Economics coursework and long-term behavior and experiences of college graduates in labor markets and personal finance.
Allgood, Sam ; Bosshardt, William ; Van Der Klaauw, Wilbert 等
If economics is a unique way of thinking, as many economists like
to claim, some level of coursework in economics may provide enough
specific knowledge and skills to lead students to make different choices
in their adult roles as consumers, workers, and voters/citizens. Of
course the same could be claimed for training in business and other
areas, even though (or perhaps because) it could be argued that most
content and training in business courses is more applied and pragmatic
than what is presented in economics courses.
Some empirical evidence--though not really a great deal--suggests
that training in economics and business is associated with different
adult behaviors and outcomes. For example, Golec (1996) finds that
mutual funds perform better if mutual fund managers have an MBA, and
Chevalier and Ellison (1999) also report a positive correlation between
mutual fund performance and the educational background of mutual fund
managers. Black, Sanders, and Taylor (2003) found that economics majors
earn almost 20% more than graduates in other social science majors, and
about 10% more than those who major in business administration. In
fields with large numbers of graduates, they find that only engineering
majors earn more than economics majors. Similarly, Hecker (1995)
reported that males majoring in economics had median earnings 3% higher
than all majors for the age cohort of 25-34, and 53% more than average
for the cohort aged 35-44. Craft and Baker (2003) find that lawyers with
an undergraduate major in economics earn 13% more than otherwise
comparable lawyers with other undergraduate majors, and economics is the
only major with a statistically significant effect on earnings, (1)
Hamermesh and Donald (2008), however, find that higher earnings by
economics majors are partly due to economics majors working more hours
than others.
The relationship between financial literacy/ knowledge and adult
behavior and outcomes in financial markets has been addressed in several
recent studies--many sponsored by Federal Reserve Banks. Hilgert,
Hogarth, and Beverly (2003) and Braunstein and Welch (2002) find that
knowledge about credit, saving, and investment is significantly related
to recommended financial practices in cash-flow management, credit
management, saving, and investment. Unfortunately, there is also
evidence of widespread financial illiteracy in U.S. households, and
particularly among elderly women (see Lusardi and Mitchell 2007, 2008).
Employee education programs have been found to affect workers'
savings, retirement, and investment behaviors (Bayer, Bernheim, and
Scholz 2009; Bernheim and Garret 2003). State mandates for precollege
education in personal finance appear to succeed in at least exposing
students to more information and sources on financial education, and
students from states with such mandates report higher levels of savings
and net worth as adults (Bernheim, Garrett, and Maki 2001; Tennyson and
Nguyen 2001).
Much less research exists linking college coursework or majoring in
economics to personal finance outcomes, (2) but Christiansen, Joensen,
and Rangvid (2008) find that those trained in economics (in college
courses or employee education programs) are more likely to invest in
stocks than those who receive training in other areas. Guiso and
Jappelli (2005) report that, among college graduates, having a degree in
economics is positively associated with knowledge about financial
assets. Chert and Volpe (1998, 107) concluded that business majors had
better knowledge about personal financial literacy than other students,
but that in general college students were "not knowledgeable about
personal finance.'' (3)
In this paper we use a large and unique data set to investigate the
relationships between taking college coursework in economics or majoring
in economics with long-term labor market and personal finance behaviors
and outcomes. Our information on long-term behaviors and outcomes is
drawn from a detailed questionnaire we mailed in January 2003 to over
25,000 graduates who attended four public universities in 1976, 1986, or
1996. Hamermesh and Donald (2008) point out that most efforts to
investigate the link between students' choice of majors and
earnings use data collected only a few years after graduation from
college, but some of the subjects in our sample graduated from college
more than 25 years before completing our survey. We compare the
graduates in three groups of majors--economics, business, and all other
majors--and also by the number of economics courses the graduates
While most of the earlier research on labor market outcomes has
focused on differences in earnings, we are able to investigate earnings
and six other outcomes that have important consequences to individuals
and families. Including information about layoffs and hours worked, for
example, provides a richer description of a person's labor market
experience. (4)
We explicitly account for gender differences in our analysis of the
labor market outcomes and behaviors, because Katz, Goldin, and Kuziemko
(2006) report that, although women are now more likely to graduate from
college than men, women still comprise less than a third of economics
majors, and in recent years that percentage appears to have fallen
slightly (Siegfried 2007). One possible reason for this outcome is that
the returns to studying economics may differ for women and men. (5)
In addition to labor market behaviors, we analyze variables
covering such personal finance decisions as the number of credit cards
held, payment patterns on the credit cards, homeownership and levels of
home equity, savings levels and motivations, portfolio allocation, and
life insurance coverage. We find large differences between majors for
many of the labor market and personal finance variables.
In line with much of the existing literature, our attempts to
account for selection bias in the choice of college majors, as well as
the number of economics courses students take, are based primarily on
procedures for dealing with selection-on-observables, where students
with alternative sets of characteristics non-randomly self-select into
different college majors and thereby into different course selections.
The potential that our findings could also be influenced by selection
based on unobservables cannot be dismissed, so we must caution against
interpreting the partial correlations we estimate as purely causal.
Nevertheless, the relationships we discover between economics majors and
coursework and our variables on long-term outcomes and behaviors in
labor markets and personal finance are interesting and important, and
our findings contribute to this relatively new and underdeveloped area
of research.
In Section II of the paper we provide a description of our data
set. The basic statistical model and empirical results for labor market
outcomes are presented in Section III. Results on personal finance
decisions are reported in Section IV. In Section V we discuss
statistical issues related to the potential endogeneity of our measures
of economics training. Section VI provides a brief conclusion and
summary of results. Appendices A and B provide additional information on
our attempts to address issues of non-response bias and endogeneity.
Our survey on labor market and personal finance outcomes and
behaviors was mailed in January 2003 to graduates from four public
universities--Florida Atlantic (FAU), Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL), North
Carolina (UNC), and Purdue--who attended the schools in 1976, 1986, or
1996. For each of the annual cohorts, the sample included up to 1,000
students from each of three different groups at each of the four
schools. The three groups were based on students' final major,
which we classified as economics, business, or general (i.e., anything
other than economics and business majors). Business majors include all
students with majors originating in business schools except economics.
Whenever a group of majors at a school for a given year was larger than
1,000 students, a random sample of 1,000 students was drawn. That was
usually the case for the general majors, and often the case for business
majors. For all of the economics annual cohorts at all four
universities, the number of majors was less than 1,000, so surveys were
mailed to all of the economics majors enrolled in these years.
In addition to many specific questions about their labor market
experiences, personal finance decisions, and voting behavior and other
political activities since leaving school, the survey included questions
on the graduates' impressions about their undergraduate coursework
in economics and other fields, and general questions about their
background. (6) In short, the survey was long, detailed, and in several
places highly personal or even intrusive.
From the 25,292 surveys mailed, 1,313 were returned because of
invalid addresses. We received 2,165 completed surveys, for an overall
response rate of 9.0% (excluding surveys returned because of bad
addresses), a rate that is typical or somewhat better than usual for
this kind of mail survey. The response rate by school ranged from 5.8%
to 11.4%, and also varied across the three groups of majors: 13.1% for
the economics majors and about 8.5% for business and general majors. The
response rate for the 1996 cohort was 10.0%, for the 1986 cohort 8.3%,
and for the 1976 cohort 8.8%.
Transcript data were obtained from registrars' offices at the
four universities, providing basic demographic information including
gender and race, as well as information on students' overall GPA,
semester GPAs, economics courses taken, and grades in economics courses.
The transcript information was relatively easy to obtain for the vast
majority of survey recipients at all four universities for the 1986 and
1996 cohorts. For the 1976 cohort, however, transcript information was
only available in electronic formats at two institutions. At the other
two schools we attempted to collect transcript information from copies
of printed records for every business and general major who returned a
survey, and for 100 additional transcripts in each of these two groups
of majors, chosen at random from the non-respondents. We were successful
in obtaining transcript information for all economics majors. For the
entire mailing sample, transcript information was available for 23,127
former students, including all but six of the survey respondents.
Unfortunately, there are differences in the data that the four
schools record on transcripts. For example, not all schools provide
scores on college entrance exams, such as the SAT, and the schools that
do not provide entrance exam scores on transcripts also provide very
little data for students prior to matriculation (such as high school
GPA). Consequently, our pooled data analysis could not use information
that predated a student's enrollment at one of the universities.
Table 1 lists and describes all of the variables used in our
estimations. (7) The first set of variables is based on a set of
questions concerning labor market outcomes and behavior, including
post-graduate education. Specifically, these variables include measures
for employment status, levels of annual compensation, and the form of
that compensation (salary vs. commission, etc.) at the time of the
survey. Other variables in this set provide information on past layoff experience, self-employment experience, graduate education, and the
individual's expected retirement age.
The second set of variables in Table 1 deals with various personal
finance decisions, including home ownership and net equity, current and
expected (at retirement) savings, personal motivations for saving,
investment portfolio allocations, life insurance coverage, the number of
credit cards held, and the monthly pay-off rate on those credit cards.
The third set of variables in Table 1 lists and describes our
explanatory variables. Binary variables are used to indicate which
school was attended, the different time cohorts (1976, 1986, and 1996),
the three groups of majors (economics, business, and other), the U.S.
geographic region of respondents' current residence, gender,
race/ethnicity, and family status. Some responses were missing for the
variables indicating race/ethnicity and family status. To avoid deleting
these observations, missing values were replaced with a value of zero
and then an indicator variable was used to identify each record with
missing values. (8) For brevity, the estimated coefficients for the
indicator variables are not listed in the regression tables, but they
were similar to the estimated impacts at the means of the non-missing
values. Estimations based on samples that only included non-missing
values for the explanatory variables resulted in comparable estimates
for all explanatory variables.
The EconCourses variable is a count of the number of economics
courses on a student's transcript, excluding repeated courses but
counting courses regardless of how well or poorly the student performed
in the class. We also used the squared value for EconCourses as an
explanatory variable. CumGPA variable is a graduate's cumulative
GPA at the end of their undergraduate program.
Table 2 provides descriptive statistics for all individuals to whom
we mailed questionnaires and for whom we obtained transcript data
(labeled as Sample I, this was our target population), and for the
subsample used in our estimations, comprised of individuals who returned
the survey (Sample If). We report descriptive statistics with and
without weights that were constructed to account for the non-random
sampling method (based on college majors), described earlier, which we
used to construct our mailing list. (9)
For Sample I, unweighted means show that 22% of the former students
were enrolled in 1976, and 39% each in both 1986 and 1996. Business and
general majors are each 45% of the sample, with the remaining 10%
majoring in economics. The graduates (in all majors) were 46% female and
7% Black. On average, the students in Sample I took 2.9 economics
courses and had a cumulative GPA of 2.97 (on a 4.0 scale).
