Predicting inflation: does the quantity theory help?
Bachmeier, Lance J. ; Swanson, Norman R.
Inflation forecasting has played a key role in recent U.S. monetary
policy, and this has led to a renewed search for variables that serve as
good indicators of future inflation. One frequently used indicator,
based on the Phillips curve, is the unemployment rate or a similar
measure of the output gap, as in Gerlach and Svensson (2003), Clark and
McCracken (2003), Mankiw (2001), and Gali and Gertler (1999). The
Phillips curve is believed by many to be the preferred tool for
forecasting inflation (see, e.g., Mankiw 2001; Stock and Watson 1999a;
Blinder 1997) though as argued by Sargent (1999) its use in formulating
monetary policy is not without controversy. Another approach, based on
the quantity theory of money, uses monetary aggregates to predict
inflation. Despite the strong theoretical motivation for this approach,
though, there is little evidence that measures of the nominal money supply are useful for predicting inflation relative to a conventional
unemployment rate Phillips curve model; see Stock and Watson (1999a) for
a detailed analysis of the forecast performance of popular inflation
indicators. Stock and Watson's results indicate that even simple
univariate time-series models generally forecast about as well as models
that include measures of the money supply, so that it is hard to make
the case that nominal money supply data have any predictive content for
inflation. (1)
This article evaluates inflation forecasts made by models that
allow for prices, money, and output to be cointegrated, and in the
process reexamines the question of whether monetary aggregates have
marginal predictive content for inflation. Our work is motivated in part
by economic theory, as the presence of a cointegrating relationship
among the series we look at corresponds to an implicit assumption that
prices, the money supply, and output "hang together" in the
long run, an implicit feature of most analyses based on the quantity
From a statistical point of view, a system with cointegrated
regressors does not have a finite-order vector autoregressive (VAR)
representation, so that a VAR in differences will be misspecified and
may not forecast well regardless of the relevance of the included
variables. Our analysis is therefore focused on the questions, "Are
there gains, in terms of forecast accuracy, from imposing the
restriction that prices, money, and output are cointegrated?",
"Does it matter whether cointegrating restrictions are imposed a
priori based on economic theory, or can they be estimated?", and
"Do models imposing cointegration among prices, money, and output
forecast inflation as well as the Phillips curve and other alternative
The econometric framework that we employ is similar to that of
Stock and Watson (1999a) but differs from theirs in two ways. First,
Stock and Watson (1999a) consider one-year horizon inflation forecasts,
whereas we consider forecast horizons of up to five years. This is
potentially important in our context, as we include versions of the
quantity theory of money in our analysis, a theory that arguably may not
yield substantive gains to forecasting in the short run. Additionally,
future inflation at many horizons is in general of interest to policy
makers (even if the weight attached to inflation at different horizons
is a matter of individual preference), so that long-run predictions are
only unuseful if and when they fail to have marginal predictive content
for inflation. (2) A second difference between our work and that of
Stock and Watson (1999a) is that some of our models differ from theirs,
including those that impose quantity theory-based cointegrating
restrictions, for example. In these types of models we (1) impose a
cointegration restriction derived from the assumption of stationary
velocity, and (2) estimate cointegrating restrictions. We also examine a
fairly broad variety of (linear) models, including simple autoregressive
(AR) models in levels and differences; conventional unemployment rate
Phillips curve models; and VAR models in levels and differences with
money, prices, and output. As a strawman model with which to compare our
"best" models, we use various random walk models, and all
models are evaluated using standard loss criteria, such as mean square
forecast error as well as tests of equal predictive accuracy.
Our approach is to consider alternative h-quarter ahead inflation
predictions from the models mentioned. We analyze two different periods,
one from 1979:4-1992:4 and one from 1993:1-2003:2. These periods are
analyzed separately because, as is shown below, Johansen (1988, 1991)
trace tests find cointegrating ranks of at least 1 through 1992 and 0
thereafter, so that it is reasonable to allow for the possibility of a
structural break around 1993. (3) Sequences of one-quarter to five-year
ahead predictions are made for the period 1979:4-1992:4, with one
sequence of predictions constructed for each model and for each forecast
horizon. This is done by reestimating each model in a recursive fashion,
using observations through 1979:4-h for the first forecast and
observations through 1992:4-h for the last forecast, for h = 1, ..., 20
quarters. By focusing part of our attention on the period 1979-92, we
are able to assess whether predictions made using cointegrating
restrictions estimated over a period for which it is well accepted that
cointegration was present dominate predictions made without imposing
cointegration. Furthermore, if estimated cointegrating restrictions over
this period fail to yield predictive performance improvements, while
restrictions imposed a priori based on economic theory do yield
improvements, then we have direct evidence that the lack of success of
cointegration type models in forecasting noted widely in the literature
may be due in large part to parameter estimation error. We also carry
out a version of the exercise for the period from 1993:1-2003:2. Before
describing our findings, it is worth stressing that there is much
evidence that preexisting cointegrating relations broke down in the
1990s, as shown, for instance, by Carlson et al. (2000). However, we are
interested in a wide range of forecast horizons, and cointegration tests
are implicitly based on one-step-ahead forecasting models. Thus, the
failure of empirical cointegration tests does not imply that there are
not long-run restrictions among the variables that will not yield
improved long-run predictions. (4)
Our findings are clear-cut and can be summarized as follows. First,
by allowing for prices, money, and output to be cointegrated, and by
considering a variety of forecast horizons, there is evidence that M2
has marginal predictive content for inflation. For the earlier time
period, a vector error correction (VEC) model consistent with the
quantity theory forecasts better than other models for many horizons,
including an AR model, thus justifying the use of M2 as an inflation
indicator. Over the more recent period, the VEC model no longer
forecasts well, which is not surprising given the breakdown of
cointegration mentioned. However, the VAR model in differences does
forecast well for that time period relative to an AR benchmark. This
leads us to conclude that there is strong and robust evidence in favor
of M2 as an inflation indicator.
