Transaction costs and coalition stability under majority rule.
Johnson, Ronald N. ; Libecap, Gary D.
Under a majority voting rule, representatives of specific political
districts must bargain with representatives of other districts to build
a coalition for enacting legislation that benefits their narrow
constituencies. But the theoretical public choice literature warns of
potential for unstable majorities. Minimum winning coalitions divide
program benefits just among their members, creating incentives for those
left out to entice defection by offering rewards to those who leave and
form a different coalition. As noted in Mueller (1989) new coalitions
emerge, undermining the old ones, leading to cyclical majorities,
short-term programs, and highly skewed distributions of program
benefits. (1) Despite these dire predictions, there is a general
consensus in the literature [such as Tullock (1981)] that programs are
more stable and allocations more equal than the theory suggests. (2)
In an effort to explain the discrepancy between prediction and
observation, researchers have pointed to institutional rules and
practices in Congress. For example, as stated in Shepsle and Weingast
(1981a) and Weingast and Marshall (1988), the committee system provides
a "structure-induced equilibrium" that limits the possible
range of vote trading and thereby helps maintain coalitions. Further,
Shepsle and Weingast (1981b), Miller and Oppenheimer (1982), and Collie (1988) argue that universalist sharing of program benefits enlarges the
winning coalition and extends its political support. (3)
In this article we offer additional evidence of broad, stable
sharing in many programs enacted by Congress by describing interstate
distributions from the Federal Highway Trusts Fund (HTF). The allocation
formula for the HTF was initiated in 1916, but despite wide divergence across the states in growth of various economic factors over the rest of
the twentieth century (such as vehicle registration and population) that
might have led to redirection of highway funds, there were comparatively
limited HTF allocation adjustments. Analysis of state receipts from the
HTF relative to tax payments into the fund reveals that some states
collect much more than they contribute, whereas others pay in more than
they receive. Even so, interstate ratios of HTF apportionments to
payments have remained stable across the years, varying less than
changes in highway use measures would suggest. Going beyond this
specific program, we examine overall federal expenditure and tax shares
among the states from 1975 to 1997 and show that there has been a
similar continuity in the interstate distribution of federal funds and
taxes. (4) As with the highway program, there is broad, stable sharing
of federal expenditures across the states, with some receiving more than
they contribute in taxes to the federal government.
To better understand this observed stability and use of relatively
egalitarian sharing rules and to go beyond existing explanations, we
emphasize the desire of politicians to minimize the high transaction
costs of negotiating and enforcing political coalitions. Politicians
have incentive to prevent unraveling of political agreements to avoid
the costs of searching for new coalition partners, reaching agreement on
the nature and distribution of program benefits and costs, and verifying
compliance. These activities detract from a legislator's ability to
address other voter concerns. Moreover, legislators seek to protect
constituent benefits accruing from long-term programs that would be lost
if coalitions unraveled. (5) Accordingly, we argue that politicians
assemble greater than minimum-sized coalitions to build broad political
support for their legislative programs, offering benefits to a larger
constituency in exchange for additional votes. Considerable negotiation
over the distribution of program benefits a nd costs may be required, so
that once agreements are reached, politicians will be loath to consider
a major reallocation that could undermine the coalition.
A group of politicians directly interested in specific legislation
may not be large enough to achieve enactment within the legislature.
Under those circumstances, coalition members must engage in additional
logrolling agreements with politicians interested in different
legislation to exchange votes and extend political support enough for
passage. This means that political coalitions can be far ranging,
involving politicians and constituencies interested in seemingly
unrelated legislation. Recognizing these linkages suggests the
additional hazards for legislators of attempting major ~x post
adjustments in specific program allocations. Changes in the nature and
distribution of benefits for one program due to a breakdown in the
initiating political coalition could undermine the basis for previous
logrolling agreements. Accordingly, politicians would have to not only
reassemble a coalition for the narrow program but also engage in new
logrolling agreements to sustain a revised program.
The article is organized as follows. The following section outlines
the history of the HTF and demonstrates stability of programmatic shares. Section III examines stability within overall federal
expenditures and taxes across the states, the SPEND/TAX ratios. Section
IV discusses the explanations provided in the existing literature and
then considers the importance of political transaction costs in
coalition formation. In the concluding remarks section, we consider the
implications program stability has for the performance of government and
efficiency assessments.
The earliest comprehensive federal involvement in funding highways
began with the Federal-Aid Road Act of 1916 (Pub. L. 64-355) and, five
years later, the Federal Highway Act of 1921 (Pub. L. 67-212). To
assemble political support for federal subsidies for road construction
and maintenance throughout the country, funded by federal excise taxes on fuel, political bargains had to be struck. Early formula rules agreed
to for distributing highway funds gave equal weight to state area,
population, and length of postal (mainly rural) routes. The formula
advantaged some states, so that other states paid more into the system
than they received. Between 1916 through 1998, the year of the last
major HTF legislation, there were periodic adjustments in the allocation
formula, but parts of the basic framework remained. Indeed, the same
formula was used for the first 40 years, between 1916 and 1956. (6) A
modification for the new interstate highway system to give more weight
to population and construction cost was added in 1956. (7) Other
adjustments were made 26 years later in 1982 to create a separate Mass
Transit Account, to ensure that states received no less than 85% of
their contribution to the HTF and to include vehicle miles in the
formula for distributing maintenance funds. (8) Some additional
modifications in the allocation formula were made between 1983 and 1998,
the year of the last major highway bill. (9) All in all, however, the
basic distribution arrangement appears to have been maintained. It has
provided a reliable flow of highway funds to constituents within each
political jurisdiction long after the initiating coalition members
passed from the scene.
To illustrate how this continuity was maintained, we examine two
periods when internal pressures within the coalition threatened the
basic allocation pattern: the inauguration of the interstate system and
creation of a large highway trust fund in 1956 and the near completion
of the interstate system in 1982 with a corresponding rise in political
demands to redirect funds to mass transit. The legislative histories of
these two HTF allocation adjustments reveal how modifications were made
in a manner that minimized disruption to status quo distributions and
thereby helped sustain the underlying political coalition for the
highway program.
