Births, deaths, and marriages in the U.S. commercial banking industry.
Jeon, Yongil ; Miller, Stephen M.
The twentieth century witnessed two periods of dramatic regulatory
and structural change in the U.S. banking industry--the Great Depression
and the events of the 1980s and 1990s. While many important regulations
were enacted during the Great Depression, the 1980s and 1990s
experienced the repeal or reversal of most Depression-era financial
regulations. The 1980s and early 1990s experienced severe financial
turbulence the savings and loan crisis followed by another crisis in the
commercial banking industry. Those crises led to failure rates among
financial institutions not seen since the Great Depression. As a
consequence, the 1980s and 1990s saw deregulation that transformed the
banking industry from one with much geographic limitation on banking and
branching to one now characterized by interstate banking and branching.
The theory of industrial organization addresses several stylized
facts or empirical regularities of industry dynamics: (1) entry is
common, (2) entry is small scale, (3) survival is low-probability, and
(4) entry and exit are highly correlated. Dunne et al. (1988) and Pepall
et al. (2002, chap. 6) provide more details. Moreover, the fourth
empirical regularity contradicts standard microeconomic theory where
entry associates with high-performing, profitable, expanding industries
and exit associates with low-performing, unprofitable, contracting
industries. The empirical evidence implies that the process resembles a
lottery where many firms buy tickets (i.e., enter the market), most
firms eventually lose (i.e., exit the market), and only a few firms win
(i.e., stay in the market). In other words, long-term, permanent
penetration into an existing market presents significant barriers, and
thus few new firms succeed, because incumbent firms possess significant
advantages. Urban et al. (1984) and Pepall et al. (2002, chap. 6)
provide additional discussion.
The commercial banking industry during the recent two-decade period
of deregulation experienced those standard empirical regularities with
some variations. That is, entry occurred frequently and involved small
banks generally. Only a minority of those banks survived. The number of
entries and exits both increased dramatically during the past two
decades, although exits typically exceeded entries as the number of
banks traversed a downward trend. In addition, exits in the regulated
banking industry mostly involve mergers, even for failing banks. (2)
The U.S. commercial banking industry possessed institutional
characteristics that affect how the industry dynamics corresponded to
and differed from those empirical regularities. First, the founding
fathers exhibited much concern about preventing concentrations of power.
They adopted rules and regulations, in an attempt to prevent such
concentrations of power from emerging. That concern bore fruit in the
banking industry in the peculiar pattern of bank charters a dual banking
system and the regulation of banking activity on a geographic basis.
Thus, as we entered the last two decades of the twentieth century, the
United States possessed many more banks per capita than most other
countries in the world. (3) The deregulation of geographic restrictions
on banking activity expectedly led to a decline in the number of banks.
Thus, although both entries and exits played a significant role over the
past two decades, exits exceeded entries so that the total number of
banks fell, as noted.
Second, the banking industry plays a critical role in any
nation's economy. The loss of confidence in the banking industry
that led to subsequent bank panics and runs provided the typical
scenario for recession and depression throughout the nineteenth century.
(4) Consequently, the banking industry in the twentieth century
exhibited significant control on entry and exit by the various banking
regulators. That is, the number of bank entries and exits fell below
those that would have naturally occurred in an unregulated banking
industry. (5)
Finally, exits encompass two different events--failures and
mergers. Failing banks cannot freely exit; they must place themselves in
the hands of the regulators. In addition, experience shows, except
during the Great Depression, that the predominant form of exit occurs
through merger, not failure. In other words, the regulatory environment
probably increased the number of mergers and reduced the number of
failures relative to an unregulated banking industry.
This article focuses on important elements of those events--births
(new charters), deaths (failures), and marriages (mergers)--in the U.S.
commercial banking industry. We use pooled cross-sectional time-series
data, employing robust pooled tobit and random-effects tobit
specifications with bootstrap estimation techniques. Our analysis
contains two foci. First, we consider the effects, if any, of regulatory
control over the evolution of the U.S. banking industry by examining
births, deaths, and marriages in each state. Specifically, variables
that capture the effects of intrastate and interstate branching and
merger regulation may possess important effects on the dynamic evolution
of the banking industry. Moreover, we condition the findings on private
business decisions such as balance-sheet, income-statement, and
state-specific business-cycle effects, One finding stands out. The more
permissive intrastate and interstate branching regulation, especially
interstate, correlates positively with mergers but does not
significantly correlate with new charters and failures.
Second, we also employ temporal causality tests to consider the
timing relationships between births, deaths, and marriages. We find that
mergers temporally lead new charters and failures. The first result
(i.e., mergers leading new charters) supports the findings of Berger et
al. (1999), Keeton (2000), and Seelig and Critchfield (2003). (6) In
addition, the long-run effects of this temporal causality imply that
more mergers lead to more new charters and fewer failures.
The article progresses as follows. Section II provides an overview
of regulatory and structural change over the past 25 years. Section III
examines the existing literature that considers new charters, failures,
and mergers. Section IV offers an intuitive explanation of bank births,
failures, and marriages; describes the database; and outlines the
empirical tests. Section V discusses the empirical findings. Section VI
The regulatory environment within which the U.S. commercial banking
industry operates has undergone significant adjustment in the past 25
years, including but not limited to the Depository Institution Deregulation and Monetary Control Act of 1980, the Depository
Institution Act of 1982, and the Interstate Banking and Branching
Efficiency Act of 1994. (7) Because of its regulatory history, the U.S.
banking industry possesses many more independent institutions than is
the norm in the rest of the world.
Early in U.S. banking history, commercial banks received their
charters from individual states and could not operate across state
lines. The passage of the National Banking Act of 1864 established the
chartering of national banks by the Comptroller of the Currency, but
this new legislation, although silent on the issue of branching by the
national banks, was interpreted as conforming to existing prohibitions
against branching across state borders. The McFadden Act of 1927 and the
Banking Act of 1933 in principle prohibited branching across state
lines. (8)
Turning our attention to intrastate banking, state legislation has
generally liberalized its rules on branch banking within states'
borders. Historically, states were divided into three groups: (1) those
states that permitted statewide branching with few restrictions, (2)
those states that permitted limited statewide branching with numerous
restrictions, and (3) those states that permitted only unit banking with
essentially no branching activity. Legislative activity gradually
reduced the number of states to a very few that have unit banking or
limited branching. (9)
Branching and merger restrictions were originally promulgated to
prevent banking institutions from monopolizing credit markets. That same
legislation, however, frequently granted local monopoly power to smaller
community banks. Thus, the relaxation of restrictions on interstate and
intrastate banking and branching may lead to the acquisition of a large
number of small community banks. Such a prospect provides an important
policy concern associated with the probable effect on the supply of
credit to small businesses, organizations that many regard as the real
engines of growth (Ely and Robinson 2001).
In summary, economic events, individual bank performance, and
regulatory changes have produced merger and failure activity in the U.S.
commercial banking industry not seen since the Great Depression.
Furthermore, many new commercial banks entered the market with new
charters, tending to moderate the decline in the number of banking
Although a number of publications explore the recent activity in
new charters, failures, and mergers, few consider all three activities
together. Amos (1992) examines the regional pattern of commercial bank
failures during the 1980s (i.e., 1982 to 1988). He uses the state as his
level of observation and generates a cross-section sample of 50
observations by averaging the bank failure data across the 1982-88
period. He introduces regulatory (e.g., dummy variables for branching
regulation) and state-level macroeconomic variables (e.g., gross state
product, sectoral composition of gross state product) to explain the
pattern of bank closings. He concludes that a state experiences higher
failure rates when the state's economy possesses a larger share in
oil and gas extraction and more volatility in economic variables. He
finds little evidence suggesting that failures correlate with the
branching status dummy variables or states with higher concentrations of
farming or manufacturing.