Second, our findings supporting the usefulness of imposing
cointegration are limited to the case where velocity is restricted to be
stationary. For the period 1979:4-1992:4, we find that (1) a VEC model
that imposes stationary velocity typically forecasts better than a VAR
in differences; (2) forecasts from the VEC with stationary velocity also
dominate, at all forecast horizons, those made using a VEC for which the
cointegrating rank and vectors are estimated; and (3) forecasts from a
VAR in differences dominate the forecasts, at all horizons, made using a
VEC with estimated cointegrating rank and vectors. These findings are
suggestive. For example, we thus have evidence that when the
cointegrating restriction(s) are estimated, we do better by simply using
a VAR in differences. This corresponds to the finding of Clements and
Hendry (1996), Hoffman and Rasche (1996), and Lin and Tsay (1996) that
VEC models do not usually predict better than VAR models. What is
interesting, though, is that when we impose the parameter
(cointegration) restriction directly, based on theory, the VEC model
does outperform the VAR model. This in turn suggests that one reason for
VEC failure in practical applications may be imprecise estimation of
cointegration vector(s) and/or cointegration space ranks, rather than
incorrect model specification. Put another way, theory is important and
should be incorporated whenever possible. Given this finding, we perform
a series of Monte Carlo experiments to investigate the importance of
cointegration vector rank and parameter estimation error on VEC model
forecasts. Using simulated data calibrated to be consistent with the
historical U.S. record, we find that for some configurations, the impact
of cointegration vector rank and parameter estimation error on VEC model
forecasts is substantial.
A second set of Monte Carlo experiments is also run because we find
that a random walk model is the only model (including the Phillips curve
model) that the VEC model does not dominate at long horizons. Although
such a finding is not important for our analysis, because we are
interested in determining which variables have marginal predictive
content for inflation, and comparison with the random walk model cannot
answer this question, it is common to use a random walk model as a
benchmark in out-of-sample forecast comparisons. A common interpretation
of the failure of a model based on economic theory to forecast better
than a random walk model is that the theory-based model is incorrectly
specified. This interpretation is investigated using simulated data,
calibrated to be consistent with the historical U.S. data, for two data-
generating processes (DGPs), a second-order AR (AR(2)) model and a VAR
model. We show that for samples as large as 500, it is difficult to
reject the null hypothesis that an AR(1) model forecasts as well as an
AR(2) model, even when the data are generated according to an AR(2)
process, and a random walk model usually forecasts better than a VAR
model, even when the data are generated according to a VAR model. This
serves to point out that one needs to be cautious when interpreting the
results of out-of-sample forecast comparisons with atheoretical time-series models, because parameter estimation error can cause
correctly specified econometric models to forecast poorly. In
particular, results from this experiment suggest that failure of an
estimated version of a particular theoretical model to outperform a
strawman random walk model in forecasting should not be taken as
evidence that the theoretical model is not useful.
The remainder of the article is organized as follows. Section II
discusses the data used in our empirical investigation, while section
III outlines the methodology used. Quantitative findings are presented
in section IV, and section V discusses the results of our Monte Carlo
experiments. In section VI, concluding remarks and directions for future
research are given.
All data were downloaded from the Federal Reserve Economic Database
on the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Web site. All data are
quarterly U.S. figures for the period 1959:1 to 2003:2. For the price
level, [P.sub.t], we use the gross domestic product (GDP) implicit price
deflator. In accordance with this choice of price index, we also use
gross domestic product, [Q.sub.t], in chained 1996 dollars as our
measure of real output. The money supply, [M.sub.t], data we use are
seasonally adjusted M2 figures. This choice of monetary aggregate is
obviously not without its drawbacks. Barnett and Serletis (2000), for
example, contains a number of contributions which show the importance of
using a monetary services index rather than simple sum M2. Although the
points made in these papers are important and valid, Diewert (2000)
points out that divisia money supply measures require arbitrary choices
in their construction, and these arbitrary choices can have a
significant impact on empirical analysis. It is therefore natural to
expect policy makers, at least in principle, to be interested in
findings based on simple sum M2 measures. (5) Finally, unemployment,
[U.sub.t], is the seasonally adjusted civilian unemployment rate.
To begin, consider the equation of exchange, namely
(1) [M.sub.t][V.sub.t] = [P.sub.t][Q.sub.t],
where [P.sub.t], [M.sub.t], and [Q.sub.t] are as defined, and
[V.sub.t] is the velocity of money with respect to nominal output. Now,
assume that the natural logarithms of [P.sub.t], [M.sub.t], and
[Q.sub.t] are I(1), using the terminology of Engle and Granger (1987).
This assumption is standard in the literature testing for a
cointegrating relationship between prices, money, and output, although
as discussed by Culver and Papell (1997) there has been some debate as
to whether prices are I(1) or 1(2). Unit root tests show that a unit
root can be rejected for the first difference, but not the level, or the
logged level for all three series. (6) In addition, for the time being,
assume that [v.sub.t] = log([V.sub.t]) is I(0); see, for example,
Feldstein and Stock (1994) or Estrella and Mishkin (1997) for a
discussion of this assumption. Now, rearranging (1),
(2) [v.sub.t] = [p.sub.t] - [m.sub.t] + [q.sub.t],
where lowercase letters signify the use of natural logarithms.
