Industrial dynamics and the neoclassical growth model.
Blankenau, William F. ; Cassou, Steven P.
Economists have long pondered the impact of a changing industrial
composition on the overall economy. Questions such as whether the
decline in the manufacturing sector is a worrisome trend are only a
recent variant of this question. Not long ago the discussion was more
focused on particular parts of the manufacturing sector such as the
textile industry. (l) Similarly, the prominence of recent advances in
computing and information technologies has cast these industries as
possible catalysts of improved economy-wide performance. However,
despite the urgency to some of these inquiries, the foundation for these
questions is quite old and is often traced to Schumpeter (1942) who
described the evolution of the industrial sector as exhibiting a process
of creative destruction through the introduction of new goods and
With all the changes occurring at the industry level, one might
think that the overall economy would also show signs of this churning.
However, the aggregate goods market data trends have remained very
stable over time. In fact, these aggregate trends are so well recognized
and so consistent over just about any subinterval of time that they have
become the cornerstone for the idea of balanced growth and the
neoclassical growth model. (3)
Recent work has taken steps toward reconciling changes in the
sectoral composition of output with this remarkable aggregate stability.
Collectively, this work explores the modeling restrictions required for
this reconciliation. Kongsamut, Rebelo, and Xie (200l) consider balanced
growth in the face of a persistent reallocation of labor from
agriculture to manufacturing and services. The key to aggregate
stability in their model is a knife-edge relationship between a
productivity parameter and a preference parameter. This relationship is
employed also in Meckl (2002). Foellmi and Zweimuller (2002) build an
endogenous growth model, which also accommodates structural change in
employment along a balanced growth path. In their model, dynamic
differences in income elasticities across sectors give rise to sectoral
dynamics where expanding and declining industries coexist. Balanced
growth is achieved by assuming a particular willingness to substitute
across goods in a hierarchical preferences structure. Most recently,
Ngai and Pissarides (2007) build a model where structural change results
from different rates of technological progress across industries and
balanced growth arises because of a unit elastic intertemporal
elasticity of substitution.
This paper also considers trends in industrial composition in a
structure that allows balanced growth. However, we focus not only on
trends in sectoral employment but also in the skill composition of this
employment. We begin by documenting labor and output trends in the 13
major industrial classifications used by the U.S. Commerce Department.
Labor trends are documented using U.S. Current Population Survey data
from 1968 to 2004, while output trends are derived from U.S. national
income account data from 1968 to 1999.
For each industry classification, we disaggregate employment to
reveal the trends in unskilled and skilled labor employment. This
disaggregation allows us to dichotomize industries as initially
relatively high skilled or low skilled. We find that the ratio of
skilled workers to unskilled workers has grown in each industry. The
absolute increase in the ratio was largest in the initially skilled
industries and the ratio has grown faster in the unskilled industries.
Furthermore, industries with a relatively high use of skilled workers
have accounted for an increasing share of output over time.
With these empirical facts in hand, we build a neoclassical growth
model consistent with these trends. The model shares some features with
the one in Ngai and Pissarides (2007). In particular, good-specific
technological changes yield sectoral dynamics, while unit intertemporal
elasticity of substitution yields balanced growth. However, our model
more closely resembles that of Blankenau and Cassou (2006), which also
shares these features. In that paper, it is shown that the dynamics of
time allocation across skilled and unskilled labor can be separated from
the dynamics of aggregate output. This allows for balanced growth with a
trend toward a more educated labor force.
This paper extends the work in our earlier paper by disaggregating
the production sector to additionally capture the industry-level trends.
In the version of the model used here, the initially high-skilled
industries have dynamic changes in their production processes that
result in a more rapidly increasing need for high-skilled workers. The
equilibrium level of output also grows more in these industries and the
growth rate in skilled workers is relatively smaller than in the
initially low-skilled industries.
We demonstrate that the changing industrial composition in the
labor force is entirely consistent with our modified neoclassical growth
model. We conclude that despite there being considerable turmoil at the
industrial level, the aggregate economy can perform as in the standard
neoclassical growth model, with either transitional dynamics toward
balanced growth or long sustained periods of balanced growth.
Beyond this, we uncover a richer set of dynamics in skilled labor
trends and show that the neoclassical growth model requires only modest
refinements to offer an explanation. This is an innovation in its own
right but proves to be of greater importance. An implication of Ngai and
Pissarides (2007) is that sectoral labor trends with balanced growth
implies the validity of "Baumol's cost disease" where an
industry experiencing slow productivity growth consumes an
ever-increasing share of labor. Our model suggests a different form of
industry-specific technological changes and implies an eventual
stabilization of labor ratios.
The paper is organized as follows. Section II summarizes the data
facts that this paper matches. In that section, four types of facts are
noted, but only two are described in detail. The two that are described
in detail mark the point of departure from Blankenau and Cassou (2006)
that is pursued here. In particular, in our earlier paper, only the
first two data facts of balanced growth and labor market trends were
modeled and that paper had nothing to say about industry-level dynamics.
Section II thus describes precisely the additional industrial dynamics
that this paper is investigating. In Section III, we present an extended
version of our earlier paper, which captures these additional industrial
trends. Section IV shows several general results implied by this model,
and in Section V, we provide several illustrations that simplify the
model enough to see more clearly the presence of the dynamics we are
interested in. Section VI summarizes and concludes the paper.
There are four types of historical facts, which this paper
endeavors to model: (1) stable aggregate ratios in the goods market, (2)
an increasing fraction of the total labor force that is skilled, (3)
industry-level labor dynamics, which vary depending on whether the
industry has relatively high-skilled workers or relatively low-skilled
workers, and (4) an increasing share of output is produced by the
relatively high-skilled industries. Two of these facts, stable aggregate
ratios in the goods market over time and aggregate labor market trends,
have been well documented elsewhere. The stable aggregate ratios in the
goods market are so well known by the profession that they are often
referred to as the Kaldor facts in tribute to Nicholas Kaldor who
studied these ratios and brought them to the attention of the
profession. (4) The aggregate labor market trends, such as a rising use
of skilled labor, were more recently recognized by the profession and
have also drawn considerable attention. (5)
The labor market trends within the various industrial sectors of
the economy are less well known. Some of these trends are illustrated in
Figure 1. Panel (a) shows the ratio of skilled labor to unskilled labor
from 1968 to 2004 in 13 broad industry classifications used by the U.S.
Commerce Department. (6) In the graph, we do not identify the industries
by name because the individual plots are hard to distinguish when so
many lines are drawn with different line styles. Instead, we use a
convention of plotting initially high-skilled industries with solid
lines and initially low-skilled industries with dashed lines. However,
in Table 1, we report information by industry. (7) One readily apparent
trend in this figure is that each sector of the economy increasingly
uses skilled workers. Thus, the aggregate trend toward increased skill
levels holds at the industry level. However, the figure also illustrates
that the trend toward skill is not uniform. Industries that were
initially skilled generally have larger absolute increases in the ratio
of skilled to unskilled workers.
Although not presented exactly in this fashion, similar trends have
been documented in a number of labor studies. For instance, using the
same industry breakdown as we do, Bound and Johnson (1992) show that
between 1973 and 1988, the share of income earned by skilled workers has
grown more rapidly in the industries that we have labeled initially
skilled, while in a study that focuses only on manufacturing data for
the 1980s, Berman, Bound, and Griliches (1994) note that skill upgrading
is correlated with investment in computers and to research and
development. Furthermore, these trends have been seen to hold true in
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development data by Machin and
Van Reenen (1998), Berman, Bound, and Machin (1998), and Haskel and
Slaughter (2002).
Another sectoral labor market trend is illustrated in Panel (b),
where the skilled to unskilled labor ratio is normalized by dividing by
the initial value of the ratio. This can be used to compare how the
ratio of skilled to unskilled labor has grown in the different
industries. Panel (b) also makes use of the convention that initially
high-skilled industries are plotted with solid lines and initially
unskilled industries are plotted with dashed lines. Flatter slopes for
the initially high-skilled industries indicate that the ratio has grown
more slowly in these industries.
