Do natural disasters promote long-run growth?
Skidmore, Mark ; Toya, Hideki
Risks to life and property exist, in varying degrees, in every
country of the world. Numerous studies on the relationship between risk
and expected losses and economic decisions are available and generally
widely known, (1) but to our knowledge there are no empirical studies that evaluate the effects of natural hazards on long-run economic growth
in a macroeconomic framework. (2) Despite the vast empirical literature
that examines the linkages between long-run average growth rates,
economic policies, and political and institutional factors, the
relationship between disaster risk and long-run growth has not been
empirically examined.
There is, however, a body of research that has examined the effects
of natural disasters on economic variables in the short run. Tol and
Leek (1999) provide a summary of the recent studies that assess the
immediate repercussions of natural disasters on economic activity. The
empirical findings in this literature (Albala-Bertrand, 1993; Dacy and
Kunreuther, 1969; Otero and Marti, 1995) report that gross domestic
product (GDP) is generally found to increase in the periods immediately
following a natural disaster. This result is due to the fact that most
of the damage caused by disasters is reflected in the loss of capital
and durable goods. Because stocks of capital are not measured in GDP and
replacing them is, GDP increases in periods immediately following a
natural disaster.
Our article extends the short-run analysis by examining the
possible linkages among disasters, investment decisions, total factor
productivity, and long-run economic growth. Because disaster risks
differ substantially from country to country, it is reasonable to
question whether there exists some relationship between disasters and
long-run macroeconomic activity. On cursory examination, one might
conclude that a higher probability of capital destruction due to natural
disasters reduces physical capital investment and therefore curtails
long-mn growth. However, such analysis is only partial and may be
misleading. Disaster risk may reduce physical capital investment, but
disasters also provide an opportunity to update the capital stock, thus
encouraging the adoption of new technologies.
Furthermore, an endogenous growth framework also suggests that
disaster risk could potentially lead to higher rates of growth. In this
type of model individuals invest in physical and human capital, but
there is a positive externality associated with human capital
accumulation. If disasters reduce the expected return to physical
capital, then there is a correspondingly higher relative return to human
capital. The higher relative return to human capital may lead to an
increased emphasis on human capital investment, which may have a
positive effect on growth.
We present some initial evidence regarding the relationship between
disasters and economic growth in Figures 1 through 4. These figures show
the simple relationship between the number of natural disasters and
long-run economic growth using a sample of 89 countries. The vertical
axis represents the average annual growth rate of per capita GDP over
the 1960-90 period. Data on per capita GDP are taken from Summers and
Heston (1994). Along the horizontal axes are four different measures of
the propensity for natural disasters. The disaster data in Figures 1 and
3 are historical information from Davis (1992) covering 190 years of the
world's worst recorded natural disasters. Figures 2 and 4 represent
more current and detailed information on natural disasters events for
the period 1960 through 1990 from the Center for Research on the
Epidemiology of Disasters (CRED) (EMDAT, 2000). Figures 1 and 2 show the
natural log of one plus the total number of disaster events from Davis
and CRED, respectively. (3) However, bec ause larger countries may be
subject to more disasters, we present the natural log of one plus the
number of disasters normalized by land area from Davis and CRED in
Figures 3 and 4. All of the figures indicate a clear positive
association between the number of disasters and economic growth.
As shown in Table 1, a semilogarithmic regression equation yields a
positive and statistically significant relationship between number of
disasters and economic growth, explaining as much as 9% of the variation
in the growth of per capita GDP. In this simple regression, both the
historical disaster measures from Davis (1992) and the recent disaster
measures from EMDAT (2000) are significantly correlated with economic
growth. These findings are consistent whether we use total disasters or
disasters normalized by land area.
In the remainder of this article, we use cross-country variation in
natural disasters to estimate their effects on human capital
accumulation, physical capital investment, total factor productivity,
and economic growth. We demonstrate that the statistical relationship
between disasters and economic growth is robust to the inclusion of
control variables typically considered important determinants of growth
(such as initial income, initial secondary schooling, fertility rate,
investment to GDP ratio, trade openness, population, latitude, and a
tropics dummy variable). The empirical results also show that climatic
disasters are correlated with higher rates of human capital investment
and increases in total factor productivity. However, we find no
significant correlation between disasters and long-term physical capital
In the following section, we present historical and current
information on disasters around the world. In section III, we present
extensive empirical evidence regarding the relationship between natural
disasters and long-run economic growth. In section IV we propose several
hypotheses and identify the routes through which disasters affect
growth. Finally, we offer our concluding remarks in section V.
International Differences in Natural Disasters
Although the potential for natural disasters exists nearly
everywhere, exposure to catastrophes varies significantly around the
world. For example, Jones (1981) compiles data on disasters and finds
that a person living in Asia is about 30 times more likely to die in a
seismic disaster than one living in Europe. (4) Similarly, Alexander
(1993) shows that most hurricanes occur within the tropics between
latitudes 30[degrees] N and S, but not within [+ or -]50[degrees] of the
equator, where atmospheric disturbances tend to be insufficient to cause
Although death tolls vary from year to year, major disasters kill
about 140,000 annually worldwide. In Table 2, we present deaths caused
by various types of natural disasters by continent. About 95% of the
deaths occur in developing countries, but natural catastrophes also have
severe impacts on highly developed countries. For example, the
occurrence of both geologic and climatic disasters in Japan, Italy, and
the United States make these countries particularly vulnerable.
According to Alexander (1993), in the United States 30 disasters are
declared in an average year, of which floods account for about 40% of
property damage and hurricanes and other tropical storms yield 20% of
all disaster-related fatalities (Alexander, 1993). As shown in Table 2,
Asia is affected most severely by natural disasters both in terms of the
number of events and deaths.
Historical Evidence on Natural Disasters
Historically, recovery from extreme disasters, such as region-wide
famine caused by severe drought, has been very flow. Capital and working
animals were lost and, perhaps more important, skills disappeared with
death and outmigration of craftsmen. Full recovery from a severe famine
might take as long as 25 years. (5) Before the Industrial Revolution,
the impact of natural disasters on capital accumulation among the poor
was negligible. The poor built shelters that were expendable and could
easily be replaced. However, in disaster-prone regions the wealthy,
ignorant of engineering principles, spent enormous sums of money to
overdesign their structures to withstand forces well in excess of the
likely forces (Alexander, 1993).
Despite the improvements of engineering and construction, the
potential for capital destruction is enormous. For example, in 1992
Hurricane Andrew caused damages in southern Florida and Louisiana
exceeding $20 billion, but due to effective forecasting and evacuation procedures, only 13 deaths occurred. Japan is highly susceptible to both
climatic and geologic natural disasters. The Tokyo area, home to about
one-fifth of Japan's population, is in the vicinity of several
plate tectonic faults and is especially vulnerable to seismic activity.
Shaw (1994) estimates the cost of an earthquake in the Tokyo area
equivalent in magnitude to the Great Kanto earthquake of 1923 to be as
much as $1.2 trillion. (6) Given that a large earthquake is estimated to
occur every 60 years, a disaster of enormous consequence could be
imminent. These two examples provide some indication of the enormous
potential that exists for disaster-induced capital destruction.
Measuring Disasters
There are many types of potential hazards and the probabilities
that these events will occur differ substantially across countries.
Although the potential hazards are abundant, we focus on climatic
disasters and geologic disasters. In this study, we use two sources of
data on natural disasters.
First, historical data on natural disasters come from Davis (1992),
who compiles information on the world's worst natural disasters.
