The demise of hospital philanthropy.
Sloan, Frank A. ; Hoerger, Thomas J. ; Morrisey, Michael A. 等
Until the beginning of this century, most hospitals primarily
served the poor and derived a major portion of their revenue from
private philanthropy. The more affluent avoided hospital care and were
treated in doctors' offices and at home (Starr [1982]; Rosenberg
[1987]). This situation changed largely because of technological
improvements such as anesthesia and asepsis, and the nonpoor began to
demand care in hospitals. Private insurance plans offering the nonpoor
nearly complete coverage for hospital care began in the 1930s and spread
rapidly after World War II. major health legislation, Medicare and
Medicaid, was enacted in 1965, extending hospital insurance to the
elderly and the poor. By the late 1960s, hospitals derived nine-tenths
of their revenue from insurance. Real donations for medical facility
construction rose from $76 million in 1935 to a peak of $2.1 billion in
1965 and fell to $603 million by 1981 (1984 dollars).(1) In 1984, only 5
percent of the total spent on such construction was funded by
philanthropy (Levit et al. [1985]).
The conventional wisdom has it that private and public hospital
insurance has "crowded out" philanthropic support of
hospitals. The public insurance argument is consistent with that of
Abrams and Schmitz [1978] and Roberts [1984] who maintain that public
welfare expenditures reduce or eliminate private giving to the poor.
This argument appears to extend to private insurance as well.
This article describes the decline in donations to hospitals from
conceptual as well as empirical perspectives. We first describe a simple
one-period model of hospital and donor behavior. Hospitals choose
utility-maximizing levels of output, while altruistic donors decide how
much to contribute to hospitals and how much to spend on other goods.
The model is used to analyze how insurance, various government
subsidies, and other factors affect hospital and donor behavior.
The major insight from this model is that although rising insurance
coverage tends to increase hospital output in the same way as a lump-sum
government subsidy, the two have different effects on donations to the
hospital. Growing insurance coverage may increase or decrease donations,
while lump-sum subsidies to the hospital will unambiguously crowd out
private donations.
The empirical work following the model incorporates empirical
counterparts of the exogenous and donation variables examined in the
theoretical section. Data come from (1) a time series spanning 1935-81
and (2) a single cross-section of nonprofit hospitals in 1978. The
results indicate that increased insurance coverage for hospital care,
especially the enactment of Medicare and Medicaid in the mid-1960s,
reduced giving to hospitals. The contribution of public subsidies for
construction varied, depending on whether the subsidy more closely
resembled a matching or a lump-sum subsidy.
The model consists of a single not-for-profit hospital and a single
representative donor.(2) The hospital chooses output (n) to maximize its
utility from output,(3) while the donor chooses donations (D) to
maximize utility from total hospital output and other goods (y). The
donor behaves altruistically in that he does not use hospitals himself.
The behavior of hospital patients is not explicitly modeled, although
their presence will be felt. The output and donation decisions are
interrelated since the donor likes hospital output and the level of
donations affects the hospital's budge get constraint. To untangle
the endogenous feedback effects between output and donations, the
problem is described as a two-stage sequential game. In the first stage,
the donor decides how much to donate. In the second stage, the hospital
chooses how much output to produce, given the previously-determined
level of donation.
Of course, the donor is acutely aware that the hospital's
subsequent output decision will affect his utility. We assume that the
donor correctly anticipates how the hospital will use his donation. To
incorporate this assumption into the donor's behavior, we first
solve the hospital's optimal output rule in the second stage as a
function of exogenous factors and a predetermined level of donations.
The hospital's decision rule from this stage is considered by the
donor in determining his optimal level of donations. The solution yields
as estimable reduced form donations equation.
The Hospital's Output Decision
The hospital's utility is denoted by V(n) where [V.sub.n] [is
greater than to] 0, [V.sub.nn] [is less than to] 0. In the second stage
(when donations are predetermined), the hospital chooses output to
maximize utility subject to a breakeven constraint. The hospital
receives its revenue from three sources: patients, lump-sum government
subsidies (G), and donations (D). The hospital maximizes utility subject
to a zero profit constraint:
Max V (n)
subject to
p (n,I)n + G + D - C(n) [is greater than or equal to] 0.
