Information and the provision of quality Differentiated products.
Brouhle, Keith ; Khanna, Madhu
In the past 20 years, consumers have become increasingly conscious
of the undesirable health and safety attributes of the products they
consume, and surveys suggest that a growing percentage of consumers are
willing to pay more for higher quality products, such as organic foods
and household cleaners and detergents that contain less toxic
ingredients (Guber 2003). Other high-quality products facing higher
demand include energy-efficient products like extended-life lightbulbs
and improved home insulation. Often, these high-quality products provide
private benefits that are excludable to buyers as well as public
benefits that are nonrival and nonexcludable. For example, reduced
pesticide and chemical residue on food may lower the risk of cancer
while also reducing contaminated run-off that degrades ground and
surface water quality. Extended-life lightbulbs and improved home
insulation may reduce an individual's utility bill while also
reducing greenhouse gas emissions from lower energy consumption.
Although interest in these types of high-quality products is growing,
demand is often relatively small. Market shares of organic produce, for
example, account for only 1%-2% of total sales (Baker et al. 2002).
One factor that may limit consumer demand for such products is
uncertainty about the extent to which these products are indeed of
higher quality (i.e., healthier and safer) compared to conventional
products. For example, consumers are often unable to determine the
amount of pesticide residue on a given piece of produce or the risks
associated with its consumption. They may also be uncertain about the
true benefits of switching to organic produce. Products whose quality
characteristics cannot be determined before, during, or after use are
known as credence goods (Darby and Karni 1973). While firms are
increasingly advertising the health, safety, and environmental
attributes of their products (Scientific Certification Systems 2002),
private marketing claims are often vague (e.g., the term organic can
refer to different things) or misleading (e.g., nontoxic cleaners may
still be toxic when used in excess quantities). Surveys show that
consumers are often uncertain about such marketing claims (Mater 1995;
Morris et al. 1995), and this uncertainty may reduce consumer
willingness to pay for such products (Ottman 1998).
The inability of the market to provide credible information has
encouraged government agencies to enact several types of information
provision programs. These include direct labeling programs such as the
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) EnergyStar eco-label or the
recently approved U.S. Department of Agriculture organic food label.
Government information provision may also include more indirect programs
such as education and information campaigns as well as the development
of guidelines for environmental marketing and labeling policies to
improve the standardization and credibility of firms' advertising.
Information provision programs enable consumers to differentiate
among products and to express their preferences for product attributes
in the market through their consumption choices. Firms may respond to
these market signals by producing goods with higher levels of product
quality. In an oligopolistic setting and when increasing quality is
costly, a firm, however, must consider its rival's response when
choosing the quality of its product. A firm producing a low-quality
product, for example, must balance the incentive to increase product
quality to capture higher consumer willingness to pay against the
increase in competition that will result when the firm's product
quality becomes closer to its rival. Our first objective in this
article, then, is to examine the role that consumer beliefs and
provision of information about the quality attributes of products play
on the incentives for duopolistic firms to produce higher quality goods.
Because information allows firms to more clearly transmit quality
differences to consumers, information may allow firms to segment the
market and exercise market power, which would allow them to charge
higher prices. We therefore also ask how the new equilibrium levels of
quality and degree of product differentiation in the market affect
consumer surplus, firm profit, and social welfare.
Even if consumers have perfect information about product quality,
the provision of quality by firms may be less than socially optimal if
consumers are unwilling to internalize the external effects of their
consumption decision. In this case, policy tools such as taxes on
low-quality products or subsidies on high-quality products may increase
the incentives of firms to raise product quality to socially optimal
levels. Our second objective in this article is therefore to analyze the
effects of information provision on the tax or subsidy rate needed to
achieve given levels of environmental protection. The interaction
between information and other policy instruments may vary across
policies. For example, the effectiveness of an ad valorem subsidy
depends on prices, which in turn depends on information. But an
emissions tax on observable emissions (which are inversely related to
product quality) creates incentives for increasing product quality
regardless of the level of consumer awareness about product quality.
After exploring the effects of implementing information provision alone
and the effects of information on the effectiveness of other policies,
our third and final objective is to compare the efficiency of
information provision versus an emissions tax and output subsidy.
Early publications on eco-labeling by Mattoo and Singh (1994) and
Sedjo and Swallow (2002) highlight the consequences of introducing an
eco-label on both the equilibrium quality of a firm as well as the
equilibrium quality that results in the market as a whole. They show
that while eco-labeling can raise product quality of a firm, it can also
raise the price of the product that could shift demand in favor of other
goods produced in environmentally unfriendly methods. In net, the
introduction of labeling and the separation of a market into quality
differentiated goods could result in a decline in overall environmental
quality. These studies assume that consumers have perfect information
about product quality and that the quality level of each firm is
determined exogenously.
Several studies--Mussa and Rosen (1978), Gabszewicz and Thisse
(1979), Shaked and Sutton (1982), Ronnen (1991), and Lehmann-Grube
(1997)--endogenize the quality provision decision of firms. These
studies show that vertically differentiated firms in a duopoly have an
incentive to differentiate their products to reduce price competition
with their rival firm while responding to heterogeneous consumer tastes
for product quality. Arora and Gangopadhyay (1995) and Crampes and
Hollander (1995) apply this framework to a market for green goods and
show that a minimum environmental quality standard leads to
overcompliance by the high-quality firm. These studies assume that
consumers fully internalize the environmental externality. Bansal and
Gangopadhyay (2003) and Lutz et al. (2000) extend this framework to
reexamine the efficiency of different types of government policies in a
model where production of quality creates an externality: product
quality affects the level of aggregate pollution in the environment.
Bansal and Gangopadhyay (2003) focus on the effect of different types of
tax regimes given the government's budget constraint, while Lutz et
al. (2000) argue that the welfare properties of a minimum quality
standard depend on the timing of the game between firms and a regulator.
Eriksson (2004) also looks at the extent that "green"
consumers affect product quality levels, although he frames the question
within a horizontal rather than vertical differentiated product market.
A common feature of these publications is the assumption that consumers
have perfect information about the environmental or quality attributes
of a good.
The effect of imperfect information on product quality and the role
of information acquisition has a rich history in the IO literature. Work
by Klein and Leffler (1981), Shapiro (1982, 1983), and Bagwell and
Riordan (1991) shows that in spite of uncertain product quality, markets
for quality differentiated products can arise. In such markets,
information about product quality is signaled through market prices.
These models are based on search or experience goods where product
quality can be determined over time or assume that the market is
characterized by some individuals who are initially informed of product
quality. Goods with different levels of environmental attributes,
though, are credence goods where quality cannot be ascertained by
consumers on their own. Feddersen and Gilligan (2001) and Kirchhoff (2000) look at the provision of quality in a market for credence goods
but assume there exists a third party or activist that is able to
ascertain quality and impose reputational losses on firms that engage in
This article extends the literature by analyzing the role that
consumer beliefs about the quality of credence goods play on the
provision of high-quality products in the market. These beliefs depend
on the extent to which consumers consider the information provided by
firms or third parties about product quality to be credible. Even in the
absence of any attempts at greenwashing by firms, consumers may not
fully believe or incorporate all relevant information about product
quality provided by firms into their decision making, and we therefore
examine the impact of imperfect information on the incentives for
duopolistic firms to produce vertically differentiated goods. We also
examine the effect of information on the effectiveness and welfare gains
from traditional policy instruments such as taxes and subsidies.
Firm and Consumer Behavior
We consider a market with two firms that produce vertically
differentiated products. All consumers derive the same intrinsic utility
from consuming a unit of the product, but consumers are heterogeneous in
the extent to which they value product quality. We assume consumers do
not internalize the externality and thus only consider the private
benefits in their decision making. (2) We let [theta] represent
consumers' taste for quality and assume [theta] follows a uniform
distribution with support [[theta].bar], [bar.[theta]]. To focus solely
on the quality decision of firms, we fix aggregate quantity by assuming
all consumers buy one unit of the good as is common in the literature
(see, e.g., Cremer and Thisse 1994; Crampes and Hollander 1995).
