Government debt and the demand for money: an extreme bound analysis.
Deravi, M. Keivan ; Hegji, Charles E. ; Moberly, H. Dean 等
The article provides evidence that there is a relationship between
government debt and interest rates via the demand for money. This
relationship is examined through the wealth effect of government debt on
money demand, and the robustness of the results is tested by the use of
extreme bound analysis in addition to standard econometric techniques.
We find that OLS regression shows government debt affecting the demand
for money positively, implying that Federal government debt is net
wealth. In addition, the extreme bound analysis shows that the estimates
of the government debt coefficient are robust under alternative
specifications of the Goldfeld model.
This paper studies the relationship between government debt and
interest rates. The approach used in this paper differs from previous
studies in two ways. First, this relationship is examined through the
wealth effect of government debt on the demand for money. Second, the
robustness of the results is tested by use of extreme bound analysis as
an alternative to standard econometric techniques.
Theoretically, there is no clear cut consensus as to whether or not
government debt should be net wealth. The argument used most often is
that government debt will be net wealth if future tax liabilities to
service the debt are, for the aggregate economy, only partially
discounted. Two explanations for this partial discounting are offered.
First, in dealing with finite-lived individuals, Thompson [1967] assumes
that the average remaining lifetime of current taxpayers is shorter than
for future interest payments on the federal debt. In this situation, the
net present value of a stream of equal interest payments and taxes will
be positive. As a counter argument, Barro [1974] has shown that current
generations can act effectively as if they are infinite-lived when they
are linked to future generations through a series of pairwise transfers
of wealth. Here, the realization by current generations that tax
liabilities will be left to future generations extends the lifetime of
the relevant stream of tax liabilities for debt service. Government debt
is then wealth neutral.
Mundell [1971] provides a second reason for partial discounting by
assuming that capital markets are imperfect and that the relevant
discount rate for tax liabilities is higher than the rate for interest
payments. These discount rates are, respectively, thought of as applying
to high-risk-of-loan default and low-risk-of-loan-default individuals.
This difference in discount rates creates a positive wealth effect,
since under Mundell's assumptions government debt held by taxpayers
involves a loan from low-discount-rate to high-discount-rate
individuals. As Barro [1974] has again countered, this wealth effect
will exist only to the extent that the government is more efficient at
providing such a loan than the private sector.
Finally, Barro [1974], Kormendi [1983] and later Aschauer [1985]
advance an argument as to why government debt might be negative net
wealth. Suppose there is considerable uncertainty about the
intertemporal and cross-sectional burden of the future tax liability
necessary to service the debt. In this case, the certainty-equivalent
value of these future taxes might exceed the certainty-equivalent value
of the future income stream of the debt, so that government debt would
be negative net wealth.
The majority of the empirical studies of the net wealth-induced
linkage between government debt and interest rates have attempted to
measure this relationship using consumption functions. If
privately-owned government debt is net wealth, the wealth effect of this
debt working through a Keynesian consumption function will be positive,
so that increased government borrowing will result in increased current
consumption and interest rates. Several studies have assessed the
relationship between government borrowing and consumption or interest
rates via this mechanism. In general, the wealth-consumption effect of
government debt in these studies has been inconclusive. Buiter and Tobin
[1979] find that privately-held government debt is net wealth, while
Tanner's [1979] results show government debt to be wealth neutral.
Kormendi's [1983] and Evans's [1985] results lead one to
conclude that federally-issued government debt may reduce the wealth of
private asset holders, while Barth, Iden and Russek [1986a] show that
tests of whether government debt is net wealth are sensitive to the
sample period chosen. Finally, through the use of simulation, Barsky,
Mankiw and Zeldes [1986] conclude that a debt-financed tax cut may
result in a positive wealth effect on consumption by increasing current
income, if there is a perceived sharing of risk of future tax
liabilities for debt service among taxpayers.
Failure to find a clear cut consensus link between government debt
and interest rates in the above studies is due to possible biases in the
coefficients of government debt (or taxes) when these variables are
introduced into consumption functions. Feldstein [1976; 1982] and later,
Aschauer [1985] show that if increased government debt (or changes in
taxes) provides a signal to private wealth holders that there will be
future increases in government-provided services, which could substitute
for private consumption, present consumption patterns may be altered.