The inverse demand curve facing the hospital is p(*), and I is a
measure of the extent of consumers' insurance coverage. Price
increases as insurance coverage rises ([p.sub.I] [is greater than to]
0), and the demand curve for out-put is downward-sloping ([p.sub.n] [is
less than to] 0). In addition, assume that marginal revenue ([p +
p.sub.n] n) is non-increasing in n. The total cost of producing n units
of output is C(n), with [C.sub.n] [is greater than to] 0 and [C.sub.nn]
[is greater than or equal to] 0.
Solving the Lagrangian for (1) yields:
Since hospital utility increases with output, the constraint must be
binding. At the optimal level of output (n.sup.*), marginal revenue is
less than marginal cost.(4) The effects of changes in donations,
government subsidies, and insurance coverage were derived using
comparative statics analysis and are reported in Table I.
A one-dollar increase in donations or government subsidy relaxes
the budget constraint by one dollar, allowing the hospital to produce
more output. An increase in insurance coverage boosts patient
willingness-to-pay for a unit of output by [p.sub.I] with the result
that patient revenue rises by [p.sub.I] n; the hospital will increase
output to absorb this extra revenue.
To understand how exogenous changes in government subsidies and
insurance coverage affect donations, it is first necessary to determine
how these variables affect the marginal product of donations on output
[Mathematical Expression Omitted]. These comparative statics results are
also shown in Table I. A change in D or G simply has an output effect on
[Mathematical Expressions Omitted]: as D or G increases output,the
marginal revenue - marginal cost differential becomes more negative,
causing the marginal product of donations to fall. The effect of changes
in insurance coverage is different. It too has an output effect, but a
second effect of increased insurance is to boost marginal revenue.(5)
This effect will increase the marginal product of donations, since one
dollar of donations will produce more output when combined with higher
payments from patients and their insurers. Combining the effects,
insurance has an ambiguous overall effect on the marginal product of
The Donor's Decision
The donor decides how much to donate to the hospital and how much
of a composite good (y) to consume.(6) The donor's utility is given
by U(y,n), with [U.sub.y], [U.sub.n] [greater than to] 0, [U.sub.yy],
[U.sub.nn] [less than] 0, and [U.sub.yn] [is greater than or equal to]
0. Output is the same for both donor and hospital.(7) The donor's
budget constraint states that disposable income equals consumption plus
donations. For simplicity, we assume a proportional income tax and
tax-deductible donations. The donor knows that the hospital will produce
[n.sup.*] units after the donations are made. Thus the donor maximizes
utility as a function of composite good and hospital output subject to
his budget constraint.
Max U(y,[n.sup.*] (I,G,D,))
subject to
[I.sup.D] [equal to] [tau] ([I.sup.D] -D) + y + D
where [I.sup.D] is the donor's income and tau is the marginal
personal tax rate. Solving the budget constraint for y in terms of
disposable income, taxes, and donations, equation (3) may be rewritten
The first-order condition from (3') states that the marginal
utility from the composite good equals the marginal utility from
donations. Using comparative statics yields the effects of exogenous
variables on donations shown in Table II. Assuming that output is a
normal good for the donor, donations rise with pre-tax income. (The term
[-Phi] / SOC in Table II gives the effect of a one-dollar change in
after-tax income.) An increase in the marginal tax rate causes the
relative price of donations to fall, but also reduces the donor's
after-tax income, producing an ambiguous overall effect on donations.
