Optimal punishment schemes with state-dependent preferences.
Neilson, William S.
It is well known in the economics of crime literature that both the
certainty and severity of punishment can be manipulated to deter
criminal behavior. As Polinsky and Shavell [1979] show, when punishment
takes the form of a fine, the optimal combination of the probability of
punishment and the magnitude of the fine depends on the risk attitudes
of offenders and on the costs of catching and convicting offenders. This
paper examines how the optimal combination of certainty and severity are
affected if offenders' preferences are state-dependent.
State-dependent utility is commonly used in situations in which the
state of the world affects how well individuals are able to enjoy the
consumption of their wealth. Death of the individual is an obvious
example, and Hirschleifer and Riley [1992] also suggest the death of a
child, the loss of use of a limb, or the loss of a precious heirloom.
There are many reasons to add conviction for a crime to this list.(1)
First, if the individual is sent to prison, his consumption
opportunities are obviously diminished. Even without a prison sentence,
though, utility might best be modeled as being state-dependent. For
utility to be state-independent, there must exist some decrease in
wealth that has the same effect on the utility function as being
convicted of the crime. If the offender is risk averse and has
state-independent utility, a loss of wealth reduces the level of utility
but increases marginal utility. It is easy to imagine why being
convicted of a crime would reduce the level of utility, but it is
difficult to imagine why it would increase the individual's
marginal utility of wealth. For example, drivers who are caught speeding
are angered beyond the level consistent with the expected loss of
income. But, this additional anger does not lead to an additional
increase in the marginal utility of wealth.
In addition to these considerations, Lott [1992a,b] provides evidence
that conviction leads to increased divorce rates and constrained job
opportunities. The former reduces the level of utility but is unlikely
to increase marginal utility, and should therefore be modeled as a shift
in the utility function. Constrained job opportunities reduce both
income and job satisfaction, and the reduction in job satisfaction is
again best modeled as a shift in the utility function.
As a final argument supporting the use of state-dependent
preferences, Neilson and Winter [1997] show that if offenders'
preferences are state-dependent, it is possible for them to be both risk
averse and more sensitive to changes in the certainty of punishment than
to proportional changes in the severity of punishment. Becker [1968]
notes this empirical finding,(2) and concludes that if offenders are
expected utility maximizers, they cannot be risk averse.(3)
Polinsky and Shavell [1979] demonstrate that when offenders are risk
averse and have state-independent utility, increasing the fine increases
social loss by increasing the amount of risk borne by offenders.
Consequently, in the extreme case in which it is costless to catch and
convict offenders, the optimal policy has a relatively low fine but
punishes criminals with probability one. This paper shows that if
preferences are state-dependent, there is an additional social cost
associated with setting a high probability of punishment, because it
makes it more likely that criminals are on their lower utility
functions. To avoid the additional social cost, the certainty of
punishment should be reduced.
The model presented below is identical to that in Polinsky and
Shavell [1979], except for the addition of state-dependent preferences.
Identical individuals choose whether to commit a crime or not.(4) Gains
from crime are random: with probability q the individual gains a, and
with probability 1-q he gains b [greater than] a. Even though the gains
are random, it is assumed that the individual knows the true value of
the gain before any decision must be made. If he chooses to commit a
crime, he is caught and punished with probability p, in which case he
must pay a fine off. The government finances its law enforcement
activities through a per capita tax, and any fines collected are used to
reduce this tax. Individuals insure against the external monetary cost
associated with being a victim of a crime, but they cannot insure
against possible punishment for committing a crime.
Suppose that an individual commits a crime and gains z, where z
[element of] {a,b}. His expected utility, conditional on the crime being
worth z, is
(1) (1 - p)[U.sub.H](y - t - [Pi] + z)
+ p[U.sub.L](y - t - [Pi] + z - f)
where y is the individual's wealth prior to committing the
crime, t is the per capita tax, and [Pi] is the insurance premium. The
individual's utility function is state-dependent, with [U.sub.H]
denoting the utility function in the "high" state in which the
individual is not punished, and [U.sub.L] denoting the utility function
in the "low" state in which the individual is punished.
