Discrimination, Bayesian updating of employer beliefs, and human capital accumulation.
Farmer, Amy ; Terrell, Dek
Can labor market discrimination persist over time? How do employer
beliefs influence minority groups and their choices? Previous
theoretical models of discrimination can be grouped into two distinct
categories based upon the source of the discrimination. The most common
method of modelling discrimination follows the work of Becker [1972] in
which the employer, manager, or other employees receive disutility from
associating with members of a particular group. In a second class of
models referred to as statistical discrimination, initially proposed by
Phelps [1972], discrimination results from differences in the
groups' ability to signal output or capabilities; this result can
be reproduced as a special case of the model presented here. This paper
proposes an alternative model in which discrimination results initially
from differences in the employer's prior opinion of average group
ability. Using a Bayesian updating model, we analyze the dynamic effects
of this prior belief on human capital acquisition and the potential for
continued discrimination.
Previous research provides an abundance of evidence that
society's initial perceptions about numerous characteristics,
including those affecting productivity, differ by group. For example,
Smith [1990] summarizes the results of the General Social Survey, which
asked individuals to rank ethnic groups on a scale of one to seven in
various categories.(1) The survey found a significant portion of those
surveyed believed that African Americans, Hispanics, and white
Southerners lagged behind the rest of society in intelligence and work
effort. In fact, 53.2 percent of those surveyed ranked African Americans
below whites in intelligence. Unless employers differ systematically
from the rest of society, this evidence implies that the initial or
prior employer assessment of ability will be lower for members of these
In addition to strong evidence that such general priors exist,
numerous studies find that prior beliefs influence the evaluation of
employee ability. The Urban Institute recently conducted a study
comparing the evaluation of black and Hispanic workers to that of
equally qualified white workers.(2) Given equal resumes, the black and
Hispanic job candidates trailed white candidates at every stage in the
job seeking process, from receiving fewer initial interviews to a lower
number of job offers. Similar biases have been found in experiments in
which identical resumes were evaluated differently simply due to the
race or gender of the applicant.(3) Furthermore, even if worker output
is unambiguously observed and evaluated in an unbiased setting, studies
find that success of males is attributed to ability while that of
females is more likely to be attributed to luck.(4) This adherence to
initial perceptions suggests that agents believe strongly in their
initial beliefs, and hence would require substantial evidence to alter
their perceptions. Our model incorporates the strength of the prior
beliefs through a variance parameter surrounding the initial belief of
mean ability level; a lower variance implies a decreased willingness to
admit error in one's prior beliefs and update accordingly.
Discrimination, in our model, results from the entrepreneur's
sincere, although perhaps incorrect, beliefs concerning the distribution
of ability levels of a particular group. Although empirical results
provide strong evidence of labor market discrimination persisting over
many years [Cain 1986], most existing theoretical models of
discrimination are static designs used to explain only within-period
discrimination. We propose a dynamic model in which a Bayesian employer
learns about an employee's ability over time based on output
observed up to a stochastic error term, thus updating prior beliefs
concerning both the individual and the group in each period. Viewing
output as a signal of ability, it is clear that traditional statistical
discrimination models are embedded within ours; the special case in
which one group's signal is less reliable than another's can
produce the statistical discrimination results.
Section II of this paper outlines a two-period overlapping
generations model. This section describes the updating of the
firm's belief about a single employee given output. Given an
initial prior distribution on group ability, the employer chooses the
first-period wage for the individual. At the end of the period the
employer observes output, which is a function of the unobserved ability
of the worker and the level of acquired human capital, plus a stochastic
error term. The employer updates his prior beliefs of an
individual's ability in the second period based on the observation
of first-period output; these new beliefs determine the expectation of
second-period output and, therefore, the wage rate. Employees know the
prior beliefs of the employer and choose to acquire the level of human
capital that maximizes the present value of expected lifetime income.
Using comparative statics, we show that both lowering the initial
expected level of ability for a particular group and raising the
uncertainty surrounding output for undervalued employees diminishes the
accumulation of human capital for members of the group.
The result that incorrect priors of group ability leads to lower
human capital acquisition, even temporarily, has far-reaching
implications. Lundberg and Startz [1993] propose a model in which lower
ethnic capital for one group at any point in time results in wage
differences persisting over time. Our model reveals that lower initial
assessments of ability lead to the reduction in minority human capital
assumed in the Lundberg and Startz model. Given their findings, our
results imply that an incorrect prior can lead to persistent
discrimination even if the prior rapidly becomes updated to the truth.
