Considerations on the further improvements of regional geoid modeling over the Baltic countries/Baltijos saliu regioninio geoido modeliavimo tobulinimas.
Ellmann, Artu
1. Introduction and motivation of the study
The geoid is an equipotential surface of the Earth's gravity
field that coincides approximately with the mean sea level. Precise
knowledge of the geoid contributes to geosciences and in solving of many
engineering tasks. It supports many professional, economic and
scientific activities and applications, such as navigation, mapping and
surveying for the construction and maintenance of nationwide
communications. The geoid is instrumental in geodetic infrastructure, as
the topographic heights and the depths of the seas are reckoned from it.
High-resolution geoid model, in particular, enables the user in many
cases to replace the traditional height determination techniques, such
as levelling, by faster and costeffective GPS measurements. Also the
determination of the variations of the ocean currents and the
interpretation of seismic disturbances benefit from the knowledge of
this important reference surface.
Several recent space technologies have improved our knowledge of
the global gravity field and Earth's topography. However, the
space-borne gravity data is not only limited by its accuracy but also by
the spatial resolution. For instance, the ongoing satellite gravimetric
mission GRACE (Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment) has resolved the
long-wavelength component of the global geoid with an accuracy of a few
cm, whilst the spatial resolution of such information is limited to
about 200 km.
Even though the first satellite gradiometry mission GOCE (Gravity
Field and Steady-State Ocean Circulation Explorer, launched by the
European Space Agency in March 2009) will be capable to further enhance
the intermediate wavelength information of the gravity field, but only
up to the 65 km spatial resolution. Further improvements to the
knowledge of the Earth's gravity field at shorter wavelengths
should still come from the use of terrestrial surveys and satellite
altimetry (over the oceans). These worldwide data-sets are being used by
authorized research centers to develop models of the Earth's
gravity field. Such Earth Geopotential Models (EGM) comprise a set of
spherical-harmonic coefficients, which are obtained from the spectral
analysis of the Earth's geopotential. Importantly, the spatial
resolution of EGM-s is directly linked to the expansion degree of the
Fourier series (the higher the degree the better the spatial
resolution). Earlier EGM-s were developed only up to maximum degree as
of 360. Note that a study by Ellmann, Jurgenson (2008) evaluated the
quality of the EGM96 (Lemoine et al. 1998) and a GRACE-based EIGEN-GL04c
(Forste et al. 2006) over the Baltic countries.
The resolution of a new combined EGM08 (Pavlis et al. 2008) is
5' arc-minutes (corresponding to 9 km, i.e. to the spectral degree
of 2160). A study by Ellmann et al. (2009) evaluates the performance of
the EGM08 model over the Baltic Sea region with emphasis to Estonia,
Latvia and Lithuania. In particular, the EGM08-derived height anomalies
were compared with an existing regional geoid model BALTgeoid-04
(Ellmann 2004; see also Section 4.2 of this paper). The detected
discrepancies range within [+ or -] 0.3 m with a mean of -0.02 m,
whereas the standard deviation (STD) of the discrepancies amounts to
0.08 m. The largest discrepancies occur in areas where only a few
gravity data points were available either for the regional geoid
modeling or at the EGM08 compilation, or both. The EGM08 model was also
validated with respect to GPS-levelling data. After removal of the
vertical offset (~ 0.5 m) the STD of detected discrepancies is 0.06 m.
For more details see the original publication Ellmann et al. (2009).
Thus, for many applications the resolution and accuracy of the
EGM08 may not be sufficient. For solving a large variety of engineering
tasks a high-resolution (2-3 km) regional geoid model with an 1 cm
accuracy is required. Obviously, due to tremendous computational burden
and the voids of terrestrial gravity data it is unrealistic to develop
such an ultra-high-degree spectral model of the global geoid. Therefore,
the usage of the local terrestrial data is still requested for the
high-resolution regional geoid modeling.
Alternatively, a geoid model can also be computed by using the
Stokes integral formula from the global coverage of gravity anomalies
(Stokes 1849). However, this method still remains impractical, due to
the lack or limited access to the worldwide terrestrial gravity data.
Therefore, regional improvements of the global geoid models can be
obtained by modifying the original Stokes formula. This method was first
proposed by Molodenskii et al. (1960) in the end of the 1950-ies. Their
proposal coincided thus with the launch of the first artificial
satellite--"Sputnik". A modified- Stokes formula combines
local terrestrial gravity anomalies and the EGM-derived long-wavelength
component (i.e. the Aglobal trend", the most reliable source of
which is the satellite tracking data) of the geoid in a truncated
Stokes's integral.
Since some recent studies (Ellmann, Jurgenson 2008; Ellmann et al.
2009) have already evaluated the performance of the global geopotential
models in the Baltic Sea area, then it is appropriate to investigate
other challenges in further improvements of the geoid modeling in the
Baltic Sea region.
This study is described in six sections. The introduction is
followed by a general review on modifications of Stokes's formula.
Section 3 tackles earlier geoid modeling works over the Baltic
countries. Section 4 describes the similarities and differences of the
stochastic and deterministic modification methods. The emphasis is given
to the selection of the most important geoid modeling parameters. The
results of a numerical study are discussed as well. The terrestrial data
evaluation results in Estonia are discussed in Section 5. A brief
summary concludes the paper.
