Relief for the environment? The importance of an increasingly unimportant industrial sector.
Gassebner, Martin ; Gaston, Noel ; Lamla, Michael J. 等
Among the more controversial views about economic growth and
globalization is that both will eventually benefit the environment
(Arrow et al. 1995). In part, this view is predicated on the nature of
structural changes that are normally associated with trade
liberalization and economic development. More specifically, economic
growth and the shift of production away from polluting sectors and
"dirty" technologies help to arrest the deterioration in the
environment. In addition, environmental quality is a normal good, and
wealthier economies will invest more heavily in environmental
improvements and cleanup. According to this line of argument, another
implication is that developing countries inevitably focus first on
manufacturing production and basic forms of production while tolerating
some degradation in the quality of the environment. Compounding this
feature is the fact that the political pressures associated with
industrialization are also likely to be influential. The factor owners
employed in manufacturing industries lobby for less regulation of
polluting activities. This accelerates the decay of the environment.
With the inevitable economic decline of basic manufacturing
activities in more mature economies, the declining significance of basic
manufacturing in industrialized countries may very well create social
pressures that reduce the demand for pollution abatement. For instance,
it has been argued that greater inequality of wealth and income could be
bad news for the environment (see Boyce 1994; Torras and Boyce 1998).
Other studies show that the pattern of sectoral resource ownership
matters and that greater income inequality can yield either stricter or
weaker environmental policies. For example, McAusland (2003) showed that
the owners of clean factors of production may be less green voters
because they may bear the burden of pollution taxes through adverse
terms of trade effects on the production of "clean goods."
However, in this paper, we propose the argument that associated with
falling industrial wages may be declining political influence exercised
by the factor owners in the polluting manufacturing industries of the
economy. These latter features are likely to be manifested in the
political process, that is, voting for change and a cleaner environment.
In other words, structural change may not only involve less reliance
being placed on the use of polluting inputs but also have the signal
virtue of altering the demand for environmental policies.
More liberalized trade and the rapid onset of skill-biased
technological change have been linked with the declining real incomes
received by production workers in manufacturing industries. (1) Free
trade raises national income which, in aggregate terms, increases the
value placed on the environment. Political economic considerations are
therefore likely to lead to a cleaner environment. Trade liberalization,
which some authors continue to associate with increasing income
inequality in Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries, may therefore be a "pro-environment" policy
(see Bommer and Schulze 1999; Grossman and Krueger 1993, for instance).
Associated with this relatively sanguine view has been an empirical
relationship--in the form of an inverted U-shaped curve-between per
capita income and various measures of environmental degradation. The
relationship, or the environmental Kuznets curve, has been investigated
for a wide variety of environmental indicators (e.g., Dinda 2004,
Grossman and Krueger 1995; Selden and Song 1994; Shafik 1994). For any
country, the implication is that economic growth will be associated with
environmental degradation until a "critical" level of per
capita income is attained; from that point, there will be an improvement
in environmental conditions.
Of course, the turning points in the relationship between economic
growth and environmental quality can be affected by the policies
implemented by decision makers (Grossman and Krueger 1995; Shafik 1994).
Consequently, different political processes do not all imply that
societies will grow their way out of environmental problems or that
policies that promote economic growth can substitute for environmental
This paper is also indirectly related to the political economy
literature that deals with the effect of income inequality on
redistributive policies and economic growth (e.g., Alesina and Rodrik
1994; Persson and Tabellini 1994; Saint Paul and Verdier 1996). A
standard argument is that when income is more unequally distributed, the
median voter is likely to be relatively less endowed with capital,
either physical or human, and to thus favor a higher rate of capital
taxation. A similar argument may well apply to pollution abatement
policies. For instance, if the median voter is a low-income worker who
receives their livelihood from supplying labor to the basic
manufacturing or pollution-intensive sectors, then greater income
inequality may be associated with damage to the environment because it
reduces the demand for pollution abatement.
However, while environmental policies are shaped by the importance
of potentially affected constituencies, the relative political
importance of different constituencies is likely to change over time.
The idea of an interaction between industry decline and endogenous policy formation is not a novel one, of course (e.g., Cassing and
Hillman 1985). However, the perspective explored here is that the
declining economic significance of polluting sectors in a developed
economy is likely to be associated with greater income inequality. In
turn, this is likely to reduce the "political clout" of the
factor owners in the polluting sectors. In particular, as the workers in
these sectors of the economy become less important economically, as
reflected by their falling real incomes and falling employment levels,
they also become less influential politically. (2) Consequently, a
regulator, motivated by political considerations, will increase the
stringency of environmental regulations. Of course, dynamic comparative
advantages dictate that mature, developed economies shift resources away
from basic manufacturing activities.
In the next section, we set out a simple model and derive some
results that highlight the relationship between the sectoral decline of
manufacturing and the stringency of environmental policies. In Section
III, we present different types of empirical evidence to test the key
findings of our model. First, we show that deindustrialization may have
a "silver lining" in terms of reducing emissions from basic
manufacturing activities. Specifically, we show that organic water
pollution and industrial employment levels are close complements.
Second, we investigate whether labor market institutions that have
traditionally supported blue-collar interests and lowered the inequality
of earnings affect the environmental regulation of industry. (3) We show
that a greater degree of union coordination of wage bargaining is
strongly linked to the observed pattern of environmental taxation of
industry relative to households. We conclude Section III with a careful
econometric study of panel data. In particular, we use extreme bounds
analysis (EBA) to examine whether countries with greater income
inequality and declining manufacturing employment have more stringent
environment policies. The last section concludes.
Consider an economy with two types of jobs: "blue collar"
and "white collar," say. Further, assume that pollution
creates blue-collar jobs (e.g., manufacturing) only. (4) All other jobs
are white collar (e.g., services, high tech). Pollution afflicts all
workers, however. A policymaker must reconcile the conflict between
blue-collar jobs and environmental quality while also seeking the
support of both groups of workers.
To make matters transparent, assume that the economy has a unit
mass of each of two types of workers--blue-collar workers, indexed by b,
and white-collar workers, indexed by w. For expositional purposes, we
assume that white-collar workers are always employed. Blue-collar
workers can be in one of two states at time t, employment (e) or
unemployment (u). Workers receive income [y.sup.i.e.sub.t] if they work,
i = b, w. If unemployed, blue-collar workers, receive income
[y.sup.b,u.sub.t]. We assume that the {[y.sup.i,j.sub.t]} are
deterministic processes beyond the decision maker's control. (5) If
worker i supplies one unit of labor inelastically each period,
[y.sup.i.e.sub.t] can be interpreted as the wage rate in period t for
worker i.
At time t, manufacturing generates a residual called pollution,
[s.sub.t]. Pollution and blue-collar labor are complementary inputs (see
Cropper and Oates 1992). If the policymaker wants industry to create
more blue-collar jobs, he must allow greater production--and pollution.
The demand for blue-collar workers is given by [l.sup.b.sub.t] =
f([y.sup.b,e.sub.t], [s.sub.t]), with
The pollution stock, [p.sub.t], decays at rate [delta] [member of]
[0, 1]. The transition equation is
[p.sub.t+1] = (1 - [delta])[p.sub.t] + [s.sub.t].