The new federal interstate highway system and a dramatic increase
in annual federal expenditures from $25 million to $175 million under
the Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1956 brought an effort in Congress by
some legislators to give more weight to population and to add new
variables to the distribution formula to address shifting highway
"needs" across the states. This adjustment would have reduced
allocations to 31 states and increased it for 17. (10) During
congressional debate representatives of states such as California, New
Jersey, and Indiana that contributed more than they received (see Table
1) argued that the old allocation system had to be dropped to reflect
new conditions. Some, like Sen. Homer Capehart (IN), wanted emphasis on
construction costs: "I can see only one proper basis upon which to
arrive at a formula, and that is the number of miles and the number of
lanes times the actual cost" (Congressional Record--Senate, 28 May,
1956, 9070). Sen. Thomas Kuchel (CA) added: "We need to determine
the ba sis on which the Federal Government can pay the cost of the
construction. I argue that it is on the basis of need alone"
(Congressional Record--Senate, 28 May, 1956, 9077). But supporters of
the existing formula countered, emphasizing the ambiguity of need
measures and the risks of scrapping long-standing practices. Sen. Paul
Douglas (IL) asked: "If the allocations for the initial 2 years are
based upon the estimates of cost by the States, will not that furnish an
inducement for individual States to make their estimates of cost as high
as possible, because the higher the estimate, the greater the share of
the initial apportionment they will get?" (Congressional Record--
Senate, 28 May, 1956, 9077). Sen. Albert Gore (TN) added, "I say
that Congress cannot and must not start the distribution of the vast
sums involved in the bill in such a haphazard manner.... No perfect
formula can be devised. But the [existing] formula has the merit of
being the legal formula for the distribution of the taxpayers'
money. Moreo ver, it has the merit of having been tested and tried"
(Congressional Record-- Senate, 28 May, 1956, 9076). Sen. Robert Kerr (OK, a state that also contributed more than it received) asked,
"Why leave a stable foundation of operation for the precarious and
insecure situation in which 31 States would find themselves if they
abandoned it or permitted it to be taken away from them?" Kerr
referred to the proposed change as "revolutionary"
(Congressional Record-- Senate, 28 May, 1956, 9079, 9201). Finally, Sen.
Dennis Chavez (NM) emphasized the progress in highway construction that
had been made over the 40 years of the existing formula: "[T]he
Senator from Oklahoma is certainly correct when he says it is a tried
and proven formula. All the Senator from Connecticut has to do is to
turn around and look at the red lines on the map [completed federal
highways]. They illustrate what the formula has done"
(Congressional Record-- Senate, 28 May, 1956, 9080). The Senate
Committee on Public Works also emphasized the polit ical risks to the
highway program of replacing the old formula:
[E]ach State's share would depend in large measure upon its
ability to convince the Bureau of Public Roads of the accuracy of its
estimates. Whatever may be said about the efficiency of distribution of
Federal funds on the basis of need, the committee considers it contrary
to the public interest to initiate a policy of distributing Federal
funds on the basis of what each State claims it needs (U.S. Senate,
Committee on Public Works, 1956, 3).
The ex post inclusion of "need" variables into the
highway allocation formula not only could have brought political
disputes over definition and measurement, as the Senate committee
suggested, but it would have resulted in lower weight being assigned on
the previous allocation variables and hence led to a redistribution of
program funds. This reallocation was explicitly addressed in the Senate
debate. It seems clear that both factors could have undermined the
political coalition that created the federal highway program. The Senate
defeated the proposed replacement of the old formula to one based on
needs, 55 to 27, with 13 abstaining (Congressional Record--Senate, 29
May, 1956, 9203). In conference committee with the House, the old
formula was kept but modified to raise the weight given to population
from one-third to one-half with a provision for construction costs to be
considered only for allocating funds used in completing the interstate
highway system, beginning in 1960. Funds for federal primary and se
condary highways continued to be allocated according to the 1916 formula
(Congressional Record--Senate, 26 June, 1956, 10964).
Political pressure rose again for adjustment in the allocation
formula in 1982 as the interstate highway system neared completion. This
milestone was an important goal of the original political coalition, and
after it was achieved, support for the highway program from
representatives of states that contributed more than they received began
to erode. Legislators from California, Texas, and Florida (all
"donor" states, Table 1) called for an equity adjustment in
the allocation formula. Rep. Bill Archer (TX) argued: "I recognize
that there is a need for an Interstate System ... but certainly over a
20-year period, when the State of Texas has received less than
three-quarters of the money that it has paid in, there is a gross
inequity" (Congressional Record--House, 6 December, 1982, 28914).
(11) But Rep. James Howard (NJ, a net donor state at least through 1973)
[I]n developing this hill we did find that there is and has been
throughout the history of the highway trust fund a discrepancy between
the amount of money that certain States may contribute into the highway
trust fund and the amount of money that they may receive. ... [T]here
was a national need for a major interstate highway network across the
country.... We cannot balance that out one to one. Otherwise we will
have 50 separate highway situations in the country, good roads in one
State and poor roads in another State.... We need a national highway
system, we need good roads in every State, it we are going to have
commerce and safety in our transportation. And so we have to consider
having a good national highway system. And if it is going to cost some
States, like my own State, to have my people in New Jersey have safe,
decent, good, efficient roads when they travel to other States, that is
the way I would like it (Congressional Record--House, 6 December, 1982,
28912, 28913, 28916).
Howard warned his colleagues against focusing too narrowly on how
they were treated in the highway accounts when they were
disproportionately benefited in other national programs. In the big
picture, allocation adjustments in one dimension could require changes
elsewhere that they might not want to consider:
If we are going to talk about giving back, getting back everything
we give, we could talk to the State of Texas and ask them how much of
the billions of dollars in the Federal Space program that goes into
Texas would they like to share with New Jersey and some of the other
States, or how many of our farm States would like to share money from
the farm program (Congressional Record--House, 6 December, 1982, 28916,
emphasis added).
The issue was resolved by increasing the gasoline tax by five cents
per gallon to fund a Mass Transit Account (one cent of the increase) and
to guarantee that no state would receive less than 85% of its
contribution to the HTF. Because both changes were funded out of the new
revenue from the tax increase, Rep. Howard could claim that "this
is an amendment that helps several States and hurts no state"
(Congressional Record--House, 6 December, 1982, 28913, emphasis added).
No redistributions were required, and the highway coalition was
maintained. Additional logrolling trades involving diverse issues were
made through amendments to the 1982 highway bill that extended U.S.
unemployment benefits, required states to allow much heavier trucks on
federal highways, granted tax deductions for conventions on U.S. cruise
ships, gave tax benefits for California utilities, and mandated funds
from various other trust funds for reforestation, airport
appropriations, boat safety, and fisheries development (Congressional
Quar terly, Almanac, 97th Congress, 2nd Session, 1982, 315-22). These
amendments illustrate the logrolling trades that were part of enacting
major highway legislation.
