Economic principles in the emergence of humankind; presidential address to the Western Economic Association, June 30, 1991.
Smith, Vernon L.
30, 1991
This essay is about who we were in prehistory, and how we were
shaped by economic principles. Of the many models that one encounters in
the antiquities literature of humankind, unabashedly economic models are
rare. Such models are easily dismissed as reductionist economic
determinism because they appear not to account for the richness of
culture. This audience is likely to be more receptive to economic
interpretations--even of prehistory--and the tale of humankind that I
will relate will be a relatively simple model of the influence of
opportunity cost and human capital accumulation on our genesis from
bipedalism through tool manufacturing to modern Homo Sapiens, big game
hunting, art, language, and the beginning of agriculture. I think it is
an exciting story, perhaps humanity's most important story; it may
even be true!
The Earth and our solar system are about 4.5 billion years old.
Elementary life forms appear 3.8-3.5 billion years before present
(B.P.)--about as early as life as we know it could have emerged. But
multicellular animals are not found in the fossil record until 650
million years B.P. Those of modern form that are antecedents of
humankind appear about 550 million years B.P.
In Africa, sometime between 10 and 6 million years ago, bipedal
protohumans split off from the forerunners of today's chimpanzee
and gorilla. This is indicated by the fossil record and by genetic
comparisons between living people and other primates. During this period
a globally cooler and drier climate shrunk forests in favor of
grasslands and savannas. Grassland ungulates increased in number and
diversity as the cost of harvesting their food declined, and the
resulting economic stress on forest dwellers brought the extinction of
many ape species. But at least one ape species in Africa adapted by
becoming more of a ground dweller. These environmental changes may have
made bipedalism an economizing response in several ways: it was easier
to carry food and young; heat stress would have been reduced by exposing
less body surface to direct sunlight; the freeing of hands for using,
carrying, and later fabricating, tools; the decreased energy
requirements of locomotion; and, finally, improved ability to see over
obstructions, grass and shrubs. Although bipedalism predates the
earliest recorded stone tools, early humankind may have used wood,
bamboo, and other perishable material for simple tools, much as
chimpanzees will make, transport and use sticks to reach for food.
If our ancestral protohumans were adaptively attempting bipedalism
as grasslands expanded, then mutations favoring bipedalism would have
economic value. The cooler, dryer trend in climate that is associated
with the emergence of bipedalism accelerated from 2.5 to 2 million years
B.P. This coincided with rapid evolutionary change in hominids and other
African mammals leading to a more carnivorous, larger-brained, and more
tool-dependent lineage of Homo whose expanding niche may explain the
decline of other African carnivores. The earliest firmly documented
stone tools are found at the Hadar site in Ethiopia adjacent to the Red
Sea; they are dated at 2.5-2.4 million years B.P. This and other sites
show that stone tools were widely used in Southern and Eastern Africa by
2 million years B.P. Early tools were diverse, but the diversity appears
to have been controlled by the random shape of the original blank not by
deliberate design. The combination of such stone tools with animal bone
artifacts demonstrate the increased interest in meat by H. habilis over
earlier hominids.
At the beginning of the Pleistocene, approximately 1.8-1.7 million
years ago, H. habilis was replaced by H. erectus, generally thought to
be the direct ancestor of H. sapiens and of you and me. We are still in
the Pleistocene Epoch enjoying a warming interglacial period which began
about 14,000 years B.P. The significance of the Pleistocene is that the
evolutionary, cultural and economic development of humankind was
accelerated during the ebb and flow of the earth's cycles in
glaciation. At the peak glaciation nearly a third of the earth's
surface was covered by ice sheets; and the sea level dropped by 400-500
feet. This caused land masses to join that were isolated in the warm
stages: Siberia with Alaska, Australia with New Guinea and Southeast
Asia with Java. Gulfs such as the Persian were river valleys above sea
level. Within the past one million years interglaciations as warm as the
one we are now experiencing have lasted only about 10,000 years whereas
the periods of glaciation have lasted more like 100,000 years. (Perhaps
this will comfort those concerned with global warming.) Consequently,
our ancestral development occurred under mostly glacial conditions, to
which we adapted well. During these cycles of glaciation a world-wide
redistribution of plants, animals, and humankind occurred.
