not possess a nonpolicy control
group (i.e., schools or regions where there is no RoSLA). Hence, there
is the potential that our policy effect is in actuality because of some
contemporaneous exogenous shock. To examine this, we conduct robustness
checks exploiting the regional variation in pre-RoSLA high school
participation rates. Specifically, we split our sample according to the
post-compulsory high school participation rates of the region prior to
the reform. The intuition is that schools in regions where participation
rates beyond compulsory education were previously lower should be more
affected by RoSLA, that is, a larger proportion of students in these
schools are treated by the policy reform. Hence, if it is this policy
that is actually causing the change in teacher absence, teachers in
areas that previously had lower post-compulsory participation rates in
secondary education should respond more. We re-estimate our absence
models split according to whether the school was in a region with
greater than or less than 20% post-compulsory participation rates prior
to RoSLA, (8) and report these estimates in Table 4. (9) The results
demonstrate that the policy caused teacher absence to increase by almost
50% in those regions with lower post-compulsory high school education
participation before the reform was implemented. This result increases
our confidence that the rise in absence we observe is caused by the
policy reform.
We conduct four final sets of robustness checks. First, we
investigate whether our results are generated by the year of policy
implementation. For instance, this may have caused disruption to
classrooms and teachers leading to an increase in absence. We do this by
excluding the year of the reform from our sample. These estimates are
reported in the first row of Table 5 and reveal that omitting the year
of the reform does not alter the key results; the magnitude remains at
approximately 20%. We use this approach as the basis to investigate the
longevity of the policy effect by further omitting the year after the
policy reform. The results in the last row of Table 5 demonstrates again
the robustness of the main result and suggests that the policy continued
to have an effect on high school teacher absence until, at least, 2
years after the reform year. This effect remained of the same magnitude.
In addition, no policy effect was evident when we investigated a placebo
reform for the year prior to the actual RoSLA.
Second, we re-estimate our models excluding the summer quarter of
the SLFS. This is performed for two reasons, first the bulk of school
holidays occur in the summer quarter hence the opportunity (or need) for
teachers to take sickness absence in this quarter are diminished.
Second, it has been suggested that increases in temperature are
generally associated with increases in absence (Connolly 2008).
Estimates of these further restricted models are reported in Table 6.
The pattern of these estimates largely follows those reported in Tables
2 and 3. Together the results in Tables 3, 4, and 6 suggest that our
estimated impact of RoSLA on teacher absence is not being driven by
unobserved variations in holiday availability/timing or unobserved
shocks to the absenteeism of teachers.
As a further robustness check that our results are not being driven
by an unobserved exogenous shock to absence at the time of the reform,
we examine RoSLA's impact on a group of workers who should be
unaffected. Specifically, we exclude all the education sector workers
from the sample and treat the remaining public sector workers as the
treatment group. In Table 7, we show that the coefficient for this
"incorrect" treatment group is not significantly different
from 0. This further suggests that the change in teacher absence is
because of the change in the school leaving age and not some
contemporaneous shock. One might also be concerned that the March 11,
2004 attacks in Madrid may also have influenced Spanish work behavior regarding absenteeism. For instance, Hotchkiss and Pavlova (2009) have
demonstrated that the September 11 attacks changed the working hours of
New York residents. We investigated this by deleting 2004 from our
sample and re-estimating our main models; our key policy estimates were
unaffected by this.
Bertrand, Duflo, and Mullainathan (2004) demonstrate that standard
errors in DID estimators are inconsistent when panels with longer time
periods are used and the dependent variable is serially correlated. We
examine this by collapsing the time dimension of our data into two
periods, pre- and post-RoSLA. We then re-estimated (1) across these two
periods and these are reported in Table 8. Our resulting estimate of the
RoSLA effect is statistically significant at the 1% level, and suggests
a larger policy effect of at least 50%. This suggests that the
statistical significance of our RoSLA estimates is not the result of
serial correlation in absenteeism.
Having established a robust policy effect, we now seek to provide
some approximate quantification of the magnitude of the policy effect on
teacher absence. In addition, while the estimates have been concerned
with intensive margins of absence, we also provide some information on
the incidence of sickness absence which can be considered a measure of
the extensive margin. Panel A of Table 9 reports the RoSLA marginal
effects from a probit of the probability of a worker taking sickness
absence in the reference week. For our education worker sample this
reveals that the increase of high school teachers' absence because
of the reform was 1.6 and 2.4 percentage points excluding summer
holidays, respectively. Slightly lower magnitudes are reported for the
high school versus primary school sector although there is a loss of
precision in the estimates and these miss statistical significance at
standard levels.