This in turn, biases the coefficients of government debt (or taxes) in
these consumption studies, such as in Kormendi [1983], Kormendi and
Meguire [1986], Barth, Iden and Russek [1986b] and Barsky, Mankiw and
Zeldes [1986].
Use of a money demand equation is aimed at providing a remedy for
the varying results of such studies. This alternative approach
determines whether government debt is net wealth through its effect on
the demand for money. The approach precludes the problem of private
agents altering consumption patterns to perceived future-provided
government services. Government debt (bonds) is viewed as a part of
one's portfolio. Presumably, portfolio decisions are not directly
influenced by government-provided consumption as are private sector
consumption decisions. This is because portfolio demand is not a
function of income but total nonhuman wealth. Therefore, the biases of
government debt (or tax) coefficients in consumption studies are not
present. If the coefficient of government debt is positive in the money
demand equation, government debt is net wealth, at least in the short
run. In this situation, even if there are no long-run effects of
government debt on interest rates working through altered real
consumption patterns, there may be short-run wealth effects of
government debt on interest rates operating through the demand for
A potential problem exists for the measurement of this wealth
effect using the demand for money. Cooley and LeRoy [1981] argue that
most money demand studies are highly sensitive to specification search.
Along the same lines, Plosser [1982] argues that the relationship
between government financing decisions and interest rates is sensitive
to the specification of the estimating equation. This paper handles the
problem of possible specification bias in the money demand equation
through use of extreme bound analysis [Leamer 1983; 1985] on the
estimated coefficients. Performing this sensitivity analysis on the
government debt coefficient across alternative money demand
specifications will allow the authors to test the robustness of the
conclusions about whether government debt is net wealth. This will also
provide a test of robustness of any conclusion that can be drawn about
the link between government debt and interest rates through a wealth
effect on the demand for money.
Extreme bound analysis is a procedure suggested by Leamer and
Chamberlain and Leamer [19781 and further developed by Leamer [1982;
1985], for dealing with uncertainty involved in constructing econometric
models. Formally, the procedure allows the researcher to investigate the
effect the inclusion or exclusion of variables he considers of
"doubtful" importance has on the regression coefficient of a
"focus" variable over alternative probability likelihoods
generated by the sample data.
In economic modeling it is commonplace to have a model with a few
explanatory variables that are known to belong in the equation and a
longer list of "doubtful" variables. The former variables are
usually of focus in the analysis, while the latter variables are often
used to control for other factors. A problem arises when the list of
doubtful variables is long, since the attempt to include all doubtful
variables in the estimating equation leads to large standard errors for
the coefficients of the "focus" variables.
In this situation, the standard practice is to experiment with
different sets of doubtful variables, with the hope that the
coefficients of the focus variables will not change greatly as the list
of doubtful variables is altered. The flaw in this standard approach is
that it is usually conducted haphazardly and does not allow the
averaging of the many specifications implied by the examination of the
list of doubtful variables into a single number. Extreme bound analysis
is a formalization of the search for an econometric specification in
this type of situation, aimed at correcting for the above two flaws.
Consider, then, a linear regression model in which the dependent
variable [Y.sub.t] is thought to be a function of the three independent
variables [X.sub.t], Wit and [W.sub.2t]. Such a model can be written:
[Y.sub.t] = [X.sub.t][beta] + [W.sub.1t][[alpha].sub.1] +
[W.sub.2t][[alpha].sub.2] + [[mu].sub.t] (1)
where [beta], [[alpha].sub.1], and [[alpha].sub.2] are the
regression coefficients to be estimated, and [[mu].sub.t] is a
disturbance term. Suppose that the researcher's primary interest is
in estimating the coefficient [beta] on the focus variable [X.sub.t],
but that there is some uncertainty as to the correct specification for
the above model. This uncertainty is handled by considering the
variables [W.sub.1t] and [W.sub.2t] to be doubtful. In other words, the
researcher is not certain of the effects of [W.sub.1t] and [W.sub.2t] on
the dependent variable, but is unwilling to exclude these variables from
the equation.