Further, the process of adapting these priors may not be immediate, if
it occurs at all; this time lag compounds the discrimination results
implied by the initial diminished human capital acquisition. The impact
of the prior assessment on wages over time requires a model of the
evolution of prior beliefs of group ability over time.
Section II describes the updating procedure for a single
employer/employee relationship, but characterizing the process of
developing group priors poses a different problem. While greater than
expected output raises an employer's prior beliefs about a single
employee's ability, it may have little effect on the
employer's prior belief about the group. Higher than expected
output of one worker provides much information about individual ability,
but only a single data point to estimate the average ability of a
population of millions. In addition to observation of workers, an
employer receives an abundance of information on average group ability
from other sources. Observations of average output, or perhaps
occupations, of other members of the group influence the assessment of
group ability.
Section III addresses the evolution of these beliefs about the group
as a whole. In section III we develop a model in which the prior beliefs
of group ability result from the employer's observation of average
output for heterogeneous groups. Due to the complexity of the model no
closed-form solutions for steady-state output and human capital
investment exist, but simulation results examine the effects of prior
assessments and other parameters on long-run solutions to the model.
As noted above, this section models behavior for a single employer
and employee, given some prior belief by the employer about employee
ability. The two-period model analyzes the impact of lower initial
assessments of group ability on wages and human capital accumulation for
an individual. We model the interaction between one employee and the
employer for whom she expects to work. Clearly employees have incentives
to move to firms holding the highest evaluation of their ability. Yet,
the literature discussed in section I provides abundant evidence that in
much of the U.S. minority employees seek employment with firm's
holding lower assessments of their ability than that of white
workers.(5) We take the match between employee and employer as given and
consider the effect of the employer's prior opinions on the wages
and human capital investment decisions of an employee.
The information available to agents plays a critical role in this
model. The workers in the model are endowed with a set of traits
affecting their job performance which are known to the worker but
unobservable to the employer. Such traits may be inherent intelligence,
motivation, family, cultural upbringing, or a host of other factors. In
addition to such unobservable characteristics, in the first period of
life workers purchase some level of education at a cost; educational
attainment is observable by all employers. Workers live and supply one
unit of labor for two periods, but education can only be purchased in
the initial period.
We assume that employers observe individual output:
(1) Q = [A.sup.[Alpha]][H.sup.[Beta]][Epsilon]
A denotes inherent ability which represents the employee's
unobservable characteristics.
H represents the educational level attained by the employee in the
first period of life; it is observable by the employer.
[Epsilon] is a stochastic error term distributed lognormally, In
[Epsilon] [similar to] N(-[[Sigma].sup.2]/2, [[Sigma]2]). This implies
that the mean of [Epsilon] is 1. This distribution is known to both the
employer and the employee.
The error term in the equation can be interpreted as an uncertainty
in the production process itself, or simply as an imperfection in the
employer's ability to precisely monitor an individual's
output. Measurement difficulties may be present in fields such as
academics, medicine, and management; unobservable output may present
problems in industries in which employees work within a group and can
shirk some responsibility, thus making individual output difficult to
discern. Finally, there may be a number of industries in which output is
observable ex post but the production process contains uncertainty,
making it difficult to determine ability strictly from the observation
of output. Even for a professional athlete, whose performance is easily
measured and observed, ability may not translate directly into
performance; players have slumps and hot streaks making it difficult to
accurately predict output. The former interpretation concerning
observational imperfections provides an opportunity to analyze the
traditional statistical discrimination assumption.(6)
Each individual falls into a distinct group which may be
differentiated from the remainder of society by the employer. Although
the employer cannot observe the individual's true ability level, A,
the employer does hold some prior beliefs concerning A conditional on
the individual's group. These beliefs, which are known to the
employee and conditional on the employee's group, are expressed as
[Mathematical Expression Omitted].
Employers choose labor to maximize expected profits; thus, assuming
perfect labor markets, the wage in each period equals the expected value of the employee's output. If we assume that the employee supplies a
fixed quantity of labor, the wage is simply the value of the output the
employee is expected to produce. Normalizing the product's price to
1, the wages will be
(2) [w.sub.1] E ([Q.sub.1]) = [E.sub.1]([H.sup.[Beta]]
[w.sub.2] = E ([Q.sub.2]) = [E.sub.2]([H.sup.[Beta]][A.sup.[Beta]]).
