We demonstrate that universally redeemed rebates can increase
manufacturer profits by reducing the incentives of downstream retailers
to hoard inventories when optimal wholesale prices vary predictably over
time. By bypassing retailers and making direct contracts with buyers,
the manufacturer can increase the variations in effective prices paid by
consumers without concomitantly creating larger incentives for retailers
to hold inventories. During profitable, high-demand periods,
manufacturer revenues are ordinarily constrained by
"competition" from retailer inventories, thus limiting
profits. However, by selectively offering rebates to consumers while
maintaining high wholesale prices, low-demand periods can be
accommodated without inducing retailer hoarding. (JEL D4, L1)
General Motors Corp. is emptying its bag of marketing tricks in an
all-out effort to force its U.S. market share back up to 30% of
light-vehicle sales. That is good news for GM customers, because the
manufacturer is offering financing at less than 1% or cash rebates of as
much as $3,000 a vehicle.
--Wall Street Journal, Sept. 16, 1998
We tackle a fundamental economic question: if General Motors or any
manufacturer wants to increase unit sales, why does the necessary price
cut occur indirectly in the form of a rebate? It is well known that in
cases of perfect competition or monopoly a tax (or subsidy) on buyers is
equivalent to the same tax (or subsidy) on sellers in that each leads to
the same net prices and the same equilibrium quantities. A rebate is
effectively a subsidy offered to the buyer, whereas a cut in the
wholesale price is effectively a subsidy to the seller. Under conditions
of perfect competition or monopoly, a manufacturer should be able to
achieve identical outcomes in either of the two ways. The challenge is
to explain why rebates or coupons are used. Redemption of coupons and
rebates is costly to both consumers and issuers, while a price cut of
equivalent size can be implemented at a much lower cost. One would
expect the price reduction strategy to dominate the strategy of issuing
coupons or rebates to all buyers, yet it apparently does not. Throughout
the 1990s, for example, Chrysler, Ford, and General Motors consistently
offered a more extensive array of consumer-oriented indirect price cuts
(via rebates) than dealer incentive programs. [1]
The most common explanation for the use of rebates and coupons is
that they enable either manufacturers or retailers who possess some
monopoly power to engage in third-degree price discrimination. [2]
Consumers whose reservation prices lie below the price charged by the
manufacturer or retailer are induced to purchase the item by a
sufficiently large rebate or coupon.
Yet certain aspects of the practice of offering coupons and rebates
are inconsistent with the standard price discrimination explanation.
Rebates often are given automatically to all customers at the time of
purchase. Purchasers of automobiles and other big-ticket items are given
the option of applying the rebate to their down payment or receiving the
cash. As noted by Hanley [1987] and Higgins [1989], sellers of less
costly items recenfly have started providing "instant" rebates
or on-package coupons, which can easily be used by all buyers at the
time of purchase. These innovations have dramatically lowered redemption
costs for consumers and boosted redemption rates. [3] Moreover, Bowman
[1980] demonstrates that, holding redemption costs constant, there is a
positive relationship between the size of the coupon/rebate and the
likelihood of consumer redemption. The implication of this empirical
regularity is expressed succinctly by Gerstner and Hess [1991b,p. 5]:
"While price discrimination is a reasonable exp lanation for
cents-off coupons, for dollars-off rebates such as those given by
manufacturers of household appliances it is not. Most consumers are
likely to redeem these large rebates."
Gerstner and Hess [1991a, 1991b, 1995] have developed a model in
which rebates enhance manufacturer profits even with 100% redemption.
They assume two groups of buyers with different reservation prices and
different redemption costs. This implies that a $1 reduction in the
wholesale price is not equivalent to a $1 rebate offered to all buyers.
A sufficient increase in the proportion of low-price buyers can make it
profitable for the manufacturer to offer a coupon or rebate but not to
offer an equal reduction in the wholesale price. [4] Moreover, when a
product is distributed through a single, independent retailer, a trade
deal may not be fully passed on to consumers, whereas a
manufacturer-to-consumer rebate or coupon is fully passed.