Cebula (1994) modifies and improves Amos's (1992) analysis in
three ways. He introduces bank financial variables in addition to the
state-level economic and regulatory variables. He also extends the
sample through 1992 and adjusts the regression analysis for
heteroskedasticity. Following Amos (1992), he averages the data over the
1982-92 period and performs cross-section regressions with 50
observations. He derives several additional general conclusions. States
with higher capital ratios and lower net charge-offs to loans correlate
with lower failure rates. More limited evidence suggests that easier
regulation on branching and a higher average cost of funds associates
with a higher bank-closing rate.
Amos (1992) and Cebula (1994) both consider the effect of
intrastate branching regulation on the bank failure rate. Amos includes
dummy variables for statewide and unit branching states, finding no
significant effects. Cebula substitutes a dummy variable for limited
branching states, implying that statewide and unit banking states come
from the same specification. He finds that the failure rate was
significantly lower in limited branching states. Cebula also includes a
dummy variable for those states that prohibited interstate banking, but
the coefficient on that interstate banking dummy variable is not
Chou and Cebula (1996) perform a similar analysis of the failure
rates across states for the savings and loan industry. They consider
savings and loan failures in each state over the 1985-88 period relative
to the average number of savings and loans in operation from 1984 to
1988. Because some of the observations on the failure rate are zero,
they use the tobit model with heteroskedastic errors. They find that
four types of variables correlate significantly with the failure rate
regional economic conditions (e.g., the average growth rate of gross
state product), financial variables (e.g., the average cost of funds),
regulatory structure (e.g., federally chartered stock institutions to
all FSLIC-insured institutions), and political variables (e.g., dummy
variables indicating that states had representation on the Senate
Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee or the House Banking,
Finance, and Urban Affairs Committee). Their most robust findings
include the following: failure rates associate negatively with the
growth rate of gross state product, positively with the average cost of
funds, positively with the proportion of stock (rather than mutual)
associations, and negatively with federally chartered (rather than state
chartered) stock associations.
Stiroh and Strahan (2003) consider the effects of intrastate and
interstate branching and banking deregulation on exit dynamics, by which
they mean mergers and failures. They find some evidence that the exit
(merger plus failure) rate rose after deregulation of intrastate and
interstate branching and banking. Their findings, unlike Amos (1992),
Cebula (1994), Chou and Cebula (1996) or our article, do not control for
other possible correlates with the exit rate.
In a series of publications, DeYoung (1999, 2003a, b) explores
various aspects of the life cycle of de novo banks in the United States
since 1980. He (1999, 2003b) finds that newly chartered banks possess
lower failure rates than existing commercial banks during the first few
years of operation. But their failure rate rises to exceed that of
existing banks after those first few years and then converges back to
the failure rate of established banks over time. DeYoung then proposes a
simple lifecycle model of de novo bank failure and tests the theory with
hazard and duration models for a sample of newly chartered banks. The
initial capitalization of de novo banks explains their initial lower
failure rate, when they earn negative net incomes. The capital cushion,
however, disappears before net income becomes positive and stable enough
to stave off failure for those de novo banks that do fail. DeYoung
concludes that if the policy objective focuses on eliminating the
failure of newly chartered commercial banks, then regulators should
increase the initial capital requirements for de novo entry. Significant
increases of capital requirements, however, may too severely restrict
the number of de novo entries in DeYoung's view. In other words,
regulators should not prevent all bank failures.
DeYoung (2003a) expands his analysis of de novo bank failures to
consider de novo bank exits (i.e., failures, acquisitions, and branch
conversions). He finds that de novo bank acquisitions (and conversions)
occur at a higher rate than for established banks, although the
difference falls below that for de novo bank failures relative to
established banks. De novo bank acquisitions also respond more to local
economic conditions and regulatory regimes rather than bank-specific
financial information.
Amel and Liang (1997) apply a two-equation model of entry and
performance (profitability) to the U.S. commercial banking industry.
They examine the hypothesis that bank entry limits persistent
above-average profits in a competitive environment. By entry, they mean
new banks (new charters) or new branches. Their database includes the
entry of new banks and new branches into local banking markets from 1977
to 1988--over 4,000 entries into 2,300 local banking markets. They
conclude that the competitive process exists in the U.S. commercial
banking industry, where higher profits attract entry and entry reduces
profits. Moreover, market size and growth, measured by population and
its growth, correlate positively with bank entry. Finally, legal
branching restrictions play a minor role in explaining bank entry.
Another group of publications consider the temporal relationship
between new entrants and mergers. Berger et al. (1999), Keeton (2000),
and Seelig and Critchfield (2003) investigate whether new bank entrants
fill a void left by bank mergers. That is, new entrants provide services
to small businesses and other bank customers formerly provided by banks
that have now merged into larger organizations. (10) That conventional
wisdom argues that bank mergers lead to new entrants. Berger et al.
(1999) support conventional wisdom with their empirical results. Keeton
(2000) also finds support for the mergers-imply-new-entrants hypothesis.
Moreover, he criticizes the methods of the previous paper and offers an
improved method. Keeton (2000) concludes that "new bank formations
may offset some of the harmful effects of mergers, making it more likely
that banking consolidation is beneficial on balance" (p. 35). Most
recently, Seelig and Critchfield (2003) also support the
mergers-lead-to-new-entrants hypothesis.
Descriptive Model
The dynamic structure of industries evolves as firms enter, exit,
and merge. Entry and exit of firms provide the key elements to the
efficient operation of a competitive market. (11) In the banking
industry, the experience of the nineteenth century shows that many
recessions associate with bank (financial) panics, where the private
sector lost confidence in the banking industry. Although free entry and
exit makes most markets work efficiently, such freedom can lead to a
loss of confidence in the banking industry and precipitate a banking
panic. Thus, traditionally regulators control entry into, exit from, and
merger within the banking industry.
Competitive markets experience the entry (birth) of new firms, the
exit (death) of existing firms, and the merger (marriage) of existing
firms as a consequence of the individual performance of the firms in an
industry as well as the aggregate performance of the overall economy. In
other words, births, deaths, and marriages of firms within an industry
depend on the general state of the economy as well as managerial
decisions within firms that produce those firms' performances.
Better average individual firm performance and a more vibrant overall
economy probably generates more births and fewer deaths but produces an
ambiguous effect on marriages.
In the banking industry, we must consider the effects of
regulation, in addition to the performances of the average individual
bank and the overall economy. The deregulation instituted over the past
25 years in the United States weakened restrictive policies that
permitted many mergers both within and between states. As banks merged
and grew bigger, a niche opened for new bank entry, which the new, more
relaxed regulatory environment aided and abetted. Since deregulation
increases competition, competitive pressures force weak, poorly
performing banks to improve their performance or leave the industry
through mergers or failures. (12) In sum, deregulation should, holding
other things constant, generate increases in births, deaths, and
marriages. Our empirical work examines the effects of individual bank
performance (more precisely the average performance of banks within each
state), the state economy's performance, and deregulation on
births, deaths, and marriages in the U.S. commercial banking industry.
Reiterating our main focus, we consider how deregulation affects the
process of births, deaths, and marriages.