In order to determine these wages, we must consider the
employee's problem and the information that employers have about
this optimization process. A risk-neutral employee supplies one unit of
labor each period; this individual chooses educational attainment in the
initial period to maximize expected lifetime earnings:
[Mathematical Expression Omitted]
where C(H) is the educational cost and [Delta] is the subjective
discount factor; both are unobservable to the employer.
Note that employers are unable to learn the true value of A, ability,
simply by observing the employee's choice of H, education. Without
knowledge of educational costs or the individual's discount factor,
it is impossible to deduce the true value of A. Thus, the employer will
simply offer wages based upon the observed value of H and the
expectations of A. These expectations, in the first-period, are simply a
function of the priors; in the second-period, the Bayesian employer
updates his beliefs based upon the observed first-period output. This
updating process is known to employees. Table I provides a list of
variables and by which individuals they are observed.
In maximizing the present value of expected wages, employees
recognize that the initial investment in education will increase
expected output in both periods, thus raising the expected wages. In
addition, increased education raises the expected first-period output
and therefore the expected ability in the second period; this, in turn,
increases the expected wage in the second-period. Given the initial
prior on ability, A, employees can compute the expected wages in each
period as a function of educational choice.
The first-period wage for an employee in group i is simply: [w.sub.i]
= E([Q.sub.1]) = [H.sup.[Beta]]E([A.sup.[Alpha]]) where the expectation
of A is derived from the prior for the group. Since A is assumed to be
lognormal, E([A.sup.[Alpha]]) = exp([Alpha][Mu] + (1/2)[[Alpha].sup.2]
[Mathematical Expression Omitted]). Also, given that [Mu] and
[Mathematical Expression Omitted] are common knowledge, all employees
know the wage they will be offered in period one as a function of their
choice of education and, with knowledge of the Bayesian updating, can
form an estimate of the expected wage in period two.
Aware that second-period wages will depend upon the updated beliefs
of their ability based upon observed output, employees must consider the
updating process when choosing education in the initial period. Given
output in period one, the second-period wage is
(4) [w.sub.2] [where] [Q.sub.1] = [H.sup.[Beta]]E([A.sup.[Alpha]]
[where] [Q.sub.1])E([Epsilon]).
The second-period wage depends on the employer's reaction to
deviations from the expected wage. In general the employer attributes
some portion of the deviation to the stochastic element of production
with the remainder acknowledged as the result of higher or lower than
perceived ability. We model this updating of ability through a Bayesian
updating process. From the production function,
ln[Q.sub.1] - [Beta]lnH + [[Sigma].sup.2]/2 = [Alpha]lnA +
ln[Epsilon] + [[Sigma].sup.2]/2.
Given the distributions of lnA and ln[Epsilon],
[Mathematical Expression Omitted],
[ln[Q.sub.1] - [Beta]lnH + [[Sigma].sup.2]/2 [where] [Alpha]lnA]
[similar to] N ([Alpha]lnA, [[Sigma].sup.2]).
From the observation of output, Bayes rule implies the posterior belief of ability:
(6) P([Alpha]lnA [where] [Q.sub.1])
= P([Q.sub.1] [where] [Alpha]lnA)P([Alpha]InA)/P([Q.sub.1)].
Using the distributions of equation 5, we can determine the
distribution P([Alpha]ln A [where] [Q.sub.1]):(8)
[Mathematical Expression Omitted]
[Mathematical Expression Omitted].
Since A is lognormal,
[Mathematical Expression Omitted].
From the equation above, we see that expected ability is a weighted
average of prior beliefs and the unexplained portion of output. As
[Mathematical Expression Omitted] rises, the weight on prior beliefs
diminishes, and as [Mathematical Expression Omitted] approaches
infinity, the influence of the prior ([Mu]) disappears. The same effect
holds true for unexplained output; unexplained output's influence
on expected ability increases as the variance of output declines. Thus
the new assessment of ability depends critically on the strength of
prior beliefs ([Mathematical Expression Omitted]) and the variance of
the unobserved component of output ([[Sigma].sup.2]).
Substitution of expected ability into 4 yields the employee's
expected wage in period 2:
[Mathematical Expression Omitted],
[Mathematical Expression Omitted].
[K.sub.1] denotes the constant dependent on the factors [Mu],
[Mathematical Expression Omitted], [[Sigma].sup.2], H, which are
deterministic and known to all parties.
