Socioeconomic status and cumulative disadvantage processes across the life course: implications for health outcomes.
Seabrook, Jamie A. ; Avison, William R.
SOCIOECONOMIC STATUS IS one of the most reliable predictors of
health disparities, with people from low socioeconomic status usually
experiencing poorer health than their high socioeconomic status
counterparts (Godley and McLaren 2010; Haas 2008; O'Rand and
Hamil-Luker 2005; Wickrama et al. 2003). In Canada, for example, almost
25 percent of excess premature years of life lost (mortality prior to
age 75) are the result of income differences (Wilkins et al. 2002). Yet,
despite clear evidence demonstrating the association between
socioeconomic status and health outcomes, Canadian public discourse
continues to focus its primary attention on lifestyle approaches, such
as better diet, more exercise, and decreased tobacco use as solutions to
improving health (Raphael 2008).
There are two common explanations for the persistent association
between socioeconomic status and health. First, individuals in lower
socioeconomic groups usually experience more kinds and greater exposures
to stress, including stress that is related to poor living conditions,
low job security, and financial difficulties (Horwitz 2005). These types
of stressors can be chronic in nature, which are more apt to have
detrimental effects on health (Pearlin et al. 1981). Second, people of
lower socioeconomic position tend to engage in more risky health
behaviors. Evidence exists that people occupying lower positions in the
socioeconomic hierarchy are more likely to smoke, to be overweight, and
to engage in less physical activity (Lynch et al. 1997).
Although studies of stressful experience and health behaviors give
researchers the opportunity to assess the extent to which these factors
mediate the relationship between socioeconomic status and health
outcomes, the problem with such an approach is that it can divert
attention away from the more fundamental issue by, in essence,
"blaming the victim." The conclusion that is often drawn from
these studies is that, if people from low socioeconomic positions would
simply exercise more, eat more healthy foods, stop smoking or drinking
alcohol, and would learn to cope with stress better, health disparities
between people from low and high socioeconomic status could be reduced.
This conclusion underestimates the strong effect of socioeconomic status
compared to these mediators, which themselves are largely related to
socioeconomic status (Gallo and Matthews 2003; Restrepo 2000). In fact,
what is needed is policy interventions aimed less at behavioral change
among people lower in the socioeconomic hierarchy and more at
socioeconomic status itself.
According to the theory of"fundamental social causes,"
socioeconomic status shapes individuals' exposure to and experience
of psychosocial and many biomedical health risk factors, and this
differential exposure persists even when risk factors and diseases
change over time (Link and Phelan 2010). This is important because it
means that even if all of the mediators of the socioeconomic
status-health relationship were eliminated, socioeconomic status would
continue to predict health disparities. Fundamental social causes
involve resources such as knowledge, money, power, prestige, and
beneficial social connections that determine the extent to which people
are able to avoid risks and adopt protective strategies so as to
decrease morbidity and mortality. Hence, high socioeconomic status
groups disproportionately utilize new knowledge that emerges about
health-risk and protective factors, which in turn contributes to
morbidity and mortality gradients that benefit those of higher
socioeconomic status (Link and Phelan 2010; Willson 2010). Such was the
case with respect to information regarding both diet and smoking. As
knowledge about the health benefits of a low-fat diet or the risks of
smoking emerged in the mid-twentieth century, people of higher
socioeconomic status were more likely to alter their diets and to stop
or not start smoking than were people of lower socioeconomic status
(Lynch et al. 1997).
A common tenet among researchers studying the relationship between
socioeconomic status and health outcomes is that health inequalities are
influenced by circumstances in early life. Evidence from neuroscience,
for example, has shown how brain development and subsequent health
outcomes are most influenced from conception to age six in the life
cycle (McCain and Mustard 1999). Poor children also tend to experience
higher rates of depression and antisocial behavior than do economically
advantaged children, and these mental health consequences for poor
children increase the longer their families live in poverty (McLeod and
Shanahan 1996). Wickrama et al. (2003) found that low parental education
and having only one parent in the home increase the likelihood that
adolescents will experience school failures, truncated educational
attainment, conduct problems, early and significant stresses in
employment, and early acquisition of family responsibility. Taken
together, these studies suggest that poor social circumstances in early
life have the potential to have lifelong influences on health outcomes.
