The relationship between betting and lottery play.
Forrest, David ; Gulley, O. David ; Simmons, Robert 等
The range of modes of gambling permitted to operate legally has
expanded markedly in many jurisdictions in North America and Europe and
many states are debating further liberalization. One focus of research
relevant to analysis of likely consequences of such policy has been the
relationship between different gambling industries. This article
contributes to the limited evidence available by examining linkages
between two sectors, betting services market, and the state lottery.
The prior literature, most of it based on American data, focuses on
the displacement effects on pari mutuel wagering from the introduction
or presence of a lottery. For example, Simmons and Sharp (1987) and
Thalheimer and Ali (1995) reported impacts on pari mutuel turnover of
between -10% and -36%. (1) These findings suggest that notwithstanding
that horse betting and lotteries offer very different products in terms
of the structure of prizes, the degree to which skill is relevant and
the social context in which consumption takes place, a significant
number of bettors are nevertheless willing to shift wagers between the
sectors when one that was previously unavailable is introduced into
their jurisdiction.
Some writers refer to this displacement as substitution, but it is
not substitution according to standard economic usage where the
definition of substitutes is that cross-price elasticity of demand between goods is positive. A new product, introduced with a specific
price, may cannibalize the market for an existing product, but that does
not tell us how different the degree of cannibalization may have been
with a different price or how sensitive consumers will be to any
variation in future relative prices as between the sectors.
A recent comprehensive report on gambling for the European Union
(Swiss Institute of Comparative Law 2006, pp. 1428-1441) includes
detailed tabulation of empirical findings on gambling markets in
peer-reviewed literature. On the basis of several studies of own-price
elasticity, it concludes that betting demand is typically highly
sensitive to track or bookmaker takeout. This has policy implications,
for example, it suggests that monopoly provision of betting services in
a jurisdiction will suppress a large volume of betting, and it suggests
that reductions in tax rates may raise state revenue.
The same report, however, reveals a paucity of studies of
cross-price effects between modes of gambling. Thus, while it appears
that total betting expenditure is very sensitive to value for money, and
a fairly substantial literature (2) shows that lotto demand also
displays at least unit elasticity, it is not known how readily gambling
dollars or euros will be shifted between betting and lotteries if
relative prices change. This would be desirable to know as an input to
analysis of gambling policy. For example, secular decline in lottery
sales has lead to pressure on take-out rates, which have fallen in parts
of the United States (while the United Kingdom debates the repeal of a
12% Treasury tax on tickets to allow bigger lotto prizes). What costs
and benefits are implied by offering lottery players better payouts?
Will it damage the horse racing and breeding industries by drawing money
away from wagering? Will it shift a significant volume of gambling from
a "hard" form of gaming (betting) to a "soft" form
(lotteries)? Does prohibiting access to low-cost wagering supplied via
the Internet (as in the United States and France) protect the state
lottery sector as well as domestic betting suppliers? These are the
sorts of questions that require knowledge of whether and to what extent
variation in value for money offered by lotteries induces reallocation of expenditure away from betting. Access to a unique data set on betting
with a prominent UK bookmaker permits us to offer an assessment.
We study the relationship between betting volumes with that
bookmaker and draw-by-draw variation in value offered to purchasers of
lotto, an online numbers game that accounts for the majority of the
turnover of the UK National Lottery (UKNL). The game is similar in
format to that offered by many American states. Draws take place twice
weekly, on Wednesday and Saturday evenings. A player pays 1 pound to
select six numbers in the range 1-49. If his selection matches the six
winning numbers in the televised draw, he wins a share of the grand
prize. If no player wins this jackpot, the money is "rolled
over" to the next draw. The size of jackpot on offer in lotto
therefore varies not only with the number of tickets sold but also with
whether (and how much) prize money has been rolled over from previous
draws. In the British version of the game, further variation in prize
levels between draws occurs because the operator is permitted to reserve
some revenue to fund occasional promotional "Superdraws" where
extra money is added to the jackpot. As with rollovers, lotto on these
occasions offers potential players better value: the expected value of
holding a ticket can be as much as twice as high for some draws (those
benefiting from a double rollover where the jackpot has been unwon two
draws running) as for others. We make use of the variation in the data
generated by the presence of rollovers and Superdraws to test whether
some of the increase in sales observed on these occasions is at the
expense of the betting sector. Draw-by-draw sales and prize data for
lotto were retrieved from an archive held at
We were supplied with over 5 yr of daily data on turnover in four
forms of gambling offered by a major national but, for commercial
reasons, anonymous British bookmaker. (3) For each product type (such as
horse race betting), we built a detailed model to account for variation
in turnover and included terms to allow us to estimate the response of
sales on the day of, and in the days running up to, lotto rollovers and
Superdraws. (4) The findings are striking in that some, but not all,
forms of betting prove to be sensitive to the amount of prize money
available in the lotto game. However, the existence of significant
substitution effects depends critically on the timing of betting in
relation to an anticipated rollover. These intertemporal effects can
only be revealed by the type of high-frequency data that we have
available here. Lotto and certain forms of wagering are therefore
demonstrated to be substitutes, dependent on time of betting, and this
has policy implications discussed below. These substitution effects are
particularly interesting as the United Kingdom moves forward toward
further deregulation of the gambling sector following passage of the
Gambling Act (2005), which became law in late 2007 and which will open
up greater opportunities for access to established gambling products and
entry of new betting opportunities.
While studies of cross elasticities have been rare in gambling, two
previous articles have in fact, like us, attempted to exploit, in
analysis of betting, variations in effective lotto price associated with
the phenomenon of rollovers. Purfield and Waldron (1999) found that
rollovers of the Irish lotto raised both lotto sales and the volume of
side betting (with a major Irish bookmaker) on which numbers were drawn.