The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) reports balance
sheet and income statement data aggregated for each state and the
District of Columbia. (13) We supplement these data with state-level
macroeconomic information on population and the unemployment rate. (14)
Our cross-sectional, time-series database includes the 50 states and the
District of Columbia over 27 years from 1978 to 2004--a pooled data set
of 1,377 observations. We also perform temporal causality tests between
new charter, failure, and merger rates using data over 36 years from
1969 to 2004 across the 50 states and the District of Columbia a pooled
data set of 1,836 observations.
Our analysis examines the determinants of birth, death, and
marriage rates as measured by the ratio of new charters, failures, and
mergers to total banks in each state (and the District of Columbia) for
each year. (15) More specifically, births equal the number of new
(federal and state) commercial bank charters in state i in year t.
Marriages equal the number of commercial banks in state i purchased by
unrelated acquiring banks (either in state i or in another state j)
during year t. Deaths equal the number of insolvent commercial banks in
state i in year t that the FDIC resolves through either a liquidation,
an arranged purchase and assumption, or another method. Our explanatory variables fall into three categories--branching and merger deregulatory
variables, state-level bank information, and state-level economic data.
Several variables capture the regulatory stance of states with
respect to mergers and acquisitions on an intrastate and interstate
basis. Two variables capture intrastate deregulation. First, the ratio
of branches to banks measures the effective regulatory stance in the
state with respect to branching. (16) Second, a dummy variable captures
intrastate multibank holding company activity within state borders.
Three dummy variables capture interstate deregulatory activity--that is,
the regulatory stance in each state vis-a-vis bank mergers through
multibank holding companies across states. A state could allow
out-of-state bank holding companies to acquire banks within its borders
with or without conditions (reciprocity). For example, some states
allowed bank holding companies from a given set of other states to
acquire a bank within its borders only if that same set of states also
allowed bank holding companies from this state to acquire banks within
their borders. As described in note 8, several regional compacts emerged
that allowed (regional) interstate bank holding company acquisitions.
All such regulations became abrogated with the passage of the Interstate
Banking and Branching Efficiency Act of 1994 (hereafter the 1994 Act),
which permitted bank holding company operations on a national basis
without geographic restrictions as well as true interstate banking
itself. The first dummy variable equals one, if a state possesses
regional reciprocity, zero otherwise; the second equals one, if a state
possesses national reciprocity, zero otherwise; and the third equals
one, if a state possesses national nonreciprocity, zero otherwise. (17)
With the adoption and implementation of the 1994 Act, all states default
to the third dummy variable with national nonreciprocity equal to one.
That is, a state that allowed bank holding company acquisitions within
its borders from any other state (i.e., no regional restrictions)
without other states adopting similar legislation with respect to this
state (no reciprocity) matches the practical effects of the 1994 Act.
Though the main focus of our analysis considers the effects of
deregulation, we also include other control variables financial
variables and state-level economic activity information. The financial
variables fall into three categories--portfolio allocation decisions,
income and expense factors, and risk variables. Our specification uses
crude portfolio allocation decisions--equity to assets, loans to assets,
and deposits to assets. In addition, we introduce more refinements to
portfolio allocation effects--real estate loans to loans, commercial and
industrial loans to loans, consumer loans to loans, and
non--interest-earning deposits to deposits.
The income and expense variables include average noninterest cost
(noninterest expense to liabilities), noninterest expense to total
(interest and noninterest) expense, average noninterest revenue
(noninterest revenue to assets), and noninterest revenue to total
(interest and noninterest) income. Also, net charge-offs to loans
measures the riskiness of the portfolio. Finally, state-level economic
information includes the unemployment rate, the total population, and
the population growth rate.
Empirical Tests
We extend the analysis of Amos (1992) and Cebula (1994) by
employing pooled data, using more information on the balance sheet and
income statement data of the banking system, and examining births,
deaths, and marriages within the commercial banking industry. Moreover,
we adopt pooled and random-effects tobit specifications with robust or
bootstrap estimation techniques, respectively. (18)
The dependent variables in our regression analysis include the
birth rate (new charters to total banks, ch/bk), the death rate
(failures to total banks, fl/bk), and the merger rate (mergers to total
banks, mg/bk). We collect the banking data in each state (and the
District of Columbia) in each year from 1966 to 2004; the state-level
economic data cover 1978 to 2004. (19)
For each dependent variable, we implement two different regression analyses looking for correlates with the dependent variables, and
looking for timing relationships between the dependent variables
themselves. The first set of regressions runs from 1978 to 2004 and
includes the same set of independent variables for each dependent
variable. We include branching and merging regulatory variables, (20)
portfolio allocation variables, (21) and state-level macroeconomic
variables. (22) Table 1 reports summary statistics for the variables
used in our econometric work.
The specifications for the regressions are as follows:
The second time-series analysis runs from 1969 to 2004 and
regresses each dependent variable onto lagged values of both its own and
the other dependent variables. We then perform tests to determine
whether the lagged values of other dependent variables significantly
explain (Granger-cause) the movement of a given dependent variable. For
example, do previous mergers per bank significantly affect charters per
bank? (23) Although the Granger temporal-causality test determines
whether changes in one variable (e.g., mergers per bank) lead changes in
another variable (e.g., charters per bank), it does not determine
whether there is an ongoing, long-run effect. Thus, we also test the
null hypothesis that the sum of the coefficients equals zero. For
example, do previous mergers per bank significantly affect charters per
bank on an ongoing, cumulative basis?
The specification of the time-series analysis is as follows:
Since the dependent variables each have a number of zero entries,
we perform the robust pooled tobit and the random-effect tobit with
bootstrap errors.
Bank New-Charter, Failure, and Merger Rates: Structural Regression
Table 2 reports the regression results for the birth rate (new
charters to total banks, ch/bk), the death rate (failures to total
banks, fl/bk), and the marriage rate (mergers to total banks, mg/bk).
(24) The marriage rate data incorporate two different adjustments.
First, we exclude mergers between banks within the same bank holding
company (common-law marriages). Second, we also separate bank marriages
into in-state and out-of-state marriages. (25)
Regulatory Variable Results. The branching and regulatory variables
possess significant effects, largely in the merger rate regressions.
None of the regulatory variables significantly affect bank failure
rates. Of these regulatory variables, only the branches to banks (br/bk)
and the multibank holding company dummy variable (mbh) exhibit
significant effects on the new charter rate regressions. In this case,
more permissive branching regulation and multibank holding company
activity within a state correlates with a higher new charter rate. The
magnitudes of the effects from branches to banks and the within-state
multibank holding company dummy variable equal about 25% and 10%,
respectively. These percentages mean that a one-standard-deviation
increase in the independent variable produces an x% of the standard
deviation increase in the dependent variable. (26)
The existence of bank holding company merger legislation at the
regional or national level with or without reciprocity uniformly
associates with higher merger rates. The magnitudes of the coefficients
differ between the total and in-state merger rates regressions only for
the national interstate bank holding company legislation without
reciprocity, suggesting that out-of-state merger rates may respond to
this regulatory variable. (27) More specifically, the magnitudes of the
three interstate branching and banking regulatory dummy variables
regional interstate bank holding company activity (dreg), national
interstate bank holding company activity without reciprocity (dnatr),
and national interstate bank holding company activity with reciprocity
(dnatr)--equal around 30%, 45%, and 20%, respectively. In a similar way,
branches per bank significantly affect the total merger rate (mg/bk)
with a magnitude equal to about 10%, but not the in-state merger rate
(ismg/bk). That is, more permissive branching rules correlates with
higher merger rates, which probably reflects out-of-state mergers. And
also, states that permit multibank holding company activity experience
higher merger rates, significant at the 5% or 10% levels, with a
magnitude equal to 13%.