Clearly, social disadvantage in early life can cumulate throughout
the life course, leading to exacerbations in health disparities between
people of low and high socioeconomic status. The idea underlying
cumulative disadvantage, therefore, is that socioeconomic-based health
inequalities will increase across the life course, mostly because of
differential exposure to risk factors (e.g., smoking, exercise, diet) as
well as access to protective resources (e.g., health care) (O'Rand
2002). Cumulative disadvantage also allows for the possibility of
exposure clustering. For instance, children from low socioeconomic
backgrounds are more likely to be born of low birth weight, to have
poorer diets, to be exposed to secondhand smoke and other infectious
agents, and to have less opportunity to pursue postsecondary education
(Galobardes et al. 2004).
Throughout this paper, we will show how the life course principles
of long-term temporal patterns, the intersection of biography and
history, linked lives, and human agency can aid in our understanding of
socioeconomic differences in health. We believe that this is an
important contribution to the existing literature since very few life
course studies focus on all four life course principles, with attention
typically given to one or two of them (George 2007). We will provide
evidence showing how adult physical health disparities, mental health
disparities, and even mortality differences can be linked to early life
exposures; how historical and geographical context matter for health
outcomes; how health outcomes are affected by the social networks in
which an individual's life is embedded; and how people from high
socioeconomic status are more likely to be equipped with resources that
enhance the exercise of agency. Given the complexity surrounding various
interactions among health determinants and the challenge of being able
to adequately describe the dynamic processes through which health
determinants have their effects, the purpose of this paper is to provide
a conceptual overview demonstrating the effects of socioeconomic status
and cumulative disadvantage on producing health disparities across the
life course.
The aim of life course epidemiology is to study the biological,
behavioral, and psychosocial pathways operating across an
individual's life and across generations that influence chronic
disease and mortality (George 2007; Haas 2008). In contrast to theories
from other disciplines that deal with human lives, life course sociology
is more of a conceptual tool focusing on such characteristics as length
of exposure, sequencing, duration dependence, transitions, trajectories,
and turning points (George 2007). Although lacking a formalized body of
theory, the advantage of life course sociology is its emphasis on
several mechanisms that underlie the social structure of human lives,
mechanisms that can potentially operate at the individual, meso, and
macro levels, and that can relate early social conditions to health
outcomes in later life. Such mechanisms, we will show, may include
processes of cumulative advantage and disadvantage as they relate to
socioeconomic status across the life course.
Although no unified theory of the life course exists, life course
perspectives share four key fundamental principles, all of which can aid
in our understanding of socioeconomic differences in health: long-term
temporal patterns, the intersection of biography and history, linked
lives, and human agency (Cooke 2009; George 2007). It is to these four
principles that we now turn.
Long-Term Temporal Patterns
The critical defining characteristic of life course research is the
examination of temporality over extended periods of time, often
including decades or longer (Barker 2003; Haas 2008). The advantage of
such an approach is that it assumes that our lives cannot be understood
by examination of the present only; to understand the present, it is
necessary to study the distant past.
Substantial gains have been made in understanding how adult
physical health disparities, mental health disparities, and even
mortality differences can be linked to early life exposures. For
example, Haas (2008) found that childhood health and socioeconomic
circumstances continue to influence functional health trajectories in
old age, with poor childhood health and low socioeconomic status
associated with higher rates of functional limitations over time.
O'Rand and Hamil-Luker (2005) similarly reported that among
respondents who were raised in childhood circumstances involving low
educated mothers, unemployed fathers, poor families, or who never lived
with their father, by the age of 60, these respondents were between 50
to 70 percent more likely to have low incomes, to be unemployed, and to
have a higher risk for heart attack when compared to respondents who
grew up in advantaged childhood conditions. Finally, a systematic review
of childhood socioeconomic circumstances and cause-specific adult
mortality demonstrated that both childhood circumstances and adult
socioeconomic position contribute to mortality from coronary heart
disease, lung cancer, and respiratory-related diseases (Galobardes et
al. 2004). These studies demonstrate how childhood socioeconomic
disadvantage can accentuate over time through a process of cumulative
disadvantage, which may result in poorer health outcomes in later life.
