Recessions and recoveries in real business cycle models.
Balke, Nathan S. ; Wynne, Mark A.
Do general equilibrium business cycle models generate business cycles
that look like the business cycles observed in a modern industrial
economy? The early real business cycle literature as exemplified by
Kydland and Prescott [1982], Hansen [1985], and the papers in the
March/May 1988 issue of the Journal of Monetary Economics evaluated the
ability of dynamic general equilibrium models to generate business
cycles by comparing selected second moments of the data generated by the
models with those generated by actual (detrended) data. Specifically,
this literature considers the deviations of various macroeconomic aggregates from trend as the cyclical movement that needs to be
explained by a model of the business cycle. A model is judged to be
successful if the second moments generated by the model are
"close" (in some informal sense) to the second moments found
in the data.
In this paper, rather than examine whether real business cycle models
can mimic the autocorrelation and cross-correlation properties of the
data, we ask whether a representative model of this class is able to
generate cyclical behavior consistent with the traditional NBER conception of business cycles. The traditional NBER definition of a
business cycle defines the cycle in terms of periods of absolute
increases and decreases in economic activity rather than fluctuations
about some trend. Below we examine whether a real business cycle model
can produce business cycles in this more traditional sense that are of
appropriate duration and shape.
There are several reasons for considering this alternative method of
evaluating real business cycle models. There is a large and old
literature, including, among many others, Mitchell [1927], Burns and
Mitchell [1946], Eckstein and Sinai [1986], and Zarnowitz [1992], that
examines fluctuations in economic activity in terms of a NBER-type
chronology of business cycle peaks and troughs. Furthermore, it is
business cycles in the traditional NBER sense that policymakers, the
press, and the general public are typically concerned with. While
periods of sub-par growth do receive attention and are a source of
concern to policymakers, it is nonetheless the case that the qualitative
nature of policy deliberations seems to change when the economy
experiences absolute declines in economic activity. Finally, by
examining the nature of business cycles in light of a NBER-type
chronology one may be able to uncover relationships that otherwise would
be undetected if only auto- or cross-correlations of the data were used.
Using the concept of business cycle time introduced by Burns and
Mitchell [1946], we divide recessions and expansions in calendar time
into separate business cycle "phases." Based on this
framework, we show that for real GNP expansions tend to be concave and
recessions linear. That is, growth tends to be faster earlier in the
expansion and slower later in the expansion, while the rate of decline
is not significantly different over the course of the recession.
Furthermore, output tends to have "rounded" peaks and
"pointed" troughs. In addition to aggregate output, we
consider the "shape" of consumption of nondurables and
services, fixed investment, hours, and real wages. While not every
variable displays concave expansions, "round" peaks and
"pointed" troughs are present in most of these variables.
A simple real business cycle model considered in King, Plosser, and
Rebelo [1988a] - a variant of the Hansen [1985] and Rogerson [1988]
models - is used to generate artificial economic histories. The
algorithm developed by Bry and Boschan [1971] to mimic the business
cycle dating procedure of the NBER is used to date business cycle peaks
and troughs in the artificial data. We then compare the nature of
business cycles implied by these simple real business cycle models to
that of actual business cycles. We find that while these models are
adequate at capturing the duration and the amplitude of actual business
cycles, they do not capture the entire shape of the business cycle. In
particular, they fail to produce concave expansions for aggregate output
and investment, and peaks tend to be "pointed" rather than
"round." On the other hand, the real business cycle models do
a much better job of mimicking the actual growth cycles, or cycles in
detrended data.
The work reported below is closely related to work by King and
Plosser [1989] on the approach to evaluating business cycle models first
proposed by Adelman and Adelman [1959]. The objective of the King and
Plosser paper is to evaluate a simple real business cycle model using
the methods developed by Burns and Mitchell to characterize the business
cycle. To this end they date peaks and troughs in economic activity in
the artificial economy they study using the Bry-Boschan algorithm; the
cycles thus obtained are further divided into various phases. King and
Plosser then compare the qualitative features of the cycles found in the
real business cycle model with corresponding features of the data and
conclude that they are unable to distinguish between the two. This is
the sense in which they conclude that the real business cycle model
passes the Adelmans' test, although they note reservations about
the power of this type of test in their conclusion.