2. Modifications of Stokes's formula
2.1. General
Several different modification methods have been proposed in the
geodetic literature over the past half-century. For computing a geoid
estimator N a generalised Stokes modification scheme uses a modified
Stokes's function and residual gravity anomaly in truncated
integral (cf. Vanicek, Sjoberg 1991):
where R is the mean Earth radius, y is the normal gravity at the
computation point, [psi] is the geocentric angle between the computation
point and the integration element, d[sigma] is an infinitesimal surface
element of the unit sphere [sigma], the integration area [[sigma].sub.0]
is limited to some spatial domain (say, a spherical cap with radius
[[psi].sub.0]) around the computation point. The modified Stokes
function [S.sup.L]([psi]) is expressed as
where the modification parameters sk are selected by different
criteria. The original Stokes function is denoted S([psi]), which can be
represented via Legendre polynomials [P.sub.n](cos[psi]) as follows (cf.
Heiskanen, Moritz 1967: 29)
Thus Eq. (2) becomes
Apparently, a truncation bias may occur due to neglecting the
high-frequency (n > M) contribution of gravity anomalies located
outside the integration domain (i.e. [[psi].sub.0] < [psi] [less than
or equal to] n), see Eq. (1). The primary objective of the kernel
SL([psi]) modification is to reduce the truncation bias to a level,
which is acceptable for modern geodetic applications. For this the low
degrees (2 [less than or equal to] n [less that or equal to] L) of the
original Stokes function are modified (or simply removed), implying, in
general, that across the integration domain
[parallel][S.sup.L]([psi])[parallel] < [parallel]S([psi])[parallel],
for an illustration see also Ellmann (2004: Fig. 3.3). Essentially,
modification methods differ from each other by the selection of the
modification parameters sk in Eq. (2). For instance, in the Wong, Gore
(1969) modification approach the sk coefficients are a priori fixed to
which is equivalent to the case when the summation in Eq. (3)
starts from L + 1. In other words, the modified Stokes function
[S.sup.L]([psi]) tapers off more rapidly than S([psi]), thus the
contribution of distant gravity anomalies is expected to become
manageably small.
The estimator Eq. (1) employs the high degree residual gravity
anomalies, which are obtained by the subtraction the long-wavelength
contribution of gravity from the complete anomaly [DELTA][uu]. It is
understood thus, that the gravity anomaly can be expanded into a series
of Laplace harmonics, i.e. [DELTA]g = [[infinity].summation over (n =
2)][DELTA][g.sub.n]. Apparently, due to the existence of various errors
the terrestrial gravity anomalies [DELTA][uu] and the harmonics
[DELTA][[uu].sub.n] are only estimates of their true values. The
harmonics [DELTA][[uu].sub.n] can be calculated from an EGM by a
standard formula (cf. Heiskanen, Mo ritz 1967: 89)
where a is the equatorial radius of the used EGM, r is the
geocentric radius of the computation point, GM is the adopted
gravitational constant, the coefficients [C.sub.nm] are the fully
normalised harmonic coefficients of the disturbing potential and
[Y.sub.nm] are the fully normalized spherical harmonics of degree n and
order m (cf. Heiskanen, Moritz 1967: 31).
Since the low degree gravity field (up to degree M) is removed from
the Stokes integration, then these effects are compensated (i.e.
"restored") by the second part of Eq. (1). The latter is
nothing but the 'pure' long wavelength contribution of the
geoidal height, cf. Heiskanen, Moritz (1967: Sec. 2-17). This method is
commonly called a remove-compute-restore (r-c-r) technique and is
frequently used in practical geoid computations nowadays.
Modified Stokes formula has also been used in earlier regional
geoid modelings in the Baltic Sea region. With a few exceptions the
computations were carried out by the Nordic Geodetic Commission (NKG)
methodology and software (see Section 3). It is of interest to compare
the NKG approach with the generalized geoid determination method by Eq.
(1). A NKG geoid model is obtained as quasigeoidal heights (i.e. models
of height anomalies), which thereafter can be converted into a geoid
model (e.g., by a simplified approach in Heiskanen, Moritz 1967: 327).
Indeed, the NKG computational methodology has many similarities (though
not exactly the same, see the discussion in Sjoberg, Egren (2002)) with
Vincent, Marsh (1974) modification scheme.
Note that the non-modified Stokes function is utilized here in
conjunction with the residual gravity anomaly in the integral. This
modification method follows implicitly the generalised Vanicek, Sjoberg
(1991) scheme, Eq. (1), with parameters [s.sub.k] = 0 in the integral
kernel, cf. Eq. (2). Note that the largest geoid error usually occurs
due to the contribution of first degrees (i.e. possible systematic
biases between different gravity datums) of the terrestrial data.
Vanicek, Featherstone (1998) found that that the unmodified kernel
S([psi]) allows low-frequency terrestrial gravity data errors to pass,
almost undiminished, into geoid models. The [S.sup.L]([psi]) integration
kernels attenuate these errors to a larger extent, but not completely,
however. Consequently, even when the residual anomalies are employed in
the Stokes integral it is impossible to eliminate (at least in this
way), the long wavelength errors in the geoid solution. Also a study by
Agren, Sjoberg (2004) concludes that the simple r-c-r scheme with
unmodified kernel S([psi]) is sensitive to long-wavelength errors in
gravity anomalies. A rather explicit review on the problems of the
traditional r-c-r schemes can be found in Sjoberg, Agren (2002) and
Sjoberg (2005).