The complementary relationship is interesting in that it may arise
because lotto buyers not only respond to value in the draw itself by
purchasing more tickets but also take advantage of the greater emphasis
on small prize, high-probability wagers in the side betting market to
create a lottery portfolio that accords with their preferences over
variance and skewness in returns. The results pertain, however, to the
special case of betting on the lotto game itself and do not give any
clue as to how mainstream betting is affected by an effective price
reduction available at the lottery booth.
In the second study to use rollover-induced variation in the
effective price of lotto to illuminate the relationships between
gambling sectors, Paton, Siegel, and Vaughan Williams (2004) employed
monthly data on UK betting tax revenue. They modeled the response of UK
betting volume, as recorded by Customs and Excise, to lotto
"price" (i.e., expected loss from one play). (5) However,
because only monthly data were available, the price variable had to be
constructed from averaging across up to nine lotto draws, which raises
problems over the weighting that should be given to different draws
whose sales will vary substantially according to whether or not there is
a rollover. Further, the reliance on monthly data aggregates away much
of what may be interesting in terms of the impact of lottery events on
betting patterns. The present study has the advantage of daily turnover
data that is also disaggregated according to different forms of
wagering. The nature of substitution from the betting sector to lotto
can therefore be revealed in greater and more reliable detail.
As background, we provide first information on participation in
betting and lottery play. Each form of gambling is very widely available
through dense (but completely separate) retail networks. At the last
official count in 2000, there were 8,732 bookmaker shops (quoted in
Mintel [2003]) and this figure has remained almost unchanged since then,
according to the Association of British Bookmakers (
These bookmaker shops are not permitted to sell tickets for, or accept
side bets on, National Lottery products. Lottery tickets are sold at
post offices, many convenience stores, and nearly all supermarkets and
petrol stations. Except in the most rural areas, UK residents therefore
enjoy very ready access to both types of gambling opportunity.
Locations, such as shopping areas in the suburbs, where there are one or
more bookmakers, will almost invariably host a National Lottery outlet
as well. According to Department for Culture, Media, and Sport (2001),
betting turnover in 1998, the middle year of our data period, was 8.4bn
[pounds sterling] and sales of National Lottery products amounted to
5.4bn [pounds sterling].
For information on the extent of overlap of customers between the
two markets, we examined data from the Family Expenditure Survey. The
2001 Edition, relating to the final year of our bookmaker data set,
included categories of expenditure for lotto games (which excluded
purchases of scratch cards offered by the National Lottery) and for
betting at bookmakers. Summaries of spending diaries were available for
each of 6,637 households, which comprised a rolling sample, with each
household taking part for 2 wk. Table 1 shows the numbers and
proportions of households classified according to
participation/nonparticipation in the two modes of gambling. Sixty-two
percent of all households took part in one or both activities during
their 2 wk in the Survey, according to their spending records
(100%-38.09% from the "abstainers" cell, marked nonlotto
nonbetting in Table 1). Of particular note in the table is that 75% of
households who bet at bookmakers also purchased the lottery (808 divided
by 1,075 from the "Betting" column of Table 1). (6) If
households reallocate their gambling portfolios according to variations
in relative price, this makes bookmaking potentially vulnerable if
takeout falls in the lotto game, depending of course on the degree of
sensitivity to value for money. It is this sensitivity that we seek to
A large bookmaker whose retail network gives national coverage
provided daily data for the volume of business transacted at shop
outlets (7) during the period from January 1, 1996, to June 5, 2001. For
purposes of the analysis below, we converted all data to
"real" pounds according to the all items Retail Price Index of
June 2001.
A complication was that the period was marked by a gradual move
toward more regular Sunday opening of bookmaker shops. The data
therefore sometimes recorded Sunday business, but sometimes there was no
business to record. Our model of turnover was to include both lagged
dependent variables and dummy variables for days of the week.
Controlling for the latter, our analysis revealed a degree of habit
formation such that the amount staked on any 1 d reflected, at least for
some products, the amount bet the day before and on the same day the
previous week. To establish a consistent lag structure, it was necessary
to treat each week as having the same number of days. Accordingly, we
aggregated our Saturday and Sunday data as if the weekend were a
composite "day." To account for the boost to turnover when
there was in fact Sunday opening, we then included in our models a dummy
variable set equal to one if the day actually covered two calendar days
when the shops were open for business.
Our analysis relates to four types of gambling offered at the
shops. The total amounts wagered were provided for betting on horse
racing, dog racing, soccer matches, and numbers games. (8) Each of these
sectors offers virtually daily betting opportunities and can be thought
of as potential substitutes to lottery play. The pattern of average
turnover by activity is shown for each day of the week in Figure 1.
The bookmaker also provided a wealth of data relevant to modeling
turnover for the four sectors, for example, measures of the quantity and
quality of each day's racing program, the dates of major sporting
events, and the dates on which the range of numbers games on sale were
We began our model specification by testing for unit roots in the
data. Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) tests clearly rejected the null
hypothesis of an I(1) nonstationary process in favor of stationarity for
two of our sectors.
The test statistics for our betting sectors, based on 12 lags
without trend, were -3.74, -4.21, -6.22, and -2.62 for horses, dogs,
soccer, and numbers, respectively, to be compared with a critical value
of -2.86 at 5% significance and -2.57 at 10%. Although the unit root
test for numbers only rejects the null of nonstationarity at 10%, we are
inclined to accept stationarity. We were drawn to this conclusion by the
low power of the test and inspection of the autocorrelation function.
Moreover, there are several structural breaks in numbers turnover,
reflecting periodic retirement, and initiation of different games. These
make interpretation of the ADF test statistic problematic for this
category. Overall, we concluded that differencing the data and search
for cointegrating relationships were not required.
