On the information content of asymmetric FOMC policy statements: evidence from a Taylor-rule perspective.
Pakko, Michael R.
Since 1983, the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) has included
in its policy directives a statement indicating conditional expectations
about the future. Although the specific language used to communicate
expectations has evolved over the years, the "bias" statement
has persistently been interpreted as an indicator of the likely
direction of future changes in the committee's Federal funds rate target and has therefore been carefully monitored by Fed watchers and
other financial market participants.
As the FOMC has enhanced its efforts to communicate its policy
intentions to the public in recent years, the contemporary version of
the bias statement has been subject to considerable discussion and
scrutiny. From 2000 through 2002, the FOMC's postmeeting press
releases included a statement referring to the "balance of
risks" in the "foreseeable future." Paralleling the
Federal Reserve's dual objectives of price stability and maximum
sustainable economic growth, the statements took the form of stating
that the concerns of FOMC members about prospective economic
developments are tilted toward either "inflation pressures" or
"economic weakness." In 2003, the committee expanded this
"balance of risks" language further to identify separate risk
assessments for both inflation and real economic activity.
When it was adopted, the language of the balance-of-risks statement
was intended to be more general than the previous statements of policy
bias, to avoid giving the impression that the statements directly
signaled impending changes in the funds rate target. Nevertheless, as
was the case with the earlier language--the balance of risks statement
has tended to be interpreted as indicating likely future policy moves.
In this article, I examine the question of whether such an
interpretation might be warranted as an empirical matter. In particular,
I examine the information content of asymmetric policy statements for
predicting future FOMC policy actions using monthly dummy variables to
indicate the prevailing direction of policy asymmetry over a sample
period of 1984-2002.
The time-series approach facilitates the use of a monthly data set
for conditioning the information content of the bias statement on
macroeconomic variables thought to be of importance to policy makers. In
particular, I use inflation and output data to estimate a baseline
Taylor-rule specification for policy and test whether the bias statement
provides any additional information for forecasting changes in the
FOMC's Federal funds rate target.
The evidence presented here shows that the statements of policy
asymmetry do indeed convey information that is useful for forecasting
changes in the funds rate target. The information content in the bias
statement has been a statistically significant factor for predicting
changes in the funds rate target over the sample period, even after
controlling for responses to policy variables in the Taylor-rule
In light of this finding, I estimate an alternative specification
in which the variables representing asymmetry are interacted with the
parameters of the estimated Taylor-rule equation. From this perspective,
statements of policy bias are associated with a greater or lesser degree
of responsiveness to inflation and output data. During the sample period
considered here, variation in the committee's responses to
inflation data has evidently been the predominant factor for explaining
the predictive power of asymmetric policy statements. This is
particularly true for the first half of the sample period, in which the
FOMC was actively pursuing a policy of disinflation.
A Brief History
From 1983 until 1997 statements of an asymmetric bias were included
in the FOMC Policy Directive, as a note that "greater reserve
restraint" or "lesser reserve restraint" either
"would" or "might" be acceptable during the
intermeeting period, depending on emerging economic circumstances. With
"would" understood to be stronger than "might," the
effect of this statement was to indicate a bias toward more restrictive
or more accommodative policy. (1)
The bias statement was originally cast in terms of potential
responses to deviations of monetary aggregate growth rates from their
targets. As monetary targets became less prominent in the
committee's approach to policy, the bias statement soon became a
more general statement indicating a tilt toward greater ease or
restraint to be exercised during the intermeeting period.
For example, consider the statement included in the Policy
Directive adopted on 3 July 1996: "In the context of the
Committee's long-run objectives for price stability and sustainable
economic growth, and giving careful consideration to economic,
financial, and monetary developments, somewhat greater reserve restraint
would or slightly lesser reserve restraint might be acceptable in the
intermeeting period" (FOMC 1996, emphasis added). Although the
statement explicitly refers to the intermeeting period, the bias was
often interpreted as a signal regarding the likely direction of future
policy in a more general sense.
The use of the might/would convention persisted, with only subtle
modifications, through the mid-1990s. The adoption of the present
balance-of-risks language and the announcement of FOMC policy decisions
evolved during the late 1990s as part of a trend toward greater policy
transparency. (2) One of the first steps toward greater transparency was
the initiation of public announcements of policy changes. In February
1994, the FOMC began the practice of issuing press releases at the end
of each meeting in which their operating objective had been changed.
In August 1997, the FOMC adopted a modification to the wording of
the press release, making explicit reference to the Federal funds rate
in both the policy directive and the bias statement. The language
referring to a greater or lesser degree of reserve restraint was
replaced with wording that a higher or lower Federal funds rate would or
might be acceptable. In all other respects, the statement remained the
same. (3)
Shortly thereafter, the FOMC began a policy of selectively
announcing changes in the direction of the bias itself as part of the
press statement. The first such announcement was made in May 1999. (4)
In August 1999, the committee formed a Working Group on the Directive
and Disclosure Policy. The recommendations of that working group for a
change to the "balance of risks" language was adopted at the
FOMC meeting of 21 December 1999. The new form for the asymmetric
directive was announced in a press release dated 19 January 2000, and
the new language was used for the first time at the committee meeting of
1-2 February 2000.