Comparing these means to the weighted means shows the influence of
the non-random nature of our sampling design, with the general majors
group being underrepresented and business and economics majors
overrepresented. Because business and economics majors take more
economics courses than students in the general group of majors, the
average number of economics courses taken in the actual target sample
(2.9) is higher than in the weighted target sample (1.7). Economics and
business majors also comprise smaller proportions of our sample when the
weights are used. The weighted adjustments do not have large effects on
the mean values for most other variables, however.
If survey non-response is random across sampled individuals, we
would expect average characteristics for Samples I and II to be very
similar. For most variables, however, the two samples differ in average
values, reflecting heterogeneity in response rates across
subpopulations. For example, survey respondents (Sample II) were more
likely to be economics majors, white, and to have slightly higher GPAs.
The differences between the two samples are statistically different at
the 10%, or higher, confidence level for all variables except General,
Female, and Northeast.
If non-response rates vary across the groups defined by different
values of the characteristics reported in Table 2 but are random within
each subgroup (i.e., conditional on the values of these
characteristics), then as long as we adequately control for the
heterogeneity in these characteristics (and thus for potential
differences in behavior across groups) the validity of the results
presented below should not be compromised due to non-random
non-response. If response rates vary with unobserved characteristics
that are related to the dependent variables, however, or with the values
of these variables themselves, that could lead to biased estimates in
which some of the differences in labor market and personal finance
decisions and outcomes that we attribute to college major or
course-taking choices are actually due to non-random survey response. We
investigate the potential for sample selection bias due to non-random
nonresponse in more detail in Section V, where we discuss estimates
based on alternative statistical approaches used to account for such
bias. Generally these estimates offer little evidence of significant
non-response biases.
Table 3A provides unweighted sample means for survey respondents
(Sample II) on all of the explanatory variables, reported separately for
the three groups of undergraduate majors. (10) The three annual cohorts
are all well represented in Sample II, although the 1996 cohort has the
highest representation. UNL and Purdue alumni each represent slightly
less than a fourth of the sample, FAU about 15%, and UNC graduates the
remaining 39%. About 43% of the survey respondents were business majors,
a similar number were general majors, and 13% were economics majors. The
average number of economics courses taken by all students in Sample II
was about 3.4, with differences across majors clearly reflecting degree
requirements for economics and business majors. A typical business major
took four economics courses and general majors took about one class, on
average. Economics majors averaged almost nine courses. Across all three
groups of majors, cumulative GPA at the end of the last term shown on
the transcripts was 3.10 on a 4.0 scale.
Females comprise about 45% of Sample II, but are underrepresented
in the economics and business majors (24% and 38%, respectively), and
overrepresented in the general majors (58%). In contrast, minorities
represent about 5% of graduates in all three groups of majors. In each
category of majors, about 70% of respondents were married or living with
someone when they completed our survey, and reported having one child,
on average. Many graduates live in states where they were born, raised,
and went to college, so given the locations of the four universities
used in our study, over 85% of the survey respondents lived in the South
and Midwest in 2003.
Table 3B reports summary statistics for the labor market and
personal finance variables. (11) In Sample II (all survey respondents,
regardless of major), almost 40% reported working more than 50 h a week;
34% were paid at least partly based on commission; 21% have experienced
a layoff; over 70% reported earning an annual wage or salary income of
more than $40,000, and over 20% over $100,000. More than a fourth
reported at least some current or past self-employment activity. Nearly
40% had completed a graduate degree--mostly MBAs (11%) or other Masters
degrees (19%), with smaller numbers of law degrees (6%) or a Ph.D. (3%).
Our sample of respondents hopes to retire early, with an average
expected retirement age of 60.
Over three-fourths of the sample owned a house, with 31% of the
homeowners reporting a net home equity under $50,000, 47% with equity
values between $50,000 and $250,000, and 22% over $250,000. Average and
median current savings were about $600,000 and $65,000, respectively,
reflecting a right skew in this distribution. For households with
positive savings, investments were mostly divided across money market
accounts, individual stocks, and mutual funds, with about 27% holding
mutual funds and 16% owning individual stocks. Respondents expect to
retire with average assets over $2.1 million (median $1 million).
Although saving for precautionary reasons is given slightly more
importance, the average importance across the various reasons to save
(to buy a home, car, or vacation; for retirement, education expenses, or
bequests; precautionary motives; or repaying of debt) is similar. The
average (median) number of credit cards held by respondents was about
3.2 (2), and almost 60% reported paying off all of their credit card
balances every month over the preceding year. (12) Nearly 90% of the
respondents had life insurance, of which 60% was self-purchased (not
provided by employers).
The data show important differences in labor market and personal
finance decisions and outcomes between those who majored in economics
and those who majored in business or other subjects. On average,
economics majors work more and earn more than business majors, who in
turn work and earn more than the graduates with other majors. A higher
fraction of both economics and business majors receive at least part of
their annual earnings in the form of commissions/bonuses. Business and
economics majors are more likely to complete MBA degrees and economics
majors are more likely to have attended law school relative to both
other groups, but a much higher proportion of general majors obtain
other Masters degrees and Ph.Ds.
Economics and business majors are more likely to invest in
individual stocks, have one fewer credit card (on average), and are more
likely to pay off their credit card balances each month. They are also
more likely to have life insurance, but especially employer-provided
life insurance--they are actually less likely to purchase policies as
individuals, quite possibly because they are more likely to work for
employers who provide policies as a fringe benefit. The average (median)
savings of economics majors was $2.1 million ($100,000), for business
majors about $600,000 ($80,000), and for the general majors $174,000
($50,000). The same ranking holds for the average amount graduates
expect to have saved by the time of retirement. There were only small
differences in the reported reasons for saving across the different
Some variation in these outcomes may reflect differences in
individual characteristics across the groups of majors. For example,
economics majors are more likely to be from one of the later annual
cohorts, more likely to have attended UNC, and more likely to be male.
To control for such differences in observed characteristics, we next
report results using regression analysis, and then we investigate the
relationship between these outcomes and the number of economics courses
taken, exploring differences in economics training both across and
within each group of majors. (13)
Given the binary nature of all but one labor market outcome
variable, we begin by estimating a set of standard probit equations
relating each of those dependent variables to a set of individual
characteristics, including a measure of economics training. (14)
RetireAge is treated as a continuous variable and analyzed using
ordinary least squares (OLS). In all estimations sample weights were
used to account for the non-random sampling design. We first discuss
estimates for specifications that include indicators for Economics and
Business majors as explanatory variables (with General majors the
excluded group). We then replace the variables for majors with variables
indicating the number of economics courses completed by respondents
(EconCourses) and the square of this variable (EconCourses (2)).
For each labor market outcome we present estimates based on two
different sets of control variables. The first, corresponding to panel A
of each table, includes two cohort and three university dummies, as well
as binary variables for gender, race, and ethnicity. The second, shown
in panel B, includes an extended set of controls, adding regional
indicators of current residence and indicators of the individual's
marital status and number of children. More importantly, the regression
includes a measure of the individual's overall ability. One of the
main and most frequently discussed sources of endogeneity bias in
estimating the effect of education on labor market outcomes is
heterogeneity across individuals in unobserved ability. Individuals of
higher ability may self-select into different majors and may take more
or fewer economics courses. At the same time, one would expect those
with higher ability to have better labor market outcomes and to exhibit
different personal finance behavior even in absence of any difference in
economics training. If such ability differences are not controlled for,
they will be incorrectly attributed to their economics background.
In an attempt to overcome ability biases in our estimations, we
control for the individual's overall performance in college
courses. (15) Using the student's final GPA score in college may be
problematic due to differential grading practices across course fields,
universities, and cohorts (Johnson 2003). To account for grade inflation
and differential grading practices, we instead measure each
student's performance relative to all other students in the same
course or subject. We do so by regressing, separately for each
university, all individual student course grades on course subject
dummies, (16) course level (whether upper level course), year dummies,
and individual fixed effects. The estimated individual fixed effects
serve then as our ability measures.
A. The Economics Major
Table 4 presents estimates using binary indicators for Economics
and Business majors as explanatory variables. For the probit estimations
marginal effects at the variable means are reported, with z-scores in
parentheses. For the OLS regressions coefficients and t-statistics are
The economics major is positively and significantly associated with
earning more than $40,000 or more than $100,000 a year, but also with
working more than 50 h/week and with working partly for
commission/bonuses and having engaged in some form and level of
self-employment. It is negatively related to completing a graduate
degree. The effects on layoff experience and planned retirement age are
not significant.
The magnitudes of the earnings, self-employment, and graduate
education differentials are relatively large and important.
Compared to the general majors, economics majors have a 17% higher
chance of earning more than $40,000 a year, a 14% greater chance of
earning more than $100,000 a year, and an 8% higher chance of engaging
in self-employment. They are considerably more likely than general
majors to work partly for commission/bonus (20%), but almost 8% less
likely to complete an advanced degree.
We tested the null hypothesis that the marginal effect in these
labor market outcomes for economics majors is equal to the marginal
effect for business majors, and were unable to reject the null
hypothesis in all but two cases: (1) the likelihood of having ever been
laid off is about 7 percentage points higher for business majors, and
(2) business majors are 16% less likely to pursue an advanced degree
than general majors, which is twice the gap between the economics and
general majors. The general (and not particularly surprising) conclusion
is that economics majors are far more like business majors than general
majors in terms of labor market outcomes.
Adding additional explanatory variables, as reported in panel B of
Table 4, none of the point estimates for Economics and Business are
substantially affected. As mentioned earlier, a student's ability
and the other included variables may be directly related both to the
labor market outcomes considered and to graduates' decisions to
major in economics, business, or other subjects, and therefore to the
number of economics courses they take. To the extent that is true,
conditioning on these variables could reduce endogeneity biases in the
estimates. And to the extent that the additional regressors help explain
some of the variability in the outcome variables, their inclusion could
increase the precision of our estimates. Although the coefficients
associated with our ability measure and some of the other included
covariates often were highly significant, we found little effect of
adding these variables on the estimated associations between college
major and labor market outcomes. The robustness of the estimates can be
viewed as evidence that biases due to non-random selection into the
economics and business majors (at least based on observables considered
here) are small.