A contemporary view of the emergence of modern humans is the
"out-of-Africa model" in which humankind first evolved in
Africa then spread throughout Eurasia in an initial wave beginning about
one million years B.P. In Africa the displacement of H. habilis by H.
erectus may be explained by the increased emphasis on tool use and by
carnivory. H. erectus was much better endowed with a locomotor skeleton,
had a larger brain plus the typically human external nose. These
endowments suggest improved exertion capacity and hunting and gathering
skill. The greater adaptability of H. erectus is demonstrated by this
people's colonization of previously unoccupied dry regions of
Africa about 1.5 million years B.P. and by their dispersal to Northern
Africa and thence into colder regions such as Eurasia and China, and to
Java after one million years B.P. Generally, in the African and eastward
expansion paths of H. erectus one finds evidence of tool use which
required more investment in human capital--planning, foresight, and
preparation effort--than is associated with H. habilis. Thus the finding
that most of our current growth is due to investment in human capital
probably applies with comparable force to the last two million years of
hominid development. The tool kit now includes hand axes, cleavers and
other large bifacial tools used for butchery, bone breaking and perhaps
wood working. Also it is likely that H. erectus could control the use of
fire; the oldest evidence is 1.5 to 1.4 million years B.P.
A long standing puzzle is the geographical distribution of these
tools in Southeast Asia; here the tools are less standardized and there
are few hand axes. At one time this led to the conclusion that H.
erectus was culturally retarded. A solution to the puzzle is now offered
by the observation that the line across Southeast Asia below which one
finds alleged "cultural retardation" corresponds to the
distribution of naturally occurring bamboo. This is an area which today
contains over 1000 species of bamboo, a raw material that can be
fabricated into knives, spears, projectile points, and traps. It would
appear that H. erectus was not culturally degenerate in bambooland, but
was simply substituting a lower-cost raw material for stone.
Up to about 500-400,000 years B.P., most human fossils are those of
H. erectus in Java, China and Africa. The exceptions are assigned to
early Homo sapiens. The European fossils suggest an anticipation of the
later Neanderthals. The trend was different in Africa where H. erectus
appears to have evolved in the direction of modern H. sapiens.
Neanderthals--traditionally believed to be our immediate ancestors--are
thought to be a Eurasian descendant of H. erectus. They appeared 130,000
years ago or earlier, had a brain case at least as large as living
people, and, judging from the skeleton and muscle/ligament markings on
the bones, had exceptional physical strength. They were adapted to cold
climate, and made tools of wood and stone. They cared for family members
who were handicapped or incapacitated, and were the first people who
practiced intentional burial. But their unusual adaptation was not
viable, and they disappeared about 30,000 years ago.
Although modern H. sapiens or Cro-Magnons traditionally had been
thought to originate 50-40,000 years B.P., recent claims find modern
humans as early as 90,000 years B.P. Thus Neanderthals may have
overlapped Cro-Magnon for over 50,000 years, and are probably not
central stock but a side branch. Prior to Cro-Magnon time, body form and
behavior (based on tool assemblages) evolved together. Subsequently,
behavioral evolution accelerated, within a constant bodily form.
"The people of Cro-Magnon carved intricate figures of horses and
deer and painted their caves with an esthetic power never exceeded in
the history of human art (Gould [1988, 16])." After 40-35,000 years
ago, artifact assemblages varied tremendously across neighboring
regions, and the pace of change accelerated dramatically. Cro-Magnon
fashioned bone, ivory and antler into projectile points, awls, punches,
needles and art objects. Their stone crafts included numerous shouldered
projectile points of the kind suitable for spears, arrows and darts.
Also graves, houses and fireplaces were more elaborate. Ceramic fired
clay appears about 28,000 years B.P. Eurasian Cro-Magnon hunted in
savannas and grasslands principally for mammoth, bison, reindeer,
antelope and horse that provided meat, hide, and sinew, as well as bone,
antler and ivory. After 20,000 years B.P. the artifacts include spear
throwers, stone inserts in antlers, harpoons, leisters, eyed needles,
all manner of clothing, and the bow and arrow.
In Europe 34,000-11,000 years B.P. there is widespread evidence
that humankind had the means of making multiple kills. The staples were
reindeer, red deer, horse, ibex and bison. Evidence of the mass
slaughter of horse and reindeer suggest they were driven into
cliff-enclosed canyons, or off "jumps." The Cro-Magnon were
adept at driving or stampeding game and using pit traps.
