Leading with(out) sacrifice? A public-goods experiment with a privileged player.
Glockner, Andreas ; Irlenbusch, Bernd ; Kube, Sebastian 等
Suppose several academics are working together on a research
project: providing input to the joint project usually much resembles
contributing to a public good, and therefore reciprocity and conditional
cooperation may affect the team members. But now assume that, for a
certain team member, working on the project pays privately. For example,
this researcher might have to accomplish a task required for the project
(e.g., gathering data or acquiring knowledge about a new research
method) for some closely related and profitable consultancy work anyway.
How will the collaborators on the project respond to the work input of
this team member? Will they regard it as an example to follow or rather
neglect any reciprocity motive because of the private profitability of
the work?
We analyze this situation by introducing a public-goods experiment
where one privileged player (1) has a higher marginal per capita rate of return (MPCR) from the public good than have the other players. In
our baseline treatment, the privileged player has an MPCR larger than
one, that is, he/she has a net benefit from contributing to the public
good. (2) In the other treatment, the privileged player has a high per
capita rate, but the rate is smaller than one, such that contributions
are relatively cheap for this player but still constitute a sacrifice.
Our data show that the presence of a privileged player with an MPCR
smaller than one has a positive impact on the contributions of the other
players. However, if the privileged player has an MPCR larger than one,
the other group members contribute less than they do in the first
treatment. This is striking as the privileged players with an MPCR
larger than one contribute almost their entire endowments.
The results contribute to the literature on conditional
cooperation, reciprocity, and leadership. There is substantial evidence
that subjects are conditional cooperators, that is, they cooperate only
if other players of the group do the same (Fischbacher, Gachter, and
Fehr 2001). This robust finding has initiated public-goods experiments
in which group members choose sequentially. Some player becomes the
first mover--either voluntarily or exogenously imposed--who can give a
positive example to the other group members (Clark and Sefton 2001;
Gachter and Renner 2003; Guth et al. 2007; Levati, Sutter, and van der
Heijden 2007; Potters, Sefton, and Vesterlund 2005, 2007). These studies
find that participants indeed reciprocate to first movers who provide an
example. A recent study compares cooperation in normal and privileged
groups in simultaneous-move public-good games with and without
punishment (Reuben and Riedl 2009). Consistent with our findings, the
increased contributions of players with an MPCR larger than one are not
necessarily reciprocated by other players. This can be due to the fact
that other players take into account intentions and that the high
contributions of the privileged player with an MPCR larger than one are
interpreted as a merely selfish act. In line with this interpretation,
leadership research suggests that self-sacrifice might be a crucial
mediating factor to generate increased cooperation and reciprocity.
In hypothetical public-good scenarios, it has been shown that
leaders' nonmonetary sacrifices increase cooperation (De Cremer and
van Knippenberg 2002; see also Choi and Mai-Dalton 1998) and,
particularly, if distributive justice is low (De Cremer, van Dijke, and
Bos 2004). Elaborating on these findings, we are the first to show that,
in a public-good situation with different MPCRs, a privileged
player's sacrifice considerably supports the emergence of
reciprocating behavior in other players.
A. Experimental Design In our experiment, subjects participate in
two x ten periods of a typical linear public-goods game in constant
groups of four players with a surprise restart (3) after Period 10.
Each group consists of one player of Type A and three players of Type B.
The subjects' types are randomly determined at the beginning and
kept constant throughout the experiment. Players interact anonymously,
but player types are common knowledge.
