An empirical examination of quality certification in a "lemons market".
Wimmer, Bradley S. ; Chezum, Brian
Researchers have long understood that a variety of mechanisms may
be used to overcome problems of adverse selection. Stigler (1961, 224)
notes that "[s]ome forms of economic organization may be explicable chiefly as devices for eliminating uncertainties in quality," and
Akerlof (1970) cites independent groups, such as the Consumers Union and
United Laboratories, that test and certify the quality of goods. There
is, however, little empirical evidence that illustrates the
effectiveness of such mechanisms. In this article we examine the effect
certification has on a market characterized by adverse selection. Using
data from the market for young thoroughbreds, we compare the performance
of sales where auction houses provide certification services with sales
where certification is absent.
The thoroughbred racehorse market consists of two distinct types of
public auctions: certified and noncertified sales. In a certified sale,
auction houses physically inspect the horses nominated to their sales,
selling only the horses they conclude are from the upper end of the
quality distribution. In noncertified sales, auction houses sell all
horses nominated to a sale. Our empirical strategy is to perform tests
that indicate whether adverse selection affects market outcomes in
either certified or noncertified sales. A finding that adverse selection
is present in noncertified sales but absent in certified sales is
consistent with the hypothesis that certification alleviates problems of
adverse selection.
We adopt three approaches to test for the presence of adverse
selection. (1) The first approach is in the spirit of Chiappori and
Salanie (2000), who examine the relationship between unobservable
factors from participation and performance equations. We model adverse
selection as a case of sample-selection bias and examine the correlation
between errors in participation and price equations. (2) To accomplish
this we use a unique data set that allows us to estimate how breeder decisions to sell or retain horses affect market prices. The data set
consists of a 10% random sample of all thoroughbreds born in 1993 and
includes both horses retained by their breeders, who own a horse at the
time of its birth, and horses that breeders chose to sell.
Our second test follows Genesove (1993) and Chezum and Wimmer
(1997) by examining the relationship between seller characteristics and
price. Theoretically, when observable seller characteristics are
correlated with seller incentives to select goods adversely, prices
should reflect these differences. Chezum and Wimmer observe that some
breeders sell all of their horses, whereas others retain a portion to
race. They find that market prices are inversely related to the extent
of a breeder's involvement in racing, concluding that adverse
selection affects market outcomes. We extend this work in two respects.
First, we isolate the effect seller characteristics have on price
through the decision to sell or retain a horse. Second, we compare the
effect seller characteristics have on observed prices in certified and
noncertified sales.
Our last test follows Bond (1982) who attempts to identify adverse
selection in the market for used trucks by comparing the repair records
of trucks that were sold with the records of trucks retained by their
original owners. Because the horses in our sample had not begun their
racing careers at the time they were sold, we use data on racetrack
earnings as an ex-post measure of quality and compare the quality of
horses sold in noncertified sales with certified horses and horses
retained by their breeders.
The results from each approach are consistent with certification
alleviating problems of adverse selection. We find that holding
observable attributes constant, horses that would receive unusually high
market prices in noncertified sales are even more valuable in other
options and are less likely to be sold in a noncertified sale. In
certified sales, we find no evidence of adverse selection. We show that
the difference in expected prices between certified and noncertified
sales can be attributed primarily to the selection process. Finally, we
find that holding other factors constant, horses sold in noncertified
sales earned less money from racing than horses retained by their
breeders. No significant difference in earnings is found between
retained and certified horses. Overall, our results indicate that
adverse selection affects market outcomes in noncertified sales but
plays no significant role in certified sales.
The remainder of the article is organized in the following manner.
Section II summarizes the certification process for young thoroughbreds
and reviews the literature on certification. Section III presents the
empirical strategy. Section IV discusses the data. Results are presented
in section V, and section VI concludes.
When sellers have an informational advantage over buyers, trades
that would be mutually beneficial under full information may not be
consummated. This market failure creates a profit opportunity for
certifying agents who can provide buyers with credible information about
the quality of goods sold. Biglaiser (1993) shows that certifying
agents, or middlemen, receive a larger return on investments in
expertise than do occasional buyers because middlemen inspect a
relatively larger number of goods. He also shows that the value created
by middlemen is increasing in the proportion of goods that are of a
relatively low quality and the spread in the value between high and
low-quality goods. (3) Certification will be used when it provides
buyers with information that is either unavailable or more costly to
obtain when certification is not available.
Certification services are likely to be valuable in the market for
thoroughbred racing prospects because breeders are likely to have an
informational advantage over potential buyers and the spread between the
value of low- and high-quality thoroughbreds is large. Chezum and Wimmer
(1997) argue that breeders, having raised their thoroughbreds since
birth, have access to information on a horse's full medical
history, temperament, physical attributes, and other information that is
not readily available to the general public. Such information is likely
to be valuable because the difference in value between a low- and
high-quality horse is large. Less than 1% of all thoroughbreds win the
highest-quality stakes races, and many never earn a dollar from racing.
Auction houses are well positioned to provide certification
services because the majority of young thoroughbreds are sold by a
limited number of auction houses. (5) For their services, auction houses
receive a commission that is generally equal to a nonrefundable fee
(typically $500 or $1,000) or 5% of the sales price, whichever is
greater. Auction houses have the incentive to alleviate problems of
adverse selection because their revenues are directly related to the
number and quality of horses sold. It is not surprising that auction
houses certify the quality of a portion of the horses they sell.
The certification process begins with thoroughbred owners filing a
nomination form and paying the nonrefundable fee to the auction house.