While King and Plosser stay as close as possible to the letter of the
Burns and Mitchell methods in evaluating a real business cycle model, we
simply use the Burns and Mitchell phases as a point of departure for our
analysis, combining their phase classification with formal statistical
tests to evaluate our artificial economies. We do this by taking the
real business cycle model as the "null" model and generate a
distribution of artificial business cycle shapes as implied by a real
business cycle model and compare the actual business cycle shape with
this distribution.(1) Thus while King and Plosser are unable to reject,
statistically, the possibility that the actual business cycle behavior
is generated by a simple real business cycle model, we are able to
reject this possibility. We do this by showing that various statistics
of interest calculated for the actual data lie in the tails of the
implied Monte Carlo distributions generated by the real business cycle
In this paper we consider two alternative definitions of the business
cycle. The standard practice in the contemporary literature on business
cycles is to consider the deviations of output from some secular trend as the cyclical movement that needs to be explained by a business cycle
model. This is in contrast to the definition of business cycles employed
by the NBER, where recessions and expansions are periods of absolute
decreases and increases in economic activity. Turning points are then
peaks and troughs in the level of economic activity. A definition of the
cyclical component of economic activity as consisting of fluctuations
about trend is more akin to the NBER's growth-cycle concept, where
turning points are peaks and troughs in economic activity relative to
The distinction between business cycles and growth cycles might be
important for several reasons. First, as we pointed out above and
Zarnowitz [1992] discusses in more detail, policymakers and the general
public may view absolute declines and increases in economic activity
differently from relative declines and increases. Second, the problem of
defining and measuring trend growth provides a practical reason for why
one might want to consider the traditional notion of the business cycle
rather than the growth cycle. Is the trend level of output at a point in
time simply the extrapolation of past values of output? Or is it the
maximum "sustainable" level of GNP, something more akin to
potential output? How one removes the trend from economic activity,
whether by differencing, detrending with a linear time trend, or
employing the Hodrick-Prescott filter, can influence the cyclical nature
properties of the data. For example, Falk [1986] provides an interesting
example of how trend removal can bias tests of business cycle symmetry.
Furthermore, the traditional conception of the business cycle
underlies many recent statistical models of economic fluctuations. For
example, the two-state Markov switching model of Hamilton [1989] when
applied to real GNP characterizes output as switching between positive
growth states and negative growth states - expansions and contractions.
In fact, Hamilton obtains regime switch dates that are similar to the
NBER business cycle chronology. Recent extensions of Hamilton's
regime switching model by Boldin [1990] have tended to confirm the
presence of traditional business cycles. We evaluate real business cycle
models in terms of both the traditional notion of business cycles as
well as in terms of growth cycles.
In their monumental study of business cycles, Burns and Mitchell
[1946] divided the business cycle into nine phases. The first phase in
this classification is defined as the three months centered on the
initial trough, while the fifth phase is defined as the three months
centered on the subsequent peak. The ninth phase is defined as the three
months centered on the trough marking the end of the recession, and is
also the first phase of the next business cycle. The second, third and
fourth phases break the expansion into three time intervals of equal
length, while the sixth, seventh and eighth phases break the subsequent
recession into three time intervals of equal length. The Burns and
Mitchell phases allow for the possibility that business cycles evolve
according to economic or business cycle time rather than calendar
It is possible to think of alternative ways to characterize the
business cycle, such as a multistate Markov switching model, that are
not as ad-hoc or as ex post in nature as the Burns and Mitchell phase
characterization.(5) However, the Burns and Mitchell characterization
does have a long history of use in business cycle analysis and, while ex
post, does have the advantage of being a relatively simple way of
describing certain features of the business cycle. Furthermore, the
computational ease of calculating the Burns and Mitchell phases is
attractive when we try to evaluate the ability of artificial economies
to replicate features of actual business cycles.
We use the Burns and Mitchell phase classification to characterize
two features of the business cycle. First, we examine the overall
"shape" of the business cycle as reflected in certain key
aggregate variables. By the shape of the cycle we mean the pattern of
variation in growth rates of the key aggregates over the course of
expansions and recessions? Second we use the Burns and Mitchell phase
characterization to examine the question of business cycle symmetry.(7)
Specifically, we will consider the extent to which recessions are simply
negative expansions.
The Shape of Post-World War II Business Cycles
In our analysis of post-World War II business cycles, we follow Burns
and Mitchell [1946] and divide the business cycle into eight phases.
Since we use quarterly data, the first phase is defined as the quarter
of the initial trough, while the fifth phase is defined as the quarter
of the subsequent peak. The second, third and fourth phases break the
expansion into three time intervals of equal length, while the sixth,
seventh and eighth phases break the subsequent recession into three time
intervals of equal length.
To determine the shape of the business cycle, we simply regress the
growth rate of each series against dummy variables that break the
business cycle into the different phases described above.(8) The
coefficient estimates then represent the average growth rate of the
series (per quarter) during the different phases of the business cycle.
To keep things manageable we restrict our attention to five key real
macroeconomic aggregates: GNP, consumption of nondurable goods and
services, fixed investment, and hours worked (all in per capita terms),
and real wages.
