Consumer behavior in the United States: implications for social security reform.
Evans, Paul
The reform of the U.S. social security system is now attracting
much attention. A wide range of proposals for reform have been put
forward, ranging from modest modifications to complete privatization.
(1) In choosing among these reforms, it is important to quantify how
they would affect the aggregate economy. A given reform is presumably more likely to command support, the more favorable its aggregate effects
are on net.
In recent years, economists have typically quantified the effects
of social security reform in large computational general-equilibrium
models based on the lifecycle hypothesis; for example, Kotlikoff,
Smetters, and Walliser (1998). Although the calibration of these models
does make use of data, the models are not designed to fit the aggregate
data in any very well-defined sense. Rather, the lifecycle structure of
the model is simply imposed, and the parameters are chosen in order to
match a few select moments of the aggregate data. The lifecycle
hypothesis is not the only possible model of consumer behavior, however.
Indeed, like all models, it abstracts from many empirically important
phenomena. (2) Moreover, computational general-equilibrium models have
not typically been validated on data other than those used for
calibrating them. (3) One might therefore reasonably doubt the empirical
validity of the effects calculated in such models.
An older literature attempted to estimate the effects of social
security directly. The seminal study in this literature is Feldstein
(1974), who reports that ceteris paribus, social security increases
consumption and lowers saving substantially. As a result, the balanced
growth paths for capital, output, and consumption are lowered
Many other studies followed. (4) They reported mixed results, with
perhaps a presumption that social security raises consumption ceteris
For the most part, this literature investigated the issue by
fitting "consumption functions" of the form
(1) [C.sub.t] = [[beta].sub.0] + [[beta].sub.1][y.sub.t] +
[[beta].sub.2][a.sub.t] + [[beta].sub.3][S.sub.t] +
[[beta].sup.4]'[x.sub.t] + [e.sub.t];
where [C.sub.t] and [y.sub.t] are per capita consumption and
disposable income during period t; [a.sub.t] and [S.sub.t] are per
capita private wealth and social security wealth at the beginning of
period t; [x.sub.t] is a vector of other variables realized during
period t; [[beta].sub.1], [[beta].sub.2] and [[beta].sub.3] are
parameters; [[beta].sub.4] is a vector of parameters; and [e.sub.t] is
an error term. (5) If [[beta].sub.3] turns out to be positive and
statistically significant, social security is inferred to raise
consumption and lower saving ceteris paribus and to lower the balanced
growth paths for private wealth, output, and consumption. Unfortunately,
equation (1) is at best an approximate reduced form of the lifecycle
model and at worst bears no relationship to any well-known structural
model (see Auerbach and Kotlikoff [1983]). If it can be interpreted as a
good approximation to a reduced form, its parameters confound structural
and expectational parameters. For example, even if Ricardian equiv
alence holds so that social security is completely neutral,
[[beta].sub.3] can be positive if social security wealth is positively
correlated with future disposable wage incomes, conditional on the other
regressors. Conversely, even if [[beta].sub.3] is estimated to be
insignificantly different from zero, social security may still increase
consumption appreciably since social security wealth may be negatively
correlated with future disposable wage incomes, conditional on the other
regressors. In principle, these problems could be overcome by estimating
a variant of equation (1) jointly with auxiliary forecasting equations
for the components of future disposable wage income while imposing the
cross-equation restrictions implied by rational expectations. In
practice, this task is too formidable to attempt.
Another problem with equation (1) is that the variables included in
it are likely to be difference stationary. If the error term [e.sub.t]
is also difference stationary, least squares is inconsistent. If instead
it is mean stationary, the parameters are estimated superconsistently.
Nevertheless, unless [e.sub.t] is also uncorrelated with
[delta][y.sub.t], [delta][a.sub.t], [delta][S.sub.t], and
[delta][x.sub.t] contemporaneously and at all leads and lags, the
standard errors are inconsistent and standard procedures produce invalid
inferences. (6) Moreover, correlation is required by the intertemporal
budget constraint.
In this article, I also attempt to estimate the effects of social
security directly. My starting point is the aggregate Euler equation
(2) [DELTA] ln [c.sub.t] = [[psi].sub.0] + [[psi].sub.1] ln(1 +
[r.sub.t]) + [u.sub.t],
where [r.sub.t] is the one-period real interest rate in period t,
[[psi].sub.1] is the elasticity of intertemporal substitution, and
[u.sub.t] is an error term with a zero mean and finite variance. Under
Ricardian equivalence and some separability, aggregation and
distributional assumptions, [u.sub.t] is orthogonal to all lagged
information. Consequently, if Ricardian equivalence holds and the
augmented model
(3) [DELTA] ln [c.sub.t] = [[psi].sub.0] + [[psi].sub.1] ln(1 +
+ [[psi].sub.2] ([a.sub.t] + [[pi].sub.t] / [c.sub.t]) +
[[psi].sub.3] ([S.sub.t] / [c.sub.t]) + [u.sub.t]
is estimated using lagged instrumental variables, the estimates of
[[psi]sub.2] and [[psi].sub.3] should have zero probability limits. In
equation (3), [[pi].sub.t], is after-tax asset income in period t and
[u.sub.t] is an error term that has a zero mean and finite variance and
is posited to be orthogonal to all lagged information. If instead either
[[psi].sub.2] or [[psi].sub.3] is estimated to be significantly
negative, fairly convincing evidence would then exist against either
Ricardian equivalence or the other maintained assumptions. (7)
There is a straightforward intuition for why [[psi].sub.2] and
[[psi].sub.3] should be negative. Suppose that Ricardian equivalence
does not hold and, in particular, existing households do not fully
offset additional government intergenerational transfers in their favor.
Suppose further that households experience an unanticipated increase in
wealth, which could take the form of a budget deficit, a windfall
receipt of asset income, or an increase in the generosity of the social
security system. Such an event would induce an instantaneous jump in per
capita consumption, followed by decreased growth in per capita
consumption over some period of time in order to satisfy the aggregate
intertemporal budget constraint. The initially higher and flatter path
for per capita consumption would lower the balanced growth path for
private wealth. In a closed or large open economy, the balanced growth
path for capital stock would also be lower and that for the real
interest rate, higher.
