Cartographic image of Samogitia in the old maps of Lithuania, Poland and other neighboring countries (1231-1700).
Lukosevicius, Viktoras
UDK 528.9
Reference to this paper should be made as follows: Lukosevicius, V.
2014. Cartographic image of Samogitia in the old maps of Lithuania,
Poland and other neighboring countries (1231-1700), Geodesy and
Cartography 40(1): 27-50.
Samogitia (Zemaitija), western part of Lithuania bounded by the
Nevezis river in east, the Baltic Sea on the west, the Nemunas river on
the south, and the Latvian border on the north (Fig. 1). The major
portion of the region constitutes the Western Upland, but its name
refers to the lowlands stretching along both sides of the Nevezis, which
divides western and eastern Lithuania. The Samogitian Upland is one of
the insular accumulative uplands in East Baltic area, but the only found
in Lithuania (Fig. 2).
Historians claim that the Samogitians began from a Baltic tribe
that lived in the center of present day Samogitia from the 5th to the
8th centuries. When the Lithuanian state was created all Lithuanians
living to the west of the River Nevezis were called Samogitians. The
very term "Samogitians" (Zemaiciai in Lithuanian) is a
Latinized form of the ancient Lithuanian name for the region's
lowlanders, who dwelt in Central Lithuania's lowlands. The name of
Samogitia was mentioned in historical sources from the 13th century (the
Voluine Chronicle, the Ipatyev manuscript 1219). Lithuanian historian J.
Jurginis refer to previous years, 1113 (Jurginis, Luksaite 1981).
In the late 12th century and the 13th century the Samogitians
settled on the lands earlier inhabited by Kursiai (Kurshes), another
Baltic stribe (Fig. 3).
Before the emergence of the unified Lithuanian state, Samogitia was
ruled by regional princes. The Volynian Chronicle relates that two
Samogitian princes, Erdvilas and Vykintas, were among the twenty
signatories to a treaty with Volynia (1219).
For more than two hundred years, Samogitia played a central role in
Lithuania's wars against the crusading order of the Teutonic
Knights (Knights of the Cross and Knights of the Sword). Due to the
fact, that in 13-16th centuries the Teutonic order and the Livonian
order bordered Samogitia, it was always threatened by their expansionist
aims. Invasions started in Lithuania in 1229. Combined military forces
undertook numerous campaigns against Samogitians and Lithuanians. Saule
(1236), Skuodas (1239), Durbe (1260), Lievarde (1261) are just a few of
the battles that took place (Suziedielis 2006).
In 1260, July 13 the Samogitians won the victory against the German
order at the lake Durbe (Fig. 4). The victory is treated as one of the
most significant events in the history of Lithuania. By its significance
as well as volume it yields, if it is the case, only to the Tannenberg
(Grunwald) battle. In some aspects the victory is even more awesome
because the Samogitians managed to beat both united and more numerous
armies of Livonian and Prussian crusaders. The Samogitians received some
help during the battle only from the Curonians, who joined their side.
The Samogitians' courage and spirit served as an example for all
Baltic tribes: from Prussians to Sarema Estonians. The fact that
Curonian lands from Palanga to Rietavas and Skuodas belong today to
Lithuania is the direct outcome of the above mentioned battle. In
general, Durbe's battle can be treated as the event which in a
sense diverted the history of the Baltic lands (Baranauskiene 2010).
Samogitia from the 13th century was under the jurisdiction of the
Order. Since Samogitia was the last pagan region in Europe left to be
invaded and christened, Teutonic order set their sights on this last
mission. Between 1345 and 1382, the Knights of the Cross attacked from
Prussia some 70 times, while the Livonian Knights of the Sword made 30
military forays. The Lithuanians retaliated with 31 attacks of Prussia
and 11 on Livonia. Since the Germans viewed Samogitia and Lithuania as
serious obstacles to further expansion to the East (Drang nach Osten),
the bitter warfare held in the balance not only the future of Samogitia
but also that of the entire Lithuanian state.
Kestutis, the prince of Trakai who ruled Lithuania jointly with his
brother Algirdas, was particularly energetic in defending Samogitia.
During their rule no territory was lost to the Germans. But after the
death of Algirdas in 1377, and the murder of Kestutis in 1382, the
country's political situation afforded an opportunity for the Order
to gain Samogitia by means of negotiations with the new rulers of
Lithuania, the cousins Jogaila and Vytautas. As such, Samogitian
territory was offered to these Orders, or exchanged in peace treaties, a
number of times. Lithuania would regain Samogitia back again in
subsequent conflicts. Despite all their effort, Samogitians managed to
defend their lands until 1410 decisive Tannenberg (the Battle of
Zalgiris, the Battle of Grunwald), where united Polish-Lithuanian forces
defeated Teutonic order and ended their crusading era (Fig. 5).
The battle of Tannenberg was the culmination of the Great War
1409-1411. The war reason was Samogitia lands and after the War they
were passed on to Lithuania. In 1410, the forces of 10 000 of Samogitian
horsemen helped to win the Tannenberg battle. The battle finally stopped
Cross wars in Lithuania. In 1411, February 1, the Peace treaty of Torun
was signed by the warring parties. It said that Samogitian lands
belonged to Lithuania only until the death of Jogaila and Vytautas. Two
more wars with the Order were required for Samogitia forever to become a
part of Lithuania. The Pope's orders, which followed the events,
cancelled all the Order's privileges in Lithuania.
In the 1322 treaty between Lithuania and Livonian Order the region
is listed under the name Samaythen. Latin and German sources of the
13th-15th century refer to the area as Samaiten, Samaitae, Zamaytae,
Samogitia, Samattae, Samethia. They, together with other variants
Schmudien, Schamaiten (German) and Zmudz (Polish), are all derived from
the Lithuanian Zemaiciai and from the 16th c. onwards, as Samogitia. The
latter name has been retained to the present day in the English language
(Suziedielis 2006).
The Samogitian nobility was ethnically close to the Lithuanian, but
preserved some particularities and self-awareness. The Samogitian
nobility was ethnically close to the Lithuanian, but preserved some
peculiarities and self-awareness. Since the 13th century, Samogitia had
a distinctive autonomy in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. The autonomy was
expressed by statehood and ethnicity terms and concepts until 1926. One
of the important factors, impacting a certain Samogitian separation as
well as cultural development in the second half of the 13th c. till the
beginning of the 15th c. was their active fights with the Teutonic and
Livonian orders and also the attitude of the Lithuanian rulers towards
Samogitians during the fights: Mindaugas in 1253, Jogaila in 1382,
Vytautas in 1384, 1392, 1400, 1409 presented Samogitia to the Orders.
Since the second half of the 13th c. Samogitians retreated more and more
from Lithuanians because of the it lost this status once Lithuania was
annexed by the Russian Empire.
1. Samogitia in the maps of XV-XVI century
Early maps, as original historical sources, have often the same
value as any other documentary evidence and provide significant clues
about culture and history of a nation or country. The maps reveal a lot
of information about the geographical environment of one or another
territory which reflect some of the features of agricultural and
political life.
The first maps in which the territories of Samogitia is pictured
were created by antique geographers from the second part of 15th
century. During the 16th and 18th century cartographers from Western
Europe, Poland and Lithuania have created a large number of of compiled
maps, which were compiliant to the requirements of that time. Territory
of Samogitia was gradually shrinking. It was reflected in the maps.
The map of Andreas Walsperger (Fig. 6) is a Christian Mappa Mundi
typical of the medieval style of cartography. Samogitia on the world map
is marked Sama gota.
Andreas Walsperger (born ca. 1415 in Radkersburg; time of death
unknown) was a German cartographer of the 15th century. The son of a
carpenter, he became a Benedictine monk at St. Peter's in Salzburg
in 1434. He left the monastery in 1442. Little more is known about him
except that in 1448/9 he created his map in Konstanz.
In Fig. 7 Samogitia on the map of Central-Eastern Europe (Tabula
moderna Poloniae, Ungariae, Boemiae, Germaniae, Russiae, Lithuaniae)
appended to the 1507 edition of Ptolemys Geographia by Marcus
Beneventanus. Marcus Beneventanus (1465-1525) Italian monk, philosopher,
mathematician, astronomer and geographer. Copernicus and B. Wapowski
allegedly assisted the Italian cartographer in his work on the this
contemporary map. The map, an adaptation of the mid-15th c. work of
Nicolaus Cusanus might owe its accuracy in terms of the spelling of
Polish names and the placing of topographical detail on Polish lands to
Wapowski and Copernicus who might have proofread the map before its
publication. For the first time in Lithuania's name is mentioned in
the title of the map. Lithuania and Samogitia are separated. In
Lithuania mark Vilnius, Kaunas, Klaipeda, Trakai in Samogitia-Medininkai
In Fig. 8 we see Samogitia on the Central European map scale 1 3
750, 000 by Nicolaus Cusanus, was prepared by G. Ubelin and published in
the: "Atlas of Ptolemaeus AUCTUS Restituta, emaculatus cum tabula
veteribus ..." by J. Schott Strasbourg in 1520. This the first and
more detailed cartographical picture of Lithuania, since the times of
Ptolemy, appears in the second half of the 15th century, in the epoch of
the Renaissance and geographical discoveries. It was marked on the map
of a learned and widely travelled man Nicolaus Cusanus where, on the
basis of the antique geography, new physical--geographical and
social--economical objects are shown. Early Samogitia is shown on this
old map (cleary differentiated from Lithuania proper and testing on the
shores of Mare Sarmaticum the (Baltic Sea). On this map we can already
find the Firth of the Kursiai Marios, the Bartuva, Venta (POLLER FLV.),
Sventoji (HILLIGE FLV.), Nemunas (Niemo fl.), Neris rivers as well as
such settlements as Klaipeda, Varniai (Myednyky), Tytuvenai, Kaunas
(Kofno), Vilnius (Vilno), Grodno, Lyda and Kreve (Chomskis 1958).
