Disentangling the channels of the 2007-09 recession.
Stock, James H. ; Watson, Mark W.
ABSTRACT This paper examines the macroeconomic dynamics of the
2007-09 recession in the United States and the subsequent slow recovery.
Using a dynamic factor model with 200 variables, we reach three main
conclusions. First, although many of the events of the 2007-09 collapse
were unprecedented, their net effect was to produce macro shocks that
were larger versions of shocks previously experienced, to which the
economy responded in a historically predictable way. Second, the shocks
that produced the recession were primarily associated with financial
disruptions and heightened uncertainty, although oil shocks played a
role in the initial slowdown, and subsequent drag was added by
effectively tight conventional monetary policy arising from the zero
lower bound. Third, although the slow nature of the recovery is partly
due to the shocks of this recession, most of the slow recovery in
employment, and nearly all of the slow recovery in output, is due to a
secular slowdown in trend labor force growth.
The recession that began in the fourth quarter of 2007 was
unprecedented in the postwar United States for its severity and
duration. Following the cyclical peak of 2007Q4, real GDP dropped by 5.1
percent and nearly 8.8 million jobs were lost. According to the most
recent data revisions, that peak in GDP was not reattained until 15
quarters later, in 2011Q3, and as of this writing in April 2012 only 3.7
million jobs have been regained. All this suggests that the 2007-09
recession and subsequent recovery were qualitatively, as well as
quantitatively, different from previous postwar recessions. The
recession also seems unprecedented in its precipitating sources: the
first persistent nationwide decline in real estate values since World
War II, a financial sector that was unusually vulnerable because of
recent deregulation and little-understood derivatives, and a collapse in
lending that also dampened the recovery. (1)
This paper takes an empirical look at this recession and recovery,
with an eye toward quantifying the extent to which this recession
differs from previous postwar recessions, the contributions of various
shocks to the recession, and the reasons for the slow recovery. More
specifically, we consider three questions. First, beyond its severity,
how did this recession differ from previous postwar recessions? Second,
what were the economic shocks that triggered this recession, and what
were their quantitative contributions to the collapse of economic
activity? Third, to what extent does the current "jobless"
recovery constitute a puzzle, something out of line with historical
patterns and thus requiring a new explanation? (2)
The organizing framework for our analysis of these three questions
is a high-dimensional dynamic factor model (DFM). Like a vector
autoregression (VAR), a DFM is a linear time-series model in which
economic shocks drive the comovements of the variables; the main
difference between a DFM and a VAR is that the number of shocks does not
increase with the number of series. Also as in a VAR, some properties,
such as stability and forecasts, can be studied using a "reduced
form" DFM that does not require identifying factors or structural
shocks; however, attributing movements in economic variables to specific
economic shocks requires identifying those shocks as in structural VAR
Our empirical model has 200 macroeconomic variables driven by six
macro factors. These six factors drive the macro comovements of all the
variables. Shocks that affect only a handful of series, such as a
sectoral demand shock that affects a small number of employment and
production series, would not surface as a macro factor but would instead
imply idiosyncratic variation in those series. Using this model, we can
address the question of whether the 2007-09 recession was characterized
by a new type of shock by examining whether that recession is associated
with new factors.
Our three main findings follow the three questions posed above.
First, a combination of visual inspection and formal tests of a DFM
estimated through 2007Q3 suggests that the same six factors that
explained previous postwar recessions also explain the 2007-09
recession: no new "financial crisis" factor is needed.
Moreover, the response of the macro variables to these "old"
factors is, in most cases, the same as it was in earlier recessions.
Within the context of our model, the recession was associated with
exceptionally large movements in these "old" factors, to which
the economy responded predictably given historical experience. Of
course, this recession did have new and unprecedented failures of the
financial plumbing (for example, the fall of the global investment bank
Lehman Brothers) as well as novel, aggressive policy responses (such as
the Troubled Asset Relief Program, or TARE and the Federal
Reserve's various facilities); our results suggest, however, that
these failures and responses did not have qualitatively different net
effects on the macroeconomy than did past disturbances--just larger
ones. What the results here suggest is that the shocks arising from
these extraordinary events had ordinary impacts: from a macro
perspective these shocks had the same effect as previously observed
shocks, so the shocks surface in our model as large movements in the
"old" factors.
Second, identifying what, precisely, these large economic shocks
were requires an exercise similar to structural VAR identification. We
consider six shocks: to oil markets, monetary policy, productivity,
uncertainty, liquidity and financial risk, and fiscal policy. We
identify these shocks using a novel method in which we treat shocks
constructed elsewhere in the literature as instrumental variables; for
example, one of the three instruments we use to identify the oil shock
is Lutz Kilian's (2008a) series on strife-driven OPEC oil
production shortfalls. In all, we have 17 such external instruments with
which to estimate our six shocks. The results of this exercise are
mixed, in large part because the instruments produce estimates of
purportedly different shocks that are correlated. In particular, the
uncertainty shocks and the shocks to liquidity and financial risk are
highly correlated, which makes their separate interpretation
problematic. Despite these drawbacks, the structural analysis is
consistent with the recession being caused by initial oil price shocks
followed by large financial and uncertainty shocks.
Third, focusing on the recovery following the 2009Q2 trough, we
estimate that slightly less than half of the difference between the
recovery in employment since 2009Q2 and the average for recoveries
between 1960 and 1982 is attributable to cyclical factors (the shocks,
or factors, during the recession). Instead, most of the slowness of the
recovery is attributable to a long-term slowdown in trend employment
growth. Indeed, that slowdown has been dramatic: according to our
estimates, trend annual employment growth slowed from 2.4 percent in
1965 to 0.9 percent in 2005. The explanation for this declining trend
growth rate that we find most compelling rests on changes in underlying
demographic factors, primarily the plateau in the female labor force
participation rate (after a sharp rise during the 1970s through the
1990s) and the aging of the workforce. Because the net change in trend
productivity growth over this period is small, this slower trend growth
in employment translates into slower trend GDP growth. These demographic
changes imply continued low or even declining trend growth rates in
employment, which in turn suggest that future recessions will be deeper
and longer, and will have slower recoveries, than has been the case
A vast number of papers examine the financial crisis, but
relatively few tackle the empirical macro issues discussed here. Some
related papers that look at aspects of the problem of shocks and their
propagation include Martin Lettau and Sydney Ludvigson (2011) on
permanent wealth shocks; the related paper by John Campbell, Stefano
Giglio, and Christopher Polk (2010) on reasons for the stock market
collapse; Simon Gilchrist, V. Yankov, and Egon Zakrajsek (2011) on
credit spreads and their role as measures of financial distress in this
and previous recessions; and Robert Hall (2011, 2012) on the postcrisis
dynamics. Oscar Jorda, Moritz Schularick, and Alan Taylor (2011) and
Michael Bordo and Joseph Haubrich (2011) look at the relationship
between the depth and the duration of recessions with a focus on whether
financial crises are exceptional and reach opposite conclusions. We are
not aware of a comprehensive treatment along the lines discussed here,
Section I of the paper describes the DFM and the data set. Section
II presents a counterfactual exercise, examining how well the historical
shocks and model do at predicting the 2007Q4-2011 experience, along with
stability tests. Section III discusses identification of the structural
shocks and provides empirical analysis of the identified shocks. Section
IV focuses on the slow recovery, and section V concludes. Detailed data
description and additional empirical results are contained in the online
appendix. (3)
I. Empirical Methods and Data
We begin by describing our empirical methods and the data used in
the analysis.