Players receive an endowment of 20 tokens per period and
simultaneously decide how to share this endowment between their private
and a joint group account. Subsequently, they are informed about the
individual contributions of each player in the group and their own
payoff. Players receive one point for each token they put in their
private account. Additionally, all players in the group earn points for
each token that is put in the group account either by themselves or by
any other player. Players of Type B receive 0.4 points per group account
token. The MPCR for players of Type A differs across treatments: in our
baseline treatment IT 1.4] their MPCR equals 1.4, whereas it is 0.9 in
our sacrifice treatment [T 0.9]. Consequently, player i's
individual period payoff, [[pi].sub.i], equals
(1) [[pi].sub.i] = [e.sub.i] - [g.sub.i] + (0.4 + [[delta].sub.i])
[summation over (j)][g.sub.j]
where [e.sub.i] denotes player i's endowment, [g.sub.i] player
i's contribution to the joint group account, and [[delta].sub.i]
equals 1/2 if player i is of Type A in [T 0.9], [[delta].sub.i] equals 1
if player i is of Type A in the [T 1.4], and 0 otherwise. The
computerized experiments (4) were conducted at the EconLab at the
University of Bonn in December 2007. We ran 4 sessions with a total of
21 matching groups (84 subjects), leaving us with 10 independent
observations in treatment [T 0.9] and 11 independent observations in
treatment [T 1.4]. At the beginning of each session, instructions were
distributed and read out aloud. (5) Afterwards, participants could pose
clarifying questions in private and had to answer a set of control
questions to ensure that everybody had understood the game. A session
lasted for about 45 min. Points earned were accumulated over all periods
and converted at an exchange rate of 1 [euro] per 85 points. Subjects
earned on average 10.93 [euro] (SD 1.78 [euro]) including a show-up fee
of 4 [euro].
B. Behavioral Predictions
In our sacrifice treatment [T 0.9], zero contributions are the
unique subgame-perfect Nash equilibrium in each stage game of the
finitely repeated linear public-goods game, if one assumes players who
are rational and only interested in their own monetary payoff. Also
players of Type B in the baseline treatment [T 1.4] contribute nothing
in the Nash equilibrium. Due to the MPCR being greater than one, Type-A
players in IT 1.4] have a dominant strategy to contribute their entire
endowment to the public good. Thus, under standard assumptions, we
should expect to observe a treatment effect only in the decision of
Type-A players.
Once we move away from the standard assumptions and introduce, for
example, reciprocity or conditional cooperation, B players'
behavior might also be affected by the treatment manipulation. The high
contributions of the privileged player A in [T 1.4] could possibly
motivate them to cooperate and contribute a substantial amount, too.
However, if it is not A's contribution per se that matters, but
rather the assumed underlying motivation, the incentive structure in [T
1.4] might hamper conditional cooperation--simply because high
contributions of player A cannot be identified as being a clearly
cooperative action. As a consequence, Type-B players might then be
unsure about whether to reciprocate or not. In fact, contributions by
player A in [T 1.4] would not necessarily be seen as a nice act in
reciprocity models like Rabin (1993) and Levine (1998). Models of
inequity aversion concerning earnings (Bolton and Ockenfels 2000; Fehr
and Schmidt 1999) make a similar prediction. Although contributions of
the A player in [T 0.9] change the differences in payoffs between A and
B players to the advantage of the B players, A players'
contributions in [T 1.4] leave the payoff differences unaffected. In [T
1.4], full contribution of the Type-A player and complete free-riding of
the Type-B players, for example, leads to equal earnings for all players
(i.e., 28 tokens). In [T 0.9] for each contributed unit of an A player
symmetric contributions of 0.2 by each of the three Type-B players are
needed to equalize the payoff of all players. For example, a full
contribution of 20 of Type-A player and contributions of 4 for each
Type-B player leads to equal payoffs. Therefore, inequality may cause
some (rather small) contributions by Type-B players in [T 0.9]. However,
the social benefits of contribution of player B are higher in [T 1.4],
so unconditional altruism or concerns for efficiency would point in the
direction of higher contributions of B players in the baseline treatment
[T 1.4].
C. Results
Figure 1 illustrates the average contributions in both treatments
and for both types of player types (for average contributions per groups
and periods, see Appendix Table 1). The effect of increasing the MPCR of
A is strong and significant. When their MPCR equals 1.4 instead of
0.9, they contribute on average about 50% (40%) more in the first
(second) phase of the experiment (rank sum test, p = 0.02 and p = 0.01,
one-sided). (6) The difference remains stable and significant over time
(cf. Table 1).
