Intangible assets: computers and organizational capital.
Brynjolfsson, Erik ; Hitt, Lorin M. ; Yang, Shinkyu 等
IN DEVELOPED ECONOMIES, production requires not only such
traditional factors as capital and labor but also skills, organizational
structures and processes, culture, and other factors collectively
referred to as "intangible assets." Detailed investigation of
some of these types of assets has found that they are often large in
magnitude and have important productivity benefits. For example, Dale
Jorgenson and Barbara Fraumeni found that the stock of human capital in
the U.S. economy dwarfs that of physical capital and has grown over
time. (1) Bronwyn Hall, Zvi Griliches, and Baruch Lev and Theodore
Sougiannis found evidence that research and development (R&D) assets
bring benefits in the form of positive marginal product and market
valuation. (2) Timothy Bresnahan, Brynjolfsson, and Hitt have found that
certain organizational practices, when combined with investments in
information technology (IT), were associated with significant increases
in productivity in the late 1980s and early 1990s. (3)
Investors also attempt to incorporate intangible assets into their
valuation of firms, and this is one reason that the market value of a
firm may differ markedly from the value of its tangible assets alone. In
particular, stock market valuations of firms have increasingly diverged
from their measured book value in the past decade or so. (4) Part of the
explanation may be the growing use of IT and the associated investments
in intangible assets. (5) Whereas early applications of computers were
primarily directed at factor substitution (particularly of low-skill
clerical workers), modern uses of computers have both enabled and
necessitated substantial organizational redesign and changes in the
skill mix of employees. (6) Collectively, this research argues for a
complementarity between computer investment and organizational
investment, and specifically a relationship between use of IT and
increased demand for skilled workers, greater decentralization of
certain decision rights, and team-oriented production. Moreover, case
studies and a growing body of statistical analyses suggest that these
complementary investments are large. (7)
This paper analytically explores the hypothesis that new,
intangible organizational assets complement IT capital just as new
production processes and factory redesign complemented the adoption of
electric motors over 100 years ago. (8) To realize the potential
benefits of computerization, investments in additional
"assets" such as new organizational processes and structures,
worker knowledge, and redesigned monitoring, reporting, and incentive
systems may be needed. We study how the financial markets can be used to
help identify such assets.
In some cases the costs of implementing the new processes,
training, and incentive systems may be many times greater than the costs
of the computer technology itself. However, the managers who decide to
incur these costs presumably expect the present value of the resulting
benefits to be no less than these costs, even if they accrue over a
period of years and are uncertain. In this sense managers' behavior
reflects their belief that they are investing in an economic asset.
Assets that are intangible need not be invisible. On the contrary,
the presence of intangible organizational assets can be observed in at
least three ways. First, some of the specific changes that firms make
may be directly observable. In particular, previous work has used survey
methods to document a relationship between technology and some aspects
of organizational change, such as new business processes, greater demand
for skills, and increased employee decisionmaking authority. (9) Firms
sometimes try to highlight their investments in these areas, offering
tours to customers, investors, and researchers who express an interest
in them. A visit to the manufacturing operations of Dell Computer or of
a steel mini-mill provides some insight into the effort these firms put
into creating various kinds of organizational assets and the resulting
productivity implications. Recently, researchers have begun more
systematic efforts to help quantify the extent to which companies have
adopted various organizational practices. (10)
Second, the effect of these changes on a firm' s market
valuation should be measurable. If these new practices really represent
the types of organizational assets we described earlier, one would
expect the accumulation of these assets to be reflected in firms'
market value, as revealed by voluntary transactions among buyers and
sellers of the firms' financial securities.
Third, these assets should provide real returns in the form of
higher output. Thus a production function framework should reveal that
firms that have put in place more of these intangibles saw greater
output in subsequent years, after accounting for standard inputs (such
as capital, labor, and materials).
Although we will examine all three of these indicators, our focus
will be on the relationship between intangibles and the financial
markets. Just as investors can visit various factories and buildings
owned by a firm and attempt to judge their profit-making potential, they
can also form their own judgments about the existence, relevance, and
value of various intangible assets owned or controlled by the firm. One
difference, however, is that firms do not report a value for many of the
intangible assets on their balance sheets, forcing investors to rely on
other sources of information to value these assets. As a result,
investors and analysts appear to devote relatively more time and effort
to assessing the value of companies with larger stocks of intangible
assets. (11)
Although the data can be noisy, the valuations provided by the
public capital markets do have some advantages for researchers in this
area. Whereas the effects on productivity or other measures of economic
output may be spread over many years, the financial markets, which seek
to assess the discounted value of companies' future revenues,
provide an immediate indicator of whether these investments are expected
to generate value for a firm's owners. In particular, the market
value of a firm that has leveraged computer assets with organizational
investments should be substantially greater than that of a similar firm
that has not. A computer that is integrated with complementary
organizational assets should be significantly more valuable to a
business than a computer in a box on the loading dock.
An important characteristic of the organizational capital created
by corporations is that its value may not be realized for years, if at
all. Firms choose to invest in certain business models, organizational
practices, and corporate culture. Later some of these investments turn
out to be more productive and profitable than others. The financial
markets recognize and reward those models that are well suited to the
current technological and business environment. At that point, other
firms may try to imitate the winners' best practices, but the
complexity due to explicit and implicit complementarities among each
collection of practices makes this difficult. Kmart may wish it could
emulate Wal-Mart, and Compaq may try to learn from Dell, but their
adjustment costs may prevent this from happening for years, even if they
succeed in the end.
Thus it would be unwise to interpret high market values on an input
such as IT as reflecting high adjustment costs for the successful
investors. On the contrary, the market is mainly valuing the intangible
assets correlated with IT; if anything, IT-intensive firms are likely to
have lower adjustment costs than their rivals and hence higher levels of
IT investment. At the same time, the higher investment costs of the
rival firms are what prevents them from quickly dissipating the rents of
the winners. When complex combinations of technology and organization
are called for, the costs of imitation and investment are likely to be
especially high. Furthermore, looking at the valuations of winning
organizational strategies ex post can give a misleading impression of
their returns. Many, perhaps most, efforts at organizational change
fail, and projects involving extensive investments in IT often fall well
short of expectations. (12) Ex ante, a rational manager must consider
the substantial risk of failure before deciding whether a project is
likely to deliver the required returns.
This has implications for how one should interpret the coefficients
on asset variables in a market value equation. In the traditional
interpretation, (13) when a high market value is found to be associated
with IT, it reflects the adjustment costs of investing more in IT--the
shadow value of installed IT capital. In our interpretation, however,
relatively little of the market value is due to this effect. Most of the
value springs from intangible assets, including factors such as business
organization, that are disproportionately high in IT-intensive firms. At
the end of our sample period, it was easy to see that Dell's
business organization was a winning model; at the beginning of the
period, as that organization was being created, its value was much less
This argument leads to five hypotheses, which are empirically
--Each dollar of installed computer capital should be correlated
with more than one dollar of market value, after controlling for other
measured assets.
--Investments in computers should be correlated with increased
investments in certain observable organizational practices.
--If these practices represent part of the productive assets of a
firm, they should also be associated with increases in market value.
--If intangible assets are most common in firms that combine these
specific organizational practices with investments in computer capital,
those firms should have a higher market value than those that adopt
these same practices in isolation.
--Any intangible assets correlated with computerization and these
specific organizational practices should also result in higher measured
output in future years, reflecting the returns to these intangible
Using data on 1,216 large firms over eleven years (1987-97), we
find evidence supporting all five hypotheses:
--Each dollar invested in computers is associated with an increase
in firm market valuation of over $10 (depending on the assumptions of
the estimation models), compared with an increase of just over $1 per
dollar of investment in other tangible assets.
--Firms that are intensive IT users are also more likely to adopt
work practices that involve a specific cluster of organizational
characteristics, including greater use of teams, broader distribution of
certain decision rights, and increased worker training.
--This cluster of organizational characteristics increases a
firm's market valuation beyond what can be accounted for by
tangible assets.
--Firms that have adopted both these organizational characteristics
and have a large computer capital stock have disproportionately higher
market valuations.
--Firms with higher levels of computerization, especially when they
also have higher levels of these organizational characteristics, have
significantly higher output in subsequent years.
The primary alternative hypothesis for the high market-to-book
ratio of many firms is some sort of investor mispricing, perhaps due to
a market bubble, fads, or irrationality. Our argument is not that
investors never make mistakes in pricing assets; undoubtedly this does
happen. However, the five findings above are collectively difficult to
explain as being due entirely to mispricing.
Furthermore, our examination of fixed-effect specifications and of
specifications using differences over long periods suggests that our
results are not driven by other types of unobserved firm heterogeneity or short-run correlated shocks between market value and computer
investment. Similarly, the evidence suggests that they are not driven by
a general complementarity between capital and skill: these results
appear to be unique to IT capital and are not important for ordinary
capital. Because our sample consists predominantly of large, established
firms rather than new high-technology entrants, and because the time
period of our data predates the large increase in the value of
technology stocks in the late 1990s, our results are not driven by the
possible presence of a bubble in high-technology stocks in the late
1990s. Moreover, our results are qualitatively similar for each
individual year when estimated separately over our eleven-year sample
period, which includes the peak and trough of a business cycle. This
argues against the possibility that our results are simply driven by
short-term stock market fluctuations. The results are consistent with
earlier case-based research as well as with recent econometric work
using production functions, which suggests an important role for
IT-enabled organizational changes in increasing productivity and the
value of firms. Taken together, these results lend quantitative support
to the idea that IT is most valuable when coupled with complementary
changes in organizational design.
Related Literature and Cases
We begin by summarizing some of the related literature, including
some case examples that help provide some perspective and texture to the
statistical results reported in that literature and later in this paper.
IT and Organization
This paper draws primarily on two strands of research and seeks to
link them. Here we review some studies of the interaction of IT and firm
organization; later, when we develop the model, we will draw on studies
that use financial markets to provide insight into the size and nature
of intangible assets.
For U.S. businesses the most important technological change in the
last twenty years has been the increased power and ubiquity of computers
and related technologies. The quality-adjusted price of logic and memory
chips has declined by about an order of magnitude every five years, and
that of many other components such as magnetic storage and data
communications has declined at a comparable or faster rate; these trends
show no signs of abating in the near future. Indeed, there is some
evidence of an acceleration since 1995.
IT has effects on the organization that adopts it that are
disproportionate to its share of the organization's costs. A
firm's business processes, internal organization, and relationships
with outside parties are significantly determined by the economics of
information and communications. (14) For instance, lower-cost access to
data and communications can exacerbate the information processing bottleneck at the tops of hierarchies and therefore increase the value
of delegation and of decentralized, nonmachine decisionmaking. (15) It
can also have direct and indirect effects on the value of skilled labor,
job design, and incentive systems, in particular, Bresnahan,
Brynjolfsson, and Hitt analyze data on IT, organizational practices, and
productivity from over 300 large firms and conclude that
IT use is also correlated with a pattern of work organization involving
more decentralized decisionmaking and greater use of teams. Increases in
firms' IT capital stock are associated with the greatest increases in
output in firms that also have high levels of human capital or
decentralized work organization, or both. However, firms that implement
only one complement without the others are often less productive than firms
which implement none at all. (16)
In other words, there is evidence of a complementarity between the
use of IT and certain changes in work organization. Of course, the
falling quality-adjusted price of IT raises the return to investments
not only in IT but also in its complements. A significant literature,
mostly outside of economics, has explored various aspects of the
interaction between IT and organization, business processes, and even
corporate culture. (17)
Although the organizational complements are valuable and, in some
cases, even essential to the success of IT innovations, implementing
organizational changes is costly and risky, yielding both successes and
failures. (18) Both the case evidence and the econometric results
suggest that the costs of these organizational complements to IT
investments typically exceed the direct financial costs of the IT
investments themselves. (19) Importantly, although many of these
organizational practices may be readily visible to competitors and are
copiously documented in articles by business school professors and
consultants, they are notoriously difficult to imitate successfully.
(20) This reflects complementarities and large effects of seemingly
minor characteristics. Intel, for example, has adopted a "copy
exactly" philosophy for any chip fabrication plant built after the
first plant in each generation. Wholesale replication of even seemingly
insignificant details has proved more reliable than trying to understand
which characteristics really matter. Going from the plant level to the
firm level only complicates the imitator's task.
