Time preference and life cycle consumption with endogenous survival.
Acharya, Arnab K. ; Balvers, Ronald J.
Economic theory has traditionally regarded preferences as given. As
a result, there is little guidance for economists on how to formulate
intertemporal preferences. The standard approach, derived from Samuelson
(1937), is to assume time-separable preferences with a constant rate of
time preference. The purpose of this article is to provide a structural
theory of intertemporal utility in which the dynamic specification and
the rate of time preference are endogenous.
We assume that individuals maximize their longevity--expected life
span. Incorporating physical and economic constraints allows us to
replace the metaphysical concept of a utility function with the
observable concept of a health function. Intertemporal preference is
accordingly viewed as the manifestation of whatever design of allocating
consumption over time as an input to the health function maximizes
expected survival time.
The assumption of maximization of expected life span is consistent
with an evolutionary perspective. In line with a growing body of
literature, we may view preferences as the end product of natural
selection: Subject to physiological constraints, preferences that
survive maximize some measure of fitness. Fitness is typically
operationalized as number of offspring raised. For instance, Maynard
Smith (1982) considers maximization of expected offspring the
individual's objective. We adopt the similar but simpler objective
of expected life span maximization to focus more directly on time
preference issues. We believe that the expected life span objective is a
good working approximation for the expected offspring objective,t Even
beyond the point where individuals are fertile, they can help increase
the fitness of their descendants. In particular, because fitness for
humans is as much or more based on mental strength than on physical
strength, the elderly can maintain an important role as grandparents. So
as people live longer, they can expect to have more and fitter
descendants, ceteris paribus. (2)
An alternative evolutionary perspective motivating expected life
span maximization is related to cultural learning. Children learn from
their parents' generation how to live; the lifestyles that lead to
increased life expectancy are more likely to be imitated (either by
direct parental guidance or the children's choice). Alternatively,
focus on expected life span as a primary goal may be reasonable in
modeling subsistence economies, explaining the underlying impediments to
development in them. Becker et al. (2001), for instance, emphasize life
span considerations to explain that convergence in welfare among
countries, though difficult to detect in terms of gross national
products, can be observed clearly when longevity improvements are taken
into account.
The impact of longevity considerations or survival on intertemporal
choice has not received much attention in the literature. Yaari (1965)
allows the rate of time preference to vary based on the probability of
death; this probability, however, is exogenous. (3) Rogers (1994)
applies an idea in Hansson and Stuart (1990)--where the marginal rate of
substitution in preferences is set equal to the marginal rate of
substitution in "fitness" to an intertemporal context. His
article has a role for bequests and specific implications for how an
individual's time preference varies with age. However, it takes a
time-additive utility specification as given. Becker and Mulligan (1997)
have provided a basic theory of time preference, which is not survival
based. They assume that individuals may invest to increase their
appreciation of the future, thus endogenously affecting their rates of
time preference. As in Rogers, a drawback of the Becker and Mulligan
formulation is that it assumes the additively separable intertemporal
utility form.
Our theoretical approach derives an intertemporal utility
specification that sheds a preliminary theoretical light on debates
concerning expected utility, time consistency, separability of
consumption decisions, the difference between risk aversion and
intertemporal substitution, the effect of health on life-cycle choices,
and the factors governing time preference. Section II derives the
intertemporal utility specification based on survival-time maximization.
Section III considers the properties of the derived utility
specification. Section IV provides implications for life-cycle
consumption choices, and section V concludes.
The key assumption here is to impute the maximization of expected
lifetime as an individual's sole lifetime goal. (4)
ASSUMPTION 1. An individual's lifetime objective is to
maximize E(T|*), where T is the time of the individual's death.
Formally, we define a memoryless continuoustime two-state Markov
chain X(t): [R.sup.+] [right arrow] S, with S- {0, 1}. The expectation
is taken contingent on the current transitory state X(0) = 1; death is
defined as the absorbing state X(t) = 0. Thus we define the expected
lifetime E(T|*) as the mean time until absorption given that T = inf {t:
X(t) = 0|X(0) - 1}.