The peak and trough dates that make up the official NBER business
cycle chronology are determined by the business cycle dating committee
of the NBER.(9) To evaluate the ability of an artificial economy to
mimic certain features of actual world business cycles, we need to be
able to replicate the NBER business cycle dating procedure using time
series generated in the artificial economy. To this end we employ the
business cycle dating algorithm devised by Bry and Boschan [1971] to
automate the rules used by the business cycle dating committee in
picking peak and trough dates. The structure of this algorithm is
described in detail in Appendix B of Balke and Wynne [1993].
Essentially, the Bry-Boschan algorithm involves finding local maximums
and minimums of a smoothed version of a time series subject to
restrictions on the length of the entire cycle and on the length of
expansion and recession phases. An obvious and important question is how
well does the Bry-Boschan algorithm mimic the procedures used by the
NBER committee. The algorithm tends to perform best in terms of picking
trough dates, matching seven of the nine in the NBER chronology. One
trough is dated one quarter after the NBER date, and one is dated three
quarters after the NBER date. The algorithm is a little less successful
in picking peaks, matching only three of the NBER dates perfectly. Two
peaks are dated one quarter before the NBER dates, and four are dated
two quarters before the NBER dates. Recessions tend to be slightly
longer in the Bry-Boschan chronology (4.9 quarters versus 3.6 quarters
for the NBER dates) and expansions slightly shorter (16.1 quarters
versus 17.1 quarters for NBER dates).(10)
Table I presents the results of regressing the growth rates of the
various series against the Burns and Mitchell phase dummies as
determined by the Bry-Boschan algorithm over the 1948-1992 period.(11)
Table II presents p-values for various hypotheses about the nature of
business cycle phases. The first set of hypotheses test whether various
phases have the same growth rates and is designed to show whether the
business cycle has a distinctive shape. The second set of hypotheses
considers whether business cycles are symmetric. The symmetry hypothesis
implies that the average rate of growth in a recession phase is just the
negative of the growth rate in the corresponding expansion phase
(correcting for trend growth). Thus, for example, symmetry implies
[Delta][y.sub.Expansion] + [Delta][y.sub.Contraction] = 2 (Trend
growth rate)
where [Delta]y denotes the average rate of growth of Y during the
indicated business cycle stage. We can make the symmetry tests more
elaborate using the Burns and Mitchell phases:
[Delta][y.sub.Phase1] + [Delta][y.sub.Phase5] = 2(Trend growth rate),
[Delta][y.sub.Phase2] + [Delta][y.sub.Phase6] = 2(Trend growth rate),
[Delta][y.sub.Phase3] + [Delta][y.sub.Phase7] = 2(Trend growth rate),
[Delta][y.sub.Phase4] + [Delta][y.sub.Phase8] = 2(Trend growth rate).
If the trend rate of growth is zero, then symmetry implies that
growth in recessions is just the negative of growth in expansions.(12)
From Tables I and II, we find that all the series with the exception
of real wages reject the simple two-phase characterization of the
business cycle (that is, we can reject the null hypothesis: phase
2=3=4=5 and phase 1=6=7=8). Output, investment, and, to a lesser extent,
consumption display concave-shaped expansions (that is, phase 2 is
greater than phase 3 which is in turn greater than phase 4); growth in
these series is highest in the early phases of the expansion and falls
as the expansion progresses. The behavior of output and investment is
consistent with a "recovery" effect.(13) If the economy does
indeed "recover" from a recession, we would expect the growth
rate to be greater in the second phase of the business cycle (the first
third of the recovery) than in the third and fourth phases. No recovery
effect is apparent in either hours or real wages. In contrast to the
concavity of expansions, recessions appear to be more or less linear.
Aside from consumption, there is little evidence that the recession
phases are statistically different. For consumption, the trough phase is
quite different from the rest of the recession phases. Thus, the Burns
and Mitchell phase regressions seem to imply that for aggregate output
and investment the "shape" of the business cycle is
characterized by concave expansions and linear recessions. The
combination of a concave expansion and a linear recession supports a
characterization of traditional business cycles as having
"rounded" peaks and "pointed" troughs. There is also
strong evidence against symmetric business cycles. With the exception of
real wages, all of the series reject symmetry hypotheses either
individually or jointly.(14)
p-Values for Tests of Shape and Symmetry of the Business Cycle
Hypothesis Output Consumption Investment Hours Wages
Tests of Shape
Phase 0.030 0.113 0.135 0.010 0.365
2=3=4=5 0.011 0.125 0.056 0.142 0.949
Phase 0.011 0.482 0.066 0.260 0.859
Phase 0.104 0.946 0.054 0.362 0.989
Phase 0.003 0.282 0.035 0.470 0.639
3=4 0.125 0.310 0.843 0.102 0.628
Phase 0.403 0.203 0.528 0.009 0.105
Phase 0.450 0.594 0.738 0.004 0.524
Phase 6=7 0.209 0.481 0.558 0.014 0.431
Phase 6=8 0.591 0.321 0.459 0.001 0.269
Phase 7=8 0.479 0.754 0.863 0.405 0.729
Tests of Symmetry
Recession = 0.000 0.006 0.000 0.001 0.087
Phase 5 = 0.000 0.166 0.135 0.006 0.520
Phase 1
Phase 6 = 0.410 0.404 0.627 0.359 0.051
Phase 2
Phase 7 = 0.001 0.170 0.012 0.100 0.309
Phase 3
Phase 8 = 0.001 0.006 0.006 0.000 0.393
Phase 4
Joint 0.000 0.010 0.003 0.000 0.201
The Shape of Growth Cycles
For the sake of comparison we also decided to examine the shape and
symmetry of the growth cycles experienced by the U.S. economy in the
postwar period, and consider the ability of a prototypical real business
cycle model to replicate these features of the actual data.