Consistent with punishment being the "low" state, [U.sub.L](x)
[less than] [U.sub.H](x) for all x. Now suppose the individual does not
commit a crime. Since he faces no risk of punishment, his expected
utility is [U.sub.H](y - t - [Pi]). Since the value of the gain from
crime is known beforehand, the individual chooses to commit a crime of
value z if
(2) (1 - p)[U.sub.H](y - t - [Pi] + z)
+ p[U.sub.L](y - t - [Pi] + z - f) [greater than] [U.sub.H](y - t -
It remains to define the values of the tax t and the insurance
premium [Pi]. The tax is defined by t = c(p, [Lambda]) - npf, where n is
the proportion of individuals committing the crime and [Lambda] is a
shift parameter of the cost function c. Note that this formulation implies that it is costly to increase the probability of punishment but
not to increase the magnitude of the fine. It is assumed that [c.sub.p]
[greater than] 0, [c.sub.[Lambda]] [greater than] 0, and c(p,0) = 0.
Insurance is assumed to be fair, so that [Pi] = ne, where e is the
external cost imposed by the crime. It is assumed throughout that a
[less than] e [less than] b, so that it is efficient for type-b
individuals to commit crimes and for type-a individuals to refrain from
criminal activity. This assumption avoids the trivial cases where all
crime is deterred and where no crime is deterred.
The goal of the policymaker is to maximize social welfare. Let
E[U.sub.z](p,f) denote the level of expected utility when the gain from
committing a crime is z, the probability of punishment is p, the fine is
f, and the individual makes the optimal decision about whether or not to
commit. Per capita social welfare is given by
(3) EU(p,f) = qE[U.sub.a](p,f)
+ (1 - q)E[U.sub.b](P,f).
The policymaker sets p and f to maximize EU(p,f).
The optimal punishment scheme is first characterized under the
condition that punishment is costless. This allows an immediate
comparison of the state-dependent case with the state-independent case.
Polinsky and Shavell [1979] show that if individuals are risk averse
expected utility maximizers (so that [U.sub.H] = [U.sub.L] = U with U
concave), and if the cost of convicting criminals is zero (so that
[Lambda] = 0), then the optimal punishment scheme has p = 1. Risk is
reduced by raising p and reducing f, so when it is costless to convict
criminals, they should be convicted with probability one. The main
result of the current paper is that when preferences are
state-dependent, so that punishment shifts the utility function, this
result no longer holds.
Before stating the main result, some terminology must be specified.
Call an individual who gains a from committing a crime a type-a
individual, and call an individual who gains b a type-b individual.
Also, an individual is more sensitive to changes in the certainty of
punishment than to proportional changes in the severity of punishment if
the elasticity of expected utility with respect to p is of greater
magnitude than the elasticity of expected utility with respect to f.
PROPOSITION. If all individuals are state-dependent expected utility
maximizers and are more sensitive to changes in the certainty of
punishment than to proportional changes in the severity of punishment,
then the optimal probability of punishment is less than one when
punishment is costless.
Proof First, following Neilson and Winter [1997], let expected
utility be given by EU = (1 - p) [U.sub.H](x) + p[U.sub.L](x - f). The
elasticity of expected utility with respect to the probability of
punishment is [[Eta].sub.p] = [[U.sub.H](x)-[U.sub.L](x-f)]p/EU, and the
elasticity of expected utility with respect to the fine is [[Eta].sub.f]
= p[U.sub.L][prime](x-f)f/EU. The individual is more sensitive to
changes in the certainty of punishment than to proportional changes in
the severity of punishment if [[Eta].sub.p] [greater than] [[Eta].sub.f]
that is, if
(4) [U.sub.H](x) - [U.sub.L](x-f)/f [greater than] [U.sub.L][prime]
(x - f).
Now suppose that, contrary to the conclusion of the proposition, the
optimal punishment probability is p = 1 when [Lambda] = 0. Let the
corresponding fine be f, and suppose that it is optimal for a type-z
individual to commit a crime under these circumstances. We will show
that a marginal reduction in p, accompanied by an appropriate marginal
increase in f, makes the type-z individual better off, and makes the
other type no worse off.