Other transfers from the HTF were made by legislation passed in
1990 and 1993 to reduce the federal deficit. Importantly, these
transfers involved across-the-board cuts and not in changes in the
interstate allocation formula. In this way, status quo positions
remained, as all states shared in the transfer according to the
allocation formula. The Omnibus Budget Reallocation Act of 1990 (P.L.
101-508) temporarily raised the gasoline tax by five cents per gallon
with half of the resulting revenues directed to the General Fund of the
Treasury. Another fuel tax increase of 4.3 cents per gallon was enacted
effective 1 October 1993, by the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of
1993 (P.L. 103-66) with the entire amount of the increase directed to
the U.S. Treasury. As political pressure to reduce the deficit waned,
however, members of Congress lobbied for the return of diverted highway
tax funds to the HTF. The Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997 (P.L. 105-34)
redirected the 4.3-cent tax that had been going to the Treasury ba ck to
the HTF effective 1 October 1997. This action underscores the importance
politicians have assigned to maintaining a comparatively consistent
stream of constituent benefits from the HTF.
Table 1 shows the ratio of the amount each state received from the
HTF's Highway Account relative to its excise tax contributions to
the fund for the periods 1956-73 and 1956-97. (12) The size of the
numerator is determined by the allocation formula. Also included in the
numerator are smaller amounts of discretionary funds within the HTF that
congressional committees allocate to the states. (13) The denominator is
based on a state's contribution from taxes on highway motor fuel,
truck tires, sales of trucks and trailers, and heavy vehicle use. The
table reveals the broad sharing in the benefits of the highway program
that occurred over the years, including even remote states, like Alaska
and Hawaii, that might not obviously be part of an interstate highway
system. The table also shows that some states, such as Alaska (with a
ratio of 6.69 for the entire period 1956-97), Hawaii, Montana, West
Virginia, Rhode Island, and Vermont, experienced exceptionally high
returns from the HTF, whereas other states, such as California,
Oklahoma, North Carolina, Texas, and Michigan, contributed more than
they received.
The basic distribution of highway funds was determined when the
initial highway coalition was assembled. As the legislative histories
presented indicate, once the coalition was established to create a
national highway system politicians were reluctant to fundamentally
change the interstate distribution of funds. As a result, the ratios of
apportionments to taxes presented in Table 1 should be stable across
time. An immediate problem that has to be resolved is the selection of
the statistical technique to examine stability. Although the term
stability implies stability over time, there are two dimensions to this
problem. First, there is the issue of whether the means and variances of
the ratios have changed over time. If the underlying distributions have
changed, that would indicate that the allocation scheme has changed.
Failure to find a significant change, however, does not imply stability
of individual state shares, because winners can replace losers while the
underlying distribution remains unaltered. Thu s the second issue
revolves around the stability of states' shares over time.
Table 2 provides descriptive statistics for the HTF for each year
in the sample, from 1974 to 1997. (14) The mean apportionment/tax ratio
for each year is substantially above unity, reflecting the fact that
many states enjoy an advantage in the allocation of funds. It is also
readily apparent that the distribution of the ratios is highly skewed to
the right in each year of the sample for the same reason. Tests for the
equality of the means of the ratios in each year yields an F-statistic
of 0.189, degrees of freedom (23, 1,176). The critical value at the 5%
level is 1.76, thus we cannot reject equality for the ratio means. A
Brown and Forsythe test for the equality of the variances between the
series yields a statistic of 0.231, and this measure fails to reject
equality of the variances. Other tests were performed, such as excluding
Alaska and Hawaii from the sample and testing for a break in the sample
with the introduction of the Mass Transit Account in 1982. (15) Taken
collectively, however, these tests co nsistently indicate that the
underlying HTF distributions reflected in the apportionment/tax ratios
have remained stable over time. (16)
A problem with only examining the stability of the underlying
distributions is that they may remain stable over time even if state
shares are fluctuating widely from year to year. A simple yet direct
test of stability is to examine whether the past is a good predictor of
the future. We conducted a variety of tests employing that concept.
Consider first the premise that changes to the allocation formulas,
although numerous, have amounted to largely fine-tuning. If so, the
earlier formulas should be good predictors of more recent allocations.
The original 1916 highway formula as codified in 1921 apportioned funds
on the following basis:
One-third in the ratio which the area of each State bears to the
total area of all the States; one-third in the ratio which the
population of each State bears to the total population of all the
States, as shown by the latest available Federal census; one-third in
the ratio which the mileage of rural delivery routes and star routes in
each State to the total mileage of rural delivery and star routes in all
the states at the close of the next preceding fiscal year, as shown by
certificate of the Post-master General. (Pub. L. 67-217)
To update the 1921 formula we used data on population and land area
from the Statistical Abstract of the United States. Treating star routes
as essentially the equivalent of today's rural interstate highways
and adding that mileage to a state's own system of rural highways
provides a comparable mileage measure. (17) Consider, for example, how
well the 1921 allocation formula predicts the share of each state's
1997 allocations from the HTF. The regression results are
Apportionment Share, 1997
= 0.002 + 0.90 * Allocation Formula (1921), (0.70) (7.58)
with t-statistics in parentheses; number of observations = 50,
R-squared = 0.54. Clearly, the 1921 allocation formula doesn't
provide a perfect fit, but the coefficient on the allocation formula is
highly significant and close to unity. Moreover, the regression includes
Alaska and Hawaii and neither were states in 1921. Dropping those two
states increases R-squared term to 0.72.
Alternately, if past shares predict future shares, that is prima
facie evidence of stability. Let the dependent variable be the
state's average apportionment/tax ratio over the period 1974-97,
and the explanatory variable equal the state's average ratio over
the period 1956-73, as shown in Table 1. The regression results are
Apportionment/Tax [Ratio.sub.i] (1974-97)
= 0.34 + 0.70 * Apportionment/Tax [Ratio.sub.i] (1956-73), (4.76)
with t-statistics in parentheses; number of observations = 50,
R-squared = 0.87.
The high R-squared term and high t-statistic for the coefficient on
the explanatory variable indicate that the past is a good predictor, and
stability is implied. The coefficient on the apportionment/tax ratio
(1956-73) is less than unity, suggesting that some changes in the
allocation scheme have occurred. The legislative histories of
congressional debate over the distribution formula show that there was
political pressure for gradual modification to direct funds to more
populous states with growing highway demands. As a consequence, some
states, such as Alaska, experienced a decline in their ratios.