Table 1 further demonstrates these two sectoral trends by showing
various values for the ratio of skilled labor to unskilled labor at
different dates. As the table shows, the initially high-skilled
industries tend to have larger increments in the ratio but lower growth
rates in the ratio. It is these two sectoral facts that we will pursue
in our model. However, in our model, rather than keeping track of 13
sectors, we simplify the analysis to just 2. Figure 2 shows these trends
for industry aggregates where the four initially high-skilled industries
are put together into one aggregate and the nine initially low-skilled
industries are put together into the second aggregate. As expected, the
initially high-skilled industry aggregate has a larger absolute increase
in the ratio of skilled to unskilled workers, but a lower growth rate of
this ratio. Furthermore, the near linearity of these figures implies
that these trends will hold over most subintervals of the data as well.
Finally, note that the last two rows of Table 1 support this result by
showing the values for the ratio and the normalized ratio at the
beginning and end of the observation period. (8)
The trend in output attributed to relatively high-skilled
industries and relatively low-skilled industries is also less well
known. (9) In Figure 3, we plot the ratio of output between high-skilled
and low-skilled industries using the categorization described in Table
1. This plot shows that over time the initially high skilled industries
have accounted for an increasing share of overall GDP. This change
appears to result from a long-run trend. Similar results can be seen in
Yuskavage (1996) and Lum, Moyer, and Yuskavage (2000). (10)
This section begins by describing the corporate sector and the
various production functions. Next the consumer sector is described and
the competitive equilibrium concept defined. The model is formulated in
intensive form with exogenous growth. (11)
A. The Corporate Sector
There are three types of producers in the corporate sector. One
type produces an investment good and the other two produce consumer
goods. The assumption that capital goods are built in a separate sector
is used in part to deflect concern that the results are connected to any
assumption regarding where capital goods are produced. (12) Consumer
goods fall into two categories based on the importance of skilled labor
in their production as made explicit below. All investment and
consumption goods are produced from capital, skilled labor, and
unskilled labor. Production technologies for the investment good and all
consumer goods exhibit constant returns to scale. In this case, we lose
no generality in assuming that a single firm produces each type of good.
First, consider the firm producing the investment good. We use the
notation t to identify variables associated with this sector. The firm
produces according to
where 0 [less than or equal to] [[gamma].sub.t] 1,0 [[less than or
equal to] [alpha] [[less than or equal to] 1. The labor aggregate in
Equation (1), given by [[[gamma].sub.l][S.sup.[sigma].sub.l,t] + (1 -
[[gamma].sub.l])[u.sup.[sigma].sub.l,t)].sup.1-[alpha]/[sigma]], is a
constant elasticity of substitution combination of skilled labor,
[S.sup.[sigma].sub.l,t], and unskilled labor, [u.sup.[sigma].sub.l,t].
The parameter [sigma] determines the elasticity of substitution (equal
to l/1-[sigma]) between the labor types and [[gamma].sub.l] determines
the relative importance of each labor type in determining the size of
the labor aggregate. Because of this role, we will often refer to
[[gamma].sub.l] as the skill intensity parameter. Under this production
formulation, the labor aggregate is combined with capital, [k.sub.l,t],
to produce units of the investment good, [y.sub.l,t]. Given the
Cobb-Douglas specification, [alpha] is the elasticity of output with
respect to the capital input and 1 - [alpha] is the elasticity of output
with respect to the labor aggregate.
The consumer goods sector consists of two sectors. One industry is
initially more skill intensive. We refer to this as the initially
skilled sector and denote it by a. We refer to the other as the
initially unskilled sector and denote it by b. To match the data, it is
essential that the ratio of skilled to unskilled workers increases in
each sector. This could be accomplished with a single good in each
industry where the production technology of each good undergoes a
skill-biased technological change. However, such an approach implies
counterintuitive employment of skilled workers over time. (13) Instead,
we model each sector more generally as containing many goods with an
expanding product space. Our specification allows the possibility of
changes in the production technologies of existing products or the
introduction of new goods with new production technologies.
The expanding product space fits the Schumpeter notion of creative
destruction as new goods and new technologies reduce the importance of
existing goods. (14) This leads to a more natural interpretation of
technological change and allows a varied set of possible dynamics. In
our specification, new goods in each industry have a higher need for
skill than the average prior goods in that industry. In addition, new
goods that enter industry a have a higher need for skilled labor than
the new goods that enter industry b, thus making the skill demand for
industry a rise faster than that in industry b. Collectively, these
features cause the average skill intensity of each sector to rise, while
the trend is more pronounced in the initially skilled industry.
The number of goods (and firms) at time t in sector j is denoted by
[n.sub.j,t] and grows according to [MATHEMATICAL EXPRESSION NOT
REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII], where [g.sub.j] [greater than or equal to] 0.
Our results are not tied to the relative rates of growth for the two
sectors, and to emphasize this, we set the growth rates equal unless
otherwise specified. The production function for a representative firm
is given by:
where 0 [less than or equal to] [[gamma].sub.j,[omega],t] [less
than or equal to] 1 and [omega] [member of] [0, [n.sub.j,t]]. The j
notation indicates the category of good, a or b, and the [omega]
notation identifies a particular good in that category. Hence,
[y.sub.j,[omega],t] is the output of good [omega] of industry j at time
t, [k.sub.j.[omega],t] is the amount of capital employed in its
production, and [S.sub.j[omega],t] and [U.sub.j,[omega],t] are the
skilled and unskilled labor inputs. The parameters [alpha] and [sigma]
play the same roles as in the investment good sector. Note that we allow
the skill intensity parameters (i.e., the [gamma] parameters) in the
goods sector to differ across time, goods, and category. This will prove
pivotal in generating the dynamics of interest. In contrast,
[[gamma].sub.l] is fixed. A constant [gamma] parameter for the numeraire
good also proves important in reconciling these dynamics with balanced
growth. To simplify notation, we hereafter drop the time subscript.
Thus, [y.sub.j,[omega]], is the output of good [omega] in industry j
[member of] {a, b} at time t and other industry-specific items are
similarly defined. (15)
Equations (1) and (2) are clearly generalizations of the
Cobb-Douglas production function prevalent in the growth literature. In
our model, as in the simpler Cobb-Douglas case, labor receives a
constant share of output given by (1 - [alpha]). We follow the growth
literature in justifying its use by noting the lack of trend in this
share in the United States and other economies. In contrast, the share
of this labor income accruing to skilled and unskilled labor is not
constant. We can capture a trend in labor shares across education levels
with trends in [[gamma].sub.j[omega]] even in the case where [sigma] =
0. However, we opt to consider the more general case where [sigma] [not
equal to] 0 for several reasons. First, we want to emphasize that our
results are not contingent upon unit elasticity of skilled and unskilled
labor as the Cobb-Douglas case might suggest. Second, we want to discuss
the importance of this elasticity in determining our results. Aside from
these expositional considerations, we note that empirical observations
suggest that the true elasticity is in fact greater than 1. (16)
We assume that factors of production are freely mobile. This
implies that factor prices are equal across firms and along with the
first-order conditions for firm optimal hiring choices give
where [r.sub.t] is the rental rate of capital, [w.sup.s.sub.t] is
the wage to a unit of skilled labor, and [w.sup.u.sub.t] is the wage to
a unit of unskilled labor. The price of the investment good is
[p.sub.l,t]. Our numeraire good is capital. Since a unit of the
investment good is the same as an ex-dividend unit of capital, this
requires normalizing [p.sub.l,t] = 1. Given this, other prices,
[P.sub.j,[omega]], are stated in terms of the investment or capital
With the production sector now described, the manner in which this
model extends the model in Blankenau and Cassou (2006) can be readily
seen. One goal of Blankenau and Cassou (2006) is to demonstrate what
modifications to the neoclassical are required to allow for the
long-term trend toward more schooling and a larger share of the
workforce with skills. These changes in the workforce are not concerned
with the industry-specific trends described in Section II and addressed
in this paper, which requires the industry disaggregation described
above. The current model can be simplified to arrive at the earlier
model by setting [n.sub.b] = 0, [for all]t (and thus dropping all j
notation) so that the model collapses to the single industry case.
However, such a simplification is unsuitable for the current
investigation as it allows no industry differences.
