Centralized and decentralized management of local common pool resources in the developing world: experimental evidence from fishing communities in Colombia.
Velez, Maria Alejandra ; Murphy, James J. ; Stranlund, John K. 等
In this article, we report the results of a series of common pool
resource experiments conducted in three regions of Colombia that depend
on small-scale fishing. Our field experiments were designed to
investigate whether regulations imposed on a community to conserve a
local natural resource complement nonbinding verbal agreements within a
community to do the same in the sense that a combination of formal
regulations and informal community agreements leads to greater
conservation of a shared local resource than community efforts alone.
A large literature of experimental research from different
disciplines has demonstrated the positive welfare effects of simply
allowing subjects to communicate with each other in common pool resource
settings. (1) Communication can be effective because it allows
participants to (1) share information about the nature of the game, its
incentives, and decisions that maximize group payoffs; (2) coordinate
their actions and send signals about intentions; (3) express displeasure
about undesirable or unacceptable outcomes; (4) reduce social distance
among group members; and (5) punish uncooperative behavior, for example,
by agreeing not to cooperate in future periods if total group harvest
exceeds some threshold.
A smaller literature has looked at the effects of external
regulations--fixed quotas with some exogenous enforcement apparatus--on
behavior in experimental common property games. This literature suggests
that regulatory controls on the use of common pool resources may not be
as effective as one would hope. Ostmann (1998) finds that external
regulation and enforcement financed by experiment participants only
reduce harvests by a small amount relative to a regulation-free
environment. Beckenkamp and Ostmann (1999) report that middle levels of
sanction lead to a reduction in the exploitation of a common property
resource, but higher sanctions can cause overuse because subjects may
perceive the high sanction to be unfair. Cardenas, Stranlund, and Willis
(2000) found that a quota supported by weak enforcement is effective in
initial rounds, but as subjects realize the weak consequences of
noncompliance, the effectiveness of the regulation quickly erodes.
Ostrom (2000) discusses how enforcement of externally imposed rules may
crowd out endogenous cooperative behavior, because it may discourage the
formation of social norms to solve the dilemma, and at the same time may
encourage players to cheat the system.
However, little research has been done to investigate the effects
of allowing subjects to communicate under an external regulation in
common pool resource experiments. We are motivated to pursue this line
of inquiry because of our interest in the relationship between informal
community efforts to conserve common property resources in the
developing world and formal regulatory controls to do the same.
Villagers in communities like those we visited typically interact and
cooperate with each other on a variety of community issues. Thus, when
examining the effects of external regulation on local natural resource
use, it is unreasonable to expect that regulations would simply replace
nonbinding agreements among community members. Even under government
regulations, community members are likely to interact with each other
and develop informal norms of behavior. The question that this article
addresses is whether these informal norms and formal regulations are
complementary institutions for conserving local common pool resources.
Whether communication and regulations are complementary has
important implications for judging the effectiveness of government
interventions in local common pool resource problems. Evaluating the
performance of an intervention must be done in comparison to the
performance of existing community conservation efforts and with the
recognition that community members will likely continue to pursue
informal norms of behavior when the regulation is in place. Moreover,
since regulatory interventions are costly, they are only justified in
locales where the regulations will complement existing community
efforts. (2)
The same processes that make communication effective in the absence
of regulatory controls may also serve to complement, and be complemented
by, formal regulations. For example, communication can serve as a
mechanism to socialize information about the efficiency-enhancing goals
of a regulation and the formal consequences of noncompliance with the
regulation. Similarly, a regulation can complement cooperative community
efforts if it provides a signal of efficient individual behavior that
can serve as a focal point for community interactions. Moreover, group
communication and the enforcement of a formal regulation can provide
complementary consequences for overexploiting the resource. That is,
communication can support a weak enforcement apparatus by bringing
social pressure to bear on individuals to achieve more efficient
outcomes, and regulatory enforcement provides an explicit sanction for
noncompliance that may be necessary to support informal verbal
agreements. (3)
On the other hand, we recognize that certain kinds of group
interactions could lead to worse outcomes. It is possible that community
members may implicitly transfer responsibility for resource management
to the external authority. For example, group discussions may lead to a
consensus that group members are in a game against the government,
thereby shifting the focus away from the benefits of voluntarily
coordinating actions. More specifically, communication could lead to a
focus on the weak consequences of noncompliance with a regulation
instead of reinforcing its welfare-enhancing objective.
We test for complementarities between formal regulations and
informal nonbinding communication with a series of common pool resource
experiments conducted in three geographically distinct fishing areas of
Colombia. Although villagers in each of these areas depend heavily on
the local fishery, these areas are different along several dimensions
(which we discuss briefly in Section II). Rather than using a neutral
frame, our experiments were explicitly concerned with extraction
decisions from a common pool fishery. (4) Thus, our experimental design
avoids the problem that individuals in different communities may
approach a "neutral" or "decontextualized"
experiment in different ways. (5) Each group of five subjects first
played ten rounds of a baseline limited-access common pool resource game
(without communication or regulation) and then ten additional rounds
under one of five institutions: face-to-face communication alone, one of
two external regulations alone, and communication combined with each of
the two regulations. The two external regulations consist of an
individual harvest quota that was set at the level that maximizes a
group's payoff but differ with respect to the level of enforcement.