Financial Variables. A small number of financial variables
significantly relate to new charter, failure, and merger rates. Higher
loans to assets (l/a), lower noninterest expenses to total expenses
(nie/e), and lower average noninterest expenses (i.e., noninterest
expense to total liabilities, anie) associate with higher new charter
rates, with magnitudes equal to 20%, 40%, and 28%, respectively. That
is, the financial signals from the existing banking community for more
new charters include states with higher profitability (i.e., higher
income and lower expenses). (28) Similar variables on the revenue side
do not send significant signals. What does this imply? Revenue plays an
important role in new charters, as indicated by the significance of the
loan to asset ratio, but the distribution of the revenue between
interest and noninterest sources does not affect that decision. The
deposit to assets ratio (d/a) does not prove significant, but both the
distribution of expenses between interest and noninterest and the
average noninterest expense do significantly affect that decision.
In the failure rate regressions, higher net charge-offs to loans
(ncoff/l, 90), lower equity to assets (eq/a, 70), lower non--interest
bearing deposits to total deposits (dni/d, 40), higher noninterest
income to total income (niy/y, 225), lower noninterest expense to total
expenses (nie/e, 70), lower average noninterest income (i.e.,
noninterest income to total assets, aniy, 175), and higher average
noninterest expenses (i.e., noninterest expense to liabilities, anie,
400) all associate with higher failure rates, where numbers in
parentheses equal magnitudes in percent. Troubled banks exhibit higher
net charge-offs to loans and lower equity to assets. Thus, the
correlation between net charge-offs to loans and equity to assets
confirms conventional wisdom. In addition, banks with higher
interest-bearing deposits to total deposits will experience a higher
cost of funds, which at the margin makes banks more susceptible to
failure. Further, higher correlations of the average noninterest revenue
and average noninterest expenses with the failure rate also seem
logical, whereby lower revenue and higher expenses associate with higher
failure rates. The finding that higher noninterest income to total
income correlates with higher failure rates runs counter to conventional
wisdom. (29) That is banks that generate revenue through noninterest
sources may possess operating difficulties. Note that we just reported
that higher average noninterest revenue correlates with lower failure
rates. The coefficient on non-interest income to total income holds the
average noninterest revenue constant. Thus, the increase in noninterest
income to total income probably reflects a fall in interest income,
because noninterest revenue to assets does not change. As a consequence,
higher noninterest income to total income associates with a higher
failure rate, because interest income falls. Using a similar argument,
higher noninterest expense to total expenses correlates with lower
failure rates. To the extent that the higher noninterest expense to
total expenses reflects lower interest expense and not higher
noninterest expense, this finding appears reasonable. Note that the
evaluation of the coefficient of noninterest expense to total expense
holds average noninterest expense constant. Finally, the magnitude of
the effects of the significant independent variables in the failure rate
specification equals several multiples of the magnitudes of the effects
in the new charter and merger rate specifications. That is, the failure
rate responds more to the independent variables than the new charter and
merger rates.
Consider the merger regressions. Higher net charge-offs to loans
(ncoff/l) correlate with lower merger rates. The magnitudes of the
effect equal around 30% and 15% for the in-state (ismg/bk) and total
(mg/bk) merger rate specifications, respectively. (30) This relationship
proves significant in all case except for total merger rates in the
random-effects to bit specification with bootstrap errors. Viewing the
level of net charge-offs to loans as measure of the riskiness in the
lending market, then merger activity diminishes when the market gets
riskier. Holding net charge-offs to loans constant, the larger the
fraction of deposits that pay interest (i.e., the smaller noninterest
deposits to total deposits, dni/d), the higher the merger rate with a
magnitude of that rises from around 40% for the total merger rate
specification to nearly 50% for the in-state merger rate specification.
In other words, holding banking market risk constant, a higher fraction
of interest-bearing deposits to total deposits implies that the
profitability of banking falls at the margin. Thus, merger activity
increases. Similarly, lower equity to assets (eq/a) associates with
higher merger rates, holding the riskiness of the banking market
constant. Here, the magnitude rises from about 15% for the total merger
rate specification to just over 30% for the in-state merger rate
specification. This latter effect proves significant in every case,
except the total merger specification with bootstrap errors. Finally,
higher average noninterest expense (anie) correlates with a higher
merger rate in both the total and in-state merger rate specifications.
For the in-state merger specification, lower average noninterest income
(aniy) and higher noninterest income to total income (niy/y) correlates
with higher (in-state) merger rates, with magnitudes equal to about 80%
and 35%, respectively.
We note a close correspondence between the failure and merger rate
specifications, especially the in-state merger rate specification,
results with respect to effects of the financial variables. Net
charge-offs (ncoff/l) provides the exception that proves the rule. That
is, higher net charge-offs to loans correlates with more failures but
fewer mergers. The other financial variables possess the same signs and
significance. Another way to view mergers more broadly encompasses
assisted and unassisted mergers, where the assisted mergers represent
failures. In other words, failures represent government-assisted
mergers. The major difference in findings relates to the magnitude of
the effects, where the failure rate specification responds more to
changes in independent variables than do the new charter and merger rate
State-Level Macroeconomic Variables. The state-level macroeconomic
variables exhibited several significant effects in the new charter,
failure, and merger rate specifications. The strongest effect occurs in
the new charter rate (ch/bk) specification, where the population growth
rate (popg) positively associates with the new charter rate with a
magnitude equal to about 30% implying that states with growing
populations require a growing banking sector partly facilitated by new
charters. The unemployment rate (unem) did not significantly affect any
of the dependent variables, although it approaches significance at the
10% level in the failure rate specification with a positive correlation.
The natural log of population (lpop) significantly associates with
failure and merger rates for most specifications with a magnitude equal
to around 15%. Higher population correlates with higher failure and
merger rates.
Summary of Results. Bank failure rates respond to financial and
state-level macroeconomic variables but not to branching and merger
regulatory variables. Bank merger rates respond to all of the branching
and merger regulatory variables. Finally, new charter rates respond only
to a few banking and merger regulatory, financial, and state-level
macroeconomic variables. The failure rate and merger rate, especially
the in-state merger rate, specifications exhibit many similarities in
our findings. The new charter rate specification differs significantly
from the failure and merger rate specifications.
New Charter, Failure, and Merger Rates: Time-Series Causality Tests
Table 3 reports the timing (Granger causality) results as well as
the accumulation of lagged effects for new charter, failure, and merger
rates. (31) Strong evidence exists that mergers within a state precede
new charters and failures. That mergers temporally lead new charters
supports the results reported in Berger et al. (1999), Keeton (2000),
and Seelig and Critchfield (2003). The evidence also suggests that bank
failures per bank lead new bank charters. (32)
Table 3 also reports results for the long-run, cumulative effects.
Here, the findings suggest that more mergers per bank lead to a
cumulative increase in new charters per bank and a cumulative decrease
in failures per bank. That is, more mergers reduce the potential supply
of weak banks that may fail and opens the door to new entrants.
Moreover, more new charters per bank also lead to a cumulative increase
in failures per bank. Many new banks fail within a few years of opening
their doors (DeYoung 1999, 2003a,b), which proves consistent with this
timing result.
Regulatory reform not seen since the Great Depression swept the
U.S. banking industry beginning in the early 1980s and culminating with
the Interstate Banking and Branching Efficiency Act of 1994. Banking
analysts anticipated dramatic consolidation with large numbers of
mergers and acquisitions. Less well documented but equally important was
the continuing entry of new banks, tempering the decline in the overall
number of banking institutions.
