The zero bound on interest rates and optimal monetary policy.
Eggertsson, Gauti B. ; Woodford, Michael
THE CONSEQUENCES FOR THE PROPER conduct of monetary policy of the
existence of a lower bound of zero for overnight nominal interest rates
has recently become a topic of lively interest. In Japan the call rate
(the overnight cash rate analogous to the federal funds rate in the
United States) has been within 50 basis points of zero since October
1995, and it has been essentially equal to zero for most of the past
four years (figure 1). Thus the Bank of Japan has had little room to
further reduce short-term nominal interest rates in all that time.
Meanwhile Japan's growth has remained anemic, and prices have
continued to fall, suggesting a need for monetary stimulus. Yet the
usual remedy--lower short-term nominal interest rates--is plainly
unavailable. Vigorous expansion of the monetary base has also seemed to
do little to stimulate demand under these circumstances: as figure l
also shows, the monetary base is now more than twice as large, relative
to GDP, as it was in the early 1990s.
In the United States, meanwhile, the federal funds rate has now
been reduced to only 1 percent, and signs of recovery remain exceedingly
fragile. This has led many to wonder if this country might not also soon
find itself in a situation where interest rate policy is no longer
available as a tool for macroeconomic stabilization. A number of other
countries face similar questions. John Maynard Keynes first raised the
question of what can be done to stabilize the economy when it has fallen
into a liquidity trap--when interest rates have fallen to a level below
which they cannot be driven by further monetary expansion--and whether
monetary policy can be effective at all under such circumstances. Long
treated as a mere theoretical curiosity, Keynes's question now
appears to be one of urgent practical importance, but one with which
theorists have become unfamiliar.
The question of how policy should be conducted when the zero bound
is reached--or when the possibility of reaching it can no longer be
ignored--raises many fundamental issues for the theory of monetary
policy. Some would argue that awareness of the possibility of hitting
the zero bound calls for fundamental changes in the way policy is
conducted even before the bound has been reached. For example, Paul
Krugman refers to deflation as a "black hole," (1) from which
an economy cannot expect to escape once it has entered. A conclusion
often drawn from this pessimistic view of the efficacy of monetary
policy in a liquidity trap is that it is vital to steer far clear of
circumstances in which deflationary expectations could ever begin to
develop--for example, by targeting a sufficiently high positive rate of
inflation even under normal circumstances. Others are more sanguine
about the continuing effectiveness of monetary policy even when the zero
bound is reached, For example, it is often argued that deflation need
not be a black hole, because monetary policy can affect aggregate
spending, and hence inflation, through channels other than central bank
control of short-term nominal interest rates. Thus there has been much
recent discussion, with respect to both Japan and the United States--of
the advantages of vigorous expansion of the monetary base even without
any further reduction in interest rates, of the desirability of attempts
to shift longer-term interest rates through central bank purchases of
longer-maturity government securities, and even of the desirability of
central bank purchases of other kinds of assets.
Yet if these views are correct, they challenge much of the recent
conventional wisdom regarding the conduct of monetary policy, both
within central banks and among academic monetary economists. That wisdom
has stressed a conception of the problem of monetary policy in terms of
the appropriate adjustment of an operating target for overnight interest
rates, and the prescriptions formulated for monetary policy, such as the
celebrated Taylor rule, (2) are typically cast in these terms. Indeed,
some have argued that the inability of such a policy to prevent the
economy from falling into a deflationary spiral is a critical flaw of
the Taylor rule as a guide to policy. (3)
Similarly, concern over the possibility of entering a liquidity
trap is sometimes presented as a serious objection to another currently
popular monetary policy prescription, namely, inflation targeting. The
definition of a policy prescription in terms of an inflation target
presumes that there is in fact some level of the nominal interest rate
that can allow the target to be hit (or at least projected to be hit, on
average). But, some argue, if the zero interest rate bound is reached
under circumstances of deflation, it will not be possible to hit any
higher inflation target, because further interest rate decreases are not
possible. Is there, in such circumstances, any point in having an
inflation target? The Bank of Japan has frequently offered this argument
as a reason for resisting inflation targeting, For example, Kunio Okina,
director of the Institute for Monetary and Economic Studies at the Bank
of Japan, was quoted as arguing that "because short-term interest
rates are already at zero, setting an inflation target of, say, 2
percent wouldn't carry much credibility." (4)
We seek to shed light on these issues by considering the
consequences of the zero lower bound on nominal interest rates for the
optimal conduct of monetary policy, in the context of an explicitly
intertemporal equilibrium model of the monetary transmission mechanism.
Although our model is extremely simple, we believe it can help clarify
some of the basic issues just raised. We are able to consider the extent
to which the zero bound represents a genuine constraint on attainable
equilibrium paths for inflation and real activity, and the extent to
which open-market purchases of various kinds of assets by the central
bank can mitigate that constraint. We are also able to show how the
existence of the zero bound changes the character of optimal monetary
policy, relative to the policy roles that would be judged optimal in its
absence or in the case of real disturbances small enough for the bound
never to matter under an optimal policy.
To preview our results, we find that the zero bound does represent
an important constraint on what monetary stabilization policy can
achieve, at least when certain kinds of real disturbances are
encountered in an environment of low inflation. We argue that the
possibility of expanding the monetary base through central bank
purchases of a variety of types of assets does little if anything to
expand the set of feasible paths for inflation and real activity that
are consistent with equilibrium under some (fully credible) policy
Hence the relevant trade-offs can correctly be studied by simply
considering what alternative anticipated state-contingent paths of the
short-term nominal interest rate can achieve, taking into account the
constraint that this rate must be nonnegative at all times. Doing so, we
find that the zero interest rate bound can indeed be temporarily
binding, and when it is, it inevitably results in lower welfare than
could be achieved in the absence of such a constraint. (5)
Nonetheless, we argue that the zero bound restricts possible
stabilization outcomes under sound policy to a much more modest degree
than the deflation pessimists presume. Even though the set of feasible
equilibrium outcomes corresponds to those that can be achieved through
alternative interest rate policies, monetary policy is far from
powerless to mitigate the contractionary effects of the kind of
disturbances that would make the zero bound a binding constraint. The
key to dealing with this sort of situation in the least damaging way is
to create the right kind of expectations regarding how monetary policy
will be used after the constraint is no longer binding, and the central
bank again has room to maneuver. We use our intertemporal equilibrium
model to characterize the kind of expectations regarding future policy
that it would be desirable to create, and we discuss a form of
price-level targeting rule that-if credibly committed to--should bring
about the constrained-optimal equilibrium. We also discuss, more
informally, how other types of policy actions could help increase the
credibility of the central bank's announced commitment to this kind
of future policy.
Our analysis will be recognized as a development of several key
themes in Paul Krugman's treatment of the same topic in these pages
a few years ago. (6) Like Krugman, we give particular emphasis to the
role of expectations regarding future policy in determining the severity
of the distortions that result from hitting the zero bound. Our primary
contribution, relative to Krugman's earlier treatment, will be the
presentation of a more fully dynamic analysis. For example, our
assumption of staggered pricing, rather than Krugman's simple
hypothesis of prices that are fixed for one period, allows for richer
(and at least somewhat more realistic) dynamic responses to
disturbances. In our model, unlike in Krugman's, a real disturbance
that lowers the natural rate of interest can cause output to remain
below potential for years (as shown in figure 2 later in the paper),
rather than only for a single "period," even when the average
frequency of price adjustments is more than once a year. These richer
dynamics are also important for a realistic discussion of the kind of
policy commitment that can help to reduce economic contraction during a
liquidity trap. In our model a commitment to create subsequent inflation
involves a commitment to keep interest rates low for some time in the
future, whereas in Krugman's model a commitment to a higher future
price level does not involve any reduction in future nominal interest
rates. We are also better able to discuss such questions as how the
creation of inflationary expectations while the zero bound is binding
can be reconciled with maintaining the credibility of the central
bank's commitment to long-run price stability.
Our dynamic analysis also allows us to further clarify the several
ways in which the central bank's management of private sector
expectations can be expected to mitigate the effects of the zero bound.
Krugman emphasizes the fact that increased expectations of inflation can
lower the real interest rate implied by a zero nominal interest rate.
This might suggest, however, that the central bank can affect the
economy only insofar as it affects expectations regarding a variable
that it cannot influence except quite indirectly; it might also suggest
that the only expectations that should matter are those regarding
inflation over the relatively short horizon corresponding to the term of
the nominal interest rate that has fallen to zero. Such interpretations
easily lead to skepticism about the practical effectiveness of the
expectations channel, especially if inflation is regarded as being
relatively "sticky" in the short run. Our model is instead one
in which expectations affect aggregate demand through several channels.
First of all, it is not merely short-term real interest rates that
matter for current aggregate demand; our model of intertemporal
substitution in spending implies that the entire expected future path of
short-term real rates should matter, or alternatively that very long
term real rates should matter. (7) This means that the creation of
inflation expectations, even with regard to inflation that should not
occur until at least a year into the future, should also be highly
relevant to aggregate demand, as long as it is not accompanied by
correspondingly higher expected future nominal interest rates.
Furthermore, the expected future path of nominal interest rates matters,
and not just their current level, so that a commitment to keep nominal
interest rates low for a longer period of time should stimulate
aggregate demand, even when current interest rates cannot be lowered
further, and even under the hypothesis that inflation expectations would
remain unaffected. Because the central bank can clearly control the
future path of short-term nominal interest rates if it has the will to
do so, any failure of such a commitment to be credible will not be due
to skepticism about whether the central bank is able to follow through
on its commitment.
The richer dynamics of our model are also important for the
analysis of optimal policy. Krugman mainly addresses the question of
whether monetary policy is completely impotent when the zero bound
binds, and he argues for the possibility of increasing real activity in
the liquidity trap by creating expectations of inflation. Although we
agree with this conclusion, it does not answer the question of whether,
or to what extent, it would be desirable to create such expectations,
given the well-founded reasons that the central bank should have to not
prefer inflation at a later time. Nor is Krugman's model well
suited to address such a question, insofar as it omits any reason for
even an extremely high subsequent inflation to be deemed harmful. Our
staggered-pricing model instead implies that inflation (whether
anticipated or not) does create distortions, justifying an objective
function for stabilization policy that trades off inflation
stabilization and output gap stabilization in terms that are often
assumed to represent actual central bank concerns. We characterize
optimal policy in such a setting and show that it does indeed involve a
commitment to history-dependent policy of a sort that should result in
higher inflation expectations in response to a binding zero bound. We
can also show to what extent it should be optimal to create such
expectations, assuming that this is possible. We find, for example, that
it is not optimal to commit to so much future inflation that the zero
bound ceases to bind, even though this is one possible type of
equilibrium: this is why the zero bound does remain a relevant
constraint, even under an optimal policy commitment.
Is Quantitative Easing a Separate Policy Instrument?
A first question we wish to consider is whether expansion of the
monetary base represents a policy instrument that should be effective in
preventing deflation and an associated output decline, even under
circumstances where overnight interest rates have fallen to zero.
According to Keynes's famous analysis, (8) monetary policy ceases
to be an effective instrument to head off economic contraction in a
"liquidity trap," which can arise if interest rates fall so
low that further expansion of the money supply cannot drive them lower.
Others have argued that monetary expansion should increase nominal
aggregate demand even under such circumstances, and the supposition that
this is correct lies behind Japan's explicit adoption, since March
2001, of a policy of "quantitative easing" in addition to the
zero interest rate policy that continues to be maintained. (9)
Here we consider this question in the context of an explicitly
intertemporal equilibrium model, which models both the demand for money
and the role of financial assets (including the monetary base) in
private sector budget constraints. The model we use for this purpose is
more detailed in several senses than that used in subsequent sections to
characterize optimal policy. We do this to make it clear that we have
not excluded a role for quantitative easing simply by failing to model
the role of money in the economy. (10)
Our key result is an irrelevance proposition for open-market
operations in a variety of types of assets that the central bank might
acquire, under the assumption that the open-market operations do not
change the expected future conduct of monetary or fiscal policy (in
senses that we specify below). It is perhaps worth noting at the outset
that our intention in stating such a result is not to vindicate the view
that a central bank is powerless to halt a deflationary slump, and hence
to absolve the Bank of Japan, for example, of any responsibility for the
continuing stagnation in that country. Although our proposition
establishes that there is a sense in which a liquidity trap is possible,
this does not mean that the central bank is powerless under the
circumstances we describe. Rather, our intent is to show that the key to
effective central bank action to combat a deflationary slump is the
management of expectations. Open-market operations should be largely
ineffective to the extent that they fail to change expectations
regarding future policy; the conclusion we draw is not that such actions
are futile, but rather that the central bank's actions should be
chosen with a view to signaling the nature of its policy commitments,
and not for the purpose of creating some sort of "direct"
A Neutrality Proposition for Open-Market Operations
Our model abstracts from endogenous variations in the capital stock
and assumes perfectly flexible wages (or some other mechanism for
efficient labor contracting), but it assumes monopolistic competition in
goods markets and sticky prices that are adjusted at random intervals in
the manner assumed by Guillermo Calvo, so that deflation has real
effects. (11) We assume that the representative household seeks to
maximize a utility function of the form
where [C.sub.t] is a Dixit-Stiglitz aggregate of consumption of
each of a continuum of differentiated goods,
with an elasticity of substitution 0 > 1; M, measures
end-of-period household money balances, (12) [P.sub.t] is the
Dixit-Stiglitz price index,
and [H.sub.t](j) is the quantity supplied of labor of type j. Real
balances are included in the utility function, (13) as a proxy for the
services that money balances provide in facilitating transactions. (14)
Each industry j employs an industry-specific type of labor, with its own
For each value of the disturbances [[xi].sub.t], u(., *;
[[xi].sub.t]) is a concave function, increasing in the first argument
and increasing in the second for all levels of real balances up to a
satiation level m([C.sub.t]; [[xi].sub.t]). The existence of a satiation
level is necessary in order for it to be possible for the zero interest
rate bound ever to be reached; we regard Japan's experience over
the past several years as having settled the theoretical debate over
whether such a level of real balances exists. Unlike many papers in the
literature, we do not assume additive separability of the function u
between the first two arguments; this (realistic) complication allows a
further channel through which money can affect aggregate demand, namely,
by an effect of real money balances on the current marginal utility of
consumption. Similarly, for each value of [[xi].sub.t], [upsilon](*;
[[xi].sub.t]) is an increasing convex function. The vector of exogenous
disturbances [[xi].sub.t] may contain several elements, so that no
assumption is made about correlation of the exogenous shifts in the
functions u and [upsilon].
For simplicity we assume complete financial markets and no limit on
borrowing against future income. As a consequence, a household faces an
intertemporal budget constraint of the form
looking forward from any period t. Here [Q.sub.t,T] is the
stochastic discount factor that the financial markets use to value
random nominal income at date T in monetary units at date t;
[[delta].sub.t] is the opportunity cost of holding money and is equal to
[i.sub.t]/(1 + [i.sub.t]), where i, is the riskless nominal interest
rate on one-period obligations purchased in period t, in the case that
no interest is paid on the monetary base; [W.sub.t] is the nominal value
of the household's financial wealth (including money holdings) at
the beginning of period t; [[PI].sub.t],(i) represents the nominal
profits (revenue in excess of the wage bill) in period t of the supplier
of good i; [w.sub.t](j) is the nominal wage earned by labor of type j in
period t, and [T.sup.h.sub.t] represents the net nominal tax liabilities
of each household in period t. Optimizing household behavior then
implies the following necessary conditions for a rational expectations
equilibrium. Optimal timing of household expenditure requires that
aggregate demand [Y.sub.t] for the composite good satisfy an Euler
equation of the form (15)
(2) [u.sub.c]([Y.sub.t],[M.sub.t]/[P.sub.t]; [[xi].sub.t]) =
[beta][E.sub.t][[u.sub.c]([Y.sub.t+1],[M.sub.t+1] / [P.sub.t+1];
[[xi].sub.t+1])(1+[i.sub.t]) [P.sub.t]/[P.sub.t+1]],
Optimal substitution between real money balances and expenditure
leads to a static first-order condition of the form
[u.sub.m]([Y.sub.t],[M.sub.t],/[P.sub.t]; [[xi].sub.t]) /
[u.sub.c]([Y.sub.t],[M.sub.t],/[P.sub.t]; [[xi].sub.t]) = [i.sub.t]/1 +
under the assumption that zero interest is paid on the monetary
base, and that preferences are such as to exclude the possibility of a
corner solution with zero money balances. If both consumption and
liquidity services are normal goods, this equilibrium condition can be
solved uniquely for the level of real balances L([Y.sub.t],[i.sub.t];
[[xi].sub.t]) that satisfy it in the case of any positive nominal
interest rate. The equilibrium relation can then equivalently be written
as a pair of inequalities:
(3) [M.sub.t] / [P.sub.t] [greater than or equal to]
L([Y.sub.t],[i.sub.t]; [[xi].sub.t])
(4) [i.sub.t] [greater than or equal to] 0,
together with the "complementary slackness" condition
that at least one must hold with equality at any time. Here we define
L(Y, 0; [xi]) = m(Y; [xi]), the minimum level of real balances for which
[u.sub.m] = 0, so that the function L is continuous at i = 0. Household
optimization similarly requires that the paths of aggregate real
expenditure and the price index satisfy the bounds
looking forward from any period t, where [D.sub.t] measures the
total nominal value of government liabilities (monetary base plus
government debt) at the end of period t under the monetary-fiscal policy
regime. (The condition in expression 5 is required for the existence of
a well-defined intertemporal budget constraint, under the assumption
that there are no limitations on households' ability to borrow
against future income, whereas the transversality condition in equation
6 must hold if the household hits its intertemporal budget constraint.)
The conditions in expressions 2 through 6 also suffice to imply that the
representative household chooses optimal consumption and portfolio plans
(including its planned holdings of money balances) given its income
expectations and the prices (including financial asset prices) that it
faces, while making choices that are consistent with financial market
Each differentiated good i is supplied by a single,
monopolistically competitive producer. There are assumed to be many
goods in each of an infinite number of industries; each industry j uses
a type of labor that is specific to that industry, and all goods in an
industry change their prices at the same time. Each good is produced in
accordance with a common production function
[y.sub.t](i) = [A.sub.t]f[[h.sub.t](i)],
where [A.sub.t] is an exogenous productivity factor common to all
industries; f(*) is an increasing, concave function; and [h.sub.t](i) is
the industry-specific labor hired by firm i. The representative
household supplies all types of labor and consumes all types of goods.
The supplier of good i sets a price for that good at which it
satisfies demand in each period, hiring the labor inputs necessary to
meet that demand. Given households' allocation of demand across
goods in response to firms' pricing decisions, on the one hand, and
the terms on which optimizing households are willing to supply each type
of labor, on the other, we can show that nominal profits (sales revenue
in excess of labor costs) in period t of the supplier of good i are
given by the function
[PI][[ [p.sub.t](i), [p.sup.j.sub.t], [P.sub.t];
[Y.sub.t],[M.sub.t]/[P.sub.t], [[xi].sub.t] ] [equivalent to]
{[f.sup.-1][[[Y.sub.t]([p.sup.j.sub.t]/[P.sub.t]).sup.-[theta]/[A.sub.t]]; [[xi].sub.t]} / [u.sub.c]([Y.sub.t],[M.sub.t]/[P.sub.t]; [[xi].sub.t]
where [p.sup.j.sub.t] is the common price charged by the other
firms in industry j. (17) (We introduce the notation [[xi].sub.t], for
the complete vector of exogenous disturbances, including variations in
technology as well as in preferences.) If prices were fully flexible,
[p.sub.t](i) would be chosen each period to maximize this function.
Instead we suppose that prices remain fixed in monetary terms for a
random period of time. Following Calvo, we suppose that each industry
has an equal probability of reconsidering its prices each period, and we
let 0 < [alpha] < 1 be the fraction of industries whose prices
remain unchanged each period. In any industry that revises its prices in
period t, the new price [p.sup.*.sub.t] will be the same. This price is
implicitly defined by the first-order condition
We note furthermore that the stochastic discount factor used to
price future profit streams will be given by
(8) [Q.sub.t,T] = [[beta].sup.T-t]
[u.sub.c]([C.sub.T,[M.sub.T]/[P.sub.T]; [[xi].sub.T]) /
[u.sub.c]([C.sub.t,[M.sub.t]/[P.sub.t]; [[xi].sub.t])
Finally, the definition in equation 1 implies a law of motion for
the aggregate price index of the form
(9) [P.sub.t] = [(1 - [alpha])[p.sup.*1-[theta].sub.t] +
Equations 7 and 9, which jointly determine the path of prices given
demand conditions, represent the aggregate supply block of our model. It
remains to specify the monetary and fiscal policies of the government.