I.A. Empirical Methods
Dynamic factor models capture the notion that the macroeconomy is
driven by a handful of unobserved macro shocks. There is considerable
empirical evidence that a DFM with a small number of factors describes
the comovements of macroeconomic time series (see, for example, Sargent
and Sims 1977, Giannone, Reichlin, and Sala 2004). Thomas Sargent (1989)
and Jean Boivin and Marc Giannoni (2010) develop this idea formally,
starting from a dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model in which
the driving variables are observed with measurement error. There is now
a rich set of econometric methods for inference in DFMs (see Stock and
Watson 2011 for a survey). Applications of these methods include
forecasting (see Eickmeier and Ziegler 2008) and the factor-augmented
vector autoregression (FAVAR) method of Ben Bernanke, Boivin, and Piotr
Eliasz (2005).
Because the comovements of the observed series stem from the
factors, it is not necessary to model directly the dynamics among
observed variables; this avoids the proliferation of coefficients found
in VARs. Because a DFM has relatively few factors compared with the
number of observed variables, it allows a tractable simultaneous
empirical analysis of very many variables in a single, internally
consistent framework.
THE DYNAMIC FACTOR MODEL Let [X.sub.t] = ([X.sub.1t], ...,
[X.sub.nt])' denote a vector of n macroeconomic time series
observed over periods t = 1, ..., T, where [X.sub.it], is a single time
series, where all series have been transformed to be stationary and to
have a mean of zero (details below), and let [F.sub.t] denote the vector
of r unobserved factors. The DFM expresses each of the n time series as
a component driven by the factors, plus an idiosyncratic disturbance
term [e.sub.it]:
(1) [X.sub.t] = [LAMBDA][F.sub.t] + [e.sub.t],
where [e.sub.t] = ([e.sub.1t], ..., [e.sub.nt])' and [LAMBDA]
is an n x r matrix of coefficients called the factor loadings. The term
[LAMBDA][F.sub.t] is called the "common component" of
The factors are modeled as evolving according to a VAR:
(2) [PHI](L)[F.sub.t] = [[eta].sub.t],
where [PHI](L) is an r x r matrix of lag polynomials and
[[eta].sub.t], is an r x 1 vector of innovations. (4) Because the factor
VAR in equation 2 is assumed to be stationary, [F.sub.t] has the
moving-average representation [F.sub.t] = [PHI][(L).sup.-1]
[[eta].sub.t]. The idiosyncratic errors [e.sub.t] can be serially
correlated, but the methods used here do not require a parametric model of the [e.sub.t] dynamics.
high-dimensional DFM modeling practical is that if the number of series
n is large, the factors can be estimated by suitable cross-sectional
averaging. This is most easily seen in the special case of a single
factor with a nonzero cross-sectional average value of the factor
loadings. Let [[bar.X].sub.t] denote the cross-sectional average of the
variables at date t, [[bar.X].sub.t] = [n.sup.-1]
[[summation].sup.n.sub.i=1] [X.sub.it] and similarly let [bar.[LAMBDA]]
and [[bar.e].sub.t] respectively denote the cross-sectional average
factor loading and the cross-sectional average of the idiosyncratic
term. By equation 1, the cross-sectional average of the data satisfies
[[bar.X].sub.t] = [bar.[LAMBDA]] [F.sub.t] + [[bar.e].sub.t]. But by
assumption the idiosyncratic terms are only weakly correlated, so by the
weak law of large numbers, [[bar.e].sub.t] tends to zero as the number
of series increases. Thus, when n is large, [[bar.X].sub.t] consistently
estimates [bar.[LAMBDA]] [F.sub.t]; that is, [[bar.X].sub.t] estimates
the factor up to scale and sign. In this special case, picking the
arbitrary normalization [bar.[LAMBDA]] = 1 yields the estimated factor
time series, [[??].sub.t], and the individual factor loadings can be
estimated by regressing each [X.sub.it] on [[??].sub.t]. If in fact
there is a single-factor structure and n is sufficiently large,
[[??].sub.t] estimates [F.sub.t] precisely enough that [[??].sub.t] can
be treated as data without a "generated regressor" problem
(Bai and Ng 2006).
With multiple factors and general factor loadings, this simple
cross-sectional averaging does not produce a consistent estimate of the
factors, but the idea can be generalized using principal components
analysis (Stock and Watson 2002). We use principal components here to
estimate the factors; details are discussed in section I.D.
The principal components estimator of the factors consistently
estimates [F.sub.t] up to premultiplication by an arbitrary nonsingular
r x r matrix (the analogue of [bar.[LAMBDA]] in the single-factor
example); that is, the principal components estimator consistently
estimates not the factors, but rather the space spanned by the factors
when n and T are large. This means that the principal components
estimator of [F.sub.t] has a normalization problem, which is
"solved" by the arbitrary restriction that
[LAMBDA]'[LAMBDA] = [I.sub.r], the r x r identity matrix. This
arbitrary normalization means that the individual factors do not have a
direct economic interpretation (such as an "oil factor"). The
analysis in sections II and IV works with the reduced-form DFM in
equations 1 and 2, so for that analysis this normalization is
inconsequential. The analysis in section III requires identification of
specific economic shocks, and our identification procedure is discussed
I.B. The Data and Preliminary Transformations
The data set consists of quarterly observations from 1959Q1 through
2011 Q2 on 200 U.S. macroeconomic time series (vintage November 2011).
The series are grouped into 13 categories: variables from the national
income and product accounts (NIPA; 21 series); industrial production
(13); employment and unemployment (46); housing starts (8); inventories,
orders, and sales (8); prices (39); earnings and productivity (13);
interest rates and spreads (18); money and credit (12); stock prices and
wealth (11); housing prices (3); exchange rates (6); and other (2).
