Right-to-work laws and free riding.
Davis, Joe C. ; Huston, John H.
Section 14(b) of the Taft-Hartley Act permits state right-to-work
(right-to-work) laws which prohibit compulsory payment of union dues. By
allowing employees to enjoy the benefits of a union contract without the
costs of union membership, right-to-work laws can reduce not only the
demand for memberships but also the supply as unions lose incentives to
organize and maintain bargaining units.
The significance of right-to-work laws as a deterrent to membership,
however, is open to dispute. Olson |1971, 88~ reasons that right-to-work
laws must be ineffective because the incentive to free ride is so great
that large unions could not survive if workers were free not to join.
Olson considers the continued existence of large unions in states with
right-to-work laws as evidence that these laws are not being enforced.
Farber's |1984~ finding that the supply of union jobs relative to
demand is comparable in right-to-work and non-right-to-work states also
suggests non-enforcement. Hirsh |1980~ finds that while right-to-work
laws do not affect coverage, they do affect membership. He infers that
free riders account for the slippage, that is, right-to-work laws do not
deter unions from organizing firms but they do interfere with unions
signing up individual members. Freeman and Medoff |1984, 243~, Bloom and
Northrup |1981, 227~ and others point to membership figures indicating
that right-to-work laws create serious free rider problems for unions.
Some 15.5 percent of employees covered by collective bargaining contracts free ride in states with right-to-work laws, about 2.4 times
the 6.4 percent who free ride in other states.(1)
The literature on union membership, however, makes it clear that such
bivariate comparisons neglect other factors that could affect free
riding. Jones' |1982~ research using the National Longitudinal
Survey reveals that nonmembers covered by union contracts are more
likely to be younger, to live in the South, and to work in white-collar
jobs than members are. Moore, Dunlevy, and Newman |1986~ contend that
the same attitudes that give rise to right-to-work laws also affect
union membership. When these attitudes are properly controlled for,
right-to-work laws have no significant effect on membership. Moore and
Newman |1985~ provide a good review of the literature on union
membership. Although these studies and others have examined the effects
of right-to-work laws on union membership of all workers, the impact on
only those workers covered by union contracts has not been as thoroughly
Previous analysis of free riding has been extensive but largely
theoretical. This study fills a gap in the literature by developing an
empirical model of free riding. Having created a statistical model of
free riding we can test the marginal impact of right-to-work laws. We
find that, after taking into account other factors that affect the
decision to free ride, right-to-work laws remain statistically
significant, although of a smaller magnitude than bivariate analysis
would suggest.
The theoretical model used to explain free riding is abstracted from
the standard model of the demand for and supply of union membership that
Moore and Newman |1985~ describe in detail. One of the advantages of
focusing on workers covered by union contracts is that we avoid the
simultaneity problem inherent in modeling the supply as well as the
demand for union services. We limit our analysis to the demand for
membership because the union, as a rule, must supply membership to all
covered workers.(2)
The key variables that influence the demand for membership by covered
workers include price (dues and fees), the union wage premium, job
security and pressures from peers and community. As in other studies of
union membership, data limitations do not allow us to gauge the effect
of dues and fees. Where membership is not compulsory, free riders do not
face immediate loss of the union wage because by law the union must
negotiate the same wages and benefits for nonmembers as for members. Of
course, if sufficient numbers of employees free ride, the survival of
the union as bargaining agent may be endangered, but the marginal impact
of one additional free rider is likely to be minimal. Still, some
employees may be less willing to free ride than others. For instance,
older workers who fear losing the union's seniority-based wages and
job protections may free ride less than younger employees with better
job opportunities elsewhere. Thus by controlling for age and other
characteristics which reflect the costs and benefits of membership to
individuals, we can more accurately measure the extent to which
right-to-work laws, by removing the constraints on demand for membership
imposed by union shops, affect free riding.
The sample used in estimating our empirical model of free riding
consists of 4,606 full-time employees covered by union contract from the
pooled April, May, and June 1985 tapes of the Current Population Survey;
378 of the employees were not union members. We exclude the
self-employed; supervisors; and government, airline, railroad, and
agricultural employees who are not subject to the Taft-Hartley Act.(3)
Table I presents descriptions of the variables. The dependent variable
FREE RIDE takes a value of one if the worker covered by union contract
is a free rider and zero if the worker is a union member.
