We argue that centralized and decentralized environmental
governance yield equivalent environmental regulations. We model worker,
environmental, and capital owner lobby groups that seek influence by
offering political contributions. Worker lobbying in the decentralized
case has an effect on environmental regulations identical to that of
capital owner lobbying in the centralized case. This is because the
aggregate effects of environmental regulations on income are equivalent
under the two institutional designs. Whereas workers carry the full
burden in the decentralized case when capital competition occurs, the
burden is shared with the capital owners in the centralized case. We
present evidence consistent with our theory. (JEL Q28, F21, R38, D72,
As the demand for efficient environmental policies increases, the
ambit of political power in a federation must be determined. Cumberland
[1981] suggests that uniform federal rules avoid the economic
competition between jurisdictions in order to attract investment that
may result in an excessively low environmental quality. As discussed by
Burtraw and Portney [1991], central decision making may be highly
inefficient, however, because federal regulations fail to take into
account the heterogeneity of local environments. [1] This article
develops a theory of decentralized and centralized environmental policy
making in federal systems that incorporates the political forces
determining the outcomes under the two alternative regulatory designs.
The empirical evidence on the effects of interjurisdictional
capital competition on environmental policies is inconclusive and mainly
anecdotal. Esty [1996] gives an overview of the available evidence and
finds that "rent-seeking behavior undoubtedly affects national as
well as state environmental policy making, but there is no evidence that
public decision-making is systematically more distorted at the federal
level than at state and local levels." [2] In a study of packaging
waste regulation in the European Union (EU), Paul [1994/95] describes
how the move from decentralized to centralized regulation "remains
controversial. Some Greens bitterly criticize the directive as a sellout
to industry. It is true that industry aggressively lobbied Parliament to
stop the efforts of the Greens to tighten the directive" and that
"[i]t is tempting to describe this debate as one more example in
which the regulatory authority was captured by industry." [3]
Evidently, the move to centralized regulation stimulated industry
The present paper provides an explanation for why industry lobbying
may be stronger at the federal level and discusses the implications for
environmental policy under decentralized and centralized environmental
policy making. [4] The current literature lacks a formal comparison of
politically determined environmental regulations under the different
institutional arrangements that may exist in federal systems. [5] While
we couch our argument in terms of environmental policy-making that could
be undertaken either at the national level or at lower levels in a
federal structure, we believe that the central ideas extend to
regulatory policy carried out at both the highest and lowest levels of
multi-country federations such as the EU. [6] Extensions of our theory
may apply more generally to several forms of regulation, for example,
worker safety standards and product liability legislation, as well as to
firm taxation.
A key concern of environmental policy makers in federal systems is
interjurisdictional capital mobility. We model a decentralized system of
regulation with a mobile capital stock. Consideration of the effects of
environmental regulations on capital is important; van Beers and van den
Bergh [1997] find no significant negative effect of environmental
regulation on export flows in polluting industries except when
restricting their data to sectors with high capital mobility. [7]
Moreover, Revesz [1992] argues that the fear of capital competition
explains why the Clean Air Act in the United States is a federal
regulation. [8] While capital mobility is a relevant consideration at
the sectoral level, we argue that at the federal or national level, the
capital stock can be viewed as (relatively) fixed. [9]
It is now well known that policy outcomes may be distorted when the
decision-making authority is subject to political pressure exerted by
special interests. In our model, a lobby group representing labor
interests seeks to increase or secure the capital base in its own
jurisdiction by obtaining a lax regulation of pollution from production.
Naturally, this effort is opposed by the environmental lobby group.
Capital owners have an incentive to lobby against environmental
regulation only when the aggregate national capital stock is fixed and
the return to capital then depends on the level of environmental
regulation.[10] On the other hand, when owners can move capital to
jurisdictions in which the rate of return is higher, there is no need to
expend valuable resources on influencing environmental policy.
A novel finding of our model is that environmental regulation is
likely to be independent of institutional design. Capital competition in
a decentralized regime has an equivalent effect on government policy
making, as does capital owner lobbying in the centralized case.
Essentially, since capital flight does not occur in the centralized
case, workers reduce their lobbying effort compared to the decentralized
case. This decrease in workers' political pressure is replaced by
capital owner lobbying instead. We present anecdotal and econometric
evidence as well as voting records on environmental policy in support of
our theory.
The paper is organized as follows. Section II outlines the model
and briefly characterizes the political equilibrium. Section III
presents the results for the decentralized and centralized systems, and
studies the impact on environmental policy of lobbying by capital
owners. Section IV discusses empirical support for our model and
presents evidence from U.S. state legislatures, congressional and senate
voting records on environmental policy, and econometric evidence using
cross-country data on capital controls. Section V concludes.
Consider an economy with a large number of jurisdictions, in each
of which a large number of individuals live and work. Further, each
jurisdiction contains one firm that produces a private good, Q, for a
perfectly competitive national market. Production requires inputs of
capital (K), labor (L), and polluting waste emissions ([theta]); the
last is treated as a non-purchased input. There is no spillover of
pollution into other jurisdictions. The production technology exhibits
constant returns to scale, is concave and increasing in all inputs, and
is twice continuously-differentiable:
(1) Q = F(K, L, [theta]).