Perhaps the most common explanation for socioeconomic disparities
in mental and physical health is differential exposure and vulnerability
to stress by people of different socioeconomic status (Pearlin 1989). In
general, there have been two distinct areas of ambiguity surrounding the
term "stress." First, some researchers have used stress to
refer to problems people face, others to the response to these problems,
and still others to a mediating state in response to a given threat;
second, the content of stressors themselves can vary considerably
(Wheaton 1994). For example, stressors can mediate the relationship
between social status and psychological distress such that low
socioeconomic status increases exposure to stress, which in turn
increases psychological distress. Likewise, psychosocial resources, such
as social support or self-esteem, can mediate the relationship between a
stressor and psychological distress. Thus, experiencing job loss (a
stressor) could act to deplete social support, which would thereby
increase the probability of psychological distress. A moderating or
buffering effect is also possible, such that high psychosocial resources
act as a buffer in the relationship between stressors and psychological
distress, a pattern that is more common among people from high
socioeconomic status since this group tends to have more beneficial
psychosocial resources (Thoits 2006).
The differential exposure hypothesis posits that socioeconomic
differences in health outcomes are due to variations in exposure to
stressors, whereas the differential vulnerability hypothesis maintains
that socioeconomic differences in health outcomes are the result of the
differential impact of stressors for one socioeconomic group over
another (Avison et al. 2007). When these two hypotheses have been tested
empirically, most of the evidence has pointed to differential exposure
to stressors as being the key mediator of the association between
socioeconomic status and health outcomes. For example, Turner, Wheaton,
and Lloyd (1995) show that people in low socioeconomic status, women,
and the previously married experience greater exposure to stress than do
people from high socioeconomic strata, men, and the currently married,
and that the relationship between social status and depression reduces
significantly once stress exposure is accounted for. Likewise, Turner
and Avison (2003) found that stress exposure accounted for almost half
of the observed difference in depressive symptoms across socioeconomic
status, and greater than 83 percent of the elevation in depressive
symptoms among African Americans compared to non-Hispanic whites.
When assessing the role of stress as an explanation for
socioeconomic differences in health outcomes, it is important to have a
broad concept of stress exposure. Sources of stress include stressful
life events, chronic role strains, early adversities, traumatic
experiences, ambient stressors, and daily hassles (Wheaton 1994).
Pearlin (1989) argues that stressful experiences cannot be fully
captured when chronic strains and life events are examined separately,
and that acute and chronic stressors may be causally linked. Avison and
Turner (1988) showed that the distinction between acute and chronic
stressors can become blurred by the fact that people often report that
the effects of life events persist for many years. The sudden onset of
an illness or injury, for example, would be an example of an eventful
stressor that may lead to both financial strains and/or depressive
symptoms, thus contributing to more enduring hardships. Similarly,
Thoits (1995) reported that life events can have persisting effects on
health, particularly when individuals view life events as
An important temporal characteristic in life course research is how
time in a specific state affects health outcomes. Evidence suggests, for
example, that children with histories of persistent poverty have higher
rates of increase in antisocial behavior than do children who are
transiently poor or nonpoor (McLeod and Shanahan 1996). The accumulation
of environmental insults, as well as unfavorable psychological and
behavioral factors, may also increase the risk for mortality. In a
prospective cohort study with 21 years of follow-up, Smith et al. (1997)
determined the social class of men at three stages of their lives: the
social class of their father's occupation, the social class of
their first occupation, and the social class of their occupation when
the study was first conducted. Compared to the age-adjusted relative
death rates of men of nonmanual socioeconomic position at all three life
stages, men of two nonmanual and one manual socioeconomic position had a
relative death rate during the follow-up period of 1.29 (95 percent
confidence interval: 1.08-1.56); men with two manual and one nonmanual
socioeconomic position had a relative death rate of 1.45 (confidence
interval: 1.21-1.73); and men with a manual social class at all three
life stages had a relative death rate of 1.71 (confidence interval:
1.46-2.01). Taken together, these studies demonstrate how poor and
persistent social circumstances throughout the life course can have
lasting influences on health outcomes, and how cross-sectional research
examining the impact of socioeconomic status on morbidity and mortality
may be inadequate for fully capturing the influence of socioeconomic
status on health outcomes.
