Convex costs and the merger paradox revisited.
Heywood, John S. ; McGinty, Matthew
A simple canonical model published in the early 1980s suggests that
mergers are rarely profitable for potential participants. Salant,
Switzer, and Reynolds (1983) examined a model of n-identical firms, of
which m merged. The model demonstrates that only in the unlikely event
of more than 80% of the firms merging could the participants earn
additional profits as a result of the merger. In all other cases, the
profit of the firm created by the merger is lower than the sum of
premerger profits of the constituent firms that merge. This result has
grown to take prominent places in textbooks such as that by Pepall,
Richards, and Norman (1999, Chapter 8) and to take the name The Merger
While a variety of researchers have attempted to resolve the
paradox, Perry and Porter (1985) used the simple modification of
allowing for increasing marginal cost. They showed that for sufficiently
convex costs, two firms do profit from merging. At issue in our study is
the extent to which cost convexity actually relaxes the merger paradox.
We show that any merger of m of n-identical firms (a merger of any
market share) will be profitable to the participants with a sufficiently
steep marginal cost structure and that this can be used to identify
critical concentration measures for given degrees of convexity, which
can be compared with the famous 80% figure. This allows us to specify
the extent to which convexity relaxes the merger paradox. We also show
that although convexity may reduce to some extent the critical degree of
concentration needed to earn profit, it does nothing to relax the second
crucial element of the merger paradox. Even with convex costs, firms
remain better off being excluded from the merger than being a
participant. Finally, we add realism by arguing that mergers of m of n
firms may happen sequentially rather than simultaneously. Yet, the power
of cost convexity to relax the merger paradox is greatly reduced in this
realistic case of sequential mergers. In sum, we believe that we are the
first to give cost convexity a thorough hearing as a potential solution
to the merger paradox and that we find it of only marginal importance.
The next section examines the literature on the merger paradox,
defending the rationale for convex costs. The third section introduces
the basic model, presenting the pre- and postmerger equilibria. The
fourth section compares the equilibria isolating the central
propositions and presents simulations for the case of a simultaneous
merger of two or more firms. The remainder of the fourth section
examines a sequence of firm-by-firm mergers comparing them to
simultaneous mergers. A final section concludes and suggests additional
The basic insight of the merger paradox remains important. If firms
merge to restrict quantity, then excluded Cournot competitors will
increase their output. Moreover, this increase in output can frequently
be sufficient to reduce the profit of the newly merged firms. In this
sense, the paradox suggests that the primary beneficiaries of horizontal
merger are the rivals excluded from the mergers. Certainly, this idea
has received currency in both the popular press and the econometric work. Thus, the major beneficiary of the recent merger of U.S. banks
Chase Morgan and Bank One was identified in the business press by
Berenson (2004) as excluded rival Citigroup. In econometric work, a
series of studies focus on the profit levels of excluded rivals as a
test for whether or not the mergers hurt welfare. While Stillman (1983)
found that excluded rivals did not benefit as judged by stock market
data in the 1970s, Song and Walkling (2000) used more recent data
confirming that excluded rivals do earn increased profit as a result of
mergers in their industry.
Recognizing the importance of the merger paradox, we further
explore the Perry and Porter (1985) modification, which ensures that the
newly merged firm retains the sum of its previous capital by allowing
for convex costs (increasing marginal costs). We expand on one part of
their analysis while emphasizing that other parts of their examination
are of no relevance for what we wish to explore. For example, not of
relevance is their model of competitive fringe firms coalescing to form
a Stackelberg leader with respect to the remainder of the fringe. This
model, and related demonstrations such as that by Mallela and Nahata
(1989), shows a profit incentive for merger that depends on the behavior
of the merged entity being different in kind from that of its
constituent parts. Instead, our object is to follow as closely as
possible the canonical model of the merger paradox while adopting Perry
and Porter's point that merger does not imply "a loss of a
seat at the table." That is, the merger does not eliminate the
importance of the premerger plants. (1)
While actual mergers may result in the closure of plants, it does
not routinely result in one plant for the newly merged firm. Indeed, the
actual pattern of plant closure is complex and frequently involves a
multiplant firm retaining plants with a wide variety of underlying cost
structures as shown by Reynolds (1988) and Whinston (1988). Although the
elimination of plants and so fixed costs may be an incentive to merge,
this was not part of the original merger paradox. Moreover, the insight
of Perry and Porter was that with sufficiently convex costs, an
incentive for merger exists precisely because keeping multiple plants
provides a variable cost advantage relative to single-plant firms. It is
this point we examine in more detail.