The products considered here are credence goods. Unlike search or
experience goods, consumers are unable to infer quality through market
prices or experience consuming the product. (3) Because the quality of a
good is difficult for consumers to determine on their own and because
consumers may not understand, believe, or incorporate available
information into their decision making, we assume quality is uncertain
to consumers. Based on the current level of information, consumers form
beliefs about the likelihood that the reported quality of each firm is
accurate. We represent this likelihood by [alpha], where 0 [less than]
[alpha] [less than] 1. (4) A higher value of [alpha] indicates a
greater likelihood that one has information about product quality. Given
this uncertainty about product quality, consumer j maximizes his/her
expected utility: (5)
(1) [EU.sup.j.i] = y + k + [[theta].sup.j][[alpha]q.sub.i] -
where y is income, k is the intrinsic utility consumers receive
from the functional aspects of the product, (6) and [q.sub.i] and
[P.sub.i] represent the quality-enhancing aspects and price of the good
produced by firm i.
The contribution of a firm's product quality [q.sub.i] to an
individual's utility depends on both the individual's taste
for quality ([[theta].sup.i]) and information or knowledge of that
quality level ([alpha]) Furthermore, since [alpha] and [theta] enter in
a multiplicative fashion in the utility expression and since 0 [less
than] [alpha] [less than] 1, an increase in information is equivalent to
an increase in the mean of consumer valuations for quality accompanied
with an expansion in the range of consumer valuations for quality. As
consumer valuations for quality become more diverse, this allows firms
to produce products that are more differentiated from each other. When
[alpha] equals zero, for example, firms are unable to transmit
information about product quality to consumers, and profit maximizing
firms are forced to produce identical products with no product quality.
For [alpha] > 0, consumers receive different levels of utility from
product quality depending on their individual taste for quality, and
hence, some information about product quality allows consumers to demand
products of different quality levels. An increase in information, then,
expands the space of potential product qualities in which firms compete
and allows firms to differentiate their products.
We assume a noncooperative duopoly market structure where each firm
produces a single product quality; therefore, i = h (high quality) or 1
(low quality). Firms have an identical cost function C([x.sub.i],
[q.sub.i]) = [x.sub.i]c([q.sub.i]), where [x.sub.i] is quantity and
[q.sub.i] is quality. The cost of quality per unit of output is convex in quality, [c.sup.'](*) > 0 and [c.sup."](*) > 0. Later
we assume a quadratic cost function for tractability as in Cremer and
Thisse (1994), Crampes and Hollander (1995), and Lombardini-Riipinen
(2001); in particular, we assume c([q.sub.i]) = (l/2)[q.sup.2.sub.i].
Product quality also generates public benefits in the form of
reduced environmental degradation. We assume that production of the good
degrades the environment by generating a given level of pollution, [rho]
> 0, per unit of output. A higher quality product produces less
pollution per unit of output such that net pollution is [rho] -
[q.sub.i]. Aggregate pollution, then, is AP = [X.sub.h]([rho] -
[q.sub.h]) + [x.sub.1]([rho] - [q.sub.l]), where [X.sub.h] and [x.sub.1]
are the proportion of consumers of the highand low-quality good.
Key results in the article revolve around the incentives of firms
to produce quality differentiated products. As a point of comparison, we
define the preferred quality of each consumer as the quality level that
maximizes their utility (fall potential variants are offered at marginal
costs (Cremer and Thisse 1994). Formally,
The preferred quality for each individual is the quality level that
equates his or her marginal benefit of consumption
([[theta].sup.j[alpha]) to the marginal cost of producing that quality
level ([c.sup.']([q.sub.j]). If we assume a quadratic cost
function, ([c.sup.']([q.sub.j]) = (1/2)[q.sup.2.sub.j], the
preferred quality for each individual is [q.sub.j] =
[[theta].sup.j][alpha]. Note, the levels of quality are now also indexed
by j because each individual would consume a different quality product.
The set of preferred quality levels of all consumers follows a uniform
distribution from [[[theta].bar][alpha], [bar.[theta]][alpha]] with a
range [PHI]([alpha]) = [alpha]([bar.[theta] - [[theta].bar]).
Unregulated Market Equilibrium
With a noncompetitive duopoly market structure, the distribution of
"preferred" qualities will not occur. Rather, firms solve a
two-stage game; firms first make a quality decision and then compete in
prices. (7) The model is solved by backward induction to ensure a
subgame-perfect equilibrium.
To determine the demand for the low--nd high-quality products,
define the critical parameter [??] by finding the consumer who is
indifferent between the two qualities such that
[EU.sup.j.sub.h]([??]) = [EU.sup.j.sub.l]([??]) or
(3) y + k + [[??].sup.j] [alpha][q.sub.h] - [P.sub.h] = y + k +
[[??].sup.j] [alpha][q.sub.l] - [P.sub.l]
(4) [??] = [[P.sub.h] - P.sub.l]]/[[alpha]([q.sub.h] - [q.sub.l]].
Those individuals with [theta] greater than [??] consume the
high-quality product, while those individuals with [theta] less than
[??] consume the low-quality product. (8) Demand for the high-quality
product is
(5) [X.sub.h] = [[integral].sup.[bar.[theta]].sub.[??]] dF([theta])
= [[bar.[theta][alpha]]([q.sub.h] - [q.sub.l]) - ([P.sub.h] -
[P.sub.l])] /[R[alpha]([q.sub.h] - [q.sub.l])],
where F([theta]) is the distribution function of [theta] and R =
[[bar.[theta] - [[theta].bar]. Demand for the low-quality product is
(6) [X.sub.l] = [[integral].sup.[??].sub.[bar.[theta]] I
dF([theta]) = [([P.sub.h] - [P.sub.l])- [[theta].bar][alpha]([q.sub.h] -
[q.sub.l]) /[[R.sub.[alpha]([q.sub.h] - [q.sub.l])].
Because firms are identical and the distribution of consumers is
uniformly distributed, firms split the market evenly in equilibrium.
Note, holding prices and qualities constant, an increase in information
decreases [??], which would increase demand for the high-quality product
at the expense of the demand for the low-quality product.
With the demands of each product quality variant known, we solve
IN ASCII]. Solving, the two equilibrium prices are
(7) [P.sub.h] = (1/3)[c([q.sub.l]) + 2c([q.sub.h]) +
[alpha]([q.sub.h] - [q.sub.l])(2[[bar.[theta] - [[theta].bar]]
(8) [P.sub.l] = (l/3)[2c([q.sub.l]) + c([q.sub.h]) +
[alpha]([q.sub.h] - [q.sub.l])([bar.[theta] - 2[[]].
With second-stage prices known, firms choose product quality or
abatement effort in the first stage that maximize profits: [[PHI].sub.i]
= [[P.sub.i] - c([q.sub.i])][[x.sub.i]]. Maximization of profits yields
the following first-order conditions,
(9) g + [alpha](2[bar.[theta]] - [[theta]]) -
2[c.sup.'] ([q.sub.h]) = 0
(10) g - [alpha]([bar.[theta]] - 2[[theta]]) -
2[c.sup.']([q.sub.l]) = 0,
where g is the additional per unit cost of increasing quality from
[q.sub.l] to [q.sub.h] (g = [C([q.sub.h]) - c([q.sub.l])]/[[q.sub.h] -
[q.sub.l]]). Because c([q.sub.i]) is a convex function,
[c.sup.']([q.sub.l]) < g < [c.sup.']([q.sub.h]). The
first-order conditions highlight that the quality choice of each firm
depends on its costs (c(qi)), the quality choice of its opponent
([q.sub.-i]), consumer valuations of quality ([theta]), and information
([alpha]). The duopoly outcome arises when both firms produce positive
output in equilibrium and earn nonnegative profits. From (5) and (6),
output for both firms is positive if - [alpha]([bar.[theta]] -
2[[theta].bar]) < g < [alpha](2[bar.[theta]] - [[theta].bar]),
which is satisfied by the first-order conditions. Firms also earn
positive profits in equilibrium, which ensures both firms stay in the
market (see Crampes and Hollander 1995).