Estimation for each of the bookmaking sectors by ordinary least
squares was deemed inappropriate because clients in the betting shop will decide simultaneously on which mix of events to place their wagers.
This would yield nonzero correlation between the error terms across the
four equations corresponding to the four betting sectors. We therefore
employed Zellner's seemingly unrelated regression model, which
provides joint estimates of our four sectoral regression models,
allowing for potential correlation of the contemporaneous error terms.
Turnover in each of the sectors is modeled as follows: (9)
(1) []
= f(constant, [TURNOVER.sub.i,lagged],
WEDNESDAY [BONUS.sub.Tuesday],
SATURDAY [BONUS.sub.Thursday],
[] refers to sales in sector i on date t.
[TURNOVER.sub.i], lagged is a vector of one or more lagged values of
turnover in sector i. Lagged values of turnover may be relevant because
of the tendency for habit formation present in the consumption of many
goods. We focus here on two lags: previous day and same day last week.
If previous day's turnover is higher then today's turnover may
be higher as bettors reinvest their winnings. Also, in some sectors,
bettors appear to display habit persistence week to week; for example,
increased numbers turnover on a given Saturday is followed by greater
numbers turnover on the following Saturday.
The National Lottery variables, WEDNESDAY BONUS and SATURDAY BONUS,
reflect that the behavior of potential players may be influenced by any
bonus money added to the jackpot both on the day of the draw (when
tickets may be purchased up to 7.30 p.m.) and on the two preceding days.
For example, it is known on Wednesday evening whether anyone has won the
lotto jackpot for that day's draw. If there is a rollover, the
amount of prize money to be carried forward to Saturday is announced
immediately and will inform decisions on how many tickets to buy during
Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Similarly, if lotto and betting are
substitutes, there may be an impact on bookmaker turnover on Thursday,
Friday, or Saturday. Suppose the amount to [pounds sterling]x is rolled
over to Saturday. For the observation corresponding to the Thursday,
SATURDAY [BONUS.sub.Thursday] is then equal to x and the other lottery
variables have the value 0. For observations corresponding to that
Friday and that Saturday, it is SATURDAY [BONUS.sub.Friday] and SATURDAY
BONUS, respectively, that are set equal to x. Coefficient estimates on
SATURDAY [BONUS.sub.Thursday,] SATURDAY [BONUS.sub.Friday], and SATURDAY
BONUS therefore measure the impacts on bookmaker turnover (per pound of
money added to the Saturday jackpot) on the Thursday, Friday, and
Saturday of a week in which the Saturday lotto draw has become
especially attractive.
BONUS is the amount of money in the form of rollover and Superdraw
funds that augments the jackpot prize. The restriction that impacts of
rollover and Superdraw on betting turnover are treated as identical is
imposed here because of low frequencies in the rollover and Superdraw
categories and is plausible in that rational bettors would treat an
addition to the jackpot prize as equivalent, regardless of source. (10)
Adding rollover and Superdraw together gives greater precision in our
estimates not only because of the greater number of "bonus"
events but also because aggregation gives greater variation in the value
of the BONUS variables. The separation of BONUS effects by Wednesday and
Saturday draws reflects the findings of Forrest, Simmons, and Chesters
(2002) that UKNL lotto turnover itself responded differently to
movements in effective price and jackpot prize according to whether it
was a Wednesday or Saturday draw.
We use BONUS in preference to a measure of price (the 1 pound entry
fee minus the expected value of holding a ticket) because the amount of
money rolled over from the previous draw is exogenous, whereas price
would potentially be endogenous since, given the nature of the lotto
game, expected value itself increases with the number of tickets sold
(and therefore with the number of pounds attracted from betting). Note,
however, that the relationship between BONUS and price is always such
that if BONUS is increased, price falls. An illustration of this is
shown in Figure 2 where we display the expected value of holding a lotto
ticket for each level of sales, given two possible BONUS amounts, 0 and
5m [pounds sterling]. Note that increased sales in response to a
rollover may dilute but cannot eliminate the expected value/price
advantage of the rollover compared with the nonrollover draw. It follows
that if we find a negative relationship between betting turnover and
BONUS, there will also be a positive relationship with lotto price and
the two products will therefore be substitutes in the standard economic
CONTROLS is a vector of control variables specific to the
particular bookmaker product. For each betting sector i, a large number
of control variables were included to account for the substantial
day-to-day variation in the volume of betting transactions. These
controls include the number of betting shops open on a given day, a
weekly time trend, dummy variables for month and day of week, variables
to represent quality and quantity of events in a particular betting
sector, and variables that capture possible substitution or
complementarities in other betting sectors. A full list of all control
variables is provided in the Appendix. In our model specification, we
adopted a general-to-specific modeling procedure where controls were
deleted if they were not significant at the 10% level. All models
contain at least one lagged dependent variable.
A. Horse Race Betting
Table 2 reports Seemingly Unrelated Regression estimates for daily
turnover in each betting sector. By far, the largest sector by volume is
horse race wagering. Here, the results on dummy variables that are not
shown (for reasons of brevity) confirm that Saturday was easily the most
popular day for betting and that the spring and mid-summer months were
busier than the autumn and winter. Month dummies included two for June
according to whether or not it was an even numbered year. In the June of
an even numbered year, a month long international football tournament
(the World Cup or European Championship) is held and there appears, from
our results, to be strong displacement of horse betting by football
betting on these occasions.
Among variables shown in Table 2, the number of shops operated by
the company on each day served as a control; variation was due to branch
openings and closures and acquisitions of shops owned by smaller
bookmakers. Horse race betting turnover is found to be positively
associated with shop openings, as the company would hope.