Having adopted convex costs from Perry and Porter, it is incumbent
upon us to differentiate our demonstration from theirs. First, our
structure more closely follows the original one in Salant, Switzer, and
Reynolds's study in that we examined the minimum size of the
simultaneous coalition required for a merger of equals to be profitable.
In that sense, our demonstration provides a sharp identification of the
extent to which increasing marginal cost alleviates the paradox. This
deviates from the Perry and Porter's model in which each firm was
either small or large (in essence one plant or two) and in which the
issue became as when will two small firms merge to form a large firm.
Second, we reexamine the contention that increasing marginal costs can
eliminate the paradox by focusing our attention on the second part of
the paradox. That is, we not only examined the minimum size required for
a merger of equals to be profitable but also examined whether or not the
firms engaged in that merger would be better off if other firms took
place in the merger. Put differently, a critical part of the merger
paradox is that firms excluded from the mergers do better than the
included firms, and this reduces the likelihood that the mergers will
take place. Perry and Porter did not examine this part of the paradox.
Third, we examined a series of mergers that lead to the minimum
coalition size, showing the differences that emerge when the merger
process is taken to be sequential rather than simultaneous. This is a
realistic modification as multifirm (more than two firms) mergers remain
Our effort differs from many others who had made modifications to
the model of the merger paradox. A series of researchers have relaxed
the assumption of linear demand. Cheung (1992) showed that if industry
revenue is concave in industry output, the threshold for a profitable
merger can be reduced from an 80% market share to a 50% market share.
Hennessy (2000) took this point further, showing that if a negative
exponential demand function is assumed, it can generate profitable
mergers for any market share. (2) Fauli-Oller (2002) assumed concavity of demand and that firms may differ in the level of their constant
marginal cost. He showed that profits may increase from merger but only
if the firms have sufficiently different costs. The additional profit is
largely generated by transferring output from high-cost plants to
low-cost plants within the merged firm. Researchers have also considered
the implications of differentiated products as by Deneckere and Davidson
(1985). Rothschild, Heywood, and Monaco (2000) examined whether merger
can be profitable for the merging parties and simultaneously reduce
profit for excluded rivals. This is shown to happen only in a very minor
share of cases.
We imagine an industry of n firms as Cournot-Nash competitors in a
market with a linear demand curve: P = a - Q, where Q =
[[summation].sup.n.sub.i - 1] [q.sub.i] All firms share the same convex
cost schedule: [C.sub.i] = f + (1/2)[cq.sup.2.sub.i], generating linear
marginal cost curves with slope c. We consider a merger of m < n
firms, resulting in n - m + 1 postmerger firms. We take the original
number of firms n to be exogenous, which allows us to ignore the fixed
cost and set f = 0 in the cost schedules. Indeed, as Perry and Porter
(1985) made clear, adopting a positive fixed cost does not change in any
way the incentives for the merger because the merged firm would retain
the fixed costs from each of its constituent parts.
Given our treatment of fixed costs, two concerns may arise. First,
it might be suggested that the quadratic cost structure of the firm
without fixed costs implies decreasing returns to scale beyond anything
observed in practice as discussed by Basu and Fernald (1997). Yet, we
note that by increasing the fixed cost beyond 0, any degree of scale
economies or diseconomies can be introduced without changing our
analysis. Second, as made clear, we do not consider entry. While this
fits the vast majority of the literature on mergers (making them
short-run analyses), there does exist a small literature on mergers with
free entry considered by Cabral (2003), Spector (2003), and Davidson and
Mukherjee (2004). While this literature routinely assumes linear rather
than convex costs, it makes clear that the profit of the excluded firms
is unchanged by merger being zero, both before and after merger because
of entry) In these models, the profitability of merger depends directly
upon the extent of "synergistic" cost reductions brought about
by the merger as shown by Davidson and Mukherjee (2004).
