Determination and evaluation of the Estonian fitted geoid model Est-Geoid2003.
Jurgenson, Harli ; Turk, Kristina ; Randjarv, Juri 等
1. Introduction
This research was started under PhD studies until 2003 and has
continued thereafter. There are also other attempts concerning Baltic
geoid (Ellmann 2004) but current paper is dedicated to developments in
model EstGeoid2003. The calculations for geoid determination have been
performed with the software package Gravsoft (Tscherning et al. 1992).
The availability of new satellite-based global models and new gravity
data has given continuous opportunities for gravimetric geoid
determination. After the high-precision geoid was derived, it was fitted
according to high-precision GPSlevelling data. This model was named
Est-Geoid2003, and it has been adopted as an official reference model in
Estonia for transforming ellipsoidal heights to the BK77 system in
Estonia (The Minister of the Environment's ... 2004, 2008).
The focus here is determination of model Est-Geoid2003 including
later updates and on re-evaluation due to the availability of new
precise levelling data.
2. Processing of Gravimetric Data
A great emphasis was laid on the gathering and inclusion in the
geoid calculations of gravimetric data. Data was searched at different
archives and then digitized and transformed to the present system of
absolute gravity, and its accuracy was assessed. Gravimetric data from
various regions that had not been used previously for Estonia's
geoid calculation was included (Fig. 1): from some regions of Russia;
from the big lakes of Peipsi, Pihkva and Vortsjarv (~700 points, survey
on the ice 1987); from the Gulf of Riga (~1,600 points, bottom survey
1967-68); and from the detailed measurement project performed by the
Geological Survey of Estonia (~120,000 points).
The quality of the Gulf of Riga and Lake Peipsi gravity data was
checked by ice measurements during 2008-2010 (Fig. 2). More as 30 points
were measured. Originally declared accuracy (better than 0.5 mGal) was
identified (Oja et al. 2009).
The gravimetric network of Estonia consists of about 300 points
measured over the last ten years by State Land Board. In the research,
use was made of gravimetric data for approximately 136.000 points (apart
from additional points from the KMS-NKG database), which provided the
basis for gravimetric geoid calculations (Figs. 1, 3). Dense data set
from Geological Survey around Tartu was added in 2010 (Fig. 4).
Due to the fact that the quality of the gravity surveys from the
1950s is low, a new re-measuring campaign is under way beginning from
2006 in cooperation with different institutions (Tallinn Technical
University, Estonian Land Board, Estonian University of Life Sciences
(ELS), etc.). The gravimeters Scintrex and La-coste Romberg have been
used. A significant portion of south Estonia has already been covered
and a profusion of data is being processed (Fig. 4). This makes it
possible to improve the gravimetric solution even further in the near
3. Calculation of the gravimetric geoid
The remove-restore method using FFT was used for precise
gravimetric geoid determination. It was the best method considering its
speed in processing large amounts of data. The original gravity data
(free air anomalies) was gridded by means of collocation using data
points inside a 20-km radius. Then, the global field effect was removed
before Stokes' integration. The interpolation of pure free air
anomalies into the grid was not perfect due to the terrain effect.
However, the terrain was low and rather smooth in the area (normally
lower than 150 m), which reduced interpolation errors. The application
of Bouquer anomalies for gridding sets requires a precise digital
elevation model. This is being built by the Land Board using laser
scanning but not yet complete.
The gravimetric geoid (Fig. 5) was calculated as an approximately
3-km net. The integration area was 18[degrees]-30[degrees] longitude and
56[degrees]-62[degrees] latitude. Originally, the EGM96 global model was
used for converting long wavelength signals into local gravity.
Subsequently, several new combined GRACE satellite models were
tested. For example, the global geopotential model GRACE05C (2008) fits
with GPS-levelling geoid much better (Fig. 6). Standard deviation is 11
cm while 23 cm in use of EGM96. Change to GRACE05C results in an
absolute shift of approximately 10-15 cm for the final gravimetric geoid
(Fig. 7). However, there was no big influence on the gravimetric geoid
surface tilt, probably due to the good coverage of the terrestrial
gravimetric data.
In fact, the calculations resulted height anomalies due to
uncorrected free air anomalies used as input data. This means that the
effect of downward continuation was ignored, which significantly
simplifies the procedure.
Quasigeoid values compared to geoid undulation are normally less
than 1 cm in the region and can be ignored here because the ultimate
goal is a fitted geoid model. Furthermore, the terrain effect is very
small and smooth due to small heights in the area and was not taken into
After including in the calculations the gravimetric data collected,
the gravimetric geoid no longer had a big tilt relative to the geometric
geoid (Fig. 8), as was previously the case (Jurgenson 2001).
The standard deviation between the gravimetric geoid and
GPS-levelling points was 2.3 cm across Estonia, from -48 cm to -55 cm.