The difficulty in implementing organizational complements can
explain the apparent quasi-rents earned by firms that have been
fortunate or skillful enough to have them in place. In some cases these
quasi-rents, when measured in a production function framework, may show
up as higher coefficients on other inputs to production. For instance,
Brynjolfsson and Hitt and Frank Lichtenberg, (21) among others, find
that heavy use of IT is correlated with significantly higher levels and
growth rates of measured productivity. These rents may arise because
nonadopters have not tried, or have tried and failed, to implement
complementary workplace or product innovations. Brynjolfsson and Hitt
interpret their productivity results as pointing to the existence of
large but unmeasured inputs to production that are correlated with
measured IT. A related literature finds that certain work practices and
human resource policies are correlated with higher levels of
productivity and thus constitute another typically unmeasured
"input" to production. (22)
Because effective work organization can be costly to develop and
implement but yields a stream of cash flows over time, it is natural to
think of it as a kind of asset. This asset has variously been called
"organizational capital," "e-capital," and
"structural capital," depending on the context. (23)
Case Studies
Although statistical data are very useful for hypothesis testing,
our own understanding of the role of organizational capital has been
shaped in an important way through visits and interviews with managers
who have implemented information systems projects and by teaching case
studies on such projects. (24) Some common themes in these cases are the
--Computers and software are just the tip of a much larger iceberg of implementation costs. Successful projects require enormous management
attention, worker training, and changes in seemingly unrelated areas of
the business and perhaps the entire industry. Successful chief
information officers are now expected to combine knowledge of technology
with an understanding of the firm's business opportunities and
--Many of the practices that matter most are also to be found at
the level of the business culture and work content of individual
workers, not just in sweeping visions on the part of the chief executive
officer or the chief information officer. As a result, organizational
capital is quasi-fixed in the short run.
--Information technology initiatives are difficult and often fail.
By the same token, one of the reasons they can provide competitive
advantage and quasi-rents is that they are not trivial for other firms
to duplicate. Wal-Mart, with a recent market capitalization of $273
billion and net tangible assets of $25.5 billion, is an example. (25)
Wal-Mart has spent over $4 billion on its "retail link" supply
chain system, and it has been called "by far the commercial
world's most influential purchaser and implementer of software and
systems." (26) A recent McKinsey Global Institute report singles
out Wal-Mart for playing a disproportionate role in the productivity
revival in the 1990s:
Productivity growth accelerated after 1995 because Wal-Mart's success
forced competitors to improve their operations.... By the mid-1990s,
[Wal-Mart's] productivity advantage widened to 48%. Competitors reacted by
adopting many of Wal-Mart's innovations, including ... economies of scale
in warehouse logistics and purchasing, electronic data interchange and
wireless bar code scanning. (27)
A key point in that report is that "[IT] was often a necessary
but not sufficient enabler of productivity gains. Business process
changes were also necessary.... " (28) Or, as Robert Solow puts it,
"The technology that went into what Wal-Mart did was not brand new
and not especially at the technology frontiers, but when it was combined
with the firm's managerial and organizational innovations, the
impact was huge." Solow concludes, "we don't look enough
at organizational innovation." (29)
Other highly visible, computer-enabled business changes happen on
factory floors and in back offices. For instance, Dell combined new
materials management software with a set of redesigned workflows to
roughly halve the floor space required in its main server assembly
plant, while increasing overall throughput and reducing work-in-process
inventories. Had Dell instead built a second factory on the site, the
additional real estate and capacity would have been duly recorded on its
balance sheet. In contrast, the processes that doubled the effective
size of its existing facility went unrecorded.
Similarly, a Johnson & Johnson factory producing adhesive
bandages dramatically increased the variety of products it could
manufacture and reduced costs after combining new, computer-based
flexible machinery with nearly a dozen carefully defined work practices
and principles, including changes in the allocation of certain decision
rights, incentive systems, and job responsibilities. (30) The right
combination of work practices was discovered only after a lengthy and
costly period of experimentation and false starts. When a system found
to be highly effective was ultimately implemented, management ordered
the factory windows painted black to prevent competitors from quickly
learning the details of its implementation.
Other firms are more eager to disseminate their discoveries about
organizational complements to IT. For instance, Cisco Systems has
identified a set of practices and attitudes that the company associates
with increased productivity from the use of the Internet; it calls these
practices and attitudes its "Internet Culture." The firm has
established a culture that produces the results it is looking for, and
it invests heavily in maintaining that culture. Cisco not only has a
"Director of Internet Culture" but also issues plastic cards,
which employees are asked to carry with them, that summarize the eleven
key components of that culture. (31) Furthermore, as a leading provider
of some of the basic hardware of the Internet, Cisco encourages other
firms to understand and adopt these practices, which they believe make
investments in Internet technologies more productive.
Accounting for Intangible Assets
In each of these cases, the basic technology was available to all
interested parties. However, the truly valuable assets were the
complementary business processes, work practices, and even culture, all
of which were harder to identify and implement. In effect, these
constituted an organizational asset with real value, although one not
reflected on the firm's balance sheet.
Even many of the direct project costs of an IT project may elude documentation on a firm's balance sheet. For example, less than 20
percent of the typical $20 million installation cost of a SAP R/3 system
(a widely used large-scale package designed to integrate different
organizational processes) is for hardware and software, which is
capitalized; by far the greater part of the investment is for hiring
consultants to help develop requirements; evaluate, select, and
customize the software; redesign organizational processes; and train the
staff in the use of the new system. (32)
According to the American Institute of Certified Public
Accountants, although the costs of software purchase and development
should be capitalized if they exceed some threshold, (33) most of these
other project costs must be expensed. (34) As firms devote more
resources to various IT projects, this accounting policy drives a wedge
between the market value of a firm's assets and their value on its
balance sheet. (35) As noted by Lev and Paul Zarowin:
restructuring costs, such as for employee training, production
reengineering or organizational redesign, are immediately expensed, while
the benefits of restructuring in the form of lower production costs and
improved customer service, are recognized in later periods. Consequently,
during restructuring, the financial statements reflect the cost of
restructuring but not its benefits, and are therefore largely disconnected
from market values which reflect the expected benefits along with the
costs. (36)
The accounting policy of excluding many such intangible assets from
a firm's balance sheet should not be taken as an implication that
they have no economic value, or even that their economic value is
unknown and unknowable. On the contrary, it partly reflects the
different goals of accountants and economists. No single number is a
correct reflection of the value of an asset in all states of the world.
A creditor, when evaluating a piece of collateral, might care most about
that asset's value in those states of the world where the debtor is
unable or unwilling to make interest payments. In those circumstances
collateral may need to be seized and sold for salvage value, and then
the value of many intangible assets, such as organizational capital, is
likely to be very low or zero. Accountants, to the extent they are
responsible for providing useful information to creditors and potential
creditors, might reasonably adopt a conservative valuation for :many
assets, particular those that have little or no salvage value in
"bad" states of the world. Furthermore, a financial accountant
needs to provide, for outside parties, reliable numbers that are not
easily subject to "earnings management" or other types of
gaming by management, since the interests of management and creditors or
potential creditors are not always aligned. According to the Financial
Accounting Standards Board, more conservative rules for recognizing
assets are called for when valuations are uncertain. (37)
Equity investors care less than other creditors about the value of
assets in "bad" states of the world, and more about the
expected cash flows those assets can generate across all states of the
world. This is one reason that, when assets have different values in
different states of the world, there may be a large, and perfectly
sensible, gap between balance sheet assets and the market value of a
firm. To the extent that an economist is interested in the expected
value of a firm's assets, their market value as judged by equity
investors may provide a more accurate guide than the balance sheet. In
this paper we attempt to make use of these judgments.
Econometric Model and Data
Here we sketch the derivation of our stock market valuation model
and describe the data used in the analysis.
Derivation of Model for Stock Market Valuations
Our model draws on standard finance theory and assumes that
managers are rational in their investment decisions and that investors
are rational when they make their judgments about the valuation of
corporate securities. Of course, this does not mean that their decisions
will always be correct ex post; uncertainty and imperfect information
make that unlikely. In addition, bubbles and other anomalies in the
valuation of financial assets can make the interpretation of the
econometric results more difficult. We address these possibilities in a
variety of ways.
The basic structure of the model follows the literature on the
valuation of capital goods that relates the market value of a firm to
the capital goods it owns. (38) Others have taken variations of this
framework adapted for empirical use and applied them to the valuation of
firms' R&D, (39) and the relationship between firm
diversification and firm value, using firm-level data. (40)
The empirical use of Tobin's q to capture intangible
organizational assets has been proposed by other authors and has been
significantly advanced recently by Robert Hall, who states, "Firms
produce productive capital by combining plant, equipment, new ideas and
organization," and concludes, "The data suggest that U.S.
corporations own substantial amounts of intangible capital not recorded
in the sector's books or anywhere in government statistics."
(41) Elsewhere Hall discusses the analogy between a flow of investment
in reorganization and a flow of investment in physical capital. (42)
Whereas he uses the label "e-capital" to describe all
intangible assets revealed by the gap between the financial
markets' value of firms and the value of their replacement assets
in the 1990s, this paper seeks to identify more explicitly the role of
computer capital and particular organizational practices. (43) Thus our
paper is most closely related to that of Brynjolfsson and Yang, (44) who
found evidence of high q values for IT but did not explicitly link them
to organizational investments.
We assume that firms face a dynamic optimization problem in which
managers make capital investments (I) in several different asset types
and expenditures in variable costs (N) with the goal of maximizing the
market value of the firm (V). In turn, V is equal to the present value
of all future cash flows [pi](t) according to a discount function u(t).
The accumulation of capital investment, less depreciation ([delta]),
produces a vector of the capital stock (K, which includes different
components of capital [K.sub.j], j = 1 ... J, where the js are computer
capital, other physical capital, and so forth). The capital stock, along
with the variable inputs, is used to produce output through a production
function (F). This yields the following program:
Maximize with respect to I and N
(2) [pi](t) = F(K, N, t) - N - I,
and the following holds:
Under the assumptions that F(K, N) is a homogeneous function of
degree 1 over K, N, and I (constant returns to scale) and is twice
differentiable, one can solve for the market value of the firm that
results from this optimization problem. If all assets can be documented
and no adjustment costs are incurred in making them fully productive,
buying a firm is equivalent to buying a collection of separate assets.
(45) Thus the market value of a firm is simply equal to the current
stock of its capital assets:
Econometric Issues
The formulation in equation 4 suggests a basic estimating equation
that relates the market value of firm i to the assets that the firm
possesses, allowing for repeated observations over time t:
If the vector of assets K for each firm contains all relevant
capital assets and there are no other forms of specification or
measurement error or adjustment costs, we would expect that [alpha] = 0
and [v.sub.j] = 1 for all j. However, v may deviate from 1 if adjustment
costs are significant or if there are omitted variables that are
correlated with the quantity of observed capital assets.
In the presence of adjustment costs, the shadow value of installed
capital can exceed its acquisition costs. Capital that is installed may
be more valuable than capital that is not yet installed. For example, if
there are two types of capital, computers ([K.sub.c]) and other physical
capital ([K.sub.p]), then ([v.sub.c] - 1) would represent the difference
in value between computer capital that is fully integrated into the firm
and otherwise identical computers that are available on the open market,
and ([v.sub.p] - 1) would be the corresponding value for other types of
capital. (46) As shown by Fumio Hayashi, (47) v'K can be made
observable when there are constant returns to scale, because marginal
and average q will be equal. In essence, the value of the firm will
simply be a function of the capital price vector (v) and the capital
quantity vector (K) of each of the types of capital it owns.
Similarly, the observed market value of each capital asset may also
deviate from 1 when there are other capital assets that are not
measured, such as omitted intangible assets, or shocks to market value
that are correlated with the levels of observed capital assets. For
instance, these intangible assets might include organizational capital
that is complementary to certain observed capital assets or persistent,
firm-specific components of value (such as management quality) that are
correlated with capital quantity. Market value shocks include persistent
errors in stock market valuation that are simultaneously correlated with
capital assets (for example, the stock market over- or undervaluing
high-technology firms), or short-run events such as an increase in a
firm's market size or opportunities that raises stock market value
and induces capital investment. These specification errors can be
represented as a systematic omitted component of market valuation (Mi,)
in the theoretical market value relationship:
From standard omitted-variables arguments, (48) the presence of
[] in the market valuation equation will alter the estimates of
the value of capital assets ([v.sup.*], a vector) in a systematic way
depending on the correlation of the observed capital assets (K, a matrix
with rows representing different assets for each firm and columns
representing different firm-year observations) with the omitted
component of market value (M, a column vector with elements []).
Specifically, in the absence of adjustment costs,
(7) [v.sup.*] = [(K'K).sup.-1] K'M.
This implies that [v.sup.*] is simply the vector of coefficients
that would arise in a regression of the capital assets on the omitted
market valuation component (M):
Thus, in the absence of adjustment costs, a high value for a
particular capital asset in the market value equation implies a
correlation between that asset and M, for instance, a large stock of
(valuable) intangible assets or investor errors in valuation that is
correlated with the quantity of observed assets.