In the case of decentralized environmental governance, the local
authority sets the standard for environmental quality; more
specifically, it determines the aggregate waste emissions for its
jurisdiction. By linear homogeneity, (1) can be rewritten as
(2) Q = Lf(k, [alpha]),
where k = K/L is the capital-labor ratio and [alpha] = [theta]/L is
the emissions--labor ratio. Suppressing arguments and using subscripts
to denote partial derivatives, the marginal products of capital,
emissions, and labor are given by [f.sub.k] [f.sub.[alpha]], and (f -
k[f.sub.k] - [alpha][f.sub.[alpha]]), respectively. The marginal
products are diminishmg, i.e., [f.sub.kk] [less than] 0,
[f.sub.[alpha][alpha]] [less than] 0, and we assume that
[f.sub.k[alpha]] [greater than] 0, i.e., increases in [alpha] raise the
marginal product of capital.
While labor is immobile, the capital stock is assumed to be
perfectly mobile between jurisdictions but immobile internationally.
[11] This implies that the rate of return on capital, denoted by r, is
equalized across all jurisdictions. This feature of our model is central
for the comparison of the effects of centralized versus decentralized
policy making. A local policy maker is concerned about the impact of
more stringent local environmental standards on investment and capital
flows from their jurisdiction. A national policy maker sets a uniform
environmental code and need not be concerned with capital flight. In the
latter case, however, the return to capital depends on the stringency of
environmental standards.
We assume that there are three types of individuals in the
jurisdiction: workers, environmentalists, and capital owners. While the
first two groups are always present in each jurisdiction, this may not
be true for the last group. However, for production to occur, at least
one of the jurisdictions has capital owners residing within its borders.
Normalizing the population in each jurisdiction (or in the economy, when
appropriate) to unity, let [[beta].sup.W], [[beta].sup.E], and
[[beta].sup.K] represent the proportion of the population that are
workers, environmentalists, and capital owners, respectively.
The income of environmentalists is exogenously determined, e.g.,
gained from employment in white-collar jobs unaffected by environmental
policy. Workers supply one unit of labor and are paid a wage equal to
the gain from employing an additional worker. This is equal to the sum
of the marginal product of labor plus the additional output arising from
the increase in allowable pollution emissions, [alpha] [f.sub.[alpha]],
hence, wage income is
(3) w = f - k[f.sub.k].
All individuals gain utility from consuming the polluting good, but
environmentalists also suffer disutility from the pollution associated
with production. Individuals are assumed to have additively separable utility functions of the form
(4) [U.sup.i] = [c.sup.i] - [[lambda].sup.E][theta],
where i = W, E, and K index workers, environmentalists, and capital
owners, respectively, and [[lambda].sup.E] = 1 for environmentalists
(and 0, otherwise).
We assume that the workers, environmentalists, and capital owners
in at least some of the jurisdictions have sufficient incentives to
overcome free-rider problems and form lobby groups. Following Grossman
and Helpman [1994], the organized lobby groups offer political
contribution schedules [C.sup.i]([alpha]), i = W, E, K, that relate
prospective contributions to the environmental policy chosen by the
government. The gross welfare functions for the lobby groups are given
[V.sup.W]([alpha]) [equiv] [[beta].sup.W] (f - k[f.sub.k])
(5) [V.sup.E]([alpha]) [equiv] [Y.sup.E] - [[beta].sup.E][theta]
[V.sup.K]([alpha]) [equiv] Kr,
where [Y.sup.E] denotes the aggregate income of environmentalists.
The government is assumed to derive utility from a weighted sum of
campaign contributions and aggregate social welfare, i.e.,
(6) [V.sup.G]([alpha]) [equiv] [[sum].sub.i=W,E,K]
[a[V.sup.i]([alpha]) + [[delta].sup.i][C.sup.i]([alpha])],
where a [geq] 0 represents the weighting that the government places
on the social welfare relative to the campaign contributions of lobby
groups, and [[delta].sup.i] is an indicator variable which takes a value
of 1 if lobby group i is organized, and 0 otherwise. [12]
The Political Equilibrium
The equilibrium emissions standard is determined as the outcome of
a two-stage, noncooperative game. In stage one, each lobby group offers
the government a schedule that promises a specific contribution for each
feasible choice of emissions regulation. In the second stage, the
government selects a policy and collects the associated contributions
from the lobby groups.
When the policy maker's welfare function is described by
equation (6), Grossman and Helpman [1994] show that they actually end up
maximizing a weighted sum of the interest groups' objective
functions, i.e.,
(7) [V.sup.G]([alpha]) = [[sum].sub.i=W,E,K] (a +
Assuming an interior solution, the first-order condition is
(8) [[sum].sub.i=W,E,K] (a +
[[delta].sup.i])[[V.sup.i].sub.[alpha]]([alpha]) = 0.
Equation (8) represents the characterization of the equilibrium
emissions--labor ratio for each jurisdiction. If all or no groups are
organized, note that equation (8) implicitly defines the emissions
standards set by a utilitarian social planner. If one or two of the
three groups fail to organize, then political distortions arise, in a
similar fashion to Grossman and Helpman [1994].