The normal height of Kihnu Island was updated by ELS using water level
monitoring in 2006-2008 (Liibusk, Jurgenson 2008) into RGT point 501.
Almost 12 cm wrong height value from catalogue (1977) caused distortions
in 2003 (Jurgenson 2004).
Thus, the processing of the gravimetric and GPSlevelling data
yielded a similar value for the topography of Estonian geoid.
In Fig. 9 we can see the change in the gravimetric geoid while the
global field is replaced from EGM96 to GRACE05C. The absolute level was
changed according to Fig. 7, but the standard deviation increased from
2.3 cm to 2.7 cm. This may have been caused by different terrestrial
gravity used inside global models. Also gravimetric data from Geological
Survey were added from Tartu region (Fig. 4).
4. Calculation of the fitted geoid model
The surface of the calculated gravimetric geoid was fitted by
GPS-levelling points. The procedure was as follows: up to 50 RGP
geometric geoid point heights [N.sub.g] were determined based on data
from geodetic networks.
[N.sub.g] = H - h,
where H is a BK77 normal height from the 1977 catalogs and h is a
Euref-Est97 geodetic height. In addition, the height of the physical
geoid [N.sub.f] was interpolated to the same points. After that, we
could calculate the difference between the two geoid heights as follows:
dN = [N.sub.g] - [N.sub.f].
Then, the dN values were gridded from 50 points. The result was a
3-km dN grid. During the gridding process, the dN values of 11 closest
points were used, as were the distances for weights. The gridding
function is not linear; however, the polynomial degree is not very high
either. Distances of up to 20 km from fitting points usually result in
residuals of up to 1 cm on the fitting points.
After that, the dN grid was just added to the gravimetric geoid
grid. This resulted in the determination of the so-called fitted geoid,
or the reference model, which with maximum precision reflects the
difference on Estonian territory between the normal heights of BK77 and
the Euref-Est97 ellipsoidal heights of the basic geodetic network RGP.
The model was originally named Est-Geoid2003 (Fig. 10), and the name has
remained in spite of minor improvements. Even the gravimetric geoid
changes a little, the fitted model remains almost the same (inside 1
cm), if fitting points remains the same.
The accuracy of RGP heights has been declared to be higher than 1
cm (Rudja 2002). The reason for the high accuracy is that the RGP points
were established and measured based on the same principles and in the
same campaign (in 1997). In the Est-Geoid2003 fitting process, use was
only made of RGP points, the normal heights of which were measured from
I and II order benchmarks. Subsequently, the Russian II order levelling
was promoted to I order (Torim 1994). 26 points were levelled in 1998 by
State Land Board. In order to densify the existing fitting points
network, the measurement of 13 additional RGP points was organized
(using II order benchmarks) across Estonia in 2001-2003 by ELS
(Jurgenson 2003). Perjatsi (6581) was levelled in 2004 (Ostrovskaja
5. Upgrade Est-Geoid2003 in 2010
Five new fitting points were added in 2010, their heights being
calculated from new precise levelling lines (Planserk 2004-2009) from
the closest BK77 benchmarks. In the course of the computations, a
problem arose with the stability of the benchmarks. In some cases, three
closest benchmarks yielded different results by up to 1-2 cm in BK77.
From preliminary tests we knew that the cause of the problem was not new
levelling. Polygon misclosures are less than 3 mm per hundreds km. This
meant that the stability of older wall benchmarks was problematic.
This led us to the realisation that reaching a 0.5-cm fitted geoid
by using wall benchmarks was not a realistic task. A better solution
appears to be the computation of BK77 heights from the closest deep
benchmarks (usually 20-40 km apart).
The total number of the fitting points is currently 50 (including 4
in Finland and 5 in Latvia), which is almost sufficient for an area the
size of Estonia. After the final adjustment of the new levelling, the
number of levelled RGP points will increase to approximately 100;
probably, not all of them need to be included to fitting points.
Obviously, the new datum will also change the fitted geoid model.
6. The accuracy of the model Est-Geoid2003
The accuracy of the Est-Geoid2003 was tested using points taken
from different measurement campaigns.
Specific GPS-levelling works were designed for checking the model
in 2003. An ellipsoidal height was measured to a temporary point, which
was connected to a II order levelling benchmark. Additionally, points
with II order normal heights from the GPS densification network RGT
(ellipsoidal heights of a III order GPS net also have a 1-2 cm accuracy,
Rudja 2002) were used for evaluation. About 75 checking points yielded
an accuracy of 1.3 cm as rms.
An evaluation using RGT points with III and IV order normal heights
revealed a mean-square error of 1.9 cm. However, the error was
attributable to a lower accuracy of the control points themselves.
A special study was performed using 37 RGT points that were
levelled due to works on the geodetic network of local towns using III
order levelling (in 1998-2004). Normally, there were 3 points per town.
These points revealed a mean-square error of 1.3 cm (Ostrovskaja 2004).