Modern H. sapiens spread from Africa through Europe and Asia in the
last 50,000 years, jumped to Australia by about 40,000 years B.P.,
entered Alaska by 14-12,000 B.P., had spread into the United States by
12,000 B.P., and in the next 1000 years reached the southern tip of
South America. The last stages of this world-wide expansion were
Madagascar, and New Zealand in the last 1000 years.
A plausible theoretical hypothesis is that North America was
discovered by advanced Paleolithic people who crossed the exposed Bering
land bridge, connecting Asia with Alaska, about 14,000 years ago. Their
descendants found an exposed land corridor into Montana, then spread
South and East throughout the United States. As suggested by Paul
Martin, they entered a continent that was an unprecedented
"home-on-the-range" for now extinct mammoth, mastodon, ground
sloth, two species of extinct bear, a cheetah, the giant beaver, horse,
tapir, two species of peccary, camel, llama, two species of extinct
deer, the stag moose, pronghorn, shrub ox, two species of musk ox, yak,
two subspecies of bison, the dire wolf, a saber-toothed and a
scimitar-toothed "tiger," and more. Many of these animals,
such as the ground sloth, were slow and would have been easily hunted,
or like the mammoth, mastodon and horse were large, gregarious, herding
animals. The herding behavior of these great animals implied low search
cost for hunting parties armed with stone projectile points and
strategic knowledge of animal behavior; their great size meant high
value per kill; while some prey, such as the extinct plains bison, may
have been easy to stampede into arroyos. Since there were no property
rights in live animals, only in harvested animals, there was no
incentive to stay the spear in anticipation of tomorrow's
reproductive value as with modern domesticated cattle. The resulting
mass harvesting pressure on animals may have caused or contributed to
the extensive megafauna loss on the North American continent by 11,000
years B.P. Their hunting parties left behind the fine-crafted Clovis
fluted point found from Florida to Nova Scotia, in the high plains, the
Southwest, across the Midwest, and in the South.
That Clovis hunters killed mammoth is well documented; also that
these animals had become extinct by 11,000 years B.P., although they had
been in America for over one million years. Some sites also contain the
bones of camel and horse, but no incontrovertible evidence exists that
these animals were hunted in North America. The horse became extinct in
North America only about 10-8000 years B.P. It was reintroduced by the
Spanish in the 16th century and has thrived in the wild down to the
The Clovis point was replaced by smaller points between 11,000 and
9,000 years B.P. and used to kill the extinct Bison antiquus, and Bison
Occidentalis, both larger than the surviving bison. It appears likely
that Paleoindian procurement of Bison occurred in mass kills, sometimes
of several hundred animals at a time. This is illustrated at the
Olsen-Chubbuck site in Colorado where, 8500 years B.P., 200 B.
Occidentalis were stampeded into an arroyo five to seven feet deep and
dispatched with projectile points. Apparently at least fifty of the
animals represented a wastage kill since they showed no evidence of
butchery for consumption. Dozens of such kill-butchery sites are found
in Colorado, Wyoming, Montana and Nebraska. Many sites are stampede
jumps or traps, with several thousand years of use. But the species
survived in the form of the smaller plains bison. It is possible that
they survived by dwarfing; indeed this could have been an adaptive
response to the greater vulnerability of the larger subspecies to
predation. In any case, by historical times the enormous carrying
capacity of the land from Alberta to Texas was supporting far fewer
species, but perhaps sixty million bison.
Martin has summarized the evidence for the world-wide extinction of
late Pleistocene megafauna. In Africa and Asia 15-20 percent of the
genera disappeared 80-60,000 years B.P.; in Australia 94 percent were
lost from 40-15,000 years B.P.; North and South America experienced a
70-80 percent loss in the last 15,000 years. This world-wide pattern
correlates suspiciously with the chronology of human colonization,
leading to Martin's hypothesis that extinction was directly or
indirectly due to "overkill" by exceptionally competent hunter
cultures. This model explains the light extinctions in Africa and Asia
where modern humankind "grew up," allowing gradual adaptation
to humankind's accumulating proficiency as a superpredator; it
explains the abrupt massive losses in Australia and the Americas--the
only habitable continents in history that were colonized suddenly by
advanced stone-age humans. But the control cases for this
"experiment" are the large oceanic islands such as Madagascar
and New Zealand; both were colonized roughly 1000 years B.P. and both
suffered a wave of extinctions at this time. One wonders, if extinction
was due to climatic change why Madagascar extinctions were not
coincident with those of Africa 220 miles away; and why European and
Ukrainian mammoths became extinct 13,000 years B.P. while in North
America they survived another 2000 years. Previous great extinction
waves had affected plants and small animals as well as large animals,
but the late Pleistocene extinctions are concentrated on the large,
gregarious, herding, or slow moving, animals--the ideal prey of human
hunters. Such large genera are also the animals that are slower growing,
have longer gestation periods, require longer periods of maternal care
and live longer. Consequently they were more vulnerable to hunting
pressure because reductions in biomass require more time to recover.
