Self-selection and the efficiency of tournaments.
Eriksson, Tor ; Teyssier, Sabrina ; Villeval, Marie-Claire 等
The use of promotion tournaments is fairly widespread, especially
in the higher ranks of firms and organizations. The incentive property
of tournaments has been studied earlier and extensively in the
theoretical literature by Lazear and Rosen (1981); Green and Stokey
(1983); Nalebuff and Stiglitz (1983); and O'Keeffe, Viscusi, and
Zeckhauser (1984); for a survey, see McLaughlin (1988). The empirical
studies, based on survey or experimental data, are fewer, and many
survey analyses use sports data rather than business data (Prendergast
1999). These studies have confirmed that the efficiency of tournaments
depends on the spread between the winner's and the loser's
prizes, the number of prizes at stake, the size of the tournament, and
the degree of uncertainty faced by the employees. (1)
However, both theoretical models and empirical studies also point
to some factors that limit the incentive effect of tournaments, such as
collusion among employees or employees sabotaging each other, as studied
by Lazear (1989) in a theoretical analysis and experimentally by
Harbring and Irlenbusch (2005). More generally, most laboratory
experiments have provided evidence of tournaments being associated with
a high variance in effort (see in particular Bull, Schotter, and Weigelt
1987; Harbring and Irlenbusch 2003; van Dijk, Sonnemans, and van Winden
2001). This variance of effort, which is found to be larger in
tournaments than in an equivalent piece-rate scheme, reduces the overall
efficiency of tournaments.
The principal aim of this article was to show that previous
experimental evidence regarding the variability of effort in tournaments
is misleading because the experiments have not accounted for sorting,
that is, that agents typically choose to participate in a tournament.
The large variability observed in earlier studies is explained by Bull,
Schotter, and Weigelt (1987) by the game nature of the tournament, which
requires the agents to elaborate a strategy that is more cognitively
demanding than the maximizing behavior required by a piece-rate system.
Indeed, in addition to the stochastic technology of production, the
agents have to cope with strategic uncertainty. Bull, Schotter, and
Weigelt (1987) showed that the variance of effort diminishes when the
strategic uncertainty is reduced, for example, when the subjects know
that they are faced with automatons that always select the same level of
effort that is also common knowledge. The variance remains high,
however, indicating that the discontinuities in the payoff functions
themselves contribute to the difficulty of the maximization program and
to the high variance of effort. More recent articles, such as Vandegrift
and Brown (2003), have shown that the use of high-variance strategies
may be related to both the difficulty of the task and the ability of the
individuals. The hypothesis that we test in this article is that the
variability of effort may be reduced--and thus the efficiency of
tournament increased--by allowing people to choose their payment scheme,
that is, providing them with a choice to enter the competition or not.
More precisely, we suggest that the observed high variance of effort may
be due to the fact that in previous experiments, a competitive payment
scheme is imposed on very risk-averse or underconfident subjects. For
example, facing uncertainty, some of the subjects drop out, that is,
they choose the minimum effort, securing the loser's prize without
bearing any cost of effort, whereas others choose the maximum effort,
securing the winner's prize but at an inefficiently high cost of
effort. Had the subjects been given the choice, like in flexible labor
markets where people can choose to enter or shy away from competitive
occupations, very risk-averse subjects would probably not have entered
the competition and the overall variance of effort would be lower.
By testing whether the performance variability is reduced by the ex
ante sorting effect of tournaments, our article contributes to a very
recent literature about the importance of both incentive and sorting
effects in the determination of payment schemes' efficiency,
initiated by Lazear (2000). (2) This literature shows that sorting
influences economic behavior. Earlier, the sorting function of
tournaments has mainly been documented with respect to their ability to
select ex post the best performers. However, their ex ante sorting
effect is considerably less studied, and none of the previous empirical
studies have been concerned with the impact of ex ante sorting on the
variability of performance. (3)
To study the ex ante sorting effect of tournaments and its impact
on the variability of effort, we have designed a laboratory experiment
based on the comparison between a Benchmark treatment and a Choice
treatment, involving 120 student-subjects. In the Benchmark treatment,
half of the subjects are paid according to a piece-rate payment scheme
and the other half enters pairwise tournaments. This treatment consists
of a one-stage game in which the subjects choose their level of effort
knowing their payment scheme and the uncertainty of the environment. We
find, in line with earlier experiments, that in this treatment, the
variance of effort is substantially higher in the tournament than in the
piece-rate payment scheme. In the Choice treatment, we add a preliminary
stage in which the subjects choose between a piece-rate scheme and a
tournament. Those who choose the tournament are paired together. In the
second stage, each subject decides on his level of effort. In both
treatments, the individual outcome depends on both the effort level and
an i.i.d, random shock. The difference between the two payment schemes
emanates from the strategic uncertainty associated with the tournament
By comparing the subjects' behavior in the two treatments, we
can identify the impact of sorting on the average-level and the variance
of effort. We also seek to identify determinants of self-selection. The
equilibrium effort level is higher in the tournament than under the
piece-rate scheme, but the expected utility of both compensation schemes
is the same. Hence, risk-neutral subjects should be indifferent between
the two schemes. For their part, risk-averse subjects can adopt a less
risky scheme by choosing the piece-rate scheme. We measure the
subjects' risk aversion using the lottery procedure proposed by
Holt and Laury (2002).
Our experiment delivers three main findings. First, the key novel
finding is that the employees' choice of pay schemes contributes to
a considerable reduction in the variance of effort among contestants in
the tournament. This result is confirmed by a robustness test in which
the subjects are only allowed to choose their payment scheme in the
first period of the game and for its whole duration. Second, the average
effort is higher when the subjects can select their payment scheme in
each period, which suggests that the sorting effect reinforces the
incentive effect of both tournaments and variable pay schemes. Third,
the subjects self-select according to their degree of risk aversion. A
cluster analysis identifies a category of underconfident subjects and a
category of hesitant ones who both tend to shy away from competition
when they can choose their payment scheme. The resulting greater
homogeneity of contestants improves the overall efficiency of
tournaments. We conclude that in order to understand the origin of the
high variance of effort in tournaments and, more generally, the
efficiency of a payment scheme, recognition of heterogeneity of
preferences is key.
The remainder of the article is organized as follows. Section II
presents the theoretical framework and the experimental design. Section
III gives the experimental procedures. Section IV describes and analyzes
the experimental evidence. Section V discusses the results and
Consider an economy with identical, risk-neutral agents. Agent i
has the following utility function, separable in payment and in effort:
(1) [U.sub.i]([e.sub.i]) = u([p.sub.i]) - c([e.sub.i]).
with u([p.sub.i]) = concave and c([e.sub.i]) = convex.
The production technology is stochastic and output is increasing in
the agent's effort:
(2) [Y.sub.i] = f([e.sub.i]) + [[epsilon].sub.i],
with f([e.sub.i]) = [e.sub.i] for the sake of simplicity and
[[epsilon].sub.i] is an i.i.d, random shock distributed over the
interval [-z, +z]. Only individual outcomes are observable and
individual effort is not, neither by the principal nor by other agents.