In this article we present an economic theory of rebating that is
similar to the Gerstner and Hess model in that it assumes 100%
redemption by consumers. Unlike previous analyses, however, we suggest
that rebates and coupons can be used to support intertemporal price
discrimination by reducing inventory hoarding by retailers. When demand
fluctuates so that optimal wholesale prices vary over time, retailers
may have an incentive to accumulate inventory during low-price periods
for disposal when business conditions (and prices) improve. [5] The
strategic use of rebates and coupons, which are price cuts available
only to final consumers, can increase manufacturer profits by reducing
retailer incentives to undermine the effectiveness of wholesale price
discrimination. Rebates and coupons thus have a dynamic function that
cannot be duplicated by trade deals.
We introduce our formal model in section II. In section III we
offer several complications and extensions of the model, none of which
overturn our general results. In section IV we present preliminary
empirical evidence on rebating activity that is inconsistent with the
price discrimination explanation but fully consistent with our theory.
Concluding comments round out our presentation.
Universal rebates can increase manufacturer profits by reducing the
incentives of downstream retailers to hoard inventories when optimal
wholesale prices vary over time in a predictable manner. By bypassing
the retailers and making direct contracts with buyers, the manufacturer
is able to increase the variations in effective prices paid by consumers
without concomitantly creating larger incentives for retailers to hold
inventories. During profitable, high-demand periods, manufacturer
revenues are ordinarily constrained by "competition" from
retailer inventories, thus limiting profits. However, by selectively
offering rebates to consumers while maintaining high wholesale prices,
lowdemand periods can be accommodated without inducing retailer
In this section we present a model that illustrates the
rebate/inventory mechanism. In all of our analyses, we maintain the
* First, we assume that all retailers in our models are price
takers in the wholesale market. This assumption rules out strategic
stockpiling and/or monopsonistic behavior by retailers, which, though
interesting, is not the focus of this paper.
* Second, our analysis is restricted to uniform pricing. The issue
of nonuniform contracts between the manufacturer and retailers is a
potentially important one, although antitrust laws and practical
considerations may limit the ability of the manufacturer to engage in
certain types of discriminatory, nonuniform pricing.
* Third, in each case we envision the following time line. In any
period, t, the manufacturer observes the level of inventories among
retailers and the product demand curve. The manufacturer then announces
a uniform price for the good and perhaps a rebate payable only to
consumers who buy in period t. The retailers accept these prices and
select their most profitable retail market quantities and inventory
accumulation. Retailers, while behaving atomistically in input markets,
are strategically aware and make rational forecasts of future wholesale
prices. Information is complete and symmetric. [6]
Current Period Competition and Payoffs
In any period t, the retailer(s) bring forward an inventory,
denoted [I.sub.t-1], from the last period. The inventory level, the
level of product market demand, and costs of all players are common
knowledge. After observing [I.sub.t-1] and market demand, the
manufacturer selects a uniform wholesale price, [w.sub.t] The retailer
observes this price and market demand and selects its desired retail
market quantity, [Q.sub.t], and level of inventory, [I.sub.t]. Payoffs
to the manufacturer and retailer are made and the game enters the next
period. Information is perfect.
The profit of the retailer in period t is
(1) [[[pi].sup.r].sub.t] = [P.sub.t][Q.sub.t] - [w.sub.t]([Q.sub.t]
+ [I.sub.t] - [I.sub.t-1])
- i/2[([I.sub.t-1]).sup.2]
where [P.sub.t] is retail price, [Q.sub.t] is quantity sold at
retail in period t, [w.sub.t] is wholesale price, [I.sub.t] represents
purchases for inventory by the retailer in period t intended for
disposal in period t + 1, [I.sub.t-1] is inventory brought forward into
t from t - 1 for disposal in t, i [greater than] 0 is an inventory
storage cost parameter, and inventory storage costs are quadratic in the
level of inventory brought forward. [7] This formulation utilizes
several simplifications. First, inventories experience "one-hoss
shay" depreciation, lasting one period. This formulation is
necessary for the tractable analysis of what follows but is distinct
from formulations in which inventory decays over time at, for example,
an exponential rate. Second, our specification of the inventory cost
function implies that at zero inventory the marginal cost of storing one
unit of inventory is zero. Third, the formulation in equation (1)
implies that the retailer experiences no costs of selling aside from the
costs of goods obtained either from current wholesale sales or
Current retail price, [P.sub.t], is assumed to depend on market
quantity, [Q.sub.t], and the level of consumer rebate, [R.sub.t], if
any. Rebates are direct cash payments from the manufacturer to the
customer, bypassing the retailer. Unlike a wholesale price cut, a rebate
is always unavailable to the retailer and does not affect the costs of
adding inventory as a trade deal does. A final consumer must purchase
the item at retail in the rebate period for the rebate to be paid. This
fact supports the strategic importance of rebates for intertemporal
price discrimination.
