Efficiency wages and equilibrium wages.
Black, Dan A. ; Garen, John E.
Economists have long sought to explain unemployment in ways
consistent with individual agents' optimizing behavior. A recent,
although controversial, model in this vein is the efficiency wage
paradigm, which focuses on the difficulty of monitoring worker
performance when production is organized in teams. To discourage
nonperformance by employees, firms monitor their workers and dismiss
those who are caught shirking. A firm may further discourage nonfeasance by paying its workers higher wages than they could earn elsewhere. Then
workers caught shirking not only become unemployed, but forfeit the
rents associated with their jobs. (1) In this scenario, in order to
maintain the incentives not to shirk, firms will not cut wages even
though equally qualified, unemployed workers are willing to work for
less. The result is disequilibrium in the labor market and possibly
involuntary unemployment. (2)
A series of theoretical studies have demonstrated the conditions
under which efficiency wages may occur. Standard references include
Eaton and White [1982; 1983], Shapiro and Stiglitz [1984], Foster and
Wan [1984], Bowles [1985], and Calvo [1985]. Yellen [1984] reviews the
early literature while Katz [1986], Stiglitz [1987], and Carmichael
[1990] discuss more recent work. But, as Carmichael emphasizes in his
review, few papers have actually attempted to test the predictions of
the efficiency wage models. Most of the existing empirical
investigations examine the importance of industrial wage differentials.
Krueger and Summers [1987; 1988], Dickens and Katz [1987], and Murphy
and Topel [1987a] find that there are substantial unexplained industrial
wage differentials, which Bulow and Summers [1986] and Krueger and
Summers [1987; 1988] attribute to efficiency wages. However, the
magnitude, as well as the interpretation, of these industrial wage
differentials is disputed; see Carmichael [1990], Leonard [1987], and
Murphy and Topel [1987a; 1987b] for differing views.
This paper extends the efficiency wage model in a straightforward
way to address two questions: Will the labor market clear if firms can
only imperfectly monitor worker effort, and do industrial wage
differentials provide a test for the importance of efficiency wages? We
offer two modifications to traditional efficiency wage models. First, we
recognize that there may be an explicit cost to being fired. For
instance, dismissed workers may find it more difficult to find future
employment because of poor references from their previous employer, they
may incur high psychic costs as a result of being fired, or they may
have to suffer large search costs in locating another job. Second, we
let the firm choose the performance standard. (3) It seems only natural
that a firm wanting more effort from its employees would hold its
workers to a more rigorous performance standard, just as a firm seeking
a higher quality labor force may require more schooling of its
applicants. While the firm must compensate the worker for the extra
effort necessary to meet the higher performance standard, payment of
efficiency wages could be avoided. Following the efficiency wage
literature, we make the strong assumption that all implicit or explicit
bonding mechanisms are prohibitively costly to implement. Our model of
the worker's and firm's behavior is specified in section II.
The model includes as special cases a market paying equilibrium
wages, one paying non-market-clearing efficiency wages, and a
"dual" labor market that is a combination of the two. We
demonstrate that the firm need not pay efficiency wages even in the
presence of the agency problem. The use of the performance standard
gives the firm another instrument (other than the wage) to control
worker effort and welfare. There are limits to how high the performance
standard will be adjusted, however, before the firm will offer an
efficiency wage. We present the details of these arguments in section
In section IV, we discuss the empirical implications of our model.
Since it includes equilibrium wages and disequilibrium efficiency wages
as special cases, our model lends itself to generating empirically
testable hypotheses that distinguish between the two. Industrial wage
differentials are easily generated in our model, but they do not
necessarily indicate the payment of efficiency wages. Wages may differ
across industries if there are differences by industry in the choice of
the performance standard or in the difficulty of accurately evaluating
the worker's effort. However, the two cases may be distinguished by
examining the relationship between wages and the dismissal rate. In
Section V, we summarize the results and conclude the paper.
In this section, we extend the basic efficiency wage model to
incorporate a cost of dismissal and a choice of the performance
standard. We consider both the worker's and the firm's
optimization problems.
The Worker's Problem
Following the efficiency wage literature, we consider homogeneous,
infinitely-lived workers whose utility at time t([V.sub.t]) is given by
g([w.sub.t]) -h([e.sub.t]), where et is effort expended and [w.sub.t] is
the wage paid in the period. Let the function g(*), which represents the
worker's utility from income, be twice differentiable,
monotonically increasing, and concave. We also assume that the function
h(*), which measures the worker's disutility of effort, is twice
differentiable, monotonically increasing, and convex. Thus, the
worker's utility function is
(1) [V.sub.t] = g([w.sub.t]) - h([e.sub.t]) + D ([V.sup.0] - C)/(1+r)
+ (1-D) [V.sub.t+1]/(1+r),
where r is the discount rate. With probability D, the worker is
dismissed from the firm and must find employment next period elsewhere.
The expected utility in alternative employment is [V.sup.0], which we
assume is exogenously given to the individual. If dismissed, the worker
incurs a cost C (C [greater than or equal to] 0), which reflects any
direct costs of dismissal due to search, relocation, or psychic costs.
While this assumption is not found in the traditional efficiency wage
literature, numerous studies recognize the potential importance of
dismissal costs; see Bowles [1985], Sparks [1986], and Akerlof and Katz
[19861. With probability l-D, the worker is not dismissed and obtains
utility [V.sub.t+1].