The cost function is increasing and is convex:
(3) c([e.sub.i]) = [e.sup.2.sub.i]/s,
with s > 0, c(0) = 0, c'([e.sub.i]) > 0, and
c"([e.sub.i]) > 0. (4)
In the labor market, some firms pay the agents a piece-rate
compensation scheme and other firms use tournaments. If there is a
perfect mobility in the labor market at no cost, in the first stage, the
agents choose their firm (i.e., their payment scheme) and in the second
stage, they decide on their level of effort. Let us first solve the
equilibrium effort levels under each mode.
In the piece-rate system, the agent's payment depends only on
his own outcome. The payment consists of a fixed wage, denoted by a,
corresponding to an input-based payment, and a linear piece rate,
denoted by b, corresponding to an output-based payment. Under this
compensation scheme, the agent's utility function becomes:
(4) [U.sup.PR.sub.i]([e.sub.i]) = a + [by.sub.i] -
The first-order condition is:
[delta][U.sup.PR.sub.i]/[delta][e.sub.i] = b- c'([e.sub.i]) =
Thus, the equilibrium effort of each agent under the piece-rate
payment scheme depends positively on the incentive, b, as well as the
cost scaling factor, s:
In the firms practicing tournaments, the agents play a
noncooperative game with incomplete information like in Lazear and Rosen
(1981). In pairwise tournaments, two prizes are distributed: W is the
winner's prize allocated to the agent whose outcome is the highest
and L is the loser's prize, allocated to the other agent, with W
> L. The magnitude of the difference between the two outcomes does
not affect the determination of the winner of the tournament. The
agent's utility is:
The agents being symmetric, the probability to win the tournament,
pr([e.sub.i], [e.sub.j]), reduces to the probability that the difference
in individual random terms exceeds the difference between individual
effort levels: pr([e.sub.i], [e.sub.j]) = pr([[epsilon].sub.i] -
[[epsilon].sub.j] > [e.sub.i] - [e.sub.i]). Agent i's expected
utility of the tournament is:
(7) [EU.sup.T.sub.i]([e.sub.i], [e.sub.j]) = L + [pr([e.sub.i],
[e.sub.j])(W - L)]-[e.sup.2.sub.i]/s.
The maximization program yields the following first-order
(8) [delta][EU.sup.T.sub.i] ([e.sub.i], [e.sub.j])/[delta][e.sub.i]
= [delta]pr([e.sub.i], [e.sub.j])/[delta][e.sub.i](W - L) - 2[e.sub.i]/s
= 0.
We obtain a pure symmetric Nash equilibrium, where effort increases
with the prize spread and decreases with both the cost of effort and the
size of the shock distribution:
(9) [e.sup.T*.sub.i] = [e.sup.T*.sub.j] = (W - L)s/4z.
Having determined the equilibrium effort level under each payment
scheme, we now turn to the first-stage problem. The agent chooses his
firm by comparing his expected utility under each payment scheme. He is
thus indifferent between the two schemes when:
(10) 0.5(W + L)- [[[(W- L)s]/4z].sup.2]/s = a + ([b.sup.2]s)/2 -
For Equation (10) to hold, the expected utility of the tournament
must increase as the fixed payment, a, and the variable payment, b, in
the piece-rate scheme increase, other things equal. It must decrease
when s decreases, that is, when the marginal cost of effort increases.
Indeed, if the marginal cost of effort decreases, with more equilibrium
effort, utility from the tournament decreases and compensation with a
piece-rate rises faster than the cost of effort, and consequently, the
utility from the piece rate increases. Moreover, a simple
comparative-static exercise shows that the tournament should be
preferred to the piece-rate scheme if the loser's prize, L,
increases, ceteris paribus, or as the variance of the random term
becomes large.
The Experimental Design
The instructions have been kept as close as possible to Bull,
Schotter, and Weigelt (1987) (Appendix).
Two Treatments. In the Benchmark treatment, after being informed of
their compensation schemes and knowing the cost of each effort level and
the distribution of the random term, the subjects have to choose their
level of effort. An important difference from the setup in Bull,
Schotter, and Weigelt (1987) is that in a session, half of the subjects
are exogenously and randomly attributed a piece-rate payment scheme and
the other half a tournament scheme. The proportion is unknown to the
subjects, but they are aware of the coexistence of two modes of payment.
In contrast, Bull, Schotter, and Weigelt (1987) organized separate
sessions in which players were paid either a piece rate or according to
a tournament. Our motivation was to keep the social environment
comparable with that of the Choice treatment in which both schemes
coexist in the same session in unknown proportions. The game is repeated
20 times.
The Choice treatment is similar to the Benchmark treatment, except
that in the first stage of each period, the subjects choose to be paid
according to either a piece-rate scheme or a tournament scheme. Those
who have opted for the tournament are pooled together and paired. In
case of an uneven number of contestants, one subject is randomly chosen
and paid according to a piece-rate scheme: he is informed of this before
deciding on his level of effort. There is no mobility cost, that is, the
subjects are free to move to the other payment scheme in each new period
at no cost. In the second stage of the game, the subjects choose their
level of effort.
The design of the game enables between-subject comparisons but not
within-subject comparisons since each treatment is played by different
subjects. The latter would have required submitting all the subjects to
the exogenous piece-rate scheme, next to an exogenous tournament, and
then to the Choice treatment. It would then have become necessary to
alternate between the various treatments to control for potential order
effects within the Benchmark and between the Benchmark and the Choice
treatments. Our design is simpler and allows the subjects to play more
repetitions of a same treatment.
Matching Protocol. Unlike in most experiments on tournaments, we
adopt a stranger-matching protocol. This is motivated by the constraint of the Choice treatment: if we had used a partner-matching protocol, a
subject who is willing to choose the tournament but is paired with a
person who always chooses the piece rate would be prevented from
competing throughout the game. A consequence of our matching protocol
is, however, that we reinforce the complexity of the tournament game due
to conjectural variations, making it harder to make inferences about the
opponent's behavior. Could the use of a random matching process
have an impact on the variance of effort? On the one hand, if errors in
inferences were the source of the greater variability of effort in
tournaments, this should entail a greater variability of effort in our
design than in games with fixed pairs. On the other hand, if using a
random matching hinders within-pair coordination on either a minimum
effort or a maximum effort, this may result in a lower between-group
variance of effort than when pairs are fixed. We can, however, disregard
both effects; in addition, this should not affect the comparison between
treatments since both have been conducted with the same matching
protocol. (6)
Parameters. Effort can take any integer value in the set: [e.sub.i]
[member of] 10, 1 .... 100}. In the cost function, s = 150, so that
c([e.sub.i]) = [e.sup.2.sub.i]/150. The random shocks vary in the
interval [-40, +40]. In the tournament, the winner's prize has been
set at W = 96 and the loser's prize at L = 45. In the piece-rate
scheme, the fixed wage, a, amounts to 45 and the piece rate, b, is equal
to 0.52, meaning that each unit of outcome gives 0.52 to the agent.