Equating [delta] to 1 gives the classic case of a pollutant that
dissipates immediately; [delta] = 0 is the case for a pollutant that
never dissipates. The utility for worker i is given by the concave
function U([y.sup.i.sub.t], [p.sub.t]), for i = b, w. That is, all
workers suffer from [p.sub.t].
In traditional political economy models, it is assumed that the
policymaker maximizes a weighted average of the welfare of constituents
over his career. The policymaker might be a politician who considers
voter welfare to win elections, or he might be a regulator who considers
constituent welfare to win promotions. In the current context, the
political weights that a policymaker assigns to the welfare of blue- and
white-collar workers may reflect the relative political influence of the
two types of workers. Different weights may be attributed to interest
groups according to the degree of organization or unionization or may
simply vary with size of membership, for instance.
The common agency model developed by Bernheim and Whinston (1986),
and applied by Grossman and Helpman (1994), provides microeconomic foundations for the political weights that are assigned to each interest
group in a society. Grossman and Helpman showed that if policymakers,
when choosing a policy (s, say) care about interest groups' welfare
([V.sup.j](s)) on one hand and about campaign contributions on the other
hand, then they actually end up maximizing a weighted sum of the
interest groups' objective functions. That is, the policymaker will
choose a policy s to maximize
(1) [V.sup.g](s) = [[summation over (j[member of]I)]([I.sup.j] +
where [V.sup.g](s) denotes the policymaker's welfare function,
I is the set of all interest groups, the indicator function, [I.sup.j]
equals 1 if the interest group is engaged in lobbying activities, and
[I.sup.j] = 0 otherwise. (6)
Grossman and Helpman concentrated on studying the distortionary
effects of lobbying and assumed that each group is originally given the
same weight [[alpha].sup.j] = [alpha], j [member of] I. From Equation
(1), it is clear that despite the presence of lobbying, the outcome will
be equal to the efficient solution selected by the utilitarian social
planner that would assign equal weights to everybody. The political
system creates inefficiencies when some groups in the economy do not
lobby. Naturally, the policymaker more heavily weights the policy
preferences of the interest groups that do lobby (see Aidt 1998; Potters
and Sloof 1996). In the spirit of Grossman and Helpman, we analyze cases
in which both or either of the blue- and white-collar workers may
organize lobbies to help attain their preferred environmental policy
settings, perhaps via a trade union and an environmental lobby,
The welfare of all workers is assumed to be adversely affected by
greater pollution-intensive production. However, blue-collar workers
also benefit from higher pollution. While white-collar workers always
prefer smaller production and less pollution, the interests and the
lobbying stance of blue-collar workers depend on the elasticity of
employment with respect to pollution emissions as well as the
reservation utility if they were to be unemployed. Consequently, the
relative position of the two interest groups is generally antithetical.
Returning to the problem at hand, the decision maker's problem
subject to [p.sub.t+1] = (1 - [delta])[p.sub.t] + [s.sub.t],
[p.sub.o] given, where [rho] > 0 is the rate of time preference and
[W.sup.i.sub.t] = [l.sup.i.sub.t]U([y.sup.i,e.sub.t],[p.sub.t]) + (1 -
[l.sup.i.sub.t])U([y.sup.i,u.sub.t], [p.sub.t]), for i = b, w. (8)
Letting [p.sub.t] be the state and [s.sub.t] be the control,
Bellman's equation is
(3) [V.sub.t]([p.sub.t]) = max
{[[theta].sup.b.sub.t][W.sup.b.sub.t] +
[[theta].sup.w.sub.t][W.sup.w.sub.t] + [beta][V.sub.t+1]([p.sub.t+1])},
where [beta] = [(1 + [rho]).sup.-1] and [[theta].sup.i] [member of]
{[alpha], {1 + [alpha])}, i = b, w.
Standard solution techniques yield the Euler equation (see Appendix
for details)
where [[DELTA].sub.t] = U([y.sup.b,e.sub.t], [p.sub.t]) -
U([y.sup.b,u.sub.t], [p.sub.t]).
In general, it is difficult to find closed-form solutions for the
optimal [s.sub.t] (or [p.sub.t+1]) sequence. However, a simple perfect
foresight example does illustrate some of the fundamental driving
forces. For example, consider U([y.sup.i.sub.t], [p.sub.t]) =
[y.sup.i.sub.t] - [gamma][p.sub.t], [gamma] > 0, i = b, w, and
f([y.sup.b,e.sub.t], [s.sub.t])= ln(1 + [s.sub.t]) - [kappa] ln
[y.sup.b,e.sub.t], [kappa] > 0. By appropriate substitutions into
Equation (4) and solving the difference equation, we obtain
(5) [s.sub.t] = [((1 - (1 -
[delta])[beta])[x.sub.t])/([beta][gamma](1 + [psi]))] - 1,
where [x.sub.t] = [y.sup.b,e.sub.t] - [y.sup.b,u.sub.t] and [psi] =
To highlight the effects of changing real wages for blue-collar
employees, we suppose that [x.sub.t] = [[omega]g.sup.-t], where g >
(<) 1 if wages are shrinking (growing) exponentially. (9) From
Equation (5), it follows that
(6) [s.sub.t] = [(([rho] + [delta])[omega])/([gamma](1 +
[psi])[g.sup.t])] - 1.
The comparative dynamic effects are summarized in the following
PROPOSITION 1. Suppose that blue-collar income is given by
[x.sub.t] = [[omega]g.sup.-t], then the stringency of environmental
regulations falls in
(a) blue-collar income, [omega];
(b) the policymaker's discount rate, [rho];
(c) the pollution decay rate, [delta].
Environmental regulations are stricter
(d) the higher is the rate of diminution of blue-collar income, g;
(e) the higher is the marginal disutility of pollution, [gamma];
(f) when blue-collar workers do not lobby the policymaker.
Proof Differentiating Equation (6) yields Parts (a)-(e). As for
Part (f), note that if only blue-collar workers lobby, then
[[psi].sup.b] = [alpha]/(1 + [alpha]), if only white-collar workers
lobby, then [[psi].sup.w] = (1 + [alpha])/[alpha], and if both groups
lobby, then [[psi].sup.b,w] = 1. Clearly, [[psi].sup.b] <
[[psi].sup.b,w] < [[psi].sup.w]. Finally, note that environmental
quality improves in [psi].
There are some transparent implications. For example, if the
policymaker discounts the future more heavily, then this is associated
with deteriorating environmental quality. Congleton (1992) showed that
autocratic countries are inclined to select less stringent environmental
regulations. He argued that dictators tend to have shorter time horizons
(i.e., higher [rho]) and are less likely to adopt pro-environment
policies, since the benefits of doing so are likely to accrue only after
they have left office, whereas the costs are incurred earlier. (10) A
higher pollution decay rate, [delta], also increases pollution. This
somewhat counterintuitive result occurs because worker utility depends
on [p.sub.t], and not on [p.sub.t+1], so that the policymaker is likely
to take a less conservative attitude with a pollutant that dissipates
immediately, as opposed to the case for a pollutant that never
dissipates. Consistent with this finding is that policymakers are more
likely to be "policy-active" for the types of pollutants with
short-term and local impacts (see Emerson and Pendleton 2004).