2.2. Complete anomaly versus residual anomaly
The concept of the geoid determination by the r-c-r technique
implies that low-frequency gravity signals are removed from the Stokes
integration. Importantly, as shown in Sjoberg, Hunegnaw (2000: Eq. 3),
the general geoid estimator Eq. (1) can be expressed such that the
complete (i.e. the low-degree n [less than or equal to] M harmonics of
[DELTA][[uu].sub.n] are included) gravity anomaly instead the residual
anomaly is exploited in the integral. According to Sjoberg, Hunegnaw
(2000) the geoid estimator Eq. (1) is theoretically equivalent to
where the truncation coefficients [Q.sup.L.sub.n] are calculated as
Note that the [s.sub.k] coefficient set is the same as used in
[S.sup.L]([psi]), the coefficients [Q.sub.n] and [e.sub.nk] are
functions of the integration cap radius. They are usually computed using
some recursive algorithms.
Comparing Eq. (1) to Eq. (8) we see no particular advantage of
reducing [DELTA][uu] in Eq. (1) to Eq. (8) that uses the complete
gravity anomaly. One would intuitively expect that any numerical error in the integration becomes smaller due to the use of reduced gravity
anomalies. However, studies by Sjoberg, Agren (2002) and Sjoberg (2005)
demonstrate that the r-c-r result is as sensitive to various biases as
is the case when Stokes's formula is used with complete anomaly as
the integral argument.
Accordingly, it can be shown that the NKG modification method, Eq.
(7), is theoretically identical to the following modification method
using the complete gravity anomaly (cf. Sjoberg 2005).
Shortly summarizing--a large variety of different modification
schemes exist. Even though the theoretical principles of modifications
of Stokes's formula could be rather straightforward, one still
needs to make a number of decisions while setting up the actual
computations. At this, obviously, the main constraints are the quality
and resolution of the available gravimetric data. As already noted, this
contribution focuses on geoid computation problems which may occur over
the Baltic countries. It is thus appropriate to review earlier geoid
modeling efforts over the same target area.
3. Earlier geoid modeling works in the Baltic Sea area
During the last two decades the geoid determination for the whole
Nordic region has been carried out within the framework of the Nordic
Geodetic Commission. Several NKG geoid models were delivered, see e.g.
reference list in (Forsberg 2001). In 1990-ies the NKG geoid models were
extended to the Baltic countries. Access to new gravity data from
formerly classified sources, and release of EGM96, resulted in achieving
better than a dm-accuracy for the regional NKG96 geoid model (Forsberg
et al. 1997). After the Baltic Sea Airborne Gravity Campaign 1999
another geoid model (Forsberg 2001) was computed using exactly the same
computational setup as for the NKG96 model. The national geoid
solutions, either for Estonia, Latvia or Lithuania, were published
(Vermeer 1994; Kaminskis, Forsberg 1997; Forsberg 1998; Jurgenson 2001,
2003; Ellmann 2001, 2002, 2004). The Baltic countries are also covered
by the European gravimetric (quasi)geoid project (i. e. the EGG97 geoid
model and its successor EGG07 (Denker, Torge 1998).
With a few exceptions (e.g. Vermeer 1994; Denker, Torge 1998;
Ellmann 2001, 2002, 2004, 2005) the computations were carried out by the
NKG methodology and software, whereas EGM96 is utilized in the 1997-2003
computations. It should be noted that the most recent (NKG-2004) model,
Forsberg et al. (2004), was also using a GRACE based EGM. The accuracy
of the models is evaluated to be 3-7 cm (with a spatial resolution of 3
km). For more details see the original references. To our present
knowledge no newer individual geoid solutions either for Estonia, Latvia
or Lithuania have been computed from 2004 onwards. Note that the used
geoid determination methods are very different, so are the used EGM-s
and last but not least, the terrestrial data are incomparable (for more
details see Ellmann 2002, 2005; Jurgenson 2003). Unfortunately, the
latest geoid models in our region originate in 2004, when the GRACE data
processing was only at the initial stage.
Thus, considering the current gravimetric data situation in the
Baltic countries and their vicinity, it is feasible to employ such a
modification method which performs the best in the case of limited data.
4. Deterministic and stochastic modification methods
4.1. General review
Let us review briefly the main error sources in the gravimetric
geoid determination and ways of mitigating their undesired effect.
Recall that the coefficients of geopotential models are obtained
from satellite tracking data, while the higher degrees may be obtained
by combining the satellite data with terrestrial gravity information.
Both datasets contain noise, which unavoidably propagates into the
computed geoid undulations. One should also consider the erroneous
terrestrial gravity data within the integration domain. Note that the
gravity data for integration are usually presented as surface blocks. An
additional error occurs thus due to loss of short wavelength gravity
information (called discretization error) when estimating the mean
(gridded) anomalies [DELTA][uu] from point gravity data.