Denote C(t) [equivalent to] {c(s): 0 [less than or equal to] s
[less than or equal to] t} as the consumption history until time t,
where c(s): [R.sup.+] [right arrow] [R.sup.+] indicates consumption at
time s, and [lim.sub.t[rightarrow][infinity]]C(t) [equivalent to] C as
the infinite horizon consumption path. Then define: G[t]C(t)]
[equivalent to] Pr[T [less than or equal to] t] C(t)] = Pr[X(t) = 0|X(0)
= 1, C(t)] as the probability distribution of being dead by age t given
consumption path C(t), and g[t| C(t)] as the associated density. (5)
Straightforward derivation yields that the health-hazard rate [lambda]
[C(t),t] [equivalent to] [lim.sub.h].[down arrow] 0(Pr[X(t) = 0|X(t-h) =
1, C(t)])/h--the instantaneous probability of dying, having already
lived until time t--equals
(1) [lambda] [C(t),t] = g[t|C(t)]/[1 - G[t]C(t)] = -d ln{1 -
Integrating and taking the antilog on both sides produces
Next, relate expected lifetime to the hazard rate. Using
integration by parts:
Combination of equations (2) and (3) produces the intertemporal
utility function based on the impersonal evolutionary process that leads
to maximization of expected lifetime.
RESULT 1. Given Assumption 1, an individual's lifetime utility
is given as the maximum of
Here T represents time of death and [lambda] [C(t), t] indicates
the health-hazard rate at age t, given the consumption stream up to time
If the health-hazard rate at t is a function of instantaneous
consumption at t only, then this derived utility function belongs to the
family axiomatized by Epstein (1983) and thus is avon
Neumann-Morgenstern utility function. (6)
To see this more generally in our case, when the health-hazard rate
is a function of the stream of consumption until time t as well as of
time t itself, we introduce uncertainty other than the hazard of death
to shift focus temporarily from considering intertemporal preferences to
considering risk preferences. Consider a continuum of possible states
belonging to the state space [OMEGA] [subset] R. In the above-discussed
case where implicitly the state is assumed known, say equal to [omega],
the agent will determine an infinite horizon consumption plan C([omega])
yielding certain utility U[C([omega])] = E[T|C([omega])]. (Notice that U
is deterministic for given [omega], even when T is not). When the state
is unknown, the (evolutionary) objective is still to maximize expected
lifetime, E(T|C). But mathematically, E(T|C) = E{E[T|C([omega])]} =
E{U[C([omega])]}, where the expectation in the final expression is taken
over all to [omega] [member of] [OMEGA]. We thus have avon
Neumann-Morgenstern utility function.
The assumptions needed for the expected utility property (such as
the independence axiom) are embedded in the objective we chose to
operationalize the concept of survival (Assumption 1). Our contribution
is that the assumed linearity in the probabilities in the objective
function is not arbitrary in that it is the expected lifetime, resulting
from a particular behavioral pattern, that matters. It is outside the
scope of the current article--focusing on intertemporal preference--to
mathematically justify the assumption of expected lifetime maximization
from even more basic principles. (7)
Robson (1996), considering the risk attitudes deriving from an
evolutionary process, reaches the same conclusion, supporting expected
utility, when risk is idiosyncratic. However, he goes back further in
deriving the validity of the expected offspring criterion used by
Maynard Smith (1982) and others (including us). (8)
Returning to issues of dynamic preference specification, and
accordingly dropping for simplicity all uncertainty other than the
hazard of death, we now show that our utility function in equation (4)
also implies time consistency. Factoring the right-hand side of equation
(4) yields:
Or, using equation (4) both for the first and for the last term,
E(T|C) = a[C(t),t] + b[C(t),t]E(T-t| C,t),
where the conditioning information t is shorthand for X(t) = 1 so
that E(T|C) [equivalent to] E(T-0|C,0). Thus the specific form here
allows us at each point in time t to maximize E(T - t| C, t). Clearly,
the decisions based on the continuation at time t of the policy based on
preferences at time 0 are equivalent to the decisions made at time t
based on preferences at time t--anticipated preference reversals do not
occur and preferences are time consistent:
Deaton (1992, 15) states that time-inconsistent preferences are
irrational. This is not obvious given a typical view of rationality as
"behavior consistent with the objectives"--complex objectives
may, in principle, allow for any type of behavior. To the extent that
survival mechanisms can only support objectives like maximization of
expected lifetime, our approach provides a rationale for marking time
inconsistent behavior as irrational.