Increased government spending decreases donations; this is the
"crowding out" effect. Although negative, the effect of
government subsidies on optimal donations ([D.sup.*.sub.G]) is between
zero and -1, indicating that an increase in government subsidies to
hospitals does not, by itself, completely crowd out an equal amount of
donations.(8) Intuitively, if G increases by one dollar, the donor could
lower donations by one dollar and the donor's utility would not
change. That leaves, however, an additional ([1 - tau]) dollars of
income which the donor would split between additional purchases of y and
The most interesting result is that increased insurance coverage
has an ambiguous effect on donations because insurance's effect on
the marginal product of donations ([n.sup.*.sub.DI]) cannot be signed
unambiguously. By providing a substitute source of revenue to the
hospital, increased coverage crowds out donations (the first term in the
result for I in Table II and part of the second term). However, it also
raises patient willingness to pay for hospital output, which lowers the
shortfall between marginal revenue and marginal cost and allows a
dollar's worth of donations to buy more output (the rest of the
second term). The patient in effect matches part of the donor's
gift. If this impact is large enough, the marginal product of donations
will increase with insurance (i.e., [n.sup.*.sub.DI] [is greater than
to] 0) and the second term in ([D.sup.*.sub.I]) will be positive. If the
second term dominates the first, increased insurance coverage would
actually stimulate, or "crowd in," donations.(10)
This result shows that increased government financing of hospital
insurance programs will not have the same effect on donations as
equivalent government lump-sum subsidies to hospitals. Under some
circumstances, in fact, expenditures which increase insurance coverage
will actually increase donations, while lump-sum subsidies will reduce
donations. The difference occurs because donations and lump-sum
subsidies to the hospital are perfect substitutes as far as the donor is
concerned. Both allow the hospital to increase output by cutting prices
to all patients. In contrast, donations and increased insurance coverage
are not perfect substitutes, since the latter allows patients to pay for
more of their care.(11)
Extensions of the Model
The basic model can be extended to incorporate other variables
which effect hospital donations. First, some of the government subsidies
available to hospitals have been matching grants instead of lump-sum
grants. The most important of these was the Hill-Burton program which
provided matching grants for hospital construction; it generally paid
one-third of construction costs on approved projects (Lave and Lave
[1974]). Matching grants provide "more bang from a buck" of
donations. Their impact can be incorporated into the model by changing D
to (1+m)D in the hospital's budget constraint in (1), where m is
the matching percentage. Total government subsidies will then equal mD +
G with the size of the matching grant depending endogenously on the
amount of donations. Like insurance coverage, an increase in the
matching percentage has an ambiguous effect on the marginal product of
donations and therefore an ambiguous effect on donations themselves. We
can definitely predict, however, that a one-dollar lump-sum subsidy will
crowd out more donations than a similar amount paid as a matching
We can also analyze the impact of hospital input prices by studying
how they affect the hospital's cost function in (1). The total
effect of an input price (w) change is the sum of a direct effect of
input prices on output ([n.sup.*.sub.w]) and the effect of the change in
w on the marginal product of donations. According to the direct effect,
an input price increase would unambiguously decrease output and hence
increase donations. However, the effect operating through the marginal
product of donations is ambig as in the case of insurance, making the
overall effect of a change in [omega] on donations ambiguous.
Finally, the donor's utility can be modified so the donor
receives utility directly from the size of his donation. This third
utility argument, which Andreoni [1987] called the "warm-glow"
effect of giving, will generally promote higher donations but will not
change the qualitative effects of the exogenous variables on donations.
In particular, increased government lump-sum subsidies will still crowd
out donations, while insurance coverage will still have an ambiguous
effect on donations.[12]
This section investigates determinants of donations to hospitals
empirically. In it we estimate donations equations using two samples, a
time series and a cross-section.
Time Series Analysis
The time series is the real value of philanthropic contributions to
the construction of health care facilities, almost all of which was for
hospitals, from 1935 through 1981. Data through 1975 come from Terenzio
[1978], who assembled the series from varied sources. We updated
Terenzio's series through 1981 using data on contributions from the
American Hospital Association's (AHA) Sources of Funding for
Construction Surveys (Mullner et al. [1981] and Mullner et al. [1983]).
Values for the dependent variable for 1970-72 were interpolated. Data
are also not available for 1936-39, 1941-44, and 1946-47. Given the
possible instability in donations in the period around World War II, we
did not interpolate values for these years. Our time series sample
contains thirty-seven observations (1935, 1940, 1945, 1948-81).
