Collusion in procurement auctions: An experimental examination.
Davis, Douglas D. ; Wilson, Bart J.
Bart J. Wilson (*)
Questioning the value of efforts to enforce federal anticonspiracy
laws raises spirited debate among antitrust economists. Although
everyone recognizes the welfare costs of successful conspiracies,
commentators such as Armentano (1990) and Cohen and Scheffman (1989)
argue that conspiratorial arrangements are pervasively ineffective, and
thus, that social resources spent prosecuting cob lusion are wasted.
Others, including Marvel et al. (1988) express more ambivalence about
the seriousness of conspiracies as a social problem but believe that the
government manages to detect only the most ineffective arrangements.
Still other economists clearly believe in the effectiveness of current
government efforts (see, e.g., Werden [1989] and Froeb et al. [1993]).
Ultimately, the pervasiveness of conspiratorial behavior and the
magnitude of the consequent damages are empirical issues. However, the
illegality of collusion complicates the collection of relevant data.
Tip-offs or complaints frequently expose conspiracies, but good reasons
exist for suspecting that conspiracies detected in this fashion tend to
be the least profitable. A conspirator likely "rats" on
co-conspirators only if he or she is disenchanted with the scheme,
suggesting that the conspiracy is about to collapse anyway. Similarly
suspect are conspiracies that are sufficiently clumsy to raise the
protests of buyers.
The detection problem would be vastly simplified if conspiracies
could be identified in the absence of a "smoking gun." Posner
(1969) argues that such explicit evidence of conspiratorial behavior is
unnecessary because conspiring firms exhibit identifiable patterns of
activity that are alone sufficient to determine illegality. Kuhlman
(1969) and Gallo (1977) go still further and advocate the continuous
computerized monitoring of pricing and sales data to detect
However, as Marshall and Muerer (1998) observe, a potentially
condemning defect of any attempt to detect collusion via behavior is
that, depending on underlying conditions, virtually any
"suspect" pattern of behavior can be generated as a
noncollusive Nash equilibrium. Identical prices, for example, are often
cited as an indication of coordinated activity (e.g., Mund [1960]). (1)
But in games, such as the one modeled by Anton and Yao (1992), agents
submit identical bids in a Nash equilibrium in the absence of collusion.
Furthermore, some evidence from collusion cases prosecuted by the
Department of Justice suggests that identical prices are rarely part of
collusive arrangements, except when the industry is not very
concentrated (Comanor and Schankerman, 1976).
Market rotations, a second pricing scheme that is typically cited
as a suspect pattern, may also be consistent with a subgame perfect
noncooperative Nash equilibrium. Zona (1986) for example, identifies a
number of approximate equilibria involving contract rotations when
sellers have steeply increasing cost structures. Also, Lang and
Rosenthal (1991) characterize a noncooperative static equilibrium for a
multiproduct contracting environment, where sellers both divide the
market and submit noncompetitively high bids in the market where they do
not expect to win. (2)
Still other pricing patterns are possibly suspect. Porter and Zona
(1993) report evidence of bid rigging in procurement auctions from the
pattern of losing bids. The intuition is that in a competitive
environment, bids should be correlated with costs. When prices are
fixed, however, this correlation breaks down?
This article reports a laboratory experiment designed to explore
the relationship between suspect behavior and collusion. We focus on
coordinated behavior in procurement auctions, a context where collusion
is often suspected and has been frequently observed. (4) Two
environments are examined: a set cost regime that contains some features
critical to standard government procurement auctions for goods, and an
endogenous cost regime, which exhibits some critical elements of
procurement bidding for construction contracts.
Of course, we cannot hope in simple and short-lived laboratory
markets to replicate fully the circumstances under which natural
conspiracies arise and persist. But the control offered by a laboratory
experiment confers huge benefits. As the experimenters, we can specify
precisely the underlying cost conditions, purchasing rules, and the
opportunities to formulate conspiratorial agreements. (5) Contingent on these variables, we can observe directly both instances where suspect
patterns arise absent conspiracies and, given cooperation, the type of
conspiratorial arrangements formed.
Previous experimental research on price fixing suggests that the
institutional context in which trading occurs can prominently affect
conspiratorial behavior. In double-auction markets, which characterize
trading in many financial exchanges, Isaac and Plott (1981) report that
sellers are generally unable to raise prices when given an explicit
opportunity to talk among themselves. However, explicit conspiracies are
much more successful in retail-type posted-price markets (Isaac et al.,
1984; Saijo et al., 1996) and in sealed-bid auctions (Isaac and Walker,
Even within the context of a particular trading institution,
institutional and environmental details are important. Davis and Holt (1998) observe that opportunities to grant secret discounts from a
posted price severely hamper conspiratorial efforts. In contrast to
nearly uniform pricing at the joint profit-maximizing outcome in a
series of baseline conspiracies, prices hovered about the competitive
prediction when sellers were given the capacity to grant secret
discounts from the posted prices.
The remainder of this article is organized as follows. Section II
develops a pair of stylized bidding models where suspect patterns can be
consistent with equilibrium bidding absent conspiracies. Section III
presents the experimental design and procedures, and the results are
discussed in section IV. Section V offers some concluding remarks.
In this section we consider a pair of cost regimes where suspicious
bid patterns can arise as equilibrium predictions in noncollusive
environments. We begin with a set cost regime, where identical prices
and an equal division of the market can arise without collusive bid
coordination. Then we develop an endogenous cost regime, where quantity
rotations can be consistent with noncollusive equilibrium bidding. The
section concludes by considering how efficiency and monitorability
considerations might affect the collusive bid patterns selected in each
of these regimes.
A Set Cost Regime
Consider a stylized model of a standard multiunit procurement
auction. A single purchaser inelastically demands a fixed number of
units of a good. Sellers provide units under condition of increasing
marginal costs. For simplicity, assume that sellers' cost schedules
are identical. The supply and demand configuration in Figure 1
illustrates. Here four sellers bid to sell four units to a single buyer.
The seller identifiers-S1, S2, S3, and S4, printed below the cost steps
on the market supply schedule--indicate the unit cost allocations for
the four sellers. Each seller is endowed with four units with ascending costs, [c.sub.a], [c.sub.b], [c.sub.c] and [c.sub.d]. The buyer's
allocation consists of four units, each valued at r or more. (6) The
action space for a seller i is a two-dimensional bid, [B.sub.i] =
([p.sub.i], [q.sub.i]), consisting of a single price selected on a
continuous grid, [p.sub.i] [member of] [0, [infinity]), and a discrete
maximum quantity offer, [q.sub.i] [member of] {O, 1, 2, 3, 4}. At a bid
pr ice [p.sub.i], [c.sub.d] < [p.sub.i] < r, each seller can
profitably clear the market. For the purposes of establishing the
equilibria of this game, assume that the costs of each seller and the
demand function are common knowledge. (We will discuss this assumption
further in section III on the experimental procedures.) Finally, assume
initially that in the event of a tie among the lowest bidders, the buyer
uses a "rotating purchase rule," buying in turn single units
from each of the tied sellers until either demand or the capacity
supplied is exhausted. McAfee and McMillan (1992) report that state
government purchasing agents typically use a purchasing rule of this
type in procurement auctions.