A further property--that preferences are not time
separable--follows directly from equation (4). It is straightforward to
show that the marginal utility of consumption at time t depends on
future levels of consumption (as is apparent from equation [5], for
instance). The absence of time separability is consistent with the
opinions of many (for instance, Lucas 1978, 1444) that there is no
rationale other than convenience for assuming a time-additive utility
specification. Uzawa (1963) previously considered without derivation a
nontimeseparable form related to ours but with the rate of time
preference given ad hoc, as a function of consumption in different
periods. In Ryder and Heal (1973), the utility function is assumed to
depend on a weighted average of past consumption levels, with weights
declining exponentially into the past. (9)
The above consequences are summarized as follows.
RESULT 2. The preference specification U(C) in equation (4)
consistent with maximizing expected lifetime according to Assumption 1 :
(a) has the expected utility property; (b) is time consistent; and (c)
is not time separable.
Further properties of the derived utility functional in equation
(4) will be obtained under a simpler specification of the health-hazard
rate. (10)
ASSUMPTION 2. For all t [member of] [0, [infinity]) the hazard rate
depends only on age t and current consumption c(t): [lambda][C(t), t] =
[lambda][c(t), t]. It is twice continuously differentiable and a
positively valued, negatively sloped, and strictly convex function of
Given equation (4) and the assumed hazard rate specification, a
change in consumption at time t implies the following Volterra
derivative denoted by' (for a similar use of the Volterra
derivative see, for instance, Ryder and Heal 1973; Epstein and Hynes
(5) U'(t) = [[lambda].sub.c][(t),t](1 - G[t|C(t)]) x E(T -
As in the following, subscripts represent partial derivatives. Thus
-[[lambda].sub.c] indicates the marginal impact of additional
consumption in reducing the health hazard, which is multiplied by the
probability of being alive at time t and expected remaining lifetime,
the latter representing the loss at sudden death.
Some basic properties of the utility functional follow readily from
equation (5). Consider a discrete-time version of equation (4). Because
utility is monotonically increasing in each of its arguments from
equation (5), it follows directly that the discrete version of the
utility specification in equation (4) is monotonic and thus
quasi-concave. The continuity of [lambda]() from Assumption 2 ensures
that the continuous-time utility functional is quasi-concave as well. As
a result, the indifference curves for consumption at two separate
instants in time are convex:
RESULT 3. Given Assumption 2, the utility functional in equation
(4) is monotonic and quasi-concave and has convex indifference curves.
Next define the discount rate following Epstein and Hynes (1983)
(6) p(t) = U'(t - h)/U'(t) - 1 = -[delta]1n
with c(t) = c(t - h) and for h [down arrow] 0 Equation (6) captures
the basic notion of time preference in continuous time: all else (i.e.,
consumption) equal, by which fraction is the marginal utility from
consumption at some point in time, t - h, higher than the marginal
utility from consumption at a slightly later point in time, t. This time
preference concept is a marginal concept--applying to time preference at
a point in time. As time preference may change over time, the average
concept--considering the rate of time preference over a longer
period--will in general be different.
Differentiating the log of the right-hand side of equation (5) with
respect to time t, equation (6) yields after some cancellations:
Equation (7) implies
RESULT 4. Given Assumptions 1 and 2, an individual's rate of
time preference (discount rate) is equal to
(8) [rho](t) = [1/E(T - t | C, t)] - [[lambda].sub.ct][c(t), t]
/[[lambda].sub.c](t), t].
With t a particular time period during which the individual is
The derivation follows from equation (7) and the definition in
equation (4).
Assuming that the health-hazard rate is separable in the
consumption and age components so that [[lambda].sub.ct][c(t), t] = 0 in
equation (8), individuals with a higher life expectancy have a longer
horizon and thus a lower rate of time preference as they rationally put
more weight on future events. When [[lambda].sub.ct] [not equal ] 0, age
affects the productivity of consumption in affecting health so that an
extra factor determines time preference: If consumption becomes, say,
more crucial for health with age, [[lambda].sub.ct] < 0, then, all
else equal, current consumption should fall compared to future
consumption, meaning more patience--smaller [rho](t). In general, the
sign of [[lambda].sub.ct] is an empirical question. Consumption could
become more important for health with age as better care is needed to
survive (such as medical needs, good shelter and climate, appropriate
foods, etc.) or, at some point, could become less important for health
as old age takes its toll whatever the consumption inputs.