Decentralized Regulation
The effect of a change in the pollution emissions ratio on the
gross welfare of workers is simply
(9) [[V.sup.W].sub.[alpha]]([alpha]) =
[[beta].sup.W][f.sub.[alpha]] [greater than] 0.
Recall that the jurisdictional capital stock is mobile and adjusts
until [f.sub.k] = r. Thus, labor unambiguously gains from an easing of
the emissions policy (i.e., a higher [alpha]). The wage effect of a
policy change is simply equal to the marginal product of emissions
weighted by the number of workers in the jurisdiction.
By determining the impact of a policy change on those individuals
who do not earn wage income but are affected by changes in local
environmental quality, we are able to consider the opposing interests of
different groups within a community and allow for an explicit
characterization of their environmental policy preferences. Since the
environmentalists' income is exogenous, the partial derivative of
the environmentalists' welfare with respect to a small change in
policy is
(10) [[V.sup.E].sub.[alpha]]([alpha]) = -
[[beta].sup.E][[beta].sup.W] [less than] 0,
noting that [[beta].sup.W] = L.
Equations (9) and (10) indicate the direction and strength of
lobbying activity for labor and environmentalists, respectively. In the
decentralized case, the capital owners respond to a policy change by
moving their capital and thus the rate of return on capital can be
treated as exogenous. Since lobbying is likely to be a costly exercise,
the capital owners have no incentive to organize a lobby group when
capital is perfectly mobile.
The interaction of the various political pressures and the actions
of the government help to determine the policy outcome. Equations (9)
and (10) can be substituted into equation (8) to yield a condition for
the equilibrium emissions policy. Specifically, we find that in
(11) [[beta].sup.W](([alpha] + [[delta].sup.W])[f.sub.[alpha]] - (a
+ [[delta].sup.E])[[beta].sup.E]) = 0.
Note that when both lobby groups are organized, or both not
organized, i.e.,
[[delta].sup.W] = [[delta].sup.E], then [f.sub.[alpha]] =
[[beta].sup.E]. In equilibrium, the local policy maker selects an
emissions policy so that the marginal product of emissions,
[f.sub.[alpha]], equals the number of environmentalists in that
jurisdiction. The environmental policy is efficient because the marginal
benefit of increased pollution is equal to its marginal social cost.
From equation (9), the gross gain to society from a rise in [alpha] is
the increase in aggregate wage income allowed by higher waste emissions.
The cost of greater pollution is borne entirely by the
environmentalists, as they are the only group who suffer disutility from
the rise in pollution associated with an increase in [alpha].
Overall, the decentralized policy outcome is efficient as long as
either both or neither of the lobby groups are organized. This contrasts
with Oates and Schwab [1988] in which the policy outcome with a
heterogeneous community is always sub-optimal. [13] When both lobbies
are organized, the policy outcome is efficient since the political
pressure of one lobby is effectively offset by the other.
Regulation with Immobile Capital
We now turn to the case in which capital does not cross national
borders. Not only is this a standard assumption in the literature, but
Feldstein and Horioka [1980] and Gordon and Bovenberg [1996] document
the considerable amount of evidence supporting the notion of
international capital immobility.
With immobile capital, the only effect on wage income of a change
in the pollution regulation is the direct effect, i.e., that resulting
from the effect of a change in [alpha] on the marginal product of labor.
The aggregate effect of a change in the pollution emissions ratio on
labor is therefore
(12) [[V.sup.W].sub.[alpha]]([alpha]) =
[[beta].sup.W]([f.sub.[alpha]] - k[f.sub.k[alpha]]).
Compare equations (12) and (9), noting that the effect of eased
standards on the welfare of labor is now smaller. This is due to the
fact that with a uniform national standard, capital no longer flows to
jurisdictions with relatively lower emissions standards.
A useful characterization of the equilibrium emissions standard is
given Proposition 1 which summarizes the key results so far (Proofs are
left to the Appendix).
PROPOSITION 1. Regulation without lobbying by capital owners.
(i) In equilibrium, the emissions regulation satisfies
[[alpha].sup.*] = [(a + [[delta].sup.W])[[psi].sup.*][w.sup.*]]/[(a
+ [[delta].sup.E])[[beta].sup.E]],
where [[psi].sup.*] =
[[alpha].sup.*][[w.sup.*].sub.[alpha]]/[w.sup.*], with
[[w.sup.*].sub.[alpha]] = {[f.sub.[alpha]], if capital is mobile
[f.sub.[alpha]] - k[f.sub.k[alpha]], otherwise.
(ii) Ceteris paribus, the equilibrium emissions regulation
[[alpha].sup.*] is weaker:
(a) the higher is the emissions standard elasticity of wage income,
(b) the higher is the labor income, [w.sup.*],
(c) given the existence of a worker lobby group, [[delta].sup.W] =
1; and is stronger:
(d) the greater the number of environmentalists in the
jurisdiction, [[beta].sup.E],
(e) given the existence of an environmental lobby group,
[[delta].sup.E] = 1.
(iii) When only labor and environmentalists lobby, [[alpha].sup.*]
is stronger if environmental governance is centralized.
