A human capital model of the effects of ability and family background on optimal schooling levels.
Regan, Tracy L. ; Oaxaca, Ronald L. ; Burghardt, Galen 等
Human capital investments are of wide ranging interest because they
can be used to explain income disparities across people, geography, and
time. According to Becker (1962), human capital investments are
activities that affect future real income streams through the embedding of resources in people. Examples include schooling, on-the-job training
(OJT), migration, job search, that is, anything that increases
one's stock of human capital or the value of one's existing
stock. A vast literature supports the social and intellectual interest
in income inequality, primarily attributed to differing schooling
levels. Schooling is a unique type of investment in that it affects not
only current consumption but also future earnings potential as well.
Optimizing individuals choose to invest in schooling until their
marginal rate of return equals their discounting rate of interest.
Equivalently, they choose their schooling levels so as to maximize their
expected (discounted) future earnings stream.
This paper specifies and estimates a human capital model that is
based on individual wealth maximization along the lines of the original
Austrian problem (Blaug, 1962, pp. 506-507). We use an
earnings-schooling relationship to identify individual marginal rates of
return to schooling and discounting rates of interest. From these, we
can identify and estimate supply and demand functions for schooling
investment. In this framework, the emphasis on rates of return to
schooling is misplaced. Emphasis is properly placed on the optimal level
of schooling investment. We ultimately arrive at an optimal level of
schooling equation that incorporates permanent family income, family
size, and ability. Our estimation strategy borrows from Mincer (1974)
and involves disaggregating a sample of white males into 1-yr full-time
equivalent (FTE) work experience cohorts for 1985 1989. We estimate a
log earnings equation to identify the work experience cohort for whom
the estimated residual standard error (SEE) is minimized as well as
three other model selection criteria, namely the Akaike's
information criterion (AIC), the Schwarz criterion (SC), and
Amemiya's prediction criterion (PC). This procedure should help
reduce the biases associated with omitted variables, measurement error,
and "discount rate." Once identified, the remaining estimation
proceeds with the "overtaking" work experience cohort. We
employ the following estimation strategies in this paper: ordinary least
squares (OLS), nonlinear seemingly unrelated regressions/nonlinear OLS
(NLSUR/ NLOLS), and two-stage least squares.
The paper is organized as follows: Section II provides the
background and literature review. Section III discusses the conceptual
framework that underlies the analysis. Section IV discusses the data
used in the analysis. Section V presents the results, while Section VI
discusses them and provides alternative estimation strategies as well.
Finally, Section VII concludes.
A substantial portion of the economics literature has been devoted
to studying human capital investments and the economic rates of return,
particularly in relation to education. Researchers have exploited the
models and theories developed by Mincer (1974) and Becket (1962) in
their attempts to obtain better estimates of the rates of return.
A variety of modifications to the traditional Mincerian log
earnings regression endeavor to correct the potential measurement error
bias and omitted variables bias that afflict OLS estimates. Early work
addressing the OLS bias includes Griliches (1976, 1977). Behrman and
Birdsall (1983), like Card and Krueger (1992), incorporate a quality of
schooling variable into the log earnings regression to correct the
omitted variables bias, while Altonji and Dunn (1996), Ashenfelter and
Zimmerman (1997), Lang and Ruud (1986), and Agnarsson and Carlin (2002)
instead include a family background variable. The twins-based study of
Ashenfelter and Krueger (1994) not only addresses the omitted variables
bias but also addresses measurement error in schooling through the
creative use of both the self-and the twin-reported education levels.
(1) While Ashenfelter and Krueger's (1994) large, measurement
error-adjusted rates of return to education (i.e., 12%-16%) are now
considered an anomaly of the data, their paper laid the foundation for
subsequent work (e.g., Ashenfelter and Rouse, 1998; Rouse, 1999;
Neumark, 1999; Behrman and Rosenzweig, 1999). Later work has uncovered
rates of return (e.g., 9%) that are more reasonable and consistent with
the earlier findings (e.g., Willis and Rosen, 1979). The consensus
reached by researchers is that omitted variables bias the rates of
return upward, whereas measurement error in schooling biases the rates
downward. While fixed effects or instrumental variables (IV) are often
used to remedy such problems, Griliches (1979) warns that first
differencing can exacerbate measurement error in schooling. Card (1995)
provides a survey of this work.
In addition to the biases mentioned above, a recent literature has
investigated another source of bias in human capital models,
specifically that stemming from the heterogeneity in students'
access to credit markets for educational decisions. Lang (1993) and Card
(1995, 2000) refer to this bias as "discount rate bias." They
argue that this bias can help explain the large IV estimates of the
rates of return to schooling. Using data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1979 (NLSY79), Cameron and Taber (2004) find no evidence
of credit constraints when they instrument schooling with foregone earnings and the direct costs of schooling. Kling (2001) adopts a Becker
(1975) supply and demand model of schooling to examine the types of
biases summarized by Card (1995). Generally speaking, Kling (2001)
argues that the choice of instrument for schooling may have effects that
differ by individuals/groups. IV estimates of rates of return to
schooling are interpreted as weighted averages of individual-specific
causal effects.
This paper takes a step back and abstracts from some of the issues
occupying researchers' attention in recent years. We return to
Mincer's (1974) earlier work where he introduces the notion of an
overtaking year of work experience in which an individual's
observed earnings are most reflective of his investment in school (and
innate ability). According to Becker (1962), human capital investments
lower observed earnings in the early part of one's working life
because observed earnings are net of the costs of investment. However,
as an individual ages, his observed earnings rise as he reaps the
benefits of the investments. (2) At the overtaking year of work
experience, observed earnings are equal to earnings based on schooling
(and ability). The distortion from postschooling investments (e.g., OJT)
is minimized because the returns on an individual's prior OJT
investment equal the cost of current OJT investment. Thus, an
individual's earnings at this point provide the best test of the
simple schooling model.
Murphy and Welch (1990) investigate the (in)appropriateness of the
quadratic experience term in Mincer's (1974) human capital earnings
function. Murphy and Welch (1990) is one of the few studies that address
the quadratic experience term; much of the prior research was concerned
with the form of the dependent variable. Specifically, they ask how do
wages vary with age and consider the confounding effects of experience
on earnings. Their empirical findings lend support for Mincer's
(1974) emphasis on experience, not age. They note that the severity of
problems associated with the quadratic term will depend on how much the
variables of interest vary within the experience levels.
We posit the existence of an earnings transformation function for
the overtaking work experience cohort and define it as follows: (3,4)
(1) Y = F(S,A).
This function relates an individual's annual earnings, Y, to
his years of schooling, S, and to his natural ability, A. For the
earnings function to exhibit the conventional positive but diminishing
marginal returns to schooling and positive returns to ability, we need
the following inequalities to be satisfied:
(2) [F.sub.s], [F.sub.A] > 0 and [F.sub.SS] < 0.