"Week number" was our trend variable and attracted a
large and significant negative coefficient. Horse race betting declined
in popularity over the data period. However, beyond our sample, there
was a sharp increase in business reported by the industry from late 2001
onward, partly in response to the overall reduction in betting tax
imposed in October 2001 (Paton, Siegel, and Vaughan Williams 2004). (11)
The quantity and quality of the horse racing on offer are naturally
of extreme importance in determining turnover. Quantity was captured by
a series of variables, all highly significant: the total number of
runners (and its square) in British races that day, the number of
British televised races, and the number of British, Irish, and foreign
races broadcast by satellite television to bookmakers (but not to
domestic households). Results imply that more races were associated with
increased horse race betting but the result from the coefficient
estimate on runners squared suggests diminishing returns. The number of
runners at which betting turnover is maximized corresponds with
approximately the number engaged on the busiest day of the year. For
televised races, the impact on betting volume of screening more events
in a day is positive throughout the range of observations but the
negative coefficient on the squared term indicates diminishing marginal
Quality was also important to bettors. This was captured by the
total purse money offered to owners of winning and placed horses in that
day's British races, and this variable attracted a large and
significant positive coefficient. Dummy variables were used to account
for the increases in betting that occur during certain major events that
generate strong interest. Thus, the Grand National Steeplechase, held at
Liverpool in the Spring, is the biggest betting event of the year, and
bookmaker shops were also very busy with horse betting during "big
meetings" (festivals at Ascot, Goodwood, and Cheltenham).
We included as regressors both current day and lagged 1-d values
for the proportions of favorites and second favorites that won in
British horse races. All four coefficient estimates were positive and
highly significant. British bookmakers typically hold unbalanced books
such that they pay out more in winnings when races are won by short-odds
runners. (12) An increase in the proportions of winning favorites and
second favorites will raise payouts on the day (and on the next day for
clients who leave the shop before the race and collect their winnings
later). We interpret the positive coefficients as reflecting a
significant propensity of horse bettors to reinvest these gains into
further wagering.
A final group of controls recognized the influence of other events
outside horse racing. Various special football events such as the FA Cup
Final, played on a Saturday afternoon in May, and England playing
Scotland in the 1996 European Championship impacted negatively on horse
betting. This may not be due exclusively to substitution between
football and horse betting: high-profile football draws large television
audiences and may therefore keep bettors at home. The number of British
dog races was also a significant negative influence, but this will
reflect direct substitution as television is not a factor in that sport.
The inclusion of this comprehensive set of control variables
allowed us to build a model that accounted for the bulk of the variation
in horse race betting that occurred over 1,610 d for which volume was
recorded: the value of [R.sup.2] was .96. This is a rather higher value
than that found for the other bookmaker sectors that we model. The
superior goodness of fit for horse race betting is because much of the
bettor interest is driven by the quality of the program, which is
captured by prize money. No variable corresponding to "purse"
exists in other sectors; either there is no obvious measure (as in
soccer) or there is no quality dimension at all (the case of numbers).
Our main focus of attention is the substitution between lottery
play and horse race betting. Coefficients on lottery variables that are
significant and negative at 10% or better are shown in bold in Table 2.
In the cases of both Wednesday and Saturday lotto, the significant
impacts of high prize draws on horse betting occur 2 d before, that is,
on Monday and Thursday, respectively. The adverse effect is especially
strong on Monday. Monday offers the least attractive horse race program
of the week. An average Monday yields only three-quarters of average
daily horse race betting turnover. Indeed, shops typically experience a
net cash outflow on Mondays, as collection of winnings from the busy
Saturday program exceeds wagers on the usually distinctly unglamorous
set of races run at the beginning of the week. Such betting activity as
occurs will include reinvestment by those visiting the shop primarily to
collect payouts from Saturday. Our interpretation of the results is
that, given the weakness of the racing on offer, some stakes will be
diverted to lotto tickets when the lotto prize is high. Similarly, later
in the week, any impact on betting from lotto rollovers and Superdraws
is indicated to occur on Thursday, when horse race betting turnover is
also lower than the weekly average. Friday and especially Saturday are
the biggest days of the week for horse betting and the highest quality
races are usually scheduled then. Given this, horse bettors appear
reluctant to forego wagers, whereas they appear less committed to the
horses on Thursday.
The relative importance of special lotto draws for Monday horse
race betting is shown in Table 3. This displays the short-run percentage
impact on average betting turnover on a particular day if the value of
BONUS is increased from 0 to its mean across those draws that were
rollovers or Superdraws, on Wednesday or Saturday as appropriate. We see
that the larger proportionate adverse effect on horse betting is from a
Wednesday bonus to Monday betting, estimated at -3.36%. Translated into
absolute (2001) pounds, this implies, at this particular bookmaker
chain, a fall of 103,530 [pounds sterling] when there is a lotto special
draw 2 d later (and where the amount added to the Lottery jackpot is the
mean across all such rollovers or Superdraws). The impact of lottery on
Thursday horse race turnover is slightly less.
The impacts on horse race betting are modest in size, but it is of
interest that they occur ahead of the day of the special lotto draw. It
is quite common to question the rationality of gamblers given that they
repeatedly accept propositions with negative expected value. However,
"rationality" has many levels of meaning, and Conlisk (1993)
demonstrated that gambling, even by risk averse individuals, is
consistent with expected utility maximization so long as they extract a
limited amount of utility from the gambling process itself. (14) The
notion that gambling markets may be analyzed assuming participants'
rationality in the conventional economic sense is supported when bettors
respond to changes in relative prices in the same way as consumers of
other goods and especially, as here, when they appear to engage in
forward-looking behavior.
B. Dog Race Betting
Column 2 of Table 2 shows results for dog race betting turnover.