B. Economics Coursework
The estimates reported in Table 5 indicate that taking more
economics courses is associated with a higher probability of earning
more, working more than 50 h/week, being paid a commission, and having
experienced a layoff. Economics coursework is negatively related to
completing a graduate degree and to expected retirement age. As
indicated by tests of the joint significance of its two associated
coefficients (bottom two rows of Table 5), the number of economics
courses taken is significantly related with all outcomes except
self-employment. In the earnings, hours worked, commission, and graduate
degree estimations, the results are predictably in line with the results
from Table 4 for both economics and business majors, who take more
economics than the group of other majors, on average. The more
interesting cases concern the other dependent variables, for which signs
and/or significance results for the economics and business majors appear
different in Table 4. There are considerably more business majors than
economics majors in Sample II, so the results for the laidoff variable
in Table 5 reflect the finding that business majors were significantly
more likely to have experienced a layoff, while economics majors (who
take more economics courses than business majors) were less likely
(though not significantly) to have experienced a layoff. Similarly,
business majors were significantly more likely to report an earlier
planned retirement, while the coefficient for economics majors was
negative but insignificant. The self-employment outcome was significant
for economics majors and insignificant for business majors, and is
insignificant in Table 5.
Although the marginal effects of the squared term for economics
coursework are only significant in three cases, there is general
evidence of a non-linear association in which the effects of the number
of economics courses taken and labor market outcomes become weaker as
the number of economics courses increases. Specifically, while one
additional economics course is initially associated with considerably
higher probabilities of earning more than $40,000, earning more than
$100,000, working more than 50 h, being paid in part based on
commission, or having been self-employed, these marginal effects turn
negative at various levels, ranging from 7 to 10 courses. Put
differently, the last economics course or two in the economics major may
not have large or even positive effects on these outcome variables.
The marginal effect estimates for the specification with additional
control variables, reported in panel B of Table 5, again shows that none
of the point estimates--in this case for economics courses or courses
squared--is substantially affected. So as noted above in the discussion
of Table 4, there is again little evidence of selection bias based on
these observables.
C. Gender and Economics Majors and Coursework
Almost half of our sample is female, but only a fourth of the
economics majors in our sample are women. (17) To see if the labor
market behaviors associated with majoring in or taking courses in
economics (relative to those associated with a general major or to
taking no economics courses, respectively) are different for women and
men, we interacted the indicators for majoring in economics and
business, or the variables for economics courses, with an indicator
variable to identify females. The indicator was also included directly
to capture average differences in outcomes and behavior across genders.
All of these estimates, reported in Table 6, use the full set of
regressors used in the B panels in Tables 4 and 5.
Coefficients for the gender indicator are significant in four
regressions (Salary >40K, Salary >100K, Hours, and Commission). In
other words, even among those with a general degree and those with zero
economics courses taken, women in our sample had different labor market
outcomes: relative to male graduates they earned less, worked fewer
hours, and were less likely to be paid a bonus/commission. However, none
of the interaction terms are significant at the 5% level, and only one
is significant at the 10% level. The one marginally significant case
deals with layoffs: while male graduates who majored in economics are
equally likely to have experienced a layoff as male graduates with a
general major, female graduates who majored in economics are Jess likely
to have experienced a layoff than their counterparts with a general
major. This may reflect a higher layoff risk for male economics majors,
or greater exposure to risk due to higher labor market participation
rates relative to female economics majors. But on most outcomes, our
results suggest that studying economics is associated with similar
changes in labor market outcomes for men and women, even over a data set
that reaches back over 25 years. (18)
D. Advanced Degrees
Black, Sanders, and Taylor (2003) find that students who complete a
bachelors degree in economics are more likely to pursue a higher degree,
and Nieswiadomy (1998, 2006) reports that economics majors comprise a
large share of law school applicants and do especially well, compared to
other majors, on the LSAT entrance exam. We were therefore surprised to
find that the economics majors in our sample were less likely to
complete advanced degrees. In Table 7, we report marginal effect
estimates from weighted probit regressions for different kinds of
post-graduate degrees. Economics and business majors in our sample are
more likely than general majors to pursue MBAs (by 18% and 11% points,
respectively), but both are less likely to pursue other Masters degrees
(by 9% and 13% points) and the Ph.D. (by about 2% points each). (19)
Both economics and business majors in our sample were equally likely to
obtain a law degree as other majors.
Using the number of economics courses rather than Economics major
as an explanatory variable, there is only one change in these results:
taking economics classes increases the likelihood of obtaining a law
degree, but at a decreasing rate. This finding primarily reflects a
higher law school attendance rate among General majors who take more
economics courses. The marginal effect is positive until about nine
courses, after which it turns negative. The likelihood of obtaining an
MBA increases through seven classes, but then declines. Relative to
those who took no economics courses, those who took a few economics
courses are more likely to pursue a Law degree or an MBA, but less
likely to obtain other Masters degrees or the Ph.D. These findings may
reflect the higher salaries earned by economics and business majors,
which increase the opportunity cost of going to graduate school. They
are also consistent with the falling share of U.S. students pursuing
doctorates in economics and business. Unfortunately, it is difficult to
say whether these findings reflect specific preferences or
characteristics of graduates from the four universities in our sample,
or apply to college graduates more generally.
Tables 8-11 present our estimates of the association between our
measures of economic training (college major choice and coursework in
economics) and personal finance decisions and outcomes, grouped in four
categories: real estate, savings, financial investments, and credit
cards and life insurance. In all of these estimations, we again use the
full set of explanatory variables featured in Panel B of Tables 4 and 5.
(20) However, because differences in personal finance decisions may
simply reflect differences in the average incomes earned by graduates
with different majors, we report two sets of estimates for each
variable: one controls for self-reported income using a set of nine
dummy variables corresponding to earnings intervals; the other
estimation does not control for income.
A. Real Estate
Table 8 reports estimates for three real estate variables: owning a
home (vs. renting), and for those who own rather than rent having net
equity in the home that is either less than $50,000 or more than
$250,000. Majoring in economics or business are both associated with a
4% point increase in the probability of homeownership, with the
difference for the business major significant at the 5% level. After
controlling for income, however, these differences disappear. Similarly,
without controlling for income we find that taking more economics
courses is initially (less than five classes) associated with an
increased likelihood of homeownership; but for higher numbers of courses
the marginal effects turn negative. After controlling for income the
relationship between economics coursework and home ownership becomes
weaker but retains statistical significance.
The story is a little different in terms of net equity. Not
controlling for income, majoring in economics or business, or having
taken at least some economics courses, are all associated with higher
equity. Controlling for income, most of those results become
insignificant, but business majors and those who took some economics are
still less likely to have equity of less than $50,000. Particularly with
regard to estimations that do not control for income, our results are
consistent with those reviewed by Martin (2007), who reports a positive
relationship between financial education programs and home ownership.
B. Saving
In Table 9, we consider self-reported levels of savings and several
possible motivations for saving (namely, short-term vs. long-term
objectives, precautionary motives, and repaying debt). Economics and
business majors in Sample II saved approximately 57% more than the group
of other majors. Not controlling for income, economics majors expect to
save more than both business and other majors when they retire. These
effects are smaller after controlling for income, but still significant.
Bernheim, Garrett, and Maki (2001) found similar effects for those who
completed a secondary curriculum on consumer decision making; our
results are based on more general forms of college-level economic and
business education.
Economics majors viewed specific short-term reasons for saving
(such as buying a home or car, or to pay for a vacation) and
precautionary motives for saving as more important than both business
majors and the group of other majors. Both the economics and business
majors considered long-term reasons to save (including retirement,
future education expenses, and investments) more important than the
group of general majors. Both the business and economics majors also
place less importance than general majors on saving to repay debt. In a
sample of British youth (ages 16-21), Furnham and Goletto-Tankel (2002)
found that more education led to more positive attitudes about saving.
Our results support the few earlier studies that suggest the specific
field of study students pursue, as well as overall level of education,
is important.
C. Financial Investments
Households make important financial decisions about how to allocate savings across various kinds of financial assets and investments. Martin
(2007) suggests that two reasons many households do not own equities
are: (1) a lack of information about the existence of equity markets,
and (2) the presence of significant fixed costs (time, money,
psychological) that create barriers to entering equity markets.
Apparently a wide range of educational programs--school-based,
retirement and employee education seminars, and so forth--may overcome
both of these. Our results in Table 10 show that majoring in economics
or business, or taking undergraduate economics courses, are correlated with how individuals allocate their investments, particularly in terms
of owning stocks and using money market funds. These positive
associations hold even after we control for differences in income, and
they support the findings of Christiansen, Joensen, and Rangvid (2008),
noted earlier, that people trained in economics are more likely to
invest in stocks. At the same time, business majors and graduates who
take some economics courses were significantly less likely to leave
funds in checking and savings accounts at banks, presumably in pursuit
of higher returns--but these results weaken somewhat after controlling
for income.
D. Credit Cards and Life Insurance
Lee and Kwon (2002) found that holding of credit cards increases
with education, and they hypothesize that those with more education are
more likely to use credit cards for convenience in making purchases,
rather than a means of financing consumption. We analyze the association
between economics coursework and majors and the number of credit cards
held using a Poisson model, with estimates of the incidence-rate ratios
(IRR) presented in the first two columns of Table 11. We find the
average number of credit cards held by economics majors was 62% of the
number held by the general majors, with the comparable number for
business majors being 67%. These values change very slightly and are
still significant after controlling for income. The estimates of the IRR
in the first column of Table 11 imply that, evaluated at the mean number
of economics courses, an additional economics course reduces the
incidence rate (the number of cards held) by a factor of 0.975, while
evaluated at six courses the incidence rate falls by a factor of 0.945.
Estimates in the third and fourth columns of Table 11 show that
economics coursework and majoring in business are positively associated
with completely paying off credit card balances each month--the effect
of the courses squared variable does not result in an overall negative
effect until 12 courses, which is beyond the level taken even by the
vast majority of economics majors.
Bernheim et al. (2006) offer evidence that people employed at
Boston University, including professors, have too little life insurance,
on average. We find that economics majors are about 5% more likely to
have life insurance than the group of General (non-business,
non-economics) majors--either employer provided or self-purchased.
Business majors are about 2% more likely to have insurance than the
group of General majors. There is no significant variation in those who
self-purchase life insurance across majors or economics courses taken.