The time series analysis contains empirical counterparts to these
explanatory variables from our model: the percent of persons with
private insurance for hospital care and real Federal expenditures on
Medicare and federal-state expenditures on Medicaid are measures of
insurance (I); real Federal expenditures under the Hill-Burton hospital
construction program and the value of tax-exempt bonds issued on behalf
of hospitals are both measures of public subsidies in millions of
dollars (G); total real household wealth (I.sup.D); the marginal tax
rate faced by households with taxable incomes of $100,000 in 1984
dollars ([tau]) expressed as a percentage; and a factor price, the real
prime interest rate in percents (r). In addition, we included a variable
for the supply of potential donors, the percent of the U.S. population
over age sixty-five. Age has been used in previous empirical studies of
donations (e.g., Clotfelter [1985] and Kingma [1989]). All
monetarily-expressed variables are in 1984 (Consumer Price Index)
dollars and pertain to the U.S. as a whole.
The Hill-Burton program, in effect from 1948-78, provided matching
grants for hospital construction, mainly in smaller communities and
poorer states. To be eligible for Hill-Burton funds, projects had to be
in compliance with a state health plan and other requirements. This was
a closed-ended program. Total funding in constant dollars peaked in
1968. Tax-exempt bond financing first became available to nonprofit
hospitals in the early 1970s (Clapp and Spector [1978,295]). We measured
the total value of tax-exempt bond issues on behalf of hospitals; the
subsidy in the form of reduced personal income tax obligations is
directly proportional to the value of bonds issued. The tax variable is
for households in the $100,000 bracket because families at this income
level and above are comparatively likely to give to hospitals
(Clotfelter [1985,24]). The initial regressions also included a wage
variable, but it was highly correlated with wealth and other explanatory
Cross-Sectional Analysis
The data on donations for the cross-sectional analysis come from
the American Hospital Association's 1978 Special Hospital Topics
Survey. We limited this analysis to the 784 private nonprofit hospitals
that both responded to this survey and provided data on pertinent
explanatory variables in their response to the AHA's 1978 Annual
Survey of Hospitals and the AHA's 1979 Reimbursement Survey. Of the
hospital respondents in our sample, 89.2 percent received some donations
during the year preceding the survey.
The dependent variable is total donations received by an individual
hospital in 1978 and, alternatively, total donations per adjusted (for
out-patient output) admissions. The first dependent variable is
theoretically more appropriate in that admissions are an element of n,
but much of the variation across hospitals reflects differences in
hospital size. When total donations is the dependent variable,
explanatory variables for broad hospital bedsize categories are included
(bedsize categories are: 100-249, 250-399, and 400 and over with bedsize
under 100 being the omitted reference category).
The explanatory variable counterparts to our model are: bad debt
and charity care divided by net hospital revenue, percent of net
hospital revenue from cost-based sources, and percent of net revenue
subject to regulation by a state hospital rate-setting agency for the
insurance variable (I); personal per capita income in the
hospital's county ([I.sup.D]); state personal income taxes as a
percent of state personal income (tau); and nurse payroll per full-time
equivalent nurse employed by the hospital for the hospital wage rate
[omega]. "Net revenue" is used in the hospital industry to
refer to gross revenue less various types of discounts. The cost-based
share and rate-setting variables operate through the hospital's
inverse demand function p(*). Unfortunately, no hospital-specific
measures of government grants were available. Except for reasons of
default risk, for which we had no direct measure, interest rates do not
vary among hospitals in a single time period.
By 1977, only 9 percent of the U.S. population did not have
insurance for hospital care (Farley [1985]). Some hospitals operated in
markets with a much higher share of uninsured. Unfortunately, data by
hospital or local areas on the percent uninsured are not available for
1978. However, judging from more recent data which permit a comparison,
the amount written off by the hospital as bad debt-charity care as a
ratio to its revenue is highly and negatively correlated with the
percentage of its patients without health insurance (Sloan et al.
[1986]). Cross-sectional insurance measures are complicated by
differences in the calculation of payments. Insurers that pay cost
(Medicare, Medicaid, and some Blue Cross plans) rather than charges
obtain higher discounts from hospitals (Ginsburg and Sloan [1984]). This
is, in part, a reflection of an explicit disallowance of a payment of a
return on donated capital (Long [1976]; Conrad [1984]). Likewise
mandatory state rate-setting programs reduce hospitals' output
price (Sloan [1981]; Morrisey et al. [1983]).