Additional testing revealed, however, that for the majority of states
there was no statistically significant trend in their ratios.
Moreover, consistent with the results, the apportionments received
by each of the states have not been very sensitive to changes in key
economic variables, such as motor vehicle registrations, that reflect
highway use or need. To see this, we regressed the log of annual
apportionments by state from 1974 to 1997 against the log of motor
vehicle registration, controlling for individual state effects: (18)
= 0.02 [LogMotorVehicleRegis.sub.ij] (1.57)
with t-statistics in parentheses; number of observations = 1,200,
R-squared = 0.90. Although total apportionments expanded almost 40% in
real terms over the 24-year period, a state's apportionments from
the HTF were not elastic with respect to motor vehicle registration.
(19) The estimated elasticity for apportionments with respect to motor
vehicle registrations is close to zero and is not statistically
significant. Of course it would be difficult for large states to
experience substantial shifts because they are constrained by the
aggregate size of the fund, but that, too, speaks to the stability of
allocations from federal programs. Once the highway program was agreed
to, it is evident that only minor manipulation of HTF distributions took
We have just examined the federal highway program, which has
provided broad, stable shares of highway funds across the states since
it was inaugurated in 1916. The funds have been disbursed through
formulas that have not been drastically changed, even though the states
have had divergent growth patterns in population and vehicle miles.
Examination of aggregate federal expenditures and taxes across the
states also reveals similar stability.
Consider Table 3, which shows the ratio of the amount of federal
spending on all programs in each state divided by the amount of federal
taxes collected in the state for the years 1975 and 1997. At first
glance, there appears to be considerable variation in the SPEND/TAX
ratios, and some states have experienced substantial shifts in their
rankings over time. Nevertheless, the simple correlation coefficient between the ratios for 1975 and 1997 is 0.74. The correlation
coefficient using state rankings is 0.79. These results imply
considerable continuity in overall federal tax and expenditure patterns
over time. (20)
Other evidence besides the SPEND/TAX ratios reveals legislative
stability. The analysis of congressional roll call voting by Poole and
Rosenthal (1997) reveals that despite the wide array of issues faced by
legislators over the past 200 years, voting records are remarkably
stable and predictable along one or two dimensions. Long-term variables,
such as party and urban/rural constituencies, appear to limit a
politician's ability to switch coalitions. (21) Similarly, Peacock
and Wiseman (1961) and Higgs (1987) have noted that once government
programs were enacted in response to crises, they endured long after the
crises have passed.
There is convincing evidence of universalist sharing and stability
in the ratios of receipts to tax payments across the states for the
highway program and more broadly in aggregate federal allocations and
taxes. These conditions are inconsistent with predictions of cycling
majorities in legislative coalitions and corresponding fluctuation in
the distribution of program benefits and costs. Awareness of the
potential for intransitivity of social choice under majority rule dates,
at least, to the work of Marquis de Condorcet in the late eighteenth
century. He showed that an equilibrium may be nonexistent if a committee
uses majority rules to choose from among a set of alternatives. The
search for conditions that would yield a stable outcome has been one of
the most intensely explored areas in public choice.
There are a number of factors that could encourage compliance with
political agreements and thereby limit coalition defection and vote
cycling. One is the value of a legislator's reputation for
adherence. Presumably, if a legislator violated coalition agreements, he
or she would not be viewed as trustworthy in negotiations and hence not
included in political bargains. Exclusion could be costly to the
politician's constituents because they would not share in program
benefits if the legislation were written around them. A politician
considering defection, then, would have to weigh the costs to his
constituents of a damaged reputation with the benefits of joining a new
coalition. If the new coalition can be formed at low cost and the
redistribution is significant, then it is conceivable that the
constituent gains from defection could outweigh the losses of membership
in fewer future coalitions. Hence, the role of a politician's
reputation in maintaining coalition stability is not obvious. A test of
the empirical importance of reputation as a constraint on behavior is
provided by examination of the votes of lame-duck politicians relative
to those facing reelection. It would seem that maintaining a reputation
would be less important for lame ducks and that they might behave
opportunistically, voting for one-time gains for their constituents
through defection or for programs that satisfied their individual
ideological tastes. However, research on the behavior of last-period
legislators does not reveal significant shifts in their voting patterns
(shirking). (22) Accordingly, although reputation may play a role in
maintaining coalitions, its theoretical and empirical contribution is
Legislative rules that protect committee proposals from alternation also could inhibit cycling. As described in Shepsle and Weingast
(1981a), Gilligan and Krehbiel (1987), and Weingast and Marshall (1988),
these rules grant committee chairs and members agenda-controlling powers
that favor their preferences over those of the entire legislature.
Because committee members tend to be more homogenous than the
legislature as a whole, signaled-peaked preferences, coupled with the
gate-keeping actions of committee chairs, could provide stability within
the committee. There remains, however, the problem of enforcing
agreements once legislation reaches the broader legislature. To secure
passage in the entire chamber, committee members must engage in
logrolling trades with other politicians. But as we have noted,
logrolling coalitions are themselves subject to competitive unraveling.
What, then, enforces those agreements?
Political reputations and committee structures appear to be only
part of the solution to the potential problem of cycling. We emphasize
legislative design for universalist sharing of program benefits. Broad
programmatic sharing expands the size of the constituent group that has
a stake in the legislation and reduces the incentive of politicians to
defect from the coalition. If the transaction costs of reassembling
coalitions were very low, then universalist sharing would not be
important, at least for maintaining agreements. If cycling occurred,
coalitions could be restructured quickly, dropping some politicians and
their constituents while adding others. (23) Under these circumstances,
cycling would be associated with narrowly shared but repeatedly shifting
benefit allocations. By contrast, if the transactions costs of searching
for new coalition partners, negotiating the distribution of program
benefits and costs, and monitoring compliance are high and if
constituents demand long-term stable benefits, then universalist sharing
becomes important for stability. Furthermore, once broad distributions
are agreed to, politicians will be reluctant to adjust them in an
important way because of the threat of undermining the coalition
Avoiding cycling is not the motivation for universalism described
in some of the key papers on the issue. Weingast (1979) and Shepsle and
Weingast (1981b) argue that universal coalitions are preferred by
legislators because of uncertainty regarding the makeup of the winning
coalition. Because no politician can be sure of membership, a more
inclusive group is desired. Miller and Oppenheimer (1982) assert that
fairness norms lead to more general sharing than would result from
formation of a minimum winning coalition. Glazer and McMillan (1992)
make a more direct linkage between stability and universal sharing. They
argue that narrow proposals appealing to a bare majority are especially
vulnerable to amendments and hence are subject to costly renegotiation.