The series were subjected to a preliminary screen for outliers and
then transformed as needed to induce stationarity. The transformation
used depends on the category of the series. Real activity variables were
transformed to quarterly growth rates (first differences of logs),
prices and wages were transformed to quarterly changes of quarterly
inflation (second differences of logs), interest rates were transformed
to first differences, and interest rate spreads appear in levels. The
200 series and their transformations are listed in the online appendix.
I.C Local Means and Detrending
All series were detrended to eliminate very low frequency
variation. Specifically, after transforming the series to stationarity,
we calculated the deviations of each series from a local mean estimated
using a biweight kernel with a bandwidth of 100 quarters. These local
means are approximately the same as those computed as the average of the
transformed data over a centered moving window of [+ or -]30 quarters,
except that the former are less noisy because they avoid the sharp
cutoff of a moving window. (5) We refer to the local mean as the trend
in the series, although it is important to note that these are trends in
transformed series; for example, for GDP the estimated trend is the
local mean value of GDP growth.
For some series, the values of these trends (that is, local means)
change substantially over the 1959-2011 period. Figure 1 plots the
quarterly growth rates of GDP, employment, employee-hours, and labor
productivity, along with their trends. We estimate the trend GDP growth
rate to have fallen 1.2 percentage points, from 3.7 percent per year in
1965 to 2.5 percent per year in 2005, (6) and the trend annual
employment growth rate to have fallen by 1.5 percentage points, from 2.4
percent in 1965 to 0.9 percent in 2005. On the other hand, trend
productivity (output per hour) has recovered from the productivity
slowdown of the 1970s and 1980s and shows essentially no net change over
this period. These trends are discussed further in section V.
I.D. Estimation Details
The data set contains both high-level aggregates and disaggregated components. To avoid double counting, in these cases only the
disaggregated components were used to estimate the factors; for example,
durables consumption, nondurables consumption, and services consumption
were used to estimate the factors, but total consumption was not. Of the
200 series, 132 were used to estimate the factors; these are listed in
the online appendix. No top-level macroeconomic aggregates (including
GDR consumption, investment, total employment, and the total
unemployment rate) were used to estimate the factors.
Using these 132 series, we estimated the factor loadings A by
principal components over 1959-2007Q3. These pre-2007Q4 factor loadings
were then used to estimate the six linear combinations of [X.sub.t] over
the full 1959Q 1-2011 Q2 sample, which correspond to the estimated
factors. For the 1959Q 1-2007Q3 sample, these are the principal
components of the factors; for the post-2007Q3 period, these are the
pre-2007Q4 principal components factors, extended through the
2007Q4-2011Q2 sample. We refer to these six factors as the
"old" factors because they are the factors for the
"old" (pre-2007Q4) DFM, extended beyond 2007Q3. (7) These
"old" factors are used throughout the paper; with the single
exception of a sensitivity check in section II.B, the "old"
DFM coefficients, estimated over 1959-2007Q3, are also used throughout.
The DFM is estimated with six factors, a choice consistent with
Bai-Ng (2002) tests for the number of factors, visual inspection of the
scree plot, and the number of distinct structural shocks we examine in
section IV. (9) As discussed below and shown in the online appendix, our
main results are not very sensitive to varying the number of factors
over a reasonable range.
II. A Structural Break in 2007Q4?
This section investigates the extent to which the 2007-09 recession
exhibited new macrodynamics relative to the 1959Q1-2007Q3 experience.
This analysis has three parts. First, we examine whether the factors in
the 2007-09 recession were new or, alternatively, were combinations of
"old" factors seen in previous recessions. Second, to the
extent that at least some of the shocks have historical precedents, we
examine whether these "old" factors have different dynamic
impacts before 2007Q4 than in 2007Q4-2011. Third, we examine the
volatility of these "old" factors over the recession. The
analysis in this section uses the reduced-form factors and does not
require identifying individual structural shocks.
II.A. Post-2007 Simulation Using the Pre-2007 DFM
We begin by considering the following experiment: suppose a
forecaster in 2007Q3 had in hand our six-factor, 200-variable DFM
estimated using data through 2007Q3 and was magically given a sneak
preview of the six "old" factors (but only those six factors)
from 2007Q4 through 2011Q2. Using the pre-2007Q4 model and the
post-2007Q3 values of the old factors, this hypothetical forecaster
computes predicted values for all 200 series in our data set. How well
would these predicted values track the actuals over the recession and
recovery? If there were an important new factor not seen in the
1959-2007Q3 data--say, a seventh, "financial crisis"
factor--that factor would end up in the error term, and the fraction of
the variation in the 200 macro variables explained by the
"old" factors would be lower after 2007Q4 than before.
Similarly, if the "old" factors had new effects--that is, if
their factor loadings changed--then again the [R.sup.2]s computed using
the pre-2007Q4 factor loadings would drop.
The results of this exercise are summarized in figure 2 and in
tables 1 and 2. Figure 2 plots the common components as predicted using
the "old" model and factors (computed as described in footnote 7), along with actual values, for 24 selected time series from 2000Q1
through 2011Q2. For activity variables and inflation, the figure plots
the 4-quarter growth rate (that is, the annualized 4-quarter average of
quarterly growth) to smooth over quarterly measurement error, whereas
for financial variables the figure plots quarterly changes or levels to
provide a better picture of the financial market volatility of 2008-09.
Table 1 summarizes the patterns observed in figure 2 by reporting
the [R.sup.2]s of the common components of the 24 selected series,
computed over various subsamples: two split-sample periods and the
15-quarter stretches following all postwar cyclical peaks. These
[R.sup.2]s are computed imposing a zero intercept and unit slope on the
old model/old factors predicted values over the indicated subsample and
thus cannot exceed 1 but can be negative. (10) The [R.sup.2]s in table 1
all pertain to quarterly values, transformed as described in section
I.B, whereas, as already noted, some plots in figure 2 are 4-quarter
The results in figure 2 and table 1 suggest that knowledge of the
historical DFM and future values of the "old" factors explains
most--for some series, nearly all--of the movements in most of the 200
macroeconomic time series. The predicted values in figure 2 capture the
initially slow decline in early 2008, the sharp decline during
2008Q4-2009, the prolonged trough, and the muted recovery since 2010 in
GDP, total consumption, nonresidential fixed investment, industrial
production, employment, and the unemployment rate. The pre-2007Q4 model
and historical factors predict the prolonged, accelerating decline of
housing starts, although the anemic recovery of housing is slightly
overpredicted. Given these factors, there are no major surprises in
overall inflation or even energy price inflation. The historical factors
even explain the general pattern of interest rate spreads (the TED
spread and the Gilchrist-Zakrajsek excess bond premium spread, from
Gilchrist and Zakrajsek forthcoming), the bear market in stocks, and the
sharp rise in uncertainty as measured by the VIX, and even the sharp
decline and recovery of lending standards reported in the Federal
Reserve's Senior Loan Officer Opinion Survey. The DFM correctly
predicts the decline in commercial and industrial loans during the early
part of the recession, although it underpredicts the depth of their
contraction and their long delay in recovering. (11) These qualitative
impressions from figure 2 are confirmed quantitatively by the [R.sup.2]s
in table 1. For these series, the post-2007Q3 [R.sup.2]s are well within
the range of [R.sup.2]s for previous recessions. The post-2007Q3
[R.sup.2] for GDP growth is somewhat lower than in previous episodes
because the DFM misses some high-frequency variation, but as seen from
the first panel of figure 2, the year-over-year match is very strong. On
the other hand, for some series (among those in table 1, consumption of
services, personal consumption expenditures inflation, and the VIX), the
post-2007Q4 [R.sup.2]s are substantially greater than their historical
averages. One interpretation of this improved fit during 2007Q4-2011 is
that the movements in the common component of these series, computed
using the pre-2007Q4 factors, were so large during this recession that
the fraction of the variation it explains increased.