The map of the Order marks Klaipeda's castle (Memele castrum),
Ragaine (Ragnet), Labguva (Labgau) and other places. The land between
Sventoji and Venta marked by N. Cusanus as Lithuania (LITHVANIA), below
the river Nemunas he marked the Grand Duchy of Lithuania (LITVANIA
MAGNUS DUCA TUS). The map was first time printed in 1491 in Eichstat
(Eichstatt) after the author's death. In the 16th century N.
Cusanus map versions were printed in different cartographical editions.
Nicolaus Cusanus (1401-1464), also referred to as Nicholas of Kues
and Nicholas of Cusa, was a German philosopher, theologian, jurist, and
astronomer. One of the first German proponents of Renaissance humanism,
he made spiritual and political contributions in European history. A
notable example of this is his mystical or spiritual writings on
'learned ignorance', as well as his participation in power
struggles between Rome and the German states of the Holy Roman Empire.
In the early twentieth century, he was hailed as the, first modern
thinker, and much debate since has questioned whether he should be seen
as essentially a medieval or Renaissance figure. Societies and centers
dedicated to Cusanus can be found in Argentina, Japan, Germany, Italy
and the United States.
In Fig. 9 Samogitia is presented on the map of Poland and Grand
Duchy of Lithuania (Mappa in qua illustrantur ditiones Regni Poloniae ac
Magni Ducatus Lithuaniae pars, 1526) by Bernard Wapowski.
Wapovski's maps present a more realistic view of the Nemunas
delta with its branches the Rusne and Gilija, if compared to the maps of
earlier authors. The maps also show the major rivers of Samogitia: the
Minija, the Jura, the Akmena, the Sventoji, the Varduva, and the Dubysa.
There are quite many settlements, such as Klaipeda, Vente, Taurage,
Telsiai, Sveksna, Vieksniai, Luoke, Alsedziai, Varniai, Kraziai,
Kaltinenai, Batakiai, Vidukle, Raseiniai, Lioliai, Rusne, Pajuris,
Plateliai. The castle stood still XV c. is marked in the middle of the
lake Plateliai.
It is likely that the motives, related with culture and education
also might have been an important factor when selecting and marking the
Samogitian settlements. The map shows 19 Samogitian settlements,
including nine, the marking of which on the map of 1526 is considered
act of their first naming as towns (Sirko 1999; Buceviciute 2007).
In the context of the history of Lithuanian and Polish cartography,
B. Wapowski's map of Poland of 1526 should be evaluated as one of
the most significant cartographical works, the quality and abundance of
data of which allowed for developing a quite comprehensive and integral
view of the territory of Lithuania and Poland in the 16th century. The
information, provided by B. Wapowski's works was referred to by
almost all the cartographers of the 16th century, who created maps,
covering the territories of Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. The
fragment of the map of Poland of 1526, covering almost the entire area
of historical Samogitia, can be viewed as a source for studies of the
network of Catholic churches and parishes of Samogitia of the beginning
of the 16th century. The emphasis of the fragment of the map under study
(image of the coat of arms of Samogitian bishop M. Radziwill) is
directly related with the content of the entire study. It should be
stated that the main principle for selection of most Samogitian
settlements, foreseen to be localized on the map was related with the
fact of founding of the earliest churches and parishes. It is likely
that the motives, related with culture and education also might have
been an important factor when selecting and marking the Samogitian
settlements. The map shows 19 Samogitian settlements, including nine,
the marking of which on the map of 1526 is considered the fact of their
first naming as towns.
This and other maps, authored by Bernhard Wapowski, were not
distributed in Europe on a mass scale, however they had significant,
though indirect influence on how the territory of Poland and Lithuania
were presented (Buceviciute 2007).
In synoptic and specialized historic analyses of cartography
science its Polish pioneer Bernard Wapowsky's cartographical
heritage takes a considerable place. This cartographer is considered to
be a predecessor of the second period of cartography development.
Unfortunately, only fragments of Wapowski's maps are known to have
survived. Seven Wapowski fragments are known from the reproductions:
three from the map of Sarmatia and four from a map of Poland. The
fragments are of different size and content, enabling only the partial
reconstruction of the original works (Buczek 1966).
In Fig. 10 Samogitia is shown in the map of Sarmatia by Johan
Honter. It was printed in 1530, 1542, and 1552. The map covers Central
Europe: in the eastern part Prussia and Poland, in the centre--Sarmatia
with Samogitia and Lithuania. Samogitia and Lithuania are not separated
by bordering lines.
The map is reserved in the National Library of Hungary.
Johan Honter is also known as Johames Honterus or Johann Hytner
(1498-1549) was famous for cultural and religious activities, is best
known due to his works in geography and cartograpgy as well as for
implementing the Lutheran reform in Transylvania. He is also called
Luther from Transylvania or the apostle from Transylvania.
In 1530 Johan Honter wrote his "Rudimenta Cosmographiae",
which was reprinted in 1542 under a new title "Rudimentoruni
Cosmographicorum". The book contains 13 maps, engraved by Honter
himself. The maps show all known parts of the world. The Rudimenta was
so successful that no less than 39 editions of it wereprinted. Of
particular importance for cartography is a revised edition of this work
of 1542 with very accurate maps. The book was last reprinted in 1602,
but sections of it have been included in other books up to 1692.
In Fig. 11 we presented map the Carta marina (Latin "map of
the sea") created by Olaus Magnus (1490-1557). Map is the earliest
map of the Nordic countries that gives details and placenames. Only two
earlier maps of Scandinavia are known, those of Jacob Ziegler and
Claudius Clavus. This unique concept of the Renaissance period map
Samogitia and Lithuania is shown in detail for the first time. Before
that, the edge map has been executed entirely by Claudius Ptolemy (IIc.)
and Abraham Cresques (1375). In "Carta Marina" a people
"Samogethia" is placed near "Litvanie Pars".
The notes on the map in Latin were translated by Olaus into Italian
and German. It is generally considered that the "A description of
the Northern peoples" (Historia de gentibus septentrionalibus,
Rome, 1555) is a much larger commentary on the map.
In Olaus Magnus map of the area of Samogitia only few rivers are
depicted: the littoral Sventoji, the Bartuva, the Nemunas and the
Sesupe. The lower reaches of the Nemunas as well as the Deimena branch
are depicted in a more original way. The experts tend to think that O.
Magnus, like B. Vapovski deliberalety highlighted this section of the
Nemunas because he wanted to emphasize its importance in transporting
produce and lumber from eastern parts of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania to
the west of Europe.
In Samogitia the author depicted only Varniai. On the Plateliai
Lake Island there is a castle (it was mentioned in written sources in
1529). Lake Plateliai is the deepest, largest and clearest lake in
Samogitia. There are 7 islands in the lake which are rich in legends old
cartographic materials, because some medieval maps (e.g. Carta Marina by
Olaf Magnus) have Lake Plateliai with the Castle Island and its castle
on them.
Accordingto the legend of Olaus Magnus's map the Samogitians
(samogeti) and Livonians (livoni) originated from the old Gothic tribes.
In Fig. 12 Samogitia on the very rare map of Russia engraved by Gastaldi
to illustrate the Venetian edition the book of Baron Sigismund von
Herbenstein Rerum Muscoviticarum Commentaries, published for the first
time in Vienna in 1549. Von Herbenstein was an Austrian diplomat native
of Slovenia and was twice ambassador in Moscow in 1517 and 1526. During
the period of his stay in Russia had way to gather enough information
geographical, historical and custom, which published in his book and in
the printed map of the region in 1546. The work very important because
it provides detailed information on the region, up then unknown or
poorly described. Giacomo Gastaldi map showing Samogitia as forested
land, exploitation of timber.
Unusual the fact that this map is carved wood rather than engraved
in copper in 1566 Ferrando Bertelli publishes a copper version, almost
In Fig. 13 we see fragment of the map prodused by Giacomo Gastaldi.