Proposals that offer some benefits to a larger majority are less likely
to be amended and are more stable and productive for constituents.
Congleton and Tollison (1999) also note that uniform benefits to all
voters increase stability. Broader coalitions raise the transaction
costs of redistribution and reduce the incentive to change the status
quo. They argue that inclusion of a transaction costs parameter in
redistribution games can prevent cycling. In their framework, when the
transaction costs parameter is sufficiently low, cycling may continue,
resulting in a downward spiral and increased rent dissipation. (24)
These articles are instructive, but they do not develop the
importance of transaction costs as an incentive for stability to the
degree described here, nor do they place the discussion into the context
of an actual legislative setting, such as the HTF. Transaction cost
analysis entails more than simply introducing a per-unit charge for each
coalition formation. As the HTF case reveals, transaction costs are
complex and far reaching in their influence on politicians and political
behavior. Indeed, as North (1990) emphasized, transaction costs and
efforts to reduce them shape the institutions (rules of the game) we
observe in actual practice.
The notion of endless cycling ignores the cost to politicians of
repeatedly forming and reforming coalitions. It also neglects the
opportunity costs of failed coalitions and the loss of related
government programs that bring valuable benefits to constituents. If
transaction costs are positive, and they most assuredly are, endless
cycling would at some point have to bankrupt legislators and government
programs. Politicians would have to spend their time contacting,
negotiating, and monitoring agreements, with little or no time to serve
constituents. Furthermore, the associated instability inherent in
cycling would suggest that legislation involving long-term programs and
allocations could never be enacted. With negative-sum redistribution
games, welfare would be reduced as resources were continually used both
by politicians in negotiation and renegotiation and by constituents in
repeatedly adjusting to program instability. VanDoren's (1991)
analysis of the complex political process underlying the development a
nd implementation of U.S. energy policy between 1945 and 1976
illustrates the immense amount of work that legislators must do to forge
and maintain programs desired by multiple constituents. Benefits and
costs must be balanced in determining agendas, investing political
support, and trading votes. They would not want to create extra conflict
for themselves by routinely defecting from beneficial coalitions that
had been costly to assemble.
Accordingly, our explanation for programmatic stability focuses on
the high political and resource costs of allowing legislative deals to
collapse. Coalitions do not fail in isolation. Because agreement among
politicians directly concerned with a narrow program may not carry
enough votes for passage, logrolling exchanges with politicians
interested in other legislation are required. The basis for these
trades, however, are placed at risk with any significant adjustment in
program distributions. Tullock's (1981, 195) observation that
"congressional boodle is passed around more or less equally,"
across political jurisdictions within the United States is germane. The
comparatively egalitarian outcome reflected in the SPEND/TAX ratios
presented in Table 3 is the result of many logrolling exchanges where
stable coalition formation requires assembling political support among
many politicians and their constituents. (25) The individual programs
that make up the aggregate SPEND/TAX ratios need not (and likely do not)
benefit all states in the same portion as the aggregate ratios.
Constituencies and demands vary across political jurisdictions. But
individual programs are enacted as part of broader vote trades and
logrolling so that no states are entirely left out. In this manner, all
politicians have an interest in the maintenance of the various programs
because their success affects the endurance of coalitions for other
legislation. Accordingly, efforts to change, say, agricultural programs
must not only confront the congressional committee structure that
Shepsle and Weingast (1981a) point to as a stabilizing influence but
also all other politicians who participated in logrolling exchanges in
the general legislature that involved agricultural legislation. Because
of these far-reaching effects of coalition breakdown and the associated
costs of reassembling new agreements across many legislative interests,
politicians will resist major changes in programmatic sharing.
Transaction costs and universalist distributions provide a
different explanation for the observed crisis/ratchet phenomena in the
growth of government programs. Higgs (1987) argues that these ratchets
reflect shifts in ideology among voters toward greater acceptance of
government intervention during a crisis and subsequent interest group
dependence on transfers. These factors may play a role, but they do not
consider the political bargaining underlying the adoption and possible
elimination of government programs. Responding to new legislative
demands during a crisis involves political agreements and logrolling
trades among many politicians. Universalist sharing to build broad
coalitions suggests that a crisis will lead to an increase in
expenditures, possibly accompanied by new programs, so that all
political jurisdictions benefit. The response to the crisis will not be
allowed to upset the status quo SPEND/TAX rankings by having only a few
political jurisdictions receive the bulk of new spending. The expansi on
of New Deal government programs in the 1930s appears to be consistent
with this view. (26) Once coalitions are assembled, there will be
resistance to program cuts that threaten benefit streams. Any adopted
reductions will be spread across politicians and constituents, rather
than rely upon elimination of a few programs. In this way, there will be
universalist sharing in the reductions and a maintenance of the general
distribution of government benefits. (27) The high transaction costs of
changing major policies when there is broad sharing explains
North's (1990) observation that institutional change involving
legislation takes place only incrementally without the wide swings
suggested by cyclical legislative majorities.
Despite the near completion of the interstate highway network by
the late 1970s and changing demands that emphasized urban transit
systems, allocations from the HTF have been remarkably stable. A
standard of stability is whether the past is a good predictor of the
present. In the case of HTF allocations, aggregate state HTF
apportionment/tax ratios for 1956-73 are significant predictors of
1974-97 state ratios. Furthermore, comparing the stability of state
apportionments from the period 1974-97 to a relevant measure of highway
use, motor vehicle registration, reveals that state apportionments have
not been elastic to changes in vehicle registration. Although HTF
apportionments expanded by almost 40% in real terms between 1974 and
1997, the estimated elasticity for apportionments with respect to motor
vehicle registration is close to zero and not statistically significant.
Hence, the apportionment series appears quite stable and is not
responsive to shifts in a major highway use variable. Political factors
det ermined the allocation scheme, and politicians have been reluctant
to importantly change interstate distributions.
We argue that the high transaction costs of coalition formation and
maintenance contribute to program stability and that the opportunity
costs of allowing logrolling exchanges to collapse induces members of
Congress to avoid major programmatic changes associated with cycling
majorities. Though we do not provide a direct test of this hypothesis,
HTF changes have been minor and incremental. (28) The general continuity
of all federal distributions over time is revealed in the aggregate
SPEND/TAX ratios from the period 1975-97. There is no evidence of
cycling. If cycling were to occur, it is more likely to take place in
very small programs where the overall egalitarian sharing constraint
does not matter much. The readjustment in other programs if the
coalition surrounding a small program were to collapse could be minimal,
and the logrolls that brought it about would be of little consequence to
most legislators. In contrast, if the coalition surrounding a major
program were to fail, the egalitarian constraint impl ies that either a
new program must be assembled quickly to take its place or that a
significant reallocation of all distributions must occur. Given the high
transaction costs involved, the latter seems unlikely.