Amos (1992) and Cebula (1994) consider the proximate causes of
commercial bank failure rates, using cross-section data across states.
(33) Whereas Amos (1992) finds no significant effects of intrastate
branching dummy variables, Cebula (1994) discovers that limited
branching states experience significantly lower failure rates than
statewide or unit branching states. Cebula's results, however,
raise questions, because it seems inappropriate to lump statewide and
unit branching states under the same "homogenous" umbrella.
In addition to deaths (failures), this article examines births (new
charters) and marriages (mergers) in the U.S. commercial banking
industry. Our regression analysis employs pooled cross-sectional
time-series data, using pooled and random-effects tobit specifications
with either robust or bootstrap estimation techniques. We perform two
regression analyses. The first analysis tests for the correlates with
birth, death, and marriage rates from a set of regulatory variables,
financial variables, and state-level macroeconomic variables. The second
analysis tests the temporal relationships among birth, death, and
marriage rates.
Several general findings came to the surface. First, states with
more branches per bank and states that permit multibank holding company
activity within its borders correlate positively with new charters per
bank and mergers per bank. In addition, all three interstate branching
and banking regulatory dummy variables exhibit strong and significant
positive effects in each merger rate specification. (34) That is, more
permissive intrastate and interstate branching and banking regulation
correlates with more new charters and mergers. We find, unlike Cebula
(1994), no evidence that intrastate branching regulation correlates with
the failure rate. Moreover, Stiroh and Strahan (2003) report significant
evidence that intrastate and interstate branching and banking
deregulation enhances the exit rate, where exit means mergers and
failures. Our results match the Stiroh and Strahan's findings, if
their results reflect mergers rather than failures.
The failure rate specification generally exhibits coefficient
estimates that imply the largest magnitudes for the financial variables.
That is, the failure rate proves much more sensitive to changes in the
financial variables than the new charter and merger rates. At the same
time, the in-state merger rate specification significantly responds to
the same financial variables and in the same direction, albeit with a
smaller magnitude, as does the failure rate specification. The
difference between an instate merger and a failure represents a matter
of degree rather than kind. Many bank failures are identified as
FDIC-assisted mergers. Thus, the same financial variables that signal an
in-state merger can also signal a failure. The total merger rate
specification experiences some differences in what financial variables
significantly affect mergers relative to those that significantly affect
failures, suggesting that out-of-state mergers dance to a slightly
different tune than either in-state mergers or failures with regard to
financial variables. Furthermore, the new charter rate specification
exhibits a smaller set of significant explanatory variables than the
failure and merger rate specifications. Nonetheless, a few regulatory,
financial, and state-level macroeconomic variables do affect the new
charter rate.
In addition, mergers temporally lead new charters and failures. The
mergers-lead-new-charters result supports the findings of Berger et al.
(1999), Keeton (2000), and Seelig and Critchfield (2003). Also, failures
temporally lead new charters. In other words, two-way temporal causality
exists between failures and new charters, whereby failures open the door
to new entry and new entry soon leads to more failures, because many
newly chartered banks do not survive beyond a few years.
In summary, intrastate and interstate deregulation of banking and
branching activity has promoted significant consolidation, both on a
national and state-by-state basis. That consolidation process has
proceeded more slowly than many analysts projected, as new bank entry
has cushioned the decline in banking institutions.
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(1.) Conventional wisdom suggests that the emergence of interstate
banking and branching generated a significant increase in mergers and
acquisitions as seen in Rhoades (2000) and Jeon and Miller (2003). One
view of the consolidation process in the banking industry suggests that
it is by and large a positive event--banks became more efficient, as
argued by Jayaratne and Strahan (1997, 1998). and better-run banks
increased their market share, as noted by Stiroh and Strahan (2003).
Another view, articulated by Ely and Robinson (2001), sees a possible
negative effect of consolidation on the availability of loans to small
businesses. Still another view notes that recent merger activity
increased measures of industry concentration and profitability, where
concentration temporally led profitability as argued by Jeon and Miller
(2005). Together, failures and mergers led to a large exodus of
institutions from the banking industry. New charters counterbalanced
that movement to some extent.
(2.) Our data on mergers, however, include only unassisted mergers
while failures include government-assisted mergers and outright
failures. See DeYoung (1999) for the life-cycle of new bank entrants.
(3.) For example, Canada's six largest domestic banks dominate
the banking markets. The United States, on the other hand, had 7,360
banks at the end of 2004.
(4.) Goldfeld and Chandler (1981, p. 194) state that
"full-fledged (banking) panics in 1873, 1884, 1893, and 1907; ...
most banks suspended payments for periods of varying lengths; ... and
business activity suffered."
(5.) The chartering process restricts bank entries. Moreover,
government regulators' willingness to assist troubled and failing
banks provides another brake on bank exits.
(6.) Conventional wisdom argues that the unemployed officers of a
merged bank frequently acquire a charter and open a new bank, providing
a rationale for the mergers lead new charters finding.
(7.) Our historical discussion of banking regulation relies heavily
on Kane (1996) and Kroszner and Strahan (1999).
(8.) Several loopholes existed, however, in the legal landscape.
First, a number of banks already operated across state lines at the time
of the McFadden Act legislation. Those institutions' operations
were grandfathered. But second, and more important, bank holding
companies were permitted to acquire banks across state lines. The
Douglas Amendment to the Bank Holding Company Act of 1956 partially
closed that second loophole, unless such cross-state acquisitions by
bank holding companies were explicitly permitted by the states involved.
Maine first mined that remaining loophole in 1975 when it adopted
legislation permitting out-of-state bank holding companies to acquire
Maine banks, if reciprocity existed in the states of the acquiring
holding companies. But substantial movement did not really begin until
1982 when New York passed similar reciprocity legislation and
Massachusetts passed regional reciprocity legislation restricted to the
New England states. The overtures by New York and Massachusetts led to a
patchwork of regional reciprocity pacts over the following few years.
Most states participated in one or more regional pacts with California,
New York, and Texas as notable exceptions (exclusions). Based around
regional financial centers, regional pacts arose in New England, the
Southeast, the Midwest, and the Northwest. Although banks were permitted
to acquire failed thrift institutions across state lines as a result of
the savings and loan crisis, the bulk of bank mergers across state lines
still proceeded through bank holding companies. Finally, and most
recently, the Interstate Banking and Branching Efficiency Act of 1994
permitted banks to acquire banks in other states.
(9.) For example, Kroszner and Strahan (1999, pp. 1239-42) describe
the "origins and demise" of banking and branching regulations.
(10.) Keeton (2000) uses that cause-and-effect argument. An
alternative hypothesis views increased merger activity as a signal that
bank charters go at a premium. Thus, new entrants acquire a bank charter
solely to have it acquired by another bank through merger.
(11.) Jayaratne and Strahan (1998) argue that for the U.S. banking
industry "severe restrictions imposed on the geographic scope of
banks retarded the natural process of selection whereby better-managed,
lower-cost banks expand at the expense of inefficient ones" (p.
(12.) Winston (1998), in a survey, provides a good discussion of
the effects of deregulation on the dynamics of industry structure.
(13.) The commercial bank balance sheet and income data on a
state-by-state basis come from the FDIC (available online at Critchfield kindly provided the 2003 and
2004 data on changes in the number of commercial banks (i.e., table
CB02), which were not yet posted when we updated our database.