An issue that we believe receives too little attention in research
studying the relationships between socioeconomic status and health
across the life course is social selection, with most research focusing
on causation processes documenting links between early socioeconomic
status and health outcomes later in life. Social selection, by contrast,
is typically conceptualized as reverse causation, or the "influence
of physical and mental health on the statuses and attainments of
individuals" (McLeod and Pavalko 2008:77). Failure to examine
social selection processes, by way of excluding physical and mental
health as independent variables in causing social outcomes, could mean
that the conclusions drawn by health researchers are wrong. According to
McLeod and Pavalko (2008), there are two frequently made assumptions
about causation and selection processes: first, causation and selection
are conceptualized as opposing forces; second, there is a single answer
to whether causation or selection is stronger. George (2003) maintains,
however, that researchers can learn more about the reciprocal effects of
socioeconomic status and health by monitoring and measuring the dynamics
of this relationship early in the life course, thus making the
distinction between selection and causation irrelevant.
It should be evident, however, that not all longitudinal studies
will be able to capture the reciprocal effects of causation and
selection when studying the relationships between socioeconomic status
and health. Depending on where a researcher "enters" the life
course, it is possible that a given analysis may find stronger evidence
for either causation or selection. Thus, while conceptualizing and
analyzing the relationships between socioeconomic status and health as
reciprocal may be an important goal, it may be easier to study these
effects the earlier in the life course that they are measured. For
example, although social disadvantage has a major effect on the mental
health of children (Avison 1999), research has also shown that children
with mental health problems are far less apt to graduate from high
school (Needham et al. 2004). Early school leaving, in turn, will often
result in poor occupational and income trajectories, thus setting into
motion further processes of cumulative disadvantage.
Up to this point, we have seen how cumulative disadvantage
processes can operate throughout the life course. As a note of caution,
however, we need to be careful not to assume that early socioeconomic
disadvantage inevitably leads to poorer health in later life.
Consequently, it is important to assess how low socioeconomic status in
early life interacts with institutional processes over time that may
increase or decrease the pace of inequality. O'Rand (2002) suggests
that when early socioeconomic status is highly correlated with
institutional biases, inequality will increase more rapidly. We argue
that, in addition to early socioeconomic disadvantage and the
contribution of institutional biases, health outcomes in later life are
also products of complex interactions of cultural, historical,
demographic, and genetic influences, a consideration we will discuss
throughout this paper.
The Intersection of Biography and History
The second principle of life course research is the intersection of
biography and history. The idea behind this principle is that the
historical period and context in which individuals live their lives
matter. For example, MacIntyre and colleagues (2002) assert that
although compositional factors such as age, education, and income
influence health disparities for people living in specific geographic
areas, both contextual and collective factors must also be considered.
Contextual factors include features such as health services, affordable
and safe housing, good job opportunities, and recreational facilities;
collective factors concern the historical and sociocultural features of
places and also highlight the role of shared values and norms (MacIntyre
et al. 2002). Thus, neighborhood quality of life is shaped by the
socioeconomic status composition of its residents, the availability of
quality health services, and the level of commitment that residents have
for providing for one another and improving the overall conditions of
their neighborhood.