Assuming that there exists a VAR representation of [p.sub.t], [m.sub.t],
and [q.sub.t], the assumption of stationary velocity implies: (1) that
there exists a cointegrating restriction among [p.sub.t], [m.sub.t], and
[q.sub.t]; and (2) that the cointegrating vector linking the variables
is (1, -1, 1), up to a scalar multiple. The Granger representation
theorem of Engle and Granger (1987) then states that the VAR in levels
can be written as a VEC model with price equation:
where [z.sub.t-1] = [alpha]'([p.sub.t-1], [m.sub.t-1],
[q.sub.t-1])', [alpha] is a 3x1 vector of constants (i.e., the
cointegration vector), [[epsilon].sub.t] is an error term, and l denotes
the number of lags included in the VEC model. This is our benchmark
model, used to predict inflation, where we assume that [alpha] = (1, -1,
1)', and is referred to as the "quantity theory VEC
model." Alternatively, rather than fixing [alpha] (and assuming
that [v.sub.t] is stationary), we estimate 0t using the methodology of
Johansen (1988, 1991), allowing for the possibility that there may be no
cointegration, so that [alpha] = 0, and [z.sub.t-1] is not included in
the model. (7) This model is referred to as our "estimated VEC
model." (8)
The two preceding models, as well as all of our other models, can
be written as restricted versions of the following VEC model:
(3) [y.sub.t+h] = [[beta].sub.0] + [beta](L)[x.sub.t] +
[phi][z.sub.t] + [[epsilon].sub.t+h], h = 1, ..., [h.sub.max],
where [y.sub.t+h] is a scalar equal to either [p.sub.t+h] or
[DELTA][p.sub.t+h], [[beta].sub.0] is a constant, [beta](L) is a matrix
polynomial in the lag operator L, [x.sub.t] is a vector of explanatory variables, and [h.sub.max] = 20. When computing forecasts for the VEC
models, we set [y.sub.t+h] = [DELTA][p.sub.t+h] and [x.sub.t] =
([DELTA][p.sub.t], [DELTA][m.sub.t], [DELTA][q.sub.t])'. Note also
that [phi] is restricted to be equal to zero for models specified in
levels or models specified in differences that do not allow for
cointegration. For a given value of h, (3) is reestimated recursively
(i.e., reestimated before each new forecast is constructed) to yield a
sequence of 53 real-time rolling inflation forecasts for 1979:4-1992:4
and 42 rolling real-time inflation forecasts for 1993:1-2003:2. This
procedure is then carried out again for a new value of h, and is
repeated until [h.sub.max] sequences of real-time h-step ahead forecasts
are constructed. Forecasts are produced using models estimated with
"increasing" windows of data, so that the estimation sample
for all forecasts begins with 1959:1. All estimations in this article
are based on the principle of maximum likelihood, and all lags (l) are
reestimated at each point in time (i.e., before each new prediction is
constructed) and for each h, using the Schwarz (1978) information
criterion (SIC), which is widely known to dominate other lag selection
criteria (such as the Akaike [1973, 1974] information criterion) when
the objective is to produce optimal forecasting models. See Swanson and
White (1995, 1997) for evidence on the forecast performance of models
selected by the SIC. (9) Based on the model, we define our prediction of
cumulative inflation at period t + h as [[bar.[pi]].sub.t+h] =
[[summation].sup.h.sub.k=1] [DELTA][[bar.p].sub.t+k|t], which implies
that [[bar.p].sub.t+h|t] = [p.sub.t] + [[bar.[pi]].sub.t+h], where in
all cases the |t symbol denotes conditioning on information available at
time t.
It remains to specify the rest of the models that will serve as
"competitors" for the quantity theory VEC model (see Table 1
for alternative models). One clear candidate is a VAR model with
[y.sub.t+h] = [DELTA][p.sub.t+h], [x.sub.t] = ([DELTA][p.sub.t],
[DELTA][m.sub.t], [DELTA][q.sub.t])', and [phi] = 0, which is the
same as the VEC model except for the restriction that [phi] = 0. This
model, thus, does not allow for prices, money, and output to be
cointegrated. It is henceforth called our "VAR in differences
model." An alternative to the VAR in differences model shall be
called the 'WAR in levels" model, and sets [y.sub.t+h] =
[p.sub.t+h], [x.sub.t] : ([p.sub.t], [m.sub.t], [q.sub.t])', and
[phi] = 0. Because this model involves regression with I(1) variables,
inference based on the estimated coefficients is not standard, based on
the work of Sims et al. (1990). However, our objective is prediction and
not inference, so this does not pose a problem for us. In addition, note
that by estimating the VAR model in levels, we are allowing for
cointegration among the variables, although the model is inefficient in
the sense that we are not imposing the cointegrating restriction.
In addition to the VEC and VAR models, we estimate a conventional
unemployment rate Phillips curve, which is shown in Stock and Watson
(1999a) to be quite robust and is seldom beaten in their forecasting
experiments except when their new index of aggregate activity based on
168 economic indicators is used. This model is called our
"differences Phillips curve model," and sets [y.sub.t+h] =
[DELTA][p.sub.t+h], [x.sub.t] = ([DELTA][p.sub.t], [U.sub.t])', and
[phi] = 0. A levels version of this model, for which [y.sub.t+h] =
[p.sub.t+h], [x.sub.t] = ([p.sub.t], [U.sub.t])', and [phi] = 0, is
called the "levels Phillips curve model." We follow Stock and
Watson (1999a) in assuming the NAIRU is constant and omitting supply
shock variables and therefore use just the unemployment rate when making
Phillips curve forecasts. Finally, we also estimate differences and
levels versions of a "simple AR model," with [y.sub.t+h] =
[DELTA][p.sub.t+h], [x.sub.t] = [DELTA] [p.sub.t], and [phi] = 0 for the
differences version and [y.sub.t+h] = [y.sub.t+h], [x.sub.t] =
[p.sub.t], and [phi] = 0 for the levels version, and various random walk
models including: [DELTA][p.sub.t+h] = [DELTA][p.sub.t] +
[[epsilon].sub.t+h], h = 1, ..., [h.sub.max] (differences random walk
model) and [p.sub.t+h] = [[beta].sub.0] + [p.sub.t] +
[[epsilon].sub.t+h], h = 1, ..., [h.sub.max] (random walk with drift
Given forecast and actual inflation values, we compare the
predictive accuracy of the models. This is done by first forming
real-time prediction errors as [e.sub.t+h|t] = [[pi].sub.t+h] -
[[bar.[pi]].sub.t+h], for each model, and for each value of h, so that
the out-of-sample forecast period runs from 1979:4 to 1992:4 for the
first subsample and from 1993:1 to 2003:2 for the second time period.
(10) Then, predictions from the alternative models are compared using
the forecast mean square error (MSE) criterion; see Swanson and White
(1995, 1997) for a discussion of this and similar criteria. Because
these criteria are only point estimates, we additionally construct
predictive accuracy tests, along the lines of Diebold and Mariano (1995;
hereafter DM), West (1996), McCracken (2000, 2004), Clark and McCracken
(2001), Chao et al. (2001), Corradi et al. (2001), and Corradi and
Swanson (2002). (11) Our benchmark model is fixed to be the quantity
theory VEC model, and we compare the benchmark against each of the other
models to find out which one "wins" our prediction contest
(see further discussion).