B. The Consumer Sector
The economy is populated by an infinitely lived representative
household with lifetime utility defined over an index of current
consumption, [c.sub.t],
where [rho] > 0. The consumption index is given by
where [x.sub.j,[omega]] indicates the demand for good [omega] in
industry j at date t. The parameter [PSI] > 0 is related to the
intratemporal elasticity of substitution across goods so the second case
in Equation (7) arises in the case of Cobb-Douglas or unit elastic
preferences. (17)
The consumer faces a goods constraint at each date. Let [k.sub.t]
be the total capital stock per effective labor unit at date t (hereafter
"capital") and 0 < [delta] < 1 be the rate at which this
capital depreciates. Furthermore, let [g.sub.A] and [g.sub.L] be the
exogenous rates of technological progress and population growth,
respectively. (18) Then, the goods constraint is given by
Adding the terms to the right of the equality in the first line to
the integral in the second line gives total payments to factors of
production; that is, total income. The integral in the third line gives
total consumption spending. Income less consumption spending is
investment that we denote by it. Thus, Equation (8) reduces to the
familiar law of motion for the capital stock given by [[??].sub.t] =
[i.sub.t] - ([delta] + [g.sub.A] + [g.sub.L])[k.sub.t].
To arrive at a measure of total output, we follow the convention of
weighting the quantities of each good by their market prices. Period t
output, then, is
Similarly, the total capital stock is
Note that because the price of capital is 1 regardless of where it
is employed, the capital stock is not weighted by prices.
The agent also faces a time constraint. In each period, the agent
has an endowment of one unit of time. Since leisure is not valued, the
agent allocates time to maximize labor income net of the education cost
of acquiring skill. The cost of education could be modeled as a time
cost, a goods cost, or a combination of both. Including both costs
proves redundant and we prefer to follow Lucas (1988) and many others in
modeling a time cost. This is consistent with the upward trend in
college enrollment and duration seen throughout most of the post-World
War II years in the United States. Milesi-Ferretti and Roubini (1998)
show that the nature of the education cost is important in analyzing tax
policy. However, we are not considering issues related to taxation and
the distinction is not as important.
The essential feature of time allocation is that it is costly to
refine the time endowment for the provision of skilled labor. For
simplicity, we model the education requirement as linear and
contemporaneous. Specifically, to provide a unit of skilled labor,
1/[theta] units of time must be spent in education. Given this, the
total amount of skill provided in the labor market, St, is related to
time spent in education, [e.sub.t], according to
and the time constraint is
With this, the model is fully specified and we are able to define
an equilibrium in this economy.
DEFINITION. A competitive equilibrium is a set of infinite price
[k.sub.0] given such that
(1) Given prices, firms maximize profits subject to production
constraints (1) and (2). With factor mobility, this yields Equations
(2) Given prices, consumers maximize utility Equation (6) subject
to resource constraints (8), (11), and (12).
(3) Markets clear:
(a) Capital goods produced equals investment: [y.sub.l,t] =
(b) Consumption goods produced equals consumption goods demand:
[y.sub.j,[omega]] = [X.sub.j,[omega]] for 0 [less than or equal to]
[omega] [less than or equal to] [n.sub.jt] and j= a, b.
(c) Capital input demand equals capital input supplied: Equation
(d) Labor input demand equals labor input supplied: Equations (11)
and (12). (19)
In this section, we present several general results and organize
them into three subsections. The first subsection formulates a
generalized version of the separation result from Blankenau and Cassou
(2006). (20) This separation result shows that the dynamics of aggregate
output can be tracked without knowledge of the sectoral composition of
this output or the dynamics of time allocations. This result is useful
because it means that we can concentrate on sectoral dynamics and labor
market dynamics knowing that any trends in those parts of the economy
will be consistent with balanced growth in total output.
The second and third subsections present results on industrial
labor market dynamics and industrial output composition, respectively.
These subsections explain both intuitively and formally how the model
can achieve these dynamics. Later, in Section V, we provide several
sample economies to illustrate these results.
A. Separation Theorem
To describe the equilibrium dynamics, it proves convenient to
introduce [v.sub.t] as a measure of the share of the capital stock used
to produce investment goods. It will be shown shortly that [v.sub.t]
also represents the time used in the production of investment goods.
We also will make extensive use of the following z variables that
are defined for each good and are related to each good's [gamma]
value. Although the [gamma] values are the fundamental distinguishing
characteristic for each good and account for all the dynamics presented
here, there are many occasions where thinking about things in terms of
the z values proves to be advantageous. For instance, it will be shown
later that these z terms will provide a nice formulation for relative
prices and they will also have a useful interpretation as labor
productivity parameters. With that in mind, we define (21)
Recall that all items with subscript j [member of] {a, b} are time
specific. Thus, [z.sub.j,[omega]] differs across both goods and time,
while [z.sub.l] is constant.
PROPOSITION 1. Household Allocations.
(a) Capital and labor allocations: There exists a [v.sub.t] such
that capital is allocated according to
(14) [k.sub..,t] = [v.sub.t][k.sub.t],
and time is allocated according to
(16) [u.sub.l,t] = [v.sub.t](1 -
(17) [S.sub.l,t] = [v.sub.t][[gamma].sub.l] [theta]/1 +
[theta]].sup.1/1 - [sigma]] [Z.sup.-[sigma].sub.l],
(b) Dynamics and convergence: The dynamics of [v.sub.t] and
[k.sub.t] are governed by (22)
where Equations (20) and (21) describe a globally stable system
converging to a path with [[??].sub.t] = kt = O.
(c) Output: The total value of output is given by
(22) [y.sub.t] = [k.sup.[alpha].sub.t][Z.sub.l](1 - [apha])(1 -
Part (a) of the proposition shows how labor and capital are
allocated for production of the investment good and the various
consumption goods. These equations show that at each point in time, the
same share of capital and time, [v.sub.t], is allocated to provide the
investment good and the complement is allocated to providing consumption
goods. (23)
There are two key implications of Parts (b) and (c). First, the
dynamics of output can be tracked without knowledge of how time is
allocated within the consumption goods sectors. To see this, simply note
the absence of any consumption market indicator in Equations (20) and
(21). In equilibrium, the relative value of output in the investment
good or consumption good categories reflects the value of the inputs
used in the respective categories. Since [v.sub.t] and 1 - [v.sub.t] are
the shares of both labor and capital allocated to producing the
investment good and consumption goods, knowing the value of investment
is sufficient to find the value of output. Note that to find the value
of any particular consumption good, one must know how the 1 - [v.sub.t]
units of time and the (1 - [v.sub.t])[k.sub.t] units of capital are
allocated across the various goods. However, this allocation does not
influence the total value created in the consumption sector.
The second key implication is that [v.sub.t] and [k.sub.t]
eventually converge to steady-state levels. At this point, output in
intensive form is constant (Equation (22)). Since dynamics persist in the consumption sector, this implies that the allocation of resources across investment and consumption is independent of such dynamics.
Equation (9) shows that if output and investment have converged to a
steady state, so has the value of consumption goods. However, this is an
aggregation of prices and quantities and does not require that prices of
consumption goods have stabilized. In fact, the dynamics of prices prove
closely related to our results in the next section. To have balanced
growth, we need to neutralize the effect of price changes in the
consumption goods sector on the savings rate as expressed by v. The unit
elastic intertemporal rate of substitution inherent with logarithmic preferences assures the independence of price dynamics and savings.
While we are not able to relax the unit elastic intertemporal rate
of substitution assumption and preserve balanced growth, we are able to
defend it as a reasonable approximation for our purposes. As mentioned
earlier, Kongsamut, Rebelo, and Xie (2001) and Meckl (2002) assume a
particular relationship between a technology parameter and a preference
parameter. In addition, Blankenau and Cassou (2006) and Ngai and
Pissarides (2007) also make the same assumption held in this paper.