The firm observes an unbiased but imperfect signal about the
worker's effort. Let the signal, s, be given by
(2) s = [e.sub.t] + [u.sub.t],
where u is a normal random variable with zero mean and finite
variance and is uncorrelated with effort, e. The signals are distributed
independently and identically across workers. The firm sets a minimum
reservation signal S, and if s < S, the firm fires the worker. The
probability of dismissal then is
where [u.sup.*] [congruent to] S - [e.sub.t] and f(*) is the normal
probability density function of u. We interpret the reservation signal
level (S) as a performance standard: a firm with a higher reservation
signal expects a greater level of effort. The signal s may be the result
of numerous observations of the worker, but the signal entails only
observations from the current period. (4)
We consider only contracts that allow for fixed wage payments,
and, thus, we exclude the possibility that the wage payment is a
function of the signal that the firm receives. While this is standard in
the efficiency wage literature, MacLeod and Malcomson [1989] demonstrate
how restrictive this assumption is. Even when the worker's
productivity is not observable to third parties, MacLeod and Malcomson
show that "piece rate" contracts are included in the class of
incentive compatible contracts. (5) Similarly, we do not allow firms to
require a bond to ensure worker performance. (6) For discussion of the
use of such bonds, see Murphy and Topel [1987b], Carmichael's
[1985] comment on Shapiro and Stiglitz [1984], and the reply by Shapiro
and Stiglitz [1985].
In order for the worker to accept an employment offer, the
firm's contract must provide utility at least as great as the
worker's best alternative offer, or
(4) g([w.sub.t]) - h([e.sub.t]) + D([V.sup.0] - C)/(1+r)
+ (1-D) [V.sub.t+1]/(1+r) [greater than or equal to] [V.sup.0].
As in most of the efficiency wage literature we assume that the
contract is stationary so that (w,S,[V.sup.0],[V.sub.t]) are constants;
thus [V.sub.t+1] = [V.sub.t]. One may then reduce equation (4) to
(4') [g(w) - h(e)] (1+r) - D C [greater than or equal to] r
which is the reservation utility constraint for [V.sub.t] =
Given the stream of wages (w) and the performance standard (S),
the worker selects the level of effort that maximizes his expected
utility level. The necessary condition for an interior maximum (e >
0) is
(5) h'(e) =f([u.sup.*]) [V - ([V.sup.0]- C)]/(1+r),
where V is the (constant) expected utility of continued employment at
the firm. The worker equates the marginal cost of additional effort with
the marginal reduction in dismissal costs. Equation (5) requires that V
> [V.sup.0] - C. (7) When there are no costs of dismissal (C = 0),
then the firm must offer a level of utility that exceeds the
worker's market alternative, which is the standard efficiency wage
result. (8)
It is readily shown from equation (1) that
(6) [partial derivative]V/partial derivative]w = ([r+d).sup.-1] (1+r)
g'(w) > 0
[partial derivative]V/[partial derivative]S = -[(r+D).sup.-1]
f([u.sup.*]) (V + C - [V.sup.0]) [less than or equal to] 0.
Equation (6) is useful for evaluating the following comparative
(7) [partial derivative]e/[partial derivative]w = f([u.sup.*])
[partial derivative]V/[partial derivative]w [DELTA],
(8) [partial derivative]e/[partial derivative]s =
[f'([u.sup.*])(V+c-[V.sup.0]) ([partial derivative][u.sup.*]/
[partial derivative]S)
+f([u.sup.*]) ([partial derivative]V/[partial derivative]s)][DELTA],
where [DELTA] = [([-V.sub.ee]).sup.-1] > 0. Clearly, [partial
derivative]e/ [partial derivative]w > 0; a higher wage improves the
attractiveness of the job, thereby inducing the worker to work harder to
avoid dismissal. The effect of an increase in the performance standard
(S) on effort is ambiguous. A higher standard (when [u.sup.*] < 0)
will increase the marginal probability of being discharged for a given
level of effort because f'([u.sup.*])> 0. This effect induces
more effort and is reflected by the first term of the right-hand side of
equation (8). A higher S, however, lowers V, which makes the current job
less valuable and lowers effort. The second term in the right-hand side
of equation (8) represents this effect.
Using equation (6), equation (8) reduces to
(9) [partial derivative]e/[partial derivative]S = [f'([u.sup.*])
(r+D) -f [([u.sup.*]).sup.2]]
(V+C-[V.sup.0]) [DELTA][(r+D).sup.-1]
As u is distributed normally, the term f'([u.sup.*]) simplifies
to f([u.sup.*])[-[u.sup.*]/ [[sigma].sup.2]], where [[sigma].sup.2] is
the variance of u. Thus, equation (9) becomes
(9') [partial derivative]e/partial derivative]S =
[([u.sup.*]/[sigma].sup.2])(r+D) + f([u.sup.*])]
[DELTA] [(r+D).sup.-1]
= -f([u.sup.*]) (V+C-[V.sup.0]) B [[DELTA][(r+D).sup.-1]
where B [congruent to] ([u.sup.*]/[[sigma].sup.2])(r+D) + f
([u.sup.*]). As
(10) [partial derivative]B/[partial derivative] [u.sup.*] =
(r+D)/[[sigma].sup.2] + f([u.sup.*]) ([u.sup.*]/[sigma])
+f'([u.sup.*]) = (r+D)[[sigma].sup.2] > 0,
B is monotonically increasing and
Because B is monotonically increasing it must cross zero exactly
once. Therefore, for a given interest rate, there exists exactly one
[u.sup.*] such that [partial derivative]e/ [partial derivative]S = 0.