The overall goodness of fit is less than for horse racing but still
substantial with [R.sup.2] i = .80. The impacts of control variables on
dog race turnover appear plausible. Saturday was again the peak day for
betting and December was the busiest month, partly reflecting that dog
racing is less prone than horse racing to the frost and waterlogged courses that plague the winter horse racing season. The weekly trend was
again downward, although this was offset by the positive impact of
opening extra shops. The number of dog races impacts positively upon
betting with a larger impact in the afternoon relative to mornings. A
higher rate of winning favorites encouraged dog race betting on the same
day, a parallel result to horse race betting. Impacts from other sports
are broadly adverse. For example, a greater number of horse races shown
on television lowered betting, presumably because potential bettors
stayed at home. Also, a greater number of horse races screened in
betting shops reduced dog race betting.
We appear then to have been successful in capturing the principal
determinants of the volume of dog betting. However, no impacts from
lotto events were detected and for this group of bettors, lotto does not
appear to be a substitute product.
C. Soccer Betting and Numbers Games
In season, soccer matches may be scheduled for any day of the week,
but the majority is played on Saturday afternoons and the bulk of
betting takes place on that day. Sometimes, there is a full midweek
program or a round of an elimination tournament or there are matches
rescheduled after bad weather, and there is therefore often a reasonable
choice of games available for wagering on Wednesday evenings as well.
Typically, and in contrast to most horse and dog races, betting is open
for a few days prior to the event. But bettors are wise to place bets on
the day of the game because British and European soccer betting has the
unusual institutional feature that odds are fixed for the duration of
the betting period so that late news, on player injuries or team
selection, for example, is not factored into the odds, giving the client
an advantage over the bookmaker when he bets late. This reinforces the
tendency for soccer turnover to be highest on Saturday, with Wednesday
the next most popular day.
Controls to account for the quantity and quality of the soccer
schedule are strongly significant with expected signs and relative
magnitudes and this helps the model achieve high goodness of fit
([R.sup.2] = .89). There is a large negative impact from high-profile
events in other sports such as the Grand National Steeplechase and
Wimbledon tennis. The impacts are likely to follow from a combination of
some bettors switching the subject of their bets and others staying in
front of a television instead of going out to the bookmaker's.
Lotto rollovers and Superdraws do not appear to impinge on Saturday
betting, but there is a very strong proportionate effect on Wednesday
volume as the prize offered in that day's lottery draw is
increased. There is some similarity with horse betting in this finding.
Saturday offers the fullest opportunities for soccer betting, and
bettors are unwilling to give up their regular activity on this day. But
Wednesday soccer betting is more discretionary because its
attractiveness and availability varies from week to week in any case.
Prospectively high lotto jackpots are successful in drawing funds that
would otherwise have been wagered on Wednesday night soccer. Wednesday
soccer and Wednesday lotto are clear substitutes.
In common with other betting categories, the numbers sector
attracts most interest on Saturdays. This is when leisure time is most
available, when potential clients are most likely to be in the shop
anyway (to bet on important horse and soccer programmes), and when the
largest choice of games is offered. (15)
From Column 4 of Table 2, we see that some sporting events appear
complementary to numbers betting, probably because they attract more
customers to the betting shop or keep them there longer (e.g., number of
dog races and the football World Cup). Other sporting events displace numbers betting (the Grand National and Wimbledon tennis, e.g., both of
which are more likely to be viewed at home). This suggests that numbers
betting may not be a primary activity but an add-on to visits to the
shop to bet on more traditional events. As such, we would view numbers
betting as highly discretionary for regular bettors. This, and the
similarity of product with lotto, lead us to expect a substitution
effect. Such an effect was indeed detected, with a strongly significant
negative coefficient, but only on Saturday and with a relatively low
implied degree of cross elasticity.
Betting and lotteries are very different products. The former
(except for numbers games) is an activity requiring skill where
participants have to seek out value, whereas the latter is a game of
pure chance. Betting, unburdened by the requirement to fund Good Causes
and with keen competition between suppliers, offers a much higher mean
return but without the skewness in returns, which seems fundamental to
the appeal of lotto. Betting attracts only a minority of the population,
whereas more than one half of adults play UK lotto. Betting is regarded
as hard gambling because there is often opportunity to chase losses, but
lotto is almost never regarded as a source of social problems. For all
these reasons, it would not be surprising if clients of bookmakers and
of the National Lottery were self-contained groups supporting products
that were scarcely in competition with each other.
Examination of official household expenditure statistics reveals,
however, that there is positive correlation between spending on betting
and on lotto and that a large majority of bookmakers' customers
also participates in the lotto game. Further, the empirical estimates
that are the subject of this article show bettors responding to changes
in the value offered by lotto tickets in three of four betting
categories (dog bettors comprising the group impervious to lotto
events). In soccer betting, there appears to be a substantial diversion
of stakes in the direction of the lottery booth when there is a
particularly attractive midweek lotto draw. In horse and numbers
betting, statistically significant but quantitatively small substitution
is observed. In horse betting, it is particularly interesting that the
impact of large jackpots is felt 2 d ahead of the lotto draw. The
greatest proportionate effect on horse betting volume is felt on those
Mondays when there is an attractive midweek lottery draw scheduled for
Wednesday. On Mondays, clients are likely to be in the bookmaker shop
primarily to collect winnings, reinvestment of which would otherwise be
into a usually uninspiring Monday racing program. The result suggests
that a reduction in lotto takeout would draw money away from betting.
However, it would only be fringe race meetings that would be threatened
as no tendency is observed for diversion of expenditure on the days of
the week (Friday and Saturday) when "big" racing is scheduled.
Since 2001, sales of lottery tickets in the United Kingdom, as in
many other jurisdictions, have fallen significantly. This decline has
coincided with a period when other forms of gaming have been made better
value. This is particularly true for bookmaker betting, where a much
more favorable tax regime was introduced in 2001. Moreover, other forms
of gaming have been permitted for the first time, such as fixed odds
betting terminals (offering games like electronic roulette) now
available in betting shops. At the same time, lottery take-out rates
have remained set as at inception in 1994.