This article fits equation (3) to annual U.S. data over the period
1950-93, finding strong evidence that [[psi].sub.2] and [[psi].sub.3]
are indeed appreciably negative. The article then quantifies the
steady-state effects on the capital stock, output, and consumption of
social security reform defined as a reduction in the steady-state level
of [S.sub.t]/[C.sub.t].
This article obtains five noteworthy findings. First, the
overidentifying restrictions of equation (3) cannot be rejected even
though those who have fitted variants of equation (2) typically reject
them at low significance levels (e.g., Hansen and Singleton (1983)).
Second, using the method advocated by Campbell and Mankiw (1989; 1990;
1991), the article finds no evidence for binding constraints on
borrowing in a variant of equation (3). Third, because the estimates of
[[psi].sub.2] and [[psi].sub.3] are highly significantly negative,
Ricardian equivalence is decisively rejected. Fourth, social security
reform can raise the balanced growth paths for the capital stock,
output, and consumption appreciably. Fifth, the elasticity of
intertemporal substitution for consumption is estimated to be a highly
statistically significant .63. By contrast, the large literature that
has estimated variants of equation (2) has typically obtained estimates
less than .1 (e.g., Hall (1988)).
The remainder of the article is organized as follows. Section II
provides a theoretical explanation for why ([a.sub.t] +
[[pi].sub.t])/[C.sub.t] and [S.sub.t]/[C.sub.t] appear in model (3) if
intergenerational connectedness is imperfect so that Ricardian
equivalence fails. Section III reports the results from fitting models
(2) and (3). Section IV investigates the effects of social security
reform implied by the empirical model of section III. Finally, section V
Suppose that households face perfect capital and insurance markets
and maximize identical intertemporally separable objective functions
characterized by a constant subjective discount rate [rho]. Suppose
further that their consumption choices are separable from their other
choices and that [alpha], the elasticity of intertemporal substitution
for consumption, is constant. In that case, the following first-order
condition for a maximum holds:
(4) [E.sub.t-1] (1 + [r.sub.t]/1 + [rho])
[([C.sub.t]/[C.sub.t-1]).sup.-1/[alpha]] = 1,
where [r.sub.t] is the real rate of return realized between periods
t -- 1 and t on any financial asset, and [C.sub.t] and [C.sub.t-1]are
the per capita consumptions of the households that inhabit the economy
in both periods t -- 1 and t. On the assumption that the second-and
higher-order conditional moments of In(1 +
[r.sub.t])-1/[alpha]ln([C.sub.t]/[C.sub.t-1] are constant, (8) the Euler
equation (4) can then be cast in the linear form (9)
(5) ln([C.sub.t]/[C.sub.t-1]) = [[psi].sub.0] + [alpha] ln(1 +
[r.sub.t) + [u.sub.t],
where [[psi].sub.0] is a constant parameter and
(6) [u.sub.t] [equivalent to] [ln([C.sub.t]/[C.sub.t-1]) -
[E.sub.t-1] ln([C.sub.t]/[C.sub.t-1])] -[alpha][ln(1 + [r.sub.t]) -
[E.sub.t-1] ln(1 + [r.sub.t])].
Equation (6) implies that the error term [u.sub.t] is orthogonal to
all information available in period t-1.
If everyone entering and exiting the economy over time is connected
to existing households by operative altruistic bequest or gift motives,
[C.sub.t] and [C.sub.t-1] can be measured by [C.sub.t] and [C.sub.t-1],
the per capita consumptions in periods t and t - 1. In that case,
equation (5) can be implemented by applying the generalized method of
moments (GMM) to
(2) [DELTA] ln [C.sub.t] = [[psi].sub.0] + [[psi].sub.1] ln(1 +
[r.sub.t]) + [u.sub.t],
The resulting estimate of [[psi].sub.1] should converge in
probability to [alpha], the elasticity of intertemporal substitution,
when the instrumental variables are dated t - 1 or earlier. Furthermore,
if equation (2) is augmented with additional variables, the coefficients
on these variables should converge in probability to zero. Equation (2)
is therefore eminently testable.
Equation (2) need not hold, however, if disconnected households
flow into and out of the economy over time. Let [d.sub.t-1] be the
fraction of period (t - 1) households that exited then, [b.sub.t] be the
fraction of period t households that entered then, and [C.sup.d.sub.t-1]
and [C.sup.b.sub.t] be the average amounts that these two groups of
households consumed. By definition,
(7) [d.sub.t-1] [C.sup.d.sub.t-1] + (1 - [d.sub.t-1])[C.sub.t-1] =
(8) [b.sub.1][C.sup.b.sub.t] + (1 - [b.sub.t])[C.sub.t] =
ln([C.sub.t]/[C.sub.t-1]) = ln [([C.sub.t] -
[b.sub.t][C.sup.b.sub.t])/(1 - [b.sub.t])]
- ln[([C.sub.t-1] - [d.sub.t-1][C.sup.d.sub.t-1])/(1 -
(9) ln([C.sub.t]/[C.sub.t-1])
= [DELTA]ln[C.sub.t] + ln[1 + ([b.sub.t] / 1 - [b.sub.t])([C.sub.t]
- [C.sup.b.sub.t]/[C.sub.t])]
- ln[1 + ([d.sub.t-1] / 1 - [d.sub.t-1]) ([C.sub.t-1] -
[C.sup.d.sub.t-1] / [C.sub.t-1])].
Equation (9) implies that except by happenstance,
In([C.sub.t]/[C.sub.t-1]) differs from [DELTA] ln [C.sub.t] unless the
average amounts consumed by the entering and exiting households are
identical to the per capita consumptions prevailing at the time.