In announcing the adoption of the "balance of risks"
language, the committee noted that the new language was intended to
clarify the role of the policy bias and its interpretation by the
Previously, the Committee's directive and statement
... may have intensified the public focus
on the chance of a subsequent adjustment to the
stance of policy, thereby increasing the possibility
of misperceptions about the odds and timing of
policy action. Also, the sentence in the directive
cited a possible adjustment to the intended federal
funds rate "during the intermeeting period," but
Committee members often intended the time frame
to encompass a longer period--another potential
source of confusion. (FOMC 19 January 2000)
By stating a bias in the form of a balance of risks between two
alternatives related to distinct policy objectives, the FOMC evidently
intended to dispel the notion that statements of asymmetry signaled a
likelihood of future policy moves directly. Rather, they should be
interpreted as conditional assessments about how policy might respond to
incoming information about the economy. The committee also disassociated
itself with the intermeeting focus of the previous bias language,
adopting the preface "for the foreseeable future."
Issues and Questions
Although the form and timing of public release of asymmetry in the
policy directive has changed over time, certain aspects of the practice
have been fairly consistent. The statement is explicitly cast in the
context of the longer-run goals of monetary policy, indicates a
direction of possible future policy moves, and has persistently been
interpreted by the financial markets and the press as providing a direct
reading on the future direction of monetary policy actions. Rasche and
Thornton (2002) document that this interpretation has persisted since
the adoption of the balance of risk language, citing numerous examples
from the financial press.
Evidence is mixed on the subject of whether or not this view has
empirical justification: Lapp and Pearce (2000) examined the predictive
power of the bias statement for intermeeting funds rate changes from the
beginning of the Greenspan chairmanship through December 1998. They
found the bias statement to be a statistically significant indicator of
the likelihood and direction of changes in the Fed funds rate target
during the subsequent intermeeting period. On the other hand, Thornton
and Wheelock (2000) found that although the adoption of an asymmetric
objective indicates the likely direction of a change in the funds rate
target at or before the next FOMC meeting, no change in the target is
also a likely outcome. For the sample period 1983-99, they find that the
hypothesis that a change in the funds rate target was independent of
whether the directive at the previous FOMC meeting was asymmetric could
not be rejected. (5)
Previous empirical analyses have focused on the unconditional relationship between bias statements and subsequent changes in the
Federal funds rate target. In this article, I introduce monthly
indicator variables for the FOMC bias statement into a Taylor-rule
representation of the FOMC's implicit policy function, to evaluate
the information content of asymmetric policy statements conditional on
information that is widely viewed to be important in the policy-making
To the extent that asymmetric policy statements do help predict
subsequent policy changes, a remaining question is why? To address this
question, I estimate an alternative specification in which the indicator
variables for the bias statement are entered interactively with
inflation and output-gap measures. This interactive specification shows
that the effect of asymmetric policy statements can be represented as
generating conditional variation in the parameters of the policy rule.
From this perspective, statements of policy asymmetry derive their
predictive content from changes in the degree of responsiveness by the
FOMC to economic data.
Monthly Indicator Series Representing Policy Asymmetry
Monthly time series for representing direction of the bias in the
policy objective are constructed as follows: A dummy variable for
"greater reserve restraint," [G.sub.t], takes the value of 1
when the bias was toward tightening and 0 otherwise, and a corresponding
dummy variable for "lesser reserve restraint," [L.sub.t], is
equal to 1 when the bias was toward easing and 0 otherwise. A summary
measure of the asymmetric bias, [B.sub.t], can be constructed as
[G.sub.t] - [L.sub.t]. This summary variable--which takes on values of
1, 0, and -1--is displayed in Figure 1. Of the 228 monthly observations,
a tilt toward tightening was in effect on 75 occasions and a tilt toward
ease on 55 occasions. For the remaining 98 observations, the policy
statement was balanced.
The FOMC has eight regularly scheduled meetings per year--an
average of one every six weeks or so. In some months, the meetings were
scheduled toward the beginning of the month, whereas in other cases the
meetings were toward the middle or end of the month. In constructing
dummy variables to represent policy bias, the timing convention adopted
was to assign changes to the month in which they were made, regardless
of the specific meeting date. This practice amounts to an end-of-month
observation on the direction of the bias statement. Hence, a
corresponding measure for the Federal funds rate is the end-of-month
observation of the FOMC's target rate. (6)
Over the sample period 1984-2003, the correlation between the bias
indicator, [B.sub.t], and subsequent changes in the Federal funds rate
target, [[DELTA]i.sub.t+1], is significantly positive at 0.41. This is
consistent with previous findings: Both Lapp and Pearce (2000) and
Thornton and Wheelock (2000) note that policy actions in the opposite
direction from a previous bias statement are highly unusual. Moreover,
it is clear from Figure 1 that there were fairly long periods during
which the bias tended to be in one direction, corresponding to
prevailing economic conditions. For example, the periods during and
immediately following the recessions of 1990-91 and 2001 are
characterized by a tendency toward an easing bias. Given these
considerations, it is not surprising that the unconditional correlation
should be positive.
However, the FOMC makes decisions about the funds rate target and
the statement of asymmetry simultaneously in response to incoming
information about the state of the economy. The predictive power of
asymmetric statements may simply derive from the fact that particular
concerns expressed by the FOMC are subsequently confirmed by economic
data, prompting a policy move in the direction of the previously
expressed contingency.
To investigate the relationship further, I turn to an examination
of the information content of the asymmetric bias in the context of an
estimated Taylor-type policy rule.