Closely related to the notion of collective factors is the
conceptualization of social capital and how the socioeconomic status of
social networks contributes to disparities in health outcomes. To date,
most health research has relied heavily on the work of Robert Putnam
(2000) and his conceptualization of social capital. For Putnam, social
capital is about social cohesion within specific geographic communities,
and includes such factors as norms of reciprocity, shared values, and
interpersonal trust. Putnam maintains that social capital has been
declining consistently in the United States, as indexed by such factors
as declining participation in local associations, voting, and political
participation, all of which Putnam argues constitute a major threat to
From a sociological perspective, we also know that people from
higher socioeconomic groups tend to have more forms of capital, be it
social capital, economic capital, or cultural capital. Bourdieu (1986)
has argued that although social capital and economical capital do not
necessarily coincide, both are attributes of elites that allow them to
maintain their privilege and power through beneficial social
connections. In a sample of Canadians, Veenstra (2007) shows how
activities and practices associated with well-being are predominantly
clustered within various forms of social, cultural, and economic
capital. For instance, excellent self-rated health and various sports
and physical activity were found to be clustered among people with high
economic and educational capital.
Also central to life course research and its emphasis on historical
context is the importance of differentiating age-related health outcomes
from cohort effects. People born in the late twentieth or early
twenty-first century, for example, will age differently than those who
lived through the Great Depression and the two World Wars. Children
growing up during the Great Depression experienced more productive roles
in labor-intensive household operations, and had high risks of living in
families with discord, demoralization, and disorganization (Elder 1994).
As well, strong and consistent evidence has linked combat exposure from
World War II to posttraumatic stress disorder, substance abuse
disorders, anxiety disorders, and the increased probability of mental
health problems as many as 60 years later (George 2007). On the other
hand, after World War II, American veterans were able to take advantage
of free university education provided by the GI Bill that subsequently
led to more advantageous occupational and income trajectories (Berkman
and Glymour 2006). The GI Bill thus exemplifies how social policy,
implemented during a specific historical period, can impact one's
standard of living, which in turn influences health and well-being.
People born in the late twentieth or early twenty-first century, by
contrast, have lived through a unique part of historical time. For
example, as a result of Canadian military activity in Afghanistan,
Canadian soldiers have had more fatalities than in any other single
Canadian military operation since the Korean War between 1950 and 1953.
The short- and long-term mental health outcomes of families who have
lost family members in Afghanistan will undoubtedly be costly for many
People born during this period of time will also grow up with a
greater risk of exposure to divorce than was the case in the past. In
Canada, there were less than 200 divorces each year per 100,000 married
couples over the period 1951 to 1966 compared to 1,080 divorces per
100,000 married couples in 2003 (Beaujot and Ravanera 2008). The change
in divorce rates has coincided with a shift in people's attitudes
toward marriage and divorce. Compared to the 1950s, when society placed
a strong emphasis on marriage and the family, when there were strong
legal constraints to getting a divorce, and when individuals who chose
to remain single were considered deviant, not only is there less stigma
associated with divorce today, but divorce has replaced death as an
endpoint to marriage, in part because nofault divorce allows for easier
access to divorce (Knox and Schacht 2009). Still, despite the lower
stigma associated with divorce today, its consequences can be harmful to
both men and women. Divorced people have lower life expectancies than do
the married (Joung et al. 1994), and have worse mental health for at
least one year subsequent to the divorce (Wade and Pevalin 2004). Women,
in particular, experience more economic hardship following divorce than
men. Divorced women are more likely than divorced men or married women
to be poor, to have a lower standard of living, and to receive public
assistance (Richardson 1989). When children are involved, not only does
parental divorce increase the risk of poor adult health outcomes, it has
also shown to have stronger and more negative effects on children's
health than parental death (George 1993).
Another consequence of rising divorce rates has been an increase in
the number of single-parent families. The proportion of single-parent
families in Canada increased from 11 percent in 1961 to 25 percent in
2001 (Beaujot and Ravanera 2008). Like divorce, single parenthood has
become less stigmatized than in the past (Knox and Schacht 2009), but
these family households often have negative implications for health
outcomes. For example, as a result of single mothers' great
exposure to stress than married mothers (particularly, financial strain,
work strain, and care-giving strain), the former tend to have higher
levels of psychological distress (Avison et al. 2007). The higher rates
of distress among single mothers, moreover, may be partially explained
by their greater exposure to early childhood adversities, which then
increases the probability for early onset of disorder (Davies et al.