(a) In equilibrium, the more elastic wage income is with respect to
the emissions level, the more workers are directly affected by a given
change in the regulation. A higher equilibrium value of [[psi].sup.*]
means that a less stringent environmental regulation will have a greater
positive impact on wages. This raises the benefit of such a policy to
labor and makes a less stringent emissions standard more attractive to
the government;
(b) A higher level of wage income implies that the emissions
standard will be weaker, ceteris paribus. For a given change in policy,
the larger the initial wage level, the greater the effect on output and
wage income.
(c) The existence of a worker lobby group raises the influence of
worker concerns;
(d) Similarly, the larger the number of environmentalists, the
greater the pressure exerted on the policy maker to choose a more
stringent environmental policy;
(e) The existence of an environmental lobby group raises the
influence of environmental concerns.
More importantly, note that [[psi].sup.*] is lower in the
centralized case with immobile capital compared to the decentralized
case with mobile capital. In particular, when capital is immobile, the
impact on wage income caused by a relaxed environmental standard is
smaller. Consequently, emissions regulations are more stringent at the
national level.
With policy coordination, aggregate social welfare is maximized and
the equilibrium emissions policy is Pareto optimal in the sense that
some individuals would lose if the policy were to deviate from that
described in Proposition 1. However, the efficiency condition is
qualitatively different from the case in which interjurisdictional
competition and the fear of capital flight yield a lower level of
environmental protection. When capital is immobile, the national policy
maker is able to exploit this fact by setting a stricter environmental
Lobbying by Capital Owners
We now consider the impact of capital owners who may lobby the
central government. Clearly, there is no such incentive in the
decentralized case since the available rate of return is equalized
globally, but it does exist in the centralized case when capital is
immobile. This insight is straightforward; the owners of any immobile
factor whose return is affected by a policy intervention have an
incentive to influence the direction of that policy. In our model, we
assume that free-rider problems can be overcome and that factor owners
form lobby groups.
When policy is determined at the federal level and capital is fixed
at the national level and, by implication, immobile internationally, the
return to capital is affected by changes in [alpha]. The welfare of
capital owners now plays a role in the aggregate social welfare
function. Treating the national capital stock K parametrically, the
effect of [alpha] on the aggregate welfare of capital owners equals
(13) [[V.sup.K].sub.[alpha]]([alpha]) =
[[beta].sup.W]k[f.sub.k[alpha]] [greater than] 0.
Easing environmental regulations unambiguously increases the
welfare of capital owners.
We now show that when all groups lobby, the optimal emissions
standard is equal to the regulation for the decentralized case. First,
the characterization of the political equilibrium needs to be modified
to allow for capital owner lobbying. This simply involves adding (a +
[[delta].sup.K]) times equation (13) to equation (8). For i = E, W, K,
substitution yields
(14) [[beta].sup.W]((a + [[delta].sup.W])([f.sub.[alpha]] -
k[f.sub.k[alpha]]) - (a + [[delta].sup.E])[[beta].sup.E] + (a +
[[delta].sup.K])k[f.sub.k[alpha]]) = 0.
Clearly, when [[delta].sup.E] = [[delta].sup.W] = [[delta].sup.K]
we have [f.sub.[alpha]] = [[beta].sup.E], i.e., the efficiency condition
under decentralized decision-making. Thus, capital owner lobbying
reintroduces an effect similar to that of capital competition in the
decentralized case.
Note that lobbying by capital owners must yield a weaker policy.
Rearranging equation (14), the political equilibrium is characterized in
the following Proposition:
PROPOSITION 2. Centralized case with lobbying by capital owners.
Assume that all individuals are organized into lobby groups. Then
(i) the equilibrium emissions regulation under centralized policy
making, [[alpha].sup.0], satisfies
(15) [[alpha].sup.0] = [(a + [[delta].sup.W])[[psi].sup.0][w.sup.0]
+ (a + [[delta].sup.K])[[gamma].sup.0][[pi].sup.0]]/[[[beta].sup.E](a +
where, [[psi].sup.0] =
[[alpha].sup.0][[w.sup.0].sub.[alpha]]/[w.sup.0], [[pi].sup.0] =
k[f.sub.k] = f - [w.sup.0], and [[gamma].sup.0] =
(ii) the emissions regulations under decentralized and centralized
governance are equivalent.
As before, the political determination of [alpha] is driven by the
impact of the regulation on environmentalist and labor interests. For
example, the lower the emissions standard elasticity of marginal labor
productivity, [[psi].sup.0], i.e., when the impact on labor income of
environmental regulation is less, the stricter the resulting regulation.
What is different about Proposition 2 is the existence of lobbying by
capital owners. Since centralized policy making does not induce flows of
capital between jurisdictions, the returns to capital owners are
influenced by the emissions regulation. The impact on capital owners is
captured by the second term in the numerator of equation (15). First,
the lower the emissions standard elasticity of marginal capital
productivity, [[gamma].sup.0], i.e., the smaller the effect on capital
income, the stricter the regulation. Secondly, this effect is weighted
by [[pi].sup.0], capital owner profitability.