(14.) The Census Bureau ( and the Bureau of
Labor Statistics ( report population and
unemployment rate data, respectively, on a state-by-state basis.
(15.) The FDIC merger rate includes mergers of banks that belong to
the same bank holding company, and thus are regarded as corporate
reorganizations that eliminate duplicative boards of directors. Not
surprisingly, such mergers increased with the deregulation of
restrictions on branching and multibank holding company activity. One
referee argued that we should exclude such "common-law
marriages" (referee's words) from our analysis. Critchfield of
the FDIC kindly provided the necessary merger database and the quarterly
Call Report data on all banks that allowed us to separate mergers into
common-law and non common law mergers. Critchfield's willingness to
answer numerous questions facilitated the process greatly. Thus, the
merger rate for our structural estimations using the 1978-2004 database
excludes common-law marriages. We could not carry out the separation for
the longer 1969-2004 sample because the merger database did not include
data back to 1969. Thus, the causality tests include all mergers
reported on the FDIC Web site. Similarly, entries include new charters
issued to existing banking organizations but exclude new branches within
banking organizations.
(16.) Many studies include dummy variables for unit, limited, and
statewide branching regulation. Kaparakis et al. (1994) use the ratio of
branches to banks to categorize states into these three categories. We
use the actual ratio of branches to banks to capture the branching
regulatory effect. This measure captures the actual effect of regulatory
practices of state branching regulations.
(17.) Amel (1993) provides the initial specification for the three
dummy variables. Daniels and Tirtirogul (1998) updated Amel's
specification through 1995. We extend the dummy variables to 2004, where
national nonreciprocity was legislated to become effective in September
1995. We code all states to possess national nonreciprocity in 1996 to
(18.) We use Intercooled Stata 9.0 econometric software, which
allows robust estimation for the pooled tobit specification. Also, we
employ bootstrapping to obtain confidence ranges on the coefficient
estimates for the random-effects tobit specification. The tables report
the t-statistics obtained by dividing the coefficient estimates by
either the robust or bootstrap standard errors.
(19.) As discussed in note 15, we excluded common-law marriages
from the merger rates for the 1978-2004 structural analysis. We did not
exclude the common-law marriages for the time-series analysis of
temporal causality using the 1969-2004 database. Moreover, for the
structural regressions, we considered total mergers as well as the
breakdown into in-state and out-of-state mergers. The separation into
in-state and out-of-state mergers occurred during the analysis to
determine common-law marriages at the suggestion of the referee.
Finally, the out-of-state mergers concentrated at the end of the
1978-2004 sample period. As a result of too many zero values in the
out-of-state merger rate regression, we could not perform those
regressions. Thus, we only report merger and in-state merger rate
results, where mergers exclude common-law marriages.
(20.) Variables include the average number of branches per bank
(br/bk), dummy variable when a state introduces multibank holding
company activity within its borders (mbh), dummy variable for states
with regional interstate bank holding company merger legislation (dreg)
(in all cases save Oregon for several years, the regional bank holding
merger legislation involves reciprocity. Oregon does not. We include
Oregon with the other states with regional reciprocity legislation.),
dummy variable for states with national interstate bank holding company
legislation with reciprocity (dnatr), and dummy variable for states with
national interstate bank holding company legislation without reciprocity
(21.) Variables include the natural logarithm of average bank
assets (lasset), loans to assets (l/a). real estate loans to loans
(rel/l), consumer loans to loans (cl/l), commercial and industrial loans
to loans (cil/l) deposits to assets (d/a), non interest bearing deposits
to deposits (dni/d), and equity to assets (eq/a); a risk variable net
charge-offs to loans (ncoff/l); income and expense variable--noninterest
income to income (niy/y), average noninterest income (aniy, noninterest
income to assets), noninterest expense to expense (niele), and average
noninterest expense (anie, noninterest expense to liabilities).
(22.) Variables include the unemployment rate (unem), the natural
logarithm of population (lpop), and the population growth rate (popg).
(23.) Berger et al. (1999), Keeton (2000), and Seelig and
Critchfield (2003) consider that question as noted in our review of the
literature. Our regressions, equations (5). (6), and (7), employ the
entire 1966-2004 database, after allowing for three lagged values of the
dependent variables.
(24.) Although the results do not generally change across the
pooled and random-effects tobit specifications, instances occur with
different significance levels.
(25.) We use two measures of the merger rate in our structural
regressions--total and in-state merger rates. Moreover, these merger
rates exclude common-law marriages. See notes 15 and 19 for more
details. We cannot perform a regression on the out-of-state merger rate
because they do not occur with much regularity until 1997 onward. In
fact, if we shorten the sample by leaving out earlier years in a
sequential pattern from our 1978-2004 database, the first time that we
can actually obtain regression results for the out-of-state-merger
specification occurs for a sample from 1997 to 2004 (not reported).
(26.) This calculation and those that follow concerning the
magnitudes of effects rely on the data in Table 1 in combination with
the coefficient estimates. The magnitude effects reported below use the
same notation--"magnitude equals x%". For example, the 25%
magnitude comes from multiplying the coefficient of branches to banks
(i.e., 0.0013) by a one-standard-deviation change in branches to bank
(i.e., 7.3941) and dividing the result by a one-standard-deviation
change in new charter rate (i.e., 0.0397) time 100.
(27.) This dummy variable includes the implementation of the
Interstate Banking and Branching Efficiency Act of 1994.
(28.) One referee offers another rationale for the expense
variables effect. To wit, if higher expenses signal higher product and
service quality or strategic differentiation, then this makes entry more
(29.) Conventional wisdom suggests that banks reduce their risk
when they diversify from only interest income to interest and
noninterest income. But Stiroh (2002) and DeYoung and Roland (2001) also
find that noninterest income leads to riskier bank operations.
(30.) The magnitudes prove uniformly larger for the in-state merger
rate specifications when compared to the total merger rate
(31.) Although researchers typically apply Granger (temporal)
causality tests in a time-series setting, a few researchers adopt
Granger causality in a panel data setting. Holtz-Eakin et al. (1988,
1989) provide a good theoretical foundation, and Nair-Reichert and
Weinhold (2001) and Podrecca and Carmeci (2001) report useful
applications. The null hypothesis that the bank failure rate
Granger-causes the new bank charter rate states that [[delta].sub.4] =
[[delta].sub.5] = [[delta].sub.6] = 0 [see equation (5)]. In addition,
the null hypothesis for the long-run cumulative effect of the bank
failure rate on the new charter rate states that ([[delta].sub.4] +
[[delta].sub.5] + [[delta].sub.6]) = 0 [see equation (5)].
(32.) Interested readers can obtain the full regression results
from the authors on request.
(33.) Chou and Cebula (1996) perform similar analysis on the
savings and loan failure rate, using a cross-section data across states.
(34.) An earlier version of this article employed a 1978 98 sample.
In that analysis, we found much weaker evidence of the interstate
branching and banking regulatory variables significantly affecting new
charter, failure, and merger rates. By including more years under the
Interstate Banking and Branching efficiency Act of 1994, those
interstate regulatory effects all become highly significant.
* Earlier versions were presented at the Eastern Economic
Association meetings, New York City, February 2001 and the KIF/KAEA/KAFA
meetings in Seoul, Korea, May 2006. We acknowledge the helpful comments
of the discussant, T. Critchfield: a colleague, B. Wimmer: and an
anonymous referee. Moreover, T. Critchfield of the Federal Deposit
Insurance Corporation provided valuable assistance with unpublished data
and expert advice on eliminating those mergers that occurred within bank
holding companies and on separating mergers into in-state and
out-of-state mergers.