Cointegration Tests and Parameter Estimates
Figure 1 a shows recursive estimates of the cointegration rank
among [p.sub.t], [m.sub.t], and [q.sub.t]. The cointegrating rank is
almost always estimated to be 1 or 2 until the end of 1992, then falls
to 0 and remains there through the end of the sample, consistent with
the recent literature including Estrella and Mishkin (1997). (12)
Figures 2b and 2c show the estimated coefficients on M2 and real GDP,
respectively, for the cointegration vector associated with the largest
eigenvalue in the model. In 1975 the estimated coefficient on M2 begins
to fluctuate (even though the cointegration vector remains statistically
significant), but by 1978 the estimated coefficient is again close to
-1. The coefficient on output does not fluctuate as much as the
coefficient on M2, though it does show large fluctuations in 1975, 1976
and 1982. Overall, all large deviations of the estimated coefficients
from the restriction associated with the quantity theory VEC model
appear to have been transitory.
Forecast Evaluation Results for 1979:4-1992:4
Our quantity theory model imposes important restrictions on a VEC
model. An unrestricted VEC model for which the cointegration rank and
vector are estimated offers two advantages over the quantity theory VEC
model. Namely, it allows for cases in which the cointegrating
relationship cannot be identified a priori, and it allows for the
possibility that the system is evolving over time. Figure 2a shows test
statistics for the ENC-REG forecast emcompassing test of Clark and
McCracken (2001), with significantly positive statistics implying a
rejection of the null hypothesis that quantity theory VEC model
forecasts contribute nothing in the presence of the estimated VEC model
forecasts. Thus, for this comparison, we conclude that there are
advantages to imposing the cointegration vector rank and coefficients if
the test statistics are positive. Clark and McCracken (2001) show that
the ENC-REG test statistic has a distribution that depends on the number
of excess parameters, the number out-of-sample predictions, and the size
of the sample used to estimate the forecasting model. One of the
important contributions of Clark and McCracken (2001) is to show that
using standard normal critical values will result in conservative
inference. (13) As the number of excess parameters gets large, or if the
number of out-of-sample forecasts is small, the test statistic has an
approximately normal distribution according to the tables in Clark and
McCracken (2000, 2001). (14) It is clear from Figure 2 that
cointegration vector parameter and/or cointegrating rank estimation
error is very important for forecasts in samples of the size available
for this exercise. (15) Notice also that the quantity theory VEC does
increasingly better as the horizon increases, suggesting that the
quantity theory is particularly useful for long-run prediction.
Furthermore, note that in Figure 2b, we cannot reject the
hypothesis that the VAR in differences dominates the estimated VEC model
at all horizons, at least for conventional significance levels (in this
panel, a significantly positive statistic implies that the estimated VEC
forecasts are not encompassed by the VAR in differences forecasts). In
other words, if we had estimated the cointegration vector and rank each
time a forecast was made, rather than imposing stationary velocity and a
cointegrating rank of unity, we would have reached a conclusion that the
quantity theory VEC was not useful and would have concluded that
imposing cointegration never improves out-of-sample prediction in our
context! These findings at least partially explain previous findings
that imposing cointegration often does not result in improvement over
forecasts constructed using VAR models. In short, we find that there can
be large gains from a priori knowledge of the cointegrating vector and
rank, and that economic theory plays an important role, at least when
our objective is prediction. One reason why this is the case appears to
be that parameter and cointegration rank estimation error is large in
our framework, as is shown via a series of Monte Carlo experiments in
the next section.
Figure 3 presents graphs of ENC-REG statistics for comparison of
the quantity theory VEC model with various other alternative models. The
dashed lines in each graph are 90% and 95% critical values, so that a
statistic above the lower dashed line indicates a rejection of the
hypothesis that the quantity theory VEC model forecasts are encompassed
by the alternative model forecasts at a significance level of 10%, and a
statistic above both dashed lines indicates rejection at a significance
level of 5%. When the models are nested, the encompassing test is a test
for the relevance of the additional parameters, or equivalently whether
the quantity theory VEC model forecast better than the alternative
Comparison with the VAR in levels (Figure 3b) is of some interest
here, because this model allows for cointegration of unknown form, a
point made by Sims et al. (1990). Note that in this case, the quantity
theory VEC model dominates at all horizons, so that failure to impose
the correct cointegrating restriction, which leads to estimation
inefficiency in the levels VAR model, also leads to poorer predictions.
Similar results are obtained for the other levels models. As noted in
the introduction, Phillips curve models are generally believed to
provide the best inflation forecasts. As might be expected, Figure 3e
shows that the differences Phillips curve forecasts encompass the
quantity theory VEC forecasts at short horizons, and the quantity theory
VEC model becomes relevant for horizons of two years or more, suggesting
that the long run (at which time the quantity theory begins to be
useful) is perhaps not very long! Similar results are obtained when
comparing the quantity theory VEC model with the differences AR model.
At short horizons, the simple AR model forecasts about as well as the
quantity theory VEC model, a result consistent with the findings of
Stock and Watson (1999a). For the longer horizons, though, the quantity
theory VEC model performs much better, and we have evidence that the
variables in the quantity theory VEC model, including M2, have marginal
predictive content for inflation beyond that in the autoregressive
Figure 3 also shows the results of comparing the quantity theory
VEC model with the differences random walk model, and we observe that
for many forecast horizons, the quantity theory VEC model forecasts have
little to add to the differences random walk model forecasts. There are
several reasons, though, that this is not evidence that the quantity
theory VEC model is useless, at least for purposes of monetary policy.
First, the differences random walk model is not a reasonable policy
model, because it contains no control variables and merely summarizes
the historical time-series properties of the inflation series.
Furthermore, the relevant question for policy is whether the variables
in the quantity theory VEC model contain information about future
inflation, and comparison with the differences random walk model cannot
answer this question. Finally, failure of the quantity theory VEC model
to forecast better than the differences random walk model does not
necessarily imply that
the quantity theory VEC model is incorrectly specified. In fact, the
Monte Carlo experiments discussed in the next section show that a
parsimonious but misspecified time-series model may forecast better than
a correctly specified model due to parameter estimation error.