The critical comparison determining the profitability of merger in
our model is the sum of profits earned by m of the n premerger firms and
the profit earned by one of the m - n + 1 postmerger firms. We seek to
identify the conditions under which the postmerger profit of the
combined firm is greater than sum of profit from its constituent
premerger firms.
In our market of n premerger competitors, the equilibrium
quantities, price, and profits are as follows:
(1) [q.sub.i] = a/(n + c + 1) [for all]i
P = a(1 + c)/(n + c + 1)
[[pi].sub.i] = [a.sup.2](2 + c)/2[(n + c + 1).sup.2] [for all]i
If m firms from this equilibrium merge, the total premerger profit
will be m[[pi].sub.i].
The postmerger equilibrium follows from similar underlying
conditions. While the n m firms excluded from the merger retain cost
functions [C.sub.i] = (1/2)[cq.sup.2.sub.i], the merged firm retains m
plants, each with the same cost function. The resulting composite cost
function of the multiplant firm is [C.sub.n - m + 1] =
(1/(2m))[cq.sup.2.sub.n - m + 1]. This function reflects the underlying
advantage of being able to direct output across multiple plants. Note,
however, that if the output of the merged firm remained identical to
that of its constituent premerger firms, [q.sub.n - m + 1] = [mq.sub.i],
the total cost to produce that output would be unchanged. The merger by
itself does not immediately provide cost savings.
The point of the merger remains to reduce output to exploit market
power. The equilibrium resulting from n - m firms with [C.sub.i] and one
firm with [C.sub.n - m] + 1 can be characterized as:
In what follows, we evaluate and compare the premerger and
postmerger equilibria with an eye toward the profit consequences and
thus the incentive for merger.
The premerger Equation (l) and the postmerger Equation (2)
equilibria reveal a series of comparisons that set the stage for later
PROPOSITION 1. (i) [q.sup.M.sub.n - m + 1] >
[q.sup.M.sub.i];(ii) [P.sup.M] > P; (iii) [mq.sub.i] >
[q.sup.M.sub.n - m + 1] and (iv) [q.sup.M.sub.i] > [q.sub.i].
Proof. Compare the values in Equations (1) and (2).
The first comparison illustrates that the merged firm continues to
produce from its premerger plants, does not lose its seats at the table,
and as a consequence, produces more than the single plant excluded
rivals. This contrasts with the canonical model in which all postmerger
firms produce the same quantity. The second comparison follows from the
merged firm's exploitation of market power to reduce quantity and
increase price. The third comparison shows that as a result of the
reduction in quantity, the output of the merged firm is less than that
of its premerger constituent firms. As expected by the logic of the
merger paradox, the reduction in quantity by the merged firm is
partially made up for by increases in quantity by the excluded rivals as
shown in Proposition 1 (iv).
The primary issue is to identify the circumstances under which in
of n firms can merge and earn profit greater than the sum of profits of
the premerger constituent firms. The difference between post- and
premerger profits can be expressed as:
(3) g(n, m ,c) = [[pi].sup.M.sub.n - m + 1] - m[[pi].sub.i]
Substituting from Equations (1) and (2) into Equation (3) and
setting the result equal to 0 permits solving for the n that is the
maximum initial market size in which m firms with cost c can merge and
earn non-negative additional profit from doing SO. (4)
The relationship in Equation (4) defines the critical values for
the underlying variables that determine the potential for profitability
from merger. Note that the demand intercept, a, is absent.
PROPOSITION 2. For any merger by m of n firms, there exists a c
such that the profit earned from merger is positive.
Proof. Hold [n.sup.*](m, c) constant and apply the implicit
function theorem to Equation (4) to show that [partial
derivative]c/[partial derivative]m < 0. (5) Thus, for any n, as m
decreases, c can be increased sufficiently such that the profit from
merger is held at 0. Any increase in c beyond that yields positive
profit from merger. (6)
The intuition is that the larger the c, the larger the relative
cost savings of the merged multiplant firm resulting from a reduction in
output. As the merged multiplant firm exploits market power by reducing
output, it moves down the marginal cost curves of each of its plants,
while the excluded firms each move up their marginal cost curve as they
respond with greater output. There will always be a large enough c, a
steep enough marginal cost curve, such that the resulting cost
difference between the merged firm and the excluded rivals makes merger
profitable. As an illustration, a merger of two firms is never
profitable in the canonical model of constant marginal cost even when
there are only three firms in total. Setting Equation (3) equal to 0, n
= 3, m = 2, and solving for c shows that such a merger is profitable in
the case of upward sloping marginal costs whenever c > 1.60.