(6) The nomination form includes information on the horse's
pedigree and, in many cases, the breeder's estimate of the price a
horse will fetch at auction. The auction house ranks nominated horses by
estimated prices and quality of pedigrees, eliminating horses with a
relatively low rank. (7) The remaining horses are physically inspected
at the breeder's farm by a panel of experts. (8) The panel studies
the physical appearance of the horses, examining them for soundness and
other characteristics that indicate potential success as a racehorse.
Horses deemed to be of a relatively high quality are sold in certified
sales. The auction house does not reveal the breeder's initial
price estimate or any of the specifics of its inspection.
To alleviate adverse selection, certification must provide buyers
with information that is not readily available elsewhere. Thoroughbred
certification provides buyers with information about the quality of
horses through both a direct and an indirect channel. The direct channel
comes from the auction house's physical examination of horses,
which is consistent with services performed by expert middlemen. The
indirect channel arises because auction houses use information provided
by breeders when certifying horses. Because auction houses have the
incentive and ability to punish breeders who misrepresent the quality of
their horses, auction houses provide breeders with an avenue to reveal
private information credibly.
Biglaiser and Friedman (1994) argue that multiproduct
intermediaries suffer a "reputational spillover" if they
continue selling goods from producers that misrepresent quality. When a
multiproduct intermediary receives consumer complaints about the quality
of a producer's goods it has the incentive to pull this
producer's goods from its shelves. (9) The auction house's
requirement that breeders provide it with an estimate of a horse's
value is consistent with this function. Auction houses sell horses from
many different breeders and have the incentive to protect their
reputation by punishing breeders who misrepresent quality. Because
information on the quality of horses is revealed through the inspection
process and during the horse's racing career, auction houses can
monitor the accuracy of breeder reports and exclude from certified sales
breeders who develop a reputation for misrepresenting quality. This
indirect mechanism induces breeders to provide the auction house with
accurate information about the qual ity of their horses, reducing
asymmetries of information.
Because auction houses provide information only on whether or not a
horse is certified, certification is similar to Leland's (1979)
minimum quality standard. (10) A minimum quality standard truncates the
distribution of quality from below, raises prices, and induces seller to
offer higher quality horses, but adverse selection may still exist in
certified sales. Because buyers base price offers on the expected
quality of horses sold in a lemons market, the breeder's optimal
strategy is to sell relatively low-quality horses and retain the
remainder. This may not be the case if buyers inspect horses more
intensively in certified sales.
Potential buyers are allowed to inspect horses before all
thoroughbred sales and may perform minimally intrusive tests. (11)
Barzel (1982) argues that sellers have the incentive to sort products to
reduce the amount of resources devoted to information acquisition. If
the expected quality of horses is increasing in observable attributes
(such as pedigree) inspection expenditures are likely to be increasing
in these attributes. By eliminating inferior specimens from certified
sales, auction houses allow buyers to target their inspection efforts on
certified horses. In addition, the auction house's initial sorting
and subsequent inspection by potential buyers serves to dissuade breeders from nominating low-quality horses to certified sales. Although
we are unable to observe buyer inspection expenditures, certification
reduces these expenditures by publicly revealing the results of their
initial inspection, thereby alleviating problems of asymmetric
The market for young thoroughbreds provides a natural test of the
effect certification has on market outcomes. We test for the presence of
adverse selection in both segments of the market, namely, certified and
noncertified sales. A finding that adverse selection affects outcomes in
noncertified sales but has no effect in certified sales is consistent
with the hypothesis that certification alleviates problems of adverse
To identify adverse selection we observe that when breeders
adversely select the horses they sell, the sample of horses sold is
censored systematically, which, as shown by Heckman (1979), results in
sample-selection bias. A test for adverse selection is that selectivity bias causes observed prices to be lower than the prices generated from a
random selection process. (12) This approach explicitly estimates the
effect breeder-selection decisions have on observed prices.
Thoroughbred breeders have the option to sell their horses at one
of several auctions. (13) To keep the empirical analysis tractable, we
categorize sales as either certified or noncertified and assume that
breeders choose among the following three options: retain a horse, R;
sell a horse in a noncertified sale, NC; or nominate a horse to a
certified sale, C. Because the model consists of a trichotomous choice
and two price equations, we use Lee's (1983) methodology to
estimate a model that allows for selectivity bias in a
polychotomous-choice setting.
Breeders are assumed to choose the option that maximizes utility.
(14) The maximum utility attainable from each option is treated as a
function of market prices in certified and noncertified sales, a
horse's expected earnings net of costs, (15) the cost of taking a
horse to sale and breeder characteristics. As discussed by Chezum and
Wimmer (1997) some breeders raise horses for the express purpose of
selling them, and others retain a portion to race. To capture the effect
differences in breeder characteristics have on indirect utility, the
variable Racing Intensity, RI, is included. RI captures the extent of a
breeder's racing operation. We assume that buyers observe each
breeder's RI and that the utility a breeder receives from retaining
a horse is increasing in RI.
The maximum utility breeder i receives from option j (j = R, NC, C)
is given by [V.sub.ji] = V ([P.sub.ji], [K.sub.ji], [RI.sub.i]) where V
(.) is the indirect utility function, [P.sub.j] is the price in a
certified or noncertified sale or net earnings if retained, (16)
[K.sub.j] is the monetary cost of option j, and [RI.sub.i] captures
differences in breeders.
The natural log of [P.sub.j] is assumed to be a linear function of
a thoroughbred's observable characteristics:
(1) [P.sub.ji] = [[beta]'.sub.j][X.sub.i] + [e.sub.ji],
where [e.sub.ji] is the random component for observation i in
option j and [[beta]'.sub.j][X.sub.i] as a vector of a horse's
observable attributes and the associated coefficients.