A few series are less well explained by the historical factors.
Most notably, the model predicts a larger decline in the federal funds
rate than occurred, but this is unsurprising because the model is linear
and lacks a zero lower bound; we return to this point below. The model
also confirms that the Federal Reserve's expansion of reserves was
unprecedented. Although the historical factors predict home prices in
2007Q4-2011 as well as in previous recessions, they do not fully explain
the boom in home prices in 2004-06, and they slightly underpredict the
speed of their crash.
Table 2 summarizes the subsample [R.sup.2]s for all 200 series, by
series category (the online appendix reports results corresponding to
those in figure 2 and table 1 for all series). For most categories the
median [R.sup.2] over the period since 2007Q4 is comparable to or
greater than that in previous recessions and recoveries. The only
categories for which the predicted and actual paths diverge systematically are earnings and productivity, interest rates, and money
and credit. The divergence in interest rates is due mainly to problems
relating to the zero lower bound, not to failures to match liquidity
spikes in the spreads, and the divergence in money and credit is
associated with the unprecedented expansion of monetary aggregates.
Closer inspection of the divergence in earnings and productivity
suggests that it does not reflect breaks associated with this recession
compared with the two other post-1984 recessions. (12)
II.B. Tests for a Break in the Factor Loadings, 2007Q4-2011
The results in the previous subsection suggest that the DFM did not
suffer a structural break or regime shift in the 2007-09 recession. We
now turn to two tests of this hypothesis.
The first test is of the hypothesis that the factor loadings are
constant, against the alternative that they suffered a break in
2007Q4-2011. We do this using Donald Andrews' (2003) test for
end-of-sample instability. (13) As discussed above, there is evidence of
a break in 1984Q1 in a substantial fraction of the factor loadings. We
therefore consider two versions of the Andrews (2003) test, one testing
the hypothesis of stability of a break in 2007Q4 relative to the
1959Q1-2007Q3 values of the loadings, and the other testing for a break
in 2007Q4 relative to the values of the loadings over 1984Q1-2007Q3.
Rejection rates of this test for a break in 2007Q4 at the 5 percent
level are summarized by series category in table 3. When the post-2007
values are compared with the full-sample factor loadings, the hypothesis
is rejected at the 5 percent level for 15 percent of all series, and for
12 percent when the comparison is with the 1984Q1-2007Q3 factor loadings
(final column of table 3). This slightly higher rejection rate for the
tests against the full pre-2007Q4 sample is consistent with a break in
the factor loadings in 1984Q1 as found in Stock and Watson (2009).
When evaluated against the 1984Q1-2007Q3 loadings, all but a
handful of rejections are concentrated in three areas: commodity and
materials producer price inflation indexes, the durational composition
of unemployment, and monetary aggregates. Some examples are shown in
figure 2 (see the panels for long-term unemployment and the monetary
base). The small number of rejections provides little evidence of a
systematic or widespread break in the factor loadings in 2007Q4,
relative to their Great Moderation values.
As a second test, we examine evidence for a new factor by testing
whether the idiosyncratic disturbances, computed relative to the
pre-2007Q4 factors, show unusual evidence of common structure in the
current recession. Specifically, we used the pre-2007Q4 factors to
compute the vector of idiosyncratic disturbances for the 8 quarters
starting with 2007Q4 (in the notation of footnote 7, this vector is
second-moment matrix of these disturbances has rank 8, and the ratio of
the first eigenvalue of this matrix to the sum of all eight nonzero
eigenvalues is a measure of the correlation among the idiosyncratic
disturbances during these 8 quarters. A new common factor would produce
an unusually large value of this ratio. It turns out that this
eigenvalue ratio following 2007Q3 is less than it was during the
recessions that began in 1960Q2 and 1973Q4. The p value testing the
hypothesis that this ratio is the same as its pre-2007Q4 mean, computed
by subsampling consecutive 8-quarter periods, is 0.59. Modifying the
subsampling test to examine the 15 quarters starting with 2007Q4 yields
a p value of 0.90. This test therefore provides no evidence of a missing
II.C Increased Variance of Factors
The findings of sections II.A and II.B suggest that the severity of
the 2007-09 recession was associated with large unexpected movements in
the factors, not with some new factor or with changes in macroeconomic
dynamics (changes in coefficients). Indeed, the factors were highly
volatile over this period. Table 4 summarizes the standard deviations of
selected variables over the pre-1984 period, the Great Moderation
period, and the post-2004 period, along with the standard deviations of
their factor components computed using pre-2007Q3 coefficients and the
"old" factors. For these (and other) macroeconomic aggregates,
volatility since 2004 has returned to or exceeds pre-Great Moderation
levels. As the fight-hand panel of table 4 shows, this increased
volatility is associated with increased volatility of the factor
components, which (because the coefficients are constant) derives from
increased volatility of the factors themselves.
Table 5 takes a closer look at the factor innovations over this
period. Because the factors are identified by the arbitrary
normalization of principal components analysis, the innovations to
individual factors are hard to interpret. Table 5 therefore examines
linear combinations of the factor innovations determined by the factor
loadings for various macroeconomic variables, so that the table entries
are the innovations in the common component, by series, by quarter, from
2007Q1 through 2011Q2, reported in standard deviation units. (14) Among
the series in table 5, the factor component of oil prices experienced a
moderate positive standardized innovation in 2007Q1, then a large
positive standardized innovation in 2008Q2 (1.7 and 3.4 standard
deviations, respectively), and the TED spread, the VIX, and housing
starts experienced large innovations in 2008Q3, then extremely large
(approximately 8 standard deviations) innovations in 2008Q4. Oil prices
experienced a very large negative factor innovation in 2008Q4, then
large positive innovations in the next three quarters. Throughout
2007Q4-2009Q1, the factor component innovations for the real variables
were moderate by comparison and were generally within the range of
pre-2007Q4 experience. By 2009Q4, all the innovations had returned to
their normal range, which is consistent both with the large economic
shocks having passed and with the pre-2007Q4 model coefficients
continuing to describe the macrodynamics.