Our results illustrate a certain willingness of players to
reallocate their gambling budgets between the betting and the lottery as
value for money changes from lottery draw to lottery draw. By
implication, some of the loss in lottery sales since 2001 is likely to
be attributable to the large change in the relative prices of the two
products associated with reform of betting tax. Just what proportion of
the loss is associated with cross-price effects is difficult to
establish: many mature lotteries experience flagging sales, even with no
major price changes for competing products, once players become bored
with the games offered.
Although it is impractical to construct precise measures of
cross-price elasticity for the present period, analysis of our
bookmaker's data clearly indicates that the lottery is likely to be
in a substitution relationship with gambling in general and betting in
particular. Given the increasingly competitive gaming environment, it is
unlikely to be optimal that the lottery cannot respond, under the
current regulatory regime, to downward pressure on prices elsewhere by
varying the takeout on its own product offering.
Shops: number of shops open.
Week: weekly time trend.
Month dummies: January to November with December excluded; June is
split into June with no international soccer tournament and June with
World Cup or European Championship.
Day of week dummies: Monday to Saturday with Wednesday excluded
plus a dummy indicating that shops were open on Sunday (where Sunday
turnover is included in Saturday figures).
Prize money: total prize money offered in UK horse racing that day
deflated by Retail Price Index.
Total runners: total number of runners in UK horse races.
Grand National: dummy for the day of the Grand National
Steeplechase (normally a Saturday).
Big meeting: dummy for a day of one of the major Festival horse
race meetings at Ascot, Goodwood, or Cheltenham.
TV races: number of UK horse races broadcast on terrestrial
television that day.
Bookmaker non-TV races: number of UK horse races broadcast solely
to bookmaker shops by satellite television.
Foreign TV: number of foreign (including Irish) horse races relayed
to bookmaker shops by satellite television.
1st favourite won: proportion of UK horse races won that day by the
2nd favourite won: proportion of UK races won that day by the
second favorite.
Morning dog races: that day's number of UK dog races at
meetings with a morning start.
Afternoon dog races: that day's number of UK dog races at
meetings with an afternoon start.
Total dog races: sum of Morning dog races and Afternoon dog races.
Winning dog favourite: proportion of dog races won that day by the
Bank holiday soccer: dummy for a public holiday with a full English
soccer programme.
Bank holiday Scottish soccer: dummy for day of a public holiday in
Scotland only, with full Scottish soccer programme.
England in tournament match: dummy for a day during the World Cup
or European Championship when the England soccer team is playing.
World Cup Final: dummy for day of the World Cup Final.
England v Scotland (Euro 1996): dummy for day when England played
Scotland in the European Championship 1996 soccer tournament.
England v Scotland (World Cup qualifier) : dummy for 2 d when
England played Scotland in the World Cup qualifying competition.
Scotland in Euro 1996: dummy for days when Scotland played in the
1996 European Championship.
FA Cup Final: dummy for day of the FA Cup Final (normally a
Saturday in May).
European club match: dummy for a day when a British club is playing
in a European competition (not the Final, normally Tuesday, Wednesday,
or Thursday).
Wimbledon men's final: dummy for final of Wimbledon tennis
tournament (on a weekend in July).
Rugby League Cup Final: dummy for the day of the Rugby League Cup
England club in European final: dummy for a day when an English
club appeared in a European Cup final.
British open golf: dummy for the period of the British Open Golf
The following variables were initially included in a general
specification but dropped as their coefficients were not significant at
10% in any turnover sector equation:
FA Cup round: dummy for a day when a round of the FA Cup (other
than the final) is played.
Soccer games: total number of Premier League and Division One games
in England that day.
Rugby Union: dummy for a day when England played in rugby
union's international tournament.
GMM: Generalized Method of Moments
MLB: Major League Baseball
NBA: National Basketball Association
NFL: National Football League
ADF: Augmented Dickey-Fuller
UKNL: UK National Lottery
doi: 10.1111/j.1465-7295.2008.00123.x
Conlisk, J. "The Utility of Gambling." Journal of Risk
and Uncertainty, 6, 1993, 255-75.
Department for Culture, Media, and Sport. Gambling Review Report.
London: The Stationery Office, 2001.
Farrell, L., E. Morgenroth, and I. Walker. "A Time-Series
Analysis of U.K. Lottery Sales: Long and Short Run Price
Elasticities." Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 61,
1999, 513-26.
Forrest, D., R. Simmons, and N. Chesters. "Buying a Dream:
Alternative Models of Demand for Lotto." Economic Inquiry, 40,
2002, 485-96.
Kaplan, H. "The Effects of State Lotteries on the Pari-Mutuel
Industry." Journal of Gambling Studies, 6, 1990, 331-44.
Mintel. Betting Shops--UK. London: Mintel International Group
Limited, 2003.
Paton, D., D. Siegel, and L. Vaughan Williams. "A Time Series
Analysis of the Demand for Gambling in the United Kingdom."
National Tax Journal, 57(4), 2004, 847-61.
Purfield, C., and P. Waldron. "Gambling on Lotto Numbers:
Testing for Substitutability or Complementarity Using Semi-Weekly
Turnover Data." Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 61,
1999, 527-44.
Royal Commission on Gambling. Report (Cmnd 7200). London: HMSO,
Simmons, S., and R. Sharp. "State Lotteries' Effects on
Thoroughbred Horse Racing." Journal of Policy Analysis and
Management, 6, 1987, 446-8.
Swiss Institute of Comparative Law. Study of Gambling Services in
the Internal Market of the European Union. Lausanne, Switzerland: Swiss
Institute of Comparative Law, 2006.