To address the question of whether quantitative easing represents
an additional tool of policy, we suppose that the central bank's
operating target for the short-term nominal interest rate is determined
by a feedback rule in the spirit of the Taylor rule, (19)
(10) [i.sub.t] = [PHI]([P.sub.t]/[P.sub.t-1], [Y.sub.t];
where now [[xi].sub.t] may also include exogenous disturbances in
addition to the ones listed above, to which the central bank happens to
respond. We assume that the function [PHI] is nonnegative for all values
of its arguments (otherwise the policy would not be feasible, given the
zero lower bound), but that there are conditions under which the rule
prescribes a zero interest rate policy. Such a rule implies that the
central bank supplies the quantity of base money that happens to be
demanded at the interest rate given by this formula; hence equation 10
implies a path for the monetary base, so long as the value of [PHI] is
positive. However, under those conditions in which the value of [PHI] is
zero, the policy commitment in equation 10 implies only a lower bound on
the monetary base that must be supplied. In these circumstances we may
ask whether it matters whether a greater or a smaller quantity of base
money is supplied. We assume that the central bank's policy in this
regard is specified by a base-supply rule of the form
(11) Mt = [P.sub.t]L[[Y.sub.t],[PHI]([P.sub.t]/[P.sub.t-1],[Y.sub.t]; [[xi].sub.t]); [[xi].sub.t]] [PSI] ([P.sub.t]/[P.sub.t-1],[Y.sub.t];
where the multiplicative factor [PSI] satisfies the following two
[PSI]([P.sub.t]/[P.sub.t-1],[Y.sub.t]; [[xi].sub.t]) = 1 if
[PHI]([P.sub.t]/[P.sub.t-1],[Y.sub.t]; [[xi].sub.t]) > 0, otherwise
[PSI]([P.sub.t]/[P.sub.t-1],[Y.sub.t]; [[xi].sub.t]) [greater than or
equal to] 1.
for all values of its arguments. (The second condition implies that
[PSI] = 1 whenever [i.sub.t] > 0.) Note that a base-supply rule of
this form is consistent with both the interest rate operating target
specified in equation 10 and the equilibrium relations in expressions 3
and 4. The use of quantitative easing as a policy tool can then be
represented by a choice of a function that is greater than 1 under some
It remains to specify which sort of assets should be acquired (or
disposed of) by the central bank when it varies the size of the monetary
base. We allow the asset side of the central bank balance sheet to
include any of k different types of securities, distinguished from each
other by their state-contingent returns. At the end of period t, the
vector of nominal values of central bank holdings of the various
securities is given by [M.sub.t,[[omega].sup.m.sub.t], where
[[omega].sup.m.sub.t] is a vector of central bank portfolio shares.
These shares are in turn determined by a policy rule of the form
(12) [[omega].sup.m.sub.t] = [[omega].sup.m]([P.sub.t]/[P.sub.t-1],
[Y.sub.t],; [[xi].sub.t]),
where the vector-valued function [[omega].sup.m.](*) has the
property that its components sum to 1 for all possible values of its
arguments. The fact that [[omega].sup.m](*) depends on the same
arguments as [PHI](*) means that we allow for the possibility that the
central bank changes its policy when the zero bound is binding (for
example, buying assets that it would not hold at any other time). The
fact that it depends on the same arguments as [PSI](*) allows us to
specify changes in the composition of the central bank portfolio as a
function of the particular kinds of purchases associated with
quantitative easing.
The payoffs on these securities in each state of the world are
specified by exogenously given (state-contingent) vectors [a.sub.t] and
[b.sub.t] and matrix [F.sub.t]. A vector of asset holdings [z.sub.t-1]
at the end of period t - 1 results in delivery, to the owner of a
quantity [a.sub.t][z.sub.t-1] of money, a quantity
[b'.sub.t][z.sub.t-1] of the consumption good and a vector
[F.sub.t][z.sub.t-1] of securities that may be traded in the period-t
asset markets, each of which may depend on the state of the world in
period t. This flexible specification allows us to treat a wide range of
types of assets that may differ as to maturity, degree of indexation,
and so on. (20)
The gross nominal return [R.sub.t](j) on the jth asset between
periods t - 1 and t is then given by
(13) [R.sub.t](j) = [a.sub.t](j) + [P.sub.t][b.sub.t] +
[q.sup.'.sub.t][F.sub.t](.,j) / [q.sub.t-1](j),
where q, is the vector of nominal asset prices in (ex-dividend)
period-t trading. The absence of arbitrage opportunities implies as
usual that equilibrium asset prices must satisfy
where the stochastic discount factor is again given by equation 8.
Under the assumption that no interest is paid on the monetary base, the
nominal transfer by the central bank to the public treasury each period
is equal to
(15) [T.sup.cb.sub.t] =
[R.sup.'.sub.t][[omega].sup.m.sub.t-1][M.sub.t-1] - [M.sub.t-1],
where R, is the vector of returns defined by equation 13. We
specify fiscal policy in terms of a rule that determines the evolution
of total government liabilities [D.sub.t], here defined to be inclusive
of the monetary base, as well as a rule that specifies the composition
of outstanding nonmonetary liabilities (debt) among different types of
securities that the government might issue. We assume that the path of
total government liabilities accords with a rule of the form
(16) [D.sub.t] / [P.sub.t] = d ([D.sub.t-1] / [P.sub.t-1],
[Y.sub.t]; [[xi].sub.t]),
which specifies the acceptable level of real government liabilities
as a function of the preexisting level and various aspects of current
macroeconomic conditions. This notation allows for such possibilities as
an exogenously specified state-contingent target for real government
liabilities as a proportion of GDP, or for the government budget deficit
(inclusive of interest on the public debt) as a proportion of GDP, among
others. The part of total liabilities that consists of base money is
specified by the base rule in equation 11. We suppose, however, that the
rest may be allocated among any of a set of different types of
securities that the government may issue; for convenience, we assume
that this is a subset of the set of k securities that the central bank
may purchase. If [[omega].sup.f.sub.jt] indicates the share of
government debt (nonmonetary liabilities) at the end of period t that is
of type j, then the flow government budget constraint takes the form
[D.sub.t] = [R'.sub.t][[omega].sup.f.sub.t-1][B.sub.t-1] -
[T.sup.cb.sub.t] - [T.sup.h.sub.t],
where [B.sub.t], [equivalent to] [D.sub.t] - [M.sub.t], is the
total nominal value of end-of-period nonmonetary liabilities, and
[T.sup.h.sub.t] is the nominal value of the primary budget surplus
(taxes net of transfers, if we abstract from government purchases). This
identity can then be inverted to obtain the net tax collections
[T.sup.h.sub.t] implied by a given rule (equation 16) for aggregate
public liabilities; this depends in general on the composition of the
public debt as well as on total borrowing.
Finally, we assume that debt management policy (the determination
of the composition of the government's nonmonetary liabilities at
each point in time) is specified by the function
(17) [[omega].sup.f.sub.t] =
which specifies the shares as a function of aggregate conditions,
where the vector-valued function [[omega].sup.f] also has components
that sum to 1 for all possible values of its arguments. Together the two
relations in equations 16 and 17 complete our specification of fiscal
policy and close our model. (21)
We may now define a rational expectations equilibrium as a
collection of stochastic processes {[p.sup.*.sub.t], [P.sub.t],
[Y.sub.t], [i.sub.t], [q.sub.t], [M.sub.t], [[omega].sup.m.sub.t],
[D.sub.t], [[omega].sup.f.sub.t]}, with each endogenous variable
specified as a function of the history of exogenous disturbances to that
date, that satisfy each of the conditions in expressions 2 through 6 of
the aggregate demand block of the model, the conditions in equations 7
and 9 of the aggregate supply block, the asset-pricing relations
equation 14, the conditions in equations 10 through 12 specifying
monetary policy, and the conditions in equations 16 and 17, specifying
fiscal policy in each period. We then obtain the following irrelevance
result for the specification of certain aspects of policy:
PROPOSITION. The set of paths for the variables {[p.sup.*.sub.t],
[P.sub.t], [Y.sub.t], [i.sub.t], [q.sub.t], [D.sub.t]} that are
consistent with the existence of a rational expectations equilibrium is
independent of the specification of the functions [psi] (equation 11),
[[omega].sup.m] (equation 12), and [[omega].sup.f] (equation 17).
The reason for this is fairly simple. The set of restrictions on
the processes {[p.sup.*.sub.t], [P.sub.t], [Y.sub.t], [i.sub.t],
[q.sub.t], [D.sub.t]} implied by our model can be written in a form that
does not involve the variables {[M.sub.t], [[omega].sup.m.sub.t],
[[omega].sup.f.sub.t]}, and hence that does not involve the functions
[psi], [[omega].sup.m], or [[omega].sup.f] To show this, we first note
that, for all m [is greater than or equal to] N(C; [xi]),
u(C,m; [xi]) = u[C,[bar]m(C; [xi]); [xi]],
because additional money balances beyond the satiation level
provide no further liquidity services. By differentiating this relation,
we see further that [u.sub.c](C, m; [xi]) does not depend on the exact
value of m either, as long as m exceeds the satiation level. It follows
that, in our equilibrium relations, we can replace the expression
[u.sub.c]([Y.sub.t], [M.sub.t]/[P.sub.t]; [[xi].sub.t]) with
[lambda]([Y.sub.t],[P.sub.t]/[P.sub.t-1]; [[xi].sub.t]) [equivalent
to] [u.sub.c] {[Y.sub.t],L [[Y.sub.t],[phi]([P.sub.t]/[P.sub.t-1],
[Y.sub.t]; [[xi].sub.t]); [[xi].sub.t]; [[xi].sub.t],
using the fact that expression 3 holds with equality at all levels
of real balances at which [u.sub.c] depends on the level of real
balances. Hence we can write u,. as a function of variables other than
[M.sub.t]/[P.sub.t], without using the relation in equation 11, and so
in a way that is independent of the function [psi]. We can similarly
replace the expression [u.sub.m]([Y.sub.t], [M.sub.t]/[P.sub.t];
[[xi].sub.t])([M.sub.t]/[P.sub.t]) in expression 5 with
[micro]([Y.sub.t], [P.sub.t]/[P.sub.t-1]; [[xi].sub.t]) =
[equivalent to]
[u.sub.m]{[Y.sub.t]L[[Y.sub.t],[phi]([P.sub.t]/[P.sub.t-1],[Y.sub.t]; [[xi].sub.t]); [[xi].sub.t]]; [[xi].sub.t]} L[[Y.sub.t],[phi]
([P.sub.t]/[P.sub.t-1],[Y.sub.t]; [[xi].sub.t]); [[xi].sub.t]]
since [M.sub.t]/[P.sub.t] must equal L[[Y.sub.t],
[phi]([P.sub.t]/[P.sub.t-1], [Y.sub.t]; [[xi].sub.t]); [[xi].sub.t] when
real balances do not exceed the satiation level, whereas [u.sub.m] = 0
when they do. Finally, we can express nominal profits in period t as a
[P.sub.t]/[P.sub.t-1], [[xi].sub.t]
after substituting [lambda]([Y.sub.t], [P.sub.t]/[P.sub.t-1];
[[xi].sub.t]) for the marginal utility of real income in the wage demand
function that is used in deriving the profit function [pi]. (22) Using
these substitutions, we can write each of the equilibrium relations in
expressions 2, 5, 6, 7, and 14 in a way that no longer makes reference
to the money supply.
It then follows that in a rational expectations equilibrium the
variables {[p.sup.*.sub.t], [P.sub.t], [Y.sub.t], [i.sub.t], [q.sub.t],
[D.sub.t]} must satisfy in each period the following relations:
(18) [lambda]([Y.sub.t],[P.sub.t]/[P.sub.t-1]; [[xi].sub.t]) =
[beta] [E.sub.t] [[lambda]([Y.sub.t+1], [P.sub.t+1]/[P.sub.t];
[[xi].sub.t+1])(1+[i.sub.t])[P.sub.t] / [P.sub.t+1]]
= 0,
along with equations 9, 10, and 16 as before. None of these involve
the variables {[M.sub.t], [[omega].sup.m.sub.t], [[omega].sup.f.sub.t]},
nor do they involve the functions [psi], [[omega].sup.m], or
Furthermore, this is the complete set of restrictions on these
variables that are required in order for them to be consistent with a
rational expectations equilibrium. For any given processes
{[p.sup.*.sub.t], [P.sub.t], [Y.sub.t], [i.sub.t], [q.sub.t], [D.sub.t]}
that satisfy the equations just listed in each period, the implied path
of the money supply is given by equation 1 I, which clearly has a
solution, and this path for the money supply necessarily satisfies
expression 3 and the complementary slackness condition, as a result of
our assumptions about the form of the function [psi]. Similarly, the
implied compositions of the central bank portfolio and of the public
debt at each point in time are given by equations 12 and 17. We then
have a set of processes that satisfy all of the requirements for a
rational expectations equilibrium, and the result is established.
The above proposition implies that neither the extent to which
quantitative easing is employed when the zero bound binds, nor the
nature of the assets that the central bank may purchase through
open-market operations, has any effect on whether a deflationary
price-level path represents a rational expectations equilibrium. Hence
our general-equilibrium analysis of inflation and output determination
does not support the notion that expansions of the monetary base
represent an additional tool of policy, independent of the specification
of the rule for adjusting short-term nominal interest rates. If the
commitments of policymakers regarding the rule by which interest rates
will be set, on the one hand, and the rule by which total private sector
claims on the government will be allowed to grow, on the other, are
fully credible, then it is only the choice of those commitments that
matters. Other aspects of policy should matter in practice only insofar
as they help to signal the nature of these policy commitments.
Of course, the validity of our result depends on the reasonableness
of our assumptions, and these deserve further discussion. Like any
economic model, ours abstracts from the complexity of actual economies
in many respects. Have we abstracted from features of actual economies
that are crucial for a correct understanding of the issues under
It might be suspected that an important omission is our neglect of
portfolio-balance effects, which play an important role in much recent
discussion of the policy options that would remain available to the
Federal Reserve should the federal funds rate reach zero. (23) The idea
is that a central bank should be able to lower longer-term interest
rates even when overnight rates are already at zero, through purchases
of longer-maturity government bonds. This would shift the composition of
the public debt in the hands of the public in a way that affects the
term structure of interest rates. (Because it is generally admitted in
such discussions that base money and very short term Treasury securities
have become near-perfect substitutes once short-term interest rates have
fallen to zero, the desired effect should be achieved equally well by a
shift in the maturity structure of Treasury securities held by the
central bank, without any change in the monetary base, as by an
open-market purchase of long-term bonds with newly created base money.)
No such effects arise in our model, whether from central bank
securities purchases or debt management by the public treasury. But this
is not, as some might expect, because we have simply assumed that bonds
of different maturities (or for that matter, other kinds of assets that
the central bank might choose to purchase instead of the
shortest-maturity Treasury bills) are perfect substitutes. Our framework
allows for central bank purchases of different assets having different
risk characteristics (different state-contingent returns), and our model
of asset market equilibrium incorporates those term premiums and risk
premiums that are consistent with the absence of arbitrage
Our conclusion differs from that of the literature on portfolio
balance effects for a different reason. The classic theoretical analysis
of portfolio balance effects assumes a representative investor with
mean-variance preferences. This has the implication that if the supply
of assets that pay off disproportionately in certain states of the world
is increased (so that the extent to which the representative
investor's portfolio pays off in those states must also increase),
the relative marginal valuation of income in those particular states is
reduced, resulting in a lower relative price for the assets that pay off
in those states. But in our general-equilibrium asset pricing model,
there is no such effect. The marginal utility to the representative
household of additional income in a given state of the world depends on
the household's consumption in that state, not on the aggregate
payoff of its asset portfolio in that state. And changes in the
composition of the securities in the hands of the public do not change
the state-contingent consumption of the representative household--this
depends on equilibrium output, and although output is endogenous, we
have shown that the equilibrium relations that determine it do not
involve the functions [lambda], [[omega].sup.m], or [[omega].sup.f].
Our assumption of complete financial markets and no limits on
borrowing against future income may also appear extreme. However, the
assumption of complete financial markets is only a convenience, allowing
us to write the budget constraint of the representative household in a
simple way. Even in the case of incomplete markets, each of the assets
that is traded will be priced according to equation 14, where the
stochastic discount )actor is given by equation 8, and once again there
will be a set of relations to determine output, goods prices, and asset
prices that do not involve [lambda], [[omega].sup.m], or
[[omega].sup.f]. The absence of borrowing limits is also innocuous, at
least in the case of a representative-household model, because in
equilibrium the representative household must hold the entire net supply
of financial claims on the government. As long as the fiscal rule
(equation 16) implies positive government liabilities at each date, any
borrowing limits that might be assumed can never bind in equilibrium.
Borrowing limits can matter more in the case of a model with
heterogeneous households. But in this case the effects of open-market
operations should depend not merely on which sorts of assets are
purchased and which sorts of liabilities are issued to finance those
purchases, but also on how the central bank's trading profits are
eventually rebated to the private sector (that is, with what delay and
how distributed across the heterogeneous households), as a result of the
specification of fiscal policy. The effects will not be mechanical
consequences of the change in composition of assets in the hands of the
public, but instead will result from the fiscal transfers to which the
transaction gives rise; it is unclear how quantitatively significant
such effects should be.
Indeed, leaving aside the question of whether a clear theoretical
foundation exists for the existence of portfolio balance effects, there
is not a great deal of empirical support for quantitatively significant
effects. The attempt to separately target short-term and long-term
interest rates under Operation Twist in the early 1960s is generally
regarded as having had a modest effect at best on the term structure.
(25) The empirical literature that has sought to estimate the effects of
changes in the composition of the public debt on relative yields has
also, on the whole, found effects that are not large when present at
all. (26) For example, Jonas Agell and Mats Persson summarize their
findings as follows: "It turned out that these effects were rather
small in magnitude, and that their numerical values were highly
volatile. Thus the policy conclusion to be drawn seems to be that there
is not much scope for a debt management policy aimed at systematically
affecting asset yields. (27) Moreover, even if one supposes that large
enough changes in the composition of the portfolio of securities left in
the hands of the private sector can substantially affect yields, it is
not clear how relevant such an effect should be for real activity and
the evolution of goods prices. For example, James Clouse and others
argue that a sufficiently large reduction in the number of long-term
Treasuries in the hands of the public should lower the market yield on
those securities relative to short-term rates, because certain
institutions will find it important to hold long-term Treasury
securities even when they offer an unfavorable yield. (28) But even if
this is true, the fact that these institutions have idiosyncratic
reasons to hold long-term Treasuries--and that, in equilibrium, no one
else holds any or plays any role in pricing them--means that the lower
observed yield on long-term Treasuries may not correspond to any
reduction in the perceived cost of long-term borrowing for other
institutions. If one is able to reduce the long-term bond rate only by
decoupling it from the rest of the structure of interest rates, and from
the cost of financing long-term investment projects, it is unclear that
such a reduction should do much to stimulate economic activity or to
halt deflationary pressures.
Hence we are not inclined to suppose that our irrelevance
proposition represents so poor an approximation to reality as to deprive
it of practical relevance. Even if the effects of open-market operations
under the conditions the proposition describes are not exactly zero, it
seems unlikely that they should be large. In our view it is more
important to note that our irrelevance proposition depends on an
assumption that interest rate policy is specified in a way that implies
that these open-market operations have no consequences for interest rate
policy, either immediately (which is trivial, because it would not be
possible for them to lower current interest rates, which is the only
effect that would be desired), or at any subsequent date. We have also
specified fiscal policy in a way that implies that the contemplated
open-market operations have no effect on the path of total government
liabilities {[D.sub.t]} either, whether immediately or at any later
date. Although we think these definitions make sense, as a way of
isolating the pure effects of open-market purchases of assets by the
central bank from either interest rate policy on the one hand or fiscal
policy on the other, those who recommend monetary expansion by the
central bank may intend for this to have consequences of one or both of
these other sorts.
For example, when it is argued that a "helicopter drop"
of money into the economy would surely stimulate nominal aggregate
demand, the thought experiment that is usually contemplated is not
simply a change in the function [psi] in our policy rule equation 11.