Minimisation of the geoid estimator errors is the main objective of
the modification procedure. The modification methods proposed in
geodetic literature can be divided into two distinct classes:
deterministic and stochastic approaches. The deterministic approaches
principally aim at reducing the effect of the neglected remote zone
([sigma] - [[sigma].sub.0]) making use of a set of low-degree
geopotential coefficients. No attempt is made to reduce the errors of
the geopotential coefficients and terrestrial data, although the errors
of both datasets are contributing to the total error budget. In other
words, the modification parameters sn of the deterministic methods are
invariant to the two error sources. The most prominent deterministic
approaches are Molodenskii et al. (1960), Wong, Gore (1969), Meissl
(1971), Vincent, Marsh (1974), Heck, Gruninger (1987), Vanicek,
Kleusberg (1987), Vanicek, Sjoberg (1991).
In contrast, the least squares modification methods proposed by
Sjoberg (1984, 1991, 2003) allow minimization of the truncation bias,
the influence of erroneous gravity data and geopotential coefficients in
the least squares (hereafter referred to as LS) sense. Basically, for
minimising the errors in geoid modeling the stochastic methods aim at an
optimal combination of the data sources (and their error estimates) by
adopting a priori or empirical stochastic models.
4.2. A numerical evaluation of modification methods
A study by Ellmann (2004) assessed numerically six different
modification methods (three deterministic and three stochastic) by
computing a number of high-resolution geoid models over the Baltic
countries. The deterministic methods used in this study are Wong, Gore
(1969), Vincent, Marsh (1974), and Vanicek, Kleusberg (1987). The
stochastic methods are biased, unbiased and optimum least squares
modifications by Sjoberg (1984, 1991, 2003). The standard setup for the
deterministic methods is to use the residual gravity anomaly in the
integral, see Section 2.1. For the sake of comparison these
deterministic methods are expressed such that the complete surface
gravity anomaly, instead of the residual anomaly, is used in
Stokes's integral, cf. Section 2.2. Five methods utilise the
modified Stokes function SL([psi]) in Eq. (8), whereas the original
(non-modified) Stokes function is used by one modification method
(Vincent, Marsh 1974). Accordingly, the simple modification scheme by
Eq. (10) is adopted in the Ellmann (2004) study as a very rough
representation of the NKG approach. The principles and results of the
Ellmann (2004) study are reviewed in the sequel.
4.2.1. Selection of geoid modeling parameters
The Ellmann (2004) experiment employed the EGM96 and the two first
GRACE models GGM01s and GGM01c (Tapley et al. 2004) in the practical
computations. It should be noted that in the geodetic literature the EGM
contribution in the modified Stokes formula is often referred to as
"reference field" or "reference model". This may
yield a (misleading!) interpretation that the used global geopotential
model is errorless. However, a caution is needed with this kind of
"wishful thinking". Any EGM should be treated as an ordinary
data-source, which thus unavoidably contains errors.
Also the choice of the limit M in Eq. (8) is directly related to
the quality of a EGM to be used. In practice, due to restricted access
to terrestrial data (or/and the necessity to increase the computational
efficiency) the integration cap is often limited to a few hundred
kilometers. This implies that a relatively high M should countermeasure this limitation. On the other hand, the EGM error grows with increasing
degree, which provides a rationale for a compromise value of M.
Traditionally, due to poor accuracy of early EGM-s a rather small
modification degree was favored in the computations of many geoid models
in the past (e.g. M = 20, see e.g. Vanicek, Kleusberg 1987).
Consequently, in these computations even the intermediate EGM wavelength
information (suspected to be too erroneous) is avoided.
Recall that a high-resolution EGM is determined from a combination
of satellite data and terrestrial gravity data. This combination implies
that the two datasets could be correlated in Eqs. (8) and (10). If this
correlation appears (e.g. in the case of the full expansion of EGM96 the
same data may be used twice in the geoid computation), rigorously, this
feature could be accounted for by adding some corrective terms into both
formulae. However, it is desirable excluding these cumbersome terms
(e.g., see Sjoberg 1991) by selecting appropriate modification limits
(more details are given below). If one utilises the
"satellite-only" harmonics, this correlation is completely
prevented, of course.
Importantly, the space technology advancements have significantly
improved the accuracy of recent EGM-s, which allows the user to safely
increase the modification degree up to 100 or even beyond. Note that the
GGM01s is a "satellite-only" geopotential model developed up
to degree/order 120/120, whereas the GGM01c is a combined geopotential
model developed to degree/ order 200/200. Unlike the past geopotential
models, the GGM01 is highly accurate and homogeneous also for the
intermediate spectrum. For the final geoid model it was aimed at
selecting the modification limit M such that the correlation between the
EGM-derived and terrestrial datasets is entirely prevented.
Further. It was commonly believed that a good quality terrestrial
data-set may somewhat compensate the shortages of the past geopotential
models. This provides a rationale to exploit vast data areas, wherever
possible in the past geoid computations. This goal is also aimed at the
NKG geoid modeling works. In practical NKG computations the complete
([n.sub.max] = 360) expansion of the used EGM models in conjunction with
a very large integration domain (where available) was often utilised for
regional geoid modeling. Hereafter we refer to it as the simple
modification method. In this respect it is interesting to review the
results of Vanicek, Featherstone (1998). They concluded that even the
error-free gravity data, when used in a limited spatial domain, can
never completely correct the errors of geopotential models.