As noted by Stephen Bond and Jason Cummins, (49) distinguishing the
exact nature of this relationship is more difficult. If we interpret M
as arising from the omission of intangible assets such as organizational
capital from the equation, we can write [] = []
[K.sub.o,it], where [] is the market-determined shadow price of
organizational capital and [K.sub.o,it] the quantity of organizational
capital. In general, it is difficult without making further assumptions
to distinguish the price and the quantity of organizational capital
individually, (50) but for purposes of identifying the value of
organizational complements to computers we need only determine the value
of []. However, if there is a bubble in the valuation of
corporate securities (an "error" in the markets'
perception of []), this can alter estimates of [].
Instrumental variables techniques will be of little help insofar as
they do not distinguish between true organizational complements and
errors in valuation. Removing the influence of factors that are both
unobserved and correlated with productivity would remove the very
variables we seek to measure: intangible assets. If such a technique
were successful, the coefficients on the observed capital assets would
be driven close to their theoretical value of 1, but no light would be
shed on the magnitude of the intangibles.
However, if data are available that allow one to measure some of
the components of [], it may be possible to partially
distinguish the relative contribution of market valuation errors and the
relative contribution of the intangible assets that comprise [].
We may also be able to reduce the impact of identifiable sources of
correlated shocks by means of other econometric adjustments such as
control variables for time periods or industries.
Our analysis focuses on obtaining data and measuring the
contribution of various aspects of organizational capital ([K.sub.o])
that, from our earlier discussion, represent potential components of M
either alone or in combination with computer assets ([K.sub.c]). We
assume that the level of [K.sub.o] is difficult to change (that is,
quasi-fixed) in the short run and thus can be viewed as exogenous with
respect to both computer asset levels and market valuations. (51)
There are several ways in which [K.sub.o] can influence market
valuation. First, it can have a direct correlation with market value
while being orthogonal to all other assets. Directly incorporating
measures of [K.sub.o] in the regression will then improve the efficiency
of the estimation while having no impact on the other coefficients.
Second, [K.sub.o] can influence market value through its
correlation with other assets. In general, the degree of bias in the
estimated components of v depends on the correlations among all capital
assets. However, if [K.sub.o] is positively correlated with [K.sub.c]
but orthogonal to the other capital components (including any components
of M other than [K.sub.o]), from equation 7 this will reduce the
coefficient on [K.sub.c] when direct measures of organizational capital
are present in the regression. (52) The reduction is proportional to the
correlation between [K.sub.c] and [K.sub.o].
Finally, [K.sub.o] may influence market valuation
disproportionately when [K.sub.c] is also large, if there are
additional, unobserved intangible assets that are correlated with the
simultaneous presence of both [K.sub.c] and [K.sub.o]. Under standard q
theory, the coefficient on an asset can be interpreted as a function of
the adjustment cost of increased investment in that asset. Thus the
presence of arbitrage opportunities normally requires that the market
value correlated with an asset be the same regardless of what other
assets are also present. However, this need not be the case if the value
of otherwise unobserved intangible assets varies systematically with the
relationship among observed assets, yielding an additional correlation
with market value above their simultaneous direct correlation. That is,
there may be a distinct intangible asset that is correlated with the
combination of [K.sub.c] and [K.sub.o] (but not necessarily with these
:inputs separately). In particular, the simultaneous presence of high
values for both [K.sub.c] and [K.sub.o] may signal that a firm has
successfully adopted a certain work system. If that work system is both
valuable and costly to implement, even for firms that have already
adopted [K.sub.c] or [K.sub.o] alone, firms with the combination of both
inputs should be expected to have disproportionately higher market
values. This interpretation is consistent with the findings of the
literature on IT impacts. (53) Unlike the previous two relationships,
which can be captured simply by introducing [K.sub.o] into the
regression in levels, this relationship will be revealed by the
interaction [K.sub.c] x [K.sub.o].
Collectively, these relationships can be captured by including both
[K.sub.o] and [K.sub.c] x [K.sub.o] in the regression. In addition, we
can also test the uniqueness of this organizational relationship to
computers by estimating the correlations between the other components of
K and [K.sub.o] as well as their interactions in the market value
The estimation of the contribution of intangible assets relies on
minimizing other omitted variables that are correlated with asset
levels. To the extent that many of these types of variables are common
across the entire economy (for example, changes in the price of new
capital investment, or the rate of overall economic growth) or unique to
particular industries (such as the introduction of a new production
technology throughout an industry), they can be accounted for by
controls for year and industry.
If instead the omitted variables are time-invariant factors that
are specific to individual firms, they can be removed by estimating
difference equations that remove the contribution of firm-specific
effects. Moreover, differences measured over long intervals (long
differences) may be robust to a variety of other short-run shocks to the
extent that asset levels and market value have sufficient time within
the difference interval to return to equilibrium levels following a
shock. However, these types of techniques also remove at least some of
the true organizational capital that we are looking for, to the extent
that organizational practices differ across firms and are relatively
slow changing.
Finally, some omitted variables, such as R&D investment or
advertising, could be indicators of other assets. To the extent this is
a problem, these variables can be directly incorporated into the
estimating equation as additional covariates.
For purposes of estimation we divide assets into three categories:
computers, other permanent physical assets (property, plant, and
equipment, or PP&E), and other balance sheet assets (receivables,
inventories, goodwill, and other assets). We deduct current cash
balances both from market value and from other assets. We also include
control variables: the ratio of R&D capital to sales, the ratio of
advertising expense to sales, dummy variables to account for missing
observations on R&D or advertising expenditure, industry dummies
(usually at the two-digit Standard Industrial Classification, or SIC,
level), and year dummies. (54)
Data Sources and Construction
The data set used for this analysis is a panel of computer capital
and stock market valuation data for 1,216 firms over the 1987-97 period,
matched to a cross-sectional survey of organizational practices
conducted in 1995 and 1996. A brief description of each data source
follows; the appendix provides additional detail.
COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY. The measures of computer use were derived from
the Computer Intelligence Infocorp (CII) installation database, which
details IT spending by site for Fortune 1000 companies. Data from
approximately 25,000 sites were aggregated to form the measures for the
1,000 companies that represent the total population in any given year.
This database is compiled from telephone surveys that gather detailed
information about the ownership of computer equipment and related
products. Most sites are updated at least annually, with more frequent
sampling for larger sites. The year-end state of the database for each
year from 1987 to 1997 was used for the computer measures. (55) From
these data we obtained the total capital stock of computers (central
processors, personal computers, and peripherals). The IT data do not
include all types of information processing or communications equipment
and are likely to miss some portion of computer equipment that is
purchased by individuals or departments without the knowledge of
information systems personnel. (56)
ORGANIZATIONAL PRACTICES. The organizational practices data in this
analysis come from a series of surveys of large firms. These surveys
adapted questions from previous surveys on human resource practices and
workplace transformation. (57) The questions address the allocation of
various types of decisionmaking authority, the use of self-managing
teams, the breadth of job responsibilities, and other miscellaneous
characteristics of the workplace (further detail appears in the results
section). Organizational data were collected at the end of 1995 and
early 1996, covering most of the Fortune 1000. This yielded a cross
section of 416 firms, with a survey response rate of 49.7 percent. We
detected no significant pattern of response bias when the sample was
compared with the population of firms in the Fortune 1000. Of the 416
firms that responded to the survey in some way, we have complete IT,
organizational, and financial data for a total of 272.
MARKET VALUATION AND OTHER DATA. Compustat data were used to
construct stock market valuation metrics and provide additional firm
information not covered by other sources. Measures were created for
total market value (market value of equity plus book value of debt),
PP&E, other assets, R&D expense, and advertising expense. For
the productivity analysis we also compute constant-dollar value added,
labor input, and the capital stock. We removed from the sample those
firms for which the data were inconsistent from year to year, firms that
principally produced computers or software, and firms in the
communications sector (SIC 4813). The last two groups of firms were
removed because the nature of computers and telecommunications equipment
as both a production input and output makes these firms very different
from the rest of the economy. (58)
The full data set comprises 7,564 observations over eleven years
for market value and computer capital stock, with each of 1,216 firms
represented by at least one observation. After matching these data to
the organizational practices surveys, we had complete organizational and
market value data for a subsample of 272 firms, for a total of 2,097
We performed regression and correlation analyses to test our five
hypotheses. First, we explored the basic relationship between IT and
market value for our full sample of firms. We then used correlation
analyses to examine the relationship between computer capital and the
adoption of specific organizational practices, and we constructed a
single variable, ORG, to capture a portion of the relevant variation in
organization across firms. It is this variable that will represent our
(noisy) measure of organizational capital. Third, we investigated the
effect of ORG on firm market value. Fourth, we studied how the
combination of ORG and computers affects market value. Finally, we
examined how these variables affect output in a production function
framework. We also performed a number of checks on the robustness of our
analysis and considered alternative hypotheses.
Computers and Market Value
BASIC FINDINGS. We begin by replicating earlier work by
Brynjolfsson and Yang with our slightly larger data set. (59) Table 1
reports results of regression analyses examining the relationship
between computers and market value. This equation relates market value
to the three types of assets identified above: computers, PP&E, and
other assets (principally, accounts receivable, inventories, and liquid
assets other than cash). (60) Because we are pooling multiple firms in
multiple years, we include dummy variables for each year and two-digit
SIC industry. With the exception of our regressions using least absolute
deviation (LAD) techniques, we use Huber-White robust standard errors or
random-effects models to account for multiple observations of the same
firm over time. (61) We also include measures of firms'
R&D-to-sales and advertising-to-sales ratios. The ordinary least
squares (OLS) regression reported in table 1 finds that each dollar of
installed PP&E is valued at about $1.47, somewhat larger than the
theoretical value of $1 that would be expected if there were no
adjustment costs or correlated intangible assets. The market value of
each dollar of other assets is close to $1; apparently these assets are
less subject to adjustment costs or omitted components of market value.
Strikingly, however, each dollar of computer capital is associated
with about $12 of market value. This apparent excess valuation of
computers suggests the presence of substantial intangible assets,
adjustment costs, or other omitted components of market value correlated
with computer assets. In these and all subsequent regressions, time and
industry controls are jointly significant (results not shown). We are
thus able to remove some of the temporal shocks and other omitted
components of market value unique to time period and industry. Although
we do not have capital stock values for R&D or for advertising, we
do have the investment flows for some of the firms in our sample, and we
include their input shares as controls; these are also significant in
most specifications (not shown).
Table 1 also reports estimates of the same equation using an LAD
regression technique, which minimizes the sum of absolute values of the
residuals rather than the sum of the squared residuals as in an OLS
regression. This technique not only minimizes the influence of outliers
but also reduces the impact of heterogeneity in firm size in our sample.
This approach produces a similar estimate for the coefficient on
computer capital (now 11.88), which is still far greater than the
theoretical baseline of $1. The coefficient on PP&E falls slightly
(to 1.18), whereas the coefficient on other assets is essentially the
LONG-DIFFERENCE SPECIFICATIONS. Our earlier discussion suggests
that certain types of organizational practices are likely to have a
significant influence on the value of computer assets. One way to
account for these practices without measuring them directly is by
estimating a difference specification that eliminates the contribution
of any time-invariant, firm-specific component of market value. To the
extent that organizational assets can be viewed as quasi-fixed, at least
over moderately long periods, this suggests that we may be able to
examine the amount of computer value potentially attributable to these
types of factors. Table 2 reports estimates of our basic specification
(including year and industry dummy variables) in differences ranging
from those at one year to those at ten years.
Although any of these differences would presumably remove all
time-invariant, firm-specific characteristics, these alternative
specifications may yield different results for at least two reasons.
First, longer differences are much less subject to bias from measurement
error in the independent variables. (62) Thus, if measurement error were
the only concern, we would expect the longest differences to produce
estimates closest to the "true" coefficient values. Second,
longer differences allow for more time for market values or asset
quantities affected by short-run shocks to return to equilibrium values.
Thus, varying difference lengths may enable comparisons of short-run and
long-run relationships. (63)
The first several columns of table 2 suggest that, in equations
using short (one- and two-year) differences, changes in computer asset
levels appear to have no significant correlation with changes in market
value, whereas in equations with longer differences the relationship is
substantial. The coefficients rise from essentially zero for one-year
differences to around 10 for five-year differences, and stabilize beyond
that. The point estimate for the longest difference possible in the
sample (ten years) is considerably higher, but because of the small
sample size it is very imprecisely estimated and not statistically
different from the other long-difference coefficients.
These results have several interpretations. First, they suggest
that there may be considerable measurement error in the estimates of
computer assets, biasing downward the short-difference more than the
long-difference coefficients. This explanation also implies that the
"true" estimate of the computer coefficient is more closely
approximated by the longer-difference estimates, which are all
considerably above 1. Second, the results may suggest that it may take
several years of adjustment for computer assets to become valuable; this
would be consistent with the nature of the complementary organizational
changes discussed earlier. These results also provide some evidence
against many types of correlated shocks, such as a new invention that
immediately raises market value and requires additional investment in
computer equipment for new production facilities. Presumably these types
of shocks would act on a much shorter time scale, such as one year.