One might also expect more able people to reap greater returns to
schooling: (5)
(3) [F.sub.SA] = [F.sub.AS] > 0.
In the analysis that follows, it is more convenient to think of the
earnings transformation function in its log form:
(4) lnY = ln F(S,A).
Let the marginal rate of return to schooling, r, be defined as
(5) r = [differential] ln F(S,A)/[differential]S.
In order for the marginal rate of return to schooling to increase
with ability (and hence for the demand for schooling to increase with
ability), we need the following inequality to be satisfied:
(6) [FF.sub.SA] > [F.sub.A][F.sub.s].
(See the Appendix for the proof.) Next, we assume that all relevant
costs are foregone earnings and that an individual seeks to maximize the
present value of his lifetime earnings over an infinite horizon subject
to the constraint imposed by Equation (1). (6) Formally, we can
represent an individual's maximization problem as:
Subject to Y = F(S, A)
where V is the present value of lifetime earnings, i is a fixed
discounting rate of interest, and t is the index of integration. We
assume that there are no borrowing constraints. Work by Lang (1993),
Card (1995, 2000), and Cameron and Taber (2004) supports this
We simplify the present value of lifetime earnings expressed in
Equation (7) and take the log of the resulting expression to obtain:
(8) lnV = lnY - iS - lni.
Taking derivatives with respect to S, we arrive at the following
first-order condition:
(9) r = i.
Hence, the optimal level of schooling for an individual occurs at
the point where his marginal rate of return to schooling exactly equals
his discounting rate of interest as noted by Becker (1962).
The above analysis can be couched in a supply and demand framework.
Taking the derivative of the log transformation function as defined in
Equation (4) with respect to schooling yields an individual's
inverse demand function for schooling,
(10) r = r(S,A),
which is equivalently expressed as:
[S.sup.d] = [s.sup.d](i,A),
where [S.sup.d] is the level of schooling demanded at each
discounting rate of interest for an individual with a given (fixed)
ability level A.
An individual's supply function for schooling investment can
be derived using the present value function as defined in Equation (8).
Simple manipulation of this expression yields:
(11) lnY = ln(iV) +iS.
Differentiating this expression with respect to S, for a given V,
yields i which indexes an individual's supply curve thereby
establishing the relationship between the supply of schooling and the
discounting rate of interest. An individual's discounting rate of
interest, i, is uniquely fixed and does not vary with the level of
schooling. However, since i can also be interpreted as the marginal
opportunity cost of an additional year of school, i can vary across
individuals. For example, the discounting rate of interest would likely
be higher for children from poorer families than that for children from
wealthier families. The same could be said of children from larger
families as compared to children from smaller families. Hence, we
express i as a function of an individual's family characteristics:
(12) i = i(X),
where X denotes a vector of family background variables. In the
analysis, these include family size and permanent family income. (7)
There are a number of models where family background is central to the
analysis. At the present, we have chosen to take a parsimonious view and
choose to incorporate family background through i.
By combining Equations (9), (10), and (12), the optimal level of
schooling, [S.sup.*], is obtained as;
(13) [S.sup.*] = f(X,A).
In our case, the optimal level of schooling can be graphically
illustrated using a supply and demand framework and a framework
involving the log earnings functions. Becker and Chiswick (1966) give a
very general discussion of how human capital investment can be nested in
the context of a supply-and demand-curve analysis. This can be seen in
Figure 1. The top graph relates the log earnings transformation function
to the log earnings present value functions as defined in Equation (11).
The log earnings transformation function is a concave curve reflecting
the positive but diminishing marginal returns to schooling. The log
earnings iso-present value functions are represented by a set of
parallel lines relating In Y and S at a given i. [S.sup.*] occurs at the
point of tangency between these two curves--the point at which
discounted lifetime earnings are maximized. Similarly, the bottom graph
relates the downward sloping demand function, as defined in Equation
(10), to the infinitely elastic supply curve, as defined in Equation
(12). The intersection of these two curves corresponds to the point
[S.sup.*] where the discounting rate of interest exactly equals the
marginal rate of return to schooling (i.e., the equilibrium as defined
in Equation (9)). These two frameworks graphically establish the
solution to the maximization problem as defined in Equation (7).
Figure 2 allows A and i to vary across individuals. Fitting a line
through the set of tangency points in the top graph parallels the
development of Mincer's (1974) simple schooling model:
(14) ln[Y.sub.j] = [[beta].sub.0] + [[beta].sub.1][S.sub.j] +
for individual j. (8)
A stochastic approximation to the transformation function as
defined in Equation (4) is:
where [u.sub.1] is iid(0, [[sigma].sub.1.sup.2]). This is a
standard human capital functional form that is consistent with the
literature. To maintain the restrictions corresponding to Equations (2)
and (3), we require:
(16) [[beta].sub.1], [[beta].sub.2], [[beta].sub.4] > 0 and
[[beta].sub.3], < 0.
Differentiating Equation (15) with respect to S yields the
schooling investment demand function:
(17) [r.sub.j] = [[beta].sub.1] + [[beta].sub.2][A.sub.j] +
We specify the schooling investment supply function to be a linear
function of various family background variables. Consider:
where [S.sub.f] is father's schooling, [S.sub.m] is
mother's schooling, N is family size, and [u.sub.2] is iid N(0,
[[sigma].sub.2.sup.2]). Permanent family income is proxied with the
schooling levels of an individual's parents. (9) So as to not lose
observations and to maintain a constant sample size across regressions
for the NLSUR estimations, we assigned an education level of
"0" yr for any respondent's parent whose education level
was missing and created dummy variables to indicate whether or not such
a value was imposed. (10) Hence, [DVS.sub.f(m)] takes on a value of
"1" if we replaced a missing value for the respondent's
father's (mother's) education level with a "0."
The coefficients in Equation (18) are nicely interpreted.
[[theta].sub.1] and [[theta].sub.2] capture the pure wealth effects of
family income on an individual's discounting rate of interest. We
would expect these two coefficients to be negative because an
individual's discounting rate of interest (marginal opportunity
cost of an additional year of schooling) decreases with his family
wealth (i.e., the individual has the luxury to postpone earnings for
more schooling). It is intended that [[theta].sub.3] captures the effect
of family wealth on potential financial aid. Since financial aid offices
base their decisions purely on family wealth, not on individual parental
contributions, we sum these two variables together and expect their
common parameter, [[theta].sub.3], to be positive. While there are no
theoretical predictions concerning the expected sign on [[theta].sub.4]
or [[theta].sub.5], a positive estimate clearly means that an
individual's discounting rate of interest is higher once we have
made the imputation for a missing level of parental schooling. Children
from wealthier families have a decreased likelihood of receiving
financial aid which raises their discounting rate of interest. The
effects of family size on an individual's marginal opportunity cost
of an additional year of schooling can be decomposed into two separate
effects: [[theta].sub.6] captures the pure income effect of family size
and [[theta].sub.7] captures the indirect effect via financial aid
considerations. We would expect [[theta].sub.6] to be positive because
individuals from larger families likely have increased opportunity costs to additional schooling. However, the larger a family, the more widely
the (financial) resources are spread and hence the greater the
opportunity for financial aid assistance. Thus, [[theta].sub.7] would be
Of course, the individual coefficients are not identified in the
above specification, so we collect terms to arrive at:
(19) [i.sub.j] = [[alpha].sub.0] + [[alpha].sub.1][S.sub.fj] +
[[alpha].sub.2][S.sub.mj] + [[alpha].sub.3][DVS.sub.fj] +
[[alpha].sub.4][DVS.sub.mj] + [[alpha].sub.5][N.sub.j] + [u.sub.2j],
(20) [[alpha].sub.1] = [[theta].sub.1] + [[theta].sub.3],
[[alpha].sub.2] = [[theta].sub.2] + [[theta].sub.3],
[[alpha].sub.5] = [[theta].sub.6] + [[theta].sub.7].