It is map of Poland and Eastern Europe (Il Desegno de Geographia Moderna
Del Regno di Polonia, e parte Del Ducado di Moscovia) originally
published in Venice in 1562. Giacomo Gastaldi rarely appreciated as
engraved two sheet map, showing the Baltic Sea and numerous northern
lakes in the upper section, and the lower section prominently featuring
Poland. The borders of Samogitia is not marked. In the area of Samogitia
noted Varniai (Varna), several other settlements and could be identified
rivers Nemunas and Minija (Mung f.). Geography of this map was largely
derived from Gerhard Mercator's 1554 map of Europe. Paolo Forlani
issued a subsequent edition in 1568. Giacomo Gastaldi and Paolo Forlani
work together in Verona. Their publications comprised well-nigh all
parts of the earth.
Gastaldi (Gastaldo, Castaldi), Giacomo (Jacopo): (1500-1566). Born
Villafranca, Piedmont, Italian astronomer, cartographer and engineer.
Gastaldi is considered the foremost Italian cartographer of the 16th
century along with Paolo Forlani. By the 1540's, as cosmographer to
the Republic of Venice, he had developed a distinctive style of copper
engraving that led to his maps being used as a source by many mapmakers,
including Camocio, Bertelli, Forlani, Ramusio, Cock, Luchini and
Ortelius. He engraved 60 copperplate maps for Pietro Andrea
Mattioli's Italian edition of Ptolemy's
"Geographica", entitled "La Geographica di Claudio
Ptolomeo Alessandrino..."
Among the most important of his maps, however, were of areas
outside Italy. Principal among these was his map of the World, published
in 1546, a four sheet map of the countries of south-eastern Europe,
published in 1559, and his series of three maps of the Middle East,
Southern Asia, and South-East Asia with the Far East, issued between
1559 and 1561.
The map from 1562, which based on the works of Bernard Wapowski
(1526), and its almost identical version from the atlas of Abraham
Ortelius (1570), were the most commonly used general 16th century maps
of Poland. They were also used by Gerard de Jode in his atlas of 1578.
This map in A. Ortelius atlas was printed in different languages 21
times until the year 1595. Despite some inaccuracy compared to the maps
by former authors, this one is of much better quality. The
cartographical picture of Lithuania is also better here.
In Fig. 14 we see Samogitia shown in the one of the earliest modern
maps of Poland and Lithuania "A depiction of Poland and
Lithuania" by Waciaw Grodecki, and corrected by Andreas Pograbius
of Pilsen. His 1557 map of Poland the only known example of which was
lost. It was re-published in Basle by Giovanni Oporini in 1562. A map is
known also from a sole remaining copy of the distripctive text published
as a brochure to accompany it.
The map separates the area of Samogitia from the rest of the Duchy
by using colorful background: Samogitia as well as the area of Livonia
are depicted in one color, the rest of the Duchy in a different color.
The color-based separation is enhanced by a broken line.
In the area of Samogitia we can find rivers Akmena, Dubysa,
Nemunas, Nevezis, Sesupe, Sventoji and settlements Betygala, Saukenai,
Varniai, Vilkija.
Grodecki Waciaw (1535-1591) Polish prist, cartographer, engraver.
Born in Silesia, the son of Matthias Grodziecki from Brody. In the years
1550-1555 he studied at the Academy of Cracow mathematics and
philosophy. In 1556, he went for further studies at the university in
Leipzig. Probably in 1558, he went to Rome. In 1561, he returned to the
Prague city. Here, in 1564, he graduated with a degree of Master of
Map with his index and an essay on the origin of the Slavs
Melanchthon Grodziecki dedicated to King Sigismund Augustus. In fact,
the map Grodziecki was reduced and changed little earlier large portion
maps Bernard Wapowski, printed in 1526 in Cracow Ungler printing (Fig.
9). Since almost the whole edition map Wapowski burned in the fire of
Cracow in 1528, the work Grodziecki was considered for a long time for
the best map of the Polish lands. Map with title "Poloniae
Finitimarumque locorum descriptio Auctore Wencelslao Godreccio" was
published in the atlas, 'Theatrum Orbis Terrarum" of Abraham
Ortelius in 1572 that included 53 maps on the separate sheets, regarded
as the first atlas in the modern sense of the word. G. Grodziecki were
also used by Gerard de Jode in his atlas of 1578.
There is an interesting map text for this map in Ortelius atlas
about Samogitia: "Samogitia (which means low lands in their
language) has no walled or established castles, for they live in huts.
The inhabitants are tall, which is hard to understand (as Sigismundus
Herberstein says) for the parents have very tall sons or very small
ones, but nothing in between. They are a poor people. Their huts are
made of wood and straw, and are bell-shaped, with a hole at the top
where the smoke escapes of the fire they make. Around this fire sit the
husband, wife, children, lads and maidens and also their cattle and all
their furniture is all around".
In the Fig. 15 Samogitia on the historical map of Livonian
Confederation, by a Flemish cartographer Johannes Portantius (also Jean
Portant) (?-1577) in 1573 and was first published in Abraham
Ortelius' atlas Theatrum orbis terrarum. This is the earliest
preserved map of Livonia. The map of was drawn by Johannes Portantius
and is believed to have been based on the lost maps of the region by
Marcus Ambrosius and Caspar Henneberger. The map depicts the borders of
old Livonia as they historically were, but indicates outdated source
data, considering the date of publication (its political division
reflects the situation before the Livonian War). Unlike the other maps
of that time, it outlines Estonian territory more or less correctly,
although the islands are unnaturally large. Compared with previously
published maps, it presents a larger number of place names
(approximately 50).
In Fig. 16 Samogitia is presented on the map of Prussia by Casparo
Henneberg von Erlichensi (Karte von Preufien a Gasparo Henneberg
Erlichensi). The original map has been drawn in 1576 in the Prussian
city of Elblaj (at that time Elbing). Other map versions were released
in 1584 and 1595. This map of Prussia, later the author called the Great
of Prussia map--the first large-scale map of the land Prussia. Listed
Prussian neighbors, including Samogitia, Suduva, Lithuania (Great
Lithuania). A special attention is drawn to hydrography, particularly to
the Nemunas delta. The author not only mentioned the main branches and
the catchment of the Nemunas, but also depicted their inter-positioning
in the area. Later it has been reprinted by other cartographer such as
Joan Bleau in his atlases.
Main followers of C. Henneberger mapping manners in 16 the century
was Gerard de Jode (map Fig. 19) and Gerard Mercator (map Fig. 20).
Casparo Hennenberger (1529-1600) was a German Lutheran pastor,
historian and cartographer. Hennenberger was where he worked as a
Lutheran Pastor for the next 29 years. With the patronage of Duke Albert
of Prussia, and support by Prussian mathematicians like Nicolaus
Neodomus, Hennenberger published the first detailed map of Prussia in
1576, the book "Kurze und wahrhaftige Beschreibung des Landes zu
Preussen" in 1584 and "Erklarung der preufiischen grofieren
Landtafeln oder Mappen" in 1594.
Compared with Casparo Hennenberger most 16th-17th century map
makers did not offer new insights, but intercept almost identical
methods design of the maps.
In Fig. 17 Samogitia in the map of Lithuania, Livonia and Moscovia
(Magni Dvcatvs Lithvaniae, Livoniae et Moscoviae Descriptio) by Maciej
Strubycz. He prepared his only surviving map, drawn c1581, published
1589 (by M. Kromer, in "Polonia sive in situ ..."). He drew up
several maps of the Eastern boarders of Lithuania and Poland, but exept
for this one, they have been destroyed. Gerardus Mercator engraved this
map. A later, improved, version was used by Mercator in 1595.
Maciej Strubycz map is a large format (40x32 cm) and large-scale
1:1170000 map, which shows in the area of ethnic Lithuanian much more
rivers and settlements than previous cartographers (N. Cusanus, B.
Wapowski, O. Magnus) works. The map shows the 18 rivers and 24
settlements. In the Samogitia region we can already find the the
Sventoji, Nemunas, Nevezis, Jura, Sesupe rivers as well as such
settlements as Varniai (Warna), Sventoji (Heligow), Seredzius (Srednik)
Virbalis (Wirfblowo).
Original of the map is in the Poland National Library Cartography
Maciej Strubycz (1520-1589) was a Silesian (Polish) cartographer
and Geographer to King Stefan Batory. He studied in the University of
Konigsberg and was later in the services of Albrecht, Duke of Prussia,
the Polish King Sigismund II August and Stefan Batory.
In 1583, Strubicz fails was ennobled in Warsaw when he was given
his own coat of arms, which was immortalized in a completely unfamiliar
copperplate just Tomasz Makowski. Arranged in the composition MSSSRM
initials can be solved as: Matthias Strobicz Secretarius Sacrae Regis
In Fig. 18 Samogitia in the map of Poland published in IV volume of
Munster's Cosmographia Universalis" Map is a new modification
of the map of J. Honter made based on the maps of Ptolemy and Wapowski.
Map published in reduced form by S. Henricpetri in 1592. Under the map
text: "Von der polnischen an Cronick werden: |gezeigt und ..."
["From the Polish to be Chronicle: |shown and ..."]. In the
area of Lithuania we see just records: Samogitia, Sarmatia, Littaw.
In Fig. 19 Samogitia is presented in the map of Scandinavia by
Gerard de Jode. The map is a work of art.