Blanchard (1984) and Weil (1987) consider a special case in which
the entry and exit rates are constant and independent of age and the
elasticity of intertemporal substitution is one. In this special case,
Appendix A establishes that, to a close approximation, the second and
third terms in the right-hand member of equation (9) are increasing
linear functions of ([a.sub.t] + [[pi].sub.t] / [C.sub.t] and
[S.sub.t]/[C.sub.t]. Equation (5) then implies that, to a close
(3) [DELTA] ln [C.sub.t] = [[psi].sub.0] + [[psi].sub.1] ln(1 +
[[psi].sub.2] ([a.sub.t] + [[pi].sub.t] / [C.sub.t]) +
[[psi].sub.3]([S.sub.t] / [C.sub.t]) + [u.sub.t]
holds with [[psi].sub.2] < 0. and [[psi].sub.3] < 0. This
approximation may be adequate, however, even if the entry and exit rates
vary to some extent by age and over time and the elasticity of
intertemporal substitution differs somewhat from one.
There is a straightforward intuition for why the second and third
terms in the right-hand member of equation (9) are related to ([a.sub.t]
+ [[pi].sub.t])/[c.sub.t] and [s.sub.t]/[c.sub.t]. If all households
choose to consume less early in their lifecycles and more late in their
lifecycles, they must end up holding a larger stock of assets and
receiving more asset income in aggregate. Furthermore, the more social
security wealth they have, the more taxes they pay early in the
lifecycle and more pension benefits they receive late in the lifecycle.
This shift in disposable income from early to late in their lifecycles
can leave the aggregate stock of assets and asset income constant only
if consumption also shifts from early to late in their lifecycles. As a
result, an increase in private wealth plus asset income or in social
security wealth is associated with a reduced [c.sup.b] and an increased
If the approximations leading to equation (3) are adequate,
variables dated t -- 1 or earlier should be approximately orthogonal to
the error term [u.sub.t]. For this reason, they are appropriate choices
as instrumental variables in applying GMM to equation (3). The method
outlined by Hansen (1982) can therefore be used to gauge the adequacy of
these approximations. Failure to reject the over-identifying
orthogonality conditions imposed in fitting equation (3) would then
suggest that the approximations are adequate.
Given model adequacy, it is reasonable to suppose that at least
approximately, the GMM estimator of [[psi].sub.1] converges in
probability to the elasticity of intertemporal substitution and those
for [[psi].sub.2] and [[psi].sub.3] converge in probability to negative
values. Furthermore, one can test the hypothesis of perfect
intergenerational connectedness because the augmented Euler equation (3)
nests the standard Euler equation (2). Statistically insignificant
estimates for [[psi].sub.2] and [[psi].sub.3] are consistent with that
hypothesis, while significantly negative estimates provide contrary
This section reports the results of fitting equations (2) and (3)
to annual U.S. data. The ultimate goal is to determine how social
security affects the aggregate economy.
According to the theory, period t refers to a discrete point in
time. As a result, [c.sub.t] is ideally a flow realized at the instant
t; [a.sub.t] and [s.sub.t] are stocks realized at the instant t -- 1 and
predetermined at the instant t; [[pi].sub.t] is the asset income earned
from the instant t -- 1, when [a.sub.t] is realized, to the instant t,
when [c.sub.t] is realized; and [r.sub.t] is the real after-tax rate of
return realized on an asset acquired at the instant t -- 1 and held
until the instant t. In practice, the data on [c.sub.t] are measured as
cumulated flows over intervals of time such as months, quarters, and
years. This complication does not cause any problems, however, so long
as the interval over which the flows are cumulated extends backward less
than one period. (10) In that case, the error term [u.sub.t] in equation
(3) retains its property of being uncorrelated with all information
lagged at least one period.
My measure of [c.sub.t] is 1.105 times real expenditure on
nondurable goods and services in the fourth quarter of year t divided by
the mid-quarter resident population. The figure 1.105 is the average
ratio of total real expenditures on consumption goods to real
expenditures on nondurable goods and services between 1950 and 1993. My
use of a series that was cumulated over only one quarter avoids the
time-aggregation problem. For [a.sub.t], I employ real per capita
private wealth at the end of year t -- 1 divided by the mid-quarter
resident population for the fourth quarter of year t -- 1. The series
[[pi].sub.t] is after-tax nominal asset income during year t divided by
the midyear resident population and the annual deflator for expenditures
on nondurable goods and services. I choose an annual time span between
observations because private and social security wealth are available
only annually.
The theory implies that one may use the real after-tax rate of
return on any asset whatsoever to measure [r.sub.t] so long as its
timing conforms with that of [DELTA] ln [c.sub.t]. I use the one-year
Treasury discount bond as the asset and assume that the marginal tax
rate on nominal interest income was 30 percent over the entire sample
period. (11) The real after-tax rate of return on this asset is
calculated with the formula
(10) ln(1 + [r.sub.t]) = ln(1 + [.7i.sub.t-1]) - [DELTA] ln
where [i.sub.t-1] is the average nominal annualized and digitized
yield on one-year Treasury discount bonds during the fourth quarter of
year t-1 and [P.sub.t] is the deflator for expenditure on nondurable
goods and services in the fourth quarter of year t.
Feldstein (1974) pioneered the daunting task of measuring social
security wealth. In each year of his sample, he worked out the
implications of the social security system for the present value of what
the current population could reasonably anticipate receiving as net
benefits. (12) Many judgments went into his calculation, some of which
have proven to be controversial. (13) Subsequent work by Feldstein and
others has improved the measurement of social security wealth, though
the existing measures no doubt remain appreciably contaminated by
systematic as well as random measurement error. It is beyond the scope
of this article, however, to make further improvements. I therefore just
use Feldstein's (1996b) measure of net social security wealth,
which is available for the postwar period up to the beginning of 1993.
Ultimately, it is an empirical question whether his measure is a good
proxy for the size of the intergenerational transfer that the social
security system induces in favor current households.