Some constraints were made in compiling and including natural disasters
into our analysis. Davis made an attempt to document all natural
disasters through history, but we only include those disasters that
occurred within the last 190 years (1800 through 1990). Davis defines
the world's worst natural disasters according to both scientific
and subjective criteria. Davis made several subjective judgments before
including a natural disaster in his compilation. (7) For example, a
volcanic eruption of enormous magnitude might be classified by
scientific measures as a serious disaster. However, if the eruption were
to occur on a remote and sparsely inhabited island, it would not kill
many people and destruction of physical capital would be limited. But if
the eruption were to occur near a populated city, serious damage would
result. There is then a potential that growth would lead to m ore and
greater population centers and thus a greater likelihood that Davis
would record the event. However, countries that experience relatively
high growth are better able to take precautionary steps so that the
magnitude of human suffering is less, reducing the likelihood that an
event would be recorded.
Were it not for the fact that most of the disasters in the Davis
data set occurred prior to the period of analysis, causality between
disasters and growth would be in question. However, given that
population and economic centers 100-200 years ago were significantly
different than they are for the 1960-90 period, Davis's recording
of natural disaster events is not systematically biased toward
high-growth countries over the 1960-90 period. One advantage of using
historical data is that it is arguably exogenous to recent changes in
capital accumulation, total factor productivity, and economic growth. We
interpret past events as affecting the cultural mindset such that these
experiences affect capital accumulation decisions as well as the
adoption of new technology. Although the disaster data from Davis (1992)
are somewhat crude measures of disaster risk, they should provide an
adequate initial estimate of the possible relationships among disasters,
investment decisions, total factor productivity, and long-run gr owth.
We also use a second data set from CRED at the Universite
Catholicque de Louvain in Brussels, Belgium (EMDAT, 2000). CRED has
compiled data on the occurrences and effects of mass disasters in the
world from 1900 to the present. CRED makes a concerted effort to
validate the contents of the database by citing and cross-referencing
sources. CRED also uses specific criteria for determining whether an
event is classified as a natural disaster. (8) The database includes
information on number of events, damages, numbers affected, and deaths.
However, we are reluctant to use data on damages, number affected, and
deaths for three reasons. First, data on these factors are not always
available. Therefore, an estimation procedure must be used to generate
predicted values to be used in place of the missing data. However, such
a procedure only provides estimates for the missing data. More
important, because total damages increase with income, the damages
caused by disasters may be endogenously determined. Similarly, numbers
of people affected fall with income, so that low-income countries
experience more human casualties and losses. Wealthy countries clearly
spend more money on safety in terms of building codes, engineering, and
other safety precautions, thereby reducing deaths. On the other hand,
wealthy countries also have far more physical capital at risk should a
natural event occur, increasing the possible damages. (9) Finally, as
noted by Albala-Bertrand (1993), the impacts of disasters are sometimes
exaggerated in developing countries to secure international assistance.
Thus, data on damages and loss of life are to some degree unreliable.
In our analysis we use the total number of significant events
occurring in a country over the 1960-90 period because we believe
natural events are the best exogenous measures of disaster risk
available. Whether or not a country experiences a natural event does not
depend on its level of development. For example, an industrialized country like Japan is located along several plate tectonic fault lines
and is therefore subject to frequent earthquakes. However, a developing
country like the Philippines is also subject to frequent earthquakes.
Other countries (like Sweden) happen to be located in the center of a
tectonic plate, so that it rarely experiences seismic activity.
Therefore, the number of natural events a country experiences does not
depend on its level of development. (10) In the remainder of this
article we focus on the total number of natural events normalized by
land area because larger countries generally experience more natural
disasters. However, using the unadjusted total number of natural event s
yields qualitatively similar results. We use both the historical data
covering the period 1800-1990 from Davis (1992) and data from EMDAT
(2000) covering the period 1960-90. Summary statistics for these and all
other variables used in our analysis are presented in Appendix C.
Appendix A provides definitions and sources for all variables used in
the analysis.
We also separate climatic from geologic disasters because the
relative effects of each on the economic decisions may differ. In Table
3 we present a series of regressions to demonstrate the importance of
considering climatic and geologic disasters separately. (11) The simple
regressions show that climatic disasters are positively correlated with
economic growth, whereas geologic disasters are negatively correlated
with growth but not always statistically significant. Climatic disasters
tend to occur more frequently and during a particular time of the year.
In addition, forecasting makes it possible for agents to protect
themselves by taking cover or evacuating the afflicted region.
Therefore, agents may perceive climatic disasters as primarily a threat
to property and not life. We suggest that climatic disasters are a
reasonable proxy for risk to physical capital. In contrast, geologic
disasters are less frequent and, given the current state of technology,
forecasting ability is poor. Thus, earthquakes may be perceived as a
threat to both life and property. For these reasons, in the remainder of
the article we disaggregate climatic and geologic disasters, including
both variables in our empirical analysis.
Finally, we assume that citizens are aware of the inherent risks
associated with location. (12) For example, the probability of an
earthquake in Sweden, as noted, is virtually zero, but countries along
the Mediterranean Sea or along the Pacific Rim are far more likely to
experience an earthquake because they are located on seismic fault
lines. (13) We assert that agents generally comprehend disaster risk and
the economic implications for the region in which they live.
Disasters and Long-Run Economic Growth
We begin our more rigorous empirical analysis by estimating a
number of growth regressions that include a wide range of control
variables considered important determinants of growth in past studies.
As shown in Table 4, controlling for initial 1960 per capita GDP,
initial 1960 educational attainment, the fertility rate, the average
ratio of real domestic investment to real GDP for the 1960-90 period,
the ratio of government consumption spending to real GDP, and the ratio
of imports plus exports to real GDP, a semilogarithmic regression
equation fits the data very well, explaining about 56% of the variation
in the growth of per capita GDP.
The estimates presented in Table 4 come from a 1960 through 1990
cross-section of 89 countries (the largest number of countries that we
have been able to assemble data for the variables employed). All
regressions are estimated using an ordinary least squares procedure with
White's (1980) correction to ensure heteroskedastic-consistent
standard errors. Appendix A shows the list of variables and sources, and
Appendix B provides the list of countries in the sample. We present
summary statistics of all variables in Appendix C.
Following recent studies of the determinants of economic growth
using cross-sectional data, we begin with a specification in which the
average annual growth rate of real per capita GDP is regressed on the
variables mentioned and on the measures of disasters. (14) Consistent
with previous work, all of the control variables have statistically
significant effects on economic growth. Countries with lower initial
levels of income grow at faster rates, as do countries with higher
levels of initial human capital. Similarly, lower levels of fertility,
higher levels of investment, lower government consumption spending, and
increases in trade flows increase economic growth. In this initial
specification, the historical disaster measures (Davis, 1992) and the
recent disaster measures (EMDAT, 2000) have significant effects on
economic growth. The climatic disaster variables are positively
correlated with economic growth, whereas the historical geologic
disasters are negatively associated with economic growth. However, th e
current measure of geologic disasters from EMDAT (2000) is statistically
insignificant. These results are consistent and robust whether we use
total disasters or disasters normalized by land area. (15) Note that the
adjusted [R.sup.2] increases when the disaster variables are included in
the regressions.
One might argue that the observed correlation between disasters and
growth is spurious. For example, it may be that small countries have
grown more quickly (slowly) so that disasters normalized by land area
yield a spurious correlation between disasters and growth. We control
for the size of the country by including a measure of land area in the
regressions. Perhaps countries with larger populations or greater levels
of urbanization are more likely to experience disasters. We control for
these characteristics as well. The frequency of disasters may also be
partly determined by geographical factors. For example, the likelihood
of climatic disasters, such as floods, cyclones, hurricanes, and
typhoons, is much greater in tropical or subtropical regions. Several
recent empirical studies show that geographical factors have
statistically significant effects on economic growth. (16) Thus, we
include a country's distance from the equator as measured by the
degree of absolute latitude, and the fraction representing th e
approximate proportion of land area subject to a tropical climate to
control for these factors. It is also possible that the coefficients on
the disaster variables are picking up continent-geography type effects
not otherwise controlled for in our regression analyses. We therefore
include several continent dummy variables as defined in the Barro and
Lee (1994) data set to control for continent-specific factors. Table 5
demonstrates that when we incorporate any of these characteristics into
the analysis, the statistical significance of the disaster variables is
maintained. (17)
It is well known that Japan and Southeast Asian nations have
experienced a remarkable growth rate over the period of our analysis.