Following Trost and Lee (1984) we assume that the indirect utility
function is linear and can be decomposed into a nonstochastic and random
(2) [V.sub.ji] = [[gamma]'.sub.j][Z.sub.i] + [u.sub.ji],
where [u.sub.ji] is the random component for observation i in
option J, [Z.sub.i] is a vector of observable variables, and
[[gamma].sub.j] is the associated vector of coefficients. Although the
indirect utility a breeder receives from each option is not observed,
final outcomes of the selection process are. Prices are observed when
selling provides the highest indirect utility; [], > max
[V.sub.ji], (s = C, NC; j = R, NC, C, [not equal to] s).
To estimate the probability that an option is chosen we assume that
[u.sub.ji] follows an extreme value distribution and estimate a
multinomial logit choice model. The probability that breeder i chooses
option s is given by: (17)
(3) [P.sub.s] ([[gamma]'.sub.j][Z.sub.i] = exp ([[gamma]'.sub.s][Z.sub.i] / [1 + [[sigma].sub.j=NC, c]
where the retained option is used as the base category.
If horses are adversely selected into a sale, unobservable factors
that increase prices reduce the probability that a horse is sold,
resulting in selectivity bias in the price equation. Heckman (1979)
shows that this is a classic case of omitted variable bias and that
consistent estimates can be obtained by including the inverse Mills
ratio to account for the incidental truncation caused by the selection
As shown by Lee (1983), the inverse Mills ratio for a
polychotomous-choice model is calculated by transforming the estimated
probabilities in the following manner:
(4) [[lambda].sub.s] ([[gamma]'.sub.j]Z) =
([P.sub.s]([[gamma]'.sub.j][Z.sub.i])]/[P.sub.s]([[gamma]'.sub.j][Z.s ub.i]),
where [phi] is the standard normal density function and [PHI] is
the standard normal distribution function. (18) We include the
appropriate inverse Mills ratio in the certified and noncertified price
equations to control for selection bias to obtain unbiased estimates of
[[beta].sub.c] and [[beta].sub.NC]:
(5) [] = [[beta]'.sub.C][X.sub.i] +
[[beta].sub.[lambda]C][[lambda].sub.C]([[gamma]'.sub.j]Z) +
[P.sub.NCi] = [[beta]'.sub.NC][X.sub.i] +
[[beta].sub.[lambda]NC][[lambda].sub.NC]([[gamma]'.sub.j]Z) +
where [[epsilon].sub.Ci] and [[epsilon].sub.NCi] are the random
disturbance terms. (19)
Our first test for adverse selection focuses on the sign of the
estimated coefficient on inverse Mills ratios contained in equation (5).
Lee (1983) shows that the sign of coefficient on the inverse Mills ratio
represents the covariance of the errors from the price and selection
equations. (20) A negative coefficient indicates that horses that would
receive unusually high market prices, given their observed attributes,
are even more valuable in their next-best options and are less likely to
be sold in that sale category. Such a finding is consistent with adverse
selection.2' By contrast, a positive coefficient on the inverse
Mills ratio is indicative of positive selection, whereas a coefficient
that is not statistically different from zero indicates that selection
bias does not affect the sample.
The second test incorporates Genesove's (1993) test for
adverse selection into the selection-bias framework. Genesove
hypothesizes that when seller incentives to select goods adversely are
correlated with observable seller characteristics, prices will reflect
these differences. To motivate trade when information is asymmetric,
Genesove argues that sellers are capacity constrained and that it is
optimal for sellers to sell low-quality goods to relieve capacity
constraints. Using RI to proxy the severity of capacity constraints,
Chezum and Wimmer (1997) apply Genesove's approach to the market
thoroughbred yearlings and find that prices are inversely related to
racing intensity. (22)
In the framework developed, an increase in RI increases the
indirect utility a breeder receives from retaining a horse, thereby
decreasing the probability that a horse is sold. If breeders adversely
select the horses they sell, a reduction in the probability that a horse
is sold results in lower prices. To measure the effect RI has on price,
through the breeder's selection decision, we calculate
[[beta].sub.[lambda]s]([partial][[lambda].sub.s]/[partial]RI), which is
the effect RI has on prices through the inverse Mills ratio. (23)
This second approach suggests two tests for the effect
certification has on market performance. First, we expect to find that
an increase in RI reduces prices through the mechanism already defined
when goods are adversely selected. A finding that an increase in RI
reduces prices in noncertified sales but has no effect in certified
sales is consistent with certification alleviating problems of adverse
selection. Second, we examine the effect RI has on the probability that
a horse is sold. In general, we expect to find an inverse relation between RI and the probability that a horse is sold. A finding that RI
has no effect on the probability that a horse is sold in a certified
sale indicates that certification affects breeder decisions to sell or
retain a horse and is evidence that certification attracts horses to
sales that would have been retained if certification were not available.
To estimate the magnitude of the effect adverse selection has on
price we follow Lee (1995) who shows how estimates from the corrected
price regressions can be used to estimate the opportunity cost of a
selection decision. Lee shows that when using a logit model for
selection equations the opportunity cost of a choice is based only on
the probability that an option is not chosen. Following Lee, we
calculate the expected price generated by a horse randomly allocated to
sale s, which is defined as E[P.sub.s]\X, Z], s = C, NC. We also
calculate the expected price of a horse, given it was selected into sale
s', E[[P.sub.s]\X, Z, s = s'], and the expected price a horse
that was not offered in sale s' would receive if sold in sale
s', E[P.sub.s]\X, Z, s [not equal to] s']. (25) To estimate
the magnitude of adverse selection, we calculate the difference between
the expected price of a random horse in a noncertified sale and the
expected price of a horse selected into a noncertified sale,
E[P.sub.s]\X, Z] - E[P.sub.s ]\X, Z, s = NC].