There are several advantages to this choice. First, at the aggregate
level, the resulting framework is precisely the Ramsey-Cass-Koopmans
model and thus, both well understood and widely accepted. Second, the
value is empirically defendable. While a wide range of estimates
populate the literature, a value close to 1 for the intertemporal
elasticity of substitution is not uncommon. (24)
Finally, before turning to the labor market and output dynamics, it
is useful to elaborate on one of the more intuitive interpretations of
[Z.sub.[omega]]. Using Equations (2), (14), (18), and (19), it can be
shown that
(23) [y.sub.j],[omega]/[u.sub.j][omega] + [S.sub.j],[omega](1 +
1/[theta]) = [k.sup.[alpha]].sub.t] [Z.sup.(1 - [sigma])(1 -
The left-hand side is the equilibrium output per unit of time
(i.e., labor productivity) for good (j, [omega]). To see this, note that
the denominator is the equilibrium amount of time used in the production
of good (j, [omega]) inclusive of education costs. Since [k.sub.t] is
constant in balanced growth, [Z.sup.(1 - [sigma])(1 -
[alpha]).sub.j,[omega]) scales this equilibrium productivity measure and
we can think of [Z.sub.j,[omega]] as a determinant of equilibrium labor
B. Industrial Labor Market Dynamics
In this subsection, we explain how the model is capable of
reproducing the empirical fact of industry-specific labor dynamics even
along a balanced growth path. The principle insight for this result
comes from Equations (18) and (19). These demonstrate that even with
[v.sub.t] constant in balanced growth, the allocation of time to each
good changes with [[gamma].sub.j,[omega]], or [Z.sub.j]. To show that
industry-level labor dynamics persist with balanced growth, we need to
demonstrate that the labor aggregates within each industry change
through time. Since our data are in terms of the ratio of skilled to
unskilled labor, we focus on this aggregate. It is straightforward to
show that
To interpret how this ratio evolves over time, note that changes
arise from two sources. First, the ratio can change over time because
new goods in the industry have values for [MATHEMATICAL EXPRESSION NOT
REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII] that move the ratio, and second, it can change if
any existing good, [[gamma].sub.j],[omega]] [member of] [MATHEMATICAL
[[gamma].sub.j,[omega]] value. Furthermore, since [S.sub.j]/[U.sub.j]
does not depend on any economic variables and is entirely determined by
the [[gamma].sub.j,[omega]] parameters, the key to generating the
observed industry-level dynamics is for the time paths of
[[gamma].sub.j[omega]] [member of] [MATHEMATICAL EXPRESSION NOT
REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII] to be such that the firm-level Equations (18) and
(19) aggregate in Equation (24) to the proper industry-level dynamics.
In Section V, we show that such industry-level dynamics are easy to
achieve by constructing several examples, which provide both analytical
and numerical demonstrations of the sought after dynamics.
C. Industrial Output Composition
The model is also capable of reproducing a changing industrial
output composition even when aggregate growth is balanced. To
intuitively understand this possibility, consider a simple situation in
which the number of goods in each sector is equal at each date. In
particular, each sector starts with the same number of goods and the
growth rates for goods in each sector are the same. This means that at
each instant of time, new goods appear in pairs, with one new good in
each sector. Next focus on the demand curves for these new goods. Since
the elasticity of substitution in the utility function is the same for
each good, the demand curves for each good will be the same. Consider
the situation where [PSI] < 1. (25) This implies that demand
functions for all goods are relatively elastic. So to produce the
desired changes in the output shares, we need for the marginal goods in
sector a to generate relatively greater output values than the marginal
goods in sector b. This will arise so long as the supply curve for the
marginal good in sector a is further to the right than the supply curve
for the marginal good in sector b. But this can be assured through
appropriate relative values for the marginal good's
[[gamma].sub.j,[omega]]. In Section V, several specific formulations for
[[gamma].sub.j,[omega]] processes that achieve this result are provided.
To more formally understand this possibility, consider Proposition
PROPOSITION 2. Let [y.sub.j] be output in sector j as measured by
(25) [y.sub.a]/[y.sub.b] = [Z.sub.a]/[Z.sub.b]
As is common, we measure each sector's contribution to total
output by its market value. From this, we conclude that in equilibrium,
the relative size of industries and the labor productivities in those
industries are closely related. This is also a feature in Ngai and
Pissarides (2007). It is an artifact of perfect factor mobility and
technology-induced structural change and is likely to arise in other
models that share these features.
It is clear from Equation (25) that many kinds of behavior for this
output ratio are possible. We are most interested in situations where
industry a becomes a larger share of total output over time. We
emphasize that all that is needed to generate an upward trend in
industry a's share of output is for [Z.sub.a] to grow more rapidly
than [Z.sub.b]. This ultimately depends upon the component
[Z.sub.j,[omega]] values.
To intuitively trace these dynamics again, it is useful to consider
industries with equal numbers of goods and equal rates of good
introduction so that goods are introduced in pairs, one for each
industry. Begin by focusing on the case in which goods are relatively
substitutable: [PSI] < 1. In this case, goods with higher values of
[Z.sub.j,[omega]] have higher labor productivity and have greater
resources employed in the goods production. (26) With both more
resources and higher productivity, the output of goods with higher
[Z.sub.j,[omega]] values is higher. Of course, the equilibrium price is
lower, but because demand is elastic on net, there is a higher
equilibrium value. Because both marginal goods have the same demand
equations, the industry that experiences the largest increase in value
will be the one which has the marginal good that has the largest
productivity. To summarize, in the substitutable good case, the sector
that experiences a rising share of output has new goods with relatively
greater productivities.
Next focus on the case in which goods are relatively complementary:
[PSI] > 1. In this case, goods with higher values of
[Z.sub.j,[omega]] have higher productivity but also have fewer resources
employed in the goods production. This lower resource input in part
offsets the higher productivity. The net effect is a higher output
(Equation (36) in the Appendix A), but along with the lower price, this
is enough to imply that the value of the output is lower because demand
is inelastic. Because both marginal goods have the same demand
equations, the industry that adds the smallest increment to its value
will be the one which has the marginal good that has the largest
productivity. In other words, in the complementary good case, the sector
that experiences a rising share of output actually has new goods with
relatively lower productivities. This surprising result follows because
complementarity in utility implies a preference for keeping consumption
levels more equal across goods. Thus, the marginal good that has a high
productivity will not see as large a difference in equilibrium
production as in the substitutable good case because resources are
shifted to other production activities to maintain this more equal
consumption preference.
There are two sets of sectoral dynamics that we would like our
model to exhibit along a balanced growth path. First, the sector that
starts out with a higher ratio of skilled to unskilled workers
experiences larger increases but slower growth in the ratio of skilled
to unskilled labor employed, and second, this sector should account for
an increasing share of output. Section IV makes clear that these
dynamics can be achieved when [[gamma].sub.j,[omega]] follows
appropriate time paths. In this section, we provide several specific
formulations, which demonstrate these dynamics more clearly or provide
further insight into what is necessary to achieve them.
The first example simplifies the economy considerably and is
designed primarily to shed light on Baumol's cost disease, which
suggests that an industry experiencing slow productivity growth consumes
an ever-increasing share of income. It is shown that this disease is not
necessarily present in our setup and distinguishes our results from Ngai
and Pissarides (2007) where the disease is present.
The second example is designed to provide more insight into what is
necessary to achieve the two dynamic trends. It works with a simple unit
elastic utility function and Cobb-Douglas production function and shows
that the integrals in Equation (24) can be easily evaluated. Then, with
both a general and specific formulation for [[gamma].sub.j,[omega]], it
is shown how the desired labor dynamics can be achieved. This example
then goes on to show that the unit elastic utility function will not be
able to achieve the desired industrial share dynamics except when sector
a has a higher rate of new good introduction than sector b. Although
this may seem like a negative result, it is actually positive because it
shows that to obtain both types of dynamic results when each sector
experiences an equal rate of new good introduction, one must move away
from the intratemporal unit elastic utility function. The third example
simply generalizes this second example slightly to achieve both dynamic
A. Output Dynamics and Baumol's Cost Disease
To explore this issue, it is enough to work with a simple model
where only sector a experiences technological change and goods within
each sector have identical technologies. In this case, we can use
Equations (18) and (19) to show the ratio of skilled labor to unskilled
labor in sector a is
Note that the co notation has been dropped since goods are
identical. From this, it is clear that [[??].sub.a] > 0 is sufficient
to assure that this ratio is increasing through time. Furthermore,
Equation (25) in this case reduces to
In discussing the dynamics, we consider only the empirically
relevant case where [sigma] > 0. (27) This is for brevity and a
symmetric set of results exists with [sigma] < 0. Proposition 3 shows
conditions under which the desired dynamics arise.
PROPOSITION 3. Suppose goods within each sector have identical
production technologies, [[??].sub.a] > 0, [[??].sub.b] = 0 and
[sigma] > 0. Then, the ratio of skilled workers to unskilled
workers' grows in industry a and is fixed in industry b.
Furthermore, the relative share of output in industry a grows if [PSI]
< 1 and [[gamma].sub.a] > 1 + [theta]/1 + 2[theta] or if [PSI]
> 1 and [[gamma].sub.a] < 1 + [theta]/1 + 2[theta].