I fit equation (2) to the data described above employing GMM. The
sample period was 1950-93, and the instrumental variables were the
intercept and two lags each of [r.sub.t], [DELTA] ln [c.sub.t],
([a.sub.t] + [[pi].sub.t])/[c.sub.t], and [s.sub.t]/[c.sub.t]. The
result was
SEE = .01478, MSLJ = .0872.
The elasticity of intertemporal substitution is estimated to be
negative, albeit insignificantly so. Furthermore, the marginal
significance level of the J-statistic is fairly low, providing some
evidence against the overidentifying restrictions of the model.
Fitting equation (2) does not produce a reasonable statistical
model for a straightforward reason. The first eleven sample
autocorrelations of the growth rate of per capita consumption are .17,
-.15, .04, .07, -.19, -.12, .11, and .09 with a standard error of .16.
According to equation (2), this approximately white-noise series is a
linear combination of a white-noise error term and a rather persistent
real interest rate. (Its first eleven sample autocorrelations are
.47,.33,.35,.13,.05, -.03, -.24, -.28, -.32, -.35, and -.31 with a
standard error of .16.) If the elasticity of intertemporal substitution
is to be appreciable, equation (2) must be augmented to include some
other persistent regressors in addition to [r.sub.t].
Figure 1 illustrates this point in another way. Its upper panel
plots five-year centered moving averages of the real interest rate and
the growth rate of per capita consumption. (14) The moving average of
[r.sub.t] exhibits long waves, while the moving average of [DELTA]ln
[C.sub.t] shows little tendency to be wavelike or to move in the same
direction as [r.sub.t]'S moving average. Although per capita
consumption did grow rapidly in the mid-1980 when the after-tax real
interest rate was high, it did not grow slowly in the early 1950s and
mid-1970s when the after-tax real interest rate was low. Consequently,
the two moving averages are only weakly correlated with each other as
illustrated in the bottom panel.
I used GMM to fit equation (3) to the data over the sample period
1950-93. The instrumental variables were the intercept and two lags each
of [r.sub.t], [DELTA]ln [c.sub.t] ([a.sub.t] + [[pi].sub.t])/[C.sub.t],
and [s.sub.t]/[c.sub.t]. The result was
SEE = .01194, MSLJ = .3139.
The overidentifying restrictions now pass muster easily. The
estimates of [[psi].sub.2] and [[psi].sub.3] are highly significantly
negative, providing strong evidence against Ricardian equivalence. The
elasticity of intertemporal substitution is estimated to be .63, a
plausible value. (15) It is statistically significantly less than one at
the .05 level, however, suggesting that the parameters [[psi].sub.2] and
[[psi].sub.3] may not actually be constant as posited in section II.
According to the theory, the rate of growth of consumption for
households alive in both periods t - 1 and t is within a constant of
(13) [DELTA]ln[c.sub.t] + .0568([a.sub.t] + [[pi].sub.t]/[c.sub.t])
The top panel of Figure 2 plots five-year centered moving averages
of the real after-tax rate of return and the adjusted consumption growth
rate (13). Both moving averages exhibit similar and closely aligned long
waves. The corrections that (13) adds to the aggregate consumption
growth rate radically alter its properties. In particular, the adjusted
consumption growth rate is much more persistent and is substantially
lower in the early 1950s and the mid-1970s than the aggregate
consumption growth rate. Consequently, the two moving averages are
strongly positively correlated with each other, as the bottom panel
The theory of the previous section assumed that households do not
face binding constraints on borrowing. Campbell and Mankiw (1989; 1990;
1991) have argued that one can allow for this possibility by including
the growth rate of per capita after-tax wage income as an additional
regressor in Euler equations. (16) For example, in the context of this
article, one would estimate
(14) [DELTA] ln [c.sub.t] = [[psi].sub.0] + [[psi].sub.1] ln(1 +
+ [[psi].sub.2] ([a.sub.t] + [[pi].sub.t]/[c.sub.t]) +
+ [[psi].sub.4][DELTA] ln [w.sub.t] + [u.sub.t]
in lieu of equation (3), where [w.sub.t] is real disposable wage
income in the fourth quarter of year t divided by the mid-quarter
resident population. An appreciable and significantly negative estimate
of [[psi].sub.4] would then indicate that binding constraints on
borrowing have important effects on consumption and asset prices.
I used GMM to fit equation (14) to the data over the sample period
1950-93. The instrumental variables were the intercept and two lags each
of [r.sub.t], [DELTA] ln [c.sub.t], ([a.sub.t] +
[[pi].sub.t])/[c.sub.t],[s.sub.t]/[c.sub.t], and [DELTA] ln [w.sub.t].
The result was
SEE = .01244, MSLJ = .3054.
The parameter [[psi].sub.4] is numerically small and statistically
insignificant at any reasonable level. Therefore, no evidence is found
for binding constraints on borrowing. (17)
In this section, I calculate the steady-state values implied by a
simple nonstochastic computational general-equilibrium model embedding
the estimated equation (12). My purpose is to evaluate the economic
significance of the estimates for [[psi].sub.2] and [[psi].sub.3]. The
model is highly stylized and calibrated to match only the grossest
features of the U.S. economy. Furthermore, it has been validated only to
the extent that equation (12) does appear to fit the aggregate data
reasonably well. For these reasons, the results are primarily useful in
assessing economic significance, though they may give some idea of the
size of social security's likely steady-state effects.
I assume that the economy is closed and has the intensive
Cobb-Douglas production function
(16) q = A[k.sup.1/3],
where q and k are steady-state gross output and capital per
efficiency unit of labor. I choose the parameter A so that the
capital-output ratio is 2.5 years in the initial steady state in which q
is normalized to one per year. The choice of 1/3 for the elasticity of
output with respect to the capital stock is entirely conventional (e.g.,
Campbell (1994)).
I further assume that the owners of capital receive its net
marginal product after paying a uniform 30 percent to the government as
taxes. The depreciation rate on capital is taken to be 4 percent a year,
which is consistent with the assumed capital-output ratio of 2.5 years
and the fact that depreciation accounts for roughly 10 percent of GDP.