Let this value of [u.sup.*] be denoted [u.sup.0] and note that
For values of [u.sup.*] < [u.sup.0], increases in the
performance standard increase worker effort. If the standard is
increased sufficiently ([u.sup.*] > [u.sup.0]), however, the worker
reduces his or her level of effort because the increase in the
performance standard has reduced the value of continued employment.
The Firm's Problem
We now examine the firm's selection of the wage payment, the
level of employment, and the performance standard. In contrast, most of
the efficiency wage literature, with the exception of Bulow and Summers
[1986], Sparks [1986], and Akerlof and Katz [1986], assumes that the
performance standard is exogenous. The firm selects the wage payment,
the performance standard, and the level of employment to maximize
profits. In a steady state, this is equivalent to maximizing per period
profits, which are given by
(12) [pi] = F(N,e) - wN,
where F(*) is a concave production function with [F.sub.N](*) > 0
and [F.sub.e](*) > 0, and N is the level of employment of the
homogeneous workers. The firm also must guarantee that workers receive a
utility level of at least [V.sup.0], which is the constraint described
by equation (4').
The first-order conditions for this problem are
(13) [partial derivative][pi]/[partial derivative]w = [F.sub.e](N,e)
[partial derivative]e/[partial derivative]w
- N + [lambda][g'(w)] (1 + r) = 0
(14) [partial derivative][pi]/[partial derivative]S = [F.sub.e](N, e)
[partial derivative]e/[partial derivative]S -[lambda] [C [partial
derivative] D/[partial derivative]D/[partial derivative]S] = 0,
(15) [partial derivative][pi]/ [partial derivative]N = [F.sub.N](N,
e) - w = 0
where [lambda] is the Kuhn-Tucker multiplier associated with the
utility constraint given in equation (4'). The first-order
conditions have the usual marginal benefit-marginal cost interpretation.
The terms involving [lambda] reflect the influence of the firm's
choices on the workers' welfare. Equation (14) implies that
[partial derivative]e/[partial derivative]S [greater than or equal to]
0, which in turn implies that [u.sup.*] [less than or equal to]
If the firm chooses w and S such that the utility constraint is
not binding, then [lambda], = 0, and the first-order conditions reduce
(13') [F.sub.e](N, e) [partial derivative]e/[partial
derivative]w - N = 0,
(14') [F.sub.e](N, e) [partial derivative]e/[partial
derivative]S = 0,
(15') [F.sub.N](N, e) - w = 0.
In this section we consider how firms' choices of wages and
performance standards may result in a labor market in equilibrium with
utility equalized across all jobs, in a disequilibrium market paying
efficiency wages, or in a "dual" labor market that is a
combination of the two. Because of differences in technology, firms may
choose different levels of the performance standard and wages, which
cause workers to provide different levels of effort.
The introduction of an endogenous performance standard provides
the firm with a method of increasing the worker's effort without
increasing the worker's utility level. Thus, for some values of S,
if the firm desires more effort from the worker, it can raise the
performance standard and fire the worker if the standard is not met. The
firm must pay a higher wage to compensate the worker for increased
effort, but the firm need not raise the worker's utility above the
reservation level, [V.sup.0]. In this scenario, the firm chooses w and S
along the indifference curve [V.sup.0], which is depicted in Figure 1.
As utility is equalized across jobs, the labor market clears. The
equilibrium is much like a hedonic wage equilibrium, where the hedonic
wage locus is coincident with the worker's indifference curve.
The slope of the indifference curve is positive and, from equation
(6), is given by
(16) [partial derivative]w/[partial derivative]S = f ([u.sup.*]) C
with V = [V.sup.0] and where [rho] = [[(1+r)g'(w)].sup.-1]. The
firm's selection of w and S will determine the worker's supply
of effort. In (w,S) space, the slope of an isoeffort curve is
(17) [[partial derivative]w/[partial derivative]s |.sub.e] =
(-[partial derivative]e/[partial derivative]SV([partial derivative]e/
[partial derivative]w)
= {[(r+D)([u.sup.*]/[[sigma].sup.2]) +f([u.sup.*])](V+C-[V.sup.0])}
For values of S such that [u.sup.*] < [u.sup.0], the expression is
negative: an increase in the performance standard will raise the
worker's effort and the firm must lower the wage to leave the
worker's effort unchanged. At the point
-(r+D)([u.sup.0]/[[sigma].sup.2]) = f([u.sup.0]), the expression obtains
a minimum. For values of u > [u.sup.0], the isoeffort curve will
slope upward. Several isoeffort curves are depicted in Figure 1.
In Figure 1, point A represents the contract ([w.sup.0],
[S.sup.0]) where the firm guarantees the worker a utility level
[V.sup.0] and receives an effort level [e.sup.0] in return. If the firm
wishes to increase the effort level to [e.sup.1], it could do so by
maintaining the performance standard at [S.sup.0] and increasing the
wage to [w.sup.*], which would raise the worker's utility level.