These regressions also eliminate the bias due to omitted variables that
are time invariant. However, these results do rule out the possibility
that the computer estimates are affected by gradual adjustment over long
time periods to firm-specific shocks.
YEAR-BY-YEAR ANALYSIS. Another way to examine the robustness of the
results is to examine year-by-year cross sections of the results. If the
results are biased upward by short-run shocks, some years will have
disproportionately high values while others will be close to their
equilibrium value. Table 3 presents regressions for each of the eleven
individual years in our sample. Although there is some year-to-year
variation in the computer asset coefficients, there is no particular
time trend, and none of the estimates are statistically different from
the estimate based on the pooled data of approximately 12. Although this
does not rule out the possibility of considerable changes outside the
1987-97 time period or our sample of firms, it does show that, for our
sample, computer asset values consistently show coefficient values of 9
or greater. (64)
Basic Findings Regarding the Role of Organizational Structure
Here we report correlations found between computer asset values and
various measures of internal organization. (65) All correlations are
Spearman rank-order correlations between various measures of computers
and the organizational variables, controlling for firm size
(employment), production worker occupation, and industry. (66) We used
three different measures of a firm's IT: the total value of the IT
installed base, total central processing power (in millions of
instructions per second), (67) and the total number of personal
computers. We used multiple measures because they capture slightly
different aspects of computerization (for example, central processing
power measures centralized computing assets, whereas the number of
personal computers measures decentralized computing assets).
Table 4 presents correlations between each of these different
measures of IT and four dimensions of organizational design: structural
decentralization, individual decentralization, team incentives, and
skill acquisition. Previous theoretical and empirical work has linked
these types of practices to IT investment. (68) Consistent with our
argument that IT and organizational practices are complementary, we
confirm that, across multiple measures of IT and multiple measures of
organization, firms that use more IT differ statistically from other
firms: they tend to use more teams, have broader job responsibilities,
and allocate greater authority to their workers, even after controlling
for firm size and industry. These are only broad averages and do not
apply to all firms in all circumstances: many successful IT users do not
implement all or even any of these practices. In particular, computers
have helped centralize a large subset of decisions involving aggregate
data analysis (analyzing bar code data, for example), even as they have
facilitated the decentralization of many decisions that require
on-the-spot information, human relations, exception processing, and
nonroutine inference.
In addition to being correlated with IT, these practices are all
correlated with each other. Following Brynjolfsson and Hitt, (69) we
constructed a composite variable (ORG) as the standardized (mean 0,
variance 1) sum of the standardized individual work practice variables.
This allowed us to capture, in a single construct, an
organization's overall tendency to use this collection of work
practices, which we could then use for further analysis. A principal
components analysis (reported in table 5) showed that all components of
this variable have high loadings on a single factor (which explains
approximately 35 percent of the variance of these measures), and a scree
plot (not shown) suggests that this is the only nonnoise factor. We
interpret ORG as potentially capturing some aspects of the relevant
organizational capital, [K.sub.o], as described above. We have no
expectation that our simple measures will capture more than a small
portion of such capital, but rather see it as an early attempt to
demonstrate the existence and economic relevance of work practices in
this kind of framework.
The composite variable ORG is highly correlated with
computerization, consistent with our earlier discussion. In what follows
we will explore the influence that this cluster of practices has on both
the market value of the firm and the market value of computer capital.
Our earlier arguments suggested that these types of organizational
practices should be strongly related to computer assets, but they are
presumably less related to traditional physical capital (PP&E) or
other assets. One way to investigate this relationship is to examine a
simple conditional correlation equation that relates the logarithm of
asset quantity to the price of the asset (proxied by time dummy
variables), firm size (proxied by the logarithm of employment), and ORG.
We also include controls for two-digit SIC industry to control for
sample heterogeneity.
Table 6 shows the results of this analysis for the three types of
assets we consider. ORG is correlated with greater use of computer
assets (first column): firms with a value for ORG 1 standard deviation
above the mean have 18 percent more computer assets on average (this
result is statistically significant at the 1 percent level). However,
PP&E and other assets have no significant relationship with ORG
(second and third columns). In addition to confirming our hypothesized
relationship between computers and ORG, this suggests that we can treat
the other capital components as essentially orthogonal to ORG; thus any
omitted-variables bias that is related to ORG is likely to affect the
measured value of computer assets, but not that of the other assets. The
correlation between IT and ORG implies that firms with high levels of
ORG either receive greater benefits from investments in IT, or have
lower costs of adoption, or both.
The Relationship between Organizational Structure and Market Value
our basic estimating equation to include ORG and its interaction with
computer assets, using various regression techniques. Regression
equation 7-1 in table 7 is the baseline OLS regression (comparable to
the first column of table 1) for market value for the subsample of 272
firms for which we have data for the ORG variable. These results are
similar to our earlier baseline results from the full sample. Next we
introduce the ORG variable into the regression in several ways. Because
the ORG variable is an index (with a mean of 0 and a variance of 1), it
must be appropriately scaled to be comparable to the other inputs. As
ORG is essentially a concept relating to the organization of labor
(education levels, training costs, allocation of certain decision rights
to employees), it is natural to scale ORG by employment in considering
its direct contribution to market value. The results of including the
scaled ORG term in the regression are shown in column 7-2. Note that the
coefficient on computer assets drops from 14.6 to 11.5 (approximately 20
percent), suggesting that at least some of the high observed value of
computers is a result of computers serving as a proxy for organizational
assets, as would be expected from our earlier discussion on omitted
Of course, the simple measures that constitute ORG represent only a
small fraction of the putative organizational capital of a typical firm.
Furthermore, there are undoubtedly circumstances in which these
particular practices are not beneficial. Nonetheless, we do find some
evidence that investors, on average, may be treating the organizational
practices that we measure much like more tangible types of capital by
recognizing their contribution to the market value of a firm. All else
equal, firms that are endowed with workers with greater education and
training, and that have developed systems that support more
decentralization of certain decision rights, appear to be valued at a
slight premium to their industry peers. This relationship accounts for
at least a part of the "excess" valuation of computers.
how ORG relates to the value of computer assets by including terms
interacting ORG and each of the three capital components: computer
assets, PP&E, and other assets. In computing these and other
interactions that include terms already in the regression, we center
both variables so that the existing linear terms in the regression have
the same interpretation. (70) The results are shown using OLS regression
(column 7-3) and alternative specifications (columns 7-5, 7-6, and 7-7).
First, we find that when the interaction term is included in the
regression, the coefficient on IT drops substantially. In the OLS
regression (column 7-3), the coefficient on IT drops by roughly 50
percent compared with the regression that includes only the scaled ORG
term (column 7-2) and is only 40 percent of the original value in the
baseline regression (column 7-1). A similar, perhaps slightly larger
difference for the IT coefficient is found when we use a generalized
least squares random effects model, which also yields slightly more
precise estimates for the interaction terms (columns 7-4 and 7-5). This
is notable because it suggests that much of the apparent excess value is
located in firms that have high levels both of IT and of organizational
assets. Note that, because we centered the interaction terms, this is
not due to a simple correlation between IT and its interaction with ORG.
Second, the interaction of ORG with computer assets is significant
in all specifications and is especially strong when we use a
random-effects or a robust regression technique (LAD) to perform the
estimates (columns 7-5 and 7-6).
Third, this relationship appears to be unique to computer assets.
Although it appears that there is a small, positive interaction between
ORG and PP&E, this relationship is relatively weak and statistically
significant only in the LAD regression. The interaction between ORG and
other assets is close to zero and inconsistent in sign.
As a final check on the results, we also perform a fixed-effects
regression (column 7-7). Because ORG is time invariant, the interaction
terms have to be interpreted as the relationship between changes in
asset quantity (relative to the firm average) and changes in market
value mediated by the level of ORG. Here we obtain similar coefficients
on the interaction terms, suggesting that the intangible assets we are
capturing through the interaction terms are not simply fixed firm
effects but the result of factors that have varied, uniquely, at the
firm level over time.
Taken together, these results suggest that firms that have large
investments in computers have a disproportionately large amount of other
intangible assets, and that these firms account for a substantial
portion of the excess value of computers above and beyond the direct
contributions of ORG. This finding is consistent with the case
literature on the complementarities between IT and organizational
structure. It is also consistent with the econometric finding of
Bresnahan, Brynjolfsson, and Hitt, (71) using similar data, that firms
that combine IT and ORG are disproportionately more productive than
firms with high levels of only one or the other. Our interpretation is
that, in addition to their direct effects on productivity, IT and ORG
may be parts of a broader system of technologies and practices that the
financial markets value but that is costly to implement. Even if this
system does not appear on firms' balance sheets, it can be at least
partly identified by the simultaneous presence of high levels of two
observable assets: IT and ORG.
On the other hand, it is difficult to reconcile this finding with
the hypothesis that the results are a manifestation of a bubble or
similar persistent mispricing by investors. That would require not only
that a persistent mispricing be correlated with IT and with ORG, but
also that such a persistent mispricing be disproportionately severe for
those firms specifically with high values of both variables
NONPARAMETRIC ESTIMATION. The above results show that each dollar
of computer capital is associated with more intangible assets in
high-ORG firms than in firms that invest less in human capital and the
other organizational characteristics we identify. If the stock market is
valuing these firms properly, this suggests that the benefits of
computerization are likely to go disproportionately to firms that have
adopted the organizational practices we identify.
Figure 1 captures this idea by plotting results from nonparametric
regressions. The figure is a level plot of fitted values from a
regression of market value on both the computer capital and the ORG
variables, after netting out the influence of other variables. It
presents a clear picture of the interaction effect between computer
assets and ORG. Firms that are abundant in both computers and ORG have
much higher market values than firms that have one without the other.
Moreover, market valuation is disproportionately high in the quadrant where both asset levels are simultaneously above the median.
Intangible Assets and Productivity
One way to further distinguish the intangible asset hypothesis from
alternatives such as investor mispricing is to look at production
functions. If intangible assets really exist, they should be visible in
the product markets as well as the financial markets. In particular, if
indeed these assets are productive, firms possessing them should have
higher future output. Previous work documented the importance of
organizational assets in a production function framework and the
existence of production complementarities between IT and organizational
assets: firms with greater levels of ORG had both greater investments in
IT and higher productivity of these investments. (72)
Using similar data on computers and output, but not considering the
effects of organizational assets explicitly, Brynjolfsson and Hitt
conducted a more detailed analysis of productivity growth and found
that, as longer time periods were considered, the relationship between
computer investment and productivity became stronger. (73) They found
that the long-run productivity benefits are approximately five times the
direct capital cost of computers, which would be consistent with a
valuation of IT on the order of five times the valuation of ordinary
capital. Both of these previous results support our assertion that the
market value relationships we observe are consistent with the intangible
assets hypothesis. However, neither of these studies considered the
relationship among computer investment, organizational assets, and
future output.
Table 8 reports production function estimates with IT and the
interaction of IT with ORG lagged up to three periods. These regressions
can be interpreted as identifying the relationship between current
productivity and past investment in IT. Column 8-1 reports results from
a regression that includes current-period IT, IT x ORG, and other
production inputs (capital, labor) as well as time and industry controls
(the latter at the 1 1/2-A-digit SIC level). (74) We find that both IT
and ORG and the IT x ORG interaction make positive contributions to
multifactor productivity in a manner similar to results found by
Bresnahan, Brynjolfsson, and Hitt. (75) Moreover, the relationship among
IT, ORG, and IT x ORG grows stronger as we consider effects on output
further in the future. Although some of this rise is due to the change
in the sample, a comparison with a current-period regression (not shown)
using the same sample shows that the coefficients are similar at one-
and two-year lags, and larger at three-year lags.
A natural interpretation of these results is that they reflect the
net returns to a set of intangible assets, presumably some of the same
intangible assets that investors are valuing. The fact that real output
is higher for such firms suggests that the investors' beliefs have
a reasonable economic basis.
Discussion and Conclusions
Our results suggest that the organizational complements to
firms' installed computer capital are treated by investors as
intangible assets. The financial markets treat the organizational assets
associated with IT much like other assets that increase long-term output
and profits. By covering several hundred firms over a period of eleven
years, the analysis helps to document and explain the extent to which
computerization is associated with both direct and indirect measures of
intangible assets. Furthermore, this approach helps reveal the pattern
of interactions among IT, organizational practices, and market
valuations. If these assets are in fact becoming more important in
modern economies, in part because of the information revolution
engendered by computers and telecommunications, it is incumbent upon us
to understand not only particular cases, but also any broader
relationships and patterns that exist in the data.
Our main results are consistent with each of the testable
implications about complementarities between computers and
organizational design described in the introduction:
--The financial markets put a higher value on firms with more
installed computer capital. The increase in market value associated with
each dollar of IT substantially exceeds the valuation placed on other
types of capital.