These values ensure that the certain payment is the same under both
schemes. Without such a fixed wage equal to the loser's prize, it
could be rational for a risk-averse agent to choose the tournament and a
minimum effort in order not to bear the consequences of a negative
random shock on wages under a purely linear piece-rate scheme.
Therefore, with our design, only the strategic uncertainty makes a
difference between the two schemes.
Given these values and assuming the agents to be risk neutral and
rational, those who are paid according to a piece-rate scheme should
according to Equation (5) and those who enter the tournament should
provide the effort [e.sup.T*.sub.i] = 48, according to the pure strategy
Nash equilibrium in Equation (9). The players should be indifferent
between the two payment schemes since the expected utility of both is
the same ([EU.sup.PR.sub.i] = [EU.sup.T.sub.i] = 55), but they have to
work harder if they choose the tournament.
Elicitation of Risk Aversion. The abovementioned predictions hold
for risk-neutral subjects. One would expect that risk-averse subjects
(a) reduce their effort level under each mode of payment when this is
exogeneous and (2) are more likely to stay out of the tournament to
avoid the strategic uncertainty due to competition. To elicit the risk
aversion of the subjects, we used the lottery procedure proposed by Holt
and Laury (2002).
At the end of the sessions (in order not to influence the game),
the subjects filled out a questionnaire with ten decisions (see the
instructions in Appendix). Each decision consists of a choice between
two paired lotteries, "Option A" and "Option B." The
payoffs for Option A are either 2 [euro] or 1.60 [euro], whereas the
riskier Option B pays either 3.85 [euro] or 0.10 [euro]. In the first
decision, the probability of the high payoff for both options is 1/10.
In the second decision, the probability increases to 2/10. Similarly,
the chance of receiving the high payoff for each decision increases as
the number of the decision increases. When the probability of the higher
payoff is large enough, subjects should cross over from Option A to
Option B. Risk neutrality corresponds to a switch at the fifth decision,
while risk-loving subjects are expected to move earlier and risk-averse
subjects as from the sixth decision. The subjects made ten decisions,
but only one was selected at random for payment.
The experiments have been conducted at the GATE laboratory, Lyon,
France. The experiment was computerized, using the REGATE software
designed by Zeiliger (2000). We recruited 120 undergraduate students
from three business or engineering schools, trying to guarantee a fair
gender distribution in each session (45.83% of male participants in
total). Six sessions with 20 subjects in each were organized; three for
the Benchmark treatment and three for the Choice treatment. Thanks to
the 20 repetitions of the game, we collected a total of 2,400
Upon arrival, each subject was randomly assigned a computer.
Instructions were distributed and read aloud. Attached to the
instructions was a sheet displaying the decision costs associated with
each possible effort from 0 to 100. Questions were answered in private.
The participants had to answer a series of questions about the
computation of payoffs under each payment scheme. The experiment started
once all the participants answered correctly. No communication was
In the Benchmark treatment, at the beginning of the session and for
its whole duration, ten subjects were attributed the piece-rate scheme
and ten the tournament scheme. In the Choice treatment, in each period,
they had to tick either the "Mode X" (piece rate) box or the
"Mode Y" (tournament) box to choose their payment scheme for
the current period. In both treatments, they selected their effort
("decision number") by means of a scrollbar. This being done,
they had to click a button to generate their "personal random
number" that was added to their effort choice to constitute their
individual outcome ('result"). Under the tournament scheme,
the computer program compared the outcomes of the two contestants in
each pair and determined who was to receive the winner's prize
("the fixed payment M") and who to get the loser's prize
("the fixed payment L"). In case of a tie, a fair random draw
determined the allocation of prizes among the pair members. At the end
of the period, each subject received a feedback on his payoff and, in
case of a tournament, on the difference between his outcome and his
competitor's outcome. In each new period, the pairs involved in a
tournament were randomly reconstituted.
After the completion of the 20 periods, the risk aversion,
postexperimental questionnaire was distributed and read aloud. Subjects
noted on a sheet of paper the option they chose for each of the ten
lottery decisions. After all participants had made their decisions, each
subject had to throw a ten-sided die twice: once to select the decision
to be considered and a second time to determine her payoff for the
option chosen, A or B.
All the transactions, except the lottery, were conducted in points,
with conversion into Euros at a rate of 80 points = 1 [euro]. Payment
consisted of the sum of payoffs during each period plus the lottery
payment and a 3 [euro] show-up fee. On average, the subjects earned
17.40 [euro]. The sessions lasted approximately 1 h, excluding the
lottery draw and payment that was made in private in a separate room for
We first analyze the mean and the variance of effort before
studying the determinants of the payment scheme choice. Last, we examine
the heterogeneity in individuals' behavior regarding both the
choice of the tournament and the decision of effort.
Mean and Variance of Effort
Table 1 displays summary statistics about the mean and the
distribution of effort by payment scheme and treatment.
First, we check whether we observe both a higher mean and a greater
variance of effort under the tournament than under the piece-rate pay
scheme, like in the previous experiments. In our Benchmark treatment, we
find that the average effort is 46.48 under the piece-rate scheme and
53.28 in the tournaments. Both numbers are significantly above the
equilibrium effort levels (39 and 48, respectively; t-test, p = .001).
As predicted by the model, the agents exert more effort in a competitive
setting (Mann-Whitney U test, p = .001). As regards the variance of
effort, our results corroborate those of previous experiments. Averaging
over all the periods, the total variance is 368.88 under the piece-rate
scheme and 652.26 in tournaments. Thus, the variability of effort is
clearly higher under the competitive scheme.
Next, we turn to consider the influence on the mean and the
variance of effort of the possibility given to the subjects to choose
their payment scheme. Table 1 and Figure 1 reveal a substantial increase
of the average effort under the tournaments from 53.28 in the Benchmark
treatment to 61.57 in the Choice treatment. Interestingly, average
effort also increases from 46.48 in the Benchmark treatment to 50.45 for
the agents who choose to be paid a piece rate. As a consequence, the
differences relative to the equilibrium effort values are even larger
when agents self-select. As for the tournaments, we note that while the
subjects on average play the equilibrium effort in the last four periods
in the Benchmark treatment, this behavior cannot be observed in the
Choice treatment, although there is a slight decline in effort over
time. The choice of the payment scheme is associated with a slower
convergence to equilibrium.
Table 1 and Figure 2 also show a dramatic change in the variability
of effort when agents self-select. Comparing the Benchmark treatment
with the Choice treatment, we find that the variance under the piece
rate diminishes from 368.88 to 227.87 (-38.23%) and the variance in the
tournament decreases from 652.26 to 258.19 (-60.42%). Not only is the
variability of effort lower when agents self-select but now also the
tournament cannot be considered as being more unstable than the piece
rate. Levene's robust test statistic rejects the hypothesis of
equality of variance between the tournament and the piece rate in the
Benchmark treatment (z = 48.929, p < .001) but accepts it in the
Choice treatment (z = 0.135).