This equation can be rewritten by defining a composite variable,
[Z.sub.t]([theta]) = [W.sub.1t] + [theta] [W.sub.2t],
to obtain
[Y.sub.t] = [X.sub.t][beta] + [Z.sub.t]([theta])[alpha] +
[[mu].sub.t]. (2) (2)
For properly defined values of [theta], this regression coincides
with any of the four regressions defined by the inclusion or exclusion
of the doubtful variables, [W.sub.1t] and [W.sub.2t]. However, as Cooley
and LeRoy [1981] argue, there is no reason to concentrate on these four
special regressions, because these particular regressions are a subset of a more general class in which [theta] can take any arbitrary value.
A different value for [theta] implies a new set of values (or
location) for [[alpha].sub.1] and [[alpha].sub.2] and thus a different
corresponding estimate for the focus coefficient. The set of all
possible values of [beta], generated by alternative values of
[[alpha].sub.1] and [[alpha].sub.2] which in turn is generated by
varying [theta]) will define an ellipsoid of possible estimates
constrained by the inclusion or exclusion of the doubtful variables.
The extreme bound analysis then entails generating the maximum and
minimum point estimates of the focus coefficient on the locus of
constrained estimates, over a sequence of likelihood ellipsoids, which
are standard confidence intervals around the estimated coefficient of
the focus variable in an ordinary least squares (OLS) model. If the gap
between the upper and lower bound at a chosen likelihood ellipsoid is
larger than the sampling standard error of the OLS coefficient for the
focus variable, researchers are cautioned that no reliable inference can
be drawn about the estimate of the focus variable.
The relationship between the demand for money and the government
debt is investigated through specifying a money demand function having
real income, total wealth of the household, and rate of interest as
explanatory variables. Wealth is defined as consolidated net wealth of
the private sector, including that sector's ownership of government
debt. Next, the wealth variable is decomposed into the assets generated
by the private sector (WP) and government debt (WG). The sign and
significance level of the estimated coefficient for the government debt
component of total wealth is used as the primary tool for the analysis.
A positive coefficient for WG points towards a positive wealth effect
for government debt, and a negative estimate indicates a negative wealth
effect associated with an increase in government debt.
The outcome of the estimation depends on the specification of the
demand for money that one uses. Therefore, before the test can be
performed, a robust demand for money must be specified. This paper uses
a version of Goldfeld's [1973] equation. The Goldfeld equation
specifies the demand for money as a function of two rates of interest
and real GNP as a scale variable. In this paper, this equation is
expanded by entering the total net wealth of the household as an
additional scale variable. This expansion is consistent with a portfolio
demand for money and is necessary since the primary focus variable in
this study, government debt, is a stock variable.
One shortcoming of the above procedure is that in general wealth
effects are usually not found to be very important in money equations
which focus on income as the primary scale variable. Thus a
statistically significant government wealth coefficient should provide
strong evidence in favor of a wealth effect in the demand for money. On
the other hand, a statistically insignificant government wealth
coefficient is necessary, but not sufficient, to reject the existence of
a wealth effect in the money demand equation. This is particularly true
because, as stated, a demand for money equation in terms of real income
is shown to be inherently biased against wealth effects.
One possible solution to the above bias in the money demand
equation is to drop real income from the estimating equation. This
solution, although resolving the bias issue, can result in a possible
specification problem.
Goldfeld [1973) and Friedman [1978] show that when income is replaced
by real wealth in a money demand equation, speed of adjustment becomes
implausibly low. This in turn leads to unrealistically high and possibly
biased long-term scale and interest rate elasticities.
Given the above considerations, the Goldfeld equation is revised to
lnM1=C+[[beta].sub.1] lnWP+ [[beta].sub.2]InWG+ [[beta].sub.2]InY+
[[beta].sub.4]lnRCP+ [[beta].sub.5] lnRTD+ [[beta].sub.6]InM1(-1), (3)
where M1 = real money balances, WP = real net worth of the private
sector, excluding that sector's ownership of government debt, WG =
real government outstanding debt measured at market value, Y = real GNP,
RCP = rate on three months' prime commercial paper, RTD = rate on
passbook savings accounts and M1(-1) = M1 lagged one quarter.
