Lithuania minor and Prussia on the old maps (1525-1808).
Lukosevicius, Viktoras
Prussia (German: Preu[beta]en; Latin: Borussia, Prutenia;
Lithuanian: Prusija; Russian: Tlpyccux) was a German kingdom and
historic state originating out of the Duchy of Prussia and the
Margraviate of Brandenburg. For centuries, the House of Hohenzollern
ruled Prussia, successfully expanding its size by way of an unusually
well-organized and effective army. Prussia shaped the history of
Germany, with its capital in Berlin after 1451. By 1871, the smaller
German city states were merged with Prussia, resulting in the creation
of the German Empire. In November 1918 the royalty abdicated and the
nobility lost most of its political power.
The area known as Prussia was inhabited in early times by West
Slavic tribes, ancestors of the modern Poles, in the West, and Baltic
tribes, closely related to Lithuanians, in the East (Fig. 2).
In 1226, Prussia was conquered by the Teutonic Knights, a military
religious order, who converted the Prussians to Christianity. The
Teutonic Knights were overthrown by the Prussians with help from Poland
and Lithuania in 1454. Prussia was divided into Royal Prussia in the
west and Ducal Prussia in the east. Royal Prussia was incorporated into
Poland providing it with a corridor to the Baltic Sea (the "Danzig
Corridor"). Ducal Prussia became a Polish territory. At this time,
the port city of Danzig (modern day Gdansk) was designated a "free
In 1525 Ducal Prussia became a hereditary duchy under Albrecht
Hohenzollern, the last grand master of the Teutonic Knights. In 1657,
after an invasion by the Swedes, Poland surrendered sovereignty over
Ducal Prussia which then became the Kingdom of Prussia headed by the
Hohenzollern line. Prussia's power grew and in 1772, under King
Friedrich II (Frederick the Great), consisted of the provinces of
Brandenburg, Pomerania, Danzig, West Prussia and East Prussia.
A major event in German history was the defeat of France in the
Franco-Prussian War in 1871, making Germany a world power. It was during
this war that, in 1870, Prussian Prime Minister Otto von Bismarck
orchestrated the unification of the German states.
The German Empire was established under Prussian leadership with
Bismarck as Chancellor. Wilhelm II, the last of the Hohenzollern
dynasty, became Emperor of Germany (Kaiser) in 1888 and ruled until
Germany's defeat in World War I.
After defeat in World War I, Germany was forced to give up the
Danzig Corridor to Poland and Danzig once again became a free city. This
caused the province of East Prussia to be separated from the rest of
Germany. The Rosenberg District was at this time contained in East
Prussia (Stikliorius 1980).
Lithuania Minor (Lithuanian: Mazoji Lietuva; German: Kleinlitauen;)
or Prussian Lithuania (Lithuanian: Prusu Lietuva; German:
Preubisch-Litauen) is a historical ethnographic region of Prussia, later
East Prussia in Germany, where Prussian Lithuanians or Lietuvininkai
lived. Lithuania Minor enclosed the northern part of this province and
got its name due to the territory's substantial Lithuanian-speaking
population. This entire region was conquered and occupied by the
Teutonic Order and officially separated from the Grand Duchy of
Lithuania after the Peace Treaty at Lake Melno in 1422. It became part
of the Teutonic Order until 1525, was part of Prussia until 1701, the
Kingdom of Prussia until 1871, the German Empire until 1918 and the
German Reich until 1945.
The term Lithuania Minor, applied to the northeastern part of the
former province of East Prussia, was used to distinguish it from
Lithuania Major, the Grand Principality of Lithuania. The name was first
mentioned as
Klein Littaw in the Prussian Chronicle of Simon Grunau at the
beginning of the 16th century (between 1517 and 1526), later repeated by
others Prussian chroniclers Lucas David and Matas Pretorijus (Simon
Granau's 1876-1896).
The area of Lithuania Minor embraced the land between the lower
reachers of the river Danija (Germ. Dange) to the north and the major
headstreams of the river Prieglius (Germ. Pregel) to the south (Fig. 4).