Higher income for workers in pollution-producing industries
([omega]) is associated with an increasing amount of economic importance
attached to the polluting sector of the economy. However, if this
economic "weight" falls, then because environmental quality is
a normal good, the stringency of environmental regulations rises over
time and, consequently, so too does the quality of the environment.
Strictly speaking, it is not just the continued erosion of the earnings
of blue-collar workers that beneficially impacts pollution emissions.
More generally, it is the falling relative earnings of working in the
polluting sector. For example, if the income while unemployed increases
more rapidly than the income while employed in the polluting sector,
then the same benefit to the environment results. Thus, some authors
have argued that more generous unemployment benefits and changes to cash
transfer and income tax systems have arisen to ensure worker
acquiescence to potentially disruptive microeconomic reforms, such as
trade liberalization (e.g., Rodrik 1998). Hence, while the earned income
distribution may have widened in many OECD countries, the same is not
true for the posttax and post-government transfer distribution of income
(see, e.g., Smeeding and Gottschalk 1995).
Recall that when each interest group receives an equal political
weight that this is equivalent to the utilitarian social planner's
problem. However, if a lower political weight is attached to blue-collar
worker interests ([psi]), then less importance is attached to the
polluting sectors of the economy. As noted above, the increased
likelihood of free riding in larger political constituencies poses
problems for a straightforward interpretation of the political weights
attached to interest groups by policymakers. In democratic countries,
government officials may favor groups with more members. Larger groups
are also likely to have greater electoral resources. However, groups
with more members tend to be prone to free-riding problems. In addition,
larger groups are likely to be costlier to organize, more difficult to
develop a coherent and consistent platform for, and to involve greater
difficulties in ensuring the political participation of all members.
Potters and Sloof (1996) provided a fairly comprehensive survey of the
empirical effects of group size on political outcomes. Overall, they
concluded that free riding is, in fact, a serious problem for larger,
unorganized groups. On the other hand, larger, organized groups, such as
trade unions, for example, wield greater influence. In deindustrializing
economies, the reduction in blue-collar power has in part been
manifested by the declining influence of trade unionism (see Freeman
1993). Clearly, deunionization is likely to reinforce the declining
political significance attached to the blue-collar interests in relaxing
environmental standards. (11)
In this section, we present evidence to examine the predictions of
the model. More informally, in the next two subsections, we present some
simple tabulations and correlations. First, we show that industrial
employment and polluting activity go hand in hand. Second, we show that
more unionized economies, which also tend to have more equitable
earnings distributions, favor the imposition of eco-taxes on consumers
rather than on industry. Finally, and more importantly, we present a
formal econometric analysis using panel data to investigate the
determinants of the stringency of environmental policy.
A. Deindustrialization and the Environment
A key feature of the model is that deindustrialization is
associated with a cleaner environment. This occurs for two reasons--an
economic one and a political one. The economic reason involves the
trade-off between a cleaner environment and the production of basic
manufacturing goods. In turn, higher employment in this sector is
associated with greater pollution emissions.
Political pressures also imply a positive correlation between
manufacturing employment levels and pollution emissions. For example, if
underlying economic growth and dynamic comparative advantages reduce
production and employment in basic manufacturing activities, then the
remaining workers in these sectors are likely to receive smaller
consideration in the political process. Consequently, policymakers
weight more heavily the preferences of workers (and voters) involved in
the production of "cleaner" goods. Doing so, of course, simply
reinforces the decline in basic manufacturing industry.
To provide a visual perspective of the relationship between
industrial employment and pollution emissions, we present plots for
organic water pollutants and industrial employment for seven countries
in Figure 1. The data are from a study of industrial emissions for a
limited number of countries by Hettige, Mani, and Wheeler (1998). Data
on water pollution are more readily available than other emissions data
because most industrial pollution control programs start by regulating
organic water emissions. Such data are also fairly reliable because
sampling techniques for measuring water pollution are more widely
understood and much less expensive than those for air pollution. The
emissions estimates represent biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) in
kilograms per day for each country and year. (12) The employment data
are from the United Nations Industrial Development Organisation. The
data series for each country is for 1975-1992 (or 1993). For ease of
comparison, the emissions and employment data were converted to indices
(with 1975 as the base year).
A couple of observations are immediate. First, changes in
industrial employment and water pollution are strongly complementary.
For instance, Canada suffered very steep reductions in its manufacturing
employment in the late 1980s and early 1990s due to an unexpectedly
severe recession and to the, somewhat more debatable, effects of the
passage of the Canada-U.S. Free Trade Agreement (see Gaston and Trefler
1997). In countries in which manufacturing employment has grown rapidly
(e.g., Singapore), there has been a corresponding increase in pollution
emissions. (13)
In those countries that have experienced the most marked
deindustrialization (see Baldwin and Martin 1999), for example, the
United Kingdom, pollution emissions have steadily fallen as employment
in manufacturing industry has declined over the entire time period. In
the relatively few developed countries that have not deindustrialized as
rapidly, emissions have remained relatively unchanged. (14)
B. Unions and the Environment
Next, we examine a subsidiary implication of the model developed in
Section II. Specifically, as the political institutions that have
traditionally supported blue-collar interests have declined in
importance, associated environmental regulations have toughened.
Portney (1982) argued that increasing unemployment pressures
policymakers to ease environmental standards. (15) By implication,
political pressure brought to bear on environmental policymakers is
greater when industrial employment levels fall. Fredriksson and Gaston
(1999) have noted that unions lobbying on behalf of unemployed members
may encourage policymakers to respond favorably to calls for easing
environmental restrictions. Yandle (1983) found that state expenditures
on environmental regulation in the United States were negatively related
to the number of workers in polluting industries and positively related
to the percentage of the manufacturing industry workforce that was
unionized. He interpreted the former relationship as evidence that
policymakers operate according to an environmental quality versus jobs
trade-off and the latter relationship as evidence of union rent seeking.
Overall, one expects that the decline of unionization in many
countries has helped the passage of more stringent environmental
regulations that affect industry. On the surface, the evidence on this
point is somewhat mixed. According to Tobey's (1990) indices of
environmental stringency, two of the three countries with the strictest
environmental standards (the United States and Japan) have among the
lowest rates of union membership in the world (as well as the lowest
percentage of workers covered by collective bargaining agreements).
However, the third, Sweden, has among the highest rates of unionization
in the world. Fredriksson and Gaston (1999) explained this phenomenon by
noting that the ambiguous stance of the trade union movement on
environmental policies depends on the exposure to unemployment of their
own members. It needs to be emphasized that it is the actual level of
industrial employment, rather than the rates of unionization of a
presumably smaller pool of manufacturing workers in deindustrializing
economies, that may be of greater significance for policymakers.
In this paper, special interest groups, representing blue-collar
and white-collar interests, help to determine the stringency of
environmental policy. In most countries, trade unions are the most
visible advocates of blue-collar interests. (17) If blue-collar workers
perceive a trade-off between environmental regulations and jobs, unions
are likely to oppose policies that threaten manufacturing employment.
Many OECD countries have recently introduced, or are considering
implementing, fiscal instruments or "eco-taxes" for
environmental management. Consider Table 1, which illustrates a specific
example of an "eco-tax." The data in Columns (1) and (2)
contain data on tax rates for household use and industrial use fuel for
a number of OECD countries. A number of features are apparent. For
example, the household use tax rate is highest in France and the
industrial use tax rate is highest in Switzerland and both tax rates are
lowest for the United States. The differences in tax rates across
countries reflect a number of influences, including such disparate
factors as the political importance of community environmental concerns
as well as fiscal considerations.