Forecast Evaluation Results for 1993:1-2003:2
As discussed, the estimated cointegration rank fell to 0 starting
in the fourth quarter of 1992, consistent with the claim of Carlson et
al. (2000) that there was a breakdown in the stability of M2 demand in
the early 1990s. Carlson et al. (2000), for instance, present evidence
that the instability was due to a one-time shift of household wealth
from the components of M2 into stock and bond mutual funds. Aggressive
marketing efforts by the mutual fund industry in the late 1980s informed
households about the existence and higher returns on stock and bond
mutual funds. Holdings in these funds are not counted as part of M2, so
that the shift caused an increase in M2 velocity and caused the demand
for M2 to be unstable.
This motivates considering the period after 1993 separately. For
brevity, we only report several of the forecast comparisons and focus
our discussion on the marginal predictive content of M2 for inflation.
The ENC-REG test gave unusual results for forecasts made after the
structural break, possibly because the structural break is the source of
most of the variation in the data. For this reason, we rely solely on
the comparison of MSE by means of DM forecast comparisons. (16) Figure
4a shows DM statistics for comparison of the quantity theory VEC model
and AR model, with positive statistics meaning the quantity theory VEC
model did better for that horizon. It is clear that continuing to impose
cointegration throughout this time period would have been a mistake,
because the quantity theory VEC model had an MSE much larger than the AR
model. Consistent with our prior expectations, the quantity theory VEC
has not been a good inflation forecasting model in recent years. Of
course, if these series were no longer cointegrated after 1992, that
would suggest the use of a VAR model in differences, not a VEC model.
Figure 4b shows DM statistics for comparison of the VAR model in
differences to the AR model, where positive statistics indicate the VAR
model forecast better. For all horizons of one year or more, the VAR
model does better. Figure 4c tells a similar story for comparison of the
estimated VEC model and AR model. Figures 4b and 4c should be similar,
because the estimated VEC model only imposes statistically significant
cointegration vectors, and for most of the forecasts the cointegration
rank was estimated to be zero, so that the estimated VEC model reduced
to a VAR model in differences.
Our empirical findings can be summarized as follows. In the earlier
period, money, prices, and output were cointegrated, so that a VEC model
performed better than the AR model, whenever the cointegration vector
was imposed a priori rather than estimated. Parameter estimation error
apparently prevented the estimated VEC model from forecasting well, a
possibility that is investigated extensively in the next section. For
the recent time period, the quantity theory VEC model forecasts poorly,
whereas the VAR model in differences forecasts well. There is nothing
surprising about this; other authors have already demonstrated problems
with M2 cointegrating relationships over this time period, and our
cointegration tests find that cointegration broke down at the end of
We conclude this section with two final comments. First, it is
possible that the quantity theory VEC model will again forecast well in
the future, based for instance on the claim of Carlson et al. (2000)
that the breakdown of the cointegrating relationship was due to a
one-time structural change. Second, structural change is often a problem
for macroeconomic forecasting, but that is not the case here. The
estimated VEC model allows the data to determine the date of any
structural breaks, yet is consistent with our out-of-sample forecasting
methodology, so that our findings are not in any way contingent on use
of the full sample to identify the break. Overall, there is strong
evidence of out-of-sample causality from money growth to inflation,
provided one is careful to impose the correct order of integration on
the data.
In this section, we investigate the importance of parameter
estimation error for the forecasts of several of the models considered.
The first set of comparisons is designed to study the importance of
cointegration vector rank and parameter estimation error on forecasts
from VEC models. In particular, 5,000 samples of data were generated
using the following DGP:
(4) [DELTA][Y.sub.t] = [a.sub.3] + [b.sub.3][DELTA][Y.sub.t-1] +
[c.sub.3][Z.sub.t-1] + [[epsilon].sub.3t],
where [Y.sub.t] = ([p.sub.t], [m.sub.t], [q.sub.t])', with
[p.sub.t], [m.sub.t], and [q.sub.t] defined as above, [DELTA] is the
first difference operator, [[epsilon].sub.3t] ~ IN(0,
[[summation].sub.3]), with [[summation].sub.3] a 3x3 matrix, and
[Z.sub.t-1] = d[Y.sub.t-1], with d is an rx3 matrix of cointegration
vectors, r is the rank of the cointegrating space (which is either 0, 1,
or 2), and [a.sub.3], [b.sub.3], [c.sub.3], and [[summation].sub.3] are
parameters estimated using historical U.S. data. In all of our
comparisons, data are generated with one lag of [Y.sub.t] and
cointegrating rank, r, equal to unity, and d either estimated from the
historical U.S. data or set equal to (1, -1, 1). We estimate the
parameters of (4) using four different sample periods: the entire
sample, covering 1959:1-1999:4; the period prior to the well-known
monetarist experiment, covering 1959:1-1979:3; the period 1979:4-1989:3;
and the period 1989:4-1999:4. (17) Given data generated according to
(6), two prediction models are estimated, including: (1) versions of (4)
where r and d are estimated, corresponding to the estimated VEC model;
(2) versions of (4) where r = 0 is imposed, corresponding to the VAR in
differences model. Note that we have generated the data according to a
VEC model in all cases, so that we should expect the estimated VEC
prediction model to perform well, assuming that coefficients are
estimated with sufficiently little parameter estimation error, for
example. Results from this experiment are gathered in Table 2. The
results vary across the different DGPs, but two patterns emerge. First,
for small samples (T = 100), imprecise estimates of the cointegrating
vector parameters and rank generally prevent the VEC model forecasts
from dominating the VAR in differences forecasts, and in many cases the
VAR in differences model even forecasts more accurately. Second, as the
sample size grows, the VEC model forecasts begin to dominate more often,
and for some DGPs the VEC model almost always forecasts better for T =
Our second Monte Carlo experiment is designed to show that
parsimonious time-series models will often forecast better than more
heavily parameterized, but correctly specified rival models, likely due
to parameter estimation error. Specifically, we generate data according
to two DGPs. The first DGP is an AR(2) process:
(5) [DELTA][p.sub.t] = [a.sub.1] + [b.sub.1][DELTA][p.sub.t-1] +
[c.sub.1][DELTA][p.sub.t-2] + [[epsilon].sub.1t],
where [p.sub.t] and [DELTA] are defined as before, so that
[DELTA][p.sub.t] is the percentage change in the price level from period
t - 1 to period t, [[epsilon].sub.1t] ~ IN(0, [[sigma].sup.2.sub.1]),
and [a.sub.1], [b.sub.1], [c.sub.1], and [[sigma].sup.2.sub.1] are
parameters estimated using historical U.S. data for the period