Totally differentiating the first-order conditions, we can solve
for the best response function:
(11) for the high-quality firm: d[q.sub.h]/d[q.sub.l] =
[[c.sup.'] ([q.sub.l]) - g]/[[c.sup.'] ([q.sub.h]) - g -
2[c.sup."]([q.sub.h])([q.sub.h] - [q.sub.l])]
(12) and for the low-quality firm: d[q.sub.h]/d[q.sub.l] = [g -
[c.sup.'] ([q.sub.l]) - 2[c.sup."] ([q.sub.l]) x ([q.sub.h] -
[q.sub.l])]/[g - [c.sup.']([q.sub.h])].
The best response function [q.sub.h]([q.sub.l]) for the
high-quality firm and [q.sub.l]([q.sub.h]) for the low-quality firm are
represented in Figure 1. The convexity of the cost function and
second-order conditions imply that both best response functions are
positively sloped, which indicates the choice of quality is a strategic
complement for each firm. Also, the best response function for the
low-quality firm is steeper than the best response function for the
high-quality firm. The intersection of the best response functions
yields the Nash equilibrium qualities, [q.sup.*.sub.l] and
[q.sup.*.sub.h]. Note, even absent government incentives, firms find it
advantageous to produce quality differentiated products. This is because
if both firms produce a product with the exact same level of quality,
second-stage Bertrand price competition will ensure that profits are
zero. Thus, price competition in the second stage coupled with
heterogeneous consumer tastes encourage firms to produce differentiated
products. We now explore how information, taxes, and subsidies provide
different incentives for firms to produce quality differentiated
In the unregulated market equilibrium, quality is underprovided for
two reasons. First, a lack of information leads consumers to
underconsume quality, and this underprovision may encourage governments
to implement information provision programs to encourage the production
of higher quality goods. Information provision programs encompass direct
labeling programs as well as more indirect methods like educational
campaigns and providing guidelines for nutritional and safety labeling.
Second, even if consumers have perfect information, there will still
exist an underprovision of quality if consumers do not internalize the
public benefits generated from higher quality goods. Governments may
therefore need to intervene with policies such as taxes, subsidies, or
standards to provide incentives to firms to produce higher quality
goods. In the next section we determine the effect of information
provision on the quality choice of firms and the resulting market
equilibrium. In the following section, we examine the effects of other
policy instruments, and finally we compare these instruments and look at
their effect on social welfare.
Information Provision
We consider information provision as a mechanism that gives
consumers more trust in firms' reported product quality. We use the
framework developed above to show the following:
1. An increase in information will result in higher (lower) product
quality for the highquality firm if {-[k.sub.l] [dg/[dq.sub.l]] +
[c.sup."]([q.sub.l])} > (<) 0.
2. An increase in information will result in higher (lower) product
quality for the low-quality firm if {[dg/[dq.sub.h]] -
[k.sub.2[c.sup."] ([q.sub.h]) } > (<) O.
Proof The above conditions result from totally differentiating the
first-order conditions (equations (9) and (10)) characterizing the
market equilibrium (see A1-A9 in appendix). Note, dg/[dq.sub.i] is the
change in the slope of the line between the costs of the two firms,
[c.sup."]([q.sub.i]) is the change in the marginal cost of firm i,
and [k.sub.1] and [k.sub.2] are constants (see appendix). Note,
dg/[dq.sub.i], [c.supb."]([q.sub.i]), [k.sub.1]and [k.sub.2] are
all positive. Q.E.D.
The fact that information may result in lower product quality is
counter to the usual belief that information provision programs
encourage firms to produce higher quality goods. To understand this
counterintuitive result, it is helpful to recall that an increase in
information is equivalent to an increase in consumer valuations for
quality (both an increase in the mean and variance of consumer
valuations). If only the mean valuation for quality increased, it would
be straightforward to show that both firms would increase product
quality (Arora and Gangopadhyay 1995; Eriksson 2004). An increase in the
range of valuations, though, allows firms to produce products that are
more differentiated from each other, and the proposition indicates that
this greater product differentiation may be achieved by either raising
or lowering levels of product quality by each firm. Examining the
conditions of the proposition highlights the role that the anticipated
reaction of a firm's rival plays in its quality choice.
Consider the quality decision for the high-quality firm.
Proposition 1 indicates that the high quality firm is more likely to
increase quality if (1) the change in the costs between the two firms is
small and (2) the change in the marginal cost for the low-quality firm
is large. Thus, information provision results in an increase in quality
of the high-quality firm if the increase in quality does not put it at
too much of a cost disadvantage compared to the low-quality firm and if
the change in marginal cost of raising quality for the low-quality firm
is increasing rapidly. The latter would reduce the likelihood that the
low-quality firm would, ceteris paribus, match the increase in quality
by the high-quality firm, thereby resulting in greater quality
differentiation and lower price competition in the market. Note, the
quality decision for the low-quality firm depends on a similar set of
conditions. The fact that the quality choice of either firm in response
to information can be positive or negative is an important result as
information provision programs are promoted based on the presumption that they lead firms to produce goods with higher levels of quality. (9)
To look more closely at the effects of information on consumer
surplus, firm profit, and aggregate pollution, it is helpful to assume a
specific cost function, c([q.sub.i]) = (l/2)[q.sup.2.sub.i]. To support
the duopoly outcome and to satisfy the nonnegativity conditions with
this cost function, we also assume 2[[theta].bar] < [bar.[theta]]
< 5[[]. (10)We maintain these assumptions throughout the
remainder of the article.
PROPOSITION 2. An increase in information results in the provision
of a higher quality product by both the low- and high-quality firm,
lower aggregate pollution, and higher profits for both the low- and
high-quality firm.
Proof When c([q.sub.i])= (1/2)[q.sup.2.sub.i], we solve the
first-order conditions (equations (9) and (10)) to determine
[q.supb*.sub.h] = ([alpha]/4)(5[bar.[theta]] - [[theta].bar]) and
q.sup.*.sub.l] = ([alpha]/4)(-[bar.[theta]] + 5[[theta].bar]).
Differentiation with respect to [alpha] proves the first part of the
proposition. The second result follows directly from the first result
and the assumption that the market is fully covered.(11) To prove the
third result, substitute the equilibrium quality and price levels into
the profit expressions: [[PHI].sub.i] = [[P.sub.i] -
c([q.sub.i])][x.sub.i] = (3[[alpha].sup.2]([theta] - [[theta].bar]))/8.
This implies that d[[PHI].sub.i]/d[alpha] > 0. Q.E.D.
An examination of the best response functions provides the
foundation for Proposition 2. Differentiating equations (9) and (10),
the best response functions are:
(13) for the high-quality firm: [q.sub.h] =
(2[alpha]/3)(2[bar.[theta]] - [[theta].bar]) + (1/3)[q.sub.1],
(14) and for the low-quality firm: [q.sub.h] =
2[alpha]([bar.[theta]] - 2[[]) + 3[q.sub1].