Establishing that an identical price [P.sub.c] and market share are
an equilibrium is straight-forward. Suppose that the aggregate offer
quantity is Q = [SIGMA][q.sub.i] = 6, which implies that at least two
sellers offer zero profit units. The buyer then purchases one unit from
each seller, so for each seller, sales quantity [q.sub.i] = 1 and
earnings are [c.sub.b] - [c.sub.a]. Any unilateral price decrease below
[P.sub.c] will reduce earnings on a certain to sell unit. Any unilateral
price increase will reduce earnings to zero.
In fact, given a continuous bid grid, all stage-game equilibria for
this game involve the price [P.sub.c], as is easily verified via the
standard arguments. Thus to the extent that static Nash predictions
organize behavior in this context, we should expect to observe suspect
identical prices in this noncooperative environment. The sizable excess
supply at the competitive price provides a fairly strong basis for
viewing this design as a good candidate environment for generating
identical prices.
Nevertheless, two features of this design might mitigate against
identical prices. First, notice that all Nash equilibria in this design
involve strategies with payoffs such that one player has another
strategy that could yield an identical payoff. More specifically, to
make unilateral defection unprofitable, some sellers must offer some
units at zero profit. Sellers are necessarily indifferent between
offering and not offering these units. If no zero-profit units are
offered, deviation from [P.sub.c] becomes profitable and the Nash
equilibrium is broken. A Nash equilibrium with such strategies is an
inherent deficiency of many simple procurement auction environments,
because by assumption the buyer has an inelastic demand for a limited
number of units. (7)
Second, in virtually any natural context, an effective minimum bid
increment exists. However, imposing a minimum bid increment creates
additional pure-strategy equilibria near [P.sub.c]. For specificity,
restrict the bid grid to penny increments. Then via the same reasoning
used to establish the existence of an equilibrium at price [P.sub.c],
equilibria at prices [P.sub.c] + 1 and [P.sub.c] + 2 can be shown to
exist. (8) Thus equilibrium selection problems may prompt some
continuing price heterogeneity in such contexts.
Selection problems aside, notice the sensitivity of equilibria in
this design to the buyer's rule for breaking ties. Suppose that
instead of using a rotating purchase tiebreaker, the buyer randomly
selects one of the low-bidding sellers and makes as many purchases as
possible. The buyer switches to a second seller only in the event that
the first seller does not exhaust the buyer's demand. McAfee and
McMillan (1992) report that government contracting agencies often switch
to a "fixed purchase rule" of this type when collusion is
suspected. This change in the purchasing rule breaks the pure strategy
equilibrium at the common price [P.sub.c], because some zero-profit
units will sell in expectation and any seller can increase expected
earnings by posting [P.sub.c] - [epsilon]. (9)
An Endogenous Cost Regime
Bid rotations are a second pattern that can arise in a
noncooperative procurement context, if sellers face temporally sensitive
capacity constraints of the type that might arise, for example, in the
construction trades. When small contractors win a contract, they become
essentially occupied and take on further business only if the margins on
the extra work are sufficiently high (see, e.g., Zona [1986] or Lang and
Rosenthal [1991]). Consider the series of supply and demand arrays shown
in the four panels of Figure 2. Initially, in period 1 (shown in the
upper left panel) all sellers have identical costs, [c.sub.a], and an
aggregate supply of four units each. As before, each seller i bids in a
two-dimensional action space [B.sub.i] = ([p.sub.i], [q.sub.i]), with
continuous [p.sub.i] [member of] [0, [infinity]) and discrete [q.sub.i]
[member of] {0, 1, 2, 3, 4}. The buyer has a minimum reservation value
of r per unit. Assume initially that sellers offer all units possible
(e.g., [q.sub.i] = 4) and that in the case of a tie, the buyer uses a
fixed purchase tiebreaker. Without loss of generality, assume that S1 is
the winner in period 1. Given a contract, S1 faces a capacity constraint
for the next three periods. The constraint binds most sharply in period
2, where S1's costs increase to [c.sub.d]. In subsequent periods
the constraint becomes progressively less onerous, with seller S1's
costs falling to [c.sub.c] in period 3 and to [c.sub.b] in period 4. S1
would again be the low-cost bidder in period 5. The game is repeated
indefinitely, with a discount factor [delta] To distinguish this market
from the structure just discussed above, we term it an endogenous cost
design. (10)
A variety of outcomes can arise in this game, depending the cost
realizations that evolve. These outcomes can be readily understood by
considering stage game incentives for an iteration of the game after
several rounds of bidding, when units on each cost step have been
assigned. The most interesting (and perhaps the most likely) case arises
when sellers find themselves each occupying a different step on the
supply schedule, as shown in the lower right panel of Figure 2. In this
case, we would expect a single seller to service the market in any
period and for sellers to rotate contracts across periods. Identify the
low cost seller as seller j. Then one equilibrium strategy would be for
each seller i [not equal to] j to bid [B.sub.i]([c.sub.k], 4), k = {b,
c, d} and for seller j to bid [B.sub.i]([c.sub.b] -- [epsilon], 4).
Within a period, only the seller j realizes positive earnings. Because
any bid reduction below [c.sub.b] - [epsilon] will reduce earnings on
certain-to-sell units and any bid increase will reduce sales to zero,
this strategy is a Nash equilibrium for the stage game. [11]
Importantly, quantity rotations are far from the only outcome that
can arise in this game. For example, sellers might simultaneously occupy
different steps on the supply schedule, giving each seller a single unit
at each cost step. A static equilibrium in this case would parallel
exactly the equilibrium for the set cost design, shown in Figure 1. A
large variety of asymmetric market-sharing arrangements are also
possible, and pricing strategies may exist that also make many or all of
these patterns consistent with equilibrium behavior.
Our primary interest, however, is to construct an environment in
which quantity rotations are consistent with noncollusive equilibrium
behavior. The relatively low likelihood of tied bids in the early
periods of an market in the endogenous cost design suggests that, as a
behavioral matter, a quantity rotation outcome may be observed most
frequently. Nevertheless, sellers may prefer some market-sharing outcome
if there is any uncertainty about the duration of the market. The
buyer's tie-breaking rule may also affect selected sales patterns.
A fixed-purchase tiebreaker virtually ensures a market rotation outcome,
whereas a rotating-purchase tiebreaker makes heterogeneous costs and
market sharing at least marginally more likely.