Many of these countries also experience frequent natural disasters.
Thus, our findings may be driven by a spurious correlation between
disasters and growth in these Asian countries. It is therefore important
to examine whether our findings are robust to the exclusion of these
countries. In a series of regressions not presented that exclude
different sets of Asian and "ring of fire" countries, we show
that the coefficients on the natural disasters variables are similar in
magnitude and significance to those presented in this article. (18)
Also, Sachs and Warner (1997) show that growth is inhibited in
landlocked countries without navigable access to sea. Because these
countries are not near the ocean, they are not subject to as many
violent storms, and so on. Thus, there may again be a spurious
correlation between slow-growth countries and absence of disasters. (19)
In regressions not presented we exclude all landlocked countries, and
again our disaster coefficients maintain their statistical significance.
To summarize, the regression analysis reveals a robust correlation
between disasters and long-run economic growth. In the following section
we attempt to identify the routes through which disasters affect growth.
We demonstrate that the positive relationship between climatic disasters
and growth is the result of improvements in technology and increased
human capital investment spurred on by climatic disasters. However, the
negative and sometimes statistically significant relationship between
economic growth and geologic disasters may be an indication that
geologic disasters result in loss of life (human capital destruction)
along with physical capital destruction so that the net effect on
economic growth is negative. (20)
A number of theoretical issues must be considered in our evaluation
of the routes though which natural disaster risk affects economic
growth. There is a body of literature on the effects of risk on economic
behavior as well as determinants of economic growth. We draw on this
work to form the hypotheses that we test empirically.
Growth Accounting Approach
We begin our analysis by presenting a basic growth equation. Let
[y.sub.t] denote total output per capita at time t, [h.sub.t] is the
level of per capita human capital, and [k.sub.t] is the per capita
capital stock. The Cobb-Douglas production function is
(1) y = [A.sub.t][k.sup.a.sub.t][h.sup.1-a.sub.t], where A is a
coefficient that represents the level of technology. Transforming this
function into a growth equation yields
(2) [y.sub.t]/[y.sub.t] =
From equation (2) it is apparent that if disasters have any effect
on long-run growth, the route is primarily indirect. That is, disaster
risk could be an important factor in investment decisions and the
adoption of new technology.
We begin our discussion with physical capital investment, which is
perhaps the first factor that comes to mind when one considers the
potential effects of natural disaster events on economic activity.
Disaster risk lowers the expected return to physical capital, reducing
physical capital investment. However, there are several positive routes
through which disasters could affect physical capital investment.
Because disaster-prone areas are likely to use some of the limited
resources for disaster management (stronger and better-engineered
structures for example), we might expect a higher level of investment to
meet these needs (Tol and Leek, 1999). There is also a rebuilding
process in the wake of a disaster so that physical capital investment
increases in the periods immediately following a disaster. As we discuss
later, a lower expected return to physical capital could lead to
increases in human capital. Enhancement of human capital coupled with a
human capital externality may lead to increases in the return to
physical capital and thus encourage physical capital investment. The net
effect of disaster risk on physical capital investment is therefore
theoretically ambiguous.
We now consider human capital accumulation. According to endogenous
growth theory first introduced by Lucas (1988) and Azariadis and Drazen
(1990), human capital is an important key to economic growth. In this
framework, individuals invest in physical and human capital, and the
aggregate stock of human capital accumulated by previous generations has
a positive intergenerational externality on the aggregate level of human
capital of succeeding generations. This intergenerational externality is
the driving force of growth and is implicitly assumed in a number of
growth models in which human capital is the key determinant of growth.
(21) Consider the case where human and physical capital are
substitutable. Increased risk of capital destruction lowers the expected
return to physical capital, making human capital relatively more
attractive. (22) If agents respond by increasing human capital
investment, [h.sub.t]/[h.sub.t], the emphasis on human capital together
with the human capital externality could lead to a hi gher rate of
economic growth.
Natural disasters also have positive long-run economic effects
because disasters may encourage the adoption of new technology, as
represented by [A.sub.t]/[A.sub.t] in equation (2). The coefficient A in
equation (1) determines how much output can be produced with any given
comb combination of human and physical capital and thus embodies the
institutional setting, political climate, the state of technology, and
so on. It is conceivable that disasters provide an opportunity to update
capital stock and so alter A. Similarly, living in disaster-prone areas
may foster adaptability so that new technology is more likely to be
embraced as it becomes available in a country. In addition, because
human capital is an important component in the adoption of new
technologies (Benhabib and Spiegel, 1994), the rate of technological
advancement might be enhanced, particularly for developing countries in
the process of catch-up.
Insurance and Government Assistance
The degree to which agents bear risk is crucial to this analysis.
For agents to respond in the ways previously discussed (in particular
for physical and human capital investment decisions), they must believe
that they bear at least some of the risk. Insurance is available for
many types of risk, so we must examine the role of insurance in disaster
mitigation. Although many risks are insurable, some types of risk are
either uninsurable or insurance is unavailable at a price agents are
willing to pay. For frequently occurring disasters, such as auto
accidents or fire, it is possible to estimate risks precisely. However,
calculating the risks of low-probability-high-consequence events, such
as earthquakes and hurricanes, is problematic because of their
infrequent occurrence. Therefore, data on which probability estimates
are based are limited. As a result, insurance underwriters often charge
higher premiums for ambiguous risks and uncertainty of losses than for
well-specified risks. A study by Kunreuther et al. (1995) shows that
underwriters set premiums between 1.43 and 1.77 times higher for highly
ambiguous risks and uncertain losses than for nonambiguous risks. (23)
In addition, private insurers do not offer policies to cover water
damage from hurricanes and do not actively promote earthquake coverage
because the potential financial losses from natural catastrophes are so
severe (Kunreuther, 1996). Actual coverage for some types of natural
disasters is limited, even in countries with highly developed insurance
markets. Nevertheless, some countries are better able to reduce the
risks associated with natural disasters with insurance. However, data
limitations prevent us from incorporating information on cross-country
differences in ability to insure in our empirical analysis.
We note, however, that a substantial percentage of disaster damages
are not insured, even in industrialized countries. For example, the
earthquake in Kobe, Japan, in January 1995 caused an estimated US$114
billion in damages, but only 3% of the property in the prefecture where
Kobe is located was covered by earthquake insurance (New York Times,
1995). However, an earthquake of this magnitude was unexpected in Kobe.
In a widely perceived hazardous area like Tokyo, only 16% of the
properties were insured at the time of the Kobe earthquake (Economist,
1997). Horwich (2000) discusses government restrictions that limit
property insurance markets in Japan. In the United States, total
economic damages from Hurricane Andrew, which swept the Florida
coastline south of Miami in August 1992, caused over US$25 billion in
damage, but total private insurance claims were only US$15.5 billion
(Insurance Research Council and Insurance Institute for Property Loss
Reduction, 1995).
In many countries, government provides some disaster relief. For
example, in the United States the federal government may provide
disaster assistance to a state that has experienced a major disaster.
Does such aid provide sufficient protection, and do agents believe they
will be bailed out by government should they incur a loss?
Government-sponsored disaster relief provides limited assistance, but it
does not fully protect individuals from the potential losses they may
incur. Further, evidence based on survey data suggests that homeowners
in the United States do not expect government relief should they suffer
damage from a disaster. In fact, most homeowners expect to rely on their
own resources or borrowing to finance their recovery (Kunreuther, 1996).
For these reasons, agents bear at least some natural disaster risk.