The stochastic approximation to Equation (12) is a simple linear
model that identifies the differential parental contributions on wealth
effects, aside from the financial aid effects since [[alpha].sub.1] -
[[alpha].sub.2] = [[theta].sub.1] - [[theta].sub.2]. We recognize that
if family size is endogenous in the discounting rate of interest (supply
equation), this will ultimately lead to endogeneity of family size in
the reduced-form schooling equation below. However, we do not model
family fertility decisions because of a desire to focus on the
explanatory power of a conceptually straightforward Beckerian schooling
demand and supply framework.
The reduced-form optimal level of schooling equation is obtained by
substituting Equations (17) and (19) into the individual-specific
equilibrium condition:
(21) [r.sub.j] = [i.sub.j].
Solving for S:
(22) [S.sub.j] = [[gamma].sub.0] + [[gamma].sub.1][S.sub.fj] +
[[gamma].sub.2][S.sub.mj] + [[gamma].sub.3][DVS.sub.fj] +
[[gamma].sub.4][DVS.sub.mj] + [[gamma].sub.5][N.sub.j] +
[[gamma].sub.6][A.sub.j] + [u.sub.3j],
[[sigma].sup.2.sub.3] =
The coefficients' signs establish the net effect of the direct
and indirect effects of wealth on schooling. However, [[gamma].sub.6]
can be unambiguously signed since more able people reap greater rewards
from increased schooling levels. Thus, [[gamma].sub.6] should be
Because an individual's discounting rate of interest and
marginal rate of return to schooling are not directly observable, they
must be estimated in order to identify the supply and demand functions.
In determining an individual's marginal rate of return to
schooling, [[??].sub.j], we use the estimated parameters [[??].sub.1],
[[??].sub.2], and [[??].sub.3] obtained from OLS estimation of Equation
(15). Specifically, [[??].sub.j] = [[??].sub.1] +
[[??].sub.1][[??].sub.3][S.sub.j] + Imposing the equilibrium condition
as defined in Equation (21) generates an estimated discounting rate of
interest, [[??].sub.j], so that [[??].sub.j] = [[??].sub.j] We use these
estimated marginal rates of return and discounting rates of interest as
the dependent variables in the demand of and supply for schooling
investment functions, respectively. Note that Equation (19) is estimated
explicitly using [[??].sub.j]. as the dependent variable and Equation
(17) is directly constructed from the OLS estimates of Equation (15).
Our empirical strategy follows Mincer's (1974) estimation of
the simple schooling model of Equation (14). Mincer's (1974)
post-schooling investment model relates earnings to experience and
education. Arguably, one might be concerned about potential endogeneity
with work experience in a postschooling investment regression. This
problem should be mitigated with Mincer's (1974) notion of an
overtaking year of work experience in which an individual's
observed earnings are most reflective of his investment in school (and
innate ability). Hence, experience is no longer a regressor in the log
earnings equation. At the point of overtaking, the distortion from
postschooling investments (OJT) is minimized since observed earnings
approximate the earnings based on schooling (and ability) alone.
The empirical implementation involves stratifying our sample into
1-yr FTE work experience cohorts and running Equation (15) separately
for each cohort. This strategy should at least reduce, if not entirely
eliminate, the biases typically plaguing log earnings models. Such a
procedure allows for a full interaction of each explanatory variable
with experience, thus minimizing the aforementioned bias. (11) Once the
overtaking cohort is identified, based on a series of goodness-of-fit
measures, Equations (17), (19), and (22) are estimated. (12)
Goodness-of-Fit Measures
To identify the overtaking year of work experience, we considered
five separate "goodness-of-fit" measures for the model
described in Equation (15). The most typical and singular way of gauging
the "goodness of fit" of an OLS regression is the [R.sup.2]
measure. Although the number of regressors in Equation (15) does not
vary, the degrees of freedom do vary because sample sizes differ for
each experience cohort. The [[bar.R].sup.2] measure adjusts for degrees
of freedom, but arguably even this measure does not impose a harsh
enough penalty for the loss in degrees of freedom. The next three
measures attempt to correct this problem by minimizing the mean-squared
error of prediction (Greene, 2000; Kennedy, 1998; Maddala, 2001; Judge
et al., 1988).
PC seeks to minimize:
(24) PC = SSE(1 + k/N)/(N - k) (1 + k/N), [approximately equal to]
[[??].sup.2.sub.1](1 + k/N),
where SSE denotes the total sum of squared errors, k is the number
of regressors (including the constant term), N refers to the sample
size, and [[??].sup.2.sub.1] is the estimated variance of [u.sub.1].
AIC minimizes:
(25) AIC = ln(SSE/N) + 2k/N [approximately equal to]
ln([[??].sup.2.sub.1]) + 2k/N,
while the SC seeks to minimize:
(26) SC = ln(SSE/N) + k ln(X)/X [approximately equal to]
ln([[??].sup.2.sub.1]) + k ln(N)/N.
The PC, AIC, and SC criteria are usually nested in discussions of
regressor selection. Typically, researchers test different models using
the same data set. We, however, test a common model using different
samples to identify the work experience cohort for which the schooling
model best explains earnings.
The last "goodness-of-fit" measure we consider is the
estimated standard error of the regression. We seek to minimize the
estimated residual variance:
(27) [[??].sup.2.sub.1] = SSE/(N - k),
(or alternatively its square root, SEE).
The data used in this study are from the NLSY79. The NLSY79
consists of 12,686 young men and women living in the United States who
were between the ages of 14 and 22 when the first survey was conducted
in 1979.
The demographic variables were collected from the 1979 interview.
We limit our analysis to white males who are not enrolled in school,
currently or during the remainder of the survey, and who earn at least
$500/yr in nominal terms. We also omit anyone who attended school after
1989 to ensure that the wages we observe are truly reflective of the
final schooling choices. (13) Measures of a respondent's family
background/income level include the family size and the highest grade
completed by the mother and the father. The NLSY79 provides three
measures of a respondent's ability--the intelligence quotient (IQ),
the knowledge of the world of work, and the armed forces qualification
test (AFQT). Following most of the literature, we focus on the AFQT
measure. For a very early discussion of the use of AFQT in the log
earnings function, see Griliches and Mason (1972).