Efficient Conspiracies
Now consider the behavioral patterns that might be anticipated in
each of these cost regimes under conspiratorial conditions. We confine
our attention to "weak" conspiracies where side payments are
not possible, but we also suppose that both games are repeated
indefinitely. Standard folk theorem results suggest that virtually any
bid configuration where all sellers receive supra-competitive earnings
can be supported via trigger strategies when the bidding process is
repeated indefinitely. (12) Given opportunities for explicit
communication, monitoring presents perhaps the most prominent problem
associated with implementing and maintaining collusive arrangements in
indefinitely repeated environments. For this reason we focus our
attention on the outcomes to be expected in light of the capacity of
sellers to effectively monitor agreements in each environment. Notice,
however, that in most relevant naturally occurring environments (as well
as in the experiment that follows) monitoring problems are more pronounc
ed than analysis of a full-information model suggests. When sellers have
incomplete cost and demand information, the problems of implementing and
maintaining conspiracies become intertwined with the problem of
searching out a satisfactorily profitable outcome.
In the set cost design illustrated in Figure 1, a variety of
collusive arrangements are possible, but only the single outcome where
each seller offers a single unit at price r is fully efficient. The
potential success of such an arrangement is sensitive to auction
procedures. If the buyer provides full information regarding the
identity of the seller from whom each unit was purchased, then the
efficient conspiracy is fully monitorable. That is, the conspiracy is
monitorable when each seller i is informed of ([p.sub.j], [q.sub.j]) for
every j, where [q.sub.j] [less than or equal to] [q.sub.j] denotes the
quantity sold. However, if the buyer only informs each seller i of
[p.sub.j] for every j, monitoring defections from the efficient
conspiracy becomes more difficult (although, as we observe later,
efficient conspiracies are not impossible in this case). Absent full
disclosure of sales information, the most obviously monitorable scheme
is an inefficient sales rotation. (13)
In the endogenous cost regime, a variety of collusive arrangements
are also possible. Unlike the set cost design, however, all of these
arrangements can be fully efficient given appropriate underlying costs.
Market rotations are perhaps the most likely, because they can be fully
monitored even without disclosure of sales information. (Price postings
clearly indicate any defections from a scheme to rotate sales across
periods.) However, other outcomes may be monitorable and have some
appeal. In particular, with other things constant, uncertainty about the
final period might generate a symmetric market-sharing outcome, where
all sellers posted the same price each period. As with the set cost
design, this arrangement is most easily monitored if the buyer fully
discloses purchase information each period.
To evaluate the relationship between bid patterns and collusive
behavior, we conducted the following experiment using 16 quadropolies.
Each market session consists of 40 trading periods and is organized
under a variant of posted-offer trading rules appropriate to a
procurement auction context. To mitigate potential endgame effects, the
subjects were not informed in advance of the final period.
Each trading period consists of a two-part sequence. First, sellers
privately submit sealed bids, which consist of a price and a discrete
maximum quantity offer. Sellers are unrestricted in their price choices
(although the possibility of price increments finer than one cent was
not emphasized), and production is to order in the sense that sellers
incur costs only when a unit is sold. Once bids are submitted, a buying
sequence begins. After the monitor publicly announces the bid prices
(but not the offer quantities), an automated purchasing authority makes
all purchases possible without incurring a loss. The buyer purchases
mechanistically, buying the lowest-priced units first. Following the
purchasing sequence sellers calculate their earnings prior to making
pricing decisions for the subsequent trading period.
Eight of the 16 sessions use the set cost regime in Figure 1, and
the remaining 8 sessions use the endogenous cost regime shown in Figure
2. In either case [c.sub.b] = x, [c.sub.a] = -45 + x, [c.sub.c] = 30 +
x, [c.sub.d] = 45 + x, and r= 65 + x. For the first sequence of periods
(1-20) x was set at 125 or 165, and for the second sequence of periods
(21-40) x was changed to the other value. For example, if x = 165 in the
periods 1-20, then for periods 31-40, x = 125. The initial choice of x
varies evenly across sessions. Demand steps above r increase in ten-cent
increments to 75 + x, 85 + x, and 95 + x. Thus, a total surplus of 500
cents is available each period. Per-unit earnings range from 45 cents in
the competitive outcome to 110 cents in an efficient conspiracy. To
generate the period-specific cost schedules in the endogenous cost
design, a monitor inputs the price and quantity decisions into a
spreadsheet at the end of each period. A series of macros generates the
appropriate new schedules, which are then printed and passed out to each
The limited number of sellers and the symmetry of their cost
structures are factors that tend to facilitate conspiratorial
arrangements. In an effort to improve critical parallels between the
laboratory environment and relevant natural contexts, we complicate the
market environment in some other respects. In particular, the variation
in x across session sequences and the demand steps above r are both
imposed to make the joint profit maximizing outcome nontransparent.
Furthermore, cost and demand information is not provided as public
information. Absent full cost and demand information, sellers will
likely have different prior beliefs, making collusion more difficult.
Thus, as is typically the case in relevant naturally occurring contexts,
our experiment evaluates environments where sellers do not have
information sufficient to calculate reference equilibrium predictions.
Within each cost regime, sessions are evenly divided into
treatments with and without communication opportunities. In the
communication sessions, sellers are given three or four minutes to talk
about the market at the beginning of the session and again in
four-period intervals throughout the session. The discussions were
unstructured, and the sellers could talk about any aspect of the market
they wished, with the following exceptions: (1) side payments and
physical threats are prohibited; (2) sellers may not discuss
quantitative information about costs or capacities; (3) sellers may not
discuss actions or outcomes in previous periods that were not publicly
observable; and (4) sellers are under no obligation to comply with the
terms of any agreement reached.
Except for the fact that participants could communicate only every
fourth period, rather than after every period, communications conditions
are those used previously by Davis and Holt (1998). (14) Although these
restrictions may be somewhat more rigid than is applicable in some
relevant natural contexts, they usefully construct a controlled
circumstance in which the monitoring of conspiratorial arrangements is
imperfect. The restrictions allow laboratory participants to defect from
agreements without either lying explicitly or violating social norms
about verbal commitments. To ensure that participants did not violate
the communications restrictions, participants were instructed to cover
their record sheets prior to backing out of their booths, and a monitor
listened to the discussions. (15)
Given the sensitivity of both collusive and noncollusive
predictions to details regarding buyer practices, elements of buyer
purchasing practices are blocked within sessions. In each of the
no-communication sessions the buyer fully discloses information
regarding the identity of the seller from whom each unit is purchased.
However, we use two tie breakers: a rotating-purchase rule and a
fixed-purchase rule. Under the rotating-purchase rule, the buyer divides
purchases as equally as possible among all sellers posting the same
price. With the fixed-purchase rule the buyer randomly selects one of
the tied sellers posting the same price and makes as many purchases as
possible from this seller prior to switching to another seller. The
initial rule used is rotated across sessions. Then after period 20 in
each session the standing rule is changed for the remainder of the
The fixed-purchase tiebreaker is used throughout the communication
sessions, but two information disclosure conditions are rotated within
sessions. In a full-disclosure condition, the buyer publicly announces
the identity of the seller from whom each unit was purchased. In a
no-disclosure condition, the buyer does not publicly disclose the number
of units sold by each seller. Parallel to the treatment of tiebreaker
rules in the no-communication markets, the initial-disclosure condition
is rotated across communication sessions. Then, after period 20 the
standing condition is changed for the remainder of the session.