Tables III and IV present results from the Burns and Mitchell phase
regressions for the growth cycle characterization of business cycles.
Unlike the traditional business cycle conception, the growth cycle seems
to be adequately characterized by two phases: recessions and expansions.
There is little evidence of concavity (or convexity) for either
expansions or recessions. Furthermore, the hypothesis of symmetry is not
rejected for any of the variables. Thus, in contrast to traditional
business cycles, growth cycles appear to be characterized by
"linear" expansions and contractions, and by symmetry. For
nearly every variable, there is less negative growth in the first
recession phase (phase 6) than in the other recession phases, but it is
not statistically significant.
The question we are concerned with in this paper is to what extent
can simple artificial economies of the type developed in the current
real business cycle literature generate traditional business cycles.
What is required for such an exercise is a fully articulated dynamic
general equilibrium model that can be calibrated to the data and
simulated to generate time paths for the various economic aggregates of
interest. Prototypical versions of models of this type that are driven
by real shocks are studied in some detail in King, Plosser and Rebelo
[1988a; 1988b]. We will consider one of the basic models discussed in
that paper that is driven by transitory shocks to productivity,
specifically a variant of the Rogerson [1988] and Hansen [1985] models
with indivisible labor.
A Simple Model Economy
The structure of the model we examine is as follows. Household
preferences are assumed to be defined over consumption, [C.sub.t], and
leisure, [L.sub.t], and to have the standard time-separable form:
[summation of] [[Beta].sup.t]U([C.sup.t], [L.sup.t]) where t = 0 to
We assume that the point-in-time utility function takes the
logarithmic form:
U([C.sub.t], [L.sub.t]) = log([C.sub.t]) + [Theta]log(1 - [L.sub.t]).
In the Hansen-Rogerson economy, households can work either some fixed
number of hours, [Mathematical Expression Omitted], or not at all.
Optimal allocations in this economy involve trading in [TABULAR DATA FOR
TABLE III OMITTED] lotteries over consumption and leisure, which in turn
yield a preference specification for the representative household that
is linear in hours worked:
U([C.sub.t], [L.sub.t]) = log([C.sub.t]) + [Psi][N.sub.t]
where [Mathematical Expression Omitted] as in Hansen [1985, 315-318].
Output, [Y.sub.t], is produced with capital, [K.sub.t], and labor,
[N.sub.t], by means of standard constant returns to scale technology:
[Y.sub.t] = [A.sub.t]F([K.sub.t], [X.sub.t][N.sub.t])
where [A.sub.t] denotes a transitory productivity shock and [X.sub.t]
represents labor augmenting technological progress. We further restrict
ourselves to a Cobb-Douglas specification of the production function:
[Mathematical Expression Omitted]. We assume that technological progress
occurs at some exogenously determined rate, [[Gamma].sub.x] =
[X.sub.t+1]/[X.sub.t], as the simplest way to induce nonstationarity in
our model. Capital accumulation follows the standard process:
[K.sub.t+1] = (1 - [[Delta].sub.K])[K.sub.t] + [I.sub.t]
where [I.sub.t] denotes investment and [[Delta].sub.K] denotes the
rate of depreciation of the capital stock. Resource constraints on time
and output are specified as follows:
[L.sub.t] + [N.sub.t] = 1
[C.sub.t] + [I.sub.t] = [Y.sub.t].