The key explanatory variable is RTW, which indicates whether or not
an TABULAR DATA OMITTED individual's state of residence has a
right-to-work law. Several factors may weaken the hypothesized positive
relationship between RTW and FREE RIDE. First, residence in a
non-right-to-work state does not necessarily mean that a covered
employee's union has been able to win a union shop in collective
bargaining. In fact, only 77 percent of workers covered by major
collective bargaining agreements in non-right-to-work states work in
union shops, although some of the remaining 23 percent work in modified
union shops that exempt from compulsory payment of dues those workers
employed when the firm is organized.(4) Second, free riding is
discouraged in right-to-work states. For example, peer pressure, as
Moore and Newman |1985~ observe, has a strong negative effect, and
unions may seek contract clauses requiring employers to recommend union
membership and to allow the union to make presentations to new
employees.(5) Third, as Haggard |1977, 153,57~ points out, unions
bargain harder in right-to-work states for checkoff clauses that are not
subject to right-to-work laws. Some 92 percent of workers covered by
major contracts in right-to-work states are subject to dues checkoff,
compared to 82 percent in other states.(6) Employee authorization of
dues withholding deters membership attrition, because the authorization
is often irrevocable for the term of the contract.
The impact of our control variables (race, gender, marital status,
age, education, region, occupation, industry and firm size) on union
membership in general (see Moore and Newman |1985~; Farber |1985~; Olson
|1971~) help us form expectations about their effect on free riding. The
worker characteristics found to be positively correlated with union
membership should be negatively correlated with free riding. (Workers
who perceive greater benefits to membership should be less likely to
free ride.) We expect nonwhite, married, less-educated and older
individuals to free ride less because the wages and job security
provided by unions is of greater benefit to them. In contrast, these
union advantages may be less important to women if on average they
expect to spend fewer years in the labor market, and they may free ride
more. Free riding should also be more likely among those employed in the
service industries (where labor-intensive production may limit the
ability of unions to win substantial wage premiums) and in white-collar
occupations (where some employees may view membership as a barrier to
promotion opportunities). Residents of the South have traditionally been
more likely to decline membership than those in other regions. Following
Olson, we expect that free riding will more likely in large firms where
monitoring by fellow employees is more difficult. Firm size was not
available for the individuals in our sample. Instead, we have included
the average firm size (calculated from U.S. Bureau of the Census,
|1987~) for the three-digit industry in which the individual is
employed. People employed in industries with a high average firm size
are more likely to be a member of a large company and, if Olson is
correct, more likely to free ride.
The prevalence of free riding may also be a function of public
opinion toward unions. In areas where unions are viewed favorably, the
likelihood of an individual choosing to free ride is hypothesized to be
lower. The variable COPE is used in other studies (e.g., Carroll,
|1986~; Moore, Dunlevy and Newman, |1986~) to capture the general
climate of public opinion. Its inclusion is important because the
attitudes that lead to the passage of right-to-work laws may also be
associated with increased free riding. Regressing free riding on RTW
without some measure of public attitudes toward unions would bias the
coefficient on RTW upwards. COPE, calculated from Pressman |1985~, shows
the rating given to the federal legislative delegation of the
individual's state in 1984. For example, a rating of .65 indicates
that 65 percent of votes cast by the delegation endorse the
AFL-CIO's legislative program. We predict an inverse relationship between COPE and FREE RIDE.
To avoid the biases inherent in the linear probability model, a
probit procedure is used to determine the effect of each of the
variables on the probability of free riding. Results of ordinary least
squares and probit regressions are shown in Table II. The mean predicted
probability of free riding is .0821, which compares favorably to the
true proportion of free riders, .0820. Of the eleven independent
variables examined, seven are statistically significant at the 10
percent level or better with the expected sign. (Six are significant at
the 1 percent level.) Free riding is positively related to living in a
right-to-work state, living in the South, being female, having attended
college, and working in white-collar or service occupations; it is
negatively related to age. The lack of significance of the COPE
coefficient is troubling but, in retrospect, not surprising given the
high correlation between COPE and RTW. (If RTW is omitted, COPE becomes
highly significant.)(7)
Olson's hypothesis that free riding would be more likely in
large firms cannot be verified by these results. The coefficient on FIRM
SIZE was not significantly different from zero. Alternative
specifications such as a dummy variable for large firms or a
cross-product term between firm size and RTW also generated
insignificant firm-size effects. This may, however, simply reflect the
insufficient specificity of our data with regard to firm size. The
hypothesis that nonwhites would find union membership more valuable and
free ride less was also not confirmed. Nonwhites appear to free ride no
more or less than whites.