Prior to the invasion of the Teutonic Knights in the 13th century,
the main part of the territory Lithuania Minor was inhabited by the
tribes of the Nadravians (Lith. nadruviai), the Scalavians (Lith.
skalviai) and Curonians (Lith. kufsiai). The land became depopulated to
some extent during the warfare between Lithuania and the Order. The war
ended with the Treaty of Melno and the land was resettled by Lithuanian
newcomers, returning refugees, and the remaining indigenous Baltic
peoples. Detailed historiography and bibliographic review on this topic
accomplished by Arthur Hermann (Hermann 1990).
In 789 geographer D. F. Sotzmann published the map "Prospectus
concinatus jussu et auspiciis" (Vision of Kingdom of Prussia...).
The map fragment is in Fig. 5 Lithuania is marked with the inscription
Litauen and its department (Cammer Departement gebiet) Litthauschen
(Jeger 1982).
The southwestern line ran from the Curonian Lagoon (Lith. Kursiu
mares) along the Deimena river to its south, continued alongthe
Prieglius river to the Alna river, up to the town of Alna and hence
southward along the Asvine (Swine) river to Lake Asvinis (Germ.
Nordenburger See) and from there eastward to the border of Lithuania
Major (Peteraitis 1992).
At the end of World War II in 1945 the Potsdam Agreement granted
the north-eastern part of East Prussia to the Soviet Union to be
administered temporary until a deinite settlement could be attained in a
peace conference yet to be convened. In the meantime, the area is held
in the Soviet iron grip.
Practically no local inhabitants remained in this land. All the
Lithuanian place names of this area were replaced with Russian place
names. Such a pitiless historical fate befell the land in which the
first Lithuanian book, Martynas Mazvydas' Catechism (1547), was
published, where Daniel Klein's first Lithuanian grammar (1653)
appeared, where Jonas Bretkunas for the first time translated the Bible,
where the chef-d'oeuvre of world fame, Metai "The
seasons" was written by Kristijonas Donelaitis, where the first
Lithuanian newspaper (1822) appeared, and where the first herald of the
renaissance of the Lithuanian nation, the newspaper Ausra
"Dawn" (1883-1886) was published. It was homeland to such
great thinkers as Immanuel Kant and Vydunas. Here, Gothe and Herder
admired the beauty of the Lithuanian culture. The Prussian Lithuanians,
Lietuvininkai were only ousted from their homeland by the two World Wars
(Matulevicius 1989).
Lithuania Minor was renamed Kaliningrad Oblast in 1946 and
incorporated into the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic
(RSFSR). Excluded from that new entity "Kaliningrad Oblast"
was the Territory of Klaipeda (Memel). It was separated from the German
Empire (Reich) in 1918, became a mandate of the League of Nations under
the terms of the Treaty of Versailles and was placed temporarily under
French administration. In 1923 it was linked with Lithuania as an
autonomous district and in March 1939, ceded to Nazi Germany, after
World War II returned to Lithuania.
The southern boundary of Kaliningrad Oblast, delineated by Stalin
at the Potsdam Conference, stretching from the Frisches Haff (Lith.
Aismares, q.v.) to the former Polish border in the Vizainis Upland, does
not completely correspond to the area of Lithuania Minor and Tvanksta.
The river basin of Galdape, an ancient Lithuanian and Nadravian section,
was not linked to Kaliningrad Oblast. However, it has to be included
since it is part of Lithuania Minor (Peteraitis 1992).
Historical items of cartography (maps, atlases, globes) like other
historical objects, provide significant clues about culture and history
of a nation or country. The maps reveal a lot of information about the
geographical environment of one or another territory which reflect some
of the features of agricultural and political life. Each beautiful old
map is an actual snapshot of our history. Any of these, increasingly
rare, works of art are also some of the most thoughtful (and personal)
gifts you can give. Unlike so many other gifts, antique maps and prints
allow you to present someone a piece of their past.
French general B. Napoleon used to say that he was able to trace
the characteristics of nations as well as their fate in their maps. The
fairness of the saying reveals itself nowadays while researching old
1. Maps and wiews Prussian and Lithuania Minor lands from the Dutcy
in Prussia to the Kingdom of Prussia, 1525-1772
The first maps in which the territories of Lithuania and Lithuania
Minor are pictured were created by antique geographers from the second
part of XV century. During the XVI and XVIII century cartographers from
Western Europe and Poland co-operated with the cartographers of
Lithuania and Prussia. Should be mention maps by XVI century Western
European cartographers, such as the the first printed map of Prussia
with hundreds of towns by Heinrich Zell in 1542 (Fig. 6), map of Prussia
by Abraham Ortelius (Fig. 12), Gerard Mercator in 1594 (Fig. 7), several
examples of works of the most eminent XVI century cartographer, K.