The picture of the recession that emerges from table 5 is one of
increases in oil prices through the first part of the recession,
followed in the fall of 2008 by financial sector volatility, a housing
construction crash, heightened uncertainty, and a sharp unexpected drop
in wealth. Notably, there are few large surprise movements in the common
components of the real variables, given the factors through the previous
II.D. Discussion
The results of this section suggest three main findings. First,
there is little evidence of a new factor associated with the 2007-09
recession and its aftermath; rather, the factors associated with that
recession are those associated with previous recessions and with
economic fluctuations more generally from 1959 through 2007Q3. Second,
for most of the series in our data set and in particular for the main
activity measures, the response to these "old" factors seems
to have been the same after 2007Q4 as before. Third, there were large
innovations in these "old" factors during the recession,
especially in the fall of 2008.
We believe that the most natural interpretation of these three
findings is that the 2007-09 recession was the result of one or more
large shocks, that these shocks were simply larger versions of ones that
had been seen before, and that the response of macroeconomic variables
to these shocks was almost entirely in line with historical experience.
The few series for which behavior departed from historical patterns have
straightforward explanations; in particular, the DFM predicts negative
interest rates because it does not impose a zero lower bound, and the
DFM does not predict the Federal Reserve's quantitative easing.
This interpretation comes with caveats. First, the stability tests
in section II.B are based on 15 post-2007Q3 observations, so their power
could be low; however, the plots in figure 2 and the [R.sup.2]s in
tables 1 and 2 provide little reason to suspect systematic instability
that is missed by the formal tests.
Second, although the results concern the factors and their
innovations, our interpretation shifts from factor innovations to
shocks. A new shock that induced a new pattern of macrodynamics would
surface in our DFM as a new factor, but we find no evidence of a missing
or new factor. However, the possibility remains that there was a new
shock in 2007Q4 that has the same effect on the factors as previously
observed shocks. Indeed, at some level this must be so: the Lehman
collapse was unprecedented and the "Lehman shock" was new, and
so were the TARE quantitative easing, the auto bailout, and the other
extraordinary events of this recession. Our point is that although all
these particulars were new, their dynamic effect on the economy was not.
III. Structural Shocks: Identification and Contribution to the
2007-09 Recession
The analysis of section II suggests that the shocks precipitating
the 2007-09 recession were simply larger versions of shocks experienced
by the economy over the previous five decades. We now turn to the task
of identifying those shocks and quantifying their impact, starting with
our general approach to identification.
III.A. DFM Shock Identification Using Instrumental Variables
The identification problem in structural VAR analysis is how to go
from the moving-average representation in terms of the innovations (the
one-step-ahead forecast errors of the variables in the VAR) to the
moving-average representation in terms of the structural shocks, which
is the impulse response function with respect to a unit increase in the
structural shocks. This is typically done by first assuming that the
innovations can be expressed as linear combinations of the structural
shocks, then by imposing economic restrictions that permit
identification of the coefficients of those linear combinations. Those
coefficients in turn identify the shocks and the impulse response
function of the observed variables with respect to the shocks. This
approach can be used to identify all the shocks, a subset of the shocks,
or a single shock.
Most identification schemes for structural VAR analysis have an
instrumental variables interpretation. When the economic restrictions
take the form of exclusion restrictions on the impulse response function
(shock A does or does not affect variable B within a quarter; shock C
does or does not have a long-run effect on variable D), the restrictions
turn certain linear combinations of the innovations into instrumental
variables that in turn identify the structural impulse response
functions. We refer to such instruments as "internal"
instruments because they are linear combinations of the innovations in
variables included in the VAR. An alternative method, pioneered by
Christina Romer and David Romer (1989), is to use information from
outside the VAR to construct exogenous components of specific shocks
directly. These exogenous components are typically treated as exogenous
shocks; however, technically they are instrumental variables for the
shocks: they are not the full shock series, but rather measure
(typically with error) an exogenous component of the shock, so that the
constructed series is correlated with the shock of interest but not with
other shocks. We refer to these constructed series as
"external" instruments, because they use information external
to the VAR for identification. For example, one of our external
instruments for the monetary policy shock is the Romer and Romer (2004)
monetary shock series; there this series was treated directly as a
monetary policy shock, whereas here it is taken to be correlated with
the monetary policy shock and uncorrelated with all other structural
shocks. More generally, in a structural VAR, an external instrument is a
variable used for identification that is not itself included in the VAR;
in a structural DFM, an external instrument is a variable used for
identification that is not itself a factor. With one exception--a
productivity shock instrument identified by a long-run exclusion
restriction as in work by Jordi Gali (1999), discussed below--all the
instruments used in this paper are external instruments.
idea of structural VAR identification with external instruments is that
the structural shock is identified as the predicted value in the
population regression of the instrument, say, [Z.sub.t], on the VAR
innovations [[eta].sub.t]. (15) For this result to hold, the instrument
needs to be valid; that is, it must be relevant (correlated with the
structural shock of interest) and exogenous (uncorrelated with all other
structural shocks), and the structural shocks must be uncorrelated. We
now summarize the math of this identification argument for the case of a
single instrument, which is the relevant case for this paper because we
estimate shocks using one instrument at a time. This discussion is
written in terms of structural DFMs, but the argument applies directly
to structural VARs with the interpretation that [[eta].sub.t], are the
reduced-form VAR innovations. For technical details, the extension to
multiple instruments, system and subsystem estimation, and inference
with weak and strong instruments, see Montiel Olea, Stock, and Watson
As is standard in the structural VAR literature, we assume that the
r innovations [[eta].sub.t] are linear combinations of r structural
shocks [[epsilon].sub.t], so that
where [H.sub.1] is the first column of H, [[epsilon].sub.1t] is the
first structural shock, and so forth. Thus [[summation].sub.[eta][eta]]
= H[[summation].sub.[epsilon][epsilon]]H', where
[[summation].sub.[eta][eta]] =
E([[eta].sub.t][[eta]'.sub.t]',) and
[[summation].sub.[epsilon][epsilon]] =
E([[epsilon].sub.t][[epsilon]'.su assume, as is standard in the
structural VAR literature, that the system described in equation 3 is
invertible, so that the structural shocks can be expressed as linear
combinations of the innovations:
(4) [[epsilon].sub.t] = [H.sup.-1] [[eta].sub.t].