The preceding discussion yields several hypotheses that we test
empirically. First, the effect of disaster risk on long-run physical
capital investment is ambiguous. Disaster risk lowers the expected
return to physical capital so that we would expect lower rates of
physical capital investment. However, the potential increase in human
capital induced by natural disasters may increase the return to physical
capital, leading to an increase in physical capital investment. Also,
some resources are used for disaster management and physical capital
replacement following a disaster so that physical capital investment
would increase. Second, because human capital is generally less
vulnerable to disasters than physical capital, disaster risk, in the
context of endogenous growth theory, could lead to increased human
capital investment. The increase in human capital together with the
human capital externality could lead to higher rates of economic growth.
Finally, if disasters serve as an impetus for adopting new technol
ogies, there could be a direct positive effect on total factor
productivity and therefore on economic growth.
On the other hand, it may be that risk and losses to physical
capital are larger than the human capital gains. Furthermore, if
disasters are viewed as a serious threat to life (a risk to human
capital), then both physical and human capital investment would be
reduced. Also, if human capital is important for the adoption of new
technology, growth of total factor productivity might be curtailed, as
would economic growth. In the next, section we empirically examine the
relationships between disasters, physical and human capital investment,
and total factor productivity to ascertain the routes through which
disaster risks affect economic growth.
Our initial analysis shows that natural disasters affect economic
growth, but we hypothesize that disasters affect growth through
investment decisions and total factor productivity. We now turn our
attention directly to the affects of disasters on physical and human
capital investment and on growth in total factor productivity.
Physical Capital Accumulation
We begin by estimating the determinants of physical capital
investment with disasters included as explanatory variables. We estimate
the relationship between the disaster variables and physical capital
investment while controlling for initial 1960 per capita GDP and the
initial 1960 level of human capital. In Table 6, we report the effects
of the disaster variables on three measures of physical capital
accumulation used in previous studies. (24) We use several measures of
physical capital to reduce concerns about obtaining spurious empirical
results. These regressions show that the disaster coefficients in the
physical capital investment regressions are generally negative but not
statistically significant. (25) Also, found in Table 6 are several
growth equations that include measures of physical capital accumulation.
However, including the physical capital variables in the growth
regressions has virtually no effect on the magnitude or significance of
the disaster variables. The empirical evidence suggests tha t natural
disasters do not affect economic growth through physical capital
Human Capital Accumulation
Table 7 reports the effect of the disaster variables on four
measures of human capital accumulation. (26) Again, we use several
measures of human capital to reduce chances of obtaining spurious
results. We estimate the relationship between the disaster variables and
each measure of human capital accumulation while controlling for initial
per capita GDP and the initial level of human capital. The climatic
disaster variables are significant and positively correlated with every
measure of human capital accumulation. However, the effects of geologic
disasters are negative but generally not statistically significant.
Consider the GDP growth regressions also found in Table 7. Note that
when measures of human capital are included in the regressions, the
magnitude and significance of the climatic disaster variables in several
cases are reduced, although they are still statistically significant.
From the results presented in Table 7, we infer that climatic disasters
lead to a greater emphasis on human capital accumula tion, which
subsequently induces a higher GDP growth rate. However, it appears that
there may be another route through which disasters affect growth because
the disaster variables still maintain some statistical significance
while controlling for human capital accumulation.
Total Factor Productivity
As previously discussed, disasters may serve as an impetus to adopt
new technologies and thus affect factor productivity over time. We use a
measure of total factor productivity employed by Coe and Helpman (1995)
and Coe et al. (1997), who define total factor productivity as
(3) F = Y/[[K.sup.[beta]] [L.sup.1-[beta]]],
where Y is GDP, K is the total (private plus public) stock of
capital, and L is the total labor force. This measure of total factor
productivity embodies the institutional setting, political climate,
human capital, the state of technology, etc.
In columns 1 and 2 of Table 8, we present regression estimates of
the change in total factor productivity that include the disaster
variables while controlling for other variables previously found to be
important characteristics of total factor productivity growth. The
following factors are included as control variables: the natural
logarithm of the initial level of 1960 secondary schooling achievement,
the average ratio of real domestic investment to real GDP for the
1960-90 period, a measure of the openness of the economy, openness
interacted with initial income, and the share of exports of primary
products in GNP.
The adjusted [R.sup.2] indicates that more than 50% of the
variation in the changes in total factor productivity is accounted for
in the models. The coefficients on the control variables show that
greater investment and openness, and a smaller share of exports of
primary products in GNP lead to increases in the growth of total factor
Turning to the disaster variables, note that the coefficients on
the climatic disaster variables are positive and statistically
significant, whereas the coefficients on the geologic disaster variables
are negative but statistically insignificant. In columns (3) and (4), we
also present the per capita GDP growth estimates. In these estimates, a
variable that measures increases in total factor productivity is
included in the regressions. Here the coefficients on the disaster
variables decrease substantially and generally become statistically
insignificant by conventional standards. Table 8 contains compelling
empirical evidence that climatic disasters are associated with growth in
factor productivity. From these results, we infer that disasters provide
opportunities to update the capital stock and adopt new technologies. We
also suggest that disaster risks necessitate adaptability, so that
cultures experiencing disasters may be able to adopt new technologies
more readily. Factor productivity appears to be the p rimary route
through which disasters affect growth.
In this article, we use cross-country data to examine the long-run
relationships among disaster risk, investment decisions, total factor
productivity, and economic growth. Although our theoretical discussion
suggests that the effects of disasters on the economy are generally
ambiguous, the empirical analysis shows that while controlling for many
factors, climatic disasters are positively correlated with economic
growth, human capital investment, and growth in total factor
productivity, whereas geologic disasters are negatively correlated with
growth. Our results show that total factor productivity appears to be
the primary route through which disasters affect growth. Thus, natural
disasters play an important role in macroeconomic activity, but not
necessarily in ways that one might expect.
Though the disaster variables are somewhat crude measures and do
not warrant reliance on specific parameter estimates, we think it is
useful to provide some indication of the magnitudes of the effects.
Using the growth regression in column five of Table 4, the coefficient
on disasters normalized by land area indicates that a
one-standard-deviation increase in climatic disasters results in a 22.4%
increase in the average annual rate of economic growth. That is, one
standard deviation in measured climatic disasters increases the average
annual rate of economic growth by about 0.47. The alternate climatic
disaster variables yield effects of similar magnitudes. Although our
theoretical discussion does not provide guidance regarding the size of
the coefficients on the disaster variables, from an empirical
perspective the estimated effects are not unreasonably high nor
Despite the crudeness of our disaster data we are able to obtain
statistically meaningful results. Future research aimed at identifying
more accurate data on disaster risk, and in particular, detailed
information on the probabilities of capital destruction and death would
be a valuable contribution. Similarly, some countries may have highly
developed insurance markets and therefore may be able to reduce the
risks associated with disasters. Our study takes no account of the
differential ability to insure against hazards.
Mankiw et al. (1992) indicate that future research effort in the
area of economic growth should be directed at explaining why physical
and human capital accumulation vary so much from country to country.