Consideration of transaction costs in coalition negotiation and
enforcement makes it more difficult to draw clear efficiency conclusions
regarding government programs. Although the allocation rules adopted by
Congress to preserve long-term political coalitions serve well the
objectives of the elected members, they can generate outcomes that have
little semblance to what most economists would consider efficient. But
high costs for reaching an agreement, high policing costs, and the
interrelated nature of logrolling exchanges constrain program changes,
even as underlying demands change. For these reasons, the rules Congress
adopts for allocating funds will generate outcomes that reflect
heterogenous demands and side payments, rather than the expenditure of
funds in a benefit- and cost-effective manner. (29) The alternative to
such programmatic sharing rules could be an inability to reach any
stable agreement on long-term constituent programs.
To illustrate the nature of the problem, those who have examined
universalistic distributions, such as Weingast et al. (1981) and Inman
and Rubinfeld (1997), have commented on the apparent inefficiency of
such program allocations. But if minimizing the transaction costs of
coalition formation and maintenance in an effort to ensure long-term
constituent benefits is a motivation for broad sharing rules, then these
inefficiency conclusions may be inappropriate. (30) Clearly, transaction
costs in politics are positive, and we should not expect outcomes in
either the market place or the political arena to lie along the same
frontier as they would in the absence of these costs. Consideration of
transaction costs, however, does not imply that outcomes examined on the
basis of their apparent costs and benefits are of no value. Rather, it
suggests that institutional change that would remedy the situation may
be too costly to achieve.
In the empirical case at hand, a study by U.S. General Accounting
Office (1995, 21-24) reported that certain factors, such as rural
population and highway mileage factors, used to allocate highway funds
across the states were irrelevant or outdated and called for
apportionments to be more reflective of a state's contribution to
the HTF. As we have argued, although allocating funds to the states
based on their contributions would seemingly yield the highest economic
return, such criteria would not generate the political consensus
necessary to achieve a national highway program.
The allocation rules for the HTF also conflict with those who have
argued that user taxes and formula earmarking, as in the case of the
federal excise tax on gasoline, are a means of generating more efficient
outcomes. Teja (1991, 13-26) suggests that earmarked allocations are
adopted to avoid perverse outcomes possible under general fund
financing. (31) Our analysis suggests that the real motivation is the
need to build political coalitions and maintain them. As such, any
direct cost-benefit gains, in the traditional sense, may be little more
than coincidental.
Ratios of Approtionments to Tax Payments, HTF
Cumulative Cumulative
State 1956-73 1956-97
Alabama 1.15 1.11
Alaska 8.86 6.69
Arizona 1.48 1.17
Arkansas 0.89 0.99
California 0.84 0.95
Colorado 1.16 1.31
Connecticut 1.22 1.79
Delaware 1.31 1.50
Florida 0.66 0.89
Georgia 0.82 0.92
Hawaii 3.06 3.78
Idaho 1.59 1.72
Illinois 1.10 1.11
Indiana 0.80 0.87
Iowa 0.93 1.14
Kansas 0.91 1.10
Kentucky 1.16 1.06
Louisiana 1.42 1.23
Maine 1.12 1.15
Maryland 1.14 1.45
Massachusetts 1.06 1.72
Michigan 0.85 0.90
Minnesota 1.18 1.26
Mississippi 1.07 0.99
Missouri 0.96 0.95
Montana 2.69 2.37
Nebraska 0.97 1.14
Nevada 2.08 1.51
New Hampshire 1.40 1.40
New Jersey 0.82 1.02
New Mexico 1.64 1.34
New York 0.98 1.22
North Carolina 0.60 0.86
North Dakota 1.95 1.96
Ohio 1.01 0.92
Oklahoma 0.80 0.86
Oregon 1.43 1.21
Pennsylvania 0.97 1.15
Rhode Island 1.55 2.22
South Carolina 0.77 0.88
South Dakota 1.95 1.97
Tennessee 1.11 0.98
Texas 0.77 0.85
Utah 2.13 1.58
Vermont 2.70 2.13
Virginia 1.21 1.12
Washington 1.32 1.55
West Virginia 2.30 1.99
Wisconsin 0.70 0.90
Wyoming 2.97 1.91
Total 1.04 1.12
Source: Highway Statistics, Table FE-221.