Table 1 shows two sets of simulations from Equations (3) and (4) in
order to further understand the implications of the model. The left
panel shows the minimum value of c that ensures a profitable merger for
various values of n and m. The critical value of c increases in n but
decreases in m. (7) The right panel presents a related illustration of
the minimum market share (m/n) necessary to ensure a profitable merger
for various values of n and c. Whenever c is positive, the minimum
market share is below the 80% level from the canonical model. Some of
the shares fall below 50%, but these require an enormous degree of
convexity. (8) All the required shares remain far from trivial and far
above most observed in actual mergers. For example, with a parameter of
c = 1 (a slope of the marginal cost curve equal in size to that of the
demand curve), the deviation from the 80% rule is not great. Such a
showing is important in light of claims, such as that by Martin (1993),
that the assumption of convex costs implies that mergers "are much
more likely to be privately profitable" (italics added).
The minimum market share decreases With increased c but shows an
ambiguous pattern with increases in n. This ambiguity results because
the increase in n necessitates an increase in m, but the rate of
increase in m varies as given by Equation (4). Thus, both the numerator and the denominator of the market share are increasing, but at varying
rates. After an initial decline, the minimum market share needed to
ensure profitability increases with n.
An important pattern somewhat hidden in the simulations in Table 1
can be formalized. If a merger of m firms is profitable, a merger of
more than m firms will be more profitable (a formal proof is available
from the authors). On the one hand, a larger merger will result in a
bigger decrease in quantity by the merged firm as it has greater market
power. On the other hand, with fewer excluded rivals remaining, the per
firm increase in output in response by the rivals will be larger. This
combination means that a larger merger drives the merged firm further
down the marginal cost curve of its plants and excluded rivals further
up their respective marginal cost curves. The result is a larger gain
from merger.
Finally, we investigated the gain in profit from the merger for the
excluded rivals. This gain for a representative firm is
(5) h(n, m, c) = [[pi].sup. M.sub.i - [[pi].sub.i].
Under the assumption that the gains from merger are evenly split
among the participants, the value of Equation (5) can be compared to the
per firm gain earned by the merging firms: (l/m) g(n, m, c).
PROPOSITION 3. The profit gain from a merger of m of n firms is
always greater Jbr the excluded rivals than for the merger participants.
Proof. From Equations (1) and (2), it follows that
h(n,m,c)-(1/m)g(n,m,c) = ([[alpha].sup.2] (2m(m-1)+ c([m.sup.2 -
1))/2(nm-[m.sup.2] + [(n+m+1+c)c+ 2m).sup.2].
For n > m [greater than or equal to] 2, this is unambiguously
Thus, the gain from being a free rider rather than participating in
the merger is positive. This remains true even when c is large enough to
generate a positive return for merger participants. The presence of a
benefit to free riding on mergers by others carries over from the case
where marginal cost is constant. Thus, this critical aspect of the
merger paradox remains completely unaffected by increasing marginal
costs, and the suggestion by Perry and Porter (1985, 226) that the
results of Salant, Switzer, and Reynolds do not generally hold in a
model of increasing costs should be amended accordingly. It remains a
paradox, even with convex costs, that no firm wishes to participate in a
merger, hoping always to remain an excluded rival.
Allowing for Merger Sequences
In this subsection, we summarize our consideration of a series of
sequential mergers, each adding only one outside firm to an existing
merger of m - 1 firms. This natural extension reveals that many of the
insights of the previous section carry over but that the power of the
paradox emerges as stronger. As many of the results are proven through
simulation, we suppress their demonstration but make them available to
any interested reader.
In the earlier section, g(n, m, c) determines the critical c
necessary for a subset of m of n firms to merge simultaneously. The
sequential merger analogue, [gamma] is the difference of two components:
the added profit to the merged firm of moving from m--1 constituent
firms to m constituent firms and the profit that the mth firm would have
earned had it not joined the other m--1 firms in merger.