First of all, it is typically supposed that the expansion of the money
supply will be permanent. If this is the case, then the function [phi]
that defines interest rate policy is also being changed, in a way that
will become relevant at some future date, when the money supply no
longer exceeds the satiation level. (29) Second, the assumption that the
money supply is increased through a helicopter drop rather than an
open-market operation implies a change in fiscal policy as well. Such an
operation would increase the value of nominal government liabilities,
and it is generally at least tacitly assumed that this is a permanent
increase as well. Hence the experiment that is imagined is not one that
our irrelevance proposition implies should have no effect on the
equilibrium path of prices.
Even more important, our irrelevance result applies only given a
correct private sector understanding of the central bank's
commitments regarding future policy. Such understanding may be lacking.
We have just argued that the key to lowering long-term interest rates,
in a way that actually provides an incentive for increased spending, is
to change expectations regarding the likely future path of short-term
rates, rather than through intervention in the market for long-term
Treasuries. As a matter of logic, this need not require any open-market
purchases of long-term Treasuries at all. Nonetheless, the private
sector may be uncertain about the nature of the central bank's
policy commitment, and so it may scrutinize the bank's current
actions for further clues. In practice, the management of private sector
expectations is an art of considerable subtlety, and shifts in the
portfolio of the central bank could be of some value in making credible
to the private sector the central bank's own commitment to a
particular kind of future policy, as we discuss further in the
penultimate section of the paper. Signaling effects of this kind are
often argued to be an important reason for the effectiveness of
interventions in foreign-exchange markets, and they might well provide a
justification for open-market operations when the zero bound binds. (30)
We do not wish, then, to argue that asset purchases by the central
bank are necessarily pointless under the circumstances of a binding zero
lower bound on short-term nominal interest rates. However, we do think
it important to observe that, insofar as such actions can have any
effect, it is not because of any necessary or mechanical consequence of
the shift in the portfolio of assets in the hands of the private sector
itself. Instead, any effect of such actions must be due to the way in
which they change expectations regarding future interest rate policy or,
perhaps, the future path of total nominal government liabilities. Later
we discuss reasons why open-market purchases by the central bank might
plausibly have consequences for expectations of these types. But because
it is only through effects on expectations regarding future policy that
these actions can matter, we focus our attention on the question of what
kind of commitments regarding future policy are in fact to be desired.
And this question can be addressed without explicit consideration of the
role of central bank open-market operations of any kind. Hence we will
simplify our model--abstracting from monetary frictions and the
structure of government liabilities altogether--and instead consider
what is the desirable conduct of interest rate policy, and what kind of
commitments about this policy are desirable to make in advance.
How Severe a Constraint Is the Zero Bound?
We turn now to the question of how the existence of the zero bound
restricts the degree to which a central bank's stabilization
objectives, with regard to both inflation and real activity, can be
achieved, even under ideal policy. The discussion in the previous
section established that the zero bound does represent a genuine
constraint. It is not true that equilibria that cannot be achieved
through a suitable interest rate policy can somehow be achieved through
other means, and the zero bound does limit the set of possible
equilibrium paths for prices and output, although the quantitative
importance of this constraint remains to be seen.
Nonetheless, we will see that it is not at all the case that a
central bank can do nothing to mitigate the severity of the
destabilizing impact of the zero bound. The reason is that inflation and
output do not depend solely on the current level of short-term nominal
interest rates, or even solely on the history of such rates up until the
present (so that the current level of interest rates would be the only
thing that could possibly change in response to an unanticipated
disturbance). The expected character of future interest rate policy is
also a critical determinant of the degree to which the central bank
achieves its stabilization objectives, and this allows important scope
for policy to be improved upon, even when there is little choice about
the current level of short-term interest rates.
In fact, the management of expectations is the key to successful
monetary policy at all times, not just in those relatively unusual
circumstances when the zero bound is reached. The effectiveness of
monetary policy has little to do with the direct effect of changing the
level of overnight interest rates, since the current cost of maintaining
cash balances overnight is of fairly trivial significance for most
business decisions. What actually matters is the private sector's
anticipation of the future path of short-term rates, because this
determines equilibrium long-term interest rates as well as equilibrium
exchange rates and other asset prices--all of which are quite relevant
for many current spending decisions, and hence for optimal pricing
behavior as well. How short-term rates are managed matters because of
the signals that such management gives about how the private sector can
expect them to be managed in the future. But there is no reason to
suppose that expectations regarding future monetary policy, and hence
regarding the future paths of nominal variables more generally, should
change only insofar as the current level of overnight interest rates
changes. A situation in which there is no decision to be made about the
current level of overnight rates (as in Japan at present) is one that
gives urgency to the question of what expectations regarding future
policy one should wish to create, but this is in fact the correct way to
think about sound monetary policy at all times.
Of course, the question of what future policy one should wish
people to expect does not arise if current constraints leave no
possibility of committing oneself to a different sort of policy in the
future than one would otherwise have pursued. This means that the
private sector must be convinced that the central bank will not conduct
policy in a way that is purely forward looking, that is, taking account
at each point in time only of the possible paths that the economy could
follow from that date onward. For example, we will show that it is
undesirable for the central bank to pursue a given inflation target,
once the zero bound is expected no longer to prevent that target from
being achieved, even in the case that the pursuit of this target would
be optimal if the zero bound did not exist (or would never bind under an
optimal policy). The reason is that an expectation that the central bank
will pursue the fixed inflation target after the zero bound ceases to
bind gives people no reason to hold the kind of expectations, while the
bound is binding, that would mitigate the distortions created by it. A
history-dependent inflation target (31)--if the central bank's
commitment to it can be made credible--can instead yield a superior
But this, too, is an important feature of optimal policy rules more
generally. (32) Hence the analytical framework and institutional
arrangements used in making monetary policy need not be changed in any
fundamental way in order to deal with the special problems created by a
liquidity trap. As we explain later in the paper, the optimal policy in
the case of a binding zero bound can be implemented through a targeting
procedure that represents a straightforward generalization of a policy
that would be optimal even if the zero bound were expected never to
Feasible Responses to Fluctuations in the Natural Rate of Interest
In order to characterize how stabilization policy is constrained by
the zero bound, we make use of a log-linear approximation to the
structural equations presented in the previous section, of a kind that
is often employed in the literature on optimal monetary stabilization
policy. (33) Specifically, we log-linearize the structural equations of
our model (except for the zero bound in expression 4) around the paths
of inflation, output, and interest rates associated with a
zero-inflation steady state, in the absence of disturbances
([[xi].sub.t] = 0). We choose to expand around these particular paths
because the zero-inflation steady state represents optimal policy in the
absence of disturbances. (34) In the event of small enough disturbances,
optimal policy will still involve paths in which inflation, output, and
interest rates are at all times close to those of the zero-inflation
steady state. Hence an approximation to our equilibrium conditions that
is accurate in the case of inflation, output, and interest rates near
those values will allow an accurate approximation to the optimal
responses to disturbances in the case thai the disturbances are small
In the zero-inflation steady state, it is easily seen that the real
rate of interest is equal to [bar]r = [[beta].sub.-1] 1 > 0; this is
also the steady-state nominal interest rate. Hence, in the case of small
enough disturbances, optimal policy will involve a nominal interest rate
that is always positive, and the zero bound will not be a binding
constraint. (Optimal policy in this case is characterized in the
references cited in the previous paragraph.) However, we are interested
in the case in which disturbances are at least occasionally large enough
for the zero bound to bind, that is, to prevent attainment of the
outcome that would be optimal in the absence of such a bound. It is
possible to consider this problem rigorously using only a log-linear
approximation to the structural equations in the case where the lower
bound on nominal interest is assumed to be not much below [bar]r. We can
arrange for this gap to be as small as we may wish, without changing
other crucial parameters of the model such as the assumed rate of time
preference, by supposing that interest is paid on the monetary base at a
rate [i.sup.m] > 0 that cannot (for some institutional reason) be
reduced. Then the lower bound on interest rates actually becomes
(23) [i.sub.t] [is greater than or equal to] [i.sub.m]
We will characterize optimal policy subject to a constraint of the
form of expression 23, in the case that both a bound on the amplitude of
disturbances ||6|| and the steady-state opportunity cost of holding
money [delta] [equivalent to] {[bar]r - [i.sup.m])/(1 + r) > 0 are
small enough. Specifically, both our structural equations and our
characterization of the optimal responses of inflation, output, and
interest rates to disturbances will be required to be exact only up to a
residual of order O(||[xi]; [delta]|[|.sup.2]): We then hope (without
here seeking to verify) that our characterization of optimal policy in
the case of a small opportunity cost of holding money and small
disturbances is not too inaccurate in the case of an opportunity cost of
several percentage points (the case in which [i.sup.m] = 0) and
disturbances large enough to cause the natural rate of interest to vary
by several percentage points (as will be required in order for the zero
bound to bind).
As Woodford has shown elsewhere, (35) the log-linear approximate
equilibrium relations may be summarized by two equations each period: a
forward-looking "IS relation"
(24) [X.sub.t] = [E.sub.t][x.sub.t+1] - [sigma]([i.sub.t] -
[E.sub.t][[pi].sub.t+1] - [r.sup.n.sub.t]),
and a forward-looking "AS relation" (or New Keynesian
Phillips curve)
(25) [[pi].sub.t] = [kappa][x.sub.t] +
[beta][E.sub.t][[pi].sub.t+1] + [u.sub.t].
Here [[pi].sub.t] [equivalent to] log([P.sub.t]/[P.sub.t-1]) is the
inflation rate, [x.sub.t] is a welfare-relevant output gap, and
[i.sub.t] is now the continuously compounded nominal interest rate,
corresponding to log (1 + [i.sub.t]) in the notation used in the
previous section.
The terms [u.sub.t] and [r.sup.n.sub.t] are composite exogenous
disturbance terms that shift the two equations; the former is commonly
referred to as a cost-push disturbance, whereas the latter indicates
exogenous variation in the Wicksellian natural rate of interest, that
is, the equilibrium real rate of interest in the case that output growth
is at all times equal to its natural rate. The coefficients [sigma] and
[kappa] are both positive, and 0 < [beta] < 1 is again the utility
discount factor of the representative household.
Equation 24 is a log-linear approximation to equation 2, whereas
equation 25 is derived by log-linearizing equations 7 through 9 and then
eliminating log ([p.sup.*.sub.t]/[P.sub.t]). We omit the log-linear
version of the money demand relation in expression 3, because here we
are interested solely in characterizing the possible equilibrium paths
of inflation, output, and interest rates, and we may abstract from the
question of what might be the required path for the monetary base that
is associated with any such equilibrium. (It suffices that there exist a
monetary base that will satisfy the money demand relation in each case,
and this will be true as long as the interest rate bound is satisfied.)
The other equilibrium requirements of the earlier discussion can be
ignored in the case that we are interested only in possible equilibria
that remain forever near the zero-inflation steady state, because they
are automatically satisfied in that case. Equations 24 and 25 represent
a pair of equations each period to determine inflation and the output
gap, given the central bank's interest rate policy. We will seek to
compare alternative possible paths for inflation, the output gap, and
the nominal interest rate that satisfy these two log-linear equations
together with expression 23. Note that our conclusions will be identical
(up to a scale factor) in the event that we multiply the amplitude of
the disturbances and the steady-state opportunity cost [delta] by any
common factor; alternatively, if we measure the amplitude of
disturbances in units of [delta], our results will be independent of the
value of [delta] (to the extent that our log-linear approximation
remains valid). Hence we choose the normalization [delta] = 1 - [beta],
corresponding to [i.sub.m] = 0, to simplify the presentation. In that
case the lower bound for the nominal interest rate is again given by
expression 4.
Deflation under Forward-Looking Policy
We begin by considering the degree to which the zero bound impedes
the achievement of the central bank's stabilization objectives in
the case that the bank pursues a strict inflation target. We interpret
this as a commitment to adjust the nominal interest rate so that (26)
[[pi].sub.t] = [[pi].sup.*]
each period, insofar as it is possible to achieve this with some
nonnegative interest rate. It is easy to verity, by the IS and AS
equations above, that a necessary condition for this target to be
satisfied is
(27) [i.sub.t] = [r.sup.n.sub.t] + [[pi].sup.*].
When inflation is on target, the real interest rate is equal to the
natural real rate at all times, and the output gap is at its long-run
level. The zero bound, however, prevents equation 27 from holding if
[r.sup.n.sub.t] < -[pi.sup.*]. Thus, if the natural rate of interest
is low, the zero bound frustrates the central bank's ability to
implement an inflation target. Suppose the inflation target is zero, so
that [[pi].sup.*] = 0. Then the zero bound is binding if the natural
rate of interest is negative, and the central bank is unable to achieve
its inflation target.
To illustrate this, consider the following experiment. Suppose the
natural rate of interest is unexpectedly negative in period 0 and
reverts back to its steady-state value [bar]r > 0 with a fixed
probability in every period. Figure 2 shows the state-contingent paths
of the output gap and inflation under these circumstances for each of
three different possible inflation targets [[pi].sup.*]. We assume in
period 0 that the natural rate of interest becomes -2 percent a year and
then reverts back to the steady-state value of+4 percent a year with a
probability of 0.1 each quarter. Thus the natural rate of interest is
expected to be negative for ten quarters on average at the time the
shock occurs.
The dashed lines in figure 2 show the state-contingent paths of the
output gap and inflation if the central bank targets zero inflation.
(36) Starting from the left, the first dashed line shows the equilibrium
that prevails if the natural rate of interest returns to the steady
state in period 1, the next line if it returns in period 2, and so on.
The inability of the central bank to set a negative nominal interest
rate results in a 14 percent output gap and 10 percent annual deflation.
The fact that in each quarter there is a 90 percent chance of the
natural rate of interest remaining negative for the next quarter creates
the expectation of future deflation and a continued negative output gap,
which creates even further deflation. Even if the central bank lowers
the short-term nominal interest rate to zero, the real rate of return is
positive, because the private sector expects deflation.
The shaded lines in figure 2 show the equilibrium that prevails if
the central bank instead sets a 1 percent annual inflation target. In
this case the private sector expects 1 percent inflation once the
economy is out of the liquidity trap. This, however, is not enough to
offset the -2 percent natural rate of interest, so that in equilibrium
the private sector expects deflation instead of inflation. The result of
this and a negative natural rate of interest is 4 percent annual
deflation (when the natural rate of interest is negative) and an output
gap of 7 percent.
Finally, the solid horizontal line shows the evolution of output
and inflation in the case where the central bank targets 2 percent
annual inflation. In this case the central bank can satisfy equation 4
even when the natural rate of interest is negative. When the natural
rate of interest is -2 percent, the central bank lowers the nominal
interest rate to zero. Since the inflation target is 2 percent, the real
rate is -2 percent, which is enough to close the output gap and keep
inflation on target. If the inflation target is high enough, therefore,
the central bank is able to accommodate a negative natural rate of
interest. This is the argument given by Edmund Phelps, Lawrence Summers,
and Stanley Fischer for a positive inflation target. (37) Krugman makes
a similar argument and suggests more concretely that, in 1998, Japan
needed a positive inflation target of 4 percent under its then-current
circumstances to achieve negative real rates and curb deflation. (38)
Although it is clear that commitment to a higher inflation target
will indeed guard against the need for an output gap in periods when the
natural rate of interest falls, the price of this solution is the
distortions created by the inflation, both when the natural rate of
interest is negative and under more normal circumstances as well. Hence
the optimal inflation target (from among the strict inflation targeting
policies just considered) will be some value that is at least slightly
positive, in order to mitigate the distortions created by the zero bound
when the natural rate of interest is negative, but not so high as to
keep the zero bound from ever binding (see the table in the next
section). An intermediate inflation target, in contrast (like the I
percent target considered in the figure), leads to a substantial
recession when the natural rate of interest becomes negative, and
chronic inflation at all other times. Hence no such policy allows a
complete solution of the problem posed by the zero bound in the case
that the natural rate of interest is sometimes negative.
Nor can one do better through commitment to any policy rule that is
purely forward looking in the sense discussed elsewhere by Woodford.
(39) A purely forward-looking policy is one under which the central
bank's action at any time depends only on an evaluation of the
possible paths for the central bank's target variables (here,
inflation and the output gap) that are possible from the current date
forward, neglecting past conditions except insofar as they constrain the
economy's possible future path. In the log-linear model presented
above, the possible paths for inflation and the output gap from period t
onward depend only on the expected evolution of the natural rate of
interest from period t onward. If one assumes a Markovian process for
the natural rate, as in the numerical analysis above, then any purely
forward-looking policy will result in an inflation rate, output gap, and
nominal interest rate in period t that depend only on the natural rate
in period t--in our numerical example, on whether the natural rate is
still negative or has already returned to its long-run steady-state
value. It is easily shown in the case of our two-state example that the
optimal state-contingent path for inflation and output from among those
with this property will be one in which the zero bound binds if and only
if the natural rate is in the low state; hence it will correspond to a
strict inflation target of the kind just considered, for some [pi.sup.*]
between zero and 2 percent.
But one can actually do considerably better, through commitment to
a history-dependent policy, in which the central bank's actions
will depend on past conditions even though these are irrelevant to the
degree to which its stabilization goals could in principle be achieved
from then on. In the next section we characterize the optimal form of
history-dependent policy and determine the degree to which it improves
upon the stabilization of both output and inflation.
The Optimal Policy Commitment
We now characterize optimal monetary policy, by optimizing over the
set of all possible state-contingent paths for inflation, output, and
the short-term nominal interest rate consistent with the log-linearized
structural relations in equations 24 and 25. It is assumed (for now)
that the expectations regarding future state-contingent policy that are
required for such an equilibrium can be made credible to the private
sector. In considering the central bank's optimization problem
under the assumption that a credible commitment is possible regarding
future policy, we do not mean to minimize the subtlety of the task of
actually communicating such a commitment to the public and making it
credible. However, we do not believe it makes sense to recommend a
policy that would systematically seek to achieve an outcome other than a
rational expectations equilibrium. That is, we are interested in
policies that will have the desired effect even when correctly
understood by the public. Optimization under the assumption of credible
commitment is simply a way of finding the best possible rational
expectations equilibrium. Once the equilibrium that one would like to
bring about has been identified, along with the interest rate policy
that it requires, one can turn to the question of how best to signal
these intentions to the public (an issue that we briefly address in the
paper's penultimate section).
We assume that the government minimizes
This loss function can be derived by a second-order Taylor
expansion of the utility of the representative household. (40) The
optimal program can be found by a Lagrangian method, extending the
methods used by Richard Clarida, Jordi Gali, and Mark Gertler and by
Woodford to the case in which the zero bound can sometimes bind, as
shown by Taehun Jung, Yuki Teranishi, and Tsutomu Watanabe. (41) We
combine the zero bound and the IS equation to yield the following
[x.sub.t][less than or equal to][E.sub.t][x.sub.t+1] +
[sigma]([r.sup.n.sub.r] + [E.sub.t][[pi].sub.t+1]).
The Lagrangian for this problem is then
Jung, Teranishi, and Watanabe show that the first-order conditions
for an optimal policy commitment are
(29) [[pi].sub.t] + [[sigma].sub.2t] - [[sigma].sub.2t-1] -
[[beta].sup.-1][sigma][[phi].sub.1t-1] = 0
(30) [lambda][x.sub.t] + [[phi].sub.1t] - [[beta].sup.-1]
[[phi].sub.1t-1] - [kappa][[phi].sub.2t] = 0
(31) [[phi].sub.1t] [is greater than or equal to]0, [i.sub.t] [is
greater than or equal to] 0, [[sigma].sub.1t][i.sub.t] = 0
One cannot solve this system by applying standard solution methods
for rational expectations models, because of the complications of the
nonlinear constraint in equation 31. The appendix describes the
numerical method we use to solve these equations instead. (42) Here we
discuss the results that we obtain for the particular numerical
experiment considered in the previous section.
What is apparent from the first-order conditions is that optimal
policy is history dependent, so that the optimal choice of inflation,
the output gap, and the nominal interest rate depends on the past values
of the endogenous variables. This can be seen by the appearance of a
lagged value of the Lagrange multipliers in the first-order conditions.
To get a sense of how this history dependence matters, it is useful to
consider again the numerical example shown in figure 2. Suppose the
natural rate of interest becomes negative in period 0 and then reverts
to the steady state with a fixed probability in each period. Figure 3
shows the optimal output gap, the inflation rate, and the price level
from period 0 to period 25. As in figure 2, the separate lines in each
panel show the evolution of the variables in the case that the
disturbances last for different lengths of time ranging from one quarter
to twenty quarters.