They highlight differences in tax policies, tastes for children, and
political stability as possible determinants of these cross-country
differences. More recently, Temple (1999) suggests that our
understanding of factor accumulation is still weak. Our article presents
new evidence on the determinants of factor accumulation and factor
productivity not yet identified in the literature. The evidence reported
herein supports the notion that the prevalence of disasters is an
important factor for individual decision processes, and that the sum of
these individual responses has significant long-run macroeconomic
Definitions and Sources of Variables
Variables Definition Source
Per capita GDP growth Average annual growth rate of real SH
per capita GDP for the period
Log of initial income Logarithm of real per capita GDP in SH
Log of secondary Logarithm of secondary schooling BL2
schooling years in the total population aged
15 and over in 1960
Fertility Average net fertility rate for the BL1
period 1960-85
Investment Average ratio of real domestic BL1
investment to real GDP for the
period 1960-90
Government consumption Average ratio of government BL1
consumption to real GDP for the
period 1960-90
Trade Average ratio of export + import to SH
real GDP for the period 1960-90
Total disaster_Davis Logarithm of 1 + number of total Davis
disaster events (landslide, earth-
quake, volcano, flood, cyclone,
hurricane, typhoon, tornado, and
Total disaster_CRED Logarithm of 1 + number of total CRED
disaster events
Per land disaster_Davis Logarithm of 1 + number of total Davis
disaster events per million square
Per land disaster_CRED Logarithm of 1 + number of total CRED
disaster events per million square
Total climatic_Davis Logarithm of 1 + number of climatic Davis
disaster events (flood, cyclone,
hurricane, typhoon, tornado, and
Per land climatic_Davis Logarithm of 1 + number of climatic Davis
disaster events per million square
Total geologic_Davis Logarithm of 1 + number of geologic Davis
disaster events (landslide, earth-
quake, and volcano)
Per land geologic_Davis Logarithm of 1 + number of geologic Davis
disaster events per million square
Total climatic_CRED Logarithm of 1 + number of climatic CRED
disaster events
Per land climatic_CRED Logarithm of 1 + number of climatic CRED
disaster events per million square
Total geologic_CRED Logarithm of 1 + number of CRED
geological disaster events
Per land geologic_CRED Logarithm of 1 + number of CRED
geological disaster events per
million square km
Log of land area Logarithm of land area (square km) WDI
Log of population Logarithm of total population in WDI
Log of urbanization Logarithm of the ratio of urban WDI
population to total population in
Latitude Absolute latitude GDN
Tropics Dummy for tropical countries if GDN
absolute value of latitude is less
than or equal to 23.
Sub-Saharan Africa Dummy for Sub-Saharan African
Latin America Dummy for Latin-American Countries
NIES and ASEAN Dummy for NIES and ASEAN members
OECD Dummy for OECD members
Growth in Capital_KL Average annual growth rate of KL
physical capital stock per capita
constructed by King and Levine
(1994) for the period 1960-85
Growth in Capital_BS Average annual growth rate of BS
physical capital stock per capita
constructed by Benhabib and
Spiegel (1994) for the period
Secondary school Average gross secondary enrollment WDI
enrollment ratio for the period 1960-85
Difference in schooling Difference between secondary BL2
year schooling year in 1990 and
secondary schooling year in 1960
Growth in schooling year Average annual growth rate of BL2
secondary schooling year for the
period 1960-90
Quality of Measure of schooling quality based HK
human capital_HK on student cognitive performance
in science and mathematics
TFP1990/TFP1971 Ratio of TFP in 1990 to TFP in 1971 CH, CHH
Openness The fraction of years during the SW
period 1965-90 in which the
country is rated as an open
economy according to the criteria
in Sachs and Warner (1995)
Openness * Openness * logarithm of real per
log of initial income capita GDP in 1960
Share of exports of Share of exports of primary SW
primary products in GNP products in GNP in 1970
Sources: BL1: Barro and Lee (1994).
BL2: Barro and Lee (1996).
BS: Benhabib and Spiegel (1994).
CCH: Coe et at. (1997).
CH: Coe and Helpman (1995).
CRED: EMDAT. (2000).
Davis: Davis (1992).
GDN: Easterly and Sewadeh (2000).
HK: Hanushek and Kim (1995).
KL: King and Levine (1994).
SH: Summers and Heston (1994).
SW: Sachs and Warner (1997).
WDI: World Development Indicators (1998).
List of Countries
Algeria Haiti (1) Pakistan (1)
Argentina Honduras Panama (3)
Australia Hong Kong, China Papua New Guinea (3)
Austria Iceland (2,3) Paraguay
Bangladesh (1) India Peru
Barbados (2,3) Indonesia Philippines
Belgium Iran, Islamic Rep. (2,3) Portugal
Bolivia Iraq (2,3) Senegal (1)
Botswana (2,3) Ireland Singapore
Brazil Israel South Africa (2,3)
Cameroon Italy Spain
Canada Jamaica (2,3) Sri Lanka
Central African Republic Japan Swaziland (2,3)
Chile Jordan Sweden
Colombia Kenya Switzerland
Congo, Dem. Rep. Korea, Rep. Syrian Arab Republic
Costa Rica Lesotho (2,3) Thailand
Cyprus (2,3) Liberia (1,2,3) Togo
Denmark Malawi (1) Trinidad and Tobago
Dominican Republic Malaysia Tunisia (2,3)
Ecuador Mali (1) Turkey
El Salvador Mauritius Uganda (1)
Fiji (3) Mexico United Kingdom
Finland Mozambique (2,3) United States
France Nepal (1,3) Uruguay
Germany Netherlands Venezuela
Ghana New Zealand Zambia
Greece Nicaragua (2,3) Zimbabwe
Guatemala (3) Niger (1) Taiwan
Guyana Norway
Notes: The number in parentheses represents the data availability: (1)
not available in the sample of 78 countries, (2) not available in the
sample of 75 countries, and (3) not available in the sample of 71
countries, respectively. See Appendix Table A1 for a listing of data
sources and Appendix Table C1 for the number of countries for which data
are available.
Summry of Statistics of all Variables Used in the Analysis
Standard No. of
Mean Deviations Observations
Per capita GDP growth 0.021 0.018 89
Log of initial income 7.514 0.859 89
Log of secondary schooling -0.954 1.375 89
Fertility 4.346 1.509 89
Investment 0.194 0.081 89
Government consumption 0.161 0.064 89
Trade 0.618 0.403 89
Total disaster_Davis 0.894 1.014 89
Total disaster_CRED 0.567 0.540 89
Per land disaster_Davis 1.680 2.026 89
Per land disaster_CRED 1.496 1.430 89
Total climatic_Davis 0.673 0.910 89
Per land climatic_Davis 1.408 1.988 89
Total geologic_Davis 0.428 0.723 89
Per land geologic_Davis 0.645 1.196 89
Total climatic_CRED 0.450 0.482 89
Per land climatic_CRED 1.306 1.426 89
Total geologic_CRED 0.204 0.279 89
Per land geologic_CRED 0.584 0.818 89
Log of land area 12.16 1.991 89
Log of population 8.661 1.522 89
Log of urbanization 3.375 0.932 89
Latitude 25.40 16.63 89
Tropics 0.506 0.503 89
Sub-Saharan Africa 0.225 0.420 89
Latin America 0.258 0.440 89
NIES and ASEAN 0.079 0.271 89
OECD 0.258 0.440 89
Growth in capital_KL 0.668 0.567 89
Growth in capital_BS 0.424 0.532 89
Secondary school enrollment 0.399 0.254 89
Difference in schooling year 0.987 0.745 89
Growth in schooling year 0.041 0.031 89
Quality of human capital_HK 44.94 12.90 78
TFP1990/TFP1971 1.163 0.289 71
1.148 0.288 75
Openness 0.469 0.456 71
Openness*log of initial income 3.771 3.768 71
Share of exports of primary 0.117 0.103 71
products in GNP
Growth and Natural Disasters: Dependent Variable: Per Capita GDP Growth
(1960-1990 Average)
Disaster No. of
Disaster Variable Constant Coefficient Observations
(1) Total disaster_Davis 0.0176 0.0033 89
(7.1891) (1.8293)
(2) Per land disaster_Davis 0.0158 0.0028 89
(6.9249) (2.7873)
(3) Total disaster_CRED 0.0176 0.0053 89
(6.0925) (1.4917)
(4) Per land disaster_CRED 0.0145 0.0040 89
(5.3599) (3.1146)
Disaster Variable Adjusted [R.sup.2]
(1) Total disaster_Davis 0.0243
(2) Per land disaster_Davis 0.0941
(3) Total disaster_CRED 0.0144
(4) Per land disaster_CRED 0.0953
Note: Numbers in parentheses are t values based on the White (1980)
heteroskedasticity-consistent covariance matrix.