In both cases, the level of enforcement was chosen to be rather weak
because this is typical of regulatory control of natural resources in
the developing world. We conducted the full set of experiments in each
area to determine whether the results we obtained in one region were
replicable in the others.
We find no statistically significant differences in individual
harvest decisions across the regions in the first-stage limited-access
game but significant regional variation in responses to the second-stage
institutions. This suggests that the differences in responses to the
second-stage institutions we observe cannot be due to regional variation
in how subjects responded to the fundamental common property problem;
rather, these differences must be due solely to variation in responses
to the alternative institutions.
In all cases, the second-stage institutions were effective in
reducing harvests from the limited-access baseline. Thus, if we were to
judge the performance of each of the regulations with respect to the
limited-access baseline, we would conclude that they were effective in
each region although not equally so. Again, however, the appropriate
comparison is between regulation combined with communication and
communication alone, and a regulation can only be justified if it
complements nonbinding communication. Our results suggest that the
hypothesis of a complementary relationship between communication and
external regulation is supported for some combinations of regions and
regulations but cannot be supported in general. We find that external
regulation complements group communication in three of the six possible
cases. In two cases, regulation and communication together led to
harvest decisions that were no different from those under communication
alone. In the remaining case, regulation combined with communication
actually led to greater harvests than communication alone, suggesting
that the regulation crowded out cooperative efforts to conserve the
Our experiments are based on the standard problem of individual
harvests from a common pool resource by n identical individuals. We use
a static model similar to that presented by Ostrom, Gardner, and Walker
(1994), Falk, Fehr, and Fischbacher (2002), and an earlier model
developed by Cornes and Sandler (1983). Individual i harvests [y.sub.i]
units up to a capacity constraint [y.sup.max.sub.i]. Units of harvest
sell at a constant price p. The individual's harvest costs are
c([y.sub.i] + y-i) + [dy.sub.i]([y.sub.i] + [y.sub.-i]), where
[y.sub.-i] = [[summation].sub.j[not equal to]][y.sub.j] and c and d are
positive constants. The individual has an endowment [e.sub.i]. Thus,
individual payoffs are
(1) [[pi].sub.i] = [e.sub.i] + [py.sub.i] - c([y.sub.i] +
[y.sub.-i]) - [dy.sub.i]([y.sub.i] + [y.sub.-i]), subject to 0 [less
than or equal to] [y.sub.i] [less than or equal to] [y.sup.max.sub.i].
Maximizing [[pi].sub.i] with respect to [y.sub.i] yields i's
Nash best-response function:
(2) [y.sub.i]([y.sub.-i]) = min[(p - c - [dy.sub._i])/2d,
[y.sup.max.sub.i]], provided that p - c - [d.sub.y_i] > 0 for all
feasible [y.sub.-i].
It is well known that pure Nash strategies result in inefficiently
high harvest levels. A government authority that imposes and enforces an
individual harvest quota could address this inefficiency. In this
framework, inducing compliance is largely a matter of finding the
correct expected penalty to reduce harvest levels to the efficient
quota. However, this approach ignores other factors that may also
explain individual compliance decisions. Of particular importance to us
is how communication may work to support individual compliance with a
formal regulation. Moreover, individuals may respond to the frame that a
regulation provides, that is, that the quota provides a signal of
efficient harvests, and the expected penalty signals that deviations
from the quota may be punished.
Subjects were placed in groups of five and participated in a
20-period common pool resource game that was framed as a harvest
decision from a shared fishery. (6) Each subject received an identical
payoff table that was generated from a simple modification of Equation
(1). The concept of zero harvest is very difficult to explain in the
field because the participants depend so critically on their use of
local natural resources. Therefore, individual harvest choices were
shifted by 1 to range from 1 to 9. Accordingly, we modified Equation (1)
by defining [[??].sub.i] = [y.sub.i] - 1 and created the individual
payoff table from [[pi].sub.i] = [e.sub.i] + [p[??].sub.i] -
c([[??].sub.i] + [[??].sub.-i]) - [d[??].sub.i]([??].sub.i] +
[[??].sub.-i]]), with parameters p = 116.875, c = 17.875, d = 2.75, and
[e.sub.i] = 900. (7) The resulting payoff table used in the experiments
is shown in Table 1. With these values, the standard symmetric Nash
equilibrium is achieved when each individual chooses [y.sub.i] = 7,
while the group payoff-maximizing individual harvest is 2 units. In
addition to deciding upon a level of extraction, [y.sub.i], in each
round, subjects were also asked to state their expectation of the total
extraction by the other four group members, [y.sup.e.sub.i] =
[[summation].sub.j[not equal to]i][y.sup.e.sub.j] [member of] [4, 36].
Each group played a first stage with ten rounds of a typical common
pool resource game without communication or external regulation (Limited
Access); the second stage consisted of ten additional rounds under one
of the following institutions:
face-to-face communication (Communication);
external regulation with a low penalty (Low Penalty);
external regulation with a medium penalty (Medium Penalty);
face-to-face communication with a low penalty and external
regulation (Low Penalty/ Communication);
face-to-face communication with a medium penalty and external
regulation (Medium Penalty/Communication).