(17) r = (1 - .3)[1/3 (q/k) - .04],
where r is the steady-state after-tax real interest rate.
In addition, I assume that the number of efficiency units of labor
grows exogenously at a rate of 2.5 percent a year, inducing the capital
stock, gross output, and consumption also to grow at that rate in the
steady state. (18) I also assume that the government absorbs 18 percent
of gross output, roughly its share of GDP in the late 1990s. As a
result, in the steady state,
(1 + .025)k = (1 - .04)k + (1 - .18)q - c
(18) c = .82q - .065k,
where c is steady-state consumption per efficiency unit of labor.
I assume that the government debt policy results in a steady-state
ratio of debt to total consumption of .653 years, roughly its value in
the late 1990s. Given this assumption,
(19) a + [pi]/c = (1 + r)(a/c)
= (1 + r)[(k/c) + .653]
since [[pi].sub.t] = [r.sub.t][a.sub.t].
Finally, I assume that population as well as the number of
efficiency units of labor grows at a constant exogenous rate in the
steady state. As a result, equation (12) implies that in the steady
(20) .630 ln(1 + r) - 0.0568
x (a + [pi]/c) - .0457 (s/c) = B,
where B is a free parameter selected in order to make equation (20)
balance in steady states. (19)
Now, consider the reform of social security. For the purposes of
this paper, the reform is taken to be a reduction in the steady-state
ratio of social security wealth to consumption with no offsetting
increase in the steady-state ratio of government debt to consumption.
Although many of the proposals put forward do entail temporary increases
in the debt ratio and in practice might entail permanent increases, any
such proposal has effects identical to those of a proposal that merely
reduces social security wealth less in the first place with no offset. I
therefore consider reform proposals that differ only in the ultimate
extent to which they reduce the steady-state value of s/c.
I solved the model (16)-(20) for each of the following 101 values
of s/c:
(21) s/c = 1.78(1 - .01i),
i = 0, 1,...,100,
where 1.78 years is the value of s/c observed in 1993 and assumed
to obtain in the initial steady state. Figure 3 plots the percentage
upward shift in the balanced growth path for the capital stock against
i, the percentage reduction in the steady-state ratio of social security
wealth to consumption effected by the social security reform. (20) The
percentage increase in k is essentially linear in the percentage
reduction in s/c, rising about .42 percent for each percent that s/c is
reduced. Equation (16) then implies that q increases by about .14
percent for each percent that s/c is reduced. As a result, any
substantial privatization would shift the balanced growth paths of the
capital stock and gross output upward appreciably.
Figure 4 plots the percentage upward shift in the balanced growth
path for consumption that the increases in the capital stock plotted in
Figure 3 would support. The curve is concave, as one would expect from
the near linearity of the curve in Figure 3, and is upward sloping,
indicating that the U.S. capital stock is well below its golden-rule
level. A reform that completely eliminated social security wealth would
raise consumption by about five percent in the steady state, a sizeable
How do these effects compare with those found in the literature
using computational general-equilibrium models? Kotlikoff, Smetters, and
Walliser (1998) simulated the effects of the complete elimination of
social security, finding that it would raise the capital stock by about
39 percent in the steady state of their model. Figure 1 implies an
effect of 42 percent in the small computational general-equilibrium
model of this section. These effects are remarkably close to each other.
Apparently, the assumptions underlying the augmented Euler equation (3)
have similar implications to the lifecycle assumptions underlying their
model. One should not overstate the closeness of these effects, however,
since both come from models that however, since both come from models
that are easy to criticize. The important point is that the aggregate
effects from social security reform are likely to be large. Even if the
rue effects were half as large as these, one would still conclude that
they are large.
This article found strong empirical evidence that social security
affects the U.S. economy. The estimated effects are highly significant
not only statistically but also economically. In addition, the empirical
investigation yielded four important byproducts. First, unlike much of
the previous literature, the overidentifying restrictions of the
augmented Euler equation fitted here were not rejected. Augmenting the
standard Euler equation with wealth terms enables it to pass muster.
Second, no evidence was found for binding constraints on borrowing once
the wealth terms were included. Third, strong evidence was found for a
substantial elasticity of intertemporal substitution. Fourth, Ricardian
equivalence was resoundingly rejected.
Evans: Professor of Economics, 410 Arps Hall, 1945 N. High St.,
Ohio State University, Columbus, OH 43210-1172. Phone 1-614-292-0072,
Fax 1-614-292-3906, E-mail
(*.) I am grateful to Masao Ogaki, two referees, and the
participants in a seminar at IUPUI for helpful comments.
(1.) Some examples are Aaron and Bosworth (1997), Advisory
Committee on Social Security (1997), Altig and Gokhale (1997), Diamond
(1996), Feldstein (1996a), Feldstein and Samwick (1997), Gramlich
(1998), and Mariger (1997).
(2.) For example, Attanasio and Weber (1995b) find strong
microevidence that changes in family structure across the lifecycle
affect the height and slope of the age-consumption profile, Kotlikoff
(1988) establishes that bequests and inter vivos gifts contribute
greatly to aggregate wealth, and Zeldes (1989) provides microevidence
that some households are borrowing-constrained.
(3.) In this regard, the practice in economics lags considerably
behind that in engineering, where model calibration is also a widespread
practice. Engineers, however, simulate the results of experiments that
they subsequently perform. They do not regard a model as validated
unless it can accurately predict the data generated in many such
(4.) For example, see Barro (1978); Barro and MacDonald (1979);
Burkhauser and Turner (1982); Darby (1978); Evans (1983); Feldstein
(1980; 1982; 1996b); Feldstein and Pellechio (1979); Koskela and Vixen (1983); Kopits and Gotur (1980); Kotlikoff (1979); Leimer and Lesnoy
(1982); Meguire (1998); Modigliani and Sterling (1979); Munnell (1974);
and von Furstenburg (1979). Page (1998) exhaustively and critically
reviews this literature.