Intuitively, the proposition is a simplified version of the
argument made above. An increase in [[gamma].sub.a] yields an overall
productivity increase in industry a so long as [[gamma].sub.a] >
1+[theta]/1+2[theta]. This productivity increase shifts the supply curve
for the good to the right, increasing the quantity produced and
decreasing its price. This first effect serves to increase the total
value of output and the second to decrease it.
Whether the net effect on total value is positive or negative
depends on the relative size of these effects and hence on the
elasticity of demand curve for the item. If demand is relatively elastic
([PSI] < 1), the equilibrium price will fall modestly in response to
a supply increase and total revenue from the sector will increase. Since
the value of output in the other sector is unchanging, the changing
sector grows relative to the other. Thus, the industry experiencing
technological change will become a larger part of total output if demand
is elastic and vice versa.
There are two keys to make this result work. The first involves the
relationship between [Z.sub.a] and the value of total output. If [PSI]
< 1, goods are relative substitutes and an increase in [Z.sub.a]
increases the value of output as discussed above. The second involves
the relationship between [[gamma].sub.a] and [[Z.sub.a]. This is a
nonmonotonic relationship. When [[gamma].sub.a] is relatively large
(small), [Z.sub.a] is increasing (decreasing) in [[gamma].sub.a]. Thus,
we conclude that when [[gamma].sub.a] is sufficiently large, further
increases will increase [Z.sub.a] and with [PSI] < 1, this increases
the relative value of its output. Alternately, when [[gamma].sub.a] is
sufficiently small, increases in [[gamma].sub.a] decrease [Z.sub.a] and
with [PSI] > 1, this increases the relative value of its output.
The conditions of Proposition 3 make it easy to generate a dynamic
economy where the industry experiencing skill-biased technological
change accounts for a growing share of total output. Considering, for
example, the following path for [[gamma].sub.a] assuming [PSI] < 1:
(27) [[gamma].sub.] = [[[gamma].sub.a].bar] +
([bar.[[gamma].sub.a]] - [[[gamma].sub.a].bar]) (t/a + t),
where [[[gamma].sub.a].bar] is constant and [bar.[[gamma].sub.a]] =
1. Then, in each period, the skill ratio grows in industry a and its
share of output grows. The ratio of output in the two industries,
however, converges to
(28) [y.sub.a]/[y.sub.b] = ([theta]/1 +
[theta]).sup.(1-[alpha])(1-[psi])/[psi]] [Z.sup.-1.sub.b].
When [[gamma].sub.a] grows according to Equation (27), productivity
in industry a begins at [[gamma].sub.a] and approaches 1 asymptotically.
With a relatively elastic demand, the size of this industry grows.
However, Equation (28) shows that it does not grow without limit. As
[[gamma].sub.a] is bounded, so is its relative productivity. Thus, the
ratio of the size of industries is limited as well. This result
indicates that, in the limit, one industry does not fully dominate the
other in terms of the value of output.
Similarly, one industry does not fully dominate the other in terms
of resources used. It is straightforward to show that in the limit
where [L.sub.a] is the share of time devoted to industry a. Since v
lies between 0 and 1 and [Z.sub.b] > 0, the limiting value of
[L.sub.a] is less than 1. Thus, we see that one sector does not end up
consuming all resources. One interpretation of this is that
Baumol's cost disease need not be an implication of observed
sectoral shifts. Intuitively, we have specified a way in which
productivity in one sector always grows more rapidly than in another.
With the proper set of preferences, this industry grows relative to the
other. In our specification, however, productivity differences are
bounded. This gives upper bounds to both the ratio of output across the
two industries and the share of resources employed by the growing
Finally, let us note that due to the separation theorem, we have a
great deal of flexibility in specifying the process by which
[[gamma].sub.a] changes through time. We choose the form above as an
example due to its simplicity and because with it, trends in the model
match those in the data. This specification is not unique in its ability
to match the empirical facts and any number of other specifications for
[[gamma].sub.a] are also possible. However, reasonable specifications
would place an upper bound on [[gamma].sub.a] less than or equal to one.
As such, they would bound the ratio of skilled to unskilled labor and
the general findings above would hold.
B. Implications When [PSI] = 1 and [sigma] = 0
Here, we focus on conditions necessary to achieve the kind of
industrial sector labor market dynamics seen in Section II. Because the
integrals in Equation (24) are not possible to solve generally, we
consider the case where intratemporal utility is logarithmic ([PSI] = 1)
and production is Cobb-Douglas ([sigma] = 0). By setting [PSI] = 1 and
[sigma] = 0, Equations (18) and (19) simplify and can be integrated
across sectors to produce
that is, [[bar.[gamma]].sub.j] is the average skill intensify in sector
For ease of notation, it proves convenient to define [[??].sub.j]
[equivalent to] = [[bar.[gamma]].sub.j]/1 - [[bar].[gamma]].sub.j] for j
= a, b. This is increasing in [[bar.[gamma]].sub.j] and thus rises as
the relative importance of skill in industry j rises. For this reason,
we refer to [[??].sub.j] as the skill intensity ratio. The following
proposition relates changes in the skill intensity ratio (a technology
measure) to changes in the skill ratio (an equilibrium outcome).
PROPOSITION 4. Suppose [PSI] = 1 and [sigma] = 0. If at each date
(31) [[??].sub.a] > [[??].sub.b] and [[??].sub.b]/[[??].sub.b]
> [[??].sub.a]/ [[??].sub.a],
then at each date t, movement in skill ratios are related according
(32) ([[??].sub.a]/[U.sub.a]) > ([[??].sub.b]/[U.sub.b])
(33) ([[??].sub.b]/[U.sub.b])/([S.sub.b]/[U.sub.b]) >
The first requirement in Equation (31) is that the absolute
increase in the skill intensity ratio for the initially high-skilled
industry exceeds that of the initially low-skilled industry. The second
requirement is that the skill intensity ratio for the initially
low-skilled industry grows more rapidly than for the initially
high-skilled industry. If these conditions are met, the behavior of
skill ratios anticipated by the neoclassical growth model are precisely
those observed in the data.
Since [[??].sub.b] < [[??].sub.a] by definition, there is
clearly some ratio of growth rates that will satisfy this condition at
any time t. The right-hand ratio in Equation (31) is clearly growing
when the middle condition is satisfied. Thus, Equation (31) will be
satisfied in all time periods only if the middle ratio is increasing
more rapidly than the right-hand ratio and is also converging to
something less than or equal to one.
The observed labor market dynamics then will arise given any
process for [[gamma].sub.j,[omega]] that satisfies Equation (31). In the
following section, we demonstrate that if one is willing to rely on
numerical solutions, it is not difficult to arrive at processes for
[[gamma].sub.j,[omega]] that meet the requirements. Before turning to
this, though, we demonstrate that some analytical results are available.
We need a process for [[gamma].sub.j,[omega]] for which [MATHEMATICAL
EXPRESSION NOT REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII] is tractable and can be shown to
satisfy Equation (31) at each moment. One candidate can be interpreted
as a vintage capital structure because a good that enters at date t has
a particular set of input elasticities for capital and labor, which
never change for the rest of time. Under this formulation, the
production elasticity for skilled labor for good [omega] in sector j at
time t is given by
where 0 < [PHI] [less than or equal to] 1 and
[bar.[[gamma].sub.j]] > [[[gamma].sub.j].bar] with both constant.
Notice that [[gamma].sub.j] gives the lower limit for the sector j
skilled labor elasticity and [bar.[[gamma].sub.j]] gives the upper
limit. In this formulation, the elasticity for any product (j, [omega])
does not change over time and is only a function of the product's
ASCII], so that at any point in time, newer goods are more skill
We assume that, at each date, the two sectors have the same number
of goods. Since we wish to construct the example with industry a as the
higher skilled industry, we assume [gamma].sub.a] > [[gamma].sub.b].
The relationship between ([bar.[[gamma].sub.a]] - [[gamma].sub.a]) and
([bar.[[gamma].sub.b]] - [[[gamma].sub.b].bar]) is less important and
for simplicity, it is easiest to just assume that they are equal.
Together these imply ([bar.[[gamma].sub.a]] > ([bar.[[gamma].sub.b]].
We also need to make sure that the growth rates for labor inputs within
each sector have the proper relationships, which requires that [n.sub.0]
is large and that .5 > ([bar.[[gamma].sub.a]] >
([bar.[[gamma].sub.b]] These assumptions are sufficient to establish the
following result.