As in the time-series analysis, we include a variable for the
percent of the population over sixty-five in the hospital's area.
In addition, binary variables distinguish between nonprofit hospitals
run by religious groups and secular nonprofits, hospitals located in
SMSAs versus those which are not, and teaching (member of Council of
Teaching Hospitals) versus nonteaching hospitals. The teaching variable
undoubtedly embodies some of the qualitative attributes in the weighted
output variable n. However, for practical reasons, it, like hospital
bedsize, must be considered to be exogenous in our empirical work.
Means and Standard Deviations
Means and standard deviations of the variables in the time series
and cross-section analyses are shown in Table III. [TABULAR DATA
Time Series Results
The time series results on real donations for hospital construction
DON = -4189.73(a) - 32.84INS(a) - 0.047MM(a) + 1.21HB(a) - 0.056BOND
(1452.66) (9.89) (0.014) (0.33) (0.049) +
0.0028WEALTH - 8.03 [tau] - 41.70r(b) + 628.10(b) POLD [R.sup.2] = 0.87
(0.0011) (8.87) (18.85) (245.35) D-W = 1.09
N = 37 (4)
(a) = significant at 1% (two-tail test); (b) = significant at 5%
(two-tail test).
The insurance variables, the percent of population with private
hospital insurance (INS) and real government expenditures on Medicare
and Medicaid (MM), have negative and statistically significant impacts
on private donations to hospitals in (4). The associated elasticities
evaluated at the observational means are substantial: -2.0 for INS, and
-0.5 for MM. Contributions to hospitals reached their peak in 1965 at
$2.1 billion and by 1981 had fallen to $603 million (1984 $). According
to our estimates, Medicare-Medicaid alone contributed to a $1.9 billion
drop in private giving to hospital between 1965 and 1981 and the small
growth in private coverage for hospital care (from 72 percent in 1965 to
81 percent in 1981) reduced giving by another $290 million. Thus,
changes in insurance coverage alone more than account for the
substantial drop in giving to hospitals after 1965.
Measures of government subsidies of hospital construction in (4)
are the real value of tax-exempt bonds issued through state bonding
authorities (BOND) and the real value of Hill-Burton subsidies (HB). The
real value of tax exempt bonds has a negative impact on donations,
supporting the dominance of crowding out by public subsidies, but the
coefficient lacks statistical significance at conventional levels.
Hill-Burton subsidies (HB) raised private donations, probably because it
was a matching grant. Because HB may be considered endogenous, we reran equation (10) with a dummy variable substituted for HB. The rationale
for this alternative specification of HB is that the existence of the
program itself was not endogenous to donations, but the actual amount of
the matching subsidy depended in part on the level of donations. The
results were essentially the same: there were no sign reversals and only
modest changes in the statistical significance of the estimated
parameters. The coefficient on the dummy for the Hill-Burton program was
positive and statistically significant at almost the 1 percent level.
As predicted (see Table II), household wealth has a positive and
statistically significant effect on private donations. According to our
theoretical analysis, the tax rate has an ambiguous effect on donations
(Table II). Unlike other studies of contributions based on household
data, we found that the Federal personal income tax rate on real income
of $100,000 (tau) had essentially no effect on donations. We
experimented with alternative measures of [tau]; none had a
statistically significant impact.
The real interest rate (r) has a negative impact on donations. The
effect of changes in input prices such as r cannot be deduced from the
model, but apparently the negative terms dominate.
The coefficient on the percent of population over age sixty-five
(POLD) suggests that, ceteris paribus, the aging of the U.S. population
increased private donations to hospitals. This is plausible because the
elderly probably have a greater taste for donations, which operates
through the marginal rate of substitution between n and y in the model.
In addition to this altruistic motive, they may also expect to use
hospitals more often and sooner.