Taylor-Rule Specification
Taylor (1993) suggested that a simple equation of the form
(1) [i.sup.*.sub.t] = r + [[pi].sub.t] + [[alpha].sub.[pi]]
([[pi].sub.t] - [[pi].sup.*]) + [[alpha].sub.y][y.sub.t]
could serve as a useful representation of monetary policy during
the 1980s and 1990s. Equation (1) describes a target Federal funds rate,
[i.sup.*.sub.t], that is set to equal the current nominal interest rate,
r + [[pi].sub.t], plus responses to the deviation of inflation from
target, [[pi].sub.t] - [[pi].sup.*], and to the output gap, [y.sub.t].
In his original specification, Taylor proposed the simple
parameterization [[alpha].sub.[pi]] = [[alpha].sub.y] = 1/2 and
[[pi].sup.*] = r = 2. Subsequent researchers who have estimated the
parameters of the Taylor rule empirically have found it desirable to
incorporate interest-rate smoothing as an additional factor describing
FOMC policy. (7) One commonly used smoothing specification takes the
autoregressive form [i.sub.t] = [rho][i.sup.*.sub.t] + (1 - [rho])
[i.sub.t-1], in which the observed funds rate target is a linear
combination of an underlying latent-variable target rate,
[i.sup.*.sub.t], and the observed value in the previous period
Because the focus of this study is whether asymmetric policy
statements predict changes in the funds rate target, I adopt an
alternative specification proposed by Judd and Rudebusch (1999), which
takes the error-correction form
(2) [DELTA][i.sub.t] = [zeta]([i.sup.*.sub.t] - [i.sub.t-1]) +
Substituting the expression for the funds rate target from (1) into
(2), one obtains an estimable form for the smoothed policy rule:
(3) [DELTA][i.sub.t] = [zeta][[[alpha].sub.0] - [i.sub.t-1] + (1 +
[[alpha].sub.[pi]])[[pi].sub.t] + [[alpha].sub.y][y.sub.t]] +
where [[alpha].sub.0] is a constant term that represents a linear
combination of estimates for the real interest rate and the inflation
target, [[alpha].sub.0] = r - [[alpha].sub.[pi]][[pi].sup.*].
Previous estimates of the Taylor rule have generally been made at
the quarterly frequency. Given the relatively short-term horizon
encompassed by asymmetric policy statements, however, analysis of
quarterly data is likely to obscure their information content. As a
baseline model for this analysis, I estimate a monthly version of
equation (3). The dependent variable, [DELTA][i.sub.t], is the change in
the end-of-month Federal funds rate target. The output gap is
represented by the deviation of the log of industrial production from a
quadratic time trend. Consistent with the high-frequency version of the
model being estimated, the inflation variable is measured as the
annualized six-month growth rate of core Consumer Price Index (CPI). (8)
As indicated by the time subscripts in equation (1), the policy
rule is estimated using contemporaneous values for the regressors.
Although the data for the CPI and Industrial Production are not
available for the current month, the FOMC draws on a much larger
information set than simply those two series, so it is reasonable to
assume that the committee members have a fairly good sense of the
current information contained in those data. Moreover, a policy rule of
the form considered in this article might be expected to have a
forward-looking component, so the use of contemporaneous regressors is
tantamount to an assumption of perfect foresight with respect to that
information. (9)
The first line of Table 1 reports the results of least-squares
estimation of the baseline model. As found in the previous literature,
estimated values for the smoothing parameters, [zeta] and [phi], suggest
a very slow adjustment process. The constant term is estimated with a
low degree of precision, and is not significant at any conventional
confidence level. On the other hand, the coefficients on inflation and
the output gap are significant and of the expected sign. In fact, the
hypothesis that [[alpha].sub.[pi]] and [[alpha].sub.y] are both equal to
1/2, as in the original Taylor specification, cannot be rejected.
Although the regression coefficient on inflation, (1 +
[[alpha].sub.[pi]]), is not significantly different from one, a
(one-tailed) test against the alternative hypothesis [[alpha].sub.[pi]]
< 0 strongly suggests that the estimated monthly policy rule
satisfies the Taylor principle (Taylor 1999), which states that a
successful anti-inflation strategy requires changes in the funds rate
target that are greater than one-for-one with respect to changes in the
inflation rate.
The Predictive Value of Policy Bias: Intercept Dummy Variables
The second two lines of Table 1 report the results of adding lagged
dummy variables for the status of the FOMC's bias statement to
equation (1). The estimates suggest that the prevailing asymmetry
statement is a significant predictor of subsequent changes in the funds
rate target--even after conditioning on the policy variables in the
Taylor-rule equation.
The second line of Table 1 reports estimates with lagged values
[G.sub.t-1] and [L.sub.t-1] included as separate explanatory variables
in the regression:
(5) [DELTA][i.sub.t] = [zeta][[[alpha].sub.0] - [i.sub.t-1] + (1 +
[[alpha].sub.[pi])[[pi].sub.t] + [[alpha].sub.y][y.sub.t] +
[gamma][G.sub.t-1] + [lambda][L.sub.t-1]] + [phi][DELTA][i.sub.t-1].