It is richly engraved by Joannes and Lucas van Deutecum, perhaps
the most famous of all Dutch engravers of the period. First published in
1578 and a second in expanded edition of the Jode's atlas
"SpeculumOrbis Terrarum" was issued in Speculum Orbis Terrae
Jode (Judaeis, Judaeus, Iuddeis), Gerard de: (1509-1591). Born
Nijmegan; active in Antwerp c1550. Engraver, printer, print seller,
publisher and cartographer, and father of Cornelius de Jode. Re-engraved
Giacomo Gastaldi's "Universalis exactissima atquae non recens
modo ..." in 1555. Publications include "Speculum Orbis
Terrarum", 1578, with several maps engraved by Johan and Lucas van
Doetichum, with some maps dating from 1569. His son Cornelis (1568-1600)
was an engraver, publisher and scholar of Antwerp. Following his death,
plates passed into the possession of Jan Baptist Vrients.
In Fig. 20 we see Samogitia in the map of Lithuania by Gerardus
Mercator. He has used the word 'atlas' as the definition for
the maps collection for the first time. We can say that although many
cartographers borrowed information from one another throughout history,
there were occasions when the maps where created simultaneously using
different sources.
G. Merkator's atlases are significant to Lithuanian
cartography due to the fact that since 1595 they included a special map,
dedicated to Lithuania--Litvania, designed circa 1570 and published 25
years later. It shows the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and bordering
countries. Separate cartographic depiction of the Grand Duchy of
Lithuania and a descriptive text allows getting a better impression
regarding the geographic investigation of Lithuanian lands, the
countryside changes and in a way specific farming characteristics. G.
Merkator had more space in the map which made it possible to include
significant objects: more settlements, more rivers and the great wood
arrays. He managed to depict the catchments of the Nemunas, the Dauguva
and the Dniepras in more detail. Samogitia alone includes 10 more rivers
and more or less 20 settlements.
Samogitia "is a land in the North,--wrote G. Mercator in
1595--rather wide, closest to Lithuania, with a vast number of forest
and rivers, about 50 miles in length. There are no towns no castles, the
nobility live in farmhouses, peasants--in shacks. People of this country
are tall, well-built, however savage and ignorant; they live in grinding
poverty; quench their thirst with water, only few of them drink ale or
mead. No gold, silver, copper, iron, vine they had known nor had until
our days... The folks are prone to sorcery and divination. The greatest
Samogitian deity--fire is considered holy and eternal; on the top of
high hill the holy fire is constantly kindled and attended by a pagan
Gerardus Mercator (1512-1594) was a cartographer, philosopher and
mathematician. He was educated in Hertogenbosch (Netherlands), receiving
training in Christian doctrine, dialectics, and Latin. In 1530 he
entered the Catholic University of Leuven (Louvain [Belgium]) to study
the humanities and philosophy and graduated with a master's degree
in 1532.
This Mercator's family are one of the most outstanding
families in the history of map-making. Gerard Mercator is best known for
his world map (1569), constructed on what is now known as
Mercator's projection.
While teaching cosmography, G. Mercator realized the need for a
modern collection of maps to supersede the Ptolemaic atlases. He set out
to publish a complete description of the Universe, both heaven and
earth. Only his "Chronology" and the "Ptolemaic
Geographica" were completed in Mercator's lifetime.
Gerardus Merkator more detailed biography has made by Mark
Monmonier (2004).
In Fig. 21 Samogitia is presented in the map of Prussia derived
from work Matthias Quada "Fasciculus geographicus complectens
praecipuarum Totius orbis regionum ..." The reduced version of the
first detailed map of Prussia Henrico Zellio first published in 1542.
His work, notable for the beauty was very popular and editions were
issued for many years.
The title of the map: "Prussiae Descriptio ante aliquot annos
ab Henrico Zellio edita, ab eoq[ue] D. Joanni Clur, Ciui. Gedanensi
dedit. Johann bussemecher excudit Coloniae". Henrico Zellio
dedicated map to Mr. Ioannes Clur, a citizen of Danzig.
Orientation of the map is East. Detailed map of the region centered
on the southern Baltic Coast, reaching inland to the Bug River. Includes
a detailed early coverage of the areas around Dantzig, Konnigsberg and
the Lithuanian coastline. Special attention is given to the Nemunas
River delta. In the area of Samogitia is marked Ragaine (Raganet olim
Landskat) and Tilze (Thus). Map gives nice dark impression.
Heinrico Zellio (also Zeel, Czeel, Zeelius, Zellius) was a German
printer and cartographer. Abaut the time of his birth nothing is known
(died 1560). He was a student of Sebastian Munster. Accompanying
Rheticus to Prussia, Heinrich Zell in collaboration with Nicolaus
Copernicus, produced the first geostatic map of the Prussian coastline
and had the first printed map of Prussia with hundreds of towns printed
at Nuremberg in 1542. Zell incorporated Ermland (Warmia) records of
Prussian towns in this detailed and until then unaccomplished task.
Matthias Quad (1557-1613) was a Dutch-German geographer,
cartographer and engraver. Quad at first learned at the goldsmith
Hendrik Frisians. After that he was apprentice at the engravers Van
Doetechem and Hendrik Goltzius. In 1587 Quad settled in Cologne where he
worked as author and cartographer. In 1592 Quad published with
Bussemacher Europae totius orbis terrarum, an atlas of Europe which he
extended to a world atlas within the following years. This atlas with
maps of the whole world was published with Bussemacher in 1600, titled
Geographisch Handtbuch.
2. Prince Nicholas Christopher Radziwill and 400 year anniversary
for his map of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania
We are pleased to remind that the 2013 is a jubilee year for the
first original map of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania under the title
EXACTA DESCRIPTIO" published under the patronage of the Grand
Marshall of Lithuania, Governor of Trakai and Vilnius, Mikolaj Krzysztof
Radziwill. Map became 400 years old but still surprises cartography
experts with oustanding graphic rendering and the amount of geographic
and historical data included.
Nicholas Christopher Radziwill, Sierotka (the Orphan) (1549-1616)
(engraving portrait Fig. 22) was one of the more significant sponsors of
culture on the Grand Duchy of Lithuania on the break of the XVIIth
century. He also oversaw the work of field cartography and had been
involved in making Strubicz's 1579 map.
The Radziwill map is one of the most important works of European
cartography from the end of the 16th and the beginning of the 17th
century and is an important contribution to the progress in the mapping
of the whole Continent (fragment in Fig. 23 reprisents region of
The map had its beginning in 1585 when Prince Nicholas Radziwill
initiated this ambitious project and commissioned M. Strubicz to survey
the entire Lithuanian state which then included Poland. Around 1586,
Nicholas Radziwill began co-ordination of the work on a Grand Map of the
Duchy of Lithuania. Among others, he hired the King Stefan Batory's
cartographer Maciej Strubicz. Earlier, Strubicz began work on editing
and re-working maps of the territories subject to the King of Poland,
particularly the map of Lithuania (Fig. 19). A Mercator map, the best
available presentation of Lithuania and Livonia at that time, did not
meet Strubicz's expectations. Strubicz's own descriptions of
Lithuania did not meet his requirements as materials for the new map.
Therefore, the cartographer finally decided to work in co-operation with
Nicholas Christopher Radziwill, hoping to creat a highly accurate map of
the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, as planned. As the starting point for
research, Strubicz began collecting his own earlier works which he has
been drawing since his appointment to the Royal Chancellery in 1559.
Stanislaw Aleleksandrowicz's research shows that the first map
was published in the years 1599-1604. The measurements for the map were
taken mostly by the Jesuits, whose patron was the prince. Radziwill
maintained close relations with the Society of Jesus, and even built a
college for Jesuits in his hometown Nies'wiez. It was thanks to
these Jesuit monks, and their astrological measurements, that the
geographic coordinates of the most important locations in the country
were established. Many measurements were made with state-of-the-art
instruments and based on mathematical and astronomical calculations. It
is known that the outstanding Jesuit mathematician, Englishman Jacob
Bosgrave, was visiting Lithuania at the time when the map was created;
some sources say that he was the founder of the mathematical department
of Vilnius Academy. It seems therefore probable that Bosgrave
contributed to the work of the editorial team, which was perhaps headed
by the Prince himself.
Tomasz Makowski (1575-1630) is often credited as a geographer
involved in the creation of the map but in fact was the original
engraver, book illustrator and printer, resident at the Radziwill court
in Nieswiez. The problem of finding a printer for the map of Lithuania
was a serious obstacle. Despite the involvement of both Strubicz and
Makowski, the map had to be printed abroad. A letter from Prince
Radziwill, dated 1597, demonstrates that he thought of having the map
printed at an intermediate stage of the work. From the same letter we
learn that the prince directed the work and was an active collaborator
(Buczek 1966).
Although Strubicz contributed to the work, in that he had traveled
in 1599 with Prince Radziwill's son to search for an engraver and
printer for the large map, Strubicz's name is not mentioned on the
map itself, whereas that of Thomas Makowski appears twice.
Although the question of the map's authorship has not been
answered, it is apparent that the map was a collaborative work.
The map first saw wide distribution in a large format multi-sheet
version originally published by Hessel Gerritsz and Willem Blaeu in 1613
under the title Magna Ducatus Lithuaniae.