Jeon: Associate Professor of Economics, Central Michigan
University, Mount Pleasant, MI 48859. Phone 1-989-774-2579, Fax
1-989-774-2040, E-mail
Miller: Professor and Chair of Economics, 4505 Maryland Parkway,
University of Nevada, Las Vegas, NV 89154-6005. Phone 1-702-895-3969,
Fax 1-702-8951354, E-mail
Summary Statistics on Variables
Variable Observations Mean SD
ch/bk 1377 0.0231 0.0357
mg/bk 1377 0.0343 0.0412
ismg/bk 1377 0.0283 0.0364
fl/bk 1377 0.0048 0.0185
br/bk 1377 8.5376 7.3941
mbh 1377 0.9455 0.2270
dreg 1377 0.1365 0.3435
dnatnr 1377 0.4161 0.4931
dnatr 1377 0.1111 0.3144
eq/a 1377 0.0810 0.0199
l/a 1377 0.5920 0.0847
rel/l 1377 0.4345 0.1536
cil/l 1377 0.2508 0.0858
cl/l 1377 0.2236 0.1476
ncoff/l 1377 0.0082 0.0120
d/a 1377 0.7751 0.1028
dni/d 1377 0.2137 0.0717
niy/y 1377 0.1609 0.0998
aniy 1377 0.0161 0.0157
niele 1377 0.4748 0.1304
anie 1377 0.0376 0.0119
lasset 1377 12.4937 1.2496
unem 1377 0.0593 0.0202
lpop 1377 4.9882 5.4902
popg 1377 0.0102 0.0127
ch/bk 1836 0.0223 0.0340
ch/bk(-1) 1836 0.0218 0.0337
ch/bk(-2) 1836 0.0217 0.0338
ch/bk(-3) 1836 0.0215 0.0338
mg/bk 1836 0.0353 0.0440
mg/bk(-1) 1836 0.0350 0.0445
mg/bk(-2) 1836 0.0343 0.0443
mg/bk(-3) 1836 0.0335 0.0440
fl/bk 1836 0.0037 0.0162
fl/bk(-1) 1836 0.0037 0.0162
fl/bk(-2) 1836 0.0037 0.0162
fl/bk(-3) 1836 0.0037 0.0162
Variable Minimum Maximum
ch/bk 0.0000 0.3333
mg/bk 0.0000 0.3239
ismg/bk 0.0000 0.3239
fl/bk 0.0000 0.2857
br/bk 0.0256 39.2500
mbh 0.0000 1.0000
dreg 0.0000 1.0000
dnatnr 0.0000 1.0000
dnatr 0.0000 1.0000
eq/a 0.0403 0.2110
l/a 0.2056 0.9231
rel/l 0.0533 0.8788
cil/l 0.0209 0.5446
cl/l 0.0110 0.9037
ncoff/l -0.0027 0.2842
d/a 0.1741 0.9125
dni/d 0.0309 0.5284
niy/y 0.0380 0.6423
aniy 0.0034 0.1186
niele 0.1675 0.8647
anie 0.0189 0.1196
lasset 9.9584 17.2314
unem 0.0228 0.1744
lpop 0.4019 35.8938
popg -0.0384 0.1093
ch/bk 0.0000 0.3333
ch/bk(-1) 0.0000 0.3333
ch/bk(-2) 0.0000 0.3333
ch/bk(-3) 0.0000 0.3333
mg/bk 0.0000 0.3380
mg/bk(-1) 0.0000 0.3380
mg/bk(-2) 0.0000 0.3380
mg/bk(-3) 0.0000 0.3380
fl/bk 0.0000 0.2857
fl/bk(-1) 0.0000 0.2857
fl/bk(-2) 0.0000 0.2857
fl/bk(-3) 0.0000 0.2857
Notes: The variables are defined as follows: ch/bk = new bank
charters to banks; mg/bk = bank mergers to banks; ismg/bk =
interstate mergers to banks, fl/bk = bank failures to banks;
br/bk = branches to banks; mbh = dummy variable equal to 1 if
the state introduced acquisitions by multibank holding
companies within the state, 0 otherwise; dreg = dummy variable
for states with regional interstate bank holding company
mergers; dnatnr = dummy variable for states with national
interstate bank holding company mergers with no reciprocity;
dnatnr = dummy variable for states with national interstate bank
holding company mergers with reciprocity; eq/a = equity to assets;
l/a = loans to assets; rel/l = real estate loans to loans;
cil/l = commercial and industrial loans to loans; cl/1 = consumer
loans to loans; ncoff/l = net charge-offs to loans; d/a = deposits
to assets; dni/d = non-interest-earning deposits to deposits;
niy/y = noninterest income to income; aniy = average noninterest
income (noninterest income to assets); nie/e = noninterest expense
to expense; anie = average noninterest expense (noninterest
expense to liabilities); lasset = the natural logarithm of
average level of bank assets; unem = unemployment rate; lpop = the
natural log of population; and popg = population growth rate. The
numbers in parentheses after the independent variables stand for
the lag length. For example, fl/bk(-3) is bank failures to banks
lagged three years. Finally, the merger and in-state merger rates
in the structural regressions exclude mergers between banks within
the same bank holding company (common-law marriages). The merger
rates in the Granger regressions include common-law marriages.