The coefficients on these variables are significant and have the
expected sign: [G.sub.t-1] is associated with a higher funds rate
target, and [L.sub.t-1] is associated with a lower target. Although the
point estimate of the coefficient on [L.sub.t-1] is greater in absolute
value than the coefficient on [G.sub.t-1], the hypothesis [gamma] =
[lambda] cannot be rejected. The third line of Table 1 reports an
estimate of the equation with that restriction imposed; that is, with
the term [beta][B.sub.t-1] replacing [gamma][G.sub.t-1] +
[lambda][L.sub.t-1] in equation (5). The coefficient on the bias is
positive and highly significant. (10)
These findings suggest that when the policy bias is tilted toward
tightening (easing), there is a significant increase in the likelihood
of a subsequent increase (decrease) in the Federal funds rate target.
Using the point estimates of [beta] = 1.579 and [zeta] = 0.073 from the
third row of Table 1, the results suggest that the direction of the bias
contributes [+ or -] 12 basis points to a one-month ahead forecast of
changes in the Federal funds rate target.
Under either of the specifications that include bias variables, the
point estimate for the output-gap coefficient is lower than in the basic
Taylor-rule equation, but is still significantly positive and close to
1/2. Note also that after controlling for the effects of the asymmetry
in the policy statement, the coefficient on inflation still clearly
satisfies the Taylor principle.
Table 2 reports the results of subsample estimates for the
regression in Table 1. It has been noted that estimates of Taylor-rule
parameters can be quite different over sample periods corresponding to
the terms of Fed chairmen (Hakes 1990; Judd and Rudebusch 1998). The
first two rows of Table 2 compare the results for the entire sample
period with a subsample including only the period of the Greenspan
chairmanship (beginning August 1987). The sign and significance of the
coefficients are quite similar: A bias toward tightening significantly
raises the expected change in the funds rate, whereas a bias toward ease
has a coefficient that is significantly negative. The point estimates
for both coefficients are larger during the Greenspan years than for the
full sample--particularly the coefficient on [L.sub.t-1]--and the
hypothesis that the coefficients are equal in absolute value can be
rejected for the Greenspan subsample. Incorporating the estimates for
the interest-rate smoothing coefficients, the results suggest that a
bias toward tightening raises the expected value of the one-month-ahead
funds rate by 10 basis points, whereas a bias toward ease lowers the
expectation by 21 basis points.
The next two lines in Table 2 compare two subsamples with a break
in February 1994, corresponding to the date at which the FOMC began the
practice of issuing press releases following meetings at which a change
in the funds rate target was announced. (11) This break reveals an
interesting difference between the two halves of the sample period: In
the earlier period, the coefficient on [L.sub.t-1] is negative, but not
significant. In the latter period, the coefficient on [G.sub.t-1] is
positive but not significant. One possible interpretation of this
finding is that the FOMC was particularly vigilant in its responses to
potential inflation shocks during the 1980s and early 1990s--a period in
which policy might be characterized as one of deliberate disinflation.
In the latter period, on the other hand, a bias toward easier policy was
primarily associated with the 2001 recession, in which the FOMC followed
a policy of lowering rates as economic data confirmed the view that the
economy was weakening sharply.
Interaction between the Bias and Policy-Rule Responses: Slope-Dummy
The Taylor-rule estimates reported in Tables 1 and 2 reveal that
asymmetric policy statements have significant predictive power for
explaining changes in the funds rate target. However, they reveal little
about the mechanism by which statements of policy bias might be
manifested in subsequent decisions by the FOMC to adjust the funds rate
target. In this subsection I report estimates of Taylor-rule equations
in which the dummy variables for policy asymmetry interact with data for
inflation and the output gap, revealing the effects of a biased outlook
on the FOMC's responses to information about the economy.
Table 3 reports estimates in which the bias variables G and L are
entered interactively with inflation and output data. In particular,
versions of the equation
are reported. The coefficients represent the marginal influence of
asymmetric statements on the reaction-function parameters. For example,
the first line of Table 3--which includes only the dummy variables
interacting with inflation--shows that both G and L have significant
effects. In the absence of a bias in either direction the regression
coefficient on inflation is 1.44, but when the existing bias is toward
greater restraint the effective coefficient is 1 + [[alpha].sub.[pi]]
+[[gamma].sub.[pi]] = 1.88. That is, the FOMC tended to provide a more
forceful response to inflation innovations when there was a bias toward
tigher policy than when there was no bias. The negative coefficient on
[L.sub.t-1] implies that a bias toward easier policy is associated with
a less forceful response to inflation: the effective coefficient in this
case is only 1 + [[alpha].sub.[pi]] + [[lambda].sub.[pi]] = 1.08. Once
again, [G.sub.t-1] and [L.sub.t-1] enter symmetrically: The hypothesis
that [[gamma].sub.[pi] = [[lambda].sub.[pi]] cannot be rejected.
The observation that [[lambda].sub.[pi]] is negative has
interesting implications. In an environment where inflation strays
symmetrically both above and below the FOMC's implicit objective,
one might expect the coefficient on [L.sub.t-1] to be positive: A
negative innovation to inflation would require a forceful easing
response to bring inflation back toward the target. The estimated
coefficients suggest, however, that although the committee responded
vigorously to "inflation scares" (Goodfriend 1993), the
response to falling inflation was simply to allow nominal interest rates
to fall in approximately direct proportion. This pattern is consistent
with the notion that the Fed was pursuing a policy of
"opportunistic disinflation" (Orphanides and Wilcox 2002) over
the sample period. Indeed, the data in Figure 1 show that the committee
indicated a tilt toward easing during much of the period from 1990
through 1993, a period in which inflation was trending sharply downward.