Each of the five treatments was repeated 12 times, with four groups
in each of the three regions. In the three treatments that allowed
communication, participants were free to discuss anything related to the
experiment prior to making their harvest decisions privately in each
round. For the four treatments that involved an external regulation, an
individual harvest quota of 2 units (the efficient individual harvest)
was imposed. To enforce the quota, each subject faced an audit
probability of 10%. (9) If an inspection revealed that a subject's
harvest exceeded 2, then that person incurred a financial penalty; the
results of inspections were not made public. We examine two regulations
that differ only in the level of the unit penalty for discovered
harvests that exceeded the quota. For the Low Penalty and Low
Penalty/Communication treatments, the penalty was 27 pesos per unit
above the quota. We chose this penalty because the resulting expected
marginal penalty is not high enough to change the pure Nash strategy
equilibrium from the baseline Limited Access equilibrium of 7 units for
each individual. Nevertheless, such a regulation might serve to reduce
individual harvests because of the frame the regulation places on the
experiment, in particular the signal of efficient choices and that
deviations from the quota will be sanctioned. For the Medium Penalty and
Medium Penalty/Communication treatments, the unit penalty was 165 pesos.
The Nash strategy equilibrium with this penalty is 6 units for each
individual. We chose enforcement strategies that were rather weak, at
least under a conventional theory of regulatory enforcement, because
this is likely to be a characteristic of most regulatory controls of
resource use in the developing world.
In each round, subjects were asked to choose a harvest level. After
all subjects made these decisions, the monitor collected this
information and announced to the group the aggregate level of harvest
for that round. With this information, individuals were able to
calculate their individual payoffs from the level of total harvest by
the others. Individual earnings ranged between 11,220 and 22,900 pesos,
with an average of 15,240 pesos (about US$6.00 in 2004). (10) Earnings
were paid in cash at the end of each experiment. Each experiment lasted
about 3 h. Before each experiment began, instructions were read aloud by
the monitor and several practice rounds that did not count toward final
earnings were played to familiarize the participants with the
The experiments were conducted during the summer of 2004 in three
distinct areas of Colombia: on the Caribbean Coast, along the Magdalena
River, and on the Pacific Coast. A total of 300 individuals participated
in the experiments, evenly divided among the three regions. Summary
statistics of the subjects' characteristics by region are provided
in Table 2. The Magdalena and the Pacific regions were roughly
comparable across all five dimensions: the mean age was about 42 yr with
almost 5 yr of formal education. Subjects in these two regions were
overwhelmingly male fishermen who had lived in the same community for
more than 10 yr. In the Caribbean, subjects were younger and more
educated. There was also a more even gender distribution (55% male).
Relative to the other two communities, a smaller majority of subjects
lived in the same community for over 10 yr and earned their living
primarily from fishing.
An important element of our design is that all treatments were
conducted in each of the three regions. Our motivation for doing so was
to examine whether the results we obtained in one region were replicated
in the others or whether there are significant regional differences in
outcomes. The three communities were chosen because they vary with
respect to how formal fishing regulations and more informal community
conservation efforts play a role in managing local harvests. We do not
develop formal hypotheses about how community characteristics might
affect behavior in our experiments, mainly because it is not possible to
conduct rigorous tests of any such hypotheses with only three
communities. In the next section, however, we do speculate about how the
relative importance of formal regulations and informal norms in the
three regions may be correlated with our experiment outcomes. Thus, a
brief description of how the regions are different in this regard is
Participants in the Pacific region, more specifically the Ensenada
de Tumaco, are members of Afro-Colombian communities, the majority of
whom live in collectively owned territories. In the Ensenada de Tumaco,
94% of the participants report that fishing, particularly shrimp
harvesting, is their main livelihood. Compared to the other two regions,
the government authority that is charged with regulating fisheries and
other natural resources has a stronger presence in this region.
Colombian fisheries are regulated by Instituto Colombiano de Desarrollo
Rural (INCODER), a federal-level agency under the Ministry of
Agricultural Affairs. INCODER enforces several regulations on the
Pacific Coast, such as seasonal restrictions and the prohibition of
certain methods of harvesting shrimp. In general, local fishermen in the
Ensenada de Tumaco are aware of the regulations they operate under, and
there is agreement among them about the need to regulate the shrimp
fishery. Community-based organizations, as well as international
conservation nongovernmental organizations, are also actively promoting
the conservation of the natural resources of the region, in particular
the mangrove forests. International conservation organizations are
active here because they see this region as a threatened "hot
spot" of biodiversity. Although it is impossible to say whether
government regulations or community conservation efforts are more
important in this region, it is true that formal regulations are more
important in the Pacific than the other two regions.