Structural Regressions: Birth, Death, and Marriage Rates
Bank Birth Rates Bank Death Rates
Pooled RE Pooled RE
Variable Robust Bootstrap Robust Bootstrap
Constant -0.0152 0.0308 0.0571 0.0330
[-0.26] [0.39] [0.83] [0.40]
br/bk 0.0013 * 0.0013 ** -0.0009 -0.0007
[3.22] [2.14] [-1.46] [-1.44]
mbh 0.0146 ** 0.0090 0.0038 0.0025
[2.21] [1.39] [0.52] [0.29]
dreg 0.0038 0.0004 0.0059 0.0068
[0.53] [0.08] [0.82] [0.94]
dnatnr 0.0013 0.0085 -0.0068 -0.0068
[1.41] [0.97] [-0.74] [-0.74]
dnatr -0.0047 -0.0041 0.0022 0.0082
[-0.67] [-0.65] [0.32] [1.12]
eq/a -0.0498 -0.0077 -0.6447 ** -0.6397 **
[-0.24] [-0.04] [-2.35] [-2.03]
l/a 0.0923 * 0.0777 * -0.0335 -0.0028
[3.38] [2.82] [-0.97] [-0.09]
rel/l -0.023 -0.0454 0.0029 -0.004
[-0.68] [-1.12] [-0.08] [-0.11]
cil/l -0.0104 0.0284 0.0002 0.0004
[-0.20] [0.57] [0.00] [0.01]
cl/l 0.0196 -0.0453 -0.0332 -0.0312
[0.61] [-1.19] [-0.93] [-0.72]
ncoff/l 0.1422 0.0745 1.4735 * 1.3580 **
[0.52] [0.25] [2.95] [2.20]
d/a 0.0235 0.0189 -0.0377 -0.0188
[0.74] [0.60] [-0.88] [-0.36]
dni/d 0.0456 -0.0012 -0.0938 ** -0.1008 **
[1.19] [-0.04] [-2.07] [-2.05]
niy/y 0.1262 0.0944 0.4264 * 0.4227 *
[1.55] [1.25] [3.53] [3.75]
aniy 0.1171 0.3603 -4.9193 * -4.4803 *
[0.21] [0.56] [-5.07] [-4.12]
nie/e -0.1098 * -0.1025 * -0.0934 * -0.1008 *
[-2.86] [-3.00] [-2.68] [-2.84]
anie -0.812 -0.8627 ** 2.8684 * 2.4975 *
[-1.871 [-2.28] [5.19] [3.42]
lasset -0.0027 -0.0014 -0.0034 -0.0029
[-0.69] [-0.331 [-0.87] [-0.75]
unem 0.1467 -0.0695 0.2164 0.2485
[1.06] [-0.61] [1.52] [1.64]
pop 0.0004 -0.0004 0.0012 * 0.0011
[1.01] [-0.44] [3.57] [1.51]
popg 1.1125 * 0.6600 * -0.3176 -0.6814 **
[5.63] [3.83] [-1.39] [-2.16]
Bank Marriage Rates Bank In-State Marriage Rates
Pooled RE Pooled RE
Variable Robust Bootstrap Robust Bootstrap
Constant 0.0452 0.0444 0.0225 -0.0179
[0.56] [0.58] [0.30] [-0.25]
br/bk 0.0011 * 0.0013 ** -0.0002 -0.0004
[2.59] [2.21] [-0.30] [-0.80]
mbh 0.0236 ** 0.0241 0.0210 0.0219
[2.08] [1.66] [1.85] [1.58]
dreg 0.0342 * 0.0334 * 0.0328 * 0.0306 *
[5.39] [3.84] [5.37] [3.76]
dnatnr 0.0429 * 0.0428 * 0.0305 * 0.0285 *
[5.04] [3.92] [3.60] [3.01]
dnatr 0.0254 * 0.0253 * 0.0231 * 0.0225 *
[3.49] [3.00] [3.23] [2.99]
eq/a -0.3685 ** -0.2753 -0.5719 * -0.4340 **
[-2.36] [-1.63] [-3.67] [-2.40]
l/a -0.0083 0.0021 -0.004 0.0033
[-0.28] [0.06] [-0.14] [0.10]
rel/l 0.0384 0.0018 0.0143 -0.0251
[1.23] [0.06] [0.50] [-0.87]
cil/l 0.0008 -0.0247 -0.0227 -0.0625
[0.02] [-0.48] [-0.50] [-1.35]
cl/l 0.0286 -0.0028 0.0064 -0.0223
[0.82] [-0.07] [0.18] [-0.56]
ncoff/l -0.5425 * -0.4254 -0.9270 * -0.8563 *
[-2.79] [-1.37] [-2.96] [-2.99]
d/a -0.021 -0.0298 -0.0272 -0.0257
[-0.51] [-0.74] [-0.72] [-0.621
dni/d -0.2235 * -0.2388 * -0.2274 * -0.2466 *
[-6.43] [-5.42] [-6.96] [-5.38]
niy/y 0.0596 0.0263 0.1491 ** 0.1083
[0.94] [0.44] [2.28] [1.88]
aniy -0.6821 -0.8723 -1.8116 * -1.9563 *
[-1.11] [-1.58] [-3.06] [-3.58]
nie/e -0.0185 -0.011 -0.0331 -0.0268
[-0.64] [-0.33] [-1.36] [-0.92]
anie 1.2541 ** 1.6120 * 2.0578 * 2.3893 *
[2.30] [3.26] [3.82] [4.62]
lasset -0.004 -0.0029 0.0008 0.0051
[-0.97] [-0.62] [0.22] [1.29]
unem 0.1253 0.1436 0.1213 0.1532
[1.22] [1.31] [1.13] [1.50]
pop 0.0010 * 0.0011 0.0010 * 0.0012 **
[2.57] [1.90] [2.84] [2.32]
popg -0.1008 -0.1012 -0.109 -0.1235
[-0.54] [-0.46] [-0.66] [-0.65]
Notes: See notes to Table 1. The dependent variables include
new bank charters to banks (ch/bk), bank failures to banks
(fl/bk), total bank mergers to banks (mg/bk), and in-state
bank mergers to banks (ismg/bk). Regressions include pooled
tobit with robust errors and random-effects tobit with
bootstrap errors. Finally, we report t-statistics using
robust SEs pooled tobit specification and bootstrap SEs for
the random-effects tobit specification. * means significantly
different from zero at the 1% level. ** means significantly
different from zero at the 5% level.
Granger Causality and Cumulative Sum Tests: Birth, Death,
and Marriage Rates
Pooled Tobit Robust
Lagged Terms Granger Sum
New charter rate regressions
Charter rate (ch/bk) 0.7351 *
Failure rate (fl/bk) Yes * -0.2154
(11.93) (3.26)
[0.0076] [0.0710]
Merger rate (mg/bk) Yes * 0.1277 *
(17.8) (15.38)
[0.0005] [0.0001]
Failure rate regressions
Charter rate (ch/bk) No 0.1166 **
(4.20) (3.88)
[0.2404] [0.0488]
Failure rate (fl/bk) 1.0180 *
Merger rate (mg/bk) Yes ** -0.1808 *
(8.20) (7.88)
[0.0421] [0.0050]
Merger rate regressions
Charter rate (ch/bk) No -0.0496
(1.92) (1.60)
[0.5889] [0.2060]
Failure rate (fl/bk) No 0.0712
(0.75) (0.09)
[0.8616] [0.7636]
Merger rate (mg/bk) 0.7702 *
Random-Effects Tobit Bootstrap
Lagged Terms Granger Sum
New charter rate regressions
Charter rate (ch/bk) 0.5878 *
Failure rate (fl/bk) Yes ** -0.2594
(10.29) (2.33)
[0.0163] [0.1266]
Merger rate (mg/bk) Yes * 0.1118 *
(12.75) (11.54)
[0.0052] [0.0007]
Failure rate regressions
Charter rate (ch/bk) No 0.1166 **
(5.44) (5.02)
[0.1420] [0.0251]
Failure rate (fl/bk) 1.0180 *
Merger rate (mg/bk) Yes * -0.1808 *
(12.86) (12.36)
[0.005] [0.0004]
Merger rate regressions
Charter rate (ch/bk) No -0.0789
(3.50) (3.08)
[0.3203] [0.0793]
Failure rate (fl/bk) No 0.0845
(0.77) (0.37)
[0.8573] [0.5435]
Merger rate (mg/bk) 0.7293 *
Notes: The dependent variables are new charters to banks (ch/bk),
failures to banks (fl/bk). and mergers to banks (mg/bk). All
regressions employed pooled data and include three lags of each
right-side variable. The first row reports whether significant
Granger causality exists (Yes or No) and then what the sum of
coefficients equals in the long-run test. The null hypothesis that
the bank failure rate Granger-causes the new bank charter rate states
that [[delta].sub.4] = [[delta].sub.5] = [[delta].sub.6] = 0 from
equation (5). In addition, the null hypothesis for the long-run
cumulative effect of the bank failure rate on the new charter rate
states that [[delta].sub.4] + [[delta].sub.5] + [[delta].sub.6]) = 0
from equation (5). The test statistics for the Granger causality
tests in the pooled tobit regressions are F-statistics (3, 1836) and
for the Granger causality tests in the random-effects tobit
regressions are [chi square] statistics with 3 degrees of freedom. The
statistic testing for the sum of the coefficients equal to zero is an
F-statistic (1, 1836) for the pooled tobit regressions and a
[chi square] statistic with 1 degree of freedom for the random-effects
tobit regressions. Those tests appear in parentheses. P-values appear
in brackets. * means significant at the 1% level. ** means significant
at the 5% level.