In contrast, the contributions of Type-B players are higher in the
presence of a privileged player with an MPCR smaller than one. Compared
with treatment [T 1.4], Type-B players contribute approximately 34%
(93%) more to the public good in the first (second) phase of treatment
[T 0.9]. Except for the beginning, this difference reaches significance
over time (e.g., p < 0.05, rank sum test on Periods 11-20, cf. Table
The tendency of higher contributions from B players in IT 0.9] is
despite the fact that Type A players contribute more in [T 1.4] than in
[T 0.9]. Our data thus suggest that the unambiguousness of A's
motivation to contribute is an important factor for conditional
This can also be seen by calculating the Spearman correlation
between Type-B players' average contributions and Type-A
players' contributions in the previous period for each independent
group separately, and then comparing the coefficients between
treatments. (7) This descriptive measure of the reaction of B
players' to A's behavior equals 0.18 in [T 0.9] and -0.07 in
[T 1.4], the difference being significant (rank sum test, p = 0.04,
two-sided). Correspondingly, after the A player has contributed more
than zero in the previous period, the mean contribution of B players is
6.1 in the sacrifice treatment [T 0.9], but only 3.7 in the baseline
treatment [T 1.4]. In both treatments, B players' contributions are
more in line with the average contributions of the other B players in
the previous period (the average Spearman correlation coefficient is
0.27 in both treatments). Notice that in [T 0.9] B players'
contributions in Periods 1-10 (Periods 11-20) are on average 184% (155%,
respectively) higher than symmetric Bs' contributions yielding
equal payoffs among both types of players.
Additional evidence for our hypothesis that contributions of Type-A
and Type-B players are interdependently related in [T 0.9], but not in
[T 1.4], can be shown by calculating the Spearman correlation between
Type-A players' average contributions and Type-B players'
contributions in the previous period; this descriptive measure of the
reaction of Type-A players to Bs' behavior equals 0.21 in [T 0.9]
and 0.09 in [T 1.4]. (8) Thus, it seems that there is positive
reinforcement of contributions in [T 0.9] imposing some kind of
leadership on Type-A players; contributions by those players trigger
Type-B players' contributions in the consecutive period, while this
response again causes positive reciprocity by the Type-A players.
However, in [T 1.4], there is little evidence for the positive
reinforcement of contributions.
In treatment [T 0.9], we observe a typical restart effect, that is,
contribution levels in Periods 1 and 11 are virtually the same. This is
true for both player types. Yet, in treatment [T 1.4], although A
players' contributions are relatively stable during the first ten
periods, Type-B players exhibit a less cooperative attitude; in the
second phase they start at a lower level than in the first phase (signed
rank test, p = 0.07, two-tailed, on average 7.94 in Period 1 and 4.88 in
Period 11).
Total contributions to the public good do not differ between
treatments (rank sum test, p = 0.95 for the first ten periods, on
average 28.2 in [T 0.9] and 28.8 in [T 1.4] and p = 0.48 for the last
ten periods, 27.6 in [T 0.9] and 26.8 in [T 1.4], both two-sided). Thus,
the higher contributions of players A in [T 1.4]--due to the higher
MPCR--are compensated by higher contributions of players B in [T 0.9].
Note that this ultimately depends on our parameterization of having only
three B players. The difference in contributions would probably change
to the advantage of [T 0.9] if the number of B players in the group were
Our results refine the previous evidence on conditional cooperation
in public-goods environments and show that others tend to follow a high
contributing player if they know that her example requires a sacrifice.
However, if contributing can be attributed to a different motive, for
example, individual payoff maximization, others feel less inclined to
follow the example. In this respect, our findings underline the
importance of intentions for cooperation (Blount 1995; Charness 2004;
Falk, Fehr, and Fischbacher 2008) in public-goods environments also,
confirming the intuition that a sacrifice provides an encouraging signal
to followers (Hermalin 1998). Our findings extend and strengthen
previous findings from leadership research (De Cremer and van
Knippenberg 2002, 2005) by analyzing a standardized environment in which
leadership is not just induced by scenario instructions but by
differences in players' MPCRs. Arguably, we cannot distinguish
between the relative effects of self-sacrifice and inequity aversion.
However, if inequity aversion was the main driving force of our results,
Type-B players should not contribute more than four tokens in IT 0.9].