Figure 2 displays the dispersion of effort in tournaments in each
treatment. The distribution of effort in tournaments in the Choice
treatment is characterized by the following. The median (indicated by
the horizontal line) is slightly higher than in the Benchmark treatment.
The distribution of effort (given by the quartiles, the gray bars) is
more concentrated around the median when agents can self-select, whereas
effort is more dispersed below the median when they cannot. The adjacent
values (the vertical lines) are closer to the median, meaning in
particular that contestants chose a zero effort less often (7 of 564
observations) than in the Benchmark treatment (45 of 600 observations).
The variability of effort across the game may be explained by both
a time-varying behavior (learning dimension) and time-invariant
interindividual characteristics (heterogeneity dimension). To gauge the
relative importance of these two dimensions, in Table 2, we decompose the variance into its within and between components.
The between-subject variance of effort in tournaments accounts for
two-thirds of the total variance in the Benchmark treatment. It is four
times lower and accounts for less than 40% of the total variance in the
Choice treatment. (7) Consequently, when people self-select, the
population of voluntary contestants is more homogeneous in terms of
exerted effort and the variability of effort is mainly due to an
intraindividual component. The within-subject variance of effort in
tournaments shows that in the Choice treatment, the variability of
effort is lower than in the Benchmark treatment: the subjects learn less
or they are less hesitant. Similar differences in the between- and
within-subject variances are observed for the piece-rate scheme: both
are lower when subjects can self-select.
Would we also observe a decrease in the variance of effort if the
subjects were allowed to choose which incentive scheme they prefer only
once at the beginning of the game and for its whole duration instead of
choosing each period? In such an environment, the selection decision is
more constraining since the subject cannot switch during the session. To
answer this question and to carry out a robustness test, we have
designed an additional treatment (the Single-Choice treatment) that
replicates the Benchmark treatment, except that at the beginning of the
first period, each subject must choose between the piece-rate payment
scheme and the tournament for the whole duration of the session. To be
consistent with the previous treatments, we have kept a
stranger-matching protocol. The theoretical predictions remain the same.
We have implemented this treatment in one session involving 20
participants. (8)
The results of this additional treatment confirm that introducing
self-selection reduces the variance of effort in both schemes. Indeed,
in the Single-Choice treatment, the variance under the piece rate is
270.79, which is 26.59% below its level in the Benchmark treatment
(368.88) and 18.84% higher than in the Choice treatment (227.87).
Similarly, in this new treatment, the variance in the tournament is
327.11, which is 49.85% lower than in the Benchmark treatment (652.26)
and 26.69% higher than in the Choice treatment (258.19). Levene's
robust test statistic does not reject the hypothesis of equality of
variance between the tournament and the piece rate in the Single-Choice
treatment (z = 2.570). In addition, whereas the between-subject variance
represents 66.63% of the total variance of effort in tournaments when no
self-selection is allowed and 39.43% in the Choice treatment, the
corresponding percentage in the Single-Choice treatment is only 24.67.
We conclude from this additional treatment that allowing people who
dislike competition to opt out contributes significantly to the
reduction of the variance in tournaments and to a greater homogeneity of
contestants, also when the choice is made once and for all future
The descriptive statistics shown above refer to averages. Next, we
account for individual characteristics and the longitudinal character of
the data. Table 3 gives the results of random effects Tobit regressions
of the effort decisions, accounting for the censoring of the
observations. The results for the Benchmark treatment and the Choice
treatment are displayed in the first and the second column,
respectively. The independent variables include a time trend to capture
learning, a payment scheme dummy to capture the impact of competition,
the random shock in the previous period, and individual characteristics
(the degree of risk aversion and gender). The risk aversion variable
(coded from 1 to 10) corresponds to the number of the decision where the
subject crosses over from the safer to the riskier option in the lottery
test: the higher this number, the more risk-averse the subject.
The two treatments have several common determinants of effort.
Other things equal, effort declines over time. Competition stimulates
performance; the coefficient is larger in the Choice treatment than in
the Benchmark treatment. Although it is common knowledge that the
periods are independent, the subjects adjust their effort downward
(upward) when they have received a positive (negative) random shock in
the previous period. Alternative regressions (not reported here) in
which the time trend has been omitted lead to the same conclusions
(i.e., there is no multicollinearity between the time trend and the
lagged random number). The main difference between the two treatments is
related to the influence of risk aversion. Risk aversion has a
significant negative impact on effort when the payment schemes are
imposed on the subjects: considering the uncertainty of the environment,
risk-averse subjects reduce their cost of effort. This variable is not
significant in the Choice treatment, suggesting that risk aversion plays
a role in the sorting process, but not once the choice has been made. It
is therefore important to understand what determines sorting.
In the Choice treatment, the competitive scheme is chosen in 50% of
the cases. Its relative frequency declines slightly from 52.67% in the
first ten periods to 47.33% in the subsequent ten periods. (9) This
corresponds to the theoretical prediction since the expected utility in
the tournament and the piece-rate scheme is the same.
Figure 3 displays the evolution of the frequency of the tournament
choice over time. Contestants have been grouped into three categories:
subjects who choose the tournament in at least 14 of 20 periods
("Tournament +"), subjects who choose the tournament in six
periods or less ("Tournament -"), and an intermediate category
("Tournament ="). We find that the frequent competitors are
relatively stable in their choices around a slightly increasing time
trend. The least frequent users have chosen the tournament less often
than other subjects since the very beginning of the game; moreover,
after Period 4, their frequency of tournament choice drops dramatically
and remains at a very low level until the end of the game. Last, the
intermediate category is the most unstable one, with a large oscillation of the frequency of the tournament choice from one set of periods to the
next. We do not find any evidence of a selection strategy consisting of
playing safer at the beginning of the game by choosing the piece rate to
secure a certain level of payoff, before switching to the riskier
tournament scheme in the second part of the game.
If the tournament is selected in 50% of the cases, does it mean
that subjects choose at random their payment scheme or can we identify
characteristics of subjects that predict their behavior?
A natural candidate for a determinant of sorting is risk aversion.
Table 4 compares the distribution of our subjects in terms of risk
attitude to the results in Holt and Laury (2002). We observe higher
proportions of risk lovers and more than slightly risk-averse subjects
than in Holt and Laury pool of subjects, but the differences are small.
A Kolmogorov-Smirnov exact test does not reject the hypothesis of
equality of distribution functions between our Benchmark and Choice
Figure 4 relates the frequency of our subjects' tournament
choices to their proportion of safe choices in the ten decisions of the
lottery task. Again, we consider the three categories of contestants as
defined above (Tournament +, Tournament =, and Tournament -). The dashed
line corresponds to the behavior of a risk-neutral agent switching from
Option A to Option B at Decision 5.