Taking the result a little more seriously than is intended, one may
obtain the numerical value for the average rate of time preference from
equation (8), when [[lambda].sub.ct] is set to zero. Based on the
instincts surviving from hunter-gatherer times, the conditional life
expectancy of the average individual living through early childhood may
lie around 30-35 years left to live. (11) The rate of time preference
from equation (8) should then be around 3%, which appears to be in the
ballpark compared to the actual numbers. (12) Again assuming constant
health effects of consumption with age (or controlling for age), some
confirmation of Result 4 is provided by Leigh (1986), who finds
that--controlling for income--African Americans, who as a group have a
lower life expectancy, also have a significantly higher rate of discount
(a result confirmed by Cropper et al. 1994).
Some further results easily follow from Result 4:
RESULT 5. Given Assumptions 1 and 2, if the effect of consumption
on health is independent of age, wealthier individuals' cannot have
a higher rate of time preference.
Proof An increase in wealth cannot decrease an individual's
maximum utility level. Thus, from equation (1), expected lifetime rises
(or remains unchanged) which lowers (or maintains) the rate of time
preference from equation (8) when [[lambda].sub.ct] equals 0.
Given Result 5, it is easy to imagine a cycle of poverty. As an
individual becomes poorer, he or she also rationally becomes more
myopic, leading to relatively higher consumption, exacerbating the
degree of poverty. Result 5 is confirmed empirically by Lawrance (1991)
and Viscusi and Moore (1989). Lawrance, using panel data, finds a rate
of time preference of poorer households that is 3-5% higher than that of
wealthier households. Viscusi and Moore find that households with lower
earning potential (lower lifetime wealth) have a higher rate of time
preference than those with higher earning potential.
An additional result provides the circumstance under which the rate
of time preference equals the hazard rate as assumed for instance in
Blanchard (1985).
RESULT 6. If consumption is constant and health does not depend on
age then the rate of time preference is constant and equal to the
health-hazard rate.
Proof In equation (7) keep consumption constant and pull through
the integral to obtain:
The last equality holds because the term in square brackets
represents the expected value of the exponential distribution with
parameter [lambda]. This result can be compared to that of Yaari (1965)
who finds that with uncertain lifetime, the effective rate of time
preference is equal to an assumed subjective rate of time preference
plus the (exogenous) mortality rate. In Result 6, the (effective as well
as subjective) rate of time preference is equal to the mortality rate.
A limitation of the standard time-separable specification of
utility is that the coefficient of risk aversion must equal the inverse
of the elasticity of substitution. In the appendix we derive that
where R[c(t), t] represents the coefficient of relative risk
aversion at a consumption level for time t. Defining [sigma][c(t), t] as
the coefficient of intertemporal substitution, the appendix obtains
(11) 1/[sigma][c(t),t] =
Straightforward comparison of equations (10) and (11) produces the
following result:
RESULT 7. The inverse of the coefficient of intertemporal
substitution exceeds the coefficient of relative risk aversion.
The intuition is that the coefficient of intertemporal substitution
captures the incentive to smooth the hazard of death over time, which
depends on the curvature of the hazard rate. The coefficient of relative
risk aversion, on the other hand, relates to the curvature of overall
utility, which is less than the curvature of the hazard rate: A decrease
in consumption at t lowers expected lifetime, which dampens the overall
effect on marginal utility due directly to a higher hazard of death at t
(because the opportunity cost of death is equal to expected remaining
An example may help illustrate some of the advantages of the
approach. Consider an isoelastic hazard rate, [lambda](c, t) -
[[alpha](t)/[gamma](t)] [c.sup.1-[gamma](t)], where [gamma](t) > 1 is
required for convexity. Then 1/[sigma](c,t) = [gamma](t) and R(c,t) =
[gamma](t)-[alpha](t)[c.sup.1-[gamma](t)] Changes in the parameter path
[alpha](t) affect risk aversion without affecting intertemporal
substitution. In this example, risk aversion decreases as consumption
falls because [gamma] (t)> 1. For very low levels of consumption, it
even pays to seek risk and gamble. Seeking risk may be optimal in
desperate situations, but it is easy to show that positive risk aversion
can be guaranteed for all consumption levels if the health-hazard rate
is equal to any monotonically increasing, concave transformation of the
function [gamma]-1n(c - [alpha] for [alpha], [gamma] > 0.
To illustrate the implications of our preference formulation for
consumption plans over the life cycle, we incorporate the derived
utility function in a standard intertemporal consumption model.