Moreover, in the absence of private property, there is no intertemporal
incentive to avoid the kind of waste associated with mass kills. A
counter argument finds it incomprehensible that mere bands of men could
have wiped out the great mammoth and two subspecies of bison, since
modern bison and African elephants react violently when threatened. Such
observations may simply tell us that these particular subspecies have
survived because they were selected for these defensive characteristics.
We know nothing of the behavioral properties of extinct species which
may have been more approachable than their surviving relatives. While
the African and Indian elephants are both members of the same genus,
their fossil similarities fail to inform us that the Indian elephant is
docile and easily trained for circus display, while the African elephant
is much too unruly for this occupation. No one has successfully
domesticated the zebra; in contrast the horse has been domesticated
since ancient times.
Several principles and hypotheses stem from our brief survey of the
prehistorical record.
(1) Hunting and gathering provided the technology and institutions
for the first affluent society. One of the great myths of modern
humankind is the belief that life in the Paleolithic was intolerably
harsh, or as presumed by Hobbes, "solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short." It may have been none of these. What is more likely is
that hunting and gathering provided the first affluent society; it
sustained and promoted humankind for almost all of their 2.5 million
years of existence. The Hobbessian belief obscures the striking
continuity in the ability of prehistoric humans to adapt to changes in
their environment by substituting new inputs of capital, labor and
knowledge for old, and to fabricate new products when effort prices were
altered by the environment, or by new learning. Historically, among the
hunting and fishing peoples of the world, malnutrition, starvation and
chronic diseases were rare or infrequent. Studies of the African Kung
Bushman show that these people worked only twelve to nineteen hours per
week; their hunting and gathering activities scored well on several
measures of nutritional adequacy; and their labor bought much leisure in
the form of resting, visiting, entertaining and trance dancing.
Similarly, the African Hazda hunters worked no more than two hours per
day, with plenty of time left for gambling and other social activities.
(2) Opportunity cost has conditioned the cultural and economic
development of humankind. This principle was articulated succinctly by
the Kung bushman who was asked by an anthropologist why he had not
turned to agriculture as his neighbors had done. His reply: "Why
should we plant when there are so many mongongo nuts in the world?"
Why indeed, unless tastes and opportunity cost combine to demand it? The
great migrations out of Africa, the invention of weapons for big game
hunting, Eskimo adaptation to hunting sea mammals, humankind's
eventual turn to agriculture; these can all be interpreted as responses
to changes in opportunity cost whether driven by environmental change,
by human learning, or their conjunction. A telling example of the
influence of effort prices on prehistoric human choice is found in
Lee's [1968] study of fifty-eight extant hunter-gather societies
the world over. There is a strong correlation between a society's
distance from the equator and the relative importance of hunting over
gathering in its diet. In the Arctic the hunting of land and sea-mammals
predominated, while in the temperate latitudes up to 39 from the
equator, gathering was much the more important economic activity.
Economic models of human development and change are often held
suspect because they appear not to account for the richness of culture.
But culture can be interpreted as providing the information system for
transmitting the learning embodied in the social response to opportunity
cost. Thus hunter cultures use elaborate ceremony and ritual to enhance
recognition of the value and significance of the chase and its
technology of execution; to transmit human capital from one generation
to the next; to form in the young an indelible impression of the hunt.
The magnificent Cro-Magnon art preserved on the walls deep in the narrow
crawl spaces of French and Spanish caves have been interpreted as a
means of "... piling special effect on special effect in an effort
to ensure the preservation and transmission of the tribal
encyclopedia" (Pfeiffer [1982, 132]).