--Computer-intensive firms tend to have measurably different
organizational characteristics, involving teams, more broadly defined
jobs, and greater decentralization of certain types of decisionmaking.
--Firms with these organizational characteristics have higher
market valuations than their competitors, even when all their other
measured assets are the same.
--Firms with higher levels of both computer investment and these
organizational characteristics have disproportionately higher market
valuations than firms that invest heavily on only one or the other
--Firms with higher levels of IT, these organizational
characteristics, or both have higher measured productivity in subsequent
Taken together, these results provide evidence that the combination
of computers and organizational structures creates more value than the
simple sum of their separate contributions. The evidence is consistent
with the perception among many managers that IT is a catalyst for a
broad set of organizational changes. It is also consistent with the
econometric evidence that IT is more productive when combined with the
specific cluster of organizational practices that we measure.
Our interpretation has focused on the assumption that the stock
market is approximately correct in the way it values IT and other
capital investments. Although econometrics alone cannot rule out all
forms of potential omitted-variable bias, the evidence is not
particularly consistent with alternative explanations such as a stock
market bubble during the 1987-97 period. The fact that our results apply
to a broad cross section of the economy over the ups and downs of a full
business cycle suggests that fads, industry idiosyncrasies, and investor
errors are not solely driving the results. Moreover, year-by-year
estimation showed a consistently high valuation of computer capital
throughout the 1987-97 period, although there is some evidence that
valuations increased at the very end of the sample. Our analysis also
predates the large increase in the market value of technology stocks in
the late 1990s, and our sample is primarily composed of large,
established firms (from the Fortune 1000) rather than new
high-technology entrants. Indeed, we explicitly excluded information
technology-producing firms because the role of computers in software or
computer services firms is clearly different from the role they play in
the computer-using sectors. For this reason also, our results are less
likely to be sensitive to a high-technology stock bubble.
The fact that these intangible assets that are correlated with
computers also appear to affect real production supports the hypothesis
that the intangible assets are important. We find that our
organizational assets variable is also correlated with increased
subsequent output. These results appear to vindicate investors'
beliefs that these assets are valuable. Nonetheless, it is also possible
that some degree of mispricing has crept into the estimates.
Furthermore, our results do not necessarily apply to other time periods
or other types of firms or assets.
A particularly interesting finding is the significance of the
interaction terms in our market value regressions. This result is
difficult to explain in the traditional framework where the market
values associated with assets simply reflect their shadow costs.
Instead, it seems likely that we have identified a cluster of firms
that, through skill, foresight, or luck, are endowed with a valuable
form of business organization. Since the premium they command does not
seem to have been quickly dissipated by competition, it must be
difficult to imitate the specific technologies and practices they have
implemented. Simply buying a lot of computers and implementing a stock
set of practices such as we identify in our ORG variable is presumably
not enough. Although both these types of assets are correlated with
success as a business organization, much of the iceberg remains
unidentified, and there is much that managers do not yet fully
understand or, at least, cannot easily implement.
Our results give some support to one view of the productivity
slowdown after 1973 and its revival in the 1990s. As several other
researchers have argued, (76) the productivity slowdown may be explained
by the changes in the value of assets and reorganization accompanying
the transformation from a capital-intensive industrial economy to a
computer-intensive, information-based economy. This view is reinforced
by Robert Hall's interpretation of investment in reorganization.
(77) In particular, the evidence is consistent with the view that
certain work practices are complementary investments to computers, and
the overall economic impact of these practices is being recognized by
both managers and investors.
Data Sources and Description
THE VARIABLES VSED for this analysis were constructed as follows.
Computer Assets
Direct measurements of the current market value of computer
equipment by firm are from Computer Intelligence Corp. Computer
Intelligence constructs a table of market values for each model of
computer and uses this to calculate the current market value
(replacement cost) of all computers owned by each firm.
We considered two options to construct the physical capital
variable, using data from Standard & Poor's Compustat Annual
Dataset. The first, following the method in B. Hall (1990), takes the
gross book value of physical capital stock (Compustat item 7: total
gross PP&E) and deflates it by the GDP implicit price deflator for
fixed investment. The deflator can be applied at the calculated average
age of the capital stock, based on the three-year average of the ratio
of total accumulated depreciation (calculated from Compustat item 8:
total net PP&E) to current depreciation (Compustat item 14:
depreciation and amortization).
The other, simpler method uses the net physical stock depreciation
(calculated from Compustat item 8). According to the productivity
literature, the first method should be used, but to conduct the market
value estimation we adopted the second approach to ensure consistency
with market value and other assets, which are measured in current
dollars. The dollar value of IT capital (as calculated above) was
subtracted from this result.
Other Assets
The "other assets" variable was constructed as total
assets (Compustat annual data item 6) minus physical capital, as
constructed above. This item includes receivables, inventories, cash,
and other accounting assets such as goodwill reported by companies.
Market Value
Market value was calculated as the value of common stock at the end
of the fiscal year plus the value of preferred stock plus total debt. In
Compustat mnemonic code, this is MKVALF + PSTK + DT, which represents
the total worth of a firm as assessed by the financial markets.
R&D-to-Assets Ratio
The R&D-to-assets ratio was constructed from R&D expenses
(Compustat annual item 46). Interestingly, this item includes software
expenses and amortization of software investment. R&D stock was
constructed using the same rule as in B. Hall (1993a, 1993b). Fewer than
half of the firms in our sample reported R&D expenses. The missing
values were filled in using the averages for the same SIC four-digit
Advertising-to-Assets Ratio
We constructed the advertising-to-assets ratio from advertising
expenses (Compustat annual item 45). Fewer than 20 percent of our sample
of firms reported the item. We applied the same rule as for the
R&D-to-assets ratio.
Organization Variable
We constructed the ORG variable from items from a survey conducted
in 1995 and 1996. The construction procedure using principal components
analysis is described in the text. This variable captures the degree to
which firms have adopted new organizational practices as identified by
Osterman (1994), MacDuffie (1995), and Huselid (1995).
Value Added
This variable was calculated as constant-dollar sales less
constant-dollar materials. Sales (Compustat annual item 12) were
deflated by price indexes for each two-digit industry (from Gross Output
and Related Series published by the Bureau of Economic Analysis). When
an industry deflator was not available, we used the sector-level
producer price index for intermediate materials, supplies, and
components (from the 1996 Economic Report of the President). The value
of materials was calculated by subtracting undeflated labor expenses
(calculated above) from total expense and then deflating by the
industry-level output deflator. Total expense was computed as the
difference between operating income before depreciation (Compustat
annual item 13) and net sales (Compustat annual item 12).
Ordinary Capital
This variable was computed from the total book value of capital
(equipment, structures, and all other capital) following the method in
B. Hall (1990). The gross book value of the capital stock (Compustat
annual item 7) was deflated by the GDP implicit price deflator for fixed
investment. The deflator was applied at the calculated average age of
the capital stock, based on the three-year average of the ratio of total
accumulated depreciation (calculated from Compustat annual item 8) to
current depreciation (Compustat annual item 14). This calculation of
average age differs slightly from the method in B. Hall (1990), who made
a further adjustment for current depreciation. The constant-dollar value
of IT capital (as calculated above) was subtracted from this result.
Thus the sum of ordinary capital and IT capital equals the total capital
Labor Expense
Labor expense was either taken directly from Compustat (annual item
42) or, when this was not available, calculated as a sector-average
labor cost per employee multiplied by total employees (Compustat annual
item 29). The average labor expense per employee was taken from BLS data
on the hourly cost (including benefits) of workers for ten sectors of
the economy. For firms whose labor expense as directly reported by
Compustat did not include benefits, we adjusted the labor figure by
multiplying the reported labor expense by the ratio of total
compensation to wages for its sector as reported by the BLS.
1 1/2-Digit Industry Controls
The industry controls used in some of our analyses correspond to an
intermediate level between one- and two-digit Standard Industrial
Classification (SIC) codes. Based on the firm's reported primary
SIC code on Compustat, we constructed the following control variables:
mining and construction, SIC 11 to 20; process manufacturing, SIC 26,
28, and 29; other nondurable manufacturing, SIC 20 to 23 and 27;
high-technology manufacturing, SIC 36 to 38 and 3571 (computers); other
durable manufacturing, SIC 24 to 25, 30 to 35 (except 3571), and 39;
transportation, SIC 40 to 47; utilities, SIC 48 to 49; trade, SIC 50 to
59; finance, SIC 60 to 69; and other services, SIC 70 to 79.
Table 1. Regressions of Market Value on Asset Quantities, 1987-97 (a)
Estimation method
Independent variable OLS LAD
Computer assets 11.947 11.882
(4.025) (0.361)
PP&E 1.474 1.181
(0.088) (0.004)
Other assets (b) 1.064 1.039
(0.012) (0.001)
[R.sup.2] 0.950 n.a.
Source: Authors' regressions. See appendix for description of data
(a.) The dependent variable is firms' market value. The sample contains
7,564 observations from 1,216 firms. All regressions control for year,
the ratio of R&D to sales, the ratio of advertising expenditure to
sales, and SIC industry; the OLS regression includes two-digit
controls, while the LAD regression includes 1 1/2-digit controls.
Standard errors are reported in parentheses; for the OLS regression
they are Huber-White robust standard errors.
(b.) Includes accounts receivable, inventories, and noncash liquid
Table 2. Long-Difference OLS Regressions of Market Value on Asset
Quantities, 1987-97 (a)
Number of years differenced
Independent variable 1 2 3
Computer assets -0.020 -1.053 3.276
(1.214) (1.748) (2.687)
PP&E 1.101 1.305 1.413
(0.111) (0.120) (0.139)
Other assets 1.096 1.104 1.101
(0.016) (0.012) (0.012)
Summary statistic
No. of observations 6,218 5,186 4,325
[R.sup.2] 0.789 0.829 0.861
Number of years differenced
Independent variable 4 5 6
Computer assets 8.396 10.435 9.525
(3.895) (4.279) (4.504)
PP&E 1.547 1.709 1.895
(0.159) (0.181) (0.212)
Other assets 1.095 1.096 1.103
(0.011) (0.011) (0.012)
Summary statistic
No. of observations 3,645 3,015 2,417
[R.sup.2] 0.898 0.921 0.928
Number of years differenced
Independent variable 7 8 9 10
Computer assets 10.986 11.006 11.452 18.211
(5.443) (6.185) (8.586) (16.331)
PP&E 1.971 2.043 2.026 2.072
(0.240) (0.274) (0.275) (0.287)
Other assets 1.114 1.124 1.140 1.156
(0.013) (0.016) (0.018) (0.020)
Summary statistic
No. of observations 1,857 1,325 847 413
[R.sup.2] 0.922 0.910 0.906 0.907
Source: Authors' regressions. See appendix for description of data
(a.) The dependent variable is firms' market value. All regressions
include controls for year and two-digit SIC industry. Huber-White
robust standard errors are reported in parentheses.
Table 3. Year-by-Year OLS Regressions of Market Value on Asset
Quantities, 1987-97 (a)
Independent variable 1987 1988 1989 1990
Computer assets 19.156 14.329 10.696 9.175
(5.936) (4.585) (5.064) (8.001)
PP&E 1.018 1.109 1.283 1.286
(0.063) (0.057) (0.068) (0.079)
Other assets 0.979 0.979 1.008 0.979
(0.008) (0.009) (0.018) (0.016)
Summary statistic
No. of observations 651 646 641 641
[R.sup.2] 0.974 0.981 0.964 0.961
Independent variable 1991 1992 1993 1994
Computer assets 11.989 12.718 16.264 21.798
(10.218) (9.556) (6.744) (7.154)
PP&E 1.389 1.449 1.547 1.457
(0.080) (0.091) (0.095) (0.093)
Other assets 1.020 1.040 1.027 1.012
(0.026) (0.021) (0.016) (0.014)
Summary statistic
No. of observations 666 676 702 706
[R.sup.2] 0.928 0.952 0.973 0.974
Independent variable 1995 1996 1997
Computer assets 9.450 18.809 30.038
(3.804) (6.692) (13.612)
PP&E 1.581 1.667 1.822
(0.123) (0.155) (0.207)
Other assets 1.066 1.081 1.114
(0.014) (0.011) (0.012)
Summary statistic
No. of observations 747 742 746
[R.sup.2] 0.956 0.949 0.942
Source: Authors' regressions. See appendix for description of data
(a.) The dependent variable is firms' market value. All regressions
include controls for the ratio of R&D to sales, the ratio of
advertising spending to sales, and two-digit SIC industry. Huber-White
robust standard errors are reported in parentheses.