Hennenberger: "Old Prussia" (Koenigsberg 1584), "Maps of
Prussia" (Antwerp 1584), "Exact map of Prussia"
(Amsterdam 1633). It is also known that in July 1529, commissioned by
Bishop Mauritius Ferber, Nicolaus Copernicus and his good friend, the
Frombork canon Alexander Sculteti, produced a map of the whole of
Prussia (mappam, sive descriptionem terrarum Prussie). Unfortunately,
its fate is unknown and it must have become lost or perished like the
other maps he produced (Borawska 2010).
From the second half of XVII century in the Prussia State,
cartographic work was regularly carried out and maps were published not
only of the whole state but even of separate parts. Some of these show
the changes taking place in Lithuania Minor in the beginning of XVIII
In the process of German colonization it was highly important to
clarify territorial and ethnic dependability. In the map made by
cartographer Samuel von Suchodoletz in the 18th c. the Old Prussia is
divided into three regions: Semba, Notanga and Oberland. Four separate
sheets were devoted to the counties of Klaipeda, Tilze, Ragaine and
fsrutis. In 1735 Johann Friedrich Betgen in Lithuania Borussica map used
the newly established city Gumbine plan and in this way revised
colonization of Lithuanian settlements. The name of Lithuania Minor
(Kleinlitaw) used by Simon Grunau had been first mentioned by Franz
Ludwig Gussefeld in 1795, in the map Carte von dem Konigreich Preussen.
The name identiies the northern land above Tilze, meanwhile the land
lying south and north from Gumbine is marked as Lithuania.
Heinrich Zell (also Zeel, Czeel, Zeelius, Zellius) was a German
printer and cartographer. Abaut the time of his birth nothing is known
(died 1560). He was a student of Sebastian Munster. Accompanying
Rheticus to Prussia, Heinrich Zell in collaboration with Nicolaus
Copernicus, produced the first geostatic map of the Prussian coastline
and had the first printed map of Prussia with hundreds of towns printed
at Nuremberg in 1542. Zell incorporated Ermland (Warmia) records of
Prussian towns in this detailed and until then unaccomplished task.
Although the original of the former was lost, its geographic text with
maps (Chorographia) covering Prussia, Poland and Lithuania fortunately
survived in the Library of St Marks in Venice. Later altered several
times, it was reproduced by inter alia Sebastian Munster (1550), Abraham
Ortelius (1570), Caspar Henneberger (1576), and the chronicler of
Prussia, Caspar Schtz (1592). Full description of this map is performed
by W. Horn (Horn 1950).
Caspar Hennenberger (1529-1600), born in Thuringia, Prussia
cartographer and historian, studied theology at the University of
Konigsberg (1550). In 1595 he published a detailed book of the Prussian
Ercklerung greater Landtaffel or folders (Konigsberg: George
Osterberger), in which he described the places marked on the map of
Prussia by "oral and written" sources. Hennenberger published
the first detailed map of Prussia in 1576, the book "Kurze und
wahrhatige Beschreibung des Landes zu Preussen" (short and truthful
description of the land Prussia) in 1584 and "Erklarung der
preubischen groberen Landtafeln oder Mappen" (explanation of the
larger Prussian maps) in 1594.
The map of Prussia Caspar Hennenberger illustrated history of
Prussia (Figs. 8, 12-14, 16, 19). There were only a few maps of Prussia
at this time and they were incomplete and largely inaccurate. Thus K.
Hennenberger started collecting material for the maps himself,
travelling for seven years through Prussia, Pomerania, Lithuania Minor,
communicating with local people and studying historical material. He
prepared a few works on Prussian history, some of which were illustrated
with maps representing Prussia until the settlements of crusaders.
Hennenberger describes and illustrates the Baltic tribes and their
territories before Christ, and to religious times in Prussia:
Scalavonia, Nadravia, Zambia, Natangia, Bartonia, Sudavia, Varmia,
Galindia, Pomesania, Vlmigania. The name of Klaipeda was fixed not in
the German but in the Lithuanian form "Clypeda". The maps of
K. Hennenberg are appreciably accurate, carefully edited, with good
quality engraving and printing, and have are aesthetically impressive.