The participants in the town of La Dorada, Caldas, and surrounding
villages are part of a mostly white and mestizo population who harvest
several species offish from the Magdalena River and the adjacent lake,
Charca de Guarinocito, in the interior of the country. Eighty-seven
percent of the participants reported that small-scale fishing was their
main economic activity. The presence of INCODER in this area is
considered to be very weak--participants describe regulatory authorities
as distant, with no involvement at all with the community. Nevertheless,
most of the participants are aware of seasonal restrictions on
harvesting certain species. International conservation organizations are
not present in this area, but a local fishermen's association has
been formed to manage the local fishery. In fact, about 20% of the
Magdalena participants belong to this association, which has been
actively designing and enforcing their own rules for fishing in the
Charca de Guarinocito. Thus, compared to the other two regions,
community conservation efforts are relatively more important in the
management of the local fishery in Magdalena area than government
Participants in the Caribbean region, more specifically near the
city of Santa Marta, are part of a multiethnic population of whites,
mestizos, African descendants, and indigenous peoples. The proportion of
participants in this region who reported that fishing is their main
economic activity is significantly lower than in the other two regions
(69%). Some of the other participants are small-scale fish buyers who
then resell their product in Santa Marta. The rest are farmworkers.
Generally, the participants did not know who had the authority to
regulate the local fisheries. Although some methods of fishing are
recognized as illegal, few other fishing rules, formal or informal, are
observed in this region.
To test for possible complementarities between formal regulations
imposed on a community to conserve a local natural resource and
nonbinding verbal agreements to do the same, we estimate a
random-effects Tobit model in which the individual's choice of
extraction (or harvest choice), [y.sub.it], is constrained to lie
between 1 and 9, inclusive:
(3) [y.sub.it] = [[beta].sub.0] + [[beta].sub.1] [y.sup.e.sub.-it]
+ [[beta].sub.2][Age.sub.i] + [[beta].sub.3] [Education.sub.i] +
[[bar.[beta]].sub.4] [Period.sub.t] x [Treatment.sub.it] +
[[bar.[beta].sub.5] [Region.sub.i] x [Treatment.sub.it] +
[[bar.[beta].sub.6] [Group.sub.i] + [v.sub.i] + [[epsilon].sub.it],
where subject i = 1, ..., 300, period t = 1, ..., 20, the
individual random effects are [v.sub.i] ~ N(0, [[sigma].sup.2.sub.v]),
and [[epsilon].sub.it]~N(0, [[sigma].sup.2.sub.[epsilon]]) is the
idiosyncratic error term.
The constant ([[beta].sub.0]) captures individual harvests in the
Limited Access, first-stage of the experiments. Using a similar model to
Equation (3), but with Limited Access harvests interacted with regional
dummies and period, we found no significant regional or temporal variation. This led us to eliminate these interactions in Equation (3),
with the advantage of simplifying the interpretation of the constant.
More importantly, it is particularly interesting that the Limited Access
results are replicated in the three regions; yet, as we will see
shortly, significant regional differences emerge when we introduce the
new institutions in Stage 2. This suggests that any differences in
second-stage results are attributable to regional interactions with the
different institutions and not to regional differences in the way in
which the subject pools responded to the fundamental common pool
resource dilemma. (11)
To allow for the possibility that harvest choices might change over
time and that this might vary across institutions, we interacted each
second-stage treatment with period. The coefficient vector [[??].sub.4]
reflects this interaction of the five Stage 2 treatment dummy variables
with period. The results from estimating Equation (3) indicate that the
time interactions with the Low Penalty and Medium Penalty treatments
were jointly significant (p = .00) but the remaining interaction terms
were not (p = .48). (12) For conciseness and ease of exposition, we
eliminated the nonsignificant period interactions from the final model
reported in Table 3. Note that the two period interactions are positive
and of similar size for the Low Penalty and Medium Penalty treatments
(0.06 and 0.11); these coefficients are statistically indistinguishable
(p = .40). That these coefficients are positive indicates that harvest
choices increased over time under a weakly enforced external regulation
when the subjects are not allowed to communicate with each other. This
is consistent with the findings of Cardenas, Stranlund, and Willis
(2000) in similar field experiments.
We included several individual characteristics as independent
variables. The variable Expectation of Their Extraction
([y.sup.e.sub.-it]) is what individual i indicated that she anticipated
would be the total extraction of the other four group members in period
t. The positive and significant coefficient ([[beta].sub.1] = 0.12)
indicates that individuals' harvest choices tended to increase with
their expectation of what others' harvest choices would be. This is
inconsistent with individuals pursuing pure Nash strategies, but it is
consistent with a strategy of conditional cooperation that others have
found in social dilemma experiments (e.g., Fischbacher, Gachter, and
Fehr 2001; Kurzban and Houser 2005). Note also that older participants
tended to choose more conservative harvests but that more educated
participants tended to choose higher harvests.
The model in Equation (3) includes fixed effects (the coefficient
vector [[??].sub.6]) for all (but one) of the 60 groups in our sample.
For conciseness, these estimates are not reported in Table 3. We also
estimated this model without these group effects: this had minimal
impact on our coefficient estimates and no impact on any of our
hypotheses tests or conclusions.
The last 15 variables in Table 3 (the coefficient vector
[[??].sub.5]) reflect the interaction of dummy variables for the three
regions with the five Stage 2 treatments. Since the omitted dummy
variable, captured by the constant, is the Limited Access treatment, the
coefficients for these variables indicate the changes in individual
harvests from Limited Access harvests for each second-stage institution
in each region. Note that all these coefficients are negative and
statistically significant. Thus, each second-stage institution was
effective at promoting more conservative harvests than under Limited
Access. Note also that there is much variation in the size of these
coefficients across institutions and across regions. This variation
produces the main results of our work.