The evident focus on disinflation over the sample period is also
suggested by the lack of robustness in estimates of the interaction
between the bias variables and the output gap, reported in the second
line of Table 3. In contrast to the interaction with inflation, dummy
variables interacting with the output gap have coefficients that are
positive for both directions, but are significant at only a 10% level.
Taking the coefficient estimates at face value, the implication is that
the FOMC responds to output gap innovations more than twice as
forcefully in the presence of a tilt in either direction than with no
bias expressed. Nevertheless, this characterization provides little
overall explanatory power: The adjusted R-squared and standard error of
the equation show that little improvement in fit is provided by the
inclusion of dummy variables interacting with the output gap.
The regression results reported in the third row of Table 3, which
include all four of the interactive terms, confirm that the explanatory
power of the bias variable is associated with interaction with
inflation, but not the output gap. The coefficient estimates show the
same pattern as in the previous two specifications.
Finally, the fourth set of estimates in Table 3 shows the results
of assuming that the effects of asymmetric policy statements take a form
consistent with the balance of risks language, in which a bias toward
tightening is associated with concerns about inflation and a tilt toward
easing is associated with prospects for weakness in economic growth. The
estimates are generally supportive of this asymmetric interpretation of
the policy bias: The coefficient measuring the response to inflation
under a tightening bias is positive and highly significant, and the
coefficient representing the response to output under an easing bias is
positive and significant at the 10% level (the associated p-value is
0.072). Nevertheless, in terms of goodness of fit, this equation is
virtually indistinguishable from the full specification reported in the
third line of Table 3.
Tables 4 and 5 present subsample analysis of selected
specifications from Table 3. In both tables, it is clear that the sample
period including only the Greenspan years differs little from the
full-sample estimates. The coefficients interacting with inflation
(Table 4) are of the same sign and are significant. The point estimates
for the coefficients interacting with the output gap (Table 5) are
nearly identical to the full-sample estimates, although smaller standard
errors of the estimates make them significant at the 5% level.
Nevertheless, in a regression including interactive terms with both
inflation and the output gap for the Greenspan years (not shown in the
tables), the coefficients interacting with inflation are significant at
the 5% level, whereas the coefficients interacting with the output gap
are not.
Dividing the sample into pre-1994 and post-1994 subperiods again
yields some interesting contrasts. In the equations estimating
interaction with the inflation terms, the coefficient estimating the
effect of a bias toward tighter policy is significant in the pre-1994
sample, whereas the coefficient associated with a bias toward ease is
not. In the post-1994 sample, the reverse is true. On the other hand,
the subsample analysis of output-gap interaction terms shows that the
coefficients for both directions of bias in both subsamples have
positive point estimates, but they are generally not statistically
Overall, these results are consistent with the conjecture that the
pre-1994 period was characterized by a particular aversion to upward
movements of inflation, with the bias statement indicating a tendency
for more forceful response to such movements. In the years after 1994,
on the other hand, the bias statement evidently contained little
information about subsequent policy moves, in either direction. Rather,
a relatively large coefficient on the unconditional response to
inflation, [[alpha].sub.[pi]], suggests a more balanced response to
inflation surprises in either direction.
Over the course of two decades, the FOMC has issued asymmetric
statements regarding the economic outlook and likely policy responses.
The findings reported in this article show that those statements have
contained significant predictive power for subsequent changes in the
Federal funds rate target.
In particular, when dummy variables representing the direction of
the bias are included as intercept shifters in a Taylor-rule equation,
they provide significant explanatory power in addition to the estimated
average responses of the committee to inflation and output innovations.
When the dummy variables are entered as interacting with inflation and
output-gap series, the estimated coefficients show that the expression
of an asymmetric outlook can be interpreted as altering the magnitude of
the committee's responses to incoming information about the
Although the results suggest that the FOMC has responded more
forcefully to movements in the output gap following the expression of an
asymmetric outlook, this effect tends to be overwhelmed by a heightened
responsiveness to news about inflation. This finding is clearly
consistent with the predominant disinflationary focus of U.S. monetary
policy over the sample period--especially the first half of the period.
However, a different pattern might well prevail in an ongoing
low-inflation environment.
The effectiveness of the balance of risks statement and its
interpretation by the public has been the subject of some controversy.
At its meeting on 18 March 2003, the FOMC declined to specify a balance
of risks, citing unusual geopolitical uncertainties. Subsequently, the
committee introduced a two-part bias statement, evaluating the balance
of risks with respect to inflation and economic growth trends
independently. Additional language has also been introduced in an
apparent effort to further clarify the FOMC's outlook and
In the context of these changes, comments by members of the
committee and analyses in the financial press have raised some
longstanding criticisms of asymmetric policy statements (see, for
example, Berry 2003). One fundamental criticism is that such statements
continue to be widely viewed by the markets as a direct signal about the
direction of future policy changes, when in fact the press release
announcing the adoption of the balance of risks language in January 2000
clearly indicated the committee's desire to avoid that
The evidence presented in this article provides some insight into
this issue. In the regressions with the bias variables entered as
intercept shift factors, the significance of the bias dummies implies
the rather implausible interpretation that the committee sets the funds
rate target by considering the current state of the economy, then adding
or subtracting a few basis points depending on the direction of their
previously expressed bias. This is precisely the nature of the
interpretation problem that has been widely discussed.