(5.) Some of the studies put per capita saving or per capita
private assets in the left-hand member in lieu of per capita
consumption. Clearly, such regressions can be rewritten in the form (1).
Others do not deflate by population, a dubious but probably
inconsequential practice.
(6.) For proof of the previous three assertions and further
discussion, see Hamilton (1994, 557-61, 586-89, 602-08).
(7.) My 1988 and 1993 papers and my joint 1994 paper with Hasan
pursue a similar approach to investigate the effects of government debt
on consumption. These papers omit social security wealth and asset
income from the Euler equation.
(8.) Carroll (1997) has argued that the variability of these
moments is appreciable and persistent, implying that the error term
[u.sub.t] below is not orthogonal to all lagged information. An
alternative interpretation of the results of this paper is therefore
that these moments are positively and appreciably correlated with
([a.sub.t] + [[pi].sub.t])/[C.sub.t] and [S.sub.t]/[C.sub.t].
(9.) With [x.sub.t] [equivalent to] ln[(1+[r.sub.t]/(1 +[rho])] -
1/[alpha] ln ([C.sub.t]/[C.sub.t-1]), equation (4) can be rewritten as
[E.sub.t-1] exp([x.sub.t]) = 1. Expanding exp([x.sub.t]) in a Taylor
series around x, the unconditional mean of [x.sub.t] yields
exp([x.sub.1]) = 1 + [e.sup.x]([x.sub.1] - x) +
1/2[e.sup.x]([x.sub.1] - x).sup.2] + higher-order terms.
so that
1 = [E.sub.t-1] exp([x.sub.t])
= 1 + [e.sup.x][E.sub.t-1]([x.sub.t] - x) +
1/2[e.sup.x][E.sub.t-1][([x.sub.1] - x).sup.2]
+ terms in higher-order conditional moments,
which can be rewritten as
[E.sub.t-1][x.sub.1] = x - 1/2[E.sub.t-1][([x.sub.t] - x).sup.2]
+ terms in higher-order conditional moments.
The assumptions of the text therefore imply that
[E.sub.t-1][x.sub.1] = [E.sub.t-1]{ln[(1 + [r.sub.t])/(1 + p)] -
1/[alpha] ln([C.sub.1]/[C.sub.t-1])} must be a constant. Equation (5)
then follows immediately. If ln([C.sub.t]/[C.sub.t-1]) were directly
observable, this distributional assumption could be avoided since the
generalized method of moments could then be directly applied to equation
(4). Unfortunately, imperfect proxies must be employed, thereby
introducing measurement error. The generalized method of moments does
not produce consistent estimates in nonlinear models when the regressors
are measured with error. Linearizing equation (4) enables this problem
to be avoided.
(10.) Consider a relationship of the form [z.sup.*.sub.t] =
[z.sup.*.sub.t-1] + [beta]'[x.sup.*.sub.t] + [u.sup.*.sub.t], which
relates a variable [z.sup.*] to a vector of variables [x.sup.*] and an
error term [u.sup.*], all measured as flows at the point in time
indicated by the subscript. Integrating both members of this equation
backward over an interval of length [tau] yields [z.sub.t] = [z.sub.t-1]
+ [beta]'[x.sub.t] + [u.sub.t], where [z.sub.t] [equivalent to]
[[integral].sup.[tau].sub.0][z.sup.*.sub.t-v]dv, [x.sub.t] [equivalent
to] [[integral].sup.[tau].sub.0][x.sup.*.sub.t-v]dv and [u.sub.t]
[equivalent to] [[integral].sup.[tau].sub.0][u.sup.*.sub.t-v]dv. If
[tau] < 1, [E.sub.t-1][u.sub.t] = 0 since
[E.sub.t-1][U.sup.*.sub.t-v] = 0 for all 0 [less than or equal to] v
< 1. Hall (1988) has considered the case [tau] = 1, showing that
[E.sub.t-1][u.sub.t] [not equal to] 0 but [E.sub.t-2][u.sub.t] = 0.
This result also requires that the series [DELTA] In [c.sub.t] be
conditionally homoskedastic. Otherwise, the quantity
In ([[integral].sup.[tau].sub.0][c.sub.t-v]dv) -
[[integral].sup.[tau].sub.0] In [c.sub.t-v]dv
would be stochastic.
(11.) In agreement with the theory, the estimates for
[[psi].sub.1], [[psi].sub.2], and [[psi].sub.3] are virtually identical
if one proxies [r.sub.t] with the real after-tax rates of return
calculated from rolling over one-, two-, three-, four-, or six-month
Treasury discount bonds. The same is true for the estimates of
[[psi].sub.2] and [[psi].sub.3] obtained using proxies calculated from
the nominal one-year holding-period yields on 1 1/4, 1 1/2, 1 3/4, 2-, 2
1/2, 3-, 4-, 5-, 6-, 7-, 8-, 9-, and 10-year Treasury discount bonds.
The estimate of [[psi].sub.1]. however, declines with the term of the
bond in this case. This result suggests that households may be less
willing to substitute consumption in response to anticipated capital
gains and losses than to anticipated real returns paid out as coupons.
Such an anomaly would appear to violate Modigliani-Miller neutrality. To
the extent that the latter evidence has credence, the calculations in
the next section should use a smaller elasticity of intertemporal
substitution and obtain larger effects of social security reform on the
capital stock, output, and consumption. The empirical results outlined
here are available upon request.
The empirical results are qualitatively similar for other plausible
marginal tax rates.
(12.) In symbols, his measure of social security wealth takes the
[summation over(I)] [] [[summation over ([J.sub.1]/J=0]
[(1/1 + r).sup.j] [P.sub.ijt][B.sub.ijt]],
where i is an index indicating the type of household (e.g.,
distinguished by marital status, age, etc.), [] is the number of
households of type i in year t, [J.sub.t] is the maximum number of years
that households of type i can live, r is the discount rate used in the
calculation, [P.sub.ijt] is the probability that households of type i in
year t survive at least j years into the future, and [B.sub.ijt] is the
net benefit that households of type i anticipate as of year receiving
from social security in year t + j, conditional on surviving until then.