The intersection of the best response function [q.sub.h]([q.sub.l])
for the high-quality firm and [q.sub.l]([q.sub.h]) for the low-quality
firm determine the initial equilibrium values of quality,
[q.sup.*.sub.h] and [q.sup.*.sub.l] (point A in Figure 2). From
equations (13) and (14), an increase in information ([alpha]) shifts
both best response functions up and shifts up the best response function
for the high-quality firm ([q.sub.h]([q.sub.l]) to
[q.sub.l.sub.h]([q.sub.l])) more than the best response function for the
low-quality firm ([q.sub.l]([q.sub.h]) to [q.sup.1.sub.l]([q.sub.h])).
The new intersection of the best response functions shows that
information provision results in higher levels of quality by both firms
([q.sup.l.sub.l] > [q.sub.*.sub.l] and [q.sub.*.sub.h] > ;
movement from A to A' in Figure 2).
To understand other results of Proposition 2, it is helpful to
recall that information expands the space of potential quality levels
and therefore lessens competition among firms in the market. With a
quadratic cost function, we can now more clearly show this idea by
defining the range of actual product qualities provided by the two
firms: [lambda]([alpha]) = [q.sup.*.sub.h] [q.sup.*.sub.l] =
(3[alpha]/2)([bar.[theta]] - [[theta].bar). Recall, [PHI]([alpha]) is
the distribution of preferred qualities that would result if products
were offered at their marginal costs and is equal to
[alpha]([bar.[theta]] - [[theta].bar]). Figure 3 shows [lambda]([alpha])
and [PHI]([alpha]) and indicates that the duopoly market provides a
wider range of qualities. Not only do firms in a duopoly provide
"too much" differentiation, but by comparing [lambda]([alpha])
and [PHI]([alpha]) at different levels of information, we can see that
the degree of excess product differentiation (i.e., the market power of
firms) increases as information increases (see Figure 3).
As firms differentiate their products, they compete less vigorously
in prices and prices rise (d[P.sub.i]/d[alpha] > 0). Of course, costs
also rise as firms are producing a higher quality good. In the appendix
(see A10-A12), we show that prices rise faster than costs
(d[P.sub.i]/d[alpha] > dc([q.sub.i])/d[alpha]), which implies that an
increase in information will result in higher profits for the two firms.
An interesting result is that the new qualities and prices chosen in
response to a change in information result in firms continuing to split
the market evenly. (12) With the same market share, the increase in
profits for the two firms is equal. The increase in firm profit implies
that both firms would welcome an information-based policy. This result
is in contrast to other government policies like taxes and standards
that reduce the profit of the high-quality firm (Crampes and Hollander
1995). In these cases, the high-quality firm may expend socially
wasteful effort to resist or lobby against a tax or standard (Lutz et
al. 2000). Information provision, in contrast, will not face opposition
from firms. This gives further insight into why firms may voluntarily
agree to participate in information provision programs.
Since an increase in information results in higher product
qualities but also higher prices of both goods, the effect on consumer
surplus is ambiguous (see appendix A17-A18): (13)
Consumers must balance the gains from consuming a higher quality
product, which depends on their individual valuation of quality
[[theta].sup.j], against the loss due to the higher price, which depends
on the degree of excess differentiation in the market. For consumers
consuming a given product quality, consumers are more likely to benefit
from an increase in information when they have high valuations of
quality and when the increase in excess product differentiation is small
(when [alpha] is small).
A final objective is to consider the welfare impact of information
provision. We define social welfare as the sum of consumer surplus and
firm profit, minus aggregate pollution as in Lutz et al. (2000) and
Moraga-Gonzalez and Padron-Fumero (2002): W = [[integral].sub.j]
[CS.sup.j] + [[summation].sub.i] [[PHI].sub.i] - AP. (14)
PROPOSITION 3. Information pro vision may not always be welfare
enhancing. Information provision is welfare enhancing when the initial
[alpha] is small, but may be welfare reducing when the initial [alpha]
is large.
(16) W = [integral] CS + [summation] [PHI] - AP
(18) dW / d[alpha] [??] 0,
after one substitutes equilibrium values of [q.sup.*.sub.h] and
[q.sup.*.sub.l] (see appendix A19-A29). Q.E.D.
The fact that information is not always welfare enhancing reflects
the different roles that information plays in the market equilibrium.
From Figure 3, we saw that information results in higher quality
products but also products that are more differentiated from each other.
The increase in product quality is beneficial as it better matches
consumer preferences and reduces aggregate pollution. The excess product
differentiation, however, in the face of a convex cost function, is
harmful as it results in higher costs than are socially optimal. In the
appendix (see A19-A29), we show that dW/d[alpha] is positive when a is
small (firms have little market power and the degree of excess product
differentiation is small) but could be negative when [alpha] is large
(firms have more market power and the degree of excess product
differentiation is larger). Thus, we are able to conclude that an
information-based program is welfare enhancing only if consumers start
with low levels of information. (15)
Emissions Tax and Output Subsidy
An increase in information can correct the market failure of
imperfect information and can increase product qualities. Product
quality will still be underprovided, though, when there exists a public
good aspect of quality such as pollution. There exist many instruments
that governments may use to encourage higher level of quality provision,
such as an ad valorem tax/subsidy on output, a per unit emissions
tax/subsidy, a per unit output tax/ subsidy, technology subsidies, and
minimum quality standards. We focus here on the first two types of
policies and in particular on uniform taxes/subsidies because these
instruments have been most frequently studied in the literature (Arora
and Gangopadhyay 1995; Moraga-Gonzalez and Padron-Fumero 2002; Bansal
and Gangopadhyay 2003) and one of the purposes of this article is to
show the impact of consumer beliefs on the design and effectiveness of
these instruments. For brevity, we do not analyze the effects of the
other policies, but the framework developed here can be easily used to
do so. (16) We first establish the effect of an emissions tax and output
subsidy on equilibrium quality levels and the degree of product
differentiation in the market and then determine if the effectiveness of
these price instruments changes when consumers have different amounts of
Assume the government places a tax, t, on each unit of emissions.
Firms face the following problem: Max [[PHI].sub.i] = [[P.sub.i]
c([q.sub.i])- t([rho][q.sub.i])][[x.sub.i]]. Solving the two-stage game
in the same fashion as in section III, the equilibrium levels of quality
are [q.sup.t.sub.h] = ([alpha]/4)(5[bar.[theta]] - [[theta].bar])+ t and
[q.sup.t.l] = ([alpha]/4)(- [bar.[theta]] + 5[[theta].bar]) + t (see
point A in Figure 4). Regardless of the quality choice of its opponent,
both firms will increase quality in response to a tax, and this results
in a new equilibrium where the equilibrium quality level of each firm is
higher (see point B in Figure 4). From the expressions of the
equilibrium quality levels, we can see that both firms increase quality
by the same amount, and the degree of product differentiation between
the two products in the market does not change (d[lamba]/dt = 0).
Because the degree of product differentiation does not change, price
competition between the two firms is unaffected. With an inelastic market demand, then, firms are able to raise their price by an amount
equal to the increased costs of producing the higher quality product
plus the cost of the tax. Consumers face the entire burden of the
increased costs of quality and cost of the tax, and therefore, firm
profit is unaffected by a per unit emissions tax.
With an ad valorem subsidy s on output (where the per unit subsidy
is proportional to the price level), the profit expressions are
[[PHI].sub.i] = [[P.sub.i](l + s) - c([q.sub.i])][[x.sub.i]]. Solving
the two-stage game yields the following equilibrium levels of quality:
[q.sup.s.sub.h] = ([alpha]/4)(1 + s)(5[bar.[theta]] [[theta].bar]) and
[q.sup.s.sub.l] = ([alpha]/4)(1 + s)(-[bar.[theta]] + 5[[theta].bar])
(see point A in Figure 5). An increase in the ad valorem subsidy rate
will lead the high-quality firm to produce a higher quality good because
it leads to a higher price (and hence higher subsidy payment) for two
reasons. First, consumers are willing to pay more for a higher quality
good, and second, a higher quality product by the high-quality firm
results in less price competition in the market, and hence a higher
price. The effect of an ad valorem subsidy on the low-quality firm is
less obvious. If the low-quality firm increases quality, it would be
able to get higher subsidy payments, but its product would be closer to
the quality choice of the high-quality firm. Although the good has
higher quality, it is possible that the resulting price competition
would cause prices to fall and hence result in a lower subsidy payment.