Profits to the manufacturer in period t are
(2) [[[phi].sup.m].sub.t] = ([w.sub.t] - [R.sub.t])[Q.sub.t] +
[w.sub.t]([I.sub.t] - [I.sub.t-1])
- C([Q.sub.t] + [I.sub.t] - [I.sub.t-1]),
where C(.) is the cost function of the manufacturer.
In any period t, the manufacturer observes [I.sub.t-1] and retail
market demand before selecting [w.sub.t]. The retailer takes [w.sub.t]
as given and selects [Q.sub.t] and [I.sub.t]. Our specification in
equations (1) and (2) involves an additional simplification: For
[I.sub.t], for example, to have the same meaning in both definitions,
there must be a single retailer. If there were, say, N retailers, one
would need to modify equations (1) and (2) so that "market"
inventory [I.sub.t] was equal to the sum of the inventories of the
various retailers and so on. We ignore this complication for now, but
return to it presently. [8]
We begin our analysis by assuming there exists a single retail
"monopoly," perhaps a franchisee, such as an automobile
dealership. Although the retailer has power in the output market, we
impose the condition that inventories not be a strategic tool of the
retailer to influence future prices; the retailer is treated as a
price-taker in the input market. Thus, the competitive instruments of
the players are wholesale prices and retail quantities, with the optimal
inventory condition (introduced below) as a "rule of the
game." Furthermore, the prices used to calculate optimal
inventories must be correct in equilibrium. All this is common
Let [I.sub.o] be the initial inventory at time 0, [[P.sub.t]] the
sequence of period retail demands, and note that the optimal inventory
condition of the retailer is [[I.sup.*].sub.t] =
[([delta]i).sup.-1]([delta][w.sub.t+1] - [w.sub.t]) when
[[I.sup.*].sub.t] [greater than] 0, and [delta] is the one-period
discount factor (0 [less than] [delta] [less than] 1). This condition
merely establishes that the cost at the margin of a unit sold in period
t should be equal regardless of whether that unit is bought wholesale in
t or brought forward as inventory from t - 1. This model cannot be
solved by the straightforward application of optimization techniques
because we simultaneously require rational expectations about future
prices and assume that the manufacturer is unable to credibly commit to
a future pricing policy. Thus, should the manufacturer raise wholesale
prices in t, it is necessary to determine the effect in equilibrium of
this price increase on future prices and price expectations. In
particular, one must show that a wholesale price increase will decrease
inventory brought forward in equilibrium, despite the fact that
decreased inventories today create an incentive for higher prices
tomorrow, thus producing a countervailing incentive to hoard. To address
this problem, we specify a Markov perfect equilibrium (MPE) for our
An MPE is a set of "dynamic reaction functions,"
[[w.sup.*].sub.t], ([I.sub.t-1]), [[Q.sup.*].sub.t]([[w.sup.*].sub.t],
[I.sub.t-1]) such that
(1) [[w.sup.*].sub.t]([I.sub.t-1]) maximizes the period t present
value of manufacturer profits for a given inventory level, [I.sub.t-1],
and [[Q.sup.*].sub.t]([[w.sup.*].sub.t], [I.sub.t-1]);
(2) [[Q.sup.*].sub.t] ([[w.sup.*].sub.t], [I.sub.t-1] is the
retailer's best response to the wholesale price announcement
[[w.sup.*].sub.t], given inventory on hand, [I.sub.t-1]; and
(3) [I.sub.t] evolves according to the restriction
[[I.sup.*].sub.t] = max{0, [([delta]i).sup.-1]
([delta][w.sub.t+1]([[I.sup.*].sub.t]) -
The "dynamic reaction functions,"
[[w.sup.*].sub.t]([I.sub.t-1]) and [[Q.sup.*].sub.t]([[w.sup.*].sub.t],
[I.sub.t-1] depend only on the payoff-relevant states of the system
rather than the whole history of the game, and are thus Markov
strategies in the sense of Maskin and Tirole [1988]. Consequently, any
Markov equilibrium of this game is simultaneously a perfect equilibrium:
if one player ignores all but the payoff-relevant history, the other can
do the same. The reaction functions [[w.sup.*].sub.t] and
[[Q.sup.*].sub.t] specify optimal choices by the players. The optimal
strategy of the retailer is to: (1) use up inherited inventory while (2)
calculating the static, current-period, profit-maximizing price of
output given [w.sub.t] and (3) purchasing the profit-maximizing current
output less inherited inventory.