Thalheimer, R. "The Impact of Interstate Intertrack Wagering,
Casinos and a State Lottery on the Demand for Pari-Mutuel Horse
Racing," in Gambling and Commercial Gaming, edited by W. Eadington
and J. Cornelius. Reno, NV: The Institute for the Study of Gambling and
Commercial Gaming, 1992, 285-94.
Thalheimer, R., and M. Ali. "The Demand for Pari-Mutuel
Horserace Wagering and Attendance with Special Reference to Racing
Quality, and Competition from State Lottery and Professional
Sports." Management Science, 41, 1995, 129-43.
(1.) See Kaplan (1992) and Thalheimer (1992) for further evidence
of displacement effects between horse racing and lotteries in the United
(2.) For British examples, see Farrell, Morgenroth, and Walker
(1999) and Forrest, Simmons, and Chesters (2002).
(3.) In further recognition of the commercial sensitivity of the
information provided, we transformed the turnover data into index number
format prior to empirical analysis. A fifth sector, sports betting (excluding soccer) was not included in our model because its volume is
small and very heterogeneous in terms of the sort of events covered. We
also exclude from the analysis slot machine play, which, in this period,
was too small in volume to be of interest.
(4.) We tested also for any impact in the days following a rollover
or Superdraw but found nothing significant and do not report the
(5.) Taking their analysis beyond 2001 enabled Paton, Siegel, and
Vaughan Williams to evaluate the effects of major changes in betting tax
introduced in October 2001. However, their data, based on bookmaker tax
returns, include revenue from fixed odds betting terminals and casino
style gaming machines, which were introduced into bookmaker shops,
exploiting a legal loophole, after 2001. This is likely to have
distorted their results.
(6.) Among these households, there was a very strongly significant
positive correlation between the amounts spent on each mode (correlation
coefficient .14).
(7.) Telephone and Internet wagering and on-track betting were
therefore excluded. In the period to which our data relate, and even
now, the bulk of betting took place through personal visits to bookmaker
(8.) Numbers games are based on daily draws commissioned by a
consortium of bookmakers or on the drawings of foreign lotteries. They
are similar in format to lotto, but payouts are based on matching less
than a complete set of numbers drawn with no parallel to lotto's
large grand prize for players matching all balls. On the other hand,
payouts corresponding to small lotto prizes are much more generous than
in the official game as bookmaking is very lightly taxed compared with
the UKNL. Entry into numbers games is made at the shop counter in the
same way as for other bets (i.e., they are not sold from machines).
(9.) We do not include lotto itself in our demand system because
decisions on lotto purchase are taken by a much wider constituency of
players than the minority who engage in betting. We do not have data on
level of lotto play by users of this bookmaker chain.
(10.) A caveat is that rollovers and Superdraws may be accompanied
by different levels of advertising expenditure and publicity.
(11.) There was a fundamental change in tax regime in October 2001,
4 mo after our sample period ends. Betting duty was previously a
turnover tax of 6.75%. This was replaced by a 15% tax on bookmaker
takeout. Effectively, the tax burden on betting was halved, and Paton,
Siegel, and Vaughan Williams (2004) relate the consequent improvement in
value to bettors to the subsequent rapid increase in betting turnover.
However, the data used by Paton, Siegel, and Vaughan Williams were for
all betting and so do not yield estimates of change in individual
betting sectors such as horse racing.
(12.) To summarize the Royal Commission on Gambling (1978):
"if one of the fancied horses wins, the bookmakers lose, but if one
of the outsiders wins, they win." The situation appears not to have
changed because bookmaker firms' annual reports tend to attribute
periods of depressed profits to unusual runs of wins by favorites.
(13.) Our models distinguish between dog races at meetings
beginning in the morning and those later in the day. Morning races, held
before horse meetings start, are subsidized by the betting industry to
extend betting hours.
(14.) The amount of utility has to be limited since otherwise the
individual would act as if risk loving and be willing to gamble away the
whole of personal wealth.
(15.) Betting on which numbers will be drawn in foreign lotteries,
such as those in Ireland and some American states, is popular. Many such
lotteries hold their draws on Saturdays.
* We wish to thank participants at the 80th Western Economic
Association Annual Conference, San Francisco, and two anonymous referees
for constructive suggestions. We are grateful to the anonymous
bookmaking company, which provided the bulk of the data for our
analysis. D.F. acknowledges support from a Leverhulme Fellowship. O.D.G.
was supported by the Gibbons Research Professorship.
Forrest: Professor, Centre for the Study of Gambling, University of
Salford, Salford M5 4WT, UK. Phone 0044-161-295-3674, Fax
0044-161-295-2130, E-mail
Gulley: Professor, Department of Economics, Bentley College,
Waltham, MA 02452. Phone 781-891-2355; Fax 781-891-2896; E-mail
Simmons: Senior Lecturer, Department of Economics, The Management
School, Lancaster University, Lancaster LA1 4YX, UK. Phone
0044-1524-594234, Fax 0044-1524-594244, E-mail
Participation in Betting and Lotto Games by
UK Households
Betting (%) Nonbetting (%) All
Lotto 808 (12.17) 3,046 (45.89) 3,854 (58.07)
Nonlotto 255 (3.84) 2,528 (38.09) 2,783 (41.93)
All 1,075 (16.20) 5,562 (83.80) 6,637
Notes: Data are number of households included in the
Family Expenditure Survey (2001) according to whether
they recorded expenditure in the relevant category during
a 2-wk membership of the panel.