Table 1 summarizes the experimental treatments. The left columns of
Table 2 identify individual sessions via combinations of the treatment
identifiers listed in Table 1: the initial c or n entry indicates that
communications either are or are not allowed. The second entry, s or e,
indicates the set cost and endogenous cost regimes, respectively. The
third entry indicates changes in tie-breaking or sales disclosure rules,
depending on the communications condition. In the no-communications
sessions combinations fr and rf indicate the order of the tie breaker in
20-period sequences, with r indicating a rotating-purchase tie breaker
and f indicating a fixed-purchase tie breaker. In the communications
sessions the letters id and di combinations indicate the order of the
disclosure rule in 20-period sequences, with d signifying full
disclosure and i incomplete disclosure. Each identifier ends with a
number that distinguishes sessions within treatments. Thus, for example,
the identifier n-s-fr1 listed in the first row of Table 2 indicates the
first of two sessions conducted in the set cost design without
communication opportunities, where for periods 1-20 the fixed-purchase
tie breaker is used, and the rotating-purchase tie breaker for periods
21-40. Similarly, identifier c-e-id2 listed at the bottom of the table
represents the second of two endogenous cost sessions where
communications were allowed. For the first 20 periods sellers were not
told sales quantities, whereas i n periods 21-40 the buyer fully
disclosed the quantities sold by each seller.
As is evident from Table 1, given two designs, two tie-breaking
rules, two information conditions, and two communications conditions,
[2.sup.4] = 16 different treatment combinations are possible. Parsimony considerations dictate that we restrict our attention to the eight
treatment combinations described above. The omitted treatment
combinations are by far the least interesting: in the communication
sessions we do not examine the effects of changing tie-breaking rules,
because a rotating-purchase tie breaker enhances the monitorability of
price-based conspiracies, even absent quantity information. In the
no-communication sessions we do not examine the effects of changing
information conditions, because there is reason to suppose that such
information affects decisions. (16)
Sixty-four undergraduate student volunteers recruited from
economics courses at Middlebury College participated in the experiment.
Some students had participated previously in a market experiment, but in
a different design and with different trading rules. No one participated
in more than one of the sessions reported in this experiment. At the
outset of each session, participants were seated at visually isolated
booths, and a monitor read instructions aloud as the participants
followed along on a printed copy of their own. The market sessions were
conducted manually with the assistance of a laptop computer and a
printer that the monitor used to record earnings and (for the endogenous
cost sessions) to determine cost schedules for each period.
Following the instructions, the first period began, and
participants made price and quantity decisions and updated their record
sheets each trading period, as described. After period 40, the monitor
announced that the experiment ended, and participants were paid
privately and left individually. Participants received $6 for making
their appointment, and salient earnings ranged from $14.50 to $34 for
the two-hour sessions. (17) Average earnings were $22.94.
The mean contract prices for the set cost and endogenous cost
designs, shown respectively in Figures 3 and 4, illustrate several
primary results of the experiment. Each figure consists of four vertical
strips, which list mean contract prices in ten-period segments. Within
strips, the vertically aligned closed diamond and open diamond markers
illustrate mean prices in no-communication sessions; the vertically
aligned closed circle and open circle markers illustrate mean prices in
corresponding communication sessions. For each column of diamonds or
circles, the horizontal bars indicate the ten-period mean price for the
treatment. Comparing treatment means across communication conditions,
observe that communication opportunities generate higher mean prices
throughout both the set cost and endogenous cost markets. Nevertheless,
outcomes in the communication sessions of a segment tend to be more
variable than in their no-communication counterparts, and prices clearly
separate only in the latter periods. The devia tions of mean
transactions prices from the competitive price [P.sub.c], shown in Table
2, support this observation quantitatively. In both the set cost
sessions, summarized in the upper half of the table, and in the
endogenous cost sessions, summarized in the lower half of the table, the
bolded ten-period treatment mean prices are uniformly higher with
communication than without communication. However, as indicated by the a
and b superscripts printed aside the treatment means, these differences
are significant only for periods 31-40 in the set cost markets and for
periods 21-30 and 31-40 in the endogenous cost markets using a
Mann-Whitney test. Nevertheless, observe that in the last ten-period
segments mean differences are large: 45.3 cents across set cost
treatments, and 52.5 cents across endogenous cost treatments, both
reasonably near the predicted difference between [P.sub.m] and [P.sub.c]
of 65 cents.
The monopoly effectiveness index values shown in Table 3 illustrate
the impact of communications on profits. (18) As with the price data,
although M values are uniformly higher on average in communication
treatments than their no-communication counterparts, the differences are
statistically significant only in the final session segments. Again,
however, observe that that toward the end of the sessions, the
differences become quite large: the .70 difference in M values across
communication conditions in the set cost markets and the .80 difference
across communication conditions in the endogenous cost markets are both
near the 1.00 change in M values associated with a movement from the
competitive outcome to joint profit maximization.
The persistent variability of prices and monopoly effectiveness
values throughout much of the communication sessions suggest that
successfully raising prices via a conspiracy is a nontrivial task in our
environments. Nevertheless, by the end of each communication session
sellers had implemented a reasonably effective collusive arrangement.
Even the low and stable prices in the latter part of session c-s-nf2
(highlighted in Figure 3 with an asterisk) were the result of a stable
(but nonoptimizing) agreement among the sellers. (19) In summary,
although organizing effective conspiracies is not a trivial matter,
communications significantly affect market performance. In both the set
cost regime and in the endogenous cost regime, communication
opportunities eventually increase transaction prices and monopoly
effectiveness index values.
A second result apparent Figures 3 and 4 is that alternating the
buyer purchasing rules does not prominently affect market performance in
no-communication markets and that changing information disclosure does
not affect performance in markets with communications. In the
no-communication markets, session segments with presumably more stable
rotating purchase tie breakers (closed diamonds) are not closer to
[P.sub.c] than the segments using the fixed-purchase tie breaker (open
diamonds). Similarly, in the communication sessions, the more easily
monitorable full-disclosure segments (closed circles) are not obviously
closer to [P.sub.m] than incomplete-disclosure segments (open circles).
The apparent unimportance of both tie-breaking rule changes and
sales quantity disclosure conditions are most probably artifacts of the
environments examined here. In the no-communication markets, the absence
of an effect in the endogenous cost sessions is unsurprising, because
the conjectured effect of changing tie-breaking rules was fairly weak.
More surprising is the unimportance of tie-breaking rules in the set
cost design. As suggested by the heterogeneous deviations of mean prices
from [P.sub.c] shown in the upper portion of Table 2, persistent price
variability was observed in all no communication set cost markets. The
upper portion of Table 4 presents some relevant summary information for
periods 31-40. Notice, in column (3) of this table that of 40 possible
periods, sellers posted identical prices only three times. Furthermore,
two of these instances occurred in markets using a fixed-purchase rule.