The Fudenberg and Tirole [1991] conditions for optimal Markov
strategies allow us to prove that a wholesale price increase at t will
not in equilibrium increase inventories at future dates. Letting
[[[pi].sup.m].sub.t] denote the manufacturer's stage game (i.e.,
current) payoff, we have the conditions
([[partial].sup.2][[[pi].sup.m].sub.t]/[partial][w.sub.t][I.sub.t-1] =
-1 [less than] 0, and
[[partial].sup.2][[pi].sub.t]/[partial][Q.sub.t][partial[I.sub.t-1] = 0.
This shows that the stage payoffs satisfy a negative sorting condition,
implying that a higher-state variable, [I.sub.t-1], makes a lower action
[w.sub.t] more desirable for the manufacturer. In other words, the
greater the inventory sold by retailers in period t, the lower the
optimal wholesale price the manufacturer selects in t. Because the game
is separable and sequential, we can conclude that the optimal wholesale
price, [[w.sup.*].sub.t]([I.sub.t-1]), is decreasing in [I.sub.t-1].
Payoffs to the manufacturer are decreasing in the inventory level, and,
for any pattern of future demands, the present value of profits in
period t is decreasing in [I.sub.t-1].
We now illustrate the effect of a rebate introduced in period t-k,
k [epsilon] [1, 2,...], when the equilibrium initially implies that
[[I.sup.*].sub.t-k] [greater than] 0, [[I.sup.*].sub.t-k+1] [greater
than] 0,... [[I.sup.*].sub.t-1] [greater than] 0, [[I.sup.*].sub.t] = 0.
Our analysis utilizes the relationship [[I.sup.*].sub.t] =
[([delta]i).sup.-1]([delta][[w.sup.*].sub.t+1]([I.sub.t]) -
[[w.sup.*].sub.t]([I.sub.t-1])), so that we have
(3) [delta][[I.sup.*].sub.t] =
- [[w.sup.*].sub.t]([delta][I.sub.t-1])([I.sub.t-1])).
For any period, optimality requires
(4) [delta][[I.sup.*].sub.t](1 - [(i).sup.-1][[w.sup.*].sub.t])
= -[([delta]i).sup.-1][[w.sup.*].sub.t-1]([delta][I.sub.t-1]).
Since [[w.sup.*].sub.t] [less than or equal to] 0 for any t, we
conclude that [delta][[I.sup.*].sub.t] and [delta][[I.sup.*].sub.t-1]
have the same sign. Noting that at period t - 1 an increase in
[w.sub.t-1] lowers [[I.sup.*].sub.t-1] (and [[I.sup.*].sub.t] = 0 by
assumption) and working backward, it is apparent that an increase in
[w.sub.t-k] lowers equilibrium inventories in periods t-k, t-k+1,...,
t-1, and, since [[I.sup.*].sub.t] = 0 by assumption,
[delta][[I.sup.*].sub.t] = 0 for a marginal change in [w.sub.t-1].
Summarizing, if periods t-k through t-1 exhibit positive inventories,
and period t exhibits zero inventory accumulation, then a wholesale
price increase in period t-k lowers inventories in periods t-k,
t-k+1,..., t-1, has no effect on inventory in period t (which is zero),
and raises optimal wholesale prices in periods t-k+1, t-k+2,..., t-1,
and t. The wholesale price change also has a "direct" effect
of discouraging retail sales in period t-k, thereby reducing wholesale
sales for the current market in t-k.