Panel B of Table 9 reports the coefficients of an OLS regression
for those workers that took absence due to sickness. Because of the
reform, high school teachers take 308 more minutes of absence than their
other education sector counterparts. They take 337 more minutes than
primary education teachers because of the reform, and the effect is that
of 280 and 352 minutes for the two samples, respectively when we exclude
the summer quarter from the data. These are broadly in line with the
15%-20% magnitude of policy effect reported in our earlier count data
RoSLA is seen as a key instrument for increasing basic education
levels within society. At the same time, it has been relied upon by many
researchers as a source of exogenous variation in educational attainment
in econometric studies of the returns to education. In this paper, we
asked the question, how do teachers react to the changes in teaching
environment implicitly created by retaining students at school who would
have otherwise left? Specifically, we focus on one potential response,
changes in teacher absence behavior.
We examined changes in high school teacher absence behavior because
of an increase in the school leaving age in Spain in the academic year
1998-1999. Using representative labor force data we demonstrated that
teachers affected by this reform increased their absenteeism by 15%,
rising to almost 50% in regions that traditionally had lower
post-compulsory school participation. Our interpretation of this result
is that more onerous teacher environments lead to decreases in effort by
high school teachers. This result is of importance for two related
reasons. Given previous research that establishes a link between teacher
absence and lower student performance, our results demonstrate that
increasing the compulsory school leaving age has the potential to reduce
educational quality. Second, our results suggest that researchers using
RoSLA or other policy changes that may affect teaching conditions as an
instrumental variable should consider their possible effects on
educational "quality."
This paper has considered the effect of RoSLA on absence; future
research should consider the range of other potential reactions of
teachers (i.e., turnover, job satisfaction) and the subsequent effect
these have on childrens' outcomes.
Finally, a policy recommendation that is derived from our work is
that education authorities should consider the need for increased
compensation or improved working conditions for teachers adversely
affected by increasing the compulsory school leaving age.
doi: 10.1111/j.1465-7295.2011.00386.x
DID: Differences-in-Differences
IRR: Incident Rate Ratio
RoSLA: Raising of the School Leaving Age
SLFS: Spanish Labor Force Survey
ZINB: Zero-Inflated Negative Binomial
ZIP: Zero-Inflated Poisson
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* The authors would like to thank Ian Walker, Alfredo Paloyo,
Fernando Lozano, and seminar participants at Lancaster University, the
University of Aberdeen, and the University of Cyprus for their helpful
comments. The authors are also grateful to the editor Peter Arcidiacono
and two anonymous referees. M.N.P. gratefully acknowledges financial
support from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation Postdoctoral Grant 2008-0583, FEDEA, and the CYCIT project ECO2008-06395-C0503/ECON.
Green: Economics Department, Lancaster University, Lancaster LAI 4YX, UK. Phone 0044 1524 92950, Fax 0044 1524 594244, E-mail
Navarro: Economics Department, Lancaster University, Lancaster LA1
4YX, UK; FEDEA, Madrid, Spain. Phone 0044 1524 594667, Fax 0044 1524
594244, E-mail m.navarropaniagua @
(1.) That is, teaching previously noncompulsory years of schooling
that became mandatory.
(2.) To our knowledge generally, and in the particular case we
examine, compulsory schooling changes were not introduced with an
increase in either the supply of high school teachers or improvements in
teacher salaries and/or conditions (Boyd-Barret and O'Malley 1995).
(3.) In Spanish, Ley de Ordenacion General del Sistema Educativo.
1990 (LOGSE).
(4.) Although students can stay in school until they are 18 (or 21
in the case of pupils with special education needs).
(5.) The SLFS has been demonstrated to have an internationally
consistent definition of absence (Barmby, Ercolani, and Treble 2002).
(6.) We consider usual hours as synonymous with contractual hours.
This is similar in spirit to the approach used in previous research such
as Hamermesh, Myers, and Pocock (2008) and Lozano (2011).
(7.) CCAA stands for Autonomous Communities in Spanish. Spain is
administratively divided into 17 regions and two autonomous cities. This
division corresponds to the NUTS level 2 established by Eurostat for
statistical purposes.