Let us focus on some aspects of the simple modification method.
Assume for a moment that available terrestrial data is completely
errorless. In such a case, according to a study by Sjoberg, Agren
(2002), in order to reduce the truncation bias in the NKG approach to a
cm level, the integration cap must exceed 10[degrees] (approx. 1100 km
around each computation point).
In the context of the Baltic geoid modeling this means that good
quality and dense terrestrial gravity data is needed even beyond the
Moscow meridian. Recall, however, that the Baltic countries are located
at the eastern edge of the European Gravimetric Geoid (EGG) and NKG
geoid modeling projects. Even though some international gravity
data-bases possess indirect gravity field information (i.e. gridded
anomaly values) over eastern part of Russia and Belarus, but access to
the pointdata records is still restricted. For instance, these gridded
data were not made available for the Ellmann (2004) study, see Fig. 1.
Further, to our present knowledge these data can be obsolete and are not
verified against the possible presence of systematic biases with respect
to modern (absolute gravity based) data-sets. In other words, over this
significant area the quality of the gravity data remains largely
unknown. Therefore, the geoid determination in the Baltic countries may
suffer in the possible data shortages to the east from the target area.
One should admit, however, that the terrestrial data is never
without errors and these errors will inevitably be present in the geoid
estimation process by the simple modification method. Ellmann (2004)
shows the larger the integration radius the larger the influence of
terrestrial errors to the geoid modeling. Hence, conversely to the
earlier assumption, the integration cap size should be in reasonable
balance when applying the simple modification method.
It should be noted, that the limited extension of terrestrial data
is the most serious restriction for the Ellmann (2004) study. Due to the
limited data access the integration cap radius was chosen 2[degrees]
(corresponding to 220 km) around each computation point. Note that the
upper modification limit L in Eq. (4) is arbitrary and generally it is
not equal to the series expansion M in Eq. (1). For instance, the choice
of the upper limit L may be related to the integration cap radius
[[psi].sub.0]. According to de Witte (1966) the truncation bias tends to
minimum when the integration cap radius is extended to the zerocrossings
of integration kernel (modified or non-modified Stokes function, i.e.
[S.sup.L]([psi]) or S([psi])). Instead, Heck and Gruninger (1987)
propose to place a constraint on the values that can be chosen for the
modification, i.e. either on the parameter L or [[psi].sub.0], such that
[S.sup.L]([psi]) ceases to zero at the edge of the integration cap.
Accordingly, we want the modified Stokes function SL([psi]) to become
zero at the edge of the integration cap. Therefore the choice
[[psi].sub.0] = 2[degrees] is the basis for determining the L for the
WongGore and Vanicek-Kleusberg methods. For the VanicekKleusberg
modification method this condition is fulfilled with L = 67. Note also,
that the limit M should preferably not exceed the
"satellite-only" harmonics (i.e. M [less than or equal to] 95)
of GGM01s. Moreover, since the immediate area of interest is
gravimetrically well surveyed (see Fig. 1), the terrestrial data are
probably a better source for the medium and short wavelength geoid
information. This suggests a smaller value for M. We select L = M = 67
for our computations. In other words, the modification degree of the
kernel SL([psi]) is the same as the upper limit M of the geopotential
harmonics to be used. This choice is also supported by a circumstance
that the error degree variances of the GGM01s harmonics for n [less than
or equal to] 67 are smaller than the degree variances with n [less than
or equal to] 20 (often preferred for regional geoid computations in the
past) of any previous geopotential model. The kernel [S.sup.L]([psi])
with the WongGore coefficients, 2/(n - 1), becomes zero (at
[[psi].sub.0] = 2[degrees]) when L = 31 in Eq. (2). For the sake of the
comparison, we choose M = 67 for both deterministic approaches.
It should be noted that a typical feature of the LS parameters sn
is that the LS parameters "force" [S.sup.L]([psi]) to almost
zero at the edge of any pre-selected integration cap. For consistency of
comparison we select the same limits also for the LS modifications as
for the VanicekKleusberg deterministic method, i.e. L = M = 67. This
choice allows us to take full advantage of the "satelliteonly"
GGM01s, whereas there is strictly no correlation with terrestrial data.
On the other hand, if the terrestrial gravity data in the area of
interest is poor, there is no reason to abandon erroneous high-degree
harmonics of the used EGM. Remember, that the gain from high-degree
harmonics may be more rewarding than possible damage. A relevant matter
is how to reduce the errors and find a correct balance (e.g. weights)
between different data sources (i.e. EGM and terrestrial gravity
anomaly). The LS modifications are designed for aiming at this goal.
Besides, Ellmann (2001) concluded, that the LS procedure is able to
adjust the data in a way that the geoid model becomes rather insensitive
to the maximum degree of modification, because it matches the different
types of data in an optimum way. Conversely, the limit L should be
selected very carefully for the deterministic methods. Hence, one needs
to consider many (often rather contro-versial) arguments when choosing
the limits L and M.
Summarising, the limits L = M = 67 will be used everywhere in the
computations for the Vanicek-Kleusberg and LS modification methods,
whereas M = 67 and L = 31 are adopted for the Wong-Gore method. For the
simple modification method see a note below.
4.2.2. The results
Different modification methods yielded corresponding gravimetric
geoid models for the Baltic countries.