As they do contribute more, we consider it unlikely that inequity
aversion alone is causing the difference in contributions of B players
in [T 0.9] and [T 1.41.
Regarding our introductory example, we conclude that a team member
who has a personal motive to contribute, for example, because it
privately pays off for her to do so, might be well advised to disguise
this fact and present her contributions as costly and truly cooperative
choices in order to foster conditional cooperation among her
MPCR: Marginal Per Capita Rate of Return
doi: 10.1111/j.1465-7295.2010.00314.x
Instructions for the Experiment
(Treatment variations are indicated with {})
General Introductory Information
* Each participant is endowed with a starting capital of 340 points
credited on his private account independent from the behavior in the
* The experiment consists of two parts. In the following, the
course of action of the first part is explained. The instructions of the
second part will be handed out later.
Part 1
Course of Action
* During Part 1, you belong to a group consisting of four
participants. The identity of the other participants remains unknown to
you. The composition of the group does not change. During Part 1 of the
experiment you will exclusively interact with the participants in your
* In each group, there are two roles: one Type-A player and three
Type-B players. The roles will be randomly awarded at the beginning and
do not change.
* Part 1 consists of ten periods.
As soon as you know your type, please write the type into the
following box:
Contribution to the Common Project. In each period, each group
member receives an endowment of 20 points. You have to decide how many
of the 20 points you want to contribute to a common project. You can
keep the remaining points.
Calculation of the Payoff of a Type-A Player in One Period. In a
period your payoff consists of two components:
* tokens you keep = endowment--your contribution to the project;
* earnings from the project = 1.4 {0.9} x sum of the contributions
of all group members.
Thus, if you are a Type-A player, your payoff is: 20 - your
contribution to the project ++ 1.4 {0.9} x sum of the contributions of
all group members.
Calculation of the Payoff of a Type-B Player in One Period.
In a period your payoff consists of two components:
* tokens you keep = endowment - your contribution to the project;
* earnings from the project = 0.4 x sum of the contributions of all
group members.
Thus, if you are a Type-B player, your payoff is: 20 - your
contribution to the project + 0.4 x sum of the contributions of all
group members.
Information at the End of a Period. At the end of a period, you
will receive an overview of the contributions of each player in the
current period.
Total Payoff. The total payoff from the experiment is composed of
the starting capital of 340 points plus the sum of payoffs from all ten
periods. At the end of the experiment, your total payoff will be paid
out to you, with an exchange rate of 1 [euro] per 85 tokens.
Please Notice. Communication is not allowed during the whole
experiment. If you have any questions, please raise your hand. All
decisions are made anonymously, that is, no other participant is
informed about the identity of someone who made a certain decision. The
payment is anonymous too, that is, no participant gets to know the
payoff of another participant.
Part 2
Groups and Roles
* You belong to the same group as in Part 1. Also, during Part 2 of
the experiment, you will exclusively interact with the participants in
your group.
* You have the same role as in Part 1.
Periods and Course of Action in a Period
* Part 2 also consists of ten periods.
* In each period in Part 2, you also have to decide about your
contribution to the common project.
* The calculations of payoffs and the information at the end of a
period are also the same as in Part 1 of the experiment.
* The payoff of a period is again added to your total payoff.
Average Contributions by Group and Periods
Type A 0.9 A 1.4 B 0.9 B 1.4
Group 1 9 18 7.3 7.6
2 13.3 12.1 3.6 5.6
3 7 20 7.3 8.9
4 11.8 20 10.5 9.7
5 16 7.7 5.2 0.4
6 14.7 16.9 3.4 2.8
7 4.5 17.9 8.3 2.6
8 17.2 5.1 6.4 3.8
9 10.9 19.3 2.8 0.6
10 0 20 4.4 4.6
11 16 1.4
Type A 0.9 A 1.4 B 0.9 B 1.4
Group 1 9.6 19 5.6 7.3
2 12.4 14.7 4.1 2.3
3 9.6 20 8.7 1.6
4 8.5 20 4.7 6.3
5 8 15.6 2.7 0.1
6 18 19.9 7.8 3.9
7 3.1 19.4 4.4 0.1
8 18.8 8.9 2.9 3.6
9 14.4 19.7 3.9 0
10 7.2 20 10.6 7.4
11 16 0.1
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(1.) With "privileged player" we refer to the group
member with an MPCR higher than that of the other players. Olson (1965),
see also Reuben and Riedl (2009), introduced the somewhat different
notation of "privileged groups" which, however, refers to
groups that contain one player with an MPCR larger than one (i.e., our
baseline treatment).