Given the employer's wage offers which are based upon H and
[Q.sub.1] (education and output), the employee chooses an educational
level knowing how it will directly affect wages [w.sub.1] and [w.sub.2]
as well as how it will interact with the true ability level to affect
[Q.sub.1]. In the beginning of the first period of the worker's
life, when the education level is chosen, the level of output in period
one is unknown. Knowing their true level of unobservables, employees
form expectations of [Q.sub.1] and therefore [w.sub.2] as a function of
educational choice. Hence, the employee expects wages equal to
[Mathematical Expression Omitted].
Since output follows a lognormal distribution, ln[Q.sub.1] [similar
to] N([Beta]lnH + [Alpha]lnA - [[Sigma].sup.2]/2,[[Sigma].sup.2]), it
follows that
[Mathematical Expression Omitted],
and the second-period wage simply becomes
[Mathematical Expression Omitted].
Comparing the employer's expectations of output with
unconditional expectations of output, we find that an employee is
undervalued in periods one and two respectively if:
Period 1: [Mathematical Expression Omitted],
Period 2: [Mathematical Expression Omitted].
If ability exceeds the belief by enough to satisfy these conditions,
then an employee will be undervalued and may have a diminished incentive
to invest in human capital.(9) Similarly, lower ability employees will
be overcompensated and may have some incentive to overinvest. Optimizing
the present value of earnings yields the first-order condition:
[Mathematical Expression Omitted].
Equation 10 reflects the fact that the worker chooses a level of
education such that the marginal benefit in terms of increased wages in
periods one and two equals the marginal cost of education.
Totally differentiating this expression yields the following:
(11) [Delta]H/[Delta][Mu] [greater than] 0
[Delta]H/[Delta]A [greater than] 0
if [Mathematical Expression Omitted],
[Delta]H/[Delta][[Sigma].sup.2] [less than] 0.
Thus an employee's wages and, therefore, choice of education are
increasing not only in her own ability but also in the employer's
initial expectation; wages and education are decreasing, however, in the
variability surrounding output when the employee is sufficiently
undervalued in period one. In other words, when uncertainty surrounding
output rises, the employer is less willing to attribute high or low
levels of output to ability rather than chance. Consequently, employers
adjust their beliefs more slowly as output variance rises. Thus, an
employee that is initially undervalued, a high-ability employee, will
have a diminished incentive to attain human capital as output variance
The model also predicts human capital and wage compression for groups
initially undervalued by employers. Analysis reveals that the impact of
ability on human capital accumulation increases with [Mu]
([[Delta].sup.2]H/[Delta]A[Delta][Mu] [greater than] 0). This result
implies that worker ability increases human capital accumulation by a
smaller amount in groups facing a lower prior assessment of ability by
employers. Because wages rise with human capital and [Mu], wages also
rise less with increases in ability for undervalued groups.
Previous statistical discrimination models can be viewed as the
special case of this model in which the initial distribution of beliefs
for both groups is the same, but this output variance (or signal
variance) is larger for the minority. Phelps's [1972] seminal paper
on statistical discrimination concludes that high-ability minorities are
underpaid with respect to their majority counterparts while low-ability
minorities are overpaid. The literature provides two avenues for a lower
average wage to emerge for the minority group. Aigner and Cain [1977]
point out that if employers are risk averse, minorities are underpaid on
average because less weight is attributed to a poorer signal and more
uncertainty remains for the minority group. Lundberg and Startz [1981]
argue that due to the educational incentives involved, even if the
initial beliefs of the groups are identical, these effects do not
necessarily translate into an equal average wage for each group. Because
these models are nested within our model, these results apply.
The results of this section imply that lower expectations by the
employer induce a lower level of worker productivity for each individual
in the minority group by lowering the marginal benefit of investment in
education. In the long run this lower productivity may serve to
reinforce incorrect beliefs about the group as a whole. On the other
hand, since the minority group's true ability is underestimated,
despite diminished educational attainment relative to the majority, the
group may still surpass expectations, and beliefs may be updated in a
positive direction. Which effect dominates depends upon how employers
process information pertaining to the group as a whole, as well as the
relative sizes of the parameters. We consider this long-run dynamic
process in section III.
In section II, we examined the method by which employers update their
beliefs about a particular employee given prior beliefs conditional on
the employee's group. The two-period model allows employers to use
the observation of an employee's output to update beliefs about
that individual's ability, but the model states nothing about the
source of priors conditional on group ability and long-run equilibria.
Theory suggests two factors, competition and updating of priors of group
ability, might eliminate discrimination in the long run. We examine both
factors assuming that the prior of lower ability exists for a minority
group. Based on analysis of competition and updating of priors of group
ability, this section attempts to determine whether discrimination can
persist in the long run, and if so under what conditions it will
persist. We begin with the issue of competition.