Table 4. Correlations between Organizational Structure and Alternative
IT Measures (a)
Measure of IT investment
Measure of organizational structure IT base
Structural decentralization (b)
Degree of team self-management 0.17 ***
Employee involvement groups 0.07
Diversity of job responsibilities 0.07
Individual decentralization (b)
Who determines pace of work 0.04
Who determines method of work 0.16 ***
Degree of individual control 0.11 *
Team incentives (c)
Degree of team building 0.15 ***
Workers promoted for teamwork 0.02
Skill acquisition
Percent of workers that receive
off-the-job training 0.14 **
Degree of screening prospective
hires for education (d) 0.16 ***
ORG composite variable 0.24 ***
Measure of IT investment
Total central
Measure of organizational structure power
Structural decentralization (b)
Degree of team self-management 0.22 ***
Employee involvement groups 0.08
Diversity of job responsibilities 0.12 **
Individual decentralization (b)
Who determines pace of work 0.06
Who determines method of work 0.20 ***
Degree of individual control 0.15 **
Team incentives (c)
Degree of team building 0.19 ***
Workers promoted for teamwork 0.10 *
Skill acquisition
Percent of workers that receive
off-the-job training 0.15 ***
Degree of screening prospective
hires for education (d) 0.18 ***
ORG composite variable 0.30 ***
Measure of IT investment
No. of
Measure of organizational structure computers
Structural decentralization (b)
Degree of team self-management 0.20 ***
Employee involvement groups 0.08
Diversity of job responsibilities 0.10 *
Individual decentralization (b)
Who determines pace of work 0.02
Who determines method of work 0.15 ***
Degree of individual control 0.15 **
Team incentives (c)
Degree of team building 0.18 ***
Workers promoted for teamwork 0.00
Skill acquisition
Percent of workers that receive
off-the-job training 0.14 **
Degree of screening prospective
hires for education (d) 0.21 ***
ORG composite variable 0.25 ***
Source: Authors' calculations. See appendix for description of data
(a.) Table reports Spearman partial rank-order correlations,
controlling for firm size, worker occupation, and 1 1/2-digit SIC
industry. Sample size varies from 300 to 372, depending on data
availability. * indicates significance at the 10 percent level, ** at
the 5 percent level, and *** at the 1 percent level.
(b.) Scale of 1 to 5, where 5 represents greatest decentralization
(most extensive use of self-managing teams or employee involvement
groups, greatest diversity of job responsibilities, greatest worker
control of pace or method of work, or greatest degree of individual
(c.) Scale of 1 to 5, where 5 represents greatest use of team
incentives (projects requiring team efforts, or promotion of workers
for teamwork).
(d.) Scale of 1 to 5, where 5 indicates most extensive use of
Table 5. Unrotated Principal Components Used to Construct the ORG
Variable (a)
Loading on first Loading on second
principal principal
Work practices component component
Degree of team self-management 0.751 0.006
Employee involvement groups 0.707 0.176
Who determines pace of work 0.528 -0.628
Who determines method of work 0.572 -0.456
Degree of team building 0.747 0.250
Workers promoted for teamwork 0.401 0.367
Percent of workers who receive
off-the-job training 0.425 0.408
Degree of screening prospective
hires for education 0.466 -0.095
Memorandum: percent of
variance explained 34.8 12.6
Source: Authors' calculations. See appendix for description of data
(a.) See table 4 for definitions and scale measures.
Table 6. OLSD Regressions of Computer Assets, PP&E, and Other Assets
on Organizational Assets, 1987-97 (a)
Dependent variable
Independent variable assets PP&E Other assets
ORG 0.179 *** 0.033 0.009
(0.055) (0.050) (0.048)
Employment 0.736 *** 0.801 *** 0.800 ***
(0.102) (0.091) (0.084)
[R.sup.2] 0.470 0.817 0.803
Source: Authors' regressions. See appendix for description of data
(a.) All variables except ORG are expressed in natural logarithms. The
sample contains 2,444 observations. All regressions include controls
for year and two-digit SIC industry. Huber-White robust standard errors
are reported in parentheses. *** indicates significance at the 1
percent level.
Table 7. Regressions of Market Value on Organizational Assets and
Related Interaction Terms, 1987-97 (a)
Estimation method
Independent variable 7-1 7-2 7-3
Computer assets 14.593 11.452 5.387
(6.094) (5.116) (5.409)
PP&E 1.313 1.318 1.313
(0.079) (0.078) (0.079)
Other assets 1.066 1.067 1.075
(0.023) (0.023) (0.017)
ORG x employment 18.939 11.315
(8.431) (7.661)
ORG x computer assets 13.089
ORG x PP&E 0.016
ORG x other assets -0.029
[R.sup.2] 0.928 0.928 0.929
Estimation method
Random effects
Independent variable 7-4 7-5
Computer assets 9.949 2.229
(2.566) (3.220)
PP&E 1.564 1.527
(0.064) (0.070)
Other assets 1.085 1.086
(0.009) (0.010)
ORG x employment 8.880
ORG x computer assets 13.352
ORG x PP&E 0.060
ORG x other assets 0.026
[R.sup.2] n.a. n.a.
Estimation method
LAD Fixed effects
Independent variable 7-6 7-7
Computer assets 9.742 1.888
(0.768) (3.322)
PP&E 1.103 1.661
(0.008) (0.089)
Other assets 1.023 1.087
(0.002) (0.010)
ORG x employment -0.934 5.262
(0.945) (12.085)
ORG x computer assets 4.264 12.596
(0.894) (3.745)
ORG x PP&E 0.026 0.163
(0.007) (0.095)
ORG x other assets -0.024 0.049
(0.003) (0.019)
[R.sup.2] n.a. 0.887
Source: Authors' regressions. See appendix for description of data
(a.) The dependent variable is firms' market value. The sample contains
2,444 observations from 272 firms with reported organizational assets.
All regressions include controls for year, the ratio of R&D to sales,
the ratio of advertising spending to sales, and two-digit SIC industry.
Standard errors are reported in parentheses; for OLS regressions they
are Huber-White robust standard errors.
Table 8. OLS Regressions of Current Production on Past Computer
and Organizational Assets, 1987-2000 (a)
Dependent variable
Independent variable t t + 1 t + 2 t + 3
Computer [assets.sub.t-1] 0.045 0.047 0.043 0.045
(0.020) (0.025) (0.029) (0.036)
ORG x computer [assets.sub.t] 0.024 0.020 0.030 0.058
(0.014) (0.014) (0.015) (0.019)
ORG 0.004 0.010 0.014 0.026
(0.022) (0.022) (0.023) (0.026)
[Capital.sub.t] (b) 0.255 0.248 0.253 0.244
(0.023) (0.025) (0.025) (0.028)
[Labor.sub.t] (c) 0.624 0.635 0.632 0.622
(0.035) (0.039) (0.049) (0.060)
Summary statistic
No. of observations 2,091 1,605 1,182 791
[R.sup.2] 0.835 0.836 0.849 0.839
Source: Authors' regressions. See appendix for description of data
(a.) The dependent variable is value added in constant dollars. All
variables except ORG are expressed in natural logarithms. The sample
is restricted to 272 firms that have reported organizational assets.
All regressions include controls for year and 1 1/2-digit SIC industry.
Huber-White robust standard errors are reported in parentheses.
(b.) Ordinary capital stock in constant dollars, computed by the method
described in B. Hall (1990). See appendix for details.
(c.) Labor expense in constant dollars. See appendix for details.
Comments and Discussion
Martin Neil Baily: This paper is the latest chapter in a series of
important papers, by Erik Brynjolfsson, Lorin Hitt, and Shinkyu Yang and
other coauthors, exploring the relationship between computers, on the
one hand, and economic performance (as measured by productivity and firm
market value), on the other. The basic message of this body of work is
that computers are very important, but that the success of companies
that use them depends on how they use them and on what other aspects of
the production process have changed.
This is a good story. It may very well be the right story, and it
is a very different story from the one that we heard in the 1980s, when
productivity growth was weak, and everybody was wondering why computers
were not contributing to the economy. For example, a student at
MIT's Sloan School of Management, Gary Loveman, found that computer
capital had had little or no effect on productivity. (1) In production
function estimates, computer capital had a coefficient smaller than
those on other kinds of capital.
Despite my sympathy with the overall story, I will raise some
concerns about the results in this paper. The paper comes at a time when
economists, business decisionmakers, and policymakers are reassessing
the impact of information technology and its potential to fuel future
economic growth and increases in equity valuation. After the computer
paradox of the 1980s, there was an extravagant enthusiasm for IT in the
1990s, which in turn was followed by a technology bust, led by the
collapse of the dot-coms and followed by the collapse of spending on
computers and communications equipment.
The basic motivation of the paper, presented in the authors'
table 1, is
their earlier finding that $1 worth of computer capital appears to
contribute $15 or so to a company's market value. As the authors
say, however, this cannot be a structural result. Since computers are
not rationed, this coefficient, if taken literally, implies that
companies could boost their market value enormously just by buying
computers. In the late 1990s some companies may have actually thought
that buying computers would boost their market value, because indeed
they bought them like there was no tomorrow. But more seriously, this is
not a sensible implication and motivates attempts to explain what must
be a nonstructural coefficient. Computer capital must be proxying for
another variable, an unobserved characteristic of the companies.
One possibility is that the market did not provide a rational
evaluation of the companies in this sample. And the market's
overvaluation may have been associated with companies that were doing
interesting things that involved buying a lot of computers. Computer
capital may have been a proxy for irrational investor enthusiasm for the
earnings growth potential of some companies. The authors argue that this
cannot be the case because their data end in 1997, whereas the
technology bubble mostly occurred after 1997. But the possibility of
irrationality in the market was there even earlier. Federal Reserve
Chairman Alan Greenspan warned of irrational exuberance when the Dow
Jones Industrial Average was only at 6,000. It would be surprising if
irrational valuation could explain the authors' whole set of
results, but it may explain part of the puzzle. I wonder how computer
capital would show up in a similar regression on company valuation
The authors make the case that the missing variable is
organizational capital. This ties in with their overall conclusion that
it is not the computers themselves but what you do with them that
counts. The computer is a building block of a much larger asset of the
firm, namely, the whole organizational structure that it uses to produce
and market its products or services. The authors therefore construct a
measure of organizational capital based on observed characteristics of
the companies in their sample.
Simply adding this variable to the valuation regression lowers the
coefficient on computer capital from 14.6 to 11.5 (see their table 7,
columns 7-1 and 7-2). But that is not a large change. The authors argue
that the key to further reducing the anomalously large coefficient on
computer capital is to include an interaction term: organizational
capital times computer capital. When this term is added, the coefficient
on computer capital moves into a range from around 2 to 10, depending on
other aspects of the regression. That is a big improvement and an
encouraging sign for their hypothesis. But it still leaves something of
a puzzle and a concern about the interpretation of the results.
For one thing, the puzzle of the too-large coefficient on computer
assets also extends to other types of capital. (2) The coefficient on
PP&E assets is consistently and significantly above 1, and a
company's stock of such capital is likely to far exceed that of its
computer capital and may have a much larger impact on its overall market
value. This makes me uneasy about the authors' interpretation.
Until we know what is driving the anomalies in capital valuation, we
cannot be sure that the true structural relations have been captured and
that computers and their related organizational capital are as important
as the authors conclude.
One possibility is that the causality is going the other way: Those
companies that the market values highly may, for other reasons, buy a
lot of computers, and may indeed buy a lot of other capital as well. I
have argued elsewhere that some reverse causality may be at work in the
productivity literature. The standard growth accounting framework
attributes a very large fraction of the acceleration of productivity in
the late 1990s to investment in IT. But the fact that the surge in
productivity coincided with the surge in IT investment does not prove
causality. In the late 1990s, buying IT became the thing for companies
to do, and the surge in output, cash flow, and productivity encouraged
them to do it. Within the context of this paper, those companies with
high market valuations presumably found it very easy to issue equity,
float bonds, and raise funds. The cost of capital was very low, and the
companies bought a lot of computers and other capital, believing that
this would pay off.
In the authors' defense, they do find that their results hold
up in regressions from 1987 and 1988, when buying computers was not such
a big deal. Nevertheless, I suspect that a bit of reverse causality may
be taking place. In the authors' table 3, which presents
year-by-year regressions, the coefficient on computer capital averages
13.3 over 1987-90, compared with 19.3 over 1993-97. The coefficient on
PP&E rises almost monotonically over the period.
Another possibility is that there remain one or more omitted
variables in the regression even after the organizational capital has
been accounted for. The companies may have been doing something that
showed up in both market value and capital accumulation (computer
capital and otherwise). Perhaps the omitted variable is just business
opportunities or innovations created at certain companies. The market
picked up these companies' prospects for future earnings growth.
The companies needed to make substantial investments to realize these
opportunities, and they bought capital. Adding to computer capital was
particularly likely given the nature of the new or expanded business
opportunities that were appearing during this period. After all,
computers have become part of the backbone of the economy.