1997). This is consistent with the concept of cumulative disadvantage,
where childhood disadvantage is compounded across the life course with a
chain of further life course adversities.
Finally, it should be noted that although a cohort lives through a
unique segment of historical time, we need to be careful not to assume
homogeneity or inevitability of life course stages. Intracohort
variability can result from the interaction between the socioeconomic
status of people in a particular cohort and the historical conditions
that exist at the time. For instance, the Great Depression did not have
the same detrimental impact on everyone. Instead, those who already had
low incomes, low educational attainment, and who were working in less
prestigious occupations were affected much more than those with high
socioeconomic status (Pearlin and Skaff 1996).
Linked Lives
The third principle of life course perspectives is that of linked
lives, which posits that outcomes of health interest are affected by the
social networks in which an individual's life is embedded. For
example, McLanahan (2004) shows that divorce and single motherhood are
more prevalent among lower socioeconomic status families and that
mothers with higher economic independence and better education are more
apt to establish stable marital unions. Given the evidence that parental
divorce during childhood is associated with general distress, anxiety
disorders, and depressive disorder, and that these mental health
outcomes can persist into middle and later adulthood (Ross and Mirowsky
1999), what we see again is a process of cumulative health disadvantage
beginning in childhood as a result of divorce or single motherhood and
that is more likely to occur among children from lower socioeconomic
Other childhood advantages and disadvantages associated with
parental educational attainment are noteworthy. For instance, older
mothers with high education are more likely to bear and raise their
children within stable unions and to provide their children with more
cognitive stimulation such as reading and homework assistance, whereas
children residing with single mothers tend to live in more stressful
environments and have lower educational attainment, poorer mental health
outcomes, and greater family instability when they are adults (McLanahan
Severe stress exposures, such as childhood or adolescent violence,
are also not random events. Macmillan and Hagan (2004) found that people
growing up in poverty are at an elevated risk of experiencing violence,
and that reductions in educational attainment are mediated through the
impact of adolescent violence on perceptions of efficacy. Foster, Hagan,
and Brooks-Gunn (2008) found that (1) childhood abuse is associated with
early menarche; (2) early menarche and child abuse are associated with
intimate partner violence during adolescence; and (3) early menarche and
intimate partner violence increases the likelihood of early parenthood
and decreases the likelihood of completing high school. This chain of
negative events that tends to occur more frequently among people from
low socioeconomic backgrounds can be particularly damaging to health
considering that a clear relationship exists between accumulated
lifetime trauma and both psychiatric disorder and psychological distress
(Turner and Lloyd 1995). Finally, Horwitz et al. (2001) found that
childhood sexual abuse, physical abuse and neglect have stronger
indirect than direct effects on adult mental health, and that stressful
life events mediate the relationship between childhood victimization and
adult mental health. These examples show how childhood disadvantage,
such as growing up in poverty and experiencing trauma, can lead to
subsequent disadvantages throughout the life course, as well as an
increasingly compromised capacity to manage new adversities.
Another common way that life course researchers have examined the
principle of linked lives is through the impact that poor health has on
other members of the family. For example, children of depressed parents
tend to exhibit more internalizing and externalizing problem behaviors,
to have more problems with defiance and cognitive ability, and are often
indistinguishable from children of schizophrenia parents (Avison 1999).
The relationship between children's behavioral and emotional
problems and parental mental illness may be partially explained by the
fact that mentally ill parents tend to be emotionally unavailable to
their children, are often overemotional, and are more apt to use
authoritarian parenting practices (Avison 1999).
Finally, although if is evident that the family environment can
play a critical role in the development of mental health problems among
children, it is also important to consider the role of genetic
influences. Although research on children's health and the concept
of linked lives from a life course perspective have focused largely on
how children's health outcomes are affected by such factors as
shared family environments, shared exposure to stressors, and similar
access to resources (Avison 2010), research on children's social
environments can be incorporated into models of genetic vulnerability as
sociologists become more familiar with genotype-environment research
(Avison 2010; Seabrook and Avison 2010). Using a typology of
genotype-social context interactions, Shanahan and Hofer (2005) show how
environmental stressors can interact with personal genetic
vulnerabilities to produce differences in health outcomes. For example,
there is evidence that severely childhood maltreated males who have low
levels of monoamine oxidase-A (MAOA) expression are more likely to
develop conduct disorder, a disposition toward violence, convictions for
violent offenses, and antisocial personality disorder symptoms in young
adulthood than are severely maltreated males with a genotype
demonstrating high levels of MAOA activity (Caspi et. al. 2002).