One observes that the optimal policy involves committing to the
creation of an output boom once the natural rate again becomes positive,
and hence to the creation of future inflation. Such a commitment
stimulates aggregate demand and reduces deflationary pressure while the
economy remains in the liquidity trap, through each of several channels.
As Krugman points out, (43) creating the expectation of future
inflation can lower real interest rates, even when nominal interest
rates cannot be reduced. In the context of Krugman's model, it
might seem that this requires that inflation be promised quite quickly
(that is, by the following "period"). Our fully intertemporal
model shows how even the expectation of later inflation--which nominal
interest rates are not expected to rise to offset--can stimulate current
demand, because in our model current spending decisions depend on real
interest rate expectations far in the future. For the same reason, the
expectation that nominal interest rates will be kept low later, when the
central bank might otherwise have raised them, will also stimulate
spending while the zero bound still binds. And finally, the expectation
of higher future income should stimulate current spending, in accordance
with the permanent income hypothesis. In addition, prices are less
likely to fall, even given the current level of real activity, to the
extent that future inflation is expected. This reduces the distortions
created by deflation itself.
On the other hand, these gains from the change in expectations
while the economy is in the liquidity trap can be achieved (given
rational expectations on the part of the private sector) only if the
central bank is expected to actually pursue the inflationary policy
after the natural rate returns to its normal level. This will in turn
create distortions at that later time, and this limits the extent to
which this tool is used under an optimal policy. Hence some contraction
of output and some deflation occur during the time that the natural rate
is negative, even under the optimal policy commitment.
Also, and this is a key point, although the optimal policy involves
commitment to a higher price level in the future, the price level will
ultimately be stabilized. This is in sharp contrast to a constant
positive-inflation target, which would imply an ever-increasing price
level. Figure 4 shows the corresponding state-contingent nominal
interest rate under the optimal commitment and contrasts it with the
evolution of the nominal interest rate under a zero-inflation target. To
increase inflation expectations in the trap, the central bank commits to
keeping the nominal interest rate at zero after the natural rate of
interest becomes positive again. In contrast, if the central bank
targets zero inflation, it raises the nominal interest rate as soon as
the natural rate of interest becomes positive again. The optimal
commitment is an example of history-dependent policy, in which the
central bank commits itself to raise interest rates slowly at the time
the natural rate becomes positive in order to affect expectations when
the zero bound is binding.
The nature of the additional history dependence of the optimal
policy may perhaps be more easily seen if we consider the paths of
inflation, output, and interest rates under a single possible
realization of the random fundamentals. Figure 5 compares the
equilibrium paths of all three variables, both under the zero-inflation
target and under optimal policy, in the case where the natural rate of
interest is negative for fifteen quarters (t = 0 through 14), but where
it is not known until quarter 15 that the natural rate will return to
its normal level in that quarter. Under the optimal policy the nominal
interest rate is kept at zero for five more quarters (t = 15 through
19), whereas it immediately returns to its long-run steady-state level
in quarter 15 under the forward-looking policy. The consequence of the
public anticipating policy of this kind is that both the contraction of
real activity and the deflation that occur under the strict inflation
target are largely avoided, as shown in the second and third panels of
the figure.
Implementing Optimal Policy
We turn now to the question of how policy should be conducted in
order to bring about the optimal equilibrium characterized in the
previous section. The question of the implementation of optimal policy
remains nontrivial, even after the optimal state-contingent paths of all
variables have been identified, because in general the solution obtained
for the optimal state-contingent path of the policy instrument (the
short-term nominal interest rate) does not in itself represent a useful
description of a policy rule. (44) For example, in the context of the
present model, a commitment to a state-contingent nominal interest rate
path, even when fully credible, does not imply determinate rational
expectations equilibrium paths for inflation and output; it is instead
necessary for the central bank to be committed (and be understood to be
committed) to a particular way of responding to deviations of inflation
and the output gap from their desired paths. Another problem is that a
complete description of the optimal state-contingent interest rate path
is unlikely to be feasible. In the previous section we showed that one
can characterize (at least numerically) the optimal state-contingent
interest rate path in the case of one very particular kind of stochastic
process for the natural rate of interest. But a solution of this kind,
allowing for all possible states of belief about the probabilities of
various future paths of the natural rate (and disturbances to the
aggregate supply relation as well), would be difficult to write down,
let alone explain to the public.
Here we show that optimal policy can nonetheless be implemented
through commitment to a policy rule that specifies the central
bank's short-run targets at each point in time as a (fairly simple)
function of what has occurred before that date. How can this be done?
One may be tempted to believe that our suggested policy is not entirely
realistic or operational. Figures 3 and 4, for example, indicated that
the optimal policy involves a complicated state-contingent plan for the
nominal interest rate, which would be hard to communicate to the public.
Furthermore, it may appear that it depends on knowledge of a special
statistical process for the natural rate of interest, which is in
practice hard to estimate. Our discussion of the fixed inflation target
suggests that the effectiveness of increasing inflation expectations to
close the output gap depends on the difference between the announced
inflation target and the natural rate of interest. It may therefore seem
crucial to estimate the natural rate of interest in order to implement
the optimal policy. Below, however, we present the striking result that
the optimal policy rule can be implemented without any estimate or
knowledge of the statistical process for the natural rate of interest.
This is an example of a robustly optimal direct policy rule of the kind
discussed by Marc Giannoni and Woodford for the case of a general class
of linear-quadratic policy problems. (45) An interesting feature of the
present example is that we show how to construct a robustly optimal rule
in the same spirit, in a case where not all of the relevant constraints
are linear (owing to the fact that the zero bound binds at some times
and not at others).
An Optimal Targeting Rule
To implement the rule proposed here, the central bank need only
observe the price level and the output gap. The rule suggested
replicates exactly the history dependence discussed in the last section.
The rule is implemented as follows.
First, in each and every period there is a predetermined
price-level target [p.sup.*.sub.t]. The central bank chooses the
interest rate [i.sub.t], to achieve the target relation
(32) [p.sub.t] = [p.sup.*.sub.t],
if this is possible. If it is not possible, even by lowering the
nominal interest rate to zero, then [i.sub.t], = 0. Here [p.sub.t], is
an output gap-adjusted price index, (46) defined by
[p.sub.t] [equivalent to] [p.sub.t] + [lambda]/[kappa]([x.sub.t]).
The target for the next period is then determined as
(33) [p.sup.*.sub.t+1] = [p.sup.*.sub.t] + [[beta].sup.-1] (1 +
[kappa][sigma]) [[DELTA].sub.t] - [[beta].sup.-1] [[DELTA].sub.t-1],
where [[DELTA].sub.t], is the target shortfall in period t:
(34) [[DELTA].sub.t] [equivalent to] [p.sup.*.sub.t] - [p.sub.t].
It can be verified that this rule does indeed achieve the optimal
commitment solution. If the price-level target is not reached, because
of the zero bound, the central bank increases its target for the next
period. This, in turn, increases inflation expectations further in the
trap, which is exactly what is needed to reduce the real interest rate.
Figure 6 shows how the price-level target [p.sup.*.sub.t] would
evolve over time, depending on the number of periods in which the
natural rate of interest remains negative, in the same numerical
experiment as in figure 3. (Here the dark lines show the evolution of
the gap-adjusted price level [p.sub.t] and the shaded lines show the
evolution of [p.sup.*.sub.t].) One observes that the target price level
is ratcheted steadily higher during the period in which the natural rate
remains negative, as the actual price level continues to fall below the
target by an increasing amount. Once the natural rate of interest
becomes positive again, the degree to which the gap-adjusted price level
undershoots the target begins to shrink, although the target often
continues to be undershot (as the zero bound continues to bind) for
several more quarters. (How long this is true depends on how high the
target price level has risen relative to the actual index; it will be
higher the longer the natural rate has been negative.) As the degree of
undershooting begins to shrink, the price-level target begins to fall
again, as a result of the dynamics specified by equation 33. This
hastens the date at which the target can actually be hit with a
nonnegative interest rate. Once the target ceases to be undershot, it no
longer changes, and the central bank targets and achieves a new constant
value for the gap-adjusted price level [p.sub.t] one slightly higher
than the target in place before the disturbance occurred.
Note that this approach to implementing optimal policy answers the
question of whether there is any point in announcing an inflation target
(or price-level target) if one knows that it is extremely unlikely to be
achieved in the short run, because the zero bound is likely to continue
to bind. The answer here is yes. The central bank wishes to make the
private sector aware of its commitment to the time-varying price-level
target described by equations 32 through 34, because eventually it will
be able to hit the target. The anticipation of that fact (that is, of
the level that prices will eventually reach, as a result of the policies
that the bank will follow after the natural rate of interest again
becomes positive) while the natural rate is still negative is important
in mitigating the distortions caused by the zero bound. The fact that
the target is not hit immediately should not create doubts about whether
central bank announcements regarding its target have any meaning, if it
is explained that the bank is committed to hitting the target if this is
possible at a nonnegative interest rate, so that, at each point in time,
either the target will be attained or a zero interest rate policy will
be followed. The existence of the target is relevant even when it is not
being attained, because it allows the private sector to judge how close
the central bank is to a situation in which it would feel justified in
abandoning the zero interest rate policy; hence the current gap between
the actual and the target price level should shape private sector
expectations of the time when interest rates are likely to remain low.
Would the private sector have any reason to believe that the
central bank was serious about the price-level target, if in each period
all that is observed is a zero nominal interest rate and yet another
target shortfall? The best way of making a rule credible is for the
central bank to conduct policy over time in a way that demonstrates its
commitment. Ideally, the central bank's commitment to the
price-level targeting framework would be demonstrated before the zero
bound came to bind (at which time the central bank would have frequent
opportunities to show that the target did determine its behavior). The
rule proposed above is one that would be equally optimal both under
normal circumstances and in the case of the relatively unusual kind of
disturbance that causes the natural rate of interest to be substantially
To understand how the rule works outside of the trap, it is useful
to note that, when the nominal interest rate is positive,
[[DELTA].sub.t] = 0 at all times. The central bank should therefore
demonstrate a commitment to subsequently undo any over- or undershooting
of the price-level target. In this case any deflation that occurs when
the economy finds itself in a liquidity trap should create expectations
of future inflation, as mandated by optimal policy. The additional term
[[DELTA].sub.t] implies that, when the zero bound is binding, the
central bank should raise its long-run price-level target even further,
thus increasing inflation expectations even more.
It may be wondered why we discuss our proposal in terms of a
(gap-adjusted) price-level target rather than an inflation target. In
fact, we could equivalently describe the policy in terms of a
time-varying target for the gap-adjusted inflation rate [[pi].sup.t]
[equivalent to] [p.sub.t] - [p.sub.t-1]. The reason we prefer to
describe the rule as a price-level targeting rule is that the essence of
the rule is easily described in those terms. As we show below, a fixed
target for the gap-adjusted price level would actually represent quite a
good approximation to optimal policy, whereas a fixed inflation target
would not come close, because it would fail to allow for any of the
history dependence of policy necessary to mitigate the distortions
resulting from the zero bound.
A Simpler Proposal
One may argue that an unappealing aspect of the rule suggested
above is that it involves the term [[DELTA].sup.t], which determines the
change in the price-level target, and is nonzero only when the zero
bound is binding. Suppose that the central bank's commitment to a
policy rule can become credible over time only through repeated
demonstrations of its commitment to act in accordance with it. In that
case the part of the rule that involves the adjustment of the target in
response to target shortfalls when the zero bound binds might not come
to be well understood by the private sector for a very long time,
because the occasions when the zero bound binds will presumably be
relatively infrequent.
Fortunately, most of the benefits that can be achieved in principle
through a credible commitment to the optimal targeting rule can be
achieved through commitment to a much simpler rule, which would not
involve any special provisos that are invoked only in the event of a
liquidity trap. Consider the following simpler rule:
(35) [p.sub.t] + [lambda]/[kappa] ([x.sub.t]) = [p.sup.*],
where now the target for the gap-adjusted price level is fixed at
all times. The advantage of this rule, although it is not fully optimal
when the zero bound is binding, is that it may be more easily
communicated to the public. Note that the simple rule is fully optimal
in the absence of the zero bound. In fact, even if the zero bound
occasionally binds, this rule results in distortions only a bit more
severe than those associated with the fully optimal policy.
Figures 7 and 8 compare the results for these two rules. The shaded
lines show the equilibrium under the constant-price-level target rule in
equation 35, whereas the dark lines show the fully optimal rule in
equations 32 through 34. As the figures show, the constant-price-level
targeting rule results in state-contingent responses of output and
inflation that are very close to those under the optimal commitment,
even if under this rule the price level falls further during the period
when the zero bound binds, and only asymptotically rebounds to its level
before the disturbance. The table below shows that the simple rule
already achieves most of the welfare gain that the optimal policy
achieves; the table reports the value of expected discounted losses, as
a percentage of what could be achieved by a strict zero-inflation target
(equation 28), conditional on the occurrence of the disturbance in
period 0, under the various policies discussed above:
Policy Loss (percent)
Strict inflation target, [[pi].sup.*] = 0 100
Strict inflation target, [[pi].sup.*] = 1 24.1
Strict inflation target, [[pi].sup.*] = 2 32
Constant price-level target 0.0725
Optimal rule 0.036
Both of the latter two, history-dependent policies are vastly
superior to any of the strict inflation targets. Although it is true
that losses remain twice as large under the simple rule as under the
optimal rule, they are nonetheless fairly small.
As with the fully optimal rule, no estimate of the natural rate of
interest is needed to implement the constant-price-level targeting rule.
It may seem puzzling at first that a constant-price-level targeting rule
does well, because no account is taken of the size of the disturbance to
the natural rate of interest. This comes about because a price-level
target commits the government to undo any deflation with subsequent
inflation; a larger disturbance, which creates a larger initial
deflation, automatically creates greater inflation expectations in
response. Thus an automatic stabilizer is built into the price-level
target, which is lacking under a strict inflation targeting regime. (48)
A proper strategy for the central bank to use in communicating its
objectives and targets when outside the liquidity trap is of crucial
importance for this policy rule to be successful. To see this, consider
a rule that is equivalent to equation 35 when the zero bound is not
binding. Taking the difference of equation 35, we obtain
(36) [[pi].sub.t], + [lambda]/[kappa]([x.sub.t] - [x.sub.t-1]) = 0
Although this rule results in an equilibrium identical to that
under the constant-price-level targeting rule when the zero bound is not
binding, the result is dramatically different when the zero bound is
binding, because this rule implies that the inflation rate is
proportional to the negative of the growth rate of output. Thus it
mandates deflation when there is growth in the output gap. This implies
that the central bank will deflate once the economy is out of a
liquidity trap, because the economy will then be in a period of output
growth. This is exactly the opposite of what is optimal, as we have
observed above. Thus the outcome under this rule is even worse than
under a strict zero-inflation target, even if this rule replicates the
price-level targeting rule when out of the trap. What this underlines is
that it is not enough to replicate the equilibrium behavior that
corresponds to equation 35 in normal times to induce the correct set of
expectations when the zero bound is binding. It is crucial to
communicate to the public that the government is committed to a long-run
price-level target. This commitment is exactly what creates the desired
inflation expectations when the zero bound is binding.
Should the Central Bank Keep Some Powder Dry?
Thus far we have considered only alternative policies that might be
followed after the natural rate of interest has unexpectedly fallen to a
negative value, causing the zero bound to bind. A question of
considerable current interest in countries like the United States,
however, is how policy should be affected by the anticipation that the
zero bound might well bind before long, even if it is not yet binding.
Some have argued that, in such circumstances, the Federal Reserve should
be cautious about lowering interest rates all the way to zero too soon,
in order to save its ammunition for future emergencies. This suggests
that the anticipation that the zero bound could bind in the near future
should lead to tighter policy than would otherwise be justified given
current conditions. Others argue, however, that policy should instead be
more inflationary than one might otherwise prefer, to reduce the
probability that a further negative shock will result in a binding zero
Our characterization of the optimal targeting rule can shed light
on this debate. Recall that the rule laid out in equations 32 through 34
describes optimal policy regardless of the assumed stochastic process
for the natural rate of interest, and not only in the case of the
particular two-state Markov process assumed in figure 3. In particular,
the same rule is optimal in the case that information is received
indicating the likelihood of the natural rate of interest becoming
negative before this actually occurs. How should that news affect the
conduct of policy? Under the optimal targeting rule, the optimal target
for [p.sub.t], is unaffected by such expectations, as long as the zero
bound is not yet binding, because only target shortfalls that have
already occurred can justify a change in the target value
[p.sup.*.sub.t]. Thus an increased assessment of the likelihood of a
binding zero bound over the coming year or two would not be a reason for
increasing the price-level target (or the implied target rate of
inflation). (49)
On the other hand, this news will affect the paths of inflation,
output. and interest rates, even in the absence of any immediate change
in the central bank's price-level target, owing to the effect on
forward-looking private sector spending and pricing decisions. The
anticipation of a coming state in which the natural rate of interest
will be negative, and actual interest rates will not be able to fall as
much, owing to the zero bound, will reduce both desired real expenditure
(at unchanged short-term interest rates) and desired price increases,
because of the anticipation of negative output gaps and price declines
in the future. This change in the behavior of the private sector's
outlook will require a change in the central bank's conduct of
policy in order to hit its unchanged target for the modified price
level, likely in the direction of a preemptive loosening. This is
illustrated by the numerical experiment shown in figure 9. Here we
suppose that in quarter 0 both the central bank and the private sector
learn that the natural rate of interest will fall to -2 percent a year
only in period 4. It is known that the natural rate will remain at its
normal level of +4 percent a year until then; after the drop, it will
return to the normal level with a probability of 0.1 each quarter, as in
the case considered earlier. We now consider the character of optimal
policy from period 0 onward, given this information. Figure 9 again
shows the optimal state-contingent paths of inflation and output in the
case that the disturbance to the natural rate, when it arrives, lasts
for one quarter, two quarters, and so on.
We observe that, under the optimal policy commitment, prices begin
to decline mildly as soon as the news of the coming disturbance is
received. The central bank is nonetheless able to avoid undershooting
its target for [p.sub.t], at first, by stimulating an increase in real
activity sufficient to justify the mild deflation. (Given the private
sector's shift to pessimism, this is the policy dictated by the
targeting rule, given that even a mild immediate increase in real
activity is insufficient to prevent a price decline, owing to the
anticipated decline in real demand when the disturbance hits.) By
quarter 3, however, this is no longer possible, and the central bank
undershoots its target for [p.sub.t], (as both prices and output
decline), even though the nominal interest rate is at zero. Thus,
optimal policy involves driving the nominal interest rate to zero even
before the natural rate of interest has turned negative, when that
development can already be anticipated for the near future. The fact
that the zero bound binds even before the natural rate of interest
becomes negative means that the price-level target is higher than it
otherwise would have been when the disturbance to the natural rate
arrives. As a result, deflation and the output gap during the period
when the natural rate is negative are less severe than in the case where
the disturbance is unanticipated. Optimal policy in this scenario is
somewhat more inflationary after the disturbance occurs than in the case
considered in figure 3, because in this case the optimal policy
commitment takes into account the contractionary effects, in periods
before the disturbance takes effect, of the anticipation that the
disturbance will result in price-level and output declines. The fact
that optimal policy after the disturbance occurs is different in this
case, despite the fact that the disturbance has exactly the same effects
as before from quarter 4 onward, is another illustration of the history
dependence of optimal policy.
Preventing a Self-Fulfilling Deflationary Trap
Our analysis thus far has assumed that the real disturbance that
results in a negative natural rate of interest does so only temporarily.
We have therefore supposed that price-level stabilization will
eventually be consistent with positive nominal interest rates and,
accordingly, that a time will foreseeably be reached when the central
bank can create inflation by keeping short-term nominal rates at a low
but nonnegative level. But is it possible for the zero bound to bind
forever in equilibrium, not because of a permanently negative natural
rate, but simply because deflation continues to be (correctly) expected
indefinitely? If so, the central bank's commitment to a
nondecreasing price-level target might seem irrelevant; the price level
would fall further and further short of the target, but because of the
binding zero bound, the central bank could never do anything about it.