Of more interest is the difference between the rates of taxation
for industrial and household use. Column (3) indicates that the tax rate
on industrial use fuel is 61% of the tax rate on household use fuel in
Denmark; in the United States, the industrial use tax rate is 15% higher
than the household use tax rate. Once again, there are likely to be a
number of determinants of these cross-national differences. However,
these differences are also likely to reflect the importance of industry
concerns (i.e., shareholders and workers). Environmental and community
concerns are likely to be reflected in the tax rate levels. On the other
hand, national differences in the relative tax rates for industrial and
household fuels are likely to reflect the relative influence of industry
vis-a-vis households in the political process in which tax rates are
determined. Moreover, institutional features of the labor market are
important determinants of industry and union lobbying incentives and,
consequently, the observed pattern of environmental policy.
Consider the last column of Table 1--"Union Coordination
Index." Layard, Nickell, and Jackman (1994, 80-81) argued that when
unions have a national focus (designated by an index of "3"),
they take into account the common interests of the workforce in full
employment "rather than bargaining as atomistic groups of
insiders" (designated by an index of "1"). The data
reveal that bargaining at the national level is negatively related to
the tax rate disparity (the "Ratio" column). Of course, this
correlation may be purely coincidental. On the other hand, it appears
that a strong coordinated union movement is associated with relatively
higher tax burdens on households (i.e., which comprise blue-collar and
white-collar workers) as opposed to industry (which primarily employ the
blue-collar workers). Overall, unionization does appear to be strongly
linked to the observed pattern of environmental taxation of industry
relative to households.
C. Inequality, Industrial Employment, and Environmental Regulation
To conclude the empirical section, we present a formal econometric
analysis of the determinants of environmental policy. As much as
possible, we follow the empirical specifications previously suggested in
the literature. The major innovation, of course, is the introduction of
variables suggested by our own model. Another major step forward is our
use of EBA to isolate the most important determinants of environmental
Data and Variables. To proxy environmental stringency, we use the
lead content of gasoline. This measure has been used in previous
research (e.g., Damania, Fredriksson, and List 2003); its major
advantage is that the data are available as a panel for the period from
1982 to 1992 and for up to 48 countries. We transform the series by
taking the logarithm of it and multiplying it by -1. It is denoted by
LREGS. (18)
Our primary focus is examining the importance of blue-collar
workers for the political process that shapes the environmental policy.
Damania, Fredriksson, and List (2003) used the percentage of the labor
force employed in industry (INDSHEMP) to proxy political pressure by
industrial workers. (19) This pressure is also central to our
model's predictions. Since environmental regulations may increase
employment uncertainty, industrial workers use their political power to
prevent stricter regulations. The other variable important in our model
is wage inequality. The stringency of environmental regulations is
predicted to increase as blue-collar income declines. If wages fall
exogenously (e.g., due to skilled labor-biased or sector-biased
technological change that favors white-collar workers), then we predict
a more stringent environmental policy (i.e., a lower lead content of
In a recent paper, McAusland (2003) argued that greener pollution
policies could be associated with either greater or smaller income
inequality. In earlier research, inequality has often been associated
with an intensification of polluting activities (e.g., Boyce 1994;
Torras and Boyce 1998). Our model's predictions point in precisely
the opposite direction. That is, as an economy deindustrializes, income
inequality may increase as the wages paid to manufacturing workers in
low-tech, pollution-intensive industries fall. As it does so, the
influence of blue-collar workers in the policy-making process declines.
(20) To measure income inequality, we use the Gini coefficient data
recently updated and recalculated by Francois and Rojas-Romagosa (2005).
Needless to say, a large number of other variables have been
proposed as determinants of the level of environmental stringency. Cole,
Elliot, and Fredriksson (2006) used the urban population share (URBAN)
to test whether a greater exposure to industrial pollution by a larger
number of citizens increases environmental stringency. Cole, Elliot, and
Fredriksson (2006) also argued that the demand for environmental quality
increases with per capita income (LGDPPC). On the other hand, Congleton
(1992) emphasized that the effect of per capita income is theoretically
indeterminate (even though he estimated a positive relationship in his
study). He argued that despite the fact that the demand for
environmental quality is likely to be increasing with personal wealth,
voters and taxpayers also have to bear a higher share of the costs
associated with environmental regulations. These costs reduce national
income. A similar ambiguity is predicted for the effect of population
density (LPOPDENS). Congleton argued that population also serves as a
proxy for a country's human capital resources.
Damania, Fredriksson, and List (2003) contended that more open
economies will have higher environmental standards. McAusland (2003)
showed that trade openness and the pattern of factor ownership are
important determinants of the preference for pollution standards. If an
economy is small and open, then environmental policies have no effects
on the terms of trade. Hence, if the poor have a larger relative stake
in the production of dirty goods, then they may vote for weaker policies
when the economy is open because there are no beneficial terms of trade
effects associated with environmental regulations. We therefore use
trade intensity (TRADE), measured by the ratio of trade flows to gross
domestic product (GDP). Another commonly used openness measure is
foreign direct investment, which we measure as the ratio of the net
inflows of FDI to GDP (FDIGDP). (22) As a final proxy for openness, we
employ the KOF Index of Globalization (GLOBAL) (see Dreher 2006). (23)
Congleton (1992) argued that autocratic countries have lower
environmental standards because their rulers have shorter time horizons.
Consequently, the incentives to invest in environmental protection are
lower. Following Congleton, we also include a dictatorship dummy (DICT),
which takes the value 1 if the executive index of electoral
competitiveness is smaller than 3 (see Beck et al. 1999). In addition,
we employ POLFREE, which we measure as the average of the Freedom House
(2005) indices for civil liberties and political rights. Another
included variable is LEFT, which measures whether the chief executive
has a left-wing orientation or not. (24) Neumayer (2003) argued that a
left-wing executive is traditionally more likely to care for the
interests of blue-collar workers. As they work mostly in dirty sectors,
this may reduce environmental stringency (see also Fredriksson and
Gaston 1999). However, Neumayer noted that left-wing governments might
also be more amenable to policies that protect the environment. (25)
Damania, Fredriksson, and List (2003), Fredriksson, List, and
Millimet (2003), and Fredriksson and Svensson (2003) emphasized the role
that corruption might play in affecting the political agenda.
Accordingly, we include CORRUPT to measure the level of government
corruption. This variable is the "Government Honesty" variable
reported by the International Country Risk Grade. (26) For a summary of
all variables, their sources, their descriptions, as well as the study
that originally proposed them, see Table 2; Table 3 gives the
descriptive statistics and correlations of the variables.
Extreme Bounds Analysis. Since there are several studies that
investigate the effects on environmental stringency, there is a long
list of potential explanatory variables. Studies often restrict their
analysis to certain subsets of these variables and often ignore the
effects of any omitted variable bias when other variables are not
included. In addition to any model uncertainty, the limited number of
observations often restricts the power of statistical tests that rule
out irrelevant explanatory variables.