This is depicted by point B in Figure 1. The employer, however, will not
choose this contract. Instead, the firm will increase the performance
standard to [S.sup.1] and increase the wage to [w.sup.1] at point C. As
point C provides the same level of effort at a lower wage than point B,
point C is clearly the contract that the firm prefers.
By allowing the firm to increase the performance standard and the
wage simultaneously we have increased the number of instruments that
employers can use to induce the worker to provide more effort. (9) A
natural question to ask is: Will we ever observe efficiency wages in the
labor market? An efficiency wage contract occurs only when the utility
constraint is nonbinding on firms, or when [lambda] = 0. From equation
(14'), this results in a choice of S at the minimum of an isoeffort
curve ([partial derivative]e/[partial derivative]S = 0). The set of
minimum points, defined as the solutions to equation (14') for
various levels of effort, define an upward sloping locus of points in
(w,S) space. A set of possible efficiency wage contracts is depicted as
the locus [E.sup.0] in Figure 2.
The part of this set that lies below the indifference curve V =
[V.sup.0], however, is not feasible: the utility constraint is not met.
(10) In the appendix we show that for some effort levels the firm
prefers an efficiency wage contract to an equilibrium wage contract, and
that there exists an effort level, depicted as [e.sup.2] in Figure 2,
such that for e > [e.sup.2] the firm chooses an efficiency wage
In Figure 2, point A represents the contract that is both an
equilibrium and an efficiency wage contract. If the firm desires the
level of effort [e.sup.3], it could elect to keep the worker on
indifference curve [V.sup.0] and move to point B. The firm may reduce
the performance standard and the wage, but still retain the same level
of effort at point C. This efficiency wage contract is less expensive
than the equilibrium wage contract in obtaining the level of effort
[e.sup.3]. For higher levels of effort the efficiency wage contracts
remain the preferred alternative: the firm will move along the locus
[E.sup.0] rather than the locus [V.sup.0] in Figure 2.
Our model also admits "dual" labor markets as in Jones
[1985] and Bulow and Summers [1986]. One "sector" may be used
to define the reservation level of utility [V.sup.0]. Because we assume
losing a job is costly to workers, we need not require that this
"sector" be able to monitor perfectly employee effort, as in
Jones and Bulow and Summers. Workers in this sector will receive
compensating wage differentials for increases in the performance
standard as in our equilibrium model. Firms in the "primary"
sector, i.e., those wanting higher levels of effort, must pay efficiency
wages. Workers clearly would prefer to be employed in the primary sector
and earn the rents associated with efficiency wages.
Finally, recall that all of our analysis is predicated on the
assumption that employers find it prohibitively costly to use bonds.
Yet, Carmichael [1985] has cogently argued that such bonds should be a
robust feature of labor markets with worker shirking. Our model suggests
a reason why such bonds may not be necessary: if the cost of being fired
is sufficiently high, the labor market will be in hedonic equilibrium,
and there is no need for such bonds. As Carmichael [1989] notes, bonds
are extremely rare. Thus, our model suggests that the absence of bonding
implies that labor markets are in equilibrium and observed wage
differentials are simply compensatory. (11)
As our model allows for the possibility of a market-clearing
equilibrium, or the payment of efficiency wages, or a combination of the
two, we must find ways to distinguish between these settings. In part A,
we show how our model generates industrial wage differentials and why
they do not indicate the presence of efficiency wages. In part B,
however, we demonstrate that one can use the relationship between wages
and dismissals to distinguish between the efficiency wage and
equilibrium settings.
A. Industrial Wage Differentials
After controlling for a variety of individual and workplace
characteristics, several recent studies conclude that there are
substantial wage differences across industries; see Krueger and Summers
[1987; 1988] and Dickens and Katz [1987]. For some, these unexplained
differentials suggest the presence of efficiency wages. Murphy and Topel
[1987a; 1987b], however, argue that unobserved differences in workers
account for a substantial part of the wage differentials. They examine
wage changes for individuals who move between industries and document
that the changes imply a much smaller wage differential than do those
from cross-section estimates. They conclude that inter-industry wage
differences are largely due to individual-specific differences in
productivity, not efficiency wages. Krueger and Summers [1988], however,
dispute this claim.
Our model suggests that even among a homogeneous work force the
presence industrial wage differentials does not demonstrate the payment
of efficiency wages. To illustrate, consider Figure 3. The loci [V.sup.0] and [E.sup.0] are the same as in Figure 2. Recall that the
firm will choose a (w,S) combination along [V.sup.0] until point C, and
then move along [E.sup.0]. Firms with production technologies exhibiting
a higher marginal product of effort will choose a (w,S) combination
further to the northeast in Figure 3, as effort increases in this
direction. Thus, we may find one firm located at point A and another at
point B. We observe a wage differential between these two firms, but it
is an equalizing difference. Firms that choose a higher S demand more
effort from workers and must compensate them for it. Other firms may
have production functions with an even higher marginal productivity of
effort and locate at point D. Here, the higher wage does indicate an
efficiency wage payment. Simply examining wage differentials, however,
does not reveal which is and which is not an efficiency wage. Thus, if
industries tend to have common technologies, and firms in one industry
cluster about point A, those in another cluster about B, and those in a
third cluster around D, the industrial wage differentials do not
distinguish between equalizing differences and efficiency wages. Also
note that the relationship between higher effort and higher wages
reported in Krueger and Summers [1986] does not reflect the payment of
efficiency wages; we expect that relationship to hold in the
compensating differentials equilibrium.