Two factors might explain the persistent heterogeneity of prices in
sessions conducted with the rotating-cost tie breaker. First, Nash
equilibria may not be precise predictors of behavior in instances like
the present one where sellers are indifferent between playing the
equilibrium strategy, and an alternative strategy where they offer only
units that could generate positive profits. Offering only units that
yield positive earnings breaks the equilibrium at [P.sub.c] and induces
randomizing behavior identical to that predicted in the under the
fixed-purchase tie breaker. Second, sellers may be drawn to static
equilibrium predictions but perceive an effective minimum bid increment.
As observed in section II, this creates additional pure-strategy
equilibria near [P.sub.c], and persistent bid variability might be due
to equilibrium selection problems.
Examining bid decisions in the latter portions of sessions
tentatively suggests that the observed heterogeneity in set cost
sessions under a rotating-purchase rule may primarily be an equilibrium
selection problem. If the persistent price variability was primarily a
result of sellers failing to offer zero-profit units, bidding behavior
should not differ distinguishably across tie-breaking rule changes.
However, as suggested by the frequency distributions of bids in periods
31-40 for the no-communication set cost sessions shown in Figure 5, bids
do appear to differ across tie-breaking rules: the black bars,
illustrating bids for sessions using a rotating-purchase tie breaker,
are more tightly clustered about [P.sub.c] than the white bars, which
illustrate comparable bids for sessions using a fixed-purchase tie
breaker. (20) That sellers never submitted a bid increment finer than
one cent enhances the likelihood that this remaining bid variability was
due to equilibrium selection problems. We emphasize that the
multiplicity of pure-strategy equilibria with the rotating-cost tie
breaker is not a design shortcoming, because in any natural circumstance
sellers face an effective minimum increment when bidding. Rather, we
suggest it that is a reason why identical pricing may be difficult to
obtain in procurement auctions absent some sort of bid coordination.
In the communication sessions, the absence of an
information-disclosure effect may also be a consequence of the
procurement contexts examined. As mentioned above, in our endogenous
cost markets, full disclosure of sales information is not necessary for
monitoring efficient conspiracies if sellers adopt a quantity-rotation
scheme. Further, sales quantity disclosure may be unnecessary to
effectively maintain an efficient market-sharing arrangement. Although
sellers could not explicitly communicate quantitative outcomes that were
not publicly observable, they could qualitatively indicate that they
were "happy" with results or not. In a small group, where a
limited number of units are repeatedly bid for in an indefinitely
repeated game, such qualitative information may suffice.
"Happy," for example, likely indicates a sale. Thus, the
existence of an "unhappy" participant indicates either that
the price is too high or that someone has defected. A clever defector
may be able to disguise their actions absent full di sclosure. However,
given repeated interactions, the defector must lie more and more
egregiously. Furthermore, even if the misrepresentations are believed,
sellers must conclude that demand is too high, causing the agreed-on
prices (and profits) to fall.
In summary then, in no-communication environments the tie-breaking
rule does not appear to affect convergence to competitive price
[P.sub.c], and in communication environments, the publicity of sales
information does not appear to affect capacity of conspirators to
achieve the joint profit-maximizing price [p.sub.m].
Due to the large number of periods needed to implement effective
arrangements, in what follows we concentrate on the final ten periods of
each session as a means of isolating the behavioral differences between
stable conspiracies and competitive firms. This second result allows us
to focus on these final periods without attending further to the effects
of altering the publicity of sales conditions and tie-breaking rules.
Consider now the ability to detect conspiracies from patterns of
pricing and market sharing. We first discuss the set cost design. The
important result here is that despite the prediction of identical prices
and market sharing in a unique Nash equilibrium without communication,
such an outcome is observed virtually only with communication
The incidences of identical prices and market sharing for the last
ten periods of the market, summarized in columns (3) and (4) of Table 4,
provide the relevant evidence. As observed above, in the
no-communication sessions, sellers manage to post identical prices in
only 3 of the 40 possible periods in the four sessions combined.
Furthermore, as seen in column (4), sellers share the market in no more
than four periods of any session. In contrast, both identical prices and
market sharing pervade the set cost sessions with communication. In
three of the four markets with communication opportunities, sellers post
identical prices in at least nine of ten periods, and sellers share the
market in at least eight of ten periods. Using a Mann-Whitney test, the
differences in the incidence of identical prices and market sharing
across the communication condition are statistically significant at a
97.5% level. (21) In summary, suspicious behavior is indeed indicative
of a conspiracy in the set cost regime. Market shari ng and particularly
identical prices are much more commonly observed with communication than
without communication.
Consider now the detectability of conspiratorial arrangements in
the endogenous cost design. Notice in column (5) in the bottom two
row-blocks of Table 4 that market rotations occur frequently both with
the conspiracies in the communication treatment and with the
noncooperative behavior in the no-communication sessions. (22)
Nevertheless, the existence of a conspiracy is easily detectable in the
presence of market rotations. In no-communication sessions, bids tend to
move with changes in costs. In contrast, with the communication
sessions, some bids tended to move to a high common price in an effort
to "stay out of the way" of the assigned winning seller.
Identifying differences in the pattern of losing bidders is key to
the statistical approach used by Porter and Zona (1993, 1997) to
identify road construction and school milk market conspiracies. The
simple correlations between losing bids and costs, printed in column (6)
of Table 4, illustrate the effectiveness of this technique, when markets
are characterized by market rotations. In the no-communication sessions
with market rotations (n-e-fr1 and n-e-rf1) the correlation between
costs and bids is .46 and .68. In the three endogenous cost sessions
with communication and market rotations (c-e-di1, c-e-di2, and c-e-id2),
the correlation between costs and postings without sales bids is
noticeably lower at 0, 0.26, and 0, respectively. Thus, market rotations
occur in the endogenous cost regime both with and without communication
opportunities. However; collusive and noncollusive markets are often
discernible in that the correlation between costs and the losing bids
tends to break down in the collusive sessions.
Although this approach is promising, a full consideration of
results in the endogenous cost sessions suggests two important
qualifications that must made in its application. First, if outcomes
other than quantity rotations are feasible, the correlation between
costs and losing postings can quickly become uninformative. In the
no-communication endogenous cost sessions the correlations weaken as
sellers' cost structures become heterogeneous within periods,
because the sellers post a single price to offer multiple units with
different costs. Session n-e-rf2, with [rho] = .20 is a relevant
example. In endogenous cost markets with communication, market sharing
among sellers may generate too few losing bids to draw any meaningful
correlation. Session c-e-id1 illustrates this. In this session sellers
commenced a conspiratorial arrangement with market sharing only in
period 33, after their penultimate meeting. For these final eight
periods only three postings resulted in no sales. The accident that the
seller with th e highest average costs happens to post the highest of
the losing prices drives an almost perfect correlation between costs and
posted prices for those eight periods, as reflected parenthetically reported [rho] = .98 for this session.