PROPOSITION 5. Suppose [PSI] = 1 and [sigma] = 0,
[[gamma].sub.j,[omega]] is described by Equation (34), that no is
sufficiently large, .5 > ([bar.[[gamma].sub.a]] >
([bar.[[gamma].sub.b]] and (([bar.[[gamma].sub.a]] -
[[[gamma].sub.a].bar]) = ([bar.[[gamma].sub.b]]- [[[gamma].sub.b].bar]).
Then, labor market dynamics match those in Equations (32) and (33).
One downside of the assumptions in this subsection is that they
imply that the only way for the ratio of output between the relatively
high-skilled and the relatively low-skilled sectors can increase over
time is for sector a to have a higher rate of new good creation. This
can be seen by noting that when [PSI] = 1, Equation (25) reduces to
[y.sub.a]/[y.sub.b] = [n.sub.a]/[n.sub.b].
Thus, one industry eventually becomes inconsequential. In addition,
it can be shown that in the limit, all resources used in the production
of consumption goods are consumed by the growing industry. By relaxing
the assumptions that [PSI] = 1 and [sigma] = 0, in the following
section, we are able to explain observed dynamics even with the relative
product space in each industry constant and avoid these implications.
C. Complete Dynamics
The previous subsection showed how the model can match the labor
market facts, but the implications for the industrial output shares were
lacking. In this section, we show that by relaxing the assumptions that
[PSI] = 1 and [sigma] = 0, we can obtain a model with many goods in
which sector a not only becomes increasingly skilled but also produces
an increasing share of total output even when new good creation is equal
in the two sectors.
At this level of generality for the model, analytical results are
not available. So to make headway, we simulate the model numerically. To
implement this, we set
where 0 < [[gamma].sub.j] < [[bar.[gamma]].sub.j] > 1,0
[less than or equal to] [PHI] 0 [less than or equal to] [lambda]. This
is a parsimomous yet general specification for the
[[gamma].sub.j,[omega]] process, To understand the implications of this
functional form, first focus on the case where [PHI] > 0, [lambda] =
0. With these restrictions, any good, once introduced has the same
production technology forever. However, new goods (with a higher m) are
more skill intensive. Thus, the introduction of new goods increases the
average skill intensity in each industry. Next, consider the case where
[lambda] > 0, [PHI] = 0. Here, each new good in industry j has
[[gamma].sub.j,[omega]] = [[bar.[gamma]].sub.j]. To see this, note that
when a good is introduced, it is the frontier good and [n.sub.j] =
[omega]. As time passes and the frontier grows, the skill intensity of
each existing good falls. This reflects the possibility that as a good
has been in production longer, simplification of the production process
allows the producer to substitute lower cost unskilled labor for skilled
labor. Aside from seeming to be a natural process, it is one supported
by empirical evidence. (28) With this as the only source of dynamics,
there would be a gradual decrease in the need for and employment of
skilled labor. However, this is countered by a growing product space. As
the share of the product space with relatively high-skilled labor needs
grows, the equilibrium share of the workforce with skill grows with it.
In the general case with [lambda], [PHI] > 0, the two sources of
dynamics work in tandem generating a rich set of dynamics where the
frontier goods are increasing in skill content and existing goods are
going through a process of "simplifying by doing" yet
aggregate output is growing at a steady pace.
To demonstrate that this functional form yields results consistent
with the empirical facts, we choose parameter values that can generate
dynamic simulations, which match the data described in Section II. There
is considerable flexibility for many parameters, so alternative
parameterizations can also match the data well. For this purpose, we
employ the following set of parameters: (29)
Parameter [sigma] [alpha] [PSI] [theta] [[bar.[gamma].sub.a]]
[[bar.[gamma].sub.b]] [[[gamma].bar].sub.a]
[[[gamma].bar].sub.b] [n.sub.j,O][n.sub.j]/
[n.sub.j] [lambda] [PHI]
Value .4 .4 .5 10 .6 .4 .3 .1 1 .02 1 1
Since the model is no longer analytically tractable, we simulate
the model numerically. The results of this exercise are summarized in
Figure 4.
Panel (a) demonstrates that this model captures the desired
industrial share dynamics. It shows that the value of output in industry
a grows more rapidly than industry b and thereby accounts for an
increased share of total output. Panels (b) and (c) demonstrate that the
model captures the labor trend dynamics. In Panel (b), we see that both
industries experience increases in the employment of skilled labor
relative to unskilled labor and that the absolute increase in this ratio
is largest in industry a. Panel (c) then computes this ratio normalized
by its initial level. With this normalization, it is clear that the
ratio grows more rapidly in industry b.
These dynamics are similar to the observed dynamics in both
industrial output and labor market trends, which were described in
Section II. While the results are particular to our specification of the
process governing [[gamma].sub.j],[omega] we note that many plausible
processes could yield similar results. For example, setting either [PSI]
or [PHI] equal to zero and recalibrating other parameters yields
pictures very similar to those above. If we remove the In operator in
Equation (35), results are again similar so long as [PHI] > 0. (30)
In fact, we find that the lessons learned in the simpler cases can
provide guidance for what is needed to produce the observed dynamics in
the more complicated cases. If we set the initial value of
[[gamma].sub.j],[omega] sufficiently large, [sigma] > 0, [PSI] <
1, and specify an appropriate process for [[gamma].sub.j],[omega] the
results can be recreated. Furthermore, with [sigma] < 0 and the
initial value of [[gamma].sub.j],[omega] sufficiently small, similar
dynamics arise.
A key point is that there is a great deal of flexibility in
choosing the functional form for skill intensities, each of which is
consistent with balanced growth in aggregate output. This allows us to
specify forms which align with both data and economic intuition. While
the above specification is succinct and general, it is but one of many
possible specifications. Furthermore, while our choice of parameters
matches the data nicely, it is not the unique choice which would
accomplish this. In future empirical work, it will be useful to estimate
the time paths for [gamma] at this industry level.
This paper shows that it is possible to have a host of industrial
sector dynamics within a structure that aggregates up to the standard
neoclassical growth model. This demonstration is important because data
show that some industrial sectors gain in size in the overall economy
and others decline in size in the overall economy. It is sometimes
speculated that industries in decline point to an ailing economy. What
the demonstration here shows is that it is possible to have these
dynamic industrial changes occurring yet the overall economy remains
balanced and healthy.
We achieve these results by modifying a special case of the
Ramsey-Cass-Koopmans model of exogenous growth. Other than our
assumption of unit elastic intertemporal elasticity of substitution, our
model at the aggregate level is a simple restatement of this venerable
workhorse of growth theory. At the industry level, however, it is a rich
generalization of the one- and two-sector growth models often built on
this framework. The richness of this generalization is made possible by
a theorem indicating that any sort of sectoral output and labor dynamics
can be made consistent with balanced growth in aggregate.
This freedom in modeling industrial dynamics is restricted by
empirical observations. We uncover several features of industrial
dynamics that the model should encompass. Some of these, we feel, have
not been well documented in prior literature. In particular, we show
that the skill-intensive industries have been growing more rapidly and
have experienced larger absolute increases, but slower growth rates, in
the ratio of skilled to unskilled labor. Guided by these observations,
we specify processes of technological change that recreate these results
in a competitive equilibrium.
To understand the workings of our model more fully, we specify some
simple versions of the model where the intuition is apparent before
turning to numerical results for the full model. In the full model, the
dynamics are indeed quite rich. We specify a process whereby the skill
content of new goods grows through time, while goods once introduced can
become more or less skill intensive as learning occurs. All the while,
observed industrial dynamics persist along a balanced growth path.
We note that our separation theorem can be taken as supportive of
much earlier work in growth theory, which ignores salient trends that
seem to loom large for the macroeconomy. The trend toward decreased
agricultural output and then manufacturing as shares of output are
historical examples. The explosion of computing and information
technologies and products may serve as current examples. However, we see
the separation as having perhaps a more meaningful implication. Our
results indicate that researchers interested in industrial sector trends
may benefit from conducting analysis within the context of general
equilibrium models that preserve the stylized fact of balanced growth.
By digging deeper into industrial dynamics and considering the
equilibrium consequences of such dynamics, new insights arise. In the
example provided here, the dynamics required to reproduce the empirical
observations lead to interesting long-run implications for industrial
dynamics. We show that a continuation of the technological change
consistent with recent experience is an eventual leveling out of the
industrial composition of output and the skill composition of labor.