After equation (3) is fitted to the data and the coefficients are
estimated, this paper attempts to compute the extreme bounds of the
[[beta].sub.2] coefficient. The null hypothesis to be tested here is
that of the relative fragility of the estimate Of [[beta].sub.2]. If the
bounds on [[beta].sub.2] are found to be wide, i.e., to contain both
positive and negative values, then the empirical estimate of a wealth
effect of government debt is argued to be a fragile one. In addition, if
the difference between the extreme values of [[beta].sub.2] is large
relative to the sampling uncertainty, then the uncertainty in the model
specification can be argued to be a major contributor to the uncertainty
of the value of [[beta].sub.2].
There is a potential problem with this approach. As the discussion
between Leamer [1983; 1985] and McAleer et al. [1985] suggests, a
hypothesis can always be made more fragile by indefinitely extending the
list of doubtful variables. This lessens the usefulness of extreme bound
analysis for drawing implications about the fragility of point estimates
and points to the necessity of limiting the list of doubtful variables.
To deal with this problem the concept of a "free"
variable is introduced by Leamer [1978]. A free variable is treated
neither as a focus variable nor as a doubtful variable but nevertheless
must be included in an estimating equation as dictated by economic
theory, e.g., price in a demand equation.
Including such a variable in the estimating equation naturally
limits the class of economic models under study. In addition, Leamer
suggests that the list of doubtful variables should only include
variables that should plausibly enter the estimating equation, again
dictated by theory.
This approach is adopted here. Since this paper uses a portfolio
demand for money, money demand will in all instances be taken to be a
function of private wealth. Similarly, since all quarterly money demand
estimates find some adjustment lag, in all cases the demand for money
will be a function of MI lagged once. These two variables will therefore
be treated as free variables, and not considered in the sensitivity
analysis for the coefficient on government debt. And, following our
extended version of the Goldfeld specification, our list of doubtful
variables will be limited to interest rates, and in some instances, real
Equation (3) is estimated over the 1954:1-1980:4 time period. The
length of the sample period was determined by the availability of a
consistent series for the market value of real government debt (WG). The
sample is then divided into two sub-sample periods covering
1954:1-1972:4 and 1973:1-1980:4, and a Chow test is employed. The reason
for dividing the sample into two sub-samples results from the missing
money episode. The results of the Chow test indicate that the hypothesis
of the equality of the estimated coefficients of the two sub-sample
structures, i.e. no structural change, is rejected. Given this, in order
to minimize the influence of the structural break on the sensitivity
analysis of the [[beta].sub.2] coefficient, equation (3) is fitted to
the empirical observations of the data covering the separate periods.
Least squares applied to the equation (3) yields the following estimates
(standard errors in parentheses).
[Mathematical Expression Omited] (4)
R2 = .996 SEE = .004 Durbin h = .863 p=.433
Sample Period = 54.1 - 72:4
ln M1 = .808 -.031 ln WG + .029 ln WP (5)
(688) (.055) (.058)
+ 096 In Y -.026 In RCP -.295 ln RTD
(.119) (.015) (.068)
+ 806 ln M1(-1)
[R.sup.2] = .984 SEE = .007 Durbin h = .418
Sample Period = 73.1 - 80.4
The estimates of the coefficients over the earlier period are in
line with those reported by others, i.e., Goldfeld [19731 and Friedman
1978]. With regard to the coefficient of interest, the coefficient on
WG, the result over the earlier period indicates that government debt is
positively related to the demand for money. In other words, government
debt appears to be net wealth over the first sub-sample. There is,
however, no evidence of any wealth effect of government debt for the
second sub-sample. This finding is in line with discussion of Barth,
Iden and Russek [1986a] and Darby [1984]. As reported by Barth, Iden and
Russek, the results of the government debt neutrality proposition is
sensitive to changes in the sample period. Given that the debt variable
is found to have no relationship with the demand for money during
1973:1-1980:4 time period, this paper concentrates on the estimated
equation over the earlier sub-period, that is equation (4).
In order to test for the robustness of the estimate Of
[[beta].sub.2], sensitivity analysis is performed on this coefficient.