p-Values for Tests of Shape and Symmetry of the Growth Cycle
Hypothesis Output Consumption Investment Hours Wages
Tests of Shape
Phase 0.196 0.311 0.760 0.182 0.896
Phase 0.429 0.480 0.998 0.214 0.908
Phase 0.264 0.794 0.988 0.216 0.790
Phase 2=3 0.634 0.503 0.925 0.119 0.605
Phase 2=4 0.112 0.667 0.950 0.144 0.891
Phase 3=4 0.271 0.807 0.876 0.908 0.514
Phase 0.118 0.200 0.347 0.221 0.642
Phase 0.231 0.252 0.193 0.154 0.891
Phase 6=7 0.866 0.331 0.103 0.489 0.854
Phase 6=8 0.124 0.098 0.127 0.058 0.635
Phase 7=8 0.150 0.447 0.968 0.194 0.755
Tests of Symmetry
Recession = 0.934 0.549 0.988 0.766 0.764
Phase 5 = 0.347 0.855 0.846 0.703 0.257
Phase 1
Phase 6 = 0.152 0.397 0.247 0.957 0.767
Phase 2
Phase 7 = 0.402 0.590 0.687 0.367 0.730
Phase 3
Phase 8 = 0.091 0.634 0.619 0.587 0.987
Phase 4
Joint 0.167 0.865 0.772 0.867 0.819
The models were calibrated using parameter values from King, Plosser
and Rebelo [1988a]. We set [Beta] equal to 0.988, [Alpha] equal to 0.58,
[[Gamma].sub.x] equal to 1.004, [Delta] equal to 0.025 and N, the
fraction of hours worked in the steady state, equal to 0.2.
The Shape of the Business Cycle in the Model Economy
We simulated a linearized version of the model described above to
generate a series for (detrended) output lasting 180 periods (which
corresponds to the number of quarters in the post-World War II sample).
To examine traditional business cycles, we then restored the trend to
the output series to generate the path of the level of output. The
Bry-Boschan algorithm was then used to pick peak and trough dates in the
output series to obtain an NBER-style business cycle chronology. Using
these dates we broke the expansions and contractions up into the Burns
and Mitchell phases, and ran the phase regressions and symmetry tests
for the generated data. We also considered the ability of these models
to generate growth cycles. For these tests we applied the Bry-Boschan
algorithm to the detrended output series generated by the artificial
economies, and proceeded as before. These exercises were repeated 1000
times to arrive at Monte Carlo distributions of the various statistics
of interest.
Table V provides some summary statistics for the business cycles
generated in the real business cycle model. The mean and standard
deviation of the Monte Carlo distribution is presented as well as the
percentile of the Monte Carlo distribution in which the actual business
cycle statistic is placed. The Hansen-Rogerson model tends to generate
more cycles (whether traditional business cycles or growth cycles) than
were actually present in the post-World War II sample. However, because
the actual business cycle statistics are not in the extreme tails of the
Monte Carlo distributions implied by the model (with the possible
exception of the expansion duration), the model does a reasonable job of
producing recessions and expansions with durations and amplitudes
consistent with actual business cycles.(15)
Monte Carlo Phase Results
To determine whether a standard real business cycle model can
replicate the "shape" of the business cycle, we ran the Burns
and Mitchell phase regressions for each replication and tabulated the
Monte Carlo distribution. Table VI presents the mean and the standard
deviation of the Monte Carlo distribution of the phase growth rates
implied by the Hansen-Rogerson model. The percentile of the Monte Carlo
distribution in which the actual phase growth rate is present is
presented as well. Table VII tabulates the percentage of replications in
which the various hypotheses about the shape and symmetry of the
business cycle are rejected at the 0.05 significance level in the model
From Tables VI and VII, we see that the Hansen-Rogerson real business
cycle model does not match the phase behavior of actual business cycles.
Actual phase growth rates are often in the tails of the Monte Carlo
distribution. For most of the variables, the actual growth rates in
phases 1, 2, 5, and 6 are in the extreme tails of the Monte Carlo
distribution. Typically, the rates of decline in the trough (phase 1)
are too high in the model economies relative to actual growth rates, but
the growth rates early in the expansion (phase 2) implied by the model
economies are too low. Similarly, the peak (phase 5) growth rates
implied by the model economies are too high, while for output,
investment, and hours the model economies imply a much sharper decline
at the onset of a recession (phase 6) than is the case for actual
recessions. Furthermore, actual consumption is in the tails for almost
every [TABULAR DATA FOR TABLE V OMITTED] phase for the model; the growth
rate of actual consumption is higher in expansions and lower in
recessions than is implied by the model economy. This is consistent with
the well-known result that consumption is not volatile enough in these
classes of models. In contrast, the business cycle shape of investment
suggests greater volatility in these models than in actual investment;
another well-known characteristic of these models.
In addition, the model does not mimic the overall shape of business
cycles particularly well. This is illustrated in Figure 1. For ease of
comparison, the figures have been normalized so that both the actual and
model-generated business cycles have the same cyclical duration and
trend. For output, investment, and hours, the model economy implies
"spiked" peaks and troughs while in actual business cycles the
peaks are more "round." Focusing on aggregate output, concave
expansions are not a feature of the model. From Table VII, the
proportion of replications in which the hypothesis of linear expansions
(phase 2 = 3 = 4) is rejected is close to the nominal size of the test.