Thus, heterogeneity of production technologies among firms and
industries leads to industrial wage differentials that need not reflect
efficiency wages. The wage differences may be accounted for by a
compensating differential paid for a higher performance standard that
requires more worker effort. Finding wage changes when workers change
industries is not inconsistent with equilibrium compensating wage
differentials. If a worker moves from an industry at A to one at B,
wages increase but utility does not. Essentially, the difficulty with
this type of empirical analysis is the failure to take into account the
variation in S across industries.
If industries differ in their marginal productivity of effort,
they may also differ in their ability to monitor their employees.
Heterogeneity in the nature of production processes is likely to result
in some industries having less accurate measures of worker effort than
other industries. This generates dispersion in [[sigma].sup.2], the
variance of the signal. (12) A shift in [sigma] has two effects. First,
the [V.sup.0] curve shifts left. An increase in the variance of the
signal makes workers worse off because, with [u.sup.*] < 0, a higher
[sigma] raises the probability of discharge for a given level of effort.
Thus, for a given value of S, a larger [sigma] must be accompanied by a
higher wage to keep the worker as well off. In Figure 3, we depict the
new position of the indifference curve as [V.sup.0]'. Second, the
locus [E.sup.0] shifts inward to the left. For a firm located on
[E.sup.0], an increase in the variance of the signal reduces the utility
of holding the job and so reduces effort. Thus, to remain on this locus,
a firm must increase wage payments to maintain the same level of effort,
implying that [E.sup.0] shifts inward to the left, as [E.sup.0]' is
depicted in Figure 3. These results are formally derived in the
appendix. It can also be shown (see the appendix) that the wage at which
the [V.sup.0]' and the [E.sup.0]' loci intersect is lower than
the wage where the [V.sup.0] and [E.sup.0] curves intersect. Thus,
efficiency wages start at a lower wage when the variance is higher,
which corresponds to the intuitive notion that we are more likely to
observe efficiency wages in firms with greater monitoring difficulties.
Firms (or industries) with this larger a now locate along
[V.sup.0]' until point G, and then along [E.sup.0]'. Again, it
is possible that higher wages are merely compensating for a higher S. It
is also possible, however, that compensating wages are paid for a larger
[sigma], S constant. Consider an industry whose firms have a larger
value of [sigma] and locate at point F, and another industry where the
firms have a smaller [sigma] and locate at I. The performance standard
is the same for both, but wages are higher in the former industry. This
does not indicate an efficiency wage, but rather compensation for the
higher o. Another possibility is for an industry to have a lower
performance standard and a higher wage and still not be paying
efficiency wages. Compare industries located at A and F. At F, S is
lower, but not low enough to fully compensate for the higher [sigma], so
the wage is higher. (14)
In addition, consider an industry whose firms are located at point
B, and another whose firms are at point H. The latter is paying
efficiency wages while the former is not, but the efficiency wage is
actually lower than the equalizing difference wage. The criterion of
higher wages yields a perverse prediction of which is an efficiency
wage. We obtain equalizing differences for fairly subtle (given current
data) differences in the nature of firms--differences in performance
standards and the accuracy of monitoring. Well-functioning, competitive
labor markets will generate wage differentials on these bases, but they
are unmeasured by the investigator and the consequent wage differences
may be mistaken for the payment of efficiency wages. Our analysis allows
for the possibility of efficiency wages, but we find that simply looking
for industrial wage differentials (using either wage level or wage
change data) cannot detect the payment of efficiency wages.
Several investigators have argued that heterogeneity among workers
may generate industrial wage differentials. Murphy and Topel [1987b]
demonstrate that a substantial part of observed industrial wage
differentials may be attributable to unobserved individual differences
in productivity. Although our model does not include differences in
abilities across workers, we might expect variations across occupations
in the cost to workers of being discharged. This may affect the
incidence of efficiency wages. In many efficiency wage models--such as
Shapiro and Stiglitz [1984] for instance--the worker faces no cost from
being dismissed. To the extent, however, that employers perceive that
previous discharges are a good predictor of future performance,
dismissals will damage the reputation of the worker. While an unskilled,
temporary laborer may find it easy to obtain employment without
references from his past employer, for many skilled and professional
workers this is unlikely. Thus, it would be very costly for skilled and
professional workers to be dismissed for shirking, but not so costly for
unskilled, temporary workers. Efficiency wages, therefore, may be
concentrated among the low-paying, rather than higher-paying
This "reputation" effect makes dismissal costly to the
worker. In Figure 4, we depict the impact of an increase in dismissal
costs (C). When C increases, at a given performance standard, the wage
necessary to ensure the utility level [V.sup.0] increases, shifting the
isoquant to the left ([V.sup.0]'). It is straightforward to
demonstrate that the efficiency wage locus shifts to the right
([E.sup.0]'), reflecting the higher effort that may be obtained for
a given wage and standard. As a result, the point of intersection
between the isoquant and efficiency wage locus is at a higher wage.
Occupations in which the worker's reputation is valuable are less
likely to rely on efficiency wages to prevent shirking.