In equilibrium, the effects of the emissions standard on all
constituents are internalized by the government's welfare
maximization. Interestingly, the resulting policy outcome is equivalent
to the efficient decentralized case with capital competition, even
though capital is immobile. This is due to the fact that the total
income effect of the regulation is equal in both cases. In the
decentralized case, the capital owners can move capital between
jurisdictions and labor bears the full burden of adjustment. In the
centralized case, labor and capital owners share the costs of
environmental regulation. The capital owners' burden in the
centralized case is equivalent to the effect of capital flight on
workers in the decentralized case. [14]
The preceding section examined two institutional settings in which
the pollution associated with industrial production is regulated. In a
decentralized setting, environmental regulations are primarily shaped by
the influence of environmental and labor interest groups. That is,
environmental regulations are politically determined and are therefore
likely to be influenced by special interests. However, capital owners
are unlikely to engage in costly lobbying activities if they can move
some or all of their capital to other jurisdictions with more lenient
environmental standards. The concomitant capital competition is often
thought to engender a "race to the bottom" in industry
regulatory policies. If capital is immobile, however, federal or central
policy makers may be able to stiffen the regulation of industry without
the fear of capital flight. The relative immobility of capital is a
linchpin for the traditional support for federal environmental
regulations and the proposals to eliminate "downward competitio n
in environmental policy" by harmonizing environmental regulations,
as discussed by Ulph [1995] and Esty and Geradin [1998]. [15] However,
the owners of immobile factors of production will generally have an
incentive to lobby the government for more favorable regulations.
Finally, in a fashion similar to Persson and Tabellini [1992], the
immobility which leaves capital exposed to stricter regulation of its
production may be offset by a "lobbying effect" that creates
increased political pressure for more lenient regulation. Overall, the
stringency of environmental policy is completely independent of
institutional design.
We now consider existing evidence that bears upon these features
and we also present some empirical results pertinent to the principal
themes of our model. Ideally, the most direct test of our model would be
facilitated by an institutional shift in which environmental governance
were suddenly centralized. Rather than regulations becoming more
stringent, on the basis of our model we would predict that
"new" centralized regulations would be similar to the
"average" stringency of regulations that had existed at the
decentralized level. The study of packaging waste regulation in the
European Union, discussed by Paul [1994/95], comes closest to providing
this type of experiment. He describes how the EU moved from
decentralized regulation to a centralized directive in 1994. There were
five-year recycling targets of 25-45% for total packaging waste, a 15%
recycling rate for each type of material, and a prohibition of national
requirements above 45%. The EU directive was less stringent than the
existing German, Dani sh, and Dutch laws, but was significantly stricter
than the existing Greek, Irish, and Portuguese requirements. The
preagreement national recycling rates for the EU members are given in
Table I.
Golub [1996] describes how the initial proposal immediately came
under political fire from various industry groups and how the new drafts
of the regulations were successively less demanding, until the directive
described above was finally adopted. [16] The adopted targets were
significantly lower than the targets initially proposed by the EU
Commission. [17]
In a similar vein, the centralization of environmental policy may
simply reify an existing pattern of environmental policies. For example,
consider the 1987 Montreal Protocol. It may have achieved considerably
less that many observers believe (or hope). According to the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency [1988] (cited by Barrett [1994]), the
benefit to the United States from ratifying this treaty (originally
requiring a 50% reduction of hard CFC consumption and production) was
$3,575 billion, and a unilateral cut of the same magnitude would yield a
benefit of $1,373 billion. These figures should be compared to the
projected cost of $21 billion. Barrett [1994] provides a model that
supports the conclusion that the Protocol may merely have codified what
would have occurred in a noncooperative equilibrium. This view is
consistent with the findings of Murdoch and Sandler [1997], who find
that CFC cutbacks between 1986 and 1989 in a sample of 61 countries were
in excess of the cutbacks required by the Protocol. It appears that
industry lobbying may have played an important role in the design of
this agreement. Haas [1992] quotes the chairman of an industry interest
group, the Alliance for a Responsible CFC Policy, who stated in 1986
that "We do not believe the scientific information demonstrates any
actual risk from current CFC use of emissions." However, later in
the same year, the major CFC producer, DuPont, made a switch in favor of
CFC controls which undermined the remaining firms' position. In
1988, DuPont announced that CFC production would be phased out by the
year 2000. The initial change in DuPont's position has been widely
credited for making the Protocol possible, as argued by Benedick [1991]
and Haas [1991].
We now turn to cross-country patterns in environmental policy and
attempt to more explicitly assess the impact of capital controls on the
stringency of environmental policy. An implication of our model is that
capital controls should have no effect on the stringency of
environmental policy, i.e., there are offsetting political changes that
mitigate an associated rise in the stringency of environmental policy
when capital controls are put in place. Underlying our test is the
presumption that in the absence of capital controls, the capital stock
is mobile.