Similarly, investment in the model does not show a concave business
cycle shape. Consumption, on the other hand, is actually convex over the
expansion as the growth rate of consumption increases as the expansion
progresses. For all the variables, aside from perhaps the trough phase,
linear recessions appear to be a characteristic of these models. In
fact, evidence against the basic two-phase cycle with just expansions
and contractions is due primarily to the "spiked" nature of
peaks and troughs; the greatest rates of growth and decline occur at
peaks and troughs.
Average Growth Rates of Selected Aggregates during Business Cycle
Phases in an Artificial Economy
Output Consumption Investment Hours Wages
Phase 1 -5.07 0.03 -17.23 -5.10 0.03
(Trough) (1.22) (0.22) (3.44) (0.98) (0.22)
[0.72] [1.00] [1.00] [0.97] [1.00]
Phase 2 3.68 1.51 8.86 2.17 1.51
(0.73) (0.18) (2.19) (0.62) (0.18)
[0.85] [1.00] [0.43] [0.03] [1.00]
Phase 3 2.95 1.88 5.46 1.06 1.88
(0.72) (0.20) (2.13) (0.60) (0.20)
[0.72] [1.00] [0.17] [0.85] [0.99]
Phase 4 3.12 2.19 5.34 0.93 2.19
(0.72) (0.20) (2.14) (0.60) (0.20)
[0.07] [0.18] [0.12] [0.27] [0.21]
Phase 5 5.59 2.64 12.64 2.95 2.64
(Peak) (1.20) (0.24) (3.65) (1.03) (0.24)
[0.00] [0.00] [0.00] [0.00] [0.01]
Phase 6 -4.08 1.08 -16.38 -5.16 1.08
(1.12) (0.25) (3.42) (0.97) (0.25)
[0.98] [0.00] [0.99] [1.00] [0.00]
Phase 7 -2.46 0.91 -10.50 -3.37 0.91
(1.34) (0.27) (4.10) (1.16) (0.27)
[0.14] [0.00] [0.52] [0.45] [0.01]
Phase 8 -2.04 0.64 -8.42 -2.67 0.64
(1.27) (0.28) (3.86) (1.09) (0.28)
[0.36] [0.00] [0.25] [0.04] [0.68]
Notes: Standard deviation of the Monte Carlo distribution is in
parentheses. Percentile of Monte Carlo distribution in which the
actual datum lies is reported in square brackets.
Tables VIII and IX present phase results for growth cycle phases for
the Hansen-Rogerson model. The model seems to mimic the shape of the
growth cycle better than the shape of the business cycle. Like the
actual growth cycle, the modeled growth cycle is symmetric.(16) However,
there appears to be more evidence against the two-phase characterization
of the growth cycle in the model than in the actual data. This is
primarily due to the behavior of the model around peak and trough
phases. As was the case above, phases 1, 2, 5, and 6 from the actual
growth cycle are typically in the tails of the Monte Carlo distribution.
Again, the model economies generate peaks and troughs that are
"spiked." The model also generates a consumption series that
is not volatile enough while investment is too volatile. The performance
of the model in terms of its ability to mimic the shape of the growth
cycle is shown in Figure 2.
Tests of Shape and Symmetry of Business Cycles in an Artificial
Economy Percentage of Replications which Reject the Null
Hypothesis at the 5 Percent Level
Hypothesis Output Consumption Investment Hours Wages
Tests of Shape
Phase 0.21 0.95 0.22 0.25 0.95
Phase 0.16 0.91 0.17 0.20 0.91
Phase 0.04 0.72 0.10 0.16 0.72
Phase 0.07 0.37 0.12 0.16 0.37
Phase 0.05 0.81 0.12 0.19 0.81
Phase 0.03 0.30 0.03 0.03 0.30
Phase 0.16 0.62 0.17 0.18 0.62
Phase 0.08 0.11 0.13 0.16 0.11
Phase 6=7 0.09 0.03 0.13 0.14 0.03
Phase 6=8 0.11 0.17 0.18 0.22 0.17
Phase 7=8 0.03 0.07 0.04 0.05 0.07
Tests of Symmetry
Recession = 0.98 0.89 0.98 0.97 0.89
Phase 5 = 0.17 0.20 0.14 0.13 0.20
Phase 1
Phase 6 = 0.55 0.47 0.53 0.51 0.47
Phase 2
Phase 7 = 0.08 0.23 0.31 0.31 0.23
Phase 3
Phase 8 = 0.18 0.21 0.17 0.17 0.21
Phase 4
Joint 0.74 0.55 0.72 0.70 0.53
What have we learned from this exercise? Our objective in this paper
was to evaluate the ability of a simple real business cycle model to
generate classical business cycles (absolute increases and decreases in
output) by breaking the cycle up into the expansion and contraction
phases used by Burns and Mitchell in their monumental empirical study.