Another example of the hidden economic function of culture is the
magical practice of the Naskapi Indians of Labrador, who, when the
caribou were scarce and the tribe hungry, resorted to scapulimacy, a
divination in which the shoulder blade bone of a caribou was heated by
fire until it cracked. As cracks appeared they were interpreted by a
diviner in terms of the local geography as caribou trails, one of which
the hunter should follow if he was to be successful. All this is
commonly interpreted as showing the capacity of the Naskapi for belief
in magic. But is scapulimacy functional? One function is to sharpen the
hunter's concentration, and to impress upon the all need for great
dedication. But another effect was to cause the hunter to choose a
random route, steering him away from previously successful hunting
routes, and preventing the caribou from being sensitized to regularities
in hunter behavior. This is precisely the normative argument for using
mixed strategies in certain games of conflict. What the Naskapi in
effect seem to have discovered was that reading shoulder blades had
survival value. "People are capable of formulating any number of
strange ideas, not necessarily directed towards any particular end, but
if they do have a practical application and are successful, they may
persist. And if they persist long enough people will begin to believe in
them" (Reader [1988, 139]). They will also be incorporated into
educational rituals so that the tribal learning is not lost to each new
(3) Prehistoric H. Sapiens Accumulated Human Capital. Economic
success as a hunter-gather required an endowment of human capital
normally associated only with the agricultural and industrial
revolutions: learning, knowledge transfer, tool fabrication skill and
design, and social organization. The aboriginal use of fire for game and
plant management demonstrates that prehistoric humans possessed
intricate knowledge of the phenology of trees, shrubs, and herbs, and
used fire to enhance the growth and flowering of food plants, and to
discourage the growth of competitors. Effective game and wild plant
management required people to know where, when, how and with what
frequency to burn. Aboriginals knew that the growing season for wild
plants can be advanced by spring burns designed to warm the earth, that
in dry weather fires should be ignited at the top of hills to prevent
wild fires but in damp conditions they should be set in depressions to
avoid being extinguished, that the burning of underbrush aided the
production of acorns, and attracted moose, deer and other animals who
feed on the tender new shoots that follow a burn. How sad that this
knowledge was unavailable for the management of Yellowstone Park in the
half century preceding the holocaust of 1988.
The life of a hunter-gatherer is one of commitment to an
intellectually and physically demanding activity requiring skill,
technology, social organization, division of labor, knowledge of plant
and animal behavior, of climate, seasons, and winds, the habit of close
observation, inventiveness, problem solving, risk bearing and high
motivation. These demands would have been selective in humankind's
cultural and biological evolution, and helped to develop the human
capital and genetic equipment needed to create modern civilization. The
aboriginal practice of awarding more wives to the most successful
hunters would have favored the genetic selection of these traits.
It was as a hunter-gather that humankind learned to learn: young
hunters needed to be imbued with knowledge of animal behavior and
anatomy, with the habit of goal-oriented observation, to learn that
ungulates often travel in an arc so that success could be increased by
traversing the chord, and so on. Knowledge of animal behavior could
substitute for weapon development. From knowledge of animal anatomy it
was but a short step to curiosity about human anatomy, the discovery
that we are one with the animals, and to the first practice of medicine.
(4) Property Rights Are Likely of Ancient Origin. Although
aboriginals everywhere have had sophisticated property rights and
trading traditions, there is no direct evidence that prehistoric peoples
maintained such traditions. But the similarities between the cultural
materials of late-Pleistocene and aboriginal peoples suggest that such
social traditions originated at least as early as the period
40,000-20,000 years B.P. Before the first agriculture the archaeological
record shows a vast increase in property: spears, atlatls, seed grinding
stones, boiling and storage vessels, kilns for firing clay, boats,
houses, villages, the bow and arrow, animal-drawn sledges, and the
domesticated wolf. New tools and techniques allowed new products of the
hunt to substitute for the loss of big game. Previously, gathering
emphasized the seeds and plants that could be eaten while on the move.
Now the seeds gathered were inedible without soaking, grinding and
boiling. This upsurge in personal paraphernalia implies more sedentary,
less nomadic, hunting and gathering. Knowledge of the seasonal cycles of
plants and animals, of the use of fire in resource management, of
techniques of storing, drying and preserving foods, all combine to make
life more sedentary. But with the accumulation of personal property and
real estate would come more complex property rights and contracting
arrangements. George Dalton [1977] has summarized the economic, but also
the important political function, of the ceremonial exchanges of
Northwest America and Melanesia, such as the potlatch, kula, moka and
abutu, which in substance are elaborate multilateral contracting
mechanisms. The valuables exchanged bought not only other commodities in
ordinary exchange; they bought kinship ties with the exchange of
daughters, military assistance if attacked, the right of refuge if homes
and property had to be abandoned, and emergency assistance in the event
of poor harvest, hunting or fishing. They bought political stability in
stateless societies, and a property-right environment that facilitated
specialization and ordinary exchange. Property rights thus precede the
state, and property included private goods such as land, fishing sites,
livestock, and cemetery plots, but also public goods such as crests,
names, dances, rituals and trade routes that could be assigned to more
than one individual or group.