SUR Betting Turnover Estimates
Variable (1) Horse Race (2) Dog Race
Turnover (t - 1) 0.074 (8.39) *** 0.081 (5.65) ***
Turnover (t - 6) 0.170 (11.37) ***
Shops 0.058 (13.04) *** 0.015 (10.38) ***
Week -0.120 (15.77) *** -0.054 (19.66) ***
Lottery variables
Wednesday Bonus -0.386 (0.82) 0.063 (0.40)
Wednesday Bonus Tuesday -0.050 (0.11) -0.089 (0.56)
Wednesday Bonus Monday -1.116 (2.35) ** -0.167 (1.04)
Saturday Bonus -0.331 (1.01) 0.144 (1.30)
Saturday Bonus Friday -0.205 (0.63) -0.008 (0.07)
Saturday Bonus Thursday -0.601 (1.86) * -0.083 (0.76)
Horse race variables
Prize money 0.103 (20.65) ***
Total runners 0.430 (24.39) *** 0.038 (6.47) ***
Total runners squared -0.00028 (13.03) *** -0.00003 (4.54) ***
Grand National 512.2 (56.85) *** -24.80 (8.18) ***
Big meeting 38.70 (12.17) ***
TV races 3.374 (10.33) *** - 1.522 (15.58) ***
Bookmaker TV races 0.732 (2.66) ** -1.032 (11.26) ***
Bookmaker TV races
squared -0.016 (2.09) ** 0.0061 (2.35) **
Irish flat races 13.84 (4.21) ***
Irish jump races 1.077 (4.52) *** -0.411 (5.23) ***
Foreign races 11.99 (7.53) *** -1.208 (2.26) **
1st favourite won 0.186 (3.80) ***
2nd favourite won 0.274 (4.63) ***
1st favourite won
(t - 1) 0.262 (5.43) ***
2nd favourite won
(t - 1) 0.185 (3.15) ***
Dog race variables
Morning dog races -0.622 (5.05) *** 0.544 (12.42) ***
Afternoon dog races -0.752 (6.68) *** 0.887 (22.58) ***
Winning dog favourite 0.074 (3.46) ***
Soccer variables
Bank holiday soccer 49.89 (8.27) ***
Bank holiday Scottish
soccer 7.630 (2.22) **
England in World Cup
World Cup Final
England v Scotland
(Euro 1996)
England v Scotland
(World Cup qualifier)
Scotland in Euro 1996 -32.60 (2.28) **
FA Cup Final -25.09 (2.93) ***
FA Cup round
English club in
European final
European club match
Premier games
Football League games
Other events
Wimbledon mens final -10.79 (3.36) ***
Rugby League Cup Final 4.865 (1.73) *
U.S. open golf -2.166 (2.18) **
British open golf
[R.sup.2] 0.961 0.798
N 1,610 1,610
Variable (3) Soccer (4) Numbers
Turnover (t - 1) 0.092 (6.21) *** 0.107 (6.10) ***
Turnover (t - 6) 0.123 (8.69) *** 0.463 (34.58) ***
Shops 0.010 (3.36) ***
Lottery variables
Wednesday Bonus -1.426 (2.35) ** -0.344 (1.00)
Wednesday Bonus Tuesday -0.006 (0.01) -0.092 (0.27)
Wednesday Bonus Monday 0.432 (0.72) -0.219 (0.63)
Saturday Bonus -0.263 (0.63) -0.953 (4.01) ***
Saturday Bonus Friday 0.280 (0.68) -0.077 (0.33)
Saturday Bonus Thursday 0.052 (0.13) -0.350 (1.49)
Horse race variables
Prize money
Total runners 0.029 (2.32) **
Total runners squared -0.00007 (4.35) ***
Grand National -53.25 (4.45) *** -23.80 (3.72) ***
Big meeting -10.42 (2.80) ***
TV races
Bookmaker TV races -0.897 (4.58) ***
Bookmaker TV races
squared 0.030 (5.29) ***
Irish flat races
Irish jump races
Foreign races
1st favourite won
2nd favourite won
1st favourite won
(t - 1)
2nd favourite won
(t - 1)
Dog race variables
Morning dog races
Afternoon dog races 0.524 (4.70) *** 0.404 (5.18) ***
Winning dog favourite
Soccer variables
Bank holiday soccer 24.18 (3.29) *** -25.06 (5.68) ***
Bank holiday Scottish
soccer 30.31 (2.24) **
England in World Cup
Final 168.22 (19.50) ***
World Cup Final 176.35 (13.79) ***
England v Scotland
(Euro 1996) 81.73 (3.03) ***
England v Scotland 100.87 (5.36) ***
(World Cup qualifier)
Scotland in Euro 1996
FA Cup Final 156.06 (13.69) ***
FA Cup round 79.03 (12.81) ***
English club in
European final 108.68 (8.07) ***
European club match 30.44 (12.42) ***
Premier games 6.856 (14.64) ***
Football League games 4.664 (12.07) ***
Other events
Wimbledon mens final -66.06 (5.25) *** -21.52 (3.08) ***
Rugby League Cup Final
U.S. open golf
British open golf -20.08 (3.16) ***
[R.sup.2] 0.885 0.959
N 1,610 1,610
Notes: Dependent variable is real daily turnover by sector. All
equations also contain day of week dummies, month dummies, a dummy to
represent weekends when shops opened on Sunday as well as Saturday, and
a constant. Numbers equation also contains six subperiod dummy
variables to control for the variety of numbers game regimes during the
sample period.
*, **, and *** denote significant coefficients at 10%, 5%, and 1%
levels, respectively.
Short-Run Percentage Impacts of a Bonus
Draw on Betting Turnover
Day of Turnover Horse Racing Soccer Numbers
Wednesday bonus
Same day -13.34
Monday -3.36
Saturday bonus
Same day -2.51
Thursday -2.64
Note: Impacts shown are for a bonus draw with
amount added to the jackpot equal to the mean for bonus