In order to address these issues, we use EBA, as proposed by
Learner (1983) and Levine and Renelt (1992). EBA enables us to examine
which explanatory variables are robustly related to our stringency
measure and is a relatively neutral way of coping with the problem of
selecting variables for an empirical model in situations where there are
conflicting or inconclusive suggestions in the literature.
To conduct an EBA, equations of the following general form are
(7) Y = [[beta].sub.M]M + [[beta].sub.F]F + [[beta].sub.Z]Z +
where Y is the dependent variable, M is a vector of "commonly
accepted" explanatory variables, and F is a vector containing the
variables of interest. The vector Z contains up to three possible
additional explanatory variables (as in Levine and Renelt 1992) which,
according to the broader literature, are related to the dependent
variable. The error term is [upsilon]. The EBA for a variable in
[F.sub.k] states that if the lower extreme bound for [MATHEMATICAL
EXPRESSION NOT REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII]--that is, the lowest value for
deviations--is negative, while the upper extreme bound for [MATHEMATICAL
EXPRESSION NOT REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII]--that is, the highest value for
deviations--is positive, the variable [F.sub.k] is not robustly related
to Y.
Sala-i-Martin (1997) argued that this testing criterion is far too
strong for any variable to ever pass it. If the distribution of the
parameter of interest has both positive and negative support, then a
researcher is bound to find at least one regression model for which the
estimated coefficient changes sign if enough regressions are run.
Consequently, in what follows, we not only report the extreme bounds but
also report the percentage of the regressions in which the coefficient
of the variable [F.sub.k] is statistically different from zero.
Moreover, instead of only analyzing the extreme bounds of the estimates
of the coefficient of a particular variable, we follow
Sala-i-Martin's (1997) recommended procedure and analyze the entire
distribution. Accordingly, we also report the unweighted parameter
standard error, as well as the unweighted cumulative distribution
function, CDF(0). The latter represents the proportion of the cumulative
distribution function lying on each side of zero. CDF(0) indicates the
larger of the areas under the density function either above or below
zero, that is, whether this happens to be CDF(0) or 1--CDF(0). So CDF(0)
always lies between 0.5 and 1.0. However, in contrast to Sala-i-Martin,
we use the unweighted, instead of the weighted, CDF(0). (27)
Another objection to EBA is that the initial partition of variables
in the M and in the Z vectors is likely to be arbitrary. However, as
pointed out by Temple (2000), there is no reason why standard model
selection procedures (such as testing down from a general specification)
cannot be used in advance to identify variables that are particularly
relevant. Furthermore, some variables are included in the large majority
of studies and are by now common in this branch of the literature.
In our view, the inclusion of LGDPPC in the M vector is the only
noncontentious inclusion as a regressor. In the literature on the
environmental Kuznets curve, the relationship between GDP per capita and
environmental quality has been widely discussed. Therefore, this
variable may also play an important role in determining the stringency
of environmental policy. While it is tempting to include our central
variables (INDSHEMP and INEQUAL) in the M matrix, we are conscious of
not prejudging the importance of our model and the outcome of the EBA.
The Results. As a preliminary to the EBA, we ran a first regression
using LGDPPC as well as our central variables and conducted
specification tests to test whether we have to correct for country-
and/or time-specific effects in our panel setup. As a result of these
tests, we include random country effects in all equations. (28)
Table 4 depicts the results of the EBA. (29) The criterion for
considering a variable to be robustly related to stringency is the
CDF(0) value. Sala-i-Martin (1997) suggested considering a variable to
be robust if the CDF(0) criterion is greater than 0.90. Instead, we
follow Sturm and de Haan's (2005) proposal to use a stricter
threshold value of 0.95 due to the two-sided nature of the test.
Turning to the results of the EBA, we see that real GDP per capita
(LGDPPC) is robustly and positively linked to the level of stringency.
(30) This result is also found in the existing empirical literature.
Therefore, to some extent, it resolves the potential theoretical
ambiguity which Congleton (1992) highlighted. (31)
We now turn to the extended model. Here, each of the variables
takes the role of the F vector once with the other 11 variables used in
175 combinations to test the robustness of this particular variable. The
variable LEFT, representing a left-wing chief executive, is usually
considered to be negatively related to stringency. A left-wing executive
traditionally cares for the interest of industrial workers and might
therefore be reluctant to increase environmental stringency. Our
empirical results support this view. The share of the urbanized
population (URBAN) has a negative relationship with stringency. Hence,
citizens living in urban areas tolerate lower levels of environmental
From the viewpoint of our simple model, the most important findings
of our analysis are the results for INDSHEMP and INEQUAL. (32) According
to the EBA, the former variable is robustly negatively related to the
measure of stringency. (33) Therefore, just as our theory suggests, a
declining blue-collar labor force is associated with diminished
blue-collar political power and leads to more stringent environmental
regulations. Our result for inequality is the more novel finding,
however. Greater dispersion in incomes is associated with a more, and
not less, stringent environmental policy. While this finding stands in
stark contrast to previous research, it is consistent with our model.
All other variables that are proposed in the literature, as being an
influencing factor for the stringency of environmental agenda setting,
clearly fail to meet the robustness criterion of a CDF(0) value above
0.95. This is another major finding of the EBA although obviously a
rather negative one with respect to the extant literature.
In order to evaluate the relevance of the variables, we also
estimate the magnitude of the impact that all variables have on the
policy stringency measure. We do this by calculating the effect that a
shock of one standard deviation of each variable has on LREGS. We
therefore multiply the average EBA coefficient with the standard
deviation of the respective variable and rank them in descending order
according to absolute value. (34) The resulting ranking is included in
Table 4 in the column "Impact Rank." The five variables that
exhibit a robust relation with the measure of stringency are among the
six variables that have the biggest impact on the dependent variable. In
addition, we report the histograms of the coefficients of our two
central variables. Figure 2 reveals that the estimated coefficients of
the key variables are distributed close to their respective means and
that there are no major outliers.
Concerning the robustness of our results, we use the five variables
that the EBA suggests are robustly linked to environmental stringency
and estimate our final model. The results are shown in Table 5.
Based on purely statistical criteria, it is the preferred model.
Again, the specification tests lead us to include country-specific
random effects. (35) However, we also present the results when adding
time-specific effects as a further robustness check. (36) Potentially
worrisome is the relatively small number of observations (due to the
list-wise deletion of missing observations on key variables). In order
to test whether our results are driven by the small sample, we linearly
interpolate our inequality measure to create more observations. The
results of these estimations are summarized in Table 6. Except for
URBAN, in the case of country- and time-specific fixed effects, all
variables are robust to the estimation technique, the inclusion of time
effects, and the sample size, that is, they are statistically
significant at conventional levels. Overall, the results of the EBA are
To summarize, there is obviously strong support for the argument
forwarded in this paper; namely, that declining economic significance is
associated with a decline in political significance. Both of these
factors reinforce one another and lead to more stringent environmental
Our paper has emphasized that political and economic considerations
interact to help explain the observed relationship between measures of
economic development and environmental quality. Deindustrialization,
falling real incomes of production workers, and a greater dispersion of
income are increasingly prominent features in many industrialized
countries. From a political economy perspective, such features can also
explain observed environmental policies.
When the social and economic consequences of either high
unemployment or falling incomes in manufacturing industries are high,
policymakers may be tempted to ease environmental regulations.