The map covers the area of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in its 1569
borders, but also includes some neighboring areas. The map is rich in
geographical and historical data, most significant of which is the
hydrographic network and the settlement system with 1020 communities.
Borders, especially in disputed areas are also characteristic. The map
was drawn in trapeze projection at the scale of approximately 1:1 300
The map represents a large region extending beyond the 1569
boundaries of the territory of Lithuania. The depiction of central and
western Lithuania was detailed. The map includes the Lithuanian coat of
arms, title cartouche, sailing ship and vignettes within the image.
Buczek remarks that "the map ... occupies a very prominent position
among ... European cartography ... and ... was also a great step
Lithuania alone there are 511 towns, 31 villages, and 1 monastery are
within the duchy" (Buczek 1966).
Duchy of Samogitia as the self--dependent territorial
--administrative unit was first mapped Radziwill's map. South West
Samogitia ward boundaries were marked on the basis of the Prussian state
of mapping data, and they, as well as the northern border was marked
accurately they capture highlighting the localization of the border
settlements. Eastern boundary mapping is characterized by a slight
deformation uncertainties related with cross-border settlements located
localization errors.
That map marked the progress tendencies of the cartographical
sciences. It was fixed about 70 settlements of Samogitia; approximately
25 was fixed for the first time. The geographical space of the Duchy of
Samogitia wasn't perceived like the natural landscape, it was
underlined only the hydrographical network or Samogitia. In that map the
Duchy of Samogitia was fixed as the self--dependent territorial
--administrative unit of the commonwealth (Buceviciute 2006).
The Radziwill's map included 1800 rivers. In the present land
of Samogitia very clearly marked the Nemunas catchment area together
with the Nevezis, Neris, Jura, Dubysa Rivers and its secondary and
terciary tributaries. Especially emphasized are the Venta, Dubysa,
Sventoji and Nevezis together with their catchments. Howerver, Nicholas
Radziwill paid very little attention to the lakes. In Samogitia area the
author only approximately marked Plateliai and Lukstas lakes.
The map consists of numerous textual explanations. The one under
the headline, vaguely describes the map designing circumstances. As many
as 26 places on the map include interesting, as well as historically
valuable explanations, like the weather conditions of certain areas,
most significant farming characteristics and historic events. Being the
first Lithuanian cartographical creation it does not yied to any other
maps of Europe either by its precision or esthetics, in some places it
even surpasses them. This map is a real manifestation of the
civilization progress of the first half of the 17th c. and can be
scientifically and artistically treated as the most prominent creation
of the epoch.
The 1613 Nicholas Radziwill map was described and mathematically
analyzed by Henryk Merczyng (1913) and Jan Jakubowski (1918, 1928). Late
map was analyzed by A. Gliozaitis (2007).
Lithuania Bank stroke a square 100 Litas coin to celebrate the
400-year anniversary of the first map of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.
In the silver coin, its authors Rolandas Rimkunas and Egle Rimkuniene
artistically depicted both a few map fragments and its iniciator
Nicholas Radzwill's portrait (Fig. 24).
On the basis of the Nicholas Radzwill's map of Grand Duchy of
Lithuania, dating 1613, later the following maps were designed: J.
Blaeu, F. De Witto, P. Mortier, V. Coronelli, D. R. de Vaugondy, and B.
Borghi's. In most of them differences are insignificant or hardly
noticeble at first glance.
3. Samogitia on the maps published in 1614-1700
Fig. 25 shows Samogitia in the administrative map of the Grand
Duchy of Lithuania, dating the middle of the 17th century.
The development of cartography in the 17th first half of 18th c.
was prevented by political events. In 1601-1609 the army of GDL was
fighting against Sweden for the lands of Livonia. The crushing victory
was achieved in Kirchholm (Salaspilis) battle against the Swedish King
Carl's IX army. The GDL army was commanded by a famous
Lithuanian--Polish chieftain (since 1599 to 1616 the elder of
Samogitia), Jonas Karolis Chodkevicius. In 1655 Sweden revenged for this
loss and took over Samogitia, Upyte, and parts of Kaunas and Breslau
areas. Swedish garrisons were in Kretinga, Palanga, Vainutas, Plunge,
Taurage, etc. The wars against Swedes (1655-1661) as well as plague
during them considerably emaciated Samogitia. By 1680 Samogitia had lost
almost two thirds of its population.
For a century and a half Radziwill's map remained the source
map of Lithuania. The maps published in Western Europe in the 17th
century and the first half of the 18th century are products of remake of
the map of Lithuania of 1613. It were issued by K. Allardas, F. de
Wittas, J. Dankertsas, J. ir R. Ottensai, M. Seutteris, T. K. Lotteris
and others. Indeed, Jan Nieprzecki's map, based on the Radziwill
map, was published for the first time in 1749 and for the last time in
Fig. 26. Samogitia Nicholas Radziwill map, excluding the Dnieper
cartographical view and T. Makovski text, was printed first time in W.
Blaeu atlas "Appendix Theatri A. Ortelii et Atlantis G. Mercatoris
..." in the second publication in 1631.
In Fig. 27 Samogitia on the map of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.
This example of the map was published by Johannes Jansson (1588-1664),
also known as Janssonius), the chief competitor of the Blaeu family
during the golden age of Dutch map-making. Jansson married the daughter
of the great engraver and cartographer Jodocus Hondius in 1612 and
published his maps independently, but he joined the Hondius firm in 1630
and began contributing maps to their popular Mercator/Hondius atlas,
eventually taking over the firm after the death of his brother-in-law
Henricus Hondius in 1638 who originally published several editions of
the map printed from this plate under his name. A brilliant cartographic
reduction of the Radziwill-Makowski map and one of the classic maps from
the golden age of Dutch cartography.
In Fig. 28 nice example of Hondius's map of Lithuania at its
grandest scale, based upon Blaeu's four sheet map. Highly detailed
territory of Samogitia. A scare and highly sought after map. A nice
example, with good margins and French text on the verso. Sailing ship,
cartouche and coat of arms.
As died in 1638 famous Danish cartographer Willem Janszoon Blaeu
most of his maps are actually published by his oldest son Ioannes Blaeu.
He intending to apply Duke N. K. Radziwill's map dated 1613 format
for atlases redesigned it in a smaller format (44x52 cm) in
approximately 1648, its scale 1:200000 excluding the Dnieper lowlands
scheme (Fig. 28). To look it more original, it is not North-oriented but
West. The map cartouche reads: "The precise picture of the GD of
Lithuania and neighboring areas, published thanks to N. K. Radziwill
efforts, work, funding and care: in addition: in its new present form,
printed by J. Blaeu". Map colouring in attractive strong original
colours and to look more original is oriented to the west.
In Fig. 29 Samogitia in the map of Poland developed by N. Sanson
d'Abbeville on the basis of the maps: Mercator Polish, Lithuanian
Makowski, Prussia and Polish Hennenbergera Beauplan. It was repeatedly
reproduced and processed by many famous cartographers and publishers
until the mid-eighteenth century.
In Fig. 30 is presented southeren Samogitia in the oldest and
sufficiently detailed map of Uznemune (Uznemune-Lithuanian part of the
left bank of the river Nemunas). Map was created by Georg von Schwenglen
in 1656.
Georg von Schwengeln (1590-1664) was a citizen of the city of Riga
in Livonia cartographer, Major-General of the Kingdom of Sweden.
Fig. 31 Samogitia in the map of of Curland, Livonia and Samogitia
by Nicolas Sanson d'Abbeville, 1650 (La Curlande Duche et Semigalle
autrefois de la Livonie. La Samogitie Duche et Lituanie/par le Sanson
d'Abbeville. Map title emphasizes that the Samogitia belonged to
Lithuania and its an administrative territorial unit, and the Curland is
in Livonia.
The map shows south-eastern Samogitia border running from the
border with Prussia (south from Virbalis), reaching by a curving line
the Nemunas (close to Zapiskis). Further the border runs along the
Nemunas as far as its confluence with the Neris, then along the Neris up
to its turn east, just before Jonava and then in north-east direction
until the border with Semigalle, more to the east from Panemunis (that
is more to east from Rokiskis and Obeliai). It is worth mentioning that
in the south-east Samogitia border with Prussia coincided with the
Sirvinta River almost up to its confluence with the Nemunas, more to the
north the border is marked as if with the Nemunas in its lower reaches
shown "Schlavonia" (maybe the so-called Skalvija). In fact,
after the Meln Peace Treaty the Baltic coastline including the Nemunas
influx and Klaipeda belonged to the Teutonic Order. Samogitia in this
map is divided into three parts: north-western, central and eastern,
none of them is named (Jankauskas 2013). Map shows historical borders of
Samogitia, 1659 and is marked for the place of battles with the
One of the most important figures in French cartography, Nicolas
Sanson d'Abbeville (1600-1667) initiated the great school of French
geographers. He was also tutor to Louis XIII. Born in Abbeville, was
educated by the Jesuits at Amiens.