Descriptive Statistics for the Apportionment/Tax Ratios
1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981
Mean 1.44 1.40 1.41 1.29 1.33 1.40 1.38 1.37
Median 1.13 1.12 1.18 1.06 1.15 1.08 1.15 1.16
Maximum 11.08 9.62 9.91 6.13 7.23 8.41 7.76 7.29
Minimum 0.60 0.60 0.69 0.52 0.58 0.49 0.56 0.58
SD 1.48 1.28 1.30 0.87 0.98 1.22 1.07 1.01
Skewness 5.69 5.49 5.69 3.83 4.53 4.18 4.47 4.28
1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989
Mean 1.39 1.31 1.29 1.27 1.26 1.29 1.31 1.32
Median 1.10 1.06 1.10 1.07 1.12 1.06 1.07 0.99
Maximum 6.41 5.63 4.46 4.22 4.13 5.02 6.66 6.80
Minimum 0.57 0.66 0.73 0.69 0.69 0.72 0.65 0.62
SD 0.97 0.82 0.68 0.70 0.65 0.78 0.97 1.09
Skewness 3.38 3.38 2.76 2.65 2.60 3.08 3.83 3.67
1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997
Mean 1.32 1.27 1.32 1.29 1.23 1.24 1.27 1.23
Median 0.94 0.94 0.99 1.02 1.00 0.98 1.03 0.98
Maximum 6.55 4.16 6.92 5.61 5.31 5.93 5.20 4.62
Minimum 0.53 0.69 0.71 0.66 0.66 0.52 0.74 0.81
SD 1.09 0.83 1.04 0.91 0.79 0.80 0.73 0.65
Skewness 3.35 2.29 4.06 3.43 3.43 4.21 3.40 3.26
Aggregate SPEND/TAX Ratios for 1975 and 1997
1975 1997
State Ratio Rank Ratio Rank
Alaska 2.44 1 1.44 8
New Mexico 1.93 2 1.94 1
Mississippi 1.76 3 1.61 3
Hawaii 1.58 4 1.50 6
Washington 1.40 5 0.98 31
North Dakota 1.35 6 1.66 2
Utah 1.35 7 1.02 27
Virginia 1.34 8 1.50 5
Alabama 1.34 9 1.38 12
Arizona 1.31 10 1.09 23
South Dakota 1.29 11 1.35 14
Montana 1.28 12 1.49 7
Idaho 1.25 13 1.16 19
Arkansas 1.24 14 1.32 15
Oklahoma 1.22 15 1.40 9
West Virginia 1.21 16 1.60 4
Kentucky 1.21 17 1.37 13
Wyoming 1.21 18 1.13 22
Maryland 1.20 19 1.31 16
Colorado 1.20 20 0.91 37
South Carolina 1.19 21 1.23 17
Vermont 1.17 22 0.98 32
Louisiana 1.16 23 1.38 11
Georgia 1.16 24 0.99 30
Tennessee 1.13 25 1.16 20
Maine 1.12 26 1.38 10
California 1.11 27 0.93 35
Missouri 1.10 28 1.23 18
Texas 1.03 29 0.99 29
Florida 1.00 30 1.06 24
New Hampshire 1.00 31 0.72 47
North Carolina 0.98 32 1.03 26
Kansas 0.98 33 0.96 34
Nevada 0.96 34 0.74 46
Massachusetts 0.95 35 0.91 39
Oregon 0.94 36 0.92 36
Rhode Island 0.92 37 1.14 21
Connecticut 0.92 38 0.67 50
New York 0.89 39 0.84 41
Pennsylvania 0.87 40 1.01 28
Nebraska 0.84 41 0.97 33
Minnesota 0.83 42 0.76 44
Indiana 0.73 43 0.89 40
Wisconsin 0.73 44 0.80 43
Illinois 0.72 45 0.70 48
Ohio 0.70 46 0.91 38
Iowa 0.69 47 1.03 25
Delaware 0.66 48 0.80 42
New Jersey 0.66 49 0.67 49
Michigan 0.65 50 0.75 45
Source: Statistical Abstract of the United States 1978, Table 433, 267,
and Statistical Abstract of the United States 1999, Table 555, 356.
Notes: SPEND is the amount of Federal spending within the borders of a
state, including expenditures on defense. TAX represents the amount of
federal tax revenue collected from or apportion to each state.
(1.) For summaries, see Enelow (1997) and Rae and Schickler (1997)
on cycling and majority rule.
(2.) Only limited empirical analyses on the extent of cycling have
been undertaken. Stratmann (1996) offers the most detailed examination.
He provides evidence of stable collective choices in Congress regarding
pork barrel expenditures at the congressional district level from 1985
through 1990. Our analysis covers a much longer time period.
(3.) Collie defines universalistic voting as those votes where at
least 90% of the voting members vote in the same direction. Our emphasis
in this article, however, is on the share of distributive benefits.
(4.) In his study of pork barrel expenditures by the U.S. Army
Corps of Engineers, Ferejohn (1974) finds distributional patterns
similar to those described for the HTF in the text. He also (193-94)
notes strong, stable congressional support for the HTF maintained
through the distribution of rewards. With regard to Corps of Engineers
projects (237-40, 246-47) he describes stable winning coalitions that
were larger than a bare majority. These coalitions were assembled via a
complex series of bargains and logrolling trades among members of many
congressional committees. Within the coalition there was broad sharing
of Corps of Engineers expenditures, so that all parties developed a
stake in the associated legislation.
(5.) See Hall (1987) for a discussion of how members of the House
of Representatives have an almost unlimited range of demands on their
time and are constantly seeking ways to better allocate their time.
(6.) A provision for ensuring that no state received less than 0.5%
of annual apportionments was added early in 1921 and maintained through
(7.) Although highway funds had been collected and distributed by
the federal government since 1916, the separate HTF was created in 1956
by the Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1956 (Pub. L. 70-627). Federal-aid
primary and secondary roads received apportionments according to the
past formula. The interstate system included cost of completion
variables and a provision that no state receive less than 0.75% of
annual apportionments.
(8.) The 85% figure was raised to 90% for 1990 and 90.5% in 1998.
(9.) For an outline of the apportionment formulas across time, see
U.S. Department of Transportation, Highway Statistics, various years. A
history of the HTF and description of the various user taxes can be
found in U.S. Department of Transportation (1998, 1999, 31-35).
(10.) See statement by Sen. Robert Kerr (OK) in Congressional
Record--Senate, 28 May, 1956, 9079.
(11.) For statements from legislators from other donor states, see
also pages 28884 and 28915.
(12.) These ratios are generally referred to as donor/donee ratios,
although they actually reflect the ratio of apportionments to excise tax
payments. States that contribute more than they receive back are
referred to as donor states. The last row in Table 1, labeled Total,
shows the ratio for the fund as a whole. Because there are years when
the HTF pays out less than it takes in and other years when the opposite
is the case, the state observations for each year are normalized by
dividing each state's ratio by the total ratio for that year.
(13.) For a discussion of how these discretionary funds are used to
influence votes on highway bills, see Evans (1994).
(14.) Annual state-level ratio data are apparently available only
from 1974 on. We searched data bases for the Federal Highway
Administration and contacted the National Transportation Library but
located no additional data. As indicated in the table the distribution
of the apportionment/tax ratios is skewed to the right because many
states, such as Alaska, Hawaii, Montana, West Virginia, Vermont, and
Wyoming, have received much more than they have contributed to the
highway trust fund for the political reasons we describe in the text.
For these states the ratios are above one. There is no reason to believe
that the ratios would be distributed normally. The table also reveals
that the skewness has gradually declined over time. As we point out in
the text, states that have benefited and received more than they have
paid into the HTF have had to give up some trust fund allocations to
more urban states that historically had ratios below unity. Even so, the
overall distributions have not changed substantially, and we cannot
reject equality of the means.
(15.) We also examined whether using the tax/apportionment ratio
instead of the apportionment/tax ratio affected our results. It did not.
The Brown and Forsythe test for the equality of the variances of the
tax/apportionment ratios yielded a statistic of 0.798.
(16.) Stratmann (1996) proposed a unique test for cycling.
Essentially, if there is substantial variance in allocations/outcomes on
a periodic basis relative to the variance of the allocations, summed up
over the entire period, that could be indicative of cyclical majorities.