B. Wages and Dismissals
Although industrial wage differentials do not enable us to
differentiate between efficiency and equilibrium wages, the relationship
between wages and dismissals does allow us to distinguish between the
two models. For firms paying equalizing differences, as the performance
standard (and the wage) is raised, the worker's effort increases,
but the probability of dismissal also increases. The worker reacts to
the increase in the performance standard by increasing effort, but by
less than the increase in the performance standard. From equation (3),
and recalling that [u.sup.*] = S - e, we obtain
where the second equality is derived from substituting for the
partial derivatives given in equations (7), (8), and (16). The wage rate
increases as the firm increases the performance standard in an
equalizing differences setting, so we will find a positive relationship
between wages and the dismissal rate.
With an efficiency wage contract, this is not the case: the rate
of dismissals at the firm is independent of the wage. In the efficiency
wage region, [partial derivative] e/[partial derivative]S = 0, which,
from equation (9'), implies ([u.sup.*]/[[sigma].sup.2])(r+D)
+f([u.sup.*])=0. Define [x.sup.*] to be the standard normal random
variable x* = [u.sup.*]/[sigma], and the above expression can be
rewritten as
(19) [x.sup.*] [r + [PHI]([x.sup.*])] + [phi]([x.sup.*]) = 0,
where [phi] and [PHI] are the standard normal density and cumulative
distribution functions. The solution to this expression implies a unique
[x.sup.*]. Therefore, for an efficiency wage contract, d[x.sup.*] = 0.
The discharge rate, D, is equal to [PHI]([x.sup.*]), and so dD =
[PHI]' d[x.sup.*] = 0. The dismissal rate is invariant in the
efficiency wage region. Wages still increase with the performance
standard, but at a faster rate than in the equilibrium setting, inducing
enough additional effort to offset fully the direct, positive effect of
higher standards on dismissals. Changes in o also have no effect on D,
and, thus, the wage rates for industries utilizing efficiency wage
contracts should be uncorrelated with their rates of dismissals.
While this result enables us to distinguish between industries
that pay efficiency wages and those that do not, the prediction does
depend crucially on the assumption of a normal distribution for the
errors in the signal. In addition, there are likely to be difficulties
in the empirical implementation of this test. The prediction derived
implicitly holds constant the characteristics of the workers. As many
dismissals may be attributable to unobserved differences in ability,
rather than effort, it may prove quite difficult in practice to control
for these other influences on discharges.
In this paper we present a model that contains as special cases a
labor market with a compensating differentials equilibrium, a labor
market with efficiency wages, and a "dual" labor market with
both. Our approach differs from the traditional efficiency wage model in
two important ways. First, unlike most other efficiency wage models, we
allow for a direct cost of dismissal. This seems quite plausible as it
may simply reflect the search costs that a worker may incur when seeking
alternative employment or the damage to the worker's reputation a
dismissal might cause. Second, our approach allows the firm to choose
the performance standard.
We demonstrate that even in the absence of a bonding mechanism and
wage payments based on output, payment of above-market wages need not
occur when there is a cost of dismissal and an endogenous performance
standard. Our analysis also indicates that recent attempts to detect
efficiency wages by examining industrial wage differentials fail to
distinguish an equilibrium model from an efficiency wage model. We are
able however, to distinguish, between the labor market equilibrium and
the efficiency wage settings by examining the relationship between wages
and turnover.
I. The Uniqueness of the Optimal Level of Effort.
We now demonstrate that if V(0) < [V.sup.0] and if
h"(e)/h'(e) is a nondecreasing function, then the
worker's problem will yield a unique optimum. The second-order
condition is
(A1) [V.sub.ee] = - h"(e)(1 + r) + [u.sup.*]f ([u.sup.*]) [V -
For e > S, clearly the second derivative is negative. At any
critical point ([V.sub.e] = 0), we may use the first-order condition (5)
to obtain
(A2) sgn{[V.sub.ee]} = sgn { - h"(e)/h'(e) + (S-e)}.
Let [e.sup.*] be a critical point such that [V.sub.ee] < 0. Using
equation (A2) we will now show that any other critical point must be an
inflection point or a local minimum. By way of contradiction, assume
that there is a critical point [e.sup.l] > [e.sup.*]. As
h"(e)/h'(e) is nondecreasing, any critical point [e.sup.1]
> [e.sup.*] must be a local maximum. But as V is a continuous
function, there must exists a local minimum between two local maxima,
which is a contradiction. For any critical point [e.sup.2] <
[e.sup.*], equation (A2) ensures it must be a local minimum because
h"(e)/h'(e) is a nondecreasing function. As V([e.sup.*])
[greater than or equal to] [V.sup.0], we know that V(0)<
V([e.sup.*]). Thus, there is a unique optimum.
II. The Use of Efficiency Wage Contracts.
To demonstrate that for some levels of effort the firm prefers an
efficiency wage contract to an equilibrium wage contract, consider the
contract (w,S), which corresponds to the effort level [E.sup.[dagger]],
the highest effort level obtainable under the equilibrium contract.
Rewriting equation (5), this point is defined by
h'([e.sup.[dagger]])- f(0) C[(1+r).sup.-1],
where f(0) is the maximum value of the probability density function
f(*). But at this point
(A3) [dw/dS|.sub.e][dagger] = C [rho] f(0) [(r + D).sup.-1].
As [dw/dS|.sub.e][dagger]] > 0, the firm may lower the performance
standard and the wage, and maintain the same level of effort. As the
level of effort is maintained and wages are lower, (w,S) cannot be a
profit-maximizing contract. The profit-maximizing contract, of course,
simply satisfies
(A4) (1+r) h'(e) =f(u) [V(e) - [V.sup.0] + C],
which is the efficiency wage contract.