Symmetrically, as deindustrialization proceeds, as reflected by
declining industrial employment and the falling wages and incomes for
workers in basic manufacturing and pollution-intensive industries,
environmental stringency increases. That is, as these sectors of the
economy become less important economically, they are also likely to
carry less weight politically. Consequently, a regulator optimally
increases the stringency of environmental regulations. The argument is
simple and straightforward. Dynamic comparative advantages dictate that
mature, developed economies shift resources away from basic
manufacturing activities. Environmental policy simply reinforces this
To some readers, the argument developed in this paper may seem
overly optimistic from the point of view of the environment and overly
cynical from a social equity perspective. The risk of being overcynical
is particularly acute for those who believe that a sense of social
justice should prevail during times of rapid deindustrialization and
falling blue-collar worker incomes. In turn, the social and political
pressures may be thought to help override the demand for increased
regulatory stringency. If this were in fact the case, it would be
expected that environmental policies are least stringent in those
industrialized and democratic countries in which income inequality is
greatest. The evidence presented in the paper is consistent with the
exact opposite view. That is, countries with the strictest environmental
standards tend to be those with the greatest dispersion in their
BOD: Biochemical Oxygen Demand
EBA: Extreme Bounds Analysis
GDP: Gross Domestic Product
OECD: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
The first-order condition for the maximization of Bellman's
equation is
[[theta].sup.b]([partial derivative][W.sup.b.sub.t])/[partial
derivative][s.sub.t]) + [[theta].sup.w]([partial
derivative][W.sup.w.sub.t]/[partial derivative][s.sub.t]) +
[beta][V'.sub.t+1]([p.sub.t+1]) = 0.
Rearranging and simplifying, we have
where [[DELTA].sub.t] = U([y.sup.b,e.sub.t], [p.sub.t]) -
U([y.sup.b,u.sub.t], [p.sub.t]). Differentiating the value function
[V'.sub.t]([p.sub.t]) = [[theta].sup.b]([partial
derivative][W.sup.b.sub.t]/[partial derivative][p.sub.t]) +
[[theta].sup.w]([partial derivative][W.sup.w.sub.t]/[partial
derivative][p.sub.t]) + (1 -
After simplifying, we have
Substituting Equation (A2) into Equation (A1) yields
Substituting Equation (A3) into Equation (A1) yields the Euler
equation (i.e., Equation 4 in the text).
* We would like to thank Rodney Beard, Per Fredriksson, Jeff Kline,
Shravan Luckraz, Dan Sasaki, Jan-Egbert Sturm, Leon Taylor, and two
anonymous referees as well as participants of the Annual Meeting of the
German Economic Association (2006) and of the seminars at the University
of Adelaide, Bond University, the University of Groningen, and the
University of Tokyo for their helpful comments. Responsibility for
errors and omissions rests with the authors.
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Gassebner: Researcher, ETH Zurich, KOF Swiss Economic Institute,
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Gaston: Professor, Globalisation and Development Centre and School
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Lamla: Researcher, ETH Zurich, KOF Swiss Economic Institute, WEH
D4, Weinbergstrasse 35, CH-8092 Zurich, Switzerland. E-mail
(1.) There are many excellent surveys of the enormous literature on
international trade and labor market outcomes, for example, Johnson and
Stafford (1999).
(2.) This implies that "economic power" and political
power are both unequally distributed (see Barro 1999, 4).
(3.) As unionization has declined, there is some evidence that wage
inequality has increased (e.g., Freeman 1998).
(4.) In many developed countries, the combination of advanced
pollution abatement technologies, as well as the toxic waste generated
from office-situated photocopiers, suggests that it may not be entirely
appropriate to classify blue-collar work as polluting and white-collar
work as not.
(5.) Apart from adding some largely irrelevant parameters to the
model, allowing a dependence of income on emission flows adds very
(6.) If policymakers derive utility from a weighted sum of campaign
contributions and aggregate social welfare, that is, [V.sup.G](s) =
[[summation].sub.i = W, E, K] [[alpha][V.sup.i] ([alpha]) +
[I.sup.i][C.sup.i](s)], by applying Lemma 2 in Bernheim and Whinston
(1986), Grossman and Helpman (1994) showed that they actually end up
maximizing a weighted sum of the interest groups' objective
functions, that is, Equation (1). The application of the common agency
framework by Grossman and Helpman to model the political decision-making
process is not without its limitations. As a practical matter, political
contributions by organized lobby groups are illegal in some countries.
From a theoretical viewpoint, there is a two-sided moral hazard problem
associated with either politicians reneging on their policy promises
after contributions are received or lobbies reneging on promised
contributions once preferred policies are locked in place. However, note
that the objective described by Equation (1) is quite general and could
be alternatively motivated by a linear, additive version of a political
support function (Hillman 1982).
(7.) More specifically, since [y.sup.w] is deterministic and for a
threshold [[bar.p].sup.w] [greater than or equal to] [p.sub.0],
white-collar workers will always lobby when the stock of pollution
reaches this threshold value. On the other hand, blue-collar workers
lobby for laxer industry regulation until the marginal effect of higher
pollution on the probability of being employed falls below the marginal
disutility of greater pollution emissions.
(8.) By the law of large numbers [l.sup.p.sub.t] (1 -
[l.sup.b.sub.t]) can be interpreted as the fraction of employed
(unemployed) blue-collar workers. Recall that white-collar workers are
always employed, that is, [l.sup.w.sub.t] = 1.
(9.) Alternatively, g may represent a direct measure of wage
inequality between white- and blue-collar workers. For example, define
[y.sup.w,e.sub.t]/[y.sup.b,e.sub.t] = [g.sub.t] and [y.sup.b,u.sub.t] =
(10.) For reasons other than the expected shorter duration of
dictatorships, Olson (1993) argued that dictators wish to maximize tax
revenues and thus oppose any policies that would reduce revenue, for
example, those that result from increased pollution abatement
(11.) Fredriksson and Gaston (1999) showed that the stance taken by
the trade union movement on environmental policies is far from
unambiguous. Among other things, union "environmentalism" may
depend on the risk of unemployment for their members as well as the
presence of unemployed, nonunionized "outsiders."
(12.) Emissions of organic pollutants from industrial activities
are a major source of water quality degradation. The Hettige, Mani, and
Wheeler (1998) data are based on measurements of plant-level water
pollution in a number of countries. The focus is on organic water
pollution as indicated by the presence of organic matter, metals,
minerals, sediment, bacteria, and toxic chemicals. The pollution is
measured by BOD because it provides the most plentiful and reliable
source of comparable cross-country emissions data. BOD measures the
strength of an organic waste in terms of the amount of oxygen consumed
in breaking it down. A sewage overload in natural waters exhausts the
water's dissolved oxygen content. Wastewater treatment, by
contrast, reduces BOD. (The previous discussion is drawn from Worm
Development Indicators (World Bank 1999, 143).)
(13.) In the case of Ireland, the growing disparity between the two
indices may reflect the rapid increase in the service sector industries
associated with Ireland's "green tiger." We are grateful
to an anonymous referee for this observation.