A key object of interest in structural VAR/DFM analysis is the
impulse response function with respect to a structural shock. From
equations 2 and 3, we have that
[F.sub.t]=[PHI][(L).sup.-1]H[[epsilon].sub.t], which, when substituted
into equation 1, yields
(5) [X.sub.t] =
The impulse response function of [X.sub.t] with respect to the ith
structural shock thus is [LAMBDA][PHI][(L).sup.-1][H.sub.t]. As
discussed in section I, [LAMBDA] and [PHI](L) are identified from the
reduced form, so it remains only to identify [H.sub.i].
We consider the problem of identifying the effect of a single
shock, which for convenience we take to be the first shock
[[epsilon].sub.t], using the single instrumental variable [Z.sub.t]. The
instrument and the shocks are assumed to satisfy three conditions:
where D in condition (iii) is an r x r diagonal matrix. Condition
(i) says that [Z.sub.t] is correlated with the shock of interest,
[[epsilon].sub.1t]; that is, [Z.sub.t] is a relevant instrument.
Condition (ii) says that [Z.sub.t] is uncorrelated with the other
structural shocks. By conditions (i) and (ii), [Z.sub.t] is correlated
with [[eta].sub.t] only because it is correlated with
[[epsilon].sub.1t]. Condition (iii) is the standard structural VAR
assumption that the structural shocks are uncorrelated. Condition (iii)
does not fix the shock variance, and normalization of the shocks is
discussed below.
Conditions (i) and (ii) imply that
where the first equality follows from equation 3 and the final
equality from conditions (i) and (ii). The instrument [Z.sub.t] thus
identifies [H.sub.1] up to scale and sign.
The shock [[epsilon].sub.t], is identified (up to scale and sign)
by further imposing condition (iii), which implies that
[[summation].sub.[eta][eta]] = HDH'. Define [PI] to be the matrix
of coefficients of the population regression of [Z.sub.t] on
[[eta].sub.t]. Then, under conditions (i) through (iii),
where the second equality follows from equation 7 and the final
equality follows from equation 4 and [MATHEMATICAL EXPRESSION NOT
Equation 8 displays the result anticipated in the opening sentence
of this subsection: the shock identified using the instruments [Z.sub.t]
is the predicted value from the population regression of [Z.sub.t] on
the innovations [[eta].sub.t] that is, [PI][[eta].sub.t], up to scale
and sign. Additional intuition for this result is as follows. Suppose
one observed [[epsilon].sub.t], so that one could regress [Z.sub.t] on
[[epsilon].sub.t]; then, by condition (i) the population coefficient on
[[epsilon].sub.1t], would be nonzero, whereas by conditions (ii) and
(iii) the coefficients on the other [[epsilon].sub.t],s would be zero,
so the predicted value would be [[epsilon].sub.1], up to scale and sign.
But by equations 3 and 4, the projection of [Z.sub.t] on [[eta].sub.t]
has the same predicted value as the regression of [Z.sub.t] on
[[epsilon].sub.t], so the predicted value from the population regression
of [Z.sub.t] on [[eta].sub.t] is [[epsilon].sub.1t], (up to scale and
The scale and sign of [[epsilon].sub.1], and [H.sub.1] are set by
normalizing the shock to have a unit impact on a given variable; for
example, an oil price shock is normalized so that a 1-unit positive
shock increases the (log) oil price by 1 unit.
shock is estimated using the sample analogue of equation 8; that is,
[[??].sub.t], is computed as the predicted value of the sample
regression of [Z.sub.t], on [[??.sub.t], where [[??].sub.t] is the
vector of residuals from the reduced-form VAR estimated using
[[??].sub.t]. If [Z.sub.t] is available only for a subperiod, the
coefficients of this regression are used to compute the predicted values
for the span for which [[??].sub.t] is available but [Z.sub.t] is not.
All subsequent calculations of interest here (decompositions,
correlations, and so forth) are made using [[??].sub.1t].
instruments that purportedly identify different shocks. If both
instruments are valid, then in the population these identified shocks
will be uncorrelated. But the population projection (equation 8) does
not impose that the two shocks be uncorrelated; in fact, if one or both
instruments are not valid, then in general the two shocks will be
correlated. Similarly, two valid instruments that identify the same
shock will produce identified shocks that are perfectly correlated in
the population. The sample correlation between two estimated shocks
therefore provides insight into the joint validity of the two
instruments. Note that in general the correlation between the two
identified shocks differs from the correlation between the two
instruments themselves.
III.B. Instruments
We now turn to a discussion of the 18 instruments we use to
identify structural shocks. We consider six structural shocks: to oil
prices, monetary policy, productivity, uncertainty, liquidity and
financial risk, and fiscal policy. Although this list is not exhaustive,
these shocks feature prominently in discussions of the crisis and
recovery, and each has a substantial literature upon which we can draw
for its identification. The instruments are summarized here; specific
sources and calculation details are provided in the online appendix.
OIL SHOCK We use three external instruments. The Hamilton (2003)
oil shock is a quarterly version of James Hamilton's (1996) monthly
net oil price increase, constructed over a 3-year window as in Hamilton
(2003) as the percentage amount by which the oil price in a quarter
exceeds the previous peak over the past 3 years (constructed from the
producer price index for oil, available for 1960Q 1-2011Q4). The Kilian
(2008a) oil shock is Lutz Kilian's OPEC production shortfall
stemming from wars and civil strife (1971Ql-2004Q3). The Ramey-Vine
(2010) instrument is the residual from a regression of adjusted gasoline
prices on various lagged macroeconomic variables as described in Valerie
Ramey and Daniel Vine (2010), which we recomputed using the most recent
data vintage. See Kilian (2008a, 2008b) and Hamilton (2009, 2010) for
discussions of various oil shock measures.
MONETARY POLICY SHOCK We use four external instruments. The first
is the Romer and Romer (2004) monetary policy shock, which they computed
as the residual of a constructed Federal Reserve monetary intentions
measure regressed on internal Fed forecasts (quarterly sums of their
monthly variable, de-meaned, 1969Ql-1996Q4). The second is the shock to
the monetary policy reaction function in Frank Smets and Raf
Wouters' (2007) dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE)
model, as recomputed by Robert King and Watson (2012; 1959Q1-2004Q4).