Similarly, a recent study by Pescosolido and colleagues (2008) examining
the impact of childhood deprivation (as measured by not having enough
food to eat) has also demonstrated how stressful social contexts can
activate a genetic diathesis. The authors found that among men having
the high-risk GABRA2 genotype for alcohol dependence, the predicted
probability of being diagnosed with alcohol abuse was much higher for
individuals who experienced childhood deprivation compared to those who
did not. Further studies on genotype-environment interactions will
likely continue to be important in research on health outcomes,
including a more extensive range of multifactorial conditions.
Human Agency
The last life course principle emphasizes the long-term
consequences of human agency, and how health outcomes can vary depending
upon the combination of individual choices and contextual opportunities
and constraints (George 2007; O'Rand and Hamil-Luker 2005; Thoits
2006). The idea behind human agency is that individuals have the ability
to make their own decisions and control their actions, but sociocultural
factors such as cultural norms and/or socioeconomic status may limit the
extent to which agency is activated. In general, people from high
socioeconomic status and those who have good mental health are more
likely to be equipped with resources that enhance the exercise of agency
(Thoits 2006).
The relevance of social psychological constructs such as
self-esteem, mastery, perceived social support, and mattering is that
these self-constructs act as mediators in the association between
stressful experiences and mental and physical health. Further, it is not
only stress exposure that varies by an individual's location in the
social structure, but also the dynamics of interpersonal relations and
self. In other words, not only are people with high socioeconomic status
typically exposed to less stress relative to those in the low
socioeconomic strata, but the former are also more apt to have increased
social psychological resources such as a sense of personal control and
social support (Ross and Wu 1996; Thoits 1995). Taking the stress
process paradigm into perspective, the increased psychosocial resources
from people of higher socioeconomic status can act as a buffer for the
impact of stressors on psychological distress. Thus, people with a high
sense of personal mastery and self-esteem tend to have significantly
lower levels of depression and anxiety when chronic strains or negative
events occur (Thoits 2006). This may be due to the greater confidence
that these individuals have in being able to cope with the stressors of
which they are exposed.
When making decisions, it is important to consider that some stress
can actually have positive effects. An individual may choose, for
example, to bring about a negative event such as a divorce or getting
fired to solve what seems like an intractable problem (Thoits 1995).
Although role transitions are typically thought of as stressors that
create a need for individual adjustment, Wheaton (1990) argues that
preexisting chronic role stress reduces the mental health impact of life
transitions. The meaning of a divorce that was preceded by years of
persistent conflict will likely differ from a divorce that was
characterized by very little conflict. In the case of the former, the
choice to leave an unstable marriage may actually feel like an escape or
opportunity to find happiness again. Thus, the stress of a transition is
neither inherent of the transition itself nor a result of how well one
has learned to cope with various transitions, but rather a product of
the social environment and the level of chronic role stress prior to the
transition (Wheaton 1990).
One of the most effective ways than an individual can exercise
agency is in his/her choice to obtain higher levels of education. Ross
and Wu (1996) found that among people with high and low educational
attainment, the gap in physical functioning, physical well-being, and
self-reported health increased with age, and that the health advantage
is larger in older age groups than in younger age groups among the
highly educated. More recent research from the Americans' Changing
Lives Study has shown that educational disparities in functional
limitations increases dramatically in early to middle old age, and that
education may be more important than income in preventing the onset of
health problems (House et al. 2005). Finally, Dupre (2008) has found
that the pathway from low education to risk for hypertension is mediated
by the greater likelihood of people with low education to smoke, drink
alcohol, and to be overweight across the life course compared to the
those people with high levels of education. Although cumulative
disadvantage is clearly at work in these studies, in that low education
sets in motion a trajectory of poor health outcomes in later life, the
choice to obtain higher levels of education can attenuate early
childhood adversity by more advantageous health outcomes. Ross and Wu
(1995) argue that educational attainment is the key to many cumulative
pathways throughout the life course and that ultimately affects health
in old age.