As expected, the Communication treatment was effective in reducing
harvests relative to Limited Access in all three regions, although the
effect in the Magdalena (- 1.57) was greater than those in the Pacific
(-0.55, p = .00) and the Caribbean (-0.63, p = .01) regions. The Pacific
and the Caribbean regions are not statistically different from each
other (p = .82). This regional variation reveals differences in the
ability of different groups to form and maintain nonbinding verbal
agreements to conserve the resource.
Some care must be taken when interpreting the coefficients for the
Low Penalty and Medium Penalty treatments. Since we have interacted
these treatments with period and found that harvests increased over
time, the coefficients for these treatments indicate the reduction in
harvests from Limited Access only at the start of the second-stage
treatment. However, since we are mainly interested in the regional
variation in these treatments, our qualitative conclusions about this
variation can be drawn from comparing the coefficients for Low Penalty
and Medium Penalty for each region. Note the significant regional
variation in the effects of the Low Penalty. In the Caribbean, the
initial reduction in individual harvests (-1.28) was smaller than those
in the Pacific (-3.17) and on the Magdalena River (-2.04). These
regional differences are jointly significant (p = .00). On the other
hand, note that the initial effects of the Medium Penalty are about the
same level in each of the regions. Not surprisingly, there is no
statistically significant difference in the effects of the Medium
Penalty among the regions (p = .76). Somewhat surprisingly, the higher
expected penalty under the Medium Penalty regulation did not always
produce greater harvest reductions than the Low Penalty regulations. In
the Caribbean, the Low Penalty yielded a smaller reduction in harvests
than the higher monetary costs associated with the Medium Penalty (-1.28
vs. -2.84,p = .07), but in the other two regions, there was no
difference in the effects of the two regulations (in the Pacific: -3.17
vs. -2.96, p = .81; in the Magdalena: -2.04 vs. -2.70, p = .45).
Why is there so much regional variation with the Low Penalty but
none with the Medium Penalty? Both treatments frame the experiments by
providing a signal of the efficient individual harvest and by punishing deviations from this choice, but the Medium Penalty regulation has a
unit fine (actual and expected) for exceeding the harvest quota that is
over six times that of the Low Penalty regulation. Moreover, the fine
for noncompliance in the Low Penalty regulation is so low that, at least
in theory, it should have no effect on harvest choices; yet in all
regions, there was a statistically significant reduction in harvests
with this regulation. Its effectiveness, therefore, must be largely due
to the regulatory frame, not the expected marginal penalty. The regional
variation in the effects of the Low Penalty suggests that reliance on a
simple regulatory frame does not produce consistent outcomes. While the
Medium Penalty regulation also provides signals of efficient harvests
and sanctions for deviating from the regulatory quota, the stronger
monetary incentive of this institution produced consistent reductions in
harvests across the regions, while the weaker monetary incentive of the
Low Penalty did not. Overall, then, our results suggest that
institutions that rely on framing effects (Low Penalty) or social
pressure (Communication) to reduce harvests will not produce consistent
outcomes, while those that rely on a significant monetary incentive
(Medium Penalty) will.
Now, let us turn to our main hypothesis that communication and
regulation are complementary institutions. The villagers who were the
subjects in our experiments cooperate with each other on a large number
of community issues. Thus, it is likely that a regulation to control
individual harvests from a local fishery would be implemented in
communities that already communicate with each other about the fishery,
as well as other shared concerns. To judge the performance of a
regulatory intervention in such a community, it is appropriate for us to
ask whether introducing a regulation complements existing community
efforts but not vice versa. Let us say that communication and a
regulation are complements if their combination produces more
conservative harvests than communication alone. Of the six combinations
of regions and regulations, there are three such cases. Note from Table
3 that in the Caribbean region, the reduction of harvests in the Low
Penalty/ Communication treatment from Limited Access (-2.51) is greater
than the reduction achieved by the Communication treatment (-0.63, p =
.00). Thus, the Communication and Low Penalty regulations are
complementary in the Caribbean. (13) The other two instances are in the
Pacific region where the harvest reduction for both the Low
Penalty/Communication (-1.84) and the Medium Penalty/ Communication
(-1.81) treatments is greater than for Communication alone (-0.55; p =
.00 for both comparisons).
We also observe one case in which communication combined with a
regulation actually led to worse outcomes than communication alone. When
this occurs, the regulation crowds out cooperative efforts to conserve
the resource. In the Magdalena region, the Low Penalty/Communication
treatment produced a lower reduction in individual harvests than
Communication (-0.93 vs. -1.57, p = .07). Finally, there are two
instances in which the combined treatment had no effect relative to
Communication. This occurred with the Medium Penalty/Communication
treatment in the Magdalena region (-1.53 vs. -1.57, p = .90) and with
this same treatment in the Caribbean (-0.67 vs. -0.63, p = .92).
We conclude, therefore, that the hypothesis that informal
communication and formal regulatory structures are complementary is not
supported generally. Of the six possible combinations of regions and
regulations, we observe three instances in which a regulation combined
with communication produced more conservative harvests than
communication alone, one case in which a regulation actually crowds out
communication, and two cases in which the combination of communication
and a regulation did not produce a significant difference in harvests
than communication alone. Although there are likely to be regions in
which regulatory control of harvests from a common pool resource
complements informal community efforts, our results suggest that such a
relationship will not be robust across communities and regulations.