The dependent variable in the log earnings regression is the log of
a respondent's total income from wages and salary in the respective
year. Using the consumer price index for all urban consumers, as
published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, we deflated the income
figures and express them in terms of 1985 dollars.
The variables used in the construction of the work experience
measures were collected from the supplementary NLSY79 work history file.
Due to this detailed collection of actual work experience, we do not
have to use less precise, potential work experience measures. We
calculate a respondent's FTE work experience for a given year by
summing the hours worked in that and all prior years (since 1979) and
then divide through by 2,080 (40 h/wk x 52 wk/yr). Taking account of the
fact that many of our respondents were older than age 18 (the usual age
that one graduates from high school in the United States) and had
potentially been working for several years prior to the first survey, we
constructed a variable to approximate their work experience prior to
1979. This variable is calculated as follows:
(28) FTE work [experience.sub.prior to 1979] = ([age.sub.1979] -
[schooling.sub.1979] - 6) x (work [experience.sub.1979]/2,080).
\\\\\ This provides us with a measure of FTE work experience. (14)
Like Mincer (1974), we stratified our sample into 1-yr FTE work
experience cohorts for 1985-1989. (15) Equation (15) is estimated
separately for each work experience cohort, which allows for work
experience to fully interact with each coefficient. The earnings data in
the model defined by Equations (15), (17), (19), and (22) reflect not
only ability and schooling investment decisions but postschooling
investments (e.g., work experience, OJT) as well. Unfortunately, the
NLSY79 does not provide adequate information to capture school quality.
Ignoring the potential correlation between schooling and work experience
in cross-sectional rate of return to schooling models biases OLS. By
stratifying our sample into work experience cohorts, we purge the model
of any postschooling investment decisions. Thus, there exists an
overtaking year in which an individual's earnings are most
reflective of his natural ability and schooling levels alone. We
reasonably assume that this overtaking year varies across individuals,
even within a given work experience cohort. Thus, we stratify our sample
into 1-yr FTE work experience cohorts for 19851989 to best identify the
group whose earnings are on average free of OJT effects.
As mentioned above, our statistical estimation pertains to white
males who nominally earned at least $500 for a given survey year and who
were not enrolled in school currently or any time after 1989. Table 1
provides the descriptive statistics for each variable used in the
analysis, when such information is available. On average, our
respondents are 18.3 yr old and have the equivalent of a high school
education while their parent(s) appear to have completed their junior
year of high school. The average household size is 3.8 persons.
A. Sample Stratification
As was previously mentioned, we stratified our sample into 1-yr FTE
intervals of work experience for 1985-1989. Table 2 lists the number of
people in each respective cohort and the corresponding percentage of the
sample they comprise. The procedure for constructing the FTE work
experience intervals worked as follows: For example, in constructing the
1-yr work experience cohort, we included individuals for whom we
calculated having between 1 (inclusive) and 2 (not inclusive) years of
work experience at any time between 1985 and 1989. Below, we describe
how the experience calculations were done. In using such a decision
rule, we encountered the possibility of individuals having, say, 1.2 yr
of work experience in 1985 and 1.9 yr of work experience calculated for
1986. To ensure that an individual entered a particular work experience
cohort only once, we manually identified those individuals who were
double or even triple counted. For these individuals, we chose to use
the most recent year in which their work experience fell within the
specified range. Once this year was identified, we chose the
individual's corresponding education and income levels. Of course,
individuals can and do appear in more than one experience cohort over
the period 1985-1989.
We performed similar procedures for all other relevant work
experience cohorts and separately estimated the log earnings function
specified in Equation (15) for each cohort, excluding ability as a
separate regressor. Including ability as an independent regressor in
Equation (15), as is often the standard practice, does not affect the
overall fit of the model and hence our estimate of the overtaking
cohort. In addition, the estimated coefficient on linear ability is
never statistically significant except for the 2-yr cohort. For this
cohort, only linear ability and linear schooling achieve statistical
significance. Consequently, in the log earnings regressions that follow,
we assume [[beta].sub.4] = 0. (16)
B. Thirteen-Yr Work Experience Cohort
As can be seen from Table 3, the AIC, SC, PC, and SEE are minimized
for the 13-yr work experience cohort, while the [R.sup.2] is maximized
for the 14-yr cohort. The 13-yr work experience cohort includes a larger
sample, and the estimated coefficients are statistically significant and
of the expected signs. While the estimated coefficients from the 14-yr
work experience cohort are of the appropriate signs, the only
statistically significant coefficient (at the 10% level) is the
schooling-ability interaction term. Thus, our preferred estimate of the
overtaking year is 13 FTE years of work experience.
As was previously noted, the AIC, SC, and PC criteria are typically
nested in discussions of regressor selection. We, however, employ such
criteria to determine which cohort (of varying sample sizes) best fits
our proposed log earnings functional form (where the number of
regressors is fixed). Thus, the differing degrees of freedom across our
regressions are due to variations in the sample size as opposed to the
number of explanatory variables. Holding other factors constant (i.e.,
[[??].sup.2.sup.1]), the AIC, SC, and PC criteria would favor larger
samples. Thus, the use of such criteria would bias our results toward
finding earlier work experience cohorts as the overtaking year(s). Given
that we estimate the overtaking year to be as high as 13 FTE years of
work experience, we believe the bias to be negligible.
Table 4 lists the descriptive statistics for the 13-yr work
experience cohort. On average, the overtaking cohort is 28.7 yr old (at
any point between 1985 and 1989) and earns a real (nominal) annual
income of $19,594.42 ($25,417.10). The respondents have been out of
school for 11.3 yr after completing their junior year of high school.
Many of these individuals are either working overtime or are
multiple-job holders because the average experience level is 13.5 yr.
The NLSY79 reports the respondent's mother (father) completing 10.6
(10.1) yr of schooling on average. However, including zero for missing
values lowers the average level by 1 yr. The mean family size is 3.7
The remainder of the estimation will be based on the 13-yr
overtaking cohort. Table 5, Column 2, lists the OLS results for Equation
(15). As theory predicts, the coefficients on schooling and the
schooling-ability interaction are positive, while schooling squared is
negative. The estimates are statistically significant.
Table 5, Column 1, lists the results from the simple schooling
model (Equation (14)). As might be expected when ability is not
controlled for, the rate of return to schooling estimated from the
simple schooling model is greater than that estimated directly from
Equation (15). The simple schooling model predicts a rate of return of
14%, while the estimates from Equation (15) suggest a 9.7% rate of
The results from the schooling investment demand function are
presented in Table 5, Column 3. Because the coefficients on the demand
function are taken directly from Equation (15), the coefficient on
ability is positive and that on schooling is negative.