Second, even when a conspiracy is characterized by quantity
rotations, relatively minor changes in seller behavior can prominently
affect summary statistics. For example, in c-e-di2, sellers used the
final digits of their bids to simplify price searching. As a general
rule, the sellers agreed to post a common price of 300 in each period,
except in the period where it was their turn to take the market.
However, in each period after taking the market, the now high-cost
seller added the number of units sold in the preceding period to 300.
For example, following a winning posting of r + 1, the seller would post
303 in the subsequent period to indicate that three units were purchased
at that price. (23) Notice in column (6) that this minor change in the
bid pattern raises the correlation from 0 to .26.
An even more severe problem arises in c-e-di1. In this market,
anticipating that period 40 would be the end of the session, seller S3
defected from the rotating quantity agreement and took the market in
period 40 with the highest costs. As indicated by the parenthetical
correlation printed in column (6), this single outlier changes the
correlation from 0 to .69. (24)
This article examines the relationships between communications
conditions, the underlying structure of costs, and conspiratorial
behavior. We find that the powerful effects of explicit communications
on conspiratorial behavior observed previously in other
posted-offer-type markets extends to the markets of longer duration and
with more limited opportunities for discussion examined here. A novel
feature of our experimental results is the somewhat curious finding that
neither details affecting the static equilibria in noncooperative
environments, nor details affecting the monitorability of conspiratorial
arrangements affect performance. We attribute these results to the
procurement-type bidding contexts that we tried to emulate. In the set
cost markets without communication opportunities, changing tie-breaking
rules does not affect behavior, despite affecting the existence of
pure-strategy Nash equilibria. However, in a multiunit procurement
context, we observe that any limitation on the bid grid (explicit or i
mplicit) creates multiple equilibria. Equilibrium selection problems
appear to explain some of the persistent variability.
In markets with communication opportunities, full disclosure of
sales information does not appear to affect collusive arrangements,
despite the fact that conspiracies were hard to arrange and defection
was a persistent problem. Here we suspect that sellers were effectively
able to convey satisfaction or dissatisfaction with results absent a
public reporting of sales information. This result is also a consequence
that we suspect may extend to parallel natural contexts.
A second novel result is that the underlying cost structure
conspicuously influences the nature of conspiratorial agreements. In a
set cost environment that represents perhaps a "best-shot"
case for observing identical pricing and market sharing minus collusion
in a procurement-type context, identical prices, and (to a lesser
extent) market sharing are indeed suspect behavior. Close examination of
our set cost design suggests that there are theoretical and behavioral
reasons to view with some suspicion claims that identical prices are
purely a result of noncooperative behavior in a procurement auction
In markets with an endogenous cost structure, quantity rotations
are observed both with and without communication. But although quantity
rotations are not indicative of collusive behavior, the pattern of
losing bids represents a promising device for identifying conspiracies
in the presence of quantity rotations.(26)
These results lead us to suggest a modified approach for
identifying collusion from behavioral patterns: conspirators tend to
exhibit patterns of behavior that differ from uncoordinated competitors.
However, these patterns may be identified only with fairly precise
information about the structure of particular markets. Thus, while
econometric tools for identifying conspiratorial behavior may be useful
in specific contexts, general market monitoring of the type recommended
by Gallo (1977) are of doubtful use.(27)
Extensions of this work continue in two dimensions. First, we plan
to examine the responses of weak-form conspirators to information that
an authority is screening bids to detect conspiratorial behavior. As
observed by LaCasse (1995), strong-form conspirators can submit bids to
a center that disguises behavior perfectly. Presumably the machinery
needed to maintain such arrangements facilitates their detection. The
responses of imperfectly organized conspirators to information that
their behavior is being monitored is an open question of some interest.
Second, we are exploring more carefully the robustness of the
econometric devices developed by Porter and Zona (1993, 1997),
Pesendorfer (1998) and others for detecting collusion. This second
project involves introducing conspiratorial opportunities in a market of
fairly long duration, where random cost and demand shocks create enough
variability in predicted outcomes to allow a meaningful application of
these techniques. Applying these methods to markets where actual costs,
as well as the controlled presence or absence of conspiracies will allow
some critical insight into the accuracy and applicability of these
[Figure 1 omitted]
[Figure 2 omitted]
[Figure 5 omitted]
Summary of Experimental Treatments
Variable Description Mnemonic
Communication With communication c
regime With no communication n
Cost design Set cost s
Endogenous cost e
Tie-breaking rule Fixed-purchase f
tie breaker
Rotating-purchase r
tie breaker
Disclosure rule Full disclosure d
Incomplete disclosure i
Note: Each of the 16 sessions in the experiment examined two treatments:
the eight sessions without communications vary the tie-breaking rule
across session halves (rf or fr), but always under the full-disclosure
condition (d). The eight sessions with communications vary the
disclosure conditions across session halves (id or di), always using
using the fixed-purchase tie breaker (f).
Price Deviations P-[P.sub.c]
Session 1-10 11-20 21-30
Set cost markets
No communications n-s-fr1 -0.2 -2.2 5.6
n-s-fr2 4.3 -2.6 -0.2
n-s-rf1 -6.3 0.6 -1.2
n-s-rf2/ 10.2/ 10.7/ 17.4/
n-s av. 2.0 1.6 5.4
Communications c-s-dil 25.1 19.9 -11.2
c-s-di2 45.2 64.6 50.7
c-s-idl 13.3 54.9 51.3
c-s-id2/ -3.4/ -6.5/ -0.9/
c-s av. 20.1 33.2 22.5
Endogenous cost markets
No communications n-e-fr1 -8.2 -2.6 -10.1
n-e-fr2 -28.4 4.5 -1.8
n-e-rfl -14.0 0.7 -7.4
n-e-rf2/ -26.4/ -5.1/ -12.5/
n-e av. -19.3 -0.6 -7.9
Communications c-e-di1 21.3 65.0 32.3
c-e-di2 -17.8 17.4 4.6
c-e-id1 -28.3 -4.8 18.3
c-e-id2/ -3.8/ 69.0/ 66.5/
c-e av. -7.1 36.7 30.4 (b)
Set cost markets
No communications -3.3
Communications 52.0
46.3 (a)
Endogenous cost markets
No communications 14.4
Communications 64.0
60.0 (b)
(a)Deviations larger in communication markets than in no-communication
markets at 95% level (one-tailed test).
(b)Deviations larger in communication markets than in no-communication
markets at 97.5% level (one-tailed test).