We now show that there is exactly one contract
([w.sup.2],[S.sup.2]), depicted as point A in Figure 2, that is both an
equilibrium and an efficiency wage contract. This contract satisfies
(A5) (l+r)h'([e.sup.2]) = f([u.sup.0]) C.
At this point, V = [V.sup.0] and u = [u.sup.0]. To establish that
this contract is unique, we will show that the locus of possible
efficiency wage contracts cuts the isoquant V = [V.sup.0] from below.
Consider first the slope of the efficiency wage locus. As we are dealing
only in variations in w and S along [E.sup.0], [u.sup.0]= S-e is
constant. Thus, du = dS -([e.sub.w], dw + [e.sub.s] dS) = dS - [e.sub.w]
dw - 0; the second equality is because [e.sub.s] = 0. Therefore, dw/dS [
[u.sup.0] = 1/[e.sub.w]. From equation (7), we obtain
(A6) dw/dS|[u.sup.0] = 1/[e.sub.w] = ([[DELTA].sup.-1] [rho])/f(u),
where again [DELTA] = [(-[V.sub.ee]).sup.-1] and [rho] =
[[(1+r)g'(w)].sup.-1]. The slope of the isoquant is
(A7) dw/dS|[V.sup.0] = -[V.sub.S]/[V.sub.w]
= f([u.sup.*]) (V+C-[V.sup.0]) [rho].
At the point ([w.sup.2],[S.sup.2]) we have
(A8) dw/dS|[u.sup.0] - dw/dS|[V.sup.0]
= [(r+D)(1+r)h"([e.sup.2]) [rho]]/f([u.sup.0]) > 0,
where we make use of the condition that [e.sub.s] = 0 at this point.
The continuity of this difference implies that in the neighborhood
around the point ([w.sup.2],[S.sup.2]) this difference is positive as
well. Thus the locus of efficiency wage contracts cuts the indifference
curve V = [V.sup.0] from below and the intersection point is locally
To establish that this intersection point is globally unique, we
need only note that the difference given in equation (A7) holds any time
the two curves intersect. As the locus of efficiency wage contracts must
cut the indifference curve V = [V.sup.0] from below, there must be no
more than one such intersection point. As the set of feasible efficiency
wage contracts is nonempty, there must be exactly one intersection
point. Thus, for e > [e.sup.2] the firm chooses an efficiency wage
III. Change in Variance of the Signal.
We now show that the effect of an increase in the variance of the
signal shifts the isoquant to the left. To see this, consider the
where the second equality comes from (6). This term is negative for
[u.sup.*] < 0. Now, consider the effect of [sigma] on effort. With
some algebra and using the properties of the normal distribution, we
Using the expressions in (9') and (6), this becomes
(A11) [partial derivative]e/[partial derivative] [sigma] =
([u.sup.*]/[sigma]) [partial derivative]e/[partial derivative]S
+ ([partial derivative]V/[partial derivative]S)[DELTA]/[sigma].
Along the locus [E.sup.0], [partial derivative]e/ [partial
derivative]S = 0, so [partial derivative]e/[partial derivative][sigma] =
([DELTA]/[sigma]) [partial derivative]V/ [partial derivative]S < 0.
Also, along [E.sup.0], equation (19) holds, implying a unique [x.sup.*]
= [u.sup.*]/[sigma]. Thus, d[x.sup.*] = 0, and we obtain
(A12) d[x.sup.*] = 0 = {[dS ([e.sub.w] dw + [e.sub.s] dS
+ [e.sub.[sigma]] d[sigma])][sigma] - [u.sup.*]
Noting that [e.sub.s] = 0, this simplifies to
(A13) dS - [e.sub.w] dw - ([x.sup.*] + [e.sub.[sigma]]) d[sigma].
If [sigma] increases (d[sigma] > 0, the right-hand side of (A13)
is negative, so the left-hand side also must be negative. This is
accomplished by either a decline in S, an increase in w, or a
combination of the two.
Efficiency wages do result at a lower value of w when [sigma] is
larger. This implies that the crossing point of [V.sup.0,] and
[E.sup.0,] is at a lower wage than previously. For this to occur,
holding w constant, the shift inward in indifference curve ([V.sup.0])
when [sigma] rises must be smaller than the shift in the E locus. To see
this, first consider the indirect utility function [V.sup.0] =
V(w,S,[sigma]). For utility to be constant, d[V.sup.0] = 0. With w
unchanged, this implies [V.sub.s]dS + [V.sub.[sigma]]d[sigma] = 0; or
(A14)dS = - ([V.sub.[sigma]]/[V.sub.s]) d[sigma] = [x.sup.*] d[sigma]
where the second equality comes from (A8). Now, along [E.sup.0],
recall that d[x.sup.*] = 0. With w constant, from (A13), we see this
results in
(A15) dS = ([x.sup.*] + [e.sub.[sigma]])d[sigma].
Now, [x.sup.*] < 0, and along the E locus, [e.sub.s] = 0, so
[e.sub.[sigma]] < 0. Comparing (A14) to (A15) shows that for a given
increase in [sigma], remaining on the E locus calls for a larger decline
in S than to remain on the indifference curve ([V.sup.0]). This verifies
that the crossing point of [E.sup.0] and [V.sup.0] occurs at a lower
wage than that of [V.sup.0] and [E.sup.0]. This is as it is depicted in
Figure 3.