Net benefits equal pensions receipts less payroll tax payments.
(13.) In his 1974 endeavor, Feldstein made the following
assumptions in specifying [B.sub.ijt]: (i) households anticipated
retiring when their heads reached age 65; (ii) they anticipated
receiving a pension equal to 41 percent of the per capita disposable
income prevailing at that time; (iii) they anticipated paying a fixed
fraction [[theta].sub.jt] of the per capita disposable income prevailing
in the years prior to retirement and nothing in subsequent years; (iv)
they anticipated that disposable income would grow at a constant rate g,
equal to the average growth rate of disposable income over the sample
period; (v) the quantity [[theta].sub.jt] is the actual fraction of per
capita disposable income paid as social security taxes in years included
in the sample; and (vi) in years that would occur after the end of the
sample, [[theta].sub.jt] is the fraction of disposable income paid as
social security taxes in the last year of the sample.
(14.) For purposes of display, the sample means of the series are
removed in Figures 1 and 2.
(15.) Many contributors to the real business-cycle literature
calibrate [alpha] as 1, 1/2, or 1/3; see Cooley (1995).
This result is not surprising given the findings of Attanasio and
Weber (1993, 1995a). The latter article formulates a model in which
disconnected households flow into and out of the economy at positive
rates and then demonstrates that applying GMM to the standard aggregate
Euler equation yields a downward-biased estimator for the intertemporal
elasticity of substitution. The former article establishes empirically
that the bias is appreciable.
(16.) Actually, Campbell and Mankiw estimate regressions with the
growth rate of total disposable income though the logic of their
approach would call for disposable wage income since
borrowing-constrained households do not hold assets and do not receive
asset income.
(17.) This result is also not surprising, given the finding of
Attanasio and Weber (1995a). In a theoretical model in which
disconnected households flow into and out of the economy at positive
rates but do not face binding constraints on borrowing, they demonstrate
that aggregate consumption growth is nonetheless increasing in
predictable wage growth.
(18.) I am thus abstracting from any benefits that social security
reform might have in reducing tax distortions in the labor market. As
pointed out by Murphy and Welch (1998), these benefits can in principle
be obtained without fundamentally changing the character of social
(19.) The free parameter B is composed of three terms, which I
assume to be constant across all steady states. The first is the growth
rate of per capita consumption. This term is constant in all steady
states for which the growth rates of population and the per capita
number of efficiency units of labor are constant. The second is the
negative of the intercept in equation (12). The third is the difference
between the means of the after-tax marginal product of capital and the
real after-tax rate of return on one-year Treasury discount bonds. This
term, which is positive and substantial, consists of risk premia.
(20.) Let k(i) and c(i) be the solutions for k and c corresponding
to the ith value of s/c. Figures 3 and 4 plot 100 x [k(0) - k(i)]/k(0)
and 100 x [c(0) - c(i)]/c(0) against i.
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[Figure 1 omitted]
[Figure 2 omitted]
[Figure 3 omitted]
[Figure 4 omitted]
GMM: generalized method of moments
NIPA: National Income and Product Accounts
Without loss of generality, I assume that both the exit and
entrance rates are constant so that [b.sub.t] = b and [d.sub.t-1] = d
for every t. On that assumption, the fraction of the population that is
age I is b[(l-b).sup.1] for l = 0,1,2.... Let [] be the
consumption of each household of age l in period t. The assumption of a
constant exit probability implies that among unconstrained households,
those exiting in period t-1 consume on average the same amount as those
surviving from period t-1 to period t. Hence, [c.sup.d.sub.t-1] =
[c.sub.t-1] = [c.sub.t-1]. Equation (9) therefore reduces to
(A1) ln([c.sub.t]/[c.sub.t-1]) = [DELTA]ln[c.sub.t] +
[approximately equal to] [DELTA]ln[c.sub.t] +
since [c.sup.b.sub.t] = [c.sub.0t].
Let [], [] and [[pi]] be the after-tax wage
income, beginning-of-period assets, and after-tax asset income of the
households of age l in period t. Because they completely annuitize their
assets in perfect insurance markets and face perfect capital markets,
their budget constraints take the form
(A2) [] + [a.sub.l+1,t+1]
= [] + (1 + [r.sub.t])[]/(1 - d)
= [] + ([] + [[pi]]/(1 - d), l = 0, 1,
Solving equation (A2) forward then yields
(A3) [] + [summation over ([infinity]/i=1)][(1 - d).sup.i]
exp[- [summation over (i/j=1)]ln(1 + [r.sub.t+j])][c.sub.l+i,t+i]
= ([] + [[pi]])/(1 - d) + []
+ [summation over ([infinity]/i=1)][(1 - d).sup.i] exp [
-[summation over (i/j=1)]ln(1 + [r.sub.t+j])][w.sub.j+i,t+i],
From equation (A3), it follows that
(A4) [] = [[mu]][([] + [[pi]])/(1 -
d) + []],
(A5) [] = [] + [E.sub.t] [summation over
([infinity]/i=1)][(1 - d).sup.i]
x exp [-[summation over (i/j=1)]ln(1 + [r.sub.t+j])]
(A6) [[mu]] [equivalent to] [{1 + [summation over
([infinity]/i=1)] [(1-d).sup.i] [E.sub.t] exp ([summation over
The assumptions leading to equations (4) and (5) imply that
x ln(1 + [r.sub.t+j]) + [[psi].sub.0] + [u.sub.t+i]}]}.sup.-1]
(A7) ln([c.sub.l+j,t+j]/[c.sub.l+j-1,t+j-1])
= [[psi].sub.0] + [alpha]ln(1 + [r.sub.t+j]) + [u.sub.l+j].