On the other hand, a reduction in quality by the low quality firm
results in greater product differentiation, which may raise price (even
through the good is of lower quality) and increase the subsidy payment.
The equilibrium quality levels obtained from the best response functions
(see point B in Figure 5) show that an ad valorem subsidy results in
higher quality products by both firms. Because an ad valorem subsidy
gives the high-quality firm a larger subsidy payment (because they have
a higher price), the high-quality firm has a greater incentive to
increase quality compared to the low-quality firm, and this results in a
greater degree of product differentiation in the market
(d[[lambda].sup.s/ds > 0). As expected, an ad valorem output subsidy
increases the profit of both firms (see appendix A40).
Now that we have established the effect of a per unit emissions tax
and an ad valorem output subsidy, we ask if the effectiveness of a tax
or subsidy changes when consumers have different amounts of information.
In Figures 4 and 5, we diagram a new equilibrium due to greater levels
of information (see point A') and consider the effect of a tax or a
subsidy on this new equilibrium (movement from point A' to point
1. The increase in product quality due to a per unit tax is
independent of the level of information.
2. The increase in product quality due to an ad valorem subsidy is
greater when consumers have more information.
Proof See Figures 4 and 5 and the appendix (A30-A40). Q.E.D.
The different results with a per unit emissions tax and an ad
valorem output subsidy arise because a tax and subsidy interact
differently with information provision. Consider a per unit emissions
tax. An emissions tax assumes there exists a knowledgeable government
that can place a tax directly on emissions. In this case, the impact of
a tax on a firm is independent of the level of information as the only
thing that affects a firm's tax bill is its level of emissions. A
subsidy on a firm's price, on the other hand, depends indirectly on
the level of information as information affects firm quality and price,
and hence the size of the subsidy a firm receives. At low levels of
consumer understanding of product quality, firms have little incentive
to respond to an ad valorem output subsidy as firms are unable to
transmit their quality improvements to consumers. However, as
information increases, a given increase in quality by a firm is more
efficiently transmitted to consumers which results in a higher price,
and hence a greater subsidy payment to the firm. This implies that a
firm becomes more responsive to an ad valorem output subsidy as
information increases. Previous literature (Arora and Gangopadhyay 1995;
Bansal and Gangopadhyay 2003; Moraga-Gonzalez and Padron-Fumero 2002)
that addresses the effectiveness of a subsidy has assumed that consumers
have perfect knowledge of product quality ([alpha] = 1). We show here
that imperfect consumer knowledge of product quality lessens the
effectiveness of an ad valorem subsidy in changing firm behavior. With
smaller changes in product qualities, firms are unable to differentiate
their products as much. They face greater price competition, and
therefore, the increase in firm profits due to an ad valorem output
subsidy with imperfect information is smaller than the increase in firm
profits when consumers have perfect information about product quality.
The final objective is to compare the efficiency properties of
information provision, a per unit emissions tax, and an ad valorem
output subsidy. As a basis of comparison, we design policy instruments
that result in the same level of aggregate pollution. We show in the
appendix (see A45-AS1) that information provision that raises consumer
knowledge of product quality by [DELTA] results in a level of aggregate
pollution equal to [rho]- (1/2)([alpha]+ [DELTA])([bar. [theta]] +
[[theta].bar]). A per unit emissions tax of [DELTA]([theta] +[bar.
[[theta])/2 or an ad valorem output subsidy of [DELTA]/[alpha] will
achieve this same level of aggregate pollution.
The quality levels achieved by the low-and high-quality firms under
information provision (I = [alpha] + [DELTA]), per unit emissions tax (t
= [DELTA]([bar. [theta]] + [[theta].bar])/2), and ad valorem output
subsidy (s = [DELTA]/[alpha]) are derived in the appendix (see A52-A54)
and shown in Figure 6. Note, the quality levels are identical under
information provision and an ad valorem output subsidy ([q.sup.I.sub.i]
= [q.sup.s.sub.i] = [q.sup.I/s.sub.i] = h, I). Thus, any welfare
considerations between these two programs will hinge on the relative
costs of implementing these two programs. Second, the range of qualities
under information provision or an output subsidy is greater than the
range of qualities under an emissions tax. Third, note that although
quality levels are functions of [alpha], s, and t, the degree of product
differentiation is a function of only [alpha] and s. Hence, an increase
in information ([alpha]) or the ad valorem subsidy (s) will increase
quality levels as well as the degree of product differentiation, but an
increase in the per unit tax (t) will only increase product quality.
With the quality levels determined, we can now turn to a
calculation of social welfare. Because aggregate pollution is the same
under each program, we can evaluate social welfare according to (19)
Social welfare depends on the distribution of qualities; in
particular, it depends on how consumers value the quality distribution
and how much it costs to produce the quality distribution. Because
consumer valuations are linear in quality, consumers prefer the more
disperse set of qualities under information provision (or an ad valorem
output subsidy) compared to the more compact set of qualities under a
per unit emissions tax. On the other hand, a convex cost function
implies that costs are greater under the more disperse set of qualities
compared to the more compact set of qualities. The question is which
effect dominates: the gain in consumer valuations or the loss in costs.
We show that the comparison depends on the absolute level of qualities
of the two goods, which in turn depends on the level of consumer
knowledge of product quality.
PROPOSITION 5. Social welfare under information provision or an ad
valorem output subsidy is greater than social welfare under a per unit
emissions tax if (2 - 3[DELTA])/6 > [alpha].
(20) [[??].sup.I/s] [??] [[??].sup.t]
Substituting in the equilibrium values of [q.sub.h] and [q.sub.t]
(22) (2 - 3[DELTA])/6 [??] [alpha].
When consumer knowledge of product quality is low, firms are unable
to transmit quality to consumers and firms produce goods with relatively
low levels of quality. In this case, costs of quality are relatively
small, so gains in consumer surplus are more important than losses due
to higher costs and information provision (or an output subsidy) is
preferred to an emissions tax. When consumers are more informed of
product quality, firms produce goods with higher levels of quality as
well as goods that result in a greater degree of product differentiation
in the market. With a convex cost function, this increased product
differentiation results in costs rising relatively fast such that the
losses due to the higher costs of quality now outweigh the gains in
consumer surplus from the higher quality, and an emissions tax is
preferred to information provision (or an output subsidy). (17)
Proponents of information provision programs argue that increased
consumer knowledge of product quality would enable better transmission
of consumer preferences for quality to firms and provide incentives to
firms to provide goods with higher levels of quality. Although these
policies have been used more in practice, there has been little
theoretical work exploring this topic. This article has addressed this
shortcoming in the literature. First, we looked at how an
information-based program works in isolation of other policies. Contrary
to the commonly held belief that information provision will always
result in higher levels of quality, we show that information expands the
space of potential quality levels, which allows firms to increase or
decrease product quality. We establish conditions when a firm will
increase quality and find that this decision depends crucially on its
costs and its rival's behavior.