1959:1-1999:4. The second DGP is a VAR(1) process:
(6) [DELTA][Y.sub.t] = [a.sub.2] + [b.sub.2][DELTA][Y.sub.t-1] +
where [Y.sub.t] = ([p.sub.t], [m.sub.t], [q.sub.t])', with
[p.sub.t], [m.sub.t], [q.sub.t] and [DELTA] defined as before;
[[epsilon].sub.2t] ~ IN(0, [[summation].sub.2]), with
[[summation].sub.2] a 3x3 matrix; and [a.sub.2], [b.sub.2], and
[[summation].sub.2] are parameters estimated using historical U.S. data
for the period 1959:1-1999:4. Given these DGPs, 5,000 samples of varying
lengths (T = 164, which corresponds to the actual sample size used in
the empirical work above, and T = 300, 500) were generated. For each
sample generated from the DGP given in equation (5), both AR(1) and
AR(2) models were fitted, and one-step-ahead forecasts were compared
using the DM test. Although the AR(2) model is correctly specified, it
requires the estimation of an additional parameter beyond that of the
AR(1) model, so that it is not clear which model will forecast better
out of sample. For each sample generated according to DGP (6),
one-step-ahead forecasts are compared for the differences random walk
and VAR in differences models analyzed in the previous section. Again,
even though the VAR in differences model is correctly specified, there
is no reason to expect that it will forecast better than the differences
random walk model, as the lag length and several other parameters need
to be estimated for the VAR in differences model. As a final metric for
assessing the importance of parameter estimation error, "true"
model forecasts, for which the model parameters are imposed a priori to
be equal to their true values, rather than estimated, are also included
for all of the comparisons.
Table 3 shows the percentage of times the DM test was able to
reject the null hypothesis that the AR(1) and AR(2) models forecast
equally well, given that the DGP is an AR(2) model. It shows results for
two comparisons, where the AR(1) model forecasts are compared to those
of an AR(2) model for which the coefficients are estimated (the AR(2)
model comparisons), and also where the AR(1) model forecasts are
compared to those of an AR(2) model where the true coefficients are
imposed rather than estimated (the true model) comparisons. We see that
for samples of size 164, which is the sample size used in the empirical
work, the power is never more than 20%. This means that in practice we
would have mistakenly concluded that an AR(1) model is the correct
specification 80% of the time. As expected, the power of the test
increases with the sample size, but is never more than 51% when the
AR(2) model parameters are estimated, even for samples of size 500.
Table 4 has related results for two comparisons. In the first (the
VAR model comparisons), differences random walk model forecasts are
compared to VAR in differences forecasts, with estimated lag lengths and
coefficients. In the second (the true model comparisons), differences
random walk model forecasts are compared to forecasts from a first-order
VAR model where the coefficients are imposed to be equal to their true
values rather than estimated. The results depend on the specification,
but when the VAR parameters are estimated, the random walk model almost
always does better. In fact, for all of the configurations, the DM
"statistics are never greater than 1.96, but are often less than
-1.96, with negative DM statistics implying that the random walk model
forecasts better. On the other hand, for the true model comparisons,
very few of the DM statistics are negative, and the percentage of DM
statistics greater than 1.96 is greater than 80% for all but three
cases. In nearly all cases, then, a VAR model where the lag length and
coefficients are known a priori will forecast better than a random walk
model, but when the lag length and coefficients need to be estimated,
the random walk model forecasts better.
In this article, we show that M2 has marginal predictive content
for inflation, but it is important to correctly specify the number of
unit roots. For the period 1979-92, there is strong evidence that money,
prices, and output were cointegrated, and for this time period imposing
a cointegrating restriction among prices, money, and output that is
implied by the quantity theory yields predictions that are superior to
those from a variety of other models, including an AR benchmark, a VAR
in differences, and a version of the Phillips curve. Johansen (1988,
1991) trace tests find a breakdown of this cointegrating relationship in
1992. Consistent with our expectations, we find for the period 1993-2003
that a VAR in differences model forecasts better than an AR model,
whereas the VEC model fares poorly when compared to the AR model. Taken
together, these results provide robust evidence that M2 continues to
have value as an inflation indicator.
Our finding that imposing cointegration is useful for forecasting
inflation is, however, limited to the case where the cointegration
vector is imposed rather than estimated. When the cointegration vector
is estimated, the corresponding VEC model always forecasts much worse
than a VAR in differences model. This suggests that previous work that
has found that VEC models do not forecast better than VAR models may be
in some part due to the presence of cointegration vector parameter
estimation error. We support this notion by presenting Monte Carlo
evidence showing that the effect of parameter estimation error on VEC
model forecasts is so substantive that it results in many cases to VAR
models forecast-dominating VEC models, even if the true model is a VEC,
and the cointegrating rank is known. We additionally present evidence
that failure to beat a random walk model is not in itself a useful
yardstick for measuring the validity of a theoretical model, at least if
the objective is forecasting. This is done in part by using data
simulated to be consistent with the historical U.S. record over the
1959:1-1999:4 period, and showing that a random walk model usually
forecasts better than a VAR model for which the lag length and
coefficients are estimated, even when the true DGP is a first-order VAR
model. Given this result and other related arguments, we conclude that
use of a random walk as a strawman model in analyses such as ours is not
Some limitations of the current article and directions for future
research are the following. First, all of the forecasting models herein
are simple linear models. Nonlinear models, including those evaluated by
Stock and Watson (1999b), may offer forecasting gains. Second, although
we have considered only one long-run relationship, it might be of
interest to consider some of the many other cointegrating relationships
that have been proposed in the literature, both domestic as in Ahmed and
Rogers (2000) and international as in Ahmed et al. (1993). Finally, more
work needs to be done on the definition of an appropriate monetary
aggregate. Attempts to exploit forecasting relationships between
monetary aggregates and policy objectives have been subject to
criticism, because in practice it takes too long to detect flaws in the
monetary aggregate or parameter instability. Although there has been
important work done that deals with the problem of instability, much
remains to be done in this area, particularly in the area of ex ante
analysis of instability.