Our third test uses racetrack earnings per race as a proxy for
quality. (26) This approach follows Bond (1982) by using an ex-post
measure of quality to identify adverse selection. A finding that
noncertified horses earn less than horses retained or certified, holding
other factors constant, is consistent with the presence of adverse
selection in noncertified sales and provides additional evidence that
certification alleviates problems of adverse selection.
This study uses an original data set that consists of a 10% random
sample of all thoroughbreds born in the United States in 1993. The data
include thoroughbreds retained by their original owners as well as
thoroughbreds taken to auction. These data were obtained from The Jockey
Club's Foals of 1993 (1995) (Foal Book), an annual supplement to
the American Stud Book, which, includes information on all thoroughbreds
born and registered in the United States, Canada, and Puerto Rico.(27)
The sample consists of all U.S.-born horses listed on every tenth page
of the Foal Book and includes 3,376 horses. (28)
Sales data for each observation were obtained by matching data from
the Foal Book to information contained in the Blood Horse's Auction
Guide. The Auction Guide includes the results of every public
thoroughbred auction held in North America. These data allow us to
identify the horses that were offered for sale at public auction and the
prices they received. The empirical analysis follows Chezum and Wimmer
(1997) and includes horses offered for sale as yearlings or younger.
(29) In the sample, 925 horses were offered for sale as yearlings or
younger at least once. The empirical analysis focuses on the initial
sale, although horses may be sold more than once. In the data 159 of the
925 horses sold (17.2%) were marketed in certified sales. The remaining
horses were sold in noncertified sales.
To distinguish sellers, we use the variable Racing Intensity. For
each racing season the American Racing Manual (ARM) (1993, 1994)
publishes the earnings of thoroughbred owners whose horses earned at
least $50,000 and whose horses they bred earned at least $30,000 in that
year. To measure Racing Intensity 1993 data were gathered for each
breeder on the number of races started by horses they owned at the time
of a race, Racing Starts, and the number of races that horses they bred
started, Breeder Starts. (30) Racing Intensity is equal to the ratio of
Racing Starts to Breeding Starts + 1. The lower limits for inclusion in
the ARM result in relatively small breeding operations not appearing in
the ARM data. To account for this we include a variable, Unlisted
Breeder, that is set equal to one if both Racing Starts and Breeding
Starts are unobserved and zero otherwise.
Data on a variety of covariates are obtained from the ARM and from
Blood-stock Research Information Service's American Produce Records
(2000). We gather information to control for the age and gender of the
thoroughbred, the number siblings, the success of the sire (father) and
dam (mother) both at the track and in the breeding shed, and finally
information to control for the costs associated with going to auction.
For each observation we include the Age in Months, which is the age
of the horse, measured in months, on 1 January 1994 (the horses in the
sample were born in 1993) in the participation equation. For the price
equation we include we include Age at Sale, which is also measured in
months. Older horses should be more likely to be sold and will receive
higher prices at sale. Colt is set equal to one for male thoroughbreds
and zero for female thoroughbreds.
Finnochio (1995) shows that expected quality of a horse is a
decreasing in the number of foals previously produced by the
thoroughbred's dam (mother). Siblings is defined as the number of
horses previously produced by a horse's dam at the time of an
observation's birth.
To account for the quality of a thoroughbred's pedigree
variables on the quality of the sire and dam both as racehorses and in
breeding are included. Dam Stakes Winner and Sire Grade I Winner are set
equal to one if the dam (sire) won a stakes (Grade I stakes) race and
zero otherwise.
The quality of the dam and sire in breeding is proxied by variables
that capture their offspring's quality. For the dam we include
Stakes-Winning Siblings, which equals the number of a dam's
offspring that have won a stakes race. For the sire we calculate the
natural log of a sire's offspring's earnings per performer in
1992, Log Earnings per Sire Offspring. The ARM does not include
information on sires whose offspring earned less than $50,000 in 1993.
The variable Unlisted Sire, which is set equal to one if the sire is not
in the ARM data and zero otherwise, is included in the regressions. (31)
Finally, the number of foals produced by a sire should be increasing in
the demand for a sire's services. We include the variable
Sire's Crop, which is equal to the number of foals produced by a
sire in 1993.
To identify the selection equation a set of state-bred dummy variables that proxy the cost of taking a horse to a sale is used. In
our data certified sales are conducted in Kentucky, Florida, New York,
and California. The qualitative variable Certified State is defined as
one if the horse was born in any of these states and zero otherwise.
Similarly, Sale State is set equal to one if there is a noncertified
sale in the state where the horse was born and zero otherwise.
Table 1 contains the summary statistics for the variables used in
the analysis. The first column contains descriptive statistics for the
entire sample, and the second reports summary statistics for horses not
sold as yearlings. The final two columns report descriptive statistics
for horses sold in noncertified and certified sales, respectively. In
the sample, approximately 27% of the horses in the sample were sold as
yearlings. The average price in a noncertified sale is $13,268, whereas
certified horses fetched an average price of price of $93,437, a
difference of over 600%.
In terms of earnings, horses sold in both certified and
noncertified sales on average earn more than horses that were not sold.
(32) The average certified horse earned $48,475, with noncertified
horses earning an average of $27,188, a difference of 78.3%. Horses that
are not sold earned an average of $17,716. Many of the horses in our
sample never started a race. Over 80% of the certified and noncertified
horses started a race, but only 69% of the horses not sold started a
race. It is likely that some horses in our data were bred for reasons
other than racing. Also, clearly inferior horses may be easy to identify
and not sold. Our data do not allow us to identify such horses. (33)
The mean Racing Intensity of retained horses is larger than the
averages for horses sold in certified and noncertified sales, and Racing
Intensity's mean is slightly higher in certified than in
noncertified sales. The average quality of a horse's sire and dam
is relatively higher in certified sales than noncertified sales, as
shown by the larger means for Sire Grade I Winner, Dam Stakes Winner,
Stakes-Winning Siblings, Sire's Crop, and Log Earnings per Sire
Offspring. The means of these variables for retained horses are lower
than found in noncertified sales. We also see that a higher percentage
of horses not sold are from sires not included in the ARM and from
relatively small breeders. Some of these breeders may raise horses for
reasons other than racing, which is consistent with horses not sold
being less likely to reach the races.