Given the higher overall life insurance coverage rate for economics
majors, this implies that they are more likely to have insurance
provided by employers. However, the differences across majors and
economics course work can be entirely attributed to the higher
associated income levels.
In addition to our measures of economics training in college
(economics or business majors, or the number of economics courses
taken), we also investigated whether a student's academic
performance in economics courses was associated with differential labor
market or personal finance behavior. Put differently, in addition to
exposure to economics, does it matter how well the content of economics
courses is understood, as measured by course grades? We analyzed this by
including in our models a normalized college GPA based solely on the
grades obtained in economics courses taken. Specifically, we computed
individual fixed effects from course-grade regressions identical to
those used to compute the general ability measure discussed in Section
III, but with the estimation sample including only grades in economics
courses taken. As in Section III, our measure accounts for differential
grading practices across schools, course subjects, and cohorts.
As shown in Table 12, these measures of how well students did in
their economics courses had relatively little effect on our estimates
for college major and economics courses taken. (21) Perhaps more
importantly, with only a few exceptions the estimates indicate that how
well students do in economics courses is not significantly related to
outcomes or behaviors after controlling for college major or number of
courses taken. (22) The cases in which there was a statistically
significant relationship with higher economics grades were: (1) a higher
rate of receiving some income paid as commission, (2) greater savings,
(3) holding fewer credit cards, and (4) a higher pay-off rate on credit
cards. But most of our results suggest that it is the general exposure
to economics, rather than performance in the courses measured by the 22.
Comparable results were obtained when relating outcomes to the number of
economics courses taken. course grades, that matters for future outcomes
and behaviors. (23)
We laced two major statistical issues in conducting and
interpreting the results from these estimations: non-random survey
non-response bias and the endogeneity of choice of major or economics
courses taken. Although differences between respondents and
non-respondents are to some extent captured by differences in observed
characteristics, including these variables as linear controls in the
regressions may not adequately capture their impact on these outcomes if
the linear controls are too restrictive. And individuals in the
different groups in our sample may also differ in terms of unobserved
We controlled for possible non-response bias using propensity score methods and a control function approach. Our results were not altered
using either method, so we do not present those estimates here, but they
are available on request. We also experimented with an instrumental
variable approach to account for possible selectivity in unobserved
traits, but unfortunately were not successful in finding an instrument
that was both credible and sufficiently strong (see Appendix A for
further details).
Two of our key explanatory variables--majoring in economics and the
number of economics courses taken--may be endogenous with respect to the
labor market and personal finance behaviors and outcomes we are
investigating. Earlier studies on the effects of studying economics on
earnings or other labor market outcomes have ignored the issue of
endogeneity (Black, Sanders, and Taylor 2003; Christiansen, Joensen, and
Rangvid 2008; Hamermesh and Donald 2008). (24) This is also true for
most previous studies relating financial literacy to financial
behaviors. In Sections Ill and IV, to account for possible selection
bias, we included a set of controls which included a measure of
individual ability. While this reduces the potential for bias due to
selection-on-observables (where students with alternative sets of
characteristics non-randomly self-select into different college majors
and into different course selections), it does not deal with potential
selection-on-unobservables. We therefore attempted instrumental variable
methods to address the potential endogeneity of these variables, but
again we were not able to find an instrument strong enough to provide
sufficiently precise estimates for causal inference, as discussed in
Appendix B. Therefore, while the associations we report are important,
we suggest caution in claiming a causal relationship.
In arguing that outcomes in competitive markets were efficient,
neoclassical economics assumed (often implicitly) that individuals
innately knew or learned by experience how to make good decisions as
consumers, workers, and voters. Many educators, civic leaders, and
business and financial executives have long questioned that assumption,
and over the past decade a growing body of research by economists has
raised concerns about poor decision making by households in which adults
have little or no training in economics or personal finance.
Understanding how different kinds of education affect household behavior
is therefore an important concern for economists and policy makers.
We find a wide range of evidence that relates studying economics at
the undergraduate level to different outcomes and behaviors than those
reported by graduates who majored in other fields. To summarize,
economics coursework and majoring in economics are significantly related
to higher levels of earnings, home equity, and savings. They are also
associated with working more hours and negatively related to completing
graduate degrees, except the MBA. Among college graduates with positive
savings, those with more economics coursework invest more in individual
stocks and money market accounts, and are more likely to have
employer-provided life insurance. They have fewer credit cards, which
are more often paid in full each month. These relationships appear not
to be strongly related to how well a student did in the economics
courses they completed.
With a few interesting exceptions, most of these findings also hold
for graduates who majored in business. The exceptions are that business
majors are more likely than economics majors to have been laid off by an
employer, and less likely than economics majors to have been
self-employed or to have employer-provided life insurance. Both business
and economics majors are less likely than other majors to complete a
graduate degree (except the MBA), but business majors are about twice as
unlikely to do that as economics majors. Economics majors expect to save
even more than business majors by retirement, on average, and they view
both short-term savings goals and precautionary motives for saving as
more important than business majors. On the other hand, among those who
own their homes, business majors are somewhat less likely than economics
majors to have net equity of less than $50,000.
Finally, our results suggest that exposure to economics through
course-taking is more important for later outcomes than how well a
student did in the economics courses they completed.
Non-response Bias
We analyze the sensitivity of our estimates using two different
approaches to control for possible survey nonresponse bias. First we
explored correcting for non-random non-response using propensity score
methods (Rosenbaum and Rubin 1983). We used the parameter estimates from
a probit model to estimate for each individual the probability of being
included in the sample of survey respondents (the propensity score). The
propensity score estimates were then used to form weights in weighted
least squares regressions (Horvitz and Thompson 1952; Little and Rubin
1987; Wooldridge 2002). The weights are defined as P(1 =1)/P(1=1/X ),
where P(1=1) represents the proportion of students in Sample I (mailing
sample) who were included in our sample of survey respondents (Sample
II), while P(I = l/X) is the estimated propensity score for an
individual with observed characteristics X.
Under certain conditions, the use of these weights corrects the
distributions of all variables so that these distributions become
representative of the mailing population. Specifically, the approach
relies on a conditional independence assumption in which, conditional on
a set of variables, being in the sample of respondents can be treated as
random (independent of the values of all other variables). The results
we obtained using this approach were very similar and not significantly
different from the unweighted linear probability model estimates.
Our second method for correcting for survey nonresponse bias is a
control function approach. This involves including a selectivity bias
correction term in the regression (Heckman and Robb 1985), approximated
by a polynomial in the estimated propensity score (Newey, Powell, and
Walker 1990; Vella 1998). Adding a linear, quadratic, or cubic
polynomial in the propensity score did not quantitatively or
qualitatively alter the estimates. Therefore, in this paper we only
report estimates that ignore potential selectivity bias from survey
non-response. Estimates obtained with both response bias correction
methods are available on request.
Finally, we explored an instrumental variable approach similar to
that proposed by Hamermesh and Donald (2008) for addressing survey
non-response biases. They used an indicator of current membership in a
university's alumni association as instrumental variable for survey
response, based on the idea that those with closer ties to the
university are more likely to participate in the survey. We did not have
access to information about alumni association membership for our
sample, but we explored using the distance from individuals"
current residence (in 2003) to the college attended as instrumental
variable for survey response. We constructed two dummy variables: living
in-state and close to campus, and living in-state but far from
campus--which left living out of state as the residual category. These
instruments had a negative effect on survey response, which clearly
raises questions about the validity of the instrument.
Item non-response rates varied between 1% and 12% for labor market
outcome variables, with an average of 4%. For the personal finance
variables item non-response rates varied from 2% to 32%, with an average
of 7%. Therefore, claiming that the estimates reported in the paper are
unbiased relies on an implicit missing-at-random (MAR) assumption, in
which the missing status of an observation for the dependent variable is
randomly assigned conditional on the observed values of all regressors
(i.e., within subgroups defined by the conditioning variables). Note
that this assumption allows the rate at which the dependent variable is
missing to be different across the values of the included covariates, as
it only imposes it to be constant within each subgroup. Although this
assumption is generally imposed in empirical studies, it is rarely
discussed explicitly and hard to test without auxiliary information.
Endogenous Regressors
Our attempts to control for endogeneity biases went well beyond the
addition of controls to account for possible selection-on-observables.
Our identification strategy for estimating causal effects requires a
variable that is correlated with the number of economics courses taken
and with the choice of economics or business as major, but that is not
directly related to the labor market or personal finance outcomes we
use. An important determinant in the decision to major in economics or
to take additional economics courses is the student's relative
performance in the first economics course taken. From a student's
perspective this variable contains a significant random component beyond
the stochastic element in the student's test/grade performance in
the course, because it depends on the quality of the instructor and
several other course characteristics, including course enrollment, class
size, the use and quality of teaching assistants, and so forth. These
factors are likely to vary over time and across universities, and across
course sections at the same university in the same semester or quarter.
We exploit this random component while directly controlling for
students' overall ability as measured by the individual's
course-grade fixed effect (as discussed earlier), using three different
measures of an individual student's relative performance in their
first economics course. The first measure is the student's grade in
the first non-transferred course in economics (usually Principles but
otherwise lowest numbered course) relative to the student's overall
cumulative GPA at the end of the semester in which the course was taken.
The second measure is the same except that it is based on the average
grade in all non-transferred economics courses taken during the first
semester when an economics course was taken by the student. The third is
similar to the first except that it measures the student's
performance in the first economics course relative to the average course
grade of all students who took the course. Our results are not sensitive
to the specific instrument choice, but unfortunately while the
instruments all have the expected positive effects on total economics
courses taken and economics major choice, our instruments are not strong
enough, causing our second stage estimates of EconCourses and Economics
to have large standard errors.
We also considered as an instrument the overall popularity of the
economics major among those who were already in college (non-freshmen)
at the time the student entered college, measured by the fraction of
economics majors among total degrees awarded during the first three
years the student was in college. Even though there was considerable
variation in the popularity of the economics major by college entry year
and school, after controlling for cohort and university fixed effects
the instrument was too weak to draw precise inferences.
First and second stage estimates of all instrumental variable
estimations are available from the authors upon request.
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(1.) Other economists have investigated the relationship between
college coursework, choice of major, and career earnings, but with no
special focus on the economics major or coursework. Grogger and Eide
(I995l find that changes in the mix of college majors, over time, from
low-skill subjects to high-skill subjects, help to explain the increase
in the wage premium for college graduates. Arcidiacono (2004) finds
large earnings differences across college majors, and James et al.