Optimal Consumption
Continuity of the health-hazard function and the natural bounds on
consumption guarantee that the savings problem for an expected-lifetime
optimizer may be formulated as follows:
At time t the consumer chooses the consumption path to maximize the
conditional expected survival time, E(T-t ] C,t), as given in equation
(5). Maximization is subject to the constraint that lifetime wealth
remains non-negative, where the change in wealth equals the return on
wealth minus consumption. For simplicity we assume that the
consumer's wealth accumulates via interest only and that no income
is received (alternatively, one could interpret wealth as lifetime
wealth, including the present value of future income).
The appendix yields the Hamilton-Jacobi equation of dynamic
programming for the consumption problem:
Subscripts indicate partial derivatives, as before. The current
payoff equals 1 (period of life) minus the hazard of current death times
the loss of the remaining life expectancy. The future is affected by the
changes in the two state variables: the change in wealth times the
effect of wealth on expected remaining lifetime plus the change in time
(equal to 1) times the effect of time on expected remaining lifetime.
The last term underscores that health changes (deteriorating typically)
over time for given wealth.
The optimal choice of current consumption is given by the following
first-order condition for the dynamic programming problem of equation
(13) subject to the equation of motion and nonnegativity condition for
wealth in equation (12),
(14) -[[lambda].sub.c](c,t)V(W,t) - Vw(W,t) = 0.
The increase in the probability of survival, - [[lambda].sub.c],
times the expected remaining life is traded off against the loss of life
expectancy due to the decrease in wealth necessary to finance the
additional consumption. (13)
It is easily established from Result 4 together with equations (12)
that the rate of time preference is related to the inverse of the value
function: [rho](t) = (1/V) - [[lambda].sub.ct/[lambda].sub.c]. An
alternative expression for the rate of time preference follows from
equations (13) and (14):
(15) [rho](t) = [lambda] + [[lambda].sub.c](rW - c) - ([V.sub.t]/V)
The rate of time preference accounts for four survival factors--in
order, the hazard rate, the decrease in survivability when wealth falls,
the decrease in survivability due to deteriorating health, and the
increase with age of consumption's productivity in improving
health. Equation (15) is useful because it clarifies why the time
preference rate is not equal to the hazard rate [lambda] here, as is the
case for the simple time-additive case with uncertain lifetime of Yaari
(1965) (when subjective time preference is ignored) or for our
specification under the conditions of Result 6.
The envelope condition for wealth based on equation (13) becomes:
(16) [V.sub.WW][W] + [V.sub.Wt] = ([lambda] - r)Vw.
Next, totally differentiate the first-order condition in equation
(14) with respect to time:
(17) [[lambda].sub.cc] [V.sub.c] - [[lambda].sub.ct]V -
[[lambda].sub.c][V.sub.W][W] - [[lambda].sub.c][V.sub.t] = [V.sub.WW]W +
Employing equation (16) for the right-hand side of equation (17),
and equations (11), (14), and (15) gives a standard expression for the
change of consumption with time:
(18) c/c = [sigma][r - [rho](t)].
Consumption has more of a tendency to grow over time as the wealth
benefit of postponement, r, is higher; the private rate of time
preference, [rho](t), is lower. The endogenous expression for [rho](t)
in equation (15) distinguishes our results from others.
Life Cycle Consumption Implications
Consumption over Time. In standard consumption models with a
constant interest rate and constant exogenous rate of time preference,
equation (18) allows only monotonically increasing or decreasing
consumption over the life cycle. In our model, however, a variety of
interesting life cycle patterns may arise. Assume, for instance, that
the health-hazard rate is separable in consumption and age so that
[[lambda].sub.ct][c(t), t] = 0. Also assume that in general equilibrium,
market forces set the interest rate equal to the average discount rate
in the population, r = [rho]avg. Because for reasonable health-hazard
specifications it must be that life expectancy eventually falls with
age, we know that [rho](t) eventually increases with age, as follows
from Result 4. Thus, for a typical individual, the discount rate moves
from below average to above average so that equation (18) implies that
consumption growth is positive early in the life cycle but eventually
becomes negative. The result is a hump-shaped consumption pattern over
the life cycle, not unlike typical consumption patterns in present-day
society. (14)
Consumption with Perfect Annuity Markets. Yaari (1965) obtains an
equation similar to equation (18). One difference, as pointed out
earlier, is that Yaari's rate of time preference equals a
subjective rate of time preference plus an exogenous mortality rate,
[rho](t) = [bar][rho] + [lambda], instead of the rate of time preference
as given in equation (15). A further difference depends on whether a
perfect annuity market is assumed to exist. With such a market the
decision problem in equation (12) changes. Yaari argues that
(12') [W](t) = (r + [lambda]) W(t) - c(t)
because one can freely buy and sell actuarially fair annuities that
pay a fixed amount until the individual's death. The competitive
return on such an annuity equals r + [lambda]: interest plus a payment
for the hazard of the annuity ending when the individual dies. In the
absence of a bequest motive, it is optimal for the individual to hold
such annuities only.