On the other hand, the regression results in which the bias dummies
are entered as interactive terms provide a more reasonable explanation
for the predictive power of asymmetric policy statements: Expressions of
perceived risks in the outlook indicate an enhanced degree of diligence
and generate more forceful responses to subsequent information about
output and inflation trends.
Nevertheless, in terms of predictive power, the interactive-dummy
specification provides no improvement in the overall fit of the model
relative to the intercept shift specification. Although the results
reported herein provide a reasonable explanation for why asymmetric
policy statements have predictive power for subsequent changes in the
funds rate, many market participants and analysts might find it
sufficient simply to know that the statements do, in fact, include
significant information content.
CPI: Consumer Price Index
FOMC: Federal Open Market Committee
Taylor Rule Estimates with Dummy Variables for the Policy Bias;
[DELTA][i.sub.t] = [zeta][[[alpha].sub.0] - [i.sub.t-1] +
(1 + [[alpha].sub.[pi]]) + [[alpha].sub.y][y.sub.t] + [D.sub.t-1] +
[D.sub.t-1] =
Baseline [gamma][G.sub.t-1]
([D.sub.t-1] = 0] + [lambda][L.sub.t-1]
Coefficient estimates (SEs)
[zeta] 0.060 ** (0.016) 0.072 ** (0.016)
[phi] 0.389 ** (0.061) 0.262 ** (0.064)
[[alpha].sub.0] 0.777 (0.893) 0.397 (0.743)
[[alpha].sub.[pi]] 0.399 (0.257) 0.515 ** (0.206)
[[alpha].sub.y] 0.452 ** (0.080) 0.317 ** (0.063)
[gamma] -- 1.342 ** (0.543)
[lambda] -- -1.921 ** (0.710)
[beta] -- --
[[bar.R].sup.2] 0.2268 0.2920
SEE 0.2316 0.2216
Q 0.1917 0.0219
[D.sub.t-1] =
Coefficient estimates (SEs)
[zeta] 0.073 ** (0.015)
[phi] 0.269 ** (0.063)
[[alpha].sub.0] 0.288 (0.715)
[[alpha].sub.[pi]] 0.502 ** (0.202)
[[alpha].sub.y] 0.314 ** (0.062)
[gamma] --
[lambda] --
[beta] 1.579 ** (0.433)
[[bar.R].sup.2] 0.2937
SEE 0.2213
Q 0.0378
Notes: Table 1 reports least squares estimates of the parameters
of a monthly Taylor rule, estimated using the end-of-month target
Federal funds rate, the six-month growth rate of core CPI, the
deviation of Industrial Production from a quadratic trend, and the
policy bias variables described in the text. [[bar.R].sup.2] is
the adjusted R-squared, SEE denotes the standard error of the
equation, and Q is a Ljung-Box statistic for first-order serial
correlation. The sample period is 1984-2002.
* Significant at 0.10; ** significant at 0.05.
Subsample Analysis of Shift-Dummy Specification;
[DELTA][i.sub.t] = [zeta][[[alpha].sub.0] - [i.sub.t-1] +
(1 + [[alpha].sub.[pi]])[[pi].sub.t] + [[alpha].sub.y][y.sub.t] +
[gamma][G.sub.t-1] + [lambda][L.sub.t-1]] + [phi][DELTA][i.sub.t-1]
Full Sample Greenspan
Coefficient estimates (SEs)
[zeta] 0.072 ** (0.016) 0.067 ** (0.017)
[phi] 0.262 ** (0.064) 0.104 (0.071)
[[alpha].sub.0] 0.397 (0.743) 0.845 (0.739)
[[alpha].sub.[pi]] 0.515 ** (0.206) 0.399 * (0.213)
[[alpha].sub.y] 0.317 ** (0.063) 0.304 ** (0.060)
[gamma] 1.342 ** (0.543) 1.506 ** (0.611)
[lambda] -1.921 ** (0.710) -3.116 ** (1.015)
[[bar.R].sup.2] 0.2920 0.3305
SEE 0.2216 0.1887
Q 0.0219 0.0035
Pre-1994 Post-1994
Coefficient estimates (SEs)
[zeta] 0.072 ** (0.020) 0.134 ** (0.031)
[phi] 0.289 ** (0.091) 0.061 (0.089)
[[alpha].sub.0] 1.289 (2.381) 0.776 (0.912)
[[alpha].sub.[pi]] 0.179 (0.573) 0.660 * (0.366)
[[alpha].sub.y] 0.555 ** (0.152) 0.222 ** (0.036)
[gamma] 1.915 ** (0.885) 0.400 (0.302)
[lambda] -0.477 (0.840) -2.565 ** (0.689)
[[bar.R].sup.2] 0.2999 0.4041
SEE 0.2450 0.1744
Q 0.2783 1.0326
Notes: See notes to Table 1. The specific subsample periods
reported are 1987:08-2002:12 for the Greenspan sample,
1984:01-1994:01 for the pre-1994 period, and 1994:02-2002:12
for post-1994. * Significant at 0.10; ** significant at 0.05.