In this experiment, private wealth and lagged M1 are assumed to be free
variables and government debt and real income are taken as the
"focus variables." The remaining variables are assumed to be
doubtful variables. The extreme bound analysis is then applied to the
coefficient of focus variables for various values of the data
likelihood. The results for our primary focus variable, government debt.
Two important conclusions can be drawn from the results. First,
both the lower and upper bounds of the debt coefficient include only
positive values over the entire range of probability ellipsoids. This
suggests that the hypothesis that government debt has positive net
wealth effects on the demand for money function is not a fragile one
using Leamer's [1983] definition of fragility.
The second conclusion that can be drawn is that the difference
between the extreme bounds Of [[beta].sub.2] as a measure of the
uncertainty in the estimated parameter is large relative to the sampling
uncertainty of the data. This is notable given the fact that the
uncertainty measure for the former, with 95 percent probability, is .065
relative to .040 for the latter. This implies that uncertainty in model
specification can be a contributing factor to the conclusion about the
value of the focus coefficient, although not its sign in the present
Although not reported here, the same conclusion can be drawn for
the parameter on real income, the other focus variable. That is, the
results show that there is not a sign change implicit in the bounds of
the coefficient of this variable. Together, these results seem to
suggest that there is no systematic bias against government debt induced
wealth effects and also no bias against transactions effects in the
money demand function estimated in this study.
For completeness, the list of doubtful variables is expanded to
include real income, and extreme bound analysis is repeated. The issue
of interest here is to test the robustness of the results reported in
Table I to an expansion in the list of the doubtful variables. If the
government debt is correlated with real income or some combination of
real income and other doubtful variables, entering real income as a
doubtful variable in the equation (4) should make the government debt
coefficient fragile.
The null hypothesis that government debt is net wealth cannot be
rejected, given the alternative money demand formulations specified by
the extreme bound analysis and the expanded list of the doubtful
The results suggest that government debt is net wealth. But since
the bounds on the government debt coefficient are relatively wide, this
conclusion appears to be sensitive to the money demand model used in
this paper. To pursue this possibility a procedure initiated by Cooley
and LeRoy [1981] is followed.
First note that equation (3) can be considered to be a static
specification since it only contains contemporaneous values of the
doubtful variables. In order to see if using this static specification
has any impact on the results, equation (3) is expanded to include as
explanatory variables all the doubtful variables tagged once. A more
dynamic version of equation (3) is therefore specified, and extreme
bound analysis is repeated for this expanded equation.
As can be seen, although the OLS estimate provides a positive
government debt elasticity for the expanded model, the lower bound of
the debt coefficient includes both positive and negative numbers over a
wide range of probability ellipsoids. Therefore, no significance can be
attached to the sign of any particular point estimates for
[[beta].sub.2], as the additional doubtful variables are included in
equation (3).
The primary conclusion to which this points is that the hypothesis
that government debt is net wealth is robust within the context of the
Goldfeld money demand equation. But, this conclusion appears to be
relatively model specific, since the net wealth hypothesis for
government debt is fragile within the context of this dynamic version of
Goldfeld's equation.
This paper has studied the issue of whether government debt affects
interest rates via a real wealth effect on the demand for money. This
procedure has allowed a clearer assessment of the real wealth content of
the federal debt than studies based on consumption functions, because
the coefficients of the demand for money are not biased by debt-induced
expectations of government provided services. The use of extreme bound
analysis has allowed for accounting of specification bias inherent in
money demand models.
The OLS regression shows government debt affecting the demand for
money positively, implying that federal government debt is net wealth.
In addition, the extreme bound analysis shows that the estimates of the
government debt coefficient are robust in the sense of retaining
positive values under alternative specifications of the model's
doubtful variables. However, this conclusion appears to be specific to
Goldfeld's money demand equation, in which the doubtful variables
were limited to current values of income and interest rates.
How far Goldfeld's equation can be extended and still retain
robust government debt coefficient estimates is a question for further
research. Resolution of this question using extreme bound analysis,
though, will first require a more complete theoretical model of the role
of government debt in asset holders' portfolios than is usually
assumed in the money demand literature.
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