Using (12') instead of (12) in the optimization problem, we
can derive easily that
(18') [c]/c = [sigma][r + [lambda] - [rho](t)].
In Yaari's model we get [c]/c = [sigma][r + [lambda] -
[bar][rho] - [lambda] so that even exogenous changes with age in
mortality rate [lambda] have no impact on consumption behavior over the
life cycle. In our model we obtain from equation (15) and after
canceling the [lambda]'s that [c]/c - [sigma][r - [[lambda].c]W +
([V.sub.t]/V) - [[lambda].sub.ct]/[[lambda].sub.c], with IV given in
equation (12'). Clearly, a variety of interesting consumption
patterns over the life cycle is possible, even with perfect annuity
The interesting issue arises whether perfect annuity markets could
exist in our context: Individuals in our model can manipulate mortality
rates so that a moral hazard issue arises. Consider, for instance, the
annuity contract return r + [lambda] set for the (limited) duration of
the contract based on observable characteristics (wealth and age in our
model). Then if the annuity is sold (individual receives a fixed amount
in exchange for the obligation to pay r + [lambda] each period until
death or the final period of the contract) the individual may choose to
consume less than planned in absence of the contract, raising mortality
for the duration of the contract, but accumulating wealth. If the
annuity is purchased (individual pays a fixed amount in exchange for the
benefit of receiving r + [lambda] each period until death or the final
period of the contract) the individual may consume more than optimal in
absence of the contract, lowering mortality for the duration of the
contract and raising future mortality rates, which should yield higher
annuity returns on future contracts.
Public Pensions. The way to avoid such moral hazard is to issue
infinite-maturity annuity contracts only, which indeed is common in
practice. Public pension plans are one way of providing infinite
maturity annuity contracts. However, because the pension benefits are
anticipated and are not based on individual observable wealth
characteristics, a moral hazard issue may still arise. To examine this
issue we assume that private annuity markets do not exist (otherwise
individuals could just privately undo the restrictions imposed on them
by the public pension plan).
Without annuity markets, the decision problem of equation (12)
applies again. There are two direct effects of introducing a fully
funded public pension plan. First, this plan has an effective return on
public funds of r + [lambda]. So the amount of tax needed is less, and
individuals receive in effect a return of r + [lambda] on their tax
payments. Second, if we assume again that [[lambda].sub.ct][c(t), t] = 0
then we know that p(t) eventually increases with age. Thus, equation
(18) implies that spending plans have wealth drawn down to zero in
finite time. The public pension plan accordingly is effective if the
individual is still alive at that time. Put another way, if we ignore
the first effect, the individual faces lower utility (expected lifetime)
because he or she is impelled to consume more later in life, whereas
optimal plans would have an individual consume wealth earlier. These
effects are present in the Yaari framework without annuity markets as
well, as long as mortality rates rise (exogenously) with age. In our
model, the moral hazard issue adds complications that are not easy to
evaluate and are outside the scope of this article. It is possible that
the guaranteed pension alters consumption plans so that wealth is drawn
down earlier to maximize the chance that the individual survives to cash
in on the public plan. This would constitute a new avenue, when survival
is endogenous, by which a public pension plan discourages saving.
We have provided a theoretical basis for dynamic utility
specifications. The survival-oriented rationality of the individual
objective function implies time consistency; the derived utility
function, although recursive, is not time-separable. It must be of the
von Neumann-Morgenstern variety, however. The theory provides insights
into life cycle consumption choices by showing that the rate of time
preference varies in an intuitive manner with changes in conditional
lifetime, initial wealth, age, and the marginal productivity of
consumption in affecting health. Consumption over the life cycle is
likely to display a hump-shaped pattern, which contrasts with
traditional consumption models that typically yield a monotonic
consumption path.