We now consider whether a rebate matched to a wholesale price
increase in period t-k is profitable to the manufacturer. Performing the
experiment of raising [w.sub.t-k] and [R.sub.t-k] by a small, identical
increment, the effect on profits of the manufacturer is
(5) [delta][[pi].sup.m] =
[[[sigma].sup.k].sub.j=0][[delta].sup.j][([w.sub.t-k+j] -
- [delta]([w.sub.t-k+j+1] -
because for a small change in [w.sub.t-k], the induced effects of
tiny changes in future prices on profits are zero when such prices are
optimal to begin with. The existence of positive inventories in periods
t-k, t-k+1,..., t-1 presupposes that the relationship
[delta][w.sub.t-k+1] - [w.sub.t-k] [greater than] 0 holds. The rebate
cum wholesale price increase experiment is guaranteed to be profitable
when [delta][m.sub.t-k+j+1] [greater than] [m.sub.t-k+j], where
[m.sub.i] is the margin in period i, since [delta]I [less than or equal
to] 0 in each period.
Several points deserve consideration here. First, downstream market
structure changes do not undermine our conclusion. Suppose, for example,
that the downstream retail sector exhibits competitive behavior, so that
[[P.sup.*].sub.t] = [[w.sup.*].sub.t]. This benefits the manufacturer,
but has no effect on inventory behavior by retailers. A small adjustment
to the analysis then produces the conclusion that rebates are profitable
under the condition that equation (5) is positive, although equilibrium
prices are not the same.
The existence of multiple retailers, either franchise monopolies or
competitors, is also an interesting complication. In these cases, total
inventory in t, [I.sub.t], is just the sum of retailer inventories. When
all retailers are identical, a symmetric equilibrium for N firms
involves qualitatively similar behavior. Again, however, rebates with
wholesale price increases are profitable when discounted margins are
rising with time.
The comparative static properties of the equilibrium are
potentially empirically useful. Unfortunately, the complexity of the
game in its most general setting precludes such an analysis. However,
some insight into both comparative statics properties and the intuition
underlying the mechanism can be presented using a very simple example.
A Simple Example
Let there be two periods (t = 1, 2), no discounting, costless
manufacturing, and competitive and costless retailing. [9] Suppose that
period 1 is a "low" demand period, and t = 2 has
"high" demand. To obtain closed-form solutions for all
choices, assume that [Q.sub.1] = [A.sub.1] - [p.sub.1] - [R.sub.1], and
[Q.sub.2] = [A.sub.2] - [p.sub.2] - [R.sub.2], where [A.sub.2] [greater
than] [A.sub.1] Solving by backward induction without rebates yields the
(6) (i) [[[pi].sup.m].sub.2] = [[([A.sub.2] - [I.sub.1])/2].sup.2]
(ii) [[I.sup.*].sub.t] = [(i + .5).sup.-1] ([A.sub.2]/2 -
Result (6)(ii) implies that
[partial][[I.sup.*].sub.t]/[partial][w.sub.1] [less than] 0 for an
arbitrary increase in [w.sub.1]: this illustrates the consequence of the
negative sorting condition satisfied by the optimal strategies. Direct
calculation illustrates that for introduction of an increase in
[w.sub.1] with an equivalent increase in [R.sub.1]([delta][w.sub.1] =
[delta][R.sub.1] [greater than] 0), one obtains [delta][[pi].sup.m] =
[(i+.5).sup.-1]([[w.sup.*].sub.2] - [[w.sup.*].sub.1]), where
[[w.sup.*].sub.1] = ([A.sub.2] + [A.sub.1](1 + 2i))/4(1+i) and
[[w.sup.*].sub.2] = ([A.sub.1] + [A.sub.2](1 + 2i))/4(1+i). With rebates
used optimally, one obtains [[w.sup.*].sub.1] = [A.sub.2]/2,
[[w.sup.*].sub.2] = [A.sub.2]/2, [[R.sup.*].sub.1] = ([A.sub.2] -
[A.sub.1])/2, [[R.sup.*].sub.2] = 0. Thus, rebates eliminate wholesale
price differences and inventories completely in this simple example. We
note also that demand shifts have interesting effects: If [A.sub.1]
increases, [[w.sup.*].sub.1] and [[w.sup.*].s ub.2] are unaffected but
[[R.sup.*].sub.1] rises. If [A.sub.2] increases, all prices rise (except
[[R.sup.*].sub.2], which is, of course, zero). Neither
[[w.sup.*].sub.1], [[w.sup.*].sub.2], nor [[R.sup.*].sub.1] depend on
the carrying cost, i.