(8.) We estimate this for the education sector sample as there are
insufficient observations if we use the teacher's only sample.
These results are robust to alternative splits of the regions such as
greater or less than 25% of students attending post-compulsory secondary
education prior to the reform.
(9.) Specifically they are biased downwards causing overestimation of significance levels.
Descriptive Statistics 1996-2004
All Education School
Workers Workers Teachers
Total observations 988,329 63,811 49,711
Absence due to 18,349 927 789
Excluding summer quarter
Total observations 742,458 48,433 37,771
Absence due to 14,012 805 694
Source: SLFS, authors' own calculations.
Changes in Compulsory Schooling Laws and Teacher Absenteeism, All
Workers, SLFS 1996-2004
ZIP (a) ZINB (b)
RoSLA x HSTeacher 0.139 ** (0.069) 0.140** (0.071)
[1.150] ** [1.150] **
HSTeacher -0.202 *** (0.063) -0.203 *** (0.065)
[0.8171 *** [0.817] ***
RoSLA -0.028 * (0.014) -0.029 ** (0.015)
[0.972] * [0.972] **
Age 0.001 (0.001) 0.001 (0.001)
[1.0011 [1.001]
[Age.sup.2] 0.000 (0.001) 0.000 (0.001)
[1.000] [1.000]
Female 0.003 (0.003) 0.003 (0.003)
[1.0031 [1.003]
Married 0.004 (0.003) 0.004 (0.003)
[1.004] [1.0041
Secondary education -0.009 (0.007) -0.009 (0.007)
[0.991] [0.9911
Higher education -0.004 (0.008) -0.004 (0.008)
[0.9961 [0.9961
Public sector -0.027 *** (0.006) -0.027 *** (0.006)
[0.974] *** [0.974] ***
Temporary contract -0.006 (0.005) -0.006 (0.006)
[0.994] [0.994]
Establishment size
Workers 0-5 -0.022 *** (0.005) -0.022 *** (0.005)
[0.978] *** [0.978] ***
Workers 6-10 -0.002 (0.005) -0.002 (0.005)
[0.998] [0.9981
Workers 11-19 0.004 (0.004) 0.004 (0.004)
[1.004] [1.0041
Workers 20-49 -0.003 (0.005) -0.004 (0.005)
[0.997] [0.9961
Observations 988,329 988,329
Vuong test 1,222.14 -2.60
p value 0 0.9953
Likelihood-ratio test 1.6 x [10.sup.6]
p value .0000
Notes: Controls for industry, workers' occupation, region, year, and
quarter are included but not reported. Robust standard errors
clustered at the regional level are in parentheses. IRR are in
(a) Zero inflated Poisson.
(b) Zero inflated negative binomial.
*, **, and *** indicate statistical significance at the 10%, the 5%,
and the 1% levels, respectively.
Changes in Compulsory Schooling Laws and Teacher Absenteeism,
Alternative Subsamples
ZIP (a)
Education Workers School Teachers
RoSLA x HSTeacher 0.162 *** (0.053) 0.180 ** (0.077)
[1.176] *** [1.198] **
HSTeacher -0.163 *** (0.055) -0.162 ** (0.072)
[0.849] *** [0.850]
RoSLA -0.029 (0.036) -0.145 (0.134)
[0.9711 [0.865]
Observations 63,811 49,711
Vuong test 331.68 288.96
p value .0000 .0000
Likelihood-ratio test
p value
ZINB (b)
Education Workers School Teachers
RoSLA x HSTeacher 0.172 *** (0.058) 0.189 ** (0.081)
[1.187] *** [1.208] **
HSTeacher -0.170 *** (0.059) -0.168 ** (0.074)
[0.843] *** [0.846] **
RoSLA -0.032 (0.039) -0.155 (0.136)
[0.968] [0.857]
Observations 63,811 49,711
Vuong test 3.04 2.89
p value .0012 .0019
Likelihood-ratio test 8.0 x [10.sup.4] 6.5 x [10.sup.4]
p value .0000 .0000
Notes: All other controls are as in Table 2. Robust standard errors
clustered at the regional level are in parentheses. IRR are in
(a) Zero inflated Poisson.
(b) Zero inflated negative binomial.
*, **, and *** indicate statistical significance at the 10%, the 5%,
and the 1% levels, respectively.