AR: Autoregressive
DGP: Data Generating Process
DM: Diebold and Mariano (1995)
GDP: Gross Domestic Product
MSE: Mean Square Error
SIC: Schwarz Information Criteria
VAR: Vector Autoregressive
VEC: Vector Error Correction
Summary of Forecasting Models
Benchmark model
1. Quantity theory VEC model
Alternative models
2. VAR in differences model
3. VAR in levels model
4. Simple AR model (differences)
[DELTA][p.sub.t+h] = [[beta].sub.0] + [l-1.summation over (i=0)]
[[beta].sub.pi][DELTA][p.sub.t-i] + [[epsilon].sub.t+h]
5. Simple AR model (levels)
[p.sub.t+h] = [[beta].sub.0] + [l-1.summation over (i=0)]
[[beta].sub.pi][p.sub.t-i] + [[epsilon].sub.t+h]
6. Differences Phillips curve model
7. Levels Phillips curve model
8. Differences random walk model
[DELTA][p.sub.t+h] = [DELTA][p.sub.t] + [[epsilon].sub.t+h]
9. Random walk with drift model
[p.sub.t+h] = [[beta].sub.0] + [p.sub.t] + [[epsilon].sub.t+h]
10. Estimated VEC model
Monte Carlo Results: DM Statistics for Comparison of Estimated VEC
and Differences VAR
P = (1/3)T P = (1/2)T
Sample A B C A B C
I. Cointegration vector (1, -1, 1) used in true DGP
1959:1-1999:4 T = 100 0.11 0.34 0.68 0.10 0.33 0.68
T = 250 0.01 0.08 0.36 0.01 0.06 0.29
T = 500 0.00 0.01 0.11 0.00 0.00 0.05
1959:1-1979:3 T = 100 0.15 0.47 0.80 0.15 0.46 0.80
T = 250 0.12 0.46 0.83 0.10 0.46 0.83
T = 500 0.11 0.49 0.84 0.10 0.49 0.84
1979:4-1989:3 T = 100 0.16 0.44 0.77 0.14 0.43 0.78
T = 250 0.12 0.46 0.82 0.11 0.44 0.81
T = 500 0.10 0.46 0.83 0.09 0.45 0.82
1989:4-1999:4 T = 100 0.21 0.54 0.83 0.21 0.55 0.85
T = 250 0.16 0.44 0.77 0.14 0.43 0.77
T = 500 0.13 0.37 0.67 0.11 0.35 0.67
II. Estimated cointegration vector used in true DGP
1959:1-1999:4 T = 100 0.07 0.26 0.60 0.07 0.25 0.59
T = 250 0.00 0.04 0.26 0.00 0.03 0.18
T = 500 0.00 0.01 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.04
1959:1-1979:3 T = 100 0.04 0.16 0.45 0.03 0.13 0.41
T = 250 0.01 0.06 0.21 0.01 0.03 0.12
T = 500 0.06 0.16 0.31 0.03 0.09 0.23
1979:4-1989:3 T = 100 0.20 0.52 0.81 0.18 0.51 0.81
T = 250 0.17 0.54 0.84 0.18 0.54 0.85
T = 500 0.15 0.48 0.82 0.14 0.51 0.83
1989:4-1999:4 T = 100 0.26 0.68 0.94 0.29 0.73 0.95
T = 250 0.19 0.61 0.91 0.21 0.65 0.93
T = 500 0.18 0.53 0.84 0.17 0.55 0.86
P = (2/3)T
Sample A B C
I. Cointegration vector (1, -1, 1) used in true DGP
1959:1-1999:4 T = 100 0.09 0.32 0.68
T = 250 0.01 0.06 0.27
T = 500 0.00 0.00 0.03
1959:1-1979:3 T = 100 0.13 0.44 0.79
T = 250 0.09 0.44 0.83
T = 500 0.10 0.49 0.85
1979:4-1989:3 T = 100 0.12 0.41 0.77
T = 250 0.10 0.43 0.81
T = 500 0.09 0.44 0.82
1989:4-1999:4 T = 100 0.21 0.57 0.87
T = 250 0.12 0.44 0.79
T = 500 0.09 0.34 0.66
II. Estimated cointegration vector used in true DGP
1959:1-1999:4 T = 100 0.07 0.24 0.59
T = 250 0.00 0.02 0.14
T = 500 0.00 0.00 0.02
1959:1-1979:3 T = 100 0.03 0.12 0.41
T = 250 0.00 0.01 0.07
T = 500 0.01 0.04 0.13
1979:4-1989:3 T = 100 0.16 0.49 0.81
T = 250 0.17 0.56 0.86
T = 500 0.13 0.51 0.84
1989:4-1999:4 T = 100 0.34 0.77 0.97
T = 250 0.23 0.71 0.96
T = 500 0.18 0.60 0.89
Notes: A refers to percentage of cases in 5,000 replications where
the DM statistic was less than or equal to -1, assuming an MSE loss
function. B refers to percentage of cases where the DM statistic was
less than or equal to 0. C refers to the percentage of cases where
the DM statistic was less than or equal to 1. A negative DM statistic
implies the VAR in differences model performed better.
Monte Carlo Results: Power of Test of [H.sub.0]:AR(1)
Model Forecasts as Well as AR(2) Model
Comparison OOS Period Sample Size Power
AR(2) model P = (2/3)T T = 164 0.20
T = 300 0.34
T = 500 0.51
True model T = 164 0.38
T = 300 0.47
T = 500 0.60
AR(2) model P = (1/2)T T = 164 0.18
T = 300 0.29
T = 500 0.42
True model T = 164 0.31
T = 300 0.38
T = 500 0.50
AR(2) model P = (1/3)T T = 164 0.20
T = 300 0.28
T = 500 0.38
True model T = 164 0.29
T = 300 0.34
T = 500 0.43
Notes: The last column of numerical entries shows the
power of the DM predictive ability test to determine
whether an AR(2) model forecasts significantly better,
one step ahead, than an AR(1) model, under MSE loss.