The third is the monetary policy shock from Christopher Sims and Tao
Zha's (2006) structural VAR allowing for shifts in shock variances
but constant VAR coefficients (quarterly average of their monthly money
shock, 1960Q1-2003Q4). The final instrument is the "target"
factor of Refet Gurkaynak, Brian Sack, and Eric Swanson (2005), which
measures surprise changes in the target federal funds rate (quarterly
sums of daily data, 1990Q1-2004Q4). (16)
PRODUCTIVITY SHOCK We use one internal and two external
instruments. The first external instrument is the series of Susanto
Basu, John Fernald, and Miles Kimball (2006; Fernald 2009) on quarterly
total factor productivity adjusted for variations in factor utilization,
as updated by Fernald (1959Q1-2011Q2). The second external instrument is
the productivity shock in the Smets-Wouters (2007) DSGE model, as
recomputed by King and Watson (2012; 1959Q1-2004Q4). The internal
instrument is constructed using Gali's (1999) identification scheme
and is the permanent shock to the factor component of output per hour in
nonfarm businesses. In DFM notation, let [[lambda].sub.OPH]' denote
the row of A corresponding to output per hour; then this internal
instrument is [[lambda].sub.OPH]'[PHI][(1).sup.-1][[eta].sub.t]
(1959Q1-2011Q2). Gali's (1999) identification scheme is
controversial and has generated a large literature; see Karel Mertens
and Morten Ravn (2010) for a recent discussion and references.
UNCERTAINTY SHOCK We use two external instruments. The first,
motivated by Nicholas Bloom (2009), is the innovation in the VIX, where
we use Bloom's (2009) series that links the VIX to other market
uncertainty measures before the VIX was traded; the innovation is
computed as the residual from an AR(2) (1962Q3-2011Q2). (17) The second
is the innovation in the common component of the policy uncertainty
index of Scott Baker, Bloom, and Steven Davis (2012), which is based on
news media references to uncertainty in economic policy (1985Q1-2011Q2).
The construction of measures of uncertainty is relatively new, and
finding exogenous variation in uncertainty is challenging; for
discussions see Geert Bekaert, Marie Hoerova, and Marco Lo Duca (2010)
and Ruediger Bachman, Steffen Elstner, and Eric Sims (2010).
instruments. The first two are unadjusted and adjusted term spreads: the
TED spread (1971 Q1-2011Q2) and Gilchrist and Zakrajsek's
(forthcoming) excess bond premium (1973Q3-2010Q3). Both instruments aim
to measure risk in financial markets not associated with predictable
default probabilities. The Gilchrist-Zakrajsek measure is a bond premium
that has been adjusted to eliminate predictable default risk. For an
early discussion of credit spreads as measures of market liquidity, see
Benjamin Friedman and Kenneth Kuttner (1993); for more recent discussion
see Gilchrist, Yankov, and Zakrajsek (2009) and Tobias Adrian, Paolo
Colla, and Hyun Song Shin (forthcoming). The third instrument is William
Bassett and coauthors' (2011) bank loan supply shock, which they
compute as the unpredictable component of bank-level changes in lending
standards, based on responses to the Federal Reserve's Senior Loan
Officer Opinion Survey (1992Q1-2010Q4).
FISCAL POLICY SHOCK We use three external instruments: Ramey's
(2011 a) federal spending news instrument (de-meaned, 1959Q1-2010Q4),
Jonas Fisher and Ryan Peters's (2010) measure of excess returns on
stocks of military contractors (1959Q1-2008Q4), and Romer and
Romer's (2010) measure of tax changes relative to GDP ("all
exogenous," de-meaned, 1959Q1-2007Q4). The first two of these are
instruments for federal government spending changes, and the third is an
instrument for federal tax changes. For additional discussion see
Jonathan Parker (2011) and Ramey (2011b).
III.C Empirical Estimates of the Contribution of Various Shochs
With these instruments in hand, we now undertake an empirical
analysis of the contributions of the identified shocks to the 2007-09
recession. This analysis additionally requires a VAR for the factors,
which we estimate using the "old" factors (see footnote 7).
The VAR has four lags and is estimated over the full 1959Q1-2011Q2
contributions to quarterly GDP growth of the 18 individually identified
shocks (one shock per instrument) over the same subsamples as in table
1. Whereas the [R.sup.2]s in table 1 measure the fraction of the
variation in GDP growth attributed to all the factors, the [R.sup.2]s in
table 6 measure the fraction of the variance attributed to current and
past values of the individual row shock. (18) As in table 1, the
[R.sup.2] is negative over subsamples in which the factor component
arising from the identified shock covaries negatively with GDP growth.
Additionally, the first column of table 6 reports the non-HAC
(non-heteroskedasticity-and-autocorrelation-consistent) F statistic testing the hypothesis that the coefficients on the [eta]s are all zero
in the regression of Z, on [eta], which is a measure of the strength of
identification that enters the null distribution of the correlations in
table 7 (Montiel Olea and others 2012).
As discussed in section III.A, the external instrument
identification approach does not restrict the shocks to be uncorrelated.
Table 7 reports the full-sample correlations among the shocks. If all
the instruments within a category were identifying the same shock, and
if the shocks were orthogonal, then the entries in the population
version of table 7 would be 1 within categories and zero across
categories. As discussed in section III.A, each shock is the predicted
value from the regression of its instrument on the DFM innovations, so
in general the correlation between two estimated shocks is different
from the correlation between the instruments themselves.
Tables 6 and 7 suggest three main findings. First, for many of the
external instruments, the F statistic in table 6, which is a measure of
the strength of the instrument relevant to the distribution of the
correlations in table 7, is small: it is less than 5 in 10 cases and
less than 10 in all but 3. These small F statistics reinforce and extend
Kilian's (2008b) observation that oil price shock series appear to
be weak instruments. This suggests that there is considerable sampling
uncertainty in the remaining statistics based on these instruments, but
we do not attempt to quantify that uncertainty here.