Changes in Compulsory Schooling Laws and Teacher Absenteeism, by
Previous RoSLA Participation Rates in Post-Compulsory Secondary
ZIP (a)
<20% [greater than or
equal to] 20%
RoSLA x HSTeacher 0.359 *** (0.078) 0.073 (0.070)
[1.432] *** [1.076]
HSTeacher -0.342 *** (0.086) -0.084 (0.074)
[0.711] *** [0.919]
RoSLA -0.094 (0.109) -0.015 (0.048)
[0.910] [0.985]
Observations 20,925 42,886
Vuong test 161.35 266.94
p value .0000 .0000
Likelihood-ratio test
p value
ZINB (b)
<20% [greater than or
equal to] 20%
RoSLA x HSTeacher 0.397 *** (0.087) 0.080 (0.073)
[1.487] *** [1.084]
HSTeacher -0.374 *** (0.095) -0.089 (0.078)
[0.688]*** [0.915]
RoSLA -0.125 (0.111) -0.018 (0.054)
[0.883] [0.9821
Observations 20,925 42,886
Vuong test 1.84 2.46
p value .0329 .0070
Likelihood-ratio test 2.4 x [10.sup.4] 5.4 x [10.sup.4]
p value .0000 .0000
Notes: All other controls are as in Table 2. Robust standard errors
clustered at the regional level are in parentheses. IRR are in
brackets. <20% and [greater than or equal to] 20% columns comprise 7
and 11 regions, respectively.
(a) Zero inflated Poisson.
(b) Zero inflated negative binomial.
*, **, and *** indicate statistical significance at the 10%, the 5%,
and the 1% levels, respectively.
Changes in Compulsory Schooling Laws and Teacher Absenteeism,
Implementation Effects and Policy Longevity
Zip (a)
Education Workers School Teachers
Excluding the reform period (1 year)
RoSLA x HSTeacher 0.182 *** (0.050) 0.182 ** (0.075)
[1.199] *** [1.200] **
Observations 61,268 47,783
Excluding the reform period (2 years)
RoSLA x HSTeacher 0.184 *** (0.049) 0.181 ** (0.076)
[1.202] *** [1.199] **
Observations 52,748 41,064
ZINB (b)
Education Workers School Teachers
Excluding the reform period (1 year)
RoSLA x HSTeacher 0.191 *** (0.055) 0.192 ** (0.079)
[1.210] *** [1.211] **
Observations 61,268 47,783
Excluding the reform period (2 years)
RoSLA x HSTeacher 0.194 *** (0.055) 0.193 ** (0.080)
[1.214] *** [1.212] **
Observations 52,748 41,064
Notes: All other controls as in Table 2. Robust standard errors
clustered at the regional level are in parentheses. IRR are in
(a) Zero inflated Poisson.
(b) Zero inflated negative binomial.
*, **, and *** indicate statistical significance at the 10%, the 5%,
and the 1% levels, respectively.
Changes in Compulsory Schooling Laws and Teacher Absenteeism,
Excluding Summer Quarter
ZIP (a)
Education Workers School Teachers
RoSLA x HSTeacher 0.145 *** (0.044) 0.182 *** (0.070)
[1.156] *** [1.200] ***
HSTeacher -0.140 *** (0.047) -0.163 ** (0.065)
[0.870] *** [0.850]**
RoSLA -0.019 (0.046) -0.144 (0.132)
[0.982] [0.8661
Observations 48,433 37.771
Vuong test 315.20 289.98
p value .0000 .0000
Likelihood-ratio test
p value
ZINB (b)
Education Workers School Teachers
RoSLA x HSTeacher 0.151 *** (0.048) 0.188 ** (0.076)
[1.163] *** [1.207] **
HSTeacher -0.143 *** (0.050) -0.166 ** (0.070
[0.867]*** [0.847] **
RoSLA -0.020 (0.047) -0.153 (0.138)
[0.980] [0.858]
Observations 48,433 37,771
Vuong test 3.10 3.05
p value .0010 .0011
Likelihood-ratio test 7.5 x [10.sup.4] 6.1 x [10.sup.4]
p value .0000 .0000
Notes: All other controls as in Table 2. Robust standard errors
clustered at the regional level are in parentheses. IRR are in
(a) Zero inflated Poisson.
(b) Zero inflated negative binomial.
*, **, and *** indicate statistical significance at the 10%, the 5%,
and the 1% levels, respectively.