Sanson established his first printing house in Paris in 1638. He
soon became geographer to the king, establishing himself as one of the
most influential cartographers on the Continent. Sanson's work,
acclaimed for its geographical accuracy and high standard of engraving,
was copied by Dutch, German, and English cartographers until well into
the eighteenth century.
First atlas which included 100 maps was published in 1654; the
second one, "Cartes Generales de Toutes les Parties du Monde",
appeared in 1658. The business was expanded with the arrival of his
three sons, Nicolas (1626-1648), Adrian, and Guillaume as well as a
nephew, Gilles Robert de Vaugondy and grandson Pierre Moulard-Sanson. Of
course the collaboration his son-in-law, cartographer Pierre du Val, was
of great importance too. All came into the family business and the firm
flourished for almost a hundred years.
In 1692 Hubert Jaillot collected Sanson's maps in an Atlas
nouveau. In keeping with all of Sanson's and Jaillot's superb
maps, forests, rivers, and towns are meticulously identified and named.
In Fig. 32 on the map of the Grand Duchy Lithuania we can see
administrative boundaries of Samogitia, its administrative, geographical
centers. Also we can find centers of Roman Catholic, Protestants and
Jewish religious divisions (1654-1667). Varniai named as Catholic
spiritual and cultural center. In the 16th c. Varniai became one of the
most important centres of Catholisizm and Lithuanian culture not only in
Samogitia, but in the whole Grand Duchy. The bishop of Samogitia
Merkelis Giedraitis (1576-1609) was trying to complete the final
christening of all the casts of the state. In 1416 after the order of
Vytautas the Great the first church was built, in 1417 the diocese was
founded and in 1417-1864 it was the centre of Samogitia Diocese, in
1623-1628 the theological seminary was functioning here. In 1635 Varniai
was awarded the right of Madgerburg.
In Fig. 33 Samogitia in the map of Livonia (Carte de la Livonie ou
Lifland). The map originates from a travel book, Relation du voyage
d'Adam Olearius en Moscovie, Tartarie et Perse, by a German
mathematician Adam Olearius. Olearius drew the maps, published in his
travel books, on the basis of schemes he had drawn during his trip to
Adam Olearius (1599-1671) German mathematician, cartographer, and
traveler. As cartographer Olearius was without a doubt an innovator. By
relying on his own observations, incorporating local knowledge as well
as Persian and Arabic sources during his journeys, he is the first
European cartographer to display the proportions of the Caspian Sea
correctly, breaking with a tradition of incorrect depictions that harked
back to Ptolemy's Geographia. Brancaforte makes out the
cartographer Olearius to be an intellectual hybrid: on the one hand,
still beholden to the intellectual traditions of early modern
scholarship, which legitimized itself by citing classical and biblical
sources; on the other hand, venturing into empiricism and inductive
reasoning, which become guideposts of scholarship with the Enlightenment
(Brancaforte 2003).
In Fig. 34 Samogitia is presented in the map of Livonia vulgo
Lyefland (Livonia commonly known as Livland (Latvia and Estonia) by
Johannes Blaeu has been reproduced from Atlas Maior Sive Cosmographia
Blaeuiana, 1662. The Blaeus is the most eminent Dutch family of
cartographers who produced maps almost throughout the 17th century.
First time map Livonia vulgo Lyefland was published in 1638 or
later. Here presented map of Livonia based on the work of Anders Bure
(founder and developer Swedish land surveying and cartography).
was completed in 1642. It was later used by Matthew Merian, Frederik de
Wit, Jan Jansson and others.
The map shows very clearly boundaries of Samogitia, a large number
(more than 50) of settlements and the main rivers.
Johannes (Joan) Blaeu (1596-1693), a Dutchman believed tobe born in
Alkmaar, was the eldest son of Willem Janzoon Blaeu. Willem had
originally founded a business in Amsterdam in 1599 making globes,
scientific instruments and printing. In 1620 Johannes, although becoming
a Doctor of Law, elected to go into partnership with his father. The
Blaeus published their atlas, Theatrum Orbis Terrarum, Sive Atlas Novus
(shortly called Atlas Maior), for the first time in 1635 in two volumes.
In 1646-1655 it was published in six volumes and in 1664-1665 in twelve
volumes under the title Geographia Blaviana.
In Fig. 35 Samogitia in the colored copperplate print, detailed map
of Lithuania (Partie de Lithuanie ou sont les palatinats de Wilna et
Troki, subdivises en leurs chastellenies. Et partie du palatinat de
Minsk. Par Sanson d'Abbeville Nicolas) by N. Sanson
Map of Lithuania with palatinates Vilnius and Trakai, and parts of
Russia, Latvia and Belarus. Engraved by Peyrounin and adorned with a
title cartouche decorated with characters and military attributes.
Recognized as the founder of the French cartography, Nicolas Sanson left
his hometown of Abbeville to Paris, where he met Richelieu in 1627.
In Fig. 36 we see Samogitia in the map of Poland by Pierre Du Val.
He was the nephew and pupil of Nicolas Sanson. He published a wide range
of atlases and individual maps including a fine miniature world
geography with many of the maps based on Sanson. Nevertheless Smogitia
and others terittories in this map shows the much more modest than in
the works of his uncle (align Figs 31-35).
Pierre Du Val (1619-1683) was one of the most influential and
prolific mapmakers and publishers working in Paris in the third quarter
of the seventeenth century. He was the nephew of Nicolas Sanson, the
leading French mapmaker of the period, and Geographer to the King of
France from 1650. He was also responsible for providing maps for other
Parisian editors of the period; Jollain, de Fer and Berey amongst
His first atlas was the Cartes Geographiques Methodiquement
Divisees published in 1654. This contained only a few of Du Val's
own maps with the others comprising those of Sanson, Briet, Boisseau and
even those of the earlier Dutch mapmakers, Mercator, Blaeu, Hondius and
Jansson. The atlas was re-issued in 1655 and 1667, and the title was
altered to Cartes De Geographie Les Plus Nouvelles Et Les Plus Fideles.
These later issues contained more of Du Val's own maps but were
still very much supplemented by the maps of other makers.
In Fig. 37 Samogitia in finely colored map of Grand Duchy Lithuania
CASTELLANIAS|Authore per I. Danckert |Amst: cum Privilegio.) first
published around 1680 by the Amsterdam publishing firm of Justus
Danckerts. The map shows how randomly divided the region was in the
seventeenth and eighteenth century. The map marked the Duchy of
Samogitia, which the westen margin comes to the Baltic Sea. Map has
color wash delineating the regions and the cities are highlighted in
red. Published Danckert de Rij.
Danckert (Dankerss, Danquerts) Justinus (16351701). The Danckerts
family were prominent print and map sellers active in Amsterdam for
nearly a century. Between the years 1680 and 1700 a number of atlases
were produced with maps bearing the names Justus or Theodorus Danckerts.
In Fig. 38 Samogitia on the map of Grand Duchy of Lithuania by
Merian Matthaeus, 1672.
Merian Matthaeus (1593-1650) was a draftsman, engraver and
publisher active, in Basle, Zurich, Strasbourg and Frankfurt, renowned
for his town views and plans. Merian learned the art of copperplate
engraving in Zurich. He produced a series of topographia in a 21-volume
set collectively known as the "Topographia Germaniae". It
includes numerous town plans and views, as well as maps of most
countries and a World Map. He also took over and completed the later
parts and editions of the "Grand Voyages and Petits Voyages",
originally started by de Bry in 1590.
In Fig. 39 we see Smogitia in the "Regni Poloniae et Ducatus
Lithuaniae Voliniae, Podoliae Ucraniae Prussiae, Livoniae, et
Curlandiae" map, published for the first time in 1675 by Frederick
De Witt--a doubtless master of his time.
This map is an outstanding example of the top-level engraving. We
can easily trace the cartographer's attitude towards Samogitia role
among other countries. In de Witt's perception, Samogitia has
obviously not been the last. Map was published in, "Atlas Minor
Frederick de Wit. Amstelodami 1662-1688 apud Fredericum de Wit".
In Fig. 40 Samogitia in the copper engraving, hand colored in
outline when published map by Nicolaus Visscher around 1679/80.
Visscher's map of the kingdom of Poland is based on the map of the
kingdom of Poland after the French cartographer Nicolaus Sanson de
Abbeville published in 1655, with some an additional data from
Radziwill's Lithuania map, Beauplan's maps and some other
sourses. Nicolaus Visscher's map still reflects very accurate the
political borders of Nicolaus Sanson 1655 map of the kingdom of Poland.
The shown engraved borders, place names, river names, etc. are pretty
much the same. Title of the map: "Tabula nova totius Regni Poloniae
in quo suut Ducatus et Provinciae Prussia, Cujavia, Mazovia, Russia
Nigra, &c. Ducatus Lithuania, Ukrania, &c. in qua Volhynia, et
Podolia. cum suis Palatinatibus ac Confinijs. Authore N. Sansonio
Abbevillensi Geographus Regis Galliae Amstelodami apud Nicolaum
The Visscher family was the dominant force in map-making at the
height of the Golden Age of Dutch cartography. They were known
throughout Europe for their advanced geographic knowledge and for the
artistic ornamentation of their works. They were one of the leading
publishers in Amsterdam for nearly a century.