Monopoly Effectiveness Index M Values
Session 1-10 11-20 21-30
Set cost markets
No communications n-s-fr1 -0.24 -0.12 -0.05
n-s-fr2 -0.27 -0.12 -0.18
n-s-rf1 -0.07 -0.01 -0.17
n-s-rf2/ -0.16/ -0.16/ -0.02/
n-s av. -0.2 -0.1 -0.1
Communications c-s-di1 0.06 0.03 -0.32
c-s-di2 0.29 0.77 0.45
c-s-id1 -0.13 0.18 0.03
c-s-id2/ -0.30/ -0.32/ -0.24/
c-s av. 0.0 0.2 0.0
Endogenous cost markets
No communications n-e-fr1 -0.20 -0.18 -0.22
n-e-fr2 -0.47 -0.22 -0.25
n-e-rf1 -0.22 -0.12 -0.11
n-e-rf2/ -0.45/ -0.10/ -0.29/
n-e av. -0.3 -0.2 -0.2
Communications c-e-di1 0.24 0.96 0.22
c-e-di2 -0.34 -0.08 -0.08
c-e-id1 -0.52 -0.29 0.15
c-e-id2/ -0.08/ 0.63/ 0.83/
c-e av. -0.2 0.3 0.3 (a)
Set cost markets
No communications -0.25
Communications 0.66
0.6 (a)
Endogenous cost markets
No communications 0.08
Communications 0.85
0.8 (a)
M [equivalent to] Index of monopoly effectiveness = (realized industry
profit - competitive industry profit)/ (maximum monopoly profit -
competitive industry profit).
(a)M larger in communication markets than in no-communication markets at
97.5% level (one-tailed test).
Some Indicators of Collusion, Periods 31-40
(1) (2) (3)
Session P - [P.sub.c] Prices (a)
Set cost markets
No communications n-s-fr1 -3.3 1
n-s-fr2 0.6 0
n-s-rf1 -2.3 1
n-s-rf2 9.1 1
Communications c-s-di1 52.0 9
c-s-di2 63.2 6
c-s-id1 65.0 10
c-s-id2 5.0 10
Endogenous cost markets
No communications n-e-fr1 14.4 0
n-e-fr2 7.5 0
n-e-rf1 -2.3 0
n-e-rf2 10.5 0
Communications c-e-di1 64.0 0
c-e-di2 67.8 0
c-e-id1 43.3 0
c-e-id2 65.0 0
(4) (5) (6)
Market Market Pcosts, losing
Sharing (b) Rotation (c) postings (d)
Set cost markets
No communications 4 0
2 0
3 0
4 0
Communications 8 0
6 0
10 0
10 0
Endogenous cost markets
No communications 0 9 0.46
0 0 0.44
0 10 0.68
0 0 0.20
Communications 0 9 0.00 (e) (0.69)
0 10 0.26
0 0 0.14 (0.98 (f))
0 10 0.00
(a)Number of seller uniformly posted the same price in a period.
(b)Number of times seller each sold the same quantity is a period.
(c)Number of times when a single seller makes all sales in a period and
when another seller sells all units in an adjacent period. For rotations
longer than two, quantities must rotation among sellers in sequence.
(d)In calculating these correlations, each posting is weighted equally,
independent of the number of units offered. Where costs are
heterogeneous, the average cost of offered units is used as the relevant
cost. The outliers are truncated at r + 80.
(e)Excludes final period, where a defection occurred. Parenthetical
number includes final period.
(f)Excludes period 31 and 32, where sellers were not conspiring. NB:
This correlation is based on only three postings.
(*.) For helpful comments we thank Kenneth Chan, David Harless,
Kevin McCabe, Edward Millner, Stuart Mestelman, Andrew Mueller, Robert
Reilly, four anonymous referees, and seminar participants at McMaster
University, the University of Arizona, the University of Mississippi,
and a session at the 1999 ESA/PCS meetings. The usual disclaimer
applies. Financial assistance from the National Science Foundation and
from the Virginia Commonwealth University Faculty Excellence Fund is
gratefully acknowledged. The data reported and the experiment
instructions are available online at
(1.) McAfee and McMillan (1992) show that identical bids are the
most efficient conspiratorial arrangement possible in a first-price
sealed-bid auction, when side payments are not possible.
(2.) Not only does the model predict market division, but sellers
may post discriminatory bids for items with identical costs, a result
that Posner (1969) considers to be particularly indicative of collusion.
(3.) In a different context, where the alleged conspirators did not
bid unless it was their turn to win the auction, Porter and Zona (1997)
identify bid rigging from the pattern of vendors refraining from
bidding. These detection schemes provide rather weak prescriptions for
enforcement, because cartel members can alter bid patterns if they are
aware that the government views a particular pattern as suspect. We
note, however, that the alternative patterns conspirators might select
under such conditions is an open question.
(4.) For example, nearly all the articles referenced in the
introduction pertain to collusion in procurement auctions.
(5.) Measuring marginal costs is the weakest link of any empirical
field study, and we will demonstrate that the nature of costs clearly
shapes the character of conspiratorial agreements. Field studies often
rely on proxy measures of costs.
(6.) Ignore for the moment the demand steps above r. They are set
so as to not affect equilibrium predictions and are introduced in the
laboratory implementation of these models only to make the joint
profit-maximizing outcome nontransparent.
(7.) A static Nash equilibrium where any seller's earnings
strictly decrease with any deviation from the equilibrium strategy can
be generated in a posted-offer market but in designs that are doubtfully
relevant to a procurement auction. For example, Davis and Wilson (2000)
construct a design where sellers exhaust supply at the competitive
outcome and where demand conditions limit price increases.
(8.) Suppose that all sellers submit B([P.sub.c] + 2, 2). Thus,
eight units are offered in aggregate, and for each seller i, the sales
quantity [q.sub.i] = 1 and earnings are [c.sub.b] - [c.sub.a] + 2. The
excess supply of four units implies that any unilateral price increase
reduces earnings to zero. Although with any price reduction [q.sub.i] =
2, earnings cannot increase. At best, a one-cent price reduction leaves
earnings unchanged. (In this case, the penny lost from the price cut on
the previously sold unit just offsets the penny increase from selling an
additional unit.) Symmetric strategy B([P.sub.c] + 1, 2) can be shown to
be a Nash equilibrium via identical reasoning.
(9.) With the parameters used in our experiment, the static
equilibrium for this game involves randomization over the range
[P.sub.c] up to the joint profit-maximizing price, r. Equilibrium
randomizing distributions can be calculated via the method outlined by
Holt and Solis-Soberon (1992).
(10.) We use this "endogenous cost design" label with
some caution. As observed by an anonymous referee, this term is
potentially misleading in the sense that within any period costs are
fixed. Nevertheless, costs are endogenous in the sense that across
periods seller choices determine both the individual and the aggregate
structure of costs.
(11.) This equilibrium is not an entirely satisfactory solution. In
particular, it fails trembling hand perfection. To see this, suppose
that costs for S1, S2, S3, and S4 are ordered from lowest to highest. In
the event that S1 deviates from posting a bid [B.sub.1] ([C.sub.b] -
[epsilon], 4), S2 would regret submitting [B.sub.2] ([C.sub.b] 4),
because in this case S2 would exchange the positive profits available in
the subsequent period for sales at zero profit this period. Seller S2
will change his or her price even as the probability of a tremble by S1
goes to zero, since S2 gives up nothing by raising prices. This
observation suggests that S1 may bid above [c.sub.b] - [epsilon] absent
conspiracies. Thus to the extent that trembles are relevant to this
game, supracompetitive prices may be observed in a noncollusive market.