Kacelnik (1998) states: "Neither animals nor humans are likely
to be driven directly by the maximization of fitness, but we may
understand the psychological mechanisms that do control their behaviour
by asking about the fitness consequences of different courses of
actions." This statement characterizes our basic approach.
Operationalizing 'maximization of fitness' as we do in terms
of maximization of expected lifetime, however, has some important
shortcomings as an evolutionary motivation: It ignores the trade-off
between survival and fertility, strategic interactions between
individuals, and altruism among kin leading, for instance, to a bequest
motive. Extending our approach to address these simplifications may
yield further interesting results.
Explanation of standard anomalies may of course require other
extensions of the approach, for instance by altering assumption 2 to
allow the consumption history to affect current health. Take the
observation that individuals prefer to delay pleasant events and like to
accelerate unpleasant events as discussed by Loewenstein (1987). The
survival-based explanation would be that an individual currently in good
health would prefer to deal with unpleasant (i.e., potentially hazardous
to life) events quickly, when bad outcomes can easily be absorbed;
whereas pleasant events should be postponed so that they may benefit the
individual at a potentially vulnerable time.
Derivation of Equation (10)
We can take the Volterra derivative of equation (5) to obtain
Again recalling (5), the standard Arrow-Pratt measure of relative
risk aversion, using (A-1), is
Canceling the integral expressions produces equation (10) in the
Derivation of Equation (11)
The elasticity of the marginal rate of substitution between
consumption at time [t.sub.2] and [t.sub.1] (with [t.sub.2] >
[t.sub.1] can be expressed (see Silberberg 1990, 288) as:
Taking Volterra derivatives based on equation (5) for [t.sub.2]
> [t.sub.1]:
Let [t.sub.2] [down arrow] [t.sub.1] so that, for continuous c(t),
c(t1) [right arrow] c([t.sub.2]) to ensure that U ([t.sub.1]) [right
arrow] U' ([t.sub.2]). Then (A-2) becomes
The elasticity of substitution then equals:
Using equation (5) and (A-1) yields the inverse of equation (11):
Derivation of Equation (13)
Maximization at time t of E(T |C), which is given by equations (3)
and (4), subject to the wealth constraint W(0) = [W.sub.0], W(t) = rW(t)
- c(t), W(t) [greater than or equal to] 0 for all t, leads to the
following dynamic programming problem:
(A-4) s.t. W(t) = rW(t) - c(t), W(t)[greater than or equal to]0
Rewrite (A-3):
The linear approximation, that becomes exact as [DELTA]t [right
arrow] 0, produces:
It follows from equation (5) evaluated at time t and decision
problem (12) plus the definition in (A-5) that J(G,W,t) = (1-G)V(W,t)
and from (A-5) that G = [lambda](c,t)(1 - G). Because [J.sub.w] = (1 -
G) [V.sub.W], [J.sub.G] = - V, [J.sub.t] = (1 - G) [V.sub.t] and
[J.sub.t] = (1 - G) [V.sub.t] we can rewrite (A-7) to obtain:
Dividing through by 1 - G produces equation (13) in the text.
(1.) Because evolution is chasing a moving target due to the
changing environment, the principle of gene inertia arises. For the
human species, this principle implies that impulses designed to maximize
fitness in the once-stable hunter-gatherer environment are the impulses
that apply today. Increases in lifetime in a hunter-gatherer environment
may be identified on a one-to-one basis with increases in reproductive
years or, if lifetime lasts beyond reproductive years, increases in the
support provided to offspring. See, for instance, Robson and Kaplan
(2003) for the view that aged parents aid their offspring via food
transfers. Additionally, if a general monotonic relationship between
lifetime and surviving offspring is assumed, a change-of-variable
establishes (results available on request) that the expected offspring
maximization problem can be reduced to one of maximizing expected
lifetime in units of reproductive time as long as the health function
(to be discussed) is appropriately modified.
(2.) In agricultural economies, for instance, the elderly are vital
in land-specific knowledge. They pass on information about the land to
the younger generation; this is seen by functional anthropologists as
one of the major reasons for why the elderly are taken care of(Ray
1998). Even grandparents that live away from their descendants could
play an important role in their descendants' survival by conserving
strength so that they are available in case of family emergencies. Note,
however, that a limitation of the expected lifetime criterion is that
little light can be shed on bequest motives.