The maps also contain plenty of historical and geographical information.
The maps were published with support of the Lord of the land, Albrecht
Brandenburgian, and were reprinted many times in various cartographic
editions. For more then 200 years they were the only topographical
resource of Prussia.
Besides the Great map of Prussia Kaspar Hennenberger prepared and
edited the second map or the Small one (Fig. 8). The first one to have
noticed it and analyzed professionally was Hans Crome. The Lithuania
Minor bears the name of Skalva (Schalauen) in the small map and is
marked on both banks of the Nemunas. The name of Klaipeda is written not
in a German way (Memel) but in local Lithuanian form Cleypeda. In order
to name rivers and local settlements K. Hennenberger selected the oldest
forms found in writings of chroniclers or old writers. E.g.: Prieglius
is called "Skarra" according to Simon Grunau, the Nemunas is
called "Chronos" after Ptolemy. Romuva--"Ramowe"
Hennenberger marks in Notanga meanwhile Duisburg and a few other authors
mark it in Nadruva (Reklaitis 1975).
Work of Caspar Henneberger is one of the best cartographic works of
Renaissance period and, for more than 100 years, this map had been
copied by European cartographers, remade and printed in various atlases.
In Fig. 9 is presented three maps on one sheet: Pomerania (the
Baltic coastline between Rostock in Germany and the Polish port of
Gdansk), Livonia (now Kalingrad, Lithuania and Latvia), and Oswiecim
(just west of Krakow) by Abraham Ortelius. This example has the
pagination of the 1574 edition of the Theatrum erased and the number of
the 1579 edition added in old ink mss: the publishers were obviously
using up the remainder of an old edition.
Abraham Ortelius (1527-1598) was a Dutch geographer and
cartographer, born in Antwerp on April 14, 1527. He studied Greek, Latin
and mathematics in Antwerp and worked as a map and book dealer. He also
spent time with cartography and published the first world atlas,
"Theatrum Orbis Terrarum", which was probably the first
collection of maps in the shape of a book, 20 years before Mercator
published his world atlas. In its time, "Theatrum Orbis
Terrarum" was so successful, that it had to be re-printed 4 times
in the first year of its publishing alone. Abraham Ortelius was the
first cartographer, who named the sources of his maps by mentioning the
cartographers. Abraham Ortelius also produced a collection of place
names "Thesaurus Geographicus", which is of similar
In Fig. 10 16th Century map of Prussia and Pomerania, published by
Zacharias Heyns in his rare Le Miroir du Monde, ou, Epitome du Theatre
dAbraham Ortelius, published in Amsterdam in 1598. As noted by Burden,
all of the maps for this work are woodcuts, making it one of the last
atlases to employ this means of printing. The atlas is highly sought
after among collectors, prized for its rarity and the unique appearance
of its maps.
Zacharias Heyns was the son of Peter Heyns, who wrote the rhyming
text for Ortelius' Spieghel Der Werelt, first published in 1577.
Zacharias Heyns Le Miroir du Monde was likely an attempt to continue the
success of his father, although the maps bear no connection to
Ortelius' work.
"Konigsberg (Karaliaucius in Lithuanian formerly known as
Tvanksta) (Fig. 11) in Prussia is a most noble and famous city, which
was founded in the year 1254 by the Teutonic Knights. Alongside their
artisan activities, the citizens engaged first and foremost in maritime
tra de. They thereby dealt in grain, solid and liquid pitch, which the
Germans call resin, as well as salt, flax, hemp, wax, wood and also in a
great deal of honey and mead; this is a sweet drink that is made from
honey and comes fromLivonia" (commentary of Georg Braun) (Braun
& Hogenberg 1599).
Konigsberg's location on the Pregel, shortly before it reaches
the Vistula Lagoon on the Baltic Sea, is made especially clear in this
combination of elevation and bird's-eye view directly from the
south. The river separates the town of Kneiphof on the island from the
Old Town (above) and the town of Lobenicht (in the west).
With the founding of the Old Town in 1254 by the Teutonic Knights,
the two other towns also sprang up, but remained independent until 1724.
Within Konigsberg proper, the Old Town church (Alt Steter Pfarkirch) can
be seen on the let and, beside it to the right, the palace of the
Teutonicut Gdansk to Lithuania, and includes the present day Russian
enclave of Kaliningrad Oblast. The map is Knights (Schlos) with its tall
tower (Schlos thurn).