(6) [gamma](n,m.c) = ([[pi].sup.M.sub.n-m+1] -
[[pi].sup.M.sub.n-m+2] - [[pi].sup.M.sub.i]
Each of the components can be identified from Equation (2), and
while the result of this substitution yields a more complicated
expression, we can proceed with the same analysis as with simultaneous
Setting [gamma](n, m, c) = 0 and solving for n yields two roots,
only one of which is positive, [n.sup.sub.[gamma]] (m, c). As mentioned
before, for all values of n below [n.sup.*.sub.[gamma]] (m, c), a merger
of m firms with marginal cost of c will be profitable. As a consequence,
for any merger of one firm and a group of m--1 previously merged firms,
there exists a c such that the profit earned from merger is positive.
While by construction, the c necessary to support a merger of two
of n firms is identical for the sequential and simultaneous cases, the
necessary values of c diverge for m > 2. This happens because the
profit of firms outside a merger, [[pi].sup.M.sub.i], increases in m [as
shown in Equation (2)]. Moreover, as Proposition 3 makes clear, the gap
between the profit earned by being an excluded firm and that earned by
being a part of a simultaneous merger grows as m grows. This makes it
more difficult to support a sequential merger than a simultaneous
merger. In the sequential case, the outside profitability to the
potential merging firm has been increased by all the sequential mergers
to that point. The profit of the merged firm is the same regardless of
whether the merger is simultaneous or sequential. This important point
can be summarized as follows: for any c [greater than or equal to] 0 and
m [greater than or equal to] 3, the set of profitable sequential mergers
is strictly smaller than that of profitable simultaneous mergers.
To illustrate the difference, we identify in Table 2 the minimum c
and market share for profitable sequential mergers in order to compare
to those shown earlier for simultaneous mergers in Table 1. As made
clear, when m = 2, the minimum necessary c will be identical to that
presented for the simultaneous case. For all other cells, the sequential
merger conditions are shown to be more restrictive.
Despite the differences in magnitudes, the model of sequential
merger shares another critical aspect with simultaneous mergers. If an
initial merger is profitable, all subsequent sequential mergers remain
profitable, suggest ing monopoly as the eventual equilibrium market
structure. Thus, despite the fact that excluded firms have increasing
profits as sequential mergers occur, it will remain profitable to join
an already merged firm. Each sequential merger allows for greater
ability to exercise market power by reducing output, an output reduction
that lowers the merged firm's costs more than that of excluded
firms. The additional profits to the merged firm that arise from reduced
competitiveness and cost reduction dominate the increased profitability
of any single outside firm due to the sequential mergers to that point.
This inquiry explores further relaxing the implicit assumption in
the canonical model of the merger paradox that the merging firm closes
all plants but one, thereby "losing seats at the table."
Retaining multiple postmerger plants seems a reasonable alternative
assumption and one generated by adopting increasing marginal costs.
Adopting upward sloping marginal cost curves but retaining the remainder
of the canonical model generates the fundamental results of the study.
Primary among the results is that a simultaneous multiple firm
merger of any size in a market of any size can be profitable to the
participants with a sufficiently large cost convexity. It is the
convexity that determines the cost savings of an output reduction by the
merged firm and the cost increase associated with the resulting
expansion in output by excluded rivals. Yet, despite this result, with
reasonable degrees of convexity, the market shares necessary to obtain
profit from merger remain far above those typically observed in actual
We emphasize that the gain to merger in our model remains larger
for the excluded firms. Thus, the free rider problem recognized as a
part of the merger paradox is not eliminated by convex costs. Each firm
wants other firms to be the ones to merge and reduce output. This
"chicken game" has no easy solution, but we reiterate that
increasing marginal costs, even steeply increasingly marginal costs,
cannot eliminate this aspect of the paradox.
The possibility of profitable merger carries over to the sequential
firm-by-firm case. When merging sequentially, a steeper marginal cost is
required than in the simultaneous case, but again, any merger can be
supported with a sufficiently steep marginal cost. Importantly, if the
first merger of two firms is profitable, all additional sequential
mergers will be profitable. This happens despite the fact that the
profit of excluded rival grows with each sequential merger. Nonetheless,
cost convexity does less to eliminate the merger paradox when mergers
are assumed to be sequential.