Clearly, the subjects who choose the tournament less frequently are
more risk-averse than the other categories. (10) All risk-averse
subjects considered together (who made at least five safe lottery
choices) choose the tournament in 45.50% of the periods, whereas the
corresponding proportions are 60.38% for the risk-neutral subjects and
56.4% for the risk lovers. A Poisson count model of the total number of
tournaments chosen by the subject throughout the session has been
estimated, including individual characteristics. It shows that only risk
aversion exerts a significant influence and its marginal effect is
important: crossing over from the safer to the riskier option one
decision later in the lottery choices reduces by 77.80% the number of
tournament choices.
We have also conducted an econometric analysis of the choice of the
tournament scheme, the results of which are reported in Table 5.
Regression (1) estimates a random effects Probit model, and Regression
(2) estimates a fixed effects Logit model. (11)
This analysis confirms that the degree of risk aversion is an
important determinant of the choice of the competitive scheme. The
tournament choice is also affected by previous outcomes. The regression
shows that it declines over time and that bad luck in the previous
period increases the probability to compete. This may reflect the
subjects' attempts to get the winner's prize to compensate for
small earnings in the previous period. Last, descriptive statistics
indicate that if 72.86% of those who won a tournament in the previous
period choose to remain in the competitive scheme, this percentage
decreases to 58.36 among those who lost the previous competition.
Overall, these results suggest that risk aversion may be an
important determinant of occupational choices. They are consistent with
the survey analysis by Bonin et al. (2006) carried out on German data,
which show that risk-averse employees tend to concentrate in jobs with
low earnings risks. In contrast to Niederle and Vesterlund (2007) and
Datta Gupta, Poulsen, and Villeval (2005), we do not find evidence of a
gender difference in competitiveness.
Heterogeneity of Behavior in Tournaments
We investigate the behavioral origins of the reduction of effort
variability when individuals self-select into tournaments by adopting a
cluster analysis that helps identifying different types of behavior. In
order to partition the sample, we retain three variables that summarize each individual's decisions: her frequency of tournament choices,
her mean effort in the tournament, and its standard deviation. In the
Benchmark treatment, we only consider the last two variables. We apply
the hierarchical Wald method based on the minimization of the intragroup
variance to identify the clusters that sum up the strategies. Clusters
have been grouped so that the smallest one includes at least 10% of the
In both treatments, four main categories of tournament players are
identified displaying similar characteristics; therefore, we use the
same denomination of clusters. The so-called "underconfident
competitors" are subjects who exert an excessively high level of
effort (more than 50% above the equilibrium), with relatively low
standard deviation. The "motivated competitors" are subjects
who exert a level of effort still higher than the equilibrium but closer
to it. The "hesitant competitors" group consists of subjects
who alternate levels of effort below and above the equilibrium and are
characterized by the highest standard deviation of effort. Last,
"economizing competitors" are subjects who follow a stable
strategy based on the choice of a level of effort below the equilibrium.
Table 6 summarizes the statistics that characterize these behaviors
in each treatment. The first column indicates the proportion of each
cluster in the population. The second column represents the relative
frequency with which the tournament has been played during the session.
The following columns give the mean individual effort and
within-individual standard deviation of effort in the tournament. The
last column gives the between-subject standard deviation within each
In the Choice treatment, the analysis identifies two main
categories of subjects according to their frequency of tournament
choice. Frequent competitors, who compete in at least half of the
periods, are characterized by a lower within-subject variance of effort
than the occasional competitors, who choose the tournament in about
one-third of the periods.
When they can select their payment scheme, the individuals who
enter more frequently into the tournament are both the motivated and the
economizing competitors. The group of motivated competitors is very
homogenous as indicated by the low between-subject deviation. The
relative importance of this group (40% of all the subjects involved in
this treatment) contributes to explain the lower variance of effort in
tournaments when individuals can self-select. In contrast, the group of
economizing competitors shows the lowest within-subject and the highest
between-subject variance of effort. It includes subjects who choose a
minimum cost but can expect to win the tournament by chance. It also
includes subjects who exert a level of effort slightly below
equilibrium, possibly due to overconfidence or perception biases with
respect to uncertainty, such as misconceptions of chance (Kahneman,
Slovic, and Tversky 1982) or illusion of control over external events
originated in being given a choice as studied by Langer (1975). (12)
Whatever the explanation, their low-cost choices enable them to earn
more on average than the motivated competitors (45.85 and 42.73,
The hesitant and the underconfident subjects are occasional
competitors. The high within-subject variance of effort of the first
group suggests that facing the strategic uncertainty attached to the
tournament, these subjects make errors both above and below the
equilibrium. Entering the tournament less often reinforces the
difficulties of learning the equilibrium. Consequently, they earn less
on average in the tournament than the frequent competitors (40.80
points). The group of underconfident competitors is also not able to
compute the equilibrium but always exerts a very high level of average
effort in tournaments (73.20, i.e., 52.50% above the equilibrium). As a
consequence, even if they win relatively often the competition, the cost
of effort is too high and thus they earn considerably less on average
than under the piece-rate scheme (36.06 and 50.60 points, respectively).
The comparison of treatments indicates that the reduction of the
effort variability in tournaments when agents can self-select is due to
the fact that the most extreme categories in terms of average effort and
the most unstable agents tend to stay out of the competition. The
experiment points to a potential limitation of sorting. The motivated
competitors provide an oversupply of effort and their net earnings are
not very high. These subjects do not enter into a rat race (i.e., effort
does not increase over time), but nevertheless, sorting reinforces a
tendency to exert excess effort from some employees. A potential
explanation of this observation is that in the Choice treatment,
subjects who have chosen to compete know that they are likely to face
other subjects who are also eager to win.
In a one-shot game environment, our results confirm that both the
average-level and the variance of effort are higher under a tournament
than under a piece-rate payment scheme. This higher variability of
effort has long been considered an important disadvantage since the
employers have to bear uncertainty as to how the agents behave in
relative performance compensation schemes. However, by analyzing an
experimental setting that accounts for a key feature of markets, that
the agents can choose their payment scheme repeatedly, our results paint
a fundamentally different picture. A major finding of this article is
that when the subjects enter the tournament voluntarily, the average
effort is higher and the variance of effort is substantially lower
compared to situations in which the same payment scheme is imposed.
In our experiment, average effort in the freely chosen tournament
is 32.47% higher than in the exogenously imposed piece-rate scheme. This
differential can be decomposed into an incentive and a sorting effect.
The difference between effort levels in the imposed piece rate and in
the imposed tournament is an estimate of the incentive effect of
tournaments: here, this is of the magnitude of a 14.63% increase in
effort. The difference of 17.84% between the total increase in effort
and the estimated incentive effect can be attributed to the sorting
effect of tournaments. The sorting effect makes up a little more than
half of the total increase in effort; this is comparable to the
corresponding estimates of Lazear (2000) in connection with the switch
from a fixed pay to a variable pay scheme. This confirms the importance
of taking sorting into account when evaluating the efficiency of
compensation schemes.