The Durbin-Watson value of 1.09 is based on the 1948-69 period for
which annual, non-interpolated data are continuously available. The test
of autocorrelation falls in the uncertain range. We did not correct for
autocorrelation because autocorrelation appears to be small, and we
would have had to drop a number of observations (those for noncontinuous
years) to make this adjustment. We also examined the effects of
interpolating values for 1970-72; the coefficient on a dummy variable
for those years was insignificant and left the remaining coefficients
virtually unaffected.
Cross-Sectional Results
Table IV reports the results of the 1978 cross-sectional analysis.
Among the three insurance variables, only the hospital's bad
debt-charity burden (INDIGENT), a proxy for lack of insurance of
patients in the hospital's market area, shows a statistically
significant positive influence on donations received by the hospital.
This result adds support to the view that increased insurance coverage
crowds out private giving.
Table : TABLE IV Cross Section Regression Results
Explanatory Donations per
Variables Total Donations Adj. Admissions
INTERCEPT -1.32E6(a) -93.82(a)
(0.28E6) (25.27)
INDIGENT 3.92E6(a) 504.40(a)
(1.33E6) (131.95)
CSHARE -0.49E5 -9.28
(0.18E6) (17.86)
RATESET -0.41E5 -10.09
(0.87E5) (8.63)
STAX 1.89E6 236.54
(3.01E6) (298.06)
INC 119.98(a) 0.009(a)
(24.42) (0.002)
WAGE 15.14(b) 0.0004
(7.83) (0.0008)
POLD 2.88E6(a) 329.53(a)
(0.92E6) (89.90)
TEACH 0.78E6(a) 29.32(a)
(0.11E6) (9.04)
CHURCH -0.12E6(c) -8.27
(0.07E6) (6.47)
SMSA -0.11E6 -6.94
(0.08E6) (7.73)
BED1 5.21E3 -
(0.14E6) (-)
BED2 0.13E6 -
(0.14E6) (-)
BED3 0.26E6(c) -
(0.16E6) (-)
[R.sup.2] 0.22 0.08
F 17.14 6.31
N 784 784
Note: Standard errors are shown in parentheses.
(a) Significant at the 1% level (two-tail test).
(b) Significant at the 5% level (two-tail test).
(c) Significant at the 10% level (two-tail test).
The state tax rate on personal income (STAX) has a positive impact
on donations but with a high associated standard error. Personal per
capita income (INC) in the hospital's market (defined as the
county) has a positive influence as did wealth in the time series
regression. The annual wage the hospital paid nurses (WAGE) has a
positive sign, but the parameter estimate is statistically significant
only in the total donations regression.(13) The interest rate had a
negative effect on donations in the time series. This is not necessarily
a contradiction; different inputs could have varying effects on the
terms expressing the effect of an input price change on donations. The
result on the percent elderly in Table IV again indicates that the
elderly donate more to hospitals.
The remaining explanatory variables represent influences not
explicitly incorporated in the model. They may affect the donor's
marginal rate of substitution between donations and the composite good.
Teaching hospitals were more likely to receive donation, probably
because they had greater appeal to donors on quality grounds.
Religiously-affiliated hospitals were less likely to receive donations.
It is likely that donors contributed to hospitals through their
churches, and the hospital reported such gifts as other income rather
than as donations if and when such funds were transferred to the
Hospitals located in metropolitan areas (SMSA) were less likely to
receive much in the form of donations. One explanation is that a
donor's marginal utility from increasing the output of an
individual hospital is higher when there is only one (or a few) hospital
in the area.(14)
There has been substantial growth in insurance coverage for
hospital care, both private and public. The conventional wisdom among
industry experts is that growth of insurance crowds out private giving
to hospitals. This view runs parallel to results of studies of the
effects of public subsidies on private giving to nonprofit organizations
in general. The comparative statics analysis in this paper suggests that
increased insurance coverage may or may not crowd out private donations
to hospitals. The effect of insurance is qualitatively different from
the effect of a lump-sum subsidy. The time series and cross-sectional
results indicate that increased insurance coverage does crowd out
private giving.
The effect of public subsidies of hospital capital on private
donations to hospitals depends on how the subsidy is structured. While
the program existed, Hill-Burton grants stimulated private donations.