GDP: Gross Domestic Product
Proof of Proposition 2
Substitute Equations (15), (18), and (19) into Equation (2) and use
the definition of [Z.sub.j,[omega]] to get
An analogous derivation yields an expression for [y.sub.t,t.
Substitute this along with Equation (36) into Equation (3) to obtain
and along with Equation (13), this yields Equation (25).
Proof of Proposition 3
The first statement is clear upon taking the time derivative of
Equation (26). To verify the second statement, note that
With [sigma] > 0, [PSI] < 1, this is positive so long as the
bracketed expression is positive. This requires [[gamma].sub.a] > 1 +
[theta]/ 1+2[theta]. With [sigma] > 0, [PSI] > 1, this is
positive so long as the bracketed expression is negative. This requires
[[gamma].sub.a] > 1 + [theta]/ 1+2[theta].
Proof of Proposition 4
Before starting the proof, it will be useful to find expressions
for the time derivative of the skilled to unskilled labor ratio and the
growth rate of the skilled to unskilled labor ratio. To this end, note
that for any industry j, Equations (29) and (30) give
(39) [S.sub.j]/[U.sub.j] = ([theta]/1 + [theta])
[[bar.[gamma]].sub.j])/(1 - [[bar.[gamma]].sub.j]).
so that
Using Equations (39) and (40) gives
We are now ready to prove the theorem. First note that
Next, note that the right-side inequality in Equation (31) gives
which upon substitution of Equation (42) gives
Combining this with Equation (40) gives Equation (32). Second, note
that the left-side inequality in Equation (31) gives
which upon substitution of [MATHEMATICAL EXPRESSION NOT
REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII] and Equation (42) gives
Combining this with Equation (41) gives Equation (33).
Proof of Proposition 5
First, note that
Differentiate to verify. This gives
so that
Next, note that
so that
Since this derivative is positive, it shows that the average skill
intensity ratio is always increasing in each sector. Next, we need to
note a few relationships for [[[gamma].bar].sub.j] and
[[bar.[gamma]].sub.j] terms. It is straightforward to show the following
hold: [[[gamma].bar].sub.a]
We need to show first that Equation (43) implies that at each date
t, [[??].sub.a] > [[??].sub.b]. But this follows since
[[[gamma].bar].sub.a] + [[bar.[gamma]].sub.a] [n.sup.[PHI].sub.j] >
[[[gamma].bar].sub.b] + [[bar.[gamma]].sub.b][n.sup.[PHI].sub.j] and
Now we are ready to verify Equation (31). Consider the inequality
on the right side of Equation (31) first. Plugging Equation (44) into
Equation (42), we must show that
But this follows because ([[bar.[gamma]].sub.a] -
[[[gamma].bar].sub.a]) = ([[bar.[gamma]].sub.b]- [[[gamma].bar].sub.b]
the left inequality in Equation (31). From Equations (42)-(44), we need
to show
Because we have assumed that no is sufficiently large,
([[gamma].sub.j] + [[bar.[gamma]].sub.j] [approximately equal to]
[[bar.[gamma]].sub.j][n.sup.[PHI].sub.j] and ((1-
[[[gamma].bar].sub.j])+ (1 - [[bar.[gamma]].sub.j])[n.sup.[PHI].sub.j])
[approximately equal to] (1 - [[bar.[gamma]].sub.j])[n.sup.[PHI].sub.j].
Thus, it is enough to show that
But this follows because .5 > [[bar.[gamma].sub.a] >
Data Appendix
Labor data from 1968 to 1991 come from Current Population Surveys:
March Individual Level Extracts, 19681992, Second ICPSR Version. (31)
The remaining data are taken from the March Supplement of the Current
Population Survey as made available through Data Ferret
Classification of industries is not consistent across time within
or across these data sets. Table A1 shows how we have reconciled the
different classifications. For the 19681991 period, the variable used
for industry categorization is v57 labeled "Industry." For
most years, this variable takes a value from 1 to 51. However, the
industries associated with particular values vary through the years. For
example, from 1968 to 1971, a value of 33 or 34 for v57 indicates an
individual in the finance, insurance, and real estate industry, whereas
from 1972 to 1982, this industry is indicated by a value of 35 or 36.
For 1991-2002, the variable indicating industry is A_DTIND. For
1992-2002, this variable is labeled "Current Status-Industry
Detailed Recode," and for 2003-2004, it is labeled" Industry
and Occupation-Main Job Detailed Industry." Again, the variable
generally takes a value from 1 to 51.
In each year, data were adjusted using the appropriate population
weights provide by the Current Population survey. Since data are
provided sporadically, military is excluded.
Disaggregated Industry Mapping
1968-1971 1972-1982 1983-1988
Agriculture 1 1-2 1
Mining 2 3 2
Construction 3 4 3
Manufacturing durable goods 4-14 6-17 (a) 4-17
Manufacturing nondurable goods 5-24 18-27 18-27
Transportation 25-26 28-29 28
Communications 27 30 29
Utilities and sanitary services 28 3l 30
Wholesale trade 29 32 31
Retail trade 30-31 33-34 32
Finance, insurance, and real
estate 33-34 35-36 33-34
Private household 32 37 35
Business services 35 38 36
Personal services 37 40 38
Entertainment and recreational
services 38 41 39
Hospitals 40 43 40
Medical services 39 42 41
Education 42 45 42
Social services 41 44 43
Other professional 43 46 44
Forestry and fisheries 44 47 45
Public administration 45-48 48-51 46
Auto and repair services 36 39 37
1989-1991 1992-2002 2003-2004
Agriculture 1-2 1-2 1
Mining 3 3 3
Construction 4 4 4
Manufacturing durable goods 4-18 5-18 5-13
Manufacturing nondurable goods 19-28 19-28 14-20
Transportation 29 29 23
Communications 30 30 25-31
Utilities and sanitary services 31 31 24, 39
Wholesale trade 32 32 21
Retail trade 33 ** 33 22, 45-46
Finance, insurance, and real
estate 34-35 34-35 32-35
Private household 36 36 50
Business services 37 37 37-38
Personal services 39 39 48
Entertainment and recreational
services 40 40 44
Hospitals 41 41 41
Medical services 42 42 42
Education 43 43 40
Social services 44 44 43
Other professional 45 45 36, 49
Forestry and fisheries 46 46 2
Public administration 47-51 47-50 51
Auto and repair services 38 38 47
Notes: For economy of presentation, we aggregate the 23 industries
of Table Al into the 13 industries of Table 1. This mapping is
provided in Table A2.
(a) 5 is ordnance and is not included since this is not available
in other years.
Aggregated Industry Mapping
Aggregated Industries in Table 1 Components from Table A1
Educational and health services Hospitals, medical services,
and education
Professional and business Business services, other
services professional, and social
Financial services Finance, insurance, and real
Public administration Public administration
Leisure and hospitality services Entertainment and recreational
Information Communications
Manufacturing Manufacturing durable goods and
manufacturing nondurable goods
Mining Mining
Other services Personal services, utilities,
and sanitary services
Wholesale and retail trade Retail trade and wholesale trade
Transportation Transportation
Construction Construction
Agriculture and forestry Agriculture, forestry, and
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(1.) The origin of this concern is probably local news outlets or
trade publications that have more focused readerships. Headlines such as
"A house divided: Manufacturing in crises," from the November
1, 2005, issue of Industry Week or "Textile trade deficit hits
all-time high," from the March 7, 2005, edition of the Southwest
Farm Press indicate the feeling behind these changes. While academic
studies, such as Crandall (1993), Sachs and Shatz (1994), or Fisher and
Rupert (2005), offer support to the decline in manufacturing, they offer
more objective viewpoints about the costs and benefits of the changing
industrial structure.
(2.) For instance, Krueger (1993) has asked how computers have
impacted wages and Greenwood and Yorukoglu (1997) have discussed the
advantages new information technologies have for productivity.
(3.) Kaldor is credited with bringing these facts to the attention
of the profession through numerous reports in the 1950s and 1960s. Solow
(1970) reflects on his work in growth and credits Kaldor (1961) as a
source for the empirical facts. More recently, these facts have inspired
Lucas (1988) and Romer (1987) in their work on endogenous growth.