Taylor Rule Estimates with Interactive Dummy Variables;
[DELTA][i.sub.t] = [zeta][[[alpha].sub.0] - [i.sub.t-1] +
(1 + [[alpha].sub.[pi]] + [[gamma].sub.[pi]][G.sub.t-1] +
[[lambda].sub.[pi]][L.sub.t-1])[[pi].sub.t] + [[alpha].sub.y] +
[[gamma].sub.y][G.sub.t-1] + [[lambda].sub.y][L.sub.t-1]])[y.sub.t]]
+ [phi][DELTA][i.sub.t-1]
Inflation Output Gap
Coefficient estimates (SEs)
[zeta] 0.075 ** (0.016) 0.064 ** (0.016)
[phi] 0.262 ** (0.065) 0.367 (0.061)
[[alpha].sub.0] 0.476 (0.698) 0.673 (0.874)
[[alpha].sub.[pi]] 0.444 ** (0.216) 0.418 * (0.243)
[[gamma].sub.[pi]] 0.435 ** (0.153) --
[[lambda].sub.[pi]] -0.368 ** (0.170) --
[[alpha].sub.y] 0.343 ** (0.059) 0.262 ** (1.102)
[[gamma].sub.y] -- 0.323 * (0.187)
[[lambda].sub.y] -- 0.329 * (0.174)
[[bar.R].sup.2] 0.2848 0.2400
SEE 0.2227 0.2296
Q 0.0082 0.0277
Both Asymmetric
Coefficient estimates (SEs)
[zeta] 0.076 ** (0.016) 0.079 ** (0.016)
[phi] 0.263 ** (0.065) 0.304 ** (0.062)
[[alpha].sub.0] 0.538 (0.732) 0.963 (0.672)
[[alpha].sub.[pi]] 0.420 * (0.223) 0.225 * (0.199)
[[gamma].sub.[pi]] 0.415 ** (0.155) 0.519 ** (0.149)
[[lambda].sub.[pi]] 0.303 * (0.177) --
[[alpha].sub.y] 0.272 ** (0.083) 0.293 ** (0.066)
[[gamma].sub.y] 0.113 (0.149) --
[[lambda].sub.y] 0.163 (0.143) 0.266 * (0.125)
[[bar.R].sup.2] 0.2833 0.2767
SEE 0.2229 0.2240
Q 0.0419 0.0203
Notes: See notes to Table 1. * Significant at 0.10;
** significant at 0.05.
Subsample Analysis of Dummy Variables Interacting with Inflation;
[DELTA][i.sub.t] = [zeta][[[alpha].sub.0] - [i.sub.t-1] +
(1 + [[alpha].sub.[pi]] + [[gamma].sub.[pi]][G.sub.t-1] +
[[lambda].sub.[pi]][L.sub.t-1])[[pi].sub.t] + [[alpha].sub.y] +
[y.sub.t] + [phi][DELTA][i.sub.t-1]
Full Sample Greenspan
Coefficient estimates (SEs)
[zeta] 0.075 ** (0.016) 0.067 ** (0.017)
[phi] 0.262 ** (0.065) 0.098 (0.072)
[[alpha].sub.0] 0.476 (0.698) 0.476 (0.729)
[[alpha].sub.[pi]] 0.444 ** (0.216) 0.453 ** (0.229)
[[alpha].sub.y] 0.343 ** (0.059) 0.327 ** (0.058)
[[gamma].sub.[pi]] 0.435 ** (0.153) 0.582 ** (0.207)
[[lambda].sub.[pi]] -0.368 ** (0.170) -0.755 ** (0.259)
[[bar.R].sup.2] 0.2848 0.3272
SEE 0.2227 0.1891
Q 0.0082 0.0019
Pre-1994 Post-1994
Coefficient estimates (SEs)
[zeta] 0.074 ** (0.020) 0.133 ** (0.031)
[phi] 0.279 ** (0.092) 0.035 (0.091)
[[alpha].sub.0] 1.558 (2.372) 0.508 (0.928)
[[alpha].sub.[pi]] 0.092 (0.584) 0.790 ** (0.385)
[[alpha].sub.y] 0.544 ** (0.148) 0.234 ** (0.035)
[[gamma].sub.[pi]] 0.482 ** (0.206) 0.110 (0.121)
[[lambda].sub.[pi]] -0.070 (0.191) -1.062 ** (0.286)
[[bar.R].sup.2] 0.3034 0.4042
SEE 0.2444 0.1744
Q 0.3028 0.9656
Notes: See notes to Table 2. * Significant at 0.10;