In the full sample, 47% of the horses were born in states where a
certified sale is held, whereas 89% of the horses sold in certified
sales were born in these states. For noncertifled sales, 82% of the full
sample were born in a state with a sale, and 91% of the horses sold were
born in these states.
Table 2 contains results from the empirical analysis. The first two
columns display the results from the price regressions as shown in
equation (5). Columns three and four report the results from the
multinomial logit model. Estimates of the marginal effects and their
associated z statistics evaluated at the sample mean are reported. The
last column provides the results from the analysis of U.S.
earnings-per-race data.
The primary focus in the price regressions is the effect selection
has on observed prices. The coefficient on the Inverse Mills Ratio is
negative and significant in the noncertified regression. This finding
indicates that, holding observable attributes constant, unobservable
factors that increase the probability of a horse being sold in a
noncertified sale are inversely related to unobservable factors that
increase price. In certified sales the coefficient on the Inverse Mills
Ratio is negative and highly insignificant. (34) The results suggest
adverse selection is present in noncertified sales but has no effect on
prices in certified sales and are consistent with certification
alleviating problems of adverse selection.
The results also indicate that horses sold by racing-intensive
breeders receive lower prices in noncertified sales. The sample estimate
of [[beta].sub.[lambda]s]([partial][[lambda].sub.s]/[partial]RI),
evaluated at the sample mean, is negative and marginally significant in
the noncertified sale regression. (35) In certified sales, the estimate
of [[beta].sub.[lambda]s]([partial][[lambda].sub.s]/[partial]RI) is
insignificant. These results are generally consistent with Chezum and
Wimmer's (1997) earlier finding that racing-intensive breeders are
more likely to adversely select the horses they sell but show that
differences in seller characteristics have no effect on prices in
certified sales.
The results for the remaining variables are as expected. In
general, observable characteristics are directly related to prices. The
coefficients on the majority of these variables have the expected signs
and are statistically significant. (36)
The results from the multinomial logit show that racing-intensive
breeders are less likely to offer their horses for sale in noncertified
sales. An increase in Racing Intensity results in a statistically
significant decrease in the probability that a horse is sold in a
noncertified sale. In certified sales, the marginal effect of Racing
intensity is not statistically different from zero. (37) These findings
are consistent with the presence of adverse selection in noncertified
sales and that certification alleviates problems of adverse selection.
The results from the multinomial logit indicate that observable
characteristics play an important role in both certified and
noncertified sales. The marginal effects of Sire Grade I Winner and
Sire's Crop are positive and statistically significant in both the
certified and noncertified regressions. Log Earnings per Sire Offspring
has a positive and statistically significant effect in the certified
sale equation, but is insignificant in the noncertified sale equation.
Only the marginal effect of Stakes-Winning Sibling increases the
probability of certification but decreases the probability that a horse
is sold in a noncertified sale. The marginal effect of Stakes-Winning
Sibling is statistically significant and negative in the noncertified
equation and is positive (but of only marginal significance) in the
certified equation. (38) These results provide some insight into the
certification process. Observable attributes appear to affect the
probability of inclusion in both sales, suggesting that certifying agent
s use more than the quality of a horse's pedigree when deciding to
certify a horse.
To estimate the effect adverse selection has on prices in
noncertified sales, we estimate the expected price of a horse randomly
allocated to a noncertified sale, E[[P.sub.NC]\X, Z], and the expected
price of a horse given it was sold in a noncertified sale,
E[[P.sub.NC]\X, Z, NC = 1], using Lee's (1995) methodology. For the
entire sample, we calculate that the average predicted value of
E[[P.sub.NC]\X, Z] is $88,259, whereas the average for E[[P.sub.NC]\X,
Z, NC = 1] is $9,253, nearly a tenfold difference. (39) Although the
magnitude is somewhat surprising, it shows that adverse selection not
only affects market outcomes but also that its effect is quite severe.
To estimate the effect certification has on prices, which may
include differences in factors observed by the market but not the
econometrician, we estimate E[[P.sub.C]\X, Z] - E[[P.sub.NC]\X, Z, NC =
1], where the expected price of a random horse in a certified sale is
used because self-selection does not affect prices in these sales. We
find that E[[P.sub.C ]X, Z] - E[[P.sub.NC]\X, Z, NC = 1] = $99,122 -
$9,253 = $89,869. Approximately 13% of this difference can be attributed
to differences in the value buyer's place on observable attributes,
and the remaining 87% is attributable to the selection process. (40)
The final column reports the results for the earnings-per-race
equation. (41) The results show that noncertified horses earn less money
at the track than horses that were not sold as yearlings. The
coefficient on Non-Certified is negative and statistically significant.
The coefficient on Certified is also negative but does not reach
statistical significance. These results reinforce the earlier findings
that adverse selection affects the market for noncertified young
In this article we show that certification alleviates problems of
adverse selection in thoroughbred auctions by examining the effect
certification has on breeder decisions to retain or sell horses and the
effect these decisions have on prices. In addition, we compare the
performance of horses sold in certified and noncertified sales with
horses retained by their breeders. In each case the evidence indicates
that certification alleviates the problems of adverse selection that are
present in noncertified sales. We find that nearly all of the difference
in prices between certified and noncertified sales is attributable to
the selection process.