(4.) See, for instance, Kaldor (1961) for one of his presentations
of the facts. The first five of these facts indicate that in industrial
countries output, employment and capital grow at a steady rate, while
the capital/output ratio and factor shares are constant. These facts
have been reviewed and the data series extended by Solow (1970), Romer
(1987, 1990), and Blankenau and Cassou (2006).
(5.) See, for instance, Denison (1985), Jorgenson, Gollop, and
Fraumeni (1987), Jones (2002), and Blankenau and Cassou (2006).
(6.) We define people who had four or more years college as being
skilled, while people with less are described as unskilled. This
definition is common in the economics literature. See, for example,
Carneiro and Heckman (2003). These trends are robust to alternative
methods for defining skilled workers and unskilled workers. For example,
expanding the class of skilled workers to include associate college
degree holders produced largely the same results.
(7.) For further information on the data, see Appendix B.
(8.) Leisure and hospitality services and information are marginal
industries, which could have been just as easily regarded as initially
high skilled. Grouping them with the initially high-skilled industries
does not change the aggregate result that the initially high-skilled
industries have larger absolute increases in the ratio of skilled to
unskilled labor yet have smaller growth rates in this ratio. A table
with this breakdown can be obtained from the authors.
(9.) Some popular press single industry anecdotes, however, are
well known. For instance, the fact that the manufacturing industry has
accounted for a declining share of GDP is widely reported and discussed
in mainstream media.
(10.) See, for instance, Table 15 of Yuskavage (1996) where
industry growth rates are reported for several intervals of time or
Chart 2 in Lum, Moyer, and Yuskavage (2000) where percentages of GDP
accounted for by private services-producing industries, private goods
producing industries, and the government are plotted from 1963 to 1998.
(11.) An appendix describing an aggregate form of the model and its
conversion into the intensive form can be obtained from the authors upon
(12.) We assume that only one type of capital good exists to keep
the formulation simple. It is possible to have a variety of capital
goods and aggregate them in a fashion analogous to what is done in the
consumption good sector, but this only adds modeling structure and does
nothing to change the main findings.
(13.) In particular, firms producing a given single product require
an increasing percentage of skilled workers.
(14.) In our specification, however, new goods do not replace old
(15.) The richness of the dynamic structure requires some
compromise of precision to keep the notation succinct. First, since
[n.sub.a,t] may not equal [n.sub.b,t], the support of [omega] [member
of] [0, [n.sub.j,t]] may differ by industry. It would be more precise
then, for example, to write [y.sub.j,[omega](j),t] indicating the sector
specificity of [omega]. However, no later confusion arises with our
abbreviated notation of [y.sub.j[omega],t]. Furthermore, it will turn
out that any item indexed by j [member of] {a, b} is in general time
specific even along the balanced growth path. In this sense, the time
notation is redundant for these items.
(16.) See Katz and Murphy (1992), Blankenau (1999), and Blankenau
and Cassou (2008).
(17.) With log preferences intertemporally, the term 1/[n.sub.a] +
[n.sub.b] plays no role in the dynamics of the model. We include it to
eliminate love for variety and clarify that our results are not driven
by this consideration.
(18.) Recall that the model is written in intensive form. The
conversion from levels to intensive form generates the [g.sub.A] and
[g.sub.L] terms in the standard way. Details are available from the
(19.) Equations (11) and (12) appear as both constraints to the
consumer and labor market clearance conditions because we have assumed
there to be a single representative agent.
(20.) Since this result is a generalization of our earlier result,
it is presented here with no proof. Readers interested in the formal
proof can obtain one by contacting the authors.
(21.) For [sigma] = 0, it can be shown that [z.sub.l] [equivalent
expression arises for [Z.sub.j.[omega]].
(22.) Because - [[??].sub.t]/1 - [??].sub.t] = 1-[v.sub.t]/1 -
[[??].sub.t], -[[??].sub.t]/ 1 - [v.sub.t] can be interpreted as the
growth rate of 1 - [v.sub.t].
(23.) Equation (14) shows that [v.sub.t] is the share of capital
allocated to investment. Since 1/[theta] units of time must be spent in
education to provide a unit of skilled labor, [S.sub.l,t](1 + 1/[theta])
units of time are required to provide [s.sub.l,t] units of skilled labor
to investment. From Equations (16) and (17), note that [u.sub.l,t] +
[s.sub.l,t](1 + 1/[theta]) = [v.sub.t].
(24.) See, for example, Beaudry and van Wincoop (1996),
Vissing-Jorgensen (2002), Zhang (2006), and the calibration exercises of
Prescott (1985) and Jones, Manuelli, and Siu (2000).
(25.) The discussion for [PSI] > 1 is similar, while the case in
which [PSI] = 1 results in the industrial shares that are unchanging
over time. The result when [PSI] = 1 is discussed more fully in example
(26.) It can be shown that the share of time and capital used for
(27.) Katz and Murphy (1992) estimate [sigma] = .291, Blankenau
(1999) finds [sigma] = .414, and Blankenau and Cassou (2008) find
[sigma] = .284.
(28.) See Adler and Clark (1991), for example.
(29.) Some of the parameters were chosen with the following facts
in mind. Katz and Murphy (1992) and Blankenau (1999) provide estimates
of o. Researchers often set [alpha] in the range .3-.4. A value of 10
for [theta] is consistent with 4 yr of college for a 40-yr career.
(30.) In this case, simplifying by doing is too rapid and the
skilled ratio falls without setting [PHI] > 0 to counter this.
(31.) Chief Investigator: Robert Moffit, University of Michigan.
Published by the Inter-university Consortium of Political and Social
Research in 1999.
* We would like to thank seminar participants at the V Workshop on
International Economics in Malaga, T2M conference in Toulouse, Durham
University, England, Universidad del Pais Vasco, Universidad de Oviedo,
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, University of Kansas, University of
Missouri, Kansas State University, Indiana University, the 2006 North
American Summer Meeting of the Econometric Society at the University of
Minnesota, and the 2006 Midwest Macroeconomics meeting at Washington
University in St. Louis for helpful comments on earlier drafts of the
paper. We would like to offer particular thanks to Gonzalo Fernandez de
Cordoba, the editor of this journal, and two anonymous referees for
their insights as well. Cassou would also like to acknowledge the
support and hospitality of Universidad del Pais Vasco and Spanish
Ministry of Education and Science, grant number SEJ2006-12793/ECON.
Blankenau: Department of Economics, 327 Waters Hall, Kansas State
University, Manhattan, KS 66506. Phone (785) 532-6340, Fax (785)
532-6919, E-mail
Cassou. Department of Economics, 327 Waters Hall, Kansas State
University, Manhattan, KS 66506. Phone (785) 532-6342, Fax (785)
532-6919, E-mail
Skilled to Unskilled Labor Ratios Across Industries
Skilled to Unskilled Ratio
1968 Value 2004 Value Change
Initially skilled
Educational and health services 0.562 0.874 0.312
Professional and business services 0.334 0.682 0.348
Financial services 0.180 0.582 0.403
Public administration 0.177 0.622 0.445
Initially unskilled
Leisure and hospitality service 0.105 0.487 0.382
Information 0.101 0.636 0.535
Manufacturing 0.083 0.279 0.197
Mining 0.068 0.159 0.092
Other services 0.061 0.216 0.155
Wholesale and retail trade 0.056 0.177 0.122
Transportation 0.046 0.167 0.121
Construction 0.045 0.111 0.066
Agriculture and forestry 0.026 0.159 0.134
Initially skilled aggregate 0.363 0.741 0.378
Initially unskilled aggregate 0.064 0.217 0.153
Normalized Ratio
1968 Value 2004 Value Change
Initially skilled
Educational and health services 1.000 1.556 0.556
Professional and business services 1.000 2.042 1.042
Financial services 1.000 3.242 2.242
Public administration 1.000 3.523 2.523
Initially unskilled
Leisure and hospitality service 1.000 4.632 3.632
Information 1.000 6.278 5.278
Manufacturing 1.000 3.384 2.384
Mining 1.000 2.355 1.355
Other services 1.000 3.546 2.546
Wholesale and retail trade 1.000 3.186 2.186
Transportation 1.000 3.607 2.607
Construction 1.000 2.473 1.473
Agriculture and forestry 1.000 6.251 5.251
Initially skilled aggregate 1.000 2.040 1.040
Initially unskilled aggregate 1.000 3.404 2.404