The quality of these models was assessed from the comparisons with
GPS-levelling data. In particular, three sets (one from each country) of
GPS-levelling points were used for an independent evaluation of the
computed geoid models. Four transformation parameters between the
gravimetric geoid models and the GPS-levelling data were defined and
thereafter a polynomial fit (Ellmann 2004; Eq. 23) was applied. The
achieved accuracy was more or less the same for modification methods
with SL([psi]), but formally the unbiased LS modification method yielded
the best statistics for the post-fit residuals. The corresponding geoid
model is referred to as BALTgeoid-04, see Fig. 2. The best RMS error of
the GPS-levelling post-fit residuals were as follows: 5.3 cm for the
joint Baltic geoid model and 2.8, 5.6 and 4.2 cm for Estonia, Latvia and
Lithuania, respectively. It seems that the accuracy of the tested
modification methods (with [S.sup.L]([psi])) is at least the same level
as the accuracy of the used control points.
The Ellmann (2004) study tested the simple modification {see Eq.
(10), equivalent to Vincent, Marsh (1974) modification} in conjunction
with three geopotential models--GGM01s, GGM01c and EGM96. The
computation results are validated by the same sets of GPS-levelling
points. Our attempts to exploit M = 67 and M = 120 (the latter is the
maximum degree of GGM01s) and M = 200 (maximum degree of GGM01c) did not
provide satisfactory results, i.e. the statistics of the models
utilising Eq. (10) were worse (generally, a smaller M yielded the larger
RMS error) than the ones for the five methods with [S.sup.L]([psi]). As
it was already discussed, this could be mainly due to large truncation
bias associated with the simple modification method, whereas in the
methods utilising SL([psi]) this bias is efficiently mitigated. [Perhaps
this problem for the methods with S([psi]) is less critical when data
from more extended areas would be used in the integration.] Only the
complete expansion of EGM96 (i.e. M = 360) provides comparable post-fit
ac curacies with other results. It can be concluded thus, that the
GRACE-only models do not qualify for the precise modeling by Eq. (10).
Possibly, even future geopotential models from GOCE data alone
(resolution up to degree 270 is expected, also would not be
satisfactory for the simple modification method.
Even though the results of the Ellmann (2004) study are generally
superior to the NKG joint geoid models, there are several circumstances
preventing direct comparison of the results. These are:
(i) The fast Fourier transform (FFT) method is utilised in the
computations of the NKG geoid models. Most often all the data-points
from rather large (rectangular-shaped) region are involved for computing
each geoidal height. In contrast, in the Ellmann (2004) study the data
is strictly limited to a spherical cap (with a pre-defined radius)
around each computation point.
(ii) The NKG software uses residual gravity anomalies for the
integration, whereas the Ellmann (2004) study used the complete gravity
(iii) Regional NKG solutions (such as Forsberg 2001, Forsberg et
al. 2004) include a large Russian dataset, which was not available for
the Ellmann (2004) study.
(iv) The NKG computations yield height anomalies, whereas the
outcomes of the Ellmann (2004) study are geoidal heights.
Apparently, an appropriate geopotential model is also essential to
determine the regional gravimetric geoid model accurately. It should be
noted that the numerical discrepancies between various geoid models
using SL([psi]) and GGM01s remain within [+ or -] 9 cm. At the same time
the differences between the GGM01s and EGM96 based deterministic geoid
models range in the target area from -6 to +17 cm. This implies that the
deviations between the contemporary geopotential models are more crucial
than the differences between the tested modification methods. It was
also detected that the GRACE-based based regional geoid models agree
with the 1977 Baltic Height System better than the EGM96 based geoid
models. Note that Ellmann et al. (2009) results indicate that the EGM08
based regional models may possess a great potential for further
refinement of the regional geoid models. As expected, the discrepancies
between the upcoming geopotential models will be reasonably small, which
prompts for more careful selection of geoid modeling methods and
parameters. It is expected thus that the modifications of Stokes's
will not lose its actuality for the years to come. Preferably, several
different modification methods should be simultaneously tested at
regional geoid determination in similar manner as in Ellmann (2004).
4.2.3. Further reading
It has been almost five years since 2004, when the aforementioned
results were presented and defended in PhD Dissertation at the Royal
Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm. The Dissertation was titled as
"T/re geoid for the Baltic countries determined by the least
squares modification of Stokes' formula" and it was published
as a KTH internal publication 04:013 of Trita-INFRA series (ISSN 1651-0216), see also KTH's Geodesy Report 1000 Series, Dissertation
No 1061. The main quintessence of the study was later published in
Journal of Geodesy (Ell mann 2005).
Undoubtedly, over the past years geoid modeling methods have
gradually developed. The advances of the satellite technology have
already been mentioned in the Introduction. However, the detected geoid
modeling problems in the Baltic countries have largely remained the same
(for more details see Section 5).
Recently, the author was given an opportunity to reiterate the
matters in question in a separate book. The title of this new book is
Ellmann A. (2009): Modified Stokes's Formula for Regional Geoid
Modeling: Deterministic and Stochastic Modifications of Stokes's
Formula for Computing an Improved Geoid Model over the Baltic Countries,
which was published by the VDM Verlag. This book (ISBN 9783639128192)
can be accessed/ordered via online bookstores (such as and
The overall structure and the core of the new book is intentionally
left the same as the original PhD Dissertation. Minor mistakes have been
corrected and also changes in wording of the text have been made.