Substituting equation (A7) into equation (A6) then yields
(A8) [[mu]] = [[mu].sub.t] [equivalent to] [{1 + [summation
over ([infinity]/i=1)][(1 - d).sup.i] [E.sub.t] exp [-[summation over
Equation (A4) reduces to
(A9) [c.sub.0t] = [[mu].sub.t][h.sub.0t]
for l = 0 since [a.sub.0t] = [[pi].sub.0t] = 0. Aggregating both
members of equation (A4) produces
(A10) [c.sub.t] = [[mu].sub.t][(1/1 - d))([a.sub.t] + [[pi].sub.t])
+ [h.sub.t]],
where [a.sub.t] [equivalent to] [summation over ([infinity]/l=0)]
b[(1-b).sup.l][], [[pi].sub.t] [equivalent to] [summation over
([infinity]/i=0)] b[(1 - b).sup.l][[pi]], and [h.sub.t]
[equivalent to] [summation over ([infinity]/i=0)] b[(1 -
b).sup.l][]. Equations (A1), (A9), and (A10) then imply that
(A11) ln([c.sub.t]/[c.sub.t-1]) [approximately equal to] [DELTA] ln
[c.sub.t] + [[mu].sub.t] (b/1-b)
x [(1/1 - d) ([a.sub.t]) + [[pi].sub.t]/[c.sub.t]) + ([h.sub.t] -
It is convenient to decompose [h.sub.t] - [h.sub.0t] into two
components. The first is the per capita present value of the current and
future net transfers that existing households expect to receive as of
period t less the per capita present value of the current and future net
transfers that the newly arriving households expect to receive.
Equivalently, this component is the average intergenerational transfer
in favor of existing households induced by the current system of
transfers payments and the taxes that finance them. I denote this
component [s.sub.t] and call it social security wealth because the
social security system generates the lion's share of such
intergenerational transfers and because the empirical analysis of the
next section focuses on social security. The second component reflects
the shape of the age-earnings profile, as well as any systematic
relationship between age and the taxes levied to cover government
consumption and to service the government debt. I assume that this
component is pro portional to consumption. (21) Given these further
assumptions, equations (5) and (All) imply that
(A12) [DELTA]ln [c.sub.t] = [[psi].sub.0] + [alpha] ln(1 +
[r.sub.t]) - [[mu].sub.t](b/1 - b)
x [(1/1 - d) ([a.sub.t] + [[pi].sub.t]/[c.sub.t])
+ ([h.sub.t] - [h.sub.0t]/[c.sub.t])] + [u.sub.t].
For convenience, I use the same symbol to denote the intercepts in
equation (A12) and (5) even though they generally differ.
The quantity [[mu].sub.t] in equation (A12) is the marginal
propensity to consume from wealth. According to equation (A8), it is
constant if a, the elasticity of intertemporal substitution, equals one
or if [r.sub.t] the real interest rate, is serially independent. In
either case, equation (3) holds with [[psi].sub.1] [equivalent to]
[alpha] > 0, [[psi].sub.2] [equivalent to] -b[mu]/(1-b)(1-d) < 0,
and [[psi].sub.3] [equivalent to] -b[mu]/(1-b) < 0.
Real expenditure on nondurable goods and services is the sum of
lines 4 and 5 of Table 1.2 of the National Income and Product Accounts
(NIPA). For 1947-58, the fourth-quarter nominal interest rate on
Treasury one-year discount bonds is the average of the September,
October, November, and December values of the one-year simple interest
rate on discount Treasury securities compiled by McCulloch and Kwon
(1993). (22) Using the 12-month Treasury bill rate reported in the
Federal Reserve Bulletin on a discount basis, I calculated the simple
interest rates (yields to maturity) for October, November, and December
of 1959-93 and averaged them together. Note that the data of McCulloch
and Kwon are end-of-month observations, so that averaging over the
September, October, November, and December observations approximates an
average over the fourth quarter. By contrast, the data from the Federal
Reserve are monthly averages of daily figures. Real private wealth comes
from Table B-115 of the 1995 Economic Report of the Pre sident;
end-of-year figures for year t - 1 are relabeled as beginning-of-year
figures for year t. Real disposable wage income is nominal disposable
income from line 25 of NIPA Table 2.1 less nominal after-tax asset
income divided by the deflator for expenditures on nondurable goods and
services. Before-tax asset income is national income minus compensation
of employees minus a fraction o of proprietors' income plus net
government interest payments minus government interest payments to
foreigners. These series are lines 1, 2, and 9 of NIPA Table 1.14 and
lines 13 and 16 of NIPA
(21.) This assumption has the same effect as Blanchard's
assumption that every household receives the same disposable wage
(22.) They report their data as continuously discounted rates. The
simple interest rates plugged into equation (10) were calculated by
exponentiating their series and subtracting one.
[Figure 4 omitted]
Table 3.1. The fraction [omega] is the ratio of employee
compensation to national income less proprietors' income. (The
assumption being made here is that compensation for proprietors'
labor services represents the same fraction of total proprietors'
income as compensation is in the rest of national income.) After-tax
asset income is before-tax asset income minus corporate profits taxes
minus federal inheritance taxes minus other personal state and local
taxes minus a fraction [zeta] of income taxes minus the inflation tax
-(1 - [CPI.sub.t-1]/[CPI.sub.t]) X [GNFA.sub.t], where [CPI.sub.t] is
the consumer price index for December of year t and [GNFA.sub.t] is
government net financial assets. These series are line 3 of NIPA Table
3.1, line 4 of NIPA Table 3.2, line 5 of Table 3.3, the sum of line 3 of
NIPA Table 3.2 and line 3 of NIPA Table 3.3, page C-27 of the
January/February issue of the Survey of Current Business and a printout provided by the Bureau of Economic Analysis, and Table B-114 of the 1995
Econom ic Report of the President. The fraction [zeta] is the ratio
before-tax asset income minus corporate profits taxes to national income
plus net government interest payments minus corporate profits taxes.
(The assumptions being made here are that asset income is taxed at the
same average rate as compensation and that only corporate profits taxes
are deductible against income taxes.) All NIPA data come from a diskette provided by the Bureau of Economic Analysis.