Evidence for the existence of property rights and social
contracting in stateless societies is incontrovertible. In North America
the private ownership of fishing and hunting grounds, nut trees, and
seed-gathering areas was common. Owning the right to fish a particular
eddy or channel of a river was independent of who owned the land along
the river, and the right was transferable by bequest or sale. Similarly,
an individual would own sealing rights to a particular coastal rock. The
Eskimos had a simple incentive compatible rule of allocation among
hunters when the prey was the dangerous polar bear: "The hunter who
fixed his spear first in the bear gets the upper part. That is the
finest part, for it includes the forelegs with the long mane hairs that
are so much desired to border women's kamiks (boots) with."
(5) Humankind Was An Intense User of the Environment for
Self-Interested Ends. Although today we associate environmental damage,
including extinction, with the advent of industrial society and human
population growth, it is likely that prehistoric humans had a comparable
if not more severe impact on their environment. This is because the
species that have survived to the present represent the less vulnerable
plants and animals. If it is true that the wave of animal extinctions
beginning with the "invasion" of Australia 40-30,000 years
B.P. and ending with the occupation of Madagascar and New Zealand, were
of anthropogenic origin, then the losses were of species that had
inadequate defensive capabilities. The winnowing left the more
stubbornly resistant species, able to survive all but major destructions
of habitat.
A second source of ecological change induced by prehistorical
peoples was their transportation of seeds in hunter-gatherer migrations
throughout the world. The introduction of botanical exotics into new
regions has often been noted by archaeologists who have observed the
association of various plants with campsites and dwellings.
Finally, the human use of fire had a profound effect on the ecology
of the environment. Many authors who have studied patterns of land
burning by primitive peoples have concluded that many of the great
grasslands were produced by periodic burning. Where tree growth is
favored by weather conditions, periodic burning will select for
particular species such as the pine forests in southern New York, and to
the West, which have been attributed to Indian burning. Similarly, the
disappearing grassland areas in Northern Alberta are attributed to
Canadian restrictions on traditional Indian burning.
(6) Long Plateaus Without Change Are Punctuated with Revolutionary
Leaps in Biological and Economic Development. There were essentially
three prehistoric revolutions in the development of mankind, prior to
the agricultural revolution: bipedalism, the invention and development
of tools, including fire, and the explosive accumulation of human
capital by Cro-Magnon peoples. The Cro-Magnons produced an astonishing
creative outburst--in tools, art and hunting-gathering
techniques--beginning sometime after 40,000 years B.P. This great
acceleration in human capital formation, and Cro-Magnon's rapid
spread throughout all the major continents, set the stage for the
agricultural revolution. It did this partly by giving our immediate
ancestors the knowledge of animals and seeds required by the
agricultural way of life, but probably also by hastening the demise of
the megafauna that were the favored game of the chase, and thus tipping
the opportunity cost balance in favor of tilling the soil.
What accounts for the sudden acceleration of human economic and
cultural development 30-10,000 years B.P? Cro-Magnon people had already
been firmly established in Africa for perhaps 60,000 years and had
already begun their spread throughout the world. I believe the most
likely cause is the emergence of language. The ability to communicate
effectively by the spoken word would make possible the accumulation and
diffusion of knowledge on an unprecedented scale. The experience and
knowledge of the elderly would be a valued source of information. Since
this human capital needed to be preserved and drawn upon, it explains
why older and incapacitated people were cared for, and their value
recognized by proper burial and enshrined in art. In aboriginal
societies the medicine man or woman was often a person handicapped from
birth or crippled by injury. Thus, "Kokopelli," widely revered
in Southwestern and Mexican rock art is depicted as a hunchbacked
arthritic figure who plays a flute. With the advent of spoken language
the value of information relative to physical strength would have
changed dramatically.
The affluence made possible by improvements in food acquisition
methods would have provided the released time necessary to give
attention to language development and to the rituals, ceremony and
socializing that demand communication capacity. Big game hunting placed
new demands on planning, organization, coordination and cooperation that
depended on communication. It was the spoken word that allowed ideas and
complex thought to be externalized. Memory, operated on by ritual,
allowed knowledge to be preserved and accumulated. Writing, invented by
5000 years B.P., vastly accelerated the human capacity to preserve and
accumulate thought. But by this time humankind's vast knowledge of
seeds, eggs and animals had already fomented the agricultural revolution
made all the more necessary by the disappearance of so many of the great
game animals.