Even if information provision results in a higher product quality
offered by the two firms, the effect of information provision on social
welfare is ambiguous. This result arises because information provision
allows firms to engage in excess product differentiation. Although the
higher quality goods more closely match consumer preferences and result
in lower aggregate pollution, the excess product differentiation results
in higher costs than are socially optimal. On the whole, social welfare
can either increase or decrease depending on the initial levels of
consumer knowledge of product quality and the cost of informing
consumers. This is an important result because it shows how government
policy can facilitate market power by subtly affecting the way that
firms compete in a duopoly.
In addition to identifying the effects of an information-based
policy in isolation, this article examines the effect of an
information-based policy on other commonly used policy instruments. When
consumers are more informed about the environmental attributes of a
good, an ad valorem output subsidy becomes more effective at encouraging
both firms to improve quality. Though it may be impossible to rely
solely on information provision (due to the difficulty in educating all
consumers) or on a subsidy (due to its large budgetary impacts), one may
be able to achieve a given improvement in the environment by employing
both programs simultaneously. In contrast, an information-based program
and an emissions tax work independently of each other.
Finally, a comparison between information provision and different
price instruments has shown that these programs differ in the incentives
they provide for firms to differentiate their products. In particular, a
per unit emissions tax does not affect how firms compete with each other
and therefore does not change the distribution of product qualities in
the market. Information provision or an ad valorem output subsidy, on
the other hand, increase the incentives of firms to differentiate their
products and result in a more dispersed quality distribution. The degree
of product differentiation, then, affects which policy is preferred in
reaching a target level of aggregate quality. We find the more disperse
quality distribution under information provision or an ad valorem
subsidy is preferred at low levels of information (because gains in
consumer valuations outweigh losses in higher costs) while the more
compact distribution under a per unit emissions tax is preferred at high
levels of information (because costs eventually increase faster than
consumer valuations).
Differentiating the first-order conditions in equations (9) and
Because the determinant of A is positive from the second-order
(A4) sign([dq.sub.h]/d[alpha] =
sign[-3([bar.[theta]]-[[theta].bar]) (g - c'([q.sub.t])) +
2(2[bar.[[theta]-[[theta].bar])c"([q.sub.t])([q.sub.h] -
(A5) sign([dq.sub.t]/d[alpha]]) = sign[3([bar.[[theta] -
[[theta].bar])(c'([q.sub.h]) - g) - 2([bar.[theta]] -
2[[theta].bar])c"([q.sub.h])([q.sub.h] - [q.sub.t])].
One can see that the sign of d[q.sub.h]/[d[alpha] and
d[q.sub.l]/d[alpha] depends on the cost function. These expressions can
be simplified by rewriting them in terms of g. Because g = [c([q.sub.h])
- c([q.sub.l])/ [[q.sub.h] - [q.sub.t], define
Rewriting the expressions d[q.sub.h/d[alpha] and d[q.sub.l/d[alpha]
by substituting in dg/d[q.sub.i], we get the following
(A8) sign([dq.sub.h/d[alpha]) = sign[-[k.sub.t], (dg/[dq.sub.l]) +
c" ([q.sub.l])]
(A9) sign([dq.sub.l/d[alpha]) = sign[(dg/[dq.sub.h]) -
where [k.sub.1 = 3([bar.[[theta] - [[theta].bar])/[2(2[bar.[theta]]
- [[theta].bar.])] and [k.sub.2] = 2([bar.[[theta] - 2
[[theta].bar])/[3([bar.[[theta] - [[theta].bar])].
Substituting the optimal choices of quality when c([q.sub.i])
(1/2)[q.sup.2.sub.i] into the equilibrium price expressions (equations
(7) and (8)),
(A10) [P.sub.h] = ([[alpha].sup.2]/32)(49[[bar.[theta]].sup.2]] -
58 [[bar.[theta]][[theta].bar]+ 25[[[theta].bar].sup.2]) and
[P.sub.l] = ([[alpha].sup.2]/32)(25[[bar.[theta]].sup.2]]
58[bar.[theta]][[theta].bar] + 49[[[theta].bar]sup.2])
and into the cost expressions,
(A11) c([q.sub.h]) = ([[alpha].sup.2]/32)(25[bar.[[theta].sup.2] -
10[bar.[[theta][[theta].bar] [[theta].sup.2]) and c([q.sub.l]) =
([[alpha].sup.2]/32)([bar.[[theta].sup.2] - 10[bar.[[theta][[theta].bar]
+ 25[bar.[[theta].sup.2]).
Taking the derivative of each expression, it is easy to show
(A12) ([dP.sub.h/d[alpha]) > (dc([q.sub.h])/d[alpha]) and
([dP.sub.l]/d[alpha]) > (dc([q.sub.l])/d[alpha])
Alternatively, substitute the equilibrium values of [q.sub.h], and
[q.sub.l] directly into the profit expressions,
(A13) [[PI].sub.i] = [[P.sub.i] = c([q.sub.i])][X.sub.i]
(A14) [[PI].sub.i] = 3[[alpha].sup.2]([bar.[theta]] -
(A15) d[[PI].sub.i/d[alpha] > 0.
For consumer j who buys from firm i,
For individuals that consume the high-quality product, the change
in utility is
(A17) d[U.sup.j.sub.h]/d[alpha] =
(1/16)[4[[theta].sup.j](5[bar.[theta]] - [[theta].bar.]) -
[alpha](49[bar.[theta]].sup.2] - 58[bar.[theta]][[theta].bar] +
For individuals that consume the low-quality product, the change in
utility is
(A18) d[U.sup.j.sub.l/d[alpha] =
(1/16)[4[[theta].sup.j](-[bar.[theta]] + 5[[theta].bar])
-[alpha](25[[bar.[theta]].sup.2] - 58[bar.[theta]][[theta].bar] +
It is clear that the sign of d[U.sup.j.sub.i]/d[alpha] depends
crucially on the size of [[theta].sup.j] and [alpha]. All else equal,
d[U.sup.j.sub.i]/d[alpha] is increasing in [theta] and decreasing in
Define the surplus from consumers and firms as
(A19) CS + [PI] = [[integral].sup.[??].[[theta].bar]]
[[theta][q.sub.l - c([q.sub.l])dF([theta]) +
[[integral].sup.[bar.[[theta].sub.[??]] [[theta][q.sub.h] -
(A20) = (1/(2R))[-[[??].sup.2]([q.sub.h] - [q.sub.l]) +
[??]([q.sup.2.sub.h] - [q.sup.2.sub.l]) +
([[bar.[theta]].sup.2][q.sub.h] - [[[theta].bar].sup.2][q.sub.l]) +
([bar.[theta]][q.sup.2.sub.l] - [bar.[theta]][q.sup.2.sub.h])].
After one substitutes in the equilibrium values of [q.sub.h],
[q.sub.l], and [??] and simplifies,
(A21) d(CS + [PI])/d[alpha] = (1/(32R))[(14[[bar.[theta].sup.3] -
10[[bar.[theta]].sup.2] [[theta].bar] +
10[bar.[theta]][[theta].bar].sup.2]] - 14[[bar.[theta].sup.3]) -
2[alpha](13[[bar.[theta].sup.3] - 23[[bar.[theta].sup.2][[theta].bar] +
23[bar.[theta]][[theta].bar].sup.2] - 13 [[theta].bar].sup.3])]
If [alpha] = 0
(A22) d(CS + [PI])/d[alpha] (1/32)[10([[bar.[theta]].sup.2] +
[[theta].bar.sup.2]) +4([[bar.[theta]].sup.2] +
[[bar.[theta]][[theta].bar] + [[[theta].bar.]].sup.2])] > 0.