These results illustrate the basic intuition of the rebate
mechanism: by bypassing retailers, the manufacturer can manipulate
effective prices without suffering the consequences of rational
inventory behavior by retailers. Inventories are competition for the
manufacturer, and reductions in wholesale price differences between
periods can lessen this competition. Rebates allow the manufacturer to
do this while maintaining discriminatory retail prices. [10]
Our findings have several empirical implications. First, we expect
universally applied rebates to be issued during low-demand periods.
Second, rebates should reduce retailer "speculative"
inventories below the level of inventories expected when rebates are not
used. Finally, rebates should be associated with a convergence in
wholesale prices across time. All of these conclusions are potentially
testable, however, reliable information on rebate activities, wholesale
prices, and demand conditions is difficult to obtain. Thus, we limit
ourselves here to informal, suggestive evidence.
We focus our analysis on the U.S. automobile industry, in which
rebating is a well-established marketing practice. Two sources of data
permit us to shed admittedly casual empirical light on rebating
activity: newspaper advertisements and Automotive News. Figure 1 reports
the fraction of display ads for automobiles, published in the Atlanta
Constitution and the Chicago Tribune from January 1975 through December
1997, in which rebates to buyers were identified explicitly. [11] This
fraction is markedly higher in periods associated with economic
downturns--1975, the early 1980s, and just prior to the recession of the
early 1990s. This pattern seems to be consistent with our theory of
rebating, which holds that automatic rebates should be used in
low-demand periods. We note that rebating seems to have become an
increasingly important component of automobile manufacturers'
pricing strategy since the mid-1980s. This may help explain the
otherwise inconsistent finding of relatively high fractions of
advertisements w ith rebates in the strong economic years in the
mid-to-late 1990s.
In Figures 2 and 3 we identify the number of active rebate programs
offered by Chrysler, Ford, and General Motors per month, as reported in
the Incentive Watch section of Automotive News, and the average dollar
amount of the rebate (by month) for the period January 1990 through
December 1995. [12] We observe considerable month-to-month variation in
rebating activity, measured in terms of both numbers of rebate programs
and average dollar amount of rebate offered. The average rebate amount
clearly exhibits a seasonal pattern. The drop in October closely follows
the introduction of new models each year. The summer and early fall
rebates are designed to clear the lots of the "old" models
prior to introduction of the "new" models. This appears to be
consistent with our theory, as we would expect demand for the
"old" model to fall at the end of the model year. However, we
do not have data on manufacturer wholesale prices or dealer inventories;
a more encompassing analysis should relate the observed variation in re
bates to both.
The conventional wisdom about the economic function of rebates and
coupons is that they facilitate third-degree price discrimination by
manufacturers by serving as the mechanism whereby individuals self-sort
by willingness to pay. Conventional wisdom does not, however, explain
manufacturer use of rebates and coupons when redemption is complete. In
this paper, we demonstrate that strategic use of rebates and coupons can
increase manufacturers' profits by mitigating arbitrage by
retailers across temporally separated markets.
Our theory differs from the recent contributions of Gerstner and
Hess, who provide explanations for manufacturer-to-consumer rebates and
coupons with 100% redemption. They argue that such a strategy may be
used by a manufacturer to coordinate price promotions when distribution
occurs through a channel. As argued by Gerstner and Hess, the
direct-to-customer rebate strategy is more desirable from the
manufacturer's perspective than a trade deal, in which the
manufacturer reduces the wholesale price to the distributor, because the
retailer may not pass the full price reduction on to customers. We
demonstrate that even when trade deals are fully passed on, retailers
could cut into a monopoly manufacturer's profits by accumulating
inventory at the low price for resale once the manufacturer discontinued
the trade deal. For this reason, the manufacturer would find a
rebate/coupon strategy more profitable than a trade deal.