To defend the authors once again, they test for this problem by
running difference regressions to remove firm-specific effects. However,
the results from that analysis are a bit mixed. They find (table 2) that
the coefficient on computer capital falls to zero for one- and two-year
differences (and the coefficient on PP&E falls closer to 1). As the
time difference increases, however, the coefficients on computer capital
and other capital rise way back up again. I do not know quite what to
make of that. One could argue that, because of creative destruction, the
potential market value of an innovation or a new business opportunity
could be fairly ephemeral. A business opportunity comes along, market
value goes up, the company buys a bunch of computers, and then
competitors come in and the opportunity to generate excess returns is
competed away. The fact that the computer capital coefficient comes back
so strongly after such a short time difference makes that a somewhat
harder story to tell. But the bottom line is that the first-difference
equations do seem a red flag that part of what is picked up here is a
firm-specific characteristic that happens to be correlated with computer
I turn now to a different issue. The thrust of this paper is that
computer capital is central to strong business performance, as shown by
market value or by productivity. There is some literature that questions
this hypothesis on the basis of findings from industry case studies--in
particular, the work on IT and productivity by the McKinsey Global
Institute (MGI). (3)
That report concludes that the surge of IT spending after 1995 was
not the main reason for the surge in productivity growth. Productivity
and profitability are not the same. It is possible that the companies
that invested heavily in IT were able to gain a competitive advantage
that raised their profits and market value, even though industry
productivity was not greatly enhanced. But that is not what the MGI
report finds. On the contrary, it finds that the companies that invested
heavily in IT often achieved no better performance than those that
failed to invest.
For example, the MGI case study of retailing suggested that a lot
of what Wal-Mart did was not related directly to IT. Wal-Mart and other
retailers made many operational improvements that did not depend on IT,
notably the shift to big-box stores, which provided scale economies. In
the retail sector more broadly, the increase in consumers' income
over time allowed companies to increase the value added of the products
they sell, and this increased their measured productivity.
Again in fairness to the authors of this paper, there are different
perspectives on what is happening at the industry and the firm level,
and at Wal-Mart in particular. Wal-Mart's is a very IT-intensive
operation, and the company's organizational structure allows it to
take advantage of the knowledge base the IT generates. But the MGI
study, along with the work of some other New Economy skeptics, does
raise a serious challenge. How central is IT to successful business
performance? Some amount of IT is surely essential to function in a
modern economy. But the jury is still out on whether IT is the key
element for success, or an enabling technology that requires other
changes and innovations and may or may not pay off, or indeed a
distraction or hindrance as companies overinvested.
I would vote for the second proposition, and I assume the authors
of this paper would, too. But I have been struck by conversations I have
had with some consultants who serve IT vendors. In many or even a
majority of cases, the expected performance benefits the vendors
promised their customers have not yet materialized. The authors of this
paper mention enterprise resource planning (ERP) software as an example
of how the total cost of installing a complete IT system greatly exceeds
the cost of the hardware alone. Indeed, I have heard stories about
customers who signed up for ERP software and ended up paying and paying
and never really achieving the promised cost savings. There is a joke in
the software industry that installing certain ERP software is like
pouring wet cement into a business' operations. The cement hardens
and destroys flexibility and innovation.
To conclude, the authors are going down the right road. They are
asking how IT interacts with operational factors and intangible capital,
and what combination of these things enhances market value. I entirely
agree with their strategy for future research: they just need to go
farther down that road, to increase our confidence that they are really
capturing a structural relation between computers and market valuation.
Robert E. Hall: A theme of recent work on wage differentials is
that workers who know how to use computers earn a lot more than those
who do not. This interesting paper by Brynjolfsson, Hitt, and Yang
illustrates the same principle for firms: those that know how to harness
modern information technology within their business models are worth a
lot more than those that do not. Although this finding itself is not
surprising, the magnitude is: a dollar of extra investment in IT brings
a $15 increase in the investing firm's stock market value. The
market infers the firm's use of' modern, efficient business
processes from the presence of extra IT investments on its balance
sheet. The authors argue strenuously--and successfully in my view--that
this inference is rational and not the result of a bubble in the market
for shares of computer-intensive firms. The authors also make it clear
that they do not see the high marginal valuation of IT capital as a
failure of the principle that a firm should continue to invest in all
forms of capital until the marginal dollar of investment adds just a
dollar to market value. Rather, the spectacular coefficient of 15 on IT
capital is an iceberg ratio: for every dollar of visible capital, there
is $14 worth of invisible investments in business processes.
The divergent experiences of the two biggest players in big-box
retailing--Wal-Mart and Kmart--are the perfect example of the
paper's theme. The stock market values Wal-Mart, the leader in
modern computerized retailing, at six times the book value of its
assets. Yet Kmart, with virtually the same retailing model, is in
bankruptcy. Thanks to the advanced IT systems Wal-Mart has implemented,
a manager at Wal-Mart's headquarters knows vastly more about what
is on the shelves of a Wal-Mart store in another part of the country
than a local Kmart manager knows about what is on the shelves of his or
her own store. Wal-Mart's systems make possible a completely
Stalinesque organization involving an astonishing 1.4 million employees.
It is wonderfully ironic that the dreams of the Soviet central planners
have come tree--thanks to modern information technology--in a worldwide
empire run from a small town in Arkansas rather than from Moscow.
As the authors stress, their paper is about Wal-Mart and the other
users of modern technology, not about the producers of that technology.
Their studies exclude the technology-producing companies altogether. It
is worth recording, however, that the foundation of modern IT is a pair
of general-purpose technologies. One is the generic server--basically a
souped-up personal computer. Because servers are the product of a
competitive computer hardware industry, their prices have fallen to
essentially zero by comparison with computer prices of a decade or so
ago. The other technology is database software: generic software that
can keep track of practically infinite information about a practical
infinity of objects. Wal-Mart could never manage its empire without the
capabilities of modern database management.
The basic finding that motivates this paper--the extremely high
value that the stock market places on an incremental dollar of IT
investment--has been reported in a series of earlier papers by
Brynjolfsson and his coauthors. The starting point is Martin
Baily's value revelation principle: that the stock market (or, more
accurately, the totality of financial claims) should measure the value
of the real assets of a firm. Absent a correlation between the
unmeasured components of a firm's real portfolio and the measured
components, each measured component should receive a value of 1 in a
regression of total value on the components. When the observed
coefficient is different from 1, we conclude that there is a correlation
with an unmeasured component. The big news from the earlier papers was
the extreme size of that unmeasured component.
The value added by this paper is in bringing in new information
that bears directly on the unmeasured component. This information
relates to organizational design: use of teams and team-based
incentives, individual decisionmaking authority, and investment in
skills and education. The authors blend the information into a single
measure, which they call ORG. This measure is standardized to have a
zero mean and unit variance. Thus it lacks the appropriate conceptual
basis for inclusion in the regressions of market value on value
components, because it is not a value at all. Data are not available to
measure the cost of firms' investments in organizational design or
even the investments that such designs call for, such as training. All
of these costs are expensed along with normal operating costs and cannot
be recovered from any standard financial accounts.
The paper uses ORG to explain the surprising findings of the basic
value regressions. Interpretation of these regressions requires
attention to the nature of the ORG variable and to the underlying
framework of the regression. First, the left-hand-side variable is the
value of the firm in millions of dollars. All of the right-hand-side
variables need to be scaled suitably to take account of the huge range
in values. The capital value variables of the basic regression are so
scaled--they, too, are in millions of dollars--and the authors scale ORG
by the number of employees. The addition of the scaled ORG variable
lowers the coefficient on IT from 15 to 11, suggesting that some of the
correlation of value with IT is better captured by ORG.
The authors' tables 7 and 8 include versions of ORG scaled by
various types of capital. One could place these results into the basic
framework by hypothesizing that each firm's organizational
investment per dollar of IT investment is proportional to its ORG value.
The coefficient on IT drops to 5 when the various proxies for
organizational capital are included. In this interpretation, about
two-thirds of the iceberg portion of the IT capital coefficient is
attributable to the fact that ORG scaled by various types of capital
serves as a proxy for organizational capital. That is an impressive
The authors, however, do not rest with this interpretation of their
findings. Instead, they go on to write, "This finding is consistent
with the case literature on the complementarities between IT and
organizational structure." I think this is a misunderstanding of
the basic framework. Baily's value revelation principle applies to
capital inputs irrespective of how they enter the production function. A
competitive, optimizing firm has a market value equal to the sum of the
values of its different kinds of capital, whether those kinds of capital
are substitutes, complements, or something in between. No conclusion
about complementarities can follow from the approach taken in this
paper--to do so would require estimation of the technology, not a study
of value.
The results show that ORG does not capture some of the important
features of what I suspect accounts for the extra $14 or $15 valuation
of a dollar of IT investment. In particular, it is not clear to me that
Wal-Mart is a high-ORG firm or that the principles that go into
Wal-Mart's stunning success have much to do with the factors
measured by ORG. Here I will take advantage of the fact that I am one of
the few economists interested in this subject who shops extensively at
Wal-Mart. The success of Wal-Mart, I believe, comes from two main
factors. First, its logistical performance is phenomenal. Its shelves
are always well stocked. Even at the height of the busiest seasons, what
you want is on the shelf. This performance is directly related to the
centralized database system that lies at the heart of the Wal-Mart
business process. Second, Wal-Mart has mastered the art of inducing
ordinary people to do their jobs well. I believe much of this is also
centralized: Wal-Mart has developed managerial procedures for employee
accountability that the company applies relentlessly in all its stores.
As a result, whereas Kmart's shelves are disorganized and bereft of
the things people really want, and the employees are sullen and
unhelpful, Wal-Mart has figured out how to make 1.4 million people work
together to put what people want on the shelves and help them find it.
One of the interesting puzzles about modern business is the role of
centralization and decentralization. Modern business processes based on
IT have created amazingly successful large, centralized organizations.
Wal-Mart is the leader, of course, but Dell Computer and Southwest
Airlines are other prominent examples. On the other hand, variables
measuring structural and individual decentralization are key ingredients
of ORG and of discussions of successful modern firms. Success seems to
require the adroit combination of the benefits of centralization of data
management with decentralization of certain aspects of work.
It will come as no surprise that I am completely in agreement with
the authors' conclusion that their valuation results are not just
another reflection of a high-technology bubble in the stock market. To
illustrate, my figure 1 shows the history of Wal-Mart's share price
since 1987. The shaded area is the period most often considered that of
a high-technology bubble, from the beginning of 1999 through March 2000.
Wal-Mart did enjoy a sharp appreciation during the high-technology boom,
but as the market sorted out the winners and losers, Wal-Mart plainly
emerged as a winner. As of April 2002, the company enjoyed a stock
market value quite close to its transitory peak during the high-tech
frenzy of 1999.
The authors are candid in stating that they see this paper as only
a first installment on the fascinating topic of understanding and
explaining the iceberg of IT valuation. I hope that ultimately they are
able to develop good direct measures of other types of capital, which,
when included in their value regressions, will drive the coefficient on
IT capital down to its proper value of 1.
General discussion: Several panel members expressed skepticism
about the authors' interpretation of the large coefficients on
computer assets and on the term interacting computer assets with
organizational capital in their valuation equations. The authors claimed
that these results show that computer capital is associated with
significant intangible investment in organizational capital. Christopher
Sims observed that these right-hand-side variables could just as well be
regarded as dependent variables, "explained" by market
valuation. For example, the authors' estimates of the effects of
computer assets could be interpreted as saying that firms valued highly
by the market, for any of a wide variety of reasons, take advantage of
the resulting low cost of capital to purchase computers. Kevin Murphy concurred, remarking that the authors' analysis was like running a
regression on house prices in which the number of bathrooms, the number
of bedrooms, and so on are included as explanatory variables, and
finding that the coefficient on a Jacuzzi variable was $120,000. No one
would interpret that coefficient as implying that a Jacuzzi adds that
much to a house's value.
Sims noted that the interpretation of the coefficient on the
interacted variable, ORG x computer assets, is subject to the same
problems as that of computer assets alone. This variable might be
picking up a factor that influences how investments are financed, rather
than any effect of technology. For example, a firm's ability to
secure bank loans might be compromised if the firm is making
unobservable investments in training and organizational restructuring,
which bankers do not readily accept as collateral, as opposed to
investing in traditional physical capital. If this were the case, the
interacted variable might reflect the degree to which a firm had
financed itself with equity capital instead of debt. The extraordinary
performance of the stock market during the recent period would then
result in large coefficient estimates. Sims further noted that if the
skills embodied in the organization variable are scarce, the consultants
and managers who have those skills--not the equity holders--should be
collecting the rents. He commented that the contemporaneous nature of
the regressions makes it difficult to identify causality, and increases
in equity value may actually precede investment in computers and
organization. He acknowledged that it may not be practical to specify
and estimate a model that includes equations for all the endogenous variables, or to find satisfactory instruments for computer investment.