(12.) In fact, trigger strategies could support supracompetitive
prices in either of the baseline environments without any direct
communication. As a practical matter, however, such agreements are very
difficult to arrange without explicit discussions, even when the
environment contains features that would facilitate cooperative
behavior. See, for example, Holt and Davis (1990), Cason and Davis
(1995), and Cason (1995).
(13.) A sales rotation scheme is inefficient because costs for
three of the four units sold each period exceed [c.sub.a]. Given our
parameters the costs of quantity rotations is quite high: per period
market efficiency is 58% and, at best, expected per period earnings
exceed competitive earnings by only 27%. In contrast, seller earnings
may exceed the competitive level by 100% in a conspiracy with market
(14.) Restricting discussions to four-period intervals permits
considerably less communication than was available to participants in
the previous collusion experiments discussed in the introduction. In
addition to our interest in focusing participants' attention on the
monitorability of arrangements, a procedural factor motivates this
design choice. We are interested in developing a mechanism for
generating longer data series than has previously been generated for
conspiratorial markets. Per-period meetings are too time-intensive to be
consistent with this goal. For the most part, the administration of our
communications sessions parallels procedures used in the bulk of the
previous studies. Isaac and Plott (1981), Isaac et al. (1984), and Isaac
and Walker (1985) all prohibited side payments, physical threats, and
cardinal revelation of costs and quantities, as we did. Our additional
prohibition on discussing nonobservable aspects of previous outcomes and
our emphasis that participants were not obligated to c omply with the
terms of any agreement were intended to make defections of the sort
observed by Davis and Holt (1998) a possibility. Finally note that Saijo
et al. (1996) allowed considerably more in latitude in
participants' communications than in any of the other studies
referenced here. These essentially unrestricted communications were
consistent with the strong-form conspiratorial arrangements that were
the focus of their investigation.
(15.) In one or two instances the monitor had to remind
participants that certain variables could not be discussed. In general
participants asked the monitor about the admissibility of a topic prior
to mentioning it. All such issues of clarification occurred in the
initial meetings of a session.
(16.) Absent communication opportunities, equilibria are
insensitive to the buyer's disclosure rule. We uniformly used full
disclosure in the no-communication treatment to improve the chances of
observing the competitive prediction. We believed that the common
observation of a symmetric outcome would encourage stability.
(17.) To ensure that enough participants appeared in each session,
we overrecruited by one or more people. In the event that more than four
participants met their appointment, the surplus students were designated
as alternates. Alternates were paid a $10 appearance fee and were
invited to participate in a future session.
(18.) M = Index of monopoly effectiveness = (realized industry
profit -- competitive industry profit)/(maximum monopoly profit --
competitive industry profit).
(19.) In fact, these sellers were quite pleased to have come to the
agreement that they achieved. Continual defections throughout the first
portion of the session resulted in the very low prices, shown in Table
2. Earnings for these sellers increased rather substantially toward the
end of the session. As seen in Table 3, M values increased from an
average of -.32 in periods 11-20 to .08 in periods 31-40.
(20.) Session-specific effects drive some of the observed treatment
differences shown in Figure 5. For example, in distinction to other
sessions, c-s-rf2 sellers engaged in a considerable amount of price
signaling, independent of the tie-breaking rule used. In periods 31-40
bids for this session are included in the fixed tie-breaker treatment.
Nevertheless changing tie-breaking rules affects the variability of bids
in all markets. For example, comparing periods 11-20 and 31-40 in all
sessions, more bids were within two cents of [P.sub.c] in the segment
using the rotating tie breaker than in the segment using the
fixed-purchase tie breaker.
(21.) In each case the null hypothesis is that the presence of
communication does not increase the incidence of the indicator. For both
identical prices and periods of market sharing, T = 0, which is less
than 97.5% c.v. of 1 (4,4 d.f. one-tailed test). Notice that the
incidence of identical prices in periods 31-40 is higher in sessions
with a full disclosure condition than for sessions with incomplete
disclosure, an observation suggesting that providing sales quantity
information might facilitate coordination. However, closer inspection of
behavior in sessions c-s-dil and c-s-di2 undermines this hypothesis.
Periods 31-40 of session c-s-di1 is particularly interesting. Here,
after continuing (and observable defections), sellers adopted a
sophisticated arrangement scheme to search out the joint
profit-maximizing price at session's end. In their meetings after
periods 32 and 36, sellers agreed to boost prices by ten cents each
period until one seller was left out of the market. On failing to make a
sale, the excluded seller would return to the last price where all units
sold. This would be the joint profit-maximizing price (within a range of
ten cents). In the subsequent period, all sellers would return to this
price. The sellers carried out this plan flawlessly, resulting in the
nine periods of identical prices and eight periods of market sharing
shown in Table 4. Some defections did occur in periods 31-40 of session
c-s-id2. However, the defections were a continuation of defections that
persisted throughout this session, both with complete and incomplete
(22.) Market rotations are defined as the number of times when a
single seller makes all sales in a period, and when another sellers
sells all units in an adjacent period. For rotations longer than two,
quantities must rotate among seller in sequence.
(23.) Crampton and Schwartz (1998) document the use of trailing
digits to relay market information in the Federal Communications
Commission spectrum auctions. A related arrangement, which was discussed
by sellers in c-e-di2 but not implemented, would have generated a
perfect correlation between nonwinning bids and costs. Earlier in this
session, one seller justified repeated monitorable defections with the
claim that he forgot when it was his turn. To circumvent this problem,
the sellers discussed a scheme where a seller would use the final digit
of his bid to indicate his position in the rotation. For example, a bid
of 304 would indicate that a seller had just taken the market and had
highest costs. A bid of 303 would indicate next-to-highest costs, etc.
This bid pattern is perfectly correlated with the temporal cost
(24.) Recall that the final period was not disclosed in advance.
Session c-e-di1 was the only session where an obvious endgame effect was
(25.) Notice that we are not arguing here that identical prices
cannot be observed without cooperative behavior. (Indeed, in an
alternative design, Davis and Wilson [2000] observed instances of
identical pricing in the laboratory.) Rather, our claim is that in a
procurement-type context, where the buyer inelastically demands a
limited number of units, identical pricing is unlikely. As noted by
McAfee and McMillan (1992), identical prices are pervasive in
procurement contracts.
(26.) With good cost information, the analyst could presumably
detect supracompetitive pricing by simply comparing price-cost markups.
However, such cost information is typically not available, and the
analyst must rely on instruments, such as capacity utilization or
distance, that may identify relative cost differences but perhaps not
cost levels.
(27.) This recommendation parallels Hendricks and Porter (1989).
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Davis: Professor, Dept. of Economics, Virginia Commonwealth
University, Richmond, VA 23284-4000. Phone 1-804-828-7140, Fax
1-804-828-1719, E-mail
Wilson: Associate Professor, Dept. of Economics, George Mason
University, Fairfax, VA 22030. Phone 1-703-993-4845, Fax 1-703-993-4851,