If [alpha] = 1
(A23) d(CS+[PI])/[alpha] = -12([bar.[theta]] -
Define aggregate pollution as
(A24) AP [x.sup.h]([rho] - [q.sup.h]) + [x.sub.l]([rho] -
After one substitutes in the equilibrium values of [q.sub.h],
[q.sub.l], [X.sub.h] and [x.sub.l] and simplifies,
(A25) AP = [rho] - ([alpha]/2)([bar.[theta]] + [[theta].bar])
(A26) d(AP)/d[alpha] = -(1/2)([bar.[theta]] + [[theta].bar]) <
Now consider the combined effect on social welfare of a change in
(A27) dW/d[alpha] = (d(CS + [PI])/d[alpha]) - (d(AP)/d[alpha].
If [alpha] = 0
If [alpha] = 1
Per Unit Emissions Tax. Under a per unit emissions tax, firms
(A30) [[PI].sub.h] = [[P.sub.h] - c([q.sub.h]) - t([rho] -
(A31) [[PI].sub.l] = [[P.sub.l] - c([q.sub.l]) - t([rho] -
Solving, equilibrium quality levels are
(A32) [q.sup.t.sub.h] = ([alpha]/4) (5[[bar.[theta]] -
[[theta].bar]]) t and
[q.sup.t.sub.l] = ([alpha]/4)(- [[bar.[theta]] + 5 [[theta].bar]])
+ t.
This implies
(A33) [dq.sup.t.sub.h]/dt = [dq.sup.t.sub.l]/dt = 1 and
d([dq.sup.t.sub.h]/dt)/d[alpha] = d([dq.sup.t.sub.l]/dt)/d[alpha] =
Substitute in the equilibrium price and quality expressions under a
per unit emissions tax,
(A34) [[PI].sub.h] = (3[[alpha].sup.2] / 8) [([bar.[theta]] -
[[theta].bar]).sup.2] and [[PI].sub.l] = (3[[alpha].sup.2]/8)
[([bar.[theta]] - [[theta].bar]).sup.2],
which is independent of t.
Ad Valorem Output Subsidy. Under an ad valorem output subsidy,
firms maximize
(A35) [[PI].sub.h] = [[P.sub.h](1 + s) c([q.sub.h)][X.sub.h]
(A36) [[PI].sub.l] = [[P.sub.l] (1 + s) - c([q.sub.l])][x.sub.l].
Solving, equilibrium quality levels are
(A37) [q.sup.s.sub.h] = ([alpha]/4)(l + s)(5[bar.[theta]] -
[[theta].bar]) and
[q.sup.s.sub.l] = ([alpha]/4) (1 + s)(-[bar.[theta]] +
This implies
(A38) [dq.sup.s.sub.h/ds = ([alpha]//4)(5[[bar.[theta]] -
[[theta].bar]]) and [dq.sup.s.sub.l/ds = ([alpha]/4)(-[bar.[theta]] +
(A39) d([dq.sup.s.sub.h/ds)/d[alpha] = (1/4) (5[bar.[theta]] -
[[theta].bar]) > 0 and d([dq.sup.s.sub.l/ds)/d[alpha] =
(1/4)(-[bar.[theta]] + 5[[theta].bar]
Substitute in the equilibrium price and quality expressions under
an ad valorem output subsidy,
(A40) [[PI].sub.h] = 3[[alpha].sup.2]/8)(1 +
[s).sup.2][([bar.[theta]] - [[theta].bar]).sup.2] and [[PI].sub.l] =
(3[[alpha].sup.2]/8)[(1 + s).sup.2][([bar.[theta]] -
which depend positively on s.
To illustrate the results of Proposition 4, consider the best
response functions under each scenario. The best response functions
under a per unit emissions tax are,
(A41) for the high-quality firm:
[q.sub.h] = [2[alpha](2[bar.[theta]] - [[theta].bar]) + 2t]/3 +
(A42) for the low-quality firm:
[q.sub.h] = [2[alpha]([bar.[theta]] - 2[[theta].bar]) - 2t]
Under an ad valorem output subsidy, the best response functions
(A43) for the high-quality firm:
[q.sub.h] = [2[alpha](1 + s)(2[bar.[theta]] - [[theta].bar)]/3 +
(A44) for the tow-quality firm:
[q.sub.h] = [2[alpha](1 + s)([bar.[theta]] - 2[[theta].bar])] +
It is clear that an emissions tax (t), ad valorem subsidy (s), and
information ([alpha]) only affect the intercept term of the best
response functions. With an emissions tax, [alpha] and t enter the
intercept term in a linear fashion while under an ad valorem subsidy
[alpha] and s enter in a multipticative fashion. This implies that an
emissions tax t shifts the intercept, but the size of this shift is
independent of the level of [alpha] (see Figure 4; movement from A to B
when [alpha] is small and from A' to B' when a is large).
Thus, both the imposition of an emissions tax and information provision
encourage firms to increase quality, but the effectiveness of each is
independent of the other (distance between A to B = distance between
A' to B'). On the other hand, the size of the shift in the
intercept with a change in the ad valorem subsidy s depends on the level
of [alpha] (see Figure 5). Therefore, a subsidy will increase quality
more when information is higher (distance between A' to B'
> distance between A to B). This implies that the government can
achieve a certain improvement in the environment with a smaller subsidy
when information is higher.
Can we set a per unit emissions tax or an ad valorem output subsidy
to replicate the level of aggregate pollution (AP = ([rho] -
[q.sub.h])-[x.sub.h] + ([rho] - [q.sub.l])[x.sub.l]) achieved under an
information provision that increases consumer knowledge of product
quality A? Substitute in equilibrium values of [x.sub.h], [x.sub.l],
[q/sib/h]. and [q.sub.l] under each scenario, aggregate pollution is
(A45) AP(with information) = [rho] - (1/2)([alpha] +
[DELTA])([bar.[theta]] + [[theta].bar])
(A46) AP(with emissions tax) = [rho] t - ([alpha]/2)([bar.[theta]]
+ [[theta].bar])
(A47) AP(with output subsidy) = [rho] - ([alpha]/2 (1 +
s)([bar.[theta]] + [[theta].bar]).
(A48) AP(with information) = AP(with emissions tax)
(A49) t = [DELTA]([[bar.[theta]] + [[theta].bar])/2
(A50) AP(with information) = AP(with output subsidy)
(A51) s = [DELTA]/[alpha],
which imply equilibrium quality levels of
(A52) [q.sup.l.sub.h] (([alpha] + [DELTA])/4)(5[bar.[theta]] -
[[theta].bar]) and [q.sup.l.sub.l] = (([alpha] +
[DELTA])/4)(-[bar.[theta]] + 5[[theta].bar])
(A53) [q.sup.t.sub.h] = ([alpha]/4)(5[bar.[theta]] - [[theta].bar])
+ [DELTA]([bar.[theta]] + [[theta].bar] and [q.sup.t.sub.l] =
(([alpha]/[DELTA])/4)(5[bar.[theta]] - [[theta].bar]) and
(A54) [q.sup.s.sub.h] = (([alpha] + [DELTA])/4)(5[bar.[theta]] -
[[theta].bar]) and [q.sup.s.sub.l] = (([alpha] +
[DELTA])/4)(-[bar.[theta]] + 5[[theta].bar]).
Substituting into social welfare when AP is equal in all three
(A55) [??] = [integral] CS + [summation] [PI]
(A57) (1/2R))(-[[??].sup.2]([q.sub.h] - [q.sub.l]) +
[??]([q.sup.2.sub.h] - [q.sup.2.sub.t]) -[[theta].barr]].sup.2] ql +
[[bar.[theta]].sup.2] [q.sub.h] + [[theta].bar]][q.sup.2.sub.l] -
and solving
(A58) [??](I/s) > [??](t) if (2 - 3[DELTA])/6 > [alpha].
Arora S., and S. Gangopadhyay. "Toward a Theoretical Model of
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(1.) For example, the Federal Trade Commission issued the
"Green Guide" and the EPA issued the "Consumer Labeling
Initiative." For a listing of government action in the
environmental area, see U.S. EPA (1992, 1993, 1996).