(1989) conclude that the choice of major and coursework taken has a
larger effect on future earnings than the choice of what college to
attend. Conversely, Hamermesh and Donald (2008) found only small
differences in earnings across different majors. There are also studies
on the relationship between high school coursework and earnings. For
example, Altonji (1995) finds relatively small effects of taking
individual courses on subsequent earnings. Rose and Betts (2002),
however, using similar methods but more recent data and a more detailed
classification of the high school curriculum, found relatively large
positive effects on earnings from taking mathematics courses.
(2.) As with labor market outcomes, many studies have been
published on the effects of general education on individuals'
behavior in the area of personal finance, with no particular focus on
coursework in economics or personal finance. For example, Kotlikoff and
Bernheim (2001) find that workers with less education have lower levels
of financial literacy. Lee and Kwon (2002) report that consumers'
use of store credit cards to finance purchases is negatively related to
education levels. Barron and Staten (2002) show that college students
exhibit different payment patterns for credit card accounts than
non-students in the same age cohort. And Guiso and Jappelli (2005) found
that individuals with more education were more likely to know about
various kinds of financial assets.
(3.) Some observed behavior--such as consumers holding savings in
accounts paying 2% interest while carrying credit card balances that are
being charged 18% or more--have led economists to use models from
behavioral economics to understand or predict that behavior (e.g., see
Brown, Liang, and Weisbenner 2007; Thaler and Benartzi 2004).
(4.) As mentioned above, Hamermesh and Donald (2008) conclude that
higher earnings by economics majors are partly due to working more hours
than other majors. Hamermesh and Lee (2007) evaluate stress that is
caused, in part, by working more hours. Conversely, there may be greater
security and less stress in occupations that rarely face layoffs.
(5.) We could not perform a similar analysis for racial minorities
due to the small number of minorities in our sample.
(6.) For more information on the survey see Allgood et al. (2004),
which describes survey results on the graduates' perceptions of
their undergraduate experiences with economics courses and instructors.
(7.) The questionnaire is available on request.
(8.) Race was missing for 31% of the sample, while family status
was missing for 1.3% of individuals.
(9.) The sample weight for each cohort-school-major combination is
defined as the ratio of the group's share in the student population
in each college in 1976. 1986, or 1996 (proxied by the total number of
degrees awarded within 4 years of each date), divided by their share in
the total sample of potential respondents (the share in Sample I).
(10.) Differences across majors in weighted means were again very
(11.) Because the number of survey responses for each of these
variables differs (due to item non-response), regressions using these
dependent variables have different numbers of observations. In Appendix
A we discuss the potential effects of non-random item non-response on
our estimates.
(12.) Our survey question asked how many months in the last year
did you not pay off your credit card balances. Some respondents answered
more than 12 (which could be interpretable for those who have more than
one card), but we top-coded those responses as 12.
(13.) Even among graduates with general majors, 55% of our survey
respondents took at least one economics course, and 22% took at least
two economics courses.
(14.) Estimated marginal effects from linear probability models
were very similar.
(15.) For a related attempt to control for ability bias using an
individual's performance on the Armed Forces Qualification Test
(AFQT) see Neal and Johnson (1996).
(16.) We differentiated courses both within and across general
subject fields, resulting in 50 different course subjects.
(17.) This is lower than the share of current female graduates
reported by Siegfried (2007) because it reflects enrollments from
earlier decades, when there were fewer female graduates.
(18.) With almost 40% of students in our sample being UNC
graduates, we also analyzed the extent to which the associations between
economics training and outcomes differed between UNC and the three other
universities. Across the various outcomes considered in this paper, we
found very few statistically significant differences, indicating that
our results do not solely apply to UNC alumni.
(19.) Specifications for these estimations again included the full
set of covariates used in the B Panels in Tables 4 and 5. Results were
again similar when we did not include the individual ability measure.
(20.) As with the labor market outcomes, the inclusion of
additional controls, including ability measures, bad relatively small
effects on the point estimates for college major and economics
coursework in all regressions.
(21.) To the extent that this measure captures an aptitude for
economics, rather than newly acquired economics knowledge, this
indicates that our findings are robust to the inclusion of a second
control for unobserved ability, in addition to the general ability
measure discussed earlier. We therefore have little evidence to suggest
that, after controlling for a student's overall ability,
self-selection in taking economics courses is based on any preexisting ability or predisposition to do well in the courses, or is leading to
significant biases in our estimates.
(23.) It may also be the case that course grades are relatively
uninformative of the acquired knowledge or understanding.
(24.) Notable exceptions are Blundell et al. (2000) and Arcidiacono
(2004). The first study uses matching methods to estimate major-specific
earnings differentials based on a comparison group of individuals who
did not attain a college degree. Similar to our approach, they account
for selection-on-observables but not for selection-on-unobservables.
Arcidiacono (2004) adopts a structural approach in which the choice of
major is modeled jointly with its effect on labor market outcomes.
* We thank the Board of the Calvin K. Kazanjian Economics
Foundation for the grant that made this work possible, and the AEA
Committee for Economic Education for bringing us together to write the
proposal, as described by Salemi et al. (2001). April Fidler provided
major assistance in project coordination, administration, and data
entry. Georg Schaur worked extensively with data organization and
preliminary tabulations. We have benefited from helpful comments from
two anonymous referees and from participants at the 2006 SEA and 2009
SEE meetings and seminar participants at Waseda University. The views
expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those
of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.
Allgood: Associate Professor, Department of Economics, University
of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, NE 68588. Phone 402-472-3367, Fax
402-472-9700, E-mail
Bosshardt: Associate Professor, Department of Economics, Florida
Atlantic University, Boca Raton, FL 33431. Phone 561-297-2908, Fax
561-297-2542, E-mail
van der Klaauw: Assistant Vice President, Microeconomic and
Regional Studies Function, Federal Reserve Bank of New York, 33 Liberty
Street, New York, NY 10045. Phone 212-720-5916, Fax 212-720-1844, E-mail
Watts: Professor of Economics, Department of Economics, Purdue
University, West Lafayette, IN 47907. Phone 765-494-8543, Fax
765-496-6068, E-mail mwatts@
doi: 10.1111/j.1465-7295.2009.00270.x
Description of Variables
Dependent variables--labor market
Hours = I if response to "How many hours a
week do you usually work for pay?" was
50 or greater, 0 otherwise
Commission = 1 if response to "What percentage of
your annual income is paid as a
commission or bonus based on how much
you produce or sell?" was greater than
zero. 0 if response to question was zero
Salary > 40K/Salary > 100K = 1 if response to "What was your
individual (not family) wage or salary
income in 2001, before paying taxes?
Please check one of the following:"
indicated an income of $40,001-$100,001
or greater
Laidoff = 1 if response to "Since leaving
college, have you ever been laid off or
fired at a job'?" was yes, 0 if no
Self-Employ = 1 if response to "Are you currently
running your own business, or have you
ever run your own business after leaving
college?" was yes, 0 if no
MoreThanBA = 1 if individual has more than a
bachelors degree, 0 otherwise
Law/MBA/Masters/Ph.D. Indicators for highest year of school or
college completed
RetireAge Response to "At what age do you expect
to retire, or did you retire?"
Dependent variables--personal finance
OwnHome = 1 if answered "own" to "Do you own or
rent your home?"
HomeEquity = 1 if less than $5000; = 2 if $5,000-
$25,000; = 3 if $25,001-$50,000; = 4 if
$50,001-$100,000; = 5 if $100,001-
$250,000; = 6 if >$250,000 was response
to "If you sold all of the real estate
you own, including the land and house
where you live if you own that property,
and then paid off any money you owe on
all of that property, how much money
would you receive?"
Stocks/MutualFunds/Bonds/ Response to "What percent of your
MoneyMarket/CD/Bank financial savings and investments, other
than employer-sponsored retirement
accounts, are held in the following
#Cards Response to "How many bank credit cards
(such as Visa, Master Card, American
Express, Discover) do you have?"
Payoff = 1 if the response to "In how many
months over the past year did you NOT
pay off the full balance on all of those
cards?" was zero, 0 otherwise
Savings Response to "What is the total value of
your financial savings, investment, and
retirement accounts?"
RetSavings Response to "If you have not already
retired, how much money do you expect to
have in your savings, investment, and
retirement accounts when you retire?"
ReasonST/ReasonLT/ Respondents were asked to rate possible
Precaution/PayDebt reasons for saving as extremely
important (5) to not important (1).
Reasons listed were to pay for a home,
car, or vacation; retirement; education
expenses; bequests; invest in financial
assets; unexpected events; and paying
off debt. ReasonST is the average of
responses for buying a home, car or
vacation. ReasonLT is the average of
responses for retirement, education,
bequests. and invest in financial assets
Life Insurance = 1 if have employer provided or
self-purchased life insurance
Self-PayLifeInsure = 1 if have self-purchased life
Independent variables
Cohort76/Cohort86/Cohort96 = 1 if in cohort, 0 otherwise. Cohort76
is for 1976, Cohort86 is for 1986,
Cohort96 is for 1996
FAU/Purdue/UNL = 1 for respondent's school, and 0
Business/General/Economics = 1 for respondent's major, and 0
EconCourses Number of economics courses found on
student's transcript, removing repeated
EconCourses (2) Number of economics courses squared
Female = 1 if female, 0 otherwise. Reported by
school in most cases. In some cases,
educated guesses were made based on
name. Androgynous names were left male
Black = 1 if race is black, 0 otherwise.
Missing was coded as zero
Other = 1 if race is not black or Caucasian, 0
otherwise. Missing was coded as zero
Livetogether = 1 if the answer to question "What is
your current family status?" indicated
they were living with partner (married
or unmarried); 0 otherwise or missing
Children Response to "How many children to do you
CumGPA Cumulative GPA at the end of the
respondent's academic career
NorthEast/South/ = 1 if current state of residence is in
MidWest/West this Census region; 0 otherwise
Sample Means (a)
Sample I Sample II
Variable Unweighted Weighted Unweighted Weighted
Cohort76 0.222 0.222 0.306 0.324
Cohort86 0.393 0.393 0.321 0.344
Cohort96 0.385 0.385 0.373 0.332
UNL 0.185 0.185 0.231 0.226
FAU 0.265 0.265 0.146 0.139
Purdue 0.202 0.202 0.235 0.243
UNC 0.348 0.348 0.388 0.392
Economics 0.099 0.025 0.126 0.031
Business 0.450 0.181 0.428 0.148
General 0.451 0.794 0.446 0.820
EconCourses 2.886 1.652 3.368 1.852
(2.780) (2.221) (3.050) (2.476)
Female 0.455 0.498 0.451 0.533
Black 0.069 0.083 0.045 0.051
Other 0.006 0.006 0.006 0.006
CumGPA 2.971 2.967 3.101 3.102
(0.522) (0.551) (0.496) (0.520)
Northeast 0.052 0.048 0.057 0.054
South 0.574 0.573 0.513 0.508
Midwest 0.308 0.309 0.355 0.357
West 0.067 0.070 0.076 0.081
N 22,426 22,426 2,159 2,159
(a) All but two variables are dummy variables. For those two variables
the standard deviation is reported below the mean (in parentheses).