The underlying notion is that cycling generates stark differences
between winners and losers in the short run, but over the long run the
returns average out. A variant of his test as applied to the
apportionment/tax ratios is to first compute the coefficients of
variations for each year, sum these up, and then divide by 24. This
provides an average measure of the amount of variation occurring
annually. This measure can then be compared to the coefficient of
variation derived by first computing the average ratio for each state
over the 24-year period, and then obtaining the mean and standard
deviation of these average ratios. Using the apportionment/tax ratios of
the HTF, the coefficient of variation for the former measure is 0.713,
and t he latter, 0.655. Although these results can not reject cycling,
there is little difference between the two measures.
(17.) Data on milage by state are from U.S. Department of
Transportation, Highway Statistics (1997, Table HM-20).
(18.) In addition to state fixed effects, state individual rhos
were estimated and used to correct for auto correlation. The
apportionment figures were deflated using the Consumer Price Index.
(19.) Inclusion of a trend variable does not affect the results.
Moreover, if the individual state effects are dropped from the
regression the R-squared term drops to 0.20, suggesting that motor
vehicle registrations alone are not a good predictor of apportionments.
(20.) Although there is evidence of redistribution, from higher to
lower income states as noted by Peltzman (1985), the allocation of
federal funds is far more broad based than the simple game theory models
(21.) Poole and Rosenthal's contention that members of
Congress vote along one or two dimensions that reflect mainly ideology
has not gone unchallenged. Heckman and Snyder (1997) argue that the
number of the dimensions is somewhat larger and reflects issue-specific
attributes of Congress. Koford (1990, 1994) analyzes multiple roll-call
votes and raises similar objections but also argues that the consistency
found by Poole and Rosenthal and others can be explained by a desire to
minimize transaction costs in logrolling. He does not detail the nature
of the transaction costs involved, but suggests that political parties
have a huge stake in satisfying constituencies via successful
(22.) Coleman (1983) in his article on trustworthiness suggested
that there would be less stability in a lame duck legislature. Lott
(1987, 1990) examined whether or not last-period politicians indulged
their ideological preferences and voted for programs that were not in
their constituents' interests when no longer constrained by
reelection. Other than some reduction in attendance rates, he found no
significant change in voting patterns for politicians about to retire.
In addition to these issues, the incentive to defect to form a new
political coalition must also be tempered by expected retaliation from
members of the old coalition who can make counterbargains to those
considering a new coalition and punish the defector and his or her
(23.) If transaction costs were zero, implying that information
costs were zero, there would be no reason to expect cycling. Costless
contracting and enforcement imply a stable equilibrium. Hence, cycling
is most likely to occur where transaction costs are relatively low but
not equal to zero.
(24.) This outcome suggests implausible myopia among legislators.
However, in examining the proposal and gate-keeping powers of committees
Baron and Ferejohn (1989) argue that under an open amendment rule, the
larger the discount factor facing legislators, the more egalitarian the
distribution of benefits. A summary of some of the literature on
majority rule, cycling, and broad sharing is provided by Rae and
Schickler (1997) and Stratmann (1997). Stratmann (1997, 334) adds
discussion of transaction costs as contributing to stability.
(25.) Accordingly, universalism and stability apply to both
individual pieces of legislation and to larger legislative bargains. It
might be argued that if cross-legislative deals support universality and
stability there is no need for balance within a particular piece of
legislation. But this notion is incorrect. As we argue, a lack of
balance in a particular program would encourage coalition defection,
undermining the basis for broader logrolling exchanges. Moreover, a
small coalition for narrow legislation would rely even more on broad
logrolling exchanges for enactment. The costs of devising logrolling
exchanges across heterogeneous legislators likely are higher than
forming agreements among the more homogeneous legislators interested in
the narrow program. This suggests that politicians would form as large a
coalition as possible in support of a specific bill before turning to
broader logrolling exchanges to ensure passage. An example of broad
sharing within a narrow program is the distribution of ethano l plants
planned under the early ethanol subsidy. Forty-six of 50 states were to
receive at least one ethanol production plant, even though ethanol was
primarily made from corn grown in the Midwest. See U.S. National Alcohol
Fuels Commission (1981, 57).
(26.) For analysis of the distribution of federal programs and
expenditures during the New Deal, see Wallis (1998).
(27.) Similarly, the dramatic reforms undertaken by New Zealand in
the 1980s in response to a financial crisis led to broad-based cuts,
rather than elimination of a few programs. There appears to have been a
universalist sharing of the expenditure reduction. For discussion
regarding the sharing of budget cuts and policy reforms see Scrimgeour
and Pasour (1996).
(28.) A direct test would require a measurable change in the
transaction costs of negotiating and enforcing logrolling agreements
along with observations of changes in sharing rules and/or stability.
Direct measures of transactions costs arc, however, unlikely ever to be
complete. Alternatively, consider the situation where political parties
were adept at enforcing deals but subsequently lost that power, then the
transaction costs of coalition maintenance should rise. Under these
circumstances, elected representatives would respond by increasing the
degree to which program benefits are shared. There is empirical support
for this prediction. Collie's (1988) results indicate that as party
power lessened in the postwar period, universalism increased.
(29.) Discussions of the consequences of universalism have also
pointed to its potential for inefficient outcomes. See Shepsle and
Weingast (1981a, b).
(30.) As argued in Johnson and Libecap (2001), once transaction
costs are introduced, the standard concept of Pareto efficiency loses
meaning. For discussion of some of the key issues regarding transaction
costs and redistribution in politics, see Williamson (1996, 195-213).
Williamson (1998, 11-16) attempts to resolve some of the conflicting
issues regarding the efficiency of government policies by introducing a
remediableness criterion for evaluating programs.
(31.) See, for example, the papers in Wagner (1991).
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* Earlier versions of this article were presented at the 2000
Meetings of the Western Economics Association, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 29
June-3 July; 2000 Meetings of the International Society for the New
Institutional Economics, Tuebingen, Germany, 22-24 September; and the
Public Choice Center Workshop, George Mason University, 9 November 2000.
We benefited from comments at those meetings as well as from comments
from the editors, referees, and Rob Fleck.
Johnson: 2206 River Run Drive, Unit 38, San Diego, CA 92108. Phone
1-619-284-6629, E-mail
Libecap: Professor of Economies and Law, Karl Eller Center,
University of Arizona, 202D McClelland Hall, Tucson, AZ 85721, and
Research Associate, National Bureau of Economic Research, Phone
1-520-621-4821, Fax 1-520-626-5269, E-mail