In the model presented in the first part of the paper, a
self-fulfilling, permanent deflation is indeed consistent with both the
Euler equation (equation 2) for aggregate expenditure, the money-demand
relation (expression 3), and the pricing relations (equations 7 through
9). Suppose that, from some date [tau] onward, all disturbances
[[xi].sub.t], = 0 with certainty, so that the natural rate of interest
is expected to take the constant value [bar]r = [[beta].sup.-1]-1 >
0, as in the scenarios considered earlier in the paper. Then the
possible paths for inflation, output, and interest rates consistent with
each of the relations just listed in all periods t [greater than or
equal to] [tau] are given by
[i.sub.t] = 0
[P.sub.t]/[P.sub.t-1] = [beta] < 1
[p.sup.*.sub.t] / [P.sub.t] = [p.sup.*] =
[(1-[alpha][[beta].sup.[theta]-1] / 1-[alpha]).sup.1 / 1-[theta]] < 1
[Y.sub.t] = Y,
where Y < [bar]Y is implicitly defined by the relation
[[PI].sub.1][p.sup.*], [p.sup.*],1;Y,[bar]m(Y;0),0] = 0.
Note that this deflationary path is consistent with monetary policy
as long as real balances satisfy [M.sub.t]/[P.sub.t] [greater than or
equal to] [bar]m(Y;0) each period; faster growth of the money supply
does nothing to prevent consistency of this path with the requirement
that money supply equal money demand in each period.
There remains, however, one further requirement for equilibrium in
the earlier model, namely, the transversality condition (equation 6) or,
equivalently, the requirement that households hit their intertemporal
budget constraint. Whether the deflationary path is consistent with this
condition as well depends, properly speaking, on the specification of
fiscal policy: it is a matter of whether the government budget results
in contraction of the nominal value of total government liabilities
[D.sub.t] at a sufficient rate asymptotically. Under some assumptions
about the character of fiscal policy, such as the Ricardian fiscal
policy rule assumed by Jess Benhabib, Stephanie Schmitt-Grohe, and
Martin Uribe, (50) the nominal value of government liabilities will
necessarily contract as the price level falls, so that equation 6 is
also satisfied, and the processes described above will indeed represent
a rational expectations equilibrium. In such a case, then, a commitment
to the price-level targeting rule proposed in the previous section will
be equally consistent with more than one equilibrium: if people expect
the optimal price-level process characterized earlier, that will indeed
be an equilibrium, but if they expect perpetual deflation, that will be
an equilibrium as well.
However, this outcome can be excluded through a suitable commitment
with regard to the asymptotic evolution of total government liabilities.
Essentially, there needs to be a commitment to policies that ensure that
the nominal value of government liabilities cannot contract at the rate
required for satisfaction of the transversality condition, despite
perpetual deflation. One example of a commitment that would suffice is a
commitment to a balanced-budget policy of the kind analyzed by
Schmitt-Grohe and Uribe. (51) These authors show that self-fulfilling
deflations are not possible when monetary policy is committed to a
Taylor rule and the government to a balanced budget. The key to their
result is that the fiscal rule includes a commitment that is as binding
against running large surpluses as it is against running large deficits;
then the nominal value of government liabilities cannot contract, even
when the price level falls exponentially forever.
The credibility of this sort of fiscal commitment might be doubted,
and so another way of maintaining a floor under the asymptotic nominal
value of total government liabilities is through a commitment not to
contract the monetary base, together with a commitment of the government
to maintain a nonnegative asymptotic present value of the public debt.
In particular, suppose that the central bank commits itself to follow a
base-supply rule of the form
(37) [M.sub.t] = [P.sup.*.sub.t][bar]m([Y.sub.t]; [[xi].sub.t])
in each period when the zero bound binds (that is, when it is not
possible to hit the price-level target with a positive nominal interest
rate), where
[P.sup.*.sub.t] = exp{[P.sup.*.sub.t] - ([lambda] /
is the current price-level target implied by the adjusted
price-level target [p.sup.*.sub.t]. When the zero bound does not bind,
the monetary base is whatever level is demanded at the nominal interest
rate required to hit the price-level target. This is a rule in the same
spirit as equation 11, specifying a particular level of excess supply of
base money when the zero bound binds, but letting the monetary base be
endogenously determined by the central bank's other targets at
other times. Equation 37 is a more complicated formula than is necessary
to make our point, but it has the advantage of making the monetary base
a continuous function of other aggregate state variables at the point
where the zero bound just ceases to bind.
This particular form of commitment has the advantage that it may be
considered less problematic for the central bank to commit itself to
maintain a particular nominal value for its liabilities than for the
public treasury to do so. It can also be justified as entirely
consistent with the central bank's commitment to the price-level
targeting rule; even when the target cannot be hit, the central bank
supplies the quantity of money that would be demanded if the price level
were at the target. Doing so--refusing to contract the monetary base
even in a deflation--is a way of signaling to the public that the
central bank is serious about its intention to see the price level
restored to the target level.
If one then assumes a fiscal commitment that guarantees that
that is, that the government will asymptotically be neither
creditor nor debtor, the transversality condition reduces to
In the case of the base-supply rule in equation 37, this condition
is violated in the candidate equilibrium described above, since the
price-level and output paths specified would imply that
[[beta].sup.T] [E.sub.t][[u.sub.c]([Y.sub.T], [M.sub.T] /
[P.sub.T]; [[xi].sub.T])[M.sub.T] / [P.sub.T]] =
[[beta].sup.[tau]][u.sub.c][Y,[bar]m(Y;0);0][bar]m(Y;0)[P.sup.*.sub.T] /
[greater than or equal to]
[[beta].sup.[tau]][u.sub.c][Y,[bar]m(Y;0);0][bar]m(Y;0)[P.sup.*.sub.[tau]] / [P.sub.[tau]],
where the last inequality makes use of the fact that, under the
price-level targeting rule, {[p.sup.*.sub.t]} is a nondecreasing series.
Note that the final expression on the right-hand side is independent of
T, for all dates T [greater than or equal to] [tau]. Hence the series is
bounded away from zero, and the condition in equation 39 is violated.
Thus a commitment of this kind can exclude the possibility of a
self-fulfilling deflation of the sort described above as a rational
expectations equilibrium. It follows that there is a possible role for
quantitative easing--understood to mean the supply of base money beyond
the minimum quantity required for consistency with the zero nominal
interest rate--as an element of an optimal policy commitment. A
commitment to supply base money in proportion to the target price level,
and not the actual current price level, when the zero bound prevents the
central bank from hitting its price-level target, can be desirable both
as a way of ruling out self-fulfilling deflations and as a way of
signaling the central bank's continuing commitment to the
price-level target, even though it is temporarily unable to hit it.
Note that this result does not contradict our irrelevance
proposition, because here we have made a different assumption about the
nature of the fiscal commitment. Equation 38 implies that the evolution
of total nominal government liabilities will not be independent of the
central bank's target for the monetary base. As a consequence, the
neutrality proposition no longer holds. The import of that proposition
is that expansion of the monetary base when the economy is in a
liquidity trap is necessarily pointless; rather, any effect of such
action must depend either on changing expectations regarding future
interest rate policy or on changing expectations regarding the future
path of total nominal government liabilities. The present discussion has
illustrated circumstances in which expansion of the monetary base--or,
at any rate, a commitment not to contract it--could serve both these
Nonetheless, the present discussion does not support the view that
the central bank should be able to hit its price-level target at all
times, simply by flooding the economy with as much base money as is
required to prevent the price level from falling below the target at any
time. Our earlier analysis still describes all possible paths for the
price level consistent with rational expectations equilibrium, and we
have seen that even if the central bank were able to choose the
expectations that the private sector should have (as long as it were
willing to act in accordance with them), the zero bound would prevent it
from being able to fully stabilize inflation and the output gap.
Furthermore, the degree of monetary base expansion during a liquidity
trap called for by the rule in equation 37 is quite modest. The monetary
base will be raised gradually, if the zero bound continues to bind, as
the price-level target is ratcheted up to steadily higher levels. But
our calibrated example above indicates that this would typically involve
only a very modest increase in the monetary base, even if the liquidity
trap lasts for several years. There would be no obvious benefit to the
kind of rapid expansion of the monetary base actually tried in Japan
over the past two years. Such an expansion is evidently not justified by
any intention regarding the future price level, and hence regarding the
size of the monetary base once Japan exits from the trap. But an
injection of base money that is expected to be removed once the zero
bound ceases to bind should have little effect on spending or pricing
behavior, as we showed in the first section of the paper.
Further Aspects of the Management of Expectations
In the first section we argued that neither expansion of the
monetary base as such nor open-market purchases of particular types of
assets should have any effect on either inflation or real activity,
except to the extent that these actions might change expectations
regarding future interest rate policy (or possibly expectations
regarding the asymptotic behavior of total nominal government
liabilities, and hence the question of whether the transversality
condition should be satisfied). This then allowed us to characterize the
optimal policy commitment without any reference to the use of such
instruments of policy; a consideration of the different possible joint
paths of interest rates, inflation, and output that would be consistent
with rational expectations equilibrium sufficed to allow us to determine
the best possible equilibrium that one could hope to arrange, and to
characterize it in terms of the interest rate policy that one should
wish the private sector to expect.
However, this does not mean that other aspects of policy--beyond a
mere announcement of the rule to which the central bank wishes to be
understood to be committed in setting future interest rate
policy--cannot matter. They may matter insofar as certain kinds of
present actions may help to signal the bank's intentions regarding
future policy, or make it more credible that the central bank will
indeed carry out those intentions. A full analysis of the ways in which
policy actions may be justified as helping to steer expectations is
beyond the scope of this paper, and in any event the question is one
that has as much to do with psychology and effective communication as
with economic analysis. Nonetheless, we offer a few remarks here about
the kinds of policies that might contribute to the creation of desirable
Demonstrating Resolve
One way in which current actions may help to create desirable
expectations regarding future policy is by being seen to be consistent
with the principles that the central bank wishes the private sector to
understand will guide that policy. We have already mentioned one example
of this: one way to convince the private sector that the central bank
will follow the optimal price-level targeting rule after a period in
which the zero bound has been hit is by following this rule before such
a situation arises.
Our discussion in the previous section provides a further example.
Adjustment of the supply of base money while the zero bound is binding,
so as to keep the monetary base proportional to the target price level
rather than the actual current price level, can be helpful, even though
irrelevant to interest rate control, as a way of communicating to the
private sector the central bank's belief about where the price
level ought properly to be (and hence the quantity of base money that
the economy ought to need). By putting the existence of the price-level
target in greater relief, such an action can help create the
expectations regarding future interest rate policy necessary to mitigate
the distortions created by the binding zero bound.
As a further example, Clouse and others argue that open-market
operations may be stimulative, even when the zero bound has been
reached, because they "demonstrate resolve" to keep the
nominal interest rate at zero for a longer time than would otherwise be
expected. (52) But an expansion of the monetary base when the zero bound
is binding need not be interpreted in this way. Consider, for example, a
central bank with a constant zero inflation target, as discussed
previously. When the zero bound binds, such a bank is unable to hit its
inflation target and should exhibit frustration with this state of
affairs. If some within the bank believe it should always be possible to
hit the target with sufficiently vigorous monetary expansion, one might
well observe substantial growth in the monetary base at a time when the
inflation target is being undershot. Nonetheless, this would not imply
any commitment to looser policy subsequently; such a central bank would
never intentionally allow the monetary base to be higher than required
to hit the inflation target, if the target can be hit. The result should
be the equilibrium path shown in figure 2, and there should be no effect
from the quantitative easing that occurs while the zero bound binds.
This shows that it matters what the private sector understands to be the
principle that motivates quantitative easing; it is not simply a
question of how large is the increase in the monetary base.
Similarly, open-market purchases of long-term treasury bonds when
short-term rates are at zero, as advocated by Ben Bernanke and Stephen
Cecchetti, (53) among others, may well have a stimulative effect even if
portfolio balance effects are quantitatively unimportant. We argued
previously that under such circumstances it is desirable for the central
bank to commit itself to maintain low short-term rates even after the
natural rate of interest rises again. The level of long-term rates can
indicate the extent to which the markets actually believe such a
commitment. If a central bank's judgment is that long-term rates
remain higher than they should be under the optimal equilibrium, owing
to private sector skepticism about whether the history-dependent
interest rate policy will actually be followed, then a willingness to
buy long-term bonds from the private sector at a price it regards as
more appropriate is one way for the central bank to demonstrate publicly
that it expects to carry out its commitment regarding future interest
rate policy. Given that the private sector is likely to be uncertain
about the nature of the central bank's commitment (in the case of
imperfect credibility), and that it can reasonably assume that the
central bank knows more about its own degree of resolve than others do,
action by the central bank that is consistent with a belief on its own
part that it will keep short-term rates low in the future is likely to
shift private beliefs in the same direction. If so, open-market
purchases of long-term bonds could lower long-term interest rates,
stimulate the economy immediately, and bring the economy closer to the
optimal rational expectations equilibrium. However, that effect follows
not from the purchases themselves, but from bow they are interpreted.
For them to be interpreted as indicating a particular kind of commitment
with regard to future policy, it is important that the central bank have
itself formulated such an intention, and that it so inform the public,
so that its open-market purchases will be seen in this light.
Similar remarks apply to the proposals by Bennett McCallum and Lars
Svensson that purchases of foreign exchange be used to stimulate the
economy through devaluation of the currency. (54) Under the optimal
policy commitment described in an earlier section, a decline in the
natural rate of interest should be accompanied by depreciation of the
currency, both because nominal interest rates fall (and are expected to
remain low for some time) and because the expected long-run price level
(and hence the expected long-run nominal exchange rate) should increase.
It follows that the extent to which the currency depreciates can provide
an indicator of the extent to which the markets believe that the central
bank is committed to such an optimal policy; and if the depreciation is
insufficient, purchases of foreign exchange by the central bank provide
one way for it to demonstrate its own confidence in its policy
intentions. Again, the effect in question is not a mechanical
consequence of the bank's purchases, hut instead depends on their
interpretation. (55)
Providing Incentives to Improve Credibility
A related but somewhat distinct argument is that actions at the
zero bound may help render the central bank's commitment to an
optimal policy more credible, by providing the bank with a motive to
behave in the future in the way that it would currently wish that people
would expect it to behave. Here we briefly discuss how policy actions
that are possible while the economy remains in a liquidity trap may be
helpful in this regard. Our point is not so much that the central bank
is in need of a "commitment technology" because it will be
unable to resist the temptation to break its commitments later in the
absence of such a constraint. Rather, it is that the central bank may
well need a way of making its commitment visible to the private sector.
Taking actions now that imply that the central bank will be
disadvantaged later if it were to deviate from the policy to which it
wishes to commit itself can serve this purpose.
To consider what kind of current actions provide useful incentives,
it is helpful to analyze (Markov) equilibrium under the assumption that
policy is conducted by a discretionary optimizer, unable to commit to
specific future actions at all. (56) Consider first what a Markov
equilibrium under discretionary optimization would be like in the case
that the only policy instrument available is a short-term nominal
interest rate, whose value is chosen each period, and the objective of
the central bank is minimization of the loss function in equation 28. As
shown above, if the central bank can credibly commit itself, this
problem has a solution in which the zero bound does not result in too
serious a distortion, although it does bind.
Under the assumption of central bank discretion, however, the
outcome will be much inferior. Note that discretionary policy (under the
assumption of Markov equilibrium in the dynamic policy game) is an
example of a purely forward-looking policy. It then follows from our
earlier argument that the equilibrium outcome will correspond to the
kind of equilibrium discussed there in the case of a strict inflation
target. More specifically, it is obvious that the equilibrium is the
same as under a strict inflation target [[pi].sup.*] = 0, since this is
the inflation rate that the discretionary optimizer will choose once the
natural rate of interest is again at its steady-state level. (From that
point onward, a policy of zero inflation clearly minimizes the remaining
terms in the discounted loss function.)
As shown in figure 2, if the private sector expects that the
central bank will behave in this fashion, and the natural rate of
interest remains negative for several quarters, the result will be a
deep and prolonged contraction of economic activity and a sustained
deflation. We have also seen that these effects could largely be
avoided, even in the absence of other policy instruments, if the central
bank were able to credibly commit itself to a history-dependent monetary
policy in later periods. Thus, in the kind of situation considered here,
there is a deflationary, bias to discretionary monetary policy,
although, at its root, the problem is again the one identified in the
classic analysis of Finn Kydland and Edward Prescott. (57) We now
consider instead the extent to which the outcome could be improved, even
in a Markov equilibrium with discretionary optimization, by changing the
nature of the policy game.
One example of a current policy action, available even when the
zero bound binds, that can help shift expectations regarding future
policy in a desirable way is for the government to cut taxes and issue
additional nominal debt. (58) Alternatively, the tax cut can be financed
by money creation, because when the zero bound binds, there is no
difference between expanding the monetary base and issuing additional
short-term Treasury debt at zero interest. This is essentially the kind
of policy imagined when people speak of a "helicopter drop" of
additional money into the economy, but here it is the fiscal
consequences of such an action with which we are concerned.
Of course, if the objective of the central bank in setting monetary
policy remains as assumed above, this will make no difference to the
discretionary equilibrium: the optimal policy once the natural rate of
interest becomes positive again will once more appear to be the
immediate pursuit of a strict zero-inflation target. However, if the
central bank also cares about reducing the social costs of increased
taxation--whether because of collection costs or because of other
distortions--as it ought if it really takes social welfare into account,
the result is different. As Eggertsson has shown elsewhere, (59) the tax
cut will then increase inflation expectations, even if the government
cannot commit to future policy.
It may be asked why, if such an incentive exists, Japan continues
to suffer deflation, given the growth in Japanese government debt during
the 1990s. One possible answer is that although the gross national debt
is 140 percent of GDP in Japan today, this does not reflect the true
inflation incentives of the government. The ratio of gross national debt
to GDP overestimates the government's inflation incentives, because
a substantial portion of government debt is held by other government
institutions. (60) Net government debt is only 67 percent of GDP, and,
as a result, inflation incentives may not be much greater in Japan than
in a number of other countries.
An even more likely reason for continued low inflation expectations
in Japan, despite the size of the nominal public debt, is skepticism
about whether the central bank can be expected to care about reducing
the burden of the public debt when determining future monetary policy.
The public may believe that the Bank of Japan lacks such an objective;
the expressed resistance of the Bank of Japan to suggestions that it
increase its purchases of Japanese government bonds, on the ground that
this could encourage a lack of fiscal discipline, (61) certainly
suggests that reducing the burden of government finance is not among its
highest priorities. As Eggertsson has stressed elsewhere, (62) in order
for fiscal policy to be effective as a means of increasing inflationary
expectations, fiscal and monetary policy must be coordinated so as to
maximize social welfare. The consequences of a narrow concern with
inflation stabilization on the part of the central bank, together with
an inability to credibly commit future monetary policy, can be dire,
even from the point of view of the bank's own stabilization
Another instrument that may be used to change expectations
regarding future monetary policy is open-market purchases of real assets
or foreign exchange. Purchases of real assets (say, real estate) can be
thought of as another way of increasing nominal government liabilities,
which should affect inflation incentives in much the same way as deficit
spending. (63) Purchases of real assets have the advantage of not
worsening the overall fiscal position of the government--a current
concern in Japan, given its existing gross debt--while still increasing
the fiscal incentive for inflation. A further advantage of this approach
is that it need not depend on a perceived central bank interest in
reducing the burden of the public debt. Since the (nominal) capital
gains from inflation accrue to the central bank itself under this
policy, the central bank may be perceived to have an incentive to
inflate simply on the ground that it cares about its own balance sheet,
for example because doing so will help ensure its independence. (One can
easily argue that, under a rational scheme of cooperation between the
central bank and the government, the central bank should not choose
policy on the basis of concerns about its balance sheet. But under such
an ideal regime, it should choose monetary policy with a view to
reducing the burden of the public debt, among other goals.)
The incentive effects of open-market operations in foreign exchange
are even simpler. (64) Open-market purchases of foreign assets give the
central bank an incentive to inflate in the future in order to realize
capital gains at the expense of foreigners. These will be valuable if
the central bank cares either about its own balance sheet or about
reducing the burden of the public debt, as in the case of real asset
purchases. However, capital gains on foreign exchange that result from
depreciation of the domestic currency will be valuable even if the
central bank cares neither about its balance sheet (for example, because
it cooperates perfectly with the public treasury) nor about the burden
of the debt (for example, because nondistorting sources of revenue are
available to the public treasury). Capital gains at the expense of
foreigners would allow an increase in domestic spending, by either the
government or the private sector, and a central bank must value this if
it has the national interest at heart.