Means for Black and Other are for observations that included a
response for race.
Unweighted Sample II Means, by Major--Explanatory Variables (a)
Variable Full Sample Economics Business General
Cohort76 0.306 0.202 0.307 0.333
Cohort86 0.321 0.412 0.268 0.347
Cohort96 0.373 0.386 0.424 0.320
UNL 0.231 0.154 0.269 0.216
FAU 0.146 0.063 0.157 0.160
Purdue 0.235 0.099 0.253 0.255
UNC 0.388 0.684 0.320 0.369
Economics 0.126 1.000 0.000 0.000
Business 0.428 0.000 1.000 0.000
General 0.446 0.000 0.000 1.000
EconCourses 3.368 8.893 4.073 1.132
(3.050) (2.011) (1.544) (1.823)
Female 0.451 0.243 0.382 0.575
Black 0.045 0.041 0.040 0.052
Other 0.006 0.014 0.003 0.006
Livetogether 0.704 0.699 0.706 0.705
Children 1.127 1.000 1.132 1.159
(1.268) (1.155) (1.332) (1.235)
CumGPAEnd 3.101 3.066 3.100 3.113
(0.496) (0.528) (0.446) (0.531)
Northeast 0.057 0.094 0.048 0.055
South 0.513 0.636 0.482 0.508
Midwest 0.355 0.206 0.396 0.357
West 0.076 0.064 0.075 0.080
N 2,159 272 924 963
(a) All but three variables are dummy variables. For those three
variables the standard deviation is reported below the mean (in
parentheses). Means for Black and Other are for observations that
included a response for race.
Unweighted Sample II Means, by Major--Outcome Variables (a)
Full Sample Economics
Labor market
Hours 0.399 0.516
Commission 0.341 0.454
Laidoff 0.206 0.163
Salary > 40K 0.711 0.825
Salary > 100K 0.219 0.350
Self-Employ 0.273 0.315
MoreThanBA 0.423 0.468
Ph.D. 0.031 0.033
Law 0.058 0.097
Masters 0.185 0.134
MBA 0.105 0.193
RetireAge 60.347 60.380
(8.832) (8.739)
Personal finance
OwnHome 0.774 0.759
HomeEquity < 50K 0.308 0.291
HomeEquity [50K,250K] 0.471 0.444
HomeEquity > 250K 0.221 0.265
Savings (000)--mean 606 2,135
(8,619) (21,100)
Savings (000)--median 65 100
Investment allocations
Bank (%) 17.96 17.71
(28.12) (29.24)
MoneyMarket (%) 13.29 16.84
(22.59) (24.37)
CD (%) 2.78 2.77
(10.40) (9.12)
Bonds (%) 3.64 4.34
(10.30) (12.81)
Stocks (%) 16.01 21.37
(24.62) (28.39)
MutualFunds (%) 26.74 26.86
(31.09) (31.52)
Remainder (%) 19.57 10.11
(32.75) (23.31)
RetSavings (000) mean 2,147 3,080
(7,968) (6,098)
RetSavings (000) median 1,000 1,500
Reasons for saving
ReasonST 3.276 3.333
(0.766) (0.713)
ReasonLT 3.446 3.602
(0.791) (0.759)
Precaution 3.851 3.903
(0.970) (0.980)
PayDebt 3.369 3.193
(1.432) (1.453)
#Credit Cards--mean 3.211 2.586
(22.187) (1.831)
#Cards--median 2 2
Payoff 0.585 0.590
Insurance coverage
Life insurance 0.897 0.920
Self-PayLifeInsure 0.601 0.588
Business General
Labor market
Hours 0.459 0.303
Commission 0.434 0.212
Laidoff 0.234 0.190
Salary > 40K 0.777 0.615
Salary > 100K 0.251 0.152
Self-Employ 0.272 0.263
MoreThanBA 0.330 0.499
Ph.D. 0.007 0.053
Law 0.043 0.062
Masters 0.122 0.260
MBA 0.149 0.039
RetireAge 59.770 60.898
(8.210) (9.9399)
Personal finance
OwnHome 0.781 0.771
HomeEquity < 50K 0.290 0.330
HomeEquity [50K,250K] 0.483 0.466
HomeEquity > 250K 0.227 0.204
Savings (000)--mean 586 174
(6,126) (332)
Savings (000)--median 80 50
Investment allocations
Bank (%) 16.95 19.09
(26.98) (28.94)
MoneyMarket (%) 14.15 11.30
(23.37) (20.96)
CD (%) 2.64 2.94
(10.63) (10.52)
Bonds (%) 3.61 3.45
(9.98) (9.76)
Stocks (%) 17.88 12.40
(24.96) (22.42)
MutualFunds (%) 27.06 26.38
(30.62) (31.48)
Remainder (%) 17.71 24.43
(31.29) (35.78)
RetSavings (000) mean 2,235 1,737
(8,079) (8,368)
RetSavings (000) median 1,000 1,000
Reasons for saving
ReasonST 3.255 3.279
(0.767) (0.779)
ReasonLT 3.492 3.357
(0.762) (0.818)
Precaution 3.796 3.889
(0.991) (0.944)
PayDebt 3.243 3.542
(1.414) (1.425)
#Credit Cards--mean 2.790 3.800
(3.712) (33.127)
#Cards--median 2 2
Payoff 0.628 0.542
Insurance coverage
Life insurance 0.902 0.885
Self-PayLifeInsure 0.595 0.610
(a) Most variables are dummy variables. For all other variables, the
standard deviation is reported below the mean (in parentheses).
Estimated Marginal Effects--Economics/Business Major
Variable Salary > 40K Salary > 100K Hours
Panel A
Economics 0.171# 0.136# 0.125#
(4.84)# (4.55)# (3.09)#
Business 0.166# 0.101# 0.123#
(6.87)# (5.43)# (4.68)#
Panel B
Economics 0.166# 0.130# 0.131#
(4.59)# (4.52)# (3.20)#
Business 0.164# 0.096# 0.127#
(6.72)# (5.29)# (4.82)#
N 2,083 2,083 1,954
Variable Commission Laidoff Self-Employ
Panel A
Economics 0.204# -0.006 (a) 0.083#
(5.31)# (0.19) (2.20)#
Business 0.225# 0.063# (a) 0.038
(8.79)# (2.98)# (1.65)
Panel B
Economics 0.200# -0.005 (a) 0.081#
(5.24)# (0.16) (2.14)#
Business 0.227# 0.067# (a) 0.036
(8.82)# (3.18)# (1.53)
N 1,899 2,126 2,108
Variable MoreThanBA RetireAge
Panel A
Economics -0.075 (a) -0.755
(1.84) (1.10)
Business -0.162# (a) -1.011#
(6.18)# (2.11)#
Panel B
Economics -0.075 (a) -0.566
(1.83) (0.82)
Business -0.176# (a) -0.998#
(6.50)# (2.08)#
N 2,145 1,960
Note: RetireAge is estimated with weighted OLS; other regressions are
weighted probits. Marginal effects are evaluated at the mean and
reported for the probits. z-scores or t-statistics are in parentheses.
Estimates statistically significant at the 5% level are presented in
bold font. See Table 1 for variable definitions. Panel A estimated
models include the following control variables: Cohort76, Cohort86,
UNL, FAU, Purdue, Female, Black, Other. Panel B estimated models add
the additional control variables: Livetogether, Children, Ability
(grade) fixed effect and three region dummies.
(a) For this regression we are able to reject the null hypothesis that
the marginal effect of business equals the marginal effect of
economics at the 5% level. We cannot reject the null hypothesis for
all cases not indicated by the superscript "a."
Note: Estimates statistically significant at the 5% level are
presented in bold font is indicated with #.
Estimated Marginal Effects--EconCourses
Variable Salary > 40K Salary > 100K Hours
Panel A
EconCourses 0.044# 0.021# 0.040#
(3.15)# (2.65)# (3.00)#
[EconCourses.sup.2] -0.002 -0.001 -0.002
(1.51) (1.02) (1.28)
Panel B
EconCourses 0.047# 0.020# 0.042#
(3.36)# (2.60)# (3.11)#
[EconCourses.sup.2] -0.003 -0.001 -0.002
(1.73) (0.96 (1.44)
N 2,083 2,083 1,954
Joint significance
Panel A 0.000 0.000 0.000
Panel B 0.000 0.000 0.000
Variable Commission Laidoff Self-Employ
Panel A
EconCourses 0.073# 0.027# 0.015
(5.77)# (2.34)# (1.25)
[EconCourses.sup.2] -0.005# -0.003# -0.001
(3.50)# (1.98)# (0.44)
Panel B
EconCourses 0.073# 0.031# 0.014
(5.76)# (2.68)# (1.15)
[EconCourses.sup.2] -0.005# -0.003# 0.000
(3.47)# (2.26)# (0.34)
N 1,899 2,126 2,108
Joint significance
Panel A 0.000 0.054 0.068
Panel B 0.000 0.021 0.068
Variable MoreThanBA RetireAge
Panel A
EconCourses -0.056# -0.707#
(3.94)# (2.71)#
[EconCourses.sup.2] 0.005# 0.054
(3.28)# (1.88)
Panel B
EconCourses -0.062# -0.711#
(4.28)# (2.74)#
[EconCourses.sup.2] 0.005# 0.054
(3.59)# (1.88)
N 2,145 1,960
Joint significance
Panel A 0.000 0.008
Panel B 0.000 0.007
Note: RetireAge is estimated with weighted OLS: other regressions are
weighted probits. Marginal effects are evaluated at the mean and
reported for the probits. z-scores or t-statistics are in parentheses.