But he thought there should be more discussion of the potential biases
in the results and of alternative interpretations.
William Brainard observed that coefficients on physical capital
significantly above 1 call into question the underlying assumption of
the analysis, namely, that market values accurately reflect the value of
a firm's constituent parts. He noted that in the authors'
year-by-year regressions the coefficient estimates on physical plant and
equipment increased systematically over time, from about 1.0 in 1987 to
more than 1.8 in 1997. The coefficient on PP&E is approximately 1.5
in the pooled regressions, which include time dummies. He noted that the
dramatic rise in overall market q during the period made it essential to
distinguish the valuation effects of cross-sectional variation from
those of time variation in computer assets. Brainard was not satisfied
with the authors' attempt to make this distinction by using time
dummies in pooled regressions. With the regressions estimated in levels,
increases in overall market value during the period show up as the same
dollar addition to the value of every firm independent of the size of
the firm. Hence the growth in overall market q will be embedded in the
coefficients on PP&E and on computer assets. The coefficients cannot
be interpreted as arising only from the cross-sectional variation in
asset composition. Nor can one say how much of the coefficient on
computer assets simply reflects their growing importance in the later
periods when market valuations in general were high.
Several panelists discussed the quantity of intangible capital
implied by the authors' estimates and interpretation. The authors
reported the stock of this capital as being between $1.5 trillion and $2
trillion. William Nordhaus observed that these numbers are consistent
with Dale Jorgenson's finding of no surge in total factor
productivity once investment in information technology is taken into
account. Both Nordhaus and Sims urged the authors to extend their
analysis to include earnings as well as market valuations, noting that
their results would be strengthened if the story told in the paper were
reflected in earnings. Nordhaus noted that although one could view the
results as showing that supernormal returns result from a synergistic interaction between computers and organization, if instead they reflect
intangible assets with normal returns, as the authors believe, there
should be a particular time pattern of earnings. Earnings should be
lower at the beginning of a period of intangible investment and higher
later, as the intangible capital accumulates. He suggested that the
authors examine earnings to see whether this pattern emerges.
(1.) Loveman (1986).
(2.) William Brainard made this point in the general discussion of
the paper.
(3.) McKinsey Global Institute (2001).
(1.) Jorgenson and Fraumeni (1995).
(2.) B. Hall (1993a); Griliches (1981); Lev and Sougiannis (1996).
(3.) Bresnahan, Brynjolfsson, and Hitt (2000, 2002).
(4.) Chan, Lakonishok, and Sougiannis (1999); R. Hall (2001b).
(5.) R. Hall (2000a); Brynjolfsson and Yang (1999).
(6.) On the impact of computers on organizational redesign see R.
Hall (2000a), Brynjolfsson and Hitt (2000), Brynjolfsson, Renshaw, and
Van Alstyne (1997), Black and Lynch (2001, forthcoming), and Milgrom and
Roberts (1990); on their impact on skill mix see Autor, Levy, and
Murnane (2000) and Bresnahan, Brynjolfsson, and Hitt (2000, 2002).
(7.) See Brynjolfsson and Hitt (2000) for a review.
(8.) David (1990).
(9.) Bresnahan, Brynjolfsson, and Hitt (2000); R. Hall (2000a);
Sauer and Yetton (1997).
(10.) See, for example, Osterman (1994), Huselid (1995),
Ichniowski, Shaw, and Prennushi (1997), and Bresnahan, Brynjolfsson, and
Hitt (2000). This is a welcome change. As Alfred Sloan, former chief
executive of General Motors (1964, p. 50), noted, "The principles
of organization got more attention among us than they did then in
universities. If what follows seems academic, I assure you that we did
not think it so."
(11.) Barth, Elliott, and Finn (1997).
(12.) Kemerer and Sosa (1991) provide examples.
(13.) For example, Baily (1981).
(14.) See, for example, Milgrom and Roberts (1990) and Radner
(15.) Brynjolfsson and Mendelson (1993).
(16.) Bresnahan, Brynjolfsson, and Hitt (2000, p. 184).
(17.) See, for example, Applegate, Cash, and Mills (1988), Autor,
Levy, and Murnane (2000), Barras (1990), Bresnahan and Greenstein
(1997), Brynjolfsson, Renshaw, and Van Alstyne (1997), Davenport and
Short (1990), David (1990), Hitt and Brynjolfsson (1997), Ito (1996),
Malone and Rockart (1991), Milgrom and Roberts (1990), Orlikowski
(1992), Scott Morton (1991), and Woerner (2001). Brynjolfsson and Hitt
(2000) provide a review of the literature.
(18.) See, for example, Kemerer and Sosa (1991).
(19.) Ito (1996); Bresnahan and Greenstein (1997); Bresnahan
(20.) Brynjolfsson, Renshaw, and Van Alstyne (1997).
(21.) Brynjolfsson and Hitt (1995, 2001); Lichtenberg (1995).
(22.) See, for example, Ichniowski, Shaw, and Prennushi (1997).
(23.) Brynjolfsson and Yang (1999), R. Hall (2000a), and Lev
(2001), respectively.
(24.) Some of the following examples, as well as the broader
econometric studies, are described in more detail in Brynjolfsson and
Hitt (2000).
(25.) Figures are as reported by Yahoo! Finance on March 29, 2002.
(26.) Martin Schrage, "Wal-Mart Trumps Moore's Law,"
Technology Review, March 2002, p. 21.
(27.) McKinsey Global Institute (2001, p. 2).
(28.) McKinsey Global Institute (2001, p. 4).
(29.) Martin Schrage, "Wal-Mart Trumps Moore's Law,"
Technology Review, March 2002, p. 21.
(30.) Brynjolfsson, Renshaw, and Van Alstyne (1997).
(31.) Woerner (2001).
(32.) Gormley and others (1998).
(33.) AICPA Statement of Position 98-1. This does not apply for
"small" software purchases or development projects. Firms have
some discretion as to the exact threshold: at FleetBoston Financial, for
example, software development projects smaller than $500,000 are
normally entirely expensed, according to Cherie Arruda, technology
controller at FleetBoston (personal communication with the authors,
March 22, 2002).
(34.) Specifically, "Examples of the kind of work that must be
expensed include: Alternatives development and evaluation, development
of requirements, training, data conversion, evaluation of technology,
and choosing one of the alternatives being proposed" (Colenso,
2000, p. 3).
(35.) Before the adoption of Statement of Position 98-1, firms
typically expensed even more of their internal software development
costs. See, for example, the notes to the consolidated financial
statements in Lucent Technologies' 2001 annual report
( annual/01/pdf/notes.pdf). The exception is
firms that produced software for sale, which began more aggressive
capitalization in 1985 as a result of FASB Statement 86.
(36.) Lev and Zarowin (1999, p. 20).
(37). FASB Concept No. 6, 1985, paragraph 175.
(38.) See, for example, Tobin (1969), Hayashi (1982), Naik (1994),
Yang (1994), Bond and Cummins (2000), and R. Hall (2000a, 2001a, 2001b).
(39.) Griliches (1981); Griliches and Cockburn (1988); B. Hall
(1993a, 1993b, 1999).
(40.) Montgomery and Wernerfelt (1988).
(41.) R. Hall (200la, p. 1186).
(42.) R. Hall (2000a).
(43.) Interestingly, in related work using similar data on
computers and organizational investments but a different framework,
Bresnahan, Brynjolfsson, and Hitt (2000, 2002) also find empirical
support for the second main claim of R. Hall (2000a) regarding the
organizational drivers of the increased demand for college-educated
(44.) Brynjolfsson and Yang (1999).
(45.) Baily (1981).
(46.) See, for example, Abel (1990).
(47.) Hayashi (1982).
(48.) Greene (1993, p. 246).
(49.) Bond and Cummins (2000).
(50.) See R. Hall (2001b) for one approach.
(51.) See the related discussion in Bresnahan, Brynjolfsson, and
Hitt (2002).
(52.) To apply equation 7, replace K and M with their values
conditional on [K.sub.o].
(53.) See, for example, Bresnahan, Brynjolfsson, and Hitt (2000)
and Brynjolfsson and Hitt (2001).
(54.) Advertising and R&D are other types of nonstandard "assets" that have been considered in prior work. Because no
capitalized value is reported for them, we simply include them as ratios
in the reported regression. This can be thought of as treating current
spending on these assets as a noisy indicator of their capital stock
values (B. Hall, 1993a, 1993b; see also Brynjolfsson and Yang, 1999, for
a more detailed analysis of these assets in this context). Because
R&D is available only for about half the sample, and advertising for
only about a third, we set the values of these variables to zero when
they are missing and include a dummy variable to capture the mean
contribution of these variables when the data are not available.
(55.) There was a change in the valuation methodology in the CII
database in 1994. Thereafter the market value of central processors was
no longer calculated at the equipment level. However, CII did continue
to obtain the market value information going forward, and thus
comparable measures could be constructed by multiplying the aggregate
number of units (personal computers, mainframes, workstations, and so
on) by the average value for the category. Year-by-year regressions do
not suggest the presence of any structural change in the data.
(56.) Another potential source of error in this regard is the
outsourcing of computer facilities. Fortunately, to the extent that the
computers reside on the client site, they will still be properly counted
by CII's census. To the extent that these facilities are located at
a third-party site, they will not be properly counted.
(57.) Huselid (1995); Ichniowski, Shaw, and Prennushi (1997);
Osterman (1994).
(58.) For most of the economy, computers are a complement to other
production assets. However, in the computer and software industries,
computers are the principal production asset. Moreover, because these
firms often use the technology assets they produce, they may face very
different effective prices for these assets. Communications industries
were excluded because of the difficulty in separating out corporate
computer use from telephone switchgear, which is largely computer based.
(59.) Brynjolfsson and Yang (1999).
(60.) An alternative specification would include the book value of
some of these other assets in the computation of market value and remove
them from the list of independent variables. Leaving them in the
regression allows us to test, rather than assume, that their market
valuation is equal to their book value.
(61.) The LAD regressions, being nonlinear regression procedures,
do not have analogous panel data corrections. Therefore the standard
errors for analyses using these procedures may be understated by as much
as a factor of 3.3 (the square root of the number of time-series
observations), although in practice the error is well below this bound.
(62.) Griliches and Hausman (1986).
(63.) See, for example, Bartelsman, Caballero, and Lyons (1994) or
Brynjolfsson and Hitt (2001) for further discussion.
(64.) Nothing in the theory requires the installed price of
computer capital to be invariant as technology evolves and investor
expectations change, any more than the value of an oil company's
proven reserves need be invariant.
(65.) These results build on earlier work reported in Hitt and
Brynjolfsson (1997) and Bresnahan, Brynjolfsson, and Hitt (2002).
(66.) Results are similar when probit or ordered probit regression
techniques are used. We report Spearman rank-order correlations because
they are easier to interpret given the nonmetric nature of most of our
work system variables. Included in the regressions are separate controls
for 1 1/2-digit SIC industries (see the appendix for details).
(67.) Not including the processing power of personal computers.
(68.) See Bresnahan, Brynjolfsson, and Hitt (2002), Bresnahan
(1997), and Hitt and Brynjolfsson (1997). A survey of related work
appears in Brynjolfsson and Hitt (2000).
(69.) Hitt and Brynjolfsson (1997).
(70.) If the variables are not centered, the interpretation of the
direct coefficients is changed. Consider a hypothetical regression
equation V = [[gamma].sub.o]O + [[gamma].sub.I] I + [epsilon] (model A)
compared with another equation representing the "true" model
of the underlying relationship V = [[gamma]'.sub.o]O +
[[gamma]'.sub.I]I + [[gamma]'.sub.OI] (O x I) + [epsilon]
(model B). When the interaction term is not centered, [[gamma].sub.I] =
[[gamma].sub.I] + [bar]O[[gamma]'.sub.OI], where [bar] O is the
mean of O. Centering the interaction term removes the [bar]
O[[gamma].sub.OI] term and thus preserves the interpretation of
[[gamma].sub.I] as the contribution of the linear term. However, in the
centered regression it is possible that the linear term changes if the
true underlying data relationship is not precisely the linear
interaction model described by model B (for example, if there are
additional unobserved assets).
(71.) Bresnahan, Brynjolfsson, and Hitt (2002).
(72.) Bresnahan, Brynjolfsson, and Hitt (2002).
(73.) Brynjolfsson and Hitt (2001).
(74.) Our 1 1/2-digit controls divide the economy into ten sectors:
high-technology manufacturing, process manufacturing, other nondurable
manufacturing, other durable manufacturing, mining and construction,
trade, transportation, utilities, finance, and other services. See the
appendix for details.
(75.) Bresnahan, Brynjolfsson, and Hitt (2002).
(76.) Yorukoglu (1998); Greenwood (1997); Greenwood and Jovanovic
(1999); Hobijn and Jovanovic (2001).
(77.) R. Hall (2000b).
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