(3.) The uncertain lifetime formulation has been applied by Barro
and Friedman (1977), Levhari and Mirman (1977), Davies (1981), Blanchard
(1985), and Rosen (1988).
(4.) Assumption 1 should becontrasted with the assumption made by
Karni and Schmeidler (1986) for the purpose of examining risk attitudes:
maximization of the end-of-period survival probability. Our approach is
different in assuming maximization of expected survival time, which we
believe is more appropriate for the purpose of studying intertemporal
preferences. Our approach is similar to Karni and Schmeidler's only
in modeling competition of the individual against nature while ignoring
explicit competition against other individuals.
(5.) Ray and Streufert (1993) also assume that survival
probabilities depend on the path of consumption but for a time-additive
utility function.
(6.) Bergman (1985), Epstein and Hynes (1983), Obstfeld (1990), and
Uzawa (1963) also discuss members of the class axiomatized by Epstein
(1983). These authors, however, do not examine the particular form that
we derive here.
(7.) An evolutionary motivation, however, is that the independence
axiom (considered the most controversial of the axioms guaranteeing the
expected utility property) should hold because taking account of the
realizations of unrealized alternatives is unproductive and has no
survival value. The survival value attached to a particular consumption
path should not depend on what would happen if another consumption path
were realized, as we implicitly assume via Assumption 1.
(8.) Robson additionally finds that selection in the context of
aggregate shocks may invalidate the expected offspring criterion: The
effect of a shock on an individual is different when all members of a
particular risk-attitude type are affected by the shock than when
instead only the individual is affected (the aggregate risk lowers the
expected growth rate more than the idiosyncratic risk). Robson
interprets this result as generating nonexpected utility behavior (the
axiom of reduction of compound lotteries breaks down, not the
independence axiom), but one could alternatively consider
expected-utility maximizing individuals as endowed with altruistic
feelings toward their group, causing them to be more risk averse in the
face of aggregate risk.
(9.) More recent applications of the nontime-separable utility
specification include the work of Bergman (1985), Obstfeld (1990), and
Shi and Epstein (1993).
(10.) In a more general specification, the health hazard could also
depend on the lagged health hazard to add realism. However, our specific
and methodological points are most easily made using the simpler
specification of Assumption 2.
(11.) Kaplan et al. (2000) and Robson and Kaplan (2003) display the
annual mortality rates of present-day hunter-gatherers such as the Ache
of South America. The mortality rates are U-shaped with age, lying below
2% from later childhood until around age 45 and increasing steeply only
beyond age 65 or so. This implies an expeced lifetime of those living
beyond early adulthood of around 55 years. However, the
frequency-weighted average remaining lifetime of all adults would be
much lower, somewhere around 30 35 years.
(12.) Rogers (1994) obtains a slightly lower number based on
population growth, average generation length, and the fraction, 0.5, of
shared genes between parent and offspring.
(13.) The transversality condition for this infinite horizon
problem is [1-G(T)]W(T)[V.sub.w](W, T) [right arrow] 0 as T [right
arrow] [infinity].
(14.) A specific example with a health-hazard function that has a
U-shaped hazard rate is available in Acharya and Balvers (2003). The
example illustrates, for instance, an endogenous cycle of poverty and
implies that life expectancy peaks before health peaks and that
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* The article is a substantial revision of the paper
"Evolution and the Dynamic Preference Specification: De Gustibus
Disputandum Est," first presented at the 1993 Southern Economic
Theory conference at Duke University. We have benefited from the
valuable comments of an anonymous referee and helpful comments by
Prabhat Acharya, Doug Mitchell, Peter Morgan, and Elizabeth Newlon, and
from seminar participants at the State University of New York-Buffalo,
the University of California-Irvine, the University of Sussex, and West
Virginia University.
Acharya: Senior Technical Advisor, Research Triangle Institute,
1615 M St. NW, Suite 740, Washington, DC, 20036, Phone 1-(202) 728-2467,
Fax 1-(202) 728-2095, E-mail aacharya@rti.org
Balvers: Professor of Economics, West Virginia University,
Morgantown, WV 26506-6025. Phone 1-(304) 293-7880, Fax 1-(304) 293-5652,
E-mail rbalvers@wvu.edu