In the Near East, beginning about 10,000 years ago, our ancestors
abandoned the hunter-gatherer way of life that had served them so well
over the vast stretch of at least three million years. Apparently sheep
were domesticated first about 10,000 B.P., followed by several early
Neolithic farming villages dated from 9500 to 9000 years B.P.
Domesticated plants consisted of only eight or nine species of local
grains. About 3000 years after grain agriculture, various fruits--olive,
grape and fig--are cultivated. The earliest wine appears around 5500
B.P., while beer was made earlier. The plants were domesticated forms of
the wild varieties that were indigenous to the area. Evidence for
agriculture in New Guinea, where there were no animals suitable for
hunting, is dated 9000 years ago. In North America the earliest evidence
of agriculture is in Mexico 10-9,000 years B.P., but products were added
slowly, one by one, over thousands of years as if cultivation were a
hobby used to supplement hunting and gathering. When the first Europeans
arrived in the 15th and 16th centuries there was great variability among
the North American tribes in their dependence on agriculture versus
hunting and gathering. In California acorns and hunting were important
means of subsistence. In the Pacific Northwest salmon fishing
supplemented by gathering was paramount. On the Great Plains many
tribes, such as the Pawnee, Cheyenne and Arapahoe, had well-developed
horticulture and pottery arts. The peaceful Pueblos of the Southwest
grew cotton, corn, beans, tobacco and squash.
The influence of opportunity cost on tribal choice of culture is
well illustrated by the effect of the reintroduction of the horse to
North America by the Spanish. The Spanish mustang--a docile and easily
domesticated member of the Equus family--was a revolutionary innovation
to the Plains Indian, causing many tribes to revert to the bison hunt as
a permanent way of life. The Cheyenne and Arapahoe abandoned their
villages, agriculture, and pottery arts to become bison hunters.
Although Cornado and other conquistadors lost or abandoned horses
in the 16th century, it was not until the permanent colonization of New
Mexico in the first half of the 17th century that peaceful Indians,
forced to tend their horses, learned horsemanship from the Spanish.
During this period, horses and knowledge of them were acquired by
various tribes, and by the 1650s the colonial settlements faced the
formidable Apaches, on horseback, whose raids became legend. All the
power of Spain in America failed to subdue them. Then out of the Rocky
Mountain headwaters of the Arkansas River appeared a little-known tribe
of hunter-gatherers who abandoned their homelands and took to the Plains
on horseback. They became great bison hunters and by 1725 invaded the
Apache lands of Colorado, Kansas, Oklahoma and West Texas. Entire tribes
of Apache, who had been the scourge of the Spanish, disappeared. The
invading Comanches exterminated the Eastern tribes and drove the Western
tribes into Arizona and New Mexico. The Comanches were the greatest
warriors ever to ride the high plains and plateaus of Texas, and were
without peer on horseback, with men, women and children skilled in the
saddle. Their raiding parties ranged up to 1000 miles, and across the
Rio Grande into Mexico; their loot sometimes consisted of hundreds of
horses in a single moonlight raid. They were known for their boast that
the warrior tribes permitted Spanish settlements to exist on the fringes
of Comanche territory only to raise horses for them. The Spanish were
never again to control West Texas; nor were the Americans able finally
to control bison country until 1875 when the remnants of the Comanche
tribes finally surrendered at Fort Sill, and the bison were all but
exterminated and replaced by the long horn steer. For a century and a
half the history of the American West was a history of fear and terror
of the Comanches who, prior to the arrival of the mustang, had picked
berries and dug roots while hunting miscellaneous game in the Eastern
Rockies, and were a threat to no one.
The remnants of our prehistoric past that reside in our cultural
traditions today is well illustrated by a fascinating interpretation of
Genesis as a myth of conflict between the agricultural and
hunter-gatherer way of life, written from the perspective of the latter.