Under rational expectations, of course, no such capital gains are
realized on average. Still, the purchase of foreign assets can work as a
commitment device, because if the central bank reneged on its inflation
commitment, it would cause capital losses if the government holds
foreign assets. Purchases of foreign assets are thus a way of committing
the government to looser monetary policy in the future. This creates a
reason for purchasing foreign exchange in order to cause a devaluation
(which will also stimulate current demand), even without any assumption
of a deviation from interest rate parity of the kind relied upon by
authors such as McCallum in recommending devaluation for Japan. (65)
Clouse and others argue that open-market purchases of long-term
Treasuries by the Federal Reserve should also change expectations in a
way that results in immediate stimulus. (66) The argument is that if the
central bank were not to follow through on its commitment to keep
short-term rates low, it would suffer a capital loss on the long-term
bonds that it purchased at a price that made sense only on the
assumption that it would keep interest rates low. Similarly, Peter
Tinsley has proposed a policy that would create this kind of incentive
even more directly, namely, the sale by the Federal Reserve of options
to obtain federal funds at a future date at a certain price. (67) The
Federal Reserve would then stand to lose money if it did not keep the
funds rate at the level to which it had previously committed itself.
Although these proposals should also help reinforce the credibility
of the kind of policy commitment associated with the optimal equilibrium
(as characterized in the first section of the paper), they have at least
one important disadvantage relative to purchases of real assets or of
foreign exchange. They only provide the central bank an incentive to
maintain low nominal interest rates for a certain period; they do not
provide it with an incentive to ensure that the price level eventually
rises to a higher level. Thus they may do little to counter private
sector expectations that nominal interest rates will remain low for
years--but because goods prices are going to continue to fall, not
because the central bank is committed to eventual reflation, as in the
self-fulfilling deflation trap discussed above. This is arguably the
kind of expectation that has now taken root in Japan, where even
ten-year bond yields are already well below 1 percent, even though
prices continue to fall and economic activity remains anemic. Creating
the perception that the central bank has an incentive to continue trying
to raise the price level, and that it will not be content as long as
nominal interest rates remain low, may be a more successful way of
generating the sort of expectations associated with the optimal
We have argued that the key to dealing with a situation in which
monetary policy is constrained by the zero lower bound on short-term
nominal interest rates is the skillful management of expectations
regarding the future conduct of policy. By "management of
expectations" we do not mean that the central bank should imagine
that, if it uses sufficient guile, it can lead the private sector to
believe whatever the central bank wishes it to believe, no matter what
it actually does. Instead we have assumed that there is no point in the
central bank trying to get the private sector to expect something that
the central bank does not itself intend to bring about. But we do
contend that it is highly desirable for a central bank to be able to
commit itself in advance to a course of action that is desirable because
of the benefits that flow from its being anticipated, and then to work
to make that commitment credible to the private sector.
In the context of a simple optimizing model of the monetary
transmission mechanism, we have shown that a purely forward-looking
approach to policy--which allows for no possibility of committing future
policy to respond to past conditions--can lead to quite bad outcomes in
the event of a temporary decline in the natural rate of interest,
regardless of the kind of policy pursued at the time of the disturbance.
We have also characterized optimal policy, under the assumption that
credible commitment is possible, and shown that it involves a commitment
to eventually bring the general price level back up to a level even
higher than would have prevailed had the disturbance never occurred.
Finally, we have described a type of history-dependent price-level
targeting rule with the following properties: that a commitment to base
interest rate policy on this rule determines the optimal equilibrium,
and that the same form of targeting rule continues to describe optimal
policy regardless of which of a large number of types of disturbances
may affect the economy.
Given the role of private sector anticipation of history-dependent
policy in realizing a desirable outcome, it is important for central
banks to develop effective methods of signaling their policy commitments
to the private sector. An essential precondition for this, certainly, is
for the central bank itself to clearly understand the kind of
history-dependent behavior to which it should be seen to be committed.
It can then communicate its thinking on the matter and act consistently
with the principles that it wishes the private sector to understand.
Simply conducting policy in accordance with a rule may not suffice to
bring about an optimal, or nearly optimal, equilibrium, but it is the
place to start.
The Numerical Solution Method
HERE WE ILLUSTRATE a solution method for the optimal commitment
solution discussed in the first section of the text. This same method
can also be applied, with appropriate modification of each of the steps,
to finding the solution in the case where the central bank commits to a
constant price-level target rule or to a constant inflation target. We
assume that the natural rate of interest becomes unexpectedly negative
in period 0 and then reverts back to normal with probability
[[alpha].sub.t], in every period t. Our numerical work assumes that
there is a final date S at which the natural rate becomes positive with
a probability of 1, although this date may be arbitrarily far in the
The solution takes the form
[i.sub.t] = 0 [for all] t if 0 [less than or equal to] t < [tau]
+ [k.sub.[tau]] [i.sub.t] > 0 [for all] t if t [greater than or equal
to] [tau] + [k.sub.[tau]].
It follows that
[E.sub.t][x.sub.t+1] - [x.sub.t] + [sigma]([E.sub.t][[pi].sub.t+1]
+ [r.sup.n.sub.t]) = 0 if t < [tau] + [k.sub.[tau]] [[phi].sub.1t] =
0 if t [greater than or equal to] [tau] + [k.sub.[tau]].
Here [tau] is the stochastic date at which the natural rate of
interest returns to the steady state. We assume that [tau] can take any
value between 1 and the terminal date S. The number [tau] +
[k.sub.[tau]] is the period in which the zero bound ceases to hind
contingent on the natural rate of interest becoming positive in period
[tau]. Note that the value of [k.sub.[tau]] can depend on the value of
[tau]. We will first show the solution for the problem as if we knew the
sequence [{[k.sub.[tau]]}.sup.S.sub.[tau]=1]. We then describe a
numerical method to find the sequence
The Solution for t [greater than or equal to] [tau] + [k.sub.[tau]]
The system can be written in the following form:
If there are two eigenvalues of the matrix M outside the unit
circle, this system has a unique bounded solution of the form
(A2) [P.sub.t] = [[OMEGA].sup.0][P.sub.t-1]
(A3) [Z.sub.t] = [[LAMBDA].sup.0][P.sub.t-1].
The Solution for [tau] [less than or equal to] t [less than or
equal to] [tau] + [k.sub.[tau]]
Again this is a perfect-foresight solution, but with the zero bound
binding. The solution satisfies the following equations:
(A4) [[pi].sub.t] = [kappa][x.sub.t] + [beta][[pi].sub.t+1]
[x.sub.t] = [sigma]([r.sup.n.sub.t] + [[pi].sub.t+1]) + [x.sub.t+1]
[[pi].sub.t] + [[phi].sub.2t] - [[phi].sub.2t-1] -
[[beta].sup.-1][sigma][[phi].sub.1t-1] = 0 [[lambda].sub.x][x.sub.t] +
[[phi].sub.1t] - [[beta].sup.-1][[phi].sub.1t-1] -
[kappa][[beta].sub.2t] = 0.
The system can be written as
This system has a solution of the form
where j = 0, 1, 2, ... , k. Here [MATHEMATICAL EXPRESSION NOT
REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII] is the coefficient in the solution when there are
[k.sub.[tau]] - j periods until the zero bound stops being binding (that
is, when [k.sub.[tau]] - j = 0, the zero bound is no longer binding and
the solution is equivalent to that in equations A2 and A3). We can find
the numbers [[LAMBDA].sup.j], [[OMEGA].sup.j], [[THETA].sup.j],
[[PHI].sup.j] for j = 1, 2, 3, ..., k by solving the equations below
using the initial conditions [[PHI].sup.0] = [[THETA].sup.0] = 0 for j =
0 and the initial conditions for [[LAMBDA].sup.j] and [[OMEGA].sup.j]
given in equations A2 and A3:
[[OMEGA].sup.j] = [[I - B[[LAMBDA].sup.j-1]].sup.-1]A
[[LAMBDA].sup.j] = C + D[[LAMBDA].sup.j-1][[OMEGA].sup.j]
[[PHI].sup.j] = [(I -
B[[LAMBDA].sup.j-1]).sup.-1][B[[THETA].sup.j-1] + M]
[[THETA].sup.j] = D[[LAMBDA].sup.j-1][[PHI].sup.j] +
D[[THETA].sup.j-1] + V.
The Solution for t < [tau]
The solution satisfies the following equations:
Here a tilde on a variable denotes the value of that variable
contingent on the natural rate of interest being negative. [MATHEMATICAL
EXPRESSION NOT REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII] is the ijth element of the matrix
[k.sub.t+1] depends on the number of additional periods that the zero
bound is binding (recall that here we are solving for the equilibrium on
the assumption that we know the value of the sequence
[{k.sub.[tau]}.sup.S.sub.[tau]=1]). We can write the system as
We can solve this backward from the date S on which the natural
rate returns to normal with a probability of 1. We can then calculate
the path for each variable to date 0. Note that
[B.sub.S-1] = [D.sub.S-1] = 0
By recursive substitution we can find a solution of the form
(A7) [P.sub.t] = [[OMEGA].sub.t][P.sub.t-1] + [[PHI].sub.t]
(A8) [Z.sub.t] = [[LAMBDA].sub.t][P.sub.t-1] + [[THETA].sub.t],
where the coefficients are time dependent. To find the numbers
[[LAMBDA].sub.i], [[OMEGA].sub.t], [[THETA].sub.t, and [[PHI].sub.t],
consider the solution of the system in period S - 1 when [B.sub.S-1] =
[D.sub.S-1] = 0. We have
[[OMEGA].sub.S-1] = [A.sub.S-1]
[[PHI].sub.S-1] = [M.sub.S-1]
[[LAMBDA].sub.S-1] = [C.sub.S-1]
[[THETA].sub.S-1] = [V.sub.S-1]
We can find the numbers [[LAMBDA].sub.t], [[OMEGA].sub.t],
[[THETA].sub.t], and [[PHI].sub.t], for periods 0 to S - 2 by solving
the system below (using the initial conditions shown above for S - 1):
[[OMEGA].sub.t] = [[I -
[[LAMBDA].sub.t] = [C.sub.t] +
[[PHI].sub.t] = [(I -
[B.sub.t][[LAMBDA].sub.t+1]).sup.-1][[B.sub.t][[THETA].sub.t+1] +
[[THETA].sub.t] = [D.sub.t][[LAMBDA].sub.t+1][[PHI].sub.t] +
[D.sub.t][[THETA].sub.t+1] + [V.sub.t].
Using the initial condition [P.sub.-1] = 0, we can solve for each
of the endogenous variables under the contingency that the liquidity
trap lasts until period S, using equations A7 and A8. We then use the
solution from equations A2 to A6 to solve for each of the variables when
the natural rate reverts back to the steady state.
Solving for [{[k.sub.[tau]]}.sup.[infinity].sub.t=1]
A simple way to find the value for
[{[k.sub.[tau]]}.sup.S.sub.[tau]=1] is to first assume that
[k.sub.[tau]] is the same for all [tau] and find the lowest
[k.sub.[tau]] = k so that the zero bound is never violated. Using this
initial guess for [{[k.sub.[tau]]}.sup.S.sub.[tau]=1], one then finds
the lowest value of [k.sub.S] so that the zero bound is never violated.
Using this value for [k.sub.S], and k for all other [k.sub.[tau]], one
then finds the lowest value of [k.sub.S-1] so that the zero bound is
never violated, and so on until the lowest possible value for [k.sub.1]
is found. The value thus found for the sequence
[{[k.sub.[tau]]}.sup.S.sub.[tau]=1] can be used as a new initial guess
for [{[k.sub.[tau]]}.sup.S-1.sub.[tau]=1], and the procedure just
described can be repeated until the solution converges. For this paper
we wrote a routine in MATLAB that applies this method. The solution
converged, and we verified that the result satisfied all the necessary
We would like to thank Tamim Bayoumi, Ben Bernanke, Robin Brooks,
Michael Dotsey, Benjamin Friedman, Stefan Gerlach, Mark Gertler, Marvin
Goodfriend. Kenneth Kuttner, Maurice Obstfeld. Athanasios Orphanides.
Kenneth Rogoff, David Small, Lars Svensson. Harald Uhlig, Tsutomu
Watanabe, and Alex Wolman for helpful comments, and the National Science
Foundation for research support through a grant to the National Bureau
of Economic Research. The views expressed in this paper are those of the
authors and do not necessarily represent those of the International
Monetary Fund or IMF policy.
(1.) Paul Krugman, "Crisis in Prices?" New York Times,
December 31, 2002, p. A19.
(2.) Taylor (1993).
(3.) Benhabib. Schmitt-Grohe, and Uribe (2001).
(4.) "Japan BOJ Official: Hard to Set Inflation Targets,"
Dow Jones News, August 11, 1999.
(5.) We do not explore here the possibility of relaxing the
constraint by taxing money balances, as originally proposed by Gesell
(1929) and Keynes (1936), and more recently by Buiter and Panigirtzoglou
(2001) and Goodfriend (2000). Although this represents a solution to the
problem in theory, it presents substantial practical difficulties, not
the least of which is the political opposition that such an
institutional change would be likely to generate. Our consideration of
the problem of optimal policy also abstracts from the availability of
fiscal instruments, such as the time-varying lax policy recommended by
Feldstein (2002). We agree with Feldstein that there is a particularly
good case for state-contingent fiscal policy to deal with a liquidity
trap, even if fiscal policy is not a very useful tool for stabilization
policy more generally. Nonetheless, we consider here only the problem of
the proper conduct of monetary policy, taking as given the structure of
tax distortions. As long as one does not think that state-contingent
fiscal policy can (or will) be used to eliminate even temporary declines
in the natural rate of interest below zero, the problem for monetary
policy that we consider here remains relevant.
(6.) Krugman (1998).
(7.) In the simple model presented here, this occurs solely as a
result of intertemporal substitution in private expenditure. But there
are a number of reasons to expect long-term rates, rather than
short-term rates, to be the critical determinant of aggregate demand.
For example, in an open-economy model, the real exchange rate becomes an
important determinant of aggregate demand. But the real exchange rate
should be closely linked to a very long domestic real rate of return (or
alternatively to the expected future path of short-term rates) as a
result of interest rate parity, together with an anchor for the expected
long-term real exchange rate (deriving, for example, from long run
purchasing power partly).
(8.) Keynes (1936).
(9.) See Kimura and others (2002) for a discussion of this policy
as well as an expression of doubts about its effectiveness.
(10.) Woodlord (forthcoming, chapter 4) discusses the model in more
detail and considers the consequences of various interest rate rules and
money growth rules under the assumption that disturbances are not large
enough for the zero bound to bind.
(11.) Calvo (1983).
(12.) We do not introduce fractional-reserve banking into our
model. Technically, [M.sub.t] refers to the monetary base, and we
represent households as obtaining liquidity services from holding this
base, either directly or through intermediaries (not modeled).
(13.) Following Sidrauski (1967) and Brock (1974, 1975).
(14.) We use this approach to modeling the transactions demand for
money because of its familiarity. As shown in Woodford (forthcoming,
appendix section A.16), a cash-in-advance model leads to equilibrium
conditions of essentially the same general form, and the neutrality
result that we present below would hold in essentially identical form
were we to model the transactions demand for money after the fashion of
Lucas and Stokey (1987).
(15.) For simplicity, we abstract from government purchases of
goods. Our equilibrium conditions directly extend to the case of
exogenous government purchases, as shown in Woodford (forthcoming,
chapter 4).
(16.) We might alternatively assume specialization across
households in the type of labor supplied; in the presence of perfect
sharing of labor income risk across households, household decisions
regarding consumption and labor supply would all be as assumed here.
(17.) In equilibrium, all firms in an industry charge the same
price at any given time. But we must define profits for an individual
supplier i in the case of contemplated deviations from the equilibrium
(18.) The particular specification of monetary and fiscal policy
proposed here is not intended to suggest that either monetary or fiscal
policy must be expected to be conducted according to rules of the sort
assumed here. Indeed, in later sections we recommend policy commitments
on the part of both the monetary and the fiscal authorities that do not
conform to the assumptions made here. The point is to define what we
mean by the qualification that open-market operations are irrelevant if
they do not change expected future monetary or fiscal policy. To make
sense of such a statement, we must define what it would mean for these
policies to be specified in a way that prevents them from being affected
by past open-market operations. The specific classes of policy rules
discussed here show not only that our concept of "unchanged
policy" is logically possible, but indeed that it could correspond
to a policy commitment of a fairly familiar sort, one that would
represent a commitment to "sound policy" in the views of some.
(19.) Taylor (1993).
(20.) For example, security j in period t - 1 is a one-period
riskless nominal bond if [b.sub.t](j) and [F.sub.t](*; j) are zero in
all states, while [a.sub.t](j) > 0 is the same in all states.
Security j is instead a one-period real (or indexed) bond if
[a.sub.t](j) and [F.sub.t](*; j) are zero, while [b.sub.t](j) > 0 is
the same in all states. It is a two-period riskless nominal pure
discount bond if instead [a.sub.t](j) and [b.sub.t](j) are zero,
[F.sub.t](i, j) = 0 for all i [not equal to] k; F,(k, j) > 0 is the
same in all states, and security k in period t is a one-period riskless
nominal bond.
(21.) We might, of course, allow for other types of fiscal
decisions from which we abstract here--government purchases, tax
incentives, and so on some of which may be quite relevant to dealing
with a liquidity trap. But our concern here is solely with the question
of what monetary policy can achieve: we introduce a minimal
specification of fiscal policy only for the sake of closing our
general-equilibrium model, and to allow discussion of the fiscal
implications of possible actions by the central bank.
(22.) See Woodford (forthcoming, chapter 3).
(23.) See, lot example, Clouse and others (2003) and Orphanides
(24.) Our general-equilibrium analysis is in the spirit of the
irrelevance proposition for open-market operations of Wallace (1981).
Wallace's analysis is often supposed to be of little practical
relevance tot actual monetary policy because his model is one in which
money serves only as a store of value, so that an equilibrium in which
short-term Treasury securities dominate money in terms of rate of return
is not possible, although this is routinely observed. However. in the
case of open-market operations conducted at the zero bound, the
liquidity services provided by money balances at the margin have fallen
to zero, so that an analysis of the kind proposed by Wallace is correct.
(25.) Okun (1963) and Modigliani and Sutch (1966) are important
early discussions that reached this conclusion. Meulendyke (1998)
summarizes the literature and finds that the predominant view is that
the effect was minimal.
(26.) Examples of studies finding either no effects or only
quantitatively unimportant ones include Modigliani and Sutch (1967),
Frankel (1985), Agell and Persson (1992), Wallace and Warner (1996), and
Hess (1999). Roley (1982) and Friedman (1992) find somewhat larger
(27.) Agell and Persson (1992, p. 78).
(28.) Clouse and others (2003). Stephen G. Ceccheni ("Central
Banks Have Plenty of Ammunition," Financial Times, March 17, 2003,
p. 13) similarly argues that it should be possible for the Federal
Reserve to independently affect long term bond yields if it is
determined to do so, given that it can print money without limit to buy
additional long-term Treasuries if necessary.
(29.) This explains the apparent difference between our result and
that obtained by Auerbach and Obstfeld (2003) in a similar model. These
authors assume explicitly that an increase in the money supply at a time
when the zero bound binds carries with it the implication of a
permanently larger money supply, and that there exists a future date at
which the zero bound ceases to bind, so that the larger money supply
will imply a different interest rate policy at that later date. Clouse
and others (2003) also stress that maintenance of the larger money
supply until a date at which the zero bound would not otherwise bind
represents one straightforward channel through which open-market
operations while the zero bound is binding could have a stimulative
effect, although they discuss other possible channels as well.
(30.) Clouse and others (2003) argue that this is one important
channel through which open-market operations can be effective.
(31.) As we will show, it is easier to explain the nature of the
optimal commitment if it is described as a history-dependent price-level
(32.) See, for example, Woodford (forthcoming, chapter 7).
(33.) See, for example, Clarida, Gili, and Gertler (1999); Woodford
(34.) See Woodford (forthcoming, chapter 7) for more detailed
discussion of this point. The fact that zero inflation, rather than mild
deflation, is optimal depends on our abstracting from transactions
frictions, as discussed further in footnote 40 below. As Woodford shows,
a long-run inflation target of zero is optimal in this mode], even when
the steady-state out put level associated with zero inflation is
suboptimal, owing to market power. The reason is that a commitment to
inflation in some period t results both in increased output in period t
and in reduced output in period t-1 (owing to the effect of expected
inflation on the aggregate supply relation, equation 25 below): because
of discounting, the second effect on welfare fully offsets the benefit
of the first effect.