The empirical strategy adopted allows us to use three approaches to
test for adverse selection. The first approach examines the relationship
between the residuals from participation and price equations by treating
adverse selection as self-selection bias. In noncertified sales the data
indicate horses that would receive unusually high prices in noncertified
sales, given their observed attributes, are even more valuable in other
options. In certified sales we find that self-selection does not affect
the results.
We also find that seller characteristics play a role in
noncertified sales but have no significant effect on either the
probability that a horse is offered for sale or prices in certified
sales. Using Lee's (1995) methodology to estimate opportunity
costs, we find that over 87% of the difference in prices between
certified and noncertified sales can be attributed to the selection
process. Finally, we find that noncertified horses earn less per race
than horses retained by their breeders.
Although our results provide compelling evidence that certification
alleviates problems of adverse selection, we do not isolate the exact
reasons for its success. Information on potential buyers'
inspection expenditures in certified and noncertified sales and the
effect these potential differences have on seller incentives to sell or
retain horses might provide insight into the reasons for
certification's effectiveness.
The techniques used here may be applied to other industries. For
example, certification appears to play a major role in online markets,
where it is generally impossible for potential buyers to inspect the
quality of goods sold. Our results suggest that certification overcomes
problems of adverse selection in a market where inspection is possible.
It is reasonable to expect certification to be even more valuable in
cases where buyers are unable to inspect the quality of goods offered
for sale.
Summary Statistics
Full Sample Retained Noncertified
Certified 0.05 -- --
(0.21) -- --
Noncertified 0.23 -- 1.00
(0.42) -- --
Price -- -- 13,268
-- -- (17,697)
Starter 0.69 0.65 0.82
(0.46) (0.48) (0.38)
U.S. Earnings * 21,028 17,716 27,188
(47,622) (45,094) (49,580)
U.S. Earnings per Race ** 966 798 1,388
(2,158) (1,900) (2,567)
Racing Intensity 3.39 3.77 2.27
(22.89) (25.32) (14.94)
Age in months 8.45 8.39 8.59
(1.23) (1.23) (1.22)
Colt 0.50 0.50 0.52
(0.50) (0.50) (0.50)
Sire Grade 1 0.24 0.17 0.38
(0.42) (0.37) (0.49)
Dam Stakes Winner 0.10 0.07 0.15
(0.30) (0.25) (0.36)
In (Earnings per Sire Offspring) 5.11 4.48 6.56
(4.67) (4.63) (4.35)
Stakes-Winning Siblings 0.17 0.12 0.22
(0.48) (0.43) (0.51)
Siblings 4.34 4.07 4.96
(3.01) (2.86) (3.22)
Sire's Crop 23.29 18.34 33.74
(20.22) (17.42) (20.73)
Certified State 0.47 0.39 0.62
(0.50) (0.49) (0.49)
Sale State 0.82 0.79 0.91
(0.38) (0.41) (0.28)
Unlisted Breeder 0.65 0.73 0.50
(0.48) (0.45) (0.50)
Unlisted Sire 0.45 0.51 0.30
(0.50) (0.50) (0.46)
Number observations 3,376 2,451 766
Certified 1.00
Noncertified --
Price 93,437
Starter 0.85
U.S. Earnings * 48,475
U.S. Earnings per Race ** 2,506
Racing Intensity 2.89
Age in months 8.69
Colt 0.55
Sire Grade 1 0.63
Dam Stakes Winner 0.31
In (Earnings per Sire Offspring) 7.95
Stakes-Winning Siblings 0.56
Siblings 5.35
Sire's Crop 49.25
Certified State 0.89
Sale State 0.92
Unlisted Breeder 0.25
Unlisted Sire 0.21
Number observations 159
Standard deviation in parentheses.
* Foreign earners excluded.
** Horses with zero starts receive value of zero in calculation.
Price, Participation, and Earnings Regressions
ln(Price) Regressions
Variable Noncertified Certified
Racing Intensity 0.002 -0.0005
(0.76) (0.10)
Age in Months (a) 0.011 -0.028
(1.43) (0.63)
Colt 0.033 0.418 ***
(0.47) (3.46)
Sire Grade 1 0.131 0.168
(1.42) (1.16)
Dam Stakes Winner 0.385 *** 0.486 ***
(3.72) (3.51)
ln(Earnings per Sire Offspring) 0.277 *** 0.500 **
(5.00) (2.01)
Stakes-Winning Siblings 0.632 *** 0.392 ***
(7.02) (3.98)
Siblings -0.045 *** -0.035 *
(2.84) (1.65)
Sire's Crop 0.010 *** 0.002
(2.91) (0.40)
Inverse Mills ratio -1.312 *** -0.260
(4.24) (0.65)
[[beta].sub.[lambda]s] -0.004 -0.0005
(1.62) (0.04)
Certified State -- --
Sale State -- --
Certified -- --
Noncertified -- --
Unlisted Breeder -0.030 0.093
(0.33) (0.48)
Unlisted Sire 2.624 *** 4.80 **
(4.96) (1.98)
Constant 7.234 *** 6.194 *
(11.27) (1.77)
[R.sup.2] (log likelihood) 0.42 0.46
Number observations 766 159
Multinomial Logit
Variable Noncertified Certified ln(U.S.) (b)
Racing Intensity -0.001 ** -0.0001 -0.002
(2.23) (1.03) (1.00)
Age in Months (a) 0.01 ** 0.001 -0.045
(2.35) (1.53) (1.05)
Colt 0.015 0.002 -0.093
(0.99) (1.23) (0.88)
Sire Grade 1 0.067 *** 0.007 ** 0.110
(3.44) (2.44) (0.78)
Dam Stakes Winner 0.03 0.005 0.316 *
(1.32) (1.61) (1.67)
ln(Earnings per Sire Offspring) -0.009 0.012 *** 0.137 *
(0.87) (3.84) (1.71)
Stakes-Winning Siblings -0.042 ** 0.002 0.133
(2.53) (1.57) (1.09)
Siblings 0.013 *** 0.0004 -0.019
(4.97) (1.14) (0.99)
Sire's Crop 0.005 *** 0.0004 *** 0.006 *
(10.37) (4.41) (1.69)
Inverse Mills ratio -- -- --
[[beta].sub.[lambda]s] -- -- --
Certified State 0.018 0.028 *** --
(1.03) (3.93)
Sale State 0.089 *** -0.025 ** --
(4.42) (1.75)
Certified -- -- -0.113
Noncertified -- -- 0.290 **
Unlisted Breeder -0.073 *** -0.01 *** -0.339 ***
(4.23) (3.08) (2.73)
Unlisted Sire -0.239 *** 0.851 *** 1.413 **
(4.02) (5.85) (1.91)
Constant -- - 6.462 ***
[R.sup.2] (log likelihood) -1,968 -1,968 -6,393
Number observations 3,376 3,376 3,183
Absolute value of t or z statistics in parentheses.