(2.) Zelmer (2003) reviews linear public-goods games with
asymmetric MPCR, none of which involves players with a rate larger than
(3.) The restart was announced only at the end of the first ten
periods, and group composition and players" types were kept
constant across all periods (see Andreoni 1988 or Croson 1996 for
similar restart designs).
(4.) Subjects were recruited with the online recruiting system
ORSEE (Greiner 2004), and the experimental software was developed with
the z-Tree software package (Fischbacher 2007).
(5.) The English translations of the instructions are provided in
the Appendix. The original German ones are available from the authors
upon request.
(6.) All rank sum tests except those for the first period are
performed with groups as independent observations to take the dependency
of decisions within a group into account.
(7.) Three matching groups in 1.4 are excluded, because their
players A always contributed their entire endowment, resulting in too
many ties to calculate a correlation coefficient.
(8.) Correlation in [T 0.9] is significantly different from zero (p
= 0.003, two-sided test), while the corresponding correlation in IT 1.4]
is not (p = 0.17, two-sided test).
Glockner: Head Research Group Intuitive Experts, Max Planck
Institute for Research on Collective Goods, Kurt-Schumacher Str.10,
D-53113 Bonn, Germany. Phone +49 (0) 228 91416 857, Fax +49 (0) 228
91416 858, E-mail gloeckner@coll.mpg.de
Irlenbusch: Professor of Corporate Development and Business Ethics,
University of Cologne, Herbert-LewinStr. 2, D-50931 Koln, Germany. Phone
+49 (0)221 470 1848, Fax +49 (0) 221 470 1849, E-mail bernd.
Kube: Professor of Economics, Adenauerallee 24-42, D-53113 Bonn,
Germany. Phone +49 (0) 228 73 9240, Fax +49 (0) 228 73 9239, E-mail
Nicklisch: Senior Research Fellow, Max Planck Institute for
Research on Collective Goods, Kurt-Schumacher Str. 10, D-53113 Bonn,
Germany. Phone +49 (0) 228 91416 79, Fax +49 (0) 228 91416 62, E-mail
nicklisch@coll. mpg.de
Normann: Professor of Economics, Dusseldorf Institute for
Competition Economics (DICE), Heinrich-Heine-Universitat Dusseldorf,
Universitatsstr. 1, D-40225 Dusseldorf, Germany. Phone +49 (0) 211 81 15
297, Fax +49 (0) 211 81 15 499, E-mail normann@dice.uniduesseldorf.de
Contributions by Periods
Period 1 1-5 6-10 10 1-10
Type A 0.9 12.8 12.4 8.5 5.2 10.4
Type A 1.4 15.2 16.0 15.5 16.2 15.7
Prob > [absolute value of z] 0.66 0.13 0.01 0.01 0.02
11 11-15 16-20 20 11-20
Type A 0.9 13.6 12.3 9.6 5.2 11.0
Type A 1.4 15.8 17.5 18.3 19.1 17.9
Prob > [absolute value of z] 0.43 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01
1 1-5 6-10 10 1-10
Type B 0.9 8.7 7.7 4.2 4.1 5.9
Type B 1.4 7.9 6.1 2.6 1.5 4.4
Prob > [absolute value of z] 0.39 0.25 0.09 0.09 0.26
11 11-15 16-20 20 11-20
Type B 0.9 7.6 7.6 3.5 2.3 5.6
Type B 1.4 4.9 4.1 1.9 1.2 2.9
Prob > [absolute value of z] 0.22 0.13 0.08 0.28 0.05
Notes: The table reports average contribution to the public good
for treatment [T 0.9] and [T 1.4] (first two rows). The third row
reports p-values (two-sided) from a nonparametric Wilcoxon rank
sum test.