Founded by C. J. Visscher (1587-1652), the business was continued
by his son N. Visscher (16181679), cartographer and publisher of
Amsterdam and grandson Nicolas Visscher the Younger (1649-1702). Both of
them issued a considerable number of atlases. Nicholas Visscher died in
1702, leaving the firm to his wife, Elizabeth, who continued the family
business until 1726. She issued an Atlas Minor, Atlas Major and 'De
Stoel des oorlogs'. In 1717 most of the plates passed into the
hands of Petrus Schenk the Younger, who continued to re-issue them for
many decades.
In Fig. 41 Samogitia in the of Coronelli's scarce and very
attractive detailed map of Lithuania (Lituania Dedicata
All'Illustrissimo Signore Gio: Pietro Cavalli Segretario della
Serenissima Republica di Ventia ...). The map covers Lithuania and parts
of Poland and the Baltic and includes numerous coats of arms in the body
of the map. The map appeared in some copies of Coronelli's Isolare
The remarkable Vincenzo Coronelli (16501718), encyclopaedist,
geographer, inventor and Doctor of Theology, was citizen of the Republic
of Venice. He was also one of the most prominent mapmakers and
publishers in Europe. In his home city Venice he founded the very first
geographical society, the Accademia Cosmografica degli Argonauti. He
also held the position of Cosmographer of the Republic of Venice.
In his lifetime he compiled and engraved over 500 maps including a
large 2-volume work, the Atlante Veneto, somewhat reminiscent of Robert
Dudley's Dell' Arcano del Mare; he is equally well known for
his construction of very large terrestrial and celestial globes even
finer than those of Blaeu, including one, 15 feet in diameter, made for
Louis XIV of France. Later six volumes of the Biblioteca Universale
Sacro-Profana were published by Coronelli.
In Fig. 42 scarce original engraved map of Poland, Lithuania and
much of Latvia by Alexis Jaillot published in Amsterdam about 1692 by
Pierre Mortier. Full title of the map: Estats de Pologne subdivises
suivant lestendue des Palatinats par Le Sr. Sanson, G. du R. Presente a
Monseigneur Le Dauphin par son tres-humble, tres Obeissant, et tres
sidele serviteur Hubert Jaillot.
In Fig. 43 Samogitia in large scale map of Poland and Lithuania
"Estates de Pologne Subdivisses suinant l'Estendue des
Palatinats" by Alexis Jaillot. Rivers, lakes, forest, mountains and
major cities and towns are depicted. A decorative title cartouche is at
the top left corner. Very brilliant original coloring. The map is
detailed and shows all of the principal settlements. It bears a very
attractive decorative title cartouche and inset scale of distance. The
outline hand colouring is original. The map is very presentable and
attractive. It was printed in Amsterdam by Pierre Mortier.
Alexis Hubert Jaillot (1632-1712) was one of the most important
French cartographers of the 17th century. He worked in Paris in
partnership with one of the sons of Nicholas San ut re-engraving and
republishing many of the Sanson's maps. Within a few years, Jaillot
became the successor to Nicolas Sanson, the greatest French mapmaker of
the seventeenth century. In 1669, A. Jaillot undertook the re-engraving,
enlarging and re-publishing of the Sanson maps in sheet form and in
atlases, sparing no effort to fill the gap in the map trade left by the
destruction of Blaeu's printing establishment in Amsterdam in
1672-one of the most productive cartographic establishment in the
Netherlands. His Atlas Nouveau (1674) had a great reputation at the
time, arriving to be considered like the best one of the world after the
fire that destroyed the publishing house of the Blaeu family in
Amsterdam. His publishing house was continued by his son and grandson
until their plates were acquired by Philippe Buache in 1781.
In Fig. 44 Samogitia on the map of Poland and Lithuania:
"Royaume de Pologne Comprenant les Etats e Polo gnes et de
Lithuanie, Divisez en Provinces; et Subdivisez en Palatinats, Selon les
Memoires de Starovolfe, de Hartknoch, et de plusiers Autres first
published by Jean Baptiste Nolin in Paris durin the period his
collaboration with Coronelli, although not specifically mentioning
Coronelli by name. The map was apparently published in 1697. The map was
based upon the work several early authors, including Christoph Hartknoch
and Szymon Starowolsky.
Nolin Jean Baptiste (1657-1708) set up the family publishing
business in Paris where he engraved and sold a wide variety of maps, on
some of which he wrongfully used the titles 'Engraver to the
King' and 'Geographer to the Duke of Orleans'. On a
complaint by Guillaume Delisle he was accused and convicted of
plagiarism but his business continued to flourish. Willem Janszoon Blaeu
(Blauw, Blaeuw; 1571-1638) was a pupil of a famous Danish astronomer,
Tycho Brache (1546-1601). The Blaeus is the most eminent Dutch family of
cartographers who produced maps almost throughout the 17 th century. His
initial works were published under the name Guilielmus Janssonius
(Willem Janszoon). In 1619 he added Blaeu to his name in order to avoid
associating himself with another cartographer, Jan Janssoniga, and his
following works were published under the name of Willem Jansz. Blaeu.
The Blaeus published their atlas, Theatrum Orbis Terrarum, Sive Atlas
Novus (shortly called Atlas Maior), for the first time in 1635 in two
volumes. In 1646-1655 it was published in six volumes and in 1664-1665
in twelve volumes under the title Geographia Blaviana. As Willem Blaeu
died in 1638 most of his maps are actually published by his son Joannes.
Many of his maps were based on the work of Vincenzo Coronelli, the
Italian cartographer and of another French geographer, Sieur de Tillemon
(Nicholas de Tralage). His most notable work was the publication in 1696
of a World Map on one sheet based on J. D. Cassini's 24-ft
planisphere housed in the Paris Observatory.
In Fig. 45 Samogitia ond the map of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania
("Magni Ducatus Lithuaniae Caetrarumq Regionum illi Adiacentium
exacta decrip ...) by Johannes Jansson. Highly detailed the territory of
Samogitia.Nice example of the rare Valk & Schenk edition of this
important map of Lithuania at its grandest scale based upon Hessel
Gerritsz's four sheet map of the same title. Hessel Gerritsz
prepared his original map from manuscript drafts prepared under the
instructions of Prince Nicolas Christophe Radziwill. His four sheet map
was first issued in 1613 by Willem Blaeu, under Blaeu's original
imprint Guilhelmus Janssonis. This is one of the earliest maps published
by Blaeu, who did not incorporate this map into an atlas until
approximately 1630. Following Blaeu's original 4-sheet version of
the Gerritsz map, Blaeu and Jansson issued single sheet versions, the
latter of which was re-issued by Valk & Schenk at the end of the
17th Century. The Valk & Schenk editon is the rarest on the market.
In Fig. 46 Samogitia in the map of Poland by Nicholas De Fer, 1700.
The map shows a highlighted borderSamogitia. In the area of Samogitia
map depicts towns of various sizes, rivers and forests. Panevezys
(Ponnieviess) and Birzai (Birze) assigned to Samogitia.
Nicholas De Fer (1646-1720) took over the business of his father
Antoine. De Fer, a French cartographer, geographer, engraver and
publisher, produced over 600 sheet maps, wall maps. His maps were prized
for their decorative qualities rather than the accuracy of their
geography. He was appointed to be a Geographer to the King. Among his
works are also several atlases. Some atlases are France Triomphante in
1693, Forces de L'Europe in 1696, Atlas Curieuk in 1705 and Atlas
Cultural identity of Samogitians had a great impact on the
development of the nation of Lithuania. An encouraging factor to prepare
this publication was the respect towards the history of Samogitia and
its cultural heritage, bearing a special historical value. This article
is devoted to the two events significant for the history of the whole
Europe: a 400 year anniversary of old Mikolaj Krzysztof Radziwill map
and the baptizm of Samogitia baptizm 600 years ago.
The researchers of old cartoraphy in many foreign countries stick
to the belief that the history of their countries can hardly be viewed
without the assessment of the information found in the old maps. This
very true attitude can be fully applied in history of Samogitia; its
place in history of Lithuania has been subject to widely differing
interpretations. So far historians and linguists of Lithuania have been
approaching Samogitia from different aspects. There will never be the
same attitude but the research of old maps opens additional and valuable
sources of information, helping depolarize divergent views and opposing
assessment. The maps and their analysis can give more light on the
historical development of Samogitia regional community, determine the
historical-geographical spatial awareness of this region, and describe
the subsequence of historical destiny of Samogitia and its addition to
Lithuanian nation.
Old maps, picturing Samogitia or parts of it, with an exception of
very few (Buceviciute 2006), have not been thoroughly assessed and
studied yet. The history of Lithuania will never be complete without
thorough assessment of information found in old maps.
Information on the history of Samogitia provided in this article is
not new for the scientific community and we won't in any way
pretend to be experts on this. We are willing to show that old maps can
help revise and complete the historical image of Samogitia. They were
universal, reflected both the natural and social phenomena and the
evolution of patterns. Some of them included various historical comments
in written form.