Estimates statistically significant at the 5% level are presented in
bold font. See Table I for variable definitions. Panel A estimated
models include the following control variables: Cohort76. Cohort86.
UNL, FAU, Purdue, Female, Black, Other. Panel B estimated models add
the additional control variables: Livetogether, Children, Ability
(grade) fixed effect and three region dummies. Joint significance is
test of the joint significance of EconCourses and [EconCourses.sup.2].
Reported p-values are based on the [chi square] (2)-statistic for
probit regressions, and for OLS it is based on the F-statistic F(2, n
-k), where n is the number of observations and k is the number of
explanatory variables.
Note: Estimates statistically significant at the 5% level are
presented in bold font is indicated with #.
Estimated Marginal Effects with Gender Interactions
Variable Salary > 40K Salary > 100K
Specification (i)
Economics 0.174# 0.121#
(3.89)# (3.77)#
Business 0.147# 0.101#
(4.22)# (4.57)#
Female -0.288# -0.139#
(8.71)# (6.05)#
Female * economics -0.042 0.033
(0.47) (0.62)
Female * business 0.040 -0.012
(0.78) (0.37)
Specification (ii)
EconCourses 0.066# 0.023#
(3.36)# (2.47)#
[EconCourses.sup.2] -0.004# -0.001
(1.97)# (1.02)
Female -0.230# -0.118#
(5.30)# (4.01)#
Female * EconCourses -0.030 -0.007
(1.05) (0.38)
Fem * [EconCourses.sup.2] 0.001 0.000
(0.37) (0.06)
N 2,083 2,083
Variable Hours Commission
Specification (i)
Economics 0.141# 0.221#
(2.95)# (4.83)#
Business 0.143# 0.250#
(4.22)# (7.48)#
Female -0.240# -0.075#
(6.98)# (2.33)#
Female * economics -0.033 -0.055
(0.39) (0.83)
Female * business -0.041 -0.049
(0.81) (1.12)
Specification (ii)
EconCourses 0.050# 0.076#
(2.90)# (4.56)#
[EconCourses.sup.2] -0.003 -0.005#
(1.66) (2.91)#
Female -0.205# -0.040
(4.59)# (0.92)
Female * EconCourses -0.023 -0.006
(0.83) (0.24)
Fem * [EconCourses.sup.2] 0.002 0.000
(0.78) (0.03)
N 1,954 1,899
Variable Laidoff Employ
Specification (i)
Economics 0.024 0.091#
(0.62) (2.00)#
Business 0.082# 0.032
(2.88)# (1.03)
Female -0.024 -0.010
(0.88) (0.32)
Female * economics -0.116 -0.035
(1.94) (0.48)
Female * business -0.029 0.010
(0.78) (0.22)
Specification (ii)
EconCourses 0.032# 0.020
(2.12)# (1.27)
[EconCourses.sup.2] -0.003 -0.001
(1.69) (0.42)
Female -0.016 0.020
(0.45) (0.49)
Female * EconCourses 0.010 -0.007
(0.44) (0.29)
Fem * [EconCourses.sup.2] -0.003 -0.001
(1.23) (0.29)
N 2,126 2,108
Variable MoreThanBA RetireAge
Specification (i)
Economics -0.052 -0.525
(1.07) (0.64)
Business -0.178# -0.909
(4.92)# (1.43)
Female -0.046 -0.129
(1.29) (0.19)
Female * economics -0.092 -0.124
(1.08) (0.09)
Female * business 0.008 -0.224
(0.15) (0.24)
Specification (ii)
EconCourses -0.065# -0.633
(3.38)# (1.91)
[EconCourses.sup.2] 0.005# 0.035
(2.70)# (1.02)
Female -0.075 -0.567
(1.57) (0.72)
Female * EconCourses -0.009 -0.394
(0.30) (0.75)
Fem * [EconCourses.sup.2] 0.004 0.089
(1.16) (1.54)
N 2,145 1,960
Note: RetireAge is estimated with weighted OLS; other regressions are
weighted probits. Marginal effects are evaluated at the mean and
reported for the probits. z-scores or t-statistics are in parentheses.
Estimates statistically significant at the 5% level are presented in
bold font. See Table 1 for variable definitions. All estimated models
include controls for Cohort76, Cohort86, UNL, FAU, Purdue, Female,
Black, Other, Livetogether, Children, Ability (grade) fixed effect and
three region dummies.
Note: Estimates statistically significant at the 5% level are
presented in bold font is indicated with #.
Estimated Marginal Effects-Likelihood of
Pursuing Advanced Degrees
Variable Ph.D. Law Masters MBA
Specification (i)
Economics -0.018# -0.001 -0.094# 0.177#
(2.73)# (0.08) (2.96)# (7.50)#
Business -0.027# -0.014 -0.128# 0.109#
(4.93) (1.49) (6.58)# (8.63)#
2016 2127 2145# 2127#
Specification (ii)
EconCourses -0.014# 0.014# -0.059# 0.025#
(3.79)# (3.09)# (4.85)# (5.82)#
[EconCourses.sup.2] 0.001# -0.001 0.005# -0.002#
(2.72) (1.76) (3.65)# (4.40)#
N 2,145 2,145 2,145 2,145
Joint Significance 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Note: Regressions are weighted probits. Marginal
effects, evaluated at the mean, are reported for the probits.
z-scores are in parentheses. Estimates statistically significant
at the 5% level are presented in bold font. See Table I for
variable definitions. All estimated models include controls
for Cohort76, Cohort86, UNL, FAU, Purdue, Female, Black,
Other, Livetogether, Children, Ability (grade) fixed effect
and three region dummies. A test of the null hypothesis that
the marginal effect of Economics equals the marginal effect
of Business was not rejected for all regressions in this table.
Joint significance is test of the joint significance of Econ
Courses and [EconCourses.sup.2]. Reported p-values are based on
the [chi square](2)-statistic.
Note: Estimates statistically significant at the 5% level
are presented in bold font is indicated with #.
Real Estate
Variable Without Income With Income
Specification (i)
Economics 0.040 0.006
(1.42) (0.20)
Business 0.038# -0.001
(1.99)# (0.04)
Specification (ii)
EconCourses 0.029# 0.018#
(2.91)# (1.96)#
[EconCourses.sup.2] -0.002# -0.002#
(2.47)# (1.99)#
N 2112 2055
Joint significance 0.010 0.134
Home Equity < 50K
Variable Without Income With Income
Specification (i)
Economics -0.106# -0.076
(2.77)# (1.81)
Business -0.096# -0.069#
(3.50)# (2.41)#
Specification (ii)
EconCourses -0.034# -0.031#
(2.31)# (2.02)#
[EconCourses.sup.2] 0.002 0.002
(1.28) (1.40)
N 1580 1551
Joint significance 0.005 0.055
HomeEquity > 250K
Variable Without Income With Income
Specification (i)
Economics 0.081# 0.050
(1.99)# (1.11)
Business 0.056# 0.017
(2.29)# (0.69)
Specification (ii)
EconCourses 0.022 0.015
(1.84) (1.23)
[EconCourses.sup.2] -0.001 -0.001
(1.19) (1.04)
N 1580 1551
Joint significance 0.055 0.446
Note: OwnHome and HomeEquity indicators are estimated as weighted
probit models. Marginal effects are evaluated at the mean and reported
for the probits. z-scores or t-statistics are in parentheses.
Estimates statistically significant at the 5% level are presented in
bold font. See Table I for variable definitions. All estimated models
include controls for Cohort76, Cohort86, UNL, FAU, Purdue, Female,
Black, Other, Livetogether, Children, Ability (grade) fixed effect and
three region dummies. The models with income controls include a set of
nine dummy indicators for whether pre-tax income in thousands exceeded
20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 80, 100, 120, and 140. A test of the null
hypothesis that the marginal effect of Economics equals the marginal
effect of Business was not rejected for all regressions in this table.
Joint significance is test of the joint significance of EconCourses
and [EconCourses.sup.2]. Reported p-values are based on the [chi
Note: Estimates statistically significant at the 5% level are
presented in bold font is indicated with #.
Without With
Variable Income Income
Specification (i)
Economics 0.572# 0.333#
(4.94)# (2.93)#
Business 0.534# 0.338#
(6.82)# (4.52)#
Specification (ii)
EconCourses 0.075 0.034
(1.77) (0.84)
[EconCourses.sup.2] -0.002 -0.001
(0.40) (0.14)
N 1,769 1,749
Joint significance 0.000 0.144
Without With
Variable Income Income
Specification (i)
Economics 0.551# 0.314#
(4.57)# (2.68)#
Business 0.380# 0.193#
(4.62)# (2.46)#
Specification (ii)
EconCourses 0.105# 0.074
(2.63)# (1.91)
[EconCourses.sup.2] -0.002 -0.002
(0.62) (0.57)
N 1,486 1,449
Joint significance 0.000 0.000
Without With
Variable Income Income
Specification (i)
Economics 0.107 (a) 0.099 (a)
(1.84) (1.63)
Business -0.021 -0.021
(0.56) (0.54)
Specification (ii)
EconCourses -0.029 -0.027
(1.41) (1.32)
[EconCourses.sup.2] 0.004 0.004
(1.85) (1.73)
N 2,098 2,047
Joint significance 0.130 0.167
Without With
Variable Income Income
Specification (i)
Economics 0.216# 0.177#
(3.66)# (3.04)#
Business 0.143# 0.124#
(3.69)# (3.15)#
Specification (ii)
EconCourses 0.031 0.024
(1.44) (1.12)
[EconCourses.sup.2] -0.001 -0.001
(0.49) (0.36)
N 2,048 2,000
Joint significance 0.020 0.087
Without With
Variable Income Income
Specification (i)
Economics 0.100 (a) 0.093 (a)
(1.31) (1.17)
Business -0.042 (a) -0.049 (a)
(0.87) (0.96)
Specification (ii)
EconCourses -0.052# -0.051#
(2.12)# (2.06)#
[EconCourses.sup.2] 0.007# 0.007#
(2.56)# (2.54)#
N 2,118 2,062
Joint significance 0.032 0.032
Without With
Variable Income Income
Specification (i)
Economics -0.311# -0.315#
(2.66)# (2.60)#
Business -0.276# -0.274#
(3.86)# (3.67)#
Specification (ii)
EconCourses -0.083# -0.084#
(2.21)# (2.19)#
[EconCourses.sup.2] 0.006 0.006
(1.45) (1.47)
N 2,103 2,049
Joint significance 0.026 0.033
Note: Regressions are weighted OLS. t-statistics are in parentheses.