Map of Prussia by Willem Janszoon Blaeu (Fig. 15) covers
northeastern Poland from abo th detali and engraved with forests,
mountains, fortresses. Filled wiInteresting details: The two fractions
of Prussia have the same coloration, though the western (royal Polish)
fractions was part of the Polish-Lithuanian Rzeczpospolita, while the
eastern (ducal) part was only a vasal of Poland. On the other hand the
neighbouring territories, all of them parts of the Rzeczpostpolita, are
marked by different colours. Last not least Pomerella is not shown as a
part of Prussia, but as a part of Greater Poland (which was one of the
Polish provinces). A few names are noted bilingually, such as
"Bramberg / Bedgosky" (Bromberg / Bydgoszcz), o as a
compromise as "Dantzk".
Willem Janszoon Blaeu (1571-1638) was born 1571 in Alkmaar. He was
trained from 1594 to 1596 by the famous danish astronomer Tycho Brahe.
1599 he went to Amsterdam and founded a business as globe maker. Later
he started producing map and sea charts, including his first world map
in 1605. In 1633 he was appointed Hydrographer for the Dutch East India
Company (VOC). His most famous work was the "Atlas Novus" or
"Theatrum Orbis Terrarum sive Atlas Novus" of 1635, which was
published until 1655 in total six volumes.
In the Fig. 16 map of Prussia was originally drawn up by the Caspar
Hennenberger (1592-1600). His map was copied until far into the 18th
century by Dutch publishers. This elaboration of Henneberger's map
by Claes Jansz. Visscher (1587-1652) dates from 1656. In this form, the
map was published by the grand son of Visscher, Nicolaas Visscher II
In the Fig. 17 is presented detailed map of Livonija by Dudley
Robert, Sir (1574-1649) with a part of the coast which commences with
Lockston and finishes with Port Derliuen, showing coastal towns,
harbours and islands. Title from decorative cartouche. Includdes a
decorative compass rose. In lover right margin: AFLucini, fece. In
In Fig. 18 finely colored map of the Dukedom of Prussia was first
published around 1680 by the Amsterdam publishing firm of Justus
Danckerts (1635-1701). The map shows how randomly divided the region was
in the seventeenth and eighteenth century. The map has color wash
delineating the regions and the cities are highlighted in red. Map with
Danzig, Elbing, Konigsberg to Memel, in the south the map extends to
Thorn. With contemporary colored, figurative cartouche upper left. There
is some staining in the margin that encroaches into the ruled line in
the bottom let and right.
The Danckerts family sold and published maps during the 17th
Century in Amsterdam. Justus Danckerts, the son of the business founder
Cornelius Danckerts has published several Atlases together with his son
Theodoras between 1680 and 1700. The plates finally have been sold to R.
& J. Ottens how published them on their own name.
A stunning map of Poland first drawn by Daniel de la Feuille in
1706 (Fig, 21). Covers the entire territory of Poland as well as parts
of Lithuania, Prussia, Hungary, Transylvania, Moldova and Russia.
Flanked on either side by the twelve armorial crests of Poland and its
immediate neighbors. Title appears at the top center in both French and
Dutch. This is Paul de la Feuille's 1747 reissue of his father
Daniel's 1706 map. Prepared for issue as plate in J.
Ratelband's 1747 Geographisch-Toneel. Johannes Ratelband was a
European map publisher based in Amsterdam. Ratelband is a rather obscure
fellow, but is known to have published a series of European maps and
views in association with the La Feuille family.
Cartographer Daniel de La Feuille (1640-1709) was born of Huguenot
stock in Sedan (L'Ardennes), France. By 1686 Daniel established
himself as a engraver, publisher, and art dealer. Not long after, in
1691, he was admitted into the Booksellers Guild. Though we are
primarily concerned with his cartographic work here, his masterpiece is
considered to be Devises et emblems, a collection of symbols and designs
mostly likely intended as templates for silversmiths, engravers, and
watchmakers. His cartographic work includes numerous individual maps and
atlases, many of which continued to be published and republished well
after his death.
A very beautiful map due to the highly decorative title cartouche
which is uncolored, as issued. The map covers the northern portion of
Poland and the Baltic coast into Lithuania. Names Gdansk and Koningberg.
