Profit maximization problem.
Hemenway, David ; Kohlberg, Elon
The following is a business problem on profit-maximization for an
introductory microeconomics class. The problem highlights the importance
of marginal analysis and illustrates an important economic principle -
rational individuals and institutions should do the most cost-effective
activities first.
The Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility applies specifically to
commodities which are purely homogeneous in both space and time.
However, most services and many goods are not completely homogeneous.
Nonetheless, the additional utility from added units of these
commodities will also typically fall, as rational actors do what is most
Movies are not homogeneous. Each is different, so if you can only go
to two movies a month, you go to the ones you think will be best.
Doubling the number of movies you can attend will not usually double
your utility from movies. Halving the number will usually reduce your
utility from movies by less than 50%.
Course material is not homogeneous. If you have only three hours to
study, study the material where the expected benefit per time spent is
the highest. Tennis times are dissimilar. Some are more convenient for
you and for the people with whom you play. If you can play tennis only
twice a month, you play at those times which will provide the greatest
benefit at the least cost.
Patients have differing needs. When a number of patients arrive at
the emergency room at the same time, ER physicians are taught to triage,
first taking care of those patients for whom they can do a lot of good
in a short amount of time. Doubling the resources for emergency room
care is not expected to double the total benefit that patients receive
from medical treatment. Halving the available resources should typically
reduce the medical benefit by less than 50%.
An administrative agency has a variety of tasks. If an administrative
budget is increased by 20%, we should not expect the total benefit
provided to increase by as much as 20%. A rational agency would already
have been performing the most cost-effective tasks first. Similarly,
cutting the budget by 20% should typically reduce the amount of good it
does by less than 20%. If rational, the agency should first cut those
programs which provide the least amount of benefit per dollar spent.
You are CEO of a small pharmaceutical company that manufactures
generic aspirin. You want the company to profit-maximize. You can sell
as many aspirin as you make at the prevailing market price. You have
only one manufacturing plant, which is the constraint. You have the
plant working at full capacity Monday thru Saturday, but you close the
plant on Sunday because on Sundays you have to pay workers overtime
rates, and it is not worth it. The marginal costs of production are
constant Monday through Saturday. Marginal costs are higher on Sunday,
only because labor costs are higher.
Now you obtain a long-term contract to manufacture a brand-name
aspirin. The costs of making the generic aspirin or the branded aspirin
are identical; there is no cost or time involved in switching from the
manufacture of one to another. You will make much larger profits from
the branded aspirin, but the demand is limited. One day of manufacturing
each week will permit you to fulfill the contract. You can manufacture
both the brand-name and the generic aspirin.
Compared to the situation before you obtained the contract, your
profits will be much higher if you now begin to manufacture on Sundays -
even though you have to pay overtime wages. The plant foreman wants to
start opening the plant on Sundays. What do you do?
First think about the problem, then work with the specific numbers
Each day you can make 1,000 cases of generic aspirin. You can sell as
many as you make, for the market price of $10 per case.
Every week you have fixed costs of $1,000 (land tax and insurance).
No matter how many cases you manufacture, the cost to you for materials
and supplies is $4 per case; the cost for labor is $5 per case, except
on Sundays, when it is $10 per case.
Your order for the branded aspirin requires that you manufacture
1,000 cases per week, which you sell for $30 per case. The costs for the
branded aspirin are identical to the cost of the generic aspirin.
What should you do?
Profit Maximization Answer: What should you do? You should look at
the margin! Even without the numbers, the answer is clear - don't
open on Sunday; it isn't worth it.
The marginal costs are constant Monday thru Saturday; they rise
substantially on Sunday and are above the marginal revenue from
manufacturing generic aspirin.
When you examine marginal costs, you want to do the least expensive
methods first (working Monday thru Saturday) and the most expensive last
(if at all).
Similarly, when you examine marginal revenue (or demand) the most
revenue-enhancing methods should be done first, the least revenue
enhancing last.
Your company should manufacture the branded aspirin first. Your
marginal revenue is the highest the "first" day, when you
manufacture the branded drug. It then falls and remains constant for the
rest of the week.
On the seventh day (Sunday), the marginal revenue from manufacturing
the generic aspirin is still below the marginal cost. You should
manufacture for six days - one day for the branded aspirin and five days
for the generic, and on Sunday the plant should close.
The marginal revenue from manufacturing on Sunday is $10,000 (1,000
cases times $10 per case).
The marginal cost from manufacturing on Sunday is $14,000 (1,000
cases times $14 per case - $10 labor plus $4 materials)
Profits will be $4,000 lower if the plant operates on Sunday.