(35.) Woodford (forthcoming).
(36.) In our numerical analysis, we interpret periods as quarters,
and we assume coefficient values of [sigma] = 0.5, [kappa] = 0.02, and
[beta] = 0.99. The assumed value of the discount factor implies a
long-run real rate of interest [bar]r equal to 4 percent a year. The
assumed value of [kappa] is consistent with the empirical estimate of
Rotemberg and Woodford (1997). The assumed value of (y represents a
relatively low degree of interest sensitivity of aggregate expenditure.
We prefer to bias our assumptions in the direction of only a modest
effect of interest rates on the timing of expenditure, so as not to
exaggerate the size of the output contraction that is predicted to
result from an inability to lower interest rates when the zero bound
binds. As figure 2 shows, even for this value of *, the output
contraction that results from a slightly negative value of the natural
rate of interest is quite substantial,
(37.) Phelps (1972); Summers (1991); Fischer (1996).
(38.) Krugman (1998).
(39.) Woodford (2000).
(40.) See Woodford (forthcorning, chapter 6) fur details. This
approximation applies in the ease that we abstract from monetary
frictions as assumed in this section. If transactions frictions are
instead nonnegligible, the loss function should include an additional
term proportional to [([i.sub.t] - [i.sub.m]).sup.2], This would
indicate welfare gains from keeping nominal interest rates as close as
possible to the zero bound (or, more generally, the lower bound
[i.sup.m]). Nonetheless, because of the stickiness of prices, it would
not be optimal for interest rates to be at zero at all times, as implied
by the flexible-price model discussed by Uhlig (2000). The optimal
inflation rate in the absence of shocks would be slightly negative,
rather than zero as in the "cashless" model considered in this
section; but it would not be so low that the zero bound would be
reached, except in the event of temporary declines in the natural rate
of interest, as in the analysis here. Note also that equation 28 implies
that the optimal output gap is zero. More generally, there should be an
output gap stabilization objective of the form [([x.sub.t] -
[x.sup.*]).sup.2] the utility-based loss function involves [x.sup.*] = 0
only if one assumes the existence of an output or employment subsidy
that offsets the distortion due to the market power of firms. However,
the value of [x.sup.*] affects neither the optimal state-contingent
paths derived in this section, and shown in figures 3 and 4, nor the
formulas given in the earlier section for the optimal targeting rule.
(41.) Clarida, Gali, and Gertler (1999); Woodford (1999;
forthcoming, chapter 7); Jung, Teranishi, and Watanabe (2001).
(42.) Jung, Teranishi, and Watanabe (2001) discuss the solution of
these equations only for the case in which the number of periods for
which the natural rate of interest will be negative is known with
certainty at the time that the disturbance occurs. Here we show how the
system can be solved in the case of a stochastic process for the natural
rate of a particular kind.
(43.) Krugman (1998).
(44.) For further discussion in a more general context, see
Woodford (forthcoming, chapter 7).
(45.) Giannoni and Woodford (2003).
(46.) On the desirability of a target this index in the case that
the zero bound does not bind, see Woodford (forthcoming, chapter 7).
This would correspond to a nominal GDP target in the case that [lambda]
= [kappa] and that the natural rate of output follows a deterministic
trend. However, the utility-based loss function derived in Woodford
(forthcoming, chapter 6) involves [lambda] = [kappa]/[theta], where
[theta] > 1 is the elasticity of demand faced by the suppliers of
differentiated goods, so that the optimal weight on output is
considerably less than under a nominal GDP target. Furthermore, the
welfare-relevant output gap is unlikely to correspond too closely to
deviations of real GDP from a deterministic trend.
(47.) An interesting feature of the optimal rule is that it
involves a form of history dependence that cannot be summarized solely
by the past history of short-term nominal interest rates: if the nominal
interest rate has fallen to zero in the recent past, it matters to what
extent the zero bound has prevented the central bank from pursuing as
stimulative a policy as it otherwise would have. In this respect the
optimal policy rule derived here is similar to the rules advocated by
Reifschneider and Williams (1999), under which the interest rate
operating at each point in time should depend on how low the central
bank would have lowered interest rates in the past had the zero bound
not prevented it.
(48.) Wolman (forthcoming) also stresses this advantage of rules
that incorporate a price-level target over rules that only respond to
the inflation rate, such as a conventional Taylor rule.
(49.) This conclusion, however, is likely to depend on a relatively
special feature of our model, namely, the fact that our target variables
(inflation and the output gap) are both purely forward-looking
variables: their equilibrium values at any point in time depend (in our
simple model) only on the economy's exogenous state and the
expected conduct of policy from the current period onward. There are a
variety of reasons why a more realistic model may well imply that these
variables are functions of lagged endogenous variables as well, and
hence of past policy. In such a case, the optimal target criterion will
be at least somewhat forward looking, as discussed in Giannoni and
Woodford (2003).
(50.) Benhabib, Schrnitt-Grohe, and Uribe (2001).
(51.) Schmitt-Grohe and Uribe (2000).
(52.) Clouse and others (2003)
(53.) Bernanke (2002); Stephen G. Cecchetti, "Central Banks
Have Plenty of Ammunition," Financial Times, March 17, 2003, p. 13.
(54.) McCallum (2000); Svensson (2001). Svensson's proposal
includes a target path for the price level, which the exchange rate
policy is used to (eventually) achieve, and in this respect it is
similar to the policy advocated here. However. Svensson's
discussion of the usefulness of intervention in the market for foreign
exchange does not emphasize the role of such interventions as a signal
regarding future policy.
(55.) The numerical analysis by Coenen and Wieland (forthcoming)
finds that an exchange rate policy can be quite effective in creating
stimulus when the zero bound is binding. But what is actually shown is
that a rational expectations equilibrium exists in which the currency
depreciates and deflation is halted; these effects could be viewed as
resulting from a credible commitment to a target path for the price
level, similar to the one discussed in this paper, and not requiring any
intervention in the foreign exchange market at all.
(56.) As in Eggertsson (2003a. 2003b).
(57.) Kydland and Prescott (1977).
(58.) As discussed in Eggertsson (2003a).
(59.) Eggertsson (2003a).
(60.) Government institutions such as the social security system,
the postal savings system, postal life insurance, and the Trust Fund
Bureau hold much of this nominal debt. If the part of the public debt
held by these institutions is subtracted from total gross government
debt, the remainder is only 67 percent of GDP. Most of the government
institutions that hold the government's nominal debt have real
liabilities. For example, the social security system (which holds
roughly 25 percent of the nominal debt held by the government) pays
Japanese pensions and medical expenses. Those pensions are indexed to
the consumer price index. If inflation increases, the real value of
social security assets will fall, but the real value of most its
liabilities will remain unchanged. Thus the Ministry of Finance would
eventually have to step in to make up for any loss in the value of
social security assets if the government is to keep its pension program
unchanged. Therefore the gains from reducing the real value of
outstanding debt are partly offset by a decrease in the real value of
the assets of government institutions such as social security.
(61.) Asahi Shimbun, "Bank of Japan Advised to 'Print
Money' to Escape Deflation," Dow Jones News, February 10,
(62.) Eggertsson (2003a).
(63.) Eggertsson (2003a).
(64.) As shown by Eggertsson (2003b).
(65.) McCallum (2000).
(66.) Clouse and others (2003).
(67.) Tinsley (1999).
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Comments and Discussion
Benjamin M. Friedman: The pathetic floundering of the Japanese
economy, with 1 percent real growth or less in seven of the last eleven
years, and falling prices in eight of the last nine, has called new
attention to a variety of economic issues that last assumed practical
prominence during and in the aftermath of the depression of the 1930s.
These issues include debt deflation, an insolvent banking system,
bankrupt corporations, and the potential impotence of monetary policy.
The resulting discussion of monetary policy has been particularly
lively. Just as there is a difference between a policy that is right and
a policy that is wrong under any given set of circumstances, so there is
also a difference between a policy that is merely wrong and a policy
that is also wrongheaded. For years, teachers of courses on such matters
had one real-world example of wrongheaded monetary policy to which to
point, namely, the conduct of the U.S. Federal Reserve System during the
depression. Now the Bank of Japan has provided a second example for
More recently, the weak performance of the American economy has
begun to raise some of the same questions about U.S. monetary policy.
With the federal funds rate now only I percent, the fact that nominal
interest rates cannot fall below zero has suddenly appeared relevant.
The idea of a "liquidity trap"--whatever that may mean--is
likewise attracting widespread interest. In the same month that this
conference was held, even the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis (yes,
St. Louis!) published a short article titled "'Pushing on a
String"--and the point of the article was not to dismiss the idea
but to give credence to it. (1)
The neoclassical synthesis that emerged from the debates of the
1930s was, as the name implies, a compromise. At the theoretical level,
the economics profession's collective judgment awarded victory to
the classical school. Yes, an underemployed economy, left to its own
devices, would return to full employment. Excess supply of goods and
services would depress prices, and as long as the nominal value of
outstanding money balances remained constant--in other words, as long as
the central bank did not allow the money stock to shrink, as the Federal
Reserve did in the 1930s--the consequent increase in the real value of
monetary wealth would stimulate demand and thus restore full employment.
The alleged underemployment equilibrium was not, in fact, a true
By contrast, at the level of empirical relevance the prize went to
the Keynesians. Yes, the Pigou effect (or, in more general terms that
also allowed for nominal government debt other than money, the real
balance effect) would eventually restore full employment. But the
emphasis in that conclusion was decidedly on the adverb. For purposes of
practical policymaking, the presumption was that this process would take
far too long for responsible authorities simply to wait it out. Hence
the focus on monetary policy that came to dominate so much of the last
four decades was relevant after all.
As James Tobin often pointed out, however, the victory claimed at
the theoretical level by the classicals was a thinner one than met the
unsuspecting eye. On further thought, the Pigou effect was not a general
proposition, applicable always and everywhere. Instead, the positive
effect of falling prices on aggregate demand depended on the assumption
of nonextrapolative expectations. It was true, irrespective of
expectations, that falling prices raised the real value of a given
nominal money stock. But, as Tobin emphasized in numerous important
papers, falling prices also meant a positive return on money balances
held, and the more rapidly prices fell, the greater that return was.
When prices fell, people found that their money holdings had greater
purchasing power. But, if they expected prices to continue falling, they
would also expect a further positive return on their money balances, and
therefore, under conventional assumptions about portfolio behavior,
would want to hold more of them. For the Pigou effect to work, the
increase in the supply of real money balances due to the past fall in
prices has to outweigh the increase in the demand for real money
balances due to any expected future fall in prices. Or, as Tobin put it,
inflationary expectations have to be nonextrapolative.
Like an unwanted ghost out of some well-forgotten past, the issue
of nonextrapolative inflation expectations has now returned to haunt the
modern discussion of monetary policy. This was, in part, the point
underlying Paul Krugman's widely discussed 1998 Brookings Paper,
(2) which argued that the Bank of Japan should commit itself to a target
of (positive) 4 percent annual inflation. It has lurked not far beneath
the surface of many arguments since then about the problems of monetary
policy in Japan, or potential similar problems in the United States. It
is also the point behind this paper by Gauti Eggertsson and Michael
Eggertsson and Woodford's main conclusion is that the central
bank should commit itself not to an irritation target but to a specific
form of price-level target. The reason, as they forthrightly
acknowledge, is "to create the right kind of expectafions." To
be sure, a fully credible inflation target, with a nonnegative target
value, also commits monetary policy to stop any deflation. But, as
Eggertsson and Woodford explain, the price-level target goes one better:
it "commits the government to undo any deflation by subsequent
inflation." Or, to use their descriptive phrase (which I find
highly apt), the price-level target is automatically equivalent to a
"history-dependent" inflation target. If the economy has
suffered a deflation, the central bank should now aim for positive
inflation. In a further refinement of this idea, Eggertsson and Woodford
build some additional history dependence into the price-level target
itself. Not surprisingly, their model simulations indicate that there is
a further gain in policy performance from doing so. (This aspect of
their results is analogous to A. W. Phillips' demonstration, nearly
a half century ago, that a combination of what he called
"'proportional," "integral," and
"derivative" policy components typically achieved superior
stabilization results, compared with the use of any one or even two of
these components alone.) But the central point remains: what matters in
their analysis is "the management of expectations,"
specifically, expectations about inflation.
All this strikes me as interesting, correct, and even important.
That said, I have two substantive reservations about what the authors
have done in this paper, and five concerns about what they have not
done. I will begin with the lacunae.
First, a true price-level target means that the central bank is
committed not only to undo deflations with subsequent inflations, but
also to undo inflations with subsequent deflations. Most discussion of
proposals for a price-level target for monetary policy emphasizes
precisely this point. Many historical episodes suggest that deflation is
not a desirable outcome for an economy arranged as ours is, and much
economic analysis has explained why. (Familiar names in this line of
work include Irving Fisher, Albert Hart, and Ben Bernanke.) Having the
central bank deliberately create a deflation therefore usually seems
like a bad idea. Eggertsson and Woodford's model includes none of
the mechanisms (debt defaults, for example) that make deflation harmful.
Hence their recommendation of a price-level target, based on simulations
of their model, is weaker than their forceful, unqualified prose lets
Second, the fact that their model excludes a foreign currency asset
similarly qualifies their discussion of what effects, if any, follow
from monetary expansion once the interest rate has hit the zero bound.
The nominal interest rate is the margin of substitution between some
currency today and the same currency in the future. In a model with only
one currency (and no equity capital), that is the only financial margin
to discuss. But when holders of that one currency can exchange it for
another, an additional margin is put in play. The fact that one margin
is at a corner solution does not necessarily mean that there can be no
movement at the other. Hence the "irrelevance result" that the
authors present, based on the fact that certain variables do not enter
"the complete set of restrictions ... to be consistent with a
rational expectations equilibrium" is persuasive about the model
but not necessarily about the world.
It usually goes without saying that analysis of this kind is
contingent on the specific model used as the engine of that analysis.
But in light of the importance of the issues being addressed here for
matters of economic policy that are currently under discussion in
several countries, the point seems to deserve particular emphasis with
respect to this paper. I would have been more comfortable if the authors
had explicitly added the phrase "in this model" to the
statement of some of their key conclusions, including especially the
sentence that reads. "The above proposition [that is, the
irrelevance proposition] implies that neither the extent to which
quantitative easing is employed when the zero bound binds, nor the
nature of the assets that the central bank may purchase through
open-market operations, has any effect on whether a deflationary
price-level path will represent a rational expectations
Third, the same point applies to the authors' discussion of
fiscal policy. The authors' model excludes any potential direct
effects of fiscal policy such as arise, for example, when government
transfer payments are not perfect substitutes for reduced taxes, or when
private agents are liquidity constrained and cannot borrow at the
government bond rate, or when government spending is not a perfect
substitute for private consumption.
Fourth, yet the same point also applies to debt management policy.
The authors reject the idea that some form of Operation Twist, in which
either the central bank or the fiscal authority buys long-term
securities and sells short-term securities, would stimulate spending.
The reason is that "changes in the composition of the securities in
the hands of the public do not change the state-contingent consumption
of the representative household." As they go on to explain, this
result does not follow from assuming that bondholders do not care about
risk, or that short- and long-term securities are perfect substitutes.
What matters is instead the more fundamental assumption of a
representative-agent model (which requires that each investor hold the
full market portfolio of outstanding securities) together with the
further assumption that what matters to each of these representative
agents is only the expected future stream of consumption. Hence the
familiar story by which changing the mix of securities outstanding
affects long- relative to short-term interest rates, which in turn
matters for output and employment because firms prefer to finance their
capital spending by issuing long-term liabilities, cannot play out in
this model.
The authors acknowledge (in their discussion, not in their model)
the possibility of such effects but dismiss them on two grounds: that in
principle they further depend on whether and how the relevant government
authorities remit any reduced debt management costs back to the public,
and that empirical evidence from the Operation Twist experiment in the
early 1960s mostly shows only minor results, if any. The theoretical
claim is certainly correct, although it further highlights the extent of
the rationality ascribed to economic agents throughout the analysis:
people understand that when they earn less in interest on their holdings
of Treasury debt (because the Federal Reserve has bought up their
higher-yielding long-term bonds), the Federal Reserve's earnings go
back to the Treasury, which then lowers their taxes, so that they (the
investors) end up unaffected. This is not the place to renew the
empirical debate over the efficacy of debt management policy, but two
points are worth noting. One is that, as is well known, our ability to
judge the effectiveness of Operation Twist is clouded by the fact that
the Treasury and the Federal Reserve were working at cross purposes, one
acting to shorten the average maturity of publicly held government debt
and the other to lengthen it. The other is that the tiny scale of that
historical attempt at debt management is far from what people have in
mind today when they suggest that, in the event of a potential deflation
problem in the United States, the Federal Reserve could affect markets
by buying up long-term bonds.
Finally, an entirely different point arises with respect to the
rule that determines the price-level target at which monetary policy
aims. In the authors' model, the optimal path of the price level
represents a trade-off between, on the one hand, the advantages of an
upward-sloping path (that is, positive inflation), which reduces the
likelihood that the sum of inflation and the natural rate of interest
will be negative and therefore the zero bound on nominal interest rates
becomes binding, and, on the other, "the distortions created by ...
inflation." But what it, up to some point, the net of those
distortions due to inflation is a not a negative but a positive for the
economy? For example, what if George Akerlof, William Dickens, and
George Perry are right that, because of nominal wage rigidities, the
economy operates at a higher level of resource utilization, and
reallocates resources more effectively as circumstances change over
time, with 2 to 3 percent inflation rather than zero? (3) Then, on the
authors' logic, it would be a win-win choice to aim for an
upward-sloping price trajectory. Doing so would reduce the likelihood of
hitting the zero bound on nominal interest rates, and it would improve
the functioning of the real economy away from that bound.
I turn in closing to two issues of a more fundamental character.
First, to return to the historical context in which I believe this paper
fits, the important issue is to avoid extrapolative expectations of
price declines. Put in terms of the current debate over Japan, or
perhaps even the United States, it is important that people believe
prices will rise, not fall, in the future. But what if they do not? If
the central bank simply announces a 4 percent inflation target, as
Krugman recommended for Japan, but monetary policy is impotent as long
as prices are falling and the natural rate of interest (to use the term
favored in this paper) is negative, why should people attach credence to
the central bank's announced target in the first place? And if they
don't, then how will that announcement restore the potency of
policy? It is the conundrum of Tinker Bell's dust: If I believe in
it, I can fly. If not, I can't. And if I don't, there's
nothing that will prove me wrong.
Most of the authors' analysis is set in a hypothetical context
in which the central bank has already been operating according to the
kind of monetary policy rule that they recommend, and has done so for
however long it takes the public to understand that this is what the
central bank does and to have confidence that it will keep on doing so.
The point of their analysis is then to show--in their model--the
advantages of having in place this form of rule rather than some other.
But the whole point of the current discussion is precisely that neither
the Bank of Japan, nor the Federal Reserve System, nor any other central
bank for that matter, currently follows such a rule. (If the
authors' object were to confirm the optimality of the monetary
policy rule that most of these central banks already followed, the paper
would presumably read quite differently.) Even taking at face value the
paper's claims for the optimality of this kind of rule, the
question is how to achieve a transition from a time when the central
bank has not been following such a rule, so that there is no reason for
the public to think it is doing so, to a new regime in which the central
bank is following this kind of rule and is fully understood to be doing
The authors are well aware of this issue. They discuss ways, beyond
mere announcements, for the central bank to "demonstrate
resolve," and they appeal to what is now a fairly rich literature
(but only scant experience) of giving central bankers incentives to
carry out policy in particular ways. It is no criticism to say that they
have not solved this problem. But the fact that they have not solved it
does not mean that it has gone away or that it is unimportant.
Finally, without specifically criticizing the paper on this count,
1 want to register nay discomfort with the ever more explicit and
exclusive locus, not just here but in today's monetary policy
literature more generally, with what the authors call "the
management of expectations." Over the past few decades the
literature on monetary policy has traveled a path from ignoring
expectations altogether, to taking expectations into account, to putting
expectations at the center of the analysis, and now, to making
expectations virtually the entirety of the analysis. Eggertsson and
Woodtord are clear: if the central bank takes actions that do not affect
expectations, those actions simply do not matter. (Again, I would add
"in their model.")