(a)Age in months for logit and earnings regressions; age at sale in
price regressions.
(b)Foreign runners excluded. Corrected for self-selection of whether
horse started a race.
* Significant at 0.10 level.
** Significant at 0.05 level.
*** Significant at 0.01 level.
(1.) The literature has examined the role of information
asymmetries in a variety of markets. Examples include credit markets as
in Ausubel (2000), insurance markets examined by Puelz and Snow (1994)
or Chiappori and Salanie (2000), automobile markets studied by Bond
(1982) or Genesove (1993), and the market for initial public offerings
as in Booth and Smith (1986) and Gompers and Lerner (1999).
(2.) See the discussions in Heckman (1979) and Lee (1983). Because
breeders decide between retaining a horse, selling it in a noncertified
sale, and nominating it to a certified sale, we use Lee's (1983)
correction for sample-selection bias in polychotomous-choice models.
(3.) Matthews and Postlewaite (1985) examine testing and disclosure
requirements. Heinkel (1981) and Mason and Strebenz (1994) examine
imperfect tests of product quality. Albano and Lizzeri (2001) treat the
amount of information an agent discloses as a strategic variable.
Biglaiser and Friedman (1999) show that when the first best is not
attainable, a second best characterized by intervals of high and
low-quality goods being sold exists. Spulber (1999) provides an
excellent overview of the literature regarding intermediaries.
(4.) The Thoroughbred Owners and Breeders Association
"grade" high-quality races. In 2000 only 96 of the thousands
of races run received the highest grade (grade I). In our data only 4 of
the 3,183 horses that ran in the United States won a grade I race, and
1,161 did not earn any money at the track.
(5.) In 1994, Keeneland Sales Company had approximately 3,500
yearlings pass through its sales ring in its September sale, and no
buyer purchased more than 30 horses at this sale. This sale accounted
for approximately one-third of young thoroughbreds sold and 10% of all
horses born in the United States in 1993.
(6.) Though the particulars of each auction house's
certification process may differ slightly all follow the same basic
(7.) Keeneland reports that approximately 50% of the horses
nominated to its certified sales are eliminated based on the initial
ranking. This information was obtained through interviews with Rogers
Beasley, Keeneland's sales director. We are unable to report
specifics for other auctions in our sample.
(8.) Panels consist of experienced market experts, which may
include a licensed veterinarian. Each panel may evaluate hundreds of
young thoroughbreds each year.
(9.) When selling goods from single producers, intermediaries may
have the incentive to collude with producers that misrepresent quality.
(10.) Viscusi (1978), Metzger (1983), Mason (1986) and Shapiro
(1986) also examine minimum quality standards.
(11.) Such tests include x-ray and sonograms. Many buyers hire
agents that inspect the quality of horses and offer recommendations
about a horse's value.
(12.) This approach is consistent with Chiappori and salanie
(2000), who examine the relationship between errors from selection and
performance equations.
(13.) In our data there are a total of 53 sales, 6 of which are
certified sales. There are fewer than 10 observations for many of these
(14.) Gamrat and Sauer (2000) show that the average thoroughbred
owner receives a negative return from racing horses, concluding that
racehorse owners receive nonpecuniary benefits from racing. We assume
that breeders maximize a well-behaved utility function that is a
function of a horse's quality, a Hicksian composite commodity,
breeder characteristics, and other exogenous factors, subject to a
budget constraint. This approach does not preclude the possibility that
breeders sell horses because they are capacity constrained as assumed by
Genesove (1993).
(15.) This includes both racetrack earnings and a horse's
residual value in breeding operations.
(16.) Because prices are determined at auction, in our data the
choice of selling is based on expected prices. For the choice of
nominating a horse to a certified sale breeders must account for the
probability a horse is certified.
(17.) We are unable to identify horse that are nominated to a
certified sale but rejected. These horse are either retained or sold in
noncertified sales and are coded accordingly.
(18.) See Lee (1995) for details demonstrating that
"normalization" of the probabilities obtained from the
multinomial logit allow implementation of a correction for
self-selection bias similar to Heckman's (1979).
(19.) Following Lee (1983) we correct the variance-covariance
matrix for heteroscedasticity using Heckman's two-step procedure as
shown by Greene (1995).
(20.) As shown by Lee (1983) the coefficient on the Mills ratio is
given by the covariance between the transformed errors of the
participation equation and the errors from the price equation.