A. Unrestricted/OLS
Reduced-Form Optimal Level of Schooling. The initial estimation
strategies are based on the assumption that A is uncorrelated with
[u.sub.1] and [u.sub.3] (and hence [u.sub.2]) and that S is also
uncorrelated with [u.sub.1]. The first estimation strategy involves the
direct estimation of the schooling investment supply function (Equation
(19)) by OLS. Since our estimation procedure constrains the model to be
in equilibrium, the marginal rates of return calculated from Equation
(15) are directly imposed as the dependent variable for Equation (19)
(i.e., the discounting rates of interest). Table 5, Column 4, lists
these results. The negative coefficient estimates on the permanent
family income proxies, the parental education levels, suggest that
children from wealthier families have lower discounting rates of
interest. This implies that the pure wealth effects of increased
parental schooling levels outweigh the indirect effects that family
wealth has on the likelihood of receiving financial aid. The estimated
coefficients on the parental missing schooling dummies are negative but
only statistically significant for the father. Thus, the marginal
opportunity cost of an additional year of schooling is lower for those
whose father's education level is missing. The coefficient estimate
on family size is negative but statistically insignificant which implies
that the pure wealth effects of family size completely offset the
indirect wealth effects on financial aid. Alternatively, it could be the
case that family size has no effect on the discounting rate of interest
or that the parameter is imprecisely estimated. Shea (2000) finds that
changes in parents' income due to luck have a negligible impact on
their children's human capital except when the father has a low
level of schooling.
The estimated coefficients from Equations (15) and (19),
corresponding to Columns 2 and 4 in Table 5, are used to derive the
parameters in Equation (22). Thus:
[[??].sup.2.sub.3] = [[??].sup.2.sub.2]/4[[??].sup.2.sub.3].
Table 5, Column 7, lists these results. The standard errors, hence
the t-statistics, have been computed using the delta method (Greene,
2000). It is assumed that cov([??], [??]) [approximately equal to] 0.
The optimal level of schooling is higher for more able individuals from
wealthier families. The optimal level of schooling based on these
coefficients for this work experience cohort is 11.4 yr.
Derived Supply Equation. The second estimation strategy directly
estimates the log earnings Equation (15) and the optimal level of
schooling reduced-form Equation (23)--the two equations in which we
observe the dependent variable--by OLS. We can derive consistent
estimators of the parameters in the supply Equation (19) from:
[[??].sup.2.sub.2] = 4[[??].sup.2.sub.3][[??].sup.2.sub.3].
Table 5, Column 6, lists the OLS results for Equation (23). The
signs and magnitudes on the coefficients are similar, but not identical,
to those derived above based on the OLS estimates of [alpha] and [beta]
because the system is over-identified. The estimated coefficients on the
parental schooling levels and the associated dummies are smaller for
direct OLS, while the coefficients on AFQT and family size are larger.
The estimated coefficients on the parental schooling levels and AFQT are
statistically significant.
Table 5, Column 5, lists the derived results of Equation (19).
Again, we use the delta method to calculate the standard errors of the
estimates. While the signs on the estimated coefficients are identical
to those based on the OLS estimates, the magnitudes differ somewhat.
B. Restricted/NLSUR
NLSUR. Another estimation strategy involves the following
recursive, constrained system of equations:
subject to
[[gamma].sub.6] = - [[beta].sub.2]/2[[beta].sub.3].
We used NLSUR to estimate this restricted recursive system (which
requires the sample sizes to be equal). The equations were stacked with
the OLS estimates providing the starting values for the iteration. We
imposed two alternative variance-covariance matrices for the error
terms, [summation], that allowed us to test the following hypothesis:
(32) [H.sub.0] : [summation] is diagonal; [H.sub.1] : [summation]
is not diagonal.
Under the null hypothesis, there is no correlation between the two
errors, [u.sub.1] and [u.sub.3], and each equation could be estimated
separately by NLOLS. The estimated residual variances and covariances
were obtained from the OLS estimates of Equations (15) and (22). We
tested the null hypothesis using a Breusch Pagan lagrange multiplier
(LM) test. The LM test is based on the restricted model where
[summation]; has zero off-diagonal entries. Because the calculated test
statistic is less than the critical [[chi].sub.1] (2,.95), we cannot
reject the null hypothesis and therefore assume that there is no
covariance between the error terms. Consequently, each equation could
have been estimated separately by NLOLS, producing consistent but biased
results with no loss in efficiency.
Next, we turn to testing the cross-equation restriction:
(33) [H.sub.0] : [[gamma].sub.6] = -
[[beta].sub.2]/2[[beta].sub.3]; [H.sub.1] : [[gamma].sub.6] [not equal
to] -[[beta].sub.2]2/[[beta].sub.3].
We were able to test the null hypothesis using a likelihood ratio
test. We cannot reject the null hypothesis and thus conclude that the
system of equations is in fact constrained but that there is no
correlation between the error terms.
Table 5, Columns 8-11, provide the restricted NLSUR results for
Equations (15), (17), (19), and (22). All the coefficient estimates from
Equation (15), with the exception of that on schooling and the
schooling-ability interaction term, increase in statistical significance
because estimation of this set of equations by NLSUR imposes
cross-equation restrictions that tighten the standard errors making the
estimates more precise. Overall, the coefficient estimates decrease in
magnitude. The coefficient estimates on Equation (17), derived from
Equation (15), are of the expected signs and have similar statistical
significance. The derived coefficient estimates on Equation (19), from
Equations (15) and (22), are of the same sign as those from the
unrestricted OLS estimates, but the magnitudes differ somewhat. The
t-statistics are larger than those on the previous derived form (i.e.,
Column 5) but smaller than those when estimated directly (i.e., Column
4). The latter finding may be due to the fact that Equation (19) is not
directly part of the constrained system of equations. The estimated
coefficients on Equation (22) are nearly identical to those from
unrestricted OLS. One could consider estimating a three-equation system
(i.e., Equations (15), (19), and (22)) by NLSUR. However, this strategy
is not feasible because the variance-covariance matrix is singular.
corr(A, [u.sub.3]) [not equal to] 0? Measures of ability pose
continuing problems for researchers. The importance of incorporating
such a measure is well-documented in the literature; however, choosing
an appropriate measure/proxy is a persistent challenge. "First,
even our cognitive abilities as adults are heavily influenced by the
social environment that we experienced during childhood, making it hard
to discern any influence of preexisting genetic differences. Second,
tests of cognitive ability (like IQ tests) tend to measure cultural
learning and not pure innate intelligence, whatever that is"
(Diamond, 1999, p. 20). Some researchers (e.g., Ashenfelter and Krueger,
1994) have devised resourceful ways of overcoming such problems, but
most are left using various potentially error-ridden proxies in their
Fortunately, the NLSY79 does provide some measures of ability; the
question, however, remains as to what type of ability is actually being
measured. It is reasonable to question just how well the AFQT score
proxies for true, innate ability. The AFQT score comes from the Armed
Services Vocational Aptitude Battery test, which was administered in
1980 and used by the armed forces to assess a respondent's measure
of trainability. Thus, there are any number of reasons to think that
corr(A, [u.sub.3]) [not equal to] 0, for example, simultaneity bias,
omitted variables bias, and so on. In testing for the possible
correlation between A and [u.sub.3], we instrumented AFQT with the
inverse of a respondent's age in 1980 (the year in which the test
was administered) and a set of occupational dummies for the adult
present in a respondent's home when he was age 14 along with the
other predetermined variables. (17) The inverse of the respondent's
age in 1980 allows ability to be concave with respect to age. Thus, we
expect ability to increase, but at a decreasing rate, with age
conditional on family background characteristics. The positive
relationship between a child's ability and a family's
resources (financial and time equivalents) is well-known (e.g., Cameron
and Heckman, 1998; Cameron and Taber, 2004).