Very detailed throughout. Cartouche features two cherubs and female
figure in military dress. Three distance scales at lower right.
In Fig. 22 map shows detailled Western and Eastern Prussia with the
neightbouring Pommerania. In the top right corner of the map one can see
Provincia Lituanica and Samogitia. The title is "Regnum Borussiae
gloriosis auspicijs Seerenissimi et Potentissimi Princip Friderici III.
Primi Borussiae Regis Elect. Brandenburg. Inauguratum die 18
Jan. A. 1701. Geographice cum vicinis regionibus adumbratum a Ioh.
Baptista Homanno Norimbergae" one can see the administrative
division of Prussia. The Lithuania Minor is divided into two zones:
Semba (circulus Sambiensis) and Notanga (circulus Natangensis). Each
zone is divided into separate lands. Semba zone is divided into Skalva
(Skalvonia), Nadruva (Nardivia), IE Semba (Sambia). Notanga zone is
divided into Notanga (Natangia), Barta (Bartonia), Galinda (Galindia)
and Suduva (Sudavia) (Gliozaitis 2008).
Johann Baptist Homann (1664-1724) was a German geographer and
cartographer. In 1715 Homann was appointed Imperial Geographer of the
Holy Roman Empire. In the same year he was also named a member of the
Prussian Academy of Sciences. Of particular significance to cartography
were the imperial printing privileges (Latin privilegia impressoria).
These protected for a time the authors in all scientific fields such as
printers, copper engravers, map makers and publishers. In 1716 Homann
published his masterpiece Grosser Atlas ueber die ganze Welt (Grand
Atlas of all the World).
In Fig. 24 we present map of Prussia by Vaugondy R., 1749. On the
left is Pomerania and the Desert of Waldow. At the top of the map is
Memel and Samland. On the right side is the Biss River and Kautten. In
the center of the map is Marienburg and Riesenburg. From Atlas Portatif
Universel, by Robert de Vaugondy.
Unrecorded state with erased date. Page 36 outside border top
right. Mary Sponberg Pedley does not mention a state without date.
Gilles and Didier De Vaugondy (1688-1766) were father and son,
respectively, and produced their atlas, globes and maps in concert. In
many cases they did not use the initials of their first names when
signing their maps, so it can be unclear at times who made a given map.
On some maps fils or filio follows the name, designating its author as
the son. In other instances, the authorship can be determined by the
distinctive way each signed his maps: the father normally used "M.
Robert", leaving of the last name, and the son, "Robert de
Vaugondy". The Atlas Universal [Paris, 1757] was one of the most
important 18th century atlases and one of the great achievements of the
French Enlightenment.
Fig. 25 presents an interesting and rarely-met map of Prussia and
its coast found in Atlas of the Baltic Sea, designed by A. Nagajev
(Nagajev 1757). A. Nagajev (1704-1780)was an admiral, famous hydrologist as well as designer of sea-maps. He also designed the maps of the Baltic
and Bering seas and the Oka river and researched the Moscow river.
In Fig. 26 is presented map of Prussia by Suchodolski J. W. In
Latin: Regnum Borussias episcopatus Warmiensis, palatinatus
Mariaeburgensis et Culmensis cum territorio Borussia orientalis et
occidentalis, 1763.
Wladislaw Jan Suchodolec (1687-1751)-cartographer, surveyor,
builder and architect. Studied at the University of Frankfurt, lived in
Koningsberg. 1732-1739 -on the order of King Frederick William I gave
(the great map of Prussia), Regnum Borussiae. Episcopatus Warmiensis,
Palatinatus Mariaeburgensis et cum Dantiscano et icongraphia urbis
Culmensis terrio Regiomontis. Jan Wladyslaw Suchodlec in the work of his
father had used the earlier development of Samuel Suchodolskiego and
Joseph Naronowicza-Naronskiego Detailed map of the Poland and Lithuania,
showing numerous geo-political subdivsions, including Courland,
Samgotia, Warsovia, Great Poland, Polesi, Volhinia, Lit Poland, Red
Russia, Upper Podolia, Lower Podolia, Ukraine, Great Poland, etc. Shows
towns, rivers, mountains, etc. A charming mid 18th Century English map
with decorative title cartouche.