(21.) Reimers (1985) discusses interpretation of the coefficient on
the inverse Mills ratio in a labor-market context.
(22.) Chezum and Wimmer (1997) argue that in addition to physical
constraints, as the size of a breeder's racing operating grows it
becomes increasingly difficult to monitor trainers and the performance
of racehorses. In a utility-maximizing framework, it is optimal for
breeders to sell their lowest-quality horses first when faced with a
capacity constraint and asymmetric information.
(23.) Because this term is nonlinear we use a standard bootstrap program to calculate its standard error, evaluated at the sample mean.
We also include RI in the price equation directly. The coefficient on RI
in the price equation captures any direct correlation between the
expected quality of horses, included retained horses, and RI.
(24.) It should be noted that our findings might be driven in part
by information that is observed by market participants but not measured
in our data. This is particularly true for the results related to the
inverse Mills ratio. Consider the case in which information is perfect
and symmetrical. In this setting, capacity-constrained sellers may sell
low-quality horses because they place a higher value on quality than
buyers and use sales to cull their bad horses. If certification simply
sorts horses based on perfect information and place high-quality horses
in certified sales, sellers culling horses would not participate in
certified sales. If this is the case, we expect to find that an increase
in RI reduces the probability of inclusion in certified sales by more
than it does in noncertified sales. Our second test, therefore, provides
evidence that is less sensitive to missing-variable problems.
(25.) In contrast to Lee (1995), who enters a negative inverse
Mills ratio, we enter the inverse Mill ratio directly. Differences in
interpretation follow.
(26.) As discussed by Gamrat and Sauer (2000), racetrack earnings
are an imperfect measure of a horse's quality because horses also
have value in breeding operations. High-quality horses are likely to
retired sooner to begin breeding and earnings as a measure of quality
are biased downward. We use earning per race to overcome this problem.
(27.) The Jockey Club reports that 36,455 horses born in 1993 were
registered, of which 33,174 were born in the United States.
(28.) Horses are listed in alphabetic order by the name of their
dam (mother), which is independent of quality.
(29.) In the thoroughbred industry, thoroughbreds are classified as
yearlings on January 1 of the year following their birth. The analysis
includes a small number of horses that were sold in November of their
first year.
(30.) For horses bred, the breeder may or may not be the owner of
the horse at the time the horse races.
(31.) We are unable to gather information on stud fee, which is a
market measure of a sire's quality, for a large number of sires in
our sample.
(32.) We exclude horses that ran in foreign countries because of
fundamental differences in the amount horses are paid for winning races
across countries. Approximately 6% of the horses in our sample ran in
foreign countries.
(33.) Any bias resulting from our inability to identify horses from
these two groups works against a finding of adverse selection in
noncertified sales. In the earningsper-race equations we employ
Heckman's correction for self-selection to control for this, using
a qualitative variable that indicates whether a horse's sire
started a race to identify the equation. Because all sires in certified
sales started a race, we are unable to use this variable in
multinomial-logit model.
(34.) In additional regressions, not reported, we treat the choices
of selling in noncertified and certified sales as independent and use
the classic Heckman technique. These results are consistent with results
reported here.
(35.) Because of nonlinearities, standard errors are obtained by
running a standard bootstrapping program with 500 iterations.
(36.) We perform a Chow test on the data and reject the null that
the coefficients on all independent variables in the certified and
noncertified sales are jointly equal.
(37.) Though the marginal effect and its underlying coefficient of
Racing Intensity is not statistically different from zero, we cannot
reject the null that the underlying coefficients on Racing Intensity in
the certified and noncertified equations are equal. As discussed in note
24, a test for whether or not the results are driven by information
available to the market but not the econometrician is a finding that the
Racing Intensity has a larger impact (negative) in certified sales than
in noncertified sales. The data reject this hypothesis.
(38.) For each of the independent variables in the multinomial
logits we tested the null hypothesis that the underlying coefficients in
the certified and noncertified equations are equal. We reject the null
hypothesis for Log Sire Earnings Per Offspring, Stakes-Winning
Silblings, Sire's Crop, Certified State, Sale State, Unlisted
Breeder, and Unlisted Sire. We also tested the null hypothesis that the
coefficients are jointly equal and reject the null at 0.001 level of
(39.) To calculate these numbers we estimated the expected prices
for every horse in the sample and took a simple average. The magnitude
of the effect is similar for different subsets of the data.
(40.) This result is altered slightly by looking at different
subsets of the data. Using only the average expected prices from
noncertified sales we find that E[[P.sub.C]\X, Z] - E[[P.sub.NC]\X, Z,
NC = 1] = $81,932-$13,984 = $67,948, but the expected price for a random
horse in noncertified sales equals $108,049. Obviously, differences in
the value buyers place on observed attributes differs across the sales
and result in a reversal in order of the expected price in certified and
noncertified sales.
(41.) Because approximately 31% of the horses in our sample never
raced, we correct the regression for self-selection bias using whether
or not the sire ever raced to identify the selection equation. In the
participation equation, which is not reported here, we find that horses
sold in either certified or noncertified sales are more likely to race
than horses that were not sold. This result suggests that a portion of
the horses in our sample were bred for reasons other than racing.
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* We thank Alan Schlottmann and two anonymous referees for helpful
comments. We also thank Dotti Britt for competent research assistance.
All mistakes are ours alone.
Wimmer: Assistant Professor, University of Nevada Las Vegas, Las
Vegas, NV 89154-6005. Phone 1-702-895-3018, Fax 1-702-895-1354, E-mail
Chezum: Florence Irene Eggleston Associate Professor, St. Lawrence
University, Canton, NY 13617. Phone 1-315-229-5426, Fax 1-315-229-5819,