Accordingly, this book can be considered as a new, updated and corrected
edition of the PhD Dissertation. The main intention of this book is to
present comprehensive guidelines for the application of different
modification methods that can be utilized in any given region worldwide.
Throughout the book, it is assumed that the reader already knows the
basics of physical geodesy. This book can be used as complementary text
to graduate level courses in the discipline of physical geodesy.
Researchers primarily interested in regional geoid modeling may also be
interested in this book.
Besides the obvious theoretical challenges of geoid modeling
(discussed explicitly in Ellmann 2004 and 2009) is affected by many
practical issues. For instance, there are evidences that the quality of
the terrestrial gravity data may distort the geoid modeling outcomes in
the Baltic Sea region. Recall, that most of the data within the land
masses of the Baltic countries have been collected before the 1990-ies.
Conversely, the modern gravity networks are established decades after
the historic gravity surveys. A practical case study is reviewed in next
section, which validates Estonian terrestrial gravity data.
5. Terrestrial gravity data evaluation in Estonia
Clearly, perfection of any geoid modeling method is diminished or
even meaningless with insufficient data quality and coverage. Therefore
a great deal of attention should be paid to the reconciliation of the
terrestrial gravity data. The treatment of the data collected with
different methods and equipment, during several decades by different
nations and specifications, requires careful study before their use in
the geoid computation. Therefore, all the undesired systematic biases
need to be detected and eliminated, followed by the conversion into the
common gravimetric datum.
Ellmann et al. (in press, 2009) study focuses on the quality
assessment of Estonian terrestrial gravity data, which have been
collected by different institutions over many decades. The oldest
gravity survey points were originally based on the 1930 realization of
the international Potsdam gravity system. In the 1950-ies these (along
with newer gravity data) were converted into a new (1955) realization of
the Potsdam system in Estonia. In 1970-ies the worldwide gravity system
IGSN71 was introduced also in Estonia. Further, the contemporary
Estonian gravity system is currently based on a nationwide set of
absolute gravity measurements. The gravity network is being developed
and maintained by the Estonian Land Board (ELB). Attempts have been made
to convert the historic gravity survey results to the current gravity
Accordingly, Ellmann et al. (in print, 2009) investigated the links
between the contemporary gravity system and the following two datasets:
(i) the 1949-1958 gravity survey by the Institute of Geology of the
Estonian Academy of Sciences; (ii) the 1967-2007 gravity surveys of the
Geological Survey of Estonia (GSE).
The ELB gravity network and recent survey points are used as
control points in this study. The agreement of the datasets (i) and (ii)
with the control points (altogether 424 points) was determined
empirically by using the gravity survey results for predicting the
simple Bouguer anomalies at the locations of the control points.
The 1949-58 survey consists of 4000+ gravity data points. The
detected discrepancies between the observed and predicted Bouguer
anomalies of the 1949-1958 gravity survey at the locations of the
control points range from -4.5 to +3.8 mGal, with the RMS error of the
discrepancies as of 1.38 mGal. The mean of the detected discrepancies is
-0.53 mGal. Unfortunately, the discrepancies between the two datasets
are not random at all. The largest systematic discrepancies can be
observed in South-Estonia, where an average bias can approach up to 3-4
mGal. This is clearly inadmissible for precise geoid modeling. In other
parts of Estonia, the discrepancies are less, but still worrisomely
exceeding 1 mGal.
It should be noted that the 1949-1958 gravity survey is the only
available set of gravity data covering the whole Estonia with suitable
density for geoid modeling. Therefore, this data-set has been employed
in all the earlier Estonian and NKG and EGG geoid modeling works.
The main purpose of the GSE gravity surveys was the geological
mapping of the crystalline basement. The interval between the tracks was
1 km in average, whereas the along-track station separation was 250 m.
At present the gravity database of the GSE consists of 126 609 survey
points, which were used in comparisons. The detected discrepancies
between the observed and predicted Bouguer anomalies at the locations of
the control points range from -1.9 to +1.9 mGal, with a mean of -0.06
mGal. The RMS error of the discrepancies is 0.33 mGal. The detected
discrepancies are more or less random, meaning that a reasonable
agreement between the control values and the GSE gravity survey results
was achieved.
The emphasis of this study was given for assessing the suitability
of the existing gravity data to ensure a 1 cm geoid modeling accuracy
over Estonia and its surroundings. The accuracy of the GSE gravity data
seems to meet this requirement. Unfortunately, the GSE surveys are not
covering the whole of Estonia.
Naturally, within the GSE survey areas the 1949-58 gravity survey
data can be down-weighted or simply removed from the geoid computations.
Over the rest of Estonia, however, the usage of the 1949-58 survey
results seem still to be unavoidable.
An alternative to the 1949-58 survey data would be using gravity
values from global geopotential models. For instance, the spatial
resolution, 9 km, of the EGM08 (Pavlis et al. 2008) is quite comparable
with the density of the 1949-58 survey points. The performance of the
EGM08 model over the Baltic countries was evaluated by Ellmann et al.