Table II presents some representative regression specifications
that build on a reasonably standard model for the stringency of
environmental regulations. The index of environmental regulations and
enforcement, STRINGENCY, developed by Dasgupta et al. [1995] for the
industry sector for a total of 31 countries, measures policies
addressing air, water, land, and living resources. Briefly, a standard
model predicts that stringency should increase with real GDP per capita,
i.e., environmental quality is a normal good. [18] In addition, the more
people there are in urban centers, the greater is the exposure to
industrial pollution and thus the marginal disutility of pollution, so
STRINGENCY should be positively related to URBAN. Also, recent research
by, e.g., Congleton [1992], Murdoch and Sandier [1997], and Fredriksson
and Gaston [2000], indicates that greater political freedoms give rise
to stronger pressure for stricter environmental policies. Our dummy
variable RIGHTS takes a value of one if a country is cla ssified as
having political freedoms, zero otherwise. The variable is based on a
classification of freedoms in countries. Finally, and most importantly for our purposes, we augment this model with various measures of capital
controls used by Grilli and Milesi-Ferretti [1995]. We use four
different measures for the year 1990; the dummies take the value of one
if a restriction is in place, and zero otherwise. CC1 measures the
existence of multiple exchange rate practices; CC2 measures restrictions
on current account transactions; CC3 measures restrictions on capital
account transactions; and CC4 indicates whether or not exporters need to
surrender exports proceeds. Our theory predicts that they should not
affect STRINGENCY, because we expect environmental stringency to be
independent of capital mobility.
Table II indicates that the estimated models yield sensible results
for the standard variables. There is strong support for the expected
effects of per capita income and urbanization on environmental
stringency and moderate support for the view that political and civil
freedoms lead to greater political support for policies that protect the
environment. However, the capital control measures lack statistical
significance, when entered either individually or jointly. [19] Hence,
greater restrictions on capital are not associated with the stringency
of environmental policies. We interpret these findings as providing
support, albeit somewhat indirect, for our model's predictions.
The question remains, of course, about effects of environmental
policy on industry and the consequent incentives for capital and
industry to lobby for more favorable environmental regulations and
policies. Fortunately, anecdotal evidence is strong. For example, in
1997 the provincial government in Ontario, Canada, amended the majority
of its statutes concerned with the environment or natural resources to
make them less stringent. The main beneficiaries were the agribusiness,
forestry, home-building, and mining industries, according to Esty and
Geradin [1998]. These industries can be classified as sectors with
relatively immobile capital. In comparing the United States and the EU,
Kimber [1995, 1,688] argues that "opposition to central regulation
makes it difficult to enact central measures at all or of sufficient
stringency to protect the environment adequately." At the same
time, she also argues for centrally established policies. For Germany,
Rose-Ackerman [1995] finds that farmers and the chemical industr y have
virtual "veto power" over environmental policy (organic and
inorganic chemicals industries are classified as having immobile capital
stocks by UNIDO [1982]). Similarly, Bosso [1987] and Cropper et al.
[1992] report that for the United States, pesticide manufacturers and
farmers have had a significant impact on the regulation of pesticides in
Finally, we present two separate pieces of evidence that suggest
that environmental policy and the level of pollution may both be
independent of institutional design. First, consider evidence from the
U.S. state legislatures and congressional and senate voting records on
environmental policy. The following data for roll calls on environmental
bills in state legislatures and in the U.S. Senate and House are
reported by Calvert [1989]. They are for Mean Support Scores which index
the tendency for U.S. legislators to vote in support of policies that
protect the environment. Specifically, the data are for
i. State House and Senate votes by Democrats and Republicans on
environmental bills for ten states (of which none are southern states),
for the years 1980-85; [20]
ii. U.S. Congress and Senate for Democrats and Republicans
(excluding the South), for the years 1981-84.
Our theory suggests that there should be no differences in the
support for environmental policy at different levels of policy making.
Table III reveals no discernible differences in voting intentions at the
Federal and State levels.
Second, the data for pollution levels reported by Rose-Ackerman
[1995] are consistent with our theoretical expectations. She considers
measures of environmental quality for the United States, which has
centralized regulation, and for Germany, which has decentralized
regulation. While acknowledging the obvious difficulties associated with
making cross-country comparisons, she finds no evidence that one type of
institutional design yields lower pollution levels than another. [21]
This article examined the implications of decentralized and
centralized environmental policy making. We differentiated the two
levels of environmental governance by the presence or absence of capital
competition. Specifically, capital was mobile between jurisdictions of a
federation, but immobile at higher or more centralized levels of
governance. We assumed that environmental policies are politically
determined, i.e., that policies are shaped by special interests or lobby
groups. Organized lobby groups offer the government political
contributions in return for more favored environmental policy outcomes.
The government maximizes aggregate social welfare and political
In the case of decentralized environmental governance, we found
that the emissions policy is efficient. However, the regulation is
affected by capital competition because workers are adversely affected
by capital flight and their lobbying influences the local policy maker
to reduce the level of regulatory stringency.
Next, we discussed the policy outcomes for two scenarios under
centralized environmental policy making. If capital owners do not lobby
for political favors, the government sets a more stringent environmental
standard than in the decentralized case. This result forms the
foundation for the coordinated administration of environmental policies.