Another important and new result is that sorting significantly
decreases the variance of effort in tournaments. When agents freely
enter the tournament, the between-subject variance is four times (and
even five times in the Single-Choice treatment) smaller than when this
scheme is imposed and it is even lower than the variance of effort under
an imposed piece-rate scheme. It is worth noting that we obtain this
result in spite of the increased complexity of the task to be performed
compared to previous studies. Consequently, our experiment does not lead
to the same recommendations as Bull, Schotter, and Weigelt (1987), who
suggested that to attract contestants, an employer should offer them a
higher expected utility than under a piece-rate scheme. Our conclusion
is rather that labor market flexibility, in particular the absence of
restrictions on mobility between firms, is a key condition for a higher
efficiency of relative performance pay.
Our results indicate that the efficiency-enhancing effect of
sorting derives from the resulting greater homogeneity of contestants.
In the Choice treatment, we have seen that since tournaments involve
higher uncertainty than the piece-rate scheme, risk-averse subjects
choose them to a lesser extent. Underconfident subjects also prefer the
piece-rate scheme since they exert too much effort in the tournament,
entailing an excessive cost of effort. Hesitant subjects, alternating
between above and below equilibrium effort levels, are not attracted by
the tournament either. On the other hand, individuals who are motivated
to work hard do not hesitate to choose the tournament in which
equilibrium effort is higher. Among frequent contestants, the motivated
competitors represent the biggest and the most stable category. Thus,
the homogeneity of the contestants is higher when the tournament is
chosen and this contributes to the lower variance of effort. More
homogeneity does not, however, give rise to collusion. Our
interpretation is that these motivated subjects anticipate that they
will face other subjects who like themselves are eager to win, too.
Beyond this, our results suggest that introducing more competitive
payment schemes in some occupations would sort employees and that the
attitude toward risk may be an important driver of mobility between
firms or sectors.
Having demonstrated that sorting has profound implications for the
level and variance of effort in tournaments, we think that further work
should focus on how sorting is affected by both the prize structure and
the differences in individuals' skills and social preferences: if
people care about the negative externalities imposed on others by their
individual effort, they may try not only to reduce their level of effort
in relative pay schemes (Bandiera, Barankay, and Rasul 2005) but also to
stay out of a competition. Our work suggests more generally the
importance of reconsidering the influence of sorting in many economic
You are about to participate in an experiment on decision-making
organized for the GATE research institute and the Aarhus School of
Business in Denmark. During this session, you can earn money. The amount
of your earnings depends on your decisions and on the decisions of the
participants you will have interacted with. During the session, your
earnings will be calculated in points,
with 80 points = 1Euro
During the session, losses are possible. However, they can be
avoided with certainty by your decisions. In addition, if a loss would
occur in a period, the gains realized during the other periods should
compensate this loss.
At the end of the session, all the profits you have made in each
period will be added up and converted into Euros. In addition, you will
receive a show-up fee of 3 Euros. You will have also an opportunity to
earn additional money by participating in a decision task at the end of
the session. Your earnings will be paid to you in cash in a separate
room in order to preserve confidentiality.
The session consists of 20 independent periods.
Description of Each Period
Each period consists of two stages.
* In stage 1, you choose between two modes of payment, mode X and
mode Y.
* In stage 2, you carry out a task.
Your profit during each period depends on the mode of payment you
have chosen and on your result from the task.
Description of the Task.
* A table is attached to these instructions: numbers, from 0 to
100, are given in column A. In the second stage of each period, your
task consists of selecting one of these numbers. This number will be
called your "decision number." Associated with each number is
a cost, called "decision cost." These decision costs are
listed in column B. Note that the higher the decision number chosen, the
greater is the associated cost. You make your choice by means of a
scrollbar on your computer screen and you confirm this choice by
clicking the "OK" button.
* Then, you have to click a button on your screen that will
generate a random number. This number is called your "personal
random draw number". This number can take any value between -40 and
+40. Each number between -40 and +40 is as likely to be drawn and there
is one independent random draw between -40 and +40 for each subject in
the lab.
Your "result" for the task is the sum of your decision
number and your personal random draw number.
Your result = your decision number + your personal random draw
Choice of the Mode of Payment and Calculation of Your Payoff There
are two different modes of payment, mode X and mode Y. In the first
stage of each period, you choose to be paid according to mode X or to
mode Y. If you like, you can change the mode of payment at each new
* Description of mode of payment X
If you choose the mode of payment X, your result is multiplied by
0.52. You also receive a fixed amount of 45 points. Next, the decision
cost associated to the choice of your decision number is subtracted.
Note, the amount subtracted (your decision cost) is only a function of
your decision number; that is, your personal random draw number does not
affect the amount subtracted.
Your payoff thus depends on your decision number and your personal
random draw number. Your net payoff under mode X is thus given by the
following formula:
Your net payoff of the period under mode X = 45 + (your result x
0.52) your decision cost
At the end of the period, you are informed about your result and
about your net payoff for the current period. Example of Net Payoff
Calculation under Mode of" Payment X For example, say that you
choose a decision number of 55 and you draw a personal random number of
10. Your net payoff calculation will look like:
45 + [(55 + 10) x 0.52] - 20.17 = 58.63
* Description of mode of payment Y
If you choose the mode of payment Y, another subject in the room,
who has also chosen the mode of payment Y, is paired with you at random
for the current period. This subject is called your "pair
member." The identity of your pair member will never be revealed to
Your pair member has an identical sheet as yours. Like you and
simultaneously, he has to select a decision number and he will draw his
personal random number. As for you, the "result" of your pair
member is computed by adding his decision number and his personal random
draw number.
Then, the computer program will compare your result and the result
of your pair member.
* If your result is greater than your pair member's result,
you receive the fixed payment M, equal to 96 points.
* If your result is lower than your pair member's result, you
receive the fixed payment L, equal to 45 points.
* In case of equal results, a fair random move decides on which
subject receives M and who receives L.
Whether you receive M or L as your fixed payment depends only on
whether your result is greater or not than your pair member's. It
does not depend on how much bigger it is.
To determine your net payoff, the decision cost associated with the
choice of your decision number is subtracted. Note, the amount
subtracted is only a function of your decision number; that is, your
personal random draw number does not affect the amount subtracted.
Therefore, your net payoff depends on your decision number, your
personal random draw number, and your pair member's decision number
and his personal random draw number.
Your net payoff under mode Y is given by the following formula:
Your net payoff of the period under mode of payment Y = Fixed
payment (M or L) - your decision cost
At the end of the period, you are informed about your result: you
are told by how much your total is greater or Jess than that of your
pair member and you are informed about your net payoff for the current
Example of Net Payoff Calculation under Mode of Payment Y. For
example, say that pair member A chooses a decision number of 25 and
draws a personal random number of 20, while pair member B selects a
decision number of 55 and draws a personal random number of -5.
* A's result is: 25 + 20 = 45
* B's result is: 55 - 5 = 50
* B's result is larger than A's result. Thus, B receives
M (=96) and A receives L (=45).