We have shown that this way of looking at the cycle yields interesting
insights about fluctuations in economic activity and illuminates some
shortcomings of basic real business cycle models. In some respects, the
basic neo-classical model does quite well in capturing actual business
cycles. It generates cycles with expansion and recession durations and
growth rates that are not too different (in a statistical sense) from
actual business cycles. However, with respect to the subtle shape of the
business cycle, this model fails to generate the concave expansions and
"rounded" peaks typical of actual business cycles. Second, the
difference between business cycles and growth cycles matters in the
evaluation of the adequacy of the real business cycle model: the real
business cycle model does a better job matching the shape of growth
cycles than of business cycles. It is apparent that the business cycle
is not just a growth cycle with a (deterministic) trend tacked on.
The fact that the simple real business cycle model examined here was
better able to replicate the shape of growth cycles than of business
cycles suggests that there may be an interaction between the trend and
cycle that the artificial economy considered above is unable to capture.
Two extensions to the above analysis readily suggest themselves. The
first is to allow for a common stochastic trend rather than a common
deterministic trend as in King, Plosser and Rebelo [1988b]. While the
additional persistence implied by this model is likely to lengthen the
duration of the cycle, it not clear that this extension would generate
concave expansions or "round off" peaks. The second is to
allow for external increasing returns to scale as in Baxter and King
[1991]. They have found that productive externalities improved the
ability of the neoclassical model to match actual economic data.(17)
However, increasing returns to scale may not be capable of generating
concave expansions and rounded peaks. The effect of the externality will
be largest when aggregate output is high, such as during the late stages
of the expansion, which may actually work against generating concave
Average Growth Rates of Selected Aggregates During Growth Cycle
Phases in an Artificial Economy
Output Consumption Investment Hours Wages
Phase 1 -5.31 -1.28 -14.93 -4.03 -1.28
(Trough) (0.98) (0.20) (2.98) (0.84) (0.20)
[0.80] [1.00] [1.00] [0.99] [1.00]
Phase 2 3.70 0.20 12.07 3.51 0.20
(0.86) (0.19) (2.62) (0.74) (0.19)
[0.42] [1.00] [0.01] [0.00] [0.99]
Phase 3 2.39 0.44 7.03 1.95 0.44
(0.91) (0.20) (2.77) (0.79) (0.20)
[0.77] [1.00] [0.35] [0.49] [0.10]
Phase 4 2.54 0.78 6.75 1.76 0.78
(0.87) (0.20) (2.64) (0.75) (0.20)
[0.21] [0.98] [0.27] [0.53] [0.58]
Phase 5 5.36 1.31 15.02 4.05 1.31
(Peak) (1.01) (0.19) (3.10) (0.88) (0.19)
[0.01] [0.00] [0.01] [0.04] [0.01]
Phase 6 -3.82 -0.20 -12.44 -3.61 -0.20
(0.82) (0.18) (2.50) (0.71) (0.18)
[0.99] [0.34] [1.00] [1.00] [0.21]
Phase 7 -2.41 -0.45 -7.09 -1.96 -0.45
(0.92) (0.20) (2.81) (0.80) (0.20)
[0.60] [0.01] [0.46] [0.87] [0.36]
Phase 8 -2.40 -0.77 -6.29 -1.63 -0.77
(0.90) (0.22) (2.73) (0.77) (0.22)
[0.08] [0.00] [0.36] [0.17] [0.36]
Notes: Standard deviation of Monte Carlo distribution is in
parentheses. Percentile of Monte Carlo distribution in which the
actual datum lies is reported in square brackets.