For example, the large tax competition literature takes seriously the
possibility of noncooperative equilibria with sub-optimally low levels
of capital taxation. Similarly, minimum environmental standards or
abatement requirements may exhibit "race to the bottom"
tendencies when the standards and requirements are determined at local
levels of government. These tendencies are thought to be mitigated if
policies are harmonized at the highest level of government in a federal
If the capital stock is immobile, however, the owners of capital
also have an incentive to lobby the policy maker. We showed that the
centralized regulatory outcome may degenerate to the decentralized
regulatory outcome, i.e., the emission standard is independent of
institutional design. This occurs because capital owner lobbying has an
effect on environmental regulation similar to that induced by capital
competition when policy is determined locally. While labor bears the
costs of environmental regulation in the decentralized system, the
burden is shared with capital in the centralized case. A possible
implication of our article is that, given the independence of
environmental policy and institution design, decentralized environmental
governance may be preferable if there exists significant heterogeneity
of the effects of pollution across jurisdictions.
Fredriksson: Consultant, The World Bank, Washington, D.C.,
Phone-202-473-7341, Fax-202-522-1735, E-mail pfredriksson@worldbank.org;
and Lecturer, University of Adelaide, Adelaide, South Australia
Gaston: Professor of Economics, Bond University, Gold Coast,
Australia, Phone 61-7-5595-2220, Fax 61-7-5595-1160, E-mail
(*.) We would like to thank Torbj[ddot{o}]rn Becker, Thomas
Crocker, Matthew Emeny, Wilfred Ethier, Kevin Grier, Robert Inman, Paul
Kleindorfer, William Oakland, Jonathan Pincus, Kamal Saggi, and
participants at presentations at the Universities of Calgary, Central
Florida, and Maryland, as well as at George Washington University,
Southern Methodist University, and the Eighth Annual EAERE Conference
held at Tilburg University. An anonymous referee and the editor, John
Lott, provided comments that lead to substantial improvements in the
paper. Gian Maria Milesi-Ferretti kindly provided data on capital
controls. The first author gratefully acknowledges financial support
from the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida).
The opinions expressed are those of the authors and not those of the
World Bank or Sida. The usual disclaimers apply.
(1.) Examples of decentralized and centralized environmental
governance in the United States are the Clean Air Act of 1970, which
sets uniform national standards for air quality, and the Clean Water Act
which was enacted in 1972 and allows states to determine their own
standards for water quality (Oates [1996]).
(2.) However, Esty [1996, 650] goes on to argue that "...
given the general popular indifference to many state and local
environmental decisions, as well as greater media attention to
federal-level activities, one might suggest precisely the
(3.) We describe Paul's empirical findings in greater detail
in section IV below. Esty and Geradin [1998] report that in the
mid-1990s, the EU faced strong political pressure from several industry
lobbies to revise the legislative framework on waste and biotechnology
and to substitute binding legislation for voluntary environmental
agreements. Revesz [1992] reports that eight Northeastern states in the
United States adopted environmental regulations more stringent than the
corresponding federal regulations. This suggests that the political
pressures at the federal level may have been relatively greater.
(4.) The issue of institutional design is highly contentious, see
for example, Stewart [1990], Revesz [1992], and Esty [1996].
(5.) Oates and Schwab [1988] study decentralized policy making
under majority rule voting and show that environmental policy is
distorted by politics. Rauscher [1994] studies "ecological
dumping" in a model with jurisdictionally immobile and
intersectorally mobile factors of production. The export industry
lobby's objective is to maximize output and the government cares
about both output and welfare. Rauscher finds that the export industry
has ambiguous lobbying incentives. Markusen, Morey, and Olewiler [1993]
analyze the effects of environmental regulations on firm location
decisions in a model of imperfect competition. Both plant location and
market structure are shown to depend on environmental policy. Chao and
Yu [1997] study the interaction of capital taxes, international tax
credits, government spending, and environmental policy. They predict
that due to the ability of capital to simply relocate across borders,
lax environmental policies aimed at mitigating capital outflows will
emerge. Fredriksson [200 0] compares centralized and decentralized
designs of the process for the siting of hazardous waste facilities in
federal systems. The centralized system yields a lower level of
treatment capacity because of free-riding problems.
(6.) However, we abstract from the issue of tax competition and
local public goods provision (see Wilson [1986], Wildasin [1988], and
Edwards and Keen [1996], for example).
(7.) The existing evidence on the effects of environmental
regulation on plant location is somewhat mixed, see Jaffe et al. [1995].
Bartik [1992] found a small but significant adverse effect of state
environmental regulations on small firm start-up attempts. In a study of
foreign multinationals, Friedman, Gerlowski, and Silberman [1992]
examined the effects on plant location of environmental stringency,
measured as the ratio of state pollution abatement capital expenditures
to state manufacturing gross product. Aggregating all foreign firms, the
effect on plant investments was negative but insignificant. However,
when considering Japanese companies only, the effect was negative and
(8.) Pashigian [1985] shows that the Federal prevention of
significant deterioration policy in the United States was the result of
regional competition between the Northern states and those of the South
and West. The latter two regions had superior air quality, so that the
more stringent regulations aided the North in restricting the loss of
its mobile factors. This could also explain why, under the Reagan
administration in the early 1980s, industry showed little interest in
decentralization of stationary industrial pollution source policies (see
Crandall [1983, 145]).
(9.) Agglomeration benefits or ready access to the national market
may explain why firms wish to produce within the borders of a
federation. In addition, the national market may be protected by trade
barriers, which further increase the incentive to be located within the
federation. See also Feldstein and Horioka [1980] and Gordon and
Bovenberg [1996].