Our results beg the question of why different regions produce
different results in the same experiments, particularly considering that
the outcomes under Limited Access in all three regions were identical.
As noted earlier, with only three regions, it is not possible to provide
general explanations of how community characteristics affect behavior in
our experiments. Nevertheless, let us speculate for a moment because an
interesting mapping may exist between the relative importance of
informal community efforts and government regulations and our
experimental results. Certainly, this relationship is worth exploring
with subsequent research.
Let us compare the Pacific and Magdalena regions. The subject pools
in these two regions are very similar in terms of age, years of formal
education, gender composition, and livelihood (Table 2). However, in the
Pacific region, the federal regulatory authority has the strongest
presence of the three regions and the participants in the experiments
generally agreed about the need for such regulations. In contrast,
federal regulators have little involvement in the Magdalena fishery;
instead, a local fishermen's association plays a significant role
in the management of the local fishery. Our results reveal that
Communication alone was significantly more effective in the Magdalena
region than in the Pacific region. Moreover, in the Magdalena region,
the Medium Penalty regulation did not complement Communication and the
Low Penalty regulation actually crowded out Communication. These results
may be determined, at least in part, by the fact that the
government's impact on the fisheries of the Magdalena region is low
relative to local conservation measures. On the other hand, in the
Pacific region, Communication alone was not very effective at reducing
harvests in our experiments and both the Low Penalty regulation and the
Medium Penalty regulation complemented Communication. It is possible
that this is explained partly by the strong presence of the government
in the fisheries on the Pacific Coast. Our experiment results in these
two regions suggest the intriguing hypothesis that the relative
importance of government regulations versus community conservation
efforts in specific communities may be positively correlated with
whether regulations complement group communication in experiments like
The connection between the relative importance of regulations
versus community efforts and the results of our experiments is not as
clear in the Caribbean. In this region, there are both minimal
regulatory pressure and the absence of clear community efforts to
conserve the fishery. In addition, the subject pool in the Caribbean was
significantly different from those in the Pacific and the Magdalena
regions. In particular, fewer of the subjects earned their living
primarily through fishing, and fewer lived in the community for over 10
yr (Table 2). With a less stable population that is less concentrated on
fishing, it is possible that these subjects are less vested in the local
fishery. This combined with little formal or informal control of local
harvests may be the reasons for the weak mapping of the context of the
subjects' lives into the experiment results.
The primary message of this work is a cautionary note concerning
the performance of government interventions in small-scale resource
industries in the developing world. Although each of the regulatory
interventions we studied was effective at inducing more conservative
harvests than under a limited-access scenario, this comparison is not
the most relevant one for evaluating government intervention in common
pools in the developing world. In most of these cases, regulatory
interventions will be imposed on communities of resource users that
already have informal norms about individual behavior in the commons
albeit with widely varying degrees of success. Thus, the relevant
measure of the performance of a regulatory intervention is not how it
performs with respect to the theoretical limited-access situation but
how it performs relative to existing informal conservation efforts that
stem from communication and organization at the community level that may
or may not continue once a regulation is in place. With regard to this
comparison, we observe that regulatory interventions sometimes do more
harm than good, are sometimes completely ineffective, and at other times
enhance existing community efforts. Since regulatory interventions are
costly, they are only warranted in those communities where there is a
strong likelihood that the intervention complements existing community
Identifying these communities calls for more intense study of the
determinants of community responses to regulatory intervention.
Geographical variation in the effectiveness of regulatory interventions
could reflect existing behavioral patterns under current regulations,
relationships with government authorities, and patterns of cooperation
among community members to conserve a local resource (Cardenas and
Ostrom 2004; Henrich et al. 2004). Clearly, further research is needed
to explore how community and individual characteristics can explain
variation in the responses to alternative institutions. Obviously, this
requires visiting many more communities than we were able to. Yet, a
clearer understanding of the relationships between community and
individual characteristics and behavior in common pool experiments would
provide valuable information about exploiting possible complementarities
between community-based initiatives and external regulations and thus
help in the design of better policies to effectively and efficiently
reduce overexploitation of common property resources in the developing
Finally, we think that our study highlights and clarifies the value
of conducting framed field experiments. As we have stated several times,
our broader interest is in the performance of regulatory interventions
in small-scale resource industries in the developing world. Thus, rather
than trying to address this issue with students in university
laboratories, it is appropriate that we traveled to a developing country
and conducted experiments that presented a common pool dilemma to
individuals whose livelihoods are tied to a common pool resource. The
advantage of such framed field experiments is that subjects bring a
context from their daily lives that could influence their experiment
behavior and that context is an important element of the question that
is being addressed. The regional heterogeneity of the responses to the
institutions we examined in our experiments drives our main result about
the nonrobustness of a complementary relationship between communication
and external regulations. If we had used university students, we would
have run the substantial risk of missing the heterogeneity that is so
obviously important in the field.