(14.) Baldwin and Martin (1999) noted that the "first
wave" of globalization (pre-WW1), which generated rapid economic
development for many countries, was characterized by rapid
industrialization. In contrast, the "second wave" of
globalization (since 1960), which generated rapid income growth for many
developed countries, has been characterized by a process of
deindustrialization and the associated steady decline in industrial
(15.) In reference to the stance taken by European labor unions on
environmental regulation, Klepper (1992, 253) noted that the primary
objective of securing or increasing employment was thought to be
threatened by environmental policies.
(16.) Endersby and Munger (1992) found that union contributions
were given disproportionately to members of Congress who were members of
committees with legislative and regulatory jurisdiction over activities
that would affect labor.
(17.) Of significance, for the purpose of this paper at least, is
that countries with encompassing labor market institutions (i.e., large
unionized sectors with centralized bargaining) are characterized by
lower wage inequality (see, e.g., Freeman 1993; Organisation for
Economic Co-operation and Development 1997; Rowthorn 1992).
(18.) A rise in the transformed LREGS therefore represents a higher
level of environmental stringency. Hilton and Levinson (1998) and Octel
(The Associated Octel Company Ltd.) (1982-1992) provided a more detailed
description of these data.
(19.) Unless stated otherwise, all data are taken from the World
Development Indicators (World Bank 2003).
(20.) Consistent evidence is provided by Taylor (1998). He used
data for State expenditures per capita in the United States for
hazardous waste in the 1980s and for air pollution in the 1960s and
rejected the hypothesis that there is a trade-off between future
environmental quality and current manufacturing jobs.
(21.) These authors addressed measurement error problems in the
well-known World Bank inequality data set of Deininger and Squire (1996)
and produced a new data set of consistent inequality series.
(22.) Fredriksson and Gaston (2000) argued that greater capital
mobility weakens the incentive for capital owners to lobby and, ceteris
paribus, may lead to stricter environmental policies.
(23.) This index incorporates economic as well as the political and
social dimensions of globalization.
(24.) This variable is taken from Beck et al. (1999).
(25.) Neumayer argued that blue-collar workers are likely to be
among the first exposed to the effects of environmental degradation.
(26.) For details, see Knack and Keefer (1995).
(27.) Sala-i-Martin (1997) proposed using the integrated likelihood
to construct a weighted CDF(0). However, missing observations for some
of the variables poses a problem. Sturm and de Haan (2002) showed that
the goodness-of-fit measure may not be a good indicator of the
probability that a model is the true model and that the weights
constructed in this way are not invariant to linear transformations of
the dependent variable. Hence, changing scales could result in different
outcomes and conclusions. We therefore employ the unweighted version.
(28.) For readability, the results of the specification test of the
EBA are not shown. (However, they are available from the authors upon
(29.) Since there are substantial differences in the number of
observations for each variable, which potentially could influence our
results, we opt to restrict our sample based on our inequality measure
and hence ensure a more homogeneous sample.
(30.) This result is based on 231 regressions.
(31.) We also tested for a potential nonlinear relationship by
including the squared term into the model. However, this is not
supported by the data.
(32.) We also tested for potential nonlinear relationships by
including the squares of both variables in the model. However, both
added variables were insignificant.
(33.) In our regression model, the estimated coefficients represent
semi-elasticities. Hence, a one-unit change in the level of both
variables implies a beta percentage change in the level of the dependent
variable. As INDSHEMP is measured in percentages, a 1% increase in the
percentage employed in the industry sector leads to a beta percentage
change in the dependent variable.
(34.) Since the estimation results include country-specific random
effects, we de-mean all variables. Failing to do so could seriously bias
the results since the country-specific effects that were already taken
into account would again contribute to the result.
(35.) For comparison. Table 5 also contains the results for
country-specific fixed effects.
(36.) We also estimated model specifications that included a time
trend. There were no changes to the results.
Total Taxes as Percent of End-User Price for Automotive
Fuels, 1994
Household Industrial Ratio Coordination
Country Use (1) Use (2) (2) / (1) Index
Denmark 68.0 41.5 0.61 3
Sweden 76.5 48.3 0.63 3
Norway 67.3 46.0 0.68 3
Austria 63.9 49.1 0.77 3
Belgium 74.2 57.3 0.77 2
Netherlands 75.9 59.7 0.79 2
France 80.8 65.1 0.81 2
Portugal 73.5 59.4 0.81 2
Germany 76.9 62.5 0.81 2
Spain 68.6 56.9 0.83 2
Canada 50.0 41.6 0.83 1
Italy 76.1 65.1 0.86 2
United Kingdom 73.5 63.6 0.87 1
Switzerland 71.3 68.9 0.97 1
United States 34.4 39.6 1.15 1
Sources: Columns (1) and (2): Organisation for Economic
Co-operation and Development (1995, table 2, 48). Last
column: Layard, Nickell, and Jackman (1994, table 6, 78).
Values represent: 3 = high (national coordination); 2 =
inter-mediate; and 1 = low (firm level or uncoordinated).
TABLE 2 Variables--Definitions, Sources, and Hypotheses
Variable Source Description Sign Proposed By
LREGS Octel Log of lead Damania,
(1982-1992) content of Fredriksson,
gasoline, and List
multiplied by (2003)
CORRUPT International "Government + Damania,
Country Risk Honesty," Fredriksson,
Guide higher values and List
indicate less (2003)
DICT Beck et al. Dummy variable - Congleton
(1999) for (1992)
index of
ness < 3)
FDIGDP World Bank Net inflows of + Cole, Elliot,
(2003) foreign and
direct Fredriksson
investment (2006)
(% of GDP)
GLOBAL Dreher (2006) KOF Index of + This paper
INDSHEMP World Bank Employment in - Damania,
(2003) industry Fredriksson,
sector (% of and List
total (2003)
INEQUAL Francois and Gini + This paper
Rojas-Romagosa coefficient-
(2005) household
LEFT Beck et al. Dummy variable ? Neumayer
(1999) for the chief (2003)
party being
left wing
LGDPPC World Bank Log of GDP per ? Congleton
(2003) capita (in (1992)
constant 1995
LPOPDENS World Bank Log of ? Congleton
(2003) population (1992)
per hectare
POLFREE FHI (2005) Average of + Congleton
"civil (1992)
TRADE World Bank Trade intensity + Damania,
(2003) ((imports + Fredriksson,
exports)/GDP) and List
URBAN World Bank Urban + Damania,
(2003) population Fredriksson,
(% of total) and List
Notes: "Sign" refers to the expected sign of the variable
according to the literature "+/-" indicates a positive/negative
sign, while "?" represents an a priori indeterminate effect.
FHI, Freedom House.