Tests of Shape and Symmetry of Growth Cycles in an Artificial
Economy Percentage of Replications which Reject Null Hypothesis at
the 5 Percent Level
Hypothesis Output Consumption Investment Hours Wages
Tests of Shape
Phase 0.42 0.99 0.44 0.48 0.99
Phase 0.28 0.92 0.28 0.30 0.45
Phase 0.09 0.45 0.16 0.21 0.45
Phase 0.13 0.14 0.19 0.23 0.14
Phase 0.08 0.58 0.18 0.26 0.58
Phase 0.04 0.24 0.04 0.04 0.24
Phase 0.30 0.90 0.32 0.34 0.90
Phase 0.13 0.42 0.23 0.29 0.42
Phase 6=7 0.15 0.13 0.22 0.26 0.13
Phase 6=8 0.13 0.54 0.25 0.34 0.54
Phase 7=8 0.04 0.18 0.04 0.05 0.18
Tests of Symmetry
Recession = 0.01 0.08 0.01 0.01 0.08
Phase 5 = 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01
Phase 1
Phase 6 = 0.02 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.03
Phase 2
Phase 7 = 0.03 0.04 0.03 0.03 0.04
Phase 3
Phase 8 = 0.02 0.05 0.02 0.02 0.05
Phase 4
Joint 0.01 0.03 0.01 0.01 0.03
A further extension would be to add sectors to the basic real
business cycle model to reflect government spending, net exports,
inventory investment, and consumer durables. While actual government
spending and net exports have business cycle shapes that would, if
anything, make it more difficult to generate concave expansions (Balke
and Wynne [1992]), they would introduce an alternative source of shocks
into the real business cycle model that has in other contexts improved
"the fit" of the basic neoclassical model (Christiano and
Eichenbaum [1992]). Inventory investment and expenditures on consumer
durables, on the other hand, have very strong Burns and Mitchell phase
behavior - they both have very strong recovery effects and rounded peaks
(see Balke and Wynne [1992] and Sichel [1992]). Nonetheless given the
tendency of the basic real business cycle model to generate
"spiked" peaks and troughs, it is not clear that adding these
sectors will generate the desired business cycle shape.
The typically concave shape of expansions and the linear shape of
recessions suggest an asymmetry over the business cycle that is
inconsistent with linear models of the business cycle. Nonlinear models
of the cycle that utilize the concept of a ceiling on output, such as
Friedman's [1993] "plucking model" of business cycles and
Hicks's [1950] model of the trade cycle (which also places a floor
on output), may be consistent with the concavity of output over
expansions. So too may neo-classical models with irreversible investment
as analyzed by Sargent [1980] and Dow and Olson [1992].
1. This approach is very much in the spirit of Gregory and Smith
2. After writing the original version of this paper, we became aware
of a paper by Simkins [1993], who like King and Plosser [1989] examines
business cycles in terms of the Burns and Mitchell methodology but also
conducts a statistical examination similar to ours. The primary
difference between our paper and that of Simkins is his focus is on
growth cycles while ours is primarily on business cycles. Also, the null
real business cycle model studied by Simkins is different to the one
studied in this paper.
3. Moore and Zarnowitz [1986] discuss the distinction between
business cycles and growth cycles.
4. Stock [1987] is a more detailed analysis of the possibility that
economic variables evolve according to economic rather than calendar
5. See for example Hamilton [1989] and Boldin [1990; 1992].
6. The shape of the business cycle has been studied by Neftci [1993]
and Sichel [1993] among others.
7. The issue of asymmetry in business cycles has previously been
addressed by Blatt [1980], DeLong and Summers [1986], Neftci [1984],
Falk [1986], and Sichel [1989]. Blatt [1980] explicitly points out the
implications of asymmetric (growth) cycle for "Frisch-type"
models of the sort we will consider below.
8. See Appendix A of Balke and Wynne [1993] for details of how the
phase dummies were set.
9. For a description of the business cycle dating process see Moore
and Zarnowitz [1986] and Hall [1992].
10. The accuracy of the Bry-Boschan algorithm is also discussed in
King and Plosser [1989].
11. We also ran versions employing the White [1980] consistent
covariance matrix estimator with the Newey-West [1987] correction for
serial correlation. The results were qualitatively similar.
12. The trend rate of growth for output, consumption, and investment
was estimated by fitting a common linear time trend to these series as
in King, Plosser, and Rebelo [1988a]. The trend growth rate for wages
was calculated separately using a linear time trend.
13. See also Sichel [1992]. Elsewhere we have examined the
relationship between the rate of growth during the recovery period and
various measures of the severity of the prior recession. See Wynne and
Balke [1992; 1993].
14. When the official NBER dates are used we obtained essentially the
same results. If anything, output and investment display even more
concavity over official NBER expansions.
15. King and Plosser [1989] show essentially the same result - see
their figures 7 and 8.
16. This is not surprising given that the variables were generated by
a linear approximation around the steady state.
17. They also include a government sector and preference shocks in
the model.
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NATHAN S. BALKE and MARK A. WYNNE, Associate Professor, Southern
Methodist University and Research Associate, Federal Reserve Bank of
Dallas, and Senior Economist, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
respectively. We are grateful to Anton Braun, Scott Freeman, Greg
Huffman and an anonymous referee for comments. We also thank
participants in the October 1992 Federal Reserve Business Analysis
System Committee Meeting in Philadelphia, the 1993 Western Economic
Association Meetings, the Summer 1993 North American Meetings of the
Econometric Society and seminar participants at the University of
Texas-Austin and Ohio University for suggestions. Shengyi Guo provided
expert research assistance. This paper is an extensive revision of parts
of an earlier paper entitled "The Dynamics of Recoveries." The
views expressed in this paper are those of the authors and do not
necessarily reflect the views of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas or
the Federal Reserve System.