Estimates statistically significant at the 5% level are presented in
bold font. See Table l for variable definitions. All estimated models
include controls for Cohort76, Cohoit86, UNL, FAU, Purdue, Female,
Black, Other, Livetogether, Children, Ability (grade) fixed effect and
three region dummies. The models with income controls include a set of
nine dummy indicators for whether pre-tax income in thousands exceeded
20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 80, 100, 120, and 140. Joint significance is test
of the joint significance of EconCourses and [EconCourses.sup.2].
Reported p-values are based on the F-statistic F(2,n -k), where n is
the number of observations and k is the number of explanatory
(a) A test of the null hypothesis that the effect of Economics equals
the effect of Business could not be rejected at the 10% level or
better for this regression equation.
Note: Estimates statistically significant at the 5% level are
presented in bold font is indicated with #.
Financial Investments
Stocks MutualFunds
Without With Without With
Variable Income Income Income Income
Specification (i)
Economics 11.540# 8.687# -0.578 -1.556
(3.35)# (2.47)# (0.15) (0.39)
Business 10.626# 9.233# 2.294 1.483
(4.54)# (3.85)# (0.89) (0.56)
Specification (ii)
EconCourses 4.321# 3.994# 0.988 0.617
(4.09)# (3.74)# (0.86) (0.53)
[EconCourses.sup.2] -0.276# -0.278# -0.070 -0.044
(2.75)# (2.75)# (0.64) (0.39)
N 1,799 1,770 1,799 1,770
Joint significance 0.000 0.000 0.619 0.836
Bonds MoneyMarket
Without With Without With
Variable Income Income Income Income
Specification (i)
Economics 2.921 2.362 9.418# 7.334#
(0.88) (0.68) (2.85)# (2.15)#
Business 0.158 -0.178 8.787# 7.134#
(0.07) (0.08) (3.94)# (3.09)#
Specification (ii)
EconCourses -0.072 -0.095 3.127# 2.643#
(0.08) (0.10) (3.13)# (2.59)#
[EconCourses.sup.2] 0.056 0.05 -0.174 -0.148
(0.63) (0.55) (1.85) (1.55)
N 1,799 1,770 1,799 1,770
Joint significance 0.295 0.450 0.000 0.002
CD Bank
Without With Without With
Variable Income Income Income Income
Specification (i)
Economics 5.178 6.275 -4.447 -1.992
(1.01) (1.20) (1.33) (0.59)
Business -1.79 -1.888 -5.392# -3.928
(0.53) (0.54) (2.47)# (1.76)
Specification (ii)
EconCourses -0.704 -1.03 -2.517# -1.995#
(0.48) (0.69) (2.57)# (2.02)#
[EconCourses.sup.2] 0.128 0.166 0.157 0.13
(0.92) (1.17) (1.66) (1.37)
N 1,799 1,770 1,799 1,770
Joint significance 0.378 0.265 0.004 0.046
Note: Tobit estimates. t-statistics are in parentheses. Estimates
statistically significant at the 5% level are presented in bold font.
See Table 1 for variable definitions. All estimated models include
controls for Cohort76, Cohort86, UNL, FAU, Purdue, Female, Black,
Other, Livetogether, Children, Ability (grade) fixed effect and three
region dummies. The models with income controls include a set of nine
dummy indicators for whether pre-tax income in thousands exceeded 20,
30, 40, 50, 60, 80, 100, 120, and 140. Joint significance is test of
the joint significance of EconCourses and [EconCourses.sup.2].
Reported p-values are based on the [chi square](2)-statistic.
Note: Estimates statistically significant at the 5% level are
presented in bold font is indicated with #.
Credit Cards and Life Insurance
#Cards Payoff
Without With Without With
Variable Income Income Income Income
Specification (i)
Economics 0.624# 0.634# 0.046 0.030
(10.79)# (10.22)# (1.10) (0.69)
Business 0.670# 0.654# 0.078# 0.062#
(14.70)# (15.19)# (2.97)# (2.23)#
Specification (ii)
EconCourses 1.013 0.985 0.032# 0.032#
(1.05) (1.14) (2.21)# (2.14)#
[EconCourses.sup.2] 0.995# 0.998 -0.003 -0.003
(4.32)# (1.91) (1.79) (1.93)
N 2,064 2,015 2,009 1,962
Joint significance 0.000 0.000 0.069 0.100
Has Life Insurance Self-Pay Life Insurance
Without With Without With
Variable Income Income Income Income
Specification (i)
Economics 0.046# 0.026 -0.016 -0.022
(2.54)# (1.41) (0.41) (0.61)
Business 0.023 0.004 0.017 0.009
(1.70) (0.27) (0.66) (0.38)
Specification (ii)
EconCourses 0.012 0.005 -0.002 -0.001
(1.59) (0.68) (0.12) (0.05)
[EconCourses.sup.2] -0.001 0.000 0.001 0.001
(0.69) (0.14) (0.64) (0.56)
N 2,094 2,038 2,094 2,038
Joint significance 0.046 0.374 0.392 0.423
Note: Estimates for #Cards are Poisson regression estimates of the
IRR. The incidence-rate ratio measures the relative change in the
outcome, corresponding to a unit change in the regressor. z-scores or
t-statistics are in parentheses. Estimates statistically significant
at the 5% level are presented in bold font. Estimates for Payoff and
the two life insurance variables are marginal effect estimates
(evaluated at the mean) obtained using weighted probit estimation. See
Table 1 for variable definitions. All estimated models include
controls for Cohort76, Cohort86, UNL, FAU, Purdue, Female, Black,
Other, Livetogether, Children, Ability (grade) fixed effect and three
region dummies. The models with income controls include a set of nine
dummy indicators for whether pre-tax income in thousands exceeded 20,
30, 40, 50, 60, 80, 100, 120, and 140. A test of the null hypothesis
that the marginal effect of Economics equals the marginal effect of
Business was rejected for all regressions in this table. Joint
significance is test of the joint significance of EconCourses and
[EconCourses.sup.2]. Reported p-values are based on the [chi
Note: Estimates statistically significant at the 5% level are
presented in bold font is indicated with #.
Estimates When Including Performance in Economics Courses
Economics Business
Salary > 40K 0.171# (4.78)# 0.168# (6.90)#
Salary > 100K 0.121# (4.16)# 0.087# (4.61)#
Hours 0.133# (3.21)# 0.128# (4.79)#
Commission 0.187# (4.88)# 0.217# (8.32)#
Laidoff -0.005 (0.16) 0.068# (3.14)#
Self-Employ 0.083# (2.16)# 0.037 (1.55)
MoreThanBA -0.080 (1.93) -0.180# (6.45)#
RetireAce -0.625 (0.91) -1.049# (2.18)#
Ph.D. -0.018# (2.70)# -0.027# (4.87)#
Law -0.004 (0.34) -0.016 (1.72)
Masters -0.092# (2.84)# -0.126# (6.33)#
MBA 0.170# (7.13)# 0.104# (7.97)#
OwnHome 0.040 (1.43) 0.039# (2.00)#
Home Equity < 50K -0.103# (2.65)# -0.093# (3.34)#
HomeEquity > 250K 0.084# (2.02)# 0.059# (2.29)#
Log(Savings) 0.529# (4.54)# 0.498# (6.34)#
Log(RetSavings) 0.524# (4.28)# 0.357# (4.24)#
ReasonST 0.112 (1.92) -0.016 (0.43)
ReasonLT 0.204# (3.40)# 0.132# (3.34)#
Precaution 0.107 (1.37) -0.037 (0.75)
PayDebt -0.306# (2.60)# -0.273# (3.75)#
Stocks 11.454# (3.30)# 10.547# (4.44)#
MutualFunds -0.879 (0.22) 2.011 (0.77)
Bonds 3.003 (0.89) 0.235 (0.10)
MoneyMarket 9.962# (2.98)# 9.27# (4.07)#
CD 5.152 (1.00) -1.814 (0.52)
Bank -4.328 (1.28) -5.293# (2.39)#
#Cards 0.662# (9.37)# 0.710# (12.44)#
Payoff 0.031 (0.75) 0.066# (2.45)#
LifeInsurance 0.047# (2.62)# 0.025 (1.81)
Self-Pay Life -0.019 (0.48) 0.015 (0.57)
Performance in
Economics Courses
Salary > 40K -0.037 (1.59)
Salary > 100K 0.016 (1.24)
Hours -0.007 (0.33)
Commission 0.043# (2.16)#
Laidoff 0.000 (0.01)
Self-Employ -0.004 (0.20)
MoreThanBA 0.018 (0.75)
RetireAce 0.246 (0.62)
Ph.D. 0.001 (0.26)
Law 0.011 (1.23)
Masters -0.010 (0.60)
MBA 0.006 (0.89)
OwnHome -0.002 (0.12)
Home Equity < 50K -0.015 (0.63)
HomeEquity > 250K -0.006 (0.33)
Log(Savings) 0.159# (2.56)#
Log(RetSavings) 0.098 (1.64)
ReasonST -0.023 (0.68)
ReasonLT 0.050 (1.53)
Precaution -0.026 (0.64)
PayDebt -0.017 (0.28)
Stocks 0.341 (0.19)
MutualFunds 1.202 (0.61)
Bonds -0.255 (0.15)
MoneyMarket -1.922 (1.10)
CD 0.088 (0.03)
Bank -0.473 (0.28)
#Cards 0.717# (16.64)#
Payoff 0.059# (2.51)
LifeInsurance -0.012 (1.02)
Self-Pay Life 0.012 (0.55)
Notes: Regressions are weighted probit unless otherwise noted.
Marginal effects are evaluated at the mean and reported for the
probits. z-scores or t-statistics are in parentheses. Estimates
statistically significant at the 5% level are presented in bold font.
RetireAge, Log(Saving), Log(ExpectSave), STReason, LTReason,
Precaution, PayDebt are estimated with weighted OLS. Stocks,
MutualFunds, Bonds, MoneyMarket, CD, and Bank are estimated with
Tobit. Estimates for #Cards are Poisson regression estimates of the
IRR. Estimates statistically significant at the 5% level are presented
in bold font. See Table 1 for variable definitions. Estimated models
include the following control variables: Cohort76, Cohort86, UNL, FAU,
Purdue, Female, Black, Other, Livetogether, Children, Ability (grade)
fixed effect and three region dummies.
Note: Estimates statistically significant at the 5% level are
presented in bold font is indicated with #.