The DGP is an AR(2) model, with parameters estimated
using historical U.S. data for the period 1959:1-1999:4.
Power of the test indicates the percentage of times in
5,000 replications that the predictive ability test rejected
equal forecast accuracy of AR(1) and AR(2) models at a
significance level of 95%, where critical values are taken from
McCracken (2004). AR(2) model refers to comparison of
the AR(1) model forecasts with AR(2) model forecasts,
where the parameters of both models are estimated. True
model refers to comparison of the AR(1) model forecasts
with AR(2) model forecasts, where the parameters of the
AR(2) model are imposed to be equal to their true values.
Monte Carlo Results: Forecast Comparison of VAR and Random Walk Models
DM [less DM [less
than or DM [less than or
Sample equal to] than or equal
Comparison OOS Period Size -1.96 equal to] 0 to] 1.96
VAR model P = (2/3)T T = 164 0.60 0.98 1.00
T = 300 0.86 1.00 1.00
T = 500 0.97 1.00 1.00
True model T = 164 0.00 0.00 0.17
T = 300 0.00 0.00 0.03
T = 500 0.00 0.00 0.00
VAR model P = (1/2)T T = 164 0.47 0.97 1.00
T = 300 0.76 1.00 1.00
T = 500 0.93 1.00 1.00
True model T = 164 0.00 0.00 0.32
T = 300 0.00 0.00 0.08
T = 500 0.00 0.00 0.01
VAR model P = (1/3)T T = 164 0.36 0.95 1.00
T = 300 0.57 0.99 1.00
T = 500 0.82 1.00 1.00
True model T = 164 0.00 0.01 0.47
T = 300 0.00 0.00 0.24
T = 500 0.00 0.00 0.06
Notes: See notes to Table 3.
(1.) Similar evidence can be found in Leeper and Roush (2002,
2003). Inflation forecasts using many other variables, such as commodity
prices, interest rates, exchange rates, and wages have also been studied
by Stock and Watson (1999a, 2003) and many other authors. This article
does not consider forecasts made using these variables. We also do not
consider the quality of forecasts made by the private sector, as is done
by Croushore (1998).
(2.) The argument that short-run inflation stabilization is not a
feasible objective, and therefore that monetary policy should primarily
be concerned with inflation at long horizons goes back at least to
Friedman (1959). See Amato and Laubach (2000) for one approach to
determining the forecast horizon(s) of interest to a central bank.
(3.) For a comprehensive and interesting discussion of the
cointegration properties of our data in the 1990s, see Carlson et al.
(4.) For more on this topic, see Christoffersen and Diebold (1998).
(5.) It should in general be of interest to carry out empirical
investigations with both varieties of monetary aggregates. Swanson
(1998), for example, does this and finds little difference between
empirical findings based on the two different types of aggregates when
using monetary services index data available on the St. Louis Federal
Reserve Bank Web site.
(6.) Augmented Dickey Fuller unit root tests with covariates,
according to the procedure outlined in Elliot and Janssen (2003), were
run on the natural logarithms of all variables, with lags selected
according to the approach outlined in Ng and Perron (1995), and all were
found to be I(1).
(7.) The approach of estimating the cointegrating restriction is
standard in the literatures on stable money demand and on money income
causality, for example.
(8.) It is also standard in this literature to include a nominal
interest rate among the variables in the cointegrating relationship. We
do not include an interest rate variable because as in Watson (1994), a
strong theoretical argument can be made that real interest rates should
be stationary. Given our assumption that inflation is stationary, this
implies that nominal interest rates are stationary.
(9.) An alternative method for forming multistep forecasts would be
to iterate on a one-step forecasting model. A recent paper by Marcellino
et al. (2004) compares the performance of different multistep
forecasting procedures.
(10.) Given that we have 10 different models and [h.sub.max] = 20,
a total of 19,000 different predictions and prediction errors are
(11.) See Corradi and Swanson (forthcoming) for a review of the
literature on predictive accuracy testing.
(12.) The failure to reject the null of no cointegration for a
short while in the 1980s is due to our choice of a 5% significance
level; trace test statistics are very close to the 5% critical value
over this period. There would be an estimated cointegration rank of 0
after 1993 for any reasonable choice of significance level.
(13.) Note that the tests studied by Clark and McCracken (2001) are
(14.) Other papers considering inference for nested models include
McCracken (2000), Chao et al. (2001), and Corradi and Swanson (2002).
(15.) The construction of our forecasts involves departure from the
assumptions made by Clark and McCracken (2001) in two ways. Clark and
McCracken study one-step-ahead forecasts where the number of excess
parameters in the larger model is the same at each point in time. Our
methodology allows the number of lags included to change each time a
forecast is made, which means that the number of excess parameters
changes through time. Additionally, we evaluate longer forecast
horizons. We therefore report standard normal critical values as a
guide, and note that the results in this section would be strengthened
in some cases if other critical values were used.
(16.) For Figure 4a, this makes no difference, as the quantity
theory VEC model has a higher MSE than the AR model at nearly every
horizon, as indicated by negative DM statistics, so that formal testing
of the hypothesis that the quantity theory VEC model forecasts better
than the AR model is really not necessary. For figures 4b and 4c, the DM
statistics are quite large and agree with the ENC-REG test results.
(17.) See section II for a description of the historical U.S. data
used to estimate the parameters of the DGPs in this section.
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* We are grateful to the editor, Dennis Jansen, and a referee for
providing many useful comments and suggestions on an earlier draft of
this article. In addition, we wish to thank Graham Elliott, Clive W. J.
Granger, Allan Timmerman, and participants at the Texas Camp
Econometrics Conference, the Southern Economic Association Meetings, and
departmental seminars at Kansas State University, Texas A&M
University, and East Carolina University for useful comments and
suggestions. Bachmeier thanks the Private Enterprise Research Center at
Texas A&M University for support through a Bradley Dissertation Fellowship.
Bachmeier: Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, 327 Waters
Hall, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS 66502-4001. Phone
1-785-532-4578, Fax 1-785-537-6919, E-mail
Swanson: Professor, Department of Economics, Rutgers University, 75
Hamilton Street, New Brunswick, NJ 08901. Phone 1-732-932-7432, Fax
1-732-932-7416, E-mail