Loss of Life by Disaster Type and by Continent, 1947-80 (Shah, 1983)
No. of
Agent Events Asia Occania Africa Europe
Earthquake 180 354,521 18 18,232 7750
Tsunami 7 4459 -- -- --
Volcanic eruption 18 2806 4000 -- 2000
Flood 333 170,664 77 3891 11,199
Hurricane 210 478,574 290 864 250
Tornado 119 4308 -- 548 39
Severe storm 73 22,008 -- 5 146
Fog 3 -- -- -- 3550
Heat wave 25 4705 100 -- 340
Avalanche 12 335 -- -- 340
Snowfall & extreme cold 46 7690 17 -- 2780
Landslide 33 4021 -- -- 300
Total 1,054,090 4504 23,540 28,694
South Caribbean and North
Agent America Central America America
Earthquake 38,837 30,613 77
Tsunami -- -- 60
Volcanic eruption 440 151 34
Flood 4396 2575 1633
Hurricane -- 16,541 1997
Tornado -- 26 2727
Severe storm 205 310 303
Fog -- -- --
Heat wave 135 -- 2190
Avalanche 4350 -- --
Snowfall & extreme cold -- 200 2510
Landslide 912 260 --
Total 49,275 50,676 11,531
Growth and Natural Disasters: Dependent Variable: Per Capita GDP Growth
(1960-1990 Average)
Disaster No. of
Disaster Variable Constant Coefficient Observations
(1) total climatic_Davis 0.0171 0.0051 89
(7.6644) (2.1629)
(2) Total geologic_Davis 0.0210 -0.0010 89
(8.9530) (-0.4083)
(3) Per land climatic_Davis 0.0158 0.0034 89
(7.6191) (3.1876)
(4) Per land geologic_Davis 0.0216 -0.0017 89
(9.6686) (-1.1764)
(5) total climatic_CRED 0.0178 0.0062 89
(6.6683) (1.5149)
(6) Total geologic_CRED 0.0196 0.0049 89
(7.6491) (0.7470)
(7) Per land climatic_CRED 0.0154 0.0040 89
(6.1871) (3.1154)
(8) Per land geologic_CRED 0.0180 -0.0044 89
(7.3708) (-1.6078)
Disaster Variable Adjusted [R.sup.2]
(1) total climatic_Davis 0.0583
(2) Total geologic_Davis -0.0099
(3) Per land climatic_Davis 0.1325
(4) Per land geologic_Davis 0.0014
(5) total climatic_CRED 0.0174
(6) Total geologic_CRED -0.0055
(7) Per land climatic_CRED 0.0918
(8) Per land geologic_CRED 0.0310
Note: Numbers in parentheses are t values based on the White (1980)
heteroskedasticity-consistent covariance matrix.
Growth and Natural Disasters with Additional Control Variables:
Dependent Variable: Per Capita GDP Growth (1960-1990 Average)
Variable (1) (2) (3) (4)
Constant 0.1419 0.1253 0.1234 0.1350
(5.2918) (5.0095) (5.1400) (4.9997)
Log of initial income -0.0152 -0.0141 -0.0140 -0.0150
(-5.5517) (-5.7541) (-5.9852) (-5.3621)
Log of initial secondary 0.0031 0.0030 0.0029 0.0025
schooling (2.5620) (2.5710) (2.5655) (2.0569)
Fertility -0.0044 -0.0031 -0.0028 -0.0043
(-2.7299) (-1.8195) (-1.6080) (-2.6223)
Investment 0.1118 0.1184 0.1250 0.1150
(4.6113) (4.7466) (5.0538) (4.4694)
Government consumption -0.0699 -0.0674 -0.0650 -0.0654
(-2.0687) (-1.9550) (-1.8784) (-1.9556)
Trade 0.0074 0.0070 0.0038 0.0085
(2.4151) (2.5614) (1.3447) (2.6300)
Total climatic_Davis 0.0046
Total geologic_Davis -0.0044
Per land climatic_Davis 0.0022
Per land geologic Davis -0.0032
Total climatic_CRED 0.0054
Total geologic_CRED -0.0029
Per land climatic_CRED
Per land geologic CRED
No. of observations 89 89 89 89
Adjusted [R.sup.2] 0.5622 0.5921 0.6155 0.5668
Variable (5)
Constant 0.1261
Log of initial income -0.0149
Log of initial secondary 0.0025
schooling (2.1552)
Fertility -0.0033
Investment 0.1372
Government consumption -0.0591
Trade 0.0035
Total climatic_Davis
Total geologic_Davis
Per land climatic_Davis
Per land geologic Davis
Total climatic_CRED
Total geologic_CRED
Per land climatic_CRED 0.0033
Per land geologic CRED -0.0011
No. of observations 89
Adjusted [R.sup.2] 0.5945
Note: Numbers in parentheses are t values based on the White (1980)
heteroskedasticity-consistent covariance matrix.
Growth and Natural Disasters: Robustness Tests; Dependent Variable: Per
Capita GDP Growth (1960-1990 Average)
Variable (1) (2) (3) (4)
Per land climatic_Davis 0.0017 0.0021
(2.3571) (3.9077)
Per land geologic_Davis -0.0034 -0.0032
(-2.8839) (-3.0591)
Per land climatic_CRED 0.0030 0.0034
(2.2692) (3.2892)
Per land geologic_CRED -0.0011 -0.0011
(-0.8933) (-0.8722)
Log of land area -0.0017 -0.0004
(-1.6553) (-0.3522)
Log of population 0.0018 0.0021
(2.3221) (2.2070)
Log of urbanization
No. of observations 89 89 89 89
Adjusted [R.sup.2] 0.6243 0.5899 0.6257 0.6107
Variable (5) (6)
Per land climatic_Davis 0.0022
Per land geologic_Davis -0.0033
Per land climatic_CRED 0.0032
Per land geologic_CRED -0.0010
Log of land area
Log of population
Log of urbanization -0.0018 -0.0008
(-0.6203) (-0.2632)
No. of observations 89 89
Adjusted [R.sup.2] 0.6136 0.5899
(7) (8) (9) (10)
Per land climatic_Davis 0.0017 0.0018
(2.6888) (3.3335)
Per land geologic_Davis -0.0026 -0.0025
(-2.3019) (-2.4182)
Per land climatic_CRED 0.0028 0.0029
(2.4672) (3.0623)
Per land geologic_CRED -0.0002 0.0000
(-0.1417) (0.0310)
Latitude 0.0003 0.0003
(2.4423) (3.3505)
Tropics -0.0109 -0.0128
(-3.4886) (-4.1651)
Sub-Saharan Africa
Latin America
No. of observations 89 89 89 89
Adjusted [R.sup.2] 0.6395 0.6403 0.6721 0.6760
(11) (12)
Per land climatic_Davis 0.0013
Per land geologic_Davis -0.0026
Per land climatic_CRED 0.0027
Per land geologic_CRED -0.0024
Sub-Saharan Africa -0.0126 -0.0119
(-2.5144) (-2.6172)
Latin America -0.0101 -0.0105
(-2.2819) (-2.3276)
NIES and ASEAN 0.0108 0.0132
(2.1208) (2.4459)
OECD -0.0025 -0.0002
(-0.5346) (-0.0426)
No. of observations 89 89
Adjusted [R.sup.2] 0.7141 0.7069
Notes: Numbers in parentheses are t values based on the White (1980)
heteroskedasticity-consistent covariance matrix. Other explanatory
variables used in Table 4 are included but not reported here.