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* Associate Professors, Department of Economics, University of
Kentucky. We thank Richard Jensen, Mark Loewenstein, Timothy Perri,
Roger Sparks, two anonymous reviewers, and members of the Macroeconomics
Workshop at the University of Kentucky for comments on earlier drafts,
but we remain responsible for any errors. We gratefully acknowledge
financial support from the National Science Foundation (Grant No.
RII-8610671) and the Commonwealth of Kentucky through the EPSCoR
(1.) There are numerous possible reasons for the payment of wages
above the market-clearing level, but in this paper we focus on the
monitoring-shirking paradigm. See Yellen [1984] for a good review of the
various types of efficiency wage models.
(2.) This conclusion has been challenged by some; see Carmichael
[1985], Oi [1986], and Murphy and Topel [1987b], for example. A common
argument is that some type of implicit or explicit bonding scheme as
proposed by Becker and Stigler [1974] can deter shirking and equalize the value of jobs.
(3.) Others have considered variation in the performance standard.
See Akerlof and Katz [1986], Bulow and Summers [1986], and Sparks
(4.) Unlike the work of Radner [1981; 1985] and Rubenstein and Yaari
[1983], we do not allow the firm to use observations front past periods
when deciding whether or not to retain the worker. The use of
information from only one period may not be optimal when there is a
great deal of noise in the signal. There may exist gains to using
"review strategies" in which the firm uses past information
about the worker's performance to decide whether or not the worker
should be retained. For a further discussion, see footnote 13.
(5.) See Malcomson [1981] for a good discussion of why such
conditional contracts may not be offered.
(6.) This assumption means that the loss that the worker suffers from
dismissal is simply the cost of being dismissed. Thus, we implicitly
rule out forcing contracts that provide for very large penalties if the
worker is apprehended.
(7.) If we allow firms to offer experienced workers contracts
different from those offered new workers and we interpret C as a cost of
changing jobs rather than as a cost of dismissal, it would be possible
that the utility of experienced employees would be below that of their
market alternative, [V.sup.0]. We rule out such contracts, assuming that
firms will not take advantage of experienced workers for fear of
damaging their reputations.
(8.) To ensure that we may use the first-order approach to this
problem, we assume that h"(e)/h'(e) is a nondecreasing
function of effort, and that V(0) < [V.sup.0]. The latter assumption
simply implies that the firm can readily detect and dismiss workers that
provide no effort-the worker must at least show up if he wishes to
deceive the firm. The first assumption is satisfied by a wide class of
functions (e.g., h(e) = [gamma]e, or h(e) = exp[[gamma]e]). While
clearly restrictive, these assumptions allow us to use the first-order
approach to this principal-agent problem, which vastly simplifies the
description of the optimal contract. Alternatively, we could restrict
the distribution of uncertainty in the model. Until recently, the
sufficient conditions generally invoked required that the probability
density function be nondecreasing. Jewitt [1988], however, has found
more general sufficient conditions that allow for a wide variety of
distribution functions. Unfortunately, Jewitt's conditions do not
admit the normal distribution, and thus we choose to impose restrictions
on the preferences of workers rather than the distribution function. In
the appendix, we demonstrate that these restrictions are sufficient to
ensure that there is a unique optimum to the worker's problem.
(9.) In this discussion, we abstract from the firm's decision of
how many workers to employ. Oi [1983] notes, however, that larger firms
with high costs of monitoring may economize on these costs by hiring
more productive labor and using more capital. Barron, Black, and
Loewenstein [1987] find that large firms do indeed use more capital per
worker, train their workers more, and search more intensively for
workers than do small firms.
(10.) The efficiency wages below the [V.sup.0] locus are well defined
as long as h'(e) -f(u)[V+C-[V.sup.0]], which can occur when the
cost of changing jobs is strictly positive. The only difficulty with
this contract is that firms cannot recruit new labor. Note that our
geometric exposition of this model is similar to that of Oi [1986].
11. We are grateful to an anonymous referee for this interpretation.
(12.) Presumably, firms have some control over [[sigma].sup.2] by
devoting more or less resources to monitoring workers. There is,
however, likely to be considerable exogenous variation in the ability to
obtain an accurate signal. Our focus is on this exogenous component.
(13.) The work of Radner [1981; 1985] and Rubenstein and Yaari [1983]
suggests another margin on which firms may respond. In our model we
force firms to decide whether or not to retain the worker based solely
on observations from the current period. But Radner (1985) demonstrates
that such a strategy may not be optimal. Rather, the firm specifies a
review period of, say, R periods. Defining the cumulative signal as
[zeta] = [s.sub.1] + [s.sub.2],+ ... +[s.sub.R], the firm retains the
worker if [zeta] [greater than or equal to] [R.sup.*], where [R.sup.*]
is the "review performance standard." If the worker passes the
review, the process starts again. This allows the firm to
"average" the worker's signals over several periods,
which reduces the variance of the signal. As the variance of the signal
has been reduced, the firm is less likely to rely on efficiency wages.
Clearly, our monitoring technology is a special case of Radner's,
with R = 1. Indeed, one can interpret Radner's monitoring
technology as determining the optimal length of a period in our model.
(14.) Effort may be lower at point F as effort does vary with