* A's net payoff is: 45 - 4.17 = 40.83
* B's net payoff is: 96 - 20.17 = 75.83
To sum up, in each period you make two decisions:
* In stage 1, you choose between mode of payment X and mode of
payment Y. Note that if an uneven number of participants has chosen mode
Y, one of these participants will be randomly chosen and paid according
to mode X. To be paid according to mode Y, pairs must be formed. This
participant will be informed of this before moving to stage 2.
* In stage 2, you select your decision number and you draw a
personal random number. Your net payoffs for the current period are then
At the end of a period, a new period starts automatically. Each
period is independent. The random draws are independent from one period
to the next. In each period, under mode of payment Y, pairs are composed
at random among the participants who have chosen this mode of payment.
If you have any question regarding these instructions, please raise
your hand. Your questions will be answered in private. Throughout the
entire session, talking is not allowed. Any violation of this rule will
result in being excluded from the session and not receiving payment.
Thank you for your participation.
Column A-- Column B--
Decision Nb Cost of Decision
0 0.00
1 0.01
2 0.03
3 0.06
4 0.11
5 0.17
6 0.24
7 0.33
8 0.43
9 0.54
10 0.67
11 0.81
l2 0.96
13 1.13
14 1.31
15 1.50
16 1.71
17 1.93
18 2.16
19 2.41
20 2.67
21 2.94
22 3.23
23 3.53
24 3.84
25 4.17
26 4.51
27 4.86
28 5.23
29 5.61
30 6.00
31 6.41
32 6.83
33 7.26
34 7.71
35 8.17
36 8.64
37 9.13
38 9.63
39 10.14
40 10.67
41 11.21
42 11.76
43 12.33
44 12.91
45 13.50
46 14.11
47 14.73
48 15.36
49 16.01
50 16.67
51 17.34
52 18.03
53 18.73
54 19.44
55 20.17
56 20.91
57 21.66
58 22.43
59 23.21
60 24.00
61 24.81
62 25.63
63 26.46
64 27.31
65 28.17
66 29.04
67 29.93
68 30.83
69 31.74
70 32.67
7l 33.61
72 34.56
73 35.53
74 36.51
75 37.50
76 38.51
77 39.53
78 40.56
79 41.61
80 42.67
81 43.74
82 44.83
83 45.93
84 47.04
85 48.17
86 49.31
87 50.46
88 51.63
89 52.81
90 54.00
91 55.21
92 56.43
93 57.66
94 58.91
95 60.17
96 61.44
97 62.73
98 64.03
99 65.34
100 66.67
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(1.) Survey data analyses include Bognanno (2001); Ehrenberg and
Bognanno (1990b); Eriksson (1999); Knoeber and Thurman (1994); and Main,
O'Reilly, and Wade (1993), and experiments include Bull, Schotter,
and Weigelt (1987): Harbring and Irlenbusch (2003); Nalbantian and
Schotter (1997); Orrison, Schotter, and Weigelt (2004); and Schotter and
Weigelt (1992).
(2.) In the Safelite study by Lazear (2000), half of the
productivity gain associated with the introduction of variable pay is
attributed to its ability to sort the most skilled employees.
Experimental tests include Cadsby, Song, and Tapon (2007) and Eriksson
and Villeval (2004) on sorting and incentives; Lazear, Malmendier, and
Weber (2005) on sorting and social preferences; and Bohnet and Kubler
(2005) on sorting and cooperation.
(3.) In the theoretical literature, Fullerton and McAfee (1999)
proposed an auction design in order to limit the entry into tournaments
to selected highly qualified contestants. Hvide and Kristiansen (2003)
showed, however, that improving the quality of the contestants'
pool does not necessarily increase the selection efficiency of
tournaments. In the empirical literature, Ehrenberg and Bognanno (1990a)
showed that higher winners' prizes attract better players, and
Knoeber and Thurman (1994) proposed setting minimum standards to get rid
of the poor performing competitors. Niederle and Vesterlund (2007) and
Datta Gupta, Poulsen, and Villeval (2005) identified the importance of
gender in the ex ante sorting effect of tournaments. Bonin et al. (2006)
used survey data and showed that risk-averse individuals are more likely
to be sorted into occupations with low earnings risk. In a field
experiment, Bellemare and Shearer (2006) showed that a firm that uses
high-intensity incentive contracts and operates in a risky environment
attracts more risk-tolerant individuals than other firms. Dohmen and
Falk (2006) observed that risk-averse subjects prefer fixed payments
over piece-rate or tournament schemes and that tournaments attract
subjects with different personalities, abilities, self-assessment, and
preferences than the other payment schemes.
(4.) In this design, s is assumed to be similar for all agents, for
the sake of simplicity.
(5.) We took care of using similar pools of subjects in both
treatments. The average age of the subjects is 20.95 yr in the Benchmark
treatment and 20.92 yr in the Choice treatment: the average safety
indexes are 5.30 and 5.35 respectively; Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests
indicate that the distribution of age and safety index is not different
between treatments. The proportion of men is 45% in the Benchmark
treatment and 46.67% in the Choice treatment. A Wilcoxon test accepts
the equality between treatments.
(6.) Regarding the first possible effect, Bull, Schotter, and
Weigelt (1987) rejected the errors in inference explanation of the
variance: in fixed pairs, giving the subjects a feedback on the effort
chosen by their opponent does increase the variance of effort in
comparison with situations in which the subjects are only informed about
their rank or on the total outcome. Regarding the second and opposite
effect, Harbring and Irlenbusch (2003) observed opposite strategies
between pairs in a game where both the minimum and the maximum effort
levels are two equilibria in pure strategies. There is, however, no
reason to observe this multiple convention outcome when the game has a
unique interior equilibrium as in our game. In addition, Bull, Schotter,
and Weigelt (1987) mentioned that the high variance they observe with an
interior equilibrium is not due to outlier pairs and that there is no
tendency for variance to decline as the experiment progresses, which
should be the case if the formation of conventions was at stake.
(7.) If we remove the observations with a level of effort of 0 or
100 (73 and 41, respectively), the between-subject variance in the
tournament still represents 64.43% (270.60/ 419.96) of the total
variance in the Benchmark treatment and 42.04% (76.12/181.05) in the
Choice treatment. Thus, the structure of the variance remains the same
as when all the contestants are considered.
(8.) Since an uneven number of participants chose the tournament
(11), one of them has been randomly drawn and informed that he would be
paid according to the piece-rate scheme.
(9.) The proportion of subjects choosing the tournament was 55% in
the Single-Choice treatment.