Growth in Physical Capital and Natural Disasters
Log of Log of Per Land
Dependent Initial Initial Climatic_
Variable Income Schooling Davis
(1) Investment 0.0114 0.0107 -0.0047
(0.9415) (1.0293) (-1.3781)
(2) Investment 0.0147 0.0115
(1.1832) (1.0591)
(3) Capital -0.2221 0.0039 -0.0358
Growth_KL (-1.7054) (0.0687) (-1.1607)
(4) Capital -0.2173 -0.0046
Growth_KL (-1.6616) (-0.0777)
(5) Capital -0.0554 0.0419 -0.0437
Growth_BS (-0.4765) (0.6387) (-1.4708)
(6) Capital -0.0331 0.0401
Growth_BS (-0.2707) (0.6048)
Dependent Variable: Per Capita GDP
Growth (1960-1990 Average)
Per Land Per Land Per Land
Dependent Geologic_ Climatic_ Geologic_
Variable Davis CRED CRED
(1) Investment 0.0018
(2) Investment -0.0082 0.0027
(-2.0027) (0.4056)
(3) Capital 0.0015
Growth_KL (0.0421)
(4) Capital 0.0439 (-0.0924)
Growth_KL (1.0680) (-1.3543)
(5) Capital -0.0018
Growth_BS (-0.0472)
(6) Capital -0.0112 (-0.0276)
Growth_BS (-0.2661) (-0.4251)
Dependent Variable: Per Capita GDP
Growth (1960-1990 Average)
Dependent No. of
Variable Obs. Adj. [R.sup.2]
(1) Investment 89 0.5695
(2) Investment 89 0.5751
(3) Capital 89 0.3374
(4) Capital 89 0.3364
(5) Capital 89 0.3089
(6) Capital 89 0.2889
Dependent Variable: Per Capita GDP
Growth (1960-1990 Average)
(7) (8) (9) (10)
Per land climatic_Davis 0.0022 0.0023
(3.5224) (3.2495)
Per land geologic_Davis -0.0032 -0.0033
(-2.7725) (-3.3442)
Per land climatic_CRED 0.0033 0.0026
(2.9821) (3.0937)
Per land geologic_CRED -0.0011 -0.0009
(-0.9389) (-0.7851)
Growth in Capital_KL 0.0145 0.0136
(7.1824) (6.1887)
Growth in Capital_BS
No. of observations 89 89 89 89
Adjusted [R.sup.2] 0.6155 0.5945 0.7957 0.7504
(11) (12)
Per land climatic_Davis 0.0023
Per land geologic_Davis -0.0030
Per land climatic_CRED 0.0028
Per land geologic_CRED -0.0011
Growth in Capital_KL
Growth in Capital_BS 0.0164 0.0157
(5.9030) (5.0853)
No. of observations 89 89
Adjusted [R.sup.2] 0.7661 0.7293
Notes: Numbers in parentheses are t values based on the White (1980)
heteroskedasticity-consistent covariance matrix. A constant term and
regional dummy variables for Sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America, NIES and
ASEAN and OECD are included but not reported here. Other explanatory
variables used in Table 4 are included but not reported here.
Growth in Human Capital and Natural Disasters
Log of Log of Per Land Per Land
Dependent Initial Initial Climatic_ Geologic_
Variable Income Schooling Davis Davis
(1) Secondary school 0.1077 0.0325 0.0172 -0.0320
enrollment (3.4874) (1.4581) (1.7371) (-1.9405)
(2) Secondary school 0.1002 0.0316
enrollment (3.3273) (1.4804)
(3) Difference in 0.4002 -0.1631 0.1233 -0.0918
Schooling year (2.4180) (-2.0532) (4.0304) (-1.3232)
(4) Difference in 0.3356 -0.1692
Schooling year (2.1035) (-2.1262)
(5) Growth in 0.0084 -0.0263 0.0013 -0.0017
Schooling year (1.9355) (-6.2512) (1.6243) (-1.4106)
(6) Growth in 0.0074 -0.0266
Schooling year (1.8447) (-6.4797)
(7) Quality of human 4.5924 2.6474 1.0720 -1.5458
Capital_HK (1.8413) (1.8689) (1.9791) (1.6540)
(8) Quality of human 3.7562 2.1523
Capital_HK (1.7161) (1.7548)
Per Land Per Land
Dependent Climatic_ Geologic_ No. of
Variable CRED CRED Obs. Adj. [R.sup.2]
(1) Secondary school 89 0.7807
(2) Secondary school 0.0341 -0.0499 89 0.7797
enrollment (-2.7222) (-2.2534)
(3) Difference in 89 0.3245
Schooling year
(4) Difference in 0.1536 -0.1029 89 0.2904
Schooling year (2.9461) (-1.0607)
(5) Growth in 89 0.7169
Schooling year
(6) Growth in 0.0035 -0.0041 89 0.7264
Schooling year (3.0399) (-2.2453)
(7) Quality of human 78 0.5648
(8) Quality of human 3.0675 -1.1150 78 0.6258
Capital_HK (4.4373) (-0.8533)
Dependent Variable: Per Capita GDP Growth (1960-1990 Average)
(9) (10) (11) (12)
Per land 0.0018 0.0016
climatic_Davis (2.5118) (2.2603)
Per land -0.0027 -0.0027
geologic_Davis (-2.1031) (-2.2449)
Per land 0.0024 0.0023
climatic_CRED (2.1349) (2.0099)
Per land -0.0002 -0.0007
geologic_CRED (-0.1646) (-0.6364)
Secondary school 0.0184 0.0237
enrollment (1.3442) (1.7958)
Difference in 0.0042 0.0048
schooling year (2.0495) (2.6991)
Growth in
schooling year
Quality of
human capital_HK
No. of observations 89 89 89 89
Adjusted [R.sup.2] 0.6231 0.6106 0.6299 0.6156
(13) (14) (15) (16)
Per land 0.0018 0.0020
climatic_Davis (2.7090) (3.3721)
Per land -0.0028 -0.0034
geologic_Davis (-2.4443) (-3.0139)
Per land 0.0022 0.0022
climatic_CRED (1.8519) (2.2706)
Per land -0.0004 -0.0009
geologic_CRED (-0.3200) (-0.8470)
Secondary school
Difference in
schooling year
Growth in 0.2066 0.2067
schooling year (2.4582) (2.4829)
Quality of 0.0002 0.0002
human capital_HK (1.2439) (1.2639)
No. of observations 89 89 78 78
Adjusted [R.sup.2] 0.6423 0.6187 0.6454 0.6025
Notes: Numbers in parentheses are t values based on the White (1980)
heteroskedasticity-consistent covariance matrix. A constant term and
regional dummy variables for Sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America, NIES and
ASEAN, and OECD are included but not reported here. Other explanatory
variables used in Table 4 are included but not reported here.
Growth in Total Factor Productivity and Natural Disasters
TFP1990/TFP1971 Per Capita GDP
Dependent Variable (1) (2) (3)
Constant 0.9643 0.8970 0.0583
(8.9216) (6.0498) (1.9930)
Log of initial income -0.0088
Log of secondary schooling 0.0291 0.0165 0.0016
(1.3589) (0.6047) (1.2692)
Fertility -0.0022
Investment 1.4356 1.6139 0.0777
(2.9180) (3.5098) (2.6569)
Government consumption -0.0552
Trade 0.0036
Openness 1.3787 1.5620
(2.2284) (2.5377)
Openness * -0.1323 -0.1666
log of initial income (-1.6049) (-2.1005)
Share of exports of -0.8094 -0.9924
primary products in GNP (-2.9922) (-5.0682)
TFP1990/TFP1971 0.0262
Per land climatic_Davis 0.0402 0.0013
(2.9313) (1.7242)
Per land geologic_Davis -0.0131 -0.0015
(-0.5857) (-1.4137)
Per land climatic_CRED 0.0901
Per land geologic_CRED -0.0750
No. of observations 71 71 75
Adjusted [R.sup.2] 0.5322 0.5845 0.7136
Per Capita
GDP Growth
Dependent Variable (4)
Constant 0.0562
Log of initial income -0.0088
Log of secondary schooling 0.0013
Fertility -0.0025
Investment 0.0775
Government consumption -0.0529
Trade 0.0037
Openness *
log of initial income
Share of exports of
primary products in GNP
TFP1990/TFP1971 0.0281
Per land climatic_Davis
Per land geologic_Davis
Per land climatic_CRED 0.0003
Per land geologic_CRED 0.0022
No. of observations 75
Adjusted [R.sup.2] 0.7129
Notes: Numbers in parentheses are t values based on the White (1980)
heteroskedasticity-consistent covariance matrix. In regression (1) and
(2), regional dummy variables for Sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America,
NIES and ASEAN, and OECD are included but not reported here.