The reverse of this proposition (which, of course, does not
necessarily follow from the proposition itself) is that the central bank
need not ever do anything. All that matters is that it affect
expectations. The operating arm of monetary policy is then not the
trading desk but the press office. Or, to use a different metaphor, from
a paper I wrote a few years ago, all this army needs is a signal corps.
On inspection, such views cannot stand up. The situation they describe
is not self-sustaining, at least not for long.
The problem to which this line of thinking nonetheless gives rise
is the increasingly exclusive focus on specifically managing
expectations. The product the firm sells may be terrible--if it's
food, it tastes awful; if it's wallpaper, it looks ugly; if
it's a machine, it doesn't work; if it's medicine, it
doesn't cure anything--but the solution is to be found not in the
design laboratory but at the advertising agency. No matter what the
central bank is doing, always write the press release to say that the
intended purpose is to keep inflation on the straight and narrow,
because that is what the public needs to believe for the central bank to
enjoy the fruits of "credibility." Even if inflation is
already somewhat higher than desired, but the central bank is cutting
interest rates anyway in order to spur the real economy out of a
recession (a situation that observers of the U.S. economy will easily
recognize from the very recent past), claim nonetheless that the sole
purpose of these actions is to preserve price stability. Ridiculous as
it sounds when put in plain language, this is precisely the flavor of
some of the advice the Federal Reserve was receiving not so long ago.
Eggertsson and Woodford do not fall into this trap. To repeat,
their analysis is all about the advantages they claim for a central
bank's actually following a particular kind of policy rule and
being understood to do so. But for many readers, I fear, their emphasis
on "managing expectations" may convey the wrong message.
Fortunately, the officials actually in charge of U.S. monetary policy
have also, most of the time, been more sensible than to fall into this
trap. But the repeated and central emphasis on the "management of
expectations," not just in this carefully crafted paper but in so
much of both the research literature and the public discussion of
monetary policy today as well, is worrisome nonetheless.
Mark Gertler: The topic of this paper is important and highly
relevant to current events. As one would expect from these authors, it
also contains some interesting and innovative theoretical contributions.
The paper picks up two themes from Paul Krugman's earlier work on
this subject. The first is that a central bank may be able to lift an
economy out of a liquidity trap if it can create expectations that its
policy will be expansionary in the future. The second is that creating
these expectations is a nontrivial matter. It involves making a credible
commitment to stick to an inflationary policy in the future, after the
economy has emerged from the liquidity trap. The paper goes beyond
Krugman's analysis, however, in several significant ways. First, it
presents a theoretical model that adds some empirical richness. Second,
it characterizes the optimal policy. Finally, it translates that optimal
policy into an operational rule that has a distinct real-world
A major theme of the paper is that an economy slips into a
liquidity trap when the natural real interest rate (that is, the
equilibrium interest rate under flexible prices) becomes negative, and
it emerges from the trap when this rate becomes positive again. The
authors treat the natural real interest rate as an exogenous process,
and they then study the behavior of monetary policy conditional on this
process. As I discuss below, however, policymakers facing an economy on
the verge of a liquidity trap, or already enmeshed in one, may also want
to consider policies that directly influence the natural real rate. A
natural candidate is a transitory fiscal policy. In this regard, for an
economy truly threatened by a liquidity trap, the coordinated exercise
of fiscal and monetary policy may be desirable. This point, of course,
goes back to Keynes, but it can also be illustrated clearly within a
modest variation of the authors' contemporary framework.
I begin by summarizing the key aspects of the authors'
analysis and then offer a few comments on it. I then describe how a
slight extension of the framework suggests a role for coordinated
monetary and fiscal policy. For countries with malfunctioning credit
systems, such as Japan today, financial restructuring should also be
factored into the policy mix.
THE MODEL. The model is a simple general-equilibrium framework with
money and nominal rigidities in the form of staggered multiperiod price
setting. Let [x.sub.t] be the percentage deviation of output from its
natural (flexible-price equilibrium) level; let [[pi].sub.t] be
inflation, [i.sub.t] the nominal rate of interest, and [r.sup.n.sub.t]
the natural real rate of interest. After log-linearizing around the
deterministic steady state, it is possible to collapse the model into
the following simple system, consisting of an IS curve and a Phillips
curve, specified by
(1) [x.sub.t] = [sigma][[r.sup.n.sub.t]-([i.sub.t]-[E.sub.t]
(2) [[pi].sub.t] = [kappa][x.sub.t]+[beta][E.sub.t][[pi].sub.t+1].
The IS curve relates the output gap positively to the gap between
the natural real interest rate and the current real market rate and to
the expected future output gap. The Phillips curve, in turn, relates
inflation to the output gap and to expected future inflation. The
nominal interest rate [i.sub.t] is the instrument of monetary policy.
The model thus describes the behavior of [x.sub.t] and [[pi].sub.t],
conditional on the exogenous path of [r.sup.n.sub.t] and the central
bank's choice of [i.sub.t].
The central bank would like to maintain price stability (that is,
keep [[pi].sub.t], close to zero) and stabilize the output gap (keep x,
close to zero). It manipulates [i.sub.t] in order to accomplish these
goals. It cannot, however, reduce [i.sub.t] below zero; that is, it
faces the following lower-bound constraint:
(3) [i.sub.t] [is greater than or equal to] 0.
As the authors' analysis makes quite clear, the lower bound
binds when the natural real rate is negative. In this situation the
economy slips into a liquidity trap, assuming there is no expectation of
excess demand in the future. When [r.sup.n.sub.t] > 0 and
[E.sub.t][x.sub.t+1] [is less than or equal to] 0, a negative real
market rate is required to keep output from slipping below the natural
level, 1 makes clear. Given the lower bound, however, a negative real
rate can arise only if inflation is expected over the next period, and
that cannot happen if the private sector does not expect excess demand
to arise in the future (that is, if [E.sub.t][x.sub.t+1+i] [is less than
or equal to] 0 for all i). In this situation, accordingly, excess supply
([x.sub.t] < 0) and deflation ([[pi].sub.t], < 0) emerge.
As Krugman originally emphasized, even if the lower bound is
binding, a central bank can still provide stimulus if it can influence
beliefs about the future course of monetary policy. The authors'
framework is very useful for illustrating this point: here expectations
of the future path of the nominal rate affect current economic behavior.
To see this directly, iterate equations 1 and 2 forward to obtain
(4) [x.sub.t] = {[SIGMA][sigma][[r.sup.n.sub.t+1]
(5) [[pi].sub.t] =
Beliefs about future policy translate into expectations about the
future path of the real interest rate gap. In turn, these expectations
affect the current output gap. They also affect current inflation by
affecting both the current and the expected future path of the output
MONETARY POLICY IN THE LIQUIDITY TRAP, It follows that even if the
central bank is currently powerless to reduce the nominal rate, it can
still stimulate current economic activity by credibly committing to
adopt an expansionary policy once the economy is free of the liquidity
trap. Consider the following simple example. Suppose that the natural
real interest rate is expected to be negative for T periods before
turning positive indefinitely; that is, [r.sup.n.sub.t+i] < 0 for i
[member of] [0, T-1], and [r.sup.n.sub.t+i] > 0 for i > T. Given
that the lower bound is binding for the first T periods, one can express
the output gap as
(6) [x.sub.t] = [E.sub.t]{[[SIGMA][sigma]
= [E.sub.t]{[SIGMA][sigma]([r.sup.n.sub.t+i]+[SIGMA]
Observe that the central bank can raise x, by committing to reduce
[i.sub.t] by a sufficient amount in periods t + T and after. This
transmission mechanism involves two channels. First, the expected path
of [i.sub.t] in the post-liquidity trap period affects current spending.
As equation 6 indicates, holding expected inflation constant, a decline
in expected future nominal rates will directly raise [x.sub.t]. Second,
the resulting increase in current and expected future values of
[x.sub.t] stimulates inflation, which in turn reduces real interest
rates, further stimulating current demand. Krugman has emphasized this
latter channel. The analysis of the former, however, is new.
Equation 6 also reveals some intuition for the authors'
proposition that open-market purchases are ineffective when the economy
is stuck in a liquidity trap, unless these operations influence beliefs
about the behavior of interest rates once the economy is out of the
trap. When the zero bound is binding and fiscal policy is held constant,
an open-market purchase affects neither nominal interest rates nor
private sector wealth. (1) It thus cannot affect current spending unless
it somehow influences beliefs about the path of nominal rates in the
post-liquidity trap era. This proposition is highly relevant to the
discussion of what policies to pursue in the event a liquidity trap
threatens, particularly the proposal to buy long-term bonds. The
authors' proposition shows that such a policy will be ineffective
unless it alters beliefs about future short-term rates. (2)
Equation 6 also makes transparent the nature of the
time-consistency problem. To stimulate the economy, the central bank
clearly would like to create the expectation that it will pursue an
expansionary policy even after it regains its ability to manipulate
short-term rates directly. This requires committing to keep the interest
rate gap, [r.sup.n.sub.t+i]-([i.sub.t]-[E.sub.t+i][[pi].sub.t+1+i]),
positive for a number of periods after T-1. Once the economy is out of
the liquidity trap, however, the central bank will prefer to concentrate
on maintaining price and output gap stability. The best way to achieve
these goals is to adjust the nominal rate to fix the interest rate gap
at zero. Doing so, however, would involve reneging on the earlier pledge
to keep this gap positive for a period of time.
contribution of the paper is its characterization of the optimal policy
in the liquidity trap. Here the central bank trades off the current gain
from creating expectations that future policy will be expansionary
against the cost of having to stick to this expansionary policy once the
economy is free of the liquidity trap. As the authors show, when the
central bank is again free to manage nominal rates, it should do this so
as to adjust demand to stabilize the price level around the target
[p.sup.*.sub.t]. This strategy, in turn, results in x, responding in a
"lean against the wind" fashion (when [i.sub.t] > 0) as
(7) [x.sub.t] =
However, if the lower bound is binding, the central bank should set
[i.sub.t] = 0 and ratchet up the target price level for the next period,
using the following updating rule:
(8) [p.sup.*.sub.t+1]-[p.sup.*.sub.t] = [[beta].sup.-1]
Intuitively, by committing to the price-level targeting rule when
the economy is free of the liquidity trap, the central bank creates the
expectation that it will offset any deflationary pressure in the present
with expansionary policy in the future. This threat to adopt an
expansionary policy, in turn, mitigates the pain of the liquidity trap.
By ratcheting the price-level target up if the liquidity trap
materializes, the central bank meets strong deflationary pressure with a
commitment to intensify its future expansionary policy. The authors
show, however, that a simpler policy that keeps the path of the
price-level target invariant to current conditions closely approximates
the optimal policy, under reasonable assumptions about parameter values.
The benefit of a price-level target over an inflation target to
fight deflation is reasonably straightforward. It meets enhanced
deflationary pressure with an intensified commitment to pursue
expansionary policy in the future (even if the target price level is
unchanged). An inflation target, on the other hand, lets bygones be
bygones. That is, an unusual drop in prices today does not affect the
course of policy in the future, since under inflation targeting a
central bank is focused only on the current rate of change in prices.
Thus inflation targeting does not induce the same kind of stabilizing
adjustment of expectations about the future course of policy as does
price-level targeting.
Of course, the authors' result that price-level targeting is
optimal requires several qualifications. First, the simple form of the
price-level targeting rule is in large part a product of the purely
forward-looking Phillips curve given by equation 2. Although this form
of the Phillips curve is useful for gaining insight into how central
banks should factor private sector expectations into policy management,
the baseline version used by the authors does not capture the high
persistence of inflation observed in the actual data. However, as Jordi
Gali and I have shown, a hybrid variant of equation 2 that allows for a
mix of forward- and backward-looking behavior does a reasonably good
job. (3) Because forward-looking behavior remains important under this
specification, the authors' qualitative conclusions regarding the
importance of managing future expectations will survive. However,
because inflation depends on lagged inflation as well as on expected
future inflation, it will no longer be optimal to simply target the
price level and ignore past inflation.
Second, the issue of time consistency remains. That is, although
the price-level target helps minimize the damage to the economy from
being in a liquidity trap, once the economy is out of the trap, the
central bank would like to abandon that target. The authors clearly
recognize this issue and propose a number of ways to properly align the
central bank's incentives. Whether these strategies would work in
practice, especially for an economy like the United States, remains an
open question. To date, price-level targeting has not had much appeal.
One reason may be that, as I suggested earlier, price-level targeting is
most appealing when price setting is purely forward looking. The belief
that at least a component of inflation is backward looking naturally
raises concerns about adopting a simple price-level target.
liquidity trap is ultimately a product of having a negative natural rate
of interest, although highly transparent in the authors' analysis,
is also inherent in the traditional IS/LM description of this
phenomenon. Within this traditional apparatus, a liquidity trap emerges
when the IS curve intersects the long-run aggregate supply curve at a
negative interest rate. Expectations of future policy play no role in
this description, however, in contrast to the authors' analysis.
The traditional prescription for a liquidity trap, of course, is
expansionary fiscal policy. Fiscal stimulus shifts the IS curve outward
to the point where it intersects the long-run aggregate supply curve at
a positive interest rate. A suitably accommodative monetary policy, of
course, should also be part of the overall package.
Expansionary fiscal policy (along with monetary accommodation) is
also a natural path to take within the authors' framework. As in
the traditional analysis, this policy, if used effectively, attacks the
heart of the problem by pushing the natural rate of interest into
positive territory. Because the authors' framework is more highly
structured than the IS/LM model, some subtleties emerge about the nature
of the desired intervention that are not present in the traditional
For example, suppose we modify the authors' framework to allow
for government consumption as well as private consumption. Then let
[g.sub.t], be the logarithm of government consumption and let [a.sub.t]
be the logarithm of technology. Then it is straightforward to show that
the natural rate of interest is (approximately) the following implicit
function of the expected growth rate of technology and the expected
growth rate of government expenditure:
(9) [r.sup.n.sub.t] =
[[rho].sub.1] > 0, [[rho].sub.2] < 0.
The equilibrium real interest rate depends positively on expected
productivity growth and negatively on the expected growth rate of
government expenditure. Intuitively, the latter raises expected
consumption growth (thus pushing up the real interest rate) whereas the
former reduces it.
Suppose now that, holding fiscal policy constant, [r.sup.n.sub.t]
becomes negative for a period of time because of a transitory period of
negative productivity growth. In the absence of any policy response, the
economy enters a liquidity trap. However, by pursuing a sufficiently
aggressive transitory increase in government expenditure, the fiscal
authority can push the natural rate into the positive region, thus
avoiding the trap. An important difference from the traditional analysis
is that the government commits to making the expansion transitory: if
the private sector perceives the expansion as permanent, it will not
affect the natural rate. (4)
I am not suggesting fiscal policy as a substitute for the
authors' monetary prescription but rather as a complementary policy
initiative. One virtue of this approach is that it involves offering
direct stimulus to the economy as opposed to resting one's hopes
entirely on private sector expectations of future (monetary) stimulus.
Of course, before any firm conclusions may be drawn, a formal analysis
of fiscal policy along the lines of the authors' analysis of
monetary policy would be desirable. Along these lines, modifying the
authors' framework to allow for fiscal tools would seem to provide
a good starting point.
Finally, it is important to recognize that malperformance of credit
markets is a key feature of economies truly enmeshed in a liquidity
trap, such as the U.S. economy during the Great Depression and the
Japanese economy today. At a conceptual level, credit market frictions
raise the likelihood that the zero bound will bind. They do so by
reducing the real market interest rate required to produce zero excess
demand (that is, [x.sub.t] = 0). To see this, consider the following
very stylized example. Suppose that [[chi].sub.t] is the premium for
external finance that borrowers must pay, owing to the presence of
capital market frictions. This premium will depend on such factors as
borrowers' collateral and the overall conditions of financial
institutions. In this environment the opportunity cost of investing is
given by [[chi].sub.t]+[i.sub.t]-[E.sub.t][[pi].sub.t+1], implying that
the interest rate gap is now given by [r.sup.n.sub.t]-[[chi].sub.t]
+[i.sub.t]-[E.sub.t][[pi].sub.t+1], where [r.sub.n.sub.t] now has the
interpretation of being the natural real rate in the absence of credit
market frictions. In this instance the zero bound will bind if
[r.sup.n.sub.t]-[[chi].sub.t] < 0.
Since [[chi].sub.t] > 0, financial market frictions raise the
likelihood that the economy will slip into a liquidity trap.
Intuitively, the rise in the cost of credit owing to these frictions
requires lower risk-free market rates than otherwise to keep overall
borrowing costs from stifling demand and edging the economy into a
deflation. To the extent financial reforms and financial market
restructuring reduce [[chi].sub.t], they help ease the economy out of
the liquidity trap. As with fiscal policy, credit market improvements
potentially provide direct stimulus for an economy in the midst of a
liquidity trap.
General discussion: James Duesenberry was skeptical of the
authors' assumption that expectations and credibility are the
crucial elements in policymaking. He noted that policy credibility
depends on economic agents believing that policy is effective--that when
the Federal Reserve says it is going to do something to stimulate the
economy, it can actually make it happen. He observed that even the
Federal Reserve's ability to control the term structure of interest
rates was uncertain. Certainly, expectations about future federal funds
rates are an important determinant of the term structure, but other
expectations, for example about the level of capital utilization or the
demand for housing, also play an important role, and these are not
exclusively influenced by monetary policy, Even more problematic is
whether the Federal Reserve has the ability (except when in a liquidity
trap) to steer the economy exactly where the Federal Reserve wants it to
go. Many believe that the efforts of monetary policy are sometimes like
"pushing on a string," and even monetary economists are
uncertain about its effectiveness. Moreover, monetary policy is supposed
to work though a variety of channels, affecting investment through
changes in the cost of capital, consumption through wealth effects in
the stock market, and the balance of payments through changes in the
exchange rate, and other examples could be cited. Duesenberry noted that
a recent study by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York arrived at a wide
range of estimates of the magnitude of these effects, and that the
authors were themselves pessimistic about the precision of monetary
policy interventions.
Christopher Sims thought it unfortunate that the paper followed a
recent practice in the literature of making very strong and artificial
assumptions about fiscal policy. In the authors' model, the fiscal
authority pegs the real value of total government liabilities without
regard to the proportions of high-powered money and interest-bearing
debt. Sims gave two reasons for finding this objectionable. First, this
policy is not optimal in a simple Lucas-Stokey or Barro model. In both
models real debt should respond endogenously to shocks. Second, the
policy implies that a fiscal authority, confronted with a large amount
of liabilities in the form of high-powered money, would feel just as
committed to raise taxes to retire that money stock as it would to raise
taxes to reduce the same amount of interest-bearing debt. This is
implausible: the division of liabilities between interest-bearing debt
and money should affect the amount of pressure--or lack of pressure--on
the legislature to raise taxes.
William Brainard likewise emphasized the composition of government
debt. In the authors' model, short-term interest rates link
consumption across successive periods, and therefore current and
expected short-term rates are what matter. To achieve a desired effect
on the economy, it then suffices for the monetary authority to announce
the rule it will follow in setting future short-term rates. The
long-term bond rate reflects this rule but plays no separate role in
affecting private actions. In reality, however, announcing a rule for
future short-term rates may be quite different from intervening today in
order to influence the long-term rate. Investments in capital equipment
are irreversible in the short run; as a result, the risk of borrowing
long term for such investments is different from undertaking a sequence
of short-term borrowings. Setting today's long-term rate eliminates
all manner of uncertainties, including uncertainty about the monetary
authority's credibility.
Christopher Sims agreed with Benjamin Friedman that a price-level
target is undesirable in times of high inflation if disinflation has
real costs. In a rational expectations model, the commitment to a
price-level target, and hence to deflation following an inflation, makes
inflation less likely, but it might be quite difficult to make this
costly commitment credible. Sims suggested that an asymmetric commitment
might be more appropriate. Although, historically, liquidity traps have
involved deflation, the rates of deflation experienced were very low. As
a consequence, the amount of inflation tomorrow to which one would have
to commit today in order to reach the price-level target is not high. On
the other hand, we have seen episodes of very rapid and large inflation,
and Sims thought it would not be possible to credibly commit to
returning prices to their initial level after such an episode.
(1.) Piger (2003).
(2.) Krugman (1998).
(3.) Akerlof, Dickens, and Perry (2000).
International Monetary Fund
Princeton University