Future work that might be productive includes considering
alternative demand curves and examining asymmetric costs. As emphasized
in reviewing the literature, concave demand has been shown to lessen the
extent of the merger paradox. The expectation would be that the
combination of upward sloping marginal costs and concave demand would
lessen the paradox further than does either alone. Moreover, all firms
have been presumed to be identical at the outset of our model. If there
exist differences in marginal cost slopes, mergers will be
differentiated by the cost structures of the merging firms. Even if the
merging firms share the same average marginal cost as the excluded
rivals, the fact that an output reduction would result in greater
reallocation in outputs between plants, as suggested by Tirole (1988),
might yield differences from the results we have presented.
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(1.) Indeed. the idea of "not losing a seat at the table"
is fundamental in the work on endogenous mergers by Kamien and Zang
(1990. 1991).
(2.) The work by Hennessey follows previous work by Fauli-Oller
(1997), demonstrating the degree of concavity in demand as a main
determinant of merger profitability.
(3.) Our attempt to allow for free entry but with the introduction
of positive fixed costs confirms this insight. Nonetheless, we could not
fully identify the gain to merger as the introduction of an additional
endogenous variable, number of firms, made the math intractable.
(4.) This process generates two roots, but only the positive one is
relevant and is shown as Equation (4).
(5.) In the implicit function expression, [partial
derivative]c/[partial derivative]m = -([partial
derivative][n.sup.*]/[partial derivative]m)/([partial
derivative][n.sup.*][partial derivative]c), the numerator is
unambiguous, with each term in the resulting derivate positive. The sign
of the denominator is less immediate, but optimizing the denominator
subject to the constraints m [greater than or equal to] 2 and c [greater
than or equal to] 0 shows that denominator takes its minimum of .384 at
the corner solution of m = 2 and c = 0. Thus, the denominator is also
unambiguously positive in the relevant range of m and c. These
expressions were computed and evaluated in MAPLE8 and are available from
the authors upon request.
(6.) The result is established by taking the derivative of g(n, m,
c) with respect to c and evaluating it when n = [n.sup.*](m, c). The
derivative is positive n for all values of m greater than or equal to 2.
(7.) The critical values oft are generated from Equation (3) as
described for the case of two of three firms merging. They represent the
value such that g(n, m, c) = 0, so values larger than those given
indicate a positive gain from merger.
(8.) As the market shares suggest "'fractional
firms," they are presented primarily for illustrative purposes.
* Many of the results in this study were derived in MAPLE8, and the
programs are available from the authors upon request.
Heywood: Professor, Department of Economics, University of
Wisconsin Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI 53201. Phone (414) 229-4310, Fax
(414) 229-5915, E-mail
McGinty: Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, University
of Wisconsin--Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI 53201. Phone (414) 229-6146, Fax
(414) 229-5915, E-mail
Minimum Conditions for a Profitable Simultaneous Merger
Critical Cost
Parameter, c
m = 2 m = 4 m = 6 m = 8
n = 3 1.60
n = 5 7.45 0.00
n = 10 22.38 7.22 2.47 0.11
n = 15 37.36 15.31 8.54 4.51
Critical Market
Share, m/n
c = 1 c = 3 c = 5 c = 10
n = 3 .711 * * *
n = 5 .688 .550 * *
n = 10 .707 .569 .476 .332
n = 15 .732 .603 .514 .364
Notes: "*" denotes that the value of c is sufficiently high that
the initial two-firm merger and also all simultaneous mergers
of a larger number of firms will be profitable.
Minimum Conditions for a Profitable Sequential Merger
Critical Cost
Parameter, c
m = 2 m = 4 m = 6 m = 8
n = 3 1.60
n = 5 7.45 1.05
n = 10 22.38 14.70 7.08 2.03
n = 15 37.36 29.53 21.13 13.21
Critical Market
Share, m/n
c = 1 c = 3 c = 5 c = 10
n = 3 .736 * * *
n = 5 .805 .660 * *
n = 10 .871 .748 .667 .519
n = 15 .905 .794 .719 .595
Notes: For in = 2, the cost conditions are identical to those
in Table 1. For all cells, the number is the minimum
necessary for a merger of the mth firm with m - 1 previous
to be profitable. The "*" denotes that the value of c is
sufficiently high that the initial two firm merger and all
subsequent sequential mergers will be profitable.