In Fig. 27 we present a map of Poland, Lithuania, Prussia by Thomas
Jeffreys. Thomas Jefferys (1719-1771), "Geographer to King George
III", was an English cartographer who was the leading map supplier
of his day. He engraved and printed maps for government and other
official bodies and produced a wide range of commercial maps and
atlases, especially of North America. Thomas Jefferys was one of the
more prominent commercial cartographers in London during the middle of
the eighteenth century. Although he was responsible for a wide variety
of prints and for maps of much of the world, he is particularly
remembered for his publication of many maps of North America, such as
the Map of the Most Inhabited Part of New England (1755). Jefferys did
not himself compile this map. Indeed, he was not a geographer per se. He
was an engraver and publisher of maps which other people had compiled
and drawn. In-theethically flexible map trade of the eighteenth century,
he made a significant name for himself.
In Fig. 28 a detailed 18th century map of Prussia and Lithuania by
L. Euler. Leonhard Euler (1707-1783) cartographer, physician and
mathematician, born in Basle. Published 'Atlas Geographicus'
for the Prussian Royal Academy of Sciences and Literature in Berlin.
Euler spent many years in Germany and Russia where he was associated
with the preparation of the Atlas of Russia.
In Fig. 29 Prussian Lithuanian map designed circa 1733 by a German
engineer Johan Friedrich Betgen in two languages (Latin and German)was
called "Potentissimo Borussorum Regi Friderico Wilhelmo Maiestate,
Fortitudine Clementia Augustissimo Hancce Lithuanicam Borussicam;-in qua
loca coloniis Salisburg ad incolendum Regio nutu concessa chorographice
exhibentur D.D.D. Regiae Suae Maiestatis" (Prussian Lithuanian
territory gift to the colonists of Zalcburg presented by the powerful
great, strong, mighty and the highest King (1713-1740) Friedrich
Wilhelm). The inhabitants of Minor Lithuania used to call the King
Friedrich Wilhelm by the name Prickus Vilius. The map was printed in
1735 in Niurnberg Publishing house by Homann successors. The place names
it includes are either Germanized or perverted. Despite of the above
mentioned facts the map of administrative laying of Minor (Prussia)
Lithuania is considered to be one of the most significant ones in the
first half of the 18th c. The country is split into four districts
(Memelshe, Tilsitsche, Ragnitsche and Insterburgische). It is marked
that Prussian Lithuania borders Zemaitija and Trakai lands; districts
are split into smaller units, called valsciai (Gliozaitis 2008).
2. Maps of New East Prussia and Lithuania Minor, 1795-1808
Ater the Peace of Hubertsburg in 1763 between Austria, Prussia and
Saxony, Prussia became a European great power (Fig. 30). This gave the
start to the rivalry between Prussia and Austria for the leadership of
In Fig. 31 is presented charter of the Kingdom of Prussia after its
principal division into East and West and South Prussia likewise, its
subdivisions in circles, re-designed by Franz Ludwig Gussefeld. The map
of the Kingdom of Prussia (Carte vin dem Kooniglich Preussischen Landes
Antheil nach der Theilung Polens im Jahr 1795) was published in
Niurnberg in 1796. The New East-Prussia was also identified. In its
north eastern part there is an inscription Klein Litaen, however, its
more distinct boundaries are not marked.
Franz Ludwig Gussefeld (1744-1808) was a Prussian cartographer. At
the age of seventeen, Gussefeld moved to the eastern part of Brandeburg,
to get a professional training as a surveyor and cartographer. Two years
later, in 1763, the War of Seven Years came to an end and the King
decided to drain the lowlands of the main rivers in the Eastern
Brandeburg, the Warthe and the Netze. These activities were based on
large scale topographic surveys in which Gussefeld took part. F. L.
Gussefeld designed more maps of the Kingdom of Prussia, e.g. in the one,
published in Niurnberg in 1795 "Tabula Regini" by the
inscription BORUSSIAE Littauische kreis or Lithuanian county is marked.
His maps were published in the first half of the 19th century.
In Fig. 32 two sheets from 4 very rare separately published map of
Prussia. Including the towns of Gdansk, Kaliningrad, Klaipeda, etc.
Prepared by Gerhard and engraved by von Sauerbrey and published in
Berlin, c. 1772-1786 by Carl Ludwig von Oesfeld. The early edition with
"Bischoflthum Ermel" still incomplete. The map is an reduced
version of a map drawn by the Prussian engineer and surveyor Simon.