Second, with this weak-instrument caveat, there is considerable
variation of results across instruments within categories in tables 6
and 7. For example, whereas the correlation between the oil shocks
identified using the Kilian (2008a) and Ramey-Vine (2010) instruments is
0.60, the correlation between the oil shocks identified using the
Hamilton (2003) and Ramey-Vine (2010) instruments is only 0.15. Not
surprisingly in light of these low correlations, the episode [R.sup.2]s
in table 6 vary considerably across instruments within a shock category;
for example, the Hamilton-identified oil shock has a subsample [R.sup.2]
of-0.14 for 2007Q4-2011Q2, whereas for the Kilian-identified oil shock
this [R.sup.2] is 0.37. Wide ranges of correlations are also evident
among the four monetary policy shocks, although, interestingly, the
variation in the subsample [R.sup.2]s is less, with perhaps the
exception of the Sims-Zha (2006) identified shock. Among fiscal policy
shocks, the correlation between the shocks identified using the Ramey
(2011a) and Romer and Romer (2010) instruments is -0.45 (the sign is
negative because one is spending, the other tax), and the correlation
between the Ramey (201 l a) and Fisher-Peters (2010) spending shocks is
only 0.38. In contrast, the correlation between the Fisher-Peters (2010)
and Romer-Romer (2010) identified shocks is surprisingly large, -0.93,
given that Fisher and Peters (2010) focus on exogenous changes in
government spending whereas Romer and Romer (2010) focus on exogenous
tax changes. (19)
The observation that the different instruments within a category
identify different shocks with different effects echoes Glenn
Rudebusch's (1998) critique of monetary policy shocks in structural
VARs. One response is that these instruments are intended to estimate
different effects; for example, the Romer-Romer fiscal instrument is
intended to identify a tax shock, whereas the Ramey (2011a) and
Fisher-Peters (2010) instruments are intended to identify spending
shocks. Similarly, Kilian (2008b, 2009) argues that the Kilian (2008a)
instrument estimates an oil supply shock, whereas the Hamilton
instrument does not distinguish among the sources of price movements.
Although the response that the different instruments are intended to
estimate different shocks has merit, it then confronts the problem that
the individually identified shocks within a category are not
uncorrelated. For example, the correlation of-0.93 between the fiscal
shocks identified by the Romer-Romer (2010) tax instrument and the
Fisher-Peters (2010) spending instrument makes it problematic to treat
these two shocks as distinct.
Third, again with the weak-instrument caveat, there is considerable
correlation among individually identified shocks across categories of
shocks, which suggests that superficially different instruments are
capturing the same movements in the data (cross-category correlations
exceeding 0.6 in absolute value are italicized in table 7). One notable
set of correlations is between the blocks of monetary and fiscal shocks:
the mean average absolute correlation between individually identified
shocks across the two categories is 0.51. The monetary and fiscal shock
literatures speak of the difficulty of identifying one shock while
holding the other constant, and this difficulty seems to arise in the
large absolute correlations between the shocks from these two
Another notable block of large correlations is between the
uncertainty shock and the liquidity and financial risk shock: the
average absolute correlation between shocks across the two categories is
0.73. Indeed, for these categories the cross-category correlations are
comparable to the within-category correlations. The subsample [R.sup.2]s
in table 6 also display similar patterns across these four identified
shocks. It is perhaps not surprising that the VIX shock and the TED
spread shock are correlated, because neither isolates a specific source
for the shock; for example, a financial market disruption that both
heightened uncertainty and increased financial sector risk would appear
as shocks to both series. We find it more surprising that the
correlation is 0.66 between the shocks identified using the Baker,
Bloom, and Davis (2012) policy uncertainty index and the
Gilchrist-Zakrajsek (forthcoming) excess bond premium spread. In any
event, these two sets of instruments do not seem to be identifying
distinct shocks. As a result, we also consider two composites of these
five shocks constructed as the first two principal components of the
five identified shocks. The subsample [R.sup.2]s for the first principal
component and for the first and second principal components combined are
reported in the final rows of table 6.
THE 2007-09 RECESSION Table 8 summarizes the contribution of the
shocks in table 6 to the cumulative growth of GDP and of employment over
three periods starting in 2007Q4. Because the shocks are correlated,
these contributions are not an additive decomposition of the total
factor component. Because all contributions and actuals are expressed in
terms of deviations from trend, in 2011Q2 GDP remained 8.2 percent below
its trend value, extrapolated from the 2007Q4 peak, of which 6.0
percentage points was the contribution of the factors. Plots of the
contributions of the individual shocks over the full sample, along with
the shock contributions to other variables, are presented in the online
Consider the recession period, 2007Q4-2009Q2. The largest negative
shock contributions to the drops in GDP and employment are seen in the
financial shock measures (the liquidity-risk and uncertainty shocks).
The composite uncertainty-liquidity shock based on the first principal
component of the five estimated shocks in this category attributes
approximately two-thirds of the recession's decline in GDP and
employment to financial factors (6.2 of 9.2 percentage points and 4.5 of
7.3 percentage points, respectively). Oil shocks and monetary policy
shocks both make moderate negative contributions, with the exception of
the Sims-Zha (2006) identified shock. The Romer-Romer (2004),
Smets-Wouters (2007), and Gurkaynak, Sack, and Swanson (2005) shocks
indicate that monetary policy was neutral or contractionary during the
recession and recovery, which is consistent with the model being linear
and not incorporating a zero lower bound (so the federal funds rate,
which cannot drop below zero, exerted a contractionary effect).
Unfortunately, our identification scheme does not capture the
unconventional monetary policy of the crisis and recovery. During
2007Q4-2009Q2, the effects of productivity and fiscal policy shocks on
GDP growth are estimated to be small.
III.D. Discussion
Inference about the causes of the 2007-09 recession based on table
8 is complicated because the different instruments identify shocks that
in several cases have a low correlation within category, and in other
cases have high correlations across categories. Because our approach is
to adopt identification schemes from the literature, this suggests
internal inconsistencies in the identified VAR literature concerning
individual identified shocks. Perhaps to oversimplify, what some authors
call a monetary policy shock looks much like what other authors call a
fiscal policy shock, and what some authors call an uncertainty shock
looks much like what others call a liquidity or excess financial risk
shock. These puzzling results might come about because our analysis is
insufficiently nuanced to distinguish between the different estimands of
the different instruments, or because we have too few factors to span
the space of the potentially many structural shocks, or because of large
sampling uncertainty arising from weak instruments. In any event, the
low correlations among some of the monetary policy shocks, the high
correlations between the monetary and fiscal policy shocks, and the high
correlations among the uncertainty and the liquidity/financial risk
shocks preclude a compelling decomposition.
Despite this substantial caveat, some substantive results emerge
from tables 6 and 8. The contributions of productivity, monetary policy,
and fiscal policy shocks to the 2007-09 recession are small. Oil shocks
contributed to the decline, especially before the financial crisis. The
main contributions to the decline in output and employment during the
recession are estimated to come from financial and uncertainty shocks.
The plot of the contribution of the first principal component of these
five individually identified shocks (figure 3) shows that they explain a
great deal of the 2007-09 recession and subsequent recovery, and that
they also play an important but lesser role in prior fluctuations. Taken
at face value, this suggests an economy being hit by a sequence of
unusually large shocks, all of which have been experienced before, but
not with such magnitude or in such close succession: oil shocks
initially, followed by the financial crisis, financial market
disruptions, and a prolonged period of uncertainty.