The occupational dummies were constructed based on the
respondent's answers to whom he lived with when he was age 14. If
there was an adult male present in the household, we used this
individual's occupation. If there was no adult male present but an
adult female was present, we used her occupation instead. Individuals
with other arrangements, those who lived by themselves, and those with
no adults present were coded as missing values. We lose 32 observations
due to missing values. We constructed a set of occupational dummies
based on the 1970 Census of the population's occupational
classification system.
We tested for the potential correlation that exists between A and
[u.sub.3] using a Hausman specification test (Greene, 2000). We tested
the following hypothesis:
(34) [H.sub.0] : plim ([[??].sup.OLS] - [[??].sup.2SLS]) = 0;
[H.sub.1] : plim ([[??].sup.OLS] - [[??].sup.2SLS]) [not equal to] 0.
The p-value for the Hausman [chi square] statistic is 0.22, so we
cannot reject OLS. Thus, our ability proxy, AFQT, does not appear to be
correlated with [u.sub.3].
This paper develops a model of earnings and optimal schooling. The
analysis and estimation strategy are inspired by the Mincerian (1974)
schooling model. The estimated coefficient on schooling in the simple
schooling model (Equation (14)) generally overstates the returns because
it does not control for ability. In addition, the simple schooling model
is subject to an identification problem if the data in log
earnings-schooling space are generated by tangencies between concave
earnings functions and linear iso-present value curves. We incorporate
human capital investment (i.e., schooling) into a model based on
individual wealth maximization while controlling for ability and work
experience. The model incorporates the effects of family background on
the individual's discounting rate of interest. From this model, we
derive individual schooling supply and demand functions that determine
optimal schooling levels from the equilibration of the marginal rate of
return from an additional year of schooling to the individual's
discounting rate of interest.
Using data from the NLSY79, we stratify our sample into 1-yr FTE
work experience cohorts over the period 1985-1989 and estimate a log
earnings model that incorporates both schooling and ability for each
cohort. Our measures of work experience correspond to actual hours
worked in past calendar years and allow for lapses in employment and
differing employment statuses (i.e., part-, full-, or overtime). Because
we impose an FTE status, our measures of work experience do not
necessarily correspond to an actual calendar year. Based on the
estimates of Equation (15) and the "goodness-of-fit" measures,
we conclude that the overtaking cohort corresponds to individuals with
13 FTE years of work experience (11 calendar years). The earnings of
this cohort are most reflective of natural ability and schooling
Based on our empirical findings, we conclude that we have a
constrained system of equations relating earnings determination and
optimal schooling. We assume that the error term in the log earnings
function is normally distributed and determine that it is not correlated
with the error term in the optimal level of schooling equation.
According to a Hausman specification test, we cannot reject OLS and
conclude that measured ability (AFQT) is uncorrelated with [u.sub.3]
(and hence exogenous to the system). Thus, our most preferred set of
estimates corresponds to Columns 8-11 of Table 5.
Since the schooling equation parameters vary across experience
cohorts, the full interaction of experience with the schooling
production function parameters in the overtaking cohort addresses the
bias inherent in estimating a pooled earnings model with additive experience and its square. According to Mincer's (1974) rule of
thumb (1/overtaking year), 13 yr of FTE work experience corresponding to
11 yr beyond the completion of schooling yield approximate rates of
return of 7.7% and 9.1%. Our model estimates that the (average) marginal
rate of return to schooling is 10.3% and the optimal level of schooling
is 11.4 yr. Our estimate of the rate of return to schooling is
consistent with the past findings.
AFQT: Armed Forces Qualification Test
AIC: Akaike's Information Criterion
FTE: Full-Time Equivalent
IQ: Intelligence Quotient
IV: Instrumental Variables
LM: Lagrange Multiplier
NLSUR: Nonlinear Seemingly Unrelated Regressions
NLSY79: National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1979
OJT: On-the-Job Training
OLS: Ordinary Least Squares
PC: Amemiya's Prediction Criterion
SC: Schwarz Criterion
SEE: Estimated Residual Standard Error
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(1.) Twin- and sibling-studies predating Ashenfelter and Krueger
(1994) include Behrman and Taubman (1976) and Chamberlain and Griliches
(2.) Using data from the 1982 Employment Opportunity Pilot Program
Survey and the 1992 Small Business Administration Survey, Barron,
Berger, and Black (1998) find that OJT is associated with a small
reduction in one's starting wage. OJT has a larger impact on
one's productivity growth than on one's wage growth.
(3.) As Rosen (1974) points out, the transformation function is
derived from a production function of knowledge whose arguments are
schooling and ability. The units of knowledge (human capital) are
multiplied by a constant market rental rate on human capital to yield
earnings. The production function itself is derived from a learning
function that governs the rate at which knowledge can be produced from
prior schooling and ability. Certainly, other reasonable explanatory
variables could be included in this functional form, at the expense of
parsimony. However, unless these variables are interacted with
schooling, they do not affect the theoretical model because the optimal
level of schooling is determined by differentiating with respect to
schooling. Furthermore, experience does not appear separately as it is
implicitly controlled for in the overtaking model described in Section
(4.) Lazear (1977) frames his discussion of education in the
context of a production function.
(5.) For an early, general discussion of the effects of schooling
and ability (and their interaction) on log earnings, see Hause (1972).
(6.) This infinite horizon is imposed for mathematical simplicity.
An infinite horizon model has been used by numerous other researchers as
well (e.g., Lang and Ruud, 1986).
(7.) Certainly, X could include other variables to address the
possibility that i varies across a child's age, birth order, and
number of siblings. For example, the number of minutes a parent reads to
his/her child could influence i and is probably related to the
child's birth order and spacing between siblings. For the most
part, such detailed information is not contained in the NLSY79. All we
can determine is if a respondent is the oldest child.
(8.) Note that the model is not identified. Thus, [[beta].sub.1]
has no economic meaning. However, its interpretation as an average rate
of return to schooling is maintained throughout the analysis.