(1.) See, for example, the literature on risk and portfolio choice
(Hakansson, 1970; Merton, 1969; Sandmo, 1969), uncertainty related to
income variance and savings decisions (Leland, 1969; Sandmo, 1970; Dreze
and Modigliani, 1972; Kimball, 1990; Zeldes, 1989; Skinner, 1988; Dynan,
1993; Guiso et al., 1992), insurance and behavioral responses to risk
and uncertainty (Kunreuther et al., 1995; Kunreuther, 1996), and
economic responses to risks from natural disasters (Brookshire et al.,
1985; Skidmore, 2001).
(2.) Barro (1991) empirically examines the related issue of the
effects of political instability on economic growth.
(3.) We take the log of the disaster variables to linearize the
relationship between these variables and the dependent variables. Also,
because several countries do not experience any significant disasters,
we add one so that we can take the log of the variables without
arithmetic error.
(4.) this calculation is, of course, based on very imprecise data
because tallies on deaths and damages was not always compiled.
(5.) This section draws heavily from Alexander (1993).
(6.) $1.2 trillion is roughly one-fifth of the Japanese GDP. To
provide a frame of reference, the estimated losses from the Kobe
earthquake were $114 billion or about one-tenth of the estimated effect
of a quake of similar magnitude in Tokyo. Kobe's population is
roughly one-fifth of Tokyo's more than 8 million people. If
economic losses are proportional to population size, then a quake in
Tokyo of similar magnitude would yield losses of about $570 billion, or
about half of Shaw's estimate. But Yokohama (with a population of
3.3 million) and the highly populated area surrounding Tokyo would also
be affected.
(7.) See Davis (1992) for a more detailed description of his
(8.) The reasons for taking into account a disaster are: (1) 10 or
more people were killed; (2) 100 or more people were
affected/injured/homeless; (3) significant damages were incurred; or (4)
a declaration of a state of emergency and/or an appeal for international
assistance was made.
(9.) See Toya and Skidmore (2002) for empirical evidence on the
relationship between the level of development and the effects of natural
(10.) Over an extended period of time, frequency of natural
disasters may affect migration patterns.
(11.) In our empirical study, climatic natural disasters include
floods, cyclones, hurricanes, ice storms, snow storms, tornadoes,
typhoons, and storms. Geologic disasters include volcanic eruptions,
natural explosions, avalanches, landslides, and earthquakes.
(12.) Some studies show that risk from natural disasters can have a
substantial effect on economic activity. For example, Brookshire et al.
(1985) use data on home sales in Los Angeles and San Fransisco areas to
estimate the effects of home proximity to plate tectonic fault lines on
home prices. Holding other factors constant, their results indicate that
close proximity to a fault hazard zone reduces home values in the Los
Angeles area by $4650 (in 1978). This study provides evidence that home
buyers in California use well-publicized information on earthquake
hazards to ascertain property values, and they do so in a way that is
consistent with the expected utility framework.
(13.) Fault lines exist at the meeting of two or more tectonic
plates. Earthquakes are far more likely along plate tectonic boundaries,
For example, Japan lies along several fault lines, making the entire
country susceptible to frequent earthquakes.
(14.) See Barro (1991), Benhabib and Spiegel (1994), Levine and
Renelt (1992), Mankiw et al. (1992), and Temple (1999) for a review of
recent empirical studies on economic growth.
(15.) In estimates that are not presented but are available on
request, we test climatic and geologic disasters separately. These
results are similar to those presented here.
(16.) Sachs and Warner (1997) show that tropical climate is
negatively associated with growth. Hall and Jones (1996) and Ram (1997)
empirically show that the distance from the equator is positively
related to labor productivity or economic growth.
(17.) The estimated coefficients on the various measures of
disasters are robust even when we control for other variables that
influence economic growth. In regressions not presented we include the
average annual inflation rate over the 1960-89 period and the black
market premium for the 1975-79 period. Though these variables are
statistically significant and including them improve adjusted [R.sup.2],
the coefficients on the disaster variables qualitatively similar to
those presented.
(18.) We estimate three sets of regressions. First we exclude five
high-growth East Asian countries (Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Singapore,
and Taiwan). These results show that the coefficients on the natural
disaster variables maintain their statistical significance, although the
coefficient on total climatic disasters (CRED) is not significant. Next,
we exclude a larger set of eight high-growth Asian countries (Hong Kong,
Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, and Taiwan) from
the analysis. Again, with the exception of the coefficient on total
climatic disasters (CRED), the results are similar to those presented in
the article. Finally, we exclude all 19 countries considered by the U.S.
Geological Survey to be in the "ring of fire" (Canada, Chile,
Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras,
Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Panama,
Papua New Guinea, Peru, Philippines, and the United States). These
results are similar to the original findings both in sign and
statistical significance. These results are available on request from
the author.
(19.) Landlocked countries are Austria, Bolivia, Botswana, Central
African Republic, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Jordan, Lesotho,
Malawi, Mali, Nepal, Niger, Paraguay, Swaziland, Switzerland, Uganda,
Zambia, and Zimbabwe.
(20.) It is also conceivable that geologic disasters could lead to
emigration of the population.
(21.) For example, if, in the Lucas (1988) model, the infinitely
lived representative agent is interpreted as a family consisting of
finitely lived agents, no growth would arise without assuming some kind
of intergenerational externality.
(22.) Of course, natural disasters are also a risk to life and thus
also lower the expected return to human capital investment. However,
human capital destruction (death) is a far less likely result than loss
of physical capital. Therefore we expect the risks to physical capital
to dominate the risks to life.
(23.) In the study by Kunreuther et al. (1995), an ambiguous
probability refers to the case where "there is wide disagreement
about the estimate of p and a high degree of uncertainty among
experts." A well-specified loss (L) means that all experts agree
that, if a specific event occurs, the loss will equal L. An uncertain
loss refers to the situation were the experts' best estimate of a
loss is L, with estimates ranging from [L.sub.min] to [L.sub.max].
(24.) See Appendix A for detailed information and specific
definitions for these measures of physical capital accumulation.
(25.) However, if we control for human capital accumulation in our
investment model, we observe a negative relationship between climatic
disasters and investment. In estimates of physical capital investment
that are not presented, we include human capital accumulation as a
control. This set of regressions shows that once we control for human
capital accumulation, climatic disasters have a statistically
significant negative effect on physical capital accumulation.
(26.) See Appendix A for detailed information and specific
definitions for these measures of human capital accumulation.
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CRED: Center For Research on Epidemiology of Disasters
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* We would like to thank two anonymous referees, William Blankenau,
Gerhard Glomm, Hiroyuki Hashimoto, Denton Marks, Yuichi Morita, Masaya
Sakuragawa, Etsuro Shioji, and seminar participants at Kansai
Macroeconomic Workshop, Macalester College, Midwest Economic Association
Annual Meeting, Northern Iowa University, University of
Wisconsin-Whitewater, and Yokohama National University for helpful
comments and suggestions.
Skidmore: Associate Professor, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater,
Whitewater, WI 53190. Phone 1-262-472-1354, Fax 1-262-472-4863, E-mail
Toya: Associate Professor, Nagoya City University, Nagoya, Japan.
Phone 81-52-872-5737, Fax 81-52-872 5737, E-mail