The magnitude of the effect of right-to-work laws is distinct from
its statistical significance. Using the above equation, we can forecast
the effects of repealing right-to-work legislation by substituting 0 in
place of 1 for the RTW variable for each observation in a right-to-work
state. The estimated proportion of free riders in those states drops
from .155 to .072. Note that the model predicts that these workers would
still free ride somewhat more often than their counterparts in
non-right-to-work states, where .064 of the covered workers free ride.
The nationwide rate of free riding declines by only 1.6 percentage
points, from .082 to .066.(8)
Our goal in this research was to create an empirical model of free
riding and to find direct evidence of the effects of Section 14(b) of
the Taft-Hartley Act are open to dispute because they ignore other
variables that may affect an individual's decision to free ride.
When we control for these influences, the effect of right-to-work laws
remains statistically significant but of a smaller magnitude than that
found in previous studies. Although right-to-work laws remain an
important factor explaining the difference in free riding between states
with and without right-to-work laws, the overall impact is not
remarkable since only 20 percent of workers reside in right-to-work
Estimates of Free Riding by Employees Covered by Union
RTW .493(**) .080(**)
(.095) (.014)
COPE .122 .031
(.222) (.030)
NONWHITE .077 .010
(.075) (.011)
FEMALE .120(*) .019(*)
(.068) (.010)
MARRIED -.082 -.010
(.063) (.009)
AGE -.012(**) -.002(**)
(.003) (.0003)
SOUTH .238(**) .040(**)
(.081) (.012)
WHITE COLLAR .635(**) .114(**)
(.071) (.011)
SERVICES .248(**) .039(**)
(.066) (.010)
FIRM SIZE -.00005 -.000007
(.0002) (.00002)
COLLEGE .221(**) .035(**)
(.064) (.009)
INTERCEPT 1.535(**) .060(**)
(.169) (.023)
N 4606 4606
Ratio Test 354(**) F-Test 39.1(**)
|R.sup.2~ -- 0.86
Notes: Standard errors in parenthesis.
* Significant at the 10 percent level
** Significant at the 1 percent level
Our results point to two lines of future inquiry. First, if
right-to-work laws do promote free riding, how does one account for the
limited impact on the supply of memberships as suggested by Farber and
Hirsh? Second, to what extent does free riding curtail the ability of
unions to win wage gains for covered workers?
JOE C. DAVIS and JOHN H. HUSTON Associates Professors, Trinity
University. We wish to thank the editor and two anonymous referees for
their valuable suggestions.
1. Calculated from a 1985 Current Population Survey sample of
employees who are subject to the Taft-Hartley Act, Section 14(b).
"Covered" employees include those represented in collective
bargaining by traditional labor unions and employee associations.
2. Our concentration on demand is supported by the studies of Farber
and Hirsh cited above which suggest that the supply of union jobs
relative to demand is comparable in right-to-work and non-right-to-work
3. We are unable to identify two other groups of employees whose
membership choice is not affected directly by Taft-Hartley: (1)
employees in union-shop states who have not been employed long enough
for mandatory membership and (2) employees of private firms on federal
enclaves in right-to-work states, such as military bases and national
parks. Had we been able to exclude such workers, the measured impact of
right-to-work laws on free riding would be greater.
4. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics |1982, 84~.
5. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics |1982, 17~. The result can be de
facto union shops, as predicted by Samuel Gompers |1921, 84~: "Even
if all the courts in the country should decide that the union shop
contract is illegal, an impossible situation, the union shop would not
disappear. The only result would be that no such contract would be made;
the condition would be enforced without written contract."
6. U.S. Bureau of Statistics |1982, 58~.
7. We were concerned that the lack of significance of COPE reflected
its failure to capture states' attitudes toward unions. Because
those attitudes are likely to affect both free riding and the passage of
right-to-work laws, there is the potential for biasing the coefficient
on RTW upwards. To examine this possibility, we performed a two-stage
procedure in which RTW was modeled as a function of exogenous variables
to remove the effects of local attitudes. The coefficient on RTW
remained statistically significant at the 5 percent level but did
decrease somewhat in magnitude. For a good discussion of the
simultaneous nature of RTW laws and unionization, see Wessels |1981~.
8. Using the two-stage results, the decline in free riding is 1.0
Bloom, Gordon F., and Herbert R. Northrup. Economics of Labor
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