This result is not surprising since recipient hospitals had to match
Hill-Burton subsidies with private funds. Tax-exempt bonds became
available to hospitals on a widespread basis about the time the
Hill-Burton program ended and the percent of the U.S. population with
hospital insurance reached its peak. By providing a low cost substitute
for private donations, tax-exempt bonds may have further reduced
hospital donations. Our conclusion on the score is tempered by the fact
that the coefficient on the tax-exempt bond variable is not
statistically significant at conventional levels.
Increased affluence of the population made potential donors more
willing to give to hospitals as did a higher proportion of elderly
persons. However, we were unable to theoretically determine the
direction of the effect of changes in marginal income tax rates. This
plausibly accounts for the inconclusive findings on marginal tax rates,
both in the time series and in the cross section.
Previous estimates of the price elasticity of charitable
contributions, based on variations in marginal tax rates, indicate that
donations rise with increases in marginal rates. (See, for example,
Boskin and Feldstein [1977]; Clotfelter [1985]; Feldstein [1975];
Feldstein and Taylor [1976]; and Reece [1979]). Such work was based on
microdata from donors. This paper's results by contrast do not
suggest that the secular decline in marginal personal income tax rates
has contributed to the demise of hospital philanthropy.
Does the demise of hospital philanthropy mean the demise of the
nonprofit hospital? It appears that the nonprofit hospital continues to
exist even with trivial amounts of private donations. The private
nonprofit hospital remains the dominant ownership form in this sector. A
substantial body of research documents the competitive advantages of
nonprofit hospitals. Lave and Lave [1974], for example, demonstrate that
the Hill-Burton program was somewhat effective in restricting
investor-owned hospital entry into the 1946-70 market. McCarthy and Kass
[1983] argue that state certificate of need laws (CON) restricted entry
of investor-owned hospitals into many local markets. Sloan et al. [1987]
show that the ability to offer tax-exempt debt reduced the cost of debt
for nonprofit hospitals by over one percentage point, controlling for
hospital risk and characteristics of the debt. The elimination of the
Hill-Burton program in 1978, the expiration of federal statutes
requiring states to have certificate of need laws, and recent proposals
to drastically cut back on the access nonprofit hospitals have to
tax-exempt debt, however, all represent threats to the private nonprofit
hospital's market share.
( 1.) Data come from the time series described below in section
( 2.) By assuming one donor and one hospital, we do not consider
the free rider problem that might arise with more than one donor. Nor do
we assess entry of charities. In Rose-Ackerman [1982], charities compete
for funds by expending resources on donor solicitation. Her model
predicts that, in the absence of entry barriers, the fundraising share
of the marginal charity approaches one.
( 3.) In previous work, some models of nonprofit hospitals have had
hospital quantity and quality as arguments in the hospital's
utility function (see, for example, Newhouse [1970], and Feldstein
[1977]). Such hospitals maximize utility subject to a breakeven
constraint. The focus of such work is on the hospital's
quantity-quality tradeoff. Given our focus, the cost of added complexity
of separating quantity and quality outweighs any benefit in terms of
added "realism." In our model, more quantity is consistent
with higher quality.
( 4.) Of course, a for-profit hospital would stop production where
marginal revenue equals marginal cost. Donors are unlikely to contribute
to for-profit hospitals since the donations simply increase profits
without increasing output.
( 5.) Theoretically, it is possible that an increase in insurance
coverage would cause patient demand to increase and marginal revenue to
decrease at some levels of output. We assume that the more plausible
case holds: increased insurance coverage causes patient demand to shift
upward so that marginal revenue also rises at every output level.
( 6.) Our assumption differs from the assumption in typical models
of altruism that the altruist receives utility from total expenditures
on the public good. The assumptions are equivalent if the price and cost
of the public good are constant; that is, a one-dollar increase in
expenditures will always have the same marginal effect on output. In our
model, where inverse demand falls and marginal cost may rise as output
increases, an additional dollar of donations produces less additional
output as output increases.
( 7.) Rose-Ackerman [1987] considered a "buying in"
effect in addition to a substitution effect, which is part of our model
of donor behavior. By "buying in," she meant that a
dollar's donation may produce more donor satisfaction if the
recipient institution already has a high quality or output. But even
with buying in, the substitution effect dominated "buying in"
in her model in equilibrium. Our substitution effect is discussed below.