(10.) We checked that although made at the end of the sessions, the
lottery decisions do not result from the behavior in the main game
instead of explaining it. In fact, there is no correlation between the
number of safe choices in the lotteries and the individual's net
(11.) We also tested a two-step selection model with random
effects, including the treatment variable in the nonselection equation
and the inverse of the Mill's ratio, fitted by simulated maximum
likelihood. The selection equation included risk aversion, gender, the
lagged random shock, and a time trend. The analysis concludes to the
absence of any selection bias, so that we can proceed with separate
(12.) In the first period of the game, after the subjects have
chosen their level of effort, we asked them: "How big do you
estimate your chances are that you will draw a random number that
increases your payoff?" Only 14.17% reported a probability lower
than .49, and 13.33% reported a probability exceeding .50. 61.11% of the
optimistic subjects opted for the tournament, whereas the corresponding
percentages are 47.31 for the pessimistic and 48.29 for the
well-calibrated subjects. According to a Probit regression (not shown)
including only the first period data and individual observable
characteristics, optimism marginally but significantly (at the 10%
level) increases tournament entry. If all periods are considered,
miscalibration is no longer significant since subjective beliefs are
revised throughout the game.
* We are grateful to E. P. Lazear, A. Ichino, K. Lang, L. Vilhuber,
R. Mohr, K. P. Chen, D. Dickinson, T. Perri, and participants at the
NBER Summer Meeting in Boston, at the ESA meeting in Nottingham, at the
EALE conference in Prague, and seminars at Academia Sinica (Taipei) and
Appalachian State University, for their useful comments and discussions.
We also thank an anonymous referee for helpful suggestions. Financial
support from the Aarhus School of Business and the French Ministry of
Research (ACI InterSHS) is gratefully acknowledged.
Eriksson: Professor, Department of Economics and Center for
Corporate Performance, Aarhus School of Business, Aarhus University,
Prismet, Silkeborgvej 2, 8000 Aarhus C, Denmark. Phone +45 8948 6404,
Fax +45 8948 6197, E-mail
Teyssier: PhD Student, CNRS-GATE, Ecully F-69130; University of
Lyon and University of Lyon 2, Lyon F-69007; and University of Lyon 1,
Lyon F-69003; ENS LSH, Lyon F-69007, France. Phone +334 7286 6116, Fax
+334 7286 6090, E-mail
Villeval: Research Professor, CNRS-GATE, Ecully F-69130; University
of Lyon and University of Lyon 2, Lyon F-69007; University of Lyon 1,
Lyon F-69003; ENS LSH, Lyon F-69007, France; and IZA, Bonn D-53113,
Germany. Phone +334 7286 6079, Fax +334 7286 6090, E-mail
Summary Statistics on Average-Level and Variance of Effort
Average Effort
Periods All 1 1-10 11-20
Piece rate
Benchmark treatment 46.48 55.73 48.92 44.04
Choice treatment 50.45 47.63 51.35 49.63
Benchmark treatment 53.28 60.03 55.62 50.94
Choice treatment 61.57 65.75 63.37 59.55
Mean Variance of Effort
Periods All 1 1-10 11-20
Piece rate
Benchmark treatment 368.88 388.06 381.29 345.73
Choice treatment 227.87 192.37 228.34 226.70
Benchmark treatment 652.26 663.76 672.51 623.19
Choice treatment 258.19 319.38 239.59 272.30
Decomposition of the Variance of Effort
Variance Between Subject Within Subject Total
Benchmark treatment
Piece rate 193.69 (52.51) 175.19 (47.49) 368.88 (100)
Tournament 434.55 (66.62) 217.71 (33.38) 652.26 (100)
Choice treatment
Piece rate 120.01 (52.67) 107.86 (47.33) 227.87 (100)
Tournament 101.79 (39.42) 156.41 (60.58) 258.19 (100)
Note: Percentages of the total variance are given in parentheses.
TABLE 3 Determinants of the Effort Decision
Random Effects Tobit Regressions
Treatments Benchmark (1) Choice (2)
Time trend -0.495 *** (0.079) -0.305 *** (0.071)
Payment scheme 3.377 ** (1.537) 11.554 *** (0.859)
(tournament = 1)
Lagged random shock -0.048 *** (0.018) -0.035 ** (0.017)
Risk aversion -2.908 *** (0.452) -0.361 (0.474)
Gender (male = 1) -7.518 *** (1.411) -4.377 ***(1.346)
Constant 71.877 *** (3.083) 56.718 *** (3.027)
Number of observations 1,140 1,140
Left-censored observations 63 8
Right-censored observations 20 15
Log likelihood -4,478.911 -4,576.915
Wald [chi square] 124.97 227.34
p > [chi square] .000 .000
Note: Standard errors are given in parentheses.
*** Significant at the l%. level; ** significant at the 5% level.
Distribution of Risk Attitudes
Number Holt and Our Experiment
of Safe Holt and Laury Laury Benchmark Choice
Choices Classification Experiment Treatment Treatment
0-1 Highly risk lover 0.01 0.05 0.00
2 Very risk lover 0.01 0.00 0.02
3 Risk lover 0.06 0.05 0.10
4 Risk neutral 0.26 0.18 0.22
5 Slightly risk-averse 0.26 0.18 0.15
6 Risk-averse 0.23 0.32 0.30
7 Very risk-averse 0.13 0.17 0.17
8 Highly risk-averse 0.03 0.03 0.03
9-10 Stay in bed 0.01 0.02 0.02
Note: The number of safe choices corresponds to the number
of the decisions with the "safe" Option A and thus corresponds
to the "risk aversion" variable in our econometric analysis.
Determinants of the Tournament Choice
Random Effects
Probit Regression (1) Fixed Effects
Logit Regression (2)
Time trend -0.017 ** (0.007) -0.029 ** (0.012)
Lagged random shock -0.003 * (0.002) -0.005 * (0.003)
Risk aversion -0.162 ** (0.066)
Gender -0.046 (0.202)
Constant 1.047 *** (0.386)
Number of observations 1,140 1,102
Wald [chi square]/
LR [chi square] 13.92 8.60
p > [chi square] .007 .014
Log likelihood -691.202 -517.065
Notes: Standard errors are given in parentheses. In the conditional
fixed effects logistic regression, the number of observations is lower
than in the random effects model because individuals have been dropped
due to all positive or all negative outcomes. LR indicates the
likelihood ratio test for fixed effects.
*** Significant at 1% level; ** significant at 5% level; * significant
at 10% level.
Behavior in Tournaments
Share in the Relative Mean
Population Frequency Effort
Benchmark treatment
Underconfident competitors 30.00 100 74.48
Motivated competitors 30.00 100 59.93
Hesitant competitors 30.00 100 40.66
Economizing competitors 10.00 100 7.60
Choice treatment
Frequent competitors
Motivated competitors 40.00 57.90 61.87
Economizing competitors 18.33 50.90 44.56
Occasional competitors
Hesitant competitors 10.00 35.80 53.06
Underconfident competitors 31.67 34.45 73.20
Within-Subjects Between-Subjects
Benchmark treatment
Underconfident competitors 6.35 4.20
Motivated competitors 10.78 5.37
Hesitant competitors 20.48 7.09
Economizing competitors 9.96 7.14
Choice treatment
Frequent competitors
Motivated competitors 9.45 3.73
Economizing competitors 7.60 15.55
Occasional competitors
Hesitant competitors 32.61 6.48
Underconfident competitors 10.74 6.34