However, the heterogeneity we observe not only highlights the value
of framed field experiments but also implies that the field itself is a
heterogeneous, and often challenging, place in a way that the laboratory
is not. Indeed, our results are a cautionary tale for anyone who
contemplates field experiments. If we had attempted to draw conclusions
about the performance of regulatory institutions in small-scale
fisheries in the developing world from experiments conducted in only one
region of Colombia, the results would have been just as misleading as
the results from the same experiments conducted in a laboratory with
university students. Hence, the value of fieldwork like ours does not
come from simply designing framed experiments to examine behavior by
individuals who are intimately connected to the questions of interest,
although in cases like ours this is surely important. Replication in as
many of the relevant settings as possible is equally important.
INCODER: Instituto Colombiano de Desarrollo Rural
WWF: World Wildlife Fund
doi: 10.1111/j.1465-7295.2008.00125.x
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* We are grateful to Maria Claudia Lopez and members of the Faculty
of Environmental and Rural Studies at Javeriana University in Bogota,
Colombia, who provided outstanding support for our work in the field. At
each site, the experiments would not have been possible without the
assistance of local community leaders who helped the research team
develop credibility with local community members. We are also indebted to WWF Colombia for coordinating the fieldwork in the Pacific region. We
received valuable comments and ideas from Sylvia Brandt, James Boyce,
Juan Camilo Cardenas, and Samuel Bowles. Wendy Varner, and Susanne Hale
provided valuable administrative support. Financial support from the
U.S. Embassy in Bogota is gratefully acknowledged. We assume complete
responsibility for the final contents of this article.
(1.) For recent reviews of the effects of communication in social
dilemma experiments, see Shankar and Pavin (2002) and Cardenas, Ahn, and
Ostrom (2004).
(2.) Bischoff (2007) is the only other study of which we are aware
that combines communication and regulation in common pool experiments.
Bischoff's study differs from ours in several ways, but the most
important difference is that he did not examine whether communication
and regulations performed better than communication alone. In fact, he
finds that external regulation with communication induced a greater
level of cooperation than external regulation alone. Although this
result is potentially important in some settings, it does not provide
the comparison between communication under a regulation and
communication alone that we feel is the most relevant comparison for
evaluating the performance of regulatory interventions in local common
pool resource problems.
(3.) Baland and Platteau (1996) provide a conceptual discussion of
potential complementarities between formal and informal institutions for
managing common pool resources in developing countries. They suggest
that such complementarities between government and user groups or
communities can be exploited in comanagement arrangements. Also see
Bowles and Gintis (2002) and Bowles (2003).
(4.) Within their recent taxonomy of field experiments, Harrison
and List (2004) would classify our experiments as framed field
experiments because they were conducted with a population of subjects
for which the phenomenon of interest (behavior in a common pool fishery)
is also an important element of the subjects' experiences.
(5.) See the Henrich et al. (2005) experiments across 15 small
societies and the comments by Vernon Smith, Randolph Grace, and Simon
Kemp (among others) in the same volume. The commentators questioned the
neutral frame of these experiments because it could have been understood
in different ways across the societies. Hence, the reported behavioral
differences across societies could have been the result of different
interpretations of the game instead of particular behavioral patterns in
each society.
(6.) Assignment to groups was not completely random. We tried to
ensure that relatives were in separate groups.
(7.) Experiment instructions are available upon request.
(8.) In a public goods experiment, Croson (2007) also asked
subjects about their expectations about the choices of the other group
members. However, she compensated them for more accurate predictions. In
our experiments, subjects' earnings were based solely on their
choices and not affected by their predictions of others' choices.
Other studies that use the expectations about other group members'
behavior include Bornstein and Ben-Yossef (1994), Komorita, Parks, and
Hulbert (1992), and Yamagishi and Sato (1986).
(9.) To decide who in a group, if anyone, was inspected in a
particular round, a ballot was chosen from a bag containing five ballots
with the participants' numbers on them and five other blank
(10.) Daily wages in the regions where the experiments were
conducted varied between 10,000 and 15,000 pesos.
(11.) Average harvests under Limited Access were always below the
Nash equilibrium harvests of 7 units for each individual. Mean
individual harvests for the ten periods of this stage of the experiments
were 5.7 units. Average harvests were below Nash equilibrium predictions
for each of the second-stage institutions as well.
(12.) We use Wald [chi square] test for all hypothesis tests and
report the p values.
(13.) In fact, the reduction in the Low Penalty/Communication
treatment also exceeds that achieved by the Low Penalty alone.