( 8.) This can be seen by rearranging the two negative terms in
Table II so that [MATHEMATICAL EXPRESSION OMITTED] [is equal to] -1 plus
the income effect.
( 9.) Recent criticisms of models of altruism have focused on the
possibility that a one-dollar increase in government spending on a
public good financed by a one-dollar increase in taxes will completely
crowd out one dollar of private donations for the public good (see, for
example, Margolis [1982]; Roberts [1984]; Bernheim [1986]; Bergstrom et
al. [1986]; and Andreoni [1987]). In the typical model of altruism, it
is easily shown that if the government levies a one-dollar lump-sum tax
on a donor and then spends the proceeds on the public good, the
donor's contributions will decrease by a dollar. Complete crowding
out occurs because the lump-sum tax and subsidy leaves the donor's
budget constraint unchanged. Bernheim [1986] and Andreoni [1987]
extended the argument to show that if the price of donations is
distorted through tax deductions, direct government subsidies for the
public good will still completely crowd out private donations if they
are financed by equal taxes on the donor.
Andreoni maintained that pure altruism cannot explain charitable
giving in the U.S. where massive increases in government spending have
not completely crowded out private giving. He proposed a model in which
donors receive utility from the act of giving itself, as well as the
overall level of spending on the public good. In the presence of this
"warmglow" effect, complete crowding out does not occur.
If our model is expanded to include lump-sum taxes, increases in G
financed by lump-sum taxes borne only by the donor will completely crowd
out donations. Because taxes are spread across both donors and nondonors
and increases in government subsidies to hospitals are not necessarily
accompanied by matching increases in taxes, we are primarily interested
in the partial effects of G and tax rates separately.
(10.) This result has clear implications for the argument that
subsidies for public goods which are financed by matching lump-sum taxes
will completely crowd out private giving. Suppose that government
imposes a one-dollar lump-sum tax on the donor. If y is a normal good, D
will fall by less than a dollar as a result of the tax. If the
government then spends one dollar to increase insurance coverage
(through Medicare or Medicaid) and [MATHEMATICAL EXPRESSION OMITTED]
[greater than] 0, complete crowding out will not occur.
(11.) Since donors care about total output and not simply total
hospital expenditures, they may be better off if government expenditures
are funneled into insurance coverage, particularly if the insurance
coverage is targeted to individuals who could not otherwise afford
hospital care. We assume that information problems such as adverse
selection prevent donors from giving donations directly to the poor.
People desiring a subsidy may just claim they are poor to elicit the
subsidy. In practice, the government may be better able to identify
individuals who need public insurance coverage. Rose-Ackerman [1981] and
Kingma [1989] discuss crowding out issues when donations to charitable
organizations and government expenditures are imperfect substitutes.
(12.) However, the degree of crowding out caused by increased G
will be less complete, and increased insurance coverage will be more
likely to crowd in donations.
(13). This is not an artifact of area cost of living differences.
In earlier runs we adjusted all monetary variables by a state cost of
living index. The results were essentially unchanged.
(14). Fama and Jensen [1983] argued that donations decisions are
partly guided by the extent to which the philanthropist can have
confidence that the donated funds will not be misused. The nonprofit
organizational form was seen as a mechanism to avoid donor-residual
claimant conflicts. Residuals can be appropriated by internal agents,
however. Thus, Fama and Jensen asserted that nonprofit firms will
separate management - initiation and implementation - from control -
ratification and monitoring. Specifically, they hypothesize that
nonprofit boards will include few, if any, internal agents as voting
To investigate the importance of board composition to giving, we
experimented with two variables in preliminary work; a binary variable
equal to one if the chief executive officer of the hospital also was
chairman of the hospital board; and medical staff board members as a
percent of total hospital board members. Administration (Sloan [1980]]
and the medical staff (Pauly and Redisch [1973]) are often characterized
as de facto hospital residual claimants. Using ordinary least squares,
neither variable showed an impact on donations.
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