The maps thoroughly, vividly and informatively express the very
essence of the fixed phenomenon or event which no other written document
can do. One of the aims of the article is to encourage to more widely
use maps as historical documents and to compare them with written
information; which allows to assess an event or a historical period more
clearly. The presented maps, in our opinion, fully reflect the
peculiarities and variety of Samogitia.
It is quite difficult to differentiate ethnic lands in Lithuanian
maps, especially in early historical periods. This publication presents
approximately 50 maps of Lithuania and neighboring countries, where
Samogitia was marked. They had different names, like: Samaiten,
Samaitae, Zamaytae, Sama gota, Samoogesthia, Samogitia, Samattae,
Samethia, Samogitie, Samagotia, Samogetia, Samogithia and others. The
administrative terms: Samogitia Pars, Neighbourhood of Samogitia, Duchy
of Samogitia. These maps popularized a cartographic presentation of
Samogitia lands that remained practically unchanged until the 18th c.
Many of them separated the area of Samogitia as a neighboring land from
the rest of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania by using border lines or
colorful background. Chronological study of changes in the boundaries
and territories on the map of Samogitia provides a basis for a number of
hypothesis that could be either approved or rejected and which are based
on collecting data from other historical sources or works by other
researchers. In most cases, it is impossible to clearly identify to
which administrative unit belongs one or another settlement or village.
We found it interesting to see Samogitia in existing linguistic maps,
and also in settlements, inhabited by Samogitians.
We hope that the publication will encourage researchers to study
the history of Samogitia using maps in more depth. This is what the
authors of the publication as well as other mentioned authors have done.
Our article provides helpful links for the readers interested in more
detailed studies of specific maps.
Summarizing we can state that the above mentioned Samogitia and
Lithuania maps by Lithuanian and foreign authors lack thorough
historical analysis and attention to become scientific discussions, so
the society of Lithuania is hardly aware of them. The historical problem
of the Samogitia can be solved only by joined efforts of cartographers,
linguists and historians. We hope that this work will become an
additional step towards the problem solution.
Caption: Fig. 1. Samogitia (Zemaitija) and the other historical
ethnographic regions of Lithuania (in Lithuanian)
Caption: Fig. 2. Morfology of the Samogitian Upland: S2, V2 and R2
denotes Northen, Western and Eastern Samogitian respectively
Caption: Fig. 3. Samogitia (Zemaiten) on the map of Prussia and
Livonia (1231-1411)
Caption: Fig. 4. Samogitia (Zemaitija) and castles. Durbe battle
space (1260) on the map of Lithuania and its neighbors
Caption: Fig. 5. Samogitia (XeMawTHfl) 1384-1411 on the map of the
Grand Duchy of Lithuania
Caption: Fig. 6. Samogitia (Sama gota) on the world map by Andreas
Walsperger (oriented with South at the top) Konstanz. 1448/9
Caption: Fig. 7. Samogitia on the map of Central-Eastern Europe by
Marcus Beneventanus, Rome 1507
Caption: Fig. 8. Samogitia on the map of Sarmatia, Hungaria,
Poland, Russia, Prussia and Valache by Nicolaus Cusanus, Strasbourg 1520
Caption: Fig. 9. Samogitia on the map of Poland and Grand Duchy of
Lithuania by Bernard Wapowski, Cracow 1526
Caption: Fig. 10. Samogitia on the map of Sarmatia by Johan Honter,
(1530, 1542, 1552)
Caption: Fig. 11. Samogitia (SAMOGETHIA) on the Carta marina map by
Olaus Magnus, Venice 1539
Caption: Fig. 12. Samogitia (SAMOGESTHIA) on the map of Russia by
Giacomo Gastaldi, Vienna1549
Caption: Fig. 13. Samogitia (SAMOGESTHIA) on the map of Poland and
Eastern Europe by Giacomo Gastaldi, Venice 1562
Caption: Fig. 14. Samogitia on the map of Poland and Lithuania by
Grodecki W., created in 1557, re-published in atlas by Abraham Ortelius,
Antwerp 1572
Caption: Fig. 15. Samogitia (Samaiten) on the historical map of
Livonian Confederation, by Johannes Portantius, Antwerpen 1576
Caption: Fig. 16. Samogitia on the map of Prussia by Casparo
Henneberg, 1576
Caption: Fig. 17. Samogitia (Samogithi) on the map of Lithuania,
Livonia and Moscovia by Maciej Strubycz, Cologne 1589
Caption: Fig. 18. Samogitia on the map of Poland by J. Honter, 1592
Caption: Fig. 19. Samogitia on the map of Scandinavia by Gerard de
Jode, 1593
Caption: Fig. 20. Samogitia on the map of Lithuania by Gerardus
Mercator, 1595
Caption: Fig. 21. Samogitia on the map of Prususia created by
Henrico Zellio, 1542. Published Matthias Quada in 1596
Caption: Fig. 22. Mikolaj Krzysztof Radziwill Copper engraving
portrait, painter Domenico Custos, 1603
Caption: Fig. 23. Samogitia on the fragment of the map of the Grand
Duchy of Lithuania by Prince Nicholas Christopher Radziwill, Amsterdam
Caption: Fig. 24. Commemorative Litas coin dedicated to 400th of
Nicholas Radziwill map
Caption: Fig. 25. Duchy (Eldership) of Samogitia (marked in red) in
the Grand Duchy of Lithuania (1654)
Caption: Fig. 26. Samogitia on the map of Magni Ducatus Lithuania
by W. Blaeu, Amsterdam 1631
Caption: Fig. 27. Samogitia on the map of the provinces of the
Grand Duchy Lithuania by Johannes Jansson, Amsterdam 1636
Caption: Fig. 28. Samogitia on the map of Magni Ducatus Lithuania
by J. Blaeu, Amsterdam 1648
Caption: Fig. 29. Samogitia on the map of "Estats de la
Couronne de Pologne" by Nicolas Sanson d'Abbeville, 1655
Caption: Fig. 30. The fragment of the map of the Kaunas district
and southeren Samogitia, 1656, Georg von Schwenglen R. A.
Caption: Fig. 31. Samogitia on the map of Curland, Livonia and
Samogitia by N. Sanson d'Abbeville, 1659
Caption: Fig. 32. Samogitia on the map of the Grand Duchy Lithuania
and its administrative, geographical and religious divisions (1654-1667)
Caption: Fig. 33. Samogitia on the map of Livonia by Adam Olearius,
Paris 1659
Caption: Fig. 34. Samogitia on the map of LIVONIA vulgo Lyefland by
Joan Blaeu, 1662
Caption: Fig. 35. Samogitia on the map of the provinces of Vilnius
and Trakai (in Lithuania) by N. Sanson d'Abbeville, Paris 1665-1675
Caption: Fig. 36. Samogitia on the map of Poland by Du Val (Du
Vall), Paris 1667
Caption: Fig. 37. Samogitia on the map of the provinces of the
Grand Duchy Lithuania by I. Danckert, Amsterdam 1670
Caption: Fig. 38. Samogitia on the map of Grand Duchy of Lithuania
by Merian Matthaeus, 1672
Caption: Fig. 39. Samogitia on the map of Poland and Lithuania by
Federic de Witt and Abraham Wolfg, Amsterdam 1675
Caption: Fig. 40. Samogitia on the map of Poland by Nicolaus
Visscher, Amsterdam, around 1679/80.
Caption: Fig. 41. Samogitia on the map of Lithuania by Vincento
Cornelli, Venine 1696
Caption: Fig. 42. Samogitia on the map of Poland and Lithuania by
N. Sanson and A. H. Jaillot, Paris, 1690
Caption: Fig. 43. Samogitia (DUCHE SAMOGITIE) on the map of Poland,
Lithuania and much of Latvia by Alexis Jaillot, Amsterdam 1692
Caption: Fig. 44. Samogitia on the map of Poland and Lithuania by
Jean Baptiste Nolin, Paris 1697
Caption: Fig. 45. Samogitia on the map of the Grand Duchy of
Lithuania by Johannes Jansson, Amsterdam 1700
Caption: Fig. 46. Samogitia on the map of Poland by Nicholas De
Fer, Paris 1700
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Viktoras Lukosevicius
Faculty of Technology, Siauliai University, Vilniaus g. 141,
LT-76353 Siauliai, Lithuania
Received 15 January 2014; accepted 24 February 2014
Viktoras LUKOSEVICIUS. Doctor, Prof. Department of Civil
Engineering, Faculty of Technology, Siauliai University Vilniaus g. 141,
LT-76353 Siauliai, Lithuania (Ph +370 41 595843, fax +370 41 595832).
A graduate of Kaunas Polytechnic Institute (now Kaunas University
of Technology), geodetic engineer, 1962. Doctor's degree at
Institute of Surveying, Aerial Photography and Cartography, Moscow,
1966. Publications: 2 books, over 70 research articles; participant of
conferences in USA, Brasil, Sweden, Norway, Russia. Fellowship Winner,
NATO and Italy National Science Competition, 1996. Member of Association
for the Advancement of Baltic Studies.
Research interests: history geodesy and cartography.