(9.) We considered several other proxies for permanent family
income, namely, the Duncan socioeconomic index and variations of the
parental schooling levels--the average, maximum, and head of
household's. Such alternatives were not pursued because we lost too
many observations due to missing information.
(10.) Using the NLSY79, Lang and Zagorsky (2001) examine the
effects of growing up in a single-parent home on a variety of outcome
(11.) For comparison's sake, pooling the experience cohorts
and including X and [X.sup.2] as explicit regressors produce the usual
results the coefficient estimate on X is positive (and statistically
significant) and the coefficient estimate on [X.sup.2] is negative (and
statistically significant). Doing so, however, produces statistically
insignificant coefficient estimates on all the other variables (and that
on A is negative as well).
(12.) This of course is a problem if our actual work experience
variable is incorrectly measured, but using actual work experience is
superior to the use of potential work experience measures (see Regan and
Oaxaca, 2006).
(13.) The term "final schooling" is used somewhat loosely
here because we can only observe individual schooling choices/enrollment
through 1998, the most recent wave of the NLSY79 survey that we had at
the time of our study. Beginning in 1994, the NLSY79 survey was
conducted biannually.
(14.) Note that most often these "years" of work
experience do not coincide with calendar years and that the composition
of the cohorts would differ somewhat with alternative definitions of
FTE. Furthermore, implicit in the construction of this measure is the
assumption that children begin school at age 6 and complete one grade
per year (i.e., no acceleration or retention in schooling) and that the
fraction of hours worked in 1979 is proportional to that in the previous
(15.) We chose to confine our attention to 1985-1989 for a couple
of reasons. First, Mincer (1974) finds that the correlation between log
earnings and education is strongest in the first decade of work
experience. The NLSY79 began in 1979 and a decade later corresponds to
1989. Second, Mincer (1974) finds that the overtaking year occurs 8 yr
after an individual has left school and has acquired 7 9 "yr"
of work experience. In the first year of the survey, our respondents are
between ages 14 and 22. Roughly, half are under age 18 and are most
likely still enrolled in school. By 1985, the youngest respondents could
reasonably have acquired 4 yr of work experience.
(16.) We also controlled for "sheepskin effects" in our
log earnings function by including a dummy variable indicating whether a
respondent holds a high school diploma or a general educational
development test. Cameron and Heckman (1993) find that the two are not
equivalent. Research on sheepskin effects is a growing literature and
includes work by Hungerford and Solon (1987). Frazis (1993), Kane and
Rouse (1995), Jaeger and Page (1996), Arkes (1999), Ferrer and Riddell
(2002), and Agnarsson and Carlin (2002). Augmenting Equation (15) with a
high school diploma dummy does not affect our choice of the overtaking
(17.) Cameron and Heckman (1998) address the spurious correlation that potentially exists between AFQT and schooling by conditioning on a
subset of individuals who were between ages 14 and 17 when the test was
administered and hence still in school. Doing so eliminates any causal
effect of schooling on ability.
* We would like to thank the workshop participants at the
University of Arizona, the IZA/SOLE Summer 2003 Conference, and two
anonymous referees for their helpful comments and insights. Special
thanks to Price Fishback and Alfonso Flores-Lagunes. We also appreciate
the research assistance provided by Laura Martinez.
Regan: Department of Economics, University of Miami, P.O. Box
248126, Coral Gables, FL 33124-6550. Phone (305) 284-5540, Fax (305)
284-2985, E-mail: tregan@miami.edu
Oaxaca: IZA, Bonn, Germany and Department of Economics, University
of Arizona, McClelland Hall #401, P.O. Box 210108, Tucson, AZ
85721-0108. Phone (520) 621-4135, Fax (520) 621-8450, E-mail:
Burghardt: Calyon Financial, 550 West Jackson Boulevard, Suite 500,
Chicago, IL 60661. Phone (312) 762-1140, Fax (312) 762-1148, E-mail:
Galen.burghardt@ gmail.com
Descriptive Statistics for White Males
Mean Deviation Nobs.
Age 1979 18.345 2.257 2,761
Nominal wage 1985 15,959.550 9,995.254 1,950
Nominal wage 1986 18,488.490 11,527.950 1,872
Nominal wage 1987 20,675.170 12,354.530 1,918
Nominal wage 1988 23,859.100 33,124.600 1,899
Nominal wage 1989 24,615.260 17,483.510 1,878
Schooling 1985 12.133 2.254 2,032
Schooling 1986 12.149 2.256 1,962
Schooling 1987 12.178 2.241 1,917
Schooling 1988 12.175 2.253 1,940
Schooling 1989 12.157 2.261 1,939
AFQT 46.045 28.657 2,539
Experience 1985 4.470 3.168 2,758
Experience 1986 5.187 3.435 2,758
Experience 1987 5.906 3.721 2,758
Experience 1988 6.641 4.044 2,758
Experience 1989 7.379 4.395 2,758
Mother's schooling 10.993 3.074 2,600
Father's schooling 11.041 3.829 2,494
Family size 1979 3.802 2.224 2,761
Notes: Sample is based on those individuals whose
wages are [greater than or equal to] $500 and who are not enrolled
in school currently or any time after 1989. Source of data: NLSY79.
Nobs., Number of observations.
Work Experience Cohort Frequency
Distribution: 1985-1989
FTE Years
of Work Experience
1985-1989 Nobs. % of sample
< 1 206 4.69
1 483 10.99
2 728 16.57
3 997 22.70
4 1,157 26.34
5 1,221 27.79
6 1,186 27.00
7 1,060 24.13
8 916 20.85
9 786 17.89
10 584 13.29
11 422 9.61
12 342 7.79
13 215 4.89
14 149 3.39
Notes. Sample is based on those individuals whose
wages are >$500 and who are not enrolled in school cur-
rently or any time after 1989. Source of data: NLSY79.
Nobs., Number of observations.
Log Earnings Function: Selection Criterion (Equation (15))
FTE Work
Cohort Nobs. AIC SC PC SEE [R.sup.2]
0 206 0.267 0.332 1.307 1.132 0.046
1 483 -0.476 -0.442 0.621 0.785 0.174
2 728 -0.670 -0.644 0.512 0.713 0.193
3 997 -0.899 -0.879 0.407 0.637 0.228
4 1157 -0.963 -0.946 0.382 0.617 0.199
5 1221 -1.048 -1.032 0.351 0.591 0.183
6 1186 -1.051 -1.033 0.350 0.590 0.161
7 1060 -1.211 -1.192 0.298 0.545 0.175
8 916 -1.240 -1.219 1.2190 0.537 0.200
9 786 -1.123 -1.099 0.325 0.569 0.184
10 584 -1.201 -1.171 0.301 0.547 0.212
11 422 -1.107 -1.069 0.330 0.572 0.136
12 342 -0.474 -0.430 0.622 0.784 0.083
13 215 -1.461# -1.398# 0.232# 0.477# 0.299
14 149 -1.317 -1.236 0.268 0.511 0.353#
Notes: Bolded figures correspond to the minimum AIC, SC, PC, and SEE
and the maximum [R.sup.2]. Samples are based on those individuals
whose wages are [greater than or equal to] $500 and who are not
enrolled in school currently or any time after 1989. Source of
data: NLSY79.