When p = 1 and [Lambda] = 0, each individual pays a tax of t = -nf
and pays an insurance premium of [Pi] = ne. Now suppose that the
punishment probability is lowered to p [less than] 1 and the fine is
raised to f/p. Both the tax and the insurance premium are unchanged. A
type-z individual's expected utility is given by
(5) E[U.sub.z](p,f/p)
= (1 - p)[U.sub.H](y - ne + z + nf)
+ p[U.sub.L](y - ne + z + nf - f/p).
Differentiating this expression with respect to p yields
(6) dE[U.sub.z] / dp = -[U.sub.H](y - ne + z + nf)
+ [U.sub.L](y - ne + z + nf - f / p)
+ (f / p)[U.sub.L][prime] (y - ne + z + nf - f / p).
Letting x [equivalent to] y - ne + z + nf and evaluating this
expression at p = 1 yields
(7) dE[U.sub.z](1,f) / dp = -[U.sub.H](x)
+ [U.sub.L](x - f) + f[U.sub.L][prime](x - f).
By equation (4) this derivative is negative, and a type-z agent can
be made better off by reducing the probability of punishment to p [less
than] 1 and increasing the fine to f.
It remains to show that the other type of individual is made no worse
off. First, if the other type of individual does not commit a crime in
this setting, that type is left indifferent because neither the
insurance premium nor the tax change. If the other type of individual
does commit a crime, then the same analysis shows that he is made better
off by the reduction in p and increase in f.
The proposition relates the optimal punishment scheme directly to the
empirical finding that criminals are more sensitive to changes in the
certainty than severity of punishment, and it states that even when it
is costless to catch and convict criminals, it is not optimal to do so
with probability one.
To see why this occurs, consider the case in which only type-b
individuals commit crimes at the optimum. Then n = 1-q and [Pi] =
(1-q)e. Further, assume that [Lambda] = 0, so that t = -(1-q)pf. The
proposition states that social welfare is not maximized when p = 1. When
punishment is certain, a type-b individual's expected utility from
committing a crime is E[U.sub.b] (1, f) = [U.sub.L](y - t - [Pi] + b -
f). Let [Mathematical Expression Omitted]. Since the individual chooses
to commit a crime, it must be the case that [Mathematical Expression
Now suppose instead that the probability of punishment is lowered
slightly to p [less than] 1, and that the fine is increased to f[prime]
= f / p. The amount of fine revenue returned to individuals remains
unchanged and equal to f. The payoff from committing the crime is now
(8) E[U.sub.b](p,f[prime]) = (1 - p)[U.sub.H](y - t - [Pi] + b)
+ p[U.sub.L](y - t - [Pi] + b - f[prime]).
Type-b individuals are made better off by the reduction in the
certainty of punishment if E[U.sub.b](p,f[prime]) [greater than]
E[U.sub.b](1,f) = [U.sub.L](y - t - [Pi] + b - f).
Figure 1 depicts a case in which this inequality holds. When
punishment is certain, the individual is on his lower utility function
with probability one. By reducing the probability of punishment, the
probability of being on the lower utility function is also reduced. With
p [less than] 1, expected utility is given by the height of the line AB
connecting the two utility functions in Figure 1, and the line lies
everywhere above the lower utility function. Consequently, any reduction
in p increases expected utility for the type-b individuals, and it is
not optimal to punish with probability one. In contrast, in the
state-independent case point A would lie on the same utility function as
B, and the line AB would lie everywhere below the utility function.
Thus, any reduction in p would decrease expected utility for the type-b
individuals, and it would be optimal to punish with probability one.
The lessons from the figure extend to the general case. If
individuals are risk averse and have state-independent utility, as in
Polinsky and Shavell [1979], the optimal punishment scheme punishes
offenders with probability one to minimize the social loss caused by
offenders facing risky punishment. But, if individuals have
state-dependent utility, risk aversion neither implies nor is implied by
the condition that offenders are more sensitive to changes in the
certainty than the severity of punishment. The proposition above
establishes that if individuals have state-dependent preferences and are
more sensitive to changes in the certainty than the severity of
punishment, the optimal probability of punishment is less than one.