(2.) If we allow consumers to internalize a part of the
externality, the direction of the basic results of the model remain the
same, but the algebraic expressions are less transparent.
(3.) An example of a group of products whose price does not
necessarily signal quality is generic products.
(4.) Alternatively, [alpha] could represent the proportion of the
population that believes the reported product quality of each firm is
credible. In the aggregate, both interpretations of the model yield the
same results.
(5.) When [alpha] equals one, the market is characterized by
perfect information and the expected utility expression simplifies to
[EU.sup.j.sub.i] = y + k + [[theta].sup.j][q.sub.i] - [P.sub.j], which
is the represenration of utility commonly found in the literature
(Bansal and Gangopadhyay 2003: Crampes and Hollander 1995: Lutz et al.
2000; Moraga-Gonzalez and Padron-Fumero 2002).
(6.) For example, consumer decisions to purchase a car will partly
depend on the functional benefit they expect to derive from simply
having a (any) car and partly on the benefits they obtain from specific
features of the car, such as its safety. Though the former benefits are
likely to be completely known to the consumer, the latter benefits will
depend on the extent to which the consumer believes the
manufacturer's claims or the safety ratings at the time of the
purchase decision. Similarly in the case of lightbulbs, all lightbulbs
with a given wattage provide the same amount of light per unit time, but
a high-quality lightbulb may have a longer life and thus provide
additional utility to the consumer.
(7.) The order of the price and quality stages does not affect the
equilibrium outcome. We follow the tradition in the literature that
price competition occurs after each firm makes their quality choice.
(8.) For the market to be fully covered, the consumer with the
lowest taste parameter must get more utility from consuming the good
than from not consuming. This will occur if k > [P.sub.l] - y -
(9.) The result in Proposition 1 depends on the assumption of lull
market coverage. Several publications have developed vertically
differentiated models to examine the provision of high-quality goods
under the assumption that the cost of quality provision does not vary
with output and that the market is only partially covered. In exploring
the effects of partial market coverage using our framework. we find that
information provision would lead both firms to increase product quality.
Although different from the result obtained in Proposition 1, we find
that this result is similar to that obtained in Proposition 2 with a
quadratic cost function. However, the mechanism that leads to this
outcome in the two models (with and without full market coverage) is
very different. With incomplete market coverage, consumers are segmented
into three groups: those with low [theta] who do not participate in the
market, those with [theta] in the middle range who would purchase from
the low-quality firm, and those with high [theta] who would purchase
from the high-quality firm. The low-quality firm's choice of
product quality is now affected by two considerations. On one hand, it
could increase product differentiation by lowering quality and thus
increasing monopoly profits, but on the other hand, lowering product
quality could drive away consumers with very low [theta] (who may no
longer purchase the good) and those with a high [theta] (who may switch
to consumption of the high-quality good). We find that the potential
loss of consumers overwhelms the potential gain in higher prices, and
the low-quality firm prefers to always increase quality. This result is
in contrast to that obtained with a fully covered market where the
low-quality firm is less concerned about potentially losing consumers as
everyone purchases the good. In this situation, the low-quality firm is
more interested in increasing profits by exercising the market power
that results from increased product differentiation.
(10.) To support the duopoly outcome, firm prices must exist within
the following ranges: c([q.sub.h]) - [bar.[theta]][alpha]([q.sub.h] -
[q.sub.l]) [less than or equal to] [P.sub.l] < c([q.sub.h]) +
([bar.[theta]] - 2[[theta]])([q.sub.h] - [q.sub.1]) and
c([q.sub.1]) + [[theta].bar][alpha]([q.sub.h] - [q.sub.1]) [less than or
equal to] [P.sub.h] < c([q.sub.l]) + (2[bar.[theta]] -
[[theta].bar])([q.sub.h] [q.sub.l]). If equilibrium prices are outside
of these ranges, firms will find it more profitable to act as a
monopolist than as duopolists (see Crampes and Hollander 1995). Given
equilibrium levels of quality, the conditions are satisfied if
2[[theta].bar] < [bar.[theta]]. The second condition, [bar.[theta]]
< 5[[theta].bar], ensures that the equilibrium quality level for the
low-quality firm is positive.
(11.) This result is sensitive to the assumption one makes about
the type of market coverage. Arora and Gangopadhyay (1995), for example,
assume partial market coverage and find that more intense competition
results in lower prices per unit of quality making the good more
affordable. Thus, even though pollution per unit falls, aggregate
pollution can increase if enough new consumers enter the market.
(12.) If quality levels were fixed as in Mattoo and Singh (1994)
and Sedjo and Swallow (2002), it can be shown that [dx.sub.h]/d[alpha]
> > 0 and [dx.sub.l]/d[alpha] < 0. Our model, however, allows
firms to respond to changing market demands by altering their levels of
quality. In response to a change in information and a change in market,
demands, then, firms change their quality levels and maintain equal
market shares.
(13.) We define consumer surplus of each individual as their
surplus from quality minus price: [CS.sup.j] = [[theta].sup.j][q.sub.j]
- [P.sub.i]. Note, this definition of consumer surplus is based on
consumer's actual utility ([[theta].sup.j][q.sub.i] - [P.sub.i]).
not their "expected" utility ([[theta].sup.j][alpha][q.sub.i]
- [P.sub.i]). If one were to use expected utility, our welfare measure
would confound the effects of a change in quality with the welfare
effects of a change in information. Also, the definition of consumer
surplus does not take into account aggregate pollution. We take
aggregate pollution into account in our definition of social welfare.
(14.) We define [CS.sup.j] = [[theta].sup.j][q.sub.i] - [P.sub.i],
[[PI].sub.i] = ([P.sub.i] - c ([q.sub.i]))[x.sub.i], and AP = [x.sub.h]
([rho] - [q.sub.h]) + [x.sub.l] ([rho] - [q.sub.l]).
(15.) As in Bansal and Gangopadhyay (2003), one may want to
consider the cost or impact of implementing an information provision
program on the government's budget constraint. Because the costs of
informing consumers are in all likelihood also an increasing function of
[alpha], the result that dW/d[alpha] is positive for small [alpha] and
negative for large [alpha] will be further magnified if we consider the
cost of providing information.
(16.) Other instruments commonly employed to increase product
quality are a per unit output subsidy, technology subsidies, and minimum
quality standards. It is straight-forward to show that the quality
decision of each firm is independent of a per unit output subsidy.
Because firms split the market in equilibrium and the market is fully
covered, a per unit subsidy affects both firms equally and acts like a
fixed subsidy, which increases profits but does not affect the quality
decision of each firm. A technology subsidy lowers a firm's cost of
producing quality, which will result in firms improving their product
quality provided in the market. Since quality changes are more
efficiently transmitted when consumers have more information, a
technology subsidy encourages firms to increase quality more when
information is higher. With a minimum quality standard, the low-quality
firm will just meet the standard and high-quality firms will overcomply
with the standard to differentiate its product from its rival. The
effectiveness of a minimum quality standard is similar at different
levels of information. Imposing minimum quality standards at different
levels of information that achieve the same increase in quality by the
low-quality firm also result in the same increase in quality by the
high-quality firm. Proof of these results are available on request from
the authors.
(17.) Note, a full comparison of these programs should alter the
condition in Proposition 5 ((2 - 3[DELTA]/6 > [alpha]) to include the
cost of implementing each program.
* We thank two anonymous referees who made useful suggestions.
Brouhle: Assistant Professor, Grinnell College, Grinnell, IA 50112.
Phone 1-641-269-4843, Fax 1-641-2694985, E-mail
Khanna: Professor, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign,
Urbana, IL 61801. Phone 1-217-3335176, Fax 1-217-333-5538, E-mail