Thus far, we have considered only a representative employer. Suppose
instead that there exist two types of employers: [n.sub.1] employers
believe the mean ability level of the minority group to be [[Mu].sub.1]
while [n.sub.2] hold a belief of [[Mu].sub.2]. The total number of firms
is [n.sub.1] + [n.sub.2], and [[Mu].sub.1] [greater than] [[Mu].sub.2],
or firms of type one value the minorities more highly. Suppose also that
type-one firms have a lower marginal cost due to their more accurate
assessment of the minority group. Define M[C.sub.1] = a[Q.sub.1] and
M[C.sub.2] = b[Q.sub.2] where a [less than] b. Then in a competitive
output market, type-one firms each produce P/a units while those of type
two produce only P/b; assume this level of production requires [l.sub.1]
and [l.sub.2] employees respectively.
If the labor market is competitive with a market wage dictated by
type-two firms (found from equation 2), then all type-one firms will
employ minorities and earn positive profits. However, if
[n.sub.1][l.sub.1] [less than] total minority population, then these
firms need only to offer the market wage which is less than their belief
of true marginal product. In the short run, type-one firms earn positive
profits and both groups of employers pay lower wages to minority
workers. It is likely that the firms with more accurate beliefs (type
one) are owned by members of the minority group. With no barriers to
entry, type-one firms enter over time until they employ the entire
minority population. However, if barriers prevent entry or limit the
size of type-one firms, entry will not lead to convergence of wages
across groups.(10)
Updating Prior Assessments of Group Ability
Just as employers update prior assessments of individual ability,
priors of group ability should adjust over time based on the labor
market performance of that group. The updating of group priors provides
another opportunity to eliminate discrimination in the long run.
Unfortunately, group priors likely depend on an enormous variety of
factors, and modelling this process poses a daunting challenge. In this
section, we present two potential methods of updating based on
extensions of the model presented in section II. The long-run updating
models yield no closed-form solution, so simulation results are used to
check for cases where discrimination persists over long periods or even
The updating of priors on group ability depends on more than simply
output of a single employee. Even if the employer increases his
expectation of an employee's ability based on higher than expected
output, it could easily be concluded that the observed individual is
simply an outlier in the group. If the population of the group is large,
observing output and education of a small number of employees provides
negligible information and contributes little to the evolution of group
priors. Instead, observations of the group as an entire unit determine
this belief of mean ability level. This process depends crucially upon
the information individuals have concerning the members of any
particular group.
If employers knew the output and educational attainment of each
member of the group, they could arrive at an updated mean level of group
ability, and eventually employers would arrive at an accurate estimate.
However, since employers cannot observe output and educational
information for every member of the group, this updating process must
rely upon observations of group averages. Two alternative cases in which
employers have different degrees of information concerning group
performance are considered; if less information is available, the
updating process becomes more lengthy. Both cases assume that the
employer updates his beliefs based on observations of mean levels of
group output.
The long-run model assumes a large number of employers and employees,
all with behavior characterized by the model described in section II.
Consistent with that model, both employees and employers live two
periods, with the employee purchasing education in the first period.
Thus the initial priors of the employer determine wages in period one
and simultaneously influence expected wages in period two and the
employee's level of education. In period two and all periods
afterward a new generation of employers and employees is born.
Given the limited information available, the new generation of
employers forms a prior for a group's ability based on observation
of average output and average educational attainment from the last
period. Using the Cobb-Douglas production function from section II, new
employers deduce the updated ability level to be
[Mathematical Expression Omitted]
where [Mathematical Expression Omitted] and [Mathematical Expression
Omitted] represent group averages derived in the appendix.
The updating process above is always imperfect due to the lack of
information, however simulations reveal that the error is quite small if
initial beliefs are accurate. We assume the new employers always observe
and use the average output by each group to form the group priors. For
CASE 1 updating, the new employer also observes the average level of
education for each group and forms priors on group ability by
substituting average output and education of the group into equation 12.