(2009). One of the main conclusions of their study was that the EGM08
derived gravity quantities agree reasonably well with the terrestrial
survey data in Estonia. Apparently, the 1949-58 gravity survey data have
entirely been utilised in the compilation of the EGM08. This data set
has been made available for several international gravity databases
since the 1990-ies. Conversely, the modern gravity network points and
the results of new surveys were not accessible at the EGM08 compilation.
For detecting the discrepancies between the contemporary gravity datum,
and the EGM08 derived gravity field the free-air anomalies were computed
at the locations of the control points (the same as used in the Ellmann
et al. (2009) study) in Estonia. The statistics of the detected
discrepancies between the newly measured and EGM08-derived gravity
anomalies resembles the discrepancies between the control points and the
194958 survey data. Also the distribution of the discrepancies is rather
similar. In other words, the 1949-58 survey data errors have been
absorbed into the EGM08 highfrequency spectrum. Therefore the use of the
EGM08 model cannot provide better results, than the 1949 - 58 survey
data. Another implication is that such a distorted EGM will distort the
resulting regional geoid model, if the modification limits are not
selected properly.
All in all, it seems that for accurate geoid modeling the 1949-58
gravity survey results need to be replaced by new field measurements.
Certainly, this is a quite burdensome task, requiring lots of effort and
well coordinated actions. However, this is needed for the sake of the
consistency of the national gravity datasets. For this the primary
attention should be paid to the most critical regions, which are
outlined in Ellmann et al. (in print, 2009). Additionally, the gravity
field over major water bodies, such as the Peipsi lake and the Vortsjarv
lake, also the Riga Gulf, need to be specified. Our further studies will
be devoted for achieving this goal in Estonia. The detected
discrepancies will be studied and ultimately resolved in future gravity
field and geoid modeling works.
Most likely the problems revealed in Ellmann et al. (2009) can also
be identified in Latvia and Lithuania as well. Thus it would be very
useful to join (or at least coordinate) efforts to eliminate terrestrial
data shortages in our region.
6. Summary and conclusions
This study reviewed efforts for geoid modeling over the Baltic
countries with an emphasis on the comparison of the practical outcomes
of different modifications of Stokes's formula. In general, all the
modification methods combining the modified Stokes function SL([psi])
and an intermediate expansion of the geopotential models provide a
reasonable accuracy even for rather small cap sizes. Conversely, to
ensure cm accuracy in the geoid modeling with unmodified S([psi]), the
employment of a high degree expansion of an EGM and data from a large
integration domain are necessary. This yields that the
"satellite-only" geopotential models in conjunction with
unmodified S([psi]) are not suitable for computations of high-resolution
regional geoid modeling.
It is also concluded that the methods using SL([psi]) mitigate the
terrestrial data errors more efficiently than the modification methods
using unmodified Stokes's function S([psi]) in the integral.
Recent technological and theoretical advances have created
preconditions to achieve 1-cm accuracy for geoid model. However, in
order to achieve a high resolution for the regional geoid models the
terrestrial data should not be totally abandoned even in the upcoming
GOCE era. Disappointingly, the deficiencies in historical terrestrial
gravity data may corrupt this objective. For in many cases the shortages
of the gravity data cannot be completely removed, say by mathematical
correction methods.
Consequently, a careful and versatile reconciliation of all
available geodetic data in the Baltic Sea region is desired. This can
only be done within the frame of international cooperation, desirably
resulting in modernization of the gravity databases and vertical
networks of the Baltic countries. Also the need for the new gravity
datacollection has become quite obvious.
But also other geoid modeling related subjects need to be properly
treated. Recall that geoid determination by Stokes's formula holds
rigorously only on a spherical boundary, assuming also the masses
outside the geoid to be absent. Consequently, the original and modified
Stokes formulae should also comprise some correction terms accounting
for the Earth's ellipticity and the contribution of topographic and
atmospheric masses. For instance in the Ellmann (2004) study all these
effects are accounted for by means of additive corrections. However, all
these geoid modeling related subjects need to be further investigated in
the context of the Baltic Sea region.
The first GOCE results are expected to be released in the beginning
of 2010. Therefore it is now a good opportunity to revise theoretical
and practical aspects for future geoid modeling works in the Baltic
doi: 10.3846/gc.2010.01
This study is a part of activities undertaken within the framework
of the Estonian Science Foundation grant ETF7356 "Application of
space technologies to improve geoid and gravity field models".
Received -6 10 2009, accepted 05 10 2010
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Artu Ellmann
Tallinn University of Technology, Dept of Civil Engineering,
Ehitajate rd. 5, 19086 Tallinn, Estonia E-mail:
Artu ELLMANN, Prof., Tallinn University of Technology, Dept of
Transportation, Ph. +372 6202 603, Fax +372 6202 601.
He holds a PhD (since 2004) degree from the Royal Institute of
Technology (KTH) in Stockholm. 2004-2006, a research fellow at the
Geodetic Research Laboratory, University of New Brunswick, Canada. Over
30 presentations in international conferences, author/co-author of over
60 publications in referred Journals and Conference Proceedings,
technical reports, magazine articles. National correspondent to the
International Association of Geodesy (IAG).
Research interests: physical geodesy, gravity field and geoid
modelling in particular, national geodetic networks.