Next turn attention to the question of what happens when capturing
and convicting offenders is costly. Let p([Lambda]) and f ([Lambda])
denote the optimal probability and fine when the cost parameter is
[Lambda]. Polinsky and Shavell [1979, proof of Proposition 2] provide a
continuity argument showing that p([Lambda]) [approaches] p(0) and
f([Lambda]) [approaches] f(0) as [Lambda] [approaches] 0. Their argument
can be readily adapted to fit the state-dependent setting.(5) This means
that in the state-dependent setting, when punishment costs are positive
but small, the optimal punishment probability is bounded away from
unity. Again this result can be contrasted with corresponding results
based on different assumptions about preferences. When individuals are
expected value maximizers and punishment costs are small but positive,
the optimal punishment probability is equal to the lowest value
consistent with deterring crime for the type-a individuals, (Polinsky
and Shavell [1979, Proposition 1]). When individuals are risk averse
with state-independent preferences, the optimal punishment probability
is near one (Polinsky and Shavell [1979, Proposition 2]). When
individuals have state-dependent preferences and are more sensitive to
changes in the certainty than the severity of punishment, the optimal
probability is bounded away from one.
It has been shown that when conviction of criminals is costless, if
criminals have state-dependent preferences and are more sensitive to
changes in the certainty than the severity of punishment, it is not
optimal to punish them with probability one. When the probability of
punishment is increased, social loss increases because offenders are
more likely to be moved to their lower utility functions. When the
severity of punishment is increased, social loss increases because
offenders are risk averse and face riskier distributions. Since
criminals are more sensitive to changes in the probability of punishment
than they are to changes in its severity, the former effect outweighs
the latter, and social loss is minimized with a lower probability of
punishment than would hold if preferences were state-independent.
I am grateful to Harold Winter, Thomas Saving, and two referees for
helpful comments and to the Private Enterprise Research Center at Texas
A&M University for financial support.
1. Viscusi [1986] uses a state-dependent expected utility model to
estimate the risk-reward tradeoff facing criminals, but he does not
examine the implications for the optimal punishment scheme.
2. Also see the experimental evidence provided by Block and Gerety
3. The offender's objective function is (1 - p)U(x) +pU(x - f),
where p is the probability of punishment, f is the magnitude of the
fine, U is the utility function, and x is the individual's wealth
before prosecution. Calculate the elasticities of this objective
function with respect to p and with respect to f. Becker [1968, footnote 19] shows that the elasticity with respect to p cannot be of greater
magnitude than the elasticity with respect to fir u is concave.
4. Friedman [1981] considers the complementary issue of how offenders
should optimally be punished when individuals are not identical. His
setting is beyond the scope of this paper.
5. Polinsky and Shavell's proof relies only on the continuity of
preferences, not on the curvature of utility functions. The continuity
assumption is maintained for state-dependent preferences.
Becker, Gary S. "Crime and Punishment: An Economic
Approach." Journal of Political Economy, March/April 1968, 169-217.
Block, Michael K., and Vernon E. Gerety. "Some Experimental
Evidence on Differences Between Student and Prisoner Reactions to
Monetary Penalties and Risk." Journal of Legal Studies, January
1995, 123-38.
Friedman, David D. "Reflections on Optimal Punishment or: Should
the Rich Pay Higher Fines?" in Research in Law and Economics,
edited by R. O. Zerbe, Jr. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press, 1981, 185-205.
Hirschleifer, Jack, and John G. Riley. The Analytics of Uncertainty
and Information, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992.
Lott, Jr., John R. "An Attempt at Measuring the Total Monetary
Penalty from Drug Convictions: The Importance of an Individual's
Reputation." Journal of Legal Studies, January 1992a, 159-87.
"Do We Punish High Income Criminals Too Heavily?" Economic
Inquiry, October 1992b, 583-608.
Neilson, William S., and Harold Winter. "On Criminals' Risk
Attitudes." Economics Letters, August 1997, 97-102.
Polinsky, A. Mitchell, and Steven Shavell. "The Optimal Tradeoff
Between the Probability and Magnitude of Fines." American Economic
Review, December 1979, 880-91.
Viscusi, W. Kip. "The Risks and Rewards of Criminal Activity: A
Comprehensive Test of Criminal Deterrence." Journal of Labor
Economics. July 1986, 317-40.
Neilson Associate Professor, Department of Economics, Texas A&M
University, College Station Phone 1-409-845-9952, Fax 1-409-862-8483
Email ecinquiry@econ.tamu.edu