Employers easily obtain some measure of average output by a group
through observing the status of group members in the workforce. However,
employers may not observe a good measure of the average level of
education in the minority group and could evaluate a group's
ability levels without recognizing the differences in average
educational attainment. Subgroup information is often more difficult to
acquire, and even if it is available, psychological studies suggest that
it may never be received by an individual. Studies reveal that
information is processed differently across groups; information that is
consistent with beliefs is valued more highly than that which is
not.(11) In the case of education, employers observe laws guaranteeing
equal access to education among all groups and educational opportunities
targeted specifically at minority groups. The cumulative effect of such
information may lead employers to discount lack of education as a source
of low output. CASE 2 updating allows employers to ignore subgroup
information on education and assumes that the new generation of
employers form priors on minority ability using the average education
level for the entire population rather than that of the minority group.
We assume that the minority group is small relative to the population
and thus employers generate CASE 2 minority group priors by substituting
average minority output and average majority education into equation 12.
Long-Run Equilibria with Updating of Group Priors
Both proposed methods of updating group priors allow the employer to
update through observations of average output and education; thus the
priors of ability and output will vary over time. The model in section
II provides a solution for current output and education conditional on
the priors of employers in a given period. The appendix describes the
equations for determining the priors of group ability formed by a new
generation of employers conditional on current output and education. No
analytic solution exists for the integrals described in the appendix
although numerical solutions can be calculated. For this reason, we use
simulations to determine output for updating procedures in both CASE 1
and 2. Intuition suggests that the updating of priors of group ability
should move to eliminate discrepancies in pay between equally able
groups. We varied the parameters in the simulations to check for cases
where discrimination persists for long periods or possibly even
The extent to which discrimination persists in the long run, (i.e.
minority output lies below that of the majority) provides the
fundamental question we seek to answer with the simulations. Although
the choice of parameter values is largely arbitrary, such a finding for
any set of parameters forces economists to consider the possibility that
discrimination has long-run consequences. Simulations were performed by
varying all parameters at different times to analyze the impact of each
of the variables on convergence. For both CASE 1 and CASE 2 updating, we
find that minority output converges to a level below that of the
majority group for many parameter settings and at times slowly drops to
zero. For other values of the parameters, the minority eventually
converges to the majority, but only after a potentially long number of
periods and thus a substantial output cost for society.
Since true ability is equal across groups, intuition suggests that
updating should lead minority output and education to converge to that
of the majority group; however, this is not necessarily the case. Table
II summarizes the effects of a change in a single variable, holding
others constant. Column 1 contains the change in variable considered. A
yes in column 2 indicates that the rise or fall in the variable
described in column 1 can slow convergence with CASE 1 updating. A yes
in column 3 indicates that, in some cases, the change in column 1 can
cause minority output to converge to a level permanently below that of
the majority with CASE 1 updating. Columns 4 and 5 provide similar
information for CASE 2 updating.
The results above provide several interesting findings common to both
priors. Lowering [[Mu].sub.min] implies a larger initial gap between
perceived and actual ability, and thus leads to a longer period of time
before convergence to the long-run equilibrium. However, simulations
reveal no case where lowering the prior assessment of ability alone
leads to a long-run level of output for the minority group lower than
that of the majority group.
Although the initial beliefs concerning expected group ability affect
only the length of time until discrimination is eliminated, the strength
of these convictions determines whether it will be eliminated at all.
The prior belief concerning the variance of the group's ability
([Mathematical Expression Omitted]) provides an indication of how rigid
an employer's initial assessment is. Simulations reveal that the
more inflexible the beliefs, not only the longer discrimination
persists, but the more likely it is to remain permanently.
If the parameters are such that minority output eventually converges
to majority output with equal output variance ([[Sigma].sup.2)],
[TABULAR DATA FOR TABLE II OMITTED] then an increase in the variance of
minority output generally results in the convergence of minority output
to a level permanently below that of the majority. Statistical
discrimination models explain discrimination through differences in
signalling ability. We find that as output variance (a signal of
ability) rises, the minority may suffer discrimination permanently; the
beliefs of minority ability converge to a level below that of the
majority. An equal increase in [[Sigma].sup.2] for both groups slows the
speed at which minority output converges, but results show no tendency
for simultaneous changes in the equal variance of output for both groups
to have any permanent impact on output.
The simulations also reveal significant differences between CASE 1
updating and CASE 2 updating. CASE 1 is more likely to converge and do
so more quickly in every instance than is CASE 2. The greater the level
of information that employers have concerning the minority group, the
less likely discrimination is to persist in the long run. Whether this
information directly enhances the perceptions employers hold about
ability, or if it is simply the recognition that the group's
educational incentives are diminished, such information will raise the
likelihood that discrimination will be eliminated in the long run.