According to this reconstruction the Garden of Eden represents the
economic affluence achieved by humans as hunter-gatherers who lived
abundantly on the plants, animals and fishes placed on Earth by God for
the benefit of humankind. Then Eve broke the cultural command not to eat
the fruit of the tree of knowledge. But what "knowledge" was
contained in this fruit? It was knowledge of the reproductive cycles of
seeds, eggs and animals, which was the human capital foundation of
agriculture. Some were already practicing agriculture and departing from
their ancestral imperative. The warning against this dangerous turn is
expressed in the punishment of Adam and Eve: "... cursed is the
ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it ... Thorns and
thistles shall it bring forth to thee; and thou shalt eat the herb of
the field" (Genesis, 3:17-18).
Eve bore two sons who were split on the ancestral imperative: Cain
became a tiller, while Abel was a herder of sheep. (Not quite a
hunter-gatherer so the allegory here is weak, but Abel was a nomad
nonetheless. Sheep herding does appear to be an intermediate step in the
turn from hunting.) Cain made offerings of the fruit of the ground to
the Lord, while Abel offered the first of his flock. Abel's
offering was respected by God, but Cain's was not. So Cain killed
Abel, implying that the culture was in danger of losing the skills of
the hunter-gatherer in which case there could be no turning back from
the world of thistles and thorns. Then came the flood, all the game
animals are in danger of extinction, and so on.
This allegory is plausible in many ways. The timing is right. The
location is right. And the events described correlate with what is known
about this period and region. The first evidence of agriculture appears
about 9500 years B.P. in the fertile crescent of the Tigris and
Euphrates rivers. Surely this was not an unclimactic event after
humankind's long and very successful adaptation to hunting and
gathering. Moreover, the Sumerians invented and were using the first
written cuneiform language 6-5000 years B.P., a language which produced
many epic poems that obviously influenced the Hebrew story of Genesis.
The Sumerians had a cuneiform word for "Adam" which meant
"settlement on the plain." They also had a word for
"Eden" which meant a "fertile plain." Interestingly
there was no word for "Eve," but their word "ti" had
two meanings: "rib" and "to make live." The Hebrew
scholars, not appreciating this play on words, concocted their story
that God gave life to Adam's rib creating the first woman. The
Sumerian tablets also tell us of a Great Flood and of their King
Gilgamesh who went down to the Gulf in search of the Tree of eternal
life. (Incidentally, he found it, but it was stolen from him by a
serpent!) It is known that there was a sudden warming trend 7-6000 years
B.P., shrinking the ice caps and raising the sea level. The Persian Gulf
would have filled with water during this period reaching its current
level about 6000 years B.P. These considerations have suggested to Juris
Zarins the hypothesis that the Garden of Eden was located at the upper
end of the Persian Gulf, for it is written: "and a river went out
of Eden to water the garden; and from thence it was parted, and became
of four heads ... the ... Pison ... Gihon, Tigris ... and ...
Euphrates." (Genesis 2:10-14). Of course the Tigris and Euphrates
still flow, while the Pison and Gihon probably refer respectively to the
Wadi Batin, a fossil river in Iraq, and the intermittently flowing Karun
river in Iran.
The significance of prehistory to humankind, circa 2000, is that
all we are today--our great cultural attainments, and ever growing
potential, our biological and human capital achievements--are a product
of that prehistory. If there is much that is new in historical time it
is because we have continued what began in prehistory, but have had so
many millennia to accumulate the human capital made possible once our
hunter-gatherer ancestors learned to learn. If we are a kinder and
gentler species today than were our ancestors who slaughtered the great
mammoth and bison; if we can care enough to launch a massive effort to
save three great whales trapped under the Arctic ice; if we can debate
reintroducing the timber wolf into Yellowstone Park; it is because we
can now afford to do all these things and have learned to treasure the
value and power of individual responsibility for preserving and managing
natural resources.
But growth has been episodic, not linear, as we have leaped from
one long confining plateau to another less than a half-dozen times since
we escaped--so improbably--the primate origins which took three billion
years of sporadic change to create. Through all these sweeping changes
is discernable the blurred unconscious outline of continuity in
humankind's development of the capacity to respond to effort
prices, to create cheaper techniques and products to substitute for
dearer ones, and to accumulate and preserve knowledge, our most precious
capital asset.
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VERNON L. SMITH(*) President address delivered on June 30, 1991 in
Seattle, Washington at the annual meeting of the Western Economic
Association. A much longer version with detailed documentation will
appear under a title of the form "Humankind in Prehistory: Economy,
Ecology and Institutions" in a conference volume The Political
Economy of Customs and Culture edited by Terry Anderson and Randy
Simmons (Rowman and Littlefield Press).