Changes in Compulsory Schooling Laws and Public Sector (Non-Education
Worker) Absenteeism
All Periods
ZIP (a) ZINB (b)
RoSLA x Treatment 0.056 (0.046) 0.053 (0.048)
[1.0571 [1.0551
Treatment -0.082 * (0.046) -0.080* (0.048)
[0.921] * [0.923] *
RoSLA -0.052 ** (0.026) -0.051 * (0.027)
[0.949] ** [0.951] *
Observations 923,586 923,586
Vuong test 1,186.29 -2.66
p value 0.0000 0.9961
Likelihood-ratio test 1.5 x [10.sup.6]
p value .0000
Excluding Summer Quarter
ZIP (a) ZINB (b)
RoSLA x Treatment 0.045 (0.061) 0.043 (0.064)
[1.0461 [1.0441
Treatment -0.069 (0.061) -0.066 (0.064)
[0.934] [0.936]
RoSLA -0.037 (0.031) -0.035 (0.033)
[0.964] [0.966]
Observations 693,317 693,317
Vuong test 1,022.04 -2.03
p value 0.0000 0.9787
Likelihood-ratio test 1.3 x [10.sup.6]
p value .0000
Notes: All other controls as in Table 2. Robust standard errors
clustered at the regional level are in parentheses. IRR are in
(a) Zero inflated Poisson.
(b) Zero inflated negative binomial.
*, **, and *** indicate statistical significance at the 10%, the 5%,
and the 1% levels, respectively.
Changes in Compulsory Schooling Laws and
Teacher Absenteeism Collapsed, Excluding
Summer Quarter
Zip (a) ZINB (b)
Education Education
Workers Workers
RoSLAx 0.496 *** (0.173) 0.653 *** (0.171)
HSTeacher [1.6431 *** [1.9211 ***
HSTeacher -0.183 (0.197) -0.314 (0.224)
[0.8331 [0.7301
RoSLA -0.399 ** (0.200) -0.332 (0.213)
[0.6711 ** [0.7181
Observations 12,347 12,347
Vuong test 117.24 6.09
p value .0000 .0000
Likelihood-ratio test 2.0 x [10.sup.5]
p value .0000
Notes: All other controls as in Table 2. Robust standard
errors clustered at the regional level are in parentheses. IRR
are in brackets.
(a) Zero inflated Poisson.
(b) Zero inflated negative binomial.
*, **, and *** indicate statistical significance at the 10%,
the %, and the 1% levels, respectively.
Quantifying the Effect of RoSLA on Extensive and Intensive Margins of
All Periods
Education High/Primary
Workers School Teachers
Panel A. Sickness absence (incidence), probit marginal effects
RoSLA x HSTeacher 0.016 0.011
(0.009) * (0.012)
HSTeacher -0.010 -0.009
(0.008) (0.012)
RoSLA 0.005 0.011
(0.012) (0.012)
Observations 21,782 17,420
Panel B. Minutes of absence (OLS)
RoSLA x HSTeacher 307.570 336.969
(93.672) *** (140.689) **
HSTeacher -302.293 -299.363
(94.654) *** (129.098) **
RoSLA -53.577 -258.431
(87.580) (265.185)
Observations 927 789
Excluding Summer Quarter
Education High/Primary
Workers School Teachers
Panel A. Sickness absence (incidence), probit marginal effects
RoSLA x HSTeacher 0.024 0.013
(0.011) ** (0.019)
HSTeacher -0.012 -0.012
(0.011) (0.020)
RoSLA 0.010 0.025
(0.016) (0.020)
Observations 12,172 9,561
Panel B. Minutes of absence (OLS)
RoSLA x HSTeacher 279.665 351.523
(80.259) *** (127.227) **
HSTeacher -259.205 -308.671
(83.303) *** (117.256) **
RoSLA -31.578 -266.458
(105.083) (264.981)
Observations 805 694
Notes: All other controls as in Table 2. Robust standard errors
clustered at the regional level are in parentheses.
*, **, and *** indicate statistical significance at the 10%, the 5%,
and the 1 % levels, respectively.
FIGURE 1 Minutes of Absence for Full-Time Workers Before and After
the Reform
All workers
Minutes Absence per week
Worker High School Teacher Primary School Teacher
Pre-RosLA 43 20 34
RoSLA 42 30 35
Workers with non-zero absence
Minutes Absence per week
Worker High School Teacher Primary School Teacher
Pre-RosLA 2258 1790 1961
RoSLA 2249 1959 1969
Note: Table made from bar graph.