We also find that differences in technology can lead to persistent
discrimination only if new employers form priors using CASE 2 updating
and ignoring educational differences among groups. Higher values of
[Beta] or lower values of [Alpha] (in other words, a larger importance
of education relative to true ability) may push both minority output and
wages to a lower level in CASE 2 or slow the speed of convergence when
minority output converges to majority output. Since [Beta] represents
the importance of education in the production function, it follows that
the diminished educational incentives are more costly to the group as
[Beta] rises. If discrimination causes early generations to purchase
lower levels of education, early output tends to be low. This lack of
education is amplified in production functions where education plays a
larger role in production. For equality to occur, higher than expected
ability must raise output above the expected level to continue the
adjustment process. In an economy with a more education-intensive
production function, ability's effect on output is small and thus
convergence to the level of the majority is less likely and slower if it
occurs at all.
The results in this section suggest that updating of group priors
eliminates incorrect priors in many cases, but fails to lead minority
output to converge to that of the majority group in other cases.
Convergence also appears sensitive to prior and technological parameters
and the form of updating. These results question the ability of updating
to rapidly eliminate incorrect priors.
This paper provides an alternative explanation of discrimination in
which differences in wage rates arise from different prior assessments
of worker ability by the employer based on an employee's group
type. Data from Urban Institute audits and the National Opinion Research
Center provides evidence that society believes that black and Hispanic
workers possess lower ability than do white workers. Section II models
the impact of this prior assessment on output and human capital
accumulation by minority workers. Results of the two-period updating
process demonstrate that lower prior beliefs of worker ability reduce
the worker's wage rate and level of investment in education. With
no real difference in ability across races, the model generates lower
wages and human capital accumulation in groups facing a lower initial
assessment of ability.
The extension of the model in section III includes a process to
update priors on average group ability and examine the evolution of
these initial priors throughout generations. Simulations reveal that the
employer's assessment of a minority's average group ability
may or may not converge over time to that of the majority. We also find
that even if discrimination is ultimately eliminated, the process may
converge very slowly resulting in substantial output losses for society.
From the various cases in the simulation, it is clear that greater
information minimizes discrimination. The value is not only in offering
information that might directly enhance the expected ability level;
informing employers of the diminished educational incentives of an
undervalued group also expedites the updating process.
Further, the model predicts more rapid elimination of discrimination
when output is easily observed. For example, the model predicts more
rapid convergence for minority athletes than for other minority workers
whose output is more difficult to measure. The model also cautions
policymakers that perceptions may have real effects on wages.
Affirmative action may be warranted to assist in raising initial returns
to human capital investments and to accelerate the updating process.
Note, however, if affirmative action causes employers to increasingly
discount achievements of minority groups, the policy may have an
unintended adverse effect; further research is needed to understand the
net impact of affirmative action on the evolution of priors.
The introduction of perceptions and Bayesian learning offers a new
approach to understanding the influence of prior beliefs on the
persistence of discrimination. This analysis has applicability beyond an
enhanced understanding of discrimination. For example, the model
predicts depreciation of credentials over time as employers use output
observations to update initial perceptions; this minimizes the
usefulness of tracking graduates for any significant length of rime
beyond their initial employment. There is also some suggestion that
individual career paths may be affected by expectations. Although
discrimination may not be present in the form of differential wages for
similar occupations, prior beliefs may induce individuals to sort
themselves toward occupations in which they are expected to excel.
Finally, any time an individual's contribution is undervalued due
to an incorrect assessment, diminished incentives might have long-run
effects. Certain types of education or labor market skills may be
undervalued, measures to reduce risk for insurance purposes may not be
appropriately rewarded, or consumers' prior assessments may
underestimate the quality of some brands; the model in this paper can
assist in the analysis of a variety of these problems.
Applying the model to other problems may explain recent empirical
findings. In a sample of young workers, Bratsberg and Terrell [1994]
find that black workers earn much smaller returns to general labor
market experience than white workers, but returns to tenure on the job
appear higher for black workers. In the context of this paper, this
result reflects the fact that workers staying with the same employer
benefit from an updating of the employer's assessment of ability.
Adapting the model to examine the influence of an individual's
appearance on priors may also explain Hammermesh and Biddle's
[1994] results indicating a premium for beauty in the labor market.
Finally, extensions of the model may further explain discrepancies in
wages between groups. An analysis of the incentives for employers acting
under a variety of market structures to acquire such information would
offer a valuable extension of this work. Search theory models of the
match between minority worker and employer or models analyzing the
incentives to shirk across races when priors differ offer an interesting
query. Empirical tests comparing the cost of changing employers across
race may also lead to an increased understanding of the role of priors
in discrimination. Although many questions remain, the paper
demonstrates that prior opinions of employers about groups influence the
human capital decisions of employees that may provide gaps between races
lasting far into the future.