This paper has argued for the need to study the relationships among
socioeconomic status, cumulative disadvantage processes and health
outcomes from a life course perspective. We have shown, for example, how
childhood socioeconomic status can have persistent effects on health
disparities later in life. The earlier that the dynamics between
socioeconomic status and health are measured in the life course, the
more we can also learn about their reciprocal effects.
Of course, life course research need not be limited to the effects
of childhood socioeconomic status and cumulative disadvantage processes.
Less is known, for instance, about how socioeconomic changes in
adulthood, such as transitions into or out of poverty, can predict
changes in health. The latter, we believe, is an important area for
future life course research.
Moreover, the vast majority of life course research examining the
relationship between socioeconomic status and health outcomes has been
conducted in the United States. We know, however, that compared to the
United States, Canada has a smaller gap between the rich and the poor, a
lower percentage of low-income people, and that it spends more money on
public infrastructure (Ross et al. 2000). In addition, Canada's
universal health-care system may be beneficial in reducing socioeconomic
disparities in health, especially when contrasted with people living in
the United States (Willson 2010). A recent study found that although
socioeconomic status played no role in adults' similar patterns of
hospital utilization in Canada and the United States, there were stark
disparities in doctor contacts when compared to Canadian adults, with
high income U.S. adults and those with health insurance being much more
likely to visit to their doctor than those without (Blackwell et al.
2009). Hence, public policy decisions can play a major role in the
social determinants of health.
We contend that the four life course principles provide important
insights into the persistent association between socioeconomic status
and health. The advantage of life course sociology is its consideration
of early life experiences, and the social and historical context of
their occurrences, as important contingencies in producing these
systematic socioeconomic differences in health gradients. In addition,
that low socioeconomic status groups engage in more risky health
behaviors than people from higher socioeconomic status is best viewed
from a life course perspective. For instance, Lynch and colleagues
(1997) show that physical activity, diet, and psychosocial orientations
in adulthood were strongly related to childhood socioeconomic status.
This suggests that although individuals can make decisions to control
their actions, socioeconomic status may limit the extent to which agency
is utilized in adulthood since adult health behavior is related to early
childhood conditions.
Clearly, any significant progress in understanding the significance
of socioeconomic status for health will require longitudinal data,
ideally spanning decades. Although this paper focused specifically on
socioeconomic status and cumulative disadvantage processes across the
life course, retrospective personal histories including marital
histories, medical histories, occupational histories, religious and
organizational involvement, and information about early traumas and
adversities are also vital components.
It also seems clear that although both genetic and environmental
factors play key roles in the causality of human disease, the
interaction between genotype and environment ought to be a significant
concern if we are to fully comprehend the link between socioeconomic
status and health. Although genes can be expressed at specific times in
development, Seabrook and Avison (2010) argue that a cross-sectional
conceptualization and measurement of social context does not capture the
dynamic properties of environment that determine the meaning of social
experiences. Thus, a careful consideration of life course sociology may
ensure that the dynamic nature of the environment in
genotype-environment interaction is incorporated into explanations of
social disparities in health. We believe that the interplay of genetic
profiles into models of health and socioeconomic status are an important
area for future life course research.
By incorporating principles of the life course perspective and
ideas generated from the fundamental cause hypothesis, it seems more
likely that sociologists will be successful in better understanding how
social inequalities are associated with disparities in health. These
perspectives provide both a theoretical and methodological framework for
addressing this association in a more systematic manner than has been
the case to date.
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Jamie A. Seabrook, Departments of Paediatrics and Sociology, The
University of Western Ontario, Children's Health Research
Institute, 800 Commissioners Road East, London, Ontario N6A 5W9, Canada.