Gerhard from Konigsberg produced this four sheet map in 1764 and is
engraved by the Konigsberg engraver Sauerbrey. The map was only after
the death of Frederick the great published as a broadsheet map by Carl
Ludwig von Oesfeld.
The impressive rococo cartouche in the upper left corner is
entitled: "Magna mappa geographica Borussiae regnum exact exhibens,
in qua non tantum limites correcti sed etiam principaliora loca,
civitates, oppida & praefecturae omni studio designata sund".
The region is bordered in the north by Samland, in thewest by
Natangen and in the south by Poland.
After the Third Partition of Poland in 1795 the Polish-Lithuanian
Commonwealth ceased to exist. However the rise of Napoleon in France
gave the Poles hope of reunification, and many fought for him in the
Polish legions, and in return Napoleon created the Duchy of Warsaw, a
Polish state with some autonomy. However it was occupied by the Russians
chasing Napoleon's retreating army in 1812, and after
Napoleon's final defeat in 1815, the Treaty of Vienna created
"Congress Poland", a puppet state of Russia.
In Fig. 34 map produced by Thomas & Andrews, shewing the Claims
of Russia, Prussia and Austria. This is one of the very few maps of
Poland, Lithuania and this region published in America in the 18th
century. Engraved by Amos Dolittle, published in Boston 1796.
In Fig. 35 map of Prussia and Poland by Luis Brion de la Tour
published in Paris in 1802. It shows the situation in Prussia and Poland
after partition Poland in 1795.
Louis Brion de la Tour (1756-1823) was the Cartographer Royal to
the King of France, his official title being "Ingenieur-Geographe
du Roi". Despite a proliic cartographic career and several
important atlases to his name, little is actually known of his life and
career. What is known is that much of his work was produced in
collaboration with Danish royal Cartographer Louis Charles Desnos (l.
1750-1790). His most notable work is generally regarded to be his 1766
Atlas General.
In Fig. 36 second edition of this finely engraved map by William
Faden, (1750-1839) geographer to the King and H. R. H. the Prince of
Wales. A map of the Kingdom of Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania
including Samogitia and Curland divided according to their
dismemberments with the "Kingdom of Prussia". A map from 1799
showing how the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth was partitioned in
1765-1795 between Prussia, Austria, and Russia. This is an extremely
detailed map which lists all the cities and small towns and labels the
regions according to their English names. The boundaries former
Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth colored light red. The areas taken by
Prussia are colored yellow, those taken by Austria colored green, and
those taken by Russia are colored beige. Prussia itself is bordered in
blue. Eastern Pomerania and Warmia are shown as part of Prussia but
bordered in red as well.
Much of the information for this map came from a twenty-four sheet
map by Rizzi Zannoni published in Paris in 1772, shortly after the first
partition. A note lower left states that the map is updated to March
1797. By 1822 his catalogue listed over 350 publications. This map
includes an ornately bordered small inset town plan of Warsaw and a
table showing the populations of Lithuania-Poland prior to
'dismemberment' and of the individual Russian, Austrian and
Prussian provinces after the partitions. Also noted is the total number
of Jews in the provinces.
In Fig. 37 a very uncommon/ scarce antique engraved map Kingdom of
Prusia, Lithuania, Galicia, Dutchy of Warsaw, Curland and Smogitia in
early-19th century produced by Longman & Co for Crutwell.
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Viktoras Lukosevicius
Faculty of Technology, Siauliai University, Vilniaus g. 141,
LT-76353 Siauliai, Lithuania E-mail:
Received 11 October 2012; accepted 26 February 2013
Viktoras LUKOSEVICIUS. Doctor, Prof. Dept of Civil Engineering
Technology, Siauliai University, Vilniaus g. 141, LT-76353 Siauliai,
Lithuania. Ph +370 45 435819, fax +37045 516 161, e-mail:
A graduate of Kaunas Politechnic Institute (now Kaunas University
of Technology), geodetic engineer, 1962. Doctor's degree at
Institute of Surveying, Aerial Photography and Cartography, Moscow,
1966. Publications: 2 books, over 70 research articles; participant of
conferences in USA, Brasil, Sweden, Norwey, Russia. Fellowship Winner,
NATO and Italy National Science Competition, 1996. Member of Association
for the Advancement of Baltic Studies.
Research interests: history of geodesy and cartography.