Expected group averages can be found as a function of both the true
distribution (with correct mean and variance) as well as the initial
beliefs. According to equation 10, the employee's educational
decision is found as a function of her true ability level as well as the
employer's beliefs about the group to which she belongs.
[Mathematical Expression Omitted]
Thus, the expected output of employee i with true ability level
[A.sub.i] is
[Mathematical Expression Omitted]
Given these individual levels of education and expected output, the
averages for the group depend upon the distribution of true ability
levels denoted f(A).
[Mathematical Expression Omitted]
[Mathematical Expression Omitted]
1. The General Social Survey consists of personal interviews of
randomly selected households in the United States conducted by the
National Opinion Research Center at the University of Chicago.
2. See Turner, Fix, and Struyk [1991] and Cross [1991] for details.
3. See Firth [1982].
4. See Almeida and Kanekar [1989] and Wong, Derlega and Colson [1988]
among others.
5. Although analysis of the match of employer and employee poses an
interesting related question, that problem is beyond the scope of this
paper. There may simply be too few employers with accurate beliefs, or
it may be that search costs prevent minority employees from avoiding
employers with low prior opinions entirely. The evolution of group
priors is addressed in section III.
6. Note that if employers compare random effects across employees to
identify shocks common to the firm, the variance may be reduced, but it
seems unlikely that the distribution would become degenerate in general.
7. The lognormal distribution implies that ability is always positive
and is negatively skewed.
8. See Berger [1980, 92-96] for details and examples conjugating
normal distributions.
9. The employee may be undervalued in one period and overvalued in
another. The employee's decisions depend on the present value of
total wages.
10. Evans and Jovanovich [1989] conclude that liquidity constraints
serve as a significant barrier to most entrepreneurs who are likely to
start a business. Bates [1989] finds that nonminority firms locating in
minority areas and minority firms in general have a lower probability of
obtaining loans than other firms. These empirical facts suggest that
firms employing minority workers do face additional barriers to entry in
the U.S. economy. Search costs, incomplete or costly information, and
oligopoly or monopoly markets, discrimination by consumers, or
perceptions of inferior quality in minority-produced goods may also
serve to slow or prevent the elimination of firms with incorrect prior
11. Numerous psychological studies including Kahneman, Slovic and
Tversky [1982] indicate that individuals use stereotypic information
rather than all available information to arrive at an impression. For
example, Martin and Grubb [1990] find that African American juvenile
offenders are more likely to be punished than their white counterparts
who are more likely to receive counseling. The offense of the white
youth is attributed to a psychological disorder deserving of treatment
rather than a cultural bias toward violence. Without controlling for
income, education and other social factors, individuals often conclude
that members of a particular group are naturally more violent.
12. We simulate the model by sampling 100,000 individuals in each
period t, with ability drawn with In [A.sub.i] [similar to] N(-.5, 1)
for the majority group. After choosing the parameters, we calculate
[H.sub.maj0] and [Q.sub.maj0] for individual i in the first period based
on the solution to equation 10. The sample averages, [Mathematical
Expression Omitted] and [Mathematical Expression Omitted] are then
calculated for use in the updating procedures. The procedures are
repeated to obtain [Mathematical Expression Omitted] and [Mathematical
Expression Omitted] for the minority group using the same distribution
for true ability, ln [A.sub.i] [similar to] N(-.5, 1). Using the
averages at time zero, the new generation of employer's group
priors for period 2 are calculated for both updating procedures. Given
these new priors, the method is repeated to determine average output and
education over the first fifty generations.
13. It was mentioned above that the beliefs of the majority's
ability may not necessarily converge to the true mean. Due to the
imprecise nature of society's adaptation process, it is unlikely
that employers will accurately determine average abilities. However, the
beliefs about the majority (a group about whom the initial beliefs are
correct) stabilize almost immediately at a level very near the true
mean. It is also true that this long-run point of convergence is very
robust to changes in the speed of adjustment.
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AMY FARMER and DEK TERRELL, Assistant Professor, University of
Tennessee, and Assistant Professor, Kansas State University. We wish to
thank Bernt Bratsberg, Hae-Shin Hwang, James Ragan, Richard Startz, and
two anonymous referees for valuable comments.