Velez: Postdoctoral Research Scholar, Center for Research on
Environmental Decisions, Columbia University, New York, NY 10027. Phone
1-212-854-8384, Fax 1-212-854-3609, E-mail mav2122@columbia.edu
Murphy: Rasmuson Chair of Economics, Department of Economics,
University of Alaska Anchorage, Anchorage, AK 99508. Phone
1-907-786-1936, Fax 1-907-7864115, E-mail jmurphy@cbpp.uaa.alaska.edu
Stranlund: Professor, Department of Resource Economics, University
of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA 01003. Phone 1-413-545-6328, Fax
1-413-545-5853, E-mail stranlund@resecon.umass.edu
TABLE 1 Earnings Table
Level of My Level of Extraction
of Others 1 2 3 4
4 900 996 1,087 1,172
5 882 976 1,064 1,146
6 864 955 1,040 1,120
7 846 934 1,017 1,094
8 829 914 994 1,068
9 811 893 970 1,042
10 793 873 947 1,016
11 775 852 923 989
12 757 831 900 963
13 739 811 877 937
14 721 790 853 911
15 703 769 830 885
16 686 749 807 859
17 668 728 783 833
18 650 708 760 807
19 632 687 736 780
20 614 666 713 754
21 596 646 690 728
22 578 625 666 702
23 560 604 643 676
24 543 584 620 650
25 525 563 596 624
26 507 543 573 598
27 489 522 549 571
28 471 501 526 545
29 453 481 503 519
30 435 460 479 493
31 417 439 456 467
32 400 419 433 441
33 382 398 409 415
34 364 378 386 389
35 346 357 362 362
36 328 336 339 336
Level of My Level of Extraction
of Others 5 6 7
4 1,252 1,326 1,395
5 1,223 1,295 1,361
6 1,194 1,263 1,326
7 1,165 1,231 1,292
8 1,137 1,200 1,258
9 1,108 1,168 1,223
10 1,079 1,137 1,189
11 1,050 1,105 1,154
12 1,021 1,073 1,120
13 992 1,042 1,086
14 963 1,010 1,051
15 934 978 1,017
16 906 947 983
17 877 915 948
18 848 884 914
19 819 852 879
20 790 820 845
21 761 789 811
22 732 757 776
23 703 725 742
24 675 694 708
25 646 662 673
26 617 631 639
27 588 599 604
28 559 567 570
29 530 536 536
30 501 504 501
31 472 472 467
32 444 441 433
33 415 409 398
34 386 378 364
35 357 346 329
36 328 314 295
Level of My Level of Extraction Average
Extraction of the
of Others 8 9 Others
4 1,458 1,516 1.0
5 1,421 1,476 1.3
6 1,384 1,436 1.5
7 1,347 1,396 1.8
8 1,310 1,357 2.0
9 1,273 1,317 2.3
10 1,236 1,277 2.5
11 1,198 1,237 2.8
12 1,161 1,197 3.0
13 1,124 1,157 3.3
14 1,087 1,117 3.5
15 1,050 1,077 3.8
16 1,013 1,038 4.0
17 976 998 4.3
18 939 958 4.5
19 901 918 4.8
20 864 878 5.0
21 827 838 5.3
22 790 798 5.5
23 753 758 5.8
24 716 719 6.0
25 679 679 6.3
26 642 639 6.5
27 604 599 6.8
28 567 559 7.0
29 530 519 7.3
30 493 479 7.5
31 456 439 7.8
32 419 400 8.0
33 382 360 8.3
34 345 320 8.5
35 307 280 8.8
36 270 240 9.0
Summary Statistics of Subject Characteristics (a)
Subject Characteristics N Caribbean
Mean age (yr) 100 35.6
Mean years of formal education 97 6.3
Percent male 100 55%
Percent who have lived in the same community 100 78%
for 10 yr or more
Percent for whom fishing is their main 90 69%
Subject Characteristics N Magdalena
Mean age (yr) 100 42.4
Mean years of formal education 100 4.7
Percent male 100 83%
Percent who have lived in the same community 100 93%
for 10 yr or more
Percent for whom fishing is their main 98 87%
Subject Characteristics N Pacific
Mean age (yr) 98 42.3
Mean years of formal education 93 4.7
Percent male 100 89%
Percent who have lived in the same community 98 95%
for 10 yr or more
Percent for whom fishing is their main 98 94%
(a) N refers to the number of responses. There were 100 participants
in each of the three regions.
Random-Effects Tobit Estimation of
Individual Harvests (a)
Variable Coefficient
Constant 4.19 *** (0.72)
Expectation of Their 0.12 *** (0.01)
Extraction ([y.sup.e.sub.-it])
Age (yr) -0.01 ** (0.01)
Education (years of formal 0.07 ** (0.03)
Period x Low Penalty 0.06 * (0.04)
Period x Medium Penalty 0.11 *** (0.04)
Caribbean region (Car)
Car x Communication -0.63 ** (0.26)
Car x Low Penalty -1.28 ** (0.62)
Car x Low Penalty/ -2.51 *** (0.27)
Car x Medium Penalty -2.84 *** (0.62)
Car x Medium Penalty/ -0.67 ** (0.26)
Magdalena region (Mag)
Mag x Communication -1.57 *** (0.26)
Mag x Low Penalty -2.04 *** (0.62)
Mag x Low Penalty/ -0.93 *** (0.25)
Mag x Medium Penalty -2.70 *** (0.62)
Mag x Medium Penalty/ -1.53 *** (0.26)
Pacific region (Pac)
Pac x Communication -0.55 ** (0.26)
Pac x Low Penalty -3.17 *** (0.63)
Pac x Low Penalty/ -1.84 *** (0.27)
Pac x Medium Penalty -2.96 *** (0.62)
Pac x Medium Penalty/ -1.81 *** (0.27)
N 5,780
p > [chi square] .00
(a) The dependent variable is the individual's harvest
(1-9, inclusive). The omitted treatment dummy variable is
Limited Access. Fixed-effects estimates for each group
are included but not reported. They are available upon
request. Standard errors in parentheses.
*** denotes P [less than or equal to] .01; ** denotes p [less than
or equal to] .05; * denotes p [less than or equal to] .10.