Checking of the Est-Geoid2003 model using connections from new
precise levelling
Obviously, an authentic test of model accuracy would require points
belonging to the same accuracy level as those used for the fitting of
the model. The new precise levelling net (Fig. 12) is part of the
integrated network (Fig. 11), with some new polygons added compared to
the original plan. New high-precision checking points (RGP) became
available using connections from a new precise levelling campaign
(levelling 2001-2010). Levelling is financed by Land Board. In the test
under study, the normal heights of the 17 RGP points (Fig. 13) were
calculated from the closest II or I order benchmarks. The ellipsoidal
heights came from the RGP I and II order campaigns (1998) again. Datum
unification was not performed to maintain conformity with official
realisations. The purpose of the Est-Geoid2003 model is to be a link
between the present realisations.
Geoid heights from 17 highest-accuracy GPS-levelling points were
compared with those of Est-Geoid2003 (Fig. 13). These test points were
not used in the modelling process. We can see from figure 13 that geoid
differences between the geometric geoid and the Est-Geoid2003 model are
less than 2.3. Mean square erros is 1.2 cm. Unfortunately results from
islands will come a little later.
It appears from the different tests that the accuracy of the
Est-Geoid2003 model is 1-2 cm relative to I and II order levelling
networks of BK77 and to the RGP network. In fact, Est-Geoid2003 is in
many cases more accurate than the height values of IV order benchmarks
and suitable for everyday geodesy. More and more heights determinations
are made using satellite positioning and geoid model. 0.5 cm geoid model
is a goal to achieve during next years. This will be possible after
updating gravity database and levelling network.
7. Conclusions
From the gravimetric data gathered, a gravimetric geoid was
calculated for Estonia as an approximately 3-km net using the FFT method
(Fig. 5). By now, comparisons of the Estonian gravimetric geoid with new
global models have been made. It is clearly observable that newer global
models are much more accurate in our district than earlier versions. For
example, the combined model GRACE05c yields a standard deviation of 11
cm compared to geoid heights from GPS levelling points.
After including in the calculations all the new gravimetric data
collected, the gravimetric geoid no longer had a remarkable tilt
relative to the geometric geoid (Fig. 6). The standard deviation 2.7 cm
using GRACE05C as reference model.
The surface of the calculated gravimetric geoid was fitted by
GPS-levelling points. This resulted in the determination of the
so-called fitted geoid, or the reference model, which reflects the
difference on Estonian territory between the normal heights of BK77 and
the ellipsoidal heights of the basic geodetic network RGP. The datum
difference was not taken into account in the fitting process.
The accuracy of the fitted model Est-Geoid2003 is 1.3 cm based on
test points with normal heights from II order benchmarks. The result was
obtained using geodetic densification networks (RGT) points with normal
heights levelled from the nearest II order benchmarks. Similar accuracy
appeared from 37 test point of local towns as well (1.3 cm).
Particularly interesting are the results from new precise levelling
(Figs. 12, 13), according to which the model errors are less than 1.2 cm
as rms. Here 17 test points are analyzed from the same geodetic base
networks as fitting points (RGP) but independent of them.
The instability until of wall benchmarks was noticed while
determining the normal heights to RGP points from several benchmarks.
This limits the ultimate accuracy of fitted geoid to a level not higher
than 1-2 cm. More precise normal heights will be obtained from new
levelling after uniformal adjustment.
This paper has been supported by ETF grants No. 5731 and 7356, the
Estonian Land Board and the NKG gravity database.
doi: 10.3846/13921541.2011.558339
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Harli Jurgenson (1), Kristina Turk (2), Juri Randjarv (3)
Department of Geomatics, Estonian University of Life Sciences
(ELS), Kreutzwaldi 5, Tartu, Estonia E-mail: (1)
(corresponding author)
Received 1 Dec. 2010; accepted 20 Dec. 2010
Harli JURGENSON. Assoc. Prof., Estonian University of Life
Sciences, Dept of Geomatics, Ph +3727313, Fax +372313156.
He holds (since 2003) Phd degree from the Estonian University of
Life Sciences in Tartu. PhD topic was "Estonian precision
geoid". Over 18 presentations in international conferences and
seminars, author of over 25 publications inferred magazine articles,
conference proceedings, technical reports. As a result of his research
plane coordinate system Lambert-Est and fitted geoid model Est-Geoid2003
have been taken into use in Estonia.
Research interests: geoid modelling, height datums, gravity field,
plane coordinate systems.
Kristina TURK. Doctoral student, Estonian University of Life
Sciences, Dept of Geomatics, Ph +3727313, Fax +372313156.
Research interests: Estonian gravity field modelling, LaCoste &
Romberg gravimeters.
Juri RANDJARV. Prof. emeritus, Estonian University of Life
Sciences, Dept of Geomatics, Ph +3727313, Fax +372313156. Over 25
presentations in international conferences and seminars, author of over
30 publications.
Research interests: precise levelling, land uplift.