Variables-Descriptive Statistics and Correlation Matrix
Mean Deviation (1) (2)
(1) LREGS -0.37 0.95 341 0.418
(2) CORRUPT 3.49 1.55 328 328
(3) DICT 0.22 0.42 341 328
(4) FDIGDP 1.17 1.71 324 311
(5) GLOBAL 1.91 0.74 310 310
(6) INDSHEMP 26.18 8.03 194 194
(7) INEQUAL 43.37 10.49 57 57
(8) LEFT 0.36 0.48 332 319
(9) LGDPPC 7.78 1.76 335 322
(10) LPOPDENS -0.45 1.36 330 319
(11) POLFREE 3.32 1.92 341 328
(12) TRADE 49.28 27.3 333 320
(13) URBAN 52.34 25.74 341 328
(3) (4) (5) (6)
(1) LREGS -0.225 -0.047 0.528 0.349
(2) CORRUPT -0.360 0.190 0.769 0.533
(3) DICT 341 -0.138 -0.357 -0.264
(4) FDIGDP 324 324 0.250 0.127
(5) GLOBAL 310 293 310 0.502
(6) INDSHEMP 194 192 193 194
(7) INEQUAL 57 57 57 52
(8) LEFT 332 315 302 188
(9) LGDPPC 335 324 304 194
(10) LPOPDENS 330 313 310 194
(11) POLFREE 341 324 310 194
(12) TRADE 333 322 302 194
(13) URBAN 341 324 310 194
(7) (8) (9) (10)
(1) LREGS -0.439 -0.110 0.490 0.285
(2) CORRUPT -0.381 0.130 0.707 -0.208
(3) DICT 0.471 -0.167 -0.537 -0.062
(4) FDIGDP 0.087 0.068 0.131 -0.240
(5) GLOBAL -0.582 0.053 0.865 -0.013
(6) INDSHEMP -0.399 0.180 0.724 0.037
(7) INEQUAL 57 -0.159 -0.428 -0.365
(8) LEFT 55 332 -0.104 -0.193
(9) LGDPPC 57 326 335 0.017
(10) LPOPDENS 57 322 324 330
(11) POLFREE 57 332 335 330
(12) TRADE 57 324 333 322
(13) URBAN 57 332 335 330
(11) (12) (13)
(1) LREGS -0.396 0.101 0.383
(2) CORRUPT -0.540 0.340 0.608
(3) DICT 0.635 -0.172 -0.372
(4) FDIGDP -0.182 0.504 0.060
(5) GLOBAL -0.706 0.438 0.771
(6) INDSHEMP -0.527 0.096 0.565
(7) INEQUAL 0.516 -0.429 -0.037
(8) LEFT -0.040 -0.143 -0.212
(9) LGDPPC -0.797 0.327 0.869
(10) LPOPDENS -0.110 0.187 -0.058
(11) POLFREE 341 -0.248 -0.670
(12) TRADE 333 333 0.235
(13) URBAN 341 333 341
Notes: The first two columns report the mean and the standard
deviation of each series; the upper right part of the remaining
table reports correlation coefficients, the main diagonal gives
the number of observations for each variable, while the lower
left shows the number of observations used to calculate the
correlation coefficients.
EBA Results (Dependent Variable: LREGS)
Lower Upper
Variable Bound Bound % Sign.
Base model
LGDPPC -0.482 3.861 83.55
Extended model
INDSHEMP -0.189 0.023 95.43
LEFT -1.398 0.150 93.14
URBAN -0.193 0.035 74.29
INEQUAL -0.029 0.130 70.86
LPOPDENS -1.115 3.579 34.29
POLFREE -0.292 0.583 33.14
FDIGDP -0.112 0.275 9.71
GLOBAL -1.685 2.893 40.57
TRADE -0.044 0.026 10.86
DICT -1.272 1.157 14.29
CORRUPT -0.648 0.438 2.86
Unweighted Unweighted Standard Impact
Variable CDF(0) [beta] Error Rank
Base model
LGDPPC 0.9878 1.513 0.445 3
Extended model
INDSHEMP 0.9813 -0.079 0.034 4
LEFT 0.9779 -0.626 0.285 1
URBAN 0.9651 -0.069 0.035 2
INEQUAL 0.9575 0.053 0.029 6
LPOPDENS 0.9194 0.753 0.508 11
POLFREE 0.8756 0.121 0.096 7
FDIGDP 0.8625 0.077 0.065 8
GLOBAL 0.8501 0.866 0.665 5
TRADE 0.8066 -0.010 0.010 9
DICT 0.7807 0.218 0.277 10
CORRUPT 0.5707 -0.046 0.145 12
Notes: Results based on 231 (base model) and 175 (extended
model) regressions, respectively, using country-specific random
effects. "%Sign." refers to the percentage of the regressions
in which the respective variable is significant at the 10%
significance level. "Impact Rank" lists the variables in
descending order according to the impact of a one-standard
deviation shock. The standard deviation is calculated after
de-meaning each variable to correct for country-specific
effects. Variables are sorted according to the CDF(0)
Final Model (Dependent Variable: LREGS)
Random Effects Fixed Effects
LGDPPC 3.652 *** (0.519) 4.363 *** (0.629)
INDSHEMP -0.098 *** (0.028) -0.132 *** (0.033)
LEFT -0.713 *** (0.232) -0.756 *** (0.253)
URBAN -0.107 *** (0.035) -0.080 * (0.049)
INEQUAL 0.062 *** (0.024) 0.063 ** (0.027)
Constant -24.221 *** (3.472) --
Observations 50 50
[R.sup.2] 0.944 0.925
Hausman test ([H.sub.0]: 2.863 --
random effects,
[H.sub.1]: fixed
F test (significance of 4.573 *** --
random effects)
LR test (Ho: pooled OLS, -- 107.7 ***
fixed effects)
Notes: Both regressions contain country-specific effects.
Standard errors are displayed in parentheses. LR, likelihood
ratio; OLS, ordinary least squares.
*, **, and *** indicate significance at the 10%, 5%, and
1% levels, respectively.
Robustness Checks (Dependent Variable: LREGS)
(a) (b)
LGDPPC 3.724 *** (0.533) 4.821 ** (2.141)
INDSHEMP -0.100 *** (0.030) -0.128 *** (0.046)
LEFT -0.702 *** (0.239) -0.970 *** (0.344)
URBAN -0.106 *** (0.036) -0.116 (0.076)
INEQUAL 0.063 ** (0.025) 0.057 * (0.031)
INEQUAL interpolated -- --
Constant -24.872 *** (3.595) --
Observations 50 50
[R.sup.2] 0.941 0.913
Hausman test ([H.sub.0]: 0.841 --
random effects,
[H.sub.1]: fixed
F test (significance of 4.812 *** --
random effects)
F test (significance of 1.329 --
random effects)
LR test (Ho: pooled OLS, -- 120.0 ***
[H.sub.1]: country and
time-specific fixed
(c) (d)
LGDPPC 3.405 *** (0.479) 1.883 *** (0.466)
INDSHEMP -0.093 *** (0.030) -0.065 ** (0.028)
LEFT -0.378 * (0.232) -0.478 ** (0.234)
URBAN -0.100 *** (0.037) -0.064 ** (0.029)
INEQUAL interpolated 0.060 ** (0.029) 0.041 * (0.026)
Constant -0.378 *** (0.232) 0.041 *** (0.026)
Observations 102 102
[R.sup.2] 0.921 0.934
Hausman test ([H.sub.0]: 2.965 0.891
random effects,
[H.sub.1]: fixed
F test (significance of 12.960 *** 18.815 ***
random effects)
F test (significance of -- 4.840 ***
random effects)
LR test (Ho: pooled OLS, -- --
[H.sub.1]: country and
time-specific fixed
Notes: Columns (a) and (d) contain country- and time-specific
random effects, Column (b) includes country- and time-specific
fixed effects, and Column (c) incorporates country-specific
random effects. Standard errors are displayed in parentheses.
*, **, and *** indicate significance at the 10%, 5%, and
1% levels, respectively.