Nobs., Number of observations.
Notes: Bolded figures correspond to the minimum AIC, SC, PC, and SEE
and the maximum [R.sup.2] indicated with #.
Descriptive Statistics 13-yr Work Experience
Mean Deviation Nobs.
Age 28.693 1.691 215
Age in 1980 20.693 1.414 215
Nominal wage 25,417.10 16,957.80 215
Log real wage 9.883 0.566 215
Schooling 11.377 2.044 215
AFQT 44.823 27.800 215
Experience 13.469 0.294 215
Years out of school 11.316 2.205 215
Mother's schooling 10.621 2.819 195
Father's schooling 10.130 3.750 192
Mother's 0.093 0.291 215
schooling dummy
Father's 0.107 0.310 215
schooling dummy
Family size 1979 3.693 1.864 215
Notes: Sample is based on those individuals whose
wages are [greater than or equal to] $500 and who are not enrolled
in school currently or any time after 1989. Source of data: NLSY79.
Nobs., Number of observations.
Estimated Schooling Model
Model/Estimation Strategy Unrestricted/OLS
Cohort 13 FTE Years
Equation 14 15
Dependent Variables In(earnings)
(1) (2)
Constant 8.295 7.619
(43.832) *** (14.426) ***
0.140 0.290
(8.528) ** (2.965) ***
AFQT x schooling -- 4.008E-04
(3.241) ***
AFQT -- --
Schooling (2) -- -9.356E-03
(-2.056) **
Father's schooling -- --
Mother's schooling -- --
Father's schooling dummy -- --
Mother's schooling dummy -- --
Family size -- --
[R.sup.2] 0.255 0.299
[[bar.R].sup.2] 0.251 0.289
SEE 0.490 0.477
Nobs. 215 215
Estimated at sample mean r, i 0.140 0.097
Estimated at sample mean --
optimal years of schooling
Model/Estimation Strategy Unrestricted/OLS
Cohort 13 FTE Years
Equation 17
Dependent Variables Estimated r
Constant 0.290
(2.965) ***
(-2.056) **
AFQT x schooling --
AFQT 4.008E-04
(3.241) ***
Schooling (2) --
Father's schooling --
Mother's schooling --
Father's schooling dummy --
Mother's schooling dummy --
Family size --
[R.sup.2] --
[[bar.R].sup.2] --
SEE --
Nobs. 215
Estimated at sample mean r, i 0.097
Estimated at sample mean --
optimal years of schooling
Model/Estimation Strategy Unrestricted/OLS
Cohort 13 FTE Years
Equation 19
Dependent Variables Estimated i
(4) (5)
Constant 0.151 0.153
(14.764) *** (4.075) ***
-- --
AFQT x schooling -- --
AFQT -- --
Schooling (2) -- --
Father's schooling -2.442E-03 -1.975E-03
(-3.717) *** (1.670) *
Mother's schooling -3.092E-03 -2.757E-03
(-3.494) *** (-1.711) *
Father's schooling dummy -2.499E-02 -2.499E-02
(-3.062) *** (-1.626)
Mother's schooling dummy -1.089E-02 -9.796E-03
(-0.945) (-0.790)
Family size -3.895E-05 -5.542E-04
(-0.035) (-0.481)
[R.sup.2] 0.235 --
[[bar.R].sup.2] 0.216 --
SEE 2.912E-02 2.889E-02
Nobs. 215 215
Estimated at sample mean r, i 0.097 0.103
Estimated at sample mean -- --
optimal years of schooling
Model/Estimation Strategy Unrestricted/OLS
Cohort 13 FTE Years
Equation 22
Dependent Variables Years of school completed
(6) (7)
Constant 7.317 7.420
(13.449) *** (2.440) **
-- --
AFQT x schooling -- --
AFQT 3.089E-02 2.142E-02
(6.738) **** (1.844) *
Schooling (2) -- --
Father's schooling 0.106 0.130
(2.862) *** (1.799) *
Mother's schooling 0.147 0.165
(3.088) *** (1.707) *
Father's schooling dummy 1.335 1.524
(2.659) *** (0.858)
Mother's schooling dummy 0.523 0.582
(0.855) (0.035)
Family size 2.962E-02 2.082E-03
(0.495) (-0.481)
[R.sup.2] 0.446 --
[[bar.R].sup.2] 0.430 --
SEE 1.544 1.556
Nobs. 215 215
Estimated at sample mean r, i -- --
Estimated at sample mean 11.377 11.359
optimal years of schooling
Model/Estimation Strategy Restricted/OLS
Cohort 13 FTE Years
Equation 15 17
Dependent Variable In(earnings) Estimated r
(8) (9)
Constant 7.865 (35.685) *** 0.236
(6.051) ***
Schooling 0.236 -0.01316714
(6.051) *** (-2.759) ***
AFQT x schooling 3.981E-04 --
(2.941) ***
AFQT -- 3.981E-04
(2.941) ***
Schooling -6.584E-03 --
(-2.759) ***
Father's schooling -- --
Mother's schooling -- --
Father's schooling dummy -- --
Mother's schooling dummy -- --
Family size -- --
[R.sup.2] 0.297 --
Nobs. 215 215
Estimated at sample mean r, i 0.103 0.103
Estimated at sample mean -- --
optimal years of schooling
Model/Estimation Strategy Restricted/OLS
Cohort 13 FTE Years
Equation 19 22
Years of school
Dependent Variable Estimated i completed
(10) (11)
Constant 0.139 7.320
(8.558) *** (14.617) ***
Schooling -- --
AFQT x schooling -- --
AFQT -- 3.085E-02
(5.980) ***
Schooling -- --
Father's schooling -1.400E-03 0.106
(-1.940) * (2.819) ***
Mother's schooling -1.977E-03 0.150
(-2.094) ** (3.925) ***
Father's schooling dummy -1.786E-02 1.356
(-1.963) ** (2.929) ***
Mother's schooling dummy -6.832E-03 0.519
(-0.857) (0.932)
Family size -3.580E-04 2.719E-02
(-0.467) (0.459)
[R.sup.2] -- 0.446
Nobs. 215 215
Estimated at sample mean r, i 0.103
Estimated at sample mean -- 11.384
optimal years of schooling
Notes: Sample is based on individuals whose wages are [greater than or
equal to] $500 and who are not enrolled in school currently or any time
after 1989. Source of data: NLSY79. (t-statistic). *, **, and *** are
significant at the 10%, 5%, and 1% levels, respectively. Nobs., Number
of observations.