(10.) Ulph [1996] notes that for countries that wish to impose
tighter environmental regulations than their strategic competitors there
is policy pressure to impose countervailing tariffs on imports on
countries with laxer environmental standards. Needless to say, the
policy pressure comes from the industries in the traded goods sector. A
qualitatively similar set of issues arise with respect to the setting of
uniform minimum wages and other health and safety regulations affecting
labor in an economic union such as the EU (as well as a free trade area
such as NAFTA). For example, "[s]ome argue that the failure to
require any minimum standard wilt lead to unfair competition, the
exploitation of workers abroad, and ultimately a decline in a
nation's own minimum wage standard as the nation seeks to keep jobs
fleeing abroad. Others argue, however, that attempts to require trading
partners to increase their minimum wages do not reflect concern for the
welfare of workers abroad, but are really protectionist attempt s to
preserve employment at home" Ehrenberg [1994, 44-45].
(11.) See Gordon and Bovenberg [1996]. Alternatively, one might
think of jurisdictions as countries between which capital flows freely.
Globally, of course, capital is fixed.
(12.) Political contributions can be used by a government to sway
voters' preferences (by campaign advertising, pre-election public
spending, etc.) and so to increase the prospect of re-election. The
average welfare of the community also affects re-election chances
because disgruntled voters are more likely to vote for the political
opposition (see Grossman and Helpman [1994]).
(13.) Oates and Schwab [1988] study a model of local jurisdictions
with mobile capital, capital taxation, environmental standards, and
majority voting. They find that interjurisdictional competition is
efficiency-enhancing except when the local government is a
budget-maximizer or if the population is extremely heterogeneous. In our
model there is no discontinuity when either population group increases
from, say, 49%-51% of the population. This implies a small change in the
level of regulation.
(14.) Our result is qualitatively similar to the key finding in
Persson and Tabellini [1992]. In a model of tax competition, they show
that an "economic effect" which causes downward pressure on
rates of capital taxation is offset by a "political effect"
manifested by a leftward shift in voters' preferences.
(15.) While a recent OECD report has argued for "some
convergence" of the requirements and standards for the pollution
associated with the production process ("non-product related
PPM's") it also notes that "[h]armonization of
non-product related PPM requirements may be less desirable or feasible
in the case of local environmental problems. Because environmental
conditions and preferences differ widely among countries, environmental
process-related requirements for local problems may be best tailored to
local circumstances." (Quoted by Ulph [1995, 4]).
(16.) The trade and industry representatives consisted of three
highly successful pressure groups: the packaging legislation ad hoc group, the packaged consumer goods industries coordination group, and
the packaging chain forum (see Golub [1996]).
(17.) Among the original targets were a mandatory minimum
"recovery" (i.e., reuse, recycling, composting, regeneration,
and recovery of energy) rate of 60% (by weight) for all packaging waste
materials within five years, set to increase to 90 percent after ten
years; a mandatory minimum recycling (includes reuse, composting and
regeneration) rate of 40% (by weight) for each type of packaging
material within five years, rising to 60% after ten years; minimization
of the final disposal of packaging waste (by landfill or incineration without energy recovery) to a maximum of 10% (by weight) of packaging
waste after 10 years. In sum, after 10 years, 60% of packaging waste
would have to be recycled, 30% recovered but not recycled, and 10%
disposed of in other ways.
(18.) See, e.g., Shafik [1994], Antle and Heidebrink [1995],
Grossman and Krueger [1995].
(19.) In the latter case, the test statistic for the inclusion of
all four capital control measures is F(4,23) = 0.35.
(20.) The ten states and years are Alaska (1983-84), California
(1980-84), Idaho (1980-85), Illinois (1981), Montana (1981, 83, 85),
Oregon (1981, 1983), New York (1981-82), Washington (1981-84), Wisconsin
(1981-84), and Wyoming (1981-83).
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the United States (Germany) were: 103 (115) for nitrogen oxides, 65 (50)
for suspended particulates, 77 (63) for carbon monoxide, 84 (93) for
hydrocarbons, and 115 (103) for carbon dioxide.
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Proof of Proposition 1: Rearrange equation (11) as
(Al) 1/[f.sub.[alpha]] = (a + [[delta].sup.W])/(a +/-
Since [f.sub.[alpha]] = [[w.sup.*].sub.[alpha]], then multiplying
both sides of (A1) by [[psi].sup.*][w.sup.*] gives part (i). Part (ii)
of the Proposition follows immediately.
Proof of Proposition 2: (i) Substitution of equations (10), (12),
and (13) into equation (8) gives equation (14). Now simply substitute
[[psi].sup.0] [[alpha].sup.0][[w.sup.0].sub.[alpha]]/[w.sup.0],
[[pi].sup.0] k[f.sub.k] = f - [w.sup.0], and [[gamma].sup.0] =
[[alpha].sup.0][[[pi].sup.0].sub.[alpha]]/[[pi].sup.0], to obtain the
required expression. (ii) If [[delta].sup.E] = [[delta].sup.W] =
[[delta].sup.K]. equation (14) is equivalent to equation (11).