** significant at 0.05.
Subsample Analysis of Dummy Variables Interacting with the Output Gap;
[DELTA][i.sub.t] = [zeta][[[alpha].sub.0] - [i.sub.t-1] +
(1 + [[alpha].sub.[pi]])[[pi].sub.t] + [[alpha].sub.y] +
[[gamma].sub.y][G.sub.t-1] + [[lambda].sub.y][L.sub.t-1])
[y.sub.t]] + [phi][DELTA][i.sub.t-1]
Full Sample Greenspan
Coefficient estimates (SEs)
[zeta] 0.064 ** (0.016) 0.066 ** (0.019)
[phi] 0.367 ** (0.061) 0.265 ** (0.070)
[[alpha].sub.0] 0.673 (0.874) 1.188 (0.784)
[[alpha].sub.[pi]] 0.418 * (0.243) 0.195 (0.230)
[[alpha].sub.y] 0.262 ** (0.102) 0.264 ** (0.087)
[[gamma].sub.[pi]] 0.323 * (0.187) 0.351 ** (0.173)
[[lambda].sub.[pi]] 0.329 * (0.174) 0.348 ** (0.163)
[[bar.R].sup.2] 0.2400 0.2121
SEE 0.2296 0.2047
Q 0.0277 0.1259
Pre-1994 Post-1994
Coefficient estimates (SEs)
[zeta] 0.062 ** (0.020) 0.114 ** (0.036)
[phi] 0.354 ** (0.085) 0.328 ** (0.091)
[[alpha].sub.0] 2.562 (2.833) 0.147 (1.334)
[[alpha].sub.[pi]] -0.036 (0.681) 0.754 (0.519)
[[alpha].sub.y] 0.475 ** (0.219) 0.220 ** (0.064)
[[gamma].sub.[pi]] 0.489 (0.380) 0.159 (0.112)
[[lambda].sub.[pi]] 0.369 (0.314) 0.206 * (0.112)
[[bar.R].sup.2] 0.2769 0.1780
SEE 0.2490 0.2048
Q 0.1172 0.6726
Notes: See notes to Table 2. * Significant at 0.10;
** significant at 0.05.
(1.) The directive sometimes modified the two options subtly by
referring to "somewhat greater (or lesser)" or "slightly
greater (or lesser)" reserve restraint. However, the
somewhat/slightly distinction never directly conflicted with the
asymmetry implied by the might/would classification. See Ritter (1993)
and Muelendyke (1993, pp. 136-38) for discussion of the subtleties of
language in the FOMC directive.
(2.) Rasche and Thornton (2002) and Poole and Rasche (2003)
describe this change in disclosure policy in the broader context of the
FOMC's moves to enhance transparency.
(3.) The minutes of the August 1997 meeting suggest that another
subtle modification to the role of the bias statement had taken place:
Although the statement continued to refer to the intermeeting period,
the minutes report that although the committee members "did not
attach a high probability to the prospect that the incoming information
would warrant a tightening move during the intermeeting period, they
continued to view the next policy move as more likely to be in the
direction of some firming than toward easing."
(4.) Although the first postmeeting announcement of a change in the
bias statement was made in May 1999, the committee had endorsed the idea
earlier. The FOMC minutes of the December 1998 meeting include the
summary of a discussion in which the "the members decided to
implement the previously stated policy of releasing, on an infrequent basis, an announcement immediately after certain FOMC meetings when the
stance of monetary policy remained unchanged. Specifically, the
Committee would do so on those occasions when it wanted to communicate
to the public a major shift in its views about the balance of risks or
the likely direction of future policy."
(5.) In addition to its potential signaling function, Thornton and
Wheelock (2000) describe other roles for the asymmetric objective:
namely, that it provided a mechanism for the chairman to carry out
intermeeting policy changes and that discussion about the asymmetric
statement has been used to help build consensus among the members of the
(6.) The FOMC began targeting the Federal funds rate directly in
June 1989. Data for the "intended" Federal funds rate before
that date are compiled by Rudebusch (1995), based on Managers'
Reports from the Open Market Trading Desk at the Federal Reserve Bank of
New York. Alternative measures of the funds rate (the monthly average
target and the monthly average effective rate) were found to yield
essentially equivalent results to those reported herein.
(7.) Examples include Kozicki (1999), Clarida et al. (2000),
Orphanides (2001), and Mehra (2001). The work of Rudebusch (2002), Mehra
(2002), and English et al. (2003) has suggested alternative explanations
for the lagged adjustment specification. For the purposes of this study,
the interest-rate smoothing specification is simply adopted as a
parsimonious representation.
(8.) An appendix to the paper (available on request) shows that the
results reported here are not materially affected by the use of a
6-month inflation measure rather than the more typically used 12-month
average. The CPI was selected as the inflation measure because it is a
monthly series that is not subject to revision, obviating potential
problems of vintage versus real-time data. The core measure was selected
both to avoid the usual problems with volatile food and energy prices
and because the FOMC has explicitly focused on core inflation (at least
in recent years).
(9.) The results reported in the appendix also differ from those in
the article by using lagged values for the inflation and output gap
measures. With regard to this modification as well, no economically
significant distinction was found for the article's main results.
(10.) Because the bias variables have nonzero means, their
inclusion as intercept dummies affects the interpretation of the
constant term in these regressions. Given the parameter values reported
in Table 2, the inclusion of B has the effect of increasing the value of
the constant term by 0.139, while including G and L acts to lower the
estimated constant by 0.022.
(11.) We might expect that the FOMC began a more careful
consideration of the public interpretation of policy changes following
this innovation. Moreover, this break in the sample period roughly
corresponds to a change in emphasis from literal disinflation to a focus
on maintaining the low rate of inflation that had been achieved by that
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MICHAEL R. PAKKO, The views expressed in this paper are those of
the author, and do not necessarily reflect the official positions of the
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis or the Federal Reserve System. The
author thanks Mike Dueker, John Lapp, Trish Pollard, Bob Rasche, Dan
Thornton, Dave Wheelock, and three anonymous referees for helpful
Pakko: Senior Economist, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, P.O.
Box 442, St. Louis, MO 63166-0442. Phone 1-314-444-8564, Fax
1-314-444-8731, E-mail pakko@stls.frb.org