To frustrate the arbitrage behavior of consumers, the manufacturer
of a commodity with relatively low storage costs will find it useful to
limit the number of units that consumers can purchase with the
rebate/coupon. The fact that we observe such limitations on consumer
redemption of coupons is consistent with the notion that manufacturers
may worry about the downstream inventory aspects of fluctuating prices.
(*.) We acknowledge with appreciation the assistance of Amy Smith
of PROMO Magazine and especially Jack Teahen of Automotive News. Helpful
comments were received from Preston McAfee, David Kamerschen, Nancy
Lutz, Scott Masten, William Neilson, John Sophocleus, and two anonymous
reviewers. We are, however, solely responsible for any errors.
Ault: Associate Professor of Economics, Auburn University, Auburn,
Ala. 36849. Phone 1-334-844-2919, Fax 1-334-844-4615, E-mail
Beard: Associate Professor of Economics, Auburn University, Auburn,
Ala. 36849. Phone 1-334-844-2918, Fax 1-334-844-4615, E-mail
Laband: Professor, Forest Policy Center, 205 M. White Smith Bldg.,
Auburn University, Auburn, Ala. 36849. Phone 1-334-844-1074, Fax
1-334-844-1084, E-mail
Saba: Associate Professor of Economics, Auburn University, Auburn,
Ala, 36849. Phone 1-334-844-2922, Fax 1-334-844-4615, E-mail
(1.) Our claim in this regard comes after analyzing the customer
and dealer incentive programs advertised weekly in Automotive News from
January 1, 1990, through December 31, 1995. In 1995, for example,
automobile rebate programs outnumbered dealer incentive programs by a
10-to-1 margin.
(2.) Interested readers can consult Conlisk et al. [1984], Jeuland
and Narasimhan [1985], and Narasimban [1984].
(3.) See Manufacturers Coupon Control Center [1988], Miracle
(4.) Conlisk et al. [1984] employ a similar model to explain
periodic sales by a durable goods monopolist.
(5.) Our argument has its genesis in the well-documented notion
that manufacturer trade deals to distributors influence the
distributors' inventory behavior (see, for example, Goodman and
Moody [1970], Chevalier and Curhan [1976], and Blattberg and Levin
(6.) We assume throughout that the manufacturer is unable to
credibly commit to future prices. This issue (price precommitment) is
reprised in note 7.
(7.) The quadratic form of inventory costs, familiar from the
literature on inventories, is not necessary to our general results but
greatly simplifies some of our analytical presentation.
(8.) We thank an anonymous referee for pointing this out to us.
(9.) One implication of these assumptions is that retail and
wholesale prices will be identical.
(10.) As pointed out to us by an anonymous referee, with a
monopolist retailer the optimal retail prices are [[p.sup.*].sub.1] =
.25[A.sub.1] + .5[A.sub.2] and [[p.sup.*].sub.2] = .75[A.sub.2]. The
monopolist retailer increases price in the second (high-demand) period
relative to the first (low-demand) period, even though the wholesale
prices are the same in both periods. Thus, the manufacturer is not able
to capture all of the surplus when the retailer has monopoly power. Note
also that in this analysis if [A.sub.2] increases, all wholesale and
retail prices increase, as does the period 1 rebate. However, if
[A.sub.1] increases, both wholesale prices and the retail price in
period 2 remain unchanged, the retail price in period 1 increases, and
the rebate in period 1 decreases. We extend special thanks to this
reviewer for these contributions to our analysis. We note also that, if
the manufacturer could commit to future prices, one obtains
[partial][[I.sup.*].sub.1]/[partial][w.sub.1] = [(-i).sup.-1], whereas
without price pre-commitment one obtains
[partial][[I.sup.*].sub.1]/[partial][w.sub.1] = -[(i + 1/2).sup.-1].
(11.) We analyzed advertisements placed in the first Sunday paper of each month.
(12.) We analyzed this information for the first issue of each
month (Automotive News is a weekly publication). Though our discussion
and data are limited to the automobile industry, universal rebates are
used in the sale of other